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Supervisor: Tống Thị Mỹ Liên (M.A.)
Student: Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Diệp
Course: QH.2017.F1.E22

Hanoi, 2021




Giáo viên hướng dẫn: Tớng Thị Mỹ Liên (ThS)
Sinh viên: Ngũn Thị Ngọc Diệp

Khố: QH.2017.F1.E22

Hà Nợi – Năm 2021

Signature of Approval:

Supervisor’s Comments & Suggestions

I hereby state that I: Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Diệp, class QH2017.F1.E22, being
a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (TEFL) accept the
requirements of the College relating to the retention and use of Bachelor’s
Graduation Paper deposited in the library.
In terms of these conditions, I agree that the origin of my paper deposited in
the library should be accessible for the purposes of study and research, in
accordance with the normal conditions established by the librarian for the
care, loan or reproduction of the paper.


This graduation paper could never be completed without the assistance and
encouragement from my supervisor, my friends, my family and all the participants
taking part in the study.
First and foremost, I wish to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor
Ms. Tống Thị Mỹ Liên. Thanks to her intellectual consultancy, spiritual
encouragement and conscientious guidance, I was able to complete this graduation
paper successfully.
Secondly, I am so grateful to two anonymous Vietnamese friends from Yale
University (USA) who gave me the original copies of two English versions which I
had not been able to find anywhere before. Had it not been for their precious
support, I could have never accomplished this research due to the lack of authentic
I would like to thank all the participants who were willing to spend so much
time completing my questionnaires. Their assistance was the primary contribution
the fulfillment of my research.
Last but not least, my heartfelt thanks would go to my parents who always
supported me unconditionally and gave me the warmest encouragement during this
tough time.


Translating Vietnamese idioms into English is always a challenging task to any
translator, especially in a medieval literary work as Truyện Kiều. Although many
studies have been conducted to examine the artistic values of this work such as
antitheses, hyperboles, and allusions, none has been done to investigate idioms in
terms of translation strategies. By analyzing two English versions by Huỳnh Sanh
Thông and Michael Counsell, the researcher aimed at exploring all the strategies

employed to translate idioms in Truyện Kiều by two translators based on Baker’s
taxonomy. Moreover, the level of faithfulness, naturalness and aesthetics of each
translation was also assessed. Data were collected via two instruments: document
analysis and questionnaire. The final results indicated that translation by
paraphrasing was used the most frequently by both translators. Besides, literal
translation was also identified as a supplementary strategy to Baker’s framework.
With regards to faithfulness, both translations satisfied this criterion; yet, Huỳnh’s
translation was considered more faithful. However, Counsell’s version was asserted
to be more aesthetic and natural to English natives. The differences stemmed from
the purpose of each author. Huỳnh tended to provide a detailed and accurate
translation while Counsell was inclined to produce a rhymic, poetic and easily
understandable version for readers.


Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ........................................................................................ i
ABSTRACT.............................................................................................................. ii
LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................ vi
LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................. vi
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................... vii
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 1

Statement of the research problem and rationale for the study ...................... 1

Objectives and research questions .................................................................. 3
Significance of the study ................................................................................ 3
Methods of the study ...................................................................................... 4
Organization of the study ............................................................................... 4

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW .............................................................. 6

Idiom ............................................................................................................... 6

2.1.1. Definition of idiom ......................................................................................... 6
2.1.2. The differences between idioms and collocations .......................................... 6
2.1.3. Classification .................................................................................................. 7

Translation. ..................................................................................................... 9

2.2.1. Definition of translation.................................................................................. 9
2.2.2. Translation strategies .................................................................................... 10

Translation quality assessment .................................................................... 12


Reviews of related studies ............................................................................ 13


Chapter summary .......................................................................................... 14

CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY ....................................................................... 16

Setting of the study ....................................................................................... 16


Subjects of the study ..................................................................................... 16

3.2.1. Truyện Kiều and its English versions ........................................................... 16
3.2.2. Participants ................................................................................................... 17

Data collection methods. .............................................................................. 18

3.3.1. Document analysis ........................................................................................ 18
3.3.2. Questionnaires .............................................................................................. 19



Data collection procedures ........................................................................... 20


Data analysis methods .................................................................................. 21

