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tong hop tagquestion

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Ngữ pháp cơ bản AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCE + NEGATIVE TAG - > AFFIRMATIVE ANSWER EXPECTED Mary is here , isn’t she ? Yes , she is. You like tea , don’t you ? Yes , I do . They have left , haven’t they ? Yes , they have. NEGATIVE SENTENCE + AFFIRMATIVE TAG - > NEGATIVE ANSWER EXPECTED Mary isn’t here , is she ? No , she isn’t. You don’t like tea , do you ? No, I don’t . They haven’t left , have they ? No , they haven’t. The tag pronoun for “ this / that” = it The tag pronoun for “ these / those ” =they. This / that is your book , isn’t it ? These / those are your books , aren’t they ?. In sentences with “ There + be ” -> “ there ” is used in the tag. “ everyone , everybody , someone , no one somebody , nobody, none , neither ” -> they “ everything , nothing , something - > it. There is a meeting tonight , isn’t there ?. Sentences with negative words take affirmative tags. “ no, no one , nobody, none , neither , nothing , hardly , hardly ever , seldom ”. Nothing is wrong , is it ? Nobody called on the phone , did they ? Nothing matters , does it ? Neither of them offered to help me , did they ? Not many people understand his ideas , do they? None of them wrote to him , did they ? Peter hardly ever goes to the parties , does he?. Let’s……. -> shall we ?. Let’s go out for a walk , shall we ?. Everyone took the test , didn’t they ? Everything is okey , isn’t it ?. Imperative “ V1 / Don’t…..” - > will you ? I am -> aren’t I ?. Open the door , will you ? Don’t be late , will you ? I am supposed to be here , aren’t I ? * to be supposed + to inf : được định là Không lặp lại danh từ trong mệnh đề Peter doesn’t feel well , does he ? chính ở câu hỏi đuôi .Chủ ngữ của câu hỏi The train is late , isn’t it ? đuôi là đại từ nhân xưng ( I ,you , he ,she….) tương ứng với danh từ làm chủ ngữ trong mệnh đề chính Động từ , trợ đông từ ở câu hỏi đuôi luôn isn’t , aren’t , wasn’t , weren’t , won’t, don’t , viết tắt ( không viết dạng đầy đủ ) doesn’t , didn’t , can’t , ….. You like beer , don’t you ? ( không dùng do not you?) Bài tập trắc nghiệm : I . Add tag questions to the following.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 1. They want to come , ………………………………………………..? 2. Elizabeth is a dentist , ………………………………………………..? 3. They won’t be here , ………………………………………………..? 4. There aren’t any problems, ………………………………………………..? 5. That is your umbrella, ………………………………………………..? 6. George is a student , ………………………………………………..? 7. He’s learned a lot in the last couple of years, ………………………………………………..? 8. He has a bicycle , ………………………………………………..? 9. Joan can’t come with us , ………………………………………………..? 10. She’ll help us late , ………………………………………………..? 11. Peggy would like to come with us to the party, ………………………………………………..? 12. Those aren’t Fred’s books, ………………………………………………..? 13. You’ve never been to Paris , ………………………………………………..? 14. Something is wrong with Jane today , ………………………………………………..? 15. Everyone can learn how to swim, ………………………………………………..? 16. Nobody cheated on the exam , ………………………………………………..? 17. Nothing went wrong while I was gone, ………………………………………………..? 18. I am invited , ………………………………………………..? II . Add tag questions to the following 1.Your name is Thanh , ……………………………….. ? 2. Today is Sunday , ……………………………….. ? 3. John doesn’t agree with me about the plan , ……………………………….. ? 4. There’s a bus comimg , ……………………………….. ? 5. Everybody was saying their prayers in the church when I cane in, ……………………………….. ? 6. He makes a lot of mistakes in pronunciation , ……………………………….. ? 7. The traffic was heavy yesterday , ……………………………….. ? 8. Both men won’t surf the Internet for a chat any more , ……………………………….. ? 9. A lot of students don’t think studying grammar is interesting , ……………………………….. ? 10. We haven’t done this homework yet , ……………………………….. ? 11. Jack’s enrolled on this course , ……………………………….. ? 12. Helen’s got fashionable clothes to wear on this important occasion , ……………………………? 13. The Smiths have got a computer , a CD player and two motorbikes , …………………………… ? 14. The children have many computer games to play , ……………………………….. ? 