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Preparing date:
Teaching date:
Period : 1
Preparing date:
Teaching date:
Period 2
Unit 1: Family life
Lesson 1: Getting started
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
+ Use some lexical items related to the topic Family life.
+ Make simple dialogues using the given expressions.
+ Read about the benefits of sharing household.
+ Use the words and phrases related to household chores and duties.
2. Skills
- Reading for gist and specific information.
- Skimming and scanning
- Getting ready for 4 skills in Unit 1
- Learning some lexical items related to the topic Family life.
3. Attitudes
- To help Ss raise their awareness of family life and share housework
II. Teaching aids and materials.
- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan, pictures.
- Ss: Textbook, notebook, project plans.
III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
IV. Teaching Procedures:

1. Warm-up
* Aim: To get Ss to know the topic about household chores in
5 minutes
family life.
* Contents: ask and answer the questions
* Products: practice asking and answering the answers about
family life
* Steps :
Lets Ss work in pairs, ask and answer the questions given on the
1. What does your father do?
2. What does your mother do?
3. Who often cooks in your family?
4. Who does the shopping?
5. Who often earns the most money in your family?
6. Who lays the table every meal?
7. Do you often help your mother to clean the house?
8. Who does the washing up in your family?
9. What do you often do to help your father?
- leads in the new lesson.


T <--> Ss

Ss <--> Ss

2. New lesson
Activity 1

8 minutes

Activity 2
8 minutes

Activity 3
12 minutes

Activity 4
8 minutes

Listen and read:
* Aim: - Ss listen to the conversation and practise it with a
* Contents: - Ss listen to the conversation the first time.
- Ss practise the conversation in pairs
* Products: practice reading the conversation.
* Steps:
- Ss listen to the teacher’s instructions to know what to do.
- T plays the recording, asks Ss to listen and read silently.
- Ss listen and read silently.
- T tells Ss to practise the conversation in pairs.
- Calls one pair to read aloud.
- Gives comments.
Decide whether the sentences are true, false or not given
* Aim: Ss do comprehension reading and know the techniques to
complete the task.
* Contents: Ss work individually to read the statements given,
find out keys words
- Ss go back to the conversation to find out information needed.

- Ss decide on T, F or NG
* Products: The completion of the task with clear evidence found
from the conversation to support their choices
* Steps:
- T asks Ss to read the statements individually first. Then have
them discuss in pairs and decide whether the statements are true,
false or not given.
- T encourages Ss to provide reasons for their answers.
- T asks them to refer back to the conversation to get the
necessary information.
- Ss show their choices
- T checks with the whole class and gives feedback.
Keys: 1. F 2. NG
3. F 4. T
5. T
6. NG
Listen and repeat the words
* Aim: help Ss know how to read the words Correctly
* Contents: listen and repeat the words given
* Products: read the words correctly
* Steps:
- T plays the recording and asks Ss to listen then repeat the
words/ phrases twice.
- T asks some Ss to read the words.
- T Corrects Ss’ pronunciation
- T explains the meanings if necessary.
Write the verbs or phrases
* Aim: help ss to know more about the words related to
household chore
* Contents: Write the verbs or verb phrases that are used

with the words or phrases in the conversation.
* Products: Verbs / Verb phrases Words
1 split, divide, handle (household) chores
2 take out rubbish

-Teacher to
the whole
-whole class
-Pair work

T <--> Ss
(introduce the
Ss <--> Ss
( compare the
T <--> Ss
( check the

T <--> Ss
Whole class

2 minutes

4. Homework
1 minute

3 do laundry
4 shop for groceries
5 do heavy lifting
6 do washing-up
7 be responsible for household finances
* Steps:
- T asks Ss to write the verbs or phrases that are used with the
words or phrases in the conversation.
- T asks Ss to work individually.
- T plays the recording again if necessary.
- T asks Ss to exchange the answers with their partner.
- T gives feedback.
* Aim: revise what they have learnt
* Contents: list all household chores they have learnt
* Products: Ss’ answers
* Steps:
- Ask Ss to work in groups, list all household chores
- Give feedback.
- T asks Ss to learn by heart the words and phrases related to
household chores and duties.
- Prepare for the next lesson.

