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A Culture History of Hawai’i
Hanna Beth “Po’o ‘Ele’ele” Blum
and Chris “Kilika” Liang
November 12, 2001

Wafted is the breath of the lau’e fern.
The essence of the beloved waters alights like mist.
Beloved is the covering of the sea spray,
Drawing concealment listening, inquiring intently.
The lehua of the misty face brings mist.
The lehua of the misty face brings mist.
The mist unafraid of the cold,
The cold of the pathway of life.
Mauna Hina is a pathway directing mankind.
Perhaps it is just I who will succumb.
Perhaps you and I, or the large assembly, will Succumb.
Cold, just cold!
Mapu ka hanu o ka laua’e
Mapu noe ka poli o ka wai aloha
Aloha I ke kapa ‘ehu kai,
Hauki palai, huki, lohe, noi kahau.
Noe mai la ka lehua makanoe.
Noe ka lehua makanoe,
Noe wiwo’ole I ke anu,
Anu I ke ala kipapa ola e,
Ala e kuhikuhi lima kanaka ‘o Mauna Hina e.
E hina no paha ‘o wau wale no.

E hina no paha e kaua, e ka’aha nui e.
Alia lae!
He anu, he anu wale no

A Brief History of

AD 500-700 – settled by
Polynesians from the Marquesa

centuries – Tahitians
took over islands

300,000 Hawaiians lived on
islands when Captain Cook

1778 – Captain Cook landed in
Waimea, Kaua‘i.

1810 – King Kamehamela
unified islands for first time
The Polynesian Islands

More History…get excited
More History…get excited

1820 - First missionaries arrived from Boston

1835 - Established sugar cane plantations

1848 - King Kamehameha III proclaimed the Great Mahele
(division), changing the concept of land ownership

1850 – Foreigners can buy land and work in sugar and
pineapple plantations

1893 – Coup forces Queen Liliuokalani to abdicate thrown.
Monarchy is overthrown

1894 – Republic of Hawaii is established

1900 – US annexes Hawaii and creates the Territory of Hawaii

1941 – Pearl Harbor bombing

1950 – Hawaii becomes the 50
state of the Union


In the beginning…

Po – vast and empty land

Spirit Keawe formed the sky and sun
from Po’a, a single flame

Transformed into Nawahine
(daughter) and Kane (sun-god)

Royal family:
- Ku (war) - Lake (hula)
- Lono (wisdom, rain) - Hina (underwater)
- Kane (natural phenomenon) - Papa (nature)
- Kanaloa (fishermen) -Milu (spirit world)

The snow goddess

Polynesian Voyage
Two legends

Hawai’iloa, a fisherman from land of Ka’Aina Kai Melemelea
Kane (land of the yellow sea of Kane)
- Big Island named after him
- Maui, Kaua’I, and O’ahu named after his sons
- All Hawaiians are his descendents

Tafa’i (son of underwater goddess) saw volcanoes undersea and
fished up the islands

Strong connection between legends of discovery and fishing


Built with tools of stone,
bone, and corals

Dug out of tree trunks or
planks sewn together

Sails made from coconut
or pandulus leaves woven

Could travel 2000 miles
(Hawai’i to Tahiti)

Faster than Cpt Cook’s

No navigational equipment
A deck bridged two hulls
for longer voyages.

Ancient Culture

Culturally similar to inhabitants of Tonga
and Somoan Islands

Language, archeological, and biological
evidence points to Hiva (Marquesa) Islands
as origin

1976 Bicentennial Celebration
of American Independence –
Reenact voyage from Hawai’i
to Tahiti

Captain Cook

British sailor

3 voyages to Pacific

1778 landed in
Waimea, Kaua'I;
received in peace

1778 – returned to
distrusting Hawaiians;
perished on the beach
HMS Resolution

He’e nalu

1500 AD

1779 Captain King

1820 Missionaries

1890 Almost Extinct

1905 Beach Boys

1907 Demonstration