3.5.1. Qualitative analytical method ....................................................................... 21
3.5.2. Quantitative analytical method ..................................................................... 21
3.6. Data analysis procedures .............................................................................. 22
3.6.1. Data analysis procedures for the document analysis .................................... 22
3.6.2. Data analysis procedures for the questionnaire ............................................ 22
3.6.3. Chapter summary .......................................................................................... 23
CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION .................................................. 24
Research question 1: What strategies are adopted by Huỳnh Sanh
Thông and Michael Counsell to translate Vietnamese idioms into
English in two English versions of “Truyện Kiều”? .................................... 24
4.1.1. The application of Baker’s strategies in the translation of
symmetric idioms ......................................................................................... 24
4.1.2. The application of Baker’s strategies in the translation of
similes ........................................................................................................... 28
4.1.3. The application of Baker’s strategies in the translation of
regular idioms. .............................................................................................. 29


Research question 2: To what extent do the translations reflect
the level of faithfulness, naturalness and aesthetics as compared
to the original Vietnamese version? ................................................................................ 33

4.2.1. Faithfulness ................................................................................................... 33
4.2.2. Aesthetics...................................................................................................... 37
4.2.3. Naturalness ................................................................................................... 39
CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION ............................................................................. 42

Summary of the findings .............................................................................. 42


Limitations of the study ................................................................................ 43


Recommendations for further studies ........................................................... 44

REFERENCES ...................................................................................................... 45
APPENDICES ........................................................................................................ 48
Appendix 1: Classification and meaning of idioms in “Truyện Kiều” ................... 48
Appendix 2: Translation strategies in Huỳnh Sanh Thông’s translation ................. 58


Appendix 3: Translation strategies in Michael Counsell’s translation .................... 65
Appendix 4: Questionnaire I .................................................................................... 74
Appendix 5: Questionnaire II .................................................................................. 80




Figure 1.1: Cù’s classification of Vietnamese idioms


Figure 4.1: Percentage of frequency of Baker’s translation strategies


used in two English translations of symmetric idioms in “Truyện
Figure 4.2: The scores given by respondents for the translation of


each idiom by Huỳnh Sanh Thông
Figure 4.3: The scores given by respondents for the translation of


each idiom by Michael Counsell
Figure 4.4: Percentage of natural idiom translations in the English


versions by Huỳnh Sanh Thông and Michael Counsell



Table 4.1: Strategies used to translate symmetric idioms in two


English translations of “Truyện Kiều”
Table 4.2: Strategies used to translate regular idioms in two English


translations of “Truyện Kiều”
Table 4.3: List of examined idioms in the Questionnaire




Full form


Vietnam National University


University of Languages and International Studies


Faculty of English Language Teacher Education


Source text


Target text


Source language


Target language


This chapter states the problem, the rationale, the objectives and the
significance of the study. In addition, two research questions are also clarified so
as to create a clear orientation for the whole research.

Statement of the research problem and rationale for the study
Translation, as one of the deep-rooted occupations in the history of mankind,

has incessantly served its role as a means of transmitting knowledge and breaking
cultural and lingual barriers across the world. Landers (2001, p. 11) states: “of the
forms that translation takes, only literary translation lets one consistently share in
the creative process. Here alone does the translator experience the aesthetic joys of
working with great literature”. According to Landers’s understanding, literary
translation is a process that allows translators to freely activate their creativity and
enjoy the enchantment of translation. Accordingly, the translation of literary works
has attracted the attention of many scholars and practitioners and gained substantial
popularity as well as apparent achievements.
Composed by a Vietnamese Great Personality – Nguyễn Du – in the late
eighteenth century, Truyện Kiều has always been honored as the most iconic
literary masterpiece of Vietnamese medieval literature. Including 32 million words,
this valuable work has possessed secular value as “every word is jade, every line is
brocade”1. For this reason, it has become the subject of many studies carried out by
numerous scholars, literary critics and linguists. In the realm of translation, the tale
has so far been translated into more than 20 languages and acknowledged by
international readers. According to Nguyễn (2013), more than 10 English versions
of Truyện Kiều have been recognized with the latest one was translated by Dương
Tường and was first published in July 2020. The others were respectively translated
by Lê Xuân Thuỷ, Huỳnh Sanh Thông, Michael Counsell, Charles Beroit,
“Lời lời châu ngọc, hàng hàng gấm thêu”. This is the 1315 th verse in the Vietnamese version of Truyện
Kiều and was also verbatim quoted by the researcher.


