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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>P: T: period 1:. Review. I. The aims: After the lesson, students will review the main contents of the lessons which are learned in class 6 : The simple present tense, the present continuous tense, near future, wh- questions, comparative and superlative of short adjectives. II. Content : 1. The tenses of verbs a. The present simple tense. * Tobe: am, is, are (+) I am = I’m (-) I am not = I’m not (?) Am I…….? We We We You are You are not Are You ………? They They They He He He She is She is not Is She ……….? It It It * Ordinary verbs : (+) I (-) I We + V( without To ) We + Don’t + V You You They They He He She + Vs(es) She + Doesn’t +V It It (?) I He We Does She +V ? Do You + V ? It They b. The present continuos tense: (+) S + am / is / are + Ving . (-) S + am / is / are + not + Ving. (?) Am / is / are + S + Ving ? c. Near future : (+) S + am / is / are + going to + V. (-) S + am / is / are + not + going to + V. (?) Am / is / are + S + going to + V ? 2. Wh- questions : * What : - What’s your name ? => My name is An. What’s her name ? => Her name is Hoa . - What do you do? => I am a teacher . What does he do ? => He is a doctor . * Where : Where do you live? => I live on Nguyen Du street . Where does she live ? => She lives at 135 Hang Bai Street. * How many + Ns . How many students are there in your class? …………..tables …………………………? * What time / When What time do you usually get up ? When do you do your homework? * How : - How are you ? => I’m fine, thanks. - How do you go to school every day ? => I go to school by bike . * How old : How old are you ? * Why? Why does he have bad marks? * Which : Which shirt do you like : red or blue? * Who : Who is Mrs Lan talking to? 3. Comparative and superlative of short adjectives : a. Comparative: S1 + tobe + adj + er + than + S2. EX: She is taller than me ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> b. Superlative : S + tobe + the + adj + est ………… EX: He is the tallest in my class . III. Practice : Ask Ss to do exercises , then the teacher corrects them . Exercise 1: Supply the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. 1. My brother ( do ) ………………….his homework in his room now, He ( do ) ……………….it everyday. 2. They ( visit ) ……………………..us next week . 3. It usually ( rain )…………………… in the rainy season. 4. I ( not go ) ……………………….to school on Sunday . 5. Listen! I think the telephone ( ring ) …………………………. Exercise 2 : Make questions for underlined words. 1. Mr Quang lives on Hung Vuong street . 2. Her new friends come from Autralia. 3. There are 13.6 million people in Mexico city . 4. Nam usually has lunch at 11:30. 5. Hoa is going to play badminton with her friend. Exercise 3 : Put the correct form of the adjective in bracket. 1. The country is ………………….than the city .( quiet ) 2. Minh’s house is the……………….. to the town.( near ) 3. Which is the ………………………city in your country ? ( large ) 4. Hambledom isn’t ……………………than London. ( pretty ) 5. The town isn’t clean. The country is …………………( clean ) IV. Consolidation : V. Homework : Review and prepare unit one (A1,3,4,5) P: T: Period 2: UNIT 1 : BACK TO SCHOOL Lesson 1 : A- Friends ( 1,3,4,5 ) I. The aims : After the lesson, students will review the greetings and introduce themselves . They will practice 4 skills : Listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Language content: 1. Vocabulary: - Nice to meet you . – Just fine/ not bad - How is everything? - Pretty good./ so am I. 2. Grammar: The present simple tense. III. Technique : Eliciting, pairwork, groupwork, ask and answer . IV. Teaching aids : Textbook, tape, cassette. V. Procedure : T’activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings. - Have Ss play a game called slap the board. T reads the questions => Ss slap the answers . a. What’s your name? b. How are you today? c. What class are you in? d. Goodbye. e. Are you a new student?. Ss’ activities - Greetings. - 2 groups play game. - Listen.. Goodbye. Yes, I am. - Demonstrate the group which wins the game. 2. New activities :. Very well, thanks Class 7A. My name is Hoa.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> a) Listen. Then practice with a partner. - Introduce some situations: + Nice to see/ meet you . + Nice to see / meet you again. + So am I. - Have Ss look at the books and listen to the tape. - Ask Ss to read in pairs. - Call on some pairs to roleplay the dialogue in front of the class. - Correct the mistake. - Ask Ss to look at the asnwers then work in pairs. - Call on some pairs to ask and asnwer the questions in front of the class. - Correct then give the correct answers. b) Listen. Then practice with a partner. - Ask Ss to look at the picture in part 3 and introduce the picture. - Have Ss work in pairs . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. - Correct their pronunciation . c) Listen. Complete the dialogues. - Ask Ss to complete the dialogues in part 4 - Explain some new phrases: + How is everything ? + Just fine. + Pretty good . - Have Ss complete the dialogues. - Ask Ss to exchange the results with their partners. - Call on some Ss to give their answers in front of the class. - Correct and give the correct answers . a.+ How are you? + Pretty good. + How about you ? + Not bad. + Me too. b. + How is everything?0 + Ok. How are you today? +Just fine. + So am I. - Have Ss roleplay the completed dialogues in pairs. - Call on some pairs to read the dialogues in front of the class. - Correct their pronunciation. d) Ask Ss to look at 4 pictures in part 5. - Ask Ss about the people in these pictures . Who are they? What are they doing ? - Ask Ss to listen to the tape then write the letters of the dialogues in the order they hear . - Play the tape for Ss. - Call on some Ss to give the answers . - Play the tape again and ask them to check their answers . - Correct and give correct answers . 1-C 2-B 3- D 4-A - Ask Ss to base on the picture and make the dialogues. - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. - Correct the mistakes if necessary. 3. Consolidation: - Have Ss work in pairs making a dialogue. - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. - Remark. 4. Homework: - Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each. - Listen and write down. - Read in chorus and individually. - Look at the books and listen to the tape . - Work in pairs. - Practice in front of the class. - Work in pairs. - Practice in front of the class. - Write down. - Look at the picture and listen. - Work in pairs. - Practice in front of the class.. - Complete the dialogues. - Listen and write down.. - Complete the dialogues individually. - Exchange the result with the partner. - Give the answers. - Copy down .. - Work in pairs. - Practice in front of the class. - Answer the questions. - Listen to the tape and write the order of the pictures . - Listen to the tape . - Give the answers . - Listen again and check the answers - Copy down. - Make dialogues in pairs. - Practice in front of the class.. - Work in pairs..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> word. - Complete the dialogue in part 4 in exercise book. Do exercise 1,2 in workbook. - Prepare part A2.. - Practice in front of the class.. - Write homework. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. P: T: Period 3: UNIT 1: BACK TO SCHOOL Lesson 2 : A- Friends ( A2) I. The aims : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the information about Hoa and practice reading skill. II. Language content: 1. Vocabulary : - To be different from… - Unhappy >< happy - To miss 2. Grammar: Review : - The present simple tense. - Comparison. III. Technique: Eliciting, using pictures, pairwork, groupwork. IV. Teaching aids : Textbook, cassette, tape, pictures. V. Procedure: Teacher’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings. - Have Ss play a game.. S C H O O L D T T B I G H N U N C L E A E D U J I T P I E A S V N P R N E W E U Y F Keywords: School, big, E old, R A happy, P uncle, Q new, friend,Tlive,Nstudent, parent. - Demonstrate the group which wins the game. 2. Pre- reading: - Introduce the situation, then explain some new words: + Different ( adj) : ( give 2 things in order to compare ) + Unhappy (adj) >< happy + To miss (v) : ( give a situation ) - Have Ss read new words in chorus and individually. * Check new words by playing a game: rub out and remember. - Have Ss do an exercise in groups : Ordering statements. a. Hoa’s school in Hue is small. b. Hoa is a new student in class 7A. c. Hoa’s new school is bigger than her old school. d. Hoa is from Hue. e. Now she lives in Hanoi. - Call on some groups to give their predictions in front of the class. 3. While- reading:. Students’ Activities - Greetings. - Play a game in 2 groups.. 2 groups take part in the game to find out the words which have been learnt.. - Clap hands. - Listen and write down. - Guess the meanings.. - Read new words in chorus and individually. - Play a game. - Work in groups..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> - Ask Ss to look at the book and listen to the tape, then correct their predictions. - Ask Ss to check the result with their partner. - Correct and give the correct answer: 1.b 2.d 3.e 4.a 5.c - Have Ss read the text in silent. - Call on some Ss to read the text aloud. - Ask Ss to read the questions and the text again, then work in pairs. - Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class. - Correct and give the correct answers. a. She is from Hue. b. She is staying with her uncle and aunt. c. No, she doesn’t. d. Her new school is bigger than her old school. e. She is unhappy because she misses her parents and her friends. 4.Post-reading: - Have Ss play a game : Guessing game. ( each student writes a sentence in the text ) 5. Homework: - Learn by heart part 2 and write the answers in the exercise book. - Do exercise 3,4 in work book. - Prepare B1,2,3.. - Give the predictions. - Listen and correct the predictions. - Check the result. - Copy down. - Read in silent. - Read aloud. - Work in pairs. - Practice in front of the class. - Write down.. - Play a game. - Write homework.. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. P: T: Period 4: UNIT 1 : BACK TO SCHOOL Lesson 3: B- Names and addresses.( B1,2,3) I. The aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer about personal information such as: name, age, address… II. Language content: 1. Vocabulary: - Family name (n) - Middle name (n ) - Address (n) 2. Grammar. - The simple present tense. - Structure: What’s your family name? What’s your middle name? III. Technique: Explanation, asking and answering, pairwork, groupwork. IV. Teaching aids: Textbook, tape, casstte, sub-board. V. Procedure: Teacher’s Activities 1. Warm up: - Greetings. - Have Ss play a game called: Noughts and Crosses .. You 13. 54 Quang Trung Street. Hoa. Students’Activities - Greetings. - Play a game in 2 groups..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Ask and answer the questions.. - Have Ss ask and answer about the information in the grids. - Remark and demonstrate the group which wins the game. 2. New activities: a) Listen. Then practice with a partner. - Introduce the situation of the dialogue, then explain some new words. + Family name (n) : ( the first name ) + Middle name (n) : + Address (n) : ( where you live) - Have Ss read new words in chorus and individually. - Correct their pronunciation. - Ask Ss to look at their books and listen to the tape . - Have Ss work in pairs reading the dialogue. - Call on some pairs to read the dialogue in front of the class. - Correct their pronunciation. - Ask Ss to look at the questions then work in pairs : one asks and one asnwers. - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. - Correct the mistakes and give the correct answers: a. She is talking to Mrs Lien. b. Her family name is Pham. c. Her middle name is Thi. d. She lives at 12 Tran Hung Dao street. - Give some cues then ask Ss to practice in pairs. + Nam – Nguyen – 15 – 32 Nguyen Du street. + Hoa – Pham – 12 – THD street. + Minh – Tran – 13 – Da Nang. + Thuy – Bui – 14 – LHP street. - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. - Correct the mistakes if necessary. b) Write . Complete this dialogue. - Introduce the situation of part 2. - Ask Ss to complete the dialogue . - Ask them to exchange the result with their partner. - Call on some Ss to give the answers in front of the class. - Correct and give the correct answers: Who- Who – What/which – Where – Where – How. - Call on some pairs to read the completed dialogue aloud. - Correct their pronunciation. 3. Consolidation: - Have Ss ask the partner questions then complete the form. - Ask Ss to give the questions for the information. - Make model with a student: EX: What’s your name? How old are you? Which grade are you in? What’s your school’s name? or Which school do you study at? Where do you live? - Have Ss work in pairs. - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. - Remark.. EX: S1: How old are you? S2: I’m 13. - Listen and write. - Guess the meanings. - Read new words in chorus and individually. - Listen to the tape. - Work in pairs. - Practie in front of the class. - Work in pairs. - Practice asking and answering in front of the class. - Copy down.. - Practice in pairs using the cues.. - Practice in front of the class.. - Listen. - Complete the dialogue. - Exchange the result with the partner. - Give the answers. - Copy down. - Practice reading the dialogue.. - Ask the partner and complete the form. - Give the questions. - A student answer the teacher’questions..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> 4. Homework: - Complete the form in the exercisebook. - Do exercise 1,2 at page 5,6 in workbook. - Prepare part B4,5. - Work in pairs. - Practice in front of the class.. - Write homework. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. P: T: Period 5: UNIT 1 : BACK TO SCHOOL Lesson 4: B – Names and addresses (B4,5) I. The aims: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to ask and answer about distances. Practice listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. II. Language content: Structure : How far is it from ………to ……….? It’s about ………. III. Technique: Eliciting, using pictures, pairwork and groupwork. IV. Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette, tape, pictures. V. Procedure: Teacher’s Activities 1. Warm up: - Greetings. - Have Ss play a game : Wordsquare - Ask Ss to find out the words in order to ask and prepositions. -Have Ss play in 2 groups.. W W W H Y H W H E N E B A O N R Y T O W which wins the - Remark and demonstrate the group E F R O M game. 2. New activities: a) Listen. Then practice with a partner. - Ask Ss some questions such as: + Where do you live? + How do you go to school? => Then lead in new structure: + How far is it from your house to school? => It’s about one kilometer. - Have Ss makesentences with new structure. - Have Ss look at the books and listen to the tape. - Ask them to read the dialogue in pairs. - Call on some pairs to read the dialogue in front of the class. - Correct their pronunciation. - Ask Ss some questions: + Where does Hoa live? + Is it far from school? + How does she get there? b) Ask and answer with a partner.. Students’ Activities - Greetings. - Play a game in 2 groups.. Where, who, what, why, how, when. on, at, by, from, to.. - Answer T’s questions. - Listen and write down. - Make sentences . - Look at the book and listen to the tape. - Work in pairs. - Practice in front the class. - Answer T’s questions..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> - Have Ss look at 4 pictures in part 5. - Ask them to practice in pairs asking and answering about distances . EX: How far is it from your house to the market? It’s about one kilometer. - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. - Correct the mistakes if necessary. 3. Consolidation: - Give some given cues then ask Ss to practice in pairs. + Market / 2 km + Post office / 700 meters + School / 1 km + Bus stop / 5oo meters - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. - Have Ss make a dialogue based on the dialogue between Nam and Hoa. - Call on some pairs to practice. 4. Homework: - Write part 5 in the exercisebook. - Do exercise4,5 at page 6,7 in workbook. - Prepare part B6,7.. - Look at 4 pictures in the book. - Practice in pairs .. - Practice in front of the class.. - Work in pairs.. - Practice in front of the class. - Make a dialogue. - Practice in front of the class. - Write homework.. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. P: T: Period 6:. UNIT 1 : BACK TO SCHOOL Lesson 5: B – Names and addresses ( B 6,7). I. The aims: The students will continue to practice asking and answering about distances. Practice listening and speaking skills. II. Language content: Review the structure : How far is it from…….to ……..? It’s about …………. III. Technique: Eliciting, using pictures, pairwork. IV. Teaching aids: Textbook, tape, cassette, pictures. V. Procedure: Teacher’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings. - Ask Ss some questions about themselves. EX: What’s your name? How old are you? Where do you live? How far is it from your house to school? How do you go to school? - Remark and give marks. 2. New activities: a) Listen and write. How far is it ? Write the four distances. - Introduce the situation of the lesson. - Ask Ss to look at the picture in part 6.. Students’ Activities - Greetings. - Answer T’s questions.. - Write new lesson. - Listen. - Look at the picture..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> - Have Ss call the names of the places. - Ask Ss some questions such as: + Is Lan’s house near or far from school? + Is Lan’s house near the market/ the post office/ the theater? - Ask Ss to listen to the tapethen find out the distance between the places. - play the tape for Ss 2 times. - Have Ss exchange the result with the partner. - Call on some Ss to give the results in front of the class. - Play the tape again for Ss to check their answers. - Correct and give the correct answers: a. School to Lan’s house : 300m b. Lan’s house to the post offfice : 700m c. School to the movie theater : 3km d. Movie theater to the post office : 2km - Have Ss practice asking and answering the distance between the places. - Correct the mistake. b) A survey: - Ask Ss to look at the form in part 7. - Introduce the aim of this part: Ask their classmates some information then fill in the form. - Have Ss give the questions for the information. - Make model with a student: + What’s your name? + Where do you live? + How do you go to school? + How far is it from your house to school? - Have Ss work in pairs. - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. 3. Consolidation; - Ask Ss to base on the information and write a short passage about their partner. EX: My friend is……..He/She lives at……….. He/ She goes to school by………It’s about…….. from……….to…….. - Call on one student to go to the board and write, some Ss read aloud. - Correct the mistakes if necessary. * Remember: - Ask Ss to look at the remember and practice in pairs, using the questions in the box. - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. - Correct if necessary. 4. Homework: - Write part 6 in the exercisebook. - Make questions and answers in part remember. - Prepare unit 2- A1,2,3.. - Call the names of the places. - Answer T’s questions.. - Listen to the tape. - Find out 4 distances. - Exchange the results with the partners. - Give the results. - Listen to the tape and check.. - Practice asking and answering. - Look at the form in part 7. - Listen. - Give the questions for the information. - Answer T’s questions.. - Work in pairs. - Practice in front of the class. - Write a short passage.. - Write on the board and read aloud. - Work in pairs. - Practice in front of the class.. - Write homework.. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. P: T: Period 7: UNIT 2 : PERSONAL INFORMATION LESSON 1 : (A1, 2,3) I. The aims:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask for and give telephone numbers and further practice in addresses. They continue to practice 4 skills. II. Language content: - Telephone directory. - To call somebody. - What’s your telephone number? III. Technique: Explanation, asking and answering, pairwork. IV. Teaching aids: Textbook , tape , cassette. V. Procedure: Teacher’s Activities 1. Warm up : - greetings. - Ask Ss some questions : + Where do you live? + Does your home have a telephone? …….. => Lead in new lesson. 2. Presentation: - Introduce: Nowadays telephone has been very popular in our social communication. In this lesson we’ll deal with this matter. - Explain some new words: + Telephone directory( n): + To call ( somebody) : - Ask Ss to look at part 3 and listen to the tape. - Explain the model: + What’s your telephone number? 8 262 019 + What’ her telephone number? - Have ss read the dialogue in pairs. - Call on some pairs to read the dialogue in front of the class. - Correct their pronunciation. 3. practice : - Ask Ss to read the telephone numberin the telephone directoryin part 1 => explain the way of reading. - Call on some Ss to read the telephone numbers aloud. - Ask them to practice asking and answering about the telephone number in the telephone directory. - Make model: What’s TanA’s telephone number? 8 211 800 - Have Ss work in pairs. - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. - Correct the mistakes if necessary. - Ask Ss to listen some people’s telephone numbers , then write the numbers they hear. - Play the tape for Ss 2 times. - Ask them to exchange the results with the partners. - Call on some Ss give the answers. - Play the tape again and ask Ss to check the answers. - Correct and give the correct answers: a. 8 251 654 d. 8 352 793 b. 8 250 514 e. 8 237 041 c. 8 521 936 f. 8 821 652 4. Production: - Ask Ss to have a survey. Name Address Telephone number - Have Ss work in pairs asking about the information given, using these questions: + What’s your name? + Where do you live?. Students’ Activities - Greetings. - Answer T’s questions.. - Listen. - Write down. Read new words. - Look at the book and listen to the tape. - Listen and write. - Read in pairs. - Practice in front of the class.. - Read the telephone numbers. - Read aloud. - Practice asking and answering. - Listen. - Work in pairs. - Practice in front of the class. - Listen and write. - Exchange the results with the partners. - Give the answers. - Listen to the tape and check. - Write down.. - Take a survey. - Work in pairs..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> + What’s your telephone number? - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. - Correct the mistake. 5. Homework: - Write the questions and answers about telephone numbers of the people in part 1 ( 6 ) - Prepare part A4,5 .. - Practice in pairs in front of the class.. - Write homework. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................  P: 22/9/11 T: 23/9/11 Period 8 : UNIT 2 : PERSONAL INFORMATION Lesson 2: A 4,5 I. The aims: After the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about sure events in the future by using“ Will” positive statements and “ Wh” questions. II. Language content: - To meet ( v ) - Free ( adj ) - To see a movie - Would you like to? - Where will we meet? - Let’s meet at……. - Don’t be late. * Future tense: S + will + V . S + will not + V Will + S + V? III. Technique: Explanation, pairwork , gropwork. IV. Teaching aids: Textbook, tape, cassette, sub-board. V. Procudure: T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings. - Have Ss play a game; Jumbled words ESE; TRAST ; VOMEI ; REHATTE ROMTOROW : TALE - Call on some Ss to go to the board and write. - Remark and give marks. 2. Presentation: - Have Ss look at the picture and ask them to guess the talk. - Introduce some new words and structures: + Would you like to + V ? Would you like to see a movie? + Where will we meet? + Let’s meet at 6:45 + Don’t be late. * Future tense: (+) S + Will + V . (-) S + will not + V . (?) Will + S + V ? EX: She will go to Hanoi tomorrow. I will not play soccer this afternoon. Will you buy a new book ? - Ask Ss to make sentences based on the models. 3. Practice. Ss’ Activities - Greetings. - Play a game - Go to the board and write.. - Look at the picture and guess. - Listen and write.. - Make sentences..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> - Play the tape for Ss. - Have Ss read the dialogue in pairs. - Call on some pairs to roleplay the dialogue in front of the class. - Correct the pronunciation. - Ask Ss to look at the questions then work in pairs . - Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class. - Correct the mistakes and give the correct answers: a. Phong and Tam will. b. They will see a movie. c. They will meet at 6:45 d. They will meet in front of the movie theater. - Give some cues then ask Ss to practice. + Where / meet / on the street. + What time/ meet / 7:00 + What / see / a movie. + How / go / bike. EX: Where will we meet? We’ll meet on the street. - Have Ss work in pairs . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. - Correct the mistake. 4. Further practice: * Listen, then write the answers. - Introduce the aim of the lesson for Ss . - Ask them to listen to the tape carefully and find out the information to complete the table. - Play the tape for Ss 2 times. - Have Ss exchange the result with the partner. - Call on some Ss to give the answers in front of the class. - Ask Ss to listen to the tape again and check the answers. - Correct and give the correct answers: a. 8 545 545 b. a movie c. Lan’s house d. Bus - Ask Ss to base on the information in the box to write a short passage. - Call on one student to go to the board and write , some Ss read the passage aloud. - Correct. 5. Homework. - Learn by heart new structures by making 5 sentences with each. - Do exercise 1,2 at page 8 in workbook. - Prepare A6,7.. - Listen to the tape. - Work in pairs. - Practice in front of the class. - Work in pairs. - Ask and answer in front of the class. - Write down.. - Work in pairs. - Practice in front of the class.. - Listen carefully. - Listen and complete the table. - Listen to the tape. - Exchange the result with the partner. - Give the answers. - Listen again to check the answer. - Listen and write.. - Write a passage. - Go to the board and write. - Read aloud. - Write homework.. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. P: 26/9/11 T: 27/9/11 Period 9: UNIT 2 : PERSONAL INFORMATION Lesson 3 : A 6,7 I. The aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice and use the simple future tense with Will , Whquestions and answer fluently. II. Language content: 1. Vocabulary : - Who’s calling? - To be out - Can I speak to….? To be back. - I’ll call again..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> 2. Grammar: The simple future tense. III. Technique: Eliciting, pairwork, groupwork. IV. Teaching aids: Textbook, tape. cassette. V. Procedure: T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings. - Ask Ss some questions and ask them to make a dialogue. - Call on 2 pairs to make dialogues aloud. - Remark and give mark. 2. Presentation: - Explain some structures when talking on the phone. + Who’s calling? + Can/ Could I speak to ……..? + I’ll call again. + To be out + To be back. EX: Can I seak to Lan? She is out . - Ask Ss to make sentences. - Correct the mistakes. 3. Practice : - Ask Ss to look at the dialogue and read in pairs. - Call on some pairs to read the dialogue in front of the class. - Correct their pronunciation. - Have Ss read the dialogue again then find out the answers for the questions. - Have Ss work in pairs. - Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class. - Correct the mistake and give the correct answers: a. Phong is. b. Han is. c. About Lan. d. At about 6 o’clock. e. After 6. - Use the tittle of A7 to set a scene and ask Ss to find the questions for the answers. a. At five thirty. b. We’ll eat cakes and sweets. c. Till seven or half past. d. We’ll meet in the street. - Ask Ss to listen to the tape then read after the tape. - Call on some Ss to read aloud. - Correct their pronunciation. 4. Production: - Give a mapped dialogue. Tan Nam What…….do tomorrow morning? go……..stadium What……watch? A football match/ would …like…with me? Yes, when…..start? 4:30 / ……meet at 4:15 Where ……meet? in front of …stadium. ok. - Have Ss work in pairs . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. - Correct the mistake.. Ss’ Activities - Greetings. - Answer T’s questions. - Practice in front of the class. - Listen and write. Read in chorus and individually.. - Make sentences. - Work in pairs. - Practice reading in front of the class. - Read the dialogue again and find the answers. - Work in pairs. - Practice in front of the class. - Copy down.. - Listen carefully and find the questions.. - Listen to the tape and read after the tape. - Read aloud. - Look at the mapped dialogue.. - Work in pairs. - Practice in front of the class..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> - Ask Ss to read the remember carefully. - Call on some Ss to read aloud. 5. Homework: - Learn by heart new structures by making 3 sentences with each and learn by heart remember. - Do exercise 3,4,5 at page 9 in workbook. - Prepare part B1,2,3.. - Read the remember. - Write homework.. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. P: 28/9/11 T: 29/9/11 Period 10: UNIT 2 : PERSONAL INFORMATION Lesson 4 : B 1,2,3,9 I. The aims : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write and speak about ordinal numbers, months and the dates of the months fluently. II. Language content: 1. Vocabulary: - Dates of the months. - Ordinal numbers. 2. Grammar: Review: The simple future tense. III. Technique: Explanation, asking and answering. IV. Teaching aids: Textbook, tape, cassette, calendar. V. Procedure: Ts’ Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings. - Have Ss play a game called pelmanism 1st 2nd 10th 5th 3rd 9th First second tenth fifth third ninth - Remark and lead in new lesson. 2. New activities a) Listen and repeat. - Ask Ss to look at the books and listen to the tape. - Explain some ordinal numbers. + Ordinal numbers + th + Special cases: First : 1st Ninth : 9th Second : 2nd Twelfth : 12th Third : 3rd Twentieth : 20th Fifth : 5th Thirtieth : 30th - Play the tape for Ss and ask them to read after the tape. - Call on some Ss to read aloud. - Ask Ss to speak about festival Days of Vietnam. 2/9 ; 30/4 ; 20/11 ; 8/3 - Remark. b) Listen and write the dates. - Ask Ss to look at the book and answer the question: What is it? - Ask Ss to listen to the tape and write the numbers. - Play the tape for Ss 2 times. - Have Ss exchange the result with the partner. - Call on some Ss to give their answers in front of the class. - Play the tape again for Ss to check.. Ss’ Activities - Greetings. - Play a game in groups. - Listen. - Look at the books and listen. - Listen and write .. - Read after the tape. - Read aloud. - Practice speaking: The second of september The thirtieth of april The twentieth of november The eighth of march - Answer T’s question. A calendar of july. - Listen to the tape and write..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> - Correct and give the correct answers: The first of july. The fourteenth The nineteenth The seventeenth The sixth The thirty- first - Ask Ss to write down. c) Write the months in order from first to twelfth. - Ask Ss some questions such as: How many months are there in a year? - Have Ss do exercise : Matching January th¸ng 10 February Th¸ng 7 March Th¸ng 5 April Th¸ng 12 May Th¸ng 1 June Th¸ng 4 July Th¸ng 9 August Th¸ng 2 September Th¸ng 6 October Th¸ng 11 November Th¸ng 3 December Th¸ng 8 - Ask Ss to do exercise individually. - Have Ss exchange the result with the partner. - Call on some Ss to give the answers in front of the class. - Correct and ask Ss to read aloud . - Have Ss write down. 3. Consolidation: - Repeat the ordinal numbers. 4. Homework: - learn by heart ordinal numbers. - Do exercises 1,2 at page 10 in workbook. - Prepare B4,5.. - Exchange the result with the partner. - Give the answers. - Listen to the tape again and check.. - Write down. - Answer T’s question. - Do exercise.. - Exchange the result with the partner. - Give the answer. - Read aloud. - Copy down. - Listen. - Write homework.. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................  P: 29/9/2011 T: 30/9/2011 Period 11 : UNIT 2 : PERSONAL INFORMATION Lesson 5: B 4,5 I. The aims : After the lesson , Ss will be able to ask and answer about the date of birth fluently and they continue to practice the simple future tense. II. Language content: 1. Vocabulary: - Nervous - To worry - Worried 2. Grammar : The simple future tense. III. Technique: Eliciting, pairwork, asking and answering. IV. Teaching aids : Textbook, pictures, sub- board V. Procedure: T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . -Have Ss play a game called Lucky numbers.. Ss’ Activities - Greetings. - Play a game in 2 groups..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> 1) What’s your family name? 2) How old are you? 3) LN 4) What’s your address? 5) What’s your telephone number? 6) What’s your date of birth? 7) LN 8) Who do you live with? 9) How old will you be on your next birthday? 10) LN - Remark and lead in new lesson. - Listen. 2. New activities a) Listen. Then practice with a partner. - Ask Ss to look at the picture about Mr Tan and Hoa . Then - Look at the picture and guess. Ask Ss to guess what Mr Tan is asking Hoa. - Call on some Ss to answer. - Ask Ss to listen to the tape and give the information. - Answer. - Give the information: + Name. + Date of birth. - Explain some new words: + Address + Nervous ( adj) : + Telephone number. + To worry(v) : - Listen and copy . + Worried ( adj ) : - Have Ss read in chorus and individually. - Check new words by playing What and where. - Play the tape for Ss to listen again. - Have Ss read the dialogue in pairs. - Call on some pairs to read in front of the class. - Correct their pronunciation. - Ask Ss to look at the questions and work in pairs. - Call on some pairs to practice asking and answering in front of the class. - Call on one studnent to go to the board and write the answers. - Correct and ask Ss to copy down. * About you: - Ask a student some questions in part about you. - Have Ss work in pairs . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. b) Read the dialogue again . then complete this form. - Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and complete the form. - Ask Ss to exchange the result with the partner. - Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering about the information in the form. - Call on 2 Ss to ask and answer in front of the class. - Correct and ask Ss to complete the form in the notebooks. 3. Consolidation: - Ask Ss to base on the information in the dialogue to make a dialogue. - Have Ss work in pairs. - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. - Correct if necessary. 4. Homework: - Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each. - Do exercise 3,4 at page 11 in workbook. - Prepare part B6,7,8,9.. - Read in chorus and individually. - Play a game. - Listen to the tape. - Work in pairs. - Practice reading in front of the class. - Work in pairs. - Practice in front of the class. - Write the answers on the board. - Copy down. - Answer T’s questions. - Work in pairs. - Practice in front of the class.. - Read the dialogue again. - Complete the form. - Exchange the result with the partner. - Work in pairs. - Practice in front of the class. - Copy down. - Make a dialogue. - Work in pairs. Practice in front of the class.. - Write homework.. Experience:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. . P: 2/10/11 T: 3/10/11 Period 12: UNIT 2 : PERSONAL INFORMATION Lesson 6 : B 6,7,8, I. The aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write an invitation card for a birthday party. They will use the dates of the month fluently. II. Language content: 1. Vocabulary: - Birthday party. – To join - To invite - Fun - To finish - Invitation card 2. Grammar: Review : The simple future tense III. Technique: Eliciting, pairwork, groupwork, using card. IV. Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures, cards. V. Procedure: T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings. - Have Ss play a game : Networks. Ss’ Activities - Greetings. - Play a game in 2 groups. cakes Discuss in groups.. Things to buy on birthday - Call on 2 Ss from 2 groups to go to the board and write . - Remark and lead in new lesson. 2. New activities: a) Read. Then complete the card. - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and answer the questions: + What is Lan doing? + What are they doing in the picture? - Explain some new words: + Birthday party (n) : + To invite (v) : + Invitation card (n) : + To finish (v) = to end + To join (v) = to take part in + fun (n) : - Have Ss read new words in chorus and individually. - Have Ss play a game : rub out and remember. - Ask Ss to read the text about Lan and find out the answers to the questions. + How old is she now? + Where does she live? + When is her birthday? + When will the party start and finish? - Call on some Ss to answer the questions. - Call on some Ss to read the text aloud. - Ask Ss to look at the invitation card of Lan and then complete it, using the information from the text. - Have Ss compare the result with the partner. - Call on some Ss to read the completed card aloud. - Correct the mistake and ask Ss to write in the notebooks.. - Go to the board and write.. - Look at the pictures and answer . - Listen and write . - Guess the meanings .. - Read new words in chorus and individually. - Play a game. - Read the text and find the answers for the questions.. - Answer the questions. - Read the text aloud. - Complete the invitation card..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> b) Think and write. Imagine you will be a guest at Lan’s birthday party. - Have Ss imagine they will be a guest at Lan’s birthday party. What will they do? - Have Ss work in groups of 4 or 5 discussing what they will bring to Lan’s birthday party. - Go around the class and hepl Ss if necessary. - Call on some representatives to demonstrate in front of the class. - Remark. c) Now write an invitation card to your birthday party. - Have Ss write an invitation to their birthday party based on part 6. - Ask Ss to exchange their writing with the partner. - Call on some Ss to read their invitation in front of the class. - Remark. d) Play with words. - Have Ss look at the book and listen to the tape. -Ask Ss to read after the tape. - Call on some Ss to read in front of the class. - Correct their pronunciation. 3. Consolidation: - Ask Ss to look at the remember and repeat again. 4. Homework: - Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each. learn by heart part remember. - Do exercise 4,5 at page 12 in workbook. - Prepare part A 1,2 ( unit 3). - Compare with the partner. - Read aloud.. - Imagine . - Work in groups. - Demonstrate in front of the class.. - Write an invitation. - Exchange the writing with the partner. - Read aloud. - Listen to the tape. - read after the tape. - Read aloud. - Repeat. - Write homework.. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. . P: 5/10/11 T: 6/10/11 Period 13 : UNIT 3 : AT HOME Lesson 1 : A – What a lovely home ( A1,2) I. The aims: After the lesson, Ss will be able to use the exclamations by giving compliments and complaints , they will learn about the things in the bathroom and the kitchen. II. Language content: 1. Vocabulary: - Awful - Washing machine - Sink - Dryer - Comfortable - Refrigerator - Tub - Dishwasher - Amazing - Electric stove - Convenient 2. Grammar: Structure: What + a/ an + adj + N! What + adj + Ns ! III. Technique: Explanation, pairwork, groupwork, using pictures. IV. Teaching aids:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> Textbook, tape, cassette, pictures. V. Procedure: T’s Activities 1. Warm up: - Greetings. - Have Ss play a game : Networks. Kitchen. Living room. - Call on 2 Ss to go to the board and write down. - Remark and give marks. 2. New activities: a) Listen. Then practice with a partner. - Ask Ss some questions such as : + how many rooms are there in your house? + What are they? + What is in each room? - Introduce the situation of the lesson, then explain some new words: + Awful ( adj ) : + Comfortable (adj) : + Amazing (adj) : + Sink (n) : + Tub (n) : + Washing machine (n ) : + Dryer (n) : + Refrigerator (n) : + Dish washer (n) : + Electric stove (n) : + Convenient (adj): - Have Ss read new words in chorus and individually. - Check new words by playing : rub out and remember. - Ask Ss to look at the books and listen to the tape , then find out the things in the bathroom and the kitchen. - Call on some Ss to tell the things in the bathroom and the kitchen. - Remark. - Have Ss read the dialogue in pairs. - Call on some pairs to practice reading in front of the class. - Correct their pronunciation. - Ask Ss to work in pairs asking and answering the questions. - Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class. - Correct the mistakes and give the correct answers: a) Living room, Hoa’s room, bathroom and kitchen. b) Because it is bright and it has nice colors. c) A sink, a tub and a shower. d) A washing machine, a dryer, a refrigerator, a dish washer, and an electric stove. - Have Ss copy down. - Ask Ss to work in pairs asking and answering about themselves, using 2 questions in the book. - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. b) Write exclamations: - Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and find the exclamations. - Call on some Ss to read aloud. - Introduce the exclamations to Ss. EX: What a hot day ! ( Today is very hot ) What a boring film! ( The film is very boring.) - Give some situations , then ask Ss to make. Ss’ Activities - Greetings. - Play a game.. - Go to the board and write.. - Answer T’s questions.. - Listen and write. - Guess meanings.. - Read new words in chorus and individually. - Play a game. - Listen to the tape and find the things. - Give the results. - Work in pairs. - Practice reading in front of the class. - Work in pairs. - Practice asking and answering. - Copy down.. - Work in pairs. - Practice in front of the class. - Read the dialogue and find the exclamations. - Read aloud..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> exclamations. + This boy is very lazy. + The story is very interesting. + The house is dark. - Have Ss give the structures. - Ask Ss to practice making exclamations using given cues in the book. - Call on some Ss to read their writing aloud . - Correct and ask them to write down. 3. Consolidation: - Ask Ss to use the structures of exclamatioms to make sentences. - Remark. 