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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>No.. Word. Transcript. Class. Meaning. Example. 1. accident. /'æksidənt/. n.. tai nạn. I saw an accident this morning.. 2. arrive. /ə'raiv/. v.. đến. What time do you arrive at the airport?. 3. bus station. /bʌs 'steiʃn/. n.. bến xe buýt. All buses gather at the bus station at 10.00 pm.. 4. bus stop. /bʌs stɔp/. n.. trạm xe buýt. You can take a bus at any bus stop.. n.. nhà doanh nghiệp, thương He is a businessman. gia. n.. nữ doanh nhân, She wants to become a nữ thương gia businesswoman.. /ˈbɪznəsmən/. 5. businessman. 6. businesswoman /ˈbɪznəsˈwʊmən/. 7. busy. /ˈbɪzi/. adj.. bận. 8. care. /ker/. n.. sự chăm sóc, sự She is very happy with her cẩn thận mother's care.. 9. careful. /'kerfl/. adj.. cẩn thận, thận trọng. He is a careful driver.. 10 change. /tʃeinʤ/. v.. thay đổi. We have to change classrooms.. 11 come (from). /kʌm (frəm)/. v.. đến (từ). Where do you come from?. 12 copy. /ˈkɑːpi/. v.. sao, chép. I need to copy these papers.. 13 correct. /kə'rekt/. v.. sửa, điều chỉnh Can you correct my essay?. 14 correct. /kə'rekt/. adj.. chuẩn, chính xác. She is very busy.. Is this exercise correct?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 15 cross. /krɔːs/. v.. băng qua, đi ngang qua. She crosses the road.. 16 crossroads. /ˈkrɔːsrəʊdz/. n.. giao lộ, ngã tư. Be careful when you cross that crossroads.. 17 danger. /ˈdeɪndʒər/. n.. sự nguy hiểm. Is there any danger here?. 18 dangerous. /'deɪndʒərəs/. adj.. nguy hiểm. This is a dangerous lion.. 19 difficult. /ˈdɪfɪkəlt/. adj.. khó. This homework is very difficult.. 20 discipline. /ˈdɪsəplɪn/. n.. kỷ luật. Discipline is necessary in any school.. 21 drive. /draɪv/. v.. lái xe (ô tô). Can you drive?. 22 driver. /ˈdraɪvər/. n.. người lái xe (ô My uncle is a truck driver. tô). 23 easy. /'i:zi/. adj.. dễ. 24 farm. /fɑ:rm/. n.. nông trại, trang My grandparents have a trại large farm.. 25 farmer. /'fɑ:rmər/. n.. nông dân. My uncle is a farmer.. 26 fast. /fæst/. adj.. nhanh. She is a fast runner.. 27 fast. /fæst/. adv.. nhanh. She runs very fast.. 28 fly. /flai/. n.. con ruồi. I hate flies.. This homework is very easy..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 29 fly. /flai/. v.. lái máy bay, bay This bird cannot fly.. 30 foodstall. /'fu:dstɔ:l/. n.. quầy bán đồ ăn This is my father's vỉa hè foodstall.. /ɡəʊ streɪt (əˈhed) /. v. phr.. cứ tiếp tục đi thẳng. You need to go straight, then turn right.. 32 help. /help/. v.. giúp đỡ, cứu giúp. Can you help me?. 33 help. /help/. n.. sự giúp đỡ, sự cứu giúp. I need your help.. 34 intersection. /,intər'sekʃn/. n.. giao lộ, ngã tư. There is an intersection ahead.. 35 lie. /lai/. v.. nằm. My brother often lies on this sofa.. 36 load. /ləʊd/. v.. chất hàng. We are loading the truck with vegetables.. 37 must. /mʌst - məst/. v.. phải. We must drive on the right side.. 38 park. /pɑ:rk/. v.. đậu, đỗ (xe). Can I park here?. 39 policeman. /pəˈliːsmən/. n.. cảnh sát. I want to be a policeman.. 40 ride. /raɪd/. v.. lái xe, đạp xe. The boys are riding their bikes around the streets.. 41 road. /rəʊd/. n.. đường, lộ. This road is very narrow.. 42 road sign. /rəʊd sain/. n.. biển báo giao thông. There are many road signs along this street.. 31. go straight (ahead).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 43 slow down. /‘sləʊ daʊn/. v. phr.. giảm tốc độ, đi You must slow down. chậm lại. 44 spider. /'spaidər/. n.. con nhện. There is a big spider here.. 45 station. /'steiʃn/. n.. nhà ga, bến xe. Can I take the bus at that station?. 46 stop. /stɑːp/. v.. dừng lại. Stop making noise.. 47 straight. /streit/. adv.. thẳng. We need to go straight ahead.. 48 take. /teɪk/. v.. đưa, đưa đi, mang theo. We take the dog with us.. 49 traffic. /træfik/. n.. sự đi lại, giao thông. The traffic in Vietnam is not very good.. 50 traffic light. /træfik lait/. n.. đèn giao thông. You should stop when the traffic light turns red.. 51 truck. /trʌk/. n.. xe tải. My uncle has a truck.. 52 turn. /tɜːrn/. v.. rẽ, quẹo. We cannot turn right.. 53 turn right/left. /tɜːrn rait/left/. v. phr.. rẽ phải / rẽ trái Can we turn left?. 54 unload. /ˌʌnˈləʊd/. v.. dỡ hàng. 55 video game. /ˈvɪdiəʊ geim/. n. phr.. trò chơi điện tử Do you like video games?. 56 wait. /weɪt/. v.. đợi, đợi chờ. We have to unload.. Wait for me!.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 57 warn. /wɔ:rn/. v.. cảnh báo. I warn you, don't go near the dog.. 58 way. /weɪ/. n.. đường, đường đi. Can you tell me the way to Guom lake?. 59 web. /web/. n.. mạng nhện. There is a big web in this room..

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