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EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My


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EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My




EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My

Câu 1: What is the main idea of the text ?

Chọn một câu trả lời
Exercise is important to make sure you get a good night's sleep
There are several different things you can do to make sure you sleep well
Sleeping well is not an easy thing to do and should only be done after talking to a
Question 2
In what order were the topics presented in the text?
Chọn một câu trả lời
bedroom, exercise, sleep schedule, snack nicotine and caffeine
bedroom, sleep schedule, exercise, snack, nicotine and caffeine
bedroom, sleep schedule, exercise, nicotine and caffeine, snack
Question 3
According to the text, snacking before bed
can help you sleep better

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My
reduces the amount of Tryptophan in your body
keeps you awake and should be avoided Gửi kết quả
Question 4
According to the reading, exercise
Chọn một câu trả lời
for can lower the body's need sleep
should be done during late afternoon and at night
should be done in the morning or early afternoon
Question 5

According to the text you should go to sleep
Chọn một câu trả lời
early on work or school days and any time on non-work days
at the same time every day, including non-work days
when you feel tired, no matter what time it is
Question 6
What does the text say about nicotine and caffeine?
Chọn một câu trả lời
They are fine in small amounts before bed
They can help you sleep better
They should be avoided before bed
Question 7
Eating a small cheese sandwich before bed might help you sleep well
Not Given
Question 8
Before you change your sleep habits, you should talk with your doctor
Chọn một câu trả lời
Not Given
Question 9
The most common cause of sleep problems is stress
Chọn một câu trả lời
Not Given
True Question 10
Caffeine, nicotine and tryptophan can cause sleep problems
Chọn một câu trả lời

Not Given








EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My


Asthma is an obstructive lung disorder characterized by recurring inflammation of mucous
membranes and spasms of smooth muscles in the walls of bronchial air passages. The inflammation
and contraction of smooth muscle narrow the airways and make breathing difficult. Initial onset of
asthma can occur in children of adults. Stress, heavy exercise, infection or exposure to allergens or
other irritants such as dusts, vapours, or fumes can trigger acute episodes of asthma, so called “asthma
attacks”. Many patients with asthma have a family history of allergens. Dyspnoea is the major system

but hyperventilation, headaches, numbness and nausea can occur. One way to treat asthma is by using
inhaled or systemic bronchodilators that reduce muscle spasms and open the airways. Other types of
treatment use anti-inflammatory medications or leukotriene modifiers that reduce the inflammation
associated with asthma.
( 1 => 5 )
Question 1How does the doctor diagnose asthma?
The patient’s smooth muscles become inflamed
The patient finds it difficult to breathe due to nasal inflammation
The patient’s mucous membranes become red and sore again and again.
The patient’s muscles in bronchial air passages contract very often
Question 2: Which is NOT one cause of asthma?
Extreme physical activities
Dangerous smoke
Question 3: Which is NOT true? - The patient
may not feel in body parts
breathes with difficulty
certainly suffers headaches
sometimes breathes quickly



Question 4: Which is prescribed to lessen the inflammation in asthma patients?
leukotriene modifiers

anti-inflammatory medications
Question 5: What does the underlined word “episodes” probably mean?
Chọn một câu trả lời
New words
recur: tái diễn
irritant : chất kích thích
fumes: khói
numbness: tê cóng
spasm: co thắt





EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My
Lung cancer is a malignancy of pulmonary tissue that not only destroys the vital gas exchange tissues
of the lungs but also like other cancers may invade other parts of the body (metastasis). Lung cancer
most often develops in damaged or diseases lungs. The most common predisposing condition
associated with lung cancer is cigarette smoking (accounting for about 75% of cases). Other factors
include exposure to ‘second-hand’ cigarette smoke, asbestos, chromium, coal products, petroleum

