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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Lieng Trang Secondary school Week: 3 Period: 7. Lesson plan English 7 Date of preparing: 23/8/2014 Date of teaching: 26/8/2014. UNIT 2: PERSONAL INFORMATION SECTION A: TELEPHONE NUMBERS LESSON 1: A1, 2, 3 I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students can: - Tell their telephone numbers, listen and write classmate’s telephone numbers. - Ask and answer about friend’s telephone numbers. II. PREPARATIONS: Textbook, pictures, tape, cassette player III. PROCEDURES: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES 1/ Warm-up: (7’) - Give the poster with the numbers, and ask - Read aloud the numbers. Ss to read aloud.. - Lead to the lesson.. - Listen and take note.. 2/ Presentation: (18’) - Elicit the new words. I. New words: 8 211 800, 9 259 288 Telephone directory(n): danh bạ điện thoại Telephone number(n): số điện thoại Address (n): địa chỉ Soon (adv): ngay To call (v): gọi - Check new words: R.O.R - Elicit structure. II. Structure: Created by Voõ Thò Kim Sen. - Listen and repeat in chorus, then copy.. - Do as directed. - Pay attention and take note.. School year: 2014 - 2015.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Lieng Trang Secondary school. 1. What is your telephone number? 9432235. 2. Where do you live? = What is your address? 3. “I’ll call you soon.” 3/ Practice: (10’)  Activity 1: - Ask Ss to practice in pairs to say the telephone number. a. Dao Van An d. Dinh Thi Bang b. Pham Viet Anh e. Vu Thanh Bat c. Pham Thanh Ba f. Bui Ngoc Bich - Call on some students say the telephone numbers.  Activity 2: - Ask Ss to listen and write the telephone numbers. - Call on Ss say the telephone numbers to check. a. 8251654 d. 8351793 b. 8250514 e. 6237041 c. 8521936 f. 8821652 4/ Production: (8’) - Ask Ss to listen the dialogue, then ask the classmates: 1. Where do you line? Or What is your address? 2. What is your telephone number? 5/ Homework: (2’) - Ask Ss to: + Learn new words and structure by heart. + Prepare Unit 2- A4.. Lesson plan English 7. - Work in pairs to say the telephone numbers.. - Say the telephone numbers. - Listen and write. - Say the telephone numbers that are heard.. - Ask and answer the questions to fill the table. Name Address Telephone. - Write assignments.. IV. COMMENT:. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. Created by Voõ Thò Kim Sen. School year: 2014 - 2015.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Lieng Trang Secondary school. Week: 3 Period: 8. Lesson plan English 7. Date of preparing: 23/8/2014 Date of teaching: 26/8/2014. UNIT 2: PERSONAL INFORMATION SECTION A: TELEPHONE NUMBERS LESSON 2: A4 I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students can: - Understand the meaning of future simple tense. - Know the way of using “will” to talk about the action will occur in the future. - Ask, answer and arrange the plan with “will”. - Review the way to make a call and answer. - Review the way to invite each other to do something and respond. II. PREPARATIONS: Textbook, pictures, tape, cassette player III. PROCEDURES: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES 1/ Warm-up: (8’) - Have Ss listen a short dialogue between Phong and Tam, then answer the question. (?) What are they doing? - Lead to the lesson. 2/ Presentation: (15’) - Elicit new words. I. New words:  Will: sẽ  Tomorrow: ngày mai  To meet (v): gặp - Teach grammar. II. Grammar: Future simple tense (thì tương lai đơn)  Cách dùng: diễn tả hành động sẽ xảy ra ở tương lai. Thường đi với các trạng từ “tomorrow, next, soon”  Công thức: S + will + V (bare-infinitive) - Elicit some structure. Created by Voõ Thò Kim Sen. STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES - Listen and answer the question. They are making a call. - Listen and take note. - Listen and copy down.. - Pay attention and take note.. School year: 2014 - 2015.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Lieng Trang Secondary school. III. Structure: 1. Will you be free tomorrow morning? Yes, I will. 2. I’ll see you tomorrow. 