4. Homework : - Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each . - Make 5 sentences with complaints and compliments. - Do exercies 1,2 at page 13 in workbook. - Prepare part A3.. - Listen and write. - Make sentences.. - Write exclamations. - Read aloud. - Write down. - Make exclamations.. - Write homework. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. . P: 6/10/11 T: 7/10/11 Period 14 : UNIT 3 : AT HOME Lesson 2 : A – What a lovely home ! ( A2) I. The aims: After the lesson, Ss will review vocabularies about the things in the house and prepositions of position, using structures : There is…../ There are….. II. Language content: Review : - vocabularies about the things in the house. - Prepositions. - There is …../ there are ….. III. Technique: Eliciting, using pictures, mainly communicative. IV. Teaching aids : Textbook, pictures, sub-board. V. Procedure : T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings. - Have Ss play a game:Noghts and crosses. Dinner. Movie. Restaurant. Boy. Shirt. Room. - Ask GirlSs make exclamations. House Party - Remark. 2. New activities: a) Look at the picture . then practice with a partner. * Point and say: - Ask Ss to look at the picture carefullyand tell the things in the picture, using there is/ there are…. - Make examples: + There is a table.. Ss’ Activities - Greetings. - Play a game in 2 groups. - Making sentences.. - Write lesson. - Look at the picture and tell the things. - Listen..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> + There are some chairs. + There are some pictures. - Call on some Ss to say the things in the picture aloud. - Correct the mistakes. - Have Ss write in the notebook. * Ask and answer. - Have Ss practice in pairs asking and answering the things in the picture and using the words in the box. - Ex: Is there a bookshelf? Yes, there is. Where is it? It is on the wall. - Have Ss work in pairs. - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. - Correct the mistake if necessary. - Ask Ss to write down. b) Play with words. - Ask Ss to look at the books and listen to the tape. - Explain some new words: + Smell ( n ) + To forget >< To remember + Safe ( adj) - Have Ss read after the tape. - Call on some Ss to read aloud. - Correct their pronunciation. 3. Consolidation: - Ask Ss to look at the remember and read. - Call on some Ss to read aloud. - Ask Ss to make sentences with them. 4. Homework: - Make sentences with remember. - Do exercise 3,4 at page 14,15 in workbook. - Prepare B1,2.. - Say the things in the picture. - Write down. - Work in pairs. - Listen.. - Work in pairs. - Practice in front of the class. - Write down. - Look at the book and listen to the tape. - Listen and write. - Read after the tape. - Read aloud. - Read. - Read aloud. - Make sentences. - Write homework.. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. . P: 10/10/11 T: 11/10/11 Period 15: UNIT 3 : AT HOME Lesson 3 : B- Hoa’s family ( B1,3 ) I. The aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will learn about jobs and job vocabulary. They will apply the in the life. II. Language content: 1. Vocabulary: - Countrysise - Cattle - To grow - To raise - Till - Housework - To take care of - Journalist - To write for - Sick 2. Grammar: Review : The simple present tense. III. Technique: Explanation, using pictures, communicative. IV. Teaching aids: Textbook, tape, cassette, pictures. V. Procedure: T’s Activities 1. Warm up: - Greetings. - Have Ss play a game : Wordsquare - Ask Ss to find out the words about the jobs.. Ss’ Activities - Greetings. - Play a game in 2 groups. - Find out the jobs..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> - Remark and lead in new lesson. 2. New lesson: a) Lis ten. Then pratice with a partner. - Ask Ss to look at the picture in the book. - Introduce the situation of the dialogue then ask Ss to guess what Hoa’s parents do. - Explain some new words. + Countryside(n) : + To grow (v) : + To raise (v) : + Cattle (n) : + Till (adv) : + Housework (n) : - Have Ss read new words in chorus and individually. - Correct their pronunciation. - Play the tape for Ss 2 times. - Have Ss read the dialogue in pairs. - Call on some pairs to practice reading in front of the class. * Now answer: - Have Ss work in pairs. - Have them play a game : Lucky numbers. 1) What does Hoa’s father do? 2) Where does he work? 3) LN 4) What is her mother’s job? 5) What does her mother do everyday? 6) LN 7) Are they happy? 8) How old is Hoa’s sister? - Remark. - Ask Ss to write down the answers in the notebooks. b) Read. - Ask Ss to look at 3 pictures in the book and guess what they do. - Call on some Ss to tell about their jobs. - Correct and give the correct answer, then introduce some new words: + To take care of = To look after + To write for (v) + Journalist (n): + Sick (adj) = ill - Have Ss read new words in chorus and individually. - Ask them to play a game : Rub out and remember. - Have Ss read the text about Lan’s family in silent. - Call on some Ss to read the text aloud. - Correct the pronunciation. * Now practice with a partner. - Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering about Lan’s family. - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. - Correct and give the correct answers: + Her father is a doctor. He works in a hospital. + Her mother is a teacher. She teaches in a primary school. + Her brother is a journalist. He writes for a HN newspaper. - Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering about their family. - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. - Remark. 3. Consolidation: - Have Ss write a short passage about their family. - Ask them to exchange the writing with the partner. - Call on some Ss to read their writing in front of the class. 4. Home work: - Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each. – Prepare part B3,4. - Listen. - Look at the picture . - Listen and guess. - Listen and write. - Guess the meanings.. - Read new words in chorus and individually. - Listen to the tape. - Work in pairs. - Practice reading in front of the class. - Work in pairs. - Play a game.. - Write the answers. - Look at 3 pictures in the book. - Tell about the jobs. - Listen and write.. - Read new words . - Play a game. - Read in silent. - Read aloud. - Work in pairs. - Practice in front of the class. - Listen and write.. - Work in pairs. - Practice. - Write a short passage. - Exchange the writing..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> - Do exercise unit 3 in Bai tap thuc hanh. - Read aloud. - Write homework.. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................ P: 12/10/2011 T: 13 /10/2011 Period 16: UNIT 3 : AT HOME Lesson 4: B .Hoa’s Family ( B2,4 ) I. The aims: After the lesson, Ss will know the work of each job, and listen to the tape in order to know the information then complete the forms. II. Language content: 1. Vocabulary : Review the vocabulary about the jobs. 2. Grammar: Review : the present simple tense. Skill : Listening. III. Technique: Eliciting, communicative. IV. Teaching aids: Textbook, tape , cassette, sub- board. V. Procedure: T’s Activities 1. Warm up: - Greetings. - Ask Ss some questions about their families, such as: What does your father do? Where does he work? What does your mother do? Do you have any brothers / sisters? How old is he/ she? …… - Remark and give mark. 2. New activities. a) Match these half- sentences. - Exlpain the aim of the exercise and ask Ss to do. - Have Ss exchange the result with the partner. - Call on some Ss to read the completed sentences in front of the class. - Correct and give the correct answers: + A farmer works on a farm. + A doctor takes care of sick people. + A journalist writes for a newspaper. + A teacher teaches in a school. - Ask Ss to copy down. b) Listen, complete these forms for the three people on the tape. - Ask Ss to look at the form in the books. - Have Ss guess the information of three people. Open prediction. Name. Age. Job. Ss’ Activities - Greetings. - Answer T’s questions.. - Write new lesson. - Listen and do exercise. - Exchange the result with the partner. - Read completed sentences. - Listen and copy.. - Look at the forms. - Guess the information.. Place of work. - Call on some groups to give their predictions. - Play the tape for Ss 2 times to check their prediction. - Ask Ss to fill in the forms.. - Give the prediction. - Listen to the tape and check. - Fill in the forms..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> - Call on some Ss to give the results in front of the class. - Play the tape again for Ss to check. - Correct and give the correct answers: - Ask Ss to use the inform mation about 3 people then ask and answer. - Make EX: + What is his name? => His name’s Tom. + How old is he? => He is 26. + What does he do?=> He’s a teacher. + Where does he work?=> He works at a high school. - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. - Correct the mistakes. 3. Consolidation: - Have Ss write about 3 people in the forms. - Ask Ss to exchange the writings with the partners. - call on some Ss to read in front of the class. 4. Homework: - Do exercise 3,4 at page 16,17 in workbook. - Prepare part B5,6. - Listen again and check. - Copy down. - Work in pairs. - Listen.. - Practice in front of the class.. - Write about 3 people. - Exchange the writing. - Read aloud.. - Write homework. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ........................................................................................................................................................................... P: 13 /10/2011 T: 14/10/2011 Period 17: UNIT 3 : AT HOME Lesson 5 : B – Hoa’s Family ( B5,6) I. The aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use comparatives and superatives of irregular adjectives and long adjectives . They can use them fluently and apply in the life. II. Language content: 1. Vocabulary: - Apartment - Furnished - Advice - Suitable - Empty - Good=> better => the best 2. Grammar: Structures: - S1 + tobe + more + adj + than + S2 - S + tobe + the most + adj. III. Technique: Explanation, pairwork, using pictures, communicative. IV. Teaching aids: Textbook, tape, cassette, pictures. V. Procedure: T’s Activities Ss’ Activities 1. Warm up: - Greetings. - Greetings. - Have Ss play a game : Guess the jobs. - Play a game: + You go to this person when you have a toothache. + Dentist. + This person writes for a newspaper or magazine. + Before a house is built , this person draws the plan for it. + Journalist + This person grows vegetables and raises cattle. + Architect …. + Farmer - Remark and give marks. 2. New activities: a) Listen and read: - Write new lesson. - Introduce the content of the lesson to Ss . - Explain some new words: - Listen. + Apartment (n)= Flat . - Listen and write. + Advice (n) : + Empty (adj) >< Full - Guess the meanings . + Furnished ( adj) : + Suitable (adj) :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> + Good => better=> the best - Read in chorus and individually. Structures: + Comparatives of long adjectives S1 + tobe + more + adj + than + S2 EX: She is more beautiful than her sister. - Make sentences. + Superlatives of long adjectives: S + tobe + the most + adj . EX: He is the most intelligent. - Ask Ss to look at the books and listen to the tape. - Have Ss read the dialogue in pairs. - Listen to the tape. - Call on some pairs to read the dialogue in front of the - Work in pairs. class. - Practice reading . - Correct their pronunciation. - Ask Ss to read the dialogue again to find the answers for the questions. - Find the answers . - Have Ss work in pairs. - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. - Work in pairs. - Correct and give the answer key: - Practice asking and answering. a. The one at number 27 b. The one at number 79 - Listen and copy. c. The one at number 79 d. The one at number 27. The most suitable apartment is the smallest but it is the newest of the three apartments. It has two bedrooms, a large modern bathroom and a kitchen. b) Write. - Introduce the situation of the lesson. - Ask Ss to read the letter . - Have Ss use the given words in the box in order to - Listen. complete the letter. - Read the letter. - Have Ss exchange the result with the partner. - Complete the letter. - Call on some Ss to read the completed letter aloud. - Correct and give the correct answer. - Exchange the result with the partner. - Ask Ss to copy the letter in the notebooks. - Read the letter aloud. 3. Consolidation. - Ask Ss to look at the remember and read . - Copy the letter in the notebooks. - Call on some Ss to read aloud. - Read . - Have Ss make sentences with them. 4. Homework: - Make sentences. - Learn by heart new words and structures by making sentences with them. - Write homework. - Do exercises 2,3 at page 16,17 in workbook. - Prepare language focus 1. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. P: 16/10/2011 T: 17/10/2011 Period 18: Language focus 1 I. The aims: Ss do exercises in order to review the structures and grammar which they have been learnt from unit 1 to unit 3 . From that they will use them fluently and apply them in the life. II. Language content: - Present simple tense. - Future simple tense. - Ordinal numbers. - Comparatives and superlatives. - Prepositions of place. - Occupations. III. Techhnique : Eliciting, using pictures, pairwork, groupwork. IV. Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures, sub-board. V. Procedure:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> T’s activities 1. Warm up: - Greetings. - Ask Ss some questions about their health, families. 2. Consolidation and practice: (1) Present simple tense; - Ask Ss to repeat the use of the present simple tense. - Ask them to do exercise 1: Complete the passage using the verbs in brackets. - Have Ss exchange the result with the partner. - Call on some Ss to read aloud. - Correct and give the correct answers. (2) Future simple tense: - Have Ss play a game: Noughts and crosses. Ss’ activities - Greetings. - Answer T’s questions.. - Repeat aloud. - Do exercise. - Exchange the result with the partner. - Read aloud. - Play a game. Make sentences.. EX: He will go to the post office. won’t call Ba. GoHepost office Call Ba Read book - Remark. (3) Ordinal numbers; TidySsyard See movie Watch TV - Ask to write the correct ordinal numbers. - Call on 2 Ss to go to the board and write. - Correct if necessary. Write Meet Minh Do housework (4) Prepositions: Grandmother - Have Ss look at the pictures in the book and use the prepositions in the box to write the positions of the cat. - Call on some Ss to speak aloud. - Correct and give the correct answers; a. It’s in front of the chair. c. It’s behind the TV. d. It’s next to the bookshelf. e. It’s on the couch. (5) Adjectives: - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and use the adjectives in the box to make sentences about comparatives and superlatives. - Call on some Ss to go to the board and write down. - Correct and give the correct answers: a) A is a cheap toy. B is cheaper. C is the cheapest. b) A is an expensive dress. B is more expensive. C is the most expensive. ……. (6) Occupations: - Have Ss play a game : Lucky numbers. 1. LN 2. He fights fires. He is very brave. What is his job? 3. She works in a school. She teaches students. what is her job? 4. He lives in the countryside. He grows vegetables and raises cattle. What’s his job? 5. LN. 6. She works in a hospital. She makes people well. What’s her job? 7. He works in a factory. He repairs machines . What’s his job? 8. LN (7) Is there a….?/ Are there any…? - Have Ss look at the picture then complete the sentences. - Have Ss work in pairs. - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class.. - Write ordinal numbers. - Go to the board and write. - Look at the pictures carefully and write. - Speak aloud. - Copy.. - Make sentences. - Go to the board and write. - Copy down.. - Play a game in 2 groups..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> - Correct if necessary. - Ask Ss to write in the notebooks. (8) Question words: - Ask Ss to look at the form then ask and answer the information about Pham Trung Hung. - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. - Correct and ask them to write down. 3. Further practice: - Give some cues then ask Ss to make sentences. + Sydney / big / Australia. + Tokyo / expensive / World. + He / good student / class. 4. Consoidation: 5. Homework: - Do test yourself in workbook. - Review for the test.. - Complete the sentences. - Work in pairs. - Practice in front of the class. - Copy down. - Work in pairs. - Practice asking and answering. - Write. - Do exercise.. - Write homework. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. . P: 21/10/2010 T: 22/10/2010 Period 19: Testing I. The aims: The students will know how to apply their knowledge to do the test well, from the test the teacher will know each student and class’s knowledge and have the method to teach. II. Preparing : - Teacher : prepare a written test - Students: Review III. Test A. Even test : Question I: Choose the best answers to complete the sentences .(1,5ps) 1. We will ……………our old friend next Sunday. A. to meet B. meeting C. meet 2. Her birthday is ……………Friday, August 20th A. at B. in C. on 3. This dress is the …………..expensive of the four dresses A. best B. more C. most 4. My father take care …………….sick children. A. of B. about C. in 5. Would you like …………the movie with me?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> A. see B. to see C. seeing 6. Which is the most beautiful apartment? A. The smallest one B. the smaller one C. a small one Question II: Supply the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. ( 2ps) 1. Mr Hung ( be ) ………….a doctor. He ( work ) …………….in a hospital. Everyday he ( catch)…………….the bus to work. 2. We ( not play )…………………soccer tomorrow, we ( visit ) ………………. our old friends. 3. What your father ( do ) ……………………now? He ( watch ) …………………TV in the living room. 4. She’d like ( come ) ……………..with us. Question III: Rewrite these sentences , beginning with the words given. (2ps) 1. There is a sink, a tub and a shower in the bathroom. => The bathroom ……………………………………………………. 2. The picture is very expensive. => What ……………………………………………………………. 3. No houses on the street are older than my house. => My house ………………………………………………………. 4. She rides a bike to school everyday. => She goes ……………………………………………………….. Question IV: Read the passage then answer the questions. ( 2,5ps) I am Hoa . I live with my parents in a small town in Hanoi. My parents are workers, and they work in a factory. Everyday, they go to work to the factory early in the morning and come back late in the afternoon. They go to work by bus. My school is not far from my house so I often go to school on foot. I often do the housework to help my parents. The next Sunday will be my thirteenth birthday. I’ll invite some of my classmates to join in my birthday party at my house. 1. Where does Hoa live ? ……………………………………………………… 2. How do Hoa’s parents go to work? ………………………………………… 3. Why does Hoa go to school on foot? ………………………………………. 4. How old will she be next Sunday? ………………………………………… 5. What will she invite some of her classmates to do ? ……………………………………………………………………………… Question V: Listen carefully , then complete this form.(2ps) Name :……………………………………… Date of birth :……………………………… Address : …………………………………. Telephone number :………………………. B. Odd test: Question I: Complete the sentence with the appropriate form of the word in bracket. (1,5ps) 1. Have you got a ………………..machine? ( wash) 2. What a …………………party!( bore) 3. What’s the ………………mountain in the world? (high) 4. My uncle is a …………………( drive ) 5. My birthday is on October …………………( twenty) 6. Hoa is writing many ………………….cards for her birthday party.( invite) Question II: Supply the correct form of the verb in bracket. ( 2ps) 1. What you ( read ) …………………….right now? I ( read ) ………………………a grammar book. 2. My sister always ( brush ) …………………her teeth after meal. 3. You ( be )………………..in class tomorrow? – Yes , I will. 4. Anna ( sit ) ……………….at her desk. She ( not do )………………….. her homework. She ( write ) ……………………a letter to her parents. 5. The children enjoy ( watch ) ……………….cartoons on TV very much. Question III: Rewrite these sentences, beginning with the words given.( 2ps) 1. Let’s go to the post office! => What …………………………………………………………….. 2. We live at 35 Ly Thuong Kiet street..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> => Our …………………………………………………………….. 3. There are forty – five students in his class. => His class ………………………………………………………… 4. Nam is the tallest student in my class. => No one …………………………………………………………. Question IV: Read the passage then answer the questions (2,5ps) I’m Nga. I live at 24 Nguyen Tri Phuong street with my parents and two brothers. My telephone number is 8 290 374 . On my next birthday , July 1st , I will have a small party for my birthday. I will invite some of my friends to my house. We will eat cakes and sweets and we will have a lot of fun. The party will start at five and finish at nine. 1. Where does Nga live? ………………………………………………………… 2. How many people are there in her family? ……………………………………. 3. When is her birthday? ………………………………………………………… 4. How long will the party last?………………………………………………….. 5. What will they do at her birthday party? …………………………………………………………………………………. Question V: Listen carefully, then complete this form. (2ps) Name :…………………………………… Date of birth: …………………………… Address :……………………………….. Telephone number :……………………. . IV. Collect the test. V. Homework: - Do unit 3 in Bai tap thuc hanh Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. . P: 21/10/2010 T: 22/10/2010 Period 20: Correcting the test I. The aims : After the lesson, Ss will be able to know about the common mistakes and their knowledge , from that they will know how to improve their knowledge of English. II. Teaching aids : Test papers, chalk, board. III. Procedure: 1. Warm up : - Greetings. - Ask Ss some questions . 2. Correcting the test: a) Remark the good and bad of the test and correct common mistakes. b) Deliver the test papers and give the correct answers: A. Even test Question I: Each correct sentence gives 0,25. 1. b 2. c 3. c 4. a 5. b 6. a Question II: Each correct verb gives 0,25 1. is ; works ; catches. 2. won’t play; will visit. 3. is your father doing ; is watching. 4. to come. Question III: Each correct sentence gives 0,5. 1. The bathroom has a sink, a tub and a shower. 2. What an expensive picture! 3. My house is the oldest on the street. 4. She goes to school by bikeeveryday. Question IV: Each correct answer has 0,5 1. She lives in a small town near Hanoi. 2. They go to work by bus. 3. Because her school is not far from her house. 4. She will be 13. 5. She will invite them to join in her birthday party..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> Question V: Each correct information has 0,5. Name : Nguyen Thanh Trung Date of birth : May 25th Address : Thirty- five Nguyen Trai street Telephone number : 8 253 764. * Tape cript : Hi, my full name is Nguyen Thanh Trung, I live with my parents at thirty- five Nguyen Trai street. I’ll be thirteen on May 25th . I’ll invite some friends to my birthday party at my house. My telephone number is 8 253 764 B. Odd test: Question I: Each correct word has 0,25. 1. washing 2. boring 3. highest 4. driver 5. twentieth 6. invitation Question II: Each correct verb has 0,25. 1. are you reading ; - am reading 2. brushes 3. Will you be 4. is sitting - isn’t doing - is writing 5. watching Question III: Each correct sentence has 0,5. 1. What about going to the post office? 2. Our address is 35 Ly Thuong Kiet street. 3. His class has forty- five students. 4. No one in my class is taller than Nam. Question IV: Each correct answer has 0,5. 1. She lives at 24 Nguyen Tri Phuong street. 2. There are 5 people in her family. 3. Her birthday is on July 1st. 4. The party will last from five to nine. 5. They will eat cakes and sweets and they will have a lot of fun. Question V: The same even test. 3. Remark: 4. Homework: Prepare unit 4 – A1,2,3 Experience:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> P: 25/10/2011 T: 27/10/2011 Period 21:. THùC HIÖN THEO CH¦¥NG TR×NH GI¶M T¶I UNIT 4 : AT SCHOOL Lesson 1: A – Schedules ( A1,2,4 ). I. The aims : The students will review the way of speaking the time and some subjects at school. Ss will practice listening for details about subjects and time. II. Language content: Review : - The simple present tense. - Vocabulary about subjects at school. III. Technique: Eliciting, pairwork, communicative. IV. Teaching aids : Textbook, tape, cassette, clock, sub- board. V. Procedure: T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings. - Have ss play a game : Slap the board. Math Physics. Ss’ Activities - Greetings. - Play a game in 2 groups.. Geography Music. English. - Remark and demonstrate the group which wins the game. 2. New activities: History a) ListenPhysical and repeat: - Ask Ss education to repeat the questions about asking the time. - Have Ss look at the clocks in the book. - Ask Ss to look at the book and listen to the tape. - Have Ss read after the tape. - Call on some Ss to read aloud. - Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering the time. - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class ( exchange the roles) - remark. b) Answer about you. - Ask Ss to work in pairs asking and answering about them. - Make model with a student: T: What time do you get up? S : I get up at 6 o’clock. T: What time do classes start? S : They start at 7 o’ clock. - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. - Remark and ask them to write the answers in the notebooks. c) Listen and write. Complete the schedule. - Ask Ss to look at the schedule then explain the aim of the exercise. - Have Ss guess the missing subjects and time. - Call on some Ss to give their prediction. - Ask Ss to listen to the tape and compare their prediction. - Play the tape again and ask Ss to write the missing subjects. - Write new lesson. - Give the questions. - Look at the clocks in the book. - Listen to the tape. - Read after the tape. - Read aloud. - Work in pairs. - Practice in front of the class.. - Work in pairs. - Listen .. - Practice in front of the class. - Write down. - Listen..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> and time. - Have Ss exchange the results with the partners. - Play the tape again for Ss to check the results. - Ask Ss to give the answers. - Correct and give the correct answer. - Ask Ss to copy down. Friday 7:00 7:50 8:40 9:40 10:30 English Georaphy Music Physics History Saturday 1:00 2:40 3:40 4:30 Physical education Math English Physics - Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering the time of the subjects on Friday and Saturday . EX: What time do they have English on Friday ? They have English at 7:00 - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. - Correct the mistakes if necessary. 3. Consolidation: - Repeat the way of speaking the times and subjects at school. 4. Homework:- Doexercise 1,2 in workbook. - Prepare part 4,5.. - Guess. - Give the prediction. - Listen to the tape and check. - Listen to the tape and write. - Exchange the results. - Listen again and check. - Give the answer. - Listen and write.. - Work in pairs.. - Practice in front of the class. - Speak aloud.. - Write homework. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................  P: 27/10/2011 T: 28/10/2011 Period 22: UNIT 4: AT SCHOOL Lesson 2: A – Schedules ( A3,5) I. The aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss can speak to each other about the schedule and practice the present continuous tense. II. Language content: - Review: + Vocabulary about subjects at school. + The present continuous tense III. Technique: Eliciting. mainly communicative, using pictures. IV. Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures, tape, cassette. V. Procedure: Teacher’s Activities 1. Warm up: - Greetings. - Have Ss play a game: Networks. Students’ Activities - Greetings. - Play a game in 2 groups.. Subjects - Call on 2 Ss from 2 groups to go to the board and write down. - Remark. 2. New activities: a. Look at the pictures. Ask and answer questions. - Go to the board and write..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> - Ask Ss to look at 6 pictures carefully and call the names of these subject - Explain new word : Physical education (n) - Call on some students to speak about the pictures - Correc and give the correct answers + Physics + music + Geography + math + English + Physical education - Have Ss look at the clocks and tell the time - Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering about these people - Make model with a student T : What is lan studying ? S : She is studyng physics T : What time does Lan/she have her physics class ? S : She has her physics class at 8:40 - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class - Correct if necessary - Ask Ss to write into the notebooks. b. Listen and read - Introduce the dialogue to Ss - Ask Ss some questions about their schedules - Ask Ss to guess what subjects Hoa and Thu have on Thursday - Call on some Ss to give the answers - Ask Ss to look at the book and listen to the tape then check their guess - Call on some Ss to give the answers - Correct and give the correct answers: English , math , geography, physical education, music - Play the tape for Ss then explain the structure + When do you have English ? I have English classes on Wednesday and Thursday + What is your favorite subject ? I like math - Have Ss work in pairs reading the dialogue - Call on some pairs to read the dialogue in front of the class - Correct their pronunciation - Ask Ss to answer some questions about the dialogue + When does Thu have E classes ? + What time do they start ? + What orther classes does Thu have on Thursday ? + What ‘s Thu’s favorite subject ? Why ? + What ‘s Hoa’s favorite subject ? Why ? - Correct the mistakes if necessary - Have Ss write their scheducles in the notebooks - Introduce some more subject to Ss + Civic education (n) : GDCD + Fine arts (n) : MÜ thuËt + Biology (n) : Sinh häc + Chemistry (N) : Ho¸ häc + Techmplogy (n) : C«ng nghÖ + Elective subject : M«n tù chän - Ask Ss to work in pairs asking and answering about their schedule - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class - Correct the mistakes 3. Consolidation: - Repeat the subjects at school and structures: When do we have……….? What is your favorite subject? 4. Homework:. - Look at the picture crafully. - Speaks about the pictures. - Tell the time of each clock - Work in pairs - Listen carefully. - Practice in front of the class - Write down. - Listen. - Answer the questions. - Guess. - Give the answers. - Look at the books and listen to the tape. - Give the answers.. - Listen.. - Work in pairs. - Practice in front of the class. - Answer the questions.. - Write schedules in the notebook.. - Work in pairs. - Practice speaking in front of the class. - Listen carefully..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> - Learn by heart new words and structures. - Write the schdules in the exercise book. - Do exercise 3,4 at page 22& 23 in workbook.. - Write homework.. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. . P: 02/11/2011 T: 03/11/2011 Period 23:. Unit 4 At school Lesson 3 A- Schedules (6). I. The aims : By the end of the lesson , the students will be able to speak about the difference between two persons or two things. The students will know about the difference betweet schools in the USA and Viet Nam. Practice reading skill II. Language contnet : 1. Vocabulary: - Uniform (n) - A 20-minute break (n) - Cafeteria (n) - Snack (n) - Popular (adj) - After - school activity (n) 2. Grammar Structure : Tobe different form…. Reciew: the present simple tense III. Technique : Brainstorming , Asking and answerning , groupwork. IV. Teaching aids : Text book , tape , cassette , sub-board V. Procedure : T’s activities 1. Warm up - Greetings - Ask Ss some questions. Ss’activities - Greetings. - Answer T’S questions.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> + How many classes do you have today ? + What are they ? + What ‘s your favorite subject ? + When do you have English ? + What time do they start ?  Remark and give marks 2. New activites a.Read *Pre- reading : - Ask Ss some questions in order to load in new lesson : + Which country has capital city as Washington DC ? + What do you think about the USA?  “Today we ‘ll learn about schools in the USA , before reading the text I ‘ll explain some new words for you” + School uniform (n) : §ång phôc + A_20_minute break : Giê gi¶i lao 20’ + Cafetesia (n) : Qu¸n ¨n tù phôc vô + Snack (n) : Mãn ¨n nhÑ + Popular (adj) >< unpopular + After_school activity : Hoạt động sau giờ học * Checking technique: Rub out and remember - Have Ss do exercise : True or False ( in the text book ) < using sub_board> - Ask Ss to guess the information - Call on some represintatives to give their predicitions in front of the class *While_reading : - Ask Ss to look at the text and listen to the tape their check their predictions - Call on some Ss to give their answers - Correct on give the correct answers a: T b:F c:F d:T e:F f:F - Call on some Ss to read the text aloud. Correct their pronuniation *Post-reading : - Ask Ss to discuss in groups about the difference between shools in the USA and school in Vnam - Call on some represontatives to demonstrate their ideas - Summarize the ideas of the groups - Remark b. Play with words - Play the tape for Ss - Explain some new words + Home economics + The word changes + Rivers and mountains ranges + Several - Play the tape - Call on some Ss to read after the tape - Call on some Ss to read aloud 3. Consolidation - Repeat the details about the schools in the USA and VN - Repeat new words and structures 4. Homework - Learn by heart new words & structure by making sentences with them - Make sentences with the part remember. - Do exercise 4 at page 23 in workbook - Prepare B1,2.. I have….. They are….. I like….. I have…… They start at … - Write new lesson - Answer T’s question - USA < The students ca answer their opinions in V Namese> - Listen carefully - Guess the meanings - Read new words in churs and individually their copy down. - Play a game - Do exercise in groups. - Give the prediction - Listen to the tape & check the prediction - Give the answers - Copy down - Read the text aloud - Work in groups - Demonstrate their ideas - Listen - Listen to the tape - Read in chours and individually, then aopy down - Read after the tape - Read loudly - Listen and remember. - Write home work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................ P: 03/11/2011 T: 04/11/2011 Period 24 :. Unit 4 : At school Lesson 4 : B- The library <1,2>. I. The aims : By the end of the lesson , the students will read the text to understand the details and practice library vocabulary & prepositions of positions II. Language content : 1. Vocabulary : - Rack (n) - Shelf (n)  Shelves - Science books (n) - Dictionary (n) - Chemistry (n) - Biology (n) - Literature in Viet names(n) - Reader(n) - Reference book (n) - Novel (n) - At the back of (pre) 2. Grammar : The structure : - Where can I find the math books, please? - Do you have newspapers and magazines here? Review : The present simple tense : III. Technique : Explanation , pairwork and groupwork, using pictures. IV. Teaching aids Text book , tape , cassette, pictures. V. Procedure : T’s activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings - Have Ss play a game : Jumbled words Luratitere Hisplesc Torishy Bhygrageo Spenawpes - Have students work in groups - Call on 2 representatives to go to the board and write down - Correct & remark 2. New activities: a. Listen and read: - Ask Ss to look at the picture and guess - Ask Ss some questions + What is it in the picture ? + Where do you usually see it ?  Load in new lesson + Does your school have the library ? + What is the usefulness of library ? + What do you usually do when you go to the library ? + Who can help you find the books in the library ?  Explain some new words : + Rack (n): Gi¸, kÖ + Shelf (n)  Shelves : Gi¸ s¸ch + Science books : S¸ch khoa häc + Dictionary (n) : tõ ®iÓn + Novel : tiÓu thuyÕt + Reference books : S¸ch tham kh¶o + At the back of : phía đằng sau *Checking technique : - Ask Ss to play a game Slap the board < new words are written in the sub_road ) - Ask Ss to look at the book and listen to the tape then do exercise : Grid :. Ss’activities - Greetings - Play a game. - Work in groups - 2 students go to the board & write. - Look at the picture carefully - Listen and answer  Yes, it does ( Ss can answer the questions in Vnamese ). - Guess their meanings, read new words in chours and individually - Copy down in their notebooks. - Play game. - Look at the book and listen to the tape - Complete the table.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> The library Openning time : Books on the left: Books on the right: Books in the English: Closing time: - Call on some Ss to go to the board and complete the table - Correct and give the correct answer - Have Ss read the dialogue in pairs - Call on some pairs to read the dialogue in front of the class - Correct their pronunciation - Ask Ss to look at the questions in the books then work in pairs - Call on some pairs to ask and answer the questions in front of the class - Correct the mistake if necessary. b.Listen then practice with a partner - Introduce new lesson - Play the tape for Ss and ask them to look at the books - Explain some structures : + Where can I find the math books, please + Do you have magazines here ? new spapers  They are on the shelves on the left / right - Ask Ss to make questions and answers - Correct the mistakes if necessary - Have Ss read the dialogue in pairs - Call on some pairs to read the dialogue in front of the class - Correct their pronunciation - Ask Ss to look at part B1 again then make the similar dialogue - Have Ss work in pairs - Call on some pairs to make their dialogues in front of the class Ex : H : Good morning L : Good morning. Can I help you ? H : Yes , where can I find the books in English? L : They are at the back of the library H : Do you have math and biology books here? L : Yes, they have on the shelves on the left H : Thank you very much L : You are welcome. 3. Consolidation: - Ask Ss to write sentences about their school library , using the library vocabulary - Call on some Ss to read their writing in front of the class - Remark 4. Home work - Learn by heart new words by making sentences with them - Do exercise 1,2 at page 24 in work book - Prepare part 3,4,5. - Go to the board and write - Work in pairs - Read aloud - Work in pairs - Ask and answer loud a. Where are the magazines They are on the racks b. Where are the news spapers They are on the racks ……… - Listen to the teacher - Listen to the tape - Listen and write down. - Make questions & answers - Work in pairs - Read the dialogue aloud - Look at B1 again - Work in pairs - Some pairs make dialogues. - Write about the school library - Read loudly. - Write home work. . Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span> P: 06/11/2011 T: 07/11/2011 Period 25 :. Unit 4 : At school Lesson 5 : B 3,4. I. The aims : By the end of the lesson , the students will be able to know the information about one of the world’s largest libraries thoughe the text. They will review the prepositions of position and library vocabulary. II. Language content : 1. Vocabulary - To receive (v) - To contain (v) - Employee (n) - Congress (n) 2. Grammar : - The present simple tense. - Skill : Listeing, reading. III. Technique : Explaination , asking and answering , work in pairs and groups IV. Teaching aids Text book , tape, cassette, pictures if have V. Procedure : T’s activities 1. Warm up - Greetings - Have Ss play a game Noughts and Crosses. Ss’ activities - Greetings - Play a game. Science books Reference books Newspapers Magazines. Readers. - Play game in 2 groups ( Make questions and answers). Biology books. - Make example : History books Dictionaries S1Novels : Where are the science books ? S2 : They are on the sheklves on the right - Remark and lead in new lesson 2. New activities a. Listen : Where are they ? - Ask Ss to look at the chart in the library - Have Ss work in groups guessing the positions of the books in the library. - Call on some representatives to speak about the pisitions of books - Play the tape for Ss and ask them ti check their predictions <2times> - Call on some Ss to give their answers in front of the class - Play the tape again and check the answer - Give the correct answer : 1. Study 2. Science + math 3: Geography 4 + 5 : Newspapers and magazines 6+7 : English 8, Librarian’s desk - Ask Ss to compare their predictions - Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering the positions of books. - Look at the chart carefully - Work in groups to discuss the posotions - Demonstrate their predictions - Listen to the tape - Give the results - Listen to the tape - Copy down. - Compare the predictions - Work in pairs S1 : Where are E books ? S2 : They are on the shelves behind the librarian’s desk - Listen carefully. - Correct the mistakes b. Read then answer * Pre- reading - Introduce the lesson then explain some new words. - Listen and copy down.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> + To reccive (v) : NhËn + Comgress (n) : Quèc héi + To contain (v) : bao gåm + Employee (n) : nh©n viªn Checking technique : Rub out and remember - Ask Ss to do exerise : T or F prediction 1. The library of Congress is in New york 2. It receives copies of all E books 3. There are over 100 million books in this library 4. The shelves are about 300 km long. 5. 5.000 people work in the library - Ask some representatives to give their predictions *While-reading - Ask Ss to look at the text, read in silent then check their predictions - Call on some Ss to give the answer 1-F 2-F 3-T 4–F 5-T - Call on some students read the text in front of the class - Correct their pronunciations - Ask Ss to look at the text again then find out the answers for the question - Have Ss play a game : Lucky numbers < The questions in the book > 1–d 2 - Ln 3–e 4–b 5 – LN 6–a 7–c - Ask Ss to write the answers in their notebooks * Post_reading - Ask Ss to compare their school library with the library of Conguss - Ask them to write the sentences Ex : My school library in smaller than the library of Congress <5> Play with words : - Ask Ss to look at the book and listen to the teacher - Ask Ss to read after the teacher - Explain some new words : + To forget (v) : + Rocket (n) : + Space (n) : + Adveture (n) : - Call on some Ss to read the poem aloud - Correct their pronunciation 3. Consolation : - Ask Ss look at the remember and use the phrases of prepositions and pronouns to make sentences. 