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Unit 8 Country life and city life

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>UNIT 8: COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE READ. Teacher: Pham Van Anh Tan Loi Junior High School Class 8E.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> * Vocabulary - Rural (adj) : thuộc nông thôn - Urban (adj) : thuộc thành thị - Leave behind (v) : để lại phía sau - Well-paying (adj) : được trả lương cao - Plentiful (adj) : nhiều phong phú - Struggle (n) : sự tranh đấu (v) : tranh đấu - Nature (n) : thiên nhiên - Natural (adj) : tự nhiên - Typhoon (n) : trận bão lớn - Flood (n) : trận lụt - Drought (n) : hạn hán - Increase (v) : gia tăng (n) : sự gia tăng -Lead – led – led (v) : dẫn đến. -Overcrowding (n) : sự quá đông đúc - Strain (n) : sự quá tải - Supply (v) : cung cấp (n) : sự cung cấp - Human side : khía cạnh thuộc về con người - Tragedy (n) : bi kịch - Live apart : sống ở xa - Case (n) : trường hợp - Government (n) : chính phủ - Migrant (n) : dân di cư - Create (v) : sáng tạo, tạo nên - Creation (n) : sự sáng tạo - Creative (adj) : có khả năng sáng tạo - Adequate (adj) : đầy đủ - Face (v) : đối mặt, đương đầu - Opportunity (n) : cơ hội.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> READ Many people from rural areas are leaving behind their traditional way of life and moving to the city. They believe that well-paying jobs are plentiful in the city. At home on the farm, life is always a struggle with nature. Typhoons, floods or drought can easily destroy a harvest and leave the farmer with little or no money until the following year. Often farmers look for other work when they need more money for their family. The increase in population, however, has led to overcrowding in many cities. This puts a strain on schools and hospitals, as well as water and electricity supplies. Increased pollution is another unpleasant result. There is also a human side to this tragedy. Families sometimes have to live apart. In these cases, children may live at home with relatives, while their parents go and live in an urban area. Govenments all over the world are trying to provide facilities for these migrants, but it can be quite a problem..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 1. Complete the summary. Use information from the passage. People from the countryside are (1) _______ their (2) _______ to go and live in the (3) _______. Farming can sometimes be a difficult life and these people from (4) ________ areas feel the (5) _______ offers more opportunities. However, many people coming to the city create (6) _______. There may not be enough (7) ________ or (8) ________ , while water and electricity supplies may not be adequate. This is a (9) ________ facing govenments around the (10) ________..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> ANSWER 1. Leaving 2. Home 3. City 4. Rural 5. City 6. Problem 7. School 8. Hospital 9. Problem 10. World.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> 2. Find the word in the passage that means: a) b) c) d) e). Of the countryside As many as needed Become greater or larger A great pressure A terrible event. f) Of the city or city urban. ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. …………………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> 2. Find the word in the passage that means: * Answer a) Rural b) Plentiful c) Increase d) Strain e) Tragedy f) Urban.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Your homework. - Learn new word - Do exercise book - Prepare Write.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span>