Vladislav Zhukov and others. Thanks to the shrewd and fastidious translations by
these translators, this glorious heirloom of Vietnamese traditional literature has
been brought to the world and become internationally illustrious. In order to
achieve this success, all translators have had to undergo a complicated and
challenging process of transferring not only the language but also many linguistic
components. Among those components, idioms are regarded as one of the most
prominent factors of Truyện Kiều beside proverbs, Sino-Vietnamese, dialectal
words and so on; concurrently, idioms display honorable efforts of translators in
working on the translation.
Despite abundant studies on various aspects of this literary legacy, there are
hardly any significant studies on the idioms. After pondering some translations, the
researcher highly appreciated the English versions by Huỳnh Sanh Thông and
Michael Counsell and desired to dig more deeply into them; particularly, the
translation of idioms received considerable attention. It is apparent that Vietnamese
idioms possess unique characteristics compared to English idioms, which raised a
lot of predicaments for both translators. However, they could deal with idioms quite
brilliantly. For example:
Lạ gì bỉ sắc tư phong
Trời xanh quen thói má hồng đánh ghen.
is translated by Huỳnh Sanh Thông as:
Is it so strange that losses balance gains?
Blue Heaven’s wont to strike a rose from spite.
or in the translation by Michael Counsell, it is:
“Rich in good looks” appear
To mean poor luck and tears of woe;
which may sound strange, I know,
but is not really so, I swear,


since Heaven everywhere
seems jealous of the fair of face.


Objectives and research questions
This study was conducted with a view to identifying the Vietnamese idioms

adopted in the masterpiece Truyện Kiều by Nguyễn Du and investing the strategies
that two translators Huỳnh Sanh Thông and Michael Counsell employed in
translating those idioms into English equivalents. Beside this purpose, the
researcher desired to elucidate the effects of these translations on the quality of the
translation and thus synthesized an appropriate framework for further translation of
Vietnamese idioms in particular and 6-8 couplet poems in general. In addition,
some recommendations would be proposed to further studies.
In order to fulfill all the objectives above, this research was carried out to
conform to the following research questions:
1) What strategies are adopted by Huỳnh Sanh Thông and Michael Counsell
to translate Vietnamese idioms into English in two English versions of
“Truyện Kiều”?
2) To what extent do the translations reflect the level of faithfulness,
naturalness and aesthetics as compared to the original Vietnamese version?


Significance of the study
The researcher chose two versions by these translators in order to obtain

knowledge about how Truyện Kiều was translated in the perspectives of a

Vietnamese translator and a foreign translator. By accomplishing this goal, the
researcher desired to draw a synthesis of useful strategies and descend it to other
translators so that they can use it as a source of reference for further translation of
Vietnamese idioms in the future.


Moreover, the researcher hoped that with the assistance of this study, the
precious Truyện Kiều could be more widely renowned among international friends
and became the subject of other studies-to-be. Besides, in respect of translators, this
paper could be considered a referential material that stimulated them to explore the
realm of translation more profoundly and adopt proper strategies to handle the
difficulties themselves, which was supposed to produce more significant
translations of Vietnamese literary works and enable them to bring the diversity and
marvelousness of Vietnamese literature to the world.

Methods of the study
As regards data collection methods, both qualitative and quantitative designs

were employed. In terms of qualitative methods, the researcher focused on the
analysis of documents. This functioned as a data collection instrument for the first
research question. The quantitative methods were adopted to analyze the
instrument-based data collected from the questionnaire and the analysis of data.
The questionnaire instrument assisted the researcher to draw the conclusions for the
second research question.

Orgnanization of the study

Chapter 1: Introduction comprises of rationale for choosing the

topic, objectives, scopes, significance, methodology and organization of the
Chapter 2: Literature review is the theoretical framework of idiom,
translation strategies and translation quality assessment.
Chapter 3: Methodology includes the setting, participants and
research instruments.
Chapter 4: Findings and Discussions provides a summary of major
findings and further discussion.


Chapter 5: Conclusion summarizes major findings of the study and
presents the limitations of the study as well as puts forward some
recommendations for further research.