T <--> Ss
Whole class
Pair work

Ss <--> Ss

T <--> Ss

Preparing date:
Teaching date:
Period 3
Unit 1: Family life
Lesson 2: Language
I. Objectives
1. Knowledge
- To teach Ss to pronounce consonant clusters /tr/, /kr/ and /br/ Correctly in isolation and in context.
- To teach Ss the words and phrases related to household chores and duties.
- To teach Ss to use the present simple and the present continuous tense.
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
+ Pronounce consonant clusters /tr/, /kr/ and /br/ Correctly in isolation and in context.
+ Use the words and phrases related to household chores and duties.
+ Understand and use the present simple and the present continuous tense.
2. Skills
- To promote Ss to develop the skill of working in pairs and group
3. Attitudes
- Ss can understand the responsibility of helping parents with household chores.
- Encourage Ss to work harder
- Provide Ss some motivation
III. Teaching aids and materials
- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

- Ss: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil…

IV. Methods.
- Integrated, mainly communicative.
V. Procedures:
1. warm-up
Game: who is faster?
6 minutes
* Aim: revise vocab in getting started
* Contents: look at the pictures and say the words
* Products: words related to household chores
* Steps:
- T asks Ss look at the pictures and say the words related to the
1. do (household) chores
2. take out garbage
3. do laundry
4. shop for groceries
5. do heavy lifting
6. do washing-up
7. be responsible for household finances
- T Corrects Ss’ answers and gives mark.
2. New lesson
Task 1: Match the words and phrases with their meanings
A. Vocabulary: below.
8 minutes
* Aim: Ss know how to match each word with its definition and
* Contents: Ss find the meanings of 5 words by doing the matching
then read aloud.

* Products:
Ss know the meaning and spelling of some new words.
1. f
2. e
3. a
4. h
5. b
6. g
7. d
8. c
* Steps:
- T asks Ss to read the words and phrases in the box, then discuss
and find the meaning for each of them.
- Ss work individually.
- T asks Ss to compare the answers with a partner.
- T asks some Ss to read the answers.
- T checks and gives the correct answers:
Task 2: List all the household chores that are mentioned in the
conversation. Then add more chores to the list
* Aim: Revise and widen vocabulary related to the topic
* Contents: List all the household chores that are mentioned in the
Activity 3
conversation, then add more chores to the list
7 minutes
* Products: Chores from the conversation:
- prepare dinner
- cook (do the cooking)
- shop
- clean the house
- take out the rubbish

- do the laundry
- do the washing-up
- do the heavy lifting
- be responsible for the household finances
Other chores (examples):

T <--> Ss

Ss <--> Ss
T <--> Ss

Activity 1.
5 minutes

- mop / sweep / tidy up the house
- bathe the baby
- feed the baby
- water the houseplant
- feed the cats / dog
- iron / fold / put away the cl
* Steps:
- T asks Ss to read the conversation again and get information to do
Task 2 individually.
- Ss elicit more chores to add to the list.
- Ask Ss to compare the answers with a partner.

- Ask some Ss to read the answers.
- Feedback
Work in pairs. Discuss the questions below.
1. What household chores do you usually do?
2. How do you divide household duties in your family?
* Aim: practice speaking
* Contents: Discuss the questions
* Products: take turns , answer the questions
* Steps:
- T asks Ss to discuss two questions
- Have Ss work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.
- T encourages Ss to use the chores in the list in their answers.
- T asks some pairs to ask and answer the questions.
- T gives feedback.
B. Pronunciation:
Listen and repeat:
* Aim: Ss listen and repeat.
* Contents: listen and repeat words.
* Products:

* Step:
- T plays the recording and Lets Ss listen and repeat.
- T plays it again with pauses for Ss to repeat each word chorally.
- T has Ss work in pairs.
- T invites two or three Ss read again and then give comments
- T gives the meaning of the words if necessary.
- Ss to work in pairs and take turns reading the words.
Listen to the sentences and circle the word you hear.
* Aim: To help Ss recognise Corrects clusters

Ss <--> Ss
T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss
Ss <--> Ss
Whole class

T <--> Ss

Activity 2
5 minutes

C. Grammar
7 minutes

2 minutes
4. Homework
1 minute

* Contents: Listen to the sentences and circle the word you hear
* Products: 1. b
2. b
3. c
4. a

* Steps:
- T asks to read the words in rows, paying attention to the
difference between the sound clusters.
- T plays the recording and asks Ss to listen then circle the word they
- T asks Ss to work individually.
- T asks Ss to exchange the answers with their partner.
- T checks Ss’ answers by asking them to call out the letter (a, b or c)
corresponding to the word they hear.
Activity 1: Read the text and choose the Corrects verb form.
* Aim: revise present simple and present continuous
* Contents: choose the Corrects verb form
* Products: 1. does 2. cooks 3. cleans 4. is watching
5. is doing 6. is doing 7. is tidying up 8. is trying
* Steps:
- T asks Ss to read the text once and asks them to pay attention to the
words / phrases such as every day, today, at the moment, and asks
them what verb forms are often used in the sentences that have these
words / phrases. Ask them to choose the Corrects verb form.
- T asks Ss to exchange the answers with their partner.
- T checks Ss’ answers and elicits from them the rules of using the
present simple and the present continuous tense.
- T gives feedback.
- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
- Give feedback.
- T asks Ss to do exercise 2 page 8 at home.
- Prepare for the next lesson.

