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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Practice test 1: 90 minutes Question I: Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the other. 1- A. teacher B. scholarship C. chair D. chess 2- A. few B. dew C. new D. sew 3- A. smart B. cart C. carry D. start 4- A. burn B. bury C. curly D. turn 5- A. about B. south C. count D. young Question II: Choose the word in each line has different stress pattern. 1- A. bamboo B. blanket C. comment D. entrance 2- A. collection B. hamburger C. pagoda D. encourage 3- A. locate B. admire C. forest D. effect 4- A. invent B. remain C. exchange D. gather 5- A. grocery B. collection C. revision D. decision Question III: Choose the best answer: 1- Now fashion ……….. want to change the traditional Ao dai. A. makers B. workers C. designers D. dressers 2- The word “Jeans” comes from a kind of …….. that was made in Europe. A. substance B. form C. element D. material 3- It was careless ………. not to lock the gate. A. of he B. for him C. of him D. from him 4- My uncle is a seaman. He usually away on voyages. A. fisher B. sailor C. worker D. boatman 5- Some designers have taken ……….. from Vietnam’s ethnic minorities. A. liking B. hobby C. inspiration D. interest 6- This is a very popular TV program. Every week it ……… by millions of people. A. has been watched B. is watched C. watches D. was watched 7- According to the weather ………., it will be raining tonight A. forecast B. forecaster C. forecasted D. forecasting 8- Yesterday a hurricane hit the ……….. of Vung Tau city A. coaster B. coast C. coasting D. coastal 9- The ………… can know when a volcano will erupt nowadays A. science B. scientific C. scientists D. scientifically o o 10- Hue will have temperatures ……….. 23 C and 27 C A. at B. between C. in D. with Question III: Verbform: 1- Hold on! I (help) you with these heavy bags. 2- Let's phone Mandy now before it (be) too late. 3- Someone stole my cigarettes when I (not look). 4- How is your father? Is he still ill? No, he (get better). 5- By the time he (get) back from the business trip I (leave). 6- When I realised he did not like what I was saying I rather (shut) up. 7- At first I could not decide but then I firmly (make) up my mind. 8- Where is my mobile phone? It (disappear) . 9- This is the first time I (eat) caviar. 10- I think I (get) the flu. I must go to bed. Question IV: Wordform: 1- The ………….of people prefer TV to radio (major) 2- Lucy got ………………….quickly and went for work (dress) 3- Some young people today want to have a strange………….. (appear)..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 4- Do you want to go to the …………..areas to know more about the region ? (near) 5- That…………….has composed a lot of beautiful songs. (music) 6- If the industry doesn’t ……………., it will not survive. (modern) 7- This house is very lovely and very ………….. (fashion) 8- Mathematics and Literature are………..for children in this country. (compel) 9- She was the only visitor ………………………..into the sick room. (admission) 10- His health was seriously affected and he suffered from constant …………. (sleep) Question V: Read the following passage and choose the best answers. We don’t only choose clothes to make us look ……..(1), we also use them to tell the world ……..(2) our personality. The clothes we wear and our ……..(3) as a whole give other people useful information about what we think ……..(4) we feel. If we feel cheerful, we usually wear ……..(5) clothes and if we feel ……..(6) we sometimes put on dark clothes. But why do teenagers wear black so……..(7)? Is it because they feel miserable all ……..(8)? This is unlikely to be the case. It is probably just because it is ……..(9) to wear black, and young people they are real fans of …….. (10). 1- A. attract B. attractive C. attractively D. attraction 2- A. of B. with C. by D. about 3- A. appear B. appearance C. appeared D. appearing 4- A. which B. what C. how D. when 5- A. colorful B. colors C. colorfully D. colorless 6- A. depress B. depressed C. depressing D. depression 7- A. frequent B. frequency C. frequently D. frequents 8- A. the time B. the day C. the week D. the month 9- A. fashion B. fashionable C. fashioner D. fashioned 10- A. fashion B. fashionable C. fashioner D. fashioned Question VI: Rewriting the following sentences: 1- It is my first visit to Vung Tau. (been) I have …………………………………… 2- Would you like a glass of cold orange juice? Can I get you……………………………………………? 3- I’m hoping that the weather will improve next week. (better) I’m hoping that ………………………………………….. 4- Whose motorbike is this? (belong) Who………………………………………? 5- Are you going to fly to Ho Chi Minh City next month? (intend) Do ……………………………………………………………? Practice test 2: 90 minutes Question I: A- Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the other: 1- A. dear B. fear C. hear D. heart 2- A. stupid B. studio C. study D. student 3- A. brother B. thick C. they D. that B- Choose the word in each line has different stress pattern: 1- A. promise B. forget C. defrost D. receive 2- A. dangerous B. opposite C. interested D. umbrella Question II: Choose the best answer: 1-The men and the elephants……….. you saw on TV last night are from Africa A. which B. that C. whom D. who 2-Many people become ……….. because of the natural disasters every year.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> A. homeland B. homesick C. homeless D. homework 3-The tsunami ………..…… in December 2004 in South East Asia killed more than 160,000 people A. disaster B. disastrous C. disastrously D. disasterring 4-To reach the village we have to cross a small bamboo ………... A. bush B. shrub C. forest D. forestry 5-There are some cottages at the………..of the mountain. It is very peaceful there. A. leg B. feet C. shin D. foot 6-When I was young. I used to ……….. to school by my mother. A. be taken B. being taken C. take D. taking 7-Some designers have ……….. the Ao dai by printing lines of poetry on it. A. modernized B. introduced C. made D. increased 8-He may be from a rich family. His clothes look very modern and ……….. . A. old B. fashionable C. cheap D. inexpensive 9-Wearing uniforms help students feel ……….. in many ways. A. the same B different C. unequal D. equa 10- I bought my sister a beautiful scarf ……….. her holiday. A. in B. to C. for D. at Question III: Give the corrrect verb forms: 1- In Britain, milk bottles (deliver) and (collect) at your doorstep. 2-Each July, Nam together with his family (go) to Spain for holiday. 3- The children (be) late. They(not come) home from school yet. I hope nothing’s wrong 4- I was so tired. I (sleep) for a week. 5-The radio (play) since 7 a.m. If only someone (turn) it off. 6- He usually sandals but when I last (see) him he (wear) boots. 7- By midnight he (be) conscious for 48 hours. 8- After they (go), I (sit) and (rest) He thanked me for what (do) QuestionIV: Wordform: 1- She felt ………….. that she passed the exam. (relief) 2-They only had a day to visit all the tourist ………….. (attract) 3- When you accidentally cut yourself, you should try to stop the …………. first. (blood) 4- It’s interesting for foreign tourists to visit some ………. Villages in Sapa. (tribe) 5- We’re having a good time. People on the island are very friendly and ……. (hospitality) 6- My printer doesn’t work! Look! Someone has …………. it. (plug) 7- Study is no longer ……………. to just one location. (restrict) 8- Peter put …………. on that towel to stop the bleeding. (press) 9- We had a lively …………. on the novel “Animal Farm” in class today. (discuss) 10- We use first-aid in order to …………. the victim’s pain and…………. (easy/ anxious) 11- It is now high time you knew how to dress and ……………. yourself. (dress) 12- You can visit some …………. islands when you come to Nha Trang. (shore) Question V: Read the following passage and choose the best answers. Lucky survivors A couple from Miami, Bill and Simon Butler, …….….(1) sixty-six days in a life-raft in the sea of central America after their yacht sank. They survived in very good …….…(2). Twenty-one days after they left Panama in their yacht, they met some whales. “ They started to hit the side of the boat”, said Bill, “and then ………(3) we heard water.” Two minutes ………..