This chapter gives an overview of the literature related to the current study.
In this chapter, definitions of key terms (idiom and translation) and selected
theoretical background such as translation strategies and translation quality
assessment are presented. Moreover, a review of the studies relevant to the
research topics is also provided.


2.1.1. Definition of idiom
The definition of idiom varies pursuant to each author.
According to Moon (1998, p. 3), idiom is “an ambiguous term used in
conflicting way”. Meanwhile, Baker (1992, p. 63) provides a definition of idiom as
“frozen patterns of language which allow little or no variation in form and often
carry meanings which cannot be deduced from their individual components”.
Larson also presents a way to define idiom. He states that idiom was “a
string of words” with the meaning different from the literal meaning of the
individual word conveys (1984, p. 20).
In general, there is no exact definition for the term “idiom”, but based on the
common feature in each theory, idiom can be considered a group of words that
denotes figurative sense rather than deliver the meaning appearing vividly in the
2.1.2. The differences between idioms and collocations
Baker (1992, p. 63) emphasizes the importance to distinguish idioms from
collocations based on the transparency of meaning and the flexibility of patterning.
According to Baker (1992), while collocations allow variations in form and
are more flexible patterns of language (e.g. chết nhăn răng, tốt mã giẻ cùi can be
transformed into nhăn răng, tốt mã), idioms are “frozen patterns of language which


allow little or no variation in form and often carry meanings which cannot be
deduced from their individual components” . She also adds changes in word order,
deletion of words from it, adding other words to it, replacement of a word with
another, or changes in its grammatical structure are certain things that cannot be
applied to idioms (e.g. nghiêng nước nghiêng thành cannot be reversed or added
any words).

2.1.3. Classification
There is a miscellaneous assortment of idioms based on the purposes of each
study. The most popular way of classifying idioms is proposed by Fernando (1996).
He divides idioms into three typologies: pure idioms, semi-idioms and literal
idioms, with the sub-constituents as follows:

Transparent Idioms

(ii) Semi Transparent Idioms
(iii) Semi-Opaque Idioms
(iv) Opaque Idioms

Culture-Free and Loaded Idioms

However, the Vietnamese idioms in Truyện Kiều contain a variety of
features that distinguish them from normal English idioms. Most of Vietnamese
idioms are characterized by their figurative and metaphorical meanings. Luong
(1978) classifies Vietnamese idioms into seven sub-categories below:

Idioms with three single words or more


Idioms with a single word and a compound word

(iii) Idioms with two compound words
(iv) Idioms as simple sentences


Idioms with alliterations or compound words

(vi) Idioms with symmetrical comparisons


(vii) Idioms with summery comparisons
In terms of semantics, Cù (1976) divides Vietnamese idioms into three
categories: (i) symmetric idioms, (ii) similes and (iii) regular idioms. In general, the
classification system of Vietnamese idioms can be figured by the following




Regular idioms

Figure 1.1: Cù’s classification of Vietnamese idioms

Symmetric idioms
Symmetric idioms are characterized by the correspondence between the
constituents forming the idioms. The relationship between idiomatic constituents
are described thoroughly and in Vietnamese idioms, the rules of even and uneven

tones (quy luật bằng – trắc) are put considerable emphasis to denote the
characteristics of symmetric idioms. According to Bùi (1981), symmetric idioms
are subjected to the following rules of even and uneven tones:

even – even – uneven – uneven (e.g. quê cha đất tổ 2)


uneven – uneven – even – even (e.g. gạn đục khơi trong 3)

(iii) uneven – even – even – uneven (e.g. mặt chai mày đá 4)
(iv) even – uneven – uneven – even (e.g. xôi hỏng bỏng không 5)


A Vietnamese idiom means “motherland” but is expressed in a figurative and phonic way.


“To maintain the good points and eliminate the bad points”


“To be bold-faced”



Similes are explicit comparisons and always contain the words “như”, “tựa”,
“tựa như” in Vietnamese or “as” and “like” in English. According to Hoàng (1991,
p. 12) “similes are a stable combination of words derived from comparison with a
denotative meaning” (e.g. khoẻ như voi 6, vắng như chùa bà đanh 7, etc.).
Regular idioms
Regular idioms occupy the largest number of idioms in any language and
they are often known as under the form of a full sentence. In other words, regular
idioms are sentences with a complete structure that consists of subjects, verbs and
objects (e.g. chó ngáp phải ruồi 8 ). Moreover, the meaning of regular idioms is
implicitly derived from historical and cultural knowledge that is hard to be
explained with words.