4. Home work : - Learn by herart new works by writing 3 lines for each - Do exercise 4 at page 26 in work book - Prepare Unit 5 part A1,2.. - Guess meanings read new words in chours and individually. - Work in groups to predict. - Give the predictions - Read the text in silent and check the predictions - Give the answers - Read the text aloud - Read the text and find the answers - Play a game in groups answer the questions. - Write the answers - Compare 2 librarys - Write down. - Listen - Read after the teacher - Listen and write down. - Read aloud. - Listen carefully and make sentences. - Write home work. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................P: 08/11/2011 T: 10/11/2011 Period 26 Unit 5 : Work and play Lesson 1 : A - In class ( A1) I. The aims After the lesson, the students will be able to describe the work of a student at school and Ba’s activities at school and at home . They use the present simple tense to talk about school subject II. Language content 1. Vocabulary :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span> - To learn about - Electronics - To use  how to use - To repair = to fix - To be omterested in - Household appliances - A map (n) - Drawing. - An experiment (n) - Artist - Computer science (n) - To be good at 2. Grammar : Review the present simple tense. III. Technique : Explaination , ask and answer Students work in pairs / in groups IV. Teaching aids Text book , cassette , tape , pictures V. Procedure T’s activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings - Ask Ss some questions + How many days a week do you go to school ? + What time do you go to school ? + What time do classes start ? + How many subjects do you learn ? + What is your favorite subject ?  Remark then lead in new lesson 2. New activities: a. Listen and read: - Introduce the lesson,then explain some new words +to learn about (v) +to use  how touse +computer science(n):tin hoc +to be interested in : +A map(n): + An experiment: -checking techrique: What and WHERE - Ask Ss to look at the books and listen to the tape(2 times) - Have Ss read the text in silent - Call on some students to read the text aloud - Correct their pronunciation. - ask Ss to read the text again then fill in the grids. Ss’ activities - Greetings - Answer T’s questions. - Listen carefully - guess meanings,read new words in chorus and individually,then copy down in the notebooks - Play game - Look at the books and listen to the tape - Read in silent - Read the text aloud - Complete the grids - Do individually. Classes do to - Ask Ss to exchange the resultsWhat with their partners - Call on one student to go to the board and write down Computer scienceand give the correct answer - Correct the mistake + Geography To learn how to use a computer + Physics To study maps and learn how about different countries + To do some experiments - Have Ss read the question and answer in the book - Ask Ss to make 5 questions and answers about Mai - Have Ss work in pairs - Call on some pairs to askand answer in front of the class - Correct the mistakes if necessary - Ask Ss to work in pairs asking and answering about themselves,using the questions given 1)What time do your class start? 2) What do you learn at school? 3) What do you do in your computer science class? 4) What do you study in your geography class? 5) What do you do in your last lesson?. - Exchange the results - One students go to the board and writes - Write down. - Read aloud - make questions & answer - Work in pairs - Practice in front of the class - Work in pairs.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span> 6)What time do your classes end? - Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class - Ask Ss to based on the questions to write a passage - Call on some student to read their writing Aloud - Remark b. Read, then answer the questions. - Have Ss look at 2 pictures and answer the questions This is Ba. What is he doing ?  Introduce some new words : + Electronics (n) : §iÖn tö + House hold appliances : các vật dụng trong gia đình + To repair (v) : söa ch÷a + To be good at : giái vÒ…. + Drawing (n) : b¶n vÏ + Artist (n) : Häa sÜ + To enjoy (v) : yªu thÝch - Correct their pronunciation - Checking technique : Rub out and remember - Have Ss do exercise : T or F predicition 1/ Ba enjoys his school very much 2/ His favorite subject is Electronics 3/ In this class he does some experiments 4/ He is’nt good at fixing things 5/ He can help his parents at home 6/ He never goes to art club - Have Ss work in groups - Call on some representatives to give their predictions - Ask Ss to read the text and check their predictions - Cal on some students to give the answers on front of the class - Correct and give the correct answers 1–T 2–T 3–F 5–T 6–F - Call on some Ss to read text aloud - Correct their pronunciation * Questions : - Ask Ss to read the text again to find out the answers for the questions - Have Ss work in pairs - Call on some pairs to ask and answer ion front of the class - Correct and give th answer key a/ He likes Electionics best b/ Yes , he does. He enjoys school very much c/ He learns to repair house hold applicanes d/ He will able to fix his own appliances e/ Yes , he is . His drawings are very good - About you : - Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering the questions about them selves - Make model : T : What do you do in your free time S : I play soccer T : What are you goot at ? S : I am good at drawing T : What is your favorite aubject ? S : My favorite subject is fine Arts - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class - Correct the mistakes if necessary 3. Consolidation: - Ask Ss to make a survey: Name Favorite subject Good at Fretime activity Hoa Nam. - Practice aloud - Write a passage - read aloud. - Look at the picture and answer the questions <Students can answer the questions in Vnamese if don’t know > P2 : He’s playing the guitar - Guess the meanings read new words in chorus and individually - Then copy down. - Play game. - Work in groups - Give the prediction - Read the text & check the prediction - Give the answers in front of the class - Copy down - Read the text aloud - Read the text again to find out the answers - Work in pairs - Some pairs practice in front of the class - Copy down. - Work in pairs - Listen carefully. - Practice in front of the class - Make a survey..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span> - Have Ss work in groups - Work in groups. - Call on some representatives to tellabout members of their - Give the results. group. - Remark. 4. Homework: - learn by heart new words by writing 2 lines for each - Write homework - write the passage in the notebooks - Do exercise 1,2 at page 27 in workbook - Prepare A3,4 Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. P: 08/11/2011 T: 11/11/2011 Period 27 :. Unit 5 : Work and play Lesson 2 : In class A2. I. The aims By the end of the class, Ss will be able to do a math question and they will listen a passage to find out the information II. Language contnet 1. Vocabulary : - To cost (v ) - Right (adj ) - Problem - To erase (v) 2. Grammar Review the present simple tense III. Technique Eleciting , asking and answering , pairwork , groupwork IV. Teaching aids Textbook , cassette , tape V. Procedure : T’s activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings - Play a game : lucky numbers 1. What ‘s Ba ‘s favorite subject ? 2. Lucky number 3. Does Ba like other subject at school? 4. What does Ba learn to do in Electronics class ? 5. LN 6. Is Ba good at fixing things ? 7. What does Ba do in his freetime ? 8. LN 9. What’s your favorite subject ? 10. What do yo do in your freetime ? - Remark 2. New activities 1. Read. Then answer - Introduce the aims of the lesson : Read the dialogue then find out the answer for the question - Ask Ss to read the dialogue in silent - Explain some new words to Ss + To cost (v) : trÞ gi¸ + Right (adj) : §óng + Price (n) : gi¸ + Proplem (n) : vấn đề + To erase (v) : xãa, tÈy - Have Ss read new words in chorus and invidually - Have Ss work in pairs reading the dialogue - Call on some pairs to read the dialogue in front of the class - Correct their pronunciation - Ask Ss to read the question and find out the answers - Call on some students to give the answers - Correct then give the correct answer. Ss’ activities - Greetings - Play a game. - 2 groups take part in the game. - Listen to the teacher - Read in silent - Read new words in chorus and individually, then copy down. - Work in pairs - Read the dialogue aloud - Read the question and find the answer - Give the answer - Copy down - Listen to the teacher.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span>  One banana costs 600 dong 2. Listen then write correct letters next to names - Introduce the aims of the lesson - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and call the names of sbject. - Call the names of subjects a/ Geography b/ Physical education c/ Computer science d/ Technology e/ Class activities - Guess in groups. - Give the predictions - Ask Ss to guess what subject Ba and Hoa do on Saturday ? - Listen to the tape - Call on some Ss to give then predictions - Ask Ss to listen to the tape and choose the right subjects Ba - Listen and write down and Hoa do on Saturday - Play the tape again fod Ss and ask them to write the letters - Exchange the results next to the names - Have Ss exchange the results with their parents - Listen to the tape and check - Play the tape again for Ss to check their results - Give the answers - Call on some Ss to give their answers - Write down - Correct and give the correct answers Ba : d,a,e Hoa : c,b,e - Have Ss answer the questions : - Answer T’s questions + What subjects does Ba have on Saturday ? + What subjects does Hoa have on Saturday ? - Answer T’s questions 3. Consolidation : - Ask Ss some questions about themselves + What subjects do you like ? + When do you have math ? + Do you think math is difficult or easy ? ……. - Write home work 4. Home work : - Learn by heart new words by writing 2 lines for each - Do exercise 3 at page 28 in workbook - Prepare part 5,6,7 Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ........................................................................................................................................................................... P: 13/11/2011 T: 14/11/2011 Period 28 : Unit 5 : Work and play Lesson 3 : A - Inclass (A4,5) I. The aims : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to speak about subjects at school, what they study in each subject. They continue pratising reading skill II. Language content : 1. Vocabulary : - Essay (n) - Past and present event - Author (n) - Graph (n) - Equation (n) - Globe (n) - Caculator (n) 2. Grammaar : Reviw : The oresent simple tense III. Technique : Explaination , asking and answering , group work , pair work IV. Teaching aids : Textbook , sub_board V. Procedure : T’s activities 1. Warm up - Greetings - Have Ss play agame : Hangman : - Literature , History , English. Ss’activities - Greetings - Play a game.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span> - Remark 2. New activites <5> Read - Introduce the lesson to Ss - Ask Ss some questins such as ; +How many subjects do you study at school ? +What do you study in each subject ? +Which Subject do you like / dislike ? Why ? - Explain some new words for Ss + essay (n) + past and present events (n) + author (n) - Have Ss read the passage in silent - Call on some Ss to read the passage in front of the class - Correct the pronunciation - Make some questions then ask Ss to answer + What do you study in / literature ? / history ? / Physics ? / Geography ? - Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering the content of the passage - Correct the mistakes - Have Ss look at the part of exercuse then explain the aims of exercise to Ss - Have Ss work in pairs reading and odding the words which are not suitable with each subject - Call on some students to give the answers - Correct the mistakes then give the correct answers + Literature : paitings + History : baseball games + Science : Preposition + English : England - Ask Ss some questions about the subjects + What do you study in literature ? + Do you learn to play baseball in history ? - Have Ss put some more words in the subjects - Remark <6>Match each subject to the correct items - Explain the aims of the exercuse - Explain some new words to Ss + Graphs (n) + Equation (n) + Caculator (n) + Globe (n) - Have Ss do exercise : Match each subject to the correct items - Have Ss exchange the result with their partner - Call on some Ss to give the answers - Correct the mistakes and give the correct answers - Ask Ss some questions such as : What do you do in the P.E class ? What do you do in the Art class ? What do you learn in the math class ? - Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering the questions - Ask Ss to copy down the exercise <7> Play with words - Ask Ss to look at the books and listen to the teacher - Have Ss read after the teacher - Call on some students to read in front of the class - Correct Ss’ pronunciation 3. Consolidation - Have Ss repeat about the subjects which they learnt - Ask Ss to read the part remember aloud.. - Listen to the teacher - Answer T’s questions. - Listen and write down. - Read the passage in silent - Read the passage in front of the class - Answer T’s questions. - Work in pairs - Listen to the teacher - Do exercise in pairs - Give the answers - Copy down. - Answer T’s questions. - Put some more words in the subjects - Listen to the teacher - Listen and write down - Read in chorus and individually - Do exercise - Exchange the result - Give the answers - Answer T’s questions - Work in pairs - Copy down - Listen to the teacher - Read after the teacher - Read in front of. - Repeat the subjects.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span> 4. Home work - Make sentences with part remember. - Do exercise 4 at page 29 in work book - Prepare part B1,2. - Write home work. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. P: 16/11/2011 T: 17/11/2011 Period 29 : Unit 5 : Work and play Lesson 4 : B - It’s time for recess (B1,2) I. The aims : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to tell about activities at recess. They will practice reading and listening skills II. Language content : 1. Vocabulary : - To chat (v) - To ring (v) - To skip rope - Bell(n) - Blind man’s bhaff - Marbles 2. Grammar : Review : The present continuous tense : III. Technique : Eleciting , pairwork , asking and answering IV. Teaching aids: Textbook , tape , cassetter , pictures V.Procedure T’s activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings - Have Ss play agame : Noughts and crosses. Music. Geography. Ss’ activities - Greetings - Play a game. Math 2 groups take part in the game. History English. Literature Computer science. Electronics Physics. - Ask Ss to make questions and answers Ex : What do you learn in History class? We learn about past and present events ….. 2. New activities <1> Listen and read : - Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer the questions + Where are the students ? + What are they doing ? + Do you like these games ? - Ask Ss to listen to the tape . - Explain some new words to Ss + Recess(n) + Bell (n) + Ring (v) + To chat (v) + To skip rope : + Bhind man’s bluff : + Marbles (n) : + Catch(n) : ( Use pictures to introduce new wordds ) - Checking technique : What and where. - Listen carefully.. - Look at the picture carefully and answer T’s questions + They are in the yard + They are playing/// - Listen to the tape - Listen - Guess the meanings read new words in chrous and individually then copy down. - Play a game - Listen to the tape.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span> - Remark - Have Ss listen to the tape again & look at the book - Call on some Ss to read the text aloud - Ask Ss to complete the list : Recess activities The most popular activity + meeting friends …… - Call on some Ss to complete the list. a. Work with a partner - Revision of the present continues tense. - Read the text aloud - Complete the list : * Recess activities : + Meeting friends : + Talking about… + Eating + Dringking + Chatting + Playing catch/ marbles/ blindman’s bluff + Skipping rope The most popular activity + Talking - Speak about the use, form of the present continues tense S + to be + Ving - Work in pairs. - Ask Ss to look at the picture again then work in pairs -Listen asking anf answering about activities - Make model S1 : What is this boy doing ? S2 : He is playing catch + What are these students doing ? - Practice in front of the class  They are talking - Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class - Write in the notebook - Correct the mistakes if have - Ask Ss to write down in the notebooks - Listen to the teacher b. Ask and answer questions with a parter - Answer T’s questions - Explain the aims of the x\exercise to Ss  I usually play catch or talk with my friends - Make model with a good student : + What do you usually do at recess ?  I usually play soccer + What do you usually do after school ? - Work in pairs - Have Ss work in pairs - Practice asking and answering aloud - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class - Correct the mistakes if have 2. Listen : Match each name to an activity - Listen to the teacher - Explain the aims of the lesson : Mai, Kien , Lan , Ba are at recess - Read the activities in the books - Review activities at recess - Predict. - Ask Ss to predict what activity each student is playing at recess. - Give the prediction. - Call on 2 Ss to give their predictions. - Listen to the tape and check. - Ask Ss to listen to the tape and check the prediction. - Play the tape again for Ss to match. - Listen to the tape & match. - Have Ss exchange the result with a partner - Exchange the result - Call on some Ss to give the answers - Give the answers - Correct and give the correct answers - Copy down + Mai is playing catch + Kien is playing blind man’s bluff.. + Lan is skipping rape + Ba is playing marbles 3. Consolidation - Repeat the activities at recess - Listen to the teacher 4. Home work - Learn by heart new words by making sentences with - Write home work them - Do exercise 1 at page 30 in workbook - Prepare part B3,4 Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. P: 17/11/2011 T: 18/11/2011.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span> Period 30 : Unit 5 : Work and play Lesson 5 : B - It’s time for recess (B3) I. The aims : After the lesson , Ss will be able to know about activities at recess of American students. They continue practicing asking and answering about activities at recess II. Language content 1. Vocabulary - Pen pal (n) - Junior high school (n) - Energetic (adj) - To swap (v) - To score goal - Portable (adj) - Earphone (n) - To ralax(v) 2. Grammar : Review the present simple tense III. Technique: Explaination, pairwork , groupwork , asking and answering IV.Teaching aids Textbook , sub_board , tape , cassette V. Procedure : T’s activities 1. Warm up - Greetings - Have Ss play a game :. Skip rope Play catch. Ss’activities - Greetings - Play game in 2 groups. Slap the board. Play blin man’s bluff Recess. ( Each groups has 3 students to take part in the game ). Bell. - Demonstrate the group which wins the game. Marbles  Lead in new lesson Ring 2. New activities <3> Read. Then answer the questions - Ask Ss some questions about activities at recess in VN and in orther continues + What do Vnamese students often do at recess ?. - Clap hands. + Do you know what students in other countries often do at recess? ( or in the USA) + What activities do you like ? - Explain some new words to Ss + Pen pal (n) : b¹n qua th + Junior hight school (n): trêng THCS + Energetic (adj) : Năng nổ , hiếu động + To score goal : Ghi bàn + Portable (adj): Cã thÓ x¸ch tay + Ear phones (n) : Tai nghe + To swap (v) : Trao đổi + To relax (v) : Th gi·n - Cheking technique : Rub out and remember - Ask Ss to guess what students in the USA often do at recess - Call on some Ss to give their opinions - Ask Ss to look at the book and listen to the tape in order to know exatly what American students often do at recess - Have Ss read the text and list the activities the American students often do at recess - Call on some students to give the answers. - Listen carefully. - Write down - Answer T’s questions - They often play catch (marbles) blind man’s bluff or talk , drink... - Guess meanings , read new words in chorus and individually then copy down. - Play a game - Guess - Give the opinions - Look at the book and listen to the tape - Read the text and list the activities… - Give the answers + Play basketball + Listen to music + Read + Swap baseball cards.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span> - Correct if necessary - Call on some students to read the text in front of the class - Correct their pronunciation *Questions : - Ask Ss to read the text again to find out the answers - Have Ss Exchange the result with their partners - Call on some Ss to give the answers - Correct and give the correct answers a. Hoa’s penpal Tim goes to an American school b. A ( short ) c. D (mostly boys ) d. D (work wide > <4> Take a survery - Explain the aims of the leeson - Have Ss write the form of the survery in the notebooks - Introduce ask Ss to complete the table by asking friends some questions such as : What do you do at recess ? Do you play soccer / skiprape….? - Have Ss work in groups of three or four - Call on some representatives to tell about activities of their groups at necess Ex : At recess , Trang skips rope , Trung plays catch with other friends , and Hoa reads books… - Ask Ss to write full sentences in the notebooks - Call on some students to read their writings in front of the class - Correct the mistakes if necessary <5> Play with words : - Play the tape for Ss - Ask Ss to look at the books and read after the tape - Call on some Ss to read aloud - Correct their pronunciation 3. consolidation : - Repeat the acivities of American students at recess - Names of activities at recess in Vietnam. 4. Home work : - Learn by heart new words by writing 2 lines for each - Do exercise 2 at pgae 31 - Prepare part A1 of Unit 6.. + eating & talking - Read the text aloud. - Read the text and find out the answers - Exchange the results - Give the answers - Copy down. - Listen carefully - Write the table in the notebooks - Listen to the teacher. - Work in groups - Tell about activities. - Write full sentences - Read aloud. - Listen to the tape - Read after the tape - Read aloud - Listen - Write home work. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................ P: 17/11/2011 T: 18/11/2011 Period 31: Unit 6 : After school Lesson 1 : A - What do you to do ? (A1) I. The aims : After the lesson , Ss will be able to speak about activities after school and give the invitation , the requests II. Language content 1. Vocabulary : - To invite (v) - To practice (v) - To come along - Together 2. Grammar: - Let’s go to the cafeteria.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span> - Why don’t you come along ? III. Technique Eleciting , pairwork , groupwork IV. Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , cassette , pictures V. Procedure T’s activities 1. Warm up - Greetings - Have Ss play a game:. Networks. Ss’activities - Greetings - Play a game - 2 groups take part in the game. After school activities - Have Ss go to the board and write down - Demonstrate the group which miss the games  Lead the new lesson 2. Presentation : - Ask Ss some questions such as: What do you often do after school ? - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and answer the question : What are they doing ?. - Have Ss listen to the tape - Explain some new words and structures + To invite (v) : mêi + To practice (v) : luyÖn tËp + To come along : ®i cïng + Together : cïng nhau + Let’s /go to the cafeteria and get / a cold drink / invite him + Why don’t you / come along ? / play soccer ? - Ask Ss to make sentences using the structures:. 3. Practice: - Have Ss look at the books and listen to the tape again - Have Ss work in pairs reading the dialougue - Call on some pairs to read the dialogue in front of the class - Correct their pronunciation - Answer : - Ask Ss to read the dialogue again to find out the answers - Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering the questions - Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class - Correct the mistakes and give the correct answers then ask Ss to write down a. She’s doing her math home work b. They are going to get a cold drink in the caferia c. He’s in the music room d. He’slearning to phay the guitar e. He usually meets his friends f. She likes playing volleyball 4. Futher practice :. - Go to the board & write. - Answer T’s questions - I often play soccer… - Look at the pictures and answer: - They are playing volleyball - They are doing their homework ………….talking - Listen to the tape - Listen carefully - Read new words in chorus and individually then copy down. _Make sentences + Let’s / go to the cinema / Play volley ball + Why don’t you / relax ? / play catch ? - Listen to the tape - Work in pairs - Practice reading the dialogue. - Read the dialogue and find the answers - Work in pairs - Practice asking and answering - Copy down.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span> - Have Ss play a game : Noughts and crosses Lan Do home work These boys Computer games Minh Watch T.V. - Play a game 2 groups make questions and answers with the cries. You Listen to music Mai and Hoa Talk The girls Skip rope Nam Play marbles Long&Minh Chat Ba Play the guitar. Write home work. Model S1 : What is Lan doing ? S2 : She is doing her homework 5/ Home work : _Write the answers in part A1 in the notebook. Make 5 questions with each structure _Do exercise 1 at page 33 in workbook _Prepare A2 Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. P: 20/11/2011 T: 21/11/2011 Period 32: Unit 6:After school Lesson 2: A-What do you do?(A2) I-the aims: After the lesson,Ss will be able to use adverbs of frequency with the present simple tense for after-school activities II-Language cantent: 1/Vocabulary: Revisionadverbs of frequency: Always,usually,sometimes,often,never 2/grammar Review:the present simple tense III-Technique: Eleciting,pairwork,groupwork,asking……. IV-Teaching aids Textbook,sub_board,pictures V-Procedure T’s action Ss’action 1/Warm up: _Greetings _Greetings _Have Ss review the old lesson by playing a game _Play a game slap the board called slap the board _Slap in E words _Read these words in Vietnamese +Swim _2 groups take part in the game +Read book +Watch T.V +Play computer games.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span> +Play soccer +Go to the movie _give the result and remark 2/Presentation: _Ask SS to look at the pictures in the books carefully _Have Ss call the names of the pictures _Call on someSs to give the answers _Correct and give the corect answers: 1/Reading/studying in the library 2/Swimming in the pool 3/Playing computer games 4/Going to a movie 5/Playing soccer 6/Watching T.V _Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering about the pictures _Make model What are these students doing? They are reading in the library _Call on some pairs to practice in front of the cllass 3/Practice b/Ask Ss the questions What do you usually do after school? _Have Ss play a game: Noughts and crosses Always Go swimming Often Play computer games Never Go to the library Usually Play soccer Sometimes play computer games Often Go to a movie Usually Watch T.V Often Play tennis Sometimes Do homework _Remark _Ask Ss to use adverbs in the box to write a sentences for each day of the week. _Have Ss Work in pairs asking and answering _Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class _Remark and correct the mistakes Now ask and answer question,using “How often……?” _Make example with a student +How often do you go to the library? _Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering,using the pictures in the book _Call on some pairs to pratce in front of the class _Correct the mistake if have 4/Futher practice: _Have Ss do exercise 5 at page 71 of Language focus. _Look at the pictures carefully _Call the names of the pictures _Give the answers. _Work in pairs. _Practice in front of the class _Listen to the teacher than answer I usually play soccer _Play a game in 2 groups.. _Make questiona and answers with the cues. _Write sentences + On Monday, I usually go to the library + On Tuesday , I often play socer with my friend …. _Work in pairs _Practice in front of. _Answer T’s questions  I always go to the library after school _Work in pairs _Practice in front of the class. _Do exercise 5 _Read the information in the table and match. _Give the result _Write sentences about Ba.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span> _Give the information in the table and ask Ss to look at the table then matching : Activities Frequency Go cafeteria never Ride bicycle sometimes _Go to the board and writes Practice guitar often Do home work usually Play computer games always _Call on some Ss to give the result _Write homework _Correct the mistakes _Ask Ss to write about Ba, using the information Model : _Ba never goes to the cafeteria at lunch time ………….. _Call on 2 students to go to the board and wirte down _Remark and give marks 5/ Home work _Write a sentence for each day of the week , using the advends of frequency _Do exercise 2+3 at page 34 in work book _Prepare part 3,4,5 Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. P: 23/11/2011 T: 24/11/2011 Period 33 : Unit 6 : After school Lesson 3 : A_What do you do ?(3,4) I/ The aims : After the lesson , Ss will be able to read a text for details about pastime activities II/ Language content 1/ Vocabulary _Sport _A comie _A president _An anmversary celebration _Collect _C collector _collection 2/ Grammar : Review _The pusent simple tense _The progresstive tense III/ Technique : Electing , asking and answering , pairwork , groupwork IV/ Teaching aids Textbook , tape , cassette V/ Procedure : T’s action S’s action 1/ Warm up _Greetings _Have Ss play a game Guessing game _Ask Ss to write pentences about the activity which they play after school Ex : I usually play soccer after school. _Ask one student to go to the board and their friends guess _Remark 2/ New activities <3> Read then answer. _Greetings _Play a game _Write sentences _Guess what their friends do after school Ex : Do you play volleyball after school ?. _ Look at the picture and guess _Give the prediction.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span> _Have Ss look at the pictures and guess what the students are doing _Call on some students to give their prediction + Explain some new word : + Sporty (adj) + Comic (n) + a predident + an anmiversary celebration + To collect (v) + reheares (v) + a collection + collection (n) _Have Ss read new words in chours and individually _checking technique What and where _Have Ss do an exercise True or False prediction : 1. Nga, Ba and Nam are students in class 7 A 2. They like sprots very much 3. Nga’s favorite pastime is jogging 4. Ba like collecting stamps 5. Nam plays soccer ecery afternoon 6. Nam usually watches T.V _Have Ss work in groups to give their predictions _Call on some groups to give their predictions _Ask Ss to look at the book and read in silent _Ask Ss correct the exercise _Correct then give the corret\ct answer 1–T 3–F 5–F 2–F 4–T 6–T _Call on some Ss to read the passage Aloud _Correct their pronunciation _Ask Ss to look at the questions and read the passage again to find out the answers _Have Ss work in pairs _Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class _Correct the mistakes and give the correct answers a/ Her groups is rehearsaing a play for the school anniversary celebration b/ He gets American stamps from Liz , his American friend c/ The stamp collector’s club meets on Wednesday afternoon d/ Nam never plays games _Ask Ss some more questions: + What dows Nga bike doing after school ? + What do Ba and his friend often do on Wednesday afternoon ? + What do Ba and his friend often do after school hours ? <4> Listen Match each name to an activity _Introduce the aims of the exercise _Ask Ss to read the names and activities _Ask Ss to give their predictions _Have Ss listen to the tape (2 times ) _Call on some Ss to give the results _Play the tape again to check the answers _Correct and give the correct answer: A – Mai – go to the school cafeteria B – Nam – rehearse a play C – Ba – go to the circers D – Lan – watch movie E – Kien – tidy the class room <5> Play with words : _Have Ss listen to the tape. _Listen and write down. Guess meaning, read in chours and individually then copy down. _Play a game _Do exercise in groups. _Work in groups _Give the predictions _Read in silent _Correct the exercise. _Read the passage loudly _Find out the answers _Work in pairs _Practice asking and answering _Copy down. _Answer T’s questions. _Listen carefully _Read _Give the prediction _Listen to the tape _Gice the results _Check the answers _Write down.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span> _Ask them to look at the books and read after the tape _Call on some Ss to read in front of the class _Correct their pronunciation 3/ Consolidation : _Repeat the activities after school hours _Ask Ss to write a paraguaph about after school activities, using matching _Remark 4/ Home work _Learn by heart new words by writing 3 times for each _Do exercise 4 at page 35 in work book. _Listen to the tape _Read after the tape _Read alouds. _Listen _Write a paragraph Speak aloud. _Write home work Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ........................................................................................................................... P: 24/11/2011 T: 25/11/2011 Period 34: Unit 6 : After school Lesson 4 : B_Let’s go < B1 > I/ The aims By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to make/give suggestions and accept or refuse the suggestions… II/ Language content 1/ Vocabulary : Assigament (n) Fun (adj) 2/ Structure : _Let’s + V _What about + Ving ? _Why don’t / we / you _Responses : _Yes, let’s _Good idea / ok _Sorry, I can’t III/ Technique Eliciting , pairwork , froupwprk IV/ Teaching aids Text book , tape , cassette , picture , sub_road V/Procedure T’s action Ss’action 1/ Warm up _Greetings _Greetings _Ask Ss some questions about themselves _Answer T’s questions + What do you usually do after the school ? + Do you like playing soccer ? + Do you usuallt / go to the movie ? / play games ? + How often do you go to the movie ? …. _Remark 2/ New activities : <1> Listen then practice in groups of flour _Listen carefully _Introduce the situation of the dialogue : Ba , Nam , Lan and Hoa are discussing about / What they should do to relax / How they should relax _Have Ss look at the picture and guess what _Guess activities they are talking _Call on some Ss to give their predictions _Give the predictions _Play the tape for Ss (2 times ) _Listen to the tape _Look at the books _Call on one student to give the answer _Give the answer.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span> _Introduce some new words and structures: + Assignment (n) = home work + Fun (adj) + Suggestions : + Let’s go to my house go to Lan’s house + Why don’t you relax ? + What about going to the movie ? _Have Ss practice the dialogue in front of the class _Call on some groups to practice in front of the class _Correct the pronunciation _Now answer : _Ask Ss to read the dialogue again to find out the answers for questions _ Have Ss work in pairs _ Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class _Correct then give the correct answers a/ Nam wants to go to the movies b/ Lan does n’t want to go to the movies because there aren’t any good movies at the moment c/ Lan wants ti kisten to music at her house d/ Hoa does n’t want to go to Lan’s house because she has too many assignments e/ It’s Saturday _Practice _Have Ss practice , using given words : 1/ Let’s / listen / music 2/ What / Watch / movie 3/ Why / join us 4/ What / go / cafeteria 5/ Why / study / library Make model : S1 : Let’s listen to some music S2 : Yes , let’s good idea _Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class _Correct the mistakes if necessary 3/ Consolidation _Give a mapped dialogue then ask Ss to make a dialogue using given words & phrases You Your friend. _Listen and write down Read in chours and individually. Write down. Make sentences with structures _Practice the dialogue _Practice in front of the class. _Read the dialogue then find out the answers _Work in pairs _Practice asking and answering aloud _Copy down. _Practice in pairs. _Practice in front of the class. _Listen & make a dialogue. What..do..afternoon ? Movies Not good movie Mai’s house Tow far…not have a bike …take a bus. _Work in pairs _Practice in front of the class _Write down. Ok _Have Ss work in pairs _Call on some pairs to make a dialogue in front of the class _Correct the mistakes then give the correct dialogue S1 : What should we do this afternoon ? S2 : Let’s go to the movies S1 : There is n’t any good movie on S2 : What about going to Mai’s house ? We can play a game togerther S1 : But It’s too far. I don’t have a bike S2 : Why don’t we take a bus ?. _Write home work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span> S1 : OK 4/ Home work _Make & sentences for each structures _Do exercise 1 at page 35 in work book _Prepare B2 Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. P: 27/11/2011 T: 28/11/2011 Period 35 : Unit 6 : After school Lesson 5 : B_Let’s go ! (2) I/ The aims After the lesson , Ss will be able to know a magazine survery about the most popular activities of American teenagees and ger further practice in leisure vocabulary II/ Language content 1/ Vocaulary _Tennager _Musical instrument _Model _Organization _Scout _Guide _Coin 2/ Structure : Revision : Present simple tense III/ Technique IV/ Teaching aids : Electing , asking & answering , pairwork , groupwprk V/ Procedure : T’s action S’s action 1/ Warm up _Greetings _Greetings _Have Ss play a game: _Play a game Pelmanison Pelmanism Have 6 cards <1> What about <2> Why don’t 2 groups take part in the game <3> Let’s <4> Collectstamps <5> Going to the circus ? <6> You study in the library _Remark 2/ Neww activities _Ask Ss to list the activities that teenagess _List the activities like to do in their free time _Explain some new words to Ss _Listen carefully + Teenager (n) : thiếu niªn _Guess meanings , read new words in chours and individually + Musical mstrument (n) : Nhạc cụ Copy down + Model (n) : mẫu + Scout (n) : Hướng đạo sinh + Guide (n) : _Play a game + Coin (n) : Tiền xu Rubout & remember + Organization (n) : Tổ chức _Predict _Checking technique Rub out and remember _Ask Ss to predict what American _Give the prediction (students) teenagers like to di in their free time _Call the names of activities _Call on some students to give then + Eating and drinking predictions.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span> _Ask Ss to look at the pictures in the book and call the names of these activities. + Playing the guita + Going shopping + Watching T.V + Collecting things + Helping old people _Read in silent. _Ask Ss to look at the book and read the text in silent _Have Ss give the names of activities _Ask them to compare with their predictions _Remark and call some students to read the text aloud _Give some comprehension questions: 1/ Which of the activities in the best of American teenagers do you think are aloo popolar among Vnamese teenagers ? 2/ Are there many kinds of entertainment for teenagers in VN ? What are they ? 3/ What organizations are there for teenagers in VN ? 4/ _Call on some Ss to give the answers _Correct the mistakes _Practice _Ask Ss to discuss in groups of four _Have Ss ask their friends with out they like doing in their free time, then make a list of their groups favorite leisure activity in front of the class _Call on some groups to read about their group’s favorite leisure activities aloud _Remark then give the most popular activity of the students in class _Compare with the activities of American teenagers 3/ Consolidation: _Repeat the top ten most popular activities of American teenagers _Learn by heart 10 most popular activities _Do exercise 2 at page 35 in work book _Prepare part 3,4. _Give manes _Compare _Read aloud _Answer + Watching T.V + Listening to music + Going to the movie + Helping old people. _Give the answers _Work in groups _Make a list of the group’s favorite leasure activities. _Some groups read aloud _Listen. _Listen. _Write home work Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. P: 30/11/2011 T: 01/12/2011 Period 36 : Unit 6 : After school Lesson 6 : B_Let’s go (3) I/ The aims : By the end of the lesson, Ss will continue praticing the invitation. They will be bale to know how American teenagers help the ammunity II/ Language content 1/ Vocabulary Wedding (n) Elderly people Community service.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span> Volumteer (n) Neighborhood clean_up _Canpaigns 2/ Stucture : _Would you like to…? _Why don’t you…? _What about….?  Yes, I’d love to That would be great fun I ‘d love to but I’m sorry I can’t 3/ Skill. Reading comprehension III/ Technique : Asking and answering , pairwork, groupwork IV/ Teaching aids Textbook , tape , cassette V/ Procedure T’s action 1/ Warm up : & check : _Greetings _Ask Ss some questions about what they like doing in their free time _Call on some one student to go to the board and write down the activities of American teenagers bike doing in their free time _Remark and give mark 2/ New activities <3> Listen then practice with a partner Make similar dialogue _Ask Ss some questions: + Do you usually use the invitations ? + In which occasions do you use these invitations ? + How do you accept or reguse the invitations ?  Lead in to new lesson _Introduce the invitation + Would you like to…?  