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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Week: 20 Period: 55. Planning date: 04/01/2012 Teaching date: 07/01/2012. Unit 9: A First - aid Course Lesson 1: Getting stared + Listen and read I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to - know what they would do in the situation that require first – aid. - Practise reading and listening skills. II. Language contents: 1. Vocabulary: concious, bleed, handkerchief, wound 2. Grammar: future simple tense III.Teachniques: matching, pairs work, groups work, what and where, gap fill. IV. Teaching aids: pictures, cassette, lesson plan, textbook V. Procedures: - T: checking up the total of students - Monitor: answer - Checking up: non T’s and ss’ activities Contents 1. Warm up : (5) Brainstorming: “ What should you do if you are burnted on - T: give a situation your arm ?” - Ss: give feedback with groups of Possible answer: four - call the ambulance - T: correct - do first aid - go the doctor - use ice - apply cold compress - apply banana sap 2.Presentation: (12) * Acitivity 1: Getting started 1. Getting started - T: hang the picture on the board Ask ss to survey in order to show the aims of the things in the pictures - Ss: look at the board and do as the request of teacher. - ambulance: in SOS - sterile dressing: bandage the hurt - cold (ice) water: burn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> - alcohol: wash hurt - T: ask ss matching the situations with the pictures. * Matching: - Ss: do as the T’s requests 1. A girl has a burn on her arm: cold water/ - T: correct ice 2. A boy has a bad cut on his leg: alcohol, sterile dressing 3. A girl has a nose bleed: handkerchief, cotton wool 4. A boy has a bee sting: medicated oil * Acitivity 2: 2, Listen and read - T: write some vocabulary A, Vocabulary - Ss: repeat in chorus and guess the meaning . antonym - concious (adj): tỉnh táo # unconcious: bất tỉnh . picture - bleed (v):chảy máu . reality - handkerchief (n): khăn tay . picture - wound (n): vết thương . trans - emergency( n): ca cấp cứu . picture - ambulance ( n): xe cứu thương . explaination - calm down: bình tĩnh . trans - hit (v): đập, đánh . picture - towel (n): khăn tắm . trans - tight (adj): chặt * Checking vocabulary: - T: read model What and where - Ss: Repeat in chorus and read in individual -T: set the scence * Set the scene: There is an accident at Quang Trung school. A girl fell off her bike and had a bad cut on her head. Lan called a nurse. And you will find out what she guides. - T: have ss listen and answer the * Questions: questions 1. Is a student hurt at quang Trung school? - Ss: listen and give the answers 2. Is she concious? 3. Practice : ( 18) - T: let ss listen again and check the answers - Ss: practice the dialogue in pairs * Practice the dialogue: - Ss: read the dialogue in silent * Select the topics:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> - Ss: select the topics covered in the dialogue. 4. Production : -T: hang the chart with the paragraph on the board -Ss: work in groups to fill in the gaps -Ss: Exchange the sub-boards -T: correct and give feedback. a–b–c–e–f * Gap fill: There was an emergency at Lan’s school. A student (1) ………………… off her bike and hit her head on the road. She was (2) ………………… but she cut her head and the (3) ………………… was (4) ………………… badly. Lan telephoned Bach Mai hospital and asked the nurse to send an (5) ………………… To Quang Trung school. Lan was asked to keep the student (6) ………………… while waiting for the ambulance. * Key: 1. fell 2. concious 3. cut 4. bleeding 5. ambulance 6. awake. 5. Homework: + study vocabulary + do the exercises 1, 2, 3 on pages 55, 56 in the workbook + prepare unit 9: speak VI. Teacher’s self- evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Week: 20 Period: 56. Planning date: 05/01/2012 Teaching date: 08/01/2012. Unit 9: A First – aid Course Lesson 2: Speak I. Objective: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to - make and respond to requests, offers and promises. - Practise speaking skill. II.Language contents: 1. Grammar: - requests, offers and promises structures 2. Vocabulary: review III.Teachniques: net work, matching, pair work, group work IV. Teaching aids: pictures, textbook, lesson plan V. Procedures: - T: checking up the total of students - Monitor: answer - Checking up: write vocabulary of last lesson T’s and ss’ activities Contents 1. Warm – up: Chatting: - What should you say if you want to make an offer, promise or request? Ss: give feedback 2. Speaking: * Pre – speaking -T: hang up a chart of structures on page 81 on the board. - T: give ss some requests - T: explain the structures 1. Structures -Ss: give more examples 1. I want you to get me a bandage. How can I say?  (Will you get me a bandage, please?) 2. I’d like you to come to my party. How can I say? (Would you like to come to my party?) 3. I tell my mother that I’ll surely finish my work before bedtime. How can I say?  (I promise I’ll finish my work before bedtime.) Ex: _ Could you close the window, please?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> - Động từ tình thái hay động khiếm khuyết WILL được dùng để thành lập câu yêu cầu, câu đề nghị và lời hứa. _ Will you come this way, please? _The luggage is very heavy. I will help you with it. _ I promise I’ll study harder. - Sử dụng WOULD YOU.... để đưa ra lời yêu cầu, lời mời 1 cách lịch sự. _ Would you like to go to the movie with me? - Để đưa ra lời yêu cầu khẩn thiết hoặc lời mời ân cần ta dùng WON’T YOU.... _ Won’t you have some more water? - SHALL được dùng chủ yếu với ngôi I và WE để đưa ra lời đề nghị và lời gợi ý _ Shall I call a bus? (Anh có muốn tôi gọi xe buýt giúp anh không?) _ Shall we go to the park? -T: hand the chart with the statements on the board - Ss: look at the pictures on page 82 and match the situations with the statements. * While – speaking -Ss: work in pairs and do the task - T: go around and help ss - Ss: speak out in front of the class - T: comment. * Matching 1. The girl has a cut on her hand. 2. The girl has a bad fever. 3. The boy has just a broken the vase. 4. The boy has a headache. 5. The boy has a snake bite. + Key: 1.a 2.d 3.e 4. b 5.c - b, Can I get you some medicine/ water ? -Yes, please/ That would be nice/ ………. + Would/ Can you get me some medicine ? + Sure - c, I was bitten by a snake. Could you help me to hold the wound tight?  Of course. - d, you have a hight temperature. Cab I get you some parscetamols?  yes, please. - e, you broke the vase. I hope you won’t do it again.  I promise I won’t..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> * Post – speaking : - T: ask ss to give situations and make sentences with them - Ss: do as T’ requests - Ss: give the answer before class - T: remark 3. Homework + study the lesson + do the exercise 6 on page 57 in the workbook + prepare unit 9: listen VI. Teacher’s self- evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Week: 20 Period: 57. Planning date: 07 /01/2012 Teaching date: 10/01/2012. Unit 9: A First – aid Course Lesson 3: Listen I. Objective: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to - Know more about something to do a first-aid course - Practise listening skill. II.Language contents: 1. Grammar: 2. Vocabulary: eye chart, eye sight, parademic, wheelchair, stretcher, crutch III.Teachniques: net work, matching, pair work, group work IV. Teaching aids: pictures, tape, cassett textbook, lesson plan V. Procedures: - T: checking up the total of students - Monitor: answer - Checking up: give some sentenses according the structures of last lesson T’s and Ss’ activities 1. Warm up Network. Content Hospital: - ambulance - patient - doctor - nurse - eye chart. 2.Pre – listening -T: show the picture - Ss: say the meanings. - T: write some vocabulary - Ss: Repeat in chorus and guess the meaning . picture . trans . explain . picture. 1. Vocabulary: - eye chart (n): bảng đo thị lực - eye sight (n) : thị lực, tầm nhìn - parademic (n):người hộ lí - wheelchair (n): xe lăn - stretcher (n): cái cáng.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> . picture . picture * Checking the vocabulary - Ss: match the picture with the right word - Ss: give answer -T: remark 3. While - listening - T: tell ss they are going to listen a paragraph about the activities taking place in an emergency room -Ss: Listen and order the words + give the answer -T: give feedback 4. post – listening - T: stick the chart of the statements on the board -T: play the tape again - Ss: check True or false.. - crutch (n): cái nạng * Matching A: ambulance B: wheelchair C: crutches D: eye chart E: scale F: stretcher 2. Ordering 1. stertcher F 2. wheelchair B 3. ambulance A 4. eye chart D 5. scale E 6. crutches C. * True or false 1. A doctor is wheeling a patient into the emergency room. 2. The patient’s head is bandaged. 