(4) , the yacht was sinking. They jumped into the life-raft and watched the boat go ……….(5) the water. For twenty days they had ………(6)of food, biscuits, and bottle of water. They also had a fishing-line and a machine to make salt water into drinking water, two things.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> which ……….(7) their lives. They caught eight to ten fish a day and ate them raw. Then the line broke. “ So we had no more fish ……something very strange happened. Some sharks came to feed and the fish under the raft were afraid and came to the surface. I caught them with my hands.” About twenty ships ……….(8) them, but no one saw them. After fifty days at sea their life-raft was beginning to break up. Then suddenly it was all over. A fishing brat saw them and ………..(9) them………(10) . Their two months at sea was over. 1- A. took up B. went C. spent D. occupied 2- A. condition B. way C. manner D. state 3- A. occasionally B. suddenly C. quickly D. clearly 4- A. later B. after C. soon D. passing 5- A. in B. down C. under D. below 6- A. containers B. tins C. boxes D. packages 7- A. rescued B. helped C. maintained D. saved 8- A. until B. when C. as D. that 9- A. went round B. moved near C. traveled D. passed 10- A. took / on B. pull / on C. picked / up D. moved / up Question VI: Rewrting the following sentences: 1- I had to cancel the birthday party because my closest friend is seriously ill. I had to cancel..................................................................................................... 2- I hadn’t visited my grandfather. I wished................................................................. 3- The film was so interesting that all we want to see again. Such......................................................................................... 4- “If you don’t pay the ransom, we’ll kill the boy ’’, said the kidnappers The kidnappers..................................................................................... 5- I would prefer you to deliver the sofa on Friday. I would rather ..................................................... 6- He is back from England after two days there. He has been ..................................................... The end Practice test 3: 90 minutes. Question I: A- Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the other: 1- A. design B. reserve C. basic D. physical 2- A. card B. dark C. adventure D. harvert 3- A. wants B. says C. looks D. laughs 4- A. machine B. parachute C. champagne D. cheer 5- A. doctor B. hospital C. pollution D. tomorrow. Question II: Choose the best answer: 1-The walls of the house are covered.... a coat of piant. a. By b. with c. in d. under. 2- I can't remember the bus stop ........... I first saw him. a. which b. where c. that d. at which. 3- He had to stay in bed ........... her sickness. a. although b. but c. because d. because of. 4- It hasn't rained yet .......... you should put your bag in the grage. a. if b. but c. however d. morover. 5- I certainly hope that David is aware............. all the problem involved. a. for b. of c. with d. about 6- Ann is very busy these days. She has .................. free time..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> a. little b. a little c. a few d. few. 7- The prefix ........................ is added to the word " polite" to form the oppossite. a. un b. im c. in d. dis 8-Quoc hoc senior high school, ...... founded in 1896, is a beautiful school in Hue. a. which is b. which c. which was d. that. 9-I just want to ask you for ................. advice. a. the b. a c. an d. X 10-If you run ............. steve. Give him my best wishes. a. over b. up c. into d. to Question III: Supply the correct from the verb in brackets. 1-I (not see) her since we (leave) school. 2-While we (fish), someone (come) to the house and (give) this note. 3-If you (smoke) less, you (have) much more money but I don't think you ever will. 4- The small room ( fill) with boxes of diferrent sizes which (delive) that day before. 5- the music for : "The marriage of figaro". (Write) by Mozart. 6- We must take an unbrella. It (rain). 7- I hope they (repair) this road by the time we (return) next summer. 8- I (meet) John befor I (be) a fortnight in paris. Question IV: Wordform: 1-One major ........of the area is the lack of public transport. (advantage) 2- We asked her to take part but she made no............ to us.(respond) 3- Taxis are too..........for many people to offord.(cost) 4-Could you please ..........us about the courses and fees? (information) 5- Martin looked at her ......... (think) 6- The tast we are dealing with is .........complicated.(extreme) 7-This book provides information which is very ............to us.(value) 8- No one can deny the ...........of his contribution.(precious) 9- Our house is ...........by several burglar alarms.(protection) 10-It was ............so all we stay at home.(snow) Question V: Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word. Why does English .............(1)an international language mean while Chinese is used by more than ……..(2) of the world? There are some ............(3) causes. In the nineteenth Century, Great Britain became.............(4)after the industrial revolution. The English empire conquered many other...........(5) and made them as their colonies. English was officially used there gradually, hose countries spoke............(6)as their native language or second language. After the word war II, the united states, one of the English - speaking ...........(7) become the most powerful and so then more people speak English. English grammar is rather easy and simple compared .............(8)other languages. However, English learners even the native speakers, sometimes have troubles English …..(9)that can be overcome. A lot of ............(10)methods are available to help them. Question VI: Correct the mistake in the following sentences. 1- She smile to me as if she knew me. 2- He isn't very interested to look for a job. 3- Mr John spoke very soft and Nobody hear him. 4- I prefer swimming than dancing. 5- Their son sometimes is very bad and naughty Question VII: Rewrting the following sentences: 1- I'll only help you if you promise to try harder. Unless ..........................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> 2- She can't have any more children because of her age. She is too ........................................................................... 3- She is proud of being such a good cook. She prides................................................................ 4- I'm sorry now that I asked her to stay at home. Now I wish ............................................................................ 5-There is always trouble when he comes to visit us. Whenever ............................................................................. 6. As I get old, I want to travel less. The older ............................................................... 7- I didn't let him know what I was thinking He ............................................................................. 8- I don't intend to apologise to either of them. I have ...................................................................... 9- Immediately after his arrival, things went wrong Nosooner ................................................................... The end Practice test 4: 90 minutes Question I: Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others. 1. a. easy b. please c. pleasure d. teacher 2. a. hear b. clear c. bear d. ear 3. a. accept b. happy c. apple d. aunt 4. a. new b. sew c. few d. newphew 5. a. sun b. sure c. success d. sort Question II: Choose the best answer. 1-They have never ............... any experience of living in the country. a. had b. wished c. done d. made 2- My mother smiled ........ at the joke. a. quietly b. loudly c. strongly d. widely 3- Take this road and you will ................ at the hotel in five minutes. a. arrive b. come c. find d. reach 4-Wait .............. you get home before you unpack your parcel. a. to b. until c. when d. after 5- As she didn’t understand his question, she merely gave him a ....... look. a. clear b. blank c. simple d. useless 6- Money can’t buy true ................. a. happy b. happiness c. happily d. unhappiness 7-When we see Mr Tailor tomorrow, I .............. him of that. a. will remind b. remind c. have reminded d.would remind 8- Up to the present, Nam ............ good work in his class. a. does b. has done c. did d. had done 9-At present, that author .............. a historical novel. a. is writing b. was writing c. has written d. had written 10-Shall we travel ............ your car or mine? a. in b. by c. on d. with Question III: Supply the correct forms of the verbs in the brackets. 1- I can’t find the book I (leave) here an hour ago. You (see) it? 2- While I was going to school yesterday, I (meet) him. 3- He will finish his work before you (leave) here tomorrow..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> 4- He (not go) out since he (have) his car (steal). 5- If you kicked the policeman, you (arrest). Question IV: Supply the misssing prepositions. 1-Faraday wrote to Davy and asked ...... work. 2-Ann had been living in London ............ ten years .......... he moved. 3-They have lived ............. 102 Cornwall Garden .............. 2003. 4- The drivers in London keep their cars ........ the left. 5-Her small garden looks very beautiful .......... the spring because all the flowers are ............ full bloom. Question V: Supply the correct forms of the capitalized words in the brackets. 1- He ................. the door and came into the room. (lock) 2- Is your work ..............? (tire) 3-We are waiting for the ....................... of his plane. (arrive) 4- The class had to be closed due to the poor ............. (attend) 5-Santa Claus is based on the ............... of Saint Nicholas in a poem. (describe) 6-........... often leads to obesity. (eat) 7- Phuong Linh arranged the flowers the most ............. (attract) 8-People in the country are very open and ................. (friend) 9- Air ................... is one of the biggest problems in big cities. (pollute) 10-He drives so ............ that he is sure to have an accident. (care) Question VI: Read the following passage and choose the best answers. Singapore is an island country and the smallest country in South East Asia. Singapore (1)……. of 63 island, including the main island itself. The (2)………. of Singapore is about 697.2 Sq km, about 23% of Singapore’s land area comprises forests and (3)…….. reserves. The capital and largest city is Singapore City and the (4)……… in June 2006 was about 4 million. Singapore has a tropical rainforest (5)……….., its temperatures range from 22 degree Celsius to 34 degree Celsius, Singapore is also a (6)………..country with Buddhism and Muslims, Taoism, Sikhism, Hinduism and others. The (7)……… language of Singapore is Malay, English, Chinese and Tamil are also official languages. Today, Singapore has one of the highest (8)…….. of living in Asia , with its (9) ………centered on the production of electronic items, ship building, petroleum refining, (10)…….., and international trade. 1- A. includes B. comprises C. consists D. combines 2- A. area B. region C. field D. land 3- A. nature B. natural C. naturalized D. naturally 4- A. separation B. association C. minorities D. population 5- A. weather B. climate C. atmosphere D. temperature 6- A. multiracial B. multicolored C. multireligious D. multicultural 7- A. nation B. nation’s C. national D. international 8- A standards B. aspects C. levels D. samples 9- A. economic B. economy C. economical D. economics 10-A. tour B. tourist C. touristy D. tourism Question VII: Rewrite the following sentences: 1-How long is it since you bought the car? When .....................................................................? 2- I thought it would be better than that. I was not ..................................................................... 3- The boy is ten years old. He is a .................................................... 4-We expected Larry to accept the job, but he didn’t..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Even though Larry .................................................. 5- When you phoned me, it was my lunchtime. When you phoned me, I ................................... The end Practice test 5: 90 minutes Question I: A- Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others. 1-A. massage B. carriage C. voyage D. dosage 2-A. switch B. stomach C. match D. catch 3-A.compassion B. compulsion C. conclusion D. consession 4-A. eight B. weight C. freight D. heighten B- Choose the word in each line has different stress pattern: 1-A. average B. general C. multiply D. including 2-A. rescue B. announce C. complete D. appear Question II: Choose the best answer: 1- You can't ..................me! I know that story isnt true. a- lie b- fool c- do d- cheat 2- She’s so ..................that she refuses to put the fire on, even in the middle of winter. a- greedy b- selfish c- self-centred d- mean 3- He said he hasn’t got it now, ................? a. hasn’t he b- doesn’t he c- did he d- didn’t he 4- Anne is busy ................... a letter a- wrote b- write c- writing d- written 5- The carpenter will repair the..................chair. a. break b- broken c- breaking d- has broken 6- We welcome you to our city. You .......... to our city. a- Welcome b- are welcome c- have welcomed d- are welcoming 7- It was ............ an interesting book that he couldn't put it down. a- very b- enough c- such d- so 8- I congratulate him ............ his success. a- in b- at c- with d- on 9- We saw some people ........... car had broken down. a- them b- their c- whose d- of which 10- ........... doesn't seem to be anyone at home. a- It b- One c- There d- When ever Question III: Give the correct form of the verb in brackets: 1- It’s high time that you (get) down to more serious work. 2- Don’t let him play with scissors in case he (cut) himself. 3- Hardly I (arrive) when a quarrel (break) out. 4- Can’t you see that I’m busy (write)? 5- She locked the door so as (not disturb). 6- His greatest ambition is (choose) (take part) in the Olympics London 2012. 7- Nothing (do) to change the bad situation recently. 8- So far we (not notice) anything unusual, but we (not pay ) very close attention. Question IV: Supply the correct word form: 1- He wants to be one of the most famous ………… in the world. (economy) 2- They say this washing power will …………clothes. (soft) 3- This issue is very …………... Don’t discuss it outside the group. (confidence).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> 4- We have …………to our teacher for being late for the meeting. (apology) 5- We have decided to interview only the six best …………... (apply) 6- …………., I can’t help you with the needlework now. (luck) 7- You must open your mouth ………. when the dentist examines your teeth. (wide) 8- She felt a sense of ………… when her best friend went to live abroad. (lose) 9- English is a ………… difficult language to learn. (compare) 10- The …………. of the villagers made us feel very happy. (friend) Question V: Read the following passage and choose the best answers. A welsh festival Wales has a population of about three millions. English is the main language and only twenty per cent speak both Welsh and English. Every year ………… (1) August there is a Welsh – speaking festival. It ………… (2) place in a different town each year so everyone has the chance for it to be near them. Local people ……… (3) years making plans for when the festival will be in ……… (4) town. Each festival is ……… (5) by about 160,000 people. They travel not only from nearby towns and villages ……... (6) also from the rest of the British Isles and ………… (7) from abroad. There are concerts, plays and ………… (8) to find best singers, poets, writers, and so on. Shops sell Welsh music, books, pictures and clothes as ………… (9) as food and drink. The festival provides a chance for Welsh – speaking people to be together for a whole week, with ………… (10) Welsh language all around them. 1- A. on B. by C. in D. at 2- A. takes B. finds C. has D. makes 3- A. pass B. put C. spend D. do 4- A. our B. their C. his D. its 5- A. arrived B. attended C. joined D. come 6- A. but B. and C. since D. however 7- A. just B. hardly C. quite D. even 8- A. tests B. examinations C. competitions D. races 9- A. long B. far C. good D. well 10- A. one B. a C. the D. some Question VI: Fill in each blank with one correct preposition. 