15. Your brother has the chance to speak English outside the classroom , ………………………… ? 16. David and Kate aren’t going to pay their school fees tomorrow , ……………………………….. ? 17. There weren’t any well- qualified teachers at this school , ……………………………….. ? 18. This boy could use a computer at the age of 5 , ……………………………….. ? 19. MY father put an advertisement in the Times to sell his house , ……………………………….. ? 20. It is expensive for you to access the Internet , ……………………………….. ? 21. Jim really shouldn’t spend most of his time wandering on the Internet , ………………………… ? 22. People don’t know which website is useful to them , ……………………………….. ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 23. Students have to wear uniforms in Vietnam , ……………………………….. ? 24. Email is good way for people to communicate , ……………………………….. ? 25. The garbage can be taken out everyday , ……………………………….. ? 26. We must send this message by email , ……………………………….. ? 27. You wouldn’t like another drink , ……………………………….. ? 28. Vinh would rather listen to English programs on the radio , ……………………………….. ? 29. You had better not go out in the cold weather , ……………………………….. ? 30. Ba ought to join her family on a day trip to her hometown , ……………………………….. ? 31. My sister might like writing email , ……………………………….. ? 32. You should attend the opening ceremony , ……………………………….. ? 33. You wouldn’t mind helping me with this , ……………………………….. ? 34. I needn’t say anything to you about it , ……………………………….. ? 35. Your aunt needs to grow rice on his farm , ……………………………….. ? 36. This is Mr. Johnson , ……………………………….. ? 37. That was Ann on the phone , ……………………………….. ? 38. Those weren’t your parents over there , ……………………………….. ? 39. These are your cases here , ……………………………….. ? 40. The Chinese invented paper in AD 105 , ……………………………….. ? 41. The English don’t like tea , ……………………………….. ? 42. The rich usually live in big houses , ……………………………….. ? 43. There won’t be any good news for you , ……………………………….. ? 44. Joe used to be a lot faster than he is now , ……………………………….. ? 45. There used to be too much noise in this neighborhood , ……………………………….. ? 46. He has no chance of finding a cheap flat in the city centre , ……………………………….. ? 47. He’s never met you before , ……………………………….. ? 48. They really went swimming when they were your age , ……………………………….. ? 49. Helen seldom smiles at me whenever she passes me in the street , ……………………………….? 50. He hardly ever makes a mistake , ……………………………….. ? 51. There’s scarcely enough time for our project , ……………………………….. ? 52. Cactuses need little water , ……………………………….. ? 53. Unfiendly people have few friends , ……………………………….. ? 54. It’s unpleasant to be alone in a strange country , ……………………………….. ? 55. It’s no good , ……………………………….. ? 56. No smoking is allowed in this compartment , ……………………………….. ? 57. We carried no cash with us , ……………………………….. ? 58. We have received no information yet , ……………………………….. ? 59. Not many people understand his ideas , ……………………………….. ? 60. Something is wrong with Jane today , ……………………………….. ? 61. Everything seems to be OK with you , Dad , ……………………………….. ? 62. Nothing matters , ……………………………….. ? 63. Nothing has been done about unemployment , ……………………………….. ? 64. Neither of them offered to help me , ……………………………….. ? 65. None of them wrote to him , ……………………………….. ? 66. Nobody is going to the mosque , ……………………………….. ? 67. Somebody has recognized you by your funny hat , ……………………………….. ? 68. Everyone was impressed by her beauty , ……………………………….. ? 69. One should always try to be friendly to the environment , ……………………………….. ? 70. I’m not supposed to be here on time , ……………………………….. ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 71. I’m expected to do well in my schooling , ……………………………….. ? 72. Let’s go out for a meal together one day , ……………………………….. ? 73. Don’t be late , ……………………………….. ? 74. Help yourself to this soup , ……………………………….. ? 75. Pass me the salt , ……………………………….. ? 76. Don’t forget to keep in touch with us , ……………………………….. ? 77. Post this letter for me , ……………………………….. ? 78. Have some more coffee , ……………………………….. ? 79. Get out your books , ……………………………….. ? 