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ĐỀ ÔN 17
I. Pick out the word which the underlined part has a pronunciation different from that of the others words in
the same line.
A. head
B. feather
C. reading
D. leather
A. breath
B. bath
C. soothe
D. thought
A. lane
B. man
C. hat
D. hand
A. hour
B. honor
C. honest
D. honey
A. line
B. middle
C. life
D. kind
II. Pick out the word which the stress part is pronounced differently from that of the others words.
A. remember

B. succeed
C. toothpaste
D. holiday
A. believe
B. headache
C. balloon
D. depend
A. sometimes
B. understand
C. vegetable
D. content
A. pleasant
B. explain
C. description
D. surprise
A. experience
B. important
C. supposed
D. interested
III. Choose the best answer. Circle the letter before the word you choose.
1. We took _______ in most activities of our school.
A. notes
B. part
C. care
D. rest
2. Please show me your library card before _______ any books.

A. lending
B. borrowing
C. selling
D. asking
3. The book describes adventures that happened _______ .
A. at a long time
B. a long time ago
C. in the very old
D. an old time ago
4. All the rooms in this hotel are _______ .
A. air-condition B. air-conditioners
C. air-conditioning
D. air-conditioned
5. Could you _______ me how the machine works?
A. show
B. indicate
C. explain
D. draw
6. I _______ the heat because I had been living there for a long time.
A. used to
B. was used to C. be used to
D. was used of
7. The purpose of the examination was to _______ the students’ knowledge of the subject.
A. try
B. inspect
C. prove
D. test
8. Jane _______ spending the afternoon at the swimming pool.
A. urged
B. encouraged C. suggested

D. persuaded
9. I can not go _______ this afternoon. I have to do my homework.
A. nowhere
B. everywhere C. somewhere D. anywhere
10. You have got a scholarship; you are luckier _______
A. as I
B. than me
C. than I
D. as me
11. We went to the railway station to _______ to our friends.
A. set on
B. say goodbye C. wave at
D. see off
12. Each of the girls _______ a lot of toys.
A. has
B. have
C. having
D. to have
13. I’m very _______ to meet you again.
A. please
B. to please
C. pleasing
D. pleased
14. I have never experienced _______ before
A.so hot weather
B.such hot weather
C.such a hot weather
D.a such hot weather
15. He worked in Paris _______ the war.
A. between

B. when
C. among
D. during
16. It’s about time he _______ to look after himself.
A. learnt
B. has learnt
C. was learning D. were learning
17. The question is easy enough, but _______ students could answer it.
A. a few
B. few
C. less
D. little
18. When _______ waste paper, we can save much money and labor.
A. co-operating B. destroying
C. recycling
D. creating
19. He kept on _______ after the teacher had come in.
A. to talk
B. talked
C. talk
D. talking
20. She came in quietly _______ not to wake the baby.
A. as if
B. so as
C. such as
D. if so
21. Tom and his friend are talking to _______.
Teacher: Thanh Huyen Le


A, everybody
B, both
C, each other D, everyday
22. It’s a _______bill.
A, fifty-cents
B, fifty-cent
C, fifty cent
D, fifties cent
23. That toy is made of _______.
A, cloth
B, clothes
C, clothe
D, clothing
24. The upper boys _______about difficult exercises for several days.
A, complain
B, complained C, has complained
D, have complained
25. We would _______go to the zoo by our shelves
A, not rather
B, rather not
C, eager
D, better
26. This door needs_______.
A, painted
B, painting
C, to paint
D, to be painting
27. Must this decaying tooth come out ?

A, No, It mustn’t.
B, No, It needn’t
C, No, It can’t D, A and B are right
28. You _______not read those magazines.
A, likes
B, prefer
C, would rather D, had better
29. My mother has me_______her clothes.
A, to iron
B, irons
C, iron
D, ironing
30. You needn’t _______the ending of the story.
A, to tell
B, tell
C, told
D, telling
31. Mai is going to have someone _______her blouse.
A, is making
B, is made
C, to make
D, make
32. Which of those milkmaid is the _______.
A, pretty
B, most pretty C, the prettiest D, prettiest
33. Children _______play football in the street.
A, must
B, need
C, mustn’t
D, needn’t

34. Henry is twenty eight years old, but Alice his sister, is only fourteen.
A, He is old, she is young
B, He is two times old as his sister.
C, He is twice as old as his sister.
D, His sister is younger than him two times.
35. He says he isn’t afraid of _______.
A, somebody
B, everybody
C, anybody
D, nobody
36. The teacher as well as his pupils _______ going on a camping trip.
A, are
B, is
C, will be
D, be
37. The population of the world is growing at a dangerous ________.
A. step
B. rate
C. measure
D. costs
38. I had no difficulty ________ to her English.
A. listen
B. to listening C. listening
D. to listen
39. He has just taken an examination ________ Chemistry.
A. on
B. about
C. for
D. in
40. His parents never allow him ________.