1- He supported the plan ........ all his heart. 2- The horse was tired ........... a post. 3- I need some papers to write ........... . 4- Give me a pen to write ............. . Question VII: Rewrting the following sentences: 1- Nobody knows anything about Pam’s past life. Nothing ............................................ 2-This house was specially built for my uncle. My uncle ........................................................... 3- William never makes mistakes because he is a careful reader. William is so ............................................................................ Practice test 6: 90 minutes Question I: A- Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others. 1-A. cosmic B. dessert C. dissolve D. Passover 2-A. bureau B. busy C. business D. minute 3-A. plain B. plaid C. acquaintance D. e-mail 4-A. paragraphed B. coughed C. ploughed D. faced 5-A. written B. answer C. sweater D. sword.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> B- Choose the word in each line has different stress pattern: 1-A. idea B. purpose C. advance D. amount 2-A. because B. behavior C. believe D. benefit Question II: Choose the best answer: 1- Sending emails is a/ an ..................... way to communicate with other people. A. effective B. dangerous C. interested D. happy 2-I had my watch ………….. . A. steal B. to steal C. be stolen D. stolen 3. There is a river …………… across the village. A. flowing B. to flowing C. flow D. flowed 4-The material used to make jeans was very ............. and it didn’t wear out easily. A. hardly B. difficult C. strong D. solid 5- During the trip to Japan, we ................... a lot of pictures. A. took B. did C. made D. got 6- Because the weather is very hot, she is not feeling .................. today A. well B. bad C. strong D. healthy 7-He never goes fishing in winter, ......................... ? A. doesn’t he B. isn’t he C. does he D. hasn’t he 8-Her parents never ..................... her to go out after 8 p.m. A. make B. let C. allow D. agree 9- She is accustomed ……….. getting up early. A. with B. by C. for D. to 10- Lot of people .................. yoga to relax and improve their health. A. give up B. take up C. make D. practice Question II: Use correct tenses of the verbs in brackets. 1- When I see my sister again, she (finish) all her exams. 2- Can we stop working soon? I (start) to feel very tired. 3- A new bridge (build) across the river. Workers (start) last year and the bridge (expect) to open next year. 4- They (see) to go out three times a day. 5-Did you see the film (show) on T.V last night ? 6- All the tickets (sell) out by the time we arrived at the theatre. 7- What do you think the children (do) when we get home? 8- If all (go) well, I’ll finish it in a fortnight. Question III: Give the correct word form: 1- I am ............ grateful to you for your help. (true) 2- The train service was ............ because it wasn’t used by many people. (continue) 3- Hard work always brings ............. . (succeed ) 4- She is complaining about her ............. .(comfort) 5- They often ride their bicycles to the countryside for ........... . (please) 6- She is very .............. about wild animals. (know) 7- He is ready to overcome any .............. .(hard) 8- Without turning off the light, he ............ left the room. (silence) 9- After the explosion, only two people were left ............. . (live) 10- My new trousers are too long, they need ........... . (short) Question IV: Read the following passage and choose the best answers. Health and fitness are not just for young people. They are for anyone willing to accept the (1) ………for a good diet and (2)………exercise. With age, there is a tendency to feel that the body is no longer able to (3)……….. Aches and pains are (4)……..normal. Instead of pushing the body to.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> do (5)………, activities become limited. Yet examples after examples have shown us that older people can- and should- be (6)………. Men and women in their sixties have run in marathons, races of more than twenty- six miles. Some professional athletes stay (7)………into their forties and fifties. For most people, simple activities like walking and swimming are all that is needed to stay in (8)……... It’s important to include exercise in your daily routine. In the winter, (9)………push-ups, sit-ups, and other indoor exercises. Of course, such exercises will be of little use (10)……….you follow them with sodas and chips. 1-A. strictness B. discipline C. regulation D. ruling 2-A. useful B. little C. regular D. much 3-A. perform B. run C. operate D. malfunction 4-A. believed B. thought C. made D. considered 5-A. weaker B. greater C. faster D. more 6-A. eager B. bold C. active D. passive 7-A. competitive B. comparative C. passive D. equal 8-A. form B. shape C. need D. contact 9-A. get B. do C. make D. work 10-A. although B. unless C. otherwise D. if Question V: Find and correct a mistake in each sentence: 1- The boy played soccer with my son yesterday is his close friend. 2- The police is looking for the robber everywhere in the city at the moment. 3- It is such interesting a movie that I have seen it twice. 4- How happily they were to hear my sister had pased the exam. 5- It is no use to ask him to take part in the fire- making festival. 6- Mary rarely talk to everyone about herself. 7- Hoa worked hard in order to getting a lot of good marks in the last school year. 8- He is pleasing that his parents will give him a new computer on his fifteenth birthday. 9- Nam and I ran three kilometers this morning but none of us felt tired. 10- Minh had no sooner arrived in London when it started snowing. Question VI: Rewriting the following sentences: 1- The farmers had applied new technology in their fields. The output of rice was raised. Thanks to .............................................................................................................................. 2- Eighteen people came although we had expected only sixteen Two extra ........................................................................................ 3- I haven't seen her for five years. ->Five years................................................................ 4- George's annual salary is $ 15,000. ->George earns ................................................... Practice test 7: 90 minutes Question I: Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others. 1- A. concerned B. received C. attached D. concealed 2- A. teacher B. clear C. reason D. mean 3- A. check B. cheese C. chemistry D. cherry 4- A. smells B. cuts C. opens D. plays 5- A. name B. flame C. man D. fame Question II: Choose the best answer for each sentence 1- It is easy to find a book...........the title. A. on B.by C.of D.with 2-These cards are in alphabetical order and ....... author. A.at B. by C.in D.about 3-I divided the sweets .............. several boys. A.during B.between C. into D.among.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> 4-Don’t all talk at one ! ............... please A.one at a time B.one for one C.each at one time 5-The meeting hall ........... they had the press conference , is very large A.in which B. on Which C. to which D.which 6-Go on ! I am interested in .......... you have just said A.that B. who C.what D.whose 7-........clothes do you prefer,t-shirt or pullover.? A.what B who C. which D.where 8-He is tired .........he stayed up late watching TV. A. that B. since C. but D. and 9-She is very tired, .................., she has to finish her homework. A.moreover B. so C. and D. however 10-......international footballers are paid too much money A. the B. a C. an D. Zero Question III: Give the correct form of the verbs: 1-Quick! There(be) an accident. Phone the hospital. The accident (happen) when that red car (shoot) out of the side street without warning. 