T <--> Ss

Ss – Ss

Pair work
T <--> Ss
T <--> Ss
T <--> Ss

Preparing date:
Teaching date:
Period 4
Unit 1: Family life
Lesson 3: Reading
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge.
- To introduce some new words related to family life and guess the meaning in the context.
- To help Ss to read for specific information about the benefits of sharing housework
- To enable Ss to use new words and to understand the contents by asking and answering the questions
through passage and making reference when reading the text.
- To help them know the benefits of sharing housework in the family.
- ST can exchange opinions about household chores.
2. Skills.
- Integrated skills
- Guessing meaning in context, scanning for specific information and passage comprehension

3. Attitudes
- Ss can know the benefits of sharing household chores.

II. Teaching aids and materials.
- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan
- Ss: Textbook, notebook.
III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
IV. Teaching Procedures:
1. warm up
* picture describing
5 minutes
* Aim: To get Ss familiar with the topic of the lesson.
* Contents: look at the pictures and answer the questions
* Products: understand the pictures
* Steps:
Show the pictures and elicits Ss by asking them some questions:
• 1. What are the people in the picture doing?
• 2. Do you think they are happy? Why / Why not?

2. New lesson
8 minutes

Lead in the new lesson
* Aim: help ss know some new words and phrases
* Contents: study new words
* Products: understand the meaning of vocabulary
+ enormous ( adj) /i'nɔ:məs/ (very very big/ giant)
+ sociable (adj) /'səu∫əbl/
+ vulnerable (adj) /'vʌlnərəbl/
+ critical (adj) /'kritikəl/

* Steps:
- Shows the words and pictures, ask Ss to guess the meanings
- Reads new words and asks Ss to repeat after the teacher.
- Calls some Ss to read aloud.
- Checks the understanding of new words
Activity 2:
Read the text below and decide which of the following is the
best title for it.
a. Doing Housework is Good for Children


T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss
T <--> Ss

6 minutes

7 minutes

3 minutes

7 minutes

b. Husbands Who Share Housework Make Their Wives Happy
c. Sharing Housework Makes the Family Happier
* Aim: To focus on general comprehension

* Contents: Read the text below and decide which of the
following is the best title for it.
* Products: find the title for passage (c)
* Steps:
- T asks Ss to read the three heading (a-c) first and asks them if
they understand the meaning.
- Ask Ss to read through the text once without stopping at words
that they don’t know the meaning of, and then ask them to work
Pair work
in pairs to decide on the best title for the text.
- Remind Ss that the title for the text is the one that gives the
general idea of the whole text.
- Ask Ss to compare the answers with a partner.
- Check Ss’ answers and guide Ss to the Corrects choice if
necessary by helping them eliminate the sentences that only
about one aspect of the text.
Key: c
Activity 3: Read the text again. Do you understand the
words from the context? Tick the appropriate meaning for
each word from the text.
* Aim: guess the meaning of words in context
* Contents: Read the text again then tick the appropriate
meaning for each word from the text.
* Products: have the meaning of the words
2. b
3. b
4. b
5. a

* Steps:
- Have Ss read the text again and underline the words sociable,
vulnerable, critical, enormous and tent when they see them in
Ss <--> Ss
the text. Then, ask Ss to work in pairs to choose the appropriate
meaning for each word from the text.
- Explain to Ss how to use context to guess the meaning of the
T <--> Ss
unknown words if necessary.
Activity 4: What does ‘it’ in line ….. mean …?
* Aim: guess the meaning of words in context
* Contents: find the meaning of the word “it”
* Products: have the meaning of the words
Key: a. c
b. b
* Steps:
- T asks Ss to continue to work in pairs, and find out
what it refers to in each of the sentences.
Pair work
- Let Ss read and understand the sentences before and after the
one has the word in it to decide what it means. Ss can use the
elimination technique to get the right answer.
Task 5:
Answer the questions.
* Aim: read for specific information.
* Contents: answer the questions
* Products: understand the passage and have answers for the

5 minutes

2 minutes
4. Homework
1 minute

Key: 1. They do better at school, become more sociable, and
have better relationships with their teachers and friends.
2. Because it shows that they care about their wives and this
makes their wives happy.
3. They may fall ill easily or may think about divorce.
4. There is a positive atmosphere for the family.
* Steps:
- Put Ss in groups of three; ask them to read the questions first
to make sure they understand what information they need in
order to answer the questions. It may help if Ss understand the
key words in the questions.
- Ask Ss to read the text again and locate the part of the text
where they can get the answer to each of the questions before
they discuss the answers.
- Check Ss’ answer by inviting a representative from each group
to give the answer to one of the questions. If the Ss’ answer is
incorrect, don’t give the right one at once, but try to elicits it
form other Ss.
Activity 6: Discuss with a partner
1. Do you have any problems with sharing housework?
2. What benefits do you get when sharing housework?