3. Would you like to see a movie? Sure. 4. Let's … 5. Don’t be late. 3/ Practice: (12’) - Set up the scene to introduce the new lesson by using picture (p12) - Have Ss listen the dialogue between Tam and Phong - Ask students to read the dialogue and answer the questions. - Call on Ss give feedback.. Lesson plan English 7. - Listen, guess the meaning and take note.. - Listen & take part in building the lesson - Listen the dialogue. - Read the dialogue and answer the questions. * Answer the questions ( A 4 p.21) a. Phong and Tam b. See a movie c. At 6.45’ d. In front of the movie theater - Give feedback.. 4/ Production: (8’) - Ask Ss to choose the correct answers. 1. I ………to school tomorrow. ( go / to go / will go ) 2. Would you like ……… a movie ? ( see / to see / seeing ) 3. They will go ………… bus . ( by / at / on ) 4. …… is your telephone number ? ( where / what / when ) 5. They will meet ……… 6.50 . ( at / on / in ) 5/ Homework: (2’) - Ask Ss to: + Learn new words, grammar and the dialogue by heart. + Prepare Unit 2- A5.. - Choose the correct answers. 1. will go 2. to see 3. by 4. What 5. at - Write assignments.. IV. COMMENT:. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. Created by Voõ Thò Kim Sen. School year: 2014 - 2015.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Lieng Trang Secondary school. Week: 3 Period: 9. Lesson plan English 7. Date of preparing: 26/8/2014 Date of teaching: 29/8/2014. UNIT 2: PERSONAL INFORMATION SECTION A: TELEPHONE NUMBERS LESSON 3: A5 I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students can: - Listen and write the information. II. PREPARATIONS: Textbook, tape, cassette player III. PROCEDURES: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES 1/ Warm-up: (8’) - Have Ss reorder the dialogue. Lan: Hello. Is this Nga? Nga: Yes. Who is calling, please? Lan: It’s Lan. Nga: Hello. This is 8 545 545. - Ask Ss to listen and check the order. 2/ Presentation: (13’) - Teach new words. I. New words:  To take a bus (v): bắt xe buýt - Present structure II. Structure:  Where should we meet?  How will you get there? 3/ Practice: (10’) - Ask Ss to listen and write the answers. a) Telephone number: b) They will see: c) They will meet at: d) They will go by: - Call on some students give feedback. Created by Voõ Thò Kim Sen. STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES - Reorder the dialogue. Nga: Hello. This is 8 545 545. Lan: Hello. Is this Nga? Nga: Yes. Who is calling, please? Lan: It’s Lan. - Listen and check. - Listen, repeat, and take note. - Copy down. - Listen carefully and write the answers. a) 8 545 545 b) a movie c) Lan’s house d) by bus - Give feedback. School year: 2014 - 2015.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Lieng Trang Secondary school. Lesson plan English 7. 4/ Production: (5’) - Have Ss retell the dialogue base on the answers. Lan is calling Nga. They will see a movie. They will meet at Lan’s house. They will go by bus. - Call on sone Ss present the content of the dialogue.. - Retell the dialogue.. - Present the content of the dialogue.. IV. COMMENT:. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. Created by Voõ Thò Kim Sen. School year: 2014 - 2015.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Lieng Trang Secondary school. Name: …………………… Class: ………... Lesson plan English 7. Mark:. 15’ Listening Test. I. Listen and reorder the dialogue. …… Lan: Hello. Is this Nga? …… Nga: Yes. Who is calling, please? …… Lan: It’s Lan. …… Nga: Hello. This is 8 545 545. II. Listen and write the answers. a) Telephone number: b) They will see: c) They will meet at: d) They will go by: III. Listen and write T (true) or F (false) for the statements. …… 1. Lan is calling Nga. …… 2. Lan invites Nga to see a movie. …… 3. They will meet at the movie theater. …… 4. They will go by bike.. ANSWER KEY I. Listen and reorder the dialogue. (4.0 pts) …2… Lan: Hello. Is this Nga? …3… Nga: Yes. Who is calling, please? …4… Lan: It’s Lan. …1… Nga: Hello. This is 8 545 545. II. Listen and write the answers. (4.0 pts) a) Telephone number: 8 545 545 b) They will see: a movie c) They will meet at: Lan’s house d) They will go by: bus III. Listen and write T (true) or F (false) for the statements. (2.0 pts) …T… 1. Lan is calling Nga. …T… 2. Lan invites Nga to see a movie. …F… 3. They will meet at the movie theater. …F… 4. They will go by bike.. Created by Voõ Thò Kim Sen. School year: 2014 - 2015.

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