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Day ngu phap hay

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Date of preparing: 1/10/2015 Date of teaching: 2/10/2015 UNIT 1- MY FRIEND. I. KIẾN THỨC TRỌNG TÂM: - Simple tenses. (Hiện tại đơn-Quá khứ đơn). - Adjectives of description - (be) like/ look like. - Enough to – Too … to/ so…that../ such…that... II. NỘI DUNG: A- NỘI DUNG 1- SIMPLE TENSES (Revision). B- NỘI DUNG 2- ADJECTIVES OF DESCRIPTION [TÍNH TỪ MIÊU TẢ]. 1- Khái niệm: là những từ dùng để miêu tả tính chất, đặc điểm, hình dạng, kích thước, trạng thái,.....của người hoặc vật. 2- Vị trí: Tính từ có các vị trí chủ yếu sau: 1- Tính từ [Adj] đứng trước Danh từ [N] mà nó bổ nghĩa: Adj + N. Eg: This is a large room. He has a round face. Lan is a good student. There are many books, ........ 2- Tính từ [Adj] theo sau [BE] (và các động từ nối [SEEM, LOOK, FEEL, GET, APPEAR, BECOME, SOUND,.... – Học sau]) để bổ nghĩa cho Chủ từ [S]: S + [BE]* + Adj. Eg: This room is large. His face is round. I am tall. Lan is very good. ............... * Lưu ý: S + [BE/HAVE]* + (a/an)* + Adj + N. = S + [BE]* + Adj. Eg: - This is a large room. = This room is large. - He has a round face. = His face is round. ............. 3- Tính từ[Adj] đứng sau các đại từ chứa [SOME/ ANY/ NO/ EVERY] như: (something; someone; somebody; anything; anyone; anybody; evrything; everyone; everybody; nothing; no one; nobody): [someone/ something/any one/nothing/…] + Adj Eg: - Are there anything new? - You have something wrong. There is nothing good for you. 4- Tính từ[Adj] theo sau Tân ngữ [O] của một số động từ như: make, find, keep, think, .... S + [make/find/keep/think..]* + O + Adj. Eg: - You make me tired. - We put the fruit into the refrigerator to keep them fresh. 5- Tính từ [Adj] đứng sau các trạng từ chỉ cấp độ: [so/too/extremely/very/quite]: [so/too/extremely/very/quite] + Adj. Eg: - Nga is very beautiful. She is so/extremely kind, - It is quite peaceful here. The water is too hot. 3- Lưu ý: * Tính từ [Adj] không được dùng làm Chủ ngữ [S] của câu. (Trừ khi nó được dùng như một Danh từ mang hàm ý chỉ chung cho 1 tập hợp- Học sau). * Nếu một Danh từ [N] được bổ nghĩa bởi nhiều Tính từ [Adj] khác nhau => Thứ tự của các Tính từ được sắp xếp như sau (Thiếu loại nào, ta bỏ loại đó theo thứ tự): k. thước + hình dạng + tuổi + màu sắc + xuất xứ + chất liệu + mục đích Eg: - A big round old black Chinese wooden working table.. [một cái bàn làm việc bằng gỗ từ Trung quốc màu đen củ hình tròn lớn]. 4- BÀI TẬP: I. Đặt các tính từ trong ngoặc vào vị trí thích hợp trong các câu sau. Correct Eg: He has hair. (brown). => brown hair. 1, Bring me something to drink. (cool) => 2, The leaves turn in Autunm. (yellow) => 3, To Huu is a poet all over the world.(famous) => 4*, I thought him very. (intelligent) => 5, She looks quite. (beautiful) => 6, Ping Pong is a sport for boys and girls. (good) => 7, I have nothing to tell you.(interesting) => 8, The oranges look. (delicous) => 9, This movie is.(boring) => 10, This is a movie. (boring). => 11, Vietnam is a country. (rich and beautiful) => 12, What an day! (awful) => 13, The day is extremely. (awful) => 14*, I found him still in his bed. (asleep) => 15*, Woolen clothes keep our bodies. (warm) =>. II. Sắp xếp các từ/ cụm từ sau theo thứ tự câu đúng.. 1, dark/long/has/hair./He 2, brother/My/quite/is/ good-looking. 3, younger/you/elder/Do/sisters./any/have/or/? 4, is/lovely/That/a/house. 5, is/lovely./That/house 6, nice/What/bedroom!/a 7, nice/What/toys! 8, a/It’s/green/short/nylon/ dress. 9, are/They/shoes./black/new/leather 10, interesting/something/is/There/this/in/picture.. => => => => => => => => => =>. III. Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa không đổi (bắt đầu bằng gợi ý đã cho) 1, This is a big school. 2, Ba and Nam are energetic boys. 3, Bao is a hard-working student. 4*, Miss Lien has very long dark hair 5*, Mr. Nhan is a very strict teacher. 6, Those are beautiful buildings. 7, They are naughty boys. 8, She is a lovely girl. 9, It’s an awful day. IV. Viết câu cảm thán 1, The girl is pretty. 2, The boys are naughty. 3, The milk is very sour. 4, It’s an awful day.. => This school… => Ba and Nam…. => Bao…. => Miss Lien’s hair….. => Mr. Nhan looks…. => Those buildings…. => The boys… => She…. => The day…... với “What” => => => =>.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 5* Miss Lien has very long dark hair. => 5- CẤU TRÚC HỎI VÀ TRẢ LỜI VỀ MIÊU TẢ NGƯỜI/ VẬT. 1- LOOK LIKE [= trông hư thế nào?] => Hỏi về đặc điểm: A: What + [do/ does/ did*] + S + look like? B: S + [BE] + Adj (chỉ đặc điểm) S + [HAVE] + (a/an) * + Adj(chỉ đặc điểm) + N Eg: 1. A: What do you look like? B: I am tall and handsome. I have short curly blond hair. 2. A: What do they look like? B: They are very fat. They have bald hair. 3. A: What does your mother look like? B: She is very beautiful. 2- [BE]* LIKE [= như thế nào?] => Hỏi về tính cách/ tính chất: A: What + [BE]* + S + like ? B: S + [BE]* + Adj (chỉ tính cách/ tính chất) Eg: 1. A: What are Son and Nam like? B: They are generous/ hard-working/ polite/... 2. A: What is she like? B: She is very sociable. 3. A: What is/was the weather like? B: It is/was fine/ cool/ warm/ rainy/… * BÀI TẬP: I. Viết câu hỏi và trả lời cho các trường hợp sau, dùng gợi ý trong ngoặc: 1, What/ your father/ look like? (tall and fat// short blond hair). => A: ...................................................................................................................................? B: ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… 2, What/ your father/ like? (kind and humorous). => A: ...................................................................................................................................? B: ……………………………………………………………………………………… 3, What/ you/ look like? (tall and thin// long curly dark hair). => A: ...................................................................................................................................? B: ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… 4, What/ you/ like? (quite sociable). => A: ...................................................................................................................................? B: ……………………………………………………………………………………… 5, What/ your parents/ like? (calm and strict). => A: ...................................................................................................................................? B: ……………………………………………………………………………………… II. Viết câu dùng từ gợi ý: 1, Hoa/slim. She/not/ very fat. => ........................................................................................................................................... 2, Minh/Nam/very friendly. => ........................................................................................................................................... 3, We/ intelligent. => ........................................................................................................................................... 4, The boys/clever. => ............................................................................................................................................ 5, The room/so large. => ........................................................................................................................................... 6, What/Son/like? – He/ very sociable. => A: ...................................................................................................................................... B: ...................................................................................................................................... C- NỘI DUNG 3- ENOUGH TO: [= đủ….để (làm gì] I- Khái niệm- Cách dùng: * Dùng để diễn tả điều kiện đủ/(không đủ)…để (làm gì đó). * Theo sau ENOUGH luôn là một động từ nguyên mẫu có “to” [TO-infinitive]. II- Cấu tạo chung: S + [be/ V]* + [Adj/Adv]* + ENOUGH + (for + O)* + TO-infinitive. * Lưu ý: 1- Trường hợp Chủ ngữ [S] ở hai mệnh đề cùng một đối tượng => Không cần có [FOR + O]*. Eg: 1- Nga is not old. She is not in my class. => Nga is not old enough to be in my class. 2- My father runs very quickly. He can catch that bus. => My father runs quickly enough to catch that bus. 2- Trường hợp Chủ ngữ [S] ở hai mệnh đề là 2 đối tượng khác nhau => Ta chuyển Chủ ngữ [S] ở mệnh đế sau thành [FOR + O]* và đặt sau ENGOUGH. Eg: 1- That ceiling is short. I can reach the ceiling. => That ceiling is short enough for me to reach. 2- Those questions are very easy. We can answer them. => Those questions are easy enough for us to answer . 3- He speaks slowly. Lan can understand him => He speaks slowly enough for Lan to understand. 3- Trường hợp dùng Tính từ [Adj]* hay Trạng từ [Adv]* phụ thuộc động từ trước đó là [BE]* hay [V]*. => Xem III.. III- Các cấu trúc cụ thể: 1- Nếu động từ đứng trước là [BE]* => Theo sau là một Tính từ [Adj]: S + [BE]* + Adj + ENOUGH + (for + O)* + TO-infinitive. * Lưu ý: [BE]* có thể được chia ở nhiều thì khác nhau. - Phủ định, ta thêm [NOT] sau [BE] (hoặc sau Trợ động từ- nếu có). - Câu hỏi, ta đặt [BE] (hoặc Trợ động từ- nếu có) lên trước Chủ ngữ [S]. * Ví dụ: 1- I am (not) tall enough to reach that ceiling. 2- They are (not) intelligent enough to answer those questions. 3- When she was a little girl, she was (not) clever enough to do such nice things. 4- I think I will (won’t) be clever enough to be a doctor in the future. 5- Are you/ Were you fine enough to continue that work? 6- Will you be free enough to join the activities tomorrow ? 2- Ta có thể thay [BE]* bằng các động từ nối [FEEL/SEEM/APPEAR/LOOK/GET/ SOUND/…]* => Theo sau cũng là một Tính từ [Adj]: S + [feel/seem/look/..]* + Adj + ENOUGH + (for + O)* + TO-infi... * Ví dụ: 1- She looks strong enough to knock him out. 2- The weather seems fine enough for us to go out tonight. * Ở Phủ định và Câu hỏi, ta phải áp dụng qui tắc của động từ thường:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 3- Those questions don’t / didn’t seem easy enough for us to answer . 4- Do/Did/Will you feel fine enough to continue that work? 3- Nếu động từ đứng trước là Động từ thường [V]* => Theo sau là một Trạng từ [Adv]: S + [V]* + Adv + ENOUGH + (for + O)* + TO-infinitive. * Lưu ý: Động từ thường [V]* có thể được chia ở nhiều thì khác nhau. Ở Phủ định và Câu hỏi, ta áp dụng qui tắc của động từ thường. * Ví dụ: 1, He dances beautifully enough to attract that beautiful girl. 2, He can (not) run quickly enough to catch that train. 3, Nga doesn’t/didn’t do her tests well enough to get good grades. 4, Does/ Did/Will/Can you work hard enough to earm much money?. 4- Ta có thể dùng Danh từ [N] theo sau ENOUGH. S + [be/V]* + ENOUGH + N + (for + O)* + TO-infinitive. * Ví dụ: 1, There is (not) enough milk for us to drink. 2, I have enough money to buy a new house. 3, Nga doesn’t/didn’t prepare enough food to eat. IV. BÀI TẬP. I. Nối kết các cặp câu sau, sử dụng “ENOUGH TO”. (nghĩa không đỗi). Ex: 1, Mysister is old. She can drive a car. => Mysister is old enough to drive a car. 2, The weather isn’t very cold. We can go swimming => The weather is warm enough for us to go swimming. * Một số hướng dẫn làm bài cần ghi nhớ: Khi làm bài tập kết nối một cặp câu đơn (mệnh đề) dùng “ENOUGH TO”, ta cần lưu ý: (1)- Nghĩa câu sẽ không đổi so với câu đã cho. Muốn làm được như vậy ta cần ghi nhớ: - Nếu động từ ở 2 mệnh đề cùng thể (cùng khẳng định hoặc cùng phủ định) => giữ nguyên thể và Tính từ/Trạng từ đã cho. * Eg: - Nga is short. She cannot reach the ceiling. => Nga is not tall enough to reach the ceiling. - The weather is not very* cold. We can go swimming => The weather is warm enough for us* to go swimming. - Lan came late. She couldn’t catch the train. => Lan didn’t come early enough to catch the train. - Nếu động từ ở 2 mệnh đề trái thể (khẳng định - phủ định hoặc phủ định khẳng định) => phải đổi thể cho động từ ở mệnh đề trước (khẳng định => phủ định và ngược lại), đồng thời đổi Tính từ/Trạng từ đã cho ở mệnh đề trước sang dạng trái nghĩa. * Eg: - Nam is strong. He can move this table away. => Nam is strong enough to move this table away. - Hoa didn’t study hard, so she couldn’t get good grades. => Hoa didn’t study hard enough to get good grades. (2)- Sẽ không còn các trạng từ chỉ cấp độ [so/ too/ extremely/ very/ quite] trước [Adj/Adv + ENOUGH TO… ] (=> Bỏ các trạng từ chỉ cấp độ [so/ too/ extremely/ very/ quite] trước Tính từ [Adj] hoặc Trạng từ [Adv] ở mệnh đề trước). * Eg: - Tom was so* intelligent. He answered all those questions excellently. => Tom was intelligent enough to answer all those questions excellently.. - Nga is extremely* humorous. She often makes others laugh happily. => Nga is humorous enough to make others laugh happily. (3)- Nếu Chủ ngữ [S] ở 2 mệnh đề cùng một đối tượng, ta lược bỏ Chủ ngữ [S] và Trợ động từ (nếu có) ở mệnh đề 2, đồng thời chuyển Động từ chính [V]* ở mệnh đề 2 về dạng [TO-infinitive] đặt sau ENOUGH (=> Không cần có [for + O]*). * Eg: - Mr. Robinson isn’t rich. He can’t buy a new house. => Mr. Robinson isn’t rich enough to buy a new house. - Nam was so* kind. He took me home yesterday. => Nam was kind enough to take me home yesterday. (4)- Nếu Chủ ngữ [S] ở 2 mệnh đề là 2 đối tượng khác nhau, ta chuyển Chủ ngữ [S] ở mệnh đề 2 thành [for + O]* và đặt sau ENOUGH, bỏ Trợ động từ (nếu có), đồng thời chuyển Động từ chính [V]* ở mệnh đề 2 về dạng [TO-infinitive] đặt sau [for + O]*. * Eg: - It’s not warm. You shouldn’t wear this coat in winter. => It’s not warm enough for you to wear this coat in winter. . - The weather was good yesterday, so we went out for a picnic. => Yesterday, the weather was good enough for us to go out for a picnic. (5)- Nếu Chủ ngữ [S] ở mệnh đề trước và Tân ngữ [O] của động từ ở mệnh đề sau cùng một đối tượng giống nhau, ta sẽ bỏ (không lặp lại) Tân ngữ [O] đó sau [ENOUGH + TO-infinitive]. * Eg: - The shoes aren’t big. We cannot wear them*. => The shoes aren’t big enough for us to wear. - The radio isn’t small . You can’t put it* in your pocket. => The radio isn’t small enough for you to put in your pocket. 1, These oranges are ripe. You can eat them*. => ........................................................................................................................................... 2, The apples aren’t ripe. We cannot eat them*. => ........................................................................................................................................... 3, The house is large. My family can live in it*. => ........................................................................................................................................... 4, The house isn’t large. My family cannot live in it*. => ........................................................................................................................................... 5, The radio isn’t very big. You can put it* in your pocket. => ........................................................................................................................................... 6, This coat isn’t warm. I don’t wear* it* in the winter. => ........................................................................................................................................... 7, She is beautiful and intelligent. She can become Miss World. => ........................................................................................................................................... 8, He swims very fast. He is* in the first top ten. => ........................................................................................................................................... 9*, He swims very fast. He is leading* the first top ten. (2 cách: TO-infiniotive hoặc to be + V-ing) => ........................................................................................................................................... => ........................................................................................................................................... 10, Nam answers the questions quickly. He always gets* marks. => ........................................................................................................................................... 11, Mai is very tall. She can touch the top of the shelf. => ........................................................................................................................................... 12, My brother is short. He can’t reach the top shelf..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> => ........................................................................................................................................... 13, The ladder wasn't very long. It didn't reach* the window. => ........................................................................................................................................... 14, The film was very good. I saw* it* through. => ........................................................................................................................................... 15. You are very young. You can't have a front-door key. => ........................................................................................................................................... 16. Lan is very young. She couldn’t do that work. => ........................................................................................................................................... 17. Lan is young. She can’t see the horror film. => ........................................................................................................................................... 18*. Chi is unwell*. She can’t go on the picnic with her classmate. => ........................................................................................................................................... 19*. The water here is unsafe*. We can’t drink it*. => ........................................................................................................................................... 20. The ice is quite thick. We can walk on it*. => ........................................................................................................................................... 21*. The candlelight is dim. We can’t read with it*. => ........................................................................................................................................... 22. We are young. We can’t vote in the coming election. => ........................................................................................................................................... 23. My uncle’s eyesight is bad. He can’t join the army. => ........................................................................................................................................... 28. These paintings are good. They can enter for the competition. => ........................................................................................................................................... 29. The room is large. It can hold 80 people. => ........................................................................................................................................... 30. The plane is fast. It can reach the island in two hours. => ........................................................................................................................................... 31. He didn’t have enough time. He didn’t finish* the examination. => ........................................................................................................................................... 32, She looks quite rich. She can buy expensive things. => ........................................................................................................................................... 33, The weather was fine . She could go camping. => ........................................................................................................................................... 34. The worker is clever. He can make fine things from wood. => ........................................................................................................................................... 35*. I couldn’t make coffee for everyone. There weren’t enough cups. => ........................................................................................................................................... 36*. You can’t sleep in this bed. It’s not wide enough for you two. (2 cách). => ........................................................................................................................................... => ........................................................................................................................................... 37*, You shouldn’t wear this coat in winter. It’s not warm enough. (2 cách). => ........................................................................................................................................... => ........................................................................................................................................... 38*. Don’t stand on that chair. It’s not strong enough. (2 cách). => ........................................................................................................................................... => ........................................................................................................................................... 39**, All guests need chairs but I don’t have enough. => ............................................................................................................................................ 40**, Natasha wants to be a professional musician and I think she is very good. => .......................................................................................................................................... II. Chọn A,B,C hoặc D có đáp án đúng nhất. 1, The beds are.........................for us to lie on. A- clean. B- enough clean. C- clean eough. D- enough. 2, He has...........................to be a member of our English speaking Club. A- enough conditions. B- conditions enough. C- much conditions enough. D- a condition enough. 3, There is finally ..............................for us to build our new house. A- money. B- money enough. C- enough moneys. D- enough money. 4, There.............enough light here for us to see anything. A- are. B- don’t be. C- not be. D- isn’t. 5, Lan................enough self-confidence to give a talk in front of the croud. A- had not B- didn’t have. C- not have. D- was not. 6, Lan................self-confident enough to give a talk in front of the crowd. A- had not B- didn’t have. C- not have. D- was not. 7, We.................enough players to be a soccer team. A- not have. B- don’t have. C- isn’t have. D- there are not. 8, He wants to play soccor...........to be a member of the Manchester United Club. A- skillful enough.B- skillfully enough. C- enough skillfully. D- enough skillful. 