80. Have a nice holiday , ……………………………….. ?. ANSWER KEYS I . Add tag questions to the following( page 435 E. Gr – New ) 1. don’t they 2. isn’t she 3. will they 4. are there 5. isn’t it 6. isn’t he 7. hasn’t he 8. doesn’t he / hasn’t he 9. can 10. won’t she 11. wouldn’t she 12. are they 13. have you 14. isn’t it 15. can’t they 16. did they 17. did it 18. aren’t I / am I not II . Add tag questions to the following( page 26 luyện tập TA9 – Phùng Cảnh Thành) 1. isn’t it 2. isn’t it 3. does he 4. isn’t there 5. weren’t they 6. doesn’t he 7. wasn’t it 8. will they 9. do they 10. have we 11. hasn’t he 12. hasn’t she 13. haven’t they 14. don’t they 15. doesn’t he 16. are they 17. were there 18. couldn’t he 19. didn’t he 20. isn’t it 21. should he 22. do they 23. don’t they 24. isn’t it 25. can’t it 26. mustn’t we 27. would you 28. wouldn’t he 29. had you 30. oughtn’t he 31. mightn’t she 32. shouldn’t you 33. would you 34. need I 35. doesn’t she 36. isn’t it 37. wasn’t it 38. were they 39. aren’t they 40. didn’t they 41. do they 42. don’t they 43. will there 44. didn’t he 45. didn’t there 46. does he 47. has he 48. did they 49. does she 50. does he 51. is there 52. do they 53. do they 54. isn’t it 55. is it 56. is it 57. did we 58. have we 59. do they 60. isn’t it 61. doesn’t it 62. does it 63. has it 64. did they 65. did they 66. are they 67. haven’t they 68. weren’t they 69. shouldn’t one 70. am I 71. aren’t I 72. shall we 73. will you 74. will you 75. will 76. will you 77. will 78. will you 79. will 80. will you.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Lesson 1 - Tag Questions 1. Luciano Pavarotti is a great singer, ___ ___? 2. It isn't very cold today, ___ ___? 3. Ms. Patton assigns a lot of homework, ___ ___? 4. I didn't bring enough money, ___ ___? 5. The children won't want to go to bed early, ___ ___? 6. You have already seen Braveheart, ___ ___? 7. The movie received several Oscars ___ ___? 8. We can't keep our dog in the hotel room, ___ ___? 9. The Braves would like to win another World Series , ___ ___? 10. Basketball players don't have small feet, ___ ___? Lesson 2 - Tag Questions 1. You're coming to the party, ___? 2. It wasn't very difficult, ___? 3. Tom is getting something for Sue, ___? 4. It won't be anything expensive, ___? 5. There's some milk in the refrigerator, ___? 6. We don't need to go to the store today, ___? 7. Susan can bring some food, ___? 8. The party starts at eight o'clock, ___? 9. The movie was very long, ___? 10. There's a dictionary on the shelf, ___? 11. There's a lot of noise outside, ___? 12. Mrs. Smith is sick, ___? 13. The dishes are dirty, ___? 14. Steven won't be at the party, ___? 15. The math test was very difficult, ___? 16. We can go tomorrow, ___? 17. I'm early, ___? 18. This shirt is too big for me, ___? 19. Emily plays the piano well, ___? 20. Your neighbors went on vacation, ___? Lesson 3 - Tag Questions - Has he? Hasn't he? Had he? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.. He hasn't done it yet, ___? He's been to Italy twice, ___? He's got a camera, ___? He's got a nice house, but he hasn't got a car, ___? He hadn't got his time to talk, ___? He hasn't got any children, ___? Robert hasn't got any money left, ___? He has a beautiful wife, ___? He's got my newspaper again, ___? Andrew hadn't grown much, ___?. Lesson 4 - Tag Questions - Does she? Doesn't she? Did she? 1. She works in a bank, ___? 2. She didn't eat anything, ___? 3. She doesn't talk much, ___?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> 4. She 5. She 6. She 7. She 8. She 9. She 10.. loves you, ___? looks very beautiful today, ___? didn't go, ___? didn't close the door, ___? doesn't drive, ___? doesn't want to go, ___? She looks tired, ___?. Lesson 5 - Tag Questions - Have you ? Are you? Do you? 1.You don't smoke, ___? 5. 2. You haven't got a car, ___? 6. 3. You don't know her, ___? 4. You aren't going to Rome, ___? 5. You haven't been to London, ___? 6. You don't like ice cream, ___? 7. You aren't twenty-one, ___? 8. You aren't still angry, ___? 9. You haven't been on holiday, ___? 10. You aren't from America, ___? 