A. smoking
B. smoked
C. to smoke
D. smoke
IV. Give the correct form of the words in brackets to make complete sentences.
1. After their summer holidays, the children looked ________________ HEALTH
2. Time passes ________________ when you are alone .
3. Don’t do things ________________ from others.
4. We have a class ________________ every month.
5. The people in your country are very warm and ________________
6. She told us about the________________ of English in every day life. IMPORTANT
7. She has just had an ________________ book to read .
8. Ho Chi Minh City is an important ________________ centre of Vietnam.COMMERCE
9. It is really an ________________ Monument.
10. Smoke and waste chemicals make the air and water ______________ POLLUTE
V. Read and answer the questions
Good evening, ladies and gentlement. Welcome to the Kuala Lumpur-international Airport. I am Sammy,
your guide for the next few days. We are now on our way to Kuala Lumpur city, a pleasant ride that will take us about
an hour. If you reach into the pouch on the seat in front of you, you will five two packages. The little blue one
contains a pleasantly fragant cold tower for you to refresh yourself. When you are ready, open the other one. Inside,
Teacher: Thanh Huyen Le


you will find your tour itinerary, a map of the city, a lilttle booklet of useful phrases in Bahasa Malaysia and a list of
emergency phone numbers you might need to use.
I will distribute your hotel room keys to you shortly. You may go directly to your rooms when we arrive at the
hotel. Your room numbers are printed on the keys. Your luggage will be sent up to you. You will find a welcome drink
waiting for you in your room. Dinner will be served at the Cafe’ de Fleur on the ground floor of the hotel from 7.00
p.m to 8.00p.m. Please be at the lobby at 8.30 p.m sharp for a night tour of the city.
1. Who is Sammy talking to?
 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Where are they going after a pleasant ride to Kualar Lumpur city?
 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. What time are they supposed to meet at the hotel lobby?
 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. Where can the tourists find their room numbers?
 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
VI. Choose the best answer from the option to fit each blank
David loved hot air balloons and he began to daydream. “ It would be lovely”, “If I(1)………… enough
money to(2)………….. my expenses for a trip around the world in(3) …………..hot air balloon”. He began to
think(4) ………….. if he wanted to make his dream come true, he must not(5) ………….. the things which can be
done today. He began to plan.“(6) ………….., I must find out what I can (7) ………….. how a hot air balloon works.
Next, I(8) …………..to know survival skills and what it is going to be like(9) ………….. alone. Another important
skills is the ability(10) ………….. the weather. I also need to talk to people who know about this”. David then
decided to call his friends who were as interested as he was to find out more people who have experience with hot air
1. A. has
B. had
C. have
D. having
2. A. cover
B. gain

C. join
D. shroud
3. A. a
B. an
C. the
D. 0
4. A. which
B. how
C. where
D. that
5. A. put on
B. put off
C. put in
D. put up
6. A. Consequently
B. Subsequently
C. Moreover
D. Firstly
7. A. on
B. off
C. by
D. about
8. A. need
B. must
C. should
D. would
9. A. travel
B. traveled
C. traveling
D. is traveling

10. A. read
B. reading
C. to read
D. to reading
VII. Read and fill in each blank with one suitable word.
Do you wonder(1) …………..some students really excel in their studies while you can’t seem to score good
grades? A good student(2) ………….. how to effectively manage his or her time.(3) …………..of all, a student
planning a daily time table(4) …………..prioritize his or her daily activities. The most(5) …………..things on the
priority list is revision time.(6) ………….. is due to the fact that eighty percent of the knowledge you have acquired
in class(7) ………….. can be erased from your memory if you do not(8) ………….. it within four hours.
However, a student must(9) ………….. time for other activities, such as sports or games as regular exercise is
necessary in order to help you become a good student. A good student is the one(10) ………….. is mentally and
physically fit.
VIII. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
The Singapore Botanical Gardens, (found)1………….. in 1859, is one of the leading tropical gardens in the
world. It (attract)2………….. over twenty thousand visitors weekly. Some of these visitors (travel) 3 …………..from
countries as far as France.
Beside (serve)4………….. as a public park, it (be)5………….. also a center for research on plants growth and
improvement. Currently, some three thousand species of plants (flourish) 6………….. in the gardens. This collection
(expand)7 …………..by exchange and donations.
Tourists (visit)8 …………..the gardens can also (expect)9 …………..to see several varieties of orchids,
(include)10………….. our national flower-the Vanda Miss Joaquim.
IX. Complete this report on the results of the survey with much, many, a little, a few or a lot.
Quite (1) ………….. of customers commented on our improved delivery service, and quite (2) …………..people
rated us very highly on this. When we asked how (3) …………..effect our new charges had on them, only (4)
…………..companies said they thought the increases were too high. There were not (5) …………..firms who had
regularly had in correct deliveries, there were not (6) …………..of complaints about that. We got quit (7)
Teacher: Thanh Huyen Le