Accept the invitation Yes, I’d love to That would be great fun  Refuse the invitation I’d love to but I’m sorry I can’t _Make example : Would you like to have a drink ? Yes, I’d love to _Have Ss make some ssentences as model. _Ask Ss to look at the dialogue and listen to the tape (two times ) _Have Ss work in pairs reading the dialogue _Call on some pairs to role play the dialogue in front of the class _Correct their pronunciation _Have Ss based on the dialogue to make similar dialogue _Have Ss work in pairs _Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class _Correct the mistakes for Ss <4> Read then discuss _Ask Ss to tell the things teenagers con do to help the community _Explain some new words and phrases + Community servise (n) : Hđng giúp cộng đồng + Eloderly people (n) : Người già + Stripe : Kẻ sọc. Ss’ action _Greetings _answer teacher’s questions _Go to the board and write down. _Write down _Answer T’s questions ( Ss can answer the questions in VN ) _Listen to the teacher _Write down. _Make sentences + Would you like to go to the movie with me ?  I’d love to but I’m sorry I can’t _Listen to the tape _Work in pairs Practice reading the dialogue in front of the class _Make similar dialogue _Work in pairs _Practice in front of the class _Tell the things teeagers can do : _Listen carefully _Read in chours and invidually, guess meaning then write down. _Read the passage and find the activities which teenagers help the comminuvity _Give the answers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span> + To concern (v) : Liên quan + Environment (n) : Môi trường _Read the passage aloud + Neighborhood : hàng xóm. Chiến dịch làm sạch khu dân cúe _Discuss in groups _Checking technique : Rub out and remember _Ask Ss to read the passage to find out the activities _Give the answers in gront of the class which teenagers help the community _Call on some Ss to give the answer _Correct and give the correct answers : _Listen carefully + Help olderly people + Work as hospital volumteer + Work on neigh borhoad clean_up campaigns _Call on some Ss to read the passage _Class discuss : _Ask Ss to read the two questions then discuss in groups _Call on some groups to give the answers in front of the class _Correct the mistakes 3/ Consolidation _Repeat the structures of invitation and activities teenagers can help the commounty 4/ Home work _Learn by heart new words & remember by making sentences Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. P: 01/12/2011 T: 02/12/2011 Period 37 : Language focus 2 I/ The aims By the end of the lesson ,Ss will review the know ledge which have been learnt from unit 4 to unit 6 such as : The present continuons tense , time and subjects…. II/ Language content Review : _ The present continuons tense _ Time and subject vocabulary _This, that , these , those _Adverbs of frequency _Making suggestions III/ Technique : Eleciting , pairwork , groupwork IV/ Teaching aids Textbook , sub_board , pictures if have V/ Procedure T’s action Ss’action 1/ Warm up : _Greetings Greetings _Have Ss play a game _play agem Mini game + Brainstorm the activities at racess + In pairs , Ss mine the acativities to each other + Call on some of the students to present in front of the + Present to each other class + Present in front of the class + Ask Ss to make sentences a loud activities in the Make some dentences present continuous tense _Remark 2/ Consolidation and practice _Give the formation and use 1/ Present proguessive tense + S + am/is/are + Ving _Ask Ss to give the formation and use of the present - S + am /is/are + not + Ving ? continuose tense ? Am/is/are + S + Ving Use : It is used to express an action which is happening at the time at present _Make sentences We are learning E now.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span> He is reading a book _Do exercise 1 _Exchange the results _Have Ss make sentences _Ask Ss to do exercise 1 _Have Ss exchange the result with their partners _Call on some Ss to give their answers _Correct & give the correct answers: + is doing + is writing + is reading + is cooking + are playing + is kicking + is sunning 2/ This & that, these & those _Ask Ss to give the use of this, that, these, those _Ask them to look at the pictures carefully and complete the dialogue _Call on some Ss to do exercise in front of the class _Correct & give the correct answers: b/ Put this bag away That isn’t my bag ,mum This is my bag c/ Put those dirty souks (on the bed) in the washing basket. These socks ? No, those socks on the bed d/ Throw away those comics But, I like these comes,mom <3> Time _Ask Ss to look at the clocks in the book then call the time _Have Ss complete the dialogues in the books _Ask them to work in pairs _Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class _Correct the mistakes <4> Vocabulary : Subject _Ask Ss to look at 6 pictures in the books and call the correct aubject names _Have some Ss to give the subject names in front of the class _Correct the mistakes & give the correct answers a/ Physical education b/ Chemistry c/ Math d/ Geography e/ English f/ History <5> Adverbs of frequency _Have Ss look at the table and ask them to write sentences about Ba, using adverbs of frequency _Make example : Ba never goes to the cafeteria at lunch time _Askk Ss to erite four sentences about Ba _Have Ss exchange the results with their friends _Call on som Ss to gieve the answers aloud _Correct and give the correct answers + Ba seldom rides a bike to school + Ba always practices the guitar after school + Ba usually does his home work in the evening + Ba sometimes plays computer games <6> Making suggestions : _Have Ss look at the table. _Give the answers _Copy down. _Give the use _Look at the pictures and complete the dialogue _Do exercise _Copy down. _Look at the clocks and call the time _complete the dialogues _Wor in pairs _Practice in front of the class _Look at the pictures and call the correct names _Give the subject names _Copy down. _Look at the table and write sentences about Ba _Listen _Write 4 sentences about Ba _Exchange the results _Give the answers _Copy down. _Look at the table _Read dialogues _Make dialogues in pairs _Practice in front of the class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span> _Ask them to read the short dialogues _Have Ss make similar dialogues using given words or phrases _Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. S1 : Let’s play volleyball S2 : Ok S1 : Would you like to watch movies ? S2 : I’ d love to _Do exercise. _Correct the mistakes if necessary 3/ Furthes practice : Go to the board and do _Have Ss do exercise : I/ Complete the sentences with the suitable words or phrases 1/ ___don’t you come to my house ? Ok. Let’s go (Why/let’s/what ) 2/ What about __Halong Bay ? (tovisit / visit / visitting ) 3/ Would you like __badminton ? (play / to play / playing ) 4/ Children should __to bed early (go/ to go / going ) 5/ That’s a good__? Let’s go to the beach Go to the board and write down (Thinking/ answer / idea ) II/ Do as directed in the brackets 1. He goes to the library three times a week < make questions> 2. They will visit their grand parents to night (change into negative form) 3. What do you usually do after school ? (answer Write homework the questions ? 4. We play soccer (make a suggestion ) _Corerct the mistakes 4/ Consolidation 5/ Homework _Review from unit 4 to unit 6 _Do test yourself 2 Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. P: T: P: 38 Test 45’ I/ The aims : Qua bài kiểm tra của học sinh , dánh giá sự tiếp thu kiến thức của từng học sinh và từng lớp qua từng đơn vị kiến thức và kĩ năng làm bài của học sinh Từ đó có kế hoặch và biện pháp rèn cho học sinh II/ Language content I/ Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets (2 ps+) 1. Lan and Hoa ( read ) in the library at the monent 2. We (not come ) here tomorrow morning 3. Nam (go) to the E club every Saturday 4. You can (find) the match books on the racks in the middle II/ Choose the best answers (2ps) 1/__does Lan have science class ? At 8:40 a/ When b/ What time c/ How long 2/ Those books at the __of the library are in English a/ front b/ back c/ Shelf 3/ In the USA , students__school uniforms a/ Wear b/ Wearing c/ Don’s wear 4/ They are interested__literature a/ on b/ at c/ in 5/ Ba learns to repair house hold appliances in__class a/ Physcics b/ Electronues c/ Biology 6/ __do you go to the library ? once a week.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span> a/ How long b/ How often c/ How 7/ There aren’t __good movies at the moment a/ any b/ many c/ some 8/ Would you like __to my house for lunch ? a/ come b/coming c/ to come III/ Chose the suitable words to complete the passage (2 ps ) Enjoy – Study – many – language – about – events – geography – how At school we __many things. In literature, we learn__books and write essagys. In history , we study past and present__in VN and around the world. In__we study different countries and their people. In physics , we learn about__things work. IN the __class, we study E. We study__after things as well, such as music, sports and art. We __all of our classes IV/ Find mistakes and correct them 1/ It takes Huy three hours doing his homework every day 2/ How many does it cost to send this letter to China ? 3/ My father has less days off than Tim’s father 4/ Hoa playing the piano in her room at the moment 5/ Does Nam’s mother go always to work by bus ? V/ Fill in each blank with one preposition (2 ps ) 1/ Hoa’s new skirt was white __red and yellow flowers__it 2/ Lien made a cushion__her own room 3/ Nam lives a long way__his grandparents’s house 4/ Liz helped me a lot __my stamp collection 5/Did you speak __Mr.Robinson__your vacation__Da Lat ? 6/ Lam tried__the blue skirt but it didn’t fit 7/ There is a souvenir shop near the exist__the zoo P: T: P: 38 Test 45’ I/ The aims : Qua bài kiểm tra của học sinh , dánh giá sự tiếp thu kiến thức của từng học sinh và từng lớp qua từng đơn vị kiến thức và kĩ năng làm bài của học sinh Từ đó có kế hoặch và biện pháp rèn cho học sinh II/ Language content I/ Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets (2 ps+) 5. Lan and Hoa ( read ) in the library at the monent 6. We (not come ) here tomorrow morning 7. Nam (go) to the E club every Saturday 8. You can (find) the match books on the racks in the middle II/ Choose the best answers (2ps) 1/__does Lan have science class ? At 8:40 a/ When b/ What time c/ How long 2/ Those books at the __of the library are in English a/ front b/ back c/ Shelf 3/ In the USA , students__school uniforms a/ Wear b/ Wearing c/ Don’s wear 4/ They are interested__literature a/ on b/ at c/ in 5/ Ba learns to repair house hold appliances in__class a/ Physcics b/ Electronues c/ Biology 6/ __do you go to the library ? once a week a/ How long b/ How often c/ How 7/ There aren’t __good movies at the moment a/ any b/ many c/ some 8/ Would you like __to my house for lunch ? a/ come b/coming c/ to come III/ Chose the suitable words to complete the passage (2 ps ) Enjoy – Study – many – language – about – events – geography – how At school we __many things. In literature, we learn__books and write essagys. In history , we study past and present__in VN and around the world. In__we study different countries and their people. In physics , we learn about__things work. IN the __class, we study E. We study__after things as well, such as music, sports and art. We __all of our classes IV/ Find mistakes and correct them 1/ It takes Huy three hours doing his homework every day 2/ How many does it cost to send this letter to China ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span> 3/ My father has less days off than Tim’s father 4/ Hoa playing the piano in her room at the moment 5/ Does Nam’s mother go always to work by bus ? V/ Fill in each blank with one preposition (2 ps ) 1/ Hoa’s new skirt was white __red and yellow flowers__it 2/ Lien made a cushion__her own room 3/ Nam lives a long way__his grandparents’s house 4/ Liz helped me a lot __my stamp collection 5/Did you speak __Mr.Robinson__your vacation__Da Lat ? 6/ Lam tried__the blue skirt but it didn’t fit 7/ There is a souvenir shop near the exist__the zoo. P:07/12/12 T:8/12/12 Period 40 : ( Dạy bù). Unit 7 : The world of work Lesson 1 A. A student’s work (1). I/ The aims : After the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about a student’s work and practice comparativers with fewer and more II/ Language content 1/ Vocabulary : _Hour (n) _To last (v) _Hard _Late later _Early  Earlier _Few  Fewer _many  more 2/ Grammar Review the present tense Structure : that takes about 2 hours each day III/ Technique Elecitinh , pairwork , groupwork IV/ Teachingaids : Textbook , tape , cassette.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span> V/ Procedure : T’s action 1/ Warm uo : _Greetings _Ask some questions about themselves + What time do your classes start ? + What time do they finish ? + How many hours a day do you do your home work  Remark and lead in new lesson : 2/ New activities : a/ Presentation _Introduce the lesson “ You wil hear a cowersation between Hoa and her uncle about school work “ _Explin some new words : + An hour (n) + To last (v) + Hard + Late  Later + Early  earlier + Few  fewer + Many  more _Have Ss play a game Rub put and remember _Have Ss predict the answers ,using questions a,b,c,d a/ What time do Hoa’s classes start and finish b/ Do your classes start earlier or later ? c/ How many hours a day does Hoa do her homework ? d/ Do you work fewer or more hours than Hoa ? _Ask Ss to work in groups _Call on some representatwes to give their predictions _Presentation dialogue _Have Ss look at the books and listen to the tape _Ask them to read the dialogue a gain and check their preditions _Remark _Have Ss work in pairs reading the dialogue _Call on some pairs to role phay the dialogue in front of the class _Correct the pronunciation _Questions _Ask Ss to work in pairs asking and answering the questions _Call on some pairs to practice asking and answering the questions in front of the class _Correct the mistakes and give the correct answers a/ Her classes start at 7 o’clock b/ They finish at a quarter past elcrion c/ She does her home work 2 hours a day d/ She will visit her parents on their farm during her vacation b/ Practice : _Explain the structure That takes about 2 hours each day = It takes Hoa about 2 hours to do her home work each day  It takes Sb to make examples _Ask Ss to make examples _Give word cue to drikl + Hoa’s classes : 7:00 Our classes : 6:45 + The film : 9:30 + The play : 10 :00 + Hoa (work ) : 2 hours Miss Mai : 4 hours. Ss’ action _Greetings _Answer T’s questions  They start at They finish at. _Listen carefully _Listen and write down _Guess meanings, read in chours and individually  copy down _Play game _Predict the answers. +Work in groups _Give the predictions _Look at the book & listen to the tape _Read the dialogue and check the prediction _Work in pairs _Practice the dialogue in front of the class _Work in pairs _Practice in front of the class _Copy down. _Listen carefully and write down. _Make examples _Write down. _Listen.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span> Make example S1 : Hoa’s classes start later than ourclasses S2 : Our classes start earlier than Hoa’s classes _Have Ss work in pairs _Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class _Correct the mistakes c/ Production _Ask Ss to make sentences comparing their work with Hoa’s work using earber/later/fewer/more _Have Ss exchange the results with their partners _Call on some students to read then sentences aloud _Remark 3/ Consoldation 4/ Home work _Learn by heart new words 48 in work book. _Work in pairs _Practice in front of the class _Make sentences _Exchange the results _Read aloud. + Do exercise 1 at page Experience: .................................................................................................................................................. P: 09/12/2012 T: 10/12/2012 Period 41 : Unit 7 : The world of work A student’s work (2,3) I/ The aims By the end of the lesson , Ss will be bale to compare American students’vacations and Vietnamese students’ vacations. Praticing reading and listening skills II/ Language content 1/ Vocabulary _To celebrate (v) _Easter (n) _Thanks giving _New year ‘s Eve _Independence Day _Chistmas 2/ Grammar : _Review _The present simple tense _Comparetive with later/earlier/fewer/more III/ Technique Explaining_Eleciting, Pairwork, groupwork IV/ Teaching aids Textbook_tape, cassette V/ Procedure: T’s action Ss’action 1/ Warm up & check _Greetings _Greetings _Have Ss play a game : _Play a game Pelmanism Early/ late/ longer/ few/ long / earlier / later / fewer _Device the class into 2 groups _Ask them to play game _Remark _Play game 2/ New activities <2> Read them answer the questions _Introduce the situation of the lesson _Present some new words: _Listen carefully _Listen + To celebrate (v) : tổ chức, kỉ niệm _Guess meanings, read new worlds in chorus and + Easter : individually  copy down + Thanks giving : + New year’s Eve : + Independence Day : + Chistmas _Correct their pronunciation.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span> _Checking technique _Have Ss play again What and Where _Ask Ss to do exercise T or F before reading the letter 1/ Vnamese students have fewer vacation than American students 2/ American students have the longest vacation in winter 3/ They don’t have a Tet holiday 4/ their most important vacation is New year’s day 5/ They usually spend their time with their families on Thanks giving and Chirstmas Day _Call on some groups to give their predictions _Ask Ss to look at the book and read the letter _Ask them to check their predictions _Call on some Ss to give the answers in front of the class _Correct and give the correct answers 1–T 2–F3-T 4–F 5–T _Call on 2  3 students to read the letter aloud _Questions : _Have Ss work in pairs _Call on some pairs to practice asking and answering in front of the class _Correct the mistakes and give the correct answers a/ Summer vacation in the longest in America b/ During his vacation, Tim spends time with his family c/ Vnamese students have fewer vacations than american students _Have Ss fill in the grids Vacations Vn students American students Longest vacation Tet holiday Thanks giving Chistmas Independence Day Easter New year’s / Eve Day In the summer V X X September 2nd X Lunar December 30th In the summer X V V July 4th. _Play game _Do exercise. _Work in groups predicting the statements T or F. _Give the precdictions _Read the letter _Check the predictions _Give the answers. _Read the letter aloud _Work in pairs _Practice in front of the class _Copy down. _Fill in the grids _Write down in the notebooks. _Look at the pictures carefully Precdict the names of each pictures _Listen to the tape _Match the name with the pictures _Listen & check the answers _Give the answers _Copy down. V January 1st. _Repeat the names of the public holidays. <3> Listen. Write the name _Ask Ss to look at the pictures carefully _Ask Ss to predict the name of each picture. _Write home work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span> _Play the tape for Ss ( 2times) _Call on some Ss to give their answers in front of the class _Correct and give the correct answers a/ Thanhs giving b/ Independence Day c/ New year’s Eve d/ Chistmas 3/ Consolidation _Ask Ss to repeat (about) the names of the public holidays in American and Vnamese 4/ Home work _Learn by heart new words by writing 2 times for each _Do exercise 4 at page 44 in workbook _Prepare part 4 Experience: .................................................................................................................................................. P: 09/12/2012 T: 12/12/2012 Period 42 Unit 7 : The world of work A student’s work (4) I/ The aims After the lesson , Ss will be able to know about a typical student’s life. They will continue practicing reading comprehension II/Language content 1/ Vocabulary : _To review _Typical _Keer _Lazy _Period _To take a look 2/ Grammar Review : _The present simple tense _Comparaties with few/many III/ Technique Eleciting , pairwork , groupwork , playing game IV/ Teaching aids: Text book , tape , cassette V/ Procedure : T’s action S’s action 1/ Warm up : _Greetings _Greetings _Have Ss play a game _Play a game Net work American public holidays _Devide the class into 2 groups _Call on 2 dtudents represented for their groups to go to the board and write down _Remark 2/ Pre_reading _Ask Ss some questions alout them selves + What do you do every day ? + How many hours a day do you study ? + Do you have to do a lot of home work ? + (Have) Introduce the situation of the lesson _Explain some new words + period + To review + Typical. _2 students go to the board and write. _Answer T’s questions. _Listen to the teacher _Listen carefully Guess meanings, read new words in chours and individually , then copy down.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span> + Keen + Lazy + To take a look + Definitely _Have Ss play a game _Remark _Ask Ss to prediet the information about Hoa 1/ Hoa goes to school __day a week 2/ She has__periods aday 3/ She works __hours a week 4/ She has about__ hours of home work every week 5/ Before test , she works __hours a week _Have Ss work in groups _Call on some representativies to give the predictions 3/ While_reading _Ask Ss to look at the books and listen to the tape _Ask them to read the text in silent and check their prediction _Call on some Ss to give the answers _Correct and give the correct answers 1/ 6 days 2/ 5 period 3/ 20 hours 4/ 12 hours 5/ 45 hours _Call on 3 4 students to read the text aloud _Correct their pronunciation _Questions _Ask Ss to read the text again & find ort the answers _Have Ss play a game : Lucky numbers 1/ Why do some people think that students have an easy life ? 2/ Lucky number 3/ Does Hoa have to work at home ? 4/ Does Hoa work fewer hours than most workers ? 5/ How many hours a week do you work ? 6/ Lucky number 7/ How many hours a week does she work before tests ? 8/ How many work fewer or more than Hoa? _Remark 4/ Post_reading _Ask Ss some questions : + What do you think of a students life ? + Do you think students are lazy ? _Remark 5/ Home work _Learn by heart new words by writing 2 lines for each _Write the answer in the notebooks _Do exercise 2,3 at page 43,44 in work book _Prepare part B1. _Play game _Predice the information about Hoa. _Work in groups _Give the predictions _Listen to the tape _Read & check the prediction _Give the answers. _Read the text aloud _Read the text then find put the answers _Play game in groups. _Answer the questions based on the text. _Answer T’s questions. _Write home work. Experience: .................................................................................................................................................. P: 09/12/2012 T: 13/12/2012 period 43 : Unit 7 : the world of work . B 1,4 I The aims : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know about Tim’s Parents ‘job and the time they work in aweek . They continue practicing reading comprehension . II. Language content :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span> 1. Vocabulary : - To take care of ( v) - Mechanic ( n ) - Machine ( n ) - To work part- time - Shift ( n) - To play golf - Homeless ( adj ) 2. Grammar : Review : the present simple tense III. Technique : Eleciting , pairwork , groupwork , IV. Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , cassette , V . Procedure :. T’s Action 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Ask students somes questions about Hoa and themselves . + What do you think about Hoa ? + How many periods a day do you have ? + What do you think about students’ life ? ……………. - Remark 2. New activities :  Pre – reading : -Introduce the situation of the lesson -Explain some new words or phrases : + To take care of ( v ) = to look after + To work part – time +Mechanic ( n ) + Machine ( n ) + Shift ( n )  . . + Homeless ( adj ) Checking technique : Play a game : What and where Ordering the main ideas : - Ask Ss to predict the order of the main ideas a. Mr Jones’s work . b. Tim’s introduction of his family. c. Mr Jones’s vacation time . d. Mrs. Jones’s work . - Have Ss work in pairs . - Call on some pairs to give their predictions in front of the class. While – reading : - Ask Ss to look at the book and listen to the tape . - Ask Ss to read the letter then check their predictions. -Call on some Ss to give the answers in front of the class - Correct and give the correct answers. Ss’ Action -Greetings . -Answer T’ questions. -. Listen to the teacher Listen and write. Guess meanings , read new words in chorus and individually, then copy down. Play a game : what and where . -. Predict the order of the main ideas .. -Work in pairs - Give the predictions . -. Look at the book and listen to the tape Read the letter and check the prediction Give the answers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span> 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C -Call some Ss to read the letter in front of the class. . -. Read the letter in front of the class.. -Correct the pronunciation . - Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering the questions in the book . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class.. -. Work in pairs. -. Practice in front of the class .. -. -. Copy down.. Correct the mistakes and give the correct answers :. a. Mrs. Jones works at home . But three mornings a week she works part – time at a local supermarket. b. She cooks for homeless people once a week . c. Mr. Jones is a mechanic . He repairs machines in a factory . d. He works about 40 hours a week . e. The Jones family always goes to Florida on vacation . They have a great time there . Post – reading : Ask Ss to base on Tim’s letter to write a letter with the information about their own family. -Ask Ss to exchange their letters with their partners. - Call on some Ss to read the letter in front of the class. - Correct the mistakes if necessary . 3. Consolidation : -Ask Ss to repeat the work of the Jones family . - Remark 4. Homework : - Learn by heart new words by writing 2 lines with each . - Do exercise 1, 2 at page 44 , 45 in workbook. - Prepare part 2,3. -Write a letter about their own family . - Exchange the letters with the partners - Read the letter in front of the class . -. Repeat the Jones family ‘ work .. - Write homework .. Experience: .................................................................................................................................................. P: 16/12/2012 T: 17/12/2012 Period 44 :. Unit 7 : The world of work B.2,3. I . The aims : After the lesson , the students continue practicing reading skill and comparative with fewer , less and more . II. Language content : 1. Vocabulary : - To feed ( v ) - Main crop ( n ) - To grow ( v ) - Buffalo shed ( n ) -To rest ( v ) - Chicken coop ( n ) 2. Grammar : Review : comparative with fewer / less / more III. Technique : Eleciting , pairwork , groupwork , IV. Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , cassette . V. Procedure : T’ Action 1. Warm up : _greetings _ Ask students some questions about The Jones + How many people are there in Tim’s family? + What does Tim’s father do?. Ss’ Action _Greetings _ Answer T’s questions ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span> + How many hours a week does Mr. Jones work? + How many public holidays does he have ? ………………. _ Remark and give marks . 2. New activities : a. Read . _ Ask Ss to look at the picture answer the question : Can you guess what the man does ? What are the daily duties of a farmer ? _ Introduce the situation of the lesson . _ Explain some new words to Ss. + To feed ( v ) : + To rest ( v ) : + Main crop ( n) : + Buffalo shed ( n ) : + Chicken coop ( n ) : + Real ( adj ) :  Checking technique : Rub out and remember .  Presentation text : _ give some questions about Mr. Tuan and ask Ss to guess the answers . + Does Mr. Tuan work more hours than Tim’s father ? + What time does he start work ? + What time does his work finish ? + How many vacations does Mr. Tuan have ? _ Call some Ss to give their prediction . _ Ask Ss to read the text about Mr. Tuan then check their predictions . _ Call on some Ss to give the answers. _ Answer the questions : He is a farmer . _ Listen to the teacher . _Listen and write . Guess the meaning , read new words in chorus and individually , then copy down. Play game _ Guess the answers .. _ Give the prediction . _ Read the text and check the predictions . _ Give the answers a. Yes, he does. b. He starts work at 6: 00 c. His work finishes at 6 pm d. He has no real vacations . _Read the text aloud .. _Call some Ss to read the text aloud . _ Correct the pronunciation . b. Compare : _Ask Ss to read the text about Mr. Tuan again and the letter of Tim then make note about them .. _Read the text about Mr. Tuan and the letter then make note. _ Exchange the result with the partner .. _Ask Ss to exchange the result with the partner .. _ Give the result in front of the class.. _Call on some Ss to give the result in front of the class . _Correct the mistakes and give the correct answer. _ Write down .. 3. Consolidation : _Ask Ss to use the information about Mr. Tuan and Mr. Jones to write sentences , using comparative . _ Example : Mr. Tuan works more hours than Mr. Jones . Or : Mr. Jones works fewer hours than Mr. Tuan. _ Call on some Ss to go to the board and write down .. _ Listen . _Go to the board and write . Mr. Jones has more vacations than Mr. Tuan. Or: Mr. Tuan has fewer vacations than Mr. Jones . _ Write in the notebooks .. _ Correct the mistakes and ask them to write in the notebooks . Write homework . 4. Homework : _Learn by heart new words by writing 2 lines for each . _Do exercise 2, 3 at page 45, 46 in workbook. _ Prepare part 4,5. Experience: .................................................................................................................................................. P: 16/12/2012 T: 119/12/2012.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span> Period 45 :. UNIT 8: PLACES A1,2. I.The aims : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to ask and answer the way to the places . From that they will apply it in the life . II.Language content : 1. Vocabulary : _ National bank of Vietnam _ A souvenir shop _ Saint Paul hospital _ Go straight ahead _ Hanoi railway station _ take a first street 2. Grammar : Could you tell me how to get there ? Could you show me the way to …….? III.Technique : Eleciting , pairwork , groupwork . IV Teaching aids.: Textbook , tape , cassette , pictures V. Procedure : T’s Action 1. Warm up : _ Greetings . _ Have Ss play a game : Jumbled words BKAN LOIPHATS TOHEL NSTOAIT TAMREK TOSP FEIFCO _ Call 2 students to go to the board and rearrange these words . _ Correct the mistake and give the correct answer : BANK HOSPITAL HOTEL STATION MARKET POST OFFICE 2. New activities : * Name the places : _ Ask Ss to look at the pictures in the book carefully . _ Have Ss call the names of the pictures . _ Call some Ss to give the answer in front of the class. _ Correct and give the correct answer : a. National bank of Vietnam b. Saint Paul hospital c. Hotel . d. The central post office e. Hanoi railway station f. Dong xuan market  Listen and repeat . Then practice the dialogue with a partner . _ Ask Ss to look at the book and answer the questions : Who are they ? Where are they ? What does the tourist want ? _ Introduce the situation : A tourist is asking the way . _ Present some new words and structures : + A souvenir shop ( n ) + Could you tell me how to get there ? + Could you show me the way to the supermarket? +Go straight ahead . Take the first street . + Go straight to the first street . Turn left . _Ask Ss to make sentences with the structures .. _ Ask Ss to look at the book and listen to the tape then answer the question :. Ss’ Action _ Greetings . _ Play a game . _ Rearrange the jumbled words .. _ Look at the pictures carefully . _ Call the names of the pictures . _ Write down .. Look at the book and answer the questions .. _ Listen to the teacher . _ Listen and write . Read new words in chorus and individually , then copy down . _ Make sentences . S1 : Could you tell me how to get to the theater ? S2 : Go straight ahead . Turn left . It’s on your right . _ Look at the book and listen to the tape ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span> Where does the tourist want to go ? _ Call on one student to answer the question . _ Ask Ss to listen to the tape and read after the tape . _ Have Ss read the dialogue in pairs . _ Call on some pairs to read in front of the class . _ Correct the pronunciation. _ Give some places and ask Ss to practice in pairs . Rong market , Post office . _ Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class .. _ Correct the mistake if necessary . 3.Consolidation : _ Ask Ss to practice asking and answering the way to the places in their neighborhood . _ Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. _ Remark and repeat the structures about asking the way . 4.Homework : _ Learn by heart new structures by making 3 sentences with them . _ Do exercise 1 at page 47 in workbook . _ Prepare part 3.. _ Answer the question : He wants to get to a souvenir shop . _ Read after the tape . _ Work in pairs . _ Practice in front of the class. _ Practice in pairs . _ Practice in front of the class S1: Could you show me the way to Rong market ? S2: Go straight ahead . Turn left . It’s on your right . _ Practice in pairs asking and answering the way . _ Practice in front of the class _ Listen to the teacher . _ Write homework .. Experience: .................................................................................................................................................. P: 15/12/2012 T: 20/12/2012 Period 46 :. UNIT 8 : PLACES A3. I. The Aims . The students will continue to practice asking for and giving directions to the places and prepositions of place . Practice speaking and writing skills . II. Language content . The simple present tense with the Structures of asking and answering the way . III. Technique . Brainstorming , pair work , group work. IV. Teaching aids . Text book , Cassette ,Tape , Pictures. V. Procedure . T’s Activities 1. Warm up : _ Greetings . _ Have Ss play a game : Networks .. Ss’ Activities _ Greetings . _ Play a game : Networks. _ 2 groups take part in the game .. Prepositions of places _ Go to the board and write down . _ Call 2 students from 2 groups to go to the board and write down . _ Remark . 2. Presentation : _ Ask Ss to look at the street map carefully .. _ Look at the street map carefully . _ Call the places in the street map. _ Say about the places’ positions..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span> _ Listen carefully . _Ask them to call the places in the street map . _ Have Ss say about the places’ positions . _ Introduce the question and answer about the places . Example : Where is the bank ? The bank is between the hotel and the restaurant . It’s opposite the hospital . 3. Practice : _ Ask Ss to look at 8 places in the box and the street map . _ Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering about these places . _ Call some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class .. _ Look at 8 places in the box and the street map . _ Work in pairs . _Practice in front of the class S1 :Where is the police station ? S2: The police station is between the post office and museum . It’s opposite the stadium . S1: Where is the shoe store ? S2: The shoe store is between the restaurant and the hotel . It’s opposite the supermarket _ Look at the street map again . _ Listen carefully .. _ Correct the mistakes if necessary . 4.Production : _Ask Ss to look at the street map again . _ Explain the aims of the exercise to Ss : Listen to the directions then find out the places . _ Make model : Go straight ahead to the third street , tunr right , what is between the movie theatre and the bakery ? It’s toystore . _ play the tape for Ss ( 2 or 3 times ) _ask them to exchange the results with their partners . _ Play the tape again for Ss to check the results. _ Listen to the tape carefully _ Exchange the result with the partner . _ Listen to the tape then check the answer . _ Write down .. _Correct the mistake then give the correct answers . a. Souvenir shop b. Shoe store c. Hotel d. Drugstore e. Hospital  Give some places for Ss to practice : Restaurant / museum / book store _ Ask Ss to give the directions to these places .. _ Give the directions to these places . _ Give the directions in front of the class . _ Write homework .. _ Call on some Ss to give the directions in front of the class . _ Correct the mistake if necessary . 5.Homework : _ Write the directions to 8 places in the box . _ Do exercises in BTBS . _Prepare part 4,5 . Experience: ....................................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span> P: 18/12/2011 T: 19/12/2011 Preiod 47 : UNIT 8 : PLACES A 4,5 I.The aims : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to practice asking and answering about distances between two places with “ How far ......” II.Language content : 1. Vocabulary : _ A long way _ Have a guess _ Coach 2. Structure : It takes + time + to get ....... How far is it from ......to .........? III.Technique : Eliciting , Pair work , group work IV. Teaching aids : Textbook , cassette , tape , map . V. Procedure : T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Have Ss play a game : Hangman ( 3 words ) + The first word has 6 letters . It is used for asking about distance . + The second word has 5 letters . It is used for measuring distances . + The third word has 8 letters . It is also used for measuring distance. - Remark . 2. New activities : a. Listen and repeat . Then practice the dialogue with the partner. -Introduce the aim of the lesson , then explain some new words and structures . + A long way ( n ) + Have a guess + Coach ( n ) + It takes about 18 hours to get there by coach . - Ask Ss to look at the dialogue and listen to the tape . -Ask Ss some questions about distance using : how far is it from.............to....................? Example : How far is it from your house to school ? How far is it from Nam Dinh to Ha Noi ? - Ask Ss to listen to the tape again and read after the tape . - Have Ss work in pairs reading the dialogue . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class . - Correct the pronunciation . - Ask Ss to answer the question : How far is it from Hue to Ho Chi Minh city ? How far is it from Hue to Ha noi ? b. Look at this table of distances in km . Ask and answer. Ss’ Activities - Greetings. - Play a game : Hangman . + How far + meter + Kilometer. -Listen to the teacher carefully . Guess the meanings , read new words in chorus and individually then copy down . -Look at the dialogue and listen to the tape . -Answer T’s questions It’s about one kilometer . It’s about 90 kilometers . -Listen to the tape and read after the tape . -Work in pairs reading the dialogue . -Practice in front of the class . -Answer the question : It’s about 1,030 km. It’s about 680 km . -Look at the map and the table carefully . -Listen carefully ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span> questions with a partner. - Ask Ss to look at the map and the table in the book carefully . - Make example : How far is it from Vinh to Hanoi ? It’s about 319 km _ Have Ss work in pairs asking and answerring about the distances . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class . - Correct the mistake if necessary . Ask Ss to write down in the notebooks . 3. Consolidation : * Ask Ss to practice in pairs , using the street map about the stores and the table b in language focus 3 , then make a conversation about giving direction . - Make example : S1 : Could you tell me how to get to the bookstore from the library ? S2 : Go straight ahead to the park , take the first street on the left and go along Hue street . The bookstore is betweenthe minimart and the restaurant . S1 : How far is it from the library ? S2 : about 500 meters . S1 : thank you . S2 : You’re welcome . - Ask them to work in pairs . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. - Correct the mistake and ask them to write down 4. Home work : - Do exercise 2 at page 48 in work book . - Prepare part B1. -. Work in pairs .. -Practice in front of the class. -Write down .. -Listen carefully .. -Work in pairs . - Practice in front of the class . - Write down . -. Write homework .. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................... P: 21/12/2011 T: 22/12/2011 Period 48 : UNIT 8 : PLACES B 1,4. I.The aims : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to give the requirements . They will practice asking and answering abou price . II.Language content : 1. Vocabulary : - Envelope ( n ) - Altogether ( adv ) - to send ( v ) - Change ( n ) - To mail ( v ) - to receive ( v ) 2. Structures : - I’d like to + V + …….. - How much does/ do + S + cost ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span> - How much is / are + S ? III.Technique : Eliciting , pair work , group work . IV. Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , cassette . V. Proceduce : T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Ask Ss some questions such as : Where do you often buy stamps ? Which services are supply at the post office ? - Remark and lead in the new lesson . 2. Presentation : - Ask Ss to look at the picture and introduce some services at the post office such as : sending letters , sending and receiving parcels , money , buying envelopes , stamps ….then explain some new words and structues : + Envelope ( n ) : phong b× + To send ( v ) : göi + To mail ( v ) : göi th. + To receive ( v ) : nhËn + change ( n ) : tiÒn lÎ, tiÒn thõa . + Altogether ( adv ) : tæng céng * Checking technique : Slap the board . * Structures: + I’d like to + V …. + How much is / are + S ? Example : I’ d like to send this letter to the USA ? How much is the shirt ? It’s 2,000 dong How much are these envelopes ? they are 5,000dong - Ask Ss to make sentences , using the structures . - Introduce the situation of the conversation then ask Ss to do exercise .  Exercice : T or F predictions a. Liz’d like to send the letter to great Britain . b. She need some envelopes . c. They are 2,500 dong . d. The stamps for her letter cost 9,000 dong . e. The envelopes and the stamps are 11,500 dong . - Ask Ss to work in groups . - Call on some groups to give their predictions . 