* Aim: To enable sT to exchange opinions about household
* Contents: discuss 2 questions
* Products: freely express their opinions about household
- Ask Ss to work in the groups of six to discuss the questions.
- Give them some examples of problems such as problems with
time, skills and attitude if they have difficulty with ideas.
- Call the representative of each group to report the discussion
results to the class

T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss
Group work

- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
- Give feedback.

T <--> Ss

- T asks Ss to do task 6 page 9 at home.
- Prepare for the next lesson.

T <--> Ss

Preparing date:
Teaching date:

Period 5
Unit 1:Family life
Lesson 4: Speaking
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge.

Group work

- To help Ss know their friends’ likes and dislikes in doing housework.
- To help Ss express and exchange opinions about housework in family life.
- To help Ss develop the skill of speaking: present their ideas and attitudes towards housework
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
+ Talk about their home life.
+ Exchange opinion about household chores.
+ Talk about household chores they often do.
+ Express their opinions about the chores they like or dislike
2. Skills.
- Integrated skills
3. Attitudes
-To make Ss responsible for their household chores, show their care to other members in their
II. Teaching aids and materials.
- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan, short videos, pictures.
- Ss: Textbook, notebook.
III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
IV. Teaching Procedures:

1. Homework *brainstorming
7 minutes
* Aim: To help sT have the household chores in mind
* Contents: list household chores
* Products: have words about household chores
- T asks Ss to do the brainstorming
List three household chores you like and dislike
T <--> Ss
Discuss the reasons
Ss <--> Ss
Give comments and lead in the lesson
2. New lesson Activity 1: Which household chores do you like doing and which
10 minutes
do you dislike? Write your answers to the questions in the table
below and add a reason
* Aim: help Ss express their opinions about household chores
* Contents: say what you like and dislike about household chores
* Products: express what they like and dislike
Ask Ss work individually to write at least three household chores they Individually
like or dislike.
And then give the reasons.
Share the answers with the partners.
Ss – Ss
Call some of them to present the answers orally.
Name of chore

Feed the cats and dogs
Love animals
Do the groceries
Like shopping
Take out the garbage
It is not too hard
Name of chore
Take much time and quite hard
Wash the dishes
Often break things

15 minutes

10 minutes

Look after the baby
Waste time, be tired
Activity 2. Below is part of Anna’s interview with Mai. They are
talking about the household chores Mai likes and dislikes. Match
Mai’s answers with Anna’s questions. Then practise the
* Aim: practice in a conversation
* Contents: match and practice the conversation
* Products: 1. c 2. a
3. d 4. b

- Ask Ss to look at the task 2.
- Let them some minutes to read the questions first and underline the
key words.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to match the questions with the answers.
- Call some of them to read out the questions and answers.
- Read the questions and underline key words.
1. ……………..everyday?
2. ………..like doing ……………..?
3. What ………………….. like ……….?
4. ………… dislike doing …….?
Matching: Suggested answers 1. c 2. a
3. d 4. b
Call some of them to read the dialogue orally
Practise the dialogue
A: What household chores do you do everyday?
B: I do the laundry, wash the dishes, and sweep the house. I
sometimes do the cooking when my mom is busy
A: Which of the chores do you like doing most?
B: Well, I think I like sweeping the house
A: What do you like about it?
B: It’s not too hard, and I like seeing the house clean
A: Which of the chores do you dislike most?
B: Washing the dishes because I often break things.
Give comments or pronunciation Correction if necessary.
Activity 3: Have a similar conversation with a partner. Find out
which chores she / he likes or dislikes the most and why. Report
your findings to the class.
* Aim: help Ss report what the find out
* Contents: make a similar conversaation
* Products: report their findings

- Ask Ss to use the information above to make the similar
conversation with partner (about themselves)
- Work in groups of three then present in class.
- Practise in pairs about their own chores at home.
- Present orally in pairs.
A: What household chores do you do everyday?
B: I ……………………………..
A: Which of the chores do you like doing most?
B: Well, I think I like ……………………
A: What do you like about it?

T <--> Ss
Pair work


Ss – Ss

T <--> Ss
Group work
Pair work

B: Because ……………………….
A: Which of the chores do you dislike most?
B: I hate …………………. Because ……….
- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.

Consolidation - Give feedback.
2 minutes
4. Homework - T asks Ss to write the dialogue in the notebook
1 minute
- Prepare for the next lesson.

