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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>SỞ GD & ĐT VĨNH PHÚC TRƯỜNG THPT LIỄN SƠN (Đề thi gồm 06 trang). ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC NĂM HỌC 2011 - 2012 MÔN TIẾNG ANH – ĐỀ SỐ 17 Thời gian làm bài 90 phút. 1. Nobody died in the accident, but 20 people were ________. A. damaged B. injured C. spoiled D. broken 2. “Look at this advertisement, Mary, it ______ there’s 50% off everything at Yvonne’s boutique – shall we go?” A. says B. notices C. advises D. writes 3. I’ve been studying English for 2 years now, and I still can’t _______ it very well. A. talk B. say C. tell D. speak 4. Ken’s _____ is not what it used to be, he’s always forgetting where he’s put things. A. remember B. memoirs C. memory D. souvenirs 5. She _______ her children, she gives them whatever they want. A. damages B. ruins C. spoils D. hurts 6. The government is encouraging everyone to _____ water by not washing their cars. A. waste B. save C. spend D. use 7. They were ______ about who should make the coffee. A. quarrelling B. disputing C. objecting D. opposing 8. I'm not ______ them staying with us, as long as it's only for a few days. A. disagreed with B. opposite C. opposed to D. objected to 9. They had a(n) ______ , and never spoke to each other again, A. dispute B. objection C. quarrel D. opposition 10. 'So, we are going to Italy for our holidays, right?' - '. ______. Now, whereabouts in Italy shall we go?' A. Agree B. I'm agree C. Agreed D. In agreement 11. The players ______ the referee's decision. A. disagreed B. disputed C. objected D. contradicted 12. You've just ______ yourself. You said the opposite a few minutes ago. A. disagreed B. disputed C. objected D. contradicted 13. We discussed it for a while and then we ______ an agreement. A. had B. drew C. reached D. approach 14. I think you should try to ______ with him. You can't both have everything you want. A. agree B. accept C. compromise D. discuss 15. I don't ______ that. I don't think it's true at all. A. agree B. accept C. compromise D. discuss 16. He wasn't at all ______. He wouldn't do anything I asked him to do. A. agreement B. co-operative C. opposition D. discussion 17. Thank you for your invitation which we are pleased to ______ " . A. reach B. accept C. compromise D. regard 18. We look forward to many more years of ______ between our two countries. A. opposition B. co-operation C. disagreement D. quarrel 19. She argues ______ me ______ almost everything. A. with / about B. with / on C. on / about D. A and B 20. I agree ______ you ______ what the problem is. A. with / about B. with / on C. on / about D. A and B 21. I've never had the slightest disagreement ______ him ______ anything. A. with / about B. with / on C. on / about D. A and B.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 22. Will you two stop ______ and let me get some sleep! They're always bickering about whose turn it is to do the washing up. A. bickering B. rowing C. disputing D. disagreeing 23. She often rows with him in public. A. disagrees B. rows C. accepts D. opposite 24. I'll compromise with you - you can have the car this weekend if I can have it next weekend. A. accept B. offer C. have in agreement D. compromise 25. 'These tablets really are ______. My headache’s much better now.' A. affective B. effective C. efficient D. affected 26. 'The only ______ way to avoid hay fever at this time of the year, if you are a sufferer, is to stay indoors.' A. affective B. effective C. efficient D. affected 27. 'She was ___ in everything she did and was frequently commended for exemplary service to the organisation.' A. affective B. effective C. efficient D. affected 28. 'He hasn’t made very ______ use of his time in revising for these exams: he has made no notes and his concentration spans appear to last for no longer than ten minutes.' A. affective B. effective C. efficient D. affected 29. 'This engine is really ______, it can run for 30 km on only 1 litre of fuel.' A. affective B. effective C. efficient D. affected 30. 'The really hot weather ______ everybody’s ability to work.' A. affective B. effective C. efficient D. affected 31. 'I know my neighbours play loud music late at night, but that doesn’t ______ me. I can sleep through anything.' A. affective B. effective C. efficient D. affect 32. 'The number of tourists travelling to Britain this year has not been ______ by the strength of the pound.' A. affective B. effective C. efficient D. affected 33. 'The tablets which he took every four hours had no noticeable ______ on his headache.' A. affective B. effect C. efficient D. affected 34. 'My words of comfort had little ______. She just went on crying and wouldn’t stop.' A. affective B. effect C. efficient D. affected 35. 'Repairs could not be ______ because the machines were very old.' A. effected B. effective C. efficient D. affected 36. I ______ interested in photography when I was ten. A. got B. became C. took D. used to 37. I ______e interested in art in later life. (formal) A. got B. became C. took D. used to 38. As he ______ older, his garden got really messy. A. got B. became C. took D. turned 39. As he ______ older, he could no longer maintain his garden. A. got B. became C. took D. used to be 40. It ______ colder and colder the further north we went. A. got B. became C. took D. turned 41. It ______ increasingly cold as we travelled north. A. got B. became C. took D. turned 42. I'm ______ quite hungry now, aren't you?