products, rust and ionizing radiation (as in radon gas).
Lung cancer may be arrested if detected early in routine chest X-ray films or other diagnostic
procedures such as bronchoscopy. Depending on the size, location and exact types of malignancy
involved, several strategies are available for treatment. Chemotherapy can cause a cure or remission
in selected cases, as can radiation therapy. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is also used to treat cancer of
the lining of the bronchial tubes. Surgery is the most effective treatment known, but less than half of
those diagnosed are good candidates for surgery because of excessive metastatic spread.(6 => 10 )
Question 6. The malignancy of lung cancer
is caused by emphysema
will certainly spread to other areas
damages all other parts of the body
damages the tissues of the lungs
Question 7: Which is the most likely cause of lung cancer?
cigarette smoke
metal products
ionizing and non-ionizing radiation
Question 8: What is the possible meaning for the underlined word “arrested”?
Question 9: What should be noticed about chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and PDT?
a. They are effective in certain conditions.
b. They are likely to give remission
c. They provide the best results to cancer patients
d. They are good treatment for respiratory cancers
Question 10: Surgery for cancer patients
can cure even the spreading metastasis
is not very effective.

can be used in only a few cases
is approved by fewer than 50% of doctors
New words
Malignancy :
Account for:
Procedure :

ác tính
xâm lấn
di căn
đưa đến
giải thích
bức xạ
sắt gỉ
bắt giữ
phát hiện
thủ tục
hóa học trị liệu
sự giảm

ứng cử viên
quá nhiều





EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My


1.It can be inferred from the passage that the phrase “hay fever” refers to
viral bacteria
a seasonal discomfort
a lung cancer
fodder for cattle
2. According to the passage, the symptoms of the allergy are predominantly

3. What can be inferred from the first paragraph?
The cause of allergic reaction has not been determined.
People should not have an emotional response to allergic reactions
The nervous system balances allergic reactions
Hay fever may cause severe allergic reactions and even death
4. According to the passage, patients suffering from hay fever may also experience
mood swings
hunger pains
nervous blockage
sensory perception
5.In paragraph 1, the bold word “resentment” is closest in meaning to
6.It can be inferred from the passage that a frequent source of allergy-causing irritants can be
larynx infections
organic matter
ear membranes
human contact
7. According to the passage, the irritants are transported by
air passages


EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My
8. In paragraph 2, the word “blockage” is closest in meaning to
9. According to the passage, to avoid incidents of hay fever, patients need to
take doses of prescribed medicine
increase their self-confidence
avoid exposure to pollen
avoid interactions with other patients
10.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a cause of allergies?
11.It can be inferred from the passage that hay fever
has no known cure
is rooted in the human psyche
can be linked to a breakdown
has no effective antibodies
12.A paragraph following this passage would most probably discuss
what flowers are harmless to hay fever patients

what other diseases can be relieved by vaccines
how the nervous system alerts patients
how the immune system reacts to allergens
New Words

Hay fever:
Itchy :
Runny nose :
Congested nose:
Suffer from:
Bout of .. :
Periodic :
Sinus infecton:
Resentment = anger :
Lack of :
Self confidence = assurance :
Blossom :
Considerable :
Over extended period of time :
Repreive: /ri'pri:v/
Reprisal: /ri'praizl/


sốt mùa hè
sổ mũi
nghẹt mũi
trải qua
cơn (bệnh)
định kì
viêm xoang
học thuyết
giận dữ
sự tự tin
nở hoa
cố gắng
loại bổ
đáng kể
trong một khoảng thời gian dài
kê đơn
chủ yếu
nhận thức
thay đổi
sự hủy bỏ
sự trả thù
sự gay gắt

nỗi đau buồn
kích thích
sự tiếp xúc



EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My


EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My


EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My

What is ONE of several diseases recorded as a cause of death if the elderly have
the flu? Bacteria pneumoniae
What percentage of the vaccination coverage is recently maximised by the
research of Lone Simonsen? About 70%


EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My


EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My
New words
nhầy nhụa
Wriggly : uốn éo
Guarantee: bảo đảm
chịu đựng nghịch cảnh
Nibble: gậm nhấm
giun đất
sự giúp đỡ
Convince: làm cho thuyết phục
Blood sucker:
động vật hút máu
đề nghị
Set up : mở
Cottage industry : nghề thủ công
Hit upon : tìm ra
Apply to: đặt vào
sự cắt cụt

ngẫu nhiên
Reattach: gắn lại = knit
Congeal: kết đông
Blockage: tắc nghẽn
Cut off: cắt đứt
Relatively: tương đối
Gangrene: hoạt tử
As soon as:
ngay sau khi
-> As long as = So long as = Provided that :
miễn là