2- I (do) everything you (ask). What should I do now? 3-We had to go on holiday because our house (decorate). 4-They had a big party. They (sing) all night last night. 5-We (cook) all day for the party that evening and by 8 o'clock we still weren't ready. 6- If the train (mountain) this speed, by this time tomorrow we (be) in Hue for two hours. Question IV: Wordform: 1- I am going to some French-…………….. country. (speak) 2- The inn is ……………. situated on the bank of river. (picture) 3- …………. is very important in teaching young children. (repeat) 4-Pada is …………. to China only. (nation) 5- There is a …………….. of carrots because of the bad weather. (short) 6- The …. of her dress was in sharp contrast to the mansion she called home. (simple) 7-He spoke …………… to her, and she began crying ……………… (sense/ media) 8-There are many people living in ……………… now in the world. (poor) 9- …………….., the film got …………… reviews. (fortunate/ favour) 10-Heavy rain and excessive use have …………….. the soil. (poor) Question V: Choose the one option a, b, c or d that best completes the passage. One thing that was really a turning point for me was (1) ..... I learned Spanish. I was always kind of scared (2) ..... learning a foreign language, (3) ..... I was really envious of kids who could speak (4) ..... language. But when I started learning Spanish, I found I was actually pretty good (5) ..... it, and at the moment I (6) ..... that breakthrough stage – you know, when you discover you can actually speak and (7) ..... with people in the language – I felt really (8) ..... of myself. I realized that learning a foreign language wasn’t an (9) ..... thing after all. Now I can speak three: Spanish, Italian and German. And I’m (10) ..... Korean this year. 1- a. when b. what c. which d. that 2- a. with b. in c. of d. for 3- a. so b. then c. because d. yet 4- a. other b. another c. others d. otherness 5- a. at b. for c. to d. on 6- a. came b. took c. reached d. made 7- a. practice b. express c. discuss d. communicate 8- a. fond b. interested c. proud d. satisfied.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> 9- a. possible b. impossible c. possibly d. possibility 10- a. taking b. making c. doing d. speaking Question VI: Rewrting the following sentences: 1-We prefer jazz to classical music. We think jazz ..................................................... 2-Jack only goes swimming on the weekend. On weekdays ..................................................... 3-If I finish my work I can go out on weekends. Unless I finish my work ..................................... 4-They live a long way from a supermarket. There isn’t .......................................................... 5-When Minh has to walk to school she finds it tiring. Minh gets ...................................................................... 6- She gave me a note that worths fifty dollars. She gave ........................................................................ Question VII: Use the cues given to make a complete letter. Dear Sir, 1- I/see/school’s advertisement/Tuoi Tre newspaper/yesterday .......................................................................................................................... 2- I/interested/learn/English/I/like/information/your school. .......................................................................................................................... 3- I/study/English/over four years/but/want/improve/speaking/and/ listening/skill. ................................................................................................................................................................. ......................................................................................................................................... 4- I/be/very/grateful/if/you/send/details/courses/fees. ........................................................................................................................... 5- I/look/forward/hear/you/soon. .............................................................................................................................. Yours sincerely, Practice test 8: 90 minutes. Question I: A- Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others. 1- A. seat B. great C. seaside D. beach 2- A. heritage B. cottage C. luggage D. eage 3- A. used B. worked C. watched D. practiced B- Choose the word in each line has different stress pattern: 4- A. freedom B. uniform C. pagoda D. favourite 5- A. foreign B. examine C. language D. practice Question II: Choose the best answer: 1-Students were …….. a lot pressure before the final examination. (above/ with/ under/ on) 2-Do not ……….the driver while the bus is in motion. (disturb/distract/convert/ interrupt) 3- They never watch sports programs on TV,…….? (do they/don’t they/is it/ are they) 4- I recently visited the school…….. I used to study 5 years ago. (where/which/in that/ there) 5- I was just ………. to go out when you telephoned. (around /about / thinking/ round) 6- It’s difficult to pay one’s bills when prices keep………. (growing/ gaining /rising/raising) 7- She .............. her neighbor’s child for the broken window. (blamed/accused/ complained/ denied) 8- The visitor spoke …. the subject of wildlife in Northern Britain.(in /from /with /on) 9- Not they but Tom ………. the reward. (receives /receive /receiving /to receive).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> 10- We quarreled ………… the choice of a house. (on /over /for /to) Question III: Give the correct verb forms: 1- His greatest ambition is (choose) (take part) in the Olympics London 2012. 2- None of the people (invite) to the party can come. 3- I really don’t know why she (not enter) the last contest. She (win) the first prize easily. 4- She has made up her mind (have) a garage (build) next to the house. 5- The statue (break) while it (move) to another room in the museum. 6- The highway patrol advised (take) the old route through the city. 7- The bell is ringing. I must stop (do) my homework (answer) the phone. 8- Why you all (laugh)? Roger (tell) you his funny stories? 9- Don’t worry. We (finish) the report by 11. Question IV: Wordform: 1- You are always ………... Isn’t there anything that makes you happy? (misery) 2- They frequently ………….. the traffic as they march through the streets. (mobile) 3- If you behave with this sort of …………..to your other customers, I don’t think you will remain in business long. (polite) 4- Burning coal is an………way of heating a house. Gas is much cheaper. (economy) 5-Young children should be well aware of their …………. manners. (behave) 6-Be careful. You may be …………to put all your eggs in one basket. (advice) 7-Don’t be so nervous. ………….up a little. (loose) 8-…………..released from these factories are a danger to the environment. (Pollute) 9-Don’t throw these plastics away, they may be (recycle). 