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65.. A. getting B. becoming C. turning D. growing He ______ quite angry when he discovered there was no food A. got B. became C. took D. turned 'I usually ______ to work by car, but I ______ to Bristol by train yesterday.' A. go / went B. went / go C. get / went D. go / got 'I didn't ______ home until nearly midnight.' A. go B. get C. arrive in D. turn 'Can you tell me how to ______ to Buckingham Palace?' A. go B. get C. arrive in D. turn If we behave badly in class, our teacher _______ stay late and do extra work. A. must B. lets us C. allows us to D. makes us My daughter’s school _______ the children to wear jeans and T-shirts – not like in my day! A. makes B. lets C. has to D. allows I hate school, the teachers make us _______ so much homework every day! A. do B. doing C. to do D. did On Friday afternoons our teacher sometimes lets us _______ home early. A. go B. to go C. going D. went When I was a boy we were made _______ correct school uniform at all times! A. wear B. to wear C. wearing D. wore “Excuse me sir, are we allowed _______ dictionaries into the exam?” A. take B. to take C. taking D. took Take that shirt off and put on a new one. You can't go out in such an old shirt. A. to put on B. wear C. get dressed D. put on She ______ a beautiful diamond necklace with matching earrings. A. was wearing B. wore C. was getting dressed D. putting on You'd better ______ now. Henry will be here in ten minutes. A. wear clothes B. get dressed C. put on clothes D. dress clothes She came in covered in mud. So I bathed her and ______ her in new clothes A. wore B. dressed C. put D. wearing If you think _______ (/ carefully) about it, you'll realise that I'm right. A. strongly B. powerfully C. precisely D. hard _______, you were not there at the time. A. exactly B. precisely C. truly D. correctly ______, you'll turn down that job in Norway. A. If you truly love me B. If you rightly love me C. If you precisely love me D. If you purely love me It came as a _______ surprise to me when she married him. A. comprehensive B. complete C. full D. entire If you eat chocolate before a meal, it will spoil (/ ruin) your appetite. A. damage B. harm C. suppress D. spoil "______ children like ice-cream." "That's quite natural." A. Most of B. Most C. The most D. The most of I felt as if I ______ a confidence. A. have betrayed B. would betray C. had betrayed D. am betraying Nearly all of the reporters ______ the press conference had questions ______ A. attend / asked B. attended / to ask C. attending / to ask D. would attend / to be asked The burglar was sentenced to 20 years in ______.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> A. dock B. goal C. jail D. trial 66. The girl ______ me this gift is my best friend. A. presented B. was presenting C. presenting D. be presenting 67. Einstein gradually became _______ in the discussion. A. absorb B. absorbed C. to absorb D. absorbing Reading The 1920s saw the emergency of widespread car ownership in the US. Assembly – line production made car wonderfully cheap, credit was available on the cheapest (68) ____ and the irresistible (69) ____ of the car to consumer did the rest. The result was a complete (70) ____ of American life. The car began to break (71)____ the ancient sharp division between town and country. The movement perhaps began with the prosperous middle class, (72) ____ for a holiday from New York, who were delighted to discover the rest of their country. But the cheap car also enabled the working class to travel, for pleasure or in (73) ______ of work. Even poor country people, it (74) ______ out, could own car and when they did so, many of them used the freedom thus (75) ____ to depart - to the West or to the cities. Even more important, perhaps, was the (76) ____ of the car on daily life. It came into (77) ____ for all sorts of short (78)____, to work or to the shop, which had previously been made by trolley bus or railway. It made a whole new pattern of living possible. Vast suburbs began to (79) ____ over the land. No longer did you have to live in comparatively cramped (80) ____ near the railroad station. Not did you have to take your annual holiday at one of the traditional, crowded resorts nearby. Instead, you could speed over the hills and far away. 68. A. obligations B. terms C. guarantees D. repayments. 69. A. appeal B. outlook C. impression D. fancy 70. A. transfer B. variation C. revision D. transformation 71. A. down B. off C. in D. away 72. A. concerned B. willing C. anxious D. fond 73. A. hunt B. search C. chase D. inquiry 74. A. found B. turned C. brought D. set 75. A. gained B. gathered C. reached D. benefited 76. A. forced B. product C. impact D. trace 77. A. advantage B. use C. worth D. function 78. A. travels B. trips C. tours D. routes 79. A. spread B. widen C. scatter D. broadcast 80. A. housing B. residence C. surrounding D. settlement. ---------------THE END-------------.

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