T <--> Ss
T <--> Ss

Preparing date:
Teaching date:
Period : 6
Unit 1: Family life
Lesson 5: Listening
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge.
- To teach Ss to listen a programme about the roles of family members.
- To teach Ss about Family life.
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
+ Develop the listening skills for details and for specific details.
+ Talk about Family life.
+ Listen to a programme about the roles of family members.
+ Listen the monologue and do the true or false exercise and do the gap – filling exercise.
2. Skills.
- Integrated skills
- Guessing meaning in context, listening for specific information and for identifying new words
3. Attitudes
- Ss are aware of the importance of equally shared parenting in families.
II. Teaching aids and materials.

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan, short videos, pictures, PowerPoint lesson,
- Ss: Textbook, notebook.
III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
IV. Teaching Procedures:
1. warm up
* Checking previous lesson
5 minutes
* Aim: revise the lesson
* Contents: talk about the household chores you like doing
and dislike doing.
* Products: freely talk about household chores
- Ask Ss to talk about their chores
T <--> Ss
- Give feedbacks
2. New lesson
Activity 1 : Look at the chart and discuss the changes in
7 minutes
weekly hours of basic housework by married men and
married women in the USA between 1976 and 2012.
Guess the reasons for the changes.

8 minutes

* Aim: practice describing a chart
* Contents: discuss the changes in weekly hours of basic

housework by married men and married women in the USA
between 1976 and 2012
* Products: give their opinions and guess the reasons for the
The chart illustrates the average hours of housework per
week done by married women in comparison with married
men. In general, married women do more housework than
married men. The numbers of weekly housework hours that
men and women do is 29 and 6.8 respectively. it takes
marrien women ….hours to do housework whereas married
men spends … hours doing housework
- Ask Ss to work in pairs, looking at the chart and discussing
the changes in the weekly hours of basic housework by
married men and married women in the USA between 1976
and 2012. Ss don’t have to report the exact number of hours
men and women spend on doing housework. They can just
talk about the general changes.
- Introduce some new words and useful expressions:
+the chart shows/presents/ illustrates……
+As can be seen from the chart
+According to the chart
+In general/generally speaking
- Encourage Ss to guess the reasons for the changes. Ask
them to call out their guesses. Write the reasons given by Ss
on a corner of the board so that they can see if their guesses
are correct later, after they listen to the recording
- Introduce the contents of the listening that they are going to
Activity 2:

* Vocabulary

Pair work

T <--> Ss
T <--> Ss

10 minutes

8 minutes

* Aim: help Ss know some new words and phrases
* Contents: study new words
* Products: understand the vocabulary
+ Contribute to(v) make a great contribution to
+ Recreation (n) (formal) fun, relax after work
+ entertainment (n) fun for film, TV…
+ amusement(n) something you like
* Steps:
T <--> Ss
- Show the words and pictures, ask ss to guess the meanings
- Read new words and asks Ss to repeat after the teacher.
Whole class
- Call some Ss to read aloud.
- Check their understanding of new words and correct their
pronunciation if necessary
Activity 3: Listen to a family expert talking about how
the roles of men and women in families have changed
and decide whether the following statements are true (T)

or false (F).
* Aim: Listen for specific information
* Contents: Listen to a family expert talking about how the
roles of men and women in families have changed and
decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false
* Products: decide the sentences are true or false
1. T 2. T 3. T
4. F
5. T
- Tell Ss that they are going to listen to a family expert
T <--> Ss
talking about how the roles of men and women in families
have changed. Ask them to read all the statements and guess
if they are true or false. Make sure that Ss understand all the Individually
T <--> Ss
- Play the recording and have Ss do the exercise. Check Ss’
Activity 4: Work in pairs. Match the word / phrase with
appropriate meaning.

* Aim: guess the meaning of the words.

7 minutes


2 minutes
4. Homework
1 minute

*Contents: Match the word / phrase with iT appropriate
* Products: Understand the meaning of these words
Pair work
1. e 2 . b
3. c
4. d 5. a
- Let Ss work in pairs to match the word/ phrase with iT
appropriate meaning.
- Ask them if they know the part of speech of the word/
phrase given and then choose the meaning.
- Call some Ss to tell the answers. Give comments
1. e 2 . b
3. c
4. d 5. a
Activity 5: Listen again and answer the questions.
1. How has the role of men in the family changed?
2. How have men’s and women’s roles become alike?
3. What is the result of ‘equally shared parenting’?
* Aim: listen for specific information.
* Contents: Listen again and answer the questions.
* Products: get the anwers for the questions
1. They are not the only breadwinner in the family, and they

get more involved in housework and parenting.
2. Both are responsible for family finances, homemaking and
3.The families become happier and the divorce rate among
T <--> Ss
them is the lowest

Ask Ss to read the questions carefully. Make sure that
they understand what is asked in each question. Have
them underline the key words if necessary. Then play the Ss <--> Ss
T <--> Ss
recording and Lets Ss listen to it and answer the

Ask Ss to work with a partner to compare their

Invite representatives from pairs to present the
answer to each of the questions to the class. Give
feedback and correction if necessary.
- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
T <--> Ss
- Give feedback.
- T asks Ss to write the dialogue in the notebook
- Prepare for the next lesson.

