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nhiệm vụ đầu tiên: nhìn
context đốn nghĩa của từ :D
(nhớ tìm cả cách phát âm từ
đó nữa nhé)

what does "rehearsal"
My father was a musician in Havana and he took
me to a rehearsal. And he told me to sit down at a
bench outside the studio. Suddenly, someone
approached me and said, ‘We are trying to test for
this commercial.’ I must have been 10 years old.
So, I got up and I did the casting call. I mean, I
have never been an actor, but it was like I had
always been doing this.

what does "refugee" mean?
February 28 of 1962, I woke up and I knew
that this was the day I would leave. My mother
made me dress in a pinstripe suit and a
beautifully white ironed shirt and a tie and she
told me something that I never forgot. She
said, ‘People will evaluate you based on the
way you dress.’ So, I arrived in the U.S. as a

refugee looking like a million dollars. But
anyway, we went to the airport and there were
a lot of children. We were all fighting for the
window. And I remember seeing the clear
waters of, of the water in Cuba. And it was so,
so beautiful.

what does "Put it into
perspective" mean?
I remember you told me that
story on my 14th birthday
and it was the first time I
was old enough to put it all
understand how much it

What does "optimism
never failed me" mean?
Absolutely. In a foreign country with no
language, no parents, going to school, gone
from being an actor to, to being a busboy. I
remember that I was working and I had my 15
minute break. I would go back to an alley
behind the restaurant and sit on a wooden
crate, and dry the tears with my apron. It was

a challenge, but optimism never failed me.
At 74, I’m not giving up on, you know, getting
a good part in a movie sometime.

sự khác nhau giữa 'sometime' và 'sometimes'
- sometime:
+) tính từ: trước đây, trước kia (the sometime secretary: người thư
kí trước đây)
+) phó từ bất định: một lúc nào đó (một thời điểm không rõ trong
tương lai hoặc trong quá khứ)
- sometimes (trạng từ chỉ tần suất): = occasionally: thỉnh thoảng

nhiệm vụ tiếp theo: điền từ
vào chỗ trống

And in a perfect movie, Max, I would be
the ____________ who sells
______________ that you run to the girl
I hope that when you are my age, you will
still be dreaming because the next best
thing could be around the corner.

what does "the next best
thing could be around the
corner" mean in english?


He is referred to as the father of (1)
_______________, but during the Second World
War, the Red Cross (2)___________________ of
African Americans to give blood, which meant
that Dr. Drew couldn’t himself have been a
When they changed that policy, it led to the
(4)_________________ of blood. But he said,
’There is no scientific (5)___________________.’
And further than that, he said, ‘You need the
blood. We are at war.’I think Dr. Drew would
call himself a (6)________________ and
(7)______________. And if that took taking a
(8)____________, that’s what he did.

answer key
He is referred to as the father of blood banking, but
during the Second World War, the Red Cross
denied the right of African Americans to give blood,
which meant that Dr. Drew couldn’t himself have
been a donor.
When they changed that policy, it led to the
segregation of blood. But he said, ’There is no
scientific reason.’ And further than that, he said, ‘You
need the blood. We are at war.’I think Dr. Drew

would call himself a determined teacher and surgeon.
And if that took taking a stand, that’s what he did.

I must say that I didn’t know a lot about what my father was doing until
he died. I was eight years old. And my mother felt that it was better that
we not be at the (1)_________, so I was at school that day.
When the (2)__________________________ left, it went by my school and
I saw the cars going by. And the cars went by, and they went by. And I
was simply (3)__________________ that there were so many people who
(4)___________________ him.
When he died, he was 45 years old and it is an (5)________________ to
think about, even now, to have done so much in such a little bit of time.
You know, I think I call him Dr. Drew because it is (6)______________. A
man of the ages is not someone who is called daddy.

I must say that I didn’t know a lot about what my
father was doing until he died. I was eight years old.
And my mother felt that it was better that we not be
at the service, so I was at school that day.
When the funeral procession left, it went by my school
and I saw the cars going by. And the cars went by,
and they went by. And I was simply astounded that
there were so many people who revered him.
When he died, he was 45 years old and it is an
enormous thing to think about, even now, to have
done so much in such a little bit of time. You know, I
think I call him Dr. Drew because it is honorific. A man
of the ages is not someone who is called daddy.

You know, Mom, I will carry these
_______________ on to my children
conversations on to theirs. They will
all know that Dr. Drew ___________ a
path for them.

You know, Mom, I will carry these
on to my children who will then
carry these conversations on to
theirs. They will all know that Dr.
Drew blazed a path for them.