-> As far as :

as far as I know : Theo như tôi được biết
as far as I concern : Về phần tôi

Bluish :
đượm vẻ
Latch on :
bám vào
Drop off:
Satiated :

để lại
Artificial :
nhân tạo
Reconstruction: tái cấu trúc
Dispose of :
vứt bỏ
Passing oil infection????
Starve -> starvation : đói
Regime :
chế độ
hiển nhiên rằng
It’s no use + Ving = It’s no good + Ving : vơ ích
khi làm gì
Illustrious :
lừng lẫy
Gruesome :
khủng khiếp
Turn pale:
tái đi
In store for :
dự trữ, để dùng
có chủ ý

1.Which word in paragraph 2 gives a clue to the size of the leech ?

2.Dr sawyer and his team hit upon a proven use of leeches. What is the proven use ? That leeches can
be widely used in research
be used to help improve blood circulation in re-joined limbs
be used by hospitals on a large scale
provide certain useful enzymes
3. In paragraph 4, it is said that leeches are used for accidental amputations. What inference can be
drawn from this phrase ?
That some people lose their limbs through no fault of their own
That all accidents cause limbs to be cut off
That leeches do not work on limbs deliberately cut off
That leeches work well on limbs severed in accidents
4.When will a limb suffer from gangrene ?
When there is no blood flow in the arteries
When there is insufficient blood
When the blood is flowing slowly
When there is an obstruction in the free flow of blood in the veins
5.How is the leech important to the modern doctor ?
It helps in the knitting of severed limbs It helps heart patients
It has anti-coagulant properties ..
It restores circulation
6.Which word or words in paragraph 6 indicate that a leech is difficult to shake of once it is in close
contact with its victim ?
latched on
20 minutes

feed on
7.Why is leech treatment gaining rapid acceptance by reconstruction and other units in hospitals
throughout the world ?
Leeches are easily bred.
This is in keeping with alternative medicine treatment

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My
Leeches are cheaper than drugs.
The body need not be pumped with drugs to facilitate blood flow


Ms Tran



EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My

New words

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My

Accumulate : tích tụ
Medical procedure: thủ thuật y khoa
Inflate: thổi phồng
Coronay balloon angioplasty :
Bypass surgery : ( Coronary artery bypass
surgery) phẫu thuật bắc cầu ghép động
mạch vành
Compress: nén
Invasive: xâm lấn
Section : khu vực
Calf: bắp chân
Angioplasty: nong mạch
Thread: lắp

Dye: thuốc nhuộc
Distinctive: đặc biệt
Femoral artery: ĐM đùi
Groin: háng
Monitor: theo dõi, giám sát
Path: đường đi
Stainless steel: thép ko gỉ
Statistics : số liệu thống kê
Compile: thu thập đc
Superb: toẹt vời � � �
Therefor: do đó
Twofold: gấp đơi
Recurrence: tái diễn
Degree: mức độ

Question 1.When coronary arteries are blocked by plaque, one of the results could be

femoral artery deterioration
heart attack
Question 2 According to the passage, angioplasty is defined as
blood vessel repair
bypass surgery
a plaque-laden artery
a tiny balloon


Question 3 It can be inferred from the passage that invasive most closely means
entering the body cavity
resulting in hospitalization
causing infection
requiring a specialist’s opinion
Question 4.The angioplasty procedure begins with
a thin catheter being inserted into the femoral artery
a healthy artery being removed from the calf
a special dye being injected into the bloodstream
a balloon being inflated in the heart


Question 5. It can be inferred from the passage that
3–5% of the patients refuse to undergo this procedure
surgeons do not take even a 2% chance ofdeath lightly

patients have trouble accepting the ideathat a tiny balloon will cure the problem
a healthy artery is removed and awaits possiblebypass surgery
Question 6. Which one of the following statements is true?
A. The risk of dying during an angioplasty procedure is 3–5%.
B. The coronary balloon angioplasty is a separate procedure from inflating a balloon
into a blocked artery
C. The plaque that has caused the problem is not removed during angioplasty
D. All of the above statements are true


EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My


EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My

New words
Gasp: thở hổn hển
Trap: chặn lại
Uvula:lưỡi gà
Risk of factor: yếu tố nguy cơ
Rouse : đánh thức
Dizzy: hoa mắt
Irritability : dễ cáu
Exhaustion: kiệt quệ

Seek: tìm
Progressive: tăng dần
Blame for something: đổ lỗi

Tension : căng
Intrusive : xâm nhập, xâm lấn
Abstain from : kiêng
Combat disease : chống laị bệnh tật
Do away with = get rid of : từ bỏ
Undergo = experience = endure = sustain
Rely on : tin tuởng
Mandibular : xuơng hàm duới
Expertise : ý kiến chuyên môn
Shrink : co
Palate: vòm miệng

Question 1-5 : The passage describe 3 different types of sleep apnea. Which of the
characteristics below belongs to which type of sleep apnea ‘ABCCA’

Its root cause is a blockage at the trachea
It is connected exclusively with the nervous system
It blocked airflow and a brain malfunction
It is the most unusual type of sleep apnea
It is the most common form of sleep apnea
A. if it is a characteristic of obstructive sleep apnea

B. if it is a characteristic of central sleep apnea
C. if it is a characteristic of mixed apnea

Question 6-10 Do these statements agree with the information in the passage? Write TRUE,

Sleep apnea only affects men over 40
Most people with sleep apnea have the problem diagnosed
Often a relative of sleep apnea sufferer is the first to notice the problem
Sleep apnea is more common in Greece than in other countries
Sleep apnea can cause problem at work




Questions 11-14: Which treatments for sleep apnea are mentioned in the passage? Choose
FOUR answers from the list below: ABDF
A getting surgery
B wearing a mask
C taking sleeping pills

D reducing one’s weightE massaging the throat muscles
F sleeping on one’s side
G drinking moderate amounts of alcohol

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My


1. Antibiotics may be organic substances produced by living organisms or
synthetic compounds. In practice, they inhibit the development of or kill other
cells. The term is derived from the word "antibiosis", that means "against life"; in
other words, unilateral antibiosis takes place when one organism is inhibited by
another and a reciprocal antibiosis occurs if both organisms are in opposition.
2. Antibiotics are a relatively new weapon in the struggle against disease. At the
beginning of this century a primitive antibiotic known as pyocyanase was used to
treat diphtheria but its results were unreliable. Scientific literature also mentions
the inhibitory action of fungi but no-systematic study was carried out.
3. An important step forward was made in 1929 by Sir Alexander Fleming, who
discovered the antibacterial powers of penicillin. Further experiments on
penicillin were carried out by Sir Howard Florey and E.B. Chain who, together
with Fleming, received the Nobel prize for their contribution to medicine. The
effectiveness of penicillin awakened the interest of scientists in the field and
hundreds of antibiotic substances were soon discovered, although most of them
were too toxic to be used clinically.
4. Antibiotics can be classified as anti-bacterial, antifungal, anti-tumorous and
anti-viral according to the agent they counteract and some may belong to two of
these classifications, for example anti-fungal and antibacterial. The general

public and even doctors can be confused by the numerous trade names often
used to refer to antibiotics, so in scientific works it is advisable to use generic
names. Antibiotics are active in infections of bacterial origin although some
broad spectrum antibiotics like tetracycline (C 22H2408N2) may be used to
counteract mycoplasma, chlamydia, rickettsieae and certain protozoa. At present
much research is being carried out in the hope of finding effective anti-tumorous
antibiotics. One may well ask how substances that are so different chemically all
have antibiotic properties. The answer is simply that they act on a cell from
different points of attack: they may cut off the supply of essential nutrients to
the cell, they may inhibit the processes of phosphorylation and they may interfere with the nucleic acid synthesis.
5. The chemical nature of an antibiotic is generally that of a large molecule with
a complex structural formula. Antibiotics may be acids, bases or neutral
compounds. Many antibiotics have been chemically synthesized and are produced commercially on a large scale in many countries of the world, although the
greatest production is concentrated in the USA, Europe and Japan. The process
can be summarized as follows: a medium, which may be an inorganic salt,
lactose, glucose, soybean meal etc, is fermented for several days; then the
medium is processed involving extraction, precipitation, decolourization and
crystallization. A litre of medium gives only a few grams of antibiotic.
6. Antibiotics have solved many problems but they must never be used unless
under strict medical control because they can provoke severe allergic reactions
and even lead to death if the patient develops immunological hypersensitivity to
these drugs. In addition new antibiotics are always needed because diseasebearing micro-organisms defend themselves by creating pathogens, which
enable them to resist to antibiotics already in use. The cell wall may succeed in

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My
blocking the antibiotic or a micro-organism may manage to create new metabolic
circuits to compensate for the interference in the old ones.