3. A nurse is pushing a wheelchair with a patient on it. 4. The eye chart consists of 28 letters ranging in different size. 5. The baby’s mother is trying to stop the nurse from weighing her baby. * Key: 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F. 5. Homework - learn the voc by heart - prepare read lesson VI. Teacher’s self- evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> Week: 21 Period: 58. Planning date: 10/01/2012 Teaching date: 13/01/2012. Unit 9: A First – aid Course Lesson 4: Read I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to read for the instructions about some more situations requiring first – aid. II. Language contents: 1. Grammar: imperative sentences 2. Vocabulary: lie flat, elevate, lower, victim, overheat, tissue damage, ease III.Teachniques: bingo, pair work, group work, word square. IV. Teaching aids: poster V. Procedures: - T: checking up the total of students - Monitor: answer - Checking up: write vocabulary of last lesson T’s and ss’ activities 1. Warm – up: ( 5’) - T: ask ss to give situations that require first – aid and write them on the board - Ss: have ss choose any 4 words on the board and write them down on a piece of paper - call out the words until someone has ticked all the 4 words and shout “Bingo”. He / She wins 2.Pre – reading : ( 12’) - Ss: skim the text answer the questions. - T: teach the voc . mime . antonym. Contents * Bingo: Burn, cut, bee sting, snake bite, fainting, shock, nose bleed. * Questions: 1. Should we let the victim get cold in fainting? 2. With what we should ease the burn pain? + Key: 1. No, we shouldn’t. We shouldn’t let the victim get cold. 2. We should ease the pain with ice or cold water packs. 1. vocabulary - lie flat (v): nằm thẳng - elevate (v) # lower (v): nâng lên # hạ xuống.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> . explain . explain . translation + listen and read. - victim (v): nạn nhân - overheat (v): làm quá nóng - tissue damage (n):tổn thương mô. -T: give ss a wordsquare chart - Ss: find the words - T: give comments. Checking; +Wordsquare R T E L J L O V E W B V E C A R V T C Z E. 3. While- reading (22’) - Ss: read the text carefully in silent - Ss: read the statements on page 84 and match three Leadings A, B, C to them - T: give ss a grid chart - Ss: read the text again and fill in the grid in four groups 4. Post – reading: ( 5’) - Ss: give the answer - T: remark - Ss: read the table aloud.. 2. Matching A: a, c, e B: b C: d. Y K R I S N X. M W H C W J K. N E E T J H Y. * Grid Cases Do Fainting - leave the patient. lying flat. - elevate the patient’s feet or lower his head below the level of the heart. - give the victim a cup of tea when he/ she revives. S Q T M L F R. Don’t do - don’t force her/his to sit or stand - don’t let the victim get cold. - Don’t overheat the victim with blankets or coats. - Don’t give the victim any food or drink. - Don’t give the victim drugs or alcohol.. Shock. Burns. C S A I K D T. - cool the burn immediately - Put the affected part.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> 5. Homework: ( 1’) + study the lesson + do the exercises 4 on page 56 in workbook + prepare unit 9: lesson write. under a running cold tap - ease the pain with ice or cold water packs - cover the burned area with a thick sterile dressing. VI. Teacher’s self- evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> Week: 21 Period: 59. Planning date: 11/01/2012 Teaching date: 14/01/2012. Unit 9: A First – aid Course Lesson 5: Write I. Objectives By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to know how to write a thanks letter. II. Language contents: 1.Grammar: 2. Vocabulary: thank … for, cheer … up, come over III.Teachniques: jumble work, pair work, group work, rub out and remember. IV. Teaching aids: pictures, poster V. Procedures: - T: checking up the total of students - Monitor: answer - Checking up: write vocabulary of last lesson T’s and ss’ activities 1. Warm – up: ( 5’). 2. Pre – writing: ( 10)’ - T: write some vocabulary - Ss: repeat in chorus and guess the meaning . example . explain . trans. Contents * Jumble words - veletae = elevate - hatkn = thank - cimtiv = victim - roheveat = overheat 1. vocabulary - thank … for … Ex: She thanked me for helping her. - cheer … up (make s.o feel happier) - come out of: xuất viện * Checking vocabulary Rub out and remember. - T: set the scene. * Set the scene: Nga was sick and she had to go to hospital. After she left the hospital, she wrote a thank – you note to Hoa. You read the thank – you note and give the right form of the verbs..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> - T: tell ss to read the thank – you letter and put the verbs in the right forms. -Ss: work in groups. - T: give feedback. 2. Put the verbs 1. was 2. were 4. came 5. am. 3. helped 6. will phone. -T: tell ss they are going to write a thank – you letter to a friend and ask her to go on a picnic. -T: Hang up the chart of questions -Ss: answer in pairs. 3. While – writing: ( 23’) - T:Ask ss to write a thank – you letter, based on the answers above - Ss: Work in groups. * Answer the questions 1. What did your friend give you?( a watch, a book, a present...) 2. On what occasion?( on my birthday, on last christmas......) 3. What was it like?( very beautiful, interesting....) 4. How did you feel when you received the present?( very happy,...... 5. How do you feel now?( sad, miss you....) 6. Do you want to invite your friend somewhere?( go on a picnic..... 7. If so, then when?( on the weekend...) 8. How will you contact your friend? ( phone you on Friday afternoon.....) 3. Write a thank – you letter Dear...., Thank you very much for the present you sent me last christmas.It’s was very beautiful, I loved it very much. Now I feel miss you very much. I want to go out to enjoy fresh air.Do you want to go on a picnic with me on the weekend? If yes, I’ll come and pick you up on Saturday morning at 7.30. I’m looking forwards to hearing from you. Your friend, Nga.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> 4. Post – writing(6’) - Ss: write the letter on the board. - T: Correct the mistake with ss 5. Homework: ( 1’) + study the lesson +Write the thank – you letter on your exercise notebook + prepare unit 9: Language focus VI. Teacher’s self- evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> Week: 21 Period: 60. Planning date: 14/01/2012 Teaching date: 17/01/2012. Unit 9: A First – aid Course Lesson 6: Language focus I. Objectives By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to use the structure “in order to / so as to”, use future simple tense to make requests, offers and promises. II. Language contents: 1. Grammar: in order to / so as to, future simple tense 2. Vocabulary: review III.Teachniques: matching, pair work, group work, lucky number. III. Teaching aids: projector. IV. Procedures: - T: checking up the total of students - Monitor: answer T’s and Ss’ Activities Contents 1. Warm – up: ( 5)’ -T: give some pictures and statements -Ss: match the pictures with the right statements - Ss: give the answer -T: remark. Matching. - T:give the correct answer 1, paint the door 2 study harder 3, carry your bag 4, hang up the washing 5, cut the grass 6, empty the garbage  1->d, 2->c, 3->f,4->e,5->b,6->a. 2. Presentation &3.Practice: ( 32) - T: Give the form of future simple tense - Ss: take note and remember. I. Future Simple Tense: + S + Will + Vinf . - S + won’t + Vinf. ? Will + S + Vinf? Yes, S+ will. No, S + won’t..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> -T: explain the structure - Ss: recall requests,offers or promises. - Ss: do the task 4/ 88 page. - T: remark and correct.. - Ss: do task 3 by groups of two. - T: remark and correct.. Eg: + I will have the Tet holiday next week. - I won’t have the Tet holoday next week. ? Will you have the Tet holoday next week? Yes, I will. II. Modal “ will ” to make requests, offers and promises. Eg: -Will you empty the garbage can now, please? - Ok. - Won’t you have some books? – Yes, please. - I promise I will go to school in usual. – Don’t forget. 