I get a call that said, ‘Do you wanna be an
(1)_______________?’ I said, ‘Oh my gosh, yes!’ And he
said, ‘Be here on Monday to take these tests.’ I had
(2)________________ stuck on every part of my body;
tubes running up my (3)______________. So, I went
along with it. It didn’t bother me. And then they said,
‘We want you to come with a (4)______________.
You’re going to go into the (5)____________________.’
Well, I didn’t know what that was. The (6)___________

come down, they said, ‘Try not to move.’ Well, I didn’t
have a whole lot to think about. I’m twenty, I had ten
dollars in my (7)__________. And then finally they said,
‘Wally, you were (8)______________. You stayed in ten
hours and thirty-five minutes. You did the best of the
guys that we’ve had and of the girls.’

I get a call that said, ‘Do you wanna be an
astronaut?’ I said, ‘Oh my gosh, yes!’ And he
said, ‘Be here on Monday to take these tests.’ I
had needles stuck on every part of my body;
tubes running up my bottom. So, I went along
with it. It didn’t bother me. And then they said,
‘We want you to come with a swimsuit. You’re
going to go into the isolation tank.’ Well, I
didn’t know what that was. The lights come
down, they said, ‘Try not to move.’ Well, I
didn’t have a whole lot to think about. I’m
twenty, I had ten dollars in my pocket. And
then finally they said, ‘Wally, you were
outstanding. You stayed in ten hours and
thirty-five minutes. You did the best of the
guys that we’ve had and of the girls.’

(1)_______________. When we got the
(2)_____________, that was it and I never heard
anything more. So, I went on about my own
business. I’m not gonna sit back and pine over

anything. I applied to NASA four times and
finally they said, ‘Wally, you know, we’re sorry
but you don’t have an (3)___________________.’ I
said, ‘Well, I’ll get one.’ So, I never let anything
stop me. I know that my body and my mind can
take anything that any space outfit wants to give
me. A high altitude chamber test, which is fine,
a centrifuge test, which I know I can do five and
six Gs. These things are, are, are easy for me.

pine over
= regret

But, I don’t think you truly realize that you have been not only
my hero but my (1)_____________. I went through a very
(2)_______________ and you made a phone call at the right time
one afternoon that saved my life. You said, ‘Mary, let’s go
flying,’ And I said, ‘Wally, I can’t (3)_______________ to go
flying.’ And you said, ‘I didn’t ask you that. Meet me at the
airport.’ And taking me flying, you would pick out a cloud and
you would say, ‘Mary, you see that cloud up there?’ I’d say, ’Yes,
ma’am.’ You said, ‘Point the (4)_______ of this airplane toward
that cloud and just fly to it.’ And it was the most (5)_________
feeling. I felt like I was (6)___________ something when I was in
that airplane, and that helped me to put myself back in charge
of my own life. So yeah, you fixed the (7)_____________.
Every night at ten o’clock you and I will call each other and we
(8)___________ our day, what went well, what didn’t go well,
and we call it our ten o’clock (9)____________.

But, I don’t think you truly realize that you have been not only my hero
but my mentor. I went through a very nasty divorce and you made a
phone call at the right time one afternoon that saved my life. You said,
‘Mary, let’s go flying,’ And I said, ‘Wally, I can’t afford to go flying.’ And
you said, ‘I didn’t ask you that. Meet me at the airport.’ And taking me
flying, you would pick out a cloud and you would say, ‘Mary, you see
that cloud up there?’ I’d say, ’Yes, ma’am.’ You said, ‘Point the nose of
this airplane toward that cloud and just fly to it.’ And it was the most
freeing feeling. I felt like I was in charge of something when I was in
that airplane, and that helped me to put myself back in charge of my
own life. So yeah, you fixed the problem.
Every night at ten o’clock you and I will call each other and we discuss
our day, what went well, what didn’t go well, and we call it our ten
o’clock flight.

answer the question: what
do you think about their
stories? what lesson can you
learn from them?

nhiệm vụ cuối cùng: tập tành

___________________________. And I

said, ‘Would you let me go?’ Because,
in the Hispanic home, a young girl
did not leave home. But, she says,
‘Do you want to be like me at age 22
with four kids?’ I said, ‘No.’ Then she
says, ‘Ah well, then get the heck out
of here.’

So, I signed up and we were put
in a…what is the word?…convoy?
to Hawaii.
They assigned me to the sheet
metal department and it was like
on-the-job training. I didn’t know
what a wrench was, nothing.