New words
Organic: hữu cơ
Synthetic compound: hợp chất
tổng hợp
Derive: có nguồn gốc
Struggle against: đấu tranh
Diphtheria : bệnh bạch hầu
Literature: tài liệu
Further: đẩy mạnh
Contribution: đóng góp
Counteract: trung hòa
General public: quần chúng
Trade name: tên thương mại
Refer: chỉ
Generic name: tên hóa học
Broad spectrum antibiotic:KS
phổ rộng
Counteract: chống , kháng cự

Essential : chủ yếu
Interfere: cản trở
Scale : qui mô
Concentrated in: tập trung
Inorganic : vơ cơ
Medium: mơi trường
Fermented: lên men
Process: xử lí
Extract: trích
Precipitation: kết tủa
Crystallization: kết tinh

Provoke: khiêu khích
Pathogen: nguồn bệnh
Circuir: chu trình
Metabolic: chuyển hóa
Compensate: bù trừ

1. Find one correct word from the text “ANTIBIOTICS” to complete each of these sentences.
Remember to capitalize the first letter of the first word in a sentence and use exactly the same form of
the words in the text.
1. The word ‘antibiotics’ originated from anti-biosis , which expresses the meaning of ‘against
2. Diphtheria is usually found in children with the symptoms such as slight fever, rapid pulse, and
swelling of glands in the neck.
3. Libraries must present a system of detailed … so that readers can find the materials they want as
soon as possible.
4. Metoprolol is the generic name for a drug treating hypertension, whereas a brand name for the
same drug is Lopressor
5. Most throat … are caused by viruses.
6. Parasitic protozoa can cause severe diseases, including amoebiasis, malaria, and other tropical
7. Protein synthesis is the transcription and translation of specific parts of DNA to form proteins.
8. You can find a fluid or solid medium in which organic structures are placed, for preservation,
for example.
9. Snow, after the process of crystallization, becomes ice in this extreme cold in European
countries this year.
10. … , or infectious organisms, include bacteria such as Staphylococcus, viruses such as HIV, and
fungi such as yeast. They can also be called “disease producers.”

2. There are six paragraphs in the text. Match each of them with the appropriate main idea. (135462)

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My

Formation and definition of antibiotics
The development of antibiotics
Specific process of formation of antibiotics
Classifications of antibiotics
Problems in using antibiotics
The start of antibiotics

3. Choose the best meaning of each word

a. major
b. belonging to first periods of human society
c. at an early stage
d. very old

a. poisonous

b. safe

c. common

d. expensive


a. work with


b. perform

c. reduce the bad effect

d. classify

synthesize (par. 5)
a. produce by combination of chemicals
b. collect necessary chemicals
c. separate unnecessary substances
d. eliminate harmful chemicals

generic name
a. special name
c. scientific name

b. popular name
d. easily - pronounce name

provoke (par. 6)
a. interfere with
c. react


b. cause
d. combine


b. not develop
d. not fight against

A ??

resist (par. 6)
a. not be harmed
c. not cope with

4. What do these words refer to?
Its (results) (par. 2)
Some (may belong to) (par. 4)
One (may well ask) (par. 4)
They (act on a cell) (par. 4)
That (of a large molecule) (par. 5) (2 words)
(in the old) ones (par. 7)

chemical nature
metabolic circuits

5. Complete the sentence with ONE word from the text in each blank:
The first antibiotic was

but it was put aside because of its unreliable results

6. How can antibiotics be classified? (Choose the correct answer)

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My
a. two main groups

b. more than six basic groups
c. four main groups
d. six groups


7. Complete the sentence with ONE word from the text in each blank:
Trade names are used to referred to antibiotics in business, while generic names are scientific ones.
8. Chemically different substances have antibiotic properties because they _____.
a. interfere with the process of phosphorylation
b. synthesize the essential nutrients
c. function differently in different cases
d. affect a particular cell
9. Antibiotics are mainly used to treat infection.