9, She lives...........................for everyone to admire. A- happy. B- happy enough. C- happily enough. D- enough happily 10, Linh speaks English.................enough to join the English Speaking contest. A- good. B- bad. C- well. D- goodly. 11, Linh’s English speaking is..........enough to join the English Speaking contest. A- good. B- well. C- bad. D- goodly. 12, There are enough desks for children .................. A- to sit. B- sit. C- sitting. D- sat. 13, Van is very clever. She can make modals with used papers. A- Van is clever enough making modals with used papers. B- Van is enough clever making modals with used papers. C- Van is clever enough to make modals with used papers. D- Van is clever enough can make modals with used papers. 14, The train runs so slowly. We can catch it. A- The train runs slowly enough we can catch it. B- The train runs slowly enough for we to catch it. C- The train runs slowly enough for us to catch it. D- The train runs so slowly enough for us to catch. 15, The questions are easy. They can finish them quickly. A- The questions are easy for them to finish quickly. B- The questions are easy enough for them to finish quickly. C- The questions are easy enough for them to finish them quickly. D- The questions are easy enough for they can finish them quickly. III. Khoanh tròn A,B,C hoặc D có lỗi sai và sửa lỗi. Correct 1, It isn’t bright enough here for us see anything. A B C D 2, Hoa is good enough for her to be the leader of my class. A B C D.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 3, Hoa studies good enough to get exellent grades. A B C D 4, There is fresh air enough for us to use here. A B C D 5, There isn’t enough trees for us to plant along the street. A B C D 6, He isn’t has enough time to finish his work on time. A B C D 7, He doesn’t feels happy enough to live with his new girl friend. A B C D 8, He takes care of himself careful enough to have a healthy body. A B C D 9, He earns enough money for buying a new house. A B C D 10, We haven’t enough time to finish our test on time. A B C D 11, They are enough clever to make models. A B C D 12, He answes the questions exellent enough to get into the next round. A B C D 13, Lan dances good enough to be chosen. A B C D 14, We have studied hard enough for us to get good grades. A B C D 15, My parents aren’t very rich enough to buy a car. A B C D 16, The images on TV are clear enough for us to see them. A B C D 17, The questions are easy enough for they to answer. A B C D 18, He’s strong enough for him carrying all things. A B C D IV. Đặt câu dùng gợi ý. (Dùng cấu trúc “ENOUGH TO”) 1, We/ not have/ enough/ time/ finish/ our last test. => ........................................................................................................................................... 2, The water/ not/ hot/ enough/ us/ make/ tea. => ........................................................................................................................................... 3, The children/ tall/ enough/ pick / fruit/ on the trees. => ........................................................................................................................................... 4, He/ behave/ politely/ enough/ attract/ those girls. => ........................................................................................................................................... 5*, He/ play soccer/ skillful/ enough/ everyone/ be/ his fans. => ........................................................................................................................................... V. Sắp xếp theo thứ tự câu đúng: 1, to use/ enough/ There/ for everyone/ is not/ in a month. / water => ........................................................................................................................................... 2, do/ is/ enough to/ that exercise./ intelligent/ My younger sister => ........................................................................................................................................... 3, She/ get married/ not young/ to/ enough/ again. /is. => ........................................................................................................................................... 4, qiuckly/ The bus/ enough/ to get on time. / couldn’t run/ for us => ........................................................................................................................................... 5, Lan is/ enough/ everyone/ beautiful/ to admire her. / for => ........................................................................................................................................... 6, Lan/ enough/ everyone/ beautifully/ sings/ to admire her. /for => ........................................................................................................................................... 7, to answer. / enough/ us/ The questions are/ for/ not difficult => ........................................................................................................................................... 8, He/ get/ enough money/ to/ didn’t/ get married. => ........................................................................................................................................... 9, enough/ to/ The coffee/ sweet/ isn’t/ drink. => ........................................................................................................................................... 10, He/ old/ enough/ is/ to school. / to go => ........................................................................................................................................... D- NỘI DUNG 4- MỞ RỘNG: Các Cấu trúc tương quan với ENOUGH TO. A- TOO…..TO [= quá…..để (làm gì)]. I. So sánh TOO…..TO và ENOUGH TO TOO…..TO [= quá…..để (làm gì)] ENOUGH TO [= đủ…..để (làm gì)] => không thể làm được. => có thể làm được. * Eg: * Eg: 1- He is very poor. He cannot buy a small 1- He is very rich. He can buy a big house. house. => He is too poor to buy a small house. => He is rich enough to buy a big house. 2- I am not tall. I can’t reach that ceiling 2- I am tall. I can reach that ceiling. => I am too short to reach that ceiling. => I am tall enough to reach that ceiling. * Khái niệm- Cách dùng: - Dùng để diễn tả điều kiện quá…để (làm gì đó) => không thể làm được. - Động từ [V] theo sau TOO luôn ở dạng nguyên mẫu có “to” [TO-infinitive]. II- Cấu tạo chung: S + [be/ V]* + TOO + [Adj/Adv]* + (for + O)* + TO-infinitive. * Lưu ý: 1- Trường hợp Chủ ngữ [S] ở hai mệnh đề cùng một đối tượng => Không cần có [FOR + O]*. Eg: 1- I am short. I cannot reach that ceiling. => I am too short to reach that ceiling. 2- He came late. He couldn’t see the first show. => He came too late to see the first show. 2- Trường hợp Chủ ngữ [S] ở hai mệnh đề là 2 đối tượng khác nhau => Ta chuyển Chủ ngữ [S] ở mệnh đế sau thành [FOR + O]* và đặt sau ENGOUGH. Eg: 1- Those questions seem difficult. We cannot answer them*. => Those questions seem too difficult for us to answer. 2- He spoke quickly. Lan couldn’t understand him* => He spoke too quickly for Lan to understand. 3- Trường hợp dùng Tính từ [Adj]* hay Trạng từ [Adv]* phụ thuộc động từ trước đó là [BE]* hay [V]*. => Xem III.. III- Các cấu trúc cụ thể: 1- Nếu động từ đứng trước là [BE]*(hoặc các động từ nối [feel/ seem/ look/ appear/ get/ sound/…]*)=> Theo sau TOO là một Tính từ [Adj]:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> S + [BE]* + TOO + Adj + (for + O)* + TO-infinitive. Hoặc: S + [feel/seem/look/ /..]* + TOO + Adj +(for + O)* + TO-infinitive. 2- Nếu động từ đứng trước là Động từ thường [V]* => Theo sau TOO là một Trạng từ [Adv]: S + [V]* + TOO + Adv + ENOUGH + (for + O)* + TO-infinitive. Eg: 1, He dances too badly to attract that beautiful girl. 2, He ran too slowly to catch that train. 3, Does/ Did you work too lazily to get good marks? 3- Ta có thể dùng Danh từ [N] sau TOO: S + [be/V]* + TOO + much/many/little + N + (for +O)* + To-infi.. Eg: 1, There is too little milk (for us) to drink. 2, I have too little money to buy a new house. 3, Nga prepare too mụch food to eat. 4, There are too many people to count. IV. BÀI TẬP. I. Kết nối các cặp câu sau, dùng TOO…TO 1) I’m too tired. I can’t go to the cinema this evening. => . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2) The table was too heavy. I couldn’t move it. => . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3) The children aren’t tall enough. They can’t reach that shefl. => . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4) They arrived too late. They didn’t see the beginning of the film. => . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5) Our old flat was much too small. We couldn’t live in it. => . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II. Kết nối các cặp câu sau, dùng TOO….TO hoặc ENOUGH TO. 1. These oranges are ripe. You can eat them. => . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. He is strong. He can carry this table. => . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. The house is large. My family can live in it. => . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. It was very late. They didn’t go to the party. => . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. The dress is so dirty. She can’t wear it. => . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. She is tall. She can reach the top shelf. => . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. Mr Brown isn’t rich. He can’t buy car. => . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. My grandmother is very weak. She can’t lift the box. => . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. The film is very boring. The children won’t see it. => . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. Those shoes are large. You can wear them. => . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B- SO…..THAT…/ SUCH……THAT… [= quá…..đến nổi (không thể làm gì)]. I. * Khái niệm- Cách dùng:. - Dùng để diễn tả điều kiện quá…đến nổi (không thể làm gì). (=> Tương đương với TOO….TO). * Eg: 1 - He is very poor. He cannot buy a small house. => He is too poor to buy a small house = He is so poor that he cannot buy a small house. 2 - Lan came late. She couldn’t see the show. => Lan came too late to see the show = Lan came so late that she couldn’t see the show. II- Cấu tạo chung: S1 + [be/V]* + SO + Adj/Adv* + THAT + S2 + [V(phủ định)]. * Note: Mệnh đề theo sau “THAT + S2 + [V]” luôn mang hàm ý phủ định. III. Cụ thể: 1- Dùng với Tính từ [Adj]. => Trước đó là [BE]. S1 + [BE]* + SO + Adj + THAT + S2 + [V(phủ định)]. Hoặc: S1 + [BE]* + SUCH +( a/an)* + Adj + N + THAT + S2 + [V(phủ định)]. Eg: 1, The weather is so bad that we cannot go out for a picnic. = It is such bad weather that we cannot go out for a picnic. 2, Nam is so poor that he cannot get any good marks. = Nam is such a poor boy/ student that he cannot get any good marks. * Theo sau SO không có Danh từ [N], nhưng theo sau SUCH cần phải có [Tính từ [Adj]+ Danh từ [N]: SO + Adj = SUCH + (a/an)* + Adj + N * Dùng [a/an] khi theo sau là Danh từ đếm được, số ít. 2- Dùng với Trạng từ [Adv]. => Trước đó là Động từ thường [V]*(Không dùng SUCH). S1 + [V]* + SO + Adv + THAT + S2 + [V(phủ định)]. Eg: 1, He behaves so badly that no one loves him. 2, Nam runs so slowly that he cannot win the race. 3- Dùng với Danh từ [N]. (Không dùng SUCH). S1 + [be/V]* + SO + [much/many/little + N] + THAT + S2 + [V(pđịnh)]*. Eg: 1, There is so much money that we cannot count it. 2, There are so many people that we cannot count them. 3, Ba had so little money that he couldn’t buy that house. 4- Dùng SUCH trong câu cảm thán => Không dùng SO. What + such + [a/an]* + Adj + N! Eg: 1, What such beautiful girls. 2, What such a beautiful girl. IV. BÀI TẬP: I. Chọn A,B,C hoặc D có đáp án đúng nhất. 1/ I was ............. terrified to move. A. enough B. very C. too D. so 2/ She was ........... a good dancer that she won the prize. A. so B. such C. too D. very 3/ He was not fast ........ to win the race. A. so B. too C.enough D. such 4/ Lan is ..... rich that she can travel anywhere she likes. A. so B.too C. very D. enough II. Hoàn thành các câu sau dùng SO hay SUCH?..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> 1. Charlie is ___________ a nice boy. 2. The sun was out and the birds were singing. It was __________ a beautiful day in May. 3. It's unbelievable. The movie is ___________ good. 4. It was ___________ ashamed that I couldn't come to Laura's party last night. 5. The ending of the film The Mission was ___________ sad that I couldn't help crying. 6. Try the cake. It's ___________ delicious. 7. I really want you to meet Andy. He's ___________ a funny guy. 8. My internet connection is ___________ slow. 9. The La Latina part of Madrid is ___________ exciting. You should go there. 10. That restaurant makes ___________ good pizza. You should go there. 11. Thailand is ___________ a beautiful country. 12. The Thais are _________ polite. 13. The summer of 2003 in Spain was ___________ hot. I mean really terrible. 14. Petrol and car insurance are _______ expensive that you are better off using public transport. 15. She talks ___________ much. 16. There were ___________ many people at the concert that we couldn't get seats. 17. I met ___________ many nice people in Had Yai in southern Thailand III. Viết lại các câu sau nghĩa không đổi. 1 / Nam is such a lazy student that no one wants to help him.  Nam is so ....................................................................................................................... 2/ The journey was so long that all of them got tired.  It was such....................................................................................................................... 3/ The man spoke too fast for us to understand.  The man spoke so........................................................................................................... 4/ They ran too fast, so we couldn't catch them.  They ran so ..................................................................................................................... 5/ He couldn't move the piano because it was too heavy.  The piano was so.............................................................................................................. 6/ It is too cold, so we can't go out.  It is so............................................................................................................................. 7/ He is too poor to get married.  He is so............................................................................................................................  He is such........................................................................................................................ 8* The questions were too difficult for us to answer.  The questions were so.....................................................................................................  They were such................................................................................................................. Date of preparing: 8/10/2015 Date of teaching: 9/10/2015 UNIT 2- MAKING ARRANGEMENTS. I. KIẾN THỨC TRỌNG TÂM: - [BE] GOING TO II. NỘI DUNG: [BE] GOING TO (= sắp/sẽ/dự định làm gì). I. Cấu tạo:. + Khẳng định: S + [is/ am/ are] + going to + V-infinitive. Eg: - There’s a good movie on TV. I am going to see it tonight. - Nam/He is going to write a letter tonight.. + Phủ đinh:. S + [is/ am/ are] + NOT + going to + V-infinitive. Eg: - I am not going to see the movie. - They aren’t going to build a new bridge here nex month.. + Câu hỏi:. [Are/Is] + S + going to + V-infinitive? Eg: - Are you going to see the movie tonight? - What is Nam going to do tonight? II. Cách dùng: Dùng để: 1- Diễn tả một kế hoạch/ dự định/ sự sắp xếp sẽ làm trong tương lai. Eg: I am saving money . I am going to buy a new laptop. 2- Diễn tả một dự đoán về một sự việc sẽ xãy ra (Dựa vào thực tế hiện tại) Eg: There are many dark clouds on the sky. It is going to rain. III. Các lưu ý: 1- Ta có thể dùng Thì Hiện tại tiếp diễn để thay thế cấu trúc [BE] GOING TO (đặc biệt với các động từ chỉ sự di chuyển [go/ come/ arrive/ travel/ move/ leave/…]) Eg: 1- Ba is going fishing tomorrow (= Ba is going to go fishing tomorrow). 2- We are leaving next week (= We are going to leave next week) 2- Phân biệt WILL và [BE] GOING TO: WILL + V-infinitive [BE] GOING TO + V-infinitive - Diễn tả hành động sẽ xãy ra mang hàm ý - Diễn tả kế hoạch/ dự định/ sự sắp xếp chung chung, hoặc một quyết định vừa sẽ làm trong tương lai.(đã có sự chuẩn được thành lập ngay khi nói. (chưa có kế bị, sắp xếp trước đó). hoạch/dự định hay sắp xếp trước đó). Eg: - I have bought the ticket. I am Eg - It is too hot. I will go swimming. going see a movie. - I will be 35 on my next birthday - I am going to have a party on my next birthday. - Diễn tả sự suy đoán của cá nhân: - Diễn tả sự suy luận, tiên đoán dựa + I think/promise/hope/believe/expect … trên chứng cứ hiện tại: + I’m sure/certain/…. Eg: Look at those black clouds. It is Eg: - I think (that) it will rain tomorrow. going to rain. - I’m sure (that) you will be angry… IV. BÀI TẬP: I. Put the verbs into correct forms, using “be+ going to” 1, People........................................(present) a lot of gifts to children next Christmas Eve. 2, ................Mr. Hung...................................(see) the news tonight? 3, They.......................(choose) the buffulo to be logo of the next Sea Games in Viet Nam. 4, People............................(not send) me to join a course abroad next year. 5, I..................................(not devote) him to be the leader. 6, ..................your parents................................(send) you money next week? 7, Where..............you and your family........................(spend) your next summer vacation? 8, The company...........................(not do) that project again. II. Write sentences to say what the people going to do Eg: Nga has a movie ticket. => Nga is going to sê a movie..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> 1- Quang and Nam bought new fishing rods yesterday. => ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2- Trang’s mother gave her a new novel this morning and she has no homework today => ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3- Van has a lot of homework in Math and she is going to have Math at school tomorrow. => ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4- Mr Hoang likes action movies very much and there is an interesting action movie on TV tonight. => ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5- Hien’s friend invited her to his birthday party. => ………………………………………………………………………………………….. III. Put the verbs ito correct forms, using “Will....” or “be+ going to.......”: 1, Nam, ..................you.........................(be) free tonight? 2, She..........................................(have) a baby. 3, OK.I know what you..........................................(say). 4, A blind man is walking towards and there’s a big hole in front of him. He.........................................(fall) into the hole. 5, I believe he.............................................(not come) 6, If you ever go to India, you....................................(see) many interesting things there. 7, If we go to India, we...............................................(see) many interesting things there. 8, We have a lot of homework to do tomorrow. We............................................(stay) home and................................(do)* our homework. 9, On my next vacation, I..............................................(have) a picinic for two days in the mountain, so I..........................................(take) some food and clothes. 10, Well, I’m not sure. I think we..................(stay) home and..............(do)* our homework. Date of preparing: 15/10/2015 Date of teaching: 16/10/2015. UNIT 3- AT HOME. I. KIẾN THỨC TRỌNG TÂM: - MUST/ HAVE TO/ OUGHT TO - WHY? – BECAUSE - Reflexive Pronouns. II. NỘI DUNG: A- NỘI DUNG 1- MUST/ HAVE TO/ OUGHT TO. I. HAVE TO (= phải/ cần phải….): * Diễn tả bổn phận/ nghĩa vụ/sự cần thiết phải làm do tình huống khách quan đem lại. * Theo sau [HAVE TO] luôn là Động từ nguyên mẫu [V-infinitive]. * [HAVE TO] có thể được chia ở nhiều thì khác nhau. Ở Phủ định và Câu hỏi ta phải mượn Trợ động từ [do/does/did/will/…]* thích hợp ở các thì. * Cấu trúc: + Khẳng định: S + [HAVE TO]* + V-infinitive.. Eg: 1- We have to do our homework everyday. 2- Nam has to cook dinner himself. 3- Yesterday, they had to help their mom on the farm. 4- We will have to finish our homework tomorrow. + Phủ định: S + [Trợ từ + NOT] + HAVE TO + V-infinitive. Eg: 1- We don’t/ Nam doesn’t have to go to school on Sunday. 2- Yesterday, they didn’t have to help their mom on the farm. 3- We won’t have to finish our homework tomorrow.. + Câu hỏi:. [Trợ từ] + S + HAVE TO + V-infinitive? Eg: 1- Do you have to cook yourself ? 2- Did they have to help their mom on the farm yesterday? 3- Will you have to finish your homework tomorrow? II. MUST/ OUGHT TO 1- MUST (= phải….): Diễn tả một qui định/ sự bắt buộc phải làm. (hoặc có thể là một yêu cầu/ mệnh lệnh từ người nói). 2- OUGHT TO (= phải nên…..): Mang hàm ý lời khuyên. * Sau MUST/ OUGHT TO luôn là một Động từ nguyên mẫu [V-infinitive]. * Ở Phủ định, ta thêm NOT sau MUST/ OUGHT. Câu hỏi, ta đặt MUST/ OUGHT lên trước Chủ ngữ [S]. Cụ thể:. + Khẳng định:. S + MUST/ OUGHT TO + V-infinitive. + Phủ định: S + mustn’t/ oughtn’t to + V-infinitive. + Câu hỏi: MUST/ OUGHT + S + (TO) + V-infinitive ? III- Các lưu ý: (1)- MUST/ OUGHT TO thường được dùng ở Thì Hiện tại đơn, các thì còn lại ta phải dùng HAVE TO để thay thế. Eg: You must stay in bed because of sickness. Yesterday, I had to stay in bed because of sickness. Tomorrow, you will have to stay in bed because of sickness. (2)- MUST mang hàm ý bắt buộc. MUSTN’T mang hàm ý cấm đoán. Eg: You must obey our laws. You mustn’t fish in thiis lake. IV- BÀI TẬP: I. Put the verbs in brackets into correct form. 1, Sorry. I (must/ go)..........................now. See you soon. 2, The sign says: “You(must/ not fish)...........................................here”. 3, Nam(ought to/ do)......................................................your homework everyday. 4, ......................Nam (have to/ work)................................................hard all day? 5, They (not have to/ do).......................................................that project any more. 6, .....................your father (have to/ work)........................................hard yesterday? 7, Yesterday, he (not have to/ clean)..........................................................the house. He (have to/ look)................................................after his brother. 8, You (must not/ use) …………………………..this machine after 5.30 pm. 9, …………you (must wash)………………………. this dress in cold water? 10, Students (ought not/be) ………………………………...lazily..