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Tài liệu Speaking and Writing Strategies for the TOEFL iBT part 10 ppt

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Independent Essay - 79

A second way to write a predictor thesis is to work backwards. Do so by first
mapping out, then writing, a basic independent essay up to Step #5.

Step #1 Read the prompt; formulate an opinion.

Step #2 Make a note map; state your opinion (G); restate it in your
conclusion (C); develop examples (3TiC).

Step #3 Type a first draft.

Step #4 Check your first draft for Coherence using OPDUL=C.

Step #5 Revise your first draft using your revision checklist.

When you finish Step #5, you can: a) submit your essay if you have run out of
time, or; b) if you have time, add a predictor thesis.

Personally, I agree. I think that we need zoos.

For example, when I was 12, my teacher took us to the zoo in
Berlin. I had never seen wild animals before. I had just read
about them in books and seen them on the TV. But seeing
them in real life was amazing, especially the lions. On TV, they
looked so small, but seeing them alive they were really big. By
going to the zoo, I definitely saw things in a whole new light.

Now I have a family and we always go to the zoo every

summer. My wife makes a picnic and we spend all day there.
My kids love taking pictures and learning all about the animals,
especially the gorillas. Being outside is good for my children.
Best of all, they can leave the internet and the TV at home.

Also, zoos look after endangered animals like pandas. I saw
two in the Washington DC zoo last year and they had a baby.
If there were no zoos, the pandas would disappear because we
are taking their land away. However, in a zoo the pandas are
safe. It is not perfect, but without zoos there might not be any
pandas left.

For those reasons, I think that we need zoos.

Predictor Thesis: When to Write


80 - Independent Essay

If you have time—and you want to add a predictor thesis—first identify the main
topic in each body paragraph. In this essay, the main topic in body paragraph one
is education
; the main topic in body paragraph two is families; the main topic in
body paragraph three paragraph is endangered animals
. Next, combine the main
topics and make a predictor thesis.

body paragraph topics




make a predictor thesis

Personally, I agree. I think that we need zoos because
they are educational, they are fun for families and
they protect endangered animals.

Personally, I agree. I think that we need zoos.

For example, when I was 12, my teacher took
us to the zoo in Berlin. I had never seen wild
animals before. I had just read about them in
books and seen them on the TV. But seeing
them in real life was amazing, especially the
lions. On TV, they looked so small, but seeing
them alive they were really big. By going to
the zoo, I definitely saw things in a whole new

Now I have a family and we always go to the
zoo every summer. My wife makes a picnic and
we spend all day there. My kids love taking
pictures and learning all about the animals,

especially the gorillas. Being outside is good
for my children. Best of all, they can leave the
internet and the TV at home.

Also, zoos look after endangered animals like
pandas. I saw two in the Washington DC zoo
last year and they had a baby. If there were
no zoos, the pandas would disappear because
we are taking their land away. However, in a
zoo the pandas are safe. It is not perfect, but
without zoos there might not be any pandas

For those reasons, I think that we need zoos.

Independent Essay - 81
Next: 1) add your predictor thesis to your introduction; 2) write a topic sentence for
each body paragraph; 3) restate your predictor thesis in your conclusion.

1) Personally, I agree. I think that we need zoos because they
are educational, they are fun for families and they protect
endangered animals.

2) Zoos are educational. For example, when I was 12, my
teacher took us to the zoo in Berlin. I had never seen wild
animals before. I had just read about them in books and
seen them on the TV. But seeing them in real life was
amazing, especially the lions. On TV, they looked so small,
but seeing them alive they were really big. By going to the
zoo, I definitely saw things in a whole new light.

3) Zoos are also fun for families. For example, I have a family
and we always go to the zoo every summer. My wife makes
a picnic and we spend all day there. My kids love taking
pictures and learning all about the animals, especially the
gorillas. Being outside is good for my children. Best of all,
they can leave the internet and the TV at home.

4) Finally, zoos protect endangered animals. For example, I
saw two pandas in the Washington DC zoo last year and
they had a baby. If there were no zoos, the pandas would
disappear because we are taking their land away. However,

in a zoo the pandas are safe. It is not perfect, but without
zoos there might not be any pandas left.

5) For those reasons, I believe that we need zoos because
they are educational, they are fun for families and they
protect endangered animals.

Words: 251

Submit your essay.

Step #6
82 - Independent Essay

To maximize scoring, apply the following advanced conclusion strategies to develop
a basic independent essay into an advanced independent essay.

a. Suggestion

For this strategy, start with a transition, restate your opinion, then end with a

C In sum, I assert that television is a bad influence on our children.
Instead of watching so much television, parents should make their kids
read a book, or make them go outside and play.

C As I have illustrated, I believe that we need zoos. If you want to have
fun and learn something new, you should go to a zoo.

b. Suggestion + Prediction

For this strategy, start with a transition, restate your opinion, then end with a
suggestion and a prediction. Notice how the prediction contains the auxiliary verb
“will” to describe a future action.

C In the final analysis, I contend that television is bad influence on
our children
. They should spend at least one hour a day playing
outside. It will make them happier and healthier

C In the end, I posit that it is better to save the money that you make.
The best thing you can do is put your money in the bank. In a few
years, that money will help you buy a new car or help you go to

c. Warning + Prediction

For this strategy, start with a transition, restate your opinion, then end with a
warning that contains a prediction of future of events.

C It goes without saying that television is a bad influence on our
children. It is creating a lot of fat and lazy kids who will develop
serious health problems when they are adults.

C As far as I’m concerned, I believe that a new factory in my home

town is not a good idea. It will create a lot of pollution and destroy our
beautiful neighborhoods with more traffic.

Advanced Conclusion Strategies

Independent Essay - 83
d. Rhetorical Question

For this strategy, start with a transition, restate your opinion, then end with a
rhetorical question. A rhetorical question will make your reader think about your
argument after your essay has ended.

C Suffice it to say, I think that a new factory in my home town is not a
good idea. How would you like a big smelly factory in your backyard?

C In my estimation, I believe that telecommuting has many
advantages. Don’t you wish you could just fall out of bed and go to
work in your pajamas?

e. Call-To-Action

For this strategy, start with a transition, restate your opinion, then end with a
call-to-action. Call-to-action means to tell people to do something (take action) with
an emphatic (strong) voice.

C In sum, I conclude that television is a bad influence on our children.
Parents, turn off the TV now!

C Finally, I assert that a new airport will be good for our town. Support

the new airport! Invest in our future!

f. Call-To-Action + Rhetorical Question

For this strategy, start with a transition, restate your opinion, give a call-to-action,
then end with a rhetorical question.

C In closing, I believe that television is a bad influence on our children.
Parents, turn off the TV now! Do you really want unhealthy kids who
are violent too?

C When all is said and done, I contend that a new airport will be good
for our town. Support the new airport! Don’t you want to create jobs?

You can also state the rhetorical question first, then end with a call-to-action.

C In closing, I conclude that television is a bad influence on our
children. Do you really want unhealthy kids who are violent too?
Parents, turn off the TV now!

C When all is said and done, I contend that a new airport will be good
for our town. Don’t you want to create jobs? Support the new airport!