10-Color-blindness is …………to distinguish color. (able) Question V: Fill in the blank with a suitable word: Save the earth We are all slowly destroying the earth. The sea and (1) ...... are too dirty to swim in. There is so much smoke in the air (2) ..... it is unhealthy to live in many of the world’s cities. In one well-known city, for (3) ..... , poisonous gases from cars pollute the air so much that traffic policemen have to (4) ..... oxygen masks. We have cut down so (5) ..... trees that there are now vast of wasteland all (6) ..... the world. As the result, farmers in parts of Africa can not (7) ...... enough to eat. In certain countries in Asia there is too (8) ..... rice. Moreover, we do not take enough care of the countryside. Wild (9) ..... quicly disappearing. For instance, tigers are rare in India now because we (10) ..... killed too many for them to survive. However it isn’t enough (11) ..... to talk about the problem. We must act now before it is too late to do anything about it. (12) ..... us now! Save the earth! This is too important to ignore. Question VI: Rewriting the following sentences: 1-There are more tourists in the city this year than ever before. Never ……………………………………………………… 2- The area is so polluted that it is hard to live there. Such ……………………………………………………… 3- You can use it as long as you like, and it won’t wear out. No matter…………………………………………………… 4- The questions were so easy that all the students could give the correct answers. They were…………………………………………………… 5- As people get older, their eyesight becomes weaker. The ………………………………………………………… 6-That old keyboard is not worth repairing. It is…………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> 7- I could realize how important the family is only after I left home. Not until…………………………………………………………… 8- It was wrong of you to allow a four-year-old child to walk home alone. You should………………………………………………………………… 9- Although Richard is competent in his work, he does not know how to deal with this client. Competent………………………………………………………………………… 10- I could hold a big party thanks to my Mom’s help. Had it not ………………………………………………… Question VII:Complete the letter by using the suggested words 1- I / be / glad / receive / letter. ............................................................................................................................................. 2- I / just / get / wonderful / news. .............................................................................................................................................. 3- I / pass / final examination / university. ............................................................................................................................................. 4- My / father / be / very pleased/ when he/ hear this. ............................................................................................................................................. 5- He/ already / promise / pay holiday / abroad / if / I pass. ............................................................................................................................................. 6- So/ I / come / England. ............................................................................................................................................ 7- I / like / study / English / school / near / home. ............................................................................................................................................ Practice test 9: 90 minutes. Question I: Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others. 1- A- thank B- than C- month D- youth 2- A- advantage B- adventure C- advertise D- addtion 3- A- main B- complain C- curtain D- entertain 4- A- good B- noon C- soon D- food 5- A- sing B- morning C- long D- angry Question II: Supply the correct form of the verb in brackets: 1- When we (see) them last night, they (sing); they (say) they (sing) since six o’clock. 2- We (wait) for you when you (get)back tomorrow. 3- They (not come) home until they (see) everything. 4- What do you think the children (do) when we get home ? 5- I’m sure the letter won’t arrive in time unless it (send) by air. 6- He (work) hard all the week, but today he (have) a good time at home. 7-There (be) a lot of changes since computers (invent). 8- The house where the dead man (find) is being guarded by the police to prevent it from being entered. 9- This is only one of his poems that (be) worth reading. 10- When I came to school, everybody (be) there. Question III: Preposition 1- We’re all very obliged …………… you 2- He’s quite careless ……………… danger. 3- She’s very nervous …………… the new boss. 4- I’m faithful …………… my principle. 5- I’ve been so anxious …………… you. 6- This service is free …………… charge..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> 7- They went ahead contrary ……………… my advice. 8- He was married …………… Sue for a day. 9- ................the devil and the deep blue sea. 10- Have a card................your sleeve. Question IV: Read this passage carefully then answer the questions below. Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, is a city of contrasts. It is an exciting, crowded, modern city and at the same time, a city that is full of history. The streets of Bangkok are usually noisy and crowded with people. Some are selling food, other selling clothing, cassette tapes, flowers, or souvenirs. Visitors love the river markets, the beautiful temples and architecture, and the nightlife. They also enjoy the food, the shopping, and the friendly Thai people. Everyone seems to smile there. Most of the year, Bangkok is hotter than any other capital city in Asia, but from December to February, the weather is cooler and much more comfortable. Actually, it is an interesting city to visit at any time of the year. The shopping is excellent, and the price is cheaper than in many other large cities in south-east Asia. There is always plenty to do in Bangkok any time of the day or night from watching Thai dancing or boxing to taking a boat trip on the river or trying some of the delicious and spicy food. And if you get tired of the city and the traffic, there are beautiful beaches only two hours away by bus. 1- Where is Bangkok?…………………………………………………………………………. 2- How are the streets of Bangkok?…………………………………………………………. 3- What is the weather like in Bangkok in January?…………………………………………. 4- Can visitors come to visit Bangkok all the year round?……………………………………. 5- How long does it take visitors from Bangkok to the beaches by bus?…………………...…. Question V: Rewriting the following sentences: 1- Diana finds it easy to make friends. Diana has no ............................................................... 2- My car broke down, so I missed the beginning of the film. The reason why ..................................................................... 3- Is this the only way to reach the city center? Isn’t there .....................................................................? 4- Is it essential to meet your aunt at the station? Does your aunt ..............................................................? 5- I’d like to visit India more than any other country in the world. India is .............................................................................................. 6- How long is it since they bought the house? When ....................................................................... 7- Our house is going to be painted by a local firm. We are going ................................................................. 8- Walking among the green trees gave Liz pleasure. Liz .............................................................................. 9- Sally finally managed to get a job. Sally finally succeeded …………………. 10- That’s the last time I go to that restaurant. I certainly ………………………………. 11- I spent seven years at secondary school and then I went to university. After …………………………………………………………………….. 12- Whenever she went to Paris she bought a new dress. She never ……………………………………………. Question X. Complete the letter using the suggested words (10p): Dear Mom and Dad,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> 1- Life/ Ho Chi Minh City/ be/ exciting -> ………………………………………………….. 2- It/ be/ large city/ it/ also/ interesting. -> ………………………………………………….. 3- Yesterday/ We/ see/ a street musician/ hotel. -> ………………………………………….. 4- He/ play/ guitar/ beautifully/ Everything/ seem/ strange/ here / us/ -> ………………………………………………….. 5- You/ surprised/ see/ us/, aren’t you ? -> ………………………………………………….. 6- We/ walk/ happily/ busy street/the noise/ not bother(lµm phiÒn)/ us/ at all/. -> ……………………………………………………………………….……….. 7- I/ send/ photo of our hotel/ . It/ look/ nice,doesn’t it ? -> …………………………………………………….………. 8- It/ so quiet/ that we/ can hardly/ believe/ it/ Ho Chi minh City/ -> ………………………………………………………..…………….. 9- Every one/here/ very nice/ they/ always/ smile/ happily/ -> …………………………………………………………..………….. 10- We/ hope/ you/ both well/. Please/ give/ love/ to everyone/and write/ soon.// -> ……………………………………………………………………..………….. Practice test 10: 90 minutes Question I: Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others. 1-a. experience b. except c. excellent d. exchange 2-a. union b. unit c. until d. university 3-a. campus b. relax c. locate d. fashion 4-a. qualify b. baggy c. grocery d. scenery 5-a. cried b. published c. ordered d. sprayed 6-a. labour b. label c. land d. favourite 7-a. remote b. relax c. reputation d. respond 8-a. comprise b. comment c. communicate d. compulsory 9-a. sure b. purpose c. surf d. further 10-a. minority b. deny c. costly d. widely II. Choose a, b, c or d to complete the following sentences . 1- My sisiter will have a ........... Course of English next month. a. two month, b. two -months c. two - month. d. second - month 2- To prepare his .............. works , he spent his while days in his library. a. science b. scientific c. scientist d. sciences 3- The less we study , the ................. we are a. worse b. bad c. well d. good 4- After the summer holiday, the children all looked................ a. health b. healthy c. healthful d. healthily. 5-The person................ he works with like him very much. a. who b. whom c. whose d. which. 6- Football........................... all over the world. a. plays b. is playing c. is played d. played 7- I know .................... she has gone for holiday. a. when b. where c. why d. which. 8- Come here and sit ..................... me a. besides b. beside c. between d. among. 9-Andrew came to the party .............he hadn't been invited. a. although b. despite c. incase d. even 10-It was Sunday ........... shop was open, all the others were closed. a. One b. a c. An d. Some.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> Question III: Supply the correct form of the verb in brackets. 1- He (work) hard all the week, but today he (have) a good time at home. 2- There (be) a lot of changes since computers (invent) 3- The house where the dead man (find) is being guarded by the police to prevent it from (enter). 4- This is only one of his poems that (be) worth reading. 5- When I came to school, everybody (be) there. 6- When she (know) me for years, she invited me to tea. 7- I (tell) a lie if I said that I (like) you. 8- I hope it (not rain) when the bride (leave) the church tomorrow. 9- You are (take) over my business while I go away. 10- Nobody would listen to the stories (to tell) by him so many times. Question IV: Gapfill: Lakes in North Many rivers and lakes around the world are polluted. The discharge of (1)……….. materials by factories and households (2)…………………….. pollution to rivers and lakes. The Rhine River in Europe and the Great Lakes in North America are good examples of a river and lakes that are polluted. Their (3)…………………….. cannot be drunk. The (4)……………….. thing is happening to the sea. In one instance, certain factories in Japan dumped industrial waste (5) ……………….. the sea. Many people suffered (6)……………….. lead or mercury poisoning after eating fish (7)…………….. in such polluted waters. Pollution in certain areas of the sea is now reaching dangerous levels. Many ships discharge their waste (8)………………….. and unwanted engine oil into the sea. These wastes (9)……………….. lead and mercury which are poisonous. Sometimes, accidents to oil tankers can cause oil to be discharged into the sea and (10) …………….. the beach. Question V: Fill each gap in the sentences with a suitable preposition . 1- The teacher divided the class ........................ two groups. 2- I apologized ........................... Mary for the misunderstanding. 3- Look ..................... these flowers . Aren’t they pretty? 4- I like the picture hanging .......................... the wall .......................the kitchen 5- Tom’s parents was disappointed ............... him because he failed the final test. 6-My present job isn’t wonderful, but I prefer it ................. what I did before. 7- The plan flew ...................The clouds to avoid the storm. 8-The people next door are furious ..........us .............making so much noise last night Question V: Rewriting the following sentences: 1-He never has enough money. -> He always …………………………………………. 2-All the other witnesses were called before Mr Nam. Mr Nam was …………………………………………….. 3- You can leave only when I tell you. ->Until ………………………………………... 4- Minh went home before I arrived. When ………………………………………………….. 5- I wish I could work in the evenings as I used to. I miss ………………………………………………..… 6- Please see that you post all the letters. Please don’t …………………………………………… 7-He has decided to take driving lessons. -> He has decided to learn…………………. 8- I’m not going to pay, although I know that I should. While ………………………………………………….. 9- Ann felt ill, but insisted on going to work. Despite…………………………………………………..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> 10- John has done well in English, but not so well in Maths. While ……………………………………………………… Practice test 11: 90 minutes Question I: A- Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others. 1-a. voice b. volume c. volcano d. volunteer 2-a. crazy b. sample c. grade d. spacecraft 3-a. spot b. object c. hole d. model 4-a. launder b. laundry c. laugh d. launch B- Choose the word in each line has different stress pattern: 1-a. income b. Internet c. interactive d. interesting 2-a. national b. newspaper c. dormitory d. biology Question II: Choose the best answer 1- ……….. he was sick, he still turned up for his guitar lesson. A. Although B. Because C. Despite D. Since 2-The old man was very fond ………….. telling stories. A. to B. about C. of D. for 3- They ………. haven't replied to the letter we sent two months ago A. still B. yet C. already D. ever 4- His face looks …………., but I can’t remember his name. A. similar B. alike C. memorial D. familiar 5- The fire officer is coming to …………the building tomorrow. A. look B. inspect C. witness D. watch 6- The boys hurt ……….. when they injured down from the tree. A. one anotherB. each other C. himself D. themselves 7- I’m sure they were …………lies A. making B. telling C. doing D. saying 8- She’d rather die than ………..Peter. A. she marriedB. to marry C. marrying D. marry. Question III: Give the correct tense of the verb in the parentheses . 1- We couldn’t risk (leave) him alone. 2- I’m sitting in class right now. I (sit) in class at this time yesterday. 3- I’m sure you will have forgotten me by the time I (be) back in five years. 4- Up to now, our teacher (give) our class five tests. 5- Trung is used to (get)up early every morning. 6- If you (smoke) less, you would have much more money.But I don’t think you will. 7- What shouldn’t the children (drink)? 8- Tom’d rather (be) early than late. 9- I knew him when I (be) a child. 10- I can’t go with you as I (not finish) my work. Question IV: Supply the correct word forms: 1- We have decided to interview the best six …………..for the job. (apply) 2- Phuong arranged flowers the most ………….in the contest.(attract) 3- Santa Claus is base on the …………..of Saint Nicholas in a poem.(escribe) 4- We go to the restaurant for……….whenever we’re tired of eating meat.(vegetable) 5- Exercising daily will help you to work ………….. (effect) 6- He was ………. when he did the test badly. (hope) 7- We started our trip on a beautiful ……… morning. (sun) 8- I enjoyed the book very much, because it was so ……….. (read) 9- What time do you ……….. start work ? (use).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> 10- I really don’t think he has the ………. to do this job. (able) Question V: Gapfill: THE OPENING CEREMONY OF SEA GAMES The eighteenth Sea Games took place (1)................ Changmai - Thailand in the winter (2)....................1995. Competitors (3) ............. ten countries of this area - all must be amateur athletes were sent there to take part (4)........... sport events (5)........... different kinds. In the opening ceremony, all athletes lined up (6)............the field. Each delegation stood (7)............ its national flag. (8)...........that, the athletes began to march proudly in front (9)...........the stand to express their friendship and sportmanship. People carried a torch to the high tower and its flame would burn there (10)..............the games. Question VI: Read the passage and choose the correct answer: Among the festival celebrated by some of Asian people is the Moon Cake Festival, also known as the Mid-August Festival. Large number of small round moon cakes are eaten on this day, and chidren enjoy carrying colorful paper lanterns come in all shapes; the more popular ones are shaped like fish, rabbits and butterflies. According to them, the moon shines bightest on the night of the Moon Cake Festival. As the moon rises, tables are placed outside the house and women make offerings of fruit and moon cakes to the Moon Goddess. 1-What does the passage mainly discuss ? A.Festivals B.Rice-cooking festival C.Lunar new year D.Mid-August Festival 2-The phrase “ Mid-August Festival” can be replaced by ................................. . A.Mid-Autumn Festival B.Early-Autumn Festival C.Late-Autumn Festival D.Autumn Festival 3-What types of food do Asian people usually eat on this day? A.cakes B.sticky-rice cake C.fruit D.fruit and moon cakes 4-When does the moon shine brightest ? A.the night before the Moon Cake Festival B. the night after the Moon Festival C. the night of the Moon Cake Festival D.the following night 5-What is NOT mentioned in the passage ? A.paper lanterns B.moon shines C.mooncakes D.lion-dancing Question VII: Correct the wrong form of verbs in the following sentences. 1- I enjoyed to listen to her song. 2- The breaking glass was still on the floor. 3- He walked away without to look back. 4- Most of people inviting to dinner were old friends. 5- We’re looking forward to visit London. Question VIII: Rewrting the following sentences: 1- I was very interested in our conversation. It was interesting ……………………………….. 2- Why did you do that ? ->Whatever ………………………………..……… ? 3- These bookshelves are my own work. I made …………………………………..…… 4- I don’t play tennis as well as you do. You ……………………………….…………. 5- I haven’t been to the dentist’s for two years. It’s …………………………..………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> Choosing clothes can be difficult. Some people want to be (1) ................., but they don't want to look exactly (2) ................ everybody else. Not all clothes are (3)........... for work or school, perhaps because they are not (4)............. enough, or simply not (5) .................. It is easy to buy the (6)............, and find that your trousers are too (7)............. , especially if you are a little bit (8)............... Very loose clothes make you feel slim, but when they have shrunk in the washing machine, then you have the same problem! If you buy light (9)............... clothes, then they might not be (10)............. enough for winter. 1. a. of fashion b. fashioned c. fashionable d. fashion 2. a. alike b. like c. similar d. same 3. a. fitted b. suitable c. comfort d. equal 4. a. formal b. strict c. uniform d. suited 5. a. comforting b. comfort c. comforted d. comfortable 6. a. false b. mistake c. wrong d. error 7. a. straight b. close c. stiff d. tight 8. a. slim b. overweight c. thin d. enormous 9. a. of cotton b. in cotton c. cotton d. cottoned 10. a. warm b. cold c. hot d. cool Weather Weather influences the lives of everyone. The climate of any country depends on its position on Earth, its ...(1)... from the sea and how high it is. In countries which have sea all ... (2)... them, like Britain and New Zealand, winters are mild and summers are cool. There is not a huge change from one season to ...(3)... . Countries near the Equator have hot weather all year with some ... (4)...rain, except in deserts where it rains ...(5)... little. Above the desert there are no clouds in the sky so the ...(6)... of the sun can easily warm the ground during the day but it gets very cold at night. People are always ...(7)... in unusual weather and pictures of tornadoes, for example, are shown on television. Strong winds and rain can ...(8)... a lot of damage to buldings and in spite of modern ... (9)... of weather forecasting they can ...(10)... surprise us. 1. A- distance B- space C- depth D- length 2. A-through B-beside C-around D-near 3. A- next B- another C-later D-other 4. A- hard B- large C-heavy D-great 5. A- not B- quite C-more D-very 6. A-heat B- fire C-light D-temperature 7. A- attracted B- interested C-keen D-excited 8. A- make B- happen C-have D-cause 9. A-jobs B- tools C-methods D-plans 10. A-yet B - still C- already D-ever These days it is impossible to open the newspaper (1) .............. reading about the damage we are doing to the environment. The earth is being threatened (2) .............. the future looks bad. (3) ............... can each of us do ? We cannot clean (4) ................ our polluted rivers and seas overnight. Nor can we stop the (5) .................. of plants and animals. But we can stop adding to the problem (6) ....................... scientists look for answers. It may not be easy to change your lifestyle (7) ................ but some steps are easy to take : cut down the amount of driving you do, or use as littie plastic as possible. It is also easy to save (8)...................which also (9) ................. household bills. We must all make a personal decision.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> to work for the future of our planet if we want to ensure a better world (10) ............... our grandchildren. 1. A. with B. without C. and D. but 2. A. and B. however C. so D. moreover 3. A. Where B. When C. Why D. What 4. A. up B. to C. on D.in 5. A .appear B. appearance C. disappear D. disappearance 6. A. when B.during C. while D. within 7. A. complete B.completeness C. completely D. to complete 8. A. water B. energy C. money D. health 9. A. adds B. decreases C. reduces D. supplies 10. A. from B. for C. to D. in 1. Nam / person / always / help / me =>……………………………………………… 2.Lan /leave / room / without / say / anything .=>……………………………………… 1. If / have / money / buy / car. .. ..................................................... 2. The teacher / teach us / last year / Mrs.Green. Drought is a condition that (1)_______ when the average rainfall for a fertile area drops far below the normal (2)________ for a long period of time. In areas (3)_______ are not irritated, the lack of rain causesfarm crops to wither and (4)_______ . Higher than normal temperatures ussually accompany (5)________ of drought .They add (6)______the crop damage. Forest fires start easily during (7)______ .The soil of a drought area becomes (8)________ and crumbles. Often the rich topsoil is (9)________ away by the hot,dry winds .Streams,ponds,and wells often dry up during a drought, and animals suffer and may even die (10)______ the lack of water. 1. a.becomes b.results c.comes d.grows 2. a.average b.number c. amount d.rainfall 3. a. who b.what c.which d. whose 4. a.die b.dead c. faint d. pale 5. a. duration b.duritions c.period d.periods 6. a.for b.at c.on d.to 7. a. rainfall b.storm c.drought d.tornado 8. a.light b.heavy c.dry d.wet 9.a.to blow b.blew c.blowing d.blown 10. a.because b.because of c.for d.as 1 If/ she/ study/ she/ pass/ final exam ………………………………………………….. 2. I/ suggest/ you/ stay /inside / recess …………………………………………………. 3.house/built/1975 ……………………………………………………………….. 4. policeman/ ask/ boy/ what/ name/was ………………………………………………. Are you looking (1)………………………a cheap, clean, effective source of power that doesn’t (2) …………………………pollution or waste natural resource? Look no further than solar energy. While most fuels now in use are (3)………………………burned at a big rate, solar energy, a power from the (4)………………………, will last as long as the world (5)……………………….This energy has been (6)……………………..to heat and cool homes or to cook food. It has been used (7).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> …………………… radio batteries and provided power for telephone lines. The devices, (8) …………………….., are cheap to operate but very expensive to produce..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span>

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