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> II. Complete the sentences, use MUST/ OUGHT TO or HAVE TO. 1. Tell him he ..................... go at once! 2. You …………………. keep all chemicals and drugs out of children reach. 3. We ………………… work hard at school to please our parents 4. You ……………………cover electrical sockets 5. Hoa’s room is very dirty. She ……………………. clear it 6. My sister is in danger. I ……………………. help her 7. What …………………… I do now? My mother doesn’t let me go. 8. You ……………………….. keep silent while your father is talking 9. I …………………….. give him some money. He’s in need of help 10. I am sleepy. I …………………….. go to bed early 11. My son ……………………… go to school on Sundays 12. I think we ……………………….. pay in advance. 13. It’s raining. We ………………………….. cover our new car 14. This is a great film. I ………………….. see it. 15. The fridge is not very clean. My boss will come back very soon. I ……………… clean it now. III. Complete the sentences with the correct form of MUST or HAVE TO and a verb given. wear(2) get up take (2) leave call help get go 1. You ................................... me with my homework. I can’t do it by myself 2. The doctor gave me some pills. I ........................................... them 3 times a day 3. Thanks for a great evening! We ........................................... now or we’ll miss our bus. 4. Harry’s unemployed. He ............................................. a job as soon as possible. 5. Last night Don suddenly became ill. We ........................................ the doctor. 6. I’m going to bed now. I ................................................... early tomorrow morning. 7. We couldn’t repair the car ourselves. We ................................................... it to a garage. 8. Oh! It’s late. I ………………………… home now. 9. Children in Britain . . . . . . . . . . . . . .uniform when they go to school. 10. Many boys and girls in my school . . . . . . . . . . . . . . glasses because they are shortsighted. IV. Write the second sentences, using OUGHT TO and the words given: 1. It’s past the children’s bedtime. (they/be/in bed) => ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. These windows are dirty. (you/ clean/ more often) => ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. Peter drives too fast. (he/ drive/ more carefully) => ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4. The hotel is too expensive (we/ not stay/ there). => ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5. He owes you a lot of money (you/not lend him/ any more) => ………………………………………………………………………………………….. V. Give advice with OUGHT TO or OUGHT NOT TO. 1. Minh looks very tired. (go to bed late) => ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2.My parents are going to visit France. (learn a few French words) => ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. It’s eight o’clock. Helen is still sleeping. (get up earlier) => …………………………………………………………………………………………... 4.There is traffic jam and the people are rushing forward. (drive like that) => ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5. Nam is going to have final exam tomorrow morning. He is playing computer games now. (play computer games – learn the lessons) => ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6.The speed limit is 30 mph, but Catherine is driving 50 mph. (drive so fast) => ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7. The street is too narrow. It’s always full of vehicles. (they/ widen this street) => ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8. I’m bored. I need a change. (go away for a few days) => ………………………………………………………………………………………….. VI. Choose the best answer. 1. I’m afraid I can’t come tomorrow. I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . late to finish my project. (work/ have worked/ have to work/ had to work) 2. You really . . . . . . . . . . . . . . harder and harder for the coming examinations. (must/ ought to/ must to study/ ought to study) 3. What was wrong with you? Why .................................................. go to hospital? (had you to; did you have to; must you; did you must) 4. You will ................................... cook dinner yourself. ( ought to; must; should; have to) 5. We ought ....................................... the wardrobe in the corner opposite the bed. ( put; puts; to put; putting) VII. Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in Standard English. 1. Does he must help his mother with housework? A B C D 2. You don’t ought to do that. I will do that for you A B C D 3. She doesn’t must go home now A B C D 4. We must to work hard to please our parents A B C D 5. Why shouldn’t we to give them a hand? A B C 6. Mom, I must have to prepare for my lesson soon A B C B- NỘI DUNG 2- WHY? - BECAUSE. * WHY? (= Vì sao?/ Tại sao?): Dùng để hỏi về nguyên nhân, lí do của một kết quả nào đó. Khi trả lời, ta dùng BECAUSE + mệnh đề chỉ lí do. Eg: 1- A: Why were you late yesterday? B: (I’m sorry). Because I got up late. 2- A: Why do you have to cook dinner yourself? B: Because my mother often comes home late. * Ngoài ra, BECAUSE còn có thể được dùng để kết nối cặp mệnh đề mang tính nhân-quả. (Theo sau BECAUSE luôn là mệnh đề chỉ nguyên nhân). Eg: Because Nga didn’t work hard, she got bad grades. = Nga she got bad grades because she didn’t work hard. * BÀI TẬP: I. Match the question in A with the appropriate answer in B. A B.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> 1, Why is Nam absent today? a- Because he didn’t try hard to study. 2, Why does Miss. Huong want to be a b- Because she loves children. teacher? c- Because she spends much time 3, Why did Lan get good marks? practicing it everyday. 4, Why did Mr.Long get upset? d- Because he is ill. 5, Why couldn’t Hai answer all the questions? e- Because she tried hard to study. 6, Why can Hoa speak English fluently? f- Because he has a lot of work to do 7, Why does Mr.Hung have to get up so today. early? g- Because he failed his exams. 1234567II. Viết câu hỏi cho các phần gạch chân sau: 0- Lan wants to go to the beach because the weather is very fine today. => Why does Lan want to go to the beach? 1- They look happy because they have just won the prize. => Why…………………………………………………………………………………….. 2- Yesterday Ba had a bad cold because he ran under the rain. => Why…………………………………………………………………………………….. 3- We will try hard because we will have an important test tomorrow. => Why…………………………………………………………………………………….. 4- Because he has a lot of work to do tomorrow, he must get up early. => Why…………………………………………………………………………………….. 5* My father has a business meeting, so he has to finish work earlier. => Why…………………………………………………………………………………….. III. Kết nối các cặp câu sau dùng BECAUSE: 0- Lan wants to be a doctor. She tries to study well. => Because Lan wants to be a doctor, she tries to study well. (= Lan tries to study well because she wants to be a doctor.) 1- I’m trying to study hard. I want to be a teacher in the future. => ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2- My mother feels tired. She has to work hard all day. => ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3- I forgot my umbrella. I got wet. => ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4- Nam didn’t do his homework. He was punished by his father. => ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5* I haven’t eaten all day, so I feel hungry. => ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6* She came home late last night, so her parents got very angry. => ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7, Marry was too old, so she couldn’t get married again. => ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8, The weather is so fine. We want to go to the beach. => ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9, We missed the train. We came late. => ………………………………………………………………………………………….. C- NỘI DUNG 3- REFLAXIVE PRONOUNS. [ĐẠI TỪ NHẤN MẠNH]. I. Cấu tạo:Tương đương với các Đại từ xưng hô, ta có các. đại từ nhấn mạnh.. Đại từ xưng hô. Đại từ nhấn mạnh. I She (Lan/Nga/mother/…) He (Nam/ Ba/ father/…) It (the dog/ the cat/…..) You We They (Lan and Nga/ the doctors/ father and mother/…). Số ít => myself => herself => himself => itself => yourself. Số nhiều. => yourselves => ourselves = themselves.. Eg: - I cut myself. - Lan often looks at herself in the mirror. - You must do homework by yourself/yourselves*. II. Vị trí và cách dùng: 1- Dùng để nhấn mạnh: a- Đứng liền sau Chủ từ [S]. Eg: - This boy himself watered the trees - Mary herself cleaned the floor. - You yourself do that, don’t you? b- Đứng sau Động từ [V] hoặc Tân ngữ [O] của động từ. Eg: - I study English myself - Ba has to cook (dinner) himself c- Đứng sau [by] để diễn tả hàm ý tự mình, một mình (Không ai giúp). Eg: - A: Did your mother help you with your homework? B: No. I did it by myself. * Lưu ý: Ta có thể dùng [on + one’s own] để diễn tả hàm ý tự mình, một mình . Eg: - No one helped him repair the bicycle. => He repaired the bicycle by himself. = He repaired the bicycle on his own. 2- Dùng mang hàm ý phản thân: Khi hành động tác động trở lại chính người thực hiện hành động. a- Đứng liền sau động từ và làm Tân ngữ cho động từ đó. Eg: Be careful ! You will cut yourself . b- Đứng sau giới từ và làm Tân ngữ cho giới từ. Eg: - Look. The dog can look at herself (itself)* in the mirror. - The rich usually think of themselves. III. BÀI TẬP: I. Fill-in the gaps with: [myself/ ourselves/ youself/ yourselves/ herself/ himself/ themselves/ itself]. 1.We can protect...................................... from the rain with an umbrella. 2.Both boys and girls taught.................................................to swim. 3.The children amuse..........................................with the kitten 4.You will cut...........................................with that knife if you are not careful. 5.She likes to look at....................................in the mirror. 6.The boy is not old enough to get dressed.................................... II. Complete the sentences with the correct replexive pronoun. 1. I can do that test by …………………….. 2. Be careful! Don’t hurt ……………………….. 3. He usually makes tables and chairs ………………………. 4. They sometimes paint …………………… in small pictures..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> 5. Mary ………………………. cooks our dinner every day. 6. My dog can look at ……………………. in the mirror. 7. We can’t teach …………………………. to drive. 8. Tom and Peter, can you …………………………. clean your rooms? 9. Bill, look at …………….. ! Why are you so dirty? 10. We enjoyed ………………………. at the party last night. III. L.Focus 3. P. 35-3 Date of preparing: 22/10/2015 Date of teaching: 23/10/2015 UNIT 4- OUR PAST. I. KIẾN THỨC TRỌNG TÂM: - USED TO and [BE] USED TO - Prepositions of time. II. NỘI DUNG: A- NỘI DUNG 1- USED TO. [= vẫn thường….]. * Dùng để diễn tả * Cách dùng “USED TO”: = thường, vẫn thường. * Usages: Diễn tả một thói quen(hoặc sự việc vẫn thường tồn tại lâu dài) ở Quá khứ. (Nay không còn nữa/đã thay đổi). * Eg: - We used to go to school in the afternoon last year. - Lan used to walk past the mosque on her way to primary school. - There used to be a small bridge crossing the river in my village. (But now there isn’t)*. * Structure: (+) Affirmative:(Khẳng định): S + used to + V-infinitive +......... (- ) Negative: (Phủ định) S + didn’t + use to + V-infinitive + ......... (?) Interrogative: (Câu hỏi): Did + S + use to + V-infinitive ...? (Wh-) + did + S + use to + V-infinitive ...? * Sau “used to” luôn là động từ nguyên mẫu (V-infinitive) * Exercises: I. Rewrite sentences, using “used to”: 1, Nam studied hard last year. =>......................................................................................................................................... 2, They often went swimming together ten years ago. =>......................................................................................................................................... 3, My parents usually gave me presents when I was a child. =>......................................................................................................................................... 4, Nam was short last year. =>......................................................................................................................................... 5, Were there some small trees behind your house in the past? - No. There weren’t any trees be hind my house then. =>......................................................................................................................................... =>......................................................................................................................................... 6, I didn’t get up early when I was in Hue> =>......................................................................................................................................... 7, Did Hoa make dress herself? =>......................................................................................................................................... 8, What did you usually do together then? =>........................................................................................................................................... 9, He was vey shy last year. (But now he isn’t.) =>.......................................................................................................................................... 10, He wasn’t very shy last year. (But now he is.) =>.......................................................................................................................................... * Phân biệt “USED TO” và “(Be/Become/Get) + USED TO” “USED TO” “BE/ BECOME/GET USED TO” Used to + V-infinitive* (Be/Become/Get)* + used to + Noun* V-ing* * - Lan used to walk to school alone. -Lan is/gets used to walking to school alon - We were/ got/ became used to the noise in this - There used to be a lot of noise in this city. * Ghi nhớ: - Sau “Used to : (Used to+V-infinitive) - Sau “(Be/Get/ Become) + ving*). - *Used to + V-infinitive*: *(Be/Become/Get)* + used to +.... Eg: 1, Is she used to walking to school alone? - Yes. She is used to walking alone. - No. She is not used to walking alone 2, Did you get used to getting up early? - Yes. I got used to getting up early. - No. I didn’t get used to getting up early. ................................................ * Exercises: Choose the correct answer: “V-infinitive” or “V-ing” 1, They used to (go/ going) to Da Lat in summer. 2, We used to (play/ playing) soccer in the park last year. 3, I am used to (get/ getting) up early in the morning. 4, Tam becomes used to (do/ doing) his homework at night. 5, Did you use to (go/ going) jogging along the street in the morning? 6, Are you used to (go/going) jogging along the street in the morning? 7, Did you get used to (go/ going) jogging along the street in the morning last year? 8, My father didn’t use to (come/ coming) home late. 9, My father wasn’t used to (come/ coming) home late. 10, Lan isn’t used to (stay/staying) alone at night. b). “USED TO”: = thường, vẫn thường. * Usages: Diễn tả một thói quen(hoặc sự việc vẫn thường tồn tại lâu dài) ở Quá khứ. (Nay không còn nữa/đã thay đổi). * Eg: - We used to go to school in the afternoon last year. - Lan used to walk past the mosque on her way to primary school. - There used to be a small bridge crossing the river in my village. (But now there isn’t)*. * Structure: (+) Affirmative:(Khẳng định): S + used to + V-infinitive +......... (- ) Negative: (Phủ định) S + didn’t + use to + V-infinitive + ......... (?) Interrogative: (Câu hỏi): Did + S + use to + V-infinitive ...? (Wh-) + did + S + use to + V-infinitive ...? * Exercises: I. Rewrite sentences, using “used to”: 1, Nam studied hard last year. =>......................................................................................................................................... 2, They often went swimming together ten years ago. =>..........................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> 3, My parents usually gave me presents when I was a child. =>......................................................................................................................................... 4, Nam was short last year. =>......................................................................................................................................... 5, Were there some small trees behind your house in the past? - No. There weren’t any trees be hind my house then. =>......................................................................................................................................... =>........................................................................................................................... 6, I didn’t get up early when I was in Hue> =>......................................................................................................................................... 7, Did Hoa make dress herself? =>......................................................................................................................................... 8, What did you usually do together then? =>.......................................................................................................................................... 9, He was vey shy last year. (But now he isn’t.) =>.......................................................................................................................................... 10, He wasn’t very shy last year. (But now he is.) =>.......................................................................................................................................... * New words: - shy /ʃai/ (adj): e thẹn, nhút nhát, hay mắc cở, * Note: Phân biệt “USED TO” và “(Be/Become/Get) + USED TO” “USED TO” “BE/ BECOME/GET USED TO” Used to + V-infinitive* (Be/Become/Get)* + used to + Noun* V-ing* * Diễn tả thói quen ở Quá khứ. * Diễn tả tình trạng/sự quen với cái gì/việc gì đó - Lan used to walk to school alone. -Lan is/gets used to walking to school alone. (Lan vẫn thường đi bộ tới trường) (Lan quen với việc đi bộ tới trường) - There used to be a lot of noise in - We were/ got/ became used to the noise in this this city. (Vẫn thường có nhiều tiếng city. (Chúng tôi đã quen với sự ồn ào ở thành phố ồn ở thành phố này ) này). * Ghi nhớ: - Sau “Used to ” luôn là một Động từ nguyên mẫu: (Used to+V-infinitive) - Sau “(Be/Get/ Become) + Used to ” luôn là một Danh từ: (Noun*) hoặc Động danh từ: (V-ing*). - *Used to + V-infinitive*: Chỉ chia ở Thì Quá Khứ đơn. *(Be/Become/Get)* + used to +......: được chia ở tất cả các thì . Ở phủ định và Câu hỏi phải theo qui tắc của thì nó sử dụng. Eg: 1, Is she used to walking to school alone? - Yes. She is used to walking alone. - No. She is not used to walking alone 2, Did you get used to getting up early? - Yes. I got used to getting up early. - No. I didn’t get used to getting up early. ................................................ * Exercises: Choose the correct answer: “V-infinitive” or “V-ing” 1, They used to (go/ going) to Da Lat in summer. 2, We used to (play/ playing) soccer in the park last year. 3, I am used to (get/ getting) up early in the morning. 4, Tam becomes used to (do/ doing) his homework at night. 5, Did you use to (go/ going) jogging along the street in the morning? 6, Are you used to (go/going) jogging along the street in the morning?. 7, Did you get used to (go/ going) jogging along the street in the morning last year? 8, My father didn’t use to (come/ coming) home late. 9, My father wasn’t used to (come/ coming) home late. 10, Lan isn’t used to (stay/staying) alone at night. II. Choose the correct answer: “used to” or “Be/ Get/Become used to” 1, (Did they use to/Did they get used to) watch TV together after dinner? 2, (Did they use to/Did they get used to) watching TV together after dinner? 3, (Is she used to/ Did she use to) play badminton together? 4, (Is she used to/ Did she use to) playing badminton together? 5, She (is used to/ used to) go swimming in the afternoon. 6, Lan (gets used to/ used to) writing to Maryam once a week 7, Last year, he (was used to/ used to) breaking into her house at night. 8, Last year, he (was used to/ used to) break into her house at night 9, My son (isn’t used to/ didn’t use to) go out with friends. 10, My father (isn’t used to/ didn’t use to) drinking tea in the morning. III. Put the verbs into correct form 1, Does your father get used to................................(drink) coffee in the morning? 2, Is your father used to..........................................(drink) coffee in the morning? 3 Did your father used to ........................................(drink) coffee in the morning? 4, Did your father get used to .................................(drink) coffee in the morning? 5, Was he used to.....................................................(be) sick last year? 6, Did he used to......................................................(be) sick last year? 7, I am not used to...................................................(work) at night. 8, They used to........................................................(make) noise in class. 9, He used to...........................................................(be) punished by his teacher. 10, He had become used to.................................... (be) punished by his teacher * New words: - sick /sik/(adj): đau, ốm => (be) sick: bị ốm - noise /nɔi:z/ (n): tiếng ồn; sự ồn ào => noisy /’nɔi:zi/(adj): ồn ào => make noise /meik nɔi:z/(v):làm ồn; gây ồn ào - punish /’pʌniʃ/(v): phạt; trừng phạt, trừng trị. => (be) punish: bị trừng phạt IV. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D): 1, Hoa is becoming used to.................English with everyone. A- speak B- spoke C- spoken D- speaking 2, Hoa used to.................English with everyone when she was abroad. A- speak B- spoke C- spoken D- speaking 3, Lan........................ practise piano after school. A- uses to B- used to C- is used to D- use to 4, She........................having someone do her housework. A- uses to B- used to C- is used to D- used for 5, I............................ sitting alone at night. A- am not used to B- am not use to C- didn’t use to D- don’t use to 6, My son..................eat too much candy when he was little. A- is not used to B- didn’t used to C- didn’t use to D- doesn’t use to 7, My mother didn’t...............drink tea without sugar. A- used for B- used with C- use to D- used to.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> 8, My mother isn’t...............drinking tea without sugar. A- used for B- used with C- use to D- used to 9, Did Nam.......................... along that street last year? A- used to walk B- use to walk C- used to walking D- use to walking. 