10. What is the main idea of paragraph 5 ?
a. Types of antibiotics
b. Formation of antibiotics.
c. Various origins of antibiotics.
d. The countries of the greatest production of antibiotics.


11. What does “medium” probably mean?

a. a medicine
b. a substance in which other things grow
c. a way of communicating information and news
d. a mixture of substances


12. New antibiotics are always needed because
a. there are more and more disease-bearing micro-organisms
b. a micro-organism creates new metabolic circuits
c. the pathogens can resist the cell wall
d. antibiotics in use are no longer effective



EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My

1. In its broadest sense the word "tumour" means a localized swelling of any composition or an
abnormal tissue growth. In fact, swellings of hypertrophic, parasitic or inflammatory nature are often
referred to as "false tumours" to distinguish them from true tumours, that are masses of tissue cells
developed from already existing body cells. Tumours may be malignant or benign. In the former the
cells are different in size, structure and shape from the normal type, while in the latter the cells appear
normal and are like the parent type. In addition to benign and malignant tumours, there are those that
fall between these two types because they are locally malignant and destroy the normal tissue around
them but do not spread widely ("in situ"). The main characteristic of a malignant tumour is that it can
spread to distant organs, determining metastases. Therefore, a metastasis is a neoplastic lesion arising

from another cancer, which it is no longer in contiguity and can reach any other tissue or organ. This
makes the complete eradication of the malignant tumour difficult, unless it is at a very initial phase.
Benign tumours may degenerate into malignant ones but the opposite never occurs. However, benign
tumours generally remain localized and may be encapsulated. The pathologist identifies a tumour
according to its histologic aspect. By studying the cell structure microscopically, the tumour is
classified according to the predominant body tissue: epithelial, connective, mixed or compound.
2. The cause of tumours is not yet certain. The proliferation of body cells is a normal process in
healthy individuals and is necessary to replace old cells and renew tissue, for example after a bum or
an injury. It is a reaction to a normal stimulus.
3. Presumably tumours are proliferations of cells in the presence of an abnormal stimulus, but the
mechanism of this process is still a mystery. Most oncologists agree that one of the causes of tumours
may be a hereditary factor, because there is a high incidence of cancer in certain families. It is almost
certain that particular ambiental conditions favour the growth of tumours; one of these may be the
excessive exposure to the rays of the sun; others are associated with occupations such as the working
of asbestos, or contact with x-rays; other tumours are attributed to substances like preservatives and
conservation of food. Some researchers suspect that tumours are caused by viral infection.
4. Tumours may manifest themselves in different ways. They may, for example, resemble warts, cysts,
or ulcers and often patients go to their doctor, because they can feel tumours on or near the surface
since they are palpable. Tumours of the intestinal, urinary or biliary tracts are often discovered
because they cause obstruction of these tubular structures or, if they are located in the walls of the
organs, they may cause bleeding and traces of blood can be seen in the stools, in the urine or in vomit.
Bone tumours maybe diagnosed when they cause fractures or if they exert pressure on adjacent
structures like the brain or the heart. They also interfere with the specific function of an organ, such as
the loss of sight in intraocular tumours. Pain is a common symptom in tumours especially when bone
and nerve trunks are invaded; headaches in patients suffering from brain tumours are an example of
pain caused by pressure. In the early stages, however, and even in large tumours that do not impair
function or cause pressure, pain may be absent or slight.
5. The diagnosis of a tumour requires a careful clinical examination,taking into consideration the
swelling, symptoms, site, and effects on local functions and structures. The physician or surgeon will
find x-rays, C.T.scans, nuclear magnetic resonance, thermography, ecography, as well as routine and

specialized blood tests like cancer markers useful aids in making a diagnosis. A biopsy will give an

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My
exact picture of the nature of the tumour. Cancer is considered a "disease of the century" together with
AIDS, because of the great number of deaths it causes. In most countries associations exist for the
care of patients suffering from cancer and for research into its causes and possible treat ment.
Universities and public health organizations are carrying out research in the fields of biology,
radiology, biochemistry, histology, surgery, clinical research and statistics. Many important advances
have been made but a satisfactory understanding of the problem has not yet been reached.