3.Practice : - Ask Ss to look at the book and listen to the tape then check the predictions . - call on some Ss to give the answers , correct and give the correct answers : a. F b. T c. F d. F e. T - Have Ss read the dialogue in pairs . - Call on some pairs to read the dialogue in front of the class. - Correct the pronunciation . - Ask Ss to look at the dialogue again to find out the answers for the questions in the book . - Have Ss play a game : lucky numbers (1) Where is your nearest post office ? ( 2) LN (3) Where will Liz mail her letter to ? ( 4) How much is the letter to the USA ? (5) How much are these envelopes Liz needs ? (6) LN. (7) How much does Liz pay altogether ? (8) How much change does Liz have ? - Remark and ask Ss to write the answers in the notebooks .. Ss’ Activities - Greetings . - Answer the questions ( Ss can answer the questions in Vietnamese ) - Listen carefully . - Look at the picture and listen carefully .. Guess the meanings , read new words in chorus and individually , then copy down .. - Play game : Slap the board .. - Make sentences with the structures - Listen to the teacher .. - Work in groups . - Give the predictions - Look at the book and listen to the tape then correct the predictions . - Give the answers -. -. Practice in pairs . Practice in front of the class.. Look at the dialogue again and find out the answers for the questions . Play a game in groups . Answer the questions.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span> 4.Production : -Ask Ss to write a passage using the questions given + Where is your nearest post office ? + How can you get there from your home ? + What can you buy there ? + Hwo much is it to mail a letter in Viet nam ? + What else can you do at the post office ? - Go around class and provide help . - Call on some Ss to read their writing in front of the class . - Correct the mistake and remark . 5. Homework : - Learn by heart new words and structures by write 2 lines for each word and make 3 sentences for each structure . - Do exercise 1 at page 50 in workbook . - Prepare part 2,3 .. -. Write down .. - Write a passage . Ex: my nearest post office is about 500 meters from my house . I can get there by bike . there I can buy envelopes , postcards , stamps. A letter in VN costs 800 dong . I can make a phone call there , too . - Read the writing aloud .. - Write homework .. Experience: .................................................................................................................................................. P: 22/12/2011 T: 23/12/2011 Period 49 : UNIT 8 : PLACES B 2, 3 I.The aims : Reading the dialogue to understand the details and get further practice in “ Need / would like “ and post office vocabulary . Practice reading and writing skills . II.Language content : 1. Vocabulary : - Local stamp ( n ) - Overseamail ( n ) - Phone card ( n ) - Postcard ( n ) - Writing pad ( n ) 2. Grammar : The simple present with : Need / Would like III.Technique : Eliciting , pairwork , groupwork , asking and answering . IV. Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , cassette , real things such as ; stamp, phone card , post card , writing pad . V. Procedure : Ts Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Have Ss play a game : Hangman ( 3 words ) Stamp , Envelope , letter _ Remark and lead in the new lesson . 2.New activities a. Listen and read then answer the questions. - Introduce the situation of the dialogue and explain some new words : +Local stamp ( n ) : (Real thing) + Writing pad ( n ) : + Phone card ( n ) : + Post card ( n ) : + Oversea mail ( n ) :  Checking technique : What and where - Ask Ss to guess 3 things Hoa wants from the post office . - Call on some Ss to give their predictions . - Write down on the sub- board .. Ss’ Activities -. Greetings . Play a game : Hang man. -. Listen to the teacher . Look at the things given by teacher then guess . Read new words in chorus and individually then copy down .. Play game . - Guess 3 things Hoa wants from the post office . - Give the predictions ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span> -. Have Ss look at the books and listen to the tape .. -. Ask Ss to check their predictions . Call on some Ss to give 3 things Hoa wants from the post office . - Correct and give the correct answer : + Some local stamps . + Some stamps for overseamail . + A phone card . - Have Ss work in pairs reading the dialogue . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. - Ask Ss to read the dialogue again to find out the answers for the questions in the book . - Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering the questions . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. - Correct the mistake then give the correct answers a. Hoa needs some local stamps , some stamps for overseamail and a phone card . b.She needs stamps for overseamail because she has a penpal in America . c.She needs a phone card to phone her parents once a week . b) Complete the dialogue . Then make up similar dialogues ; use the words in the box . - Introduce the aim of the exercise to Ss : Complete the dialogue with the suitable words - Have Ss do the exercise . - Ask them to exchange the result with the partner . - Call on some Ss to give the answers in front of the class . - Correct and give the correct answer . Hoa : I would like five local stamps and two stamps for America . Clerk : Here you are . Is that all ? Hoa : I also need a fifty thousand dong phone card . How much is that altogether ? Clerk : That is seventy – five thousand dong . Hoa : Here is eighty thousand dong . Clerk : Thanks . Here is your change . - Call on 2 pairs to read the completed dialogue aloud .  Ask Ss to make up similar dialogues , using the words in the box . - Have Ss work in pairs . - Call on some pairs to practice in front the class . - Correct the mistakes if necessary . 3.Consolidation : - Ask Ss to make the dialogue , using mapped dialogue given ; CLERK YOU .....Some envelopes and some post cards . ...send....letter...USA. How much.........? ..30,000dong phone card . How much...altogether ?. -. -. Look at the books and listen to the tape . Check the predictions . Give the answers .. Work in pairs . Practice reading in front of the class . Find out the answers for the questions . Work in pairs .. - Practice asking and answering in front of the class. - Write down .. -. -. Listen to the teacher carefully . Do exercise individually . Exchange the result with the partner . Give the answers in front the class . Write down .. -. Make the similar dialogues . Work in pairs . Practice in front of the class.. -. Make the dialogue , using the mapped dialogue ,. -. Work in pairs .. -. Here...is .....all ? 9,500 dong 45,000dong.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span> Thank you .....welcome . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class . - Correct the mistake . - Have Ss work in pairs ( one is the clerk , one is the customer ) making the dialogue at the post office . - Call on 2 pairs to go to the board and make the dialogue . - Remark and give marks . 4.Homework : - Learn by hear new words by writing 2 lines for each . - Do exercise 2 at page 50 in workbook . - Prepare part 4,5 .. -. Practice in front of the class . Write down . Work in pairs .. -. Go to the board and make a dialogue .. - Write home work .. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................... P: 25/12/11 T: 26/12/11 Period 50 : UNIT 8 : PLACES B( 4,5 ) I .The aims : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to listen for details to get further practice in post office vocabulary and tell the price . Practice listening skill . II.Language content : Review : - Post office vocabulary . - Structures : How much is / are + S ? How much does / do + S + cost ? III.Technique : Brainstorming , Eliciting , pairwork , groupwork . IV. Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , cassette . real things ( stamps, phone card , envelopes , writing pads…).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span> V. Procedure : T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Have Ss play a game : Networks. Ss’ Activities -Greetings . -. Play a game : Networks. -. 2 groups take part in the game . Go to the board and write .. -. Look at the things and call the names . Listen to the teacher and predict what Mrs Robinson will buy first , second …, Predict how much she spend on each of these 5 items . Work in groups . Give the predictions .. POST OFFICE -. Devide class into 2 groups . Ask them to dicuss then call 2 students from 2 groups to go to the board and write . - Remark and lead in the new lesson . 2.Pre – listening : - Ask Ss to look at the things in the book , then call the names of these things . - Introduce the things Mrs Robinson will buy , and ask them to predict what Mrs Robinson will buy first , second … and predict how much she spend on each of these 5 items . -. Have Ss work in groups .. - Call on some groups to give their predictions . 3.While – listening : - Ask Ss to listen to the tape and check their predictions about the order . - Call on Ss to give the answers . - Correct the mistake and give the correct answers + Envelopes . + A pen . + A writing pad . + Stamps . + A phone card . - Ask Ss to listen to the tape again and check the price . - Call on some Ss to give the answers . - Correct the mistake and give the answer key : + Envelopes : 2,000 dong + A pen : 1,500 dong + A writing pad : 3,000 dong + Stamps : 500 dong + A phone card : 50, 000 dong Ask Ss to answer the question : What is the total cost ? How much change will Mrs Robinson have from 60,000 dong ? - Ask Ss to write down the questions and answers in the notebooks . 4.Post – listening : - Have Ss answer the questions in part 5 . - Make example : T : How much is it to mail a local letter in VN ? S : It is 800 dong . - Ask them to work in pairs . - Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the. -. _ Listen to the tape and check the predictions . Give the answers .. -. Listen to the tape again and check the price . Give the answers . Listen and write down .. - Answer the questions . + The total cost is 59,000 dong + She will have 1,000 dong _ Write down . -. Answer the questions . listen carefully .. -. Work in pairs . Practice asking and answering in.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span> class . - Correct if necessary and ask them to write the questions and the answers in the notebooks . 5.Homework : - Do exercise 3 at page 52 in workbook . - Review unit 1 to 8 .. -. front of the class. Write down .. - Write homework .. P: 28/12/11 T: 29/12/11 Period 51+ 52 : Review the first semester I.The aims : By the end of the lesson , Ss will review the knowledge which they have learnt from unit 1 to unit 8 . From that they will aplly them to do the test well . II.Language content : Review : - The present progressive tense . - The simple future tense . - Comparative . - Asking and answering about distance . - Exclamation . - Adverbs of frequency . - Asking and answering about the price . - Making suggestions . - Invitation. - Asking the way . III.Technique : Eliciting , asking and answering , pairwork . IV. Teaching aids : Textbook , sub- board , chalk . V. Procedure : 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Chatting some questions with Ss . 2. Consolidation and practice : A. The present progressive tense : - Ask Ss to give the form and use of the present progressive tense :  Form: ( + ) S + am / is / are + V-ing . ( - ) S + am / is / are + not + V- ing . ( ? ) Am / is / are + S + v- ing ?  Use : It is used to express an action which is happening at a time at present . It usually goes with adverbs of time such as : now / at the moment / at present . Examples: She is listening to music at the moment . They are playing marbles in the yard now . - Have Ss make sentences as model . B. The simple future tense : - Have Ss give the form and the use in front of the class . * Form : ( + ) S + Will + V ( without To ) . ( - ) S + Will not + V ( without To ) ( ? ) Will + S + V ( without To ) ?  Use : It is used to express an action or a plan which will happen in the future . It usually goes with adverbs of time such as : Tomorrow , Next week / month / year ….. Example: She will go to Ha noi tomorrow . They will have a party next week . - Ask Ss to make sentences . C. Comparative : Short adjectives : - Have Ss give the form : S1 + Tobe + adj + er + than + S2 . EX: She is taller than me . This ruler is longer than that one ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span> - Have Ss make sentences in front of the class . Long adjectives : _ Ask Ss to give the form : S1 + Tobe + more + adj + than + S2 . EX: This pen is more expensive than that one . He is more inteligent than his brother .  Especial cases : Good / well => better Bad / ill => Worse Many / much = > More Little => Less Far => Farther / further . D. Asking answering about distances : - Ask Ss to give the structure about asking and answering the distances : How far is it from.........to...................? It’s about .............................km/m EX: How far is it from your house to school ? It’s about 2 km . How far is it from NamDinh to Ha Noi ? It’s about 90 km . - Have Ss work in pairs . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class . E. Exclamations : What + a / an + ( adj ) + N ! What + ( adj ) + Ns ! EX : What a nice picture ! What a cold day ! What naughty boys ! - Have Ss make sentences . F. Adverbs of frequency : Always / usually / often / sometimes / seldom / rarely / never .. - Ask Ss to say about the position of adverbs : Ex : He always gets up at 5:00 in the morning . I am never late for school . G. Asking and answering about the price : How much + is / are + S ? => S + is / are + ............ How much + does / do + S + cost ? => It/ They + costs / cost + ........... Ex : How much does this shirt cost ? => It costs 50,000 dong . How much are these envelopes ? => They are 2,000 dong . H. Making suggestions : - Let’s + V . - Should we + V ? - How about + V-ing ? - What about + V-ing ? - Why don’t we + V ?  Agreement : OK / I’d love to /That’s a good idea .  Disagreement : + I’m sorry , I can’t . + I’m sorry , I can’t . I’m busy . + I’d love to but I’m going to............... + Thanks anyway . EX : Let’s go to Lan’ house . Should we play table tennis ? What about going to the movies ? Why don’t we go to the beach ? I. Invitation Would you like + N ? Would you like + to V ? EX : Would you like to go to the concert with me ? Would you like to come to my house for lunch ?  Yes , I’d love to / Yes , please / All right .  No, thanks / I’d love to but I’m busy . J. Asking the way : - Is there ……near here ? / Where is ............?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span> . Could you tell me how to get there ? Could you show me the way to the ..............? How can I get there ? Go straight ahead / go long this street . Take the first / second street on the left / right ./ Turn right / left . EX : Could you show me the way to the post office ?  Go straight ahead , Take the first street on the right . It is opposite the police station . K. Buying things : I’d like + N Can I have a/ some + N , please ? I need to buy an English book , please ? 3. Further practice : Exercise 1: Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets . a. Tomorrow ( be ) ..............my birthday , so I would like you to come to my house for dinner tonight . b. You shouldn’t make noise when our teacher ( teach ) ............... c. The next Sunday will be Lan’s birthday so I ( buy ) ...................a gift for her tonight . d. Chi ( have ) ...........................a lot of English books . e. Minh never ( go ) ......................to the zoo by bike . f. Listen ! She ( play ) ........................the piano . g. We usually ( play ) ...........................Blindman’s bluff at recess. h. My father never ( drink ) ........................coffee , but at the moment he ( drink ) .................................it i. I’d like ( buy ) ................some envelopes . j. The children enjoy ( read ) ..................................picture books . Exercise 2: Rewrite these sentences , beginning with the words given . a. She doesn’t have as many toys as I . => She has ........................................................ b. There is less coffee in my cup than there is in your cup . => There is ..................................................... c. I don’t have so many friends as my sister . => I have ..................................................... My friends have more candies than I . => I don’t .................................................... d. My brother drinks more coffee than my sister . => My sister drinks ............................. e. She eats more chocolate than I . => I eat ....................................................... f. She has less flour than he has . => He has .................................................... g. There are more students in my class than there are in her class . => There are .................................................. h. There is less water in a dessert than there is in a mountain . => There isn’t ............................................... i. There are fewer singers in a small city than there are in a big city . => There aren’t ................................................ Exercise 3 : Choose the best anser . 1. Hurry or you’ll be late ................................school . A. with B. for C. at 2. My homework ..................about two hours each day . A. takes B. has C. gives 3. Our summer vacation starts in june . It .................almost two months . A. happens B. takes C. lasts What do you do ...........................the vacation ? A. during B. while C. when 4. We have fun ..................together on the farm . A. working B. work C. to work 5. We don’t have classes on Saturday , but we work one hour ..................each day . A. more B. much C. many 6. Viet namese students have ...............vacations than American ones . A. few B. fewest C. fewer 7. Many women work ..................home . A. at B. in C. on 8. They take ...........of the house and look after the children . A. care B. homework C. notice 9. My brother always goes to bed early , but he ................gets up early . A. not B. never C. ever.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span> Exercise 4: Give the correct form of the adj/ adv in parentheses . 1. This house isn’t very modern . I want a ( modern) ........................one . 2. That building is the ( high ) .................one in our town . 3. 0 . 4. My bag isn’t very heavy . Your bag is ( heavy ) ..................... 5. We don’t know many people . You know ( many )...................people than us . 6. It is a very bad film . It’s the ( bad ) .................film I’ve ever seen . 7. What is the ( long )..................river in the world ? 8. Tuan doesn’t work hard . I work ( hard )................... 9. She doesn’t know much . Her sister knows much ( much )............................ 10. They have little freetime but we have ( little )........................... Exercise 5 : Rearrange the words or phrases to make meaningfull sentences . 1. To/ take/ often/ Mai /minutes / get/ her/ to /bus/ school /it / ten/ by . Dg ......................................................................................................................... 2. House / is / it / Minh’s / far / to / apartment / how / from/ Lien’s ? 3. ........................................................................................................................ 4. Younger / more / work / hours / my / sister / I / than . 5. ........................................................................................................................ 6. Hotel / show / you / me / way / the / to / Bong Sen / Miss / could / the ? 7. ........................................................................................................................ 8. Clerk / would / I / like / fifty/ a / thousand / phone / dong / card . ........................................................................................................................ 9. Grow / farmers / some / but / main / their / crop / rice / is / the / vegetables . ......................................................................................................................... 10. Please / show / me / you / way / the / to /station / nearest / could/ the / police ? .......................................................................................................................... 11. By / me / it / about / takes / minutes / ten/ to / from / go / my / to / house / my / factory/ bike / often / father’s . ......................................................................................................................... 12. Phone / stamps / would / some / for / Great Britain / a / card / clerk / I / like / and. ........................................................................................................................ 13. Loves / theatre / to / Chi/ going / join/ school/ group / she / acting / much/ is / the / because / very . ........................................................................................................................... 4. Consolidation : Repeat all the structures which the students have reviewed . 5. Homework : - Do exercises in the notebooks . - Review for doing the first semester test .. Preparing date : Friday , January 5th 2007 Period 54 : The first semester test I.The aims : The students will apply the knowledge they have learn to do the test , through the test the teacher will know the knowledge of each student . I. Test : Question 1 : Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs . 1. I’d like ( buy ) ……………….some stamps for overseasmail . 2. We ( rehearse ) ……………………..a play at the moment . 3. Where they ( spend ) …………………………..their summer vacation next year ? 4. Students in the USA usually ( not wear ) ……………………..uniform. 5. My brother ( go ) …………………to the youth club every weekend . He enjoys ( play ) …………………..sports very much . Question 2 : Read the passage then answer True or False . I live in a house near the sea . It’s an old house . about 100 years old , and it’s very small . There are two bedrooms upstairs but no bathroom . The bathroom ids downstair next to the kitchen and there is a living room where there is a lovely fireplace . There is a garden in front of the house . The garden goes down to the beach and in Spring and Summer there are flowers everywhere .I live alone with my dog , Boxer , but we have a lot of visitors . my cityfriends often stay with us . 1. My house is over 105 years old . 2. I live in a big house near the mountains ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span> 3. There are two bedrooms in my house . 4. The garden is in front of the house . 5. My friends never stay with me . Question 3 : Rewrite these sentences without changing their meanings . 1. I get to work in half an hour . => It takes …………………………………………………………………….. 2. Do you have a cheaper computer than this ? => Is this ……………………………………………………………………….. 3. How much is this dictionary ? => How much does …………………………………………………………….. 4. There are over eight hundred stamps in Tim’s collection . => Tim’s collection …………………………………………………………….. 5. She doesn’t have many toys as I . => She has ………………………………………………………………………. 6. My friends have more cadies than I . => I don’t ………………………………………………………………………. Question 4 : Complete the sentences , using the words given . 1. Could / tell / how / get / police station / please ? ……………………………………………………………………………………. 2. How much / cost / mail / letter / USA ? ………………………………………………………………………………… 3. In future / we / less work / more money / spend . …………………………………………………………………………………… 4. In / freetime / father / often / play / badminton . ………………………………………………………………………………… 5. How / father / always / travel / work / everyday ? …………………………………………………………………………………. 6. My mother / watch / T.V / the room / moment . …………………………………………………………………………………. II.. Homework : Prepare unit 9 – A1. Thùc hiÖn ch¬ng tr×nh häc kú II Preparing date : 04/01/13 Teaching date : 07/01/13 Period 55 : UNIT 9 : AT HOME AND AWAY Lesson 1 : A- A holiday in Nha Trang ( A1 ) I.The aims : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be used to the past simple tense . They will know about some of the irregular verbs and regular verbs . II. Language content : 1. Vocabulary : - Aquarium ( n ) - Gift ( n ) - Delicious ( adj ) - To be : was / were - To have => had - To buy => bought - To take => took - To go => went.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span> - To talk => talked - To return => returned - To visit => visited 2. Grammar : - The past simple tense . III.Technique : Using pictures , explanation , asking and answering , pairwork , groupwork. IV.Teaching aids : Textbook , pictures , tape , cassette . V.Procedure : T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Ask Ss some questions such as : + Do you enjoy going on a picnic ? + Where do you often go on summer vacations ? + What do you usually do during the vacation ? + Have you ever been to Nha Trang ? + What do you think about Nha Trang ? - Remark and lead in the new lesson . 2. Presentation : - Ask Ss to look at the picture in the book , then introduce the situation of the lesson . - Explain some new words to Ss : + Aquarium ( n ) : + Gift ( n ) : + Delicious ( adj ) : + To be : was / were ( past ) + To have : had ( past ) + To take : took ( past ) + To go : went ( past ) + To buy : bought ( past ) + To talk : talked ( past ) + To return : returned ( past ) + To visit : visited ( past ) - Have Ss read new words in chorus and individually.  Checking technique : matching - Ask Ss to match the words with their meanings . Gift Mua Aquarium Ngon Took Mãn quµ Bought Cã Delicious Trë vÒ Went Hå c¸ Had Lêy / cÇm Returned §i - Remark and give mark . - Ask Ss to look at the book and listen to the tape then answer the question : What places did Robinsons visit and what did they do there ? - Ask Ss to listen to the tape and repeat after the tape . - Call on some Ss to give their answers . - Correct and give the correct answers : - Have Ss read the dialogue in pairs . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class . - Correct their pronunciation . - Introduce quickly the past simple tense , then ask. Ss’ Activities -. Greetings . Answer the questions .. -. Look at the picture and listen carefully . Listen and write down .. Guess the meaning , read new words in chorus and individually. -. Do exercise : matching. One student goes to the board and match .. -. Look at the book and listen to the tape .. -. Listen to the tape and read after the tape . Give the answers .. -. - Work in pairs . - Practice reading in front of the class . -. Listen carefully and find out the sentences in the past ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span> Ss to find out the sentences in the past . - Ask them to read after the teacher these sentences and verbs . - Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and number the sentences . - Ask them to exchange the result with the partner . - Call on some Ss to give the answer in front of the class . - Remark and give the correct answer : 1. Liz went to Nha Trang . 2. Liz visited Tri Nguyen aquarium . 3. Liz bought souvenirs . 4. Liz returned to Ha noi . 5. Liz talked to Ba about her vacation . 3. Practice : - Give some cues then ask Ss to practice asking and answering . + Vacation / wonderful + Food / delicious + Things / expensive + People / friendly + Nha Trang / beautiful - Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class . - EX: How was the vacation ? It was wonderful . 4. Production : - Have Ss play a game : Guessing game. -. Read after the teacher .. -. Read the dialogue again and number the sentences .. - Exchange the result . - Give the answer in front of the class . - Write down in the notebooks. -. Practice asking and answering in pairs .. -. Practice in front of the class .. - Play game : EX: S1: Last vacation I was in ……… S2: Were you in …………? S1: Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t . - Write homework .. 5. Homework : - Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each . - Do exercise 1 at page 53 in workbook . - Prepare A2.. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................... Preparing date : 08/01/13 Period 56 :. Teaching date: 09/01/13 UNIT 9 : AT HOME AND AWAY Lesson 2 : A – A holiday in Nha Trang ( A2,3 ). I.The aims : - Students read the passage for details about the Robinsons’ vacation and practice Wh- questions in the past simple tense . - They continue to practice reading skill. II. Language content : 1. Vocabulary : - Shark ( n ) - Crab ( n ) - Dolphin ( n ) - Cap ( n ) - Turtle ( n ) - Exit ( n ) - To eat => ate - To see => Saw - To think => thought - To wear => wore 2. Grammar : The past simple tense ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span> III.Technique : Eliciting , asking and answering , pairwork , groupwork IV.Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , cassette , pictures . V.Procedure : T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Have Ss play a game : Palmanism : Go , have , went , talk , bought , had , take , took , talked . - Remark . 2.Pre- reading : - Introduce the lesson : In the last period , we heard Liz telling about her vacation in Nha trang with her family . In today’s lesson , we will read the text about one of the most interesting and memorable activities which Liz and her family did during the vacation – the visit to Tri Nguyen aquarium . - Explain some new words to Ss. + Shark ( n ): + Dolphin ( n ) : + Turtle ( n ) : + Crab ( n ) : + Cap ( n ) : + Exit ( n ) : + To eat => ate ( past ) + To see => saw ( past ) + To wear => wore ( past ) + To think => thought ( past )  Checking technique : What and where * Matching : Eat wore See thought Wear ate think saw - Remark .  Before reading the text , ask Ss to do exercise : T or F prediction . a. The Robinsons went to TN aquarium . b. They saw many different types of fish . c. Liz bought a little turtle . d. They had lunch at a food stall. e. Liz ate fish and crab . - Ask Ss to discuss in groups . - Call on some groups to give their predictions. 3.While – reading : - Ask Ss to look at the book and listen to the tape then check their predictions . - Call some Ss to give the answers . - Correct and give the correct answer : a. T b. T c. F d. T e. F - Have Ss read the text in front of the class . - Correct the pronunciation . - Ask Ss to read the text again and find out the answers for the questions . - Have Ss work in pairs . - Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of. Ss’ Activities -. Greetings . Play a game in 2 groups .. -. Listen carefully .. -. Listen and write down .. Guess the meanings , read new words in chorus and individually , then copy down .. -. Play a game : what and where One student goes to the board and match .. -. Listen then do exercise .. -. Work in groups . Give the predictions .. -. Look at the book and listen to the tape and check the prediction .. -. Read the text in front of the class. Read the text again and find out the answers . Work in pairs . Practice asking and answering in front of the class. Write down in the notebooks .. -.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span> the class . - Correct and give the correct answers : a. Liz’s parents went to the aquarium with her. b. They saw many different types of fish …. c. They bought a cap in the souvenir shop . d. Yes, she did . She wore the cap all day . e. Yes, they do . Mr and Mrs Robinson ate fish and crab . f. Because she remembered the beautiful fish in the aquarium . 4.Post – reading : - Ask Ss to tell the story of Liz’s trip to TN aquarium , using the pictures . - Call on some Ss to go to the board and tell thestory , using the pictures . - Remark and give marks . 5.Homework : - Learn by heart new words by writing 2 lines for each . - Write the story about Liz’s trip . - Do exercise 2 at page 53 in workbook .. -. Look at the pictures and retell the story . Some Ss go to the board and tell the story .. -. Write homework .. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................. Preparing date : 08/01/13 Teaching date: 10/01/13 Period 57 : UNIT 9 : AT HOME AND AWAY Lesson 3 : A- A holiday in Nha Trang ( A 4 ) I.The aims : The students will continue to learn about the past simple tense and know some more regular and irregular verbs . They continue practicing listening skill. II. Language content : 1. Vocabulary : - Unfortunately - Roadside restaurant - Peaceful - Peanuts - Calm - To drive => drove 2. Grammar : The past simple tense . III.Technique : Eliciting , pairwork , groupwork . IV.Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , cassette , sub- board . V.Procedure : T’s Activities Ss’ Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Greeings . - Have Ss play a game : Bingo - Play a game . + Ask Ss to write the verbs in the past simple tense . Write the verbs in the past simple + Read : Went , bought , had , took , talked , returned , tense . visited , wore , ate , saw , thought . + Remark . - Call one student to go to the board and retell the story of Liz’s trip to Nha trang . - One student goes to the board and retell the story . - Remark and give mark . 2. Pre – listening . Listen to the teacher carefully and read the - Introduce the situation of the listening , then ask Ss to -sentences . read 5 pairs of sentences in the book . - Explain some new words to Ss . - Listen and write down ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span> . + Unfortunately ( adv ) >< Fortunately ( adv ) + Peaceful ( adj ) : + Calm ( adj ) : + Roadside restaurant ( n ) : + Peanuts ( n ) : + To drive => drove ( past ) Checking technique : Rub out and remember . - Ask Ss to read the sentences again and guess which sentences they are going to hear . -. Guess the meanings , read new words in chorus and individually, then copy down . -. Play a game : rub out and remember . Read the sentences then guess .. -. Give the predictions .. Call on some Ss to give their predictions .. 3. While – listening : - Ask Ss to listen to the tape and check their prediction .( 2 times ) - Call on some Ss to give the answers . - Play the tape again and ask Ss to check the answers. - Correct and give the correct answers . b, d , e , h , j Exercise : Complete the passage . - Ask Ss to listen to the tape again and complete the passage . Liz was excited as the bus …1……..through the countryside . Everything …..2……. calm and peaceful. At 4 o’clock the bus …3…… at a small roadside restaurant . Mrs Robinson …..4…… some peanuts and an ice cream for Liz . The bus …5 . …. in Ha noi at about 7 p.m . - Call some Ss to give the results which they have heard . - Correct and give the correct answers : 1. drove 2. looked 3. stopped 4. bought 5. arrived 4.Post – listening : - Have Ss work in pairs interviewing Liz about her family’s trip back to Hanoi . EX: + How did you travel back to Hanoi ? +What did you see on the way back ? +How did everything look ? +Were you tired ? +When did you arrive in Hanoi? - Call on some pairs to role play in front of the class . - Remark . 5.Homework : - Write a passage about Liz’s family’s trip back to Hanoi ( 8 to 10 sentences ) - Do exercise 3 at page 54 in workbook . - Prepare part 4 ,5 .. - Listen to the tape and check the predictions . - Give the answers . - Listen to the tape again and check the answers . - Listen and copy down . -. Listen to the tape and complete the passage .. -. Give the answers . Copy down .. -. Work in pairs .. -. Practice in front of the class .. - Write homework .. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................... Preparing date : 12/01/13 Period 58:. Teaching date: 14/01/13.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span> UNIT 9 : AT HOME AND AWAY Lesson 5 : B- Neighbors ( B1,2 ) I.The aims : After the lesson , the students will practice the past simple tense in negative and and short answers to talk about past activities . II. Language content : 1.Vocabulary : - Hairdresser - Neighbor - Dressmaker - Material -To make => made - To cut => cut 2.Grammar : The past simple tense in negative and interrogative . III.Technique : Explanation , asking and answering , pairwork , groupwork . IV.Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , cassette , sub- board , picture . V.Procedure : T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Have Ss play a game : Pelmanism come , improve , wore , came , received , improved , receive , wear , teach , taught . - Demonstrate the group which is winer . 2. New activities : A. Listen . then practice with a partner . - Ask Ss to look at the picture and guess what they are doing . - Introduce : Lan and Hoa are friends . they are talking . Now you listen to the tape and tell me what they are talking about . - Play the tape for Ss . - Explain some new words to Ss : + Hairdresser ( n ): + Dressmaker ( n ) : + Neighbor ( n ) : + Material ( n ) : + To make ( v ) => made + To cut ( v ) => cut - Have Ss read new words in chorus and individually . * Checking technique : Rub out and remember .. interrogative forms. Ss’ Activities -. Greetings . Play a game : Pelmanism. -. Look at the picture and guess . Listen to the teacher .. -. Listen to the tape . Listen and write down .. Guess meanings , read new words in chorus and individually , then copy down . -. Play a game : Rub out and remember . Listen to the tape again , then answer the question .. -. Read after the tape .. -. . Ask Ss to listen to the tape again then answer the question . - Correct and give the correct answer : They are talking about Hoa’s hair , dress . - Ask Ss to listen to the tape and read after the tape . - Have Ss work in pairs reading the dialogue. - Call on some pairs to practice the dialogue in front of the class . - Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and find out the answers for the questions . - Have Ss work in pairs . - Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class . - Correct and give the correct answers : a) She is a hairdresser . b) She is a dressmaker . Answer :. - Work in pairs . -Practice in front of the class. -. -. Read the dialogue again and find out the answers . Work in pairs . Practice asking and answering in front of the class . Copy down .. -. Listen . Listen and write down .. -.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span> -. Introduce the form of short answers . Make model sentences : + Did Hoa buy the dress ? No, she didn’t . - Work in pairs . + Did her aunt cut her hair ? Yes , she did . - Practice in front of the class . - Ask Ss to practice in pairs using the information in the dialogue . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class . - Listen to the teacher . - Remark . 3. Consolidation : - Play a game : Guessing game _ repeat the form of short answer of the past simple tense . - Have Ss play a game : Guessing game . Write the sentences in a paper sheet . EX: Yesterday I went to a ……and I bought a/ an ….. + Did you go to ………..? + Did you buy ………….? - Write homework . - Remark . 4. Homework : - Learn by heart new words by making sentences with them . - Do exercises 1,2 at page 55, 56 in workbook . - Prepare part 3,4 . Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................... Preparing date : 12/01/13 Teaching date: 16/01/13 Period 59 : UNIT 9 : AT HOME AND AWAY Lesson 6 : B – Neighbors ( B3,4 ) I.The aims : By the end of the lesson , Ss will read the text for details to understand Hoa’s sewing work and further practice in WH- questions to talk about past activities . Practice reading and writing skills . II. Language content : 1.Vocabulary : - Hobby - To sew - Sewing machine - To decide => decided - Cushion - To try => tried - Useful - To fit => fitted 2.Grammar : The simple past tense . Wh – questions to talk about past activities . III.Technique : Explanation , asking and answering , pairwork and groupwork . IV.Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , casstte , sub- board , picture . V.Procedure : T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Ask Ss some questions : + What did you do lastnight ? + Did you watch TV ? + Did you do your homework ? + What time did you go to bed ? ……………. - Remark . 2.New activities : A. Read . Then answer . - Introduce the situation of the lesson , then explain. Ss’Activities -. Greetings . Answer the questions .. -. Listen then write down ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span> some new words : + Hobby ( n ) : + Sewing machine ( n ) : + Cushion ( n ) : + Useful ( adj ) : + To sew ( v ) : + To decide ( v ) => decided ( past ) + To try (v ) => tried ( past ) + To fit ( v ) => fitted ( past ) - Have Ss read new words in chorus and individually . - Correct their pronunciation .  Checking technique : What and where .  Exercise : T or F prediction . 1) Hoa decided to learn how to sew . 2) She didn’t buy some material. 3) She made a cushion for her armchair . 4) Next, She made a shirt . 5) It was blue with white flowers on it . - Have Ss do exercise in groups - Call on some groups to give their predictions - Ask Ss to look at the book , listen to the tape and check their predictions . - Call on some Ss to give the results . - Correct and give the correct answers : 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F - Call on some Ss to read the passage aloud . - Ask Ss to read the passage again and find out the answers for the questions . - Have Ss work in pairs . - Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class . - Correct and give the correct answers a) She learned how to use a sewing machine . b) She made a cushion for her armchair first . c) It was blue and white . d) Next , she made a skirt . e) It was green with white flowers on it . f) It looked very pretty . g) She tried it on but it didn’t fit . h) Hoa’s neighbor helped her . i) Finally, It fitted very well. B. Write . Put the verbs in brackets in the simple past tense . - Introduce the aim of the exercise to Ss . - Ask Ss to read the sentences . - Ask them to complete the sentences with the form of the verbs in the past simple tense . - Have Ss exchange the results with the partners . - Call on some Ss to go to the board and write down . - Correct and give the correct answer : Watched – bought – cut – used – decided – was – made – was – wasn’t – helped – fitted 3.Consolidation: - Repeat the form of Wh- questions : Wh- + did + S + Verb….? EX: Where did you buy this shirt ? I bought it in the shop . What did you do lastnight ? I watched TV . - Ask Ss to work in pairs asking and answering using Wh – questions .. Guess the meaning , read new words in chorus and individually , then copy down .. - Play a game : what and where .. -. -. Work in groups . Give the predictions . Listen to the tape and check the predictions . Give the results . Read the passage aloud . Read the passage again and find out the answers Work in pairs . Practice asking and answering in front of the class . Copy down .. -. Listen to the teacher . Read the sentences in the book . Complete the sentences . Exchange the results with the partner. Go to the board and write down . Copy down .. -. Listen to the teacher carefully .. -. Work in pairs asking answering using wh- questions to talk about past activities ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span> -. Remark .. - Write homework .. 