10, Does Nam....................... along that street evey evening? A- used to walk B- get used to walk C- get used to walking D- get use to walking. V. Change the following sentences into Nigative (-) and Interrogative (?): 1, We used to meet and talk to each other evey morning last year. =>......................................................................................................................................... =>........................................................................................................................................? 2, They are used to meeting and talking to each other evey morning. =>......................................................................................................................................... =>........................................................................................................................................? 3, She used to sit alone and think of everything about her life here. =>......................................................................................................................................... =>........................................................................................................................................? 4, She gets used to sitting alone and thinking of everything about her life here. =>......................................................................................................................................... =>........................................................................................................................................? 5, My mother used to do all the housework when she was alive. =>......................................................................................................................................... =>........................................................................................................................................? 6, My mother was used to doing all the housework when she was alive. =>......................................................................................................................................... =>........................................................................................................................................? 7, My mother got used to doing all the housework when she was alive. =>......................................................................................................................................... =>........................................................................................................................................? 8, She used to live with a fiendish husband. =>......................................................................................................................................... =>........................................................................................................................................? 9, She has got used to living with a fiendish husband. =>......................................................................................................................................... =>........................................................................................................................................? 10, She is going to become used to living with a fiendish husband. =>......................................................................................................................................... =>........................................................................................................................................? * New words: - alive /ə’laiv/(adj): còn sống - fiendish /’fi:ndiʃ/(adj): độc ác, tàn bạo, vũ phu, * Cách dùng “USED TO”: = thường, vẫn thường. * Usages: Diễn tả một thói quen(hoặc sự việc vẫn thường tồn tại lâu dài) ở Quá khứ. (Nay không còn nữa/đã thay đổi). * Eg: - We used to go to school in the afternoon last year. - Lan used to walk past the mosque on her way to primary school. - There used to be a small bridge crossing the river in my village. (But now there isn’t)*. * Structure: (+) Affirmative:(Khẳng định): S + used to + V-infinitive +.......... (- ) Negative: (Phủ định) S + didn’t + use to + V-infinitive + ......... (?) Interrogative: (Câu hỏi): Did + S + use to + V-infinitive ...? (Wh-) + did + S + use to + V-infinitive ...? * Sau “used to” luôn là động từ nguyên mẫu (V-infinitive) * Exercises: I. Rewrite sentences, using “used to”: 1, Nam studied hard last year. =>......................................................................................................................................... 2, They often went swimming together ten years ago. =>......................................................................................................................................... 3, My parents usually gave me presents when I was a child. =>......................................................................................................................................... 4, Nam was short last year. =>......................................................................................................................................... 5, Were there some small trees behind your house in the past? - No. There weren’t any trees be hind my house then. =>......................................................................................................................................... =>......................................................................................................................................... 6, I didn’t get up early when I was in Hue> =>......................................................................................................................................... 7, Did Hoa make dress herself? =>......................................................................................................................................... 8, What did you usually do together then? =>.......................................................................................................................................... 9, He was vey shy last year. (But now he isn’t.) =>.......................................................................................................................................... 10, He wasn’t very shy last year. (But now he is.) =>.......................................................................................................................................... * Phân biệt “USED TO” và “(Be/Become/Get) + USED TO” “USED TO” “BE/ BECOME/GET USED TO” Used to + V-infinitive* (Be/Become/Get)* + used to + Noun* V-ing* * Diễn tả thói quen ở Quá khứ. * Diễn tả tình trạng/sự quen với cái gì/việc gì đó - Lan used to walk to school alone. -Lan is/gets used to walking to school alone. (Lan vẫn thường đi bộ tới trường) (Lan quen với việc đi bộ tới trường) - There used to be a lot of noise in - We were/ got/ became used to the noise in this this city. (Vẫn thường có nhiều tiếng city. (Chúng tôi đã quen với sự ồn ào ở thành phố ồn ở thành phố này ) này). * Ghi nhớ: - Sau “Used to ” luôn là một Động từ nguyên mẫu: (Used to+V-infinitive) - Sau “(Be/Get/ Become) + Used to ” luôn là một Danh từ: (Noun*) hoặc Động danh từ: (V-ing*). - *Used to + V-infinitive*: Chỉ chia ở Thì Quá Khứ đơn. *(Be/Become/Get)* + used to +......: được chia ở tất cả các thì . Ở phủ định và Câu hỏi phải theo qui tắc của thì nó sử dụng. Eg: 1, Is she used to walking to school alone? - Yes. She is used to walking alone. - No. She is not used to walking alone.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> 2, Did you get used to getting up early?. - Yes. I got used to getting up early. - No. I didn’t get used to getting up early.. ................................................. Date of preparing: Date of teaching:. * Exercises: Choose the correct answer: “V-infinitive” or “V-ing” 1, They used to (go/ going) to Da Lat in summer. 2, We used to (play/ playing) soccer in the park last year. 3, I am used to (get/ getting) up early in the morning. 4, Tam becomes used to (do/ doing) his homework at night. 5, Did you use to (go/ going) jogging along the street in the morning? 6, Are you used to (go/going) jogging along the street in the morning? 7, Did you get used to (go/ going) jogging along the street in the morning last year? 8, My father didn’t use to (come/ coming) home late. 9, My father wasn’t used to (come/ coming) home late. 10, Lan isn’t used to (stay/staying) alone at night. III. Choose the correct answer: “used to” or “Be/ Get/Become used to” 1, (Did they use to/Did they get used to) watch TV together after dinner? 2, (Did they use to/Did they get used to) watching TV together after dinner? 3, (Is she used to/ Did she use to) play badminton together? 4, (Is she used to/ Did she use to) playing badminton together? 5, She (is used to/ used to) go swimming in the afternoon. 6, Lan (gets used to/ used to) writing to Maryam once a week 7, Last year, he (was used to/ used to) breaking into her house at night. 8, Last year, he (was used to/ used to) break into her house at night 9, My son (isn’t used to/ didn’t use to) go out with friends. 10, My father (isn’t used to/ didn’t use to) drinking tea in the morning. IV. Put the verbs into correct form 1, Does your father get used to................................(drink) coffee in the morning? 2, Is your father used to..........................................(drink) coffee in the morning? 3 Did your father used to ........................................(drink) coffee in the morning? 4, Did your father get used to .................................(drink) coffee in the morning? 5, Was he used to.....................................................(be) sick last year? 6, Did he used to......................................................(be) sick last year? 7, I am not used to...................................................(work) at night. 8, They used to........................................................(make) noise in class. 9, He used to...........................................................(be) punished by his teacher. 10, He had become used to.................................... (be) punished by his teacher. V. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D): 1, Hoa is becoming used to.................English with everyone. A- speak B- spoke C- spoken D- speaking 2, Hoa used to.................English with everyone when she was abroad. A- speak B- spoke C- spoken D- speaking 3, Lan........................ practise piano after school. A- uses to B- used to C- is used to D- use to 4, She........................having someone do her housework. A- uses to B- used to C- is used to D- used for 5, I............................ sitting alone at night. A- am not used to B- am not use to C- didn’t use to D- don’t use to 6, My son..................eat too much candy when he was little. A- is not used to B- didn’t used to C- didn’t use to D- doesn’t use to 7, My mother didn’t...............drink tea without sugar. A- used for B- used with C- use to D- used to 8, My mother isn’t...............drinking tea without sugar. A- used for B- used with C- use to D- used to 9, Did Nam.......................... along that street last year? A- used to walk B- use to walk C- used to walking D- use to walking. 10, Does Nam....................... along that street evey evening? A- used to walk B- get used to walk C- get used to walking D- get use to walking.. Week 4: Used to & Preposition of time I. "used to" Ex: He used to smoke 20 cigarettes a day * S + used to + infinitive Ex: I used to play video game but now I don't II. Prepositions of time: AT/ IN/ON 1 AT : + Giờ Ex: at 5 am , At 6 o’clock * At noon : * At night : At sunrise/ dawn : At sunset/ : At breakfast/ lunch/ dinner 2. On: + Ngày Ex: On Sunday : On the Sunday morning : On February 8th 2000 : 3. In (Tháng, năm) Ex: In May.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> In 1989 * In the morning/ afternoon: I. Choose the best correct verbs 1. I’ll see you ____________ Sunday, April 1 2. We’ll arrive ________ 5 o’clock _________15 September 3. It often rain ___________ May 4. What do you usually do _____________ the weekend? 5. They often go out for dinner ____________ Sunday evening 6. They got married ____________ December 1996 7. I saw him _____________ 1998 8. Do you often give each others presents ____________ Christmas Day II. Complete these sentences with correct form of words 1. I was born ……... January 1st 1965 2. When did you meet him? At ………. lunch to day. 3. It often rains ………... October in Viet Nam. 4. What are you going to do ……….. 2009?. 5. I don’t know but I’m going to go to college ….... September this year. 6. Do you want to watch the sky …………. Sunset? 7. Sure and I’d like to walk ……… sunrise, too. 8. Well, let’s go for a walk ………... the weekends. 9. I don’t know what he’s doing ………….. this moment . 10. What did he do ……….. thi ninth of April, 2000? 3. Use “Used to” and “didn’t use to..” Ex: -travel/ donkey -> People used to travel on donkey 200 years ago. - not talk/ on the phone -> People didn’t use to talk on the phone 200 years ago. 1. believe in/ fairytales (chuyÖn thÇn tiªn) -> People used to believe in fairytales 200 years ago. 2. think/ the earth was flat -> People used to think the earth was flat 200 years ago.. 3. not go to work/ by car -> People didn’t use to go to work by car 200 years ago Ex1: Use Used to to describe the chages a/ She always get up early in the morning. b/There are many tall buildings in the city now c/ People are much richer these days d/ People take holidays abroad these days. e/ People don’t smoke a lot these days. f/ People do exercise regulary these days. Ex2 Wirte the questions. Use “Did you use to…..?” a/ In the past. I used to live in the countryside. b. Yes, I used to have lots of friends. c/ I used to go to the Vinh Loc School When I was 8. d/ I used to go to the beach on my summer holidays. e/ I used to plat tenis with my father last year. Week 5: CONSOLIDATION Excercises: I. Multiple choices: 1. Our grand-mum told us some __________ in the countryside (tales / stories / books / lamps) 2. Birds used __________ their eggs under that roof (to lie / to lay / laid / lying) 3. He tied the tiger to a tree with __________ (straw / wisdom / socket / rope) 4. The prince wanted to participate in the harvest _________ that year (field / village / fair / festival).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> 5. A fairy __________ and helped her at once. (fell / walked / appeared / tied) 6. When I was young, I often __________ the chicken (feed / fed / feeds / are feeding) 7. We must be at school _____ Monday. (in / at / on / with) 8. The man died ________ a broken heart ( of / for / to / on) 9. Our guest will come __________ 9 PM and 10 PM (between / at / on / in) - T calls Ss to do the exercise. - T remarks and corrects Keys: 1. Tales 2. To play 3. Rope 4. Festival 5. Appeared 6. Feed 7. on 8. Of 9. between II: Rewrite thsese sentences 1. We usually drove the car to the city when we worked there. We…………………………………………………… …….. 2. Our Dad is a hard runner. Our Dad…………………………………………………… ..________________________________________________ 3. Playing this game is quite easy. It's…………………………………………………… ……….. 4. We cannot go out today because we aren't well. . ……………………………………………………… ……….. 5. You shouldn't stay up late tonight. You. ought………………………………………………… ….. Keys 1.We used to drive the car to the city when we worked there. 2.Our dad runs hard 3.IT’s easy to play this game 4.We aren’t well enough to go out today. 5.You ought to stay up late tonight 2. Used to do sth - Be/ get used to doing sth * Used to do sth ( Thêng lµm g× trong qu¸ khø) Eg : - I used to play chess when I was at school. * Be / Get used to doing sth (Quen víi viÖc lµm g×) Eg : - I get / am used to getting up early now.. III. USED TO [Vẫn thường….] Khái niệm và những Lưu ý- Ví dụ minh họa - Chỉ được dùng ở Thì Quá khứ đơn nhằm điễn tả một thói quen ở Quá khứ (nay không còn nũa). Eg: Last year, we used to go swimming on that river. People used to live in small houses in the past. - Có thể thay thế cho các từ/ cụm từ chỉ sự thường xuyên [always/ usually/often/frequently/ generally/ every….] khi diễn tả thói quen ở Quá khứ. Eg: When I was a chiild, I often/usually went swimming alone. = When I was a chiild, I used to go swimming alone. * Phân biệt [USED TO] với [BE/GET/BECOME USED TO]. [USED TO] = vẫn thường… - Dùng để diễn tả một thói quen ở Quá khứ (nay không còn nữa). - Chỉ dùng ở Thì Quá khứ đơn. - Theo sau [used to] luôn là động từ nguyên mẫu [infi]. S + [used to] + V(infi) Eg: - Last year, I used to go to school by bike. - My gandmother used to live in a small house in the past.. C. (+) (-) (?). S + used to + V(infi) S + didn’t use to + V( Did + S + use to + V(i. - Dùng để diễn tả - Có thể dùng ở n - Theo sau [be/ g. Eg: - Now, I am/ - (In the past, * Bị động: Eg: I am used to. D- USED TO: = thường, vẫn thường. * Dùng để diễn tả một thói quen (hoặc sự việc vẫn thường tồn tại lâu dài) ở Quá khứ. (Nay không còn nữa/đã thay đổi)*. * Eg: - We used to go to school in the afternoon last year. - Lan used to walk past the mosque on her way to primary school..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> - There used to be a small bridge crossing the river in my village. I- Structure: (Cấu trúc): Khẳng định Phủ định Câu hỏi S + used to + V(-infi...) S + didn’t + use to did +S+use to+V(-infi...)? + V(-infi...) Wh- + did +S+use to+V(-infi..) ? * “used to” giống nhau ở tất cả các ngôi. * Sau “used to” luôn là một động từ nguyên mẫu: V(-infinitive) * Câu hỏi và Câu phủ định, ta thêm Trợ từ “did/didn’t”=> “use to-nguyên mẫu” II- Exercises: Rewrite sentences, using “used to”: 1, Nam studied hard last year. =>............................................................................................................................... 2, They often went swimming together ten years ago. =>............................................................................................................................... 3, My parents usually gave me presents when I was a child. =>............................................................................................................................... 4, Nam was short last year. =>............................................................................................................................... 5, Were there some small trees behind your house in the past? - No. There weren’t any trees be hind my house then. =>............................................................................................................................... =>............................................................................................................................... 6, I didn’t get up early when I was in Hue> =>............................................................................................................................... 7, Did Hoa make dress herself? =>............................................................................................................................... 8, What did you usually do together then? =>............................................................................................................................... 9, He was vey shy last year. (But now he isn’t.) =>............................................................................................................................... 10, He wasn’t very shy last year. (But now he is.) =>............................................................................................................................... III-Phân biệt “USED TO” và “(BE/BECOME/GET)* + USED TO” USED TO used to + V(-infinitive)* * Diễn tả thói quen(hoặc sự việc vẫn thường tồn tại lâu dài) ở Quá khứ. Eg:. (BE/BECOME/GET)* + USED TO Noun* (be/become/get)* + used to + V-ing* * Diễn tả tình trạng/sự quen với cái gì/việc gì đó. (ở cả Hiện tại, Quá khứ, Tương lai,....) Eg:. - Lan used to walk to school alone. (Lan vẫn thường đi bộ tới. - Lan is/gets used to walking to school alone. (Lan quen với việc đi bộ tới trường một. trường một mình).. mình).. - There used to be a lot of noise in this city. (Vẫn thường có nhiều. - We were/ got/ became used to the noise in this city. (Chúng tôi đã quen với sự ồn ào ở. tiếng ồn ở thành phố này – Bây giờ rất yên tĩnh).. thành phố này).. * Ghi nhớ: - sau “used to” luôn là động từ nguyên mẫu: V(-infinitive). - “used to” chỉ được dùng ở Thì Quá khứ đơn. Sang Phủ định và Câu hỏi phải mượn trợ từ “did/didn’t”, đồng thời “use to” về nguyên mẫu. Eg: - I used to get up late last year. - I didn’t use to get up late. - Did you use to get up late?. - sau “(be/become/get)* + used to” có thể là một danh từ (Noun) hoặc một động từ nguyên mẫu thêm “-ING” (V-ing). - “(be/become/get)* + used to” có thể dùng ở nhiều thì khác nhau => ở Phủ định và Câu hỏi phải theo qui tắc thì mà nó sử dụng. “used to” vẫn giữ nguyên dạng thức. Eg: - I am used to getting up late. - I am not used to getting up late. - Do you get used to getting up late? - Is Lan used to walking to school alone? - Did you get used to getting up early? - Yes. I got used to getting up early. - No. I didn’t get used to getting up early.. Date of preparing: Date of teaching. * Exercises: Choose the correct answer: “V-infinitive” or “V-ing” 1, They used to (go/ going) to Da Lat in summer. 2, We used to (play/ playing) soccer in the park last year. 3, I am used to (get/ getting) up early in the morning. 4, Tam becomes used to (do/ doing) his homework at night. 5, Did you use to (go/ going) jogging along the street in the morning? 6, Are you used to (go/going) jogging along the street in the morning?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> 7, Did you get used to (go/ going) jogging along the street in the morning last year?. A- uses to. B- used to. C- is used to. D- use to. 4, She........................having someone do her housework.. 8, My father didn’t use to (come/ coming) home late.. A- uses to. 9, My father wasn’t used to (come/ coming) home late.. B- used to. C- is used to. 5, I............................ sitting alone at night.. 10, Lan isn’t used to (stay/staying) alone at night.. A- am not used to. B- am not use to. III. Choose the correct answer: “used to” or “Be/ Get/Become used to”. C- didn’t use to. D- don’t use to. 1, (Did they use to/Did they get used to) watch TV together after dinner?. 6, My son..................eat too much candy when he was little.. 2, (Did they use to/Did they get used to) watching TV together after dinner?. A- is not used to. B- didn’t used to. 3, (Is she used to/ Did she use to) play badminton together?. C- didn’t use to. D- doesn’t use to. 4, (Is she used to/ Did she use to) playing badminton together?. 7, My mother didn’t...............drink tea without sugar.. 5, She (is used to/ used to) go swimming in the afternoon.. A- used for. 6, Lan (gets used to/ used to) writing to Maryam once a week. B- used with. C- use to. 8, Last year, he (was used to/ used to) break into her house at night. A- used for. B- used with. C- use to. A- used to walk. B- use to walk. 10, My father (isn’t used to/ didn’t use to) drinking tea in the morning.. C- used to walking. D- use to walking.. IV. Put the verbs into correct form. 10, Does Nam....................... along that street evey evening?. 