Preparing date:
Teaching date:

Period : 7
Unit 1: Family life
Lesson 6: Writing
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge.

T <--> Ss

+ To help Ss understand the meaning of the saying about sharing the household chores.
+ To enable Ss to know how to build a household chore chart.
+ To help Ss to write a paragraph about how people in a family share housework.
2. Skills
+ Integrated skills, especially writing
+To raise Ss' awareness of the responsibility for sharing the household chores in their family.
II. Teaching aids and materials.
- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan, short videos, pictures
- Ss: Textbook, notebook.
III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
IV. Teaching Procedures:
1. warm-up
T <--> Ss
5 minutes
* Aim: create the learning environment

* Contents: talk about family members and their household
* Products: free talk about the topic
*Steps: Ask Ss some questions
2. New lesson “Many hands make light work”
8 minutes
Activity 1: Work in pairs.
Discuss the meaning of the saying above. Do you agree with
it? How does this saying apply to doing housework in the

12 minutes

* Aim: to know the meaning of the saying about the benefits
of sharing housework in a family
* Contents: Discuss the meaning of the saying above
* Products: - This saying means if many people share a piece
of work, it will become easier for everyone.
How to apply: If all family members contribute to housework,
each won’t have too much to do. Each will have more time for
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to discuss the meaning of saying
- Call some of them to tell the answers
- Ss present the answer
- Give comments.
Activity 2: Read the text about Lam’s family below and
complete the chore chart.
* Aim: help Ss know how members in a family share the
household chores and how to make a household chore chart.

* Contents: complete the chore chart basing on the text
* Products:
Dad Mending things around the house, cleaning the
Mum Doing most of the cooking and grocery shopping.
Lam Doing the laundry, taking out the garbage and
cleaning the fridge, laying the table for meals,

Pair work
T <--> Ss
T <--> Ss



sweeping the house and feeding the cats (share with
Helping Mum prepare meals and washing the dishes,
laying the table for meals and washing the dishes,
laying the table for meals, sweeping the house and
feeding the cats (share with brother

- Let Ss read through the text about Lam’s family and complete Individually
the chart below (Ss are expected to focus on the information
Pair work
needed only)

- Ask Ss to compare the table with their partners.
T <--> Ss
- Ask Ss to provide the information they have found.
Whole class
- Give Ss chances to do the peer-correction first.
-Give feedback and correction
Activity 3: Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. How many people are there in Lam’s family?
2. Why are they very busy?
3. How do they split the housework in the family?
4. What household chores does each member of the family
5. Do the family members enjoy the housework?
6. What are the benei T of everyone in the family sharing the
* Aim: help Ss understand more about how members in Lam's
family share the household chores and get the structures and
ideas to write a paragraph.
* Contents: answer the questions
* Products: get the answers and the outlines
1. There are four people in Lam’s family.
2. Both parents work and the children spend most of their time
at school.
3. They split the housework equally in the family.
4. Dad mends things around the house, cleaning the bathroom.
Mum does most of the cooking and grocery shopping.......
5. Yes, they do. They do it willingly.
6. The burden is not on one or two members, so everyone has
time to relax.
* The outline of the paragraph about how people in the

family share the household chores
+ Introduction: how many people, who the members are etc.
(questions 1 & 2)
+ How the family members share housework, what each of them
(questions 3 & 4)
+ What family members thinks of sharing housework together.
(questions 5 & 6)
- Let Ss to read the questions to know what information they
Ss – Ss
will have to find in the text this time.
- Ask Ss to compare the results with their partners.

- Invite some Ss to present their answers in front of the class.
- Give Ss chances to do the peer- Correction first.
- Correct and give feedback.
-Call some Ss to draw the structures and ideas to write a
- Ask Ss to make an outline of the paragraph about how people
in the family share the household chores in groups of 4.
Activity 4: Make your family chore chart. Then using the
ideas in the chart, write a paragraph about how people in
10 minutes
your family share housework based on the ideas in the
chart. You can use the questions in 3 as clues for your
* Aim: To help Ss know how to build a family chore chart
and write a paragraph about how members in a family share

housework together
* Contents: Make your family chore chart. Then, using the
ideas in the chart, write a paragraph about how people in your
family share housework
* Products: have their own chart of household chores
- Let Ss make their own household chart individually.
- Invite some to show their Products and ask the class to give
- Give feedback and correction
- Let Ss write the paragraph in groups of 4 or 5 in 7 minutes
- Observe and give help if necessary
- Ask Ss to exchange their paragraphs for peer comments.
- Walk around to give help, noting down good idea as well as
errors in Ss’ pieces of writing.
- Give general comments and writes good ideas in one column
and errors in another.
My family, like many other ones in a modern society, shows
equality in daily life in term of sharing the household chores.
We all lead a busy life when my parents go out to work and we
spend most of our time at school. Coming home we share the
household chores equally among us. My mother is in charge of
going shopping and doing the cooking. My father usually does
the heavy lifting and repair electronic household appliances.
My sister, Linh, likes doing the washing and cleaning the
house. She does it very carefully. As the youngest members in
the family, I just do simple things such as watering the flowers,
feeding the pets and laying tables for meals. We are all happy
to perform our duties, and we think each of us play an
important role in keeping the house clean, the home warm and

- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
Consolidatio - Ask Ss to tell class how to write a paragraph about how
people in your family share household work.
2 minutes
- Give feedback.
4. Homework - T asks Ss to write the dialogue in the notebook

Whole class

T – Ss

T – Ss

T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss

1 minute

- Prepare for the next lesson.

Preparing date:
Teaching date:

Period: 8
Unit 1: Family life
Lesson 7: Communication and culture
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge.
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
+ Understand and read about inventions in Asian countries.
+ Talk about family life in different cultures (Viet Nam and Singapore)
+ Discuss the sharing household chores in the family.
+ Get knowledge of family life in different cultures (Viet Nam and Singapore)
2. Skills
+ Integrated skills, especially listening and reading.
3. Attitude
+To raise Ss' awareness of the responsibility for sharing the household chores in their family.
II. Teaching aids and materials.
- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan
- Ss: Textbook, notebook.
III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
IV. Teaching Procedures:
1.Warm up
* Checking attendance
T <--> Ss
1 minute
2. New lesson
6 minutes

Discussion: Who does what in your family?
Activity 1 : Look at the pictures. What is the person in
each picture doing? Do you think they are happy? Why? or Why
* Aim: Get Ss to tell what each person in his/ her family does.
* Contents: Describe the picture
* Products: The man is cleaning the house, doing the laundry and
cooking. The woman is taking care of the baby, cooking, cleaning the
house at the same time. They are too busy with their household
chores and certainly unhappy.
- Let Ss look at the pictures and answer the above questions.
- Get answers
T – Ss
-Give feedback
Activity 2:
Listen to the TV talk show. Who said what?
* Aim: help Ss understand the attitude of each speaker about sharing
8 minutes
household duty
* Contents: Listen to the TV talk show and decide Who said what
* Products: 1. Mr Pham Hoang. c,e 2. Ms Mai Lan. a,f
3. Mr Nguyen Nam. b,d

10 minutes

11 minutes


- Tell Ss that they are going to listen to a TV talk show and have to
find out who said what in the show.
- As Ss how many people take part in the talk show and who they are Individually
(three, Mr Pham Hoang, Ms Mai Lan, and Mr Nguyen Nam).
- Have Ss read the statements (a - g) and make sure that they
understand all of them.
- Check if Ss know the meaning of some words and phrases such as
household financial burden, homemaking, join hands, provider and
neat. Help Ss get the meaning if they don’t know the words by asking
them questions or by providing them with the Vietnamese equivalents
of the words / phrases.
T – Ss
- Play the recording.
- Have Ss listen and do the activity.
- Ss may need to listen to the recording more than once to complete
the activity
Activity 3: Work in groups. Discuss the questions. Then, report
your group’s opinions to the class.
* Aim: To talk about their opinions about sharing housework in the
* Contents: Discuss the questions
* Products: give their opinions
- Ask Ss to work in groups of four to discuss the questions.
- Tell Ss to refer back to the ideas in Activity 2 to answer the
Group work
questions, but they can also express their opinions freely.
- Call some groups to report their group’s opinions to the class.
2. Culture:
Read the two texts about family life in Singapore and in Viet Nam
then answer the questions.

* Aim: To help Ss know more about the family life of the two
* Contents:
Read the two texts about family life in Singapore
and in Viet Nam then answer the questions
* Products: understand the passage and have the answers

Pair work
T – Ss

2 minutes
4. Homework
1 minute

- Ask Ss to work in pairs. One reads the texts about family life in
Singapore and the other reads the texts about family life in Viet Nam,
then each writes down his/ her answers to the questions about his /
her texts.
- Help Ss with some vocabulary.
- Ask some Ss to present their answers.
- Feedback
- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
- Give feedback.
- T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.
- Prepare for the next lesson.

T <--> Ss
T <--> Ss

Preparing date:
Teaching date:
Period: 9
Unit 1 Family life
Lesson 8: Looking back and project
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge.
- By the end of the lesson Ss are able to:
+ Exchange opinions about the household chores.
+ Use words and phrases related to topic Family life
+ Pronounce and recognize the words cluster sounds /tr/, /br/, / kr /.
+ Use the present simple and the present continuous tense.
2. Skills
+ Integrated skills, especially writing
3. Attitude
- To raise the Ss’ awareness of revising and applying the language and the skills they have learnt
throughout the unit to perform a task in a real-world situation.

