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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Question I: others in. ĐÁP ÁN - HDC ĐỀ SỐ 10 Choose one word that is pronounced differently from the. each group 1- C. grow 2-B. bridge 3- D. naked 4- C. adventure 5- A. notice Question II: Supply the corect form of the verbs in the brackets. 1- has had 6- not to stay 11- had 2- had seen 7- wouldn’t be punished 12-will land 3- were 8- were cleaned 13- had been told 4- will be fed 9- was talking 14- being taken 5- be painted 10- wasn’t invited 15-will have finished Question III: Complete sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets. 1- informative 6- ability 2- attractive 7- careless 3- participants 8- relatives 4- difficulty 9- uncomfortable 5- competitions 10- unpolluted Question IV: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentenses. 1- C.of 6- C. at 11- C. had listened 2- C.heavy 7- C. without 12- C. to 3- A.in 8- C. hard 13- C.whom 4- B.for 9- D. would be 14- B. but 5- D.from 10- A. by 15- B. more intelligent Question V: Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word. 1- excellent(interesting) 6- souvernirs 2- narrow 7- friendly 3- town 8- tastes 4- walk 9- bought 5- old 10-colorful Question VI: Read the paragraph. Then choose the best answer for each question. 1- d. 2- b. 3- d. 4- c. 5- b.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Question VII: a-Each sentence has one mistake. Find and correct it. 1- hardly --> hard. 2- to rain --> raining 3- I aren’t ? --> aren’t I ? 4- much. --> more 5- don’t get --> not to get b- Complete the sentences with the words given. 1- She said she enjoyed Vietnamese food very much. 2- I would tell him the truth if I were you. 3- My father used to smoke when he was young. 4- Mai is worse at Math than Lan Anh. 5-Hoa has more books than her sister. Question VIII: Rewrite the following sentences so that they stay the same meaning. 1- The house was dirty it hadn’t been cleaned for weeks by us. 2- We had our house painted lastmonth/ We had a painter paint our house last month 3- Do you have any experience of driving this kind of car? 4- By whom was this story written ? 5- I am afraid of being left alone at home at night. 6- Noone in Tom’s football club is a better football player than him. 7- This is the most beautiful house I have ever seen. 8- Does your homework have to be done by you tonight ? 9- My biggest problem is Listening / Listening is my biggest problem. 10Have you been shown what to do ?.

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