4.Homework : - Learn by heart part remember by making sentences with them . - Do exercise 3,4 at page 56,57 in workbook . - Prepare language focus .. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. Preparing date : 12/01/13 Period 60 :. Teaching date: 17/01/13. LANGUAGE FOCUS 3 I.The aims : By the end of the lesson , Ss will practice the past simple tense , prepositions of places , “ How much “ “ How far “ to talk about the price and distance , comparatives with more , less and fewer . II. Language content : - The past simple tense . - How much is it ? - Prepositions of places . - Comparatives . III.Technique : Eliciting , pairwork , IV.Teaching aids : Textbook , sub- board . V.Procedure : T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Ask Ss some questions about what they did lastweek . EX : What did you do last weekend ? Did you go to the library ? Did you visit you grandparents ? …………. 2. Consolidation and practice : A. How much is it ? a) Work with a partner . Read the dialogue . - Have Ss read the dialogue in pairs . - Ask ss to repeat the structure to ask and answer about the price . -. Ex : How much is the green dress? = How much does the green dress cost ? b) Now make similar dialogues . - Ask Ss to use the information in the table to make similar dialogues . - Have Ss work in pairs . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. - Correct the mistake .. Ss’ Activities -. Greetings . Answer the questions .. -. Read the dialogue in pairs. Give the structure asking answering the price : + How much is/ are + S ?  It/ They + is / are +…. + How much + do / does + S + cost ? => It costs / They cost ….. -. Make similar dialogues .. - Work in pairs . - Practice in front of the class. S1: How much is the blue hat ? S2: It’s 15,000dong . S1: What about the yellow hat ? S2: It’s 12,000 dong ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span> 2) Prepositions : - Have Ss give the prepositions of places . - Ask Ss to look at the map . Write the location of each store . EX: The clothing store is on Hai Ba trung street . It’s near the shoe store to the right . - Call some Ss to say about the location of the stores. -. -. Remark . Call one student to give the structure of asking and answering the distance .. Ask Ss to use the information in the table to work in pairs : one asks and one answers . Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class.. 3) Past simple tense : a) Write the past form of the verbs . -Ask Ss to write the past form of the verbs . - Call on one student to go to the board and write down . - Correct and give the correct answer : + Buy => bought + help => helped + Remember => remembered + take => took + send => sent think => thought talk => talked b) Complete the sentences . Use the words in the box . - Ask Ss to use the words in the box to complete the sentences . - Call on some Ss to do exercise . - Correct and give the correct answers : 1) Played 2) Talked 3) bought 4) Worked 5) Sent - Ask Ss to write down . 4) Simple tenses : - Have Ss to look at Nga’s diary then complete the dialogue . - Have Ss work in pairs . - Call on some pairs to role play in front of theclass . - Correct the mistake and give the key : Nga: Everyday I clean my room , help my mom and study English . Minh : What did you do yesterday ? Nga : I cleaned my room, helped my mom, studied E , watched TV , played volleyball and stayed at Hoa’s house. Minh: How about tomorrow?. -. Give the prepositions of places. Write the location of each store .. - Read the location of the stores. + The bookstore is on Hue street. It’s between the restaurant and the minimart . …. - Give the structure of asking and answering the distance .: How far is it from….to…..? It’s about ….. - Work in pairs . - Practice in front of the class. S1: How far is it from the shoe store to the minimart ? S2: It’s 500 meters . S1: How far is it from the clothing store to the bookstore ? S2: It’s 450 meters . -. Write past form of the verbs . Write on the board . Write in the notebook .. -. Complete the sentences with the given words . Do exercise in front of the class. Write down .. -. Complete the dialogue.. -. Work in pairs .. -. Role play in front of the class .. -. Repeat the use of more, less and.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(97)</span> Nga : I’ll study E, clean my room, help my mom, see a movie, visit my grandmother and buy new shoes . 5)More , less , fewer . - Ask Ss to repeat the use of more , less and fewer . - Ask Ss to look at the two refregerators and write sentences , using more , less and fewer . - Call on some Ss to go to the board and write down . - Correct and give the correct answers : + Before there were more bananas , Now there are fewer bananas . + Before there was more milk . Now there was less milk . 3.Further practice : - Have Ss do test yourself in workbook. 4.Consolidation : - Repeat the structures which Ss have learnt . 5. Homework : - Redo all exercises in the exercise book . - Prepare part A1- unit 10.. -. fewer . Look at two refregeratos and write sentences . Go to the board and write down .. -. Copy down .. -. Do test yourself 3 .. -. Listen to the teacher .. -. Write homework .. -. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................... Preparing date : 02/02/12 Teaching date: 03/02/12 Period 61 : UNIT 10 : HEALTH AND HYGIENE Lesson 1: A- Personal hygiene ( A1,4 ) I.The aims : By the end of the lesson , Ss will read a letter to understand the details about they will cotinue to practice the simple present and the simple past tenses . II. Language content : 1.Vocabulary : - Harvest - To take morning exercises - Helpful - To iron - To hope - Probably 2.Grammar : - The simple present tense - The simple past tense . III.Technique : Brainstorming , explanation , pairwork , groupwork . IV.Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , cassette , picture. V. Procedure : T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Brainstorming :. Ss’ Activities Likes…... Class….. Work in groups . From….. Lives with…... Greetings .. HOA. Live in…... Hoa and her family ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(98)</span> -. Ask Ss to discuss about Hoa in groups . - Demonstrate the discussion . Call on 2 groups to demonstrate their discussion in front of the class . - Listen and write down . - Remark and lead in new lesson . 2.New activities : - Introduce the lesson then explain some new Guess the meanings , read new words in words : chorus and individually the copy down + Harvest ( n ): in the notebook . + Helpful ( adj ) : + To take morning exercises : + To hope ( v ): + To iron ( v ): + Probably ( adv ) : - Play a gmae . - Have Ss read new words in chorus and individually . - Order the sentences . - Correct their pronunciation . - Have Ss play a game : what and where in order to check new words . - Ask Ss to order the sentences of Hoa’s mom’s letter . a. Your dad and I hope you’re fine . b. I hope you’re taking care of yourself . c. I received a letter from your aunt last week . - Give their predictions . d. I miss you a lot . - Look at the book and listen to the e. Don’t forget to write . tape , then check the predictions . f. Your grand father talks about you a lot . - Give the answers . - Call some Ss to give their predictions . - Ask Ss to look at the letter and listen to the tape , _ Read the letter aloud . then check their predictions . - Call some Ss to give the answers . - Read the letter again to find out the - Correct and give the correct answers : answers for the questions . 1- a 2- f 3- c 4- b 5- d 6- e - Work in pairs . - Call on some Ss to read the letter in front of the class . Play a game : lucky numbers . - Correct their pronunciation . ( Answer the questions ) - Ask Ss to read the letter again then find out the answers for the questions in the book . - Have Ss work in pairs .  Have Ss play a game called lucky numbers : 1) Who helps Hoa’s parents on the farm ? 2) LN - Write the answers in the notebooks . 3) What does Hoa’s mother want her to do? 4) Why are Hoa’s parents busy ? - Write a letter to Hoa’s mother . 5) LN 6) What does Hoa’s mother want her not to do ? - Exchange the letter with the partner . 7) How is Hoa different now ? 8) When will they go to Hanoi ? - Read the letters in front of the class . - Remark and ask Ss to write the answers in the notebooks . 3.Consolidation: - Ask Ss to imagine they are Hoa . Write a letter to - Write homework . her mother . - Go around the class and provide the help - Have Ss exchange the letter with their partners . - Call on some Ss to read their letters in front of the class . - Correct the common mistakes . - Remark . 4.Homework :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(99)</span> -. Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each . Rewrite the letter in the exercisebook . Do exercise 1 at page 61 in workbook . Prepare part 2.. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................... Preparing date : 05/02/12 Teaching date: 06/02/12 Period 62 : UNIT 10 : HEALTH AND HYGIENE Lesson 2: A- Personal hygiene ( A2,3 ) I.The aims : The students continue to practice about personal hygiene through the listening and reading the diary . Practice listening and speaking skills . II. Language content : 1.Vocabulary : - To polish - To comb - To change - Sandals - Pants - To drink => drank 2.Grammar : Review the past simple tense III.Technique : Eliciting , using pictures , pairwork , groupwork . IV.Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , cassette , pictures . V.Procedure : T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Have Ss play a game : Wordsquare .. D Z S E N T E X I K A J C B D G D O W C K A A A B O U G H T M V Nto Tfind N E tense W ofE irregular R Everbs -Ask Ss the past. Ss’ Activities . Greetings . Play a game . 2 groups take part in the game . Went, came , ate , saw , gave , did , took , made , was , bought , were , sent , cut , won , had .. - Remark . 2.New Activities : A. Listen : - Look at the pictures carefully and  Pre- listening : listen to the teacher . - Ask Ss to look at the pictures then introduce the aim of the lesson to Ss . - Explain some new words to Ss . Guess meanings , read new words in chorus and + To polish ( v ) : imdividually then copy down . + To change ( v ): + To comb ( v ) : + Pants ( n ) : + Sandals ( n ) : - Predict the order of the pictures . + To drink ( v ) => drank ( past ) - Give the predictions . - Have Ss read new words in chorus and individually - Listen to the tape and check the . predictions . - Ask Ss to predict the order of the pictures . - Give the answers . - Call on some Ss to give their predictions . - Listen to the tape again and check the  While- listening : answers ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(100)</span> -. Play the tape for Ss and ask them to check their - Copy down . predictions . ( 2 times ) - Call on some Ss to give the answers . - Look at the pictures and tell what Hoa did yesterday . - Play the tape again and check . - Correct and give the correct answers : - Some Ss tell about Hoa in front of the 1. a 2.e 3. f 4. d 5. g 6. c 7. h 8. b class .  Post – listening : - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and tell what Hoa did yesterday . - Read Nam’s diary . EX: Yesterday , Hoa got up, she took a shower and put on her clothes ………. - Call on some Ss to tell what Hoa did yesterday in - Work in pairs . front of the class . - Practice in front of the class. - Correct the mistakes if necessary . B. Read Nam’s diary . - Write a diary based on Nam’s . - Ask Ss to look at Nam’s diary and tell about Nam’s daily routines . - Exchange the writing with the - Call on one student to read Nam’s diary . partner . - Have Ss work in pairs asking answering about - Work in pairs . Nam’s daily routines . - Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of - Practice in front of the class . the class . - Ask them to write a diary about themselves based on Nam’s diary . - Write about yesterday’s activities . - Ask them to exchange their writing with the - Read the writing in front of the class . partner . - Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering about themselves . - Write homework . - Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class. - Remark . 3.Consolidation : - Ask Ss to write about what they did yesterday . - Call on some Ss to read their writing in front of the class. - Remark . 4.Homework : - Write a passage about Hoa’s activites using the pictures in the book . - Do exercise 3 at page 62 in workbook . - Prepare part 4 .. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................... Preparing date : 08/02/12 Teaching date: 09/02/12 Period 63 : UNIT 10 : HEALTH AND HYGIENE Lesson 4 : B- A bad toothache ( B1 ) I.The aims : After the lesson , Ss will be able to tell about a visit to the dentist . They will be used to asking and answering about this topic . II. Language content : 1.Vocabulary : - Dentist - To fill - Appointment - To hate.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(101)</span> - Drill - To hurt - Cavity - Scared 2.Grammar : - The simple present and past tense - What’s the matter ? = What’s wrong ? III.Technique : Explanation , eliciting , pairwork , groupwork . IV.Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , cassette , picture . V Procedure : T’s Activities Ss’ Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Greetings . - Have Ss play a game : Hangman - Play a game . Matter , Worry , tooth , Feel - Remark . 2.New activities : - Answer the questions . - Ask Ss some questions such as : + What will you do if you have a tooth ache? + When you go to the dentist , what will the dentist do ? - Look at the picture then answer the - Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer the questions . question : What’s the matter with Minh , the boy in the picture ? - Listen and write down . - Introduce the situation of the lesson , then explain some new words to Ss . + Dentist ( n ) : - Guess the meaning , read new words in + An appointment ( n ) : chorus and individually , then copy + Scared ( adj ) : down . + Cavity ( n ) : + To fill ( v ) : + To hate ( v ) = to dislike ( v ) + To hurt ( v ) : + Drill ( n ) : - Play a game : Slap the board . - Have Ss read new words in chorus and - Two groups take part in the game . individually . - Listen to the tape , then find the * Checking technique : Slap the board . answers . - Ask Ss to listen to the tape and answer the questions : + What is Minh going to do at 10:30 ? - Listen to the tape . +What happened to Hoa last week ? - Read after the tape . + How did the doctor help Hoa ? - Play the tape for Ss . - Answer the questions . - Play the tape again and ask Ss to read after the - Listen . tape . - Work in pairs . - Ask Ss to answer the questions above . - Correct and give the correct answers . - Practice in front of the class . - Have Ss work in pairs reading the dialogue . - Call on some pairs to read the dialogue in front of - Read the dialogue again and find out the class . the answers . - Correct their pronunciation . - Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and find out the - Work in pairs . answers for the questions . - Play a game in groups . - Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering the questions . - Have Ss play a game : Lucky numbers 1.Why did Hoa go to the dentist last week ? Answer the questions . 2What is wrong with Minh ? 3.LN.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(102)</span> 4.Does Minh like going to the dentist ? How do you know ? 5.Are you scared of seeing the dentist ? 6.LN 7.What did the dentist do with Hoa’s toothache ? 8.What did you do the last time you had a bad toothache ? 9.LN 10.How does Minh feel after talking with Hoa ? - Demonstrate the result . - remark . - Ask Ss to write the answers in the notebooks . 3.Consolidation : - Have Ss play a game : Find someone who?. EX : S1: Do you have a toothache ? S2 : Yes / No S1 : Do you like going to the dentist ? - Remark . 4.Homework : - Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each . - Do exercise 1 at page 63 in workbook . - Prepare part B2,3 .. -. Write the answers in the notebooks .. -. Play a game. Ask and asnwer in front of the class .. - Write homework .. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(103)</span> Preparing date : 29/1/13 Teaching date: 31/1/13 Period 64: UNIT 10 : HEALTH AND HYGIENE Lesson 5 : B- A bad tooth ache ( B2,3 ) I.The aims : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know about Dr Lai’s job . They continue to practice about the topic of toothache . Practice listening and reading skills . II. Language content : 1.Vocabulary : - To explain - To remind - Sensibly - Surgery - To smile - To check - To notice 2.Grammar : Review : the simple present tense III.Technique : Eliciting , pairwork , groupwork . IV.Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , cassette , sub- board . V. Procedure : T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Have Ss play a game : Slap the board. Dentist. Scared. Ss’ Activities -. Greetings . Play a game . Two groups take part in the game .. -. Listen to the teacher . Read the questions in the book and guess the answers ( work in groups) Give the predictions . Listen and check the predictions . Listen and write down .. Toothach e. 2.NewAppointmen activities : Hurt Cavity a) Listen t and answer - Introduce the situation of the listening . - Ask Ss to read the questions in the book then guess the answers for the questions . - Call on some groups to give their answers. - Play the tape for Ss checking their predictions . - Explain some new words to Ss. + To explain ( v ) : + To remind ( v ) : + Sensibly ( adv ) : + Surgrey ( n ) : + To smile ( v ) : + To notice ( v ) : + Serious ( adj ) : - Have Ss read new words in chorus and individually . - Play the tape again for Ss. - Ask Ss to give the answers . - Play the tape again for Ss checking the answers .. -. Read new words in chorus and individually , guess meaning then copy down .. -. Listen to the tape to check the predictions . Give the answers . Check the answers ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(104)</span> - Correct and give the correct answers . a. Dr Lai is a dentist . b. She wears uniform to work . c. Most children feel scared when they come to see Dr Lai . d. She explains what will happen. She gives them advice . - Ask Ss to write down . b) Listen and read . - Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer the questions : + What is the matter with Minh ? + How does he feel ? + What is the doctor doing ? + Why does that happen to Minh ? - Call on some Ss to give their answers . - Ask Ss to look at the book and listen to the tape ( two times ) - Have Ss read the text in silent . - Call on some Ss to read the text in front of the class . - Ask Ss to complete the story with suitable words . - Have Ss exchange the results with their partners . - Call on some Ss to give the answers in front of the class . - Correct the mistakes then give the answer key : Minh is very nervous and Dr Lai notices this . She smiles to Minh and tells him not to worry . She explains one of his teeth has a cavity . He has to brush them regularly . After Dr Lai fills his tooth , Minh leaves . He is very pleased - Call on some Ss to read the completed the story aloud . 2. Consolidation : Repeat the content of the lesson . 3. Homework : - Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each . - Do exercises 2,3 at page 65 in workbook . - Prepare part 4,5 .. -. Write the answers in the notebooks .. -. Look at the picture and answer the questions .. -. Give the answers . Look at the book and listen to the tape . Read the text in silent . Read the text aloud .. -. Complete the story with the suitable words . Exchange the result with the partner . Give the answers in front of the class . Listen and write down .. -. Read the story aloud .. -. Listen to the teacher .. -. Write homework .. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................. Preparing date: 29/1/13 Teaching date: 31/1/13 Period 65 : UNIT 10 : HEALTH AND HYGYIENE Lesson 6 : B- A bad tooth ache ( B 4) I.The aims : The students continue to practice speaking about health and hygiene , using simple present tense . II. Language content : - Practice vocabulary about health and hygiene . - The present simple tense . III.Technique : Eliciting , pairwork , using pictures . IV.Teaching aids : Textbook , pictures , V.Procedure T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings .. Ss’ Activities -. Greetings ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(105)</span> -. Have Ss play a game : Networks. -. Play a game 2 groups take part in the game .. Take morning exercises - Go to the board and write down . - Call on students from 2 groups to go to the board and write down . - Remark. 2.New activities : a) Ask and answer qurstions with a partner . Use the - Tell what happened to Minh . words to help you . - Listen to the teacher . - Ask Ss to tell what happenned to Minh . - Introduce the way to make sentence and the question : why and the answer to Ss . - Make example : Minh’s tooth hurts . - Work in pairs . Why ? Because he has a cavity . - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and model then work - Practice in front of the class . in pairs asking and answering based on the pictures - Listen and write down . and the words given . - Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class . - Correct the mistake and give the correct answer . b. Minh is nervous . Why ? Because he is seeing the dentist . c. the cavity is not serious . Why ? Because it is small. d. Minh is happy . Why ? Because his teeth are OK. - Listen to the teacher . - Ask Ss to write in the notebooks . b) Write . Complete this poster with a partner . - Look at the pictures and the example . - Introduce the situation and the aim of the - Write sentences . exercise to Ss. - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and examples. - Exchange the result with the partner . - Have Ss look at the pictures and write sentences as model . - Give the ideas in front of the class. - Ask them to exchange the results with the partner. - Write down . - Call on some Ss to give their ideas in front of the - Work in groups . class . - Correct the mistake . 3.Consolidation : - Ask Ss to work in groups discussing the question: - Demonstrate their ideas in front of What should we do and what shouldn’t we do if the class. we want to have healthy teeth? - Go around class and provide the help. - Call on some Ss from some groups to present - Write homework . their ideas in front of the class. - Remark and give marks . 4. Homework : - Write the poster : what should we do and shouldn’t do if we have healthy teeth ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(106)</span> -. Do exercise 4 at page 65 in workbook . Prepare unit 11 – A1. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................... Preparing date : 03/2/13 Teaching date: 04/2/13 Period 66 : UNIT 11 : KEEP FIT , STAY HEALTHY. Lesson 1 : A- A check - up ( A1 ) I.The aims : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to understand the content of the dialogue and give the requests and the reponses . II. Language content : 1.Vocabulary : - Medical check – up - To measure - Medical record - To weigh - Height - Weight - Temperature - To take one’s temperature - Scales - Normal 2.Grammar : - The structure : Would you + V ? - Review the simple present tense III.Technique : Explanation, using pictures , pairwork , groupwork . IV.Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , cassette , pictures . V.Procedure : T’s Activities Ss’ Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Greetings . - Ask Ss some questions such as : - Answer the questions . + Do you eat much candy ? + Do you often eat ice- creams? + How often do you brush your teeth ? + If you have healthy teeth , what should you do ? - Remark and lead in new lesson . 2. New activities: - Ask Ss to look at the picture and guess : Where - Look at the picture and answer the are they ? questions . What are they doing ? - Introduce the situation of the lesson , then - Listen to the teacher . explain some new words to Ss . + Medical check- up ( n ) : + Medical record ( n ) : + Height ( n ) : + To measure ( v ) : read new words in chorus and individually , + To weigh ( v ) : guess the meanings , then copy down . + Temperrature ( n ) : + To take one’s temperrature + Scales ( n ) : + Normal ( adj ) : + Structure : Would you open your mouth , please ? Would you + V ? - Play a game : rub out and remember . - Have Ss read new words in chorus and individually . - Guess the order of the sentences .  Checking technique : Rub out and remember . - Give the predictions in front of the class . - Have Ss guess the content of the dialogue and - Look at the books and listen to the order the sentences . tape . - Call on some Ss to give their predictions in front - Read the dialogue and check the of the class . predictions ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(107)</span> -. Ask Ss to look at the books and listen to the tape then check their order . - Ask them to read the dialogue again and give the answers . - Correct and give the correct answers : 1.F 2.D 3. C 4. G 5. E 6. A 7. H 8. B - Ask Ss to write the correct answer in the notebooks. - - Have Ss work in pairs reading the dialogue . - Call on some pairs to practice reading in front of the class . - Correct their pronunciation .  Comprehension questions : -Have Ss play a game : Lucky numbers 1. What were the students of QT school doing ? 2. LN 3. Who was doing the medical check – up ? 4. What did the nurse do ? 5. LN 6. What was Hoa’s temperature ? Was it normal? 7. What was her height ? 8. What was her weight ? How heavy was she ? - Remark . 3.Consolidation : - Ask Ss to use the structure : Would you + V ? to make the sentences by playing a game : Noughts and crosses .. -. Write the correct answers .. -. Work in pairs .. -. Practice in front of the class .. -. Play a game :. Answer the questions 2 groups take part in the game .. -. Play a game :Noughts and crosses. Make sentences with the cues . !Unexpected End of Formula. - Make example : Would you open your mouth , please ? Remark . 4.Homework: - Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each . - Do exercise 1,2 at page 66 in workbook . - Prepare part 2, 3 .. - Write homework .. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(108)</span> Prepaing date : 17/2/13 Teaching date:18/2/13 Period 67: UNIT 11 : KEEP FIT , STAY HEALTHY Lesson 2 : A- A check - up ( A 2 , 3 ) I.The aims : By the end of the lesson , Ss will listen for details to complete the dialogue and practice asking and answering about the personal information . II. Language content : 1. Vocabulary : Review the vocabulary about health . Male - Female 2. Grammar : The simple present tense . Structure : How + adj + to be + S ? What + to be + N ? III.Technique : Eliciting , pairwork , groupwork . IV.Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , casstte . V.Procedure : T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Have Ss play a game : Slap the board. Normal Medical check up. Medical record. Measure. - Demonstrate the group which wins the game . 2.New activities : Height A. Listen . Then write theWeigh missing words . Scales - Introduce the situation of the lesson . - Ask Ss to read the dialogue and guess the missing words . - Have Ss listen to the tape for the first time. - Ask Ss to listen to the tape again and find out the. Ss’ Activities -. Greetings . Play a game : Slap the board .. 2 groups take part in the game .. -. Clap the hands .. -. Listen to the teacher carefully . Read the dialogue and guess the missing words . Listen to the tape carefully . Exchange the result with the partner .. -.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(109)</span> words to fill in the blanks . - Ask Ss to exchange the results with the partners . - Call on some Ss to give the answers in front of the class . - Have Ss listen to the tape again and check their answers . - Correct and give the correct answers . Doctor : I want to ask you a few questions before I start, Hoa . How old are you ? Hoa : Fourteen . Doctor : And your height is one meter 50 centimeters ? Hoa : No. I think I’m shorter . The nurse measured me . Doctor : Oh . How tall are you ? Hoa : One meter 45 centimeters . Doctor : I will ask the nurse to check your height again . How heavy are you ? Hoa : I think I’m 42 kilograms . Doctor : No. It says on your form that you’re 40 kilograms . - Ask Ss to practice the dialogue with the partner . - Call on some pairs to practice the dialogue in front of the class . - Correct their pronunciation . B. Ask and answer questions with a partner . - Introduce the situation of the exercise to Ss and explain some questions : + Which school does he go to ? + What is his surname ? + How tall is he ? = What’s his height ? + What’s his weight ? = How heavy is he ? - Ask Ss to work in pairs : One is A , the other is B asking and asnwering the information to complete the medical record . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class . - Correct the mistakes if necessary . - Ask Ss to complete the form in their notebooks . 3.Consolidation : - Have Ss play a game : Survey . - Ask Ss to work in groups : Ask their friends in order to have information and write in the form .. -. Call on some groups to practice in front of the class . 4.Homework : - Do exercise 3,4 at page 67 in workbook . - Prepare part B1 .. -. Give the answers in front of the class . Listen to the tape again and check the answers . Listen and copy down .. -. Work in pairs reading the dialogue . Practice the dialogue in front of the class .. -. Listen to the teacher and write down .. -. Work in pairs .. -. Some pairs pratice in front of the class .. -. Complete the form in the notebooks .. -. Play a game .. -. Work in groups .. -. Practice in front of the class.. - Write homework .. Experience: Name Male/Fe Age Weight Height ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(110)</span> Preparing date : 17/2/13 Teaching date: 20/2/13 Period 68 : UNIT 11 : KEEP FIT , STAY HEALTHY Lesson 3 : B – What was wrong with you ? ( B1 ) I.The aims : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to ask and asnwer questios about sickness and further practice in the past simple , question forms and negative forms . II. Language content : 1. Vocabulary : - Bad cold - Sick note - Headache - Virus - Stomachache - Flu 2. Grammar : - The simple past tense : question forms and negative forms . - Structures : What is/ was wrong with SB ? I have/ had a headache . She has / had a bad cold . III.Technique : Explanation , eliciting , pairwork , groupwork . IV.Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , cassette , pictures . V.Procedure : T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Ask Ss some questions about themselves . EX: How tall are you ? What’ s your weight ? How old are you ? …………….. - Remark and give marks . 2.Presentation : - Introduce the situation of the lesson the explain some new words and structures : + To have a bad cold : a headache . a virus . flu . a stomachache . + To be sick = to be ill . + Sick note ( n ) : Have Ss play a game Structures : What is / was wrong with SB ? EX: What was wrong with you ? I had a headache . 3.Practice : - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and answer the questions : + Look at balloon 1 : Lan wasnot there . She was absent . What do you think Mr. Tan is asking Lan? What was wrong with her ? ( look at balloon 2 ) - Ask Ss to read the dialogue and answer the questions . - Call on some Ss to answer the questions in front of the class . - Have Ss listen to the tape and look at the books then check the answers.. Ss’ Activities -. Greetings . Answer T’s questions .. -. Listen to the teacher and copy down .. Read new words in chorus and individually , guess meanings then copy down .. - Make sentences : What was wrong with her ? She had a bad cold .. -. Look at the pictures and answer the questions .. -. Read the dialogue in silent to find out the answers . Give the answers in front of the class . Listen to the tape and check the answers . Work in pairs reading the dialogue .. -.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(111)</span> -. -. Have Ss read the dialogue in pairs .. -. Practice reading the dialogue in front of the class . Work in pairs .. Call on some pairs to practice the dialogue in front of the class. - Correct their pronunciation. - Practice asking and answering in front of the class. - Ask Ss to work in pairs asking and answering the questions in the books . - Copy down . - Call on some pairs to ask and answer the questions in front of the class . - Correct the mistake and give the correct answers : a) Lan didn’t go to school yesterday because she had a bad cold . b) She had a headache . c) Mr. Tan tells Lan to stay inside at recess . d) The doctor said that Lan had a virus . - Work in pairs . e) The doctor wrote Lan’s sick note . - Ask Ss to copy down . 4.Production : - Give some cues and ask Ss to practice in pairs . You / a cold . She / toothache . - Listen . Lan / headache . He / flu . Ba / Stomachache . Make example : - Work in pairs . S1 : What was wrong with you ? S2: I had a cold . - Practice in front of the class. - Have Ss work in pairs . - Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of Write homework . the class . - Remark . 5. Homework : - Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each . - Do exercise 1,2 at page 71 in workbook . - Prepare part 2,3 . Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................... Preparing date : 20/2/13 Teaching date: 21/2/13 Period 69 : UNIT 11 : KEEP FIT , STAY HEALTHY Lesson 4 : B- What was wrong with you ? ( B 2 ) I . The aims : The students continue to review vocabulary about the common illness, they listen to the tape for specific information . Practice listening and speaking skills . II. Language content : - Review vocabulary about the common illness . - The simple past tense . III.Technique : Eliciting , Pairwork , groupwork . IV.Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , cassette , sub- board . V.Procedure : T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Have Ss play a game : Networks. Ss’ Activities -. Greetings . Play a game : Networks.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(112)</span> 2 groups take part in the game .. - Demonstrate the group which wins the game . 2.New activities : A. Take a survey - Introduce the aim of the exercise . - Ask Ss to work in groups of four and ask them to choose a secretary for their group. - Have Ss use the table B2 to take a survey EX: Were you absent from school last semester ? Did you have a cold ? a stomachache ? the flu ? a toothache ? -Ask the secretaries to give the results of their groups . - Combine the result for the whole class . - Ask Ss to answer the questions : What was the most common illness? What was the least common illness? - Remark . B. Listen . - Introduce the aim of the listening to Ss . - Ask Ss to draw the table in the notebooks . - Have Ss predict the days lost through sickness in class 7A last semester . - Call on some Ss to give their predictions - Have Ss listen to the tape and check their prediction . - Play the tape again for Ss to complete the table . - Ask Ss to exchange the result with the partner . - Call on some Ss to give their answers in front of the class . - Play the tape again for Ss to check their answers . - Correct and give the correct answers : + Cold : 10 + Flu : 43 + Stomachache : 37 + Headache : 5 + Toothache : 17 + Total days lost : 112 3.Consolidation : - Ask Ss to compare the days lost through sickness in class 7A with those in their own class - Ask some Ss to report in front of the class . EX: Last semester in class 7A , cold caused 10 days’ absence but in my class cold caused 7 days’absence ……. - Remark . 4.Homework : - Write the comparation in the notebooks . - Do exercise 3 at page 71 in workbook . - Prepare part 4 .. -. Listen to the teacher . Work in groups .. -. Take a survey .. -. Give the results of the groups .. -. Answer the questions .. -. Copy the answer in the notebooks .. -. Listen to the teacher .. -. Draw the table . Predict the days lost through sickness. Give the prediction . Listen to the tape and check the prediction . Listen and complete the table . Exchange the result with the partner . Give the answer in front of the class . Listen to the tape and check the answers . Copy down .. -. -. Compare the days lost through sickness in class 7A with the own class . Some Ss report in front of the class .. -. Write homework ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(113)</span> Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................... Preparing date : 24/2/13 Teaching date: 25/2/13 Period 70 : UNIT 11 : KEEP FIT , STAY HEALTHY Lesson 5 : B – What was wrong with you ?( B4 ) I.The aims : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to understand the symptoms of the common cold and the cues to prevent it . Practice readind skill. II. Language content : 1.Vocabulary : - Disease - Symptom - Runny nose - Slight fever - To cough - To sneeze - To prevent - To relieve - Cure => to cure - To disappear 2.Grammar : The simple present tense III.Technique : Explanation , eliciting , pairwork , groupwork . IV.Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , cassette , picture . V.Procedure : T’s Activities Ss’ Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Greetings . - Have Ss play a game : Guessing game - Play a game : guessing game . - Ask Ss to write a disease which they caught last - All class take part in the game . time in a paper sheet . - Have one student go to the board and others guess . - Remark , ask Ss some questions about the disease they caught and lead in the new lesson . - Listen to the teacher carefully . 2.Pre- reading : - Introduce the situation of the lesson , then Read new words in chorus and individually , explain some new words to Ss . then guess the meanings and copy down . + Disease ( n ) : BÖnh + Symptom ( n ) : TriÖu chøng + Runny nose ( n ) : Sæ mòi + Slight fever ( n ) : Sèt nhÑ + To cough ( v ) : Ho + To sneeze ( v ) : H¾t h¬i + To relieve ( v ) : Lµm gi¶m + To prevent ( v ) : Ng¨n ngõa + To disappear ( v ) : BiÕn mÊt - Play a game . + Cure ( n ) = > to cure : Ch÷a trÞ - Have Ss read new words in chorus and individually . - Work in groups . - Have Ss play a game : rub out and remember in order to check new words . - Have Ss work in groups discussing the questions : + Why do people call the cold “ common “? + What are the symptoms of the common cold ? - Give the answers in front of the class . - Call some Ss from groups to give their discussion in front of the class . - Look at the books and listen to the tape . 3.While – reading : - Read the text in silent . - Ask Ss to look at the books and listen to the tape - Answer the questions . then check their discussion ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(114)</span> -. Have Ss read the text in silent . - Read the text aloud . Call on some Ss to answer the pre- questions . Have some Ss read the text aloud . - Read the text again and find out the Correct their pronunciation . answers . Have Ss read the text again and find out the Work in pairs . answers for the questions in the book. - Ask Ss to work in pairs asking and asnwering the - Practice in front of the class . questions . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class - Copy down . . - Correct the mistake and give the correct answers : a) Because every year millions of people catch it . b) They are : a runny nose , a slight fever , coughing and sneezing . c) No, there is no cure for the common cold . d) No, these medicines don’t cure a cold , but they relieve the symptoms . e) We can prevent a cold by eating well , doing exercise , keeping fit and staying healthy . 4.Post – reading : - Ask Ss to write about the common cold . - Write about the common cold . - Call on some Ss to read their writings in front of - Read the writing aloud . the class . - Remark . - Write homework. 5.Homework : - Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each . - Do exercise 4 at page 73 in workbook . - Prepare unit 12- A1 Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(115)</span> Preparing date : Teaching date: Period 71 : WRITTEN TEST 45’ A/Aims: -To check students’ understanding -To measure students’ levels. B/Objectives: -Students can do the test well -About 75% of the students can get marks 5-10 -About 20 % of the students can get marks 8-10 C/Teacing aids: Test-papers. D/Procedure: 1)Teacher gives students a test paper for each. 2) Teacher guides students to do the test 3) Students do the test individually. I- Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences 1. We....Ha Long Bay last summer vacation. A.are visiting B.will C.visit D.visited 2. Lan sometimes.....to the zoo. A.goes B.go C.went D.is going 3. When they...children, they often played with each other. A.were B.was C.will be D.are 4. Yesterday, I ....many gifts for him on the trip to Hanoi. A.am buying B.am going to buy C.buy D.bought 5.Next school year, Mai.....in grade 8. A.was B.will be C.shall be D.is 6. Stop, please! That's too ________sugar. A.many B.some C.much D.few 7. I have Answer key:………with my doctor at 5 p.m A.appoint B.appointed C.appointments D.appointment 8. What is the ……….of this tower? A.height B.high C.higher D.highest II – Fill in the blanks with the suitable words. Mai….(1)...our classmate.She...(2)...from Hue. Some years ago, she moved...(3)..Hanoi to live with her aunt. Last summer vacation, she came ...(4)....to Hue to visit her family.Her parents and her elder sister ...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(116)</span> (5)....very glad to see her again.She ....(6).....many different gifts for her aunt’ s family.She also bought some beautiful gifts for us. III- Find and correct a mistake in each of the following sentences 1. David received a letter from his mother some day ago. 2. Hoa know how to take care of myshelf. 3. Don’t forget posting the letter for me, Minh. 4. The doctor looks beautifully. 5. I felt happy when I meet Mary again. 6. What the matter with you, Minh? IV/. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses. ( 3 pts ) 1. I would like ( tell ) _______you about my school and my teacher. 2. You must (drink) _______much water every day. 3. My father (not watch) _______TV last night. He (play) _______ chess with my brother. 4. When _______you ( buy ) _______this comic - I (buy) it two days ago. V/. Complete the following sentences in such a way that it means nearly the same as the first one: (2 points) 1. David Beckham plays soccer very well. David Beckham is a ..................................................... 