II. Teaching aids and materials.
- Teacher: Handouts, textsbook, lesson plan, short videos, pictures. powerpoint lesson,
- Ss: Textsbook, notebook.
III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
IV. Teaching Procedures:

* Checking attendance
T <--> Ss
2. New lesson Pronunciation:
* Aim: help Ss review the way to pronounce the three sound
clusters /tr/, /kr/ and /br/
* Contents: Listen and underline the words that have the
consonant cluster sounds
* Products:
- Introduce the task and play the recording.

- T asks Ss to underline the words having cluster sounds /tr/, /br/ ,
/ kr /.
- Call on some Ss to read the sentences.
Activity 1: What chores are the people doing?

T <--> Ss

10 minutes

10 minutes

7 minutes

* Aim: revise some of the Vocabulary items used in the unit.
* Contents: look at the pictures and decide the chores in the
* Products: say out the chores
1. cooking
2. shopping for groceries
3. doing the laundry/washing clothes
4. taking out the rubbish
5. cleaning the toilets
6. washing up/ washing the dishes
7. ironing
8. sweeping the house
9. watering houseplant/ flowers
10. feeding the cats/pets

- Have Ss work in pairs to write the name of chore under each
- Check Ss’ answers by asking them to write the names of chores
on the board next to the number of the picture.
Activity 2: Use the words/ phrases in the box in their correct form
to complete the texts.
* Aim: Use the vocabulary in contexts
* Contents: Use the words/ phrases in the box in their correct form
to complete the texts
* Products: Understand the words
1. does the cooking
2. shops for groceries
3. does the heavy lifting
4. laundry
5. ironing
6. takes out the rubbish
7. sweeping the house
8. lays the table
9. does the washing-up
- Tell Ss to read the texts carefully, using the contexts clues to
decide which word / phrase can be used to complete each gap in the
- Check Ss’ answers and provide Correction if necessary.
Activity 1:
Finish the sentences with either the present simple or the present
1. I (write) to you to tell you how much I (miss) you.

2. Jack is away on business, so I (look after) his dog.
3. Nam always (look) untidy. He (wear) dirty jeans now.

Pair work
T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss

5 minutes

10 minutes

4. I can’t answer the phone now. I (cook) the dinner.
5. Excuse me, you (read) your newspaper? Could I borrow it?
6. What do people in your family (do) in the evening?
* Aim: revise the present simple and the present continuous tense.
* Contents: Finish the sentences with either the present simple or
the present continuous.
* Products: understand these two tenses
1. am writing, miss
2. am looking after
3. looks, is wearing
4. am cooking
5. are you reading
6. do
- T explains the instructions to Ss clearly.

T <--> Ss
- Ss work in pairs to finish the sentences.
- Ss are required to find out the signals for the two tenses.
Pair work
- T calls Ss to read aloud the sentences with the answers.
- T confirms Ss’ understanding by asking others to give comments.
- T corrects and gives feedback
T – Ss
Activity 3: Work in groups. Discuss the following questions.
Then report the results to the class
* Aim: Review the language they have learnt in the lesson
* Contents: Discuss the following questions.
* Products: give their opinions
Question 1:
Yes, we should. Because the housework makes us responsible for
the family. That is also a way for us to show love to our parents and
our family.
Question 2:
Due to the limit of time for study and our age, we can do light work
Question 3:
I usually look after the pets, water flowers, take out the garbage or
sweep the floor
- Ask Ss to work in groups to discuss the questions.
- T goes around and helps Ss with the new words or structures.
Group work
- Call some groups to report the results to the class.
- T listens and makes comments.

T – Ss
* Aim: explore the topic in a collaborative way
* Contents: Do a survey. Find out ...
- how many classmates live in a nuclear family and how many live
in an extended family;
- how many classmates have both parents working;
- how many classmates spend at least one hour a day doing
- how many classmates have parents who spend at least one hour a
day helping them with their homework;
-what your classmates think the ideal family is like.
* Products: interview some Ss

- T tells Ss what they need to do in this activity.
- Ss work in groups of 4 or 5
- The survey can be done during in class or during the break.
- Ss are told to go around and ask their classmates questions to gets Group work
information for their project.
- T also takes part in the project to see how the interviews are going Ss – Ss
- T is always ready to support if they need any help.
-T encourages each group member to speak for at least 2 minutes

2 minutes
4. Homework

1 minute

- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
- Give feedback.

T <--> Ss

- T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.
- Prepare for the next lesson.

T <--> Ss