1, Does your father get used to................................(drink) coffee in the morning?. A- used to walk. B- get used to walk. 2, Is your father used to..........................................(drink) coffee in the morning?. C- get used to walking. D- get use to walking.. 3 Did your father used to ........................................(drink) coffee in the morning?. *Bị động của “USED TO”. 4, Did your father get used to .................................(drink) coffee in the morning? 5, Was he used to.....................................................(be) sick last year? 6, Did he used to......................................................(be) sick last year? 7, I am not used to...................................................(work) at night. 8, They used to........................................................(make) noise in class. 9, He used to...........................................................(be) punished by his teacher. 10, He had become used to.................................... (be) punished by his teacher 1, Hoa is becoming used to.................English with everyone. C- spoken. D- speaking. 2, Hoa used to.................English with everyone when she was abroad. B- spoke. Chủ động + _ ?. S(1) + used to + V(infi...) + O(2) S(1) + didn’t use to + V(infi...) + O(2) Did + S(1) + use to + V(infi...) + O(2)?. C- spoken. 3, Lan........................ practise piano after school.. D- speaking. Bị động S(2) + used to be + V-ed/cột 3 + by +O(2) S(2) + didn’t use to be + V-ed/cột 3 + by +O(1) Did + S(2) + use to be + V-ed/cột 3 + by +O(1)?. * Bài tập ứng dụng: Chuyển các câu sau sang bị động. 66, Where did the treasure use to be hiden by the pirates in the old time? You. V. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D):. A- speak. D- used to. 9, Did Nam.......................... along that street last year?. 9, My son (isn’t used to/ didn’t use to) go out with friends.. B- spoke. D- used to. 8, My mother isn’t...............drinking tea without sugar.. 7, Last year, he (was used to/ used to) breaking into her house at night.. A- speak. D- used for. -. yourself/ yourselves you He They She It -. yourselves himself themselves herself itself.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> 1. Dai tu phan than dien ta hanh dong tro lai voi chinh nguoi thuc hien a. Dung lam tan ngu ( Objects ) Ex: His little son can wash himself  Tan ngu cua gioi tu  b. Dai tu lam mach nghia * Dung ngay sau chu tu can nhan manh Ex : c. By + reflexive pronoun : co nghia * Tu lam Tom always does the homwork by himself Lan made this dress by herself * mot minh : Most of the old people in Viet Nam live by themselves. -________________________________________________. Date of preparing: Date of teaching:. Modals (§éng tõ khuyÕt thiÕu) I/ Can 1. Form * S + can + V * S + can't + V * Can + S + V? 2. The use * Chỉ khả năng ai đó biết làm gì ở hiện tại Eg : - I can swim but I can't sew. - Can you speak English ? - Yes, I can / No, I can't * Dïng trong lêi yªu cÇu ai lµm g× Eg : - Can you get me the pen ? - Yes, certainly / Sorry, I can't *Dïng trong lêi xin phÐp lµm g× Eg : - Can I have some more coffee ? ( Tôi có thể xin chút cà phê nữa đợ chø ?) II/ Could 1. Form *S + Could + V *S + couldn't + V * Could + S + V? 2. The use *Chỉ khả năng ai đó biết làm gì trong quá khứ Eg : - I could swim when I was 10. * Dïng trong lêi yªu cÇu lÞch sù. Eg : - Could you tell me the way to the bank please ? ( Nhê «ng chØ giúp đờng tới ngân hàng) * §îc dïng khi muèn xin phÐp lµm g× Eg : - Could I speak to Mr Baker ? (T«i cã thÓ nãi chuyÖn víi «ng Baker đợc không ?) * So s¸nh gi÷a could vµ was/were able to (cã thÓ) - Could để chỉ khả năng nói chung - was / were able to để chỉ khả năng ai đó làm một việc gì trong một tình huèng cô thÓ. Eg : - He could swim when he was 10. - His house got fire yesterday. Luckily, he was able to get out of it. ( Hôm qua nhà ông ấy bị cháy. Rất may là ông ta đã thoát ra đợc) III/ Must 1. Form *S + must + V *S + mustn't + V * Must + S + V? 2. The use * DiÔn t¶ ®iÒu ch¾c ch¾n x¶y ra ë hiÖn t¹i Eg : - He's been walking for two hours. He must be very tired.( Anh ta đã đi bộ suốt 2 tiếng đồng hồ. Chắc hẳn anh ta rất mệt) * DiÔn t¶ mét nghÜa vô, ®iÒu cÇn thiÕt ph¶i lµm. Eg : - You must work hard. ( Anh ph¶i lµm viÖc ch¨m) * So s¸nh gi÷a must vµ have to (ph¶i) - Have to có thể đợc dùng ở hiện tại, quá khứ hoặc tơng lai. Eg : - I have to clean the door now. - We had to go to Hai Phong yesterday. - You 'll have to come here early tomorrow. - Must không đợc dùng ở quá khứ. Dùng had to thay must trong quá khứ. Eg : - You must go to London now / tomorrow. - He had to go to London yesterday. - Mustn't do sth : Không đợc phép làm gì - Not have to do sth : Kh«ng cÇn ph¶i lµm g× Eg : - You mustn't smoke here. (Các anh không đợc hút thuốc ở đây) - You don't have to do this. (Anh kh«ng cÇn ph¶i lµm viÖc nµy) IV/ May ( Cã lÏ) 1. Form *S + may +V *S + mayn't (may not) + V * May + S +V? 2. The use * Dùng để đa ra phỏng đoán Eg : - He may be in his room now. ( Cã lÏ anh Êy ®ang ë trong phßng) = Perhaps he is in his room now. Maybe It's possible that - She may be watching TV now. ( Cã lÏ c« Êy ®ang xem ti vi) = Perhaps she is watching TV now. Maybe It's possible that - He may go to London tomorrow. ( Ngµy mai cã thÓ nã sÏ ®i London) = Perhaps he will go to London tomorrow..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> Maybe * Dïng trong c©u xin phÐp Eg : - May I sit here ? * Dùng trong lời đề nghị Eg : - May I do this for you ? V/ Might 1. Form : *S + might + V *S + mightn't (might not) + V * Might + S + V ? 2. The use Gièng nh c¸ch sö dông cña May VI/ Should ( Nªn) 1. Form *S + should + V *S + shouldn't ( should not) + V * Should + S + V? 2. The use * Dïng trong lêi khuyªn Eg : - You should drink milk. - You shouldn't smoke. VII/ Ought to = Should 1. Form *S + ought to +V *S + oughtn't to + V * Ought + S + to + V? 2. The use * C¸ch dïng gièng nh should VIII/ Need (CÇn) 1. Form *S + need + V *S + needn't + V * Need + S + V? 2. The use * DiÔn t¶ ®iÒu cÇn thiÕt ph¶i lµm Eg : - Need I go ? ( T«i cã cÇn ph¶i ®i kh«ng ? ) - Yes, you must / No, you needn't - You needn't go Notes : Khi need là động từ khuyết thiếu, nó thờng đợc dùng với câu hỏi và câu phủ định. - Need có thể đợc dùng nh động từ thờng. Sau need là động từ nguyên thể (to-infinitive) Eg : - Do I need to go ? - You don't need to go. - She needs to go. * Cách sử dụng đặc biệt của need sth needs doing / to be done ( Cái gì đó cần đợc làm) Eg : - Your hair needs cutting / to be cut. Exercise I : Hãy chọn đáp án đúng trong số A.B,C hoặc D 1/ Mary can ......................... to the meeting. A. come B. to come C. coming D.come. 2/ Jack should ....................... harder. A. studies B. to study C. study D. studying 3/ The whole team must ...... together to win the game. A. worked B. to work C. work D. working 4/ To stay alive, people ................... breathe oxygen. A. must/have to B. must not C. don't have to 5/ My room is a mess, but I .............. clean it before I go out tonight. I can do it in the morning. A. must/have to B. must not C. don't have D. have to to 6/ You ............... open the door while he's there because the light will ruin the picture. A. must/have to B. must not C. don't have D. needn' t to to 7/ John has been working for 5 hours. He ......... be very tired. A. can B. may C.must D. should 8/ ....... you please be quiet ? I'm trying to concentrate. A. Shall B. Do C. Will D. Should 9/ .......... I carry the bag for you ? A. Shall B. Do C. Will D. Should 10/ Thanks for lending me the money. I ......... pay you back on Friday. A. can B. may C. will D. should 11/ ........ we go on a picnic next Sunday ? A. Will B. Shall C. Do D. Should 12/ My granfather was a very clever man. He .......... speak 5 languages. A. could B. can C. may D. must 13/ The phone is ringing. It .......... be Tom. A. may/might B. must C. should 14/ - My salary is very low. - You ........... look for another job. A.shall B.may C.will D. should 15/ .......... I have these postcards please ? A.Can B.Do C. Will D. Should 16/ ..... you like to come to dinner tomorrow evening ? A.Do B.Will C..Can D. Would 17/ ......... you tell me how to get to the post-office please ? A.Do B.Could C.Have D. May 18/ To be successful mountain climber, you ......... have a great deal of stamina. A. must/ have to B. must not C. don't have to Exercise 2: Fill the gaps with either don't have to or mustn't in the correct form. 1 Sally! You ___________ say rude words like that! 2. Tommy! You ___________ pick your nose in class. It's really disgusting.. 3. You ___________ finish the exercise now. You can finish it at home.. 4. James ___________ go to church if he doesn't want to.. 5. You ___________ drive so aggressively. You'll end up killing someone.. D. w.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> 6. Helen ___________ make racist comments. It makes her seem really ignorant.. 7. David ___________ answer your emails. There's no law about it.. 8. It's OK. You ___________ pay now. You can pay me at the end of the month.. 9. You ___________ stay out so late without ringing me. I was worried sick.. 10. You ___________ let the cats sleep on my clean shirts. Look. They're covered in hairs.. 11. You ___________ have lunch with my parents. I'm not forcing you.. 12. I ___________ forget to phone Granny. It's her birthday tomorrow.. Exercise 3: Fill the gaps with need, needn't or should. 1. Remember you ___________ to take a torch and a tin-opener when you go camping.. 2. You ___________ go to the shop. I've already bought the milk.. 3. You ___________ say sorry to your teacher for being late. It's only polite.. 4. You ___________ bother washing up. I'll do it in the morning.. 5. She ___________ go to church if she doesn't want to. It's not obligatory.. 6. If you want to pass all your exams, you ___________ to make a good study plan.. 7. If there's anything you ___________ , let me know.. 8. You ___________ go and see Granny. You know how happy it makes her.. 9. Cheese and biscuits ___________ to be kept in tupperware containers; otherwise the cheese goes hard and the biscuits go soft.. 10. You ___________ pay now. You can pay me next week.. 11. Clare and Simon ___________ bring their car. There's plenty of room for them in ours.. 12. Families ___________ spend more time talking, instead of just watching the telly.. Date of preparing: 24/11/2015 Date of teaching: 25/11/2015. Modals + Perfect Infinitive. 1. Must have done * Diễn tả điều chắc chắn đã xảy ra trong quá khứ Eg : - There was a big explosion some minutes ago. You must have heard it. ( Cách đây vài phút có tiếng nổ lớn. Chắc hẳn cậu đã nghe thấy) - He got a bad mark yesterday. He must have been sad. ( H«m qua anh ta bÞ ®iÓm kÐm. Ch¾n ch¾n lµ anh ta rÊt buån ) 2. Can't/ Couldn't have done * Diễn tả điều chắc chắn đã không thể xảy ra trong quá khứ. Eg : - Mr Smith was in Paris yesterday. So he can't have stolen your car. = Surely, he didn't steal your car. - ¤ng Smith ë Paris h«m qua cho nªn ch¾c ch¾n «ng ta kh«ng thÓ lÊy c¾p chiếc xe của ông đợc. 3. May/ Might have done * Diễn tả điều có lẽ đã xảy ra trong quá khứ. Eg : - I can't find my sunglasses at home. I may have left them at my friend's . = Perhaps, I left them at my friend's . ( T«i kh«ng thÓ t×m thÊy kính. Có lẽ tôi đã để quên ở nhà bạn tôi) 4. May/ Might not have done * Diễn tả điều có lẽ đã không xảy ra trong quá khứ. Eg : - His wife was not happy this morning. He might not have bought her the dress she loved. ( Vợ ông ta sáng nay không vui. Có lẽ ông ta đã không mua cho bà ta cái v¸y mµ bµ Êy thÝch) = Perhaps, he didn't buy her the dress she loved. 5. Should have done = Ought to have done * Diễn tả điều lẽ ra đã nên làm trong quá khứ. Eg : - I didn't go to the cinema last night. The film was very interesting. I should have gone to see it. ( H«m qua t«i kh«ng ®i xem phim. Bé phim rÊt hay. LÏ ra t«i nªn ®i xem th× h¬n) 6. Shouldn't have done / Oughtn't to have done Eg 1 : - Why didn't you visit your uncle yesterday ? He wanted to see you. You shouln't have stayed at home. ( T¹i sao h«m qua cËu kh«ng ®i thăm bác ? Bác ấy muốn gặp cậu. Lẽ ra cậu đã không nên ở nhà) Eg 2 : - Oh, I feel tired.( T«i c¶m thÊy mÖt) - You shouldn't have eaten so much. ( Cậu lẽ ra đã không nên ăn quá nhiều) 7. Needn't have done * Diễn tả điều lẽ ra đã không cần phải làm trong quá khứ. Eg : - I've bought you a hat. ( Anh mua cho em c¸i mò) - Oh, you needn't have done that. My father has just bought one for me. (Lẽ ra anh không cần phải mua. Bố em đã mua cho em rồi) Exercise I : Hãy chọn đáp án đúng trong số A.B,C hoặc D 1/ Ali painted his bedroom black. It looks dark and dreary. He ............ a different colour. a. had to choose b. should have chosen c. must have chosen d. could have been choosing 2. When Mr. Lee was younger, he ......... work in the garden for hours, but now he has to take frequent rests because he has emphysema. a. has got to b. can c. could d. should be able.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> 3. Yesterday I ........ to a furniture store. I bought a new lamp there. a. could go b. went c. could have gone d. ought to have gone 4. Jimmy and Marie were mischievous children. They ....... . tricks on their teachers, which always got them into a lot of trouble. a. could play b. used to play c. could have played d. may have played 5. - Why are you so sure that Ann didn't commit the crime she's been accused of committing ? -She .......... that crime because I was with her, and we were out of town on that day.. a. may not have committed b. couldn't have committed c. commited d. wasn't supposed to commit. 6. Since we have to be there in a hurry, we ...... take a taxi. a. should b. may c. are able to d. have been used to 7. - It ........ rain this evening. Why don't you take an umbrella ? - That's a good idea. May I borrow yours ? a. had better b. could be c. might d. must 8/ - ...... you hand me that pair of scissors, please ? - Certainly. a. May b. Shall c. Will d. Should 9/ - Larry drove all night to get here for his sister's wedding. He ..... exhausted by the time he arrived. - He was. a. ought to be b. could be c. must have been d. will have been 10/ - You haven't eaten anything since yesterday afternoon. You........... be really hungry ! - I am. a. might b. will c. can d. must 11/ - I left a cookie on the table, but now it's gone. What happened to it ? - I don't know. One of the children ................. it. a. had to eat b. should have eaten c. may have eaten d. could eat 12/ - What does Mr. Green do for a living ? - Nothing. He's very rich. He ..... work for a living. a. must not b. shouldn't c. doesn't have to d. hadn't better 13/ - Why are you so late ? - I ............... my aunt to the airport, The traffic was very terrible. a. could take b. should take c. had to take d. must have taken 14/ - They towed my car away from the executive parkinglot yesterday. - You ............... have parked there. a. may not b. should not c. must not d. might not 15/ - I locked myself out of my apartment. I didn't know what to do. - You .......... your roommate.. a. should have called b. would have called c. may have called d. must have called 16/ - Barbara just told me that she can't go to the meeting tonight. - She ......... go ! We need her there for the financial report. a. has to b. have to c. must be d. needs 17/ - I need some help with this table. ............ you lift the other end, please ? a. May b. Could c. Should d. Shall Exercise 2 : Rewrite the following sentences. 1/ It isn't necessary to shout.  You ............................................................................................ 2/ It wasn't necessary for them to call for help after all.  They ................................................. 3/ There was no need for you to have gone to all that trouble.  You .......................................... 4/ You house needs to be redecorated.  Your house.................................................................... 5/ It's possible that he didn't get my letter.  He might ................................................................. 6/ You needn't have bought it for me.  It wasn't ........................................................................... 7/ I'm absolutely sure that they didn't go out in that weather.  They can't ................................................................................................................. .................. 8/ "Why didn't you tell me about it yesterday ?"  You should .................................................... 9/ I'm sure she didn't do it on purpose.  She can't.................................................................. 10/ It's possible that your car was stolen.  Your car ................................................................ 11/ Perhaps Lan went to London.  Lan might....................................................................... 12/ It's a pity that you didn't go to see that film at the cinema last night.  You should ............................................................................................................. ..................... 13/ "It was very careless of you to let the door open last night"  You shouldn't........................................................................................................... .................... 14/ Perhaps Manh is repairing his bike now.  Manh may........................................................ 15/ Perhaps they have two big houses in the suburb.  They ........................................................ 16/ You ought to have reminded me abo 2, We have to do our homework everyday. = Our homework has to be done everyday.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> 1, We don’t have to do our homework everyday. => Our homework doesn’t have to be done everyday. Do you have to do your homework everyday? => Does your homework have to be done everyday? 2, We didn’t have to do our homework last night. => Our homework didn’t have to be done last night. Did you have to do your homework last night? => Did your homework have to be done last night? 3, We hadn’t had to do our homework before we went to bed. => Our homework hadn’t had to be done before we went to bed. Had you had to do your homework before you went to bed? => Had your homework had to be done before you went to bed? ................................. Date of preparing: 1/12/2015 Date of teaching: 2/12/2015. Exercises I. Viết dạng đúng của các động từ trong ngoặc. (Câu Chủ động) 1, We (will have)..........................................................a nice picnic tomorrow. 2, It is Sunday tomorrow. He (will not go).....................................................school. 3, OK, I promise I (will not do).................................................................that again. 4, I think/ I hope she (will not be)......................................................sad any longer. 5, We’re going to the movies tonight. ...................you(will join).........................us? 6, ....................you (will like)............................to have dinner with me? 7, If Lan is free now, she(will take)................................................part in our trip. 8, If Lan were free now, she(will take)...........................................part in our trip. 9, ..................I (shall get).......................................some more cakes, mom? 10, Nam, you(shall study)...........................................................harder. 11, ...................I (may come in).....................................................................? 12, This (may be)..................................right or it (may be)............................wrong. 13, ...................I (can help)...........................................you? 14, ...............................you (can do)..............................me a favor? 15, .....................you (can show)..........................me the way to the market, please? 16, Lan (can dance)...................................well. She (can dance)................................ many years ago. 17, Sorry, I (cannot sing)..................................................... 18, Minh (cannot go).................................to school alone when he was a little boy. 19, Sorry. I (must go)..........................now. See you soon. 20, The sign says: “You(must not fish)...........................................here”. 21, Nam(ought to do)......................................................your homework everyday. 22, They (not have to do).......................................................that project any more. 23, ......................Nam (have to work)................................................hard all day? 24, .....................your father(have to work)........................................hard yesterday? 25, Yesterday, he (not have to clean)..........................................................the house. He (have to look)................................................after his brother. II. Viết dạng đúng của các động từ trong ngoặc. (Câu Bị động) 1, Your homework(must do).......................................................................everyday.. 2, Experiments on animals(should stop).............................................................now. 3, The laws(ought to obey)..........................................................well by all citizens. 4, Tea (can’t make)....................................................with cold water. 5, The baby(will take care of) .........................................................by me. III. Chuyển các câu sau sang bị động. (Viết lại các câu sau nghĩa không đổi- dựa vào các phần gạch chân nếu có) 1, Citizens ought to obey the country’s law. =>............................................................................................................................... 2, I will translate the article when I come home. =>............................................................................................................................... 3, They may not use this room for the classroom. =>............................................................................................................................... 4, They won’t hold the meeting until the May Day. =>............................................................................................................................... 5, You mustn’t use this machine after 5.30 pm. =>............................................................................................................................... 6, Will your father collect you at the station tomorrow? =>............................................................................................................................... 