2. My sister is a good singer. My sister sings............................................................... 3. Children like picture-books very much. Children are interested ................................................. 4. My mother likes walking better than cycling. My mother prefers ........................................................ The end. Preparing date : Teaching date: Period 72 : TEST REMARK A/Aims: -To help students correct their written tests -To help them review the vocabulary and grammar of unit 9,10,11 B/Objectives: -By the end of the lesson,students will be able to find their mistakes and know how to correct them. C/Teacing aids: Test-paper D/Procedure: 1)Teacher gives students a test paper for each..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(117)</span> 2)Students read their tests again 3)The teacher gives students the answer key of the tests. 4)The students write down the answer key into the notebooks. 5)The teacher ask students to withdraw the things to remember after the test. Answer key: I/ 1.D 2.A 3.A 4.D. 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.A. II/ 1.is 4.back 2.is/comes 5.were 3.to 6.bought III/ 1- day => days. 4- beautifully => beautiful 2- myshelf => hershelf. 5- meet => met 3- posting => to post 6- no ‘ is’ => is IV/ 1.to tell 2.drink 3.didn’t watch; played 4.did…buy; bought V/ 1.David Beckham is a very good soccer player 2.My sister sings well 3.Children are interested in (reading) picture books 4.My mother prefers walking to cycling. Preparing: 03/3/13 Teaching: 04/3/13 Period 73 : UNIT 12 : LET’S EAT ! Lesson 2 : A – What shall we eat ? ( A1,2 ) I.The aims : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to use the structures : I don’t like …..either , I like ……too / neither do I , So do I to express references . Practice speaking skill . II. Language content :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(118)</span> 1.Vocabulary : Review food vocabulary . 2.Grammar : 2 - I like …..too / So do I . 3 - I don’t like ……either / Neither do I . III.Technique : Explanation , pairwork , groupwork , IV.Teaching aids : Textbook , sub- board , pictures . V.Procedure : T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Have Ss play a game : Networks. Food. Ss’ Activities -. Greetings . Play a game .. -. Go to the board and write down .. -. Listen to the teacher .. Vegetables. -. Call on 2 students from 2 groups to go to the board and write down . - Remark . 2.Presentation : - Explain some sentences of Hoa and her aunt in the dialogues . - Model sentences : S1: I don’t like pork . S2: Neither do I / I don’t either . S1: I like spinach and cucumbers . S2: So do I / I do , too. ( So and too are used in the formative sentences . Neither and either are used in the negative sentences .) EX: S1: I am a student . S2: So am I / I am , too . S1: I like beef . S2: I do , too . / So do I . S1: She isn’t a doctor . S2: I am not , either . / Neither am I . S1: I don’t like chicken . S2: I don’t , either / Neither do I . ( Not either = Neither ) 3.Practice : - Give some pictures or given words to Ss to practice . + Carrots . X + Beef V + Papaya V + Cabbage X + Fish X + Chicken V - Have Ss work in pairs using the structures they have just learnt and given words . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class . - Remark . - Ask Ss to write in the notebooks . - Have Ss practice in pairs . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class . - Remark . 4.Production :. Copy down .. -. Practicing using given words .. -. Work in pairs .. - Practice in front of the class . S1: I don’t like carrots . S2: Neither do I / I don’t , either S1: I like beef . S2: So do I / I do , too. - Write down . - Practice in pairs ( free ) - Practice in front of the class . -. Take a survey ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(119)</span> Name Durian Fish Chicken Cucumbers Peas Have NgaSs take a survey . Make Lan example : S1: I like durians . Do you like them ? S2: Yes , I like them , too / So do I .. -. Listen .. Practice in groups .. - Give the results . - Call on Ss to give the results . - Remark . 1. Homework : - Write homework . - Learn by heart the structures by making 3 sentences with each . - Do exercise 2,3 at page 74 in workbook . - Prepare part 3,4 . Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................... Preparing: 04/3/13 Teaching: 05/3/13 Period 74 : UNIT 12 : LET'S EAT ! Lesson 3: A What shall we eat ? ( A3, 4) I . The aims : After the lesson , Ss will understand how to make a meal by making some dishes . II. Language content : 1.Vocabulary : - To slice - Bowl - To boil - To heat - To stir- fry - Soy sauce - Chopsticks - Spoon 2.Grammar : The past simple tense III.Technique : Eliciting , pairwork , groupwork . IV.Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , cassette , pictures . V.Procedure : T’s Activities Ss’ Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Greetings . - Ask Ss some questions : - Answer T’s questions . EX: Do you like chicken? Beef ? Do you know how to prepare a meal ?  Lead in the new lesson . 2.New activities : A. Read . then answer the questions . - Look at the pictures and answer the - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and answer the question . question : What is she doing ? - Call on some Ss to give the answer . - Listen to the teacher . - Introduce the situation and explain some new words to Ss . + To slice ( v ) : Th¸i + To boil ( v ) : Luéc Read new words in chorus and individually , + To heat ( v ) : ®un nãng guess the meanings , then copy down . + To stir – fry ( v ) : Xµo + Bowl ( n ) : C¸i b¸t + Chopsticks ( n ) : §òa.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(120)</span> + Soy sauce ( n ) : X× dÇu + Spoon ( n ) : Th×a - Have Ss read new words in chorus and individually . - Correct their pronunciation . - Have Ss play a game : Rub out and remember in order to check new words . - Have Ss guess the order of the statements : a) First , she sliced the beef . b) Then she cooked some rice and boiled some spinach . c) Hoa’s aunt cooked dinner . d) Next, she sliced some green pepers and onions . e) And then she set the table and the family sat down to eat . f) After that she stir- fried the beef and vegetables . g) Finally , she sliced the cucumbers and made cucumber salad . - Ask Ss to work in groups ordering the sentences . - Call on some groups to give their prediction - Ask Ss to look at the book and listen to the tape then check the order . - Call on some Ss to give the answers . - Correct and give the correct answer : 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. F 6. G 7. E - Have Ss read the text in silent . - Call on some Ss to read the text aloud . - Ask Ss to work in groups to write the menu - Call on some groups to give the answers . - Correct and give the correct answer : + Cucumber salad with onions . + Boiled spinach + Stir- fried beef with green pepers and onions + Rice - Ask Ss to write in the notebooks . - Have Ss read the text again then complete the sentences by adding the missing verbs . - Have Ss exchange the results with their partners . - Call on some Ss to give the answers . - Correct and give the answer key : 1. Slice 2. slice 3. heat 4. stir- fry 5. add 6. cook 7. add - Ask Ss to match the completed sentences with the pictures . - Have Ss exchange the results with the partner . - Call on some Ss to give the answers . - Correct and ask Ss to write down . 1. C 2. F 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. E 7. G B. Write . What did you eat and drink yesterday ? - Ask some Ss the questions : what did you eat and drink yesterday ? - Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering the questions . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class . 3.Consolidation : - Have Ss write a short paragraph to tell what they ate and drank yesterday . - Call on some Ss to read their writing in front of the class .. -. Play a game .. -. Do exercise .. -. Work in groups . Give the predictions .. -. Listen to the tape and check the order .. -. Read the text in silent . Read the text aloud . Work in groups . Give the answers . Write down .. -. Read the text again and complete the sentences . Exchange the results with the partners . Give the answers . Write down .. -. Match the sentences with the pictures . Exchange the result with the partner . Give the answer . Write down .. -. Asnwer the question .. -. Work in pairs .. -. Practice in front of the class .. -. Write a short paragraph .. -. Read the writing in front of the class ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(121)</span> - Remark . 4.Homework : Write homework . - Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each . - Lear part remember . - Do exercise 5 at page 76 in workbook . - Prepare B1 . Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................ Preparing:08/3/2013 Teaching: 11/3/2013 Period 75 : UNIT 12 : LET' S EAT ! Lesson 4: B Our food ( B1, ) I.The aims : After the lesson , Ss will be able to know why Ba had to go to the doctor’s and the reason which caused Ba’s stomachache . II. Language content : The structures : - It must be.. - It was probably - Make + somebody + Adj/ Do smt . - Thepast simple tense and present simple tense . III.Technique : Eliciting , asking and answering , pairwork , groupwork. IV.Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , cassette , pictures . V.Procedure : T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Have Ss play a game : Guessing game . ( Each student writes a sentence about the disease they had last time . One student goes to the board and the rest guess ) - Remark and lead in the new lesson . 2.New activities : - Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer the question : Where is Ba ? What is the matter with him ? - Call on some Ss to give their predictions . - Ask Ss to look at the book , listen to the tape and check their prediction. - Call on some Ss to give the correct answers . + Ba is at the doctor’s . + He has an awful stomachache . - Explain some structures to Ss . + It must be something you ate . + It was probably the spinach . + That dirt can make you sick . + These medicine will make you feel better.. Ss’ Activities -. Greetings . Play a game . All class take part in the game .. -. Look at the picture carefully .. -. Give the predictions . Look at the book and listen to the tape . Give the answers .. -. Listen to the teacher and copy down .. -. Make sentences using the structures . Work in pairs . Practice reading the dialogue in front of.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(122)</span> -. Have Ss make sentences with the structures . Have Ss read the dialogue in pairs . Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class . - Correct their pronunciation .  Comprehension questions : - Have Ss play a game : Lucky numbers . 1. What did Ba eat last night ? 2.Who washed the spinach ? 3.LN 4.Why did Ba go to the doctor? 5.Did his parents eat spinach ? 6.LN 7.What made him sick ? 8.What did the doctor give him ? -Remark and state the group which wins the game .  Now complete the story . - Ask Ss to complete the story based on the dialogue above . - Have Ss exchange the result with the partner . - Call on some Ss to give the result in front of the class . - Correct and give answer key : Ba went to the doctor because he was sick . The doctor asked Ba some questions . Ba said he had some spinach last night . The doctor said he must wash the spinach more carefully/well. Vegetables can be dirty . The dirt can make people sick . She / the doctor gave Ba some medicine to make him feel better . - Call on some Ss to read the story in front of the class . 3.Consolidation : - Repeat the content of the lesson and the structures . 4.Homework : - Learn by heart the structures by making 3 sentences with each . - Do exercise 1,2 at page 76,77 in workbook . - Prepare part B2.. the class . -. Play a game. 2 groups take part in the game .. -. Clap hands .. -. Complete the story .. -. Exchange the result with the partner .. -. Give the result .. -. Copy down .. -. Read the story aloud .. -. Listen carefully .. Write homework .. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................... Preparing date: 17/3/13 Preparing date : 18/3/13 Period 76: UNIT 12 : LET'S EAT ! Lesson 5 : B Our food ( B2 ) I.The aims : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know about a balanced diet . They will know what they should do to have a healthy lifestyle. II. Language content : 1.Vocabulary : - Balanced diet - Energy - To affect - Body- building food - Moderate - Dairy product - Amount - Cereals - Lifestyle - Plenty of 2.Grammar :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(123)</span> III.Technique : Explanation , using pictures or real objects , pairwork , groupwork . IV.Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , cassette , pictures . V.Procedure : T’sActivities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Ask Ss some questions such as : + What do you usually have for breakfast / lunch / dinner ? + What is your favorite food ? - Remark and lead in new lesson . 2. New activities : - Introduce the situation : “ Food plays an important part in our life . It gives us the main energy for body development . thus , a balanced diet is especially important . In our today’s lesson , we will learn about the definition of a balanced diet and useful guidelines about food” - Explain some new words and phrases to Ss. + Balanced diet ( n ) : Chế độ ăn hợp lí + To affect ( v ) : ¶nh hëng + Moderate ( adj ) => Moderation ( n ) + Amount ( n ) : Sè lîng + Energy ( n ) : N¨ng lîng + Body- building food ( n ) : Thøc ¨n gióp ph¸t triÓn c¬ thÓ. + Dairy product ( n ) : Thùc phÈm b¬ s÷a + Cereals ( n ) : Ngò cèc + Lifestyle ( n ) : Lèi sèng + Fatty food ( n ) : Thøc ¨n giµu chÊt bÐo - Have Ss read new words in chorus and individually. - Have Ss play a game : Rub out and remember . - Ask Ss to do an exercise : T or F prediction What does a balanced diet mean? 1) Eat a lot of meat . 2) Eat a little fruit and vegetables . 3) Eat a moderate amount of sugar . 4) Eat a little fatty food . 5) Eat plenty of food you like . - Have Ss discuss in groups . - Call on Ss to give their discussion . - Ask Ss to look at the book , listen to the tape and check their prediction . - Call on some Ss to give the answers . - Correct the mistake and give the correct answer : 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F - Have Ss read the passage in silent . - Call on 3 or 4 students to read the passage aloud . - Ask Ss to read the passage again and find out the answers for the questions . - Have Ss work in pairs . - Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class . - Correct and give the answer key : a) Sugar adds taste to food and it gives you energy . b) A balanced diet is not enough all people need exercise. Ss’ Activities -. Greetings . Answer T’s questions .. -. Listen to the teacher .. -. Listen and write .. Read new words in chorus and individually , guess meanings , then copy down .. -. Play a game .. -. Do exercise .. -. Work in groups . Give their prediction. Look at the book , listen to the tape and check the prediction . Give the answers .. -. -. Read in silent . Some Ss read the passage aloud . Read the passage again to find out the answers . Work in pairs . Practice asking and answering in front of the class . Write the answers in the notebooks ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(124)</span> to keep a healthy life . c) Ss’ Answers . 3. Consolidation : - Ask Ss to do an exercise : Matching. - Ask Ss match and talk about a balanced diet . - Make example : To have a balanced diet we should eat a lot of fruit .......... - Have Ss work in groups . - Call on some gr oups to give their dicussion in front of the class . - Remark . 4. Homework : - Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each . - Write a menu for yourself and your family . - Prepare part 4 . Experience:. -. Do exercise .. -. Do exercise then talk about “ a balanced diet “ Listen .. -. - Work in groups . - Give the discussion in front of the class . Write homework .. Preparing date: 173/13 Preparing date : 20/3/13 Period 77: UNIT 12 : LET’S EAT ! B- Our food ( B4 ) I . The aims : The students will listen to a text for details and further practice in food vocabulary . They continue to practice listening skill . II . Language content : - Review the food vocabulary . - The past simple tense III.Technique : Eliciting , using pictures , pairwork , groupwork . IV.Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , cassette , pictures . V.Procedure : T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Have Ss play a game : Slap the board .. Ss’ Activities -. Greetings . Play a game : Slap the board .. 2 groups take part in the game . Moderate. Energy -. Dairy product. Body-building food. Amount. Affect. Balanced diet.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(125)</span> -. Have 6 students from 2 groups take part in the game . - Remark and state the group which wins the game . 2. Pre – listening : - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and call the names of the things in the pictures. - Call on 3 or 4 students to give their answers - Correct the mistake and give the correct answers . a. Rice b. Noodles c. Fish d. Vegetables e. Fruit f. Beef g. Juice h. Water - Introduce the aim of the listening , then ask Ss to predict what Lan , Ba , Nga and Hoa had for their lunch . - Have Ss work in groups . - Call on some groups to give their prediction 3. While – listening : - Ask Ss to look at the book and listen to the tape , then check their prediction . - Play the tape for Ss ( two times ) - Ask Ss to exchange the result with the partner . - Play the tape again for Ss to check . - Call on some Ss to give the answers . - Correct and give the answer key : Lan : f, b, d ,g Nga : a, d ,g Ba : c, a , e , h Hoa : b , e , g . - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and write what Lan , Ba , Nga and Hoa had for lunch . - Call on some Ss to read their writing aloud - Remark . 4.Post – listening : - Have Ss play a game : Lucky numbers 1) What did Lan have for lunch ? 2) LN . 3) Did Ba have some fruit ? 4) Who had vegetables ? 5) LN 6) Who drank juice ? 7) What did Ba drink ? 8) Did Hoa have fish ? - Remark . 5. Homework : - Write a paragraph about Lan , Ba , Nga and Hoa had for lunch . - Do exercise 3,4 at page 77,78 in workbook . - Prepare language focus 4 .. Clap the hands -. Look at the pictures and call the names of the things .. -. Listen to the teacher. -. Work in groups . Give the prediction .. -. Look at the book and listen to the tape .. -. Exchange the result with the partner .. -. Listen to the tape again and check the result .. -. Write down .. -. Write what Lan , Ba Nga and Hoa had for lunch .. -. Read the writings aloud. -. Play a game in 2 groups . Answer the questions using the information in the listening .. -. Write homework .. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................... Preparing date:18/3/13 Teaching date :21/3/13 Period 78 : LANGUAGE FOCUS 4 I.The aims : The students do exercises in order to practice the structures which have been learnt , they will use them and apply to do exercises well . II. Language content :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(126)</span> - The simple past tense . - Indefinite quantifiers : A little / a lot of / lots of / too much . - Too / either / neither / so . - Imperatives . III.Technique : Eliciting , asking and answering , pairwork , groupwork , using pictures . IV.Teaching aids : Textbook , sub- board , pictures . V.Procedure : T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Ask Ss some questions such as : + What did you do yesterday ? + Did you watch TV last night ? + What did you do during last summer vacation ? …………….. - Remark and lead in new lesson . 2.Consolidation and practice : 1) Past simple tense : - Ask Ss to look at the pictures in the book and answer what they are doing . - Call on some Ss to answer the questions in front of the class . a) Watch TV . b) Eat at a restaurant . c) Go to the movie theatre . d) Read books . e) Play soccer . - Have Ss answer the questions , using the pictures . - Make example : S1: Did you do your homework last night ? S2: No, I didn’t . I watched TV . - Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering the questions . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class . - Correct and give the correct answers . f) Did you eat dinner at home on Wednesday ? No, I didn’t . I ate dinner at a restaurant . g) Did you go to school yesterday ? No, I didn’t . I went to the movie theatre . h) Did you watch a video on the weekend ? No, I didn’t . I read books . i) Did you play basketball yesterday ? No, I didn’t . I played soccer . - Ask Ss to write in the notebooks . 2)Indefinite quantifiers : - Have Ss repeat the indefinite quantifiers and the use . - Ask them to do exercise 2 .  Write the correct expression . - Ask Ss to write the correct expression , using the pictures . - Call on some Ss to give the answers in front of the class . - Correct and give the correct answers :. Ss’ Activities -. Greetings . Answer T’s questions .. - Look at the pictures and answer what they are doing . - Answer the questions .. -. -. Work in pairs .. -. Practice in front of the class .. -. Write down .. -. Repeat the indefinite quantifiers and the use . Do exercise .. -. Write the correct expression .. -. Give the answer .. -. Write down in the notebooks ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(127)</span> + A little coffee . + A lot of salt . + A lot of tea . + Too much water . + A little sugar - Ask Ss to write in the notebooks .  Complete the dialogues : - Have Ss look at the pictures and then complete the dialogues . - Have Ss work in pairs . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class . - Remark . 3+ 4) Too and either / So and neither . - Ask Ss to repeat the use of too/ so / either and neither . - Have Ss practice the dialogues in pairs . - Call on some pairs to practice in front the class . - Have Ss play a game : Noughts and Crosses .. -. Look at the pictures and complete the dialogues . Work in pairs . Practice in front of the class. Repeat the use of too, either , so and neither . Practice the dialogues in pairs . Practice in front of the class Play a game .. 2 groups take part in the game . Make sentences with the words , using too, so , either and neither .. Mangoes V. Bananas X. Papaya X. Corn. Spinach X. Potatoes X. V. - Remark and ask Ss to write sentences in the notebooks. EX: S1: I like mangoes . Fish X Beef V S2: SoXdo I / I do , Chicken too . S1: I don’t like bananas . S2 : I don’t , either / Neither do I . 5) Imperatives : - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and complete the instructions . - explain some new words : + To Peel ( v ) + To mix ( v ) + Vinegar ( n ) - Call on some Ss to give their result in front of the class . - Correct and give the answer key : a) peel e) Add b) Wash f) Stir c) Slice g) Wait d) Mix 3.Consolidation : - Repeat the structures which the students have learnt . 4. Homework : - Do test yourself 4 in workbook - Review for doing a written test .. -. Write down .. -. Look at the pictures and complete the instructions . Listen and write down .. -. Give the answer . Write down in the notebooks .. -. Listen carefully .. Write homework .. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(128)</span> Preparing date: 24/3/2013 Teaching date : 25/3/2013 Period 79 : UNIT 13 : ACTIVITIES Lesson 1 : A Sports ( A1,2 ) I.The aims : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know about the ten most popular sports which teenagers in the USA like best and know the names of some sports . They will know how to change from adjectives to adverbs. II. Language content : 1.Vocabulary : - Skate boarding - Roller- skating - Roller – blading - Baseball - Surprisingly - Surprising result . - To win - Competition - Prize - Participant 2.Grammar : Review the simple past tense and simple present tense . III.Technique : Eliciting , using pictures , pairwork , groupwork . IV.Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , cassette , pictures . V.Procedure : T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Ask Ss some questions such as : + Do you like playing sports ? + What sport do you play ? + When do you play …….? + Who do you often play with ? + What do you think about ………? ……………. - Remark and lead in new lesson . 2.New activities : A) Listen and read . Then answer the questions . - Introduce the situation of the lesson and ask Ss to look at the pictures then answer the questions : What are they doing ? - Explain some new words : + Skate boarding ( n ) : + Roller- skating ( n ) : + Roller- blading ( n ) : + Baseball ( n ) : + Surprising result ( n ) : + Surprisingly ( adv ) : - Have Ss read new words in chorus and individually . - Have Ss play a game : Slap the board .. Ss’ Activities -. Greetings . Answer T’s questions .. -. Listen to the teacher , look at the pictures and answer the question .. -. Listen and write down .. -. Read new words in chorus and individually , guess meaning then copy down .. -. Play a game Work in groups ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(129)</span> -. Have Ss discuss in groups about the question : What sports do you think are the most popular in the USA ? - Call on some groups to give their prediction . - Ask Ss to look at the books and listen to the tape then check their prediction . - Call on some Ss to give the answers . - Ask Ss to read the text in silent . - call on some Ss to read the text aloud . - Have Ss answer the question : What is the most popular sport in the USA ? Which sport is at 11th position ? - Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering the questions . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class . B) Read . Then answer the questions . - Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer the question: what kind of sports in the picture ? What is WFF? WTS? - Call on some Ss to answer . - Ask Ss to read the text and check the answer. - Explain some new words to Ss. + To win ( v ) => won + Prize ( n ) : + Participant ( n ) : A person who take part in the game . - Have Ss read new words in chorus and individually . - Ask Ss to read the text in silent . - Call on some Ss to read the text aloud. - Correct the pronunciation . - Have Ss work in pairs to ask and answer the questions . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class . - Correct the mistakes and give the correct answers . a) He takes part in WFF. b) His school team won the first prize , they were so happy and wanted to keep this activity . c) One activity is a 5 walk to the beach on Sunday morning , and the other is walk- to – school day d) It’s 5 km from school to the beach . e) Wednesday is the WTS day . f) Members living near school often take part in the WTS day . - Ask Ss to copy down . 3. Consolidation:  Take a class survey : - Have Ss work in groups asking their classmates what sport they like most . - Call on some groups to practice in front of the class . - Ask Ss to write the number of students who like each sport best , then complete the table in the notebooks . - Ask Ss to answer the question : What sport is the most popular in the class ?. -. Give the prediction . Look at the books , listen to the tape and check the prediction . Give the answers . Read the text in silent . Read the text aloud . Answer the questions .. -. Work in pairs . Practice in front of the class .. -. Look at the picture and answer the question .. -. Answer the question. Read the text .. -. Listen and write down .. -. Read new words in chorus and individually . Read the text in silent . Read the text aloud .. -. Work in pairs .. -. Practice in front of the class .. -. Copy down.. -. Work in groups .. -. Practice in front of the class .. -. Write the number of the students who like each sport best . Answer the question .. -.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(130)</span> 4.Homework : - Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each . - Write what sports you like best . - Do exercise 1,2 in workbook . - Prepare part A3,5. -. Write homework .. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................... Preparing date: 24/3/2013 Teaching date : 27/3/2013 Period 80: UNIT 13 : ACTIVITIES Lesson 2 : A Sports ( 3,5 ) I.The aims : After the lesson , Ss will be able to know how to change from adjectives into adverbs .They will continue to talk about sports . II. Language content : 1.Vocabulary : - Skillful => Skillfully - Safe => safely - Cyclist - To cycle - To be aware of - Lifeguard - Strict - To obey 2.Grammar : Structure : Adjectivie + ly => adverb III.Technique : Explanation , eliciting , pairwork . IV.Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , cassette , pictures . V.Procedure : T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Have Ss play a game : Networks. Ss’ Activities -. Greetings . Play a game : Networks. Discuss in groups . Most popular sports in the USA -. Have Ss work in groups . Call on Ss from 2 groups to go to the board and write . - Remark and state the group which wins the game . 2.New activities : A) Listen . Then practice with a partner . - Introduce the situation of the lesson , then ask Ss to look at the pictures and call the names of the pictures . - Explain some new words to Ss . + Good ( adj ) => well ( adv ) + Skillful ( adj ) => Skillfully ( adv ) + Safe ( adj ) => Safely ( adv ) + Cyclist ( n ) : + To cycle ( v ) = To ride a bike. -. Go to the board and write. -. Listen to the teacher .. -. Listen and write down .. Read new words in chorus and individually , then copy down ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(131)</span> -. Introduce how to change adjectives into adverbs and the use of Adj and Adv : Adjective + ly => adverb EX : Slow => Slowly Bad => badly Quick => quickly + He’s a good soccer player  He plays soccer well + She’s a quick runner  She runs quickly .  Adjectives often go with To Be  Adverbs often go with ordinary verbs . - Ask Ss to make sentences using adjectives and adverbs . - Have Ss look at the books and listen to the tape . - Have Ss work in pairs reading the text . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class . B) Write . Change the adjectives in brackets to adverbs . - Ask Ss to complete the passage with the correct adverbs in brackets . - Explain some new words to Ss . + To be aware of : + Lifeguard ( n ) + Strict ( adj ) => Strictly + To obey ( v ) - Have Ss exchange the result with the partner - Call on 2=> 3 Ss to give the results in front of the class . - Correct and give the correct answers - Ask Ss to write in the notebooks . 3.Consolidation: - Repeat the way to change adjective to adverb . - Give some cues and ask Ss to make sentences . + Slow / slowly / swimmer + Quick / quickly / runner + Bad / badly / volleyball Make example : + She’s a slow runner  She runs slowly . - Have Ss work in pairs . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class . - Correct the mistakes . 4.Homework : - Learn by heart new words and structures by making sentences with them . - Do exercise 3,4 at page 83 in workbook . - Prepare part B1 .. -. Listen to the teacher carefully .. -. Make sentences with the adjectives and adverbs . Look at the books and listen to the tape . Work in pairs . Practice reading in front of the class .. -. Complete the passage with the correct adverbs . Listen and write down .. -. Exchange the result with the partner . Give the results in front of the class . Write down .. -. Listen .. -. Make sentences with the cues .. -. Practice in front of the class .. -. Write homework.. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................... Preparing date: 24/3/2013 Teaching date : 28/3/2013 Period 81 : UNIT 13 : ACTIVITIES Lesson 3 : A4 I.The aims :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(132)</span> The students will cotinue to practice about the topic of sports and in modal verbs . II. Language content : 1.Vocabulary : - Ought to - Paddles 2.Grammar : Making an invitation : Would you like to …………? => Yes , let’s / I’d like to / That’s a good idea . III.Technique : Eliciting , pairwork , groupwork , IV.Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , cassette , pictures . V.Procedure : T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Have Ss play a game : Find someone Who . Find someone who…. Ss’ Activities -. Greetings . Play a game .. -. Listen to the teacher .. -. Look at the picture and answer the question .. -. Look at the book and listen to the tape .. -. Listen and write down .. -. Make sentences with the structures . Work in pairs . Practice reading in front of the class . Read the dialogue again to find the answers . Work in pairs .. -. Practice in front of the class . Write in the notebook .. Name. Can play soccer well. Can run quickly . Can play volleyball skillfully . Can’t swim quickly . can’t play table tennis well. - Remark and lead in new lesson . 2.New activities : - Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer the question : What are they doing ? - Ask Ss to look at the books and listen to the tape . - Explain some new words to Ss . + Ought to ( modal verb ) = must + Paddle ( n ) : + The structure : making invitation : Would you like to play table tennis?  I’d like to .  Would you like to + V ? EX : Would you like to come to my house ? have lunch with me ?  He ought to do his homework before playing table tennis . She ought to help her mother . - Have Ss make sentences with the structures . - Have Ss read the dialogue in pairs . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class . - Ask Ss to read the dialogue again to find the answers for the questions . - Ask Ss to work in pairs : one asks and one answers. - Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class . - Correct the mistakes and give the correct answers : a) He must finish his homework before he plays table tennis . b) Nam will be ready in a few minutes . c) Ba will finish a question for math . d) Ba has 2 paddles ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(133)</span> - Ask Ss to write in the notebooks . 3.Consolidation : - Give some cues and ask Ss to practice : + Nam / before / soccer / do homework . + Lan / when / swimming / swim with adult. + We / after meals / brush teeth . - Make example : S1: What should Nam do before he plays soccer ? S2: He must do his homework . - Have Ss work in pairs . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class .. -. Practice with the cues .. -. Listen .. - Work in pairs . - Practice in front of the class: S1: What should Lan do when she goes swimming ? S2: She must swim with an adult . S1: What should we do after meals? S2: We should brush our teeth .. - Write homework . - Remark 4.Homework : - Make 3 examples with each structure . - Do exercise 1,2 at page 83,84 in workbook. - Prepare part B2 . Experience: Preparing date:31/3/13 Teachring date : 01/4/13 Period 82 : UNIT 13 : ACTIVITIES Lesson 4 : B – Come and play ( B1.2 ) I.The aims : The students will continue to practice in making , accepting and refusing an invitation , using modal verbs . II. Language content : Review the structure : Would you like to + V ………….?  I’d love to . / That’s a good idea .  Sorry / That’s too bad . III.Technique : Eliciting , using pictures . IV.Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , cassette , pictures , sub- board . V.Procedure : T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Have Ss practice using modal verbs : one student gives the situation , one gives the advice . - EX: S1: I’m very cold . S2: You should stay inside , you shouldn’t go out . - Ask Ss to work in pairs . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class . - Remark and lead in new lesson . 2.Presentation : - Introduce the situation of the lesson . - Ask Ss to look at the books and listen to the tape . - Have Ss work in pairs reading the dialogue .. Ss’ Activities -. Greetings . Practice in pairs .. -. Work in pairs . Practice in front of the class .. -. Listen to the teacher . Look at the book and listen to the tape . Work in pairs . Practice in front of the class..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(134)</span> -. Call on 2 or 3 pairs to practice in front of the class . - Make similar dialogues , using given words . - Correct the pronunciation. 3.Practice : - Listen . - Ask Ss to make similar dialogues using the cues given in the box replacing the underlined words . Make example : S1: Come and play volleyball. S2: I’m sorry . I don’t think I can . S1: That’s too bad . Why not ? S2: Well, I should visit my grandmother . S1: Can you play on the weekend ? S2: Yes, I can . S1: All right . See you on Saturday afternoon . - Work in pairs . S2: Ok. Bye . - Practice in front of the class . S1: Bye . - Have Ss work in pairs . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the - Make 3 dialogues , using the pictures at class . the bottom . - Correct the mistakes if necessary . - Using some cues . 4.Production : - Ask Ss to make their own dialogues , using the 3 pictures in the bottom . - Give some cues ; S1: Come and play . S2: I’m sorry , .. S1: Why not? - Work in pairs . S2: I must S1: Can you ..? - Some pairs practice in front of the class . S2: Yes, - Have Ss work in pairs . - Write homework. - Call on some pairs to make dialogue in front of the class . - Correct the mistake . 1. Homework : - Write 3 dialogues in the workbook . - Do exercise 3,4 in workbook . - Prepare part B3,4 . Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................... Preparing date: 01/4/13 Teaching date : 03/4/13 Period 83: UNIT 13 : ACTIVITIES Lesson 5 : B- Come and play ( B3 ) I.The aims : After the lesson , Ss will know about a new sport and they continue to practice with modal verbs . Practice reading skill. II. Language content : 1.Vocabulary : - Surface - Scuba diving - Underwater - To invent => invention - Pearl diver - Vessel - To explore - Special breathing equipment - Human - Opportunity 2.Grammar : Review the modal verbs . III.Technique : Eliciting , using pictures , pairwork , groupwork ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(135)</span> IV.Teaching aids : Textbook , pictures , sub- board V.Procedure T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Have Ss play a game : Networks. Ss’ Activities -. Greetings . Play a game .. -. Work in groups . Go to the board and write. -. Listen to the teacher and look at the pictures , then answer the question .. -. Listen and write .. Sports -. Have Ss work in groups . Call 2 Ss from 2 groups to go to the board and write . - Remark and lead in new lesson . 2. Presentation : - Introduce the situation of the lesson and ask Ss to look at the pictures and answer the question : what are the pictures about ? - Explain some new words to Ss . + Surface ( n ) + Underwater ( n ) + Pearl diver ( n ) = the person who dives underwater and finds the pearls . + To invent ( v => invention ( n ) + Special breathing equipment ( n ) + Scuba- diving ( n ) + Vessel ( n ) = ship + To explore ( v ) + Human ( n ) = people + Opportunity ( n ) = chance - Have Ss read new words in chorus and individually . - Correct the pronunciation .  Have Ss do exercise : True or False prediction ( Questions in B3 at page 137 ) - Have Ss work in groups . - Call on some groups to give their predictions . 3. While – reading : - Have Ss read the passage and check their predictions. - Call on some Ss to give the answers and ask them to correct the false sentences .. Read new words in chorus and individually , guess the meanings , then copy down .. Reading comprehension : Lucky numbers . How long could a pearl diver stay underwater? Now, How long can a diver stay underwater? LN When did Jacques Couteau die? When did he invent the deep sea diving vessel ? LN What could he study ? How can we explore the oceans now ? - Have Ss work in groups .. Do exercise .. -. Work in groups .. -. Give the predictions .. -. a) b) c) d)  1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8). -. e). Read the passage and check the prediction . - Give the answers , then correct the false sentences F. Most of the world’s surface is water . T T F. Jacques Couteau invented a deep- sea diving vessel . T. Play a game in groups ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(136)</span> -. Ask Ss to complete the passage with the modal verbs in the box . - Have Ss exchange the results with the partners . - Call on some Ss to give the answer in front of the class . - Correct the mistakes . 4. Post – reading : - Have Ss talk about inventions . - Give some cues :  Inventions : + Special breathing equipment . Explore the oceans . Learn about the sea EX: Before special breathing equipment we couldn’t explore the oceans , we couldn’t learn about the sea . + Electricity : Read all nights Watch TV Use computers Listen to music  Before electricity , we couldn’t . + The motorbikes : Travel far . Get home quickly . Visit places  Before motorbike, we couldn’t - Have Ss work in groups . - Call on some groups to give the results in front of the class . - Remark . 5. Homework : - Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each . - Do exercise 5 at page 86 in workbook . - Prepare unit 14 – A1. -. Complete the passage .. -. Exchange the results with the partners .. -. Give the answers .. -. Talk about the inventions .. -. Work in groups .. -. Give the results in front of the class .. -. Write homework .. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................... Preparing date: 01/4/13 Teaching date : 04/4/13 Period 84 : UNIT 14 : FREETIME FUN Lesson 1 : A – Time for TV ( A1 ) I.The aims : After the lesson , Ss will learn about a new topic , The activities in freetime such as watching TV , playing chess….. and know specific information about Lan and Hoa . II. Language content : 1.Vocabulary : - Series - Adventure - Cricket - To sound - to prefer - To guess 2.Grammar : Review the invitation and accepting or refusing . Would you like to => I’d love to / I’m sorry , I can’t III.Technique : Eliciting , pairwork , groupwork , using picture . IV.Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , cassette , picture ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(137)</span> V.Procedure T’s Activities Ss’ Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Greetings . - Chatting with Ss about their freetime by some - Answer the questions . questions : What do you usually do in your freetime ? Do you like watching TV? Do you like watching news in English? What programs on TV do you like watching? What is your favorite program? How much time do you spend watching TV a day ? - Remark and lead in new lesson . 