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unit 4 b1235

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Preparing: October 5th, 2014 Period: 22 Unit 4: BIG OR SMALL? Lesson 3: B1, 2, 3, 4, 5 PP: 47, 48 A. Aims: to help Ss know how to talk about her classes - Vocabulary: grade (n) /E/, floor (n) /P/, have (v), ordinal numbers (from first to tenth) - Structures: Which grade /class are you in? – How many floors does your school have? - Two - Grammar: present simple tense B. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask and answer about grade, class and use ordinal numbers C. Teaching aids: textbook, chalk, board, pictures, cards, cassette D. Procedures: Stages/ Timing Focus/ Skills Warm up (5’) T - Ss Sp. Teacher’s activities. Students’ activities (Expected answers) Play thr game in 2 teams. teachers/60. desks/300. classes/10. boards / 20. classes/40. chairs/15. tables/10. doors / 45. students/35. Let Ss play the Noughts and crosses game. Presentation (10’) T – Ss L/ R/ W. Listen/ repeat/copy. - Introduce the new lesson. Close their books..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Practice (18’) T – Ss L/ R. T-Ss/Ss R/W T-Ss/Ss/S-S W. Production (5’) T –Ss/ Ss W Homework (2’) T – Ss. *Pre-teach vocabulary: - floor (n) /P/ - grade (n) /T/ - class (n) /T/ - Ordinal numbers (from first to tenth) Check vocabulary: rub out and remember Predict dialogue :Ask Ss to complete it on the subboard1: Thu : Hello. Which grade are you in? Phong : I’m in grade (1) ________. Thu : And which class are you in? Phong : (2) ________ . What about you? Thu : I’m in grade (3) _________, class (4) _________. How many floors does your school have? Phong : (5) _________ . It’s a small school. Thu : My school has (6) _________ floors and my classroom is on the (7) ________ floor. Where’s your classroom? Phong : It’s on the (8) ________ floor. Introduce the structures: + Which grade /class are you in? + How many floors does your school have? – Two + Where’s [her/his/your] classroom? * Ask Ss to open their books and repeat to the tape 2X .Then play the c/s, pausing for Ss to listen and repeat in chorus. Let Ss pracitce the dialogue in pairs.Then call 2 pairs to take roles and play in front of the class. *Get Ss to complete the grid in the book ( B2/p.48 ) in 2 minutes Call some Ss to say and write the right information on the sub-board 2. Listen and complete the dialogue. Expected answers : 1.62. 2. 6A 3. 7 4. 7C 5. Two 6. Four 7. Second 8.First. Listen and take notes. Listen and repeat. Individual work Individual work Pairwork. Individual work Pairwork Take notes. *Have Ss complete the dialogue (B5/p.48) in 2 minutes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Have Ss share the answers with their friend in 1 minute Get feedback Ask some Ss to role play * Ask Ss to write 3-4 sentences to tell their school, class and grade Let Ss compare it with a partner + Practice the dialogue (B1/p.47). + Write about their school, class & grade. + Do exercise in workbook : B1/p.38 . . Evaluation:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………. Reflexion: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………….

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