4/ 88. Work with a partner, look at the pictures. Make request, offers or promises. Uses the words in the box and will or shall. Eg: a,-Will you empty the garbage can, please ? - I will empty the garbage can. b. Will you paint the door, please? - I will paint the door tomorrow. c. Will you study harder, please? - I will study harder. d. Shall I carry your bag, please? - Shall I carry the bag for you? e. Will you hang up the washing, please? - I shall hang the washing for you. f. Will you cut the grass, please? - I will cut the grass for you. 3/87. Nga is helping her grandmother. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. a, Will you open the window, please? b. Will you give the book to me, please? c. Will you answer the telephone, please? d. Will you turn on the TV, please? e.Will you pour a glass of water, please? f. Will you get me a cushion, please? 2/ 86. Ba is talking to his mother about his aunt Mai. Complete the dialogue. Use the correct word or short form. 1. will 2. will 3. won’t 4. Will.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> - T: set the scene Ss: do the task 2/ 86 by working in groups of 4. -T: correct.. 5. will. 6. ‘ll. III. in order to / so as to Form: in order (not) to + V-infinitive so as (not) to (not) to Ex: - I study hard in oder to get good marks. - T: give and explain the - I always keep the window open in order to/ structures and examples. so as to let fresh air in. - Ss: write and remember - She went to the shop to buy a T- shirt. => in order to/ so as to thường được dùng để chỉ mục đích. - in order to: để, để cho, để mà - so as to: để, để cho, đến nỗi mà 1. Match one part of a sentence from column A with another part in column B. Then write a complete sentense by using in order to/ so as to. 2.c 3.b 4. e 5. a 6. d -T: explain the task 2, Mary wrote the notice on the board in - Ss: do exercise 1/86, match order to inform her classmates about the column A with column B, change in schedule. + base on the answer, use in order 3, Mr. Green got up early this morning in to or so as to say complete answer order to get to the meeting on time. 4, My elder brother studies hard this year so as to pass the entrance exam to the university. 5, People use first-aids so as to ease the victim’ s pain and anxiety. 6, You should cool the burns immediately in order to minimize tissue damage. Exercise: I. Choose the suitable words or phrases to fill in the blanks: 1, He promises he ................ study hard A. is B. has been C. will 4. Production: ( 7)’ 2, People use cold water……. ease the pain - T: give the exercises. A. in order to B. so as C. in order that - Ss: do the exercise 3. …………………..you post this letter for + give the answer me, please ? -T: remark A. Will B. Do C. Shall II. Choose A, B ,C or D that needs.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> correcting then correct it. 1, Shall you close the window for me, please? A B C D 2, He gets up early in order to reviewing lesson before. A B C D. 3, I took off my shoes so as to not make any noise. A B C D. * Answer Key: I. 1.D; 2.B; 3.A II. 1.A  will 2.C review 3.C  not to. 5. Homework: ( 1)’ + study the lesson + do exercise 5,6,7,8 (workbook) p 80 ->82. + Prepare unit 10: lesson getting started- listen and read VI. Teacher’s self- evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> Week: 22 Period: 61. Planning date: 18/01/2012 Teaching date: 21/01/2012. UNIT10 : Recycling Lesson 1 : Getting started & Listen and read I / Objectives : By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to know about reusing and recycling used things. II / Language contents : 1. Grammar : Adjective + to infinitive/ noun clause 2. Vocabulary : recycle, reduce, reuse, close bag, fertilizer, fabric. III.Teachniques: brainstorm, pair work, group work, true false statements. III/ Teaching aids : pictures ; cassette, flash card IV/ Procedures : - T: checking up the total of students - Monitor: answer Teacher and student’s activities Contents 1. Warm up : ( 5)’  GETTING STARTED -T: draw the circle with an Brainstorm: example on the board. -T: ask Ss to think of ways to Ways to reduce the amount of garbage. reduce the amount of garbage they produce. +Ss: give answer -T: remark Reuse plastic bags Possible answers: Use cloth bags, use tree leaves to wrap things, make garbage into fertilizer, make vegetable matter into animal food... 2. Pre – reading : ( 10)’ -T: present the situation of the dialogue - T: ask some questions +Ss: answer -T: give meaning of some new words (translation) explaination.  LISTEN AND READ. Vocabulary 1. (a) representative: đại diện,người đại diện 2. (to) protect: bảo vệ  (to) protect (so / sth) from (so / sth).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> translation/ explanation) trans translation/ definition - T: read model + Ss: copy down and repeat. 3. natural resource: tài nguyên thiên nhiên (coal mines, oil/gold/mineral deposits are........) 4. (to) recycle: tái chế 5. (to) contact: liên hệ Checking up: what and where. 3.While – reading : ( 19)’ -T: set the scene -T: Put the chart with the statements on the board. -T: play the tape +Ss: work in pairs to decide if the statements are true or false.( close book) + open their books, listen to the tape while reading the dialogue. + correct the false statements. + play the role. A representative from Friends of the Earth, Miss Blake, is talking to the students of Quang Trung School, friends of the Earth shows people how to protect the environment and save natural resources. True or False ? 1. Friends of the Earth is an organization to help people make friends with each other. 2. Miss Blake asks the students to remember 3 things: reduce, reuse, recycle. 3. Reduce means buying the products which are overpacked. 4. We cannot reuse things like envelopes, glass, plastic bottles, old plastic bags. 5. Miss Blake says that we should use cloth bags and shouldn't use plastic bags at all. 6. Recycling means not just throwing things away but trying and finding another use for them. Answer Key: 1. False  an organization to help people protect the environment and save natural resources 2. True 3. False  Reduce mean not buying…….. 4. False  We can reuse things………… 5. True. 6. True 4 .Post – reading : ( 10)’ Answer Key: +Ss: ask and answer the questions a. Reduce means not buying products which in pairs. are overpacked. - T: remark b. We can reuse things like envelopes, glass, plastic bottles and old plastic bags..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> c. Recycle means not just throwing things away. Try and find another use for them. d. We can look for information on recycling things by having a contact with an organization like Friends of the Earth, going to the local library or asking your family and friends. e. (Students' answers) (Possible answer: We shouldn't use plastic bags because when we throw them away, theycould stay very long and could not be self-destroyed / self demolished). 5. Homework : ( 1’) + study the lesson + do the exercise + prepare unit 10: Speak VI. Teacher’s self- evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> Week: 21 Period: 60. Planning date: 14/01/2012 Teaching date: 17/01/2012. UNIT 10 : Recycling Lesson 2 : Speak I / Objectives : By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to talk about how to recycle, practicing the speaking skill. II/ Language contents : 1. Grammar : simple present/ modal verbs 2. Vocabulary : fabric, compost, leather… III.Teachniques: kim game, pair work, group works IV/ Teaching aids : sub board, picture V/ Procedures : - T: checking up the total of students - Monitor: answer - Checking up: write vocabulary of last lesson Teacher and student’s activities Contents 1. Warm up : ( 7)’ Memory game (Kim's game) -T: show the picture to the Ss and ask them to observe it carefully, let them look at the picture for about 20" then put it away. - T: divide the class into 2 teams. + Ss: (one student in each team at a time) to go to the board and write Possible answer: as many words showing things in used paper, old newspapers, books, the picture as possible. cardboard boxes, bottles, glasses, jars, + the team with the most right plastic bags, food cans, drinking tins, words is the winner. vegetable matter, clothes, shoes, -T: give situation schoolbags,… 2.Pre- Speaking: ( 10)’ -T: give meaning of some new 1. Vocabulary words (explanation) - fertilizer (n): phân bón hóa học  (to) fertilize: bón phân (question) - compost (n): phân xanh (a) compost (What do you call the fertilizer heap: đống phân made from spoiled food, leaves, vegetable matter...) - fabric (n): vải sợi (realia).