2. Presentation : - Ask Ss to look at the picture and introduce : This is the picture of Hoa’s family . Look at it and guess what they do in their freetime ? do they watch TV? - Look at the picture and listen . - Introduce the situation : Watching TV is one of the most popular activities in freetime . We are going to listen to a dialogue between Lan and Hoa . What - Listen to the teacher . do Lan’s / Hoa’s family do in their freetime ? - Explain some new words to Ss . + Series ( n ) : + Adventure ( n ) - Listen and write down . + Cricket ( n ) + To prefer ( v ) = to like ……better … + To sound ( v ) Read new words in chorus and individually , + To guess ( v ) = to predict - Have Ss read new words in chorus and individually guess the meanings , then copy down . . - Have them play a game : what and where . - Ask Ss to guess what Lan and Hoa usually do in the evening . - Play a game . - Call on some Ss to give their predictions . - Guess what Lan and Hoa do in the 3. Practice : evening . - Ask Ss to look at the books , listen to the tape and - Give the predictions . check their predictions . - Look at the books , listen to the tape and check - Call on some Ss to give the answers . the predictions. - Give the answer : Hoa usually talks about her day, then she reads and sometimes she plays chess . Lan usually watches TV. - Have Ss work in pairs reading the dialogue - Work in pairs reading the dialogue . - Call on 3 or 4 pairs to read the dialogue in front of the class . - Practice reading in front of the class . - Ask Ss to read the dialogue again then choose the - Do exercise . best answers . - Exchange the results with the partners . - Have Ss exchange the results with the partners . - Give the answers . - Call on some Ss to give the answers . - Correct and give the key : a) Lan invites Hoa to eat dinner with her family . b) Lan wants Hoa to watch TV before dinner . c) Hoa’s family doesn’t have a TV because her aunt and uncle don’t like watching TV. d) Hoa likes spending time with her aunt and uncle at night . - Write down. e) Lan’s family always watches TV in the evening - Ask Ss to write in the notebooks . - Work in pairs ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(138)</span> 4. Production : - Some pairs practice in front of the class - Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering about . themselves . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class . - Remark . - Write homework . 5.Homework . - Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each . - Do exercise 1 at page 87 in workbook . - Prepare part A2 . Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................ Preparing date: 07/4/13 Teaching date : 08/4/13 Period 85 : UNIT 14 : FREETIME FUN Lesson 2 : A – Time for TV ( A2 ) I.The aims : The students practice the dialogue in order to review the structure “ Would you like to ….?” question and answer to talk about their favorite TV program . Practice speaking skill. II. Language content : 1.Vocabulary : - Detective movie - Pop concert - Classical concert - Cowboy movie - Drama - Advertisement 2.Grammar : Review : would you like to + V ? III.Technique : Eliciting , using picture , pairwork , groupwork . IV.Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , cassette , sub- board . V.Procedure : T’s Activities 1.Warm up : - Greetings . - Have Ss play a game : Slap the board .. Ss’Activities -. Greetings . Play a game .. Each group has 3 students to take part in the game. Adventure. Concert. Movie.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(139)</span> Theater. News. Series. -. Teacher reads in Vietnamese , Ss slap in English. - State the group which wins the game . - Remark and lead in new lesson . 2.Presentation : - Introduce the situation of the lesson . - Ask Ss to look at the books and listen to the tape . - Explain some new words : + Cowboy movie ( n ) + Detective movie ( n ) + Pop concert ( n ) + Classical concert ( n ) + Drama ( n ) + Advertisement ( n ) - Have Ss read new words in chorus and individually . - Correct their pronunciation . - Have Ss work in pairs reading the dialogue . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class . - Correct the pronunciation . - Explain the model sentences : What would you like to watch / see? I’d like to watch / see a cowboy movie . 3.Practice : - Ask Ss to look at the advertisements , make up similar dialogues . - Have Ss work in pairs . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class . - Correct the mistakes if necessary .. Clap the hands . -. Listen . Look at the books and listen to the tape . Listen and write down .. Read new words in chorus and individually , guess the meanings , then copy down .. -. Work in pairs reading the dialogue . Practice reading in front of the class .. -. Listen carefully .. -. Look at the advertisements and make up similar dialogues . - Work in pairs . - Practice in front of the class. S1: Would you like to go to the concert this week ? S2: That sounds good . What would you like to see? S1: There is a classical concert on at Hanoi opera House. S2: Ok. Can you make it on Tuesday night ? S1: Sorry , I have to go to E club . S2: … - Look at the mapped dialogue .. 4.Further practice : - Give a mapped dialogue : Hoa …….Lan Would ….theater? ..good . What would you …..? ..easy life …. youth theater . Ok ….Tuesday night? Sorry ...E club . How...Thursday? Ok . Fine, let’s … - Have Ss work in pairs using mapped dialogue . - Call on some pairs to role play in front of the class . - Correct the mistake. 5. Homework : - Learn by heart new words . - Make a dialogue in the notebook . - Prepare part A3 . Experience:. -. Work in pairs . Practice in front of the class .. -. Write homework ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(140)</span> Theate r. News. Series. ................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................... Preparing date: 07/4/13 Period 86:. Teaching date: 10/4/13 UNIT 14 : FREETIME FUN Lesson 3 : A – Time for TV ( A3 ). I. The aims : After the lesson , students will be able to understand about TV in Viet Nam thirty years ago and today . Practice reading skill . II. Language content : 1. Vocabulary : - Owner - To change - To gather - Might 2. Grammar : Review the simple present tense and past simple tense . III. Technique : Eliciting , pairwork , groupwork , using pictures . IV. Teaching aids : Textbook , pictures , sub- board . V. Procedure : T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Have Ss play a game : Hangman 3 words : Watch – television – living room - Have Ss guess the words . - Remark and lead in new lesson . 2. New activities : A. Read : TV in Viet Nam - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and say about them . - Introduce the situation of the lesson , then explain some new words to Ss . + Owner ( n ) : the person who has TV . + To gather ( v ) : + To change ( v ) : + Might ( modal verb ) : - Have Ss read new words in chorus and individually . - Correct their pronunciation . - Have Ss play a game : what and where . - Ask Ss to do an exercise : True or False prediction. 1) Thirty years ago in Viet Nam , a lot of people had TV sets . 2) These TV owners were very popular . 3) The neighbors gathered to watch color programs in the evening . 4) Now , they don’t spend much time together . 5) A few people have TV sets today . - Have Ss do exercise in groups . - Call on some groups to give their predictions . - Ask the rest groups to exchange the results . - Have Ss look at the book , listen to the tape and check their predictions . - Call on some Ss to give the answers . - Correct and give the answer key : 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5 . F - Call on some Ss to read the passage aloud . - Give some answers and ask students to find out the questions . 1) No, very few people . 2) The black and white programs . 3) They might sleep a little . 4) No, noone . 5) In their own living room . - Have students work in pairs .. Ss’ Activities - Greetings . - Play a game . All class take part in the game .. - Look at the pictures and say about them . - Listen and write . - Read new words in chorus and individually .. - Play a game .. - Work in groups . - Give the predictions . - Exchange the result. - Give the answers . - Some students read the passage aloud . - Read the passage again and find the questions for the answers .. - Work in pairs . - Practice asking and answering in front of the class ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(141)</span> - Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class . - Correct the mistakes and ask students to write down . * Now complete the summary : - Ask students to read the passage again then find the words to complete the summary . - Have students exchange the results with the partners . - Call on some students to give the answers in front of the class . - Correct the mistakes and give the answer key : 1. people 2. not 3. TV 4. popular 5. evening 6. gather 7. they 8. today 9. have 10. life 11. know - Call on some students to read the summary aloud . B. Play with words . - Ask students to look at the picture and answer the question : what is she doing ? - Play the tape for students . - Ask students to look at the books and read after the tape . - Call on some students to read aloud . - Correct their pronunciation . 3. Consolidation : - Have students work in groups discussing the advantanges and disadvantanges of TV . - Call on some groups to present their ideas . - Correct if necessary . 4. Homework : - Learn by heart new words by making 2 sentences with them . - Do exercise 3,4 at page 89 in workbook . - Prepare part B1,2 .. - Read the passage again and complete the summary . - Exchange the result with the partner . - Give the answer in front of the class .. - Read the summary aloud . - Look at the picture and answer the question . - Listen to the tape . - Look at the book and read after the tape . - Read aloud . - Work in groups . - Give the ideas in front of the class . - Write homework .. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................... Preparing date:08/4/13 Period 87 :. Teaching date : 11/4/13. UNIT 14 : FREETIME FUN Lesson 4 : B – What’s on ? ( B1,2 ) I. The aims : The students continue to practice the topic about TV , they talk about their favorite programs and the time of some programs on TV . II. Language content : 1. Vocabulary : - Sports show - Children’s program - Early news - Weather forecast - The world today - A first ful of dollars’ 2. Grammar : What kinds of programs do you like ? III. Technique : Eliciting , pairwork , groupwork . IV. Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , cassette , sub- board . V. Procedure : T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Have students play a game : Jumbled words . + RGMAPOR + NEATERGE + SUMIC + VOMEI + REHATTE + ODARI - Call on 2 students to go to the board and write down .. Ss’ Activities - Greetings . - Play a game . + Program + Teenager + Music + Movie + Theater + Radio - Go to the board and write ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(142)</span> - Remark and give marks . 2. New activities : A. Listen . Then practice with a partner . - Ask students to look at the picture and answer the question: What’s on TV ? - Introduce the situation of the dialogue , then ask students to guess what kinds of programs Nga/ Ba likes. - Call on some students to give their predictions . - Have students look at the book and listen to the tape and check their prediction . - Have students work in pairs reading the dialogue . - Call on 3or 4 pairs to read the dialogue in front of the class . - Correct their pronunciation . * Now answer : - Ask students to read the dialogue again to find out the answers for the questions . - Have students work in pairs . - Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class . - Correct and give the correct answers : a. No’ she doesn’t because there aren’t many good programs for teenagers . b. Ba likes to watch sports shows, cartoons and movies . c. Nga likes to watch programs about teenagers in other countries . d. Because they don’t play the kind of music she likes . e. She is going to listen to the radio and maybe read a book . - Ask students to write in the notebooks . B. Listen . write the times of the programs . - Have students look at 5 programs in part 2 .. - Look at the picture and answer the question . - Listen and guess . - Give the prediction . - Look at the book , listen to the tape and check the prediction . - Work in pairs . - Practice in front of the class .. - Read the dialogue again to find the answers . - Work in pairs . - Practice asking and answering in front of the class.. - Ask them to predict the times of these programs .. - Write in the notebook .. - Call on some students to give their predictions . - Ask them to listen to the tape and check their prediction. - Play the tape again for students . - Call on some students to give the answers in front of the class . - Have students listen to the tape again and check the answers . - Correct and give the answer key : a. Children’s programs : 5:oo b. Early News : 6:oo c. Weather forecast : 6:10 d. The world Today : 6: 15 e. Movie : “ A firstful of dollars” : 7:oo - Have students write the answers in the notebooks . 3. Consolidation : - Give some cues then ask students to practice asking and answering : + Morning News + Teenagers. + The world of animals . + Music programs . - Have students work in pairs . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class . - Correct the mistakes . 4. Homework : - Learn by heart new words . - Do exercise 1,2 at page 90 in workbook . - Prepare part 3,4 .. - Look at the programs in the book . - Predict the time of the programs . - Give the prediction in front of the class . - Listen to the tape . - Give the answers. - Listen to the tape and check the answers .. - Write in the notebooks . - Write .. - Work in pairs . - Practice in front of the class . - Write homework .. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(143)</span> Preparing date;10/4/13 Preparing date : 11/4/13 Period 88: UNIT 14 : FREETIME FUN Lesson 5 : B- What’s on ? ( B3,4 ) I. The aims : After the lesson , the students will understand about popular TV programs . They will continue to know some more vocabulary about TV programs . II. Language content : 1. Vocabulary : - Audience - To contest - Artist - Contestant - To perform - Folk music - Imports - To include - Satellite - Cable TV 2. Grammar : Review : the simple present tense . III. Technique : Explanation , using pictures , pairwork , groupwork . IV. Teaching aids : Textbook , pictures , tape , cassete , sub- board . V. Procedure : T’s Activities. Ss’ Activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(144)</span> 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Have students play a game : Noughts and Crosses. Early News Cartoons. The world today Sports shows. - Greetings . - Play a game .. Weather forecast. All class take part in the game .. Movies. EX: What kind of programs do you like? I like to watch Early News . - Have students play in 2 groups . - State the group which wins the game. 2. New activities : A. Listen and read . Then answer the questions . - Ask students to look at the three pictures and identify them . - Introduce the situation of the lesson , then explain some new words : + Audience : The person who watches the shows . + Artist ( n ) : A famous singer . + To perform ( v ) : + To contest ( v ) = To compete + Contestant ( n ) = Competitor + Folk music ( n ) : + Imports ( n ) = foreign series . + To include ( v ) : - Have students read new words in chorus and individually . - Check new words by playing a game called rub out and remember . - Have students do an exercise : T or F prediction . 1. Pop music , contests , imports are popular TV programs . 2. Teenagers like to listen to classical music . 3. There are contests of knowledge . 4. The contestants are students , workers , TV viewers . 5. Imports are very expensive . - Have students work in groups in 2 minutes . - Call on some groups to give their predictions . - Ask students to look at the books , listen to the tape and check their predictions . - Call on some students to give the answers . - Correct and give the correct answers : 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F - Have students read the passage aloud . - Correct their pronunciation . - Ask students to work in pairs asking and asnwering the questions in the books . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class . - Correct the mistakes and give the correct answers . a. Teenagers like to hear the latest pop music and see the shows of their favorite artists . b. They are students , workers or family members . c. Imports usually include police and hospitals . d. Students’ answer. B. Write. Complete the passage . Use the words in the box . - Ask students to look at the words in the box and read them aloud . - Explain some new words to students .. - Play game in 2 groups .. - Look at three pictures and identify them . - Listen and write .. Read new words in chorus and individually , guess the meanings , then copy down .. - Play a game . _ Do an exercise .. - Work in groups . - give the prediction . Listen to the tape and check . - Give the answers in front of the class - Read the passage aloud . - Work in pairs . - Practice asking and answering in front of the class ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(145)</span> + To be possible : the same meaning with Can. + Satellite ( n ) : + Cable TV ( n ) : - Have students complete the passage , using the words in the box . - Ask students to exchange the results with the partners . - Call on some students to give the results in front of the class . - Correct and give the answer key : 1. Around 2. Watch 3. Listen 4. Series 5. Show 6. Like 7. Station 8. Receive 9. Cities 10 . Possible - Ask 2 students to read the passage aloud . 3. Consolidation : - Have students take a survey :. - Read the words in the box . - Listen and write .. - Complete the passage . - Exchange the results with the partners . - Give the results in front of the class .. - Read the completed passage aloud . - Take a survey . Ex: S1: Do you want to hear pop music ? S2: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t . Or : S1: What TV programs do you want to see? S2: I want to see the contests . _ Have students work in groups . ( Each group has a secretary ) 4. Homework : - Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each . - Do exercise 3,4 at page 91 in workbook . - Review for doing a test in the next lesson .. - Listen . - Work in groups . - Write homework .. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(146)</span> WEEK 31 Preparing date : Wednesday, April 11th 2007 Period 91: A WRITTEN TEST Time : 45 minutes I. The aims : The students apply their knowledge to do the test , and through the test the teacher can be able to know the knowledge of each student . From that will have the method to teach them well. II. Test : A. Even Test . I. Choose the correct answers . 1. I can’t go out for a walk now . I ………..my homework . A. Must do B. Must to do C. Must doing 2. My father is a …………football player . A. Skill B. Skillful C. Skillfully 3. Would you like to go to the movies to night ? A. Yes , I do B. Yes, I like C. I’d love to 4. ………………do you like ? A. What of programs B. What kinds of programs C. What of kinds programs 5. In 1960s , ……….. in Vietnam didn’t have a TV set . A. Most of people B. Most people C. Most of the people 6. I ought to finish my homework before I………..table tennis . A. Will play B. Play C. Am playing 7. Playing chess after dinner sounds …………..to me . A. Boring B. Bored C. Boringly 8. We’ ll take a walk instead ………riding a bicycle. A. Of B. For C. With II. Supply the correct forms of the verbs in brackets . 1. I’d like ( tell ) ……………you something about myself . 2. Children should ( spend )……………only a small part of their freetime ( play ) ….. …………….video games . 3. She ( not like ) ……………..riding . She ( prefer )……………..walking . 4. Nam prefers ( take )……………part in sports to ( watch )………………them. 5. Lan usually ( watch )…………….TV in the evening . III. Read the dialogue between Ba and Nam , then answer the questions . Ba : Would you like to see a movie , Nam ? Nam : Yes , I’d love to . What would you like tosee ? Ba : There is an interesting movie on at the New Age theater . Nam : What movie is it ? Ba : It’s a detective movie . Nam : OK . Let’s go this evening then . Ba : I’m sorry I can’t . I have to finish my homework tonight . What about tomorrow evening ? Nam : Sorry . I’m going to visit my grandmother . How about Friday evening ? Ba : That’s OK . Let’s meet at half past seven in front of the theater . 1. What would Ba like to see ? ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. Will Ba and Nam go to the theater tonight ? …………………………………………………………………………………………. 3. What is Nam going to do tomorrow evening ? ………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Where will they meet ? ………………………………………………………………………………………… IV. Rewrite these sentences , beginning with the words given . 1. Nam is a good table tennis player . => Nam plays ……………………………………………………………………….. 2. Why don’t we go to the amusement center ? => What about ………………………………………………………………………? 3. He likes playing soccer better than watching TV . => He prefers ………………………………………………………………………. 4. You should stay inside at recess . => I advise …………………………………………………………………………. V. Listen . Then check True or False in the boxes ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(147)</span> Statements 1. Nga , Lan and Long didn’t go to their English class yesterday. 2. Nga didn’t stay at home . She visited her grandmother . 3. Lan ate out in a restaurant with her friends . 4. Long watched TV and listened to music .. T. F. B. Odd Test : I. Choose the best answer : 1. You ought ……………..to the dentist . A. to go B. go C. going 2. This river is very …………….for the swimmers . A. danger B. dangerous C. dangerously 3. What would you like ……………..? A. see B. seeing C. to see 4. ……….is a fun , easy and inexpensive activity . A. a walking B. walking C. to walk 5. There are many good programs ………….teenagers . A. on B. for C. with 6. We can learn more about the undersea world ……….Jacques Couteau’s invention. A. thanks to B. thanking to C. with thanks to 7. John is a fast runner . He runs very ……………. A. fast B. fastly C. quick . 8. Which do you prefer , playing sports or watching TV ? A. I prefer playing sports and watching TV to doing other things . B. I prefer playing sports to watching TV . C. I prefer playing sports because it can help me to stay healthy . II. Supply the correct forms of the verbs in bracbets . 1. When my father ( be ) …………young , He ( drink ) ……………..a lot of wine . 2. They ( perform ) ……………….” Romeo and Juliet” last Sunday . 3. She’ d like ( drink ) ………………a glass of cold water . 4. Many years ago, many people in Vietnam ( not have ) ………………….TV sets. 5. My younger brother prefers ( play ) …………….chess to ( watch) ..………….cartoons . 6. Mai ( not like )…………………..reading books . She likes listening to music . III. Read the dialogue between Ba and Nam , then answer the questions . Ba : Would you like to see a movie , Nam ? Nam : Yes , I’d love to . What would you like tosee ? Ba : There is an interesting movie on at the New Age theater . Nam : What movie is it ? Ba : It’s a detective movie . Nam : OK . Let’s go this evening then . Ba : I’m sorry I can’t . I have to finish my homework tonight . What about tomorrow evening ? Nam : Sorry . I’m going to visit my grandmother . How about Friday evening ? Ba : That’s OK . Let’s meet at half past seven in front of the theater . 1. Where is the movie on ? …………………………………………………………………………………. 2. Why doesn’t Ba go to the theater tonight ? …………………………………………………………………………………. 3. Is Nam going to see a play with his parents tomorrow evening ? ………………………………………………………………………………….. 4. When will they go to the theater ? …………………………………………………………………………………. IV. Rewrite these sentences , beginning with the words given . 1. How about going to the movies this week ? => Why …………………………………………………………………………. 2. My father drives very carefully . => My father is ………………………………………………………………… 3. Reading books is more boring than watching TV . => Watching TV is more……………………………………………………… 4. You advise you not to watch TV too late . => You should ………………………………………………………………. V. Listen . Then check True or False in the boxes . Statements 1. Nga , Lan and Long didn’t go to their English class yesterday. 2. Nga didn’t stay at home . She visited her grandmother . 3. Lan ate out in a restaurant with her friends .. T. F.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(148)</span> 4. Long watched TV and listened to music . III. Key : EvenTest : I. Choose the best answer . 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. A II . Supply the correct forms of the verbs . 1. To tell 2. Spend - playing 3. doesn’t like – prefers 4. taking - watching 5. watches III. Answer the questions . 1. He would like to see a movie . 2. No, they won’t . 3. He is going to visit his grandmother . 4. They will meet in front of the theater . IV. Rewrite these sentences . 1. Nam plays table tennis well . 2. What about going to the amusement center ? 3. He prefers playing soccer to watching TV . 4. I advise you to stay inside at recess . V. Listen . 1.T 2. F 3. T 4. F Odd Test : I. Choose the best answer : 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. B II. Supply the correct forms of the verbs . 1. was - drank 2. performed 3. to drink 4. didn’t have 5. playing – watching 6. doesn’t like III. Answer the questions . 1. It’s on at the New Age Theater . 2. Because he has to finish his homework . 3. No, he isn’t . 4. They will go to the theater on Friday evening . IV. Rewrite these sentences . 1.Why don’t we go to the movies this week? 2. My father is a very careful driver . 3. Watching TV is more interesting than reading books . 4. You should not watch TV too late . V. Listen : 1.T 2. F 3. T 4. F Tape : Yesterday was Sunday . Nga , Lan and Long did not go to their English class . They did different things last night . Nga stayed at home . She watched TV and played chess with her grandmother . Lan visited her friendsand ate out in a restaurant with them . Long played video games and listened to pop music . IV. Remark and homework : Prepare unit 15 – A1 ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(149)</span> Preparing date; 12/4/13 Preparing date : 13/4/13 Period 91:. UNIT 15 : GOING OUT Lesson 1 : A – Video games ( A1 ). I. The aims : After the lesson , the students will be able to give the advice and respond for not doing something such as : playing video games . They will talk about video games and disadvantages of playing video games . II. Language content : 1. Vocabulary : - Video games - Arcade - Amusement center - Addictive 2. Grammar : Structure : Don’t spend too much of your time in the arcade . No, I won’t . III. Technique : Eliciting , pairwork , groupwork , IV. Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , cassette , sub- board . V. Procedure : T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Have Ss play a game : Networks .. Ss’ Activities - Greetings . - Play a game . 2 groups take part in the game . Discuss in groups , then Ss go to the board and write down .. Entertainment s - Have Ss play game in 2 groups . - Remark and lead in new lesson . 2. New activities : - Introduce the situation of the lesson , then ask Ss to look at the picture and answer the question : What can you see in the picture ? - Introduce some new words : + Amusement center ( n ) : A place where we can go to play some games for relaxing . + Video games ( n ) : + Arcade ( n ) : + Addictive ( adj ) : - Have students read new words in chorus and individually . - Have students play a game : what and where .. - Listen and answer the question . - Listen and write .. - Read new words . - Play a game ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(150)</span> - Have students look at the dialogue and listen to the tape . - Ask students to read after the tape . - Have students work in pairs reading the dialogue. - Call on 3 or 4 pairs to practice reading in front of the class . - Correct their pronunciation . - Introduce the new model sentence : + Don’t spend too much of your time in the arcade. => No, I won’t . ( Advise somebody not to do something .) - Ask students to make examples as model . - Ask students to read the dialogue again and find the answers for the questions in the book . - Have students work in pairs . - Call on some pairs to practice asking and answering in front of the class . - Have some students go to the board and write the correct answers . - Ask students to write the answers in the notebooks . a. He’s going to the amusement center . b. He’s going to play video games . c. He goes to the amusement center about once a week . d. No, he doesn’t . e. He usually stays for about an hour . f. Because video games can be addictive . g. He will do his homework later . 3. Consolidation : - Give a mapped dialogue and ask students to look at carefully . YOU YOUR FRIEND Where ….going ? Amusement center What …….do? How often ?. - Look at the book and listen to the tape . - Read after the tape . - Work in pairs . - Practice in front of the class . - Listen .. - Make examples as model . - Find the answers for the questions - Work in pairs . - Practice asking and answering in front of the class . - go to the board and write the answers . - Write in the notebooks .. - Look at the mapped dialogue .. video games 2/ week. Don’t spend …. video games … Don’t forget …… homework . - Have students work in pairs . - Call on 2 or 3 pairs to practice in front the class . - Correct the mistake if necessary . - Work in pairs . 4. Homework : - Practice in front of the class . - Learn by heart new words and structure by making 2 sentences with each . - Do exercise 1, 2 in workbook . - Write homework . - Prepare part A2,3 . Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................ Preparing date; 12/4/13 Preparing date : 13/4/13 Period 92 : UNIT 15 : GOING OUT Lesson 2 : A- Video games ( A 2 ) I. The aims : By the end of the lesson , students will be able to understand video games and some disadvantages of playing video games ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(151)</span> II. Language content : 1. Vocabulary : - Inventor - Social skill - Dizzy - Premises - To develop - Robbery - To identify - Industry 2. Grammar : - Modal verbs . - The present simple tense . III. Technique : Eliciting , pairwork , groupwork . IV. Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , cassette , pictures . V. Procedure : T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Ask students some questions such as : + Do you like playing video games ? + How often do you play video games ? + How long do you usually spend playing video games? + What do you think about playing video games ? ……………… - Remark and lead in new lesson . 2. New activities : A. Listen and read . - Introduce the situation of the lesson , then ask students to do an exercise : True or False prediction . 1. Children like playing video games because they are good fun . 2. It’ s very good for children to spend too much time on their own . 3. Playing video games for a long time will make the children become tired . 4. Children mustn’t play outdoors with their friends . 5. Some inventors become rich when they are very young . - Have students work in groups . - Call on some groups to give their prediction. - Ask students to look at the books and listen to the tape then check their prediction . - Call on some students to give the answers . - Correct and give the correct answers : 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T - Have students listen to the tape again and introduce some new words : + Inventor ( n ) The person who invents videogames . + Dizzy ( adj ) : + To develop ( v ) : + Social skill ( n ) : - Have students read new words in chorus and individually . - Ask students to read the text in silent . - call on 3or 4 students to read the text aloud . - Correct their pronunciation . * Now answer , complete the sentences . - Have students read the text again to find out the answers . - Have students exchange the results with the partners . - Call on some students to give the answers in front of the class . - Correct the mistake and give the correct answers . a) Many young people play video games . b) Some inventors of video games become very rich . c) The doctor thinks all children should take part in outdoor activities with their friends . d) The doctor says you should spend little time playing video games . - Have students write in the notebooks . B. Complete the passage with the words in the box .. Ss’ Activities - Greetings . - Answer T’s questions .. - Listen and do exercise .. - Work in groups . - Give the prediction . - Listen to the tape and check the prediction . - Give the answers . - Listen to the tape again .. - Read new words in chorus and individually . - Read the passage in silent . - Read aloud . - Read the passage again to find the answers . - Exchange the results with the partners . - Give the answers ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(152)</span> - Explain the request of the exercise then introduce some new words . + To identify ( v ) : + Premises ( n ) : + Robbery ( n ) => robber ( n ) + Industry ( n ) : - Have students read new words in chorus and individually . - Have students complete the passage . - Ask them to exchange the results with the partners . - Call on some Ss to give the answer in front of the class - Correct and give the key : 1. be 2. have 3. is 4. identify 5. are 6. use 7. can 8. will 9. buy 10. show - Call on 2 students to read the completed passage aloud - Ask students to write down . 3. Consolidation : - Have students work in groups discussing about the disadvantages of playing video games . - Call on some groups to demonstrate their ideas in front of the class . - Remark . 4. Homework : - Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each . - Do exercise 3,4 in workbook . - Prepare the next lesson .. - Write down . - Listen and write .. - Read new words in chorus and individually . - Complete the passage . - Exchange the results . - Give the answers .. - Read aloud . - Write . - Work in groups . - Demonstrate the ideas .. - Write homework .. Preparing date; 15/4/13 Preparing date : 17/4/13 Period 93: UNIT 15 : GOING OUT Lesson 4 : B – In the city ( B1,2 ) I. The aims : After the lesson students will be able to know about life in the city and life in the country . Practice 4 skills : listening , reading , speaking and writing . II. Language content : 1. Vocabulary : - The rest - To scare - To hate - Awake - Get used to - Direction 2. Grammar : Review : the simple present tense and past tense . III. Technique : Brainstorming , Asking and answering , pairwork , groupwork . IV. Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , cassette , Pictures about the city and the country . V. Procedure : T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Have students play a game : Wordsquare .. H O O D M O T O R. R O C L Z K R S Z J P C T R X L B I. B H G U B Z S J V Y M N R K Y O Q Z A F F D R N K E S. I W Q T T E I U Q. E S I O N J C B K. Ss’ Activities - Greetings . - Play a game .. N C E G A L L I V. Discuss in groups to find the words which relate to the city and the country ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(153)</span> - Ask students to find the words which relate to the city and country . - Have students work in groups . -Remark and lead in new lesson . 2. New activities : - Ask students to look at the picture and answer the question : What is the picture about ? - Ask students some questions such as : + Do you like to live in the city or in the country ? Why / why not ? - Introduce the situation of the lesson . - Ask students to look at the book and listen to the tape , then answer the question : Lan and Hoa , who likes to live in the city or in the country . - Play the tape for students . - Have students give the answers . - Introduce some new words to students : + The rest ( n ) : + Awake ( adj ) : + To scare ( v ) : + To hate ( v ) = to dislike + To get used to + N . + Direction ( n ) : - Have students read new words in chorus and individually . - Have students play a game : rub out and remember . - Have students discuss about life in the city and life in the country . * Brainstorming : Life in the city Life in the country Crowded Little traffic ………… ………….. - Have students work in groups . - Call on some groups to give their ideas . - Have students read the dialogue in pairs . - Call on some pairs to read the dialogue in front of the class . - Correct the pronunciation . - Ask students to read the dialogue again and find the answers for the questions . - Have students play a game : Lucky numbers 1. Where did Hoa live before ? 2. Why doesn’t Hoa like the city ? 3. LN . 4. What does Hoa do in the evening ? 5. What does Hoa dislike most in the city ? Why ? 6. Does She like the city ? 7. LN 8 . Why did Hoa like living in a village in Hue? - Remark and ask students to write the answers in the notebooks . 3. Consolidation : - Ask students to use the questions in part B2 to work in pairs discussing about life in the city and life in the country . - Have students work in pairs . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class . - Correct and remark. 4. Homework : - Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each - Write the answers in part B2 in the exercise books . - Prepare part B3,4 .. - Work in groups .. - Look at the picture and answer the question . - Answer T’s questions . - Listen . - Look at the book and listen to the tape then answer the questions . - Give the answers . - Listen and write .. - Read new words in chorus and individually . - Play a game . - Discuss about life in the city and life in the country .. - Work in groups . - Give the ideas . - Work in pairs reading the dialogue . - Practice reading the dialogue in front of the class . - Find the answers . - Play a game in 2 groups .. - Write the answers in the notebooks . - Discuss about life in the city and in the country . - Work in pairs . - Practice in front of the class . - Write homework .. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(154)</span> Preparing date; 15/4/13 Preparing date : 18/4/13 Period 94: UNIT 15 : GOING OUT Lesson 5 : B – In the city ( B 3,4 ) I. The aims : After the lesson students will know how Hoa got used to the life in the city and what she could do . They practice reading and listening skills . II. Language content : 1. Vocabulary : - Rarely - To socialize 2. Grammar : - Review : The simple present tense and past simple tense . - Like / Prefer + to infinitive ; Like + gerund III. Technique : Eliciting , pairwork , groupwork , using pictures . IV. Teaching aids : Textbook , tape , cassette , pictures . V. Procedure : T’s Activities 1. Warm up : - Greetings . - Have students play a game : Networks. City. Ss’ Activities - Greetings . - Play a game .. Country. - Have students work in groups . - Have students go to the board and write . - Remark . 2. New activities : A. Read . - Introduce the content of the text : The text tells how Hoa got used to the city life . - Ask students to read the text and find out what she could do . - Have students read the text in silent . - Call on some students to give the answers in front of the class . - Call on some students to read the text aloud . - Correct the pronunciation . - Introduce new words : + Rarely ( adv ) : + To socialize ( v ) : + Structure : Like / prefer + to infinitive Ex: Hoa likes to read / She prefers to socialize with her friends . Like / prefer + gerund . Ex: Hoa like playing chess very much . - Ask students to make sentences as model . - Give some more questions and ask students to answer : a) What did Hoa and her friends often do together ? b) Why did Hoa rarely go to see movies or eat out in the evening ? c) Why couldn’t Hoa read many books in her village ? d) Why did Hoa decide that the city wasn’t so bad after all ? - Have students work in pairs . - Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class . - Correct the mistakes . - Ask students to read the text again then make a list of the things Hoa does in the evening , using the simple present tense . - Have students exchange the results with their partners . - Call on some students to give their answers in front of the. - Work in groups . - Go to the board and write .. - Listen . - Read the text and find out what she could do . - Read in silent . - Give the answers in front of the class . - Read the text aloud . - Listen and write .. - Make sentences . - Answer the questions .. - Work in pairs . - Ask and answer in front of the class . - Make a list of the things Hoa does in the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(155)</span> class . - Call one student to go to the board and write down . - Correct and ask students to write in the notebooks . B. Listen . Match each name to an activity . - Introduce the aim of the listening . - Ask students to look at the pictures and give the activity of each picture . - Call on some students to give the answers in front of the class . - Have students guess and write the names next to the pictures . - Ask students to listen to the tape and check their prediction . - Play the tape for students . - Call on some students to give the answers in front of the class . - Play the tape again for students to check the answers - Correct and give the key : Ba- b Hoa- a Nga – d Nam – c Lan – f An – e 3. Consolidation : - Ask students to use the model in part B3 and the pictures in B4 to talk about what they like to do or dis like to do . - Have students work in pairs . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class . - Remark . 4. Homework : - Write the things that you often do in the evening . - Do exercises in part B in workbook . - Prepare unit 15 –B4,5.. evening . - Exchange the results . - Give the answers in front of the class . - Go to the board and write . - Write in the notebooks . - Listen to the teacher . - Give the activity of each picture . - Guess and write the names next to the pictures . - Listen to the tape and check the prediction . - Listen. - Give the answers in front of the class . - Check the answers .. - Work in pairs . - Practice in front of the class . - Write homework .. Experience: ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................ Preparing date; Preparing date :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(156)</span>

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