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ĐỀ ÔN 20
I. Pick out the word which the underlined part í pronounced differently from that of the others words in the same
A. sit
B. hidden
C. limb
D. time
A. sure
B. sun
C. soap
D. soar
A. marked
B. needed
C. kissed
D. watched
A. breath
B. bath
C. soothe
D. thought
A. cows
B. knows
C. works
D. rose
II. Choose the word whose main stress pattern is differently from those of the other.
A. sportsmanship

B. ceremony
C. principal
D. mechanic
A. atmosphere
B. together
C. interested
D. countryside
A. throughout
B. experiment
C. instrument
D. perform
A. committed
B. stadium
C. uniform
D. character
A. competition
B. librarian
C. international
D. accidental
III. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences.
1. Her parents never ………. her to go out after 8 p.m.
A. made

B. let

C. allowed

D. agreed

2. He turned off the TV, ………. I thought was quite surprising.
A. and

B. so

C. that

D. which

3. The two boys have many ……… characters.
A. likely

B. alike

C. similar

D. same

4. For a while I was at a ………. to know what to say.
A. loss

B. pain

C. blank

D. crisis

5. If only I ………. play the guitar as well as you.
A. will

B. should

C. could

D. might

6. Fat people should ………. the temptation to eat a lot of sweet things.
A. disobey

B. resist

C. deny

D. refuse

7. The mirror was ………. broken.
A. accident

B. accidentally

C. accidental

D. by accident

8. How did you ………. to stop little Lisa from crying ?
A. help

B. control

C. aid

D. manage

9. We always spend our summer holidays ………. .
A. in the sea

B. at the country

C. in the beach D. at the seaside

10. The meeting had to be put ………. until a later date.
A. away
B. on
C. off
D. up
11. The house …………. Shakespeare was born is open to the public.
A. where
B. which
C. that
D. when
12. If he spoke English more slowly, he …………….. so many mistakes.
A. will not make
B. wouldn’t make
C. didn’t make D. made
13. A ………… was a person who went through city streets shouted the latest news.
A. town crier
B. magician

C. singer
D. clown
14. They are playing ……………… Liverpool players.
A. against
B. versus
C. to
D. of
15. All competitors take …………...... in the Olympic Games in the spirit of sportsmanship.
A. role
B. play
C. turn
D. part
16. Traffic rules ……………… by all people.
A. must be obeyed
B. must obey
C. must obeyed D. must have obeyed
17. The scientists are doing their research work in the ……………………
A. museum
B. theater
C. laboratory
D. market
Teacher: Thanh Huyen Le


18. There is now much …………. water in the lake than there was last year.
A. lesser
B. less
C. fewer

D. few
19. There you are! I …………….. for two hours. Where have you been?
A. am waiting B. wait
C. waited
D. have been waiting
20. He is ………………… to see that film.
A. not enough old
B. old not enough
C. not enough D. not old enough
21. The weather was ………… bad ………….. we couldn’t go out.
A. such. that
B. too. that
C. such a. that D. so. that
22. When the teacher ………………. the classroom, all the students stood up.
A. came
B. arrived
C. went
D. entered
23. I wish I …………….. more attention to English lessons at school.
A. had paid
B. paid
C. have paid
D. pay
24. She ……………… go fishing with her father when she was young.
A. used to
B. is used to
C. was used to D. used to going
25. It took him three weeks ……………….. how to swim.
A. learn
B. learning

C. to learn
D. to learning
26. The more a car costs, ………………….. it goes.
A. faster
B. the faster
C. the more fast D. the more faster
27. I couldn’t go to the party …………………. of a sudden cold.
A. as
B. because
C. in spite
D. that
28. After a lot of difficulties, he ……………… to open the door.
A. succeeded B. could
C. tried
D. managed
29. When he ……………. school, John decided to study language.
A. left
B. went to
C. ended
D. stopped
30. Next summer, we’re …………… a new house built in this area.
A. making
B. deciding
C. settling
D. having
31. It's a good idea to see your doctor regularly for ................... .
A. a revision
B. a control
C. an investiagation
D. a check-up

