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Should students work part time

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Hi everyone, I’m Cam Tu. Good to see you all.
Today, the subject of my talk is “Should students work parttime”.
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I’ve divided my talk into three parts.
- In the first part we’re going to discuss the “Advantage and disavantage” of working part time
as a student.
- Then in the second part is “Why freshman shouldn’t work part-time?”
- Finally, I’ll go on to talk about “When students should do part – time work?”
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Now, let’s move to the first part of my talk which is about the “Advantage and disadvantage of
working part – time”
So, Has anybody here ever worked part-time as a student? If the answer is “yes”, can you tell
me what you got when you were in a part – time job?
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Yep, there are many benefits when we mention about a part-time job likes:
- money, soft skills, new friends, discounts and perks, work experience,
1. Ok, let’s talk about “money”
+ Surely, what better reason is there to get a part –time job than earning some extra cash?
+ Usually as a student, we don't have a lot of money enough to buy something we want
so it would be nice to have a part - time job and get paid, right?
+ And if you’re lucky and hardworking, you can find a part – time job with high salary,
from which, you can be financially independent and even helping your parents.
2. And about “soft skills”:
+When you have a part – time job, you will learn to manage your money and master your
+ You will learn to manage your money because I’m surely that when you start making
money of your own, you tend to become more cautious about how to spend your hard – earned
+ You will learn to master your time because you need to make sure you can both go to
school and work.

+ Besides, you will also learn teamwork skills and maybe regular training in the actual
working environment can help you become more professional and confident than who does not.
3. Work experience
+ In fact, training at colleges or universities only provides students with a basic
background. In this case, it is no doubt that working part-time seems to be more helpful. In other
words, the more experiences students gain during school time, the more benefits they will get in
their future business.
4. New friends
+ Sure, because everywhere you come, you will have new friends, but be careful in
making friends because not everyone is a good person.
5. Discounts and perks
+ hmmmh, there is a fifty fifty chance, depend on your boss and your work.
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Ok, there are advantage, and you know, everything has two side. So what’s about disadvantage
of working part – time?
- The first is lack of time. The sad truth about having a job while you are still in college is the
need to reject the invitations from your friends because there is no time left for fun. That is not
entirely true, but you may meet up with friends less often than you did before.
- And if you don’t have a reasonable schedule, your study and sleep time will also be cut, and
this is not good at all.
- And from which you can face many challenge. That can be stress from your part – time job or
study. In addition to not getting enough sleep, your body will often get tired. That’s why,
everything comes at a price.
And the last disadvantage thing I want to mention is that: “thoughts of leaving university”.
- This might be one of the negative consequences of earning money so early. Students do not see
any sense in going to university if there is a possibility to get paid without a diploma. Although
there are some examples of people without college degrees starting a successful business, it is
better to have one just in case.

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So, with such advantage and disadvantage likes that, should students work part – time?
In my opinion, I think, first year students shouldn’t work part time because:

- This is the time when we change the environment from high school to university so instead of
working part – time, we should get accquainted and adapt to living independently and changing
our learning habits.
- Along with that, we should learn more about subjects, soft skill and language.
- To do that, it’s a great idea to participate in extracurricular activities. From which, you can
gain some experience from sophomore and teacher.
- After all, participating in extracurricular is more benefits than you think.
- And the most important thing that your main purpose is to learn the basics knowledge so we
should spend a lot of time for it.
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So when students should do part – time work?
- My answer is when you’re second year student or older because this is the time that you
basically controlled your independence life, adapted new habits.
- And when you can master your time, it means you can balance your studies, part - time work
and rest.
- And better find a job that true with your major because that can make the most of the
experience you have earned in your actual job in the future.
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I’d like to end with a summary of the main points that:
1. First year students shouldn’t work part - time
2. Even going to work part – time doesn’t let it affect you studies.

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