2.2.1. Definition of translation
In A Textbook of Translation, Newmark (1988, p. 5) defines translation as a
process “rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the
author intended the text”. It is implied via this definition that the maintenance of
authors’ intentions is explicitly emphasized by Newmark. In any translation, that
what is conveyed in the source texts should also be retained in the target texts is a
task that translators have to achieve.
According to Dubois (1973, p. 22), translation is referred to as “the
expression in another language (or target language) of what has been expressed in

A Vietnamese idiom that is equivalent to the English idiom “to lose lock, stock and barrel”.


“To be very strong”


“To be completely deserted”


The idiom means “to be very lucky” but it connotes a sarcastic meaning.


another (source language), preserving semantic and stylistic equivalence”. The
definition presented by Dubois indicates that translators have to ensure the
preciseness as well as the aesthetics of the source versions while conducting the
Brislin (1976, p. 1) states that translation is “a general term referring to the
transferring of thoughts and ideas from one language (source) to another (target),
whether the languages are in written or oral form; whether the languages have
established orthographies or do not have such standardization or whether one or
both languages is based on signs, as with sign languages of the deaf”.
In another study, translation is mentioned as the act of “transferring
messages from one language to another, while preserving the underlying cultural
and discoursal ideas and values” (Azabdaftary, 1996, p. 8).
Although the approach of each linguist to the definition of translation is
different, all the definitions aforementioned connote a common idea that those who
are involved in the process of translating (also known as translators) are supposed
to create translations in which the messages in the SL are properly delivered in the
TL regardless of cultural, linguistic and discoursal differences. Thereby, a mutual

comprehension between SL authors and TL readers can be produced.
2.2.2. Translation strategies
Though mentioned in a great deal of research concerning Translation studies,
Translation strategy is a terminology that has not reached an identifiable way of
defining. Lörscher (1991, p. 8) described this term as “a potential conscious
procedure for the solution of a problem which an individual is faced with when
translating a text segment from one language to another”. As mentioned, idioms,
especially Vietnamese idioms, have posed a plenty of difficulties on translators due
to their characteristics. Fernando and Flavell (1981) suppose that there exists a
“strong unconscious urge in most translators to search hard for an idiom in the
receptor language, however inappropriate it may be” (1981, p. 82). Thus, it is


exceptionally necessary to adopt appropriate translation strategies to transfer the
values of idioms in literary works from SL into TT.
Gottlieb (1997 – cited in Trosborg, 1997, p. 317), claims that translators’
responsibility is to “bring the text to reader” and being consistent with his opinion,
he suggests two possible strategies: (i) focusing on the meaning of the original
text; (ii) focusing on the intended effect on the reader. In the first case, the
translator opts for stylistic loyalty, recreating the verbal atmosphere of the original.
In the second case, the translator opts for conceptual loyalty, aiming at adapting the
original text to a new communicative situation.
Lefevere (1992) introduces the following categories of translation
strategies :

Phonemic translation

(ii) Literal translation
(iii) Metrical translation
(iv) Poetry into prose

Rhymed translation


Blank verse translation

(vii) Interpretation
Baker (2001) points out that the translator has two main concerns which are
(a) the ability to recognize and interpret idiom correctly; (b) and the difficulties
involved in rendering the various aspects of meaning that an idiom or a fixed
expression conveys into the target language (p. 63). Concerning idiom translation
strategies, Baker offers a set of following strategies: (i) Using an idiom of similar
meaning and form; (ii) Using an idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form; (iii)


Translation by paraphrase; (iv) Translation by omission; and (v) Translation by
By investigating the level of effectiveness and appropriateness of the
strategies suggested by several linguists, the researcher apprehended the merits of
each system and has decided to use Mona Baker’s taxonomy as the theoretical
framework for the research question. Each linguist shares discrepant ideas about
proper translation strategies for idioms. However, Gottlieb’s framework is deemed
to be too general while Lefevere’s framework was thought to be more applicable

for poetry translation than idiom translation. Therefore, being considered to be the
most explicit of all, Baker’s framework is the theoretical basis that is consistently
employed throughout the study.