32. Last year the potato harvest was very disappointing, but this year it looks as though we shall have a
better ................... .
A. product
B. outcome
C. amount
D. crop
33. When the starter gave the .......... all the competitors in the race began to run round the track.
A. signal
B. warning
C. shot
D. show
34. ................... from Bill, all the students said they would go
A. Except
B. Only
C. Apart
D. Separate
35. The new manager explained to the staff that she hoped to ................... new procedures to save time and money.
A. manufacture B. establish
C. control
D. restore
36. There is a fault at our television station. Please do not .................... your television set.
A. change
B. adjust
C. repair
D. switch
37. The crowd at a football match are often ................. .
A. excite
B. excited
C. exciting
D. excitement

38. I'm very .................... in the information you have given me.
A. concerned
B. surprised
C. bored
D. interested
39. I saw a thief take Peter's wallet so I ran ................... him, but I didn't catch him.
A. into
B. after
C. over
D. near
40. If it's raining tomorrow, we shall have to................... the match till Sunday.
A. put off
B. cancel
C. play
D. put away
IV. Fill each gap in each sentence with the correct form of the word in capital letters
1. Alice had a …… day at work and went to bed early.

( TIRE )

2. The party is ……, so you don’t have to dress up for it.

( FORM )

3. Travelling in big cities is becoming more …… everyday.


4. He was …… because he couldn’t pay his debts.


5. Librarians spend a lot of time …… books.


6. There is extreme ……. in many Third World countries.


7. I’m afraid you have …… me because that is not what I meant.
Teacher: Thanh Huyen Le


8. I was too ________ to tell the teacher about my stupid mistakes.
9. We like the beauty of the city and the ________ of the people.
10. My father gave up smoking because he knows it is very ________ . (HARM)
V. Fill in each blank with the correct tense or form of the verb in brackets.
1. Do you mind ( disturb) ……… when you are working?
2. The teacher said that water ( consist ) ………of hydrogen and oxygen.
3. I wish you (not eat) ……… all the food. I am very hungry now.
4. It is raining now. It (rain) ……… for two hours.
5. There is somebody behind us. I think we (follow) ……… .
6. She finally decided (not / leave) ………her children alone in the house.
7. When I ( look ) ….. at my suitcase, I could see that somebody ( try) ….. to open it.

8. Honesty ( be ) ……. the best policy.
9. Had it not been for your help, I (not/ complete) ………….. the course.
10. His parents never allow him………….. (smoke)
VI. There are eight mistakes in the passage. Find them and correct them.
Living in our modern world is different from the living was when our grandfathers were young. Learning to use
machines is at great importance today. Only a few years ago, most of the works of the world was done by hand. Today
we use machines for everything, especial in working and playing.
Machines have effects in some ways on lives of people all over the world. They have made possible mass
production of all kinds of manufacture goods. Nowadays more family can buy cars, refrigerators, washing machines,
television sets, factory - made clothing and lot of things that our grandfathers didn’t use to having.

VII: Read this passage and choose the best answer to each question below
After inventing dynamite, Swedish - born Alfred Nobel became a very rich man. However, he foresaw its
universally destructive powers too late. Nobel preferred not to be remembered as the inventor of dynamite, so in 1895,
just two weeks before his death, he created a fund to be used for awarding prizes to people who had made worthwhile
contributions to mankind. Originally there were five awards: literature, physics, chemistry, medicine and peace.
Economics was added in 1968, just sixty - seven years after the first award ceremony.
Nobel's original legacy of nine million dollars was invested, and the interest on this sum is used for the awards which
vary from $30,000 to $125,000.
Every year on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel's death, the awards (gold medal, illuminated diploma, and
money) are presented to the winners. Sometimes, politics plays an important role in the judges' decisions. Americans
have won numerous science awards, but relatively few literature prizes.
No awards were presented from 1940 to 1942 at the beginning of World War II. Some people have won two prizes, but
this is rare, others have shared their prizes.
1. When did the first award ceremony take place?
A. 1895
B. 1901
C. 1962
2. Why was the Nobel prize established?
A. to recognize worthwhile contributions to humanity
B. to resolve political differences
C. to honor the inventor of dynamite
D. to spend money
3. In which area have Americans received the most awards?
A. Literature
B. Peace
C. Economics D. Science
4. Which of the following statements is not true?
A. Awards vary in monetary value