7*, Who will collect you at the station tomorrow? =>............................................................................................................................... 8*,Who will you collect at the station tomorrow? =>............................................................................................................................... 9, They might close the door of the library. =>............................................................................................................................... 10, You shouldn’t buy this book. =>............................................................................................................................... 11, Hoa can write a letter in English. =>............................................................................................................................... 12, Should you look into the matter? => Should the matter................................................................................................. 13, You must wash this dress in cold water . =>............................................................................................................................... 14, We couldn’t find them anywhere . =>............................................................................................................................... 15, How can they make candels ? =>............................................................................................................................... * Bài tập ứng dụng: Chuyển các câu sau sang bị động. 53, This job has to be done by you at once. We have to test these products .60, This mistake doesn’t have to be done again by you. ......................................................................................................................................BGRAMMAR: Modal verbs (Mod.V): can, will, should/ ought to/ have to,.... 1, Giới thiệu chung: có 10 động từ khiếm khuyết (Mod.V): can/ could; will/would; shall/should; may/might; must; ought to 4, Đại từ phản thân và nhấn mạnh: I => myself.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> We => ourselves You => yourself/ yourselves They => themselves She => herself He => himself It => itself Eg: 5, Why? – Because..... Eg: C. EXERCISE. THE BASIC TENSES (Các Thì căn bản) <I> The simple present tense: ( Thì Hiện tại đơn ). A/ Formation: (Cấu tạo) 1, I + am...... She /He/ It / dt số ít + is....... We/You / They/dt số nhiều + are......... Eg: I am a teacher. Nam/He is a student. Nam and Lan/They are at school. * Structure: (Cấu trúc): (+) Affirmative:(Khẳng định): S + is/am/are + ........ Week 6: (- ) Negative: (Phủ định) II: Rewrite thsese sentences * Theâm “NOT” sau “is/am/ are”.(Vieát taét: is not = isn’t; are not = aren’t): 1, We usually drove the car to the city when we worked there. S + am/ is/ are + not +.......... We………………………………………………………….. Eg: I am not a teacher. Nam/He isn’t a student. We are not/ aren’t at school. 2, Our Dad is a hard runner. (?) Interrogative: (Câu hỏi): Our Dad…………………………………………………….._______________________________ * Đảo “is/am/are” lên trước Chủ ngữ (S): 3, Playing this game is quite easy. Is / Are + S + …. ? It's…………………………………………………………….. Wh- + is / are + S + …. ? 4, We cannot go out today because we aren't well. (* Khi sang thể nghi vấn Chủ ngữ (S) là “I / We” thì đổi thành “You”)*. . ……………………………………………………………….. Eg: Are you a teacher ? Is Nam/He a student. Where are you/ they ? 3/ Exercise: 2, Với ĐỘNG TỪ THƯỜNG (V): 3/ Exercise: * Structure: (Cấu trúc): I/ Choose the most suitable words or phrase to fill the blanks. (+) Affirmative:(Khẳng định): 1/ The children are old enough to look after ______ . (themselves; ourselves; for I/ We/ You/They/ dt số nhiều + V-infi.. themselves; herself) She/He/ It/ dt số ít + V- s/es. ( S/ ES) 3/ Take two ______ of this medicine after each meal. (teaspoons; spoonful; spoonsful; Eg: 1, We watch TV everyday. teaspoon) 2, He watches* TV everyday. 5/ The calendar is ______ the clock, ______ the picture and the lamp. (on/ next to; * “ES” sau o, s, sh, ch, x, z): under/between; behind/between; above/on) Eg: 2, I watch TV. Hoa/ She watches TV. 6/ She worked hard ______ she could pass the final exams. (so that; in order to; as result; * Y, (Y l phụ âm) => Y = I+ ES. so as to) Eg: 3, We study English. Hoa/She studies English. 7/ Did you succeed ______ the problem? (to solve; on solving; in solving; solving) Y lµ nguyên âm (a, e, i, o, u), “S”)*: Eg: We play soccer. Nam/He plays soccer. 2. he stay up late and he is always tired next moring (should) * Riªng: “To have”: ( ): : “have/ has”. T\ -> ______________________________________________ I/ We/You/ They/ dt số nhiều + have...... 3. It's neccessary to water that tree every day(have) She/He/ It/ dt số ít + has....... ->You ___________________________________________ 4. Putting a knife into an electrical socket is dangerous(put) (- ) Negative: (Phủ định) -> It's dangerous __________________________________ I/ We/ You/They/ dt số nhiều + don’t + V-infi....(nguyeân 5. The table is on the right of the bed (left) maãu)* She/He/ it/ dt số ít + doesn’t ->The bed ______________________________________ Eg: 1, We don’t watch TV everyday. 6. ->You___________________________________________ 2, He doesn’t watch TV everyday. (?) Interrogative: (Câu hỏi): Do + you/they/ dt số nhiều + V-infi... Does + she/ he/ it/ dt số ít Date of preparing: 8/12/2015 (nguyeân maãu) ? Date of teaching: 9/12/2015 Wh- + do/ does + S (* Khi sang thể nghi vấn Chủ ngữ (S) là “I / We” thì đổi thành “You”)* ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> Eg: 1, Do you watch TV everyday ? 2, How often does he watch TV ? * C¸c §¹i tõ: “Someone/ Somebody/Something; No one/ Nobody/Nothing;Everyone/t. Eg: 1, Someone/Somebody /....is absent today. 2, Someone/Somebody /....often takes this table away. * Cách đọc “S/ ES”. VÝ dô /iz/: /s/ (s,ce,se); /s/ (sh); misses; faces; washes; watches; /ts/ (ch); /dz/ (ge); vµ x changes; mixes; boxes;.... /f/ (f, fe, gh, ph); /k/ (c, k, ke); laughs; photographs looks; likes; stops; /s/: /p/ (p, pe); /t/ (t,te); /g/ (g); hopes; meets; hates,begs;.. /d/: . learns; studies; loves; opens;.. B/ Usage: (Cách dùng): 1, su Eg: 1, The sun rises in the East and sets in the West. trơi mọc ở phía đông và lặn ở phía tây) 2, thoựi quen, sự thửụứng xuyeõn ụỷ Hieọn taùi. (Hành động lặp đi lặp lại)* Eg: 1, We often/ usually/ always/.... go to school in the morning. 3, sù viƯc, trạng thái, tÝnh chÊt,......có thực/ đang tồn tại lâu dài ở Hiện tại. Eg: Hoa is a good sudent. Her eyes are blue. 4, Nói về nghề nghiệp, quốc tịch; lÞch trình hay thời khoá biểu,.......ë HiƯn t¹i hoÆc mang hµm ý T¬ng lai*. Eg: 1, I am a teacher. I am Vietnamese. I’m from Viet Nam. 2, I have Math on Mondays*. C/Signs: (Dấu hiệu nhận biết): Thường dùng với: - Always, all the time:(luôn luôn); usually, often, frequently, generally, normally: (thường; thường thường thường xuyên); sometimes, at times, occasionally: (thỉnh thoảng); seldom, rarely, hardly :(ít khi, hiếm khi); never: (không bao giờ).... - Every + (day/ week/ month/ morning/ Sunday/.. = daily/ weekly/ monthly/...): mỗi (ngày/ tuần/ tháng/.....) - Once/ twice/ three times/....+ a/an/per + (day / week / month/...……) : (một lần/ hai lần/ ba lần/……….…(trong) một ngày/ tuần/ tháng/ …… ) * Vị trí của các Trạng từ trong câu: - Always; usually, often, frequently, generally, normally; sometimes; occasionally; seldom, rarely, hardly; never. => đứng sau “Be” hoặc trớc Động từ thờng(V): Eg: I am always/ usually/...../never late for school. I always/ usually/...../never go to school late. - “Sometimes” đôi khi đợc đặt đầu hoặc cuối câu/ mệnh đề. Eg: Sometimes I am late for school. = I am late for school sometimes. - C¸c tr¹ng tõ cßn l¹i: all the time; at times; every +.....; once/ twice/ three times/....+ a/an.... => thờng đứng cuối câu/ mệnh đề Eg: I am late for school all the times/ everyday/ once a week/...... D/Exersices: (Bài tập ứng dụng): Ôn tập thì Hiện tại đơn I. Choose the best answer A,B,C or D. (Chọn A,B,C hoặc D có đáp án đúng nhất).. (dùa vµo nghÜa hoÆc c¸c phÇn g¹ch ch©n nÕu cã). 1, Lam............(1) a good student. He............(2) hard all the times. He never............(3) too much. His father and mother............(4) always proud of him. They often..............(5) him interesting presents and...............(6) him to visit beautiful places. They..............(7) him to be sad, and Lam...............(8) to make his parents sad, either. He............(9) to make his parents happy. He.................(10) lazy. His parents................(11) sad. (1). A- am B- is C- are D- do (2). A- work B- is work C- works D- workes (3). A- plays B- plaies C- play D- to play (4). A- is B- am C- are D- be (5). A- give B- gives C- giving D- are give (6). A- take B- to take C- took D- takes (7). A- not want B- want not C- don’t want D- doesn’t want (8). A-don’t want B- doesn’t want C- doesn’t wants D- not wants (9). A- try B- tries C- tryes D- don’t try (10). A- not is B- is not C- doesn’t is D- aren’t (11). A- aren’t B- isn’t C- don’t be D- am not II. Put the verbs into correct forms. (Viết dạng đúng của động tư trong ngoặc). 1,They.................................(be) always late for school. 2, .....................Mrs.Ha..................(be) your Math teacher? No, she...................(be not). She..........................(be) my English teacher. 3, ..................you..................(be) a new student? Yes, I...........(be)./No, I............(be not). 4, Where.................your parents ...............(work)? - My father...............(work) in a factory and my mother...............(work) in a hospital. They.................(work) hard all times. 5, What time.................your father often......................(have) breakfast? - He often..............(have) breakfast at 5 and then he...........(go) for work at 6 o’clock everyday. He..................................(not have) breakfast alone. We.........................(have) breakfast together. * New words. - (be) proud of: tù hµo vÒ... - take (someone) to (somewhere): đa (ai đó) tới (đâu đó). to visit (someone/something): đa (ai đó) tới thăm (ai/ cái gì ). - take (something) to (somewhere): chở/ mang (cái gì đó) tới (đâu đó). - take (something) with = bring (something) with: chở/ mang/ đem theo (cái gì đó). - sad (adj): buån (> < happy: vui). - lazy (adj): lêi, nh¸c. (> < hard (adj/adv): tÝch cùc, ch¨m chØ, siªng n¨ng). - alone (adv): mét m×nh. - together (adv): cïng nhau. <II> The present continuous tense: ( Thì hieän taïi tieáp dieãn ) A/ Formation: (Cấu tạo): * Structure: (Cấu trúc): (+) Affirmative:(Khẳng định): S + am / is / are + V- ing+........ Eg: I am watching TV. Hoa/ She is watching TV. Hoa and Lan / They are studying English * Các động từ tận cùng = E (câm)=> bỏ E thêm -ING. Eg: have=> having; live=> living; practise=> practising;........... Nhng: be=> being; see=> seeing; agree=> agreeing;....(“E” kh«ng c©m) * §éng tõ tËn cïng = IE=> biÕn IE=Y+ ING.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> Eg: lie=> lying; tie=> tying;..... * Các động từ theo quy tắc 1-1-1 (1 âm, một nguyên âm và 1 phụ âm cuối) => phải gấp đôi phụ âm cuối + ING. (Trừ phụ âm cuối là: W,X,Y không gấp đôi)* Ex: run=> running; stop=> stopping; swim=> swimming;.... Nhng: fix=> fixing; sew=> sewing; play=> playing;........ (- ) Negative: (Phủ định): * Theâm “NOT” sau “is/am/ are”. ( Vieát taét: is not = isn’t; are not = aren’t): S + am / is / are + not + V- ing+....... Eg: I am not watching TV. Hoa/She isn’t learning English. We aren’t learning English. (? ) Interrogative: (Câu hỏi): * Đảo “is/am/are” lên trước Chủ ngữ (S): Is / Are + S + V- ing + ........? Wh- + is / are + S + V- ing + ........? (*Khi sang thể nghi vấn Chủ ngữ (S) là “I / We” thì đổi thành “You”)*. Eg: Are you watching TV? Is Hoa/She learning English? Which language are they/ Hoa and Lan studying ? B/ Usage: (Cách dùng): Dieãn taû moät: 1, hành động, sự việc ủang diễn ra ngay lúc nói hoặc xung quanh thời điểm nói. Eg:- We are studying English now/ at the moment. - Be quiet! I’m working. (At a cafe) - Mai: Do you hear anything about Lan? Hoa: Not really. I hear that she is building her new house. 2, sự kiện đang thay đổi xung quanh thời điểm nói. Eg Viet Nam’s population is developing quickly. 3, hành động tạm thời so với một hành động mang tính lâu dài, thờng xuyên ở Hiện tại. (Theo sau các mệnh đề bát đầu băng “but now/ but today”, và động từ trớc đó ở thì Hiện tại đơn)*. Eg: Mr.Hai often goes to work by car but today he is going by motorbike. 4*, kế hoạch, dự định chắc chắn sẽ làm trong Tơng lai. (= cấu trúc “Be going to”)*. Eg: Tomorrow we are leaving. (= We are going to leave for home)*. C/Signs: (Dấu hiệu nhận biết): Thường dùng với: - Now: (bây giơ)ø; Rightnow: (ngay bây giờ); At present/ presently/ at this time= at the moment: (hiện giờ , vào lúc này). - Sau các câu đề nghị , mệnh lệnh : Look ! , Listen !, Watch! , Be quiet ! , Be silent !, Be careful !, Hurry up ! , ……… * Lửu yự: 1, Có một số các động từ không dùng ở Thì Hiện tại tiếp diễn, phải dùng Thì Hiện tại đơn để thay thế*. Eg: Nam is wanting a new book. ---> Nam wants a new book. + Những động từ không dùng ở Thì Hiện tại tiếp diễn: want(muèn); feel(c¶m thÊy, cã c¶m gi¸c); know(biÕt, hiÓu); understand(hiÓu); wish(íc muèn); smell(cã mïi); see(thÊy, hiÓu); taste(cã vÞ); need(cÇn;) believe (tin, tin tëng); seem(dêng nh, cã vÎ nh); like(thÝch); be(th×, lµ, ë); sound(nghe cã vÎ); love (yªu, thÝch); mean(cã nghÜa); look(+ tÝnh tõ): cã vÏ, tr«ng enjoy(thÝch); have(cã); dislike(kh«ng thÝch); cã vÏ;. hate(ghÐt); appear (dêng nh, cã vÏ..) own (cã, së h÷u); *Nhng nh÷ng trêng hîp sau vÉn cã thÓ dïng th× Hiện tại tiếp diễn: - enjoy (thëng thøc);see (xem); have (¨n, uèng)...... - look at/ look for/ look after/ look up/ look into.... ; 2, So sánh Thì Hiện tại đơn và Thì Hiện tại tiếp diễn Thì hieân taïi ñôn Thì hieän taïi tieáp dieãn CÊu (V) = V-infi..* /V-s/es* is/am/ are + V- ing t¹o (Be) = is/am/are - hành động theo thói quen, sự th- - hành động đang diễn ra, nhất thời /tạm êng xuyªn, l©u dµi ë HiÖn t¹i. thêi lóc nãi. - quy luËt, sù thËt hiÓn nhiªn, - hành động tạm thời, đang thay đổi. Cách chân lý (luôn đúng). - kế hoach, dự định/ sự sắp xếp sẽ làm trong T¬ng lai. dïng - lÞch tr×nh, thêi kho¸ biÓu hay qui định trong thời gian Hiện tại. 1, We often/ usually/ always/.... 1, We are studying English now/ at the go to school in the morning. moment. 2, The sun rises in the East and 2,Viet Nam’s population is developing quickly. VÝ dô sets in the West. 3, I have Math on Mondays. 3, Mr.Hai often goes to work by car but today he is going by bus. 4,Tomorrow we are leaving for home. - always,usually,often,sometimes, - now, at the moment, at present, .. never, all the times, at times, - Sau các câu đề nghị , mệnh lệnh : frequently, generally, normally, Look ! , Listen !,Watch! , Be quiet ! , Be DÊu occationally, seldom, rarely,.. silent ! , Be careful ! . Hurry up ! , ... hiệu - every(day/ night/week/month/..) - sau một hoat động thờng xuyên, bắt -once/twice/three times/..+a/per+. ®Çu = “but now/ today” - (V) tËn cïng = o, s, sh, ch, x. thªm Es - (V) tËn cïng= E(c©m), bá E thªm ING Ghi - (V) tận cùng = Y, trớc Y là phụ âm, - qui tắc 1-1-1-> gấp đôi phụ âm cuối + ING chó biÕn Y = I+ES D/Exersices: (Bài tập ứng dụng): Date of preparing: Date of teaching: Ôn tập thì Hiện tại đơn và hiện tại tiếp diễn I. Put the verbs into correct forms. (Viết dạng đúng của động tư trong ngoặc) (dùa vµo nghÜa hoÆc c¸c phÇn g¹ch ch©n nÕu cã): 1, Lan................................(get) up at 6 everyday. 2, Listen! Someone*..............................................(knock) at the door. 3, Listen! Which language......................they..................................(speak)? - They.......................................(speak) Japanese. 4, Which language............................you..............................(speak)? - I...................................(speak) Vietnamese. 5, How often.......................Mrs.Black...........................(work) part-time? - She........................(work) three mornings a week.We.................(be) free now. 6, At the moment, I................................(write) a letter, Quang.............................(play) video games. Van and Suong........................................(skip). 7, We..................................(understand*) what you..................................(mean)*..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> 8, Nga........................(not like) watching TV. She...................(like) playing badminton. 9, Nga......................................(not sleep) now.She................................(watch) a movie. 10, Hoa usually.......................(have) breakfast at home but now she.....................(have) breakfast at a foodstall. 11, .................Nga................................(have)* any money? - No. She...........................(not have) any money. She...................(have)* nothing. 12, What..................you............................(do) next weekend? - I.....................................(travel) abroad with my parents. 13, What..................you.....................(do)? - I.............................(be)* a teacher. 14, Hurry up! The train....................................(come). 15, No one.....................................(stay) inside now. 16, Tree leaves.....................(fall) in the Fall*. 17, We..................................(not know)* where she lives. 18, That boy...........................(cry) too much. He...................................(cry) now. 19, Everyone.................................(need)* a job. 20, We...............................................(leave) next week*. * New words. - knock (v): gá. - abroad(adv) ë níc ngoµi. - write (a letter): viÕt (th) => travel abroad: du lich, tham quan níc ngoµi. - understand(v): hiÓu, biÕt. - tree leaves (n): l¸ c©y - mean(v): cã nghÜa,. - cry (v): khãc. - sleep(v): ngò. - leave (v): ra đi, rời khỏi // để lại, để quên. - fall (v): rông, r¬i, ng·. <III> The simple past tense: ( Thì quá khứ đơn ) A/ Formation: (Cấu tạo): Chia lµm 2 lo¹i: §éng tõ “to Be” vµ §éng tõ thêng(V): 1, Với động từ “TO BE”: Có 2 dạng: was/ were ( thỡ , laứ , ụỷ). Trong ủoự: I/She/ He/It/ dt số ít + was + ........ We/You/ They/ dt số nhiều + were+........ Eg:1, I was at home yesterday. Lan/She was absent last Monday. 2, They/Lan and Hoa were late for school. * Structure: (Cấu trúc): (+) Affirmative:(Khẳng định): S + was / were+......... Eg: I was at home yesterday. Lan/She was absent last Monday. They/Lan and Hoa were late for school. (- ) Negative: (Phủ định) * Theâm NOT sau was/were.(Vieát taét: was not = wasn’t; were not = weren’t): S + was / were + not+......... Eg: I wasn’t at home yesterday. Lan/She wasn’t absent last Monday. They/Lan and Hoa weren’t late for school. (?) Interrogative: (Câu hỏi): * Đảo was/were lên trước Chủ ngữ (S): Was/ Were + S+ …………? Wh- + was/ were + S+ …………? (*Khi sang thể nghi vấn Chủ ngữ (S) là “I / We” thì đổi thành “You”)*. Eg: Where were you yesterday? Was Lan/She absent last Monday?.. Were They/Lan and Hoa late for school?. 2, Với ĐỘNG TỪ THƯỜNG (V): * Structure: (Cấu trúc): (+) Affirmative:(Khẳng định): S + V- ed/cột 2+........... *Theo qui t¾c, ta thªm - ED. Eg: work=> worked; live=> lived; study=> studied;..... * Bất qui tắc, ta dùng ở cột 2 bảng động từ bất qui tắc. (Học thuộc lòng)* Eg: be=> was/were; have=> had; run=> ran; cut=> cut; do=> did; go=> went;... * Động từ ở Quá khứ đơn (V-ed/cột 2) đồng nhất với tất cả các ngôi. Eg: I worked for a newspaper last year. Hoa worked in a factory last year. We got up late this morning. My father got up earlier. (- ) Negative: (Phủ định): * Thêm “DIDN’T” trớc động từ, đồng thời động từ trở về Nguyên mẫu (V-infi...*): S + didn’t + V-infi..(nguyªn mÉu)*+.... Eg: I didn’t work for a newspaper .... Hoa didn’t work in a factory.......... We didn’t get up late this....... My father didn’t get up late...... (?) Interrogative: (Câu hỏi): * Thêm “DID” trớc Chủ ngữ (S), đồng thời động từ trở về Nguyên mẫu(V-infi....*): Did + S + V- infi..(nguyªn mÉu)*+ …….... ? Wh- + did + S + V- infi..(nguyªn mÉu)*+ …….... ? (* Khi sang thể nghi vấn Chủ ngữ (S) là “I / We” thì đổi thành “You”)*. Eg: Did you work for a newspaper last year?. Where did Hoa work last year?. * Lu ý: 1, C¸ch thªm -ED: 1, Thông thờng, ta thêm - ED sau động từ nguyên mẫu: (V-ed) Eg: work=> worked; watch=> watched; wash=> washed; look=> looked;... 2, Các động từ có tận cùng là E, ta chỉ thêm D. Eg: live=> lived; move=> moved; decide=> decided;....... 3, Các động từ có tận cùng làY, trớc Y là phụ âm=> ta biến Y= I+ ED. Eg: try=> tried; study=> studied; fly=> flied;.......... *(Nhng tríc Y lµ nguyªn ©m (a,e,i,o,u)=> chØ thªm -ED)* Eg: play=> played; enjoy=> enjoyed; annoy=> annoyed;.... 4, Các động từ theo qui tắc 1-1-1 (1 âm, 1 nguyên âm và 1 phụ âm cuối) => ta gấp đôi phụ âm cuối + ED. (Trừ các phụ âm cuối là: X,Y,W=> không gấp đôi)*. Eg: stop=> stopped; fit=> fitted; ..... * Nhng: mix=> mixed; play=>played; sew=> sewed;..... 2, Cách đọc -ED: Các động từ có âm tận cùng là VÝ dô - ED: §äc lµ /id/: /t/, /d/ ; wanted; started; needed; /f/ (f, fe, gh);/k/ (, k, ke);/p/ (p, pe); laughed; looked; liked; /t/: /s/ (ce, s, se, x, xe);/z/ (z, ze); hoped;stopped; missed; /s/ (sh) ;/ts/ (ch); /dz/ (dg, ge). faced; mixed; washed; watched; changed; ...... C¸c trêng hîp cßn l¹i. /d/: learned; studied; loved; opened;.. B/ Usage: (Cách dùng): Diễn tả một: 1, hành động, sù viÖc đã xảy ra và chấm dứt trong quá khứ. (Cã thêi gian rá rµng)*.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> Eg:1, The football match started at 7.45 last night. 2, We did our homework last night 2, sự kiện đã thuộc về lịch sử* Eg: Ho Chi Minh left Nha Rong Harbor for his nation’s freedom in 1911. 3*, Sau mệnh đề chỉ thời gian ở Quá khứ bắt đầu bằng “When”: (When +...V-ed/cột 2); hoặc Sau Cấu trúc: “It’s + kho¶ng thêi gian + since..........” Ex: When I was young, I went* to secondary school in my neighborhood. It’s an hour since we left* home. It’s two years since I first met* you. C/Signs: (Dấu hiệu nhận biết): Thường dùng với: - Yesterday: (hoâm qua); Last + (night, week, month, year, Sunday,...); - Kho¶ng thê gian + Ago: (caùch ñaây.....); - In + th¸ng/ n¨m ë quá khứ ( in 1990); in the past; - Mệnh đề theo sau: When + .......(hành động ở Quỏ khứ đơn)* - Mệnh đề theo sau: “It’s + khoảng thời gian + since.+.....+ V-ed/cộtt 2.”