Translation Quality Assessment
Translation Quality Assessment is usually referred to as the final stage in a

translation process, which involves the procedures of checking and ensuring the
optimal quality of the TL texts. In order to evaluate a translation, a number of
models have been proposed.
Larson (1984) suggests six ways to assess the quality of a translation
including (i) Comparison with the source language; (ii) Back translation; (iii)
Comprehension test; (iv) Naturalness tests; (v) Readability tests; (vi) Consistency
Others including Goff-Kfouri (2005) and Steven and Levi (2004) make
considerable effort to develop a set of criteria for translation assessment. Those
criteria include validity, reliability, and objectivity.
Farahzad (1992) offers a rubric of following criteria to evaluate the quality
of the translations: (i) Accuracy (the translation should convey the information in
the source text (ST) precisely); (ii) Appropriateness (the sentences should sound
fluent and native, and should be correct in terms of structure); (iii) Naturalness (the


translation should sound natural to natives); (iv) Cohesion (the translation should
use proper devices like linkages, pronouns, transitional tools, etc. to ensure the
cohesion of the translation); and lastly (v) Style of discourse/word choice (word
choice and grammatical structures) (p. 274).

Although the classifying methods are different, all the aforementioned
linguists highly emphasize the readability and naturalness of a translation.
Therefore, these criteria are indispensable in any translation testing process.
After taking some elements corresponding to the objectives of the study into
consideration, the researcher contemplated to adopt Farahzad’s framework in the
assessing the translation of the idiom collection in two English versions of Truyện
Kiều by Huỳnh Sanh Thông anh Michael Counsell in terms of faithfulness,
naturalness and aesthetics as stated in the research question. Specifically, the
criterion accuracy was adopted to assess the level of faithfulness while the
naturalness was assessed by using two criteria naturalness and appropriateness.
The last criteria cohesion and style of discourse/word choice were chosen for the
assessment of aesthetics level of the translation.

Reviews of related studies
Truyện Kiều is recognized as a treasure of Vietnamese literature;

consequently, many aspects of this masterpiece have encouraged many scholars to
explore and immerse themselves in the world of “Kiều”. Therefore, so far there
have been numerous studies relating to Truyện Kiều and its translations into various
Đinh (2018) conducted the study entitled “a study of the translation of ‘The
tale of Kieu’ by Mạc Phi Hoàng via the antithesis in ‘Truyện Kiều’ by Nguyễn
Du”, in which she examined the translation equivalence of the antitheses in the
work based on translation methods and investigated the loss and gains of some
phenomena from those antitheses in terms of syntax and semantics. In general, her


research focused more on exploring linguistic aspects than translation methods or
Nguyễn (2013) endeavored to carry out a research on the translation of
sentences that contain parallelism while Hoàng (2011) concentrated on
investigating the translation of hyperboles as manifested in Truyện Kiều. Both of
these studies were developed based on the linguistic background by solely
analyzing linguistic components in the English versions. It is likely that these
researchers were inclined to the realm of linguistics rather than the matters of
translation such as translation methods, procedures, untranslatability and so on.
It was not until the research on the translation of metaphors and similes (Lê,
2011) in the English version by Hoàng Văn Vân was conducted that the researcher
employed Newmark’s framework of translation procedures in order to identify
which procedure was the most frequently used and why this procedure was
appropriate to be applied in the translation process. Lê (2011) also emphasized the
firm relationship between culture and translation and introduced two new
procedures: (i) deletion and (ii) translation of similes by metaphors to Newmark’s
Overall, notwithstanding countless research on various English versions of
Truyện Kiều, little has been studied about idioms manifested in this national
heirloom. Thus, the current research aimed at detecting the collection of idioms and
examining the strategies applied in the translation of those idioms in two English
versions by Huỳnh Sanh Thông and Michael Counsell, which is supposed to
contribute significantly to the existing literature.

Chapter summary
This chapter has provided both selected theoretical background for

translation strategies and idioms along with a review of related studies on the
English translation of Truyện Kiều by Nguyễn Du accompanied by the researcher’s