B. Ceremonies are held on December 10 to commemorate Nobel's invention
Teacher: Thanh Huyen Le


C. Politics can play an important role in selecting the winners
D. A few individuals have won two awards
5. In how many fields are prizes presented?
A. 2
B. 5
C. 6

D. 10

VIII. The following sentences make up two separate stories. Sort them into the two stories in the correct order.
A. However, she never discovered if she had passed it
B. She sat down at her typewriter and started typing out the numbers from 1 to 1.000.000
C. His mother did not believe this, so she tried to prove otherwise.
D. Six months ago my aunt took her driving test for the fifth time.
E. She finished the task five years later after using two and a half thousand sheets of paper.
F. She immediately applied to take the test again, but still hasn’t had a reply.
G. This was that, according to his teacher, it was impossible to count up to one million.
H. He therefore had not been able to tell her whether she had passed or not.

An American schoolboy ran home one day and told his mother an amazing fact.

J. This was because her examiner was taken to hospital after she had driven.

Story I :
Story II:






IX. Fill each blank with one suitable word.
Many actors do not like working with children or animals. This is probably (1) … they are afraid that the audience may
become (2)… interested in children and animals than in them.
Actors can have problems (3) …….. a different kind when they (4) ……..required to eat or drink on stage. If they have
(5) …….. much food in their mouths, the words they say may not (6) ……… clear, and they may even end up coughing
and choking.
Other problems can occur with food (7) ……. films are being made. In a recent film, during (8) ………. a family was
waiting to have a meal, one of the actors entered with a large roast chicken on a tray and then had to begin to cut some
meat from it while he was speaking. By mistake, the actor cut off a whole leg of the chicken and then completely forgot
(9) …….. his next words were. It was necessary to film the scene (10) …….. . This would not really have mattered (11)
……… there had been another chicken in the studio, but there was not. At (12 ) …….. , nobody knew what to do, but

eventually the problem was solved by putting a nail in the leg and attaching it back onto the chicken.
1. ………………

2. ………………

5. ………..……6. ………………
9 …………..…… 10 ………………

3. …………………

7. ………………

4. ……..……………

8. ………..…………

11. ………………… 12. …………………

X. Fill in each blank with one word from the box to complete the paragraph.

successful, driver, career, successfully, problems, head, recorded, films, difficulty, sing

Elvis Presley was born in 1935 in Mississippi. Later, his poor family moved to Memphis, in search of better
opportunities. Elvis used to be a truck (1) …… . One day in 1954, he (2) …… a song at the Memphis Recording Studio
to send his mother as a birthday gift. Sam Philips, the studio (3) …… heard him sing and recognized Elvis's potential in
music. Elvis's (4) ….. was interrupted in the late 1950s when he went into the army. When he came out, he acted in
several movies. His (5) …… were not very good but financially (6) …… . He had many (7) ……… with his weights
and drugs. He died in 1977 at the age of 42.
Teacher: Thanh Huyen Le


1. ……………………….

2. ………………… . 3. ………………….. ..4. ………………..