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> (What are these clothes made of ?) (question) (Our shoes, sandals are often made of......?) - T: readmodel - Ss:repeat and copy down 3. While- speaking: (15) - T: put the mapped dialogue chart on the board. - T: elicit the exchanges from ss. -Ss: some pairs practice each exchange before going on to another exchange. - Ss: after finishing the dialogue, a good pair demonstrate the whole dialogue. * open pairs: - T: ask some pairs to demonstrate the dialogue * close pairs: -T: ask Ss to work in pairs, replacing the information (in brackets) with the words in the dictation list.. - leather (n): da. Check voc: slap board * Mapped Dialogue. - Which group (do clothes) belong to? Put (them) in (fabric) - What can we do with (those clothes)? We can (recycle them and make them into paper or shopping bags. Is / Are (fruit vegetable matter)?  That’s right. What will we do with (it)? We make (it into compose and fertilize our field). 4. Post- speaking :(10) * Dictation List -T: tell ss they are going to listen Answer Key: to the words for items and put Group them into the right groups. used - T: draw the table on the board paper and ask ss to copy it. - Ss: listen to the words and put Glass them in the right columns. - T: model some words. Metal -Ss: read the words (in the table below) aloud, slowly Plastic -Ss: to work in pairs and give their answers. Fabric/ clothes - T: read the words again and correct. Items old newspaper, books, cardboard boxes bottles, glasses, jars food cans, drinking tins plastic bags, plastic bottles cloth bags, material.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> Leather. 5. Homework : ( 3)’ + study the lesson + prepare unit10: Read. shoes, sandals, schoolbags Vegetable vegetables, matter/ fruit rotten fruits peels. VI. Teacher’s self- evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> Week: 22 Period: 63. Planning date: 20/01/2012 Teaching date: 23/01/2012. UNIT 10 : Recycling Lesson 3 : listen I / Objectives : By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to talk about how to recycle and practice listening skill. II/ Language contents : 1. Grammar : simple present/ modal verbs 2. Vocabulary: Grain, Compost, Shade, Egg shells, Tissue, Moisture, Condensation, Rat. III.Teachniques: pair work, group works IV/ Teaching aids : sub board, picture, English 8, lesson plan, tape V/ Procedures : - T: checking up the total of students - Monitor: answer - Checking up: write vocabulary of last lesson Teacher and student’s activities Contents 1. Warm up : - T: talk something about the - What does the compost made of? compost. - What for does it? - Ss: listen and give the ideas - Which notices should we have when making? 2. Pre - listening - T: introduce the situation and hand the sub-board with Report card - Ss: look at the sub board and listen to the tape. - T: present some words 1. Vocabulary: (example) - Grain (n): hạt ngũ cốc (translate) - Compost (n): phân xanh (realia) - Shade (n): bóng mát (realia) - Egg shells (n): vỏ trứng (realia) - Tissue (n): vaûi vải mỏng (translate) - Moisture (n): hơi ẩm (translate) - Condensation (n): ngưng tụ (picture) - Rat (n): con chuột - T: read model -ss: repeat – copy down.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> Check voc: What and where -Ss: guess the right answer 3 While - listening : - Ss: listen to the tape and check their prediction - Ss: read their answer aloud - T: give the correct answer. 2. LISTEN a, A b, B c, B d, B Tape transcript: A, What type of garbage can you put in the compost? Today I’m going to explain how to start a compost heat. First of you must use only vegetable matter, which includes tea leaves, egg shell- but wash the shells first- and tissues. Don’t use any meat or grain products because this attracts rats B, Where is the best place for a compost heap ? Find a place in your garden that gets a few hours of sunlight each day. Use picks or shovels to turn the compost regularly so it gets plenty of air. C, Should you water the compost ? The compost also needs moisture, but it get this from condensation. Cover the heap with a sheet of strong plastic if the weather is very wet . D, How long does it take before you can use the compost? Keep adding to the pile and after about six months, your compost will be ready to use as fertilizer.. 4. Post - listening : - Ss:talk about the way to make compost in four groups - T: remark 5. Homework : + study the lesson + prepare unit10: Read VI. Teacher’s self- evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> Week: 23 Period: 64. Planning date: 25/01/2012 Teaching date: 28/01/2012. UNIT 10 : Recycling Lesson 4: Read I / Objectives : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to - know more vocabulary about recycling. - practice developing reading coprehension skill. II/Language contents : 1. Grammar : passive forms 2. Vocabulary : refill, tire, made from, billions of…. III.Teachniques: wordstorm, pair work, rub out and remember. IV/ Teaching aids : pictures ; cassette, sub board V/ Procedures : - T: checking up the total of students - Monitor: answer - Checking up: write vocabulary of last lesson Teacher and student’s activities Contents 1. Warm up: T & Ss: Chatting: talking about the gabage and recycling 2. Pre - reading : - T: give some guiding questions - T: give meaning of some new words. real object real object Example Translation Translation - T: read model - Ss: read and remember - T: introduce passive form. 1. Vocabulary - tire: vỏ (xe) - pipe: ống nước - deposit: tiền đặt cọc - refill: làm đầy lại (to fill something empty again) - melt  (to) freeze : nấu chảy ra Checking : Rub out and Remember 2. Grammar + Form : Passive Form in the Present Simple. Subject + is/am/are + past participle + Use : it is used when the subject is affected by the action of the verb + How to change an active sentence to a passive one..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> - T: give example - Ss: take notes and remember 3. While - reading: - T: read model - Ss: read the text. - Ss: work in pair, answer the questions. Active: S. V. O. Passive: S. be + pp. by O. eg: I love my parents. My parents are loved by me.. 3. Read a. Answer : a, People cleaned and refilled empty milk bottles. b, The glass is broken up, melted and made into new glassware. c, The oregon government made anew law that there must be a deposit on all drink cans. The deposit is returned when people bring the cans back for recycling. d, Compost is made from household and garden waste. e, If we have a recycling story to share, we can call or fax the magazine at 5 265 456 4. Post – reading : b. Make a list. - Ss: work in pairs to make a list Used things Recycling Facts of recycling facts mentioned in Car tires are recycled to make pipes the text. and floor recoverings. - Ss: give the answer Milk bottles are cleaned and refilled -T: remark Glass is broken up,melted and made into new glassware. Drink cans are brought back for recycling. Household is made into compost. and garden waste 5.Homework : + study the lesson + prepare unit 10: write VI. Teacher’s self- evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> Week: 23 Period: 65. Planning date: 26/01/2012 Teaching date: 29/01/2012 UNIT 10 : RECYCLING Lesson 5 : Write. I / Objectives : By the end of the lesson, the sts will be able to write a set of instruction. II/ Language contents : 1. Grammar : Present simple tense 2. Vocabulary : soak, mix, press…. III.Teachniques: bingo, pair work IV/ Teaching aids : pictures , sub-board, flash cards V/ Procedures : - T: checking up the total of students - Monitor: answer - Checking up: make some 2 examples for passive voice Teacher and student’s activities Contents 1.Warm up : Bingo: -Ss: play the game bingo Paper glass tire Cans bottle plastic Metal leather compost 2.Pre - writing : 1.Vocabulary - T: elicit words from Ss -T: teach vocabulary and read - Ss: repeat then copy down (explanation) - (to) soak: làm ướt, nhúng. (to put sth in liquid for a time so that it becomes completely wet) (mime) - (to) mash : nghiền, bóp (translation) - (a) wire mesh : lưới sắt ( picture) - (a) bucket: xô, thùng -T: set the scene: tell Ss they are 1. Complete the recycling instruction.... going to read a text about how to Answer key : recycle used paper. 1. use 2. mix 3. place 4. press - Ss: complete the passage. 5. wrap 6. wait 7. dry - Ss: give the answer - T: remark + read complete passage - T: give the way to write an 2. How to write instruction: instruction - First/ firstly,... - Second/secondly/ Then,... - Third/ Thirdly/Next.