7.. Lesson 6 - Tag Questions - With Be 1. He's waiting for you, 2. There are seven days in a week, 3. I'm not late, 4. These colors are pretty, 5. Her reasons weren't very good, 6. The doctor wasn't in his office, 7. The lights were very bright, 8. The idea is interesting, 9. There were a lot of books on the table, 10. The hole isn't deep, Lesson 7 - Tag Questions - With Assorted Verbs 1. You can't answer all the questions, 2. You will help me to do the dishes, 3. He believes you, 4. The teacher should explain the lesson, 5. The boy didn't know the lesson, 6. Bob frightened you, 7. You can speak English well, 8. She couldn't arrange that,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> 9. You won't tell him, 10. He shouldn't do it,. Tag questions I. CÁCH THÀNH LẬP 1. Câu hỏi đuôi gồm có: chủ ngữ (phải là đại từ nhân xưng) và trợ động từ hay động từ đặc biệt. 2. Nếu câu phát biểu ở thể khẳng định thì câu hỏi đuôi ở thể phủ định và ngược lại. 3. Nếu câu hỏi đuôi ở thể phủ định thì phải dùng hình thức tĩnh lược (contractive form). Ex: STATEMENTS QUESTION-TAGS He is a good boy, isn’t he? The girl didn't come here did she? yesterday, won't they? They will go away, has she? She hasn't left, II. ĐẶT BIỆT: a. Phần đuôi của “ I am” là “ aren’t I “ . Eg: I’m going to do it again, aren’t I? b. Imperatives and Requests ( Câu mệnh lệnh và câu yêu cầu): + Có phần đuôi là “won’t you?” khi câu phát biểu diễn tả lời mời: Eg: Take your seat, won’t you? (Mời ông ngồi) + Có phần đuôi là “will you?” khi câu phát biểu diễn tả lời yêu cầu hoặc mệnh lệnh phủ định. Eg: Open the door, will you? ( Xin vui lòng mở cửa) Don’t be late, will you? (Đừng đi trễ nha.) c. Phần đuôi của câu bắt đầu bằng “ Let’s ...” : là “shall we ?” Eg: Let’s go swimming, shall we? Nhưng phần đuôi của “Let us / Let me” là “will you” d. Nothing, anything, something, everything được thay là thế bằng “ It” ở câu hỏi đuôi: Eg : Everything will be all right, won’t it? No one, Nobody, anyone, anybody, someone, somebody, everybody, everyone được thay thế bằng “They” trong câu hỏi đuôi. Eg: Someone remembered to leave the messages, didn’t they? Lưu ý: Nothing, Nobody, No one được dùng trong mệnh đề chính, động từ ở câu hỏi đuôi sẽ phải ở dạng thức khẳng định. (Vì Nothing, Nobody, No one có nghĩa phủ định) Eg: Nothing gives you more pleasure than listening to music, does it ? e. This/ That được thay thế là “It”. Eg: This won’t take long, will it? f. These/ Those được thay thế là “They”. Eg: Those are nice, aren’t they? g. Khi trong câu nói có từ phủ định như: seldom, rarely, hardly, no, without, never, few, little… phần đuôi phải ở dạng khẳng định. Eg: He seldom goes to the movies, does he? h. Nếu câu phát biểu có dạng : You ‘d better → câu hỏi đuôi sẽ là : hadn’t you ? You’d rather → câu hỏi đuôi sẽ là : wouldn’t you ? You used to → câu hỏi đuôi sẽ là : didn’t you ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> III. Ý nghĩa của câu hỏi đuôi: Ý nghĩa của câu hỏi đuôi phụ thuộc vào ngữ điệu diễn đạt nó: - Nếu ta hạ giọng, có nghĩa là ta thực sự đặt câu hỏi cho người đối thoại và ta muốn người nghe đồng tình với mình - Nếu ta lên giọng câu hỏi đuôi thì ta muốn hỏi lại người nghe EXERCISE : Add tag questions to the following. 1/ They want to come,………………….? 2/ Elizabeth is a dentist, ……………….. ? 3/ They won’t be here, …………………? 4/ That is your umbrella, ………………….? 5/ There aren’t many people here yet, …………….. ? 6/ He has a bicycle,……………………? 7/ Peter would like to come with us to the party, ……………………..? 8/ Those aren’t Fred’s books, ………? 9/ You have never been to Paris,…………? 10/ Something is wrong with Jane today, ………… ? 11/ Everyone can learn how to swim, ……………… ? 12/ Nobody cheated in the exam, ………………….. ? 13/ Nothing went wrong while I was gone, ………… ? 14/ I am invited, ………………….? 15/ This bridge is not very safe,……………..? 16/ These sausages are delicious, …………….? 17/ You haven’t lived here long, …………? 18/ The weather forecast wasn’t very good, ……………. ? 19/ He’d better come to see me, .............. ? 20/ You need to stay longer, ................................? ANSWER: 1. don't they 2. isn't she 3. will they 4. isn't it 5. are there 6. doesn't he 7. wouldn't he 8. are they 9. have you 10. isn't it 11. can't they 12. did they 13. did it 14. aren't I 15. is it 16. aren't they 17. have you 18. was it 19. hadn't he.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> 20. don't you.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span>

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