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week9 period26L4

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Date of preparing: 03/11/2015 Date of teaching: 04/11/2015 Week 9 Period 26: UNIT 5: CAN YOU SWIM ? Lesson 1: Part 3-4-5 I. Objectives: 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to know how to ask and answer their ability with can/can’t. 2. Skills: - Develop Ss writing, and listening skills 3. Language focus: - Sentence Partners: What can you do? I can ________ - Vocabulary: II. Teaching aids: 1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette. 2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks. III. Teaching processes: 1. Class organization: - Greeting - Checking for the students' attendance. 2. Oral test: - Have pupils introduce one’s friend and respond to instructions 3. New lesson: Teacher’s actions Students’ actions Warm up : play game bingo Play game swim cook skate draw Play football skip Sing Play chess Dance 3. Listen and tick - Have pupils look at the pictures on page 31 of the Indentify the characters Student Book. Give the identification of the in each picture characters and their activities can do in the pictures. Tell pupils that they are going to listen to the recording and tick the pictures they hear. Guess the Listen and tick answer - Play the recording 2 times pupils to listen and tick the boxes. Check their guess. Compare the answer with the partner. - Play the recording again pupils check their answers..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> T give the answer: - Ask some questions to ensure pupils’ comprehension of the listening text. Answer: 1. 2. 3. 4. Look and write - Have pupils open their books to Page 31. Get Ss to identify the characters in the pictures and what they can do. - Tell Ss that they are going to look at the pictures and get information to write the missing words in 4 sentences. - Ss complete the sentences. - Ss trade their answers within pairs or groups for correction - Ask Ss to read the answers aloud to the class. The others listen and give comments. Answers: 1. dance 3. swim 2. skate 4. cycle - Make some questions to check Ss’ comprehension of the reading text. Have the whole class read each line of the sentences chorally to reinforce their pronunciation. 5. Let’s play - Guide ss how to play the game “ Guessing game”. - Group work. Pupils use the pictures some animals and say what they can or can’t do and other groups guess what it is. Monitor the activity and help them when necessary. Correct pronunciation Ss’ errors. 4.Consolidation Asking Ps to focus on the structure once again. - Retell the content of the lesson. 5. Homework Do exercises in the workbook. Learn by heart the new words and structures.. Indentify the characters in each picture. Work in pairs. groupwork Listen and guess. Do exercises in the workbook.

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