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> 3. While - writing : - T: hang the pictures of making tea leaves and ask some quentions. - T: says to lead the exercise 2 (how to make tea leaves to keep mosquitoes away) - Ss: look at each picture and give the suitable verbs for each picture.. - Finally,... First,........................................................ Then, ...................................................... Next, ....................................................... After that, ............................................... Finally,.................................................... 3. Make the instructions on how to prepare the tea leaves using the given words in the box. üWhat is it? ü What can we do with tea?. 1. First, take the used tea leaves from the tea pot. -Ss: make the instruction on how to 2. Next, scatter the tea leaves on the tray. prepare the tea leaves in four 3. Then, dry the leaves in the sun. groups. 4. Finally, put the dry leaves in a pot for future use. 4.Post-writing: +Ss: write the answer on the board - T: remark -Ss: read aloud the instruction + Ss: close book, retell the instruction. 5 . Homework : + study the lesson + prepare unit 10: language focus VI. Teacher’s self- evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> Week: 23 Period: 66. Planning date: 27/01/2012 Teaching date: 30/01/2012 UNIT 10 : Recycling Lesson 6 : Language focus. I / Objectives : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to consolidate the grammar they’ve learnt by practicing II/Language contents : 1. Grammar : passive voice Adjectives followed by - an infinitive - a noun clause 2. Vocabulary : III.Teachniques: pair work, matching IV/ Teaching aids : sub board, pictures V/ Procedures : T: checking up the total of students - Monitor: answer - Checking up: T: check the writing text of ss in their noterbook Teacher and student’s activities Contents 1. Presentation & 3 Practice: 1.Passive form: -T: retell the passive form Active:S V O Passive:S be + pp by O  S + is/am/are + V3 + by + O(pp) +Ss: rewrite the sentences (UP 1) in the passive form. + Ss: compare their writing and go to the board and write their sentences.. * Practice: 1.Work with a partner/95. b. Then the glass is washed with a detergent liquid. c. The glass pieces are dried completely. d. They are mixed with certain specific chemicals. e. The mixture is melted until it becomes a.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> -T: Set the scene: Ask ss to listen to the situation. A famous inventor, Dr Kim, is going to build a time machine. One of his assistants, Hoi, is asking him questions about the invention. He wants to know when Dr Kim will start the project. How can he say the sentence in the Passive ? +Ss: copy down. +Ss: work in pairs, complete the dialogue. -T: set the scence: Ba gives Nam a lot of directions at a time so Nam find it difficult to follow Ba's directions. What does he say to Nam. liquid. f. A long pipe is used. It is dipped into the liquid, then the liquid is blown into intended shapes. * Model Sentences: When will the project be started? will S be past participle . Use : Passive Form in the Future Simple Form :will / shall + be + past participle Do 2/ 96 Answer Key: 1. .... will be showed / shown.......... 2. Will....... be built......... ? 3. ......... will be finished ...................... 4. Will......... be made ............?. 2. Model Sentences: a/ It ’s difficult to follow your directions. It be adj to infinitive Concept checking: Form: It + be + adjective + to infinitive b/ We are delighted that you passed the English exam. S. + Ss: work in pairs, complete the dialogues + Ss: give the answer - T: remark -T: ask Ss do ex3 /96. be. adj. that/noun clause. Concept checking : Form: S + be + adj + that / noun clause. 3./96 b, It’s easy to understand. c, It’s hard to believe. d, It’s dangerouse to go near the stove. e, It’s important to wait for five minutes. 4/97. ( 4) are you sure +Ss: work in pairs to complete the ( 1) was happy ( 2) am relieved ( 5) am certain letter using the words in the box. ( 3) is afraid + give their answers, - T: give feedback and correct..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> 4.Production: + read aloud complete letter + write the answer in the book ( 1,2,3,4 5. Homework: + study the lesson + prepare unit 11: getting startedlisen & read. VI. Teacher’s self- evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> Week: 24 Period: 67. Planning date: 15/02/2012 Teaching date: 18/02/2012. UNIT 11 : TRAVELING AROUND VIET NAM Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and Read I.Aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use expressions to express their interest, reading for details about how to express interest. II. Laguage Focus 1. Grammar: Making requests with - Would / Do you mind if I...? - Would / Do you mind + V-ing? –ed and –ing participles. 2.Vocabulary corn, crop, city center, water buffalo, sugar cane III.Teaching aids: cassette, 2 charts, jumbled words and pre-quest pictures IV.Procedure. T: checking up the total of students - Monitor: answer T’s and Ss’activities Content I.Warm up. - Where do you want to travel? T: ask the question + on the beach Ss: ask and answer + in the city + in the countryside + on the mountain II: Listen and read 1. Activity 1 1.GETTING STARTED T : Ask Ss to open their books (p.98) and match the names with the pictures. - Call on some Ss to give their answers. Ss : Give their answers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> Answer Key: a) Ngo Mon Gate b) Nha rong Harbor c) The Temple Literature d) Ha long Bay 2. LISTEN AND READ 2.Activity 2 -T: set the scene :” today you will listen to the conversation among Hoa and the Jones family” -T: Elicit the new words. (translation / explanation) (picture) (picture) (reality) (translation) 3.Activity 3 -T: Ask Ss to listen to the tape while reading the dialogue on page 99. - Ss : practice the dialogue - T: call some groups to role work in pairs to answer the questions. 4. Activity 4 -T: Ask Ss to listen and say out True or False. - T: Read the sentences aloud and wait for Ss answers. - T: Ask some Ss to correct the false sentences and have Ss write in their notebooks, (a  f) Ss : Do as teacher’s asks. a. Vocabulary 1. (a) crop: mùa màng 2. (a) sugar cane: cây mía 3.(a) water buffalo: con trâu 4. (a) corn: cây bắp, ngô 5. city center: trung tâm thành phố Checking technique. Bingo. b. True / False Statements Answer Key: a. True b. True, c. False  in a taxi d. True e. True f. False  Not only rice and corn but also sugar canes are grown around Ha Noi. 3. Discussion * To express interest: - I'd like you to meet my parents ...... - It's nice to meet you .... - It's great to be in Viet Nam - I'd like to sit with Tim..... * to express a request: - Would you mind sitting in the front seat....

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> - Would you mind if I took a photo ? III. Homework Do the exercises in the workbook Prepare the speak and listen lesson VI. Teacher’s self- evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> Week: 24 Period: 68. Planning date: 16/02/2013 Teaching date: 19/02/2013. UNIT 11 :TRAVELING AROUND VIET NAM Lesson 2 Speak + Listen I.Aim: By the end of the leSson, Ss will be able to make and respond to formal requests using "mind" and make suggestions. To help Ss practice in making suggestions and using " mind " to make requests. II. Language Focus 1. Grammar: Making requests with - Would / Do you mind if I...? - Would / Do you mind + V-ing? –ed and –ing participles. 3.Vocabulary III.Teaching aids: 4 cardboards, a mapped dialogue chart IV.Procedure. T: checking up the total of students - Monitor: answer - Checking up: write the vocabulary of last lesson T’s and Ss’activities Content I. Warm up - GAME: What does it say ? - Choose a student and ask him / her On the board: Every day. to go to the front of the class with Ss ask: How often do you have a his / her back to the board so that shower?..... he / she cannot see what is written on the board. Write the information on the board, (normally in brief) - Ask the rest of the class try to help the student guess what is written on the board by asking questions until he / she says out right the word(s) on the board. eg: On the board: Yes, I do. II.Speak SPEAK 1. Activity1: Pre-speaking -T: Set the scene: Remind Ss of the exchanges between Hoa and Mr. Jones and between Hoa and Tim in the last dialogue and elicit the sentences from Ss..