New words:
Composition: thành phần
Hypertrophic: nở to ra
Parasitic: kí sinh
False-tumour : giả u
Distinguish: phân biệt
Mass: khối lượng
Malignant: ác tính # benign: lành
Lesion: tổn thương
Arise from: phát sinh bởi
Contiguity: gần nhau,
Degenerate: thối hóa / biến chất
Encapsulate: gói gọn
Predominant: nổi bật
Proliferation: sự sinh sản
Presumably: có lẽ
Mechanism: cơ chế

Oncologist: BS chuyên khoa ung thư
Hereditary: di truyền = genetic
Incidence: tỉ lệ mắc phải
Ambiental: xung quanh
Favour = support : tạo đk thuận lợi
Excessive: quá mức

eradication (par. 1)
favour (par.3)
hereditary (par.3)

distinguish (par. 1)
proliferation (par.3)
fracture (par.4)

Exposure: phơi bày, tiếp xúc
Attribute to : cho là do
Preservative: chất bảo quản
Suspect: nghi ngờ
Manifest: biểu hiện
Resemble: giống như
Wart: mụn cóc
Palpable: sờ thấy
Biliary tract: đường mật
Stool: phân
Vomit: nôn mửa
Fracture: gãy
Exert pressure: chịu lực
Adjacent: kế cận
Intraocular: nội nhãn

Trunk: thân
Invade: xâm lấn
Impair: suy yếu
Take into consideration: suy xét
Resonance: cộng hưởng
Biopsy: sinh thiết
Nature: bản chất
Advance: sự tiến bộ

exposure (par.3)manifest (par.4)
degenerate (par. 1)
contiguity (par.1)
determine (par. 1)
initial (par. 1)


EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My
Question 1.What does the word “the latter” refer to?
a. tumours
b. false tumours
c. malignant tumours
d. benign tumours
( Form : The former … , the latter … ✨ ✨ ✨)
Question 2. Is it TRUE or FALSE to say there are only two kinds of tumours?


Question 3
Complete the sentence with the word(s) from the text.
is the state when a malignant tumour spreads to distant organ.
Question 4. Choose the correct answer.
The word “it” in "with which it is no longer in contiguity …" may refer to
a. benign tumour
b. neoplastic lesion
c. cancer
d. another cancer
Question 5. How many causes of tumours are listed in the text?
a. 5
b. 3
c. 2
d. 4


(hereditary factor
particular ambiental conditions : the excessive exposure to the rays of the sun
associated with occupations : contacting asbestos, x-rays
preservatives and conservation of food. ✨ ✨ ✨ )

Question 6. What do the words “they” in “… they can feel tumours on or near the surface since they
are palpable” refer to?
Question 7.Choose the correct answer.Which sign can show a tumour?

a. The patient suffers from pain and headaches.
b. It exerts pressure on the brain or the heart.
c. It contributes to the function of an organ.
d. None is correct.
(Bone tumours maybe diagnosed when they exert pressure on adjacent structure like the brain or the
heart ✨ ✨ ✨ )
Question 8:Decide whether the following statements are True or False.
1. Tumour is a a mass of tissue formed by a new growth of cells.
2. Locally malignant tumours destroy the normal tissues around them and nearby organs.
(but do not spread widely ✨ ✨ ✨ )
3. The body tissue helps to define the type of tumours best.
4. At the very beginning phase of metastases, eradication can help to remove all unregulated cell.
5. No one is sure exactly what causes tumors to begin growing.
6. Foods have no effects to the forming of tumors.
(conservation food can cause tumours ✨ ✨ ✨ )
7. Pain is a common symptom in all tumours.
( expecially when bone and nerve trunk are invaded ✨ ✨ ✨ )
8. A biopsy can tell us the truth of the nature of the tumour.
9. Cancers receive a lot of concerns in term of doing research and caring its patients.
(In term of: used to describe which particular area of a subject you are discussing ✨ ✨ ✨ )

Question 9 : Choose the best answers to complete the sentences.

It is important to consider all available options
Environment may enable
Malignant tumours differ from the original ones