*. Date of preparing: 10/1/2016 Date of teaching: 11/1/2016. Revision 1. Ôn tập thì Hiện tại đơn, thì hiện tại tiếp diễn và thì quá khứ đơn. I.Choose the best answer A,B,C or D: (Chọn A,B,C hoặc D có đáp án đúng nhất). (dùa vµo nghÜa hoÆc c¸c phÇn g¹ch ch©n nÕu cã): 1, Look! That man..................to open the door of your car. A- try B- tried C- tries D- is trying 2, Her grandmother....................many years ago. A- died B- was dying C- is dying D- has died 3, Mrs. White often...................her son money. Last Sunday she .................him alot. A- gives/gave B- give/gave C- gave/gives D- gave/ giving 4, Tomorrow I........................my grandparents. A- visited B- am visited C- am visiting D- visit 5, When their first child was born, he.....................in prison. A- is B- was C- were D- is being 6, John usually...................tennis once or twice a week. A- played B- play C- plays D- is playing 7, I was sad when I.................my car. A- am selling B- sell C- sold D-sells 8, Last night I...................TV. A- not watch B- don’t watch C- didn’t watched D- didn’t watch 9, At the moment we.......................... A- don’t work B- are not work C- aren’t workingD- not working 10, The earth.....................around the sun A- go B- goes C- went D- has gone 11, Minh and his brother...................TV very often. A- not watch B- don’t watch C- didn’t watch D- doesn’t watch 12, They......................at home last weekend. A- not were B- were not C- is not D- did not 13, Lan and I.........................in the same class. A- are not B- am not C- were not D- be not. 14, When I was a child, I.......................as lazy as I.................now. A- am not/ was B- was not/ amC- was not/ was D- was/ was 15, ........................a new student in class 9A? A-Do you are B- Are you do C- Are you D- You are 16, What time.........................up evey morning? A- are you get B- do you get C- are you getting D- did you get 17, What time.........................up this morning? A- do you get B- did you get C- did you got D- got you 18, What..........................this weekend.? A- do you do B- are you doing C- are you going to do D- B&C are correct. 19, ........................absent last Friday morning? A- Lan and Hoa were B- Did Lan and Hoa were C- Were Lan and Hoa D- Lan and Hoa did were 20, .......................their house last week? A- Did they repaint B- Did they repainted C- Were they repaint D-Repainted they. II.Change sentenses into Negative and Interrogative: (ChuyÓn c¸c c©u sau sang phñ định(-) và nghi vấn(?): 1, I am tall. (-)->..................................................................................................................................... (?)->............................................................................................................................... 2,We are hungry. (-)->................................................................................................................................ (?)->............................................................................................................................... 3, Mr. Nhan is short. (-)->................................................................................................................................ (?)->................................................................................................................................ 4, It is a good job. (-)->................................................................................................................................ (?)->................................................................................................................................ 5, This is my book. (-)->........................................................................................................................... (?)->................................................................................................................................ 6, There is a book on the table. (-)->................................................................................................................................ (?)->................................................................................................................................ 7, Minh and Hoa are good student. (-)->................................................................................................................................ (?)->............................................................................................................................... 8, Those are my books. (-)->................................................................................................................................ (?)->............................................................................................................................... 9, There are some books on the table. (-)->................................................................................................................................ (?)->............................................................................................................................... 11, I do my homework everyday. (-)->................................................................................................................................ (?)->............................................................................................................................... 12, We study hard everyday. (-)->.................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> (?)->................................................................................................................................ 13, Nam studies hard everyday. (-)->................................................................................................................................ (?)->................................................................................................................................ 14, It rains much in the winter. (-)->................................................................................................................................ (?)->................................................................................................................................ 15, They often go to school by bus. (-)->................................................................................................................................ (?)->................................................................................................................................ 16, I am doing my homework at the moment. (-)->................................................................................................................................ (?)->................................................................................................................................ 17, We are dancing. (-)->................................................................................................................................ (?)->................................................................................................................................ 18,My parents are working at their office. (-)->................................................................................................................................ (?)->................................................................................................................................ 19,The boy is sleeping. (-)->................................................................................................................................ (?)->............................................................................................................................... 20, Five years ago I was a student in class 5A. (-)->................................................................................................................................ (?)->............................................................................................................................... 21, Last night we were at the theater. (-)->................................................................................................................................ (?)->................................................................................................................................ 22, He was poor 10 years ago. (-)->................................................................................................................................ (?)->............................................................................................................................... 23, 10 years ago his house was very small. (-)->................................................................................................................................ (?)->................................................................................................................................ 24, They were on vacation in Dalat last summer.. (-)->............................................................................................................................... (?)->............................................................................................................................... 25, I did my homework last night. (-)->............................................................................................................................... (?)->.............................................................................................................................. 26, We studied hard last year. (-)->................................................................................................................................ (?)->................................................................................................................................ 27, My father and mother firt met when they worked in that factory. (-)->............................................................................................................................... (?)->............................................................................................................................... 28, Some years ago they started working in a small hospital. (-)->................................................................................................................................ (?)->............................................................................................................................... III. Put the verbs into correct forms:. (Viết dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc ở các thì Hiện tại đơn, Hiện tại tiếp diễn hay Quá khứ đơn). (dựa vào nghĩa hoặc các phần gạch chân nếu có): 1, The flood in 2007 ................................................(destroy) all vegetables here. 2, The day before yesterday there.........................(be) strong flood crossing here but it.................................(not destroy) too much because everyone...........................(have) preparation for it. 3,This machine........................................(not work) now. It has just been broken down. 4, How much...........................this pen..........................(cost)? - It......................(cost) 2,000d. It.................(be) cheap. It.....................(not be) expensive. 5, Who.....................you....................(meet) last night? -We........................(meet) our old English teacher. He.......................(teach) us last year. 6,- Nam,who .........................you...........................(talk) on the phone? - Mom, I.........................................(talk) to Mary, my pen pal from London. 7, Nam often...................................(go) out with friends before,but he............................. (not go) out last night. 8, Nam often...................(go) to school by bike but now he................................(not go) by bike. He..........................................(walk) to school. 9, Where....................you.................(be) last night? - I............................(see) a burgler. I......................(stop) him and ...................(catch) him. Then I....................................(take) him to the police. 10, There................(be) some bananas for lunch but there.....................(not be) any milk. 11, It’s two years since I first .............................(meet) you.. * New words:. - try (v): cè, cè g¾ng - die (v): chÕt - give (v): ®a, cho, trao, tÆng. - (be) born (v): (đợc) sinh ra - prison (n): nhµ tï - sell (v): b¸n - earth (n): trái đất - sun (n): mÆt trêi - ( be) the same: cïng, gièng - absent (adj): v¾ng - repaint (v): s¬n l¹i - poor (adj): nghÌo. - meet (v): gÆp - flood (n): c¬n lò, trËn lò - destroy (v): ph¸ huû, ph¸ ho¹i, tµn ph¸ - preparation (n): sù chuÈn bÞ - (be) broken (down): (bÞ) vë, g·y, hæng - pen pal (n): b¹n qua th - talk (v): nãi chuyÖn -> talk (on the phone): nãi chuyyen ®iÖn tho¹i - go out (v): ®i ch¬i - burgler (n): tªn trém, cíp - stop (v): dõng, chÆn l¹i - catch (v): b¾t. <IV> The past continuous tense : ( Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn ) A/ Formation: (Cấu tạo): * Structure: (Cấu trúc): (+) Affirmative (Khẳng định): S + was / were + V- ing+........ Eg: At 7 o’clock last night I was doing my homework. Lan/She was doing her homework. From 7 to 9 last night, our father and mother were watching TV. (- ) Negative: (Phủ định): *Thªm “NOT” sau “was/ were”. (ViÕt t¾t: was not= wasn’t; were not =weren’t): S + was / were + not + V- ing+..........

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> Eg: At 7 o’clock last night I wasn’t doing my homewor, Lan wasn’t doing her homework. From 7 to 9 last night, our father and mother weren’t watching TV. (?) Interrogative: (Câu hỏi): * §¶o “was/ were” lªn tríc Chñ ng÷ (S): Was / Were + S + V- ing + ……… ? Wh- + was / were + S + V- ing + ……… ? (* Khi sang thể nghi vấn Chủ ngữ (S) là “I / We” thì đổi thành “You”)*. Eg: Were you doing your homework at 7 o’clock last night? Was Lan/She doing her homework at 7 o’clock last night? What were your father and mother doing from 7 to 9 last night? B/ Usage: (Cách dùng): Dieãn taû moät: 1, hành động, sự việc ủang diễn ra tại một thụứi ủieồm (hoặc khoảng thời) gian xaực ủũnh trong quá khứ. Eg: - At 7 o’clock last night I was doing my homework. - From 7 to 9 last night we were doing our homework. 2, hành động ủang xaỷy ra thỡ coự moọt hành động khaực xen vaứo. (2 hành động cắt nhau)*: (Hành động ủang diễn ra ta duứng Qúa khứ tiếp diễn: ( was/were + V-ing); hành động xen vaứo ta duứng Quá khứ đơn: (V-ed/cột 2)* . Thêng dïng víi: “when”, “while” * sau “when” + QKĐ (V-ed/cột 2) * sau “while” + QKTD (was/were +V-ing) Eg: When he came, we were watching TV. (= We were watching TV when he came.) While they were flying to HaNoi, it started to rain. ( = It started to rain while they were flying to HaNoi) 3, hai (hay nhiều) hành động cùng đang diễn ra song song, moọt luực trong quaự khửự. Thêng dïng víi: “while” + (was/were+ V-ing) Eg:.1, While Lan was practising the piano, her parents were helping her brother practise the guitar. = Lan was practising the piano while her parents were helping her brother practise the guitar. C/Signs: (Dấu hiệu nhận biết): Thường dùng với: - at + (giê ë Qu¸ khø); at that time; at that moment; at this time + (thêi gian Qu¸ khø); from.............to.............(+ giê + thêi gian Qu¸ khø). - when + (V-ed/cột 2), + (was/ were + V-ing) - while + (was/were + V-ing), + (V-ed/cột 2) - while + (was/were + V-ing), + (was/were+ V-ing). 1, Be quiet! The baby........................................(sleep). 2, It............................................(not rain) in the dry season. 3, Mr. and Mrs.Baker........................................(teach) us English five years ago. 4, Why didn’t you listen while I.........................................(talk) to you? 5, Where............................they...................................(spend) their last vacation? - Last vacation they..........................................(spend) their time in Dalat. 6, What...................she................................(do) at 8 am yesterday? - She...........................................(prepare) breakfast at that time. 7, Where..................you......................(be) at 8 am yesterday? - We..............................(not be) at home at that time. We................................(play) soccer in the stadium. 8, Mr and Mrs black.......................................(have) dinner now. 9, Mrs Green always......................................(go) to work by car. 10, Mrs Green always......................(go) to work by car but now she.....................(travel) by bus. 11, My little sister...................................(drink) milk everyday. 12, He....................................(write) a long novel at present. 13, The earth...................................(move) around the sun. 14, The old man....................(fall) while he...................................(get) into the bus. 15, When he...........................(come) home, his wife.................................(eat) a big cake in the kitchen. 16, When I.........................(see) him, he..................................(sit) asleep in a chair. 17, All of them...................................(sing) when we....................................(arrive). 18, The light.......................(go) out while we..............................(watch) a movie on TV. 19, While the children....................................(talk), the teacher.............................(arrive). 20, While he............................(plow) in the fields, his wife.......................... (cook) lunch. 21, He.....................(cut) himself while he...................................(cut) the trees. 22,He never..............................(come) home late. 23, There.................................(be) a lot of goods at market everyday. 24, There.................................(be) a lot of noise at the fair yesterday. 25, It.......................................(take) me about an hour to walk to school last year. 26, It.................................(take) me about 15 minutes to go to school by bike everyday. 27, .......................you.........................(see) her yesterday evening? - No. I.................................(not see) her yesterday evening. I............................(see) her a few days ago. 28, ..........................you............................(stay) home from 11am to 2 pm last Sunday? 29, What..................you............................(do) last night? - Well, I........................(be) tired, so I............................(go) to bed early. 30, What...................you...........................(do) at 7 o’clocl last night? - Well, I.........................................(plan) for my next lesson.. * New words:. Date of preparing: 17/1/2016 Date of teaching: 18/1/2016. Revision 2 Ôn tập thì Hiện tại đơn, thì hiện tại tiếp diễn, thì quá khứ đơn vµ th× qu¸ khø tiÕp diÔn I,Put the verbs into correct forms: (Viết dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc ở các thì: Hiện tại đơn, Hiện tại tiếp diễn, Quá khứ đơn hay Quá khứ tiếp diễn). (dựa vào nghĩa hoặc các phần gạch chân nếu có):. - sleep (v): ngò - novel (n): tiÓu thuyÕt, truyÖn dµi tËp. - asleep (adj/adv): buån ngò, ngò gËt - move (v) dÞch chuyÓn, di chuyÓn. - dry (adj): kh« - move around... : quay quanh... => dry season: mïa kh« - plow (v)= plough(v): cµy (ruéng). - prepare (v): chuÈn bÞ. - goods (n): hµng ho¸.(số ít) <V> The simple future tense : (Thì töông lai ñôn ) A/ Formation: (Cấu tạo):.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> 1, Form: (Hình thức động từ V): (V) = will/ shall + V-infi...(nguyªn mÉu)* * “shall” đi với các chủ ngữ là: “I, We” (HiÖn nay ngêi ta chØ dïng “WILL” chung cho tÊt c¶ c¸c ng«i. ViÕt t¾t: ‘ll)* 2, Structures: (Cấu trúc): (+) Affirmative:(Khẳng định): S + will/ shall + V- infi... (nguyªn mÉu)* Eg: Tomorrow,I will/shall buy a new house. Lan will help her mother. (- ) Negative: (Phủ định) * Thªm “NOT” sau “will/ shall”. (ViÕt t¾t: will not = won’t; shall not = shan’t): S + will/ shall + not + V-infi....(nguyªn mÉu)* Eg: Tomorrow,I won’t/ shan’t buy a new house. Lan won’t help her mother. (?) Interrogative: (Câu hỏi): * §¶o “Will/ Shall” tríc Chñ ng÷ (S): Will/ Shall + S + V- infi... (nguyªn mÉu)* ? Wh- + will/ shall + S + V- infi... (nguyªn mÉu)* ? (* Khi sang thể nghi vấn Chủ ngữ (S) là “I / We” thì đổi thành “You”)*. Eg Will you buy a new house tomorrow? Who will Lan help ? B/ Usage: (Cách dùng): 1, Dieãn taû moät hành động sẽ xãy ra trong töông lai. (Mang hµm ý chung chung )*. Eg: I will go to Ha Noi tomorrow 2*, Diễn tả sự suy đoán của cá nhân: (Theo sau: I think / promise / hope / believe / expect /.....(that) + S + (will + V-infi......)*. Eg: I think it will rain tomorrow. 3*, Sau mệnh đề điều kiện “If + V(Hiện tại đơn); hoặc “Whenever + V(Hiện tại đơn)” Eg: Whenever he comes, I will tell you. If you study hard, you will pass your exam. C/Signs: (Dấu hiệu nhận biết): Thường dùng với: - Tonight: (toái nay).; Tomorrow : ( ngaøy mai); in a few days:(vµi ngµy n÷a); - Next + ( week/ month/year/ Sunday/ …: tuần / tháng/n¨m/………… tới); - Someday: (một ngày nào đo)ù;- Soon: (chẳng bao lâu nữa); - In the future: (trong töông lai); In + th¸ng/ naêm töông lai ( in 2050 );.... - Sau: I think / promise / hope / believe / expect /.....(that) + S +.... - Sau mệnh đề điều kiện “If + V(Hiện tại đơn); hoặc “Whenever + V(Hiện tại đơn)” D/Exersices: (Bài tập ứng dụng): I,Put the verbs into correct forms of Simple Future tense: 1, My parents.....................................(buy) me a new bike next month. 2, It’s Sunday tomorrow, they .........................................(not go) to school. 3, ..................you........................(be) free tomorrow morning? 4, How old........................Huong.................................(be) on her next birthday? 5, In the future, there........................................(not be) enough land for farming. 6, I think we ........................................(finish) our test on time. 7, Wow, What a lovely girl!. I.............................................(meet) her someday. 8, We...........................................(not be) late if we start right now. 9, If you are too late, your teacher........................................(punish) you. 10, Whenever you need, I..........................................(lend) you 1,000 dong. - land (n): đất - someday: ngày nào đó => land for farming: đất trồng - punish (v): ph¹t. - on time: đúng giờ - lend (v): cho mîn. <VII> The present perfect tense. ( Thì hiện tại hoàn thành ) A/ Formation: (Cấu tạo): * Structure: (Cấu trúc): (+) Affirmative:(Khẳng định): S + have / has + (V-ed /cột 3) * Trong đó: I, We, You, They và Danh từ số nhiều have + V-ed/ cột 3 She, He, It và Danh từ số ít has Eg: Nam has just bought a new hat. We have studied English since 2008. *Động từ theo qui tắc, ta thêm - ED sau động từ. (Giống V-ed Thỡ Quỏ khứ đơn)* Eg: finish-> finished; live=> lived; study=> studied; stop=> stopped; ........ *Động từ bất qui tắc, ta dùng cột 3 (bảng động từ bất qui tắc)* (Học thuộc lòng)* Eg: be=> was/were=> been; - see=> saw=> seen; - have=> had=> had;...... (- ) Negative: (Phủ định) * Thªm “NOT” sau “have/ has” (ViÕt t¾t: have not = haven’t; has not = hasn’t) S + have / has+ not + ( V-ed /cột 3) Eg: Nam hasn’t just bought a new hat. We haven’t studied English since 2008 (?) Interrogative: (Câu hỏi): * §¶o “Have/ Has” tríc Chñ ng÷ (S). Have / Has + S + V-ed/ cột 3… ? WH- + have/ has + S + V-ed/ cột 3… ? (* Khi sang thể nghi vấn Chủ ngữ (S) là “I / We” thì đổi thành “You”)*. Eg: Has Nam just bought a new hat? What has Nam just bought ?. Have we studied English since 2008? B/ Usage: (Cách dùng): Dieãn taû moät: 1, hành động ủaừ xaỷy ra trong quaự khửự nhng khoõng roừ thụứi gian. Eg:I have ever been here before. 2, hành động vửứa mới xaỷy ra. Eg: My father has just bought me a new bike. 3, hành động đã bắt đàu xaỷy ra trong quaự khửự vaứ coứn tiếp tục keựo daứi ủeỏn hieọn taïi ho¨c t¬ng lai. Eg: We have studied English since 2008. Lan has learnt English for 3 years 4, hành động cha xãy ra (Tính đến thời điểm Hiện tại)* Eg: Nam and Hoa have not (haven’t) finished their homework yet. 5, hành động xãy ra hơn một laàn trong quaự khửự (Tớnh cho ủeỏn thụứi ủieồm hieọn taùi)*. Eg: She has seen that film several times. 6*, trong mệnh đề sau so saựnh nhaỏt: Eg: This is the most intelligent boy that I have ever met. hoÆc sau caáu truùc : This / It is the first time / the second time / the third time.........: (đây là lần thứ nhất / hai / ba/ ………) Eg: This is the first/ second/....time we have met each other. C/Signs: (Dấu hiệu nhận biết): Thường dùng với: - already; ever:(đã... rồi; ủaừ tửứng); before: (trửụực đây); just:( vửứa mụựi); recently= lately (míi ®©y, gÇn ®©y); yet? / not.. yet: (chöa); never: (cha tõng, cha bao giô)ø;.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> since + (mốc thời gian / hoạt động ở Quá khứ đơn); for + (khoaỷng thụứi gian); for along time: (đã lâu); (for) several times: (nhiều/ moọt vaứi laàn); nowadays (hiện nay, dạo này); so far/ until now/ up to now/ up to the present:(cho đến nay); - sau so saùnh nhaát: Eg: This is the most intelligent boy that I have ever met. hoÆc sau caáu truùc : This / It is the first time / the second time / the third time ……… ............(đây là lần thứ nhất / hai / ba/ ………) Eg: This is the third time I have met her. *VÞ trÝ c¸c tr¹ng tõ trong c©u: - already; ever; just; never. thờng đặt giữa “have” và “V-ed/cột 3” Eg: I have ever/just/ already/... seen that film. - “already” đôi khi đợc đăt cuối câu/ mệnh đề. Eg: I have seen that film already. - C¸c tr¹ng tõ cßn l¹i: “ before/ recently/since +( mèc thêi gian)/ for + (kho¶ng thời gian)/.......” đặt cuối câu/ mệnh đề Eg: I have ever been here before. We have studied English since 2008. She has seen that film several times D/Exersices: (Bài tập ứng dụng): I. Put the verbs into correct forms, using “The present perfect tense” 1, Nam’s family.............................(live) in Dong Hoi for ten years. (= since ten years ago) 2, We.........................(be) to Ha Noi since last month. (= for a month= since a month ago ) 3, He...................................................(just paint) that picture. 4, The children...............................................(not see) that film yet. 5, Mr and Mrs Black.................................(not raise) animals on their farm for a long times. 6, .........................he.............................(do) his homework yet? 7, How long........................they..................................(work) here? 8, People.............................................(not widen) the road in front of my house. 9, Someone.................................(kill) the murder already. 10, ........................Lan and Hoa....................................(come) to visit you yet? 11, This is the first time we..........................................(write) to each other. 12, She is the most beautiful girl that I................................................(ever see). 13, Nam is the best friend that I............................................(have). 14, He.....................................................(study) hard nowadays. 15, Our school.................................................(buy) some new instruments recently/ lately.. * New words:. paint (v): s¬n, vÏ kill (v): giết murder (n): Kẻ giết người raise (v): nu«i instruments (n): dụng cụ, thiết bị widen (v): më réng <VIII> The past perfect tense : ( Thì quá khứ hoàn thành ) A/ Formation: (Cấu tạo): * Structure: (Cấu trúc): (+) Affirmative:(Khẳng định): S + had + V-ed /cột 3 Eg: We had finished our homework before we went to bed (- ) Negative: (Phủ định) S + had + not + V-ed/ cột 3. * Thªm “NOT” sau “had”.( ViÕt t¾t: had not = hadn’t). Eg: We hadn’t finished our homework before we went to bed (?) Interrogative: (Câu hỏi): Had + S + V-ed/ cột 3.... ? Wh- + had + S + V-ed/ cột 3.... ? * §¶o “Had” tríc Chñ ng÷ (S) (* Khi sang thể nghi vấn Chủ ngữ (S) là “I / We” thì đổi thành “You”)*. Eg: Had you finished our homework before you went to bed? B/ Usage: (Cách dùng): Dieãn taû moät: 1, hành động đã xãy ra và hoàn tất trớc moọt thụứi ủieồm ụỷ quaự khửự. Dïng víi: before / by + (thêi gian Qu¸ khø). Eg: We had lived in Hue before 1975. 2, hành động đã xaỷy ra và hoàn tất trửụực moọt hành động khaực ụỷ quaự khử.ự (hành động xaỷy ra trửụực ta duứng QK hoàn thành (had + V-ed/cột 3); hành động xaỷy ra sau ta duøng QK ñôn (V-ed/cột 2) ). Dïng víi: - V-ed/cột 2 + after + S + had+ V- ed/ cột 3 - had + V-ed/ cột 3 + before/by the time + S + V-ed/cột 2 - had+ V- ed/ cột 3 + when* + S + V-ed/ cột 2 họăc: V-ed/ cột 2 + when* + S + had+ V- ed/ cột 3 (Tuỳ theo nghĩa diễn đạt)* Eg: 1, We went to bed after we had finished our homework last night. (= After we had finished our homework,we went to bed) 2, Before we went to bed, we had finished our homework (= We had finished our homework before we went to bed) 3, When we came, they had started performing the show. (Phim chiếu trớc, chúng tôi đến sau)* When we had come, they started performing the show. (Chúng tôi đến trớc, phim chiếu sau)*. Date of preparing: Date of teaching:. 24/1/2016 25/1/2016. Revision “The present perfect tense”or “The past perfect tense ”: I, Put the verbs into correct forms. (dùa vµo nghÜa hoÆc c¸c phÇn g¹ch ch©n nÕu cã): 1, Someone...............................................(close) the door before/ by the time we arrived. 2, Someone...............................................(close) the door since we arrived. 3, We....................................................(write) to each other several times/ letters. 4, I......................................................(write) to her several times/letters before. 5, I......................................................(write) to her several times/letters before I met her. 6, After I.............................................(meet) her, I fell in love her. 7, This is the second time I.....................................................(meet) her. 8, She is the most lovely girl I.................................................(ever meet). 9, They.......................................................(meet) each other before Christmas last year. 10, She.left home after she..............................................(lock) her door..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> 11, We............................(prepare) lessons carefully before we.....................(go) to school. 12, Before yesterday my grandmother...........................................(tell) me that news. 13, Before/ By the time you.......................................(tell) me that news, my grandmother ........................................(tell) me. 14, After he...................................(come) here, he.............................(come) to your house. 15, He..............................(live) here after he..............................(live) in Hue for ten years. 16, When* it.............................(rain), they..............................(go) out. II.Change sentenses into Negative and Interrogative: (ChuyÓn c¸c c©u trªn sang phñ định(-) và nghi vấn(?): 1, ......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................? 2,......................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ 3,......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................? 4, ...................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................? 5,...................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................? 6,..................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................? 7,........................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................? 8,........................................................................................................................................ .......................................................................................................................................? 9,.................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................? 10,....................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................? 11..................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................? 12,....................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................? 13..................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................? *<Lu ý>: 1: Phõn biệt Thì Hiện tại đơn, Thì Quá Khứ đơn và Thì Hiện tại hoàn thành: CÊu t¹o. C¸c h dïng. Thì Hiện tại đơn * “to Be”= is/ am/ are * “V”=V-infi../V-(s/es) - sù thËt chung chung, tån t¹i l©u dµi ë HiÖn t¹i. Eg: I live in Quang Hoa. - thãi quen/ sù thêng xuyªn ë HiÖn t¹i. Eg: I go to school everymorning. I usually go to school in the morning. - sù thËt hiÓn nhiªn, ch©n lÝ, qui luËt tù nhiªn(lu«n lu«n đúng) Eg: The sun moves around the Earth.. Thì Quá Khứ đơn * “to Be”=was/ were * “V” = V-ed/ cột 2. Th× HiÖn t¹i hoµn thµnh have/ has + V-ed/ cột 3. - hành động đã xãy ra vµ chÊm døt ë Qóa khø.(cã thêi gian rá rµng vµ kh«ng cßn liªn quan tíi HiÖn t¹i). Eg: I lived in Quang Hoa 10 years ago. (HiÖn nay tôi đã sống nơi kh¸c, kh«ng cßn sèng ë Q. Hoà n÷a -> đã kết thúc). - hành động đã xãy ra và chấm døt ë Qóa khø.( thêi gian kh«ng rá rµng vµ kÕt qu¶ vÉn cßn lu l¹i ë HiÖn t¹i). Eg: I have ever lived in Q.Hoa before.(kh«ng rá thêi gian). I have lived in Q.Hoa for 10 years/ since 10 years ago. (vÉn cßn sèng ë Q.Hoa). - Always, all the time; Usually, often, frequently, generally,. -Yesterday;. - already; ever; before; just; recently= lately; yet? / not.. yet; never;. - Last + thời gian (night/ week/. DÊu hiÖu. normally; Sometimes, at times, occasionally; Seldom , rarely;Never. - Every + (day/ week/ month/morning/Sunday/ - Once/ twice/ three times/....+ a/an/per + (day / week / month/...). - since; for; for a long time; (for) several times; nowadays; so far/ until now/ up to now/ up to the present; - sau so saùnh nhaát, hoÆc sau caáu truùc: This / It is the first time / the second time / the third time/………+ had+ V-ed / 3 * <Bài tập ứng dụng>: Phõn biệt Thì Hiện tại đơn, Thì Quá Khứ đơn và Thì Hiện tại hoµn thµnh: Revision 5 I,Put the verbs into correct forms: (Viết dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc ). 1, Jane........................(already repaint) her appartment but she........................(not repair) its roof yet. 2, Jane....................(repaint) her appartment 1 year ago, but she.....................(not repair) its roof. 3, Jane...................(repaint) her appartment every year, but she.......................(not repair) its roof. 4, Thao Ly’s parents........................(live) in a countryside. They.........................(not live) with her in the city.. 5, Thao Ly’s parents................................(live) in a countryside for a long time . They.........................(not live) with her since she.........................(get) married. 6, Last year, Thao Ly’s parents..............................(live) in a countryside . They...................................(not live) with their daughter. 7, In which season.......................it............................(rain) much in Viet Nam? 8, When.......................it......................(rain)? – Last night. 9, How long......................it......................(rain)? - For an hour. 10, Who............................you.......................(be)?- I’m Nhan. 2: Phõn biệt Thì Quá Khứ đơn và Thì Quá Khứ hoàn thành: CÊu t¹o. C¸ch dïuïng. DÊu hiÖu. Ghi chó. month/ year/ Sunday,...); - Ago; In + th¸ng/ n¨m ë quá khứ ( in 1990) - Mệnh đề chỉ thời gian ë Qu¸ khø: When+..(V-ed/cột 2). Thì Quá Khứ đơn * “to Be”= was/ were * “V” = V-ed/ cột 2 - hành động đã xãy ra và chấm dứt ở Qóa khø.(cã thêi gian rá rµng vµ kh«ng cßn liªn quan tíi HiÖn t¹i). Eg: I lived in Quang Hoa 10 years ago. (Hiện nay tôi đã sống nơi khác, không còn sống ở Q. Hũa nữa-> đã kÕt thóc). -Yesterday; Last + thời gian (night/ week/ month/ year/ Sunday,...); Ago; In + th¸ng/ n¨m ë quá khứ ( in 1990) - Mệnh đề chỉ thời gian ở Quá khø: When + ...hành động ở quá khứ. Th× Qu¸ Khø hoµn thµnh had + V-ed /cột 3 - hành động đã xãy ra và hoàn tất trớc một thời điểm ở quá khứ. Eg: We had lived in Q.Hoa before 1975. - hành động đã xaỷy ra và hoàn tất trửụực moọt hành động khaực ụỷ quaự khử.ự - before / by + (thêi gian Qu¸ khø). - V-ed/cột 2 + after +S+ had+V- ed/cột 3 - had+ V-ed/ cột 3 + before/by the time + S + V-ed/cột 2 - had+ V- ed/ cột 3 + when + S + Ved/ cột 2. hoặc: V-ed/cột 2 + when + S + had+ V- ed/ cột 3 Nếu trong câu có 2 hành động, thì hành động xaỷy ra trửụực ta duứng QK hoàn thành: (had + V-ed/ cột 3);hành động xaỷy ra sau ta duứng QKủụn: (V-ed/ cột 2). * <Bài tập ứng dụng>: Phõn biệt Thì Quá Khứ đơn và Thì Quá Khứ hoàn thành:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> Revision 6 I,Put the verbs into correct forms: (Viết dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc ). (dựa vµo nghÜa hoÆc c¸c phÇn g¹ch ch©n nÕu cã): 1, He.................................................(come) at about 7 o’clock yesterday moroning He.......................................(come) before/ by the time we...................................(come). We......................................(come) after he...........................................(come). 2, They........................................(arrive) when we....................................(be) still there. 3, When* they.............................(arrive), we.........................................(be) there. When* they.............................(be), we............................................(arrive) 4, A few years ago Mr and Mrs John................................................(work) in this school. They...............................................(work) in this school before 2004. In 2004, they................................(not work) in this school. They..............................(not work) in this school before we............................................(be) here. 5, Where.....................you.................................(be) last night? 6, Where.....................you.................................(be) before last night? 7, Where.....................you.................................(work) in 2004? 8, Where.....................you.................................(work) before 2004? 9, Before/ by the time Mr and Mrs Smith........................(get) married, they......................... (ever get) married twice. 10, I.....................(decide) to meet her after I........................(talk) a lot to her on the phone. - roof (n): m¸i nhµ - repaint (v): s¬n lại, vÏ l¹i - get married (v): kết hôn, lập gia đình. - repair (v): söa ch÷a Date of preparing: 31/1/2016 Date of teaching: 1/2/2016 test 45 minutes- les.1 «n tËp c¸c th× (tenses) I.Choose the best answer A,B,C or D: (Chọn A,B,C hoặc D có đáp án đúng nhất). 1, I always.........................up at 4am. A- get B- am get C- am getting D- got 2, Nam never....................up before 4am everyday. A- get B- gets C- got D- had gotten 3, Yesterday he.....................up at 5. A- is getting B- gets C- got D- gotten 4, He phones his parents........................ A- before B- at the moment C- every month D- yesterday 5, He is phoning his parents........................ A- before B- at the moment C- every month D- yesterday 6, He is going to phone his parents........................ A- tomorrow B- now C- at the moment D-yesterday morning 7, He phoned his parents........................ A-tomorrow B- at the moment C- every month D- yesterday morning 8, He..............................his parents before he arrived. A- phones B- is phoning C- phoned D- had phoned 9, He has......................phoned his parents. A- always B- already C- usually D- sometimes 10, They.......................to each other several times. A- write B- has write C- has written D- wrote. 11, At the moment, they................................to each other. A- has written B- are written C- writes D- are writing 12, They had written to each other....................... they met. A- after B- before C- since D- for 13, They..............................to each other next time/ in the future. A- will write B- will writes C- writes D- writing 14,They..............................to each other tomorrow/next time. A- were writing B- are writing C- has written D- wrote 15, They..............................to each other last weekend. A- were writing B- has written C- wrote D- had written 16, They..............................to each other before the day yesterday. A-has written B- had written C- wrote D- had wrote 17, They..............................to each other at 8pm yesterday. A- wrote B-has written C-were writing D- are writing 18, The teacher came....................the children were making noise in class. A- before B- after C- when D- while 19, ...............he came, we were having dinner. A- when B- while C- after D- before 20, We have studied English...................2008. A- when B-since C- for D- in 21, We had studied English...................2008 A- when B- since C- for D-before 22, I was born.....................1996. A- since B- in C- for D- before 23, Mr Johns have moved to Ha Noi....................a long time. A- since B- in C- for D- before 24, Mr Johns moved to Ha Noi....................a long time ago. A- since B- in C- for D25, This is the most succesful game I........................... A- had B- have had C- has had D- had had 26, Before we got this prize, we.............................another better. A- had B- had had C- have had D- have II, Put the verbs into correct forms. 1, They..............................................(never be) late for work. 2, He..................................................(work) in a factory five years ago. 3, Look! Someone..........................................(run) after us. 4, The police......................(free) her after they.............................(ask) her some questions. 5, He..........................(fall) down while he............................(climb) the tree to catch a bird. 6, Tomorrow my father.............................................(visit) us. 7, She.....................................(listen) to music when the phone...................................(ring). 8, While he........................(try) to find his children, the children.......................(play) game. 9, She...............................(sell) her old house before she............................(buy) a new one. 10, He..............................(not find) his son until* he...................... (come) home last night. 11, I.................................(not see) her since we...............................(leave) school. 12, I.........................................(not watch) TV at the moment. 13, The Earth......................(not go) around the Sun. The Sun.................(go) around the Earth. 14, We..............................................(not join) the contest last weekend. 15, We..............................................(not join) the contest next weekend..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> III, T×m lçi sai (A,B,C hoÆc D) vµ ch÷a lçi: Sentences Correct 1, He earn a lot of money everyday. A B C D 2, We haven’t met since a long time. A B C D 3, They didn’t have kept in touch before 1992. A B C D 4, He doesn’t never goes to school on time. A B C D 5, He doesn’t never go to school on time. A B C D 6, We will visit Ha Noi last month. A B C D 7, My parents don’t be very rich. A B C D 8, I am liking reading newspapers. A B C D9, I enjoy seeing movies. I not enjoy reading books. A B C D 10, Before we left school, we had a great time together. A B C D * GHI NHí CHUNG VÒ h×NH THøC §éNG Tõ 1, C¸c “to Be” is/am/are Hiện tại đơn Thì đơn was/ were Quá khứ đơn 2 “V” V/V-(s/es) lo¹ Hiện tại đơn i V- ed/cột 2 Quá khứ đơn 2, C¸c is/am/are+ V-ing HiÖn t¹i tiÕp diÔn KÕt Th× tiÕp (Be)+V-ing was/ were+V-ing Qu¸ khø tiÕp diÔn hîp diÔn 3, Th× t- KÕt will + V-infini... Tơng lai đơn ¬ng lai hîp (will )+ V-infi... would + V-infini... T¬ng lai cña Qu¸ khø 4, C¸c Th× have/has+ V-ed/cột 3 HiÖn t¹i hoµn KÕt hoµn hîp (Have)+V-ed/c3 thµnh thµnh had+ V-ed/cột 3 Qu¸ khø hoµn thµnh 5, BÞ KÕt hîp (Be)+ V-ed/ cột 3 động * Xem phần Câu bị động 6, Kh¸c. V+ V-ing V+ to-infini... V+ V-infini.... * Xem phần Các động từ làm Tân ngữ. Date of preparing: Date of teaching:. 14/2/2016 15//2/2016. the Passive form (Dạng bị động) a- presentation- (giíi thiÖu chung). I. Eg: 1, Act (Câu Chủ động): I open the door S(1) V O(2) S(2) Pas (Câu bị động): The door 2, Act (Câu Chủ động):. V(Be+ V-ed/cột 3) O(1) is opened by me everyday.. I opened S(1) V. S(2) Pas (Câu bị động): The door 3, Act (Câu Chủ động):. everyday.. the door O(2). yesterday.. V(Be+ V-ed/cột 3) O(1) was opened by me yesterday.. I am opening S(1) V. the door O(2). everyday.. S(2) V(Be+ V-ed/cột 3) O(1) Pas (Câu bị động): The door is being opened by me everyday. II.Kh¸i niÖm: * Là câu đợc chuyển thể từ câu Chủ động (Act), khi: + Ngời nói muốn nhấn mạnh đến đối tợng bị hành động tác động. + Ngời nói không biết ngời thực hiện hành động là ai, hoặc ngời nói không muốn đề cập đến ngời gây ra tác động. * Ta thÊy: + Chủ ngữ (S) trong câu Chủ động(Act) sẽ làm Tân ngữ (O) trong câu Bị động(Pas), đặt sau “by”: S(Act) = = = => O(Pas). + Tân ngữ (O) trong câu Chủ động sẽ làm Chủ ngữ (S) trong câu Bị động: : O(Act) = = = => S(Pas). + Động từ (V) trong câu Chủ động luôn ở dạng Quá khứ phân từ (V-ed/cột 3) kết hợp với động từ “to Be” đợc chia ở các Thì khác nhau. V(Pas) = (Be)* + V-ed/ cột 3 III.CÊu t¹o chung: Active (Chủ động):. S(1). (1) Passive (Bị động): S(2). IV. C¸ch chuyÓn: 4 bíc:. (2). V*. O(2). (3). (Be)* + V-ed/cột 3. (4) by O(1).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> (1). Lấy Tân ngữ (O2) của câu Chủ động về làm Chủ ngữ (S2) trong câu Bị động. Eg: Act: Yesterday I took him to the hospital. O(2) Pas: Yesterday he was taken to the hospital by me. S(2) (2). Thêm (Be)* trớc động từ chính trong câu Bị động. * Lu ý: (Be)* trong câu Bị động đợc chia cùng Thì/ hình thức với động từ chính trong câu Chủ động. Eg:1, Act: Yesterday I took him to the hospital. V