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span> S:listen and copy down. T:give situations “you want your friend to help you open the window and replies” S1:Would you mind open the window? S2: Not at all. S:pairwork to make requests and reply with the agreement and disagreement. T: Give more example S:listen –copy down.. 2.Activity 2: While-Speaking. T:set the scene. T: Elicit the exchanges from S and let them repeat. S:pairwork. Pair 1:markets Pair 2: Museum. Pair 3:Restaurants Pair 4:Zoo and botanical Gardens. T: monitor and correct. 3.Activity 3: Post-Speaking Ss: practice together III. Listen. 1. Structures Model Sentences: 1. A••: Would sitting in the you mind front seat of the taxi ? B : No problem. 2. A : Would you took a photo ? mind if I B : Not at all. Concept checking: Use: To make and respond to formal requests Form : 1. Would you mind / Do you mind + Verb -ing......... ? 2. Would you mind if I + Verb (in Past simple tense)......? Do you mind if I + Verb (in Present simple . tense)....? Responses:  Agreement: No, I don’t mind. / No, of course not. / Not at all. / Please do. /Please go ahead.  Disagreement: I'm sorry, I can't / I'm sorry, it's impossible. I'd prefer you didn't. / I'd rather you didn't. - Get Ss to copy.. 2.LISTEN.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> T: Ask S to practice further in pairs in class. T: give situation one by one. T:Set the scene: The Jones family are going around HaNoi arid they are talking about tjie directions to 5 places in the maps, Listen to them and match the places to the correct positions on the map. - Put the map on the board and ask Ss to identify the places. - Play the tape 2 or 3 times. - Tell Ss to work in pairs to compare their answers - Get Ss to give their answers and correct T:Ask some Qs. S: listen and answer. T:Let S write the sentences with directions.. Answer Key: a) restaurant b) hotel c) bus station d) pagoda e) temple. Questions: 1.Is the restaurant on Ho Tay Road? 2.What is just opposite the tourist information of center? 3.What is just past the pagoda on the same go?. Homework: Write 3 Sentences to give direction from markets,post office to school VI. Teacher’s self- evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span> Week: 24 Period: 69. Planning date: 16/02/2013 Teaching date: 18/02/2013. UNIT 11 : TRAVELING AROUND VIET NAM Lesson 3: Read I.Aim: reading for details about the place directic information about some places of interest in Viet nam. Ss will be able to get information from simple advertisements. II. Laguage Focus 1. Making requests with - Would / Do you mind if I...? - Would / Do you mind + V-ing? 2. –ed and –ing participles. 3.Vocabulary Verb Noun Adjective (to) import accommodation giant (to) recognize canoe magnificent (to) sunbathe corn III.Teaching aids: cassette: a route map, pictures of cities, drawing, cue chart. IV.Procedure: Teacher’s and Students’activities Content I.Warm Up QUIZ What's this place ? -T: Ask questions and call the student who puts his / her hand up first to answer. - T: Tell Ss each place consists of 3 questions; 3 points for the lst * Da Lat question; 2 points for the 2nd and 1 1. It is called the city of Eternal point for the 3rd. Spring. 2. It has a lot Of waterfalls and lakes. 3. You can find the most, kinds of flowers here.. * NhaTrang 1. It's a seaside resort. 2. It has a very big monument of Buddha. 3. It has an Oceanic Institute..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span> * SaPa 1. It is a mountainous resort. 2. It has tribal villages. 3. Sometimes it has snow.. II. Pre-Reading. -T: Elicit new words. SS: listen and copy down. T:check vo by bingo. III.While-Reading T : Ask Ss to read the advert, sements about the resorts (p. 102, 103) and check () the topics mentioned in the grid (p. 104) - T: Get Ss to work in pairs to compare their answer. -T: Have Ss copy down. - Ss : Copy down. * Ha Long Bay 1. It is recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESSCO. 2. It has a lot of caves. 3. It consists of a lot of islands. 1.Vocabulary 1. accommodation: nơi ở 2. giant (adj) = very big: khổng lồ 3. tribe (n): bộ lạc, nhóm 4. slope  dốc 5. (a) jungle:rừng nhiệt đới 6. limestone : đá vôi Checking technique: Bingo 2. Grid: Answer Key:  Nha Trang: flights to Ha Noi, railway, hotels, local transport, tourist attractions.  Da Lat hotels, local transport, waterfalls, tourist attractions  Sa Pa hotels, local transport, mountain slopes tourist attractions, villages.  Ha Long Bay World Heritage, tourist attractions,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span> sand beaches, railway, hotels, caves, local transport.  restaurants, types of food  no place - T: Ask Ss to work in pairs, one 3. Interview plays the role of a toursit and the Tourist Tourist officer other plays the role of a tourist -Would you mind Not at all. It is a me (seaside resort.) officer to ask for and give the telling something about -Yes, you can visit information about the toursit sistes. (NhaTrang)? (the giant Ss : pair work -Is there anything Buddha, the - Show the word-cue chart on the special ? Oceanic Institute board and get a good student to as well as the off shores model. islands.) - How about the - (There is a accommodation ? small selection of hotels here, so you have to book, it in advance.) - How can I travel - You can (go to around the city ? the Northern and southern - Thank you very destinations by much bus or train).. T : Ask Ss to use the information in the advestisements to make other dialogues and practise speaking. - Ss in pairs should be assigned to work on only one topic. Eg: Group I: Nha Trang Group 2: Sa Pa -T: Get some pairs with different topics to demonstrate their - You're welcome. dialogues. - Rewrite the advertisements to make them into short paragraphs, like this: "Nha Trang is a wonderful seaside resort for…” IV.Post - reading -T: Elicit new words * Vocabulary Ss : to copy down. 1. mountain - climbing (n): leo núi 2. (to) sunbathe : tắm nắng 3. (a) florist: người bán hoa 4. (to) import  to export: nhập khẩu Answer: T: guide Ss do the task 2 Andrew: Sa pa Ss: work in groups of 4 and do as Mary: Nha Trang Teacher John: Nha Rong Harbor T: have Ss to give their choice in Joanne: HaLong Bay front of the class..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span> Donna: Da lat IV.Homework Learn vocabulary prepare Write lesson VI. Teacher’s self- evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span> Week: 25 Period: 70. Planning date: 23/02/2013 Teaching date: 25/02/2013. Unit 11: Traveling Around Viet Nam Lesson 5: Write I/ Objectives By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to write a narrative using a guided composition to tell a story II/Language contents : 1. Grammar: review 2. Vocabulary: canoe, paddle, hire, overturn, rescue, stumble, go off, strangely, pool III/Techniques jumbled word, what and where, group work. IV/ Teaching aids: poster, pictures V/ Procedures: -T: checking up the total of students - Monitor: answer - Checking up: write the vocabulary of last lesson T’s and ss’ activities 1. Warm – up: - T: give ss some jumbled words -Ss: give feedback - T: correct and give mark 2. Pre – writing: - T: read the story and give vocabulary . picture . picture . mime . explain . explain . explain Trans Trans Emplain Picture -T: read the words modally - Ss: listen and repeat in chorus and then individually. Contents * Jumbled words 1, stfloir = florist 2, rtompi = import 3, moadacomiont = accommodation. 1. Vocabulary - canoe (n): ca nô - paddle (n): mái chèo, tay chèo (v): chèo - hire (v): thuê - overturn (v): lật úp - rescue (v): giải thoát, cứu nguy - stumble (v): vấp, trượt chân - go off (v): kêu, nổ - strangely (adv): kì lạ thay - pool (n): vũng nước, hồ nước.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span> - correct their pronunciation - give feedback - Ss: read the passage in silence + read the statements + order the statements - T: check and give feedback 3. While - writing - T: hang the pictures on the board and give the request - Ss: look at the picture and ask them to order the events. - T: take the ss’ order and speak the story out loud, using the words given - Ss: give feedback - T: correct and ask ss write the sentences - Ss: write the sentences and write the story.. * Checking vocabulary What and where 2. Task 1: Now, put the sentences below in the correct chronological order to complete the story. * Ordering c–a–g–d–f–b–e 3. Task 2: Put the events below in the correct chronological order and write the story. Start with the sentence below.. -> d – b – e – h – a – f – c –g d. She had a Math exam on Friday and she got up late. b. She realized her alarm clock didn’t go off. e. As she was leaving it started to rain heavily. h. Uyen tried to run as fast as she could. a. Suddenly she stumbled against a rock and fell. f. Her schoolbage dropped into a pool of water and everything got wet. c. Strangely the rain stopped as she got to her.