…………..of information about how (8) ………….. order various people think they’llbe putting in over the next six
months so that we can be prepared. It appears that we won’t have (9) ………….. time to deliver some of these orders,
but with just (10) ………….. more traininng in the new system, our staff should be able to cope.
X. Finish the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it.
1. Your idea is more sensible than his
 His.......................................................................................................................................
2. She wasn’t allowed to go out
 They didn’t let... ..................................................................................................................
3. Someone has already paid for it
 It... ......................................................................................................................................
4. He won a price and his sister did, too
 He won a price and so... ....................................................................................................
5. She won’t do it and I won’t, either
 She won’t do it and neither... ..............................................................................................
6. I last saw Bob when I was in Ho Chi Minh City.
 I haven’t seen ………………………………………………………………………..….……….
7. It is a three-hour drive from Hanoi to Namdinh.
 It takes ………………………………………………………………………….……....…………
8. It’s a pity you didn’t tell us about this.
 I wish ……………………………………………………………………………………….……..
9. They think the owner of the house is abroad.
 The owner ………………………………………………………………………………..…..…..
10. The children couldn’t go swimming because the sea was very rough.
 The sea was too ………………………………………………………………………………….
XI. Use the given words to write a sentence to complete a letter.
Dear Mr. Smith,
1. I/ write/ thank/ you/ enjoyable/ two weeks/ I/ spend/ your conversation class/ last month.

2. I/ already/ be/ England/ six weeks/ when/ I join/ your class.
3. But/ this/ be/ my first opportunity/ speak English properly.
4. My country/ students/ not be really taught/ how/ speak/ listen.
5. Now/ I/ look/ job/ which/ I can use English.
6. I/ hope/ find/ something suitable/ next week/ two.
7. if/ I/ be/ successful/ I/ stay/ Britain/ until Christmas.
8. I/ look forwward/ see/ you/ again.
Your sincerely,

Teacher: Thanh Huyen Le


Híng dÉn chÊm ĐỀ ƠN CHUN 17
I. Pick out the word which the underlined part has a pronunciation different from that of the others words in
the same line.
1. C
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. B
II. Pick out the word which the stress part is pronounced differently from that of the others words.

1. D
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. D
III. Choose the best answer. Circle the letter before the word you choose.
1. B
2. B
3. B
4. D
5. A
6. B
7. D
8. C
9. D
10. B
11. D 12. A 13. D 14. B 15. D 16. A 17. B 18. C 19. D 20. B
21. C 22. B 23. A 24. D
25. We would _______go to the zoo by our shelves
A, not rather
B, rather not
C, eager
D, better
26. This door needs_______.
A, Painted
B, painting
C, to paint
D, to be painting
27. Must this decaying tooth come out ?
A, No, It mustn’t.

B, No, It needn’t
C, No, It can’t D, A and B are right
28. You _______not read those magazines.
A, likes
B, prefer
C, would rather D, had better
29. My mother has me_______her clothes.
A, to iron
B, irons
C, iron
D, ironing
30. You needn’t _______the ending of the story.
A, To tell
B, tell
C, told
D, telling
31. Mai is going to have someone _______her blouse.
A, is making
B, is made
C, to make
D, make
32. Which of those milkmaid is the _______.
A, pretty
B, most pretty C, the prettiest D, prettiest
33. Children _______play football in the street.
A, must
B, need
C, mustn’t
D, needn’t
34. Henry is twenty eight years old, but Alice his sister, is only fourteen.