5 ..………………………... 6 ……………….…. 7.………………………
XI. Finish the second sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the first one.
1. “Can you give me a lift to school? ”
 He asked his friend ……………………………………………………………...…………
2. I’m amazed by the mistakes you have made.
 What ……………………………………………………………………….……..…………
3. The lights failed the moment they began work.
 Hardly ………………………………………………………..……………………..……….
4. What should one do in such cases.?
 What should ……………………………………………………………………………… ?
5. If you walk slowly, it takes longer to get there.
 The more ……………………………………………………………..……………..………
6. They think that the burglar got in through the bathroom window.
 The burglar ………………………………………………………………………….………
7. John has not had his hair cut for over six months.
 It is over ……………………………………………..……………………………...………
8. It was so late that they couldn't do anything about this.
 It was …………………………………......................................................................…
9. Although I can't speak Chinese, I decide to settle in Shanghai.
 In spite …………………………………….......................................................…….….
10. It is difficult for me to understand his dialect.

 I find …………………………………......................................................................…..
XII. Use the following sets of words or phrases to write complete sentences
1. I / be/ sure / he / tell / truth ; he / never / tell / lie /life .
2. while / I / pack things / he / ring up / taxi / take / me /station.
3. it / embarrassing / enter / classroom / after / lesson / start.
4. boy / put up / Christmas decorations /be / my brother.
5. I / wet through . If I / know / it / rain / I / take / umbrella.
6. the book / so / good / we / it / twice.
7. one / disadvantages / living here / the lack / public transport.
8. No sooner / burglars / leave / building / someone / ring / alarm.
9. she / have / bike / repair / her husband / yesterday.
10. Jack London/ famous/ American writer//
The end

Teacher: Thanh Huyen Le


Question 1:

(1 point x 10 correct answers = 10 points)
1. C
2. D
3. C
4. A. 5. C
6. B
7. B
8. D
9. D
10. C

Question 2:
(1 point x 7 correct answers = 7 points )
1. tiring, 2. informal, 3. troublesome, 4. imprisoned, 5. classifying, 6. poverty, 7. misunderstood
Question 1:
(1 point x 10 correct answers = 10 points)
1. being disturbed
2. consists
3. had not eaten 4. has been raining
/ has rained
being followed 6. not to leave 7. looked …… had tried
8. is
9. couldn't / wouldn't have completed
Question 2:
(1 point x 8 correct answers = 8 points )
1. the
 what
5. manufacture  manufactured
2. at
 of
6. family
 families
3. works
 work
7. lot
 lots / a lot
4. especial  especially
8. having
 have
Question 1: (1 point x 5 correct answers = 5 points )

1. B
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. C
Question 2:
(1 point x 10 correct answers = 10 points)
Story I:
1. D
2. A
3. J
4. H
5. F
Story II:
1. I
2. G
3. C
4. B
5 .E
Question 3: (1 point x 12 correct answers = 12 points)
1. because
2. more
3. of
4. are
5. too
6. be/ sound
7. when/while/as
8. which
9. what
10. again

11. if/provided
12. first
Question 4: (1 point x 7 correct answers = 7 points )
1. driver
2. recorded
3. head
4. career
5. films
6. successful
7. problems
Question 1:
(1 point x 7 correct answers = 7 points )
1. He asked her to give him a lift to school/ if she could give …...
2. What amazes me is the mistakes you have made.
3. Hardly had they begun working when the lights failed.
4. What should be done in such cases?
5. The more slowly you walk, the longer it takes (you) to get there.
6. The burglar is thought to have got in through the bathroom window.
7. It is over six months since John last had his hair cut.
Question 2:
(1 point x 9 correct answers = 9 points )
1. I'm sure he (has) told/is telling the truth; he has never told a lie in his life.
2. While I was packing things, he rang up for a taxi to take me to the station.
3. It is embarassing to enter the classroom after the lesson has started.
4. The boy who put up/(who is) putting up the Christmas decorations is my brother.
5. I'm wet through. If I had known it would rain, I would have taken an umbrella.
6. The book is so good that we have read it twice.
7. One of the disadvantages of living here is the lack of public transport.
8. No sooner had the burglars left the building than someone rang the alarm.

9. She had her bike repaired by her husband yesterday.
10. Jack London is a famous American writer.

Teacher: Thanh Huyen Le


5. are


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