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span> classroom. g. Luckily Uyen had enough time to finish her test. 4. Post – writing : - Ss: write the story on the borad -Ss: read aloud completely story -T: correct the mistake 5. Homework: + write the story in your exercise notebook + prepare unit 11: language focus VI. Teacher’s self- evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span> Week: 25 Period: 70. Planning date: 23/02/2013 Teaching date: 25/02/2013. Unit 11: Traveling Around Viet Nam Lesson 6: Language focus I. Objectives By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to use present participal, past participal and the verb “mind” to make requests. II.Language contents : 1. Grammar: V-ing, V3/V-ed, Would you mind …? 2. Vocabulary: review III.Techniques: kim’s games, gap fills, pair work. IV. Teaching aids:poster V. Procedures: T: checking up the total of students - Monitor: answer - Checking up: write the vocabulary of last lesson T’s and ss’ activities Contents 1. Warm – up : -T: ask ss retell some structure - use “mind” in requests in Unit 11. - -ed and –ing participles 2. Presentation 1, -ed and –ing participles: Hiện tại phân từ và quá khứ phân từ -T: retell the structures a. Hiện tại phân từ được thành lập bằng cách -Ss: take notes and remember thêm đuôi –ing vào sau 1 động từ. Nó thường đứng sau 1 danh từ hay 1 cụm danh từ để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ và cụm danh từ đó. Eg: The boy reading a book in the library is my friend. b. Quá khứ phân từ được thành lập bằng cách thêm đuôi –ed vào sau động từ theo quy tắc hoặc dùng động từ ở cột thứ 3 trong bảng động từ bất quy tắc. Nó đứng sau danh từ hoặc cụm danh từ để bổ nghĩa cho chúng. Đây là trường hợp rút gọn của mệnh đề quan hệ ở thể bị động. Eg: The toys made in Japan are expensive. 2, Use “mind” in requests. - Do / Would you mind + V-ing …? - Would you mind if + I + V (past simple tense) …?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span> - Do you mind + if + I + V (present simple tense) …? Responses:  Agreement: No, I don’t mind. / No, of course not. / Not at all. / Please do. /Please go ahead.  Disagreement: I'm sorry, I can't / I'm sorry, it's impossible. I'd prefer you didn't. / I'd rather you didn't. 3.Practice 3. Practice - T: set the scence and ask Ss to A, 1/108: Look at the people in the schoolyard look at the picture on 108 and do at Quang Trung School. Say who each person as the request is. - Ss: work in groups of 4 then Keys: look at the picture and make the 1. The woman talking to Nam is Miss Lien. sentences with –ing participles. 2. The boy talking to Miss Lien is Nam. - Ss: write the answer on the 3. The boy reading a book is Ba. board 4. The girl standing by the table is Lan. - T : correct. 5. The girls playing chess are Nga and Hoa. - T: hang the picture on the B, 2/108: Look at this stall. Describe the board and ask ss to describe. goods for sale. Use the past participles of the - Ss: look at the picture and do verbs in the box. as request. - Ss: read the answers - T; correct. - T: ask ss do as the request. - Ss: do in pairs and do the task - Ss: speak loudly in front of the class. - T: correct.. Key 1. The box painted in green is $1. 2. The doll dressed in pink is $2. 3. The flowers wrapped in a yellow paper is $1. 4. The toys kept in a box is $10. 5. The toy car recycled from plastic is $2. C, 3/109: Work with a pratner. Use these words to make and respond to requests. A check means agree to the request, a cross means do not agree. b. Would you mind putting out your cigarette?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span> - T; hang the pictures on the board and ask ss to server -Ss: do in pairs and do as requests. - Ss: speak loudly -T: comment 4.Production: -T: give ss some handouts -Ss: use the right form of the verbs in the box - T: check and give feedback. – Not at all. c. Would you mind waiting for a moment? – I’m sorry I can’t d. Would you mind getting me a cup of coffee? – I’m sorry, that is not possible. D, 4/110: work with a partner. Look at the pictures. Ask questions and give suitable respones. The information on page 100 may help you. a. Do you mind if I sit down? Please do b. Would you mind if I smoked? I’d rather you didn’t. * Gap-fill: present or past participal? Sit live water. 1. The girl ………….. at 50 Tran hung Dao are my friend. 2. The garden ………….. every morning is full of flowers. 3. The cat ………….. on the table is hers.. 5. Homework : + study the lesson + review all of structures VI. Teacher’s self- evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span> Week: 25 Period: 72. Planning date: 24/02/2013 Teaching date: 27/02/2013. REVIEW I.Objective: By the end of the lesson, student can be able to review the main grammar from unit 9,10,11. II.Language contents: - in order to, so as to - future simple tense - passive form - It’s adj + to-inf - It’s adj + that clause - Ed- participle/ ing- participle - Would/ do you mind - III.Teachniques: pair work III.Teaching aids: subboard IV.Proceduce: 1, Theory: a, in order ( not) to/ so as ( not) to + Vinf b, future simple tense: - S + will/ shall + Vinf ? Will/shall + S + Vinf c, Passive form: Active S V O Passive S be + pp by O - present simple tense: S + is/am/are + V3/Ved + by + 0 - Future simple tense: S + be + Ve/Ved + by+ 0 d, It’s + adj + to-inf.... It’s + Adj + that clause ( S + V...) e, Ed-participle Ing- participle f, Would/ do you mind + Ving Would you mind If I + V2/Ved..... Do you mind If I + V1..... 2, Exercise: 1, Change the sentences into passive: a, People use milk for making butter and cheese  Milk............................................ b, Our teacher will hold a class discussion next Monday.  A class discussion ...........................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span> 2, Complete the sentences . a, The man ( sit)................. next door to me was very nervous. b, the flight to London will ( delay) .................. because of heavy rain. c, Do you mind If I ( smoke) ................ here. d, She gets up early in order to ( go) ................ to school on time. e, I( live)................ in BMT for 5 years. 3, Write V2/V3 of the folowing verbs. V1 V2 V3 Take .......... ........... Hold .......... ........... Work ............ ............ Teach ............ .............. Get ........... ............ Live ............. ............ Buy ........... ........... Be ............. ......... Use ............. ............. 4, Rewrite the sentences. a, Could you open the door please?  Would you mind................................... b, Can you turn on the TV please? Do you mind if I........................ c, The boy is Nam. He is speaking to Mr Tan.  The boy ...................................... V. Keys: 1, Change the sentences into passive: a,  Milk is used for making butter and cheese. b,  A class discussion will be hold by our teacher next Monday. 2, Complete the sentences . a, sitting . b, be delayed the . c, smoke . d, go e, have lived 3, Write V2/V3 of the folowing verbs. V1 V2 V3 Take ...took taken. Hold ...held hold. Work ...worked worked. Teach ...taught taught. Get ...got got. Live ...lived lived..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span> Buy ...bought bought. Be ...was/were been. Use ...used used. 4, Rewrite the sentences. a,  Would you mind opening the door? b, Do you mind if I turn on the TV ? c,  The boy speaking to Mr Tan is Nam. VI. Teacher’s self- evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span> Week: 26 Period: 73. Preparing date :02/03/2013 Teaching date: 04/03/2013 WRITTEN TEST NO. 3 Time: 45 minutes I / Objectives : to check students’ knowledge form Unit 9 to Unit 11 II/ Language contents : 1. Grammar : - in order to, so as to - future simple tense - passive form - It’s adj + to-inf - It’s adj + that clause - Ed- participle/ ing- participle - Would/ do you mind 2.Vocabulary : III/ Teaching aids : Test IV. Matrix: Knowledge Knowing Understandi Applying Applying Total ng in low in higher level level TN TL TN TL TN T TN T L L Chuyển những 6s = động từ sau 3m 6s*0,5m sang dạng quá =3m khứ phân từ (6s) Grammar and strutures 6s*0,5m - Choose the 2s 2s 2s =3m correct answer =1m =1m =1m (6s) Reading: 2s=1 2s = - Trả lời câu hỏi m 1m 4s*0,5m (4s) =2m Chuyển những 2s = câu sau sang 2m 2s*1m dạng bị động =2m (2s) Total 6s= 2s= 4s= 6s= 18s=10 3m 1m 2m 4m m.