A, He is old, she is young
B, He is two times old as his sister.
C, He is twice as old as his sister.
D, His sister is younger than him two times.
35. He says he isn’t afraid of _______.
A, somebody
B, everybody
C, anybody
D, nobody
36. The teacher as well as his pupils _______ going on a camping trip.
A, are
B, is
C, will be
D, be
37. The population of the world is growing at a dangerous ________.
A. step
B. rate
C. measure
D. costs
38. I had no difficulty ________ to her English.
A. listen
B. to listening C. listening
D. to listen
39. He has just taken an examination ________ Chemistry.
A. on
B. about
C. for
D. in
40. His parents never allow him ________.
A. smoking

B. smoked
C. to smoke
D. smoke
IV. Give the correct form of the words in brackets to make complete sentences.
1. After their summer holidays, the children looked ________________ HEALTH
2. Time passes ________________ when you are alone .
3. Don’t do things ________________ from others.
Teacher: Thanh Huyen Le


4. We have a class ________________ every month.
5. The people in your country are very warm and ________________
6. She told us about the________________ of English in every day life. IMPORTANT
7. She has just had an ________________ book to read .
8. Ho Chi Minh City is an important ________________ centre of Vietnam.COMMERCE
9. It is really an ________________ Monument.
10. Smoke and waste chemicals make the air and water ______________ POLLUTE
Question 1: Read and answer the questions (1.0 điểm)
* Có 4 câu, mỗi câu trả lời đúng ý, ngữ pháp, chính tả cho 0,25 ®iĨm.
1. Sammy is talking to a group of tourists/ her tourists.
2. They are going to the hotel.
3. They are supposed to meet at the hotel lobby at 8.30 p.m

4. They can find their room numbers on their hotel room keys./ on their room keys.
* ThÝ sinh cã thĨ tr¶ lời đầy đủ hoặc trả lời ngắn nhng phải đúng cả về ngữ pháp và chính tả mới cho đủ
Question 2: Choose the best answer from the option to fit each blank.(1,0 điểm)
* Có 10 câu. Mỗi câu chọn đúng cho 0,1 điểm. Thí sinh có thể viết lại bài để điền hoặc chỉ cần viết từ cần
chọn theo đúng sè thø tù cịng cho ®iĨm.
1. B
2. A
3. A 4. D
5. B (put 6. D
7. D
8. A
9. C
10. C
(had) (cover) (a)
(that) off)
(firstly) (about) (need) (travelling)
(to read)
Question 3: Read and fill in each blank with one suitable word. (2,0 ®iĨm)
* Cã 10 từ phải điền. Mỗi từ đúng cho 0,2 điểm.

-Thí sinh có thể viết lại bài để điền hoặc viết từ cần điền theo đúng thứ tự cũng cho điểm.
6- this





Question 4: Fill in each blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets. (1,0 ®iĨm)
* Cã 10 ®éng từ. Mỗi động từ đúng cho 0,1 điểm.
* Cách viết cịng nh c©u 2 & 3.
1- founded
2- attracts
3- travel
4- serving
5- is
6. flourish
7- is expanded
8- visiting
9- expect
10- including
Question 5: Complete this report on the results of the survey with much, many, a little, a few or a lot. (1,0 ®iĨm )
* Có 10 chỗ phải chọn từ. Mỗi từ chọn đúng cho 0,1 điểm.
* Cách viết cũng nh câu 2,3,4.
1- a lot
2- a few
3- much
4- a few
5- many
6- a lot
7- a lot

8- many
9- much
10- a little
Question 6: Give the correct form of the worrds in brackets. (1,0 ®iĨm)
* Cã 10 tõ. Mỗi từ làm đúng cho 0,1 điểm.
* Cách viết cũng nh các câu trên.
1- nicest
2- less
3- success
4- productive
5- pleasure
6- polluted
7- practical
8- friendliness
9- happily
10- satisfy
Question 7: Finish the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it.
(1.0 điểm)
* Có 5 câu. Mỗi câu viết đúng ngữ pháp, chính tả cho 0,2 điểm.
1. His idea is not as (so) sensible as yours. (less sensible than...)
2. They didn’t let her go out.
3. It has already been paid for
4. He won a prize and so did her sister.
5. She won’t do it and neither will I.
Question 8: Use the given words to write a sentence to complete a letter. (2,0 điểm)
* Có 8 câu. Mỗi câu viÕt ®óng ý cho 0,25 ®iĨm.
1- I am writing to thank you for the enjoyable two weeks I spent in your conversation class last month.
2- I had already been in England for six weeks when I joined your class.
3. But this was my first opportunity to speak English properly.
Teacher: Thanh Huyen Le


4. In my country, students are not really taught how to speak and listen.
5. Now, I am looking for a job which I can use English.
6. I hope to find something suitable in the next two week.
7. If I am successful, I will stay in Britain until Christmas.
8. I am looking forward to seeing you again.
Your sincerely

Teacher: Thanh Huyen Le


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