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english 9 period 55

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> a) Check what preparations you think should be made for a typhoon. √ (1) Buying some canned food (2) Painting the house (3) Buying a dog √ (4) Buying canldes √ (5) Buying matches (6) Hiring some video movies √ (7) Filling all buckets with water √ (8) Buying a ladder (9) Washing your blankets √ (10) Fixing the leak in the roof (11) Tying the roof to the ground with pegs and ropes √ (12) Inviting some friends over for a dinner √ (13) Checking all the window and door latches.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> * Match the preparations with reasons Preparations. Reasons. 1. Buying some canned food. a. There may be a power cut.. 2. Buying candles, matches. b. The roof may be damaged by the typhoon.. 3. Filling all buckets with water. c. There must be strong wind blowing.. 4. Buying a ladder. d. The water pipes may be damaged by the typhoon.. 5. Tying the roof to the ground with pegs and ropes. e. Just in case we need to fix the roof.. 6. Checking all the window and door latches. f. The market may be closed and no food will be available..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> b) Practice with a partner. Talk about what you think you want to buy and do to prepare for a typhoon. Structures:. I think we should + V … What about + V-ing … ? Responses Yes, I think so. I agree with you..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> b) Practice with a partner. Talk about what you think you want to buy and do to prepare for a typhoon. Ma i. Ba. I think we should buy some canned food before a typhoon.. Yes, I think so. The market will be closed and no food will be What about buying a ladder ? available.. What for?. Just in case we need to fix the roof. Yes. That’s a good idea!.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> b) Practice with a partner. Talk about what you think you want to buy and do to prepare for a typhoon. Ba. I think we should check buy some some canned candles window and and matches door foodlatches before a typhoon. before a typhoon.. Mai. Yes, Yes, II think think so. so. There There The market must may be a strong will bewind power cut. closed What blowing. and about no What food filling about will be buckets tying available. with thewater roof What to ? the about ground buying with a ladder pegs? and ropes.. What for?. Yes, that’s good idea!. The The water roof may pipes beneed may damage be Just in case we to by damage thethe typhoon. by the typhoon. fix roof.. Word cues 2. Check window and door latches/ wind blowing 1. Buy candles and matches/ power strong cut Tying roof to the water/ ground/ pegspipes and ropes/ roof/ Fillingthe buckets with water damage/ typhoon.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> a) Check what preparations you think should be made for a typhoon. b) Practice with a partner. Talk about what you think you want to buy and do to prepare for a typhoon.. a) Vocabulary.. An expert is giving a talk on how to live with earthquakes. -Actually bottom shelf of give the bookshelf cïng we cñado gi¸before s¸ch he will us advice :onng¨n whatdíi should during -and block (v): an earthquake. chÆn,Listen khãa to the talk and complete the table. b¸nh quay - roller (n): - mirror (n): g¬ng - corner of the room: gãc phßng.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Match corner of the room fridge. bookshelf. table. washing machine window. door. mirror.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> b) Complete the table.. Living with earthquakes Heavy fixtures, furniture, and appliances: • Place heavy books on the (1)bottom …………………………… shelf of the bookshelf • Block the rollers on your (2)……………… . and (3) …….. fridge ………………… washing machine. Flying glass: • Check the (4)……………………………………………… . mirrors a window • Don’t put your bed near (5)……………………………… .. inside Earthquakes drill: • Stay (6)under …………………………………………………… a strong table doorway • Sit (7) ……………………….. or (8) …………………… corner of the room • Stand in the (9) …………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> What should we do when an earthquake occurs ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> a) Check what preparations you think should be made for a typhoon.. b) Practice with a partner. Ba: I think we should buy some canned food before a typhoon. Mai: Yes, I think so. The market will be closed and no food will be available. What about buying a ladder ? Ba: What for? Mai: Just in case we need to fix the roof. Ba: Yes, that’s a good idea!. a) Vocabulary. - bottom shelf of the bookshelf : - block (v): - roller (n): - mirror (n): - corner of the room: b) Complete the table. (1) bottom shelf of the bookshelf (2) fridge. (3) washing machine. (4) mirrors. (5) a window. (6) inside. (7) under a strong table. (8) doorway (9) corner of the room.

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