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span> V/ Content of the test: I. Chuyển những động từ sau sang dạng quá khứ phân từ: (3đ) Eg: Buy → bought 1. Do → …………. 2. Cut → …………. 3. Give → …………. 4. Drink → …………. 5. Eat → …………. 6. Make → …………. II. Chọn đáp án đúng nhất cho những câu sau (3đ) 1. Do you mind if I ....... here ? - Please do. A. sit B. sat C. sitting D. to sit 2. The woman ......... to Mrs. Smith is Lan’s mother. A. talk B. talked C. talking D. to talk 3. It’s difficult ........ this question. A. answer B. to answer C. answering D. answered 4. Would you mind ......... the stereo ? - Not at all. A. to turn off B. turned off C. turning off D. turned off 5. I will ….. to my grandmum next month. A. to visit B. visiting C. visited D. visit 6. I have to learn harder in order ….. next exam. A. to pass B. passed C. passing D. pass III. Đọc đoạn văn (2đ) Yesterday, when I was riding along a busy road, I saw an accident. A woman was knocked down when she crossed the street at a zebra crossing. Many people stopped to offer their help. A policeman arrived and asked a young man to telephone for an ambulance. While waiting for the ambulance, the policeman and some people tried to stop the bleeding. They used a handkerchief to cover the wound, then put pressure on it and held it tight. They tried to talk to her in order to keep her awake. After about ten minutes, the ambulance arrived and the woman was taken to the hospital. * Questions: 1. When did the accident happen? .................................................................................. 2. Where was the woman knocked down? ...................................................................... 3. What did they do to stop the bleeding? ....................................................................... 4. How long did the ambulance arrive? ........................................................................... IV. Chuyển những câu sau sang dạng bị động(2đ).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span> 1. We buy an English book.  ……………………………………………… 2. Mr Huy calls a taxi for me.  ……………………………………………… V. Keys I. Chuyển những động từ sau sang dạng quá khứ phân từ: (3đ) Mỗi câu đúng được 0,5 điểm. Tổng điểm: 3,0 điểm Eg: Buy → bought 1. Do → …done………. 2. Cut → …cut………. 3. Give → …given………. 4. Drink → …drunk………. 5. Eat → …eatten………. 6. Make → …made………. II. Chọn đáp án đúng nhất cho những câu sau (3đ) 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. A III. Đọc đoạn văn (2đ) 1. It happened yesterday. 2. The woman knocked down on the road. 3. They used a handkerchief to cover the wound, then put pressure on it and held it tight. 4. The ambulance arrive after about 10 munites. IV. Chuyển những câu sau sang dạng bị động(2đ) 1 An English book is bought by us. 2A taxi is called for me by Mr Huy. VI. Teacher’s self- evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span> Week: 26 Period: 74. Preparing date :02/03/2013 Teaching date: 05/03/2013. Unit 12: A VACATION ABROAD Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read I/ Objectives By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to know more about vacation abroad and listen and read for details about making plans for a vacation abroad. II/ Language content: - grammar: The past continuous tense - vocabulary: include, come over, pick up, abroad III.Teachniques: Matching, chatting, rub out and remember, pair work IV/ Teaching aids: poster, a map, text book, casset V/ Procedures: T: checking up the total of students - Monitor: answer T’s and ss’ activities Contents 1. Warm – up : - T: ask some questions - “ Do you want to travel abroad?” - Ss: answer - “ Where do you want to go?” + Asia + Europe + Oceania + America + Africa 2. Getting started 1. Getting started - T: show the pictures to ss, Match the names of the countries in the box one by one and ask ss to with appropriate pictures. guess what country it is +Ss: answer - T: call on one ss and ask her some questions +Ss: ask and answer, using the modal - T: give feedback. a. The United States of America (the statue of Liberty).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span> 3. Listen and read Pre - listening -T: teach vocabulary - Ss: write and remember (trans) (explain) (example) (trans) - T: read model - Ss: read in chorus and individually While - listening - T: play the tape +Ss: listen and read, open their books + practice the dialogue Post- listening - T: comment pronounciation -Ss: work in groups and do task 1 - T: comment. b. Australia c. Thailand d. Britain e. Canana f. Japan + Chatting: A: Which country do you want to visit? B: I want to visit ………… A: Why? B: Because ………… 2. Listen and read a. Vocabulary: - include (v): bao gồm - come over ( v): ghé qua - pick someone up: đón ai - abroad ( adj): nước ngoài * Rub out and remember b. Listen and read.. c. Complete Mrs Quyen’s schedule DATE SCHEDULE. Mon 25 Coming to San Francisco. Tue 26 Going out. Wed 27 Having dinner with the Smiths. Thu 28 Leaving San Francisc o. d. Answerthe following question a. No, they won’t. They will stay at a hotel because - Ss: work in pairs answer their accommodation is included in the ticket price. the questions in part 2/113 b. No, he won’t. Because he has a business -T: call some pairs to ask and meeting. answer c. Mrs. Smith will pick her up at her hotel. 4. Homework : + study the lesson +do the exercises 1,2,3 on.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span> page 101 in the workbook + prepare unit 12: speak VI. Teacher’s self- evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span> Week: 26 Period: 75. Preparing date :02/03/2013 Teaching date: 05/03/2013. Unit 12: A Vacation Abroad Lesson 2: Speak I / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to talk about their plans for a trip abroad. II/Language Content: - grammar: review - vocabulary: itinerery, gallery, flight, via, facility, brochure III/Teachniques: quiz, slap the board, pair work VI/Teaching aids: poster, a map V/Procedures: T: checking up the total of students - Monitor: answer T’s and ss’ activities. Contents. 1/ Warm – up: - ask ss some questions + answer. * Quiz 1. What’s the end of everything? (letter g) 2. What words starts with T, ends with T and full of Tea? (teapot) 3. Which river in america has four “I”? (Mississippi). 2.Pre – speaking : - T: give and explain the vocabulary . explanation . picture . explanation . translation . translation . realia - T: read the words modelly. -Ss: Listen and repeat in chorus, then individually. - Ss: write down in the notebook. - T: set the scene. 1. Vocabulary - itinerary (n) (a plan for a journey): lộ trình - gallery (n): cuộc triển lãm - flight (n) : chuyến bay - via (pre): theo đường - facility (n): phương tiện - brochure (n): tờ hướng dẫn du lịch * Checking vocabulary Slap the board * Set the scene: The Johns family are going around Ha Noi and they are talking about the directions to 5 places in the map. Look at the map and guess where they go.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span> -T: hang up the brochure on the board and ask ss some questions -Ss: read the brochure in silence + answer the questions. 3. While – speaking -Ss: make a dialogue talking about an itinerary - T: give ss a mapped dialogue -Ss: work in pairs + some pairs perform their results in front of the class.. 1. How many flights a week can you take from Los Angeles to Boston? (4) 2. Which of the hotels is cheaper? (The Atlantic Hotel) 3. Where can you visit in Boston? (Paul Revere’s house …) * Mapped dialogue - A: Where shall we stay? - B: The Revere Hotel is expensive but it has a gym. - A: What time should we leave Los Angeles? - B: There’s a daily flight at 10am. Would that be OK? - A: Where should we visit? - B: I think we should visit Havard Medical School, the museum and Art gallery. - A: That sounds fine.. 4. Post – speaking Depart (BMT) ………….. -Ss: work in groups and write a Arrive (Dalat) …………….. plan for their coming summer Accommodation: …………………… holiday by filling the information Sightseeing: ………………………. in their itinerary Depart (Dalat) ……………… 5. Homework : + study the leson + prepare unit 12: read VI. Teacher’s self- evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span>

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