Ministry of Industry
Rural Energy II Project
Environmental Guidelines and Framework
Attachment to Ministry of Industry’s Decision
Number: Date:
January, 2004
Environmental Guidelines and Framework
VIETNAM: Rural Energy II
1. Introduction
The Rural Energy II Project (the Project) is classified as Category B for environmental
assessment (EA, see OP/BP/GP 4.01 Environmental Assessment). The project may include both
positive and negative impacts. Negative impacts are minor, and temporary and are primarily
associated with preconstruction and construction activities. Positive impacts are mostly incurred
during operation, and are likely to be significant because of their longer term nature at both the
local and regional level.
2. Overview
This framework document will provide guidance on the EA process to be adopted for
subprojects to be considered for financing under the Project. Basically, there are eight elements
involved for the EA process during project preparation and three elements involved with project
implementation. These are listed below:
Investment Preparation
EA Documentation/Document Content
EA Review and Approval
Subloan Conditionality and Approval
Environmental Performance Standards
Licensing and Permitting
Investment Implementation
Institutional Responsibilities for Environmental Management
Supervision Responsibilities for Mitigation and Monitoring
Permits and Licensing
A discussion of each of these elements will define the EA process to be followed for
subprojects to be considered for financing under the Project.
The Client will prepare an Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) document for the
subproject (see next section for content of an IEE document). to determine the magnitude and
nature of the impacts.
If the PMU determines that the subproject impacts are significant and adverse and/or
unprecedented, such a project would be considered Category A under the World Bank EA
policy, and therefore would not be considered further for financing. Where the IEE indicates no
significant environmental issues (most cases) the subprojects are eligible for financing under the
The DONRE will determine if the subproject requires an EIA in accordance with Vietnamese
criteria or if no further study is necessary.
If an EIA is required by DONRE for subprojects which the PMU assesses to be Category B an
EIA acceptable to the Government of Vietnam and an Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
acceptable to the WB and DONRE will be required for further processing of the subproject.
If an EIA is not required by DONRE for subprojects which the PMU assesses to be Category B
an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) acceptable to the WB and an environmental
certificate as required by DONRE will be the only environmental requirement for further
processing of the subproject.
EA Documentation/Document Content
Preparation of all EA documentation is the responsibility of the Client.
An IEE should include the following sections:
• Project Description (see Annex 1)
• Screening of Potential Environmental Issues AND Rationale for Their
Significance Grading
An EMP should be developed from the Environmental Template Document, which has
been suggested by WB and the final version is yet to be endorsed by EVN and MOI
An EIA or environmental certificate should be prepared in accordance with
Vietnamese guidelines as presented in the GOV Circular 490/KHCNMT
All EA documents (IEE, EMP, and EIA) should be consistent. For example, priority
issues identified should be the same for all EA documents as well as the proposed measures to
mitigate these issues. Similarly, institutional responsibilities for mitigation, monitoring etc.
should be the same in all EA documents.
The Client will be required to conduct a consultation with project affected people and
non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The purpose of the consultation is to identify
environmental issues of concern to project affected groups and NGOs, so that they may be
included in the EA documents. Therefore consultation may take place either before the EMP is
prepared or after a draft EMP is available. In either case, the final EMP should include any
appropriate environmental issues identified at the consultation.
The consultation can be conducted in any of several forms: door to door survey, public
meeting, circulation of questionnaires, call-in to local radio or TV station, etc.
Detailed documentation of the consultation (see Annex F of the Environmental
Template Document) should be included in the EMP and IEE/EIA.
The Client will be required to provide a Vietnamese language version of the EMP and
IEE/EIA in a public location easily accessible to project affected people. An English language
version of the EMP and IEE/EIA should also be provided by the Client to the World Bank
Office in Hanoi for display in its library (VDIC) and in the InfoShop in Washington DC
EA Review and Approval
The Client will be responsible for delivering IEE/EIA and EMP documents of quality
acceptable to the Bank for the Bank’s review and clearance.
In the final submission to the Bank, the Client should provide evidence to the PMU (e.g.
copies of the letters of approval, environmental certificate) that all necessary approvals of the
IEE/EIA have been obtained from the responsible Vietnamese authorities.
Subloan Conditionality and Approval
It is the responsibility of the Client to assure that subloan agreements include a
statement which commits the Client to implementing the EMP. The following sample may be
“The Client (or sub-Borrower) agrees to implement the Environmental Management Plan
(EMP) as presented in (indicate where the officially approved EMP is located----it could be
included as an Annex in the loan documents or situated in a project file)”
From the environmental view, a subloan may only be approved after the Client has: (a)
agreed to the conditionality for EMP implementation, (b) has successfully conducted and
documented the public consultation and (c) demonstrated that all appropriate EA documents
have been disclosed.
Environmental Performance Standards
If either construction or operation aspects of the subproject are subject to specific
Vietnamese environmental standards, for example: electric and magnetic field strength,
prohibition of the use of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), noise, dust, etc. These items should
be included in the Environmental Monitoring Program section of the EMP (see Annex C of the
Environmental Template Document). It is the Clients’ responsibility to assure that all
Vietnamese environmental performance standards are met in the design, construction and
operation of the subproject. It is the responsibility of the Vietnamese environmental authorities
to assure these standards are obeyed. From time to time, if necessary, the Vietnamese
environmental authorities may wish to seek support of the PMU in meeting their responsibility.
Licensing and Permitting
It is the responsibility of the Client to secure and maintain any necessary licenses or
permits which are either issued by or require approval of any Vietnamese environmental
authorities during both subproject construction and operation phases for the life of the project.
Supervision Responsibilities for Mitigation and Monitoring
It is the responsibility of the PMU, possibly in collaboration with Vietnamese
environmental authorities to supervise both the mitigation and monitoring activities which have
been agreed to by the Client in the subloan documentation. The supervision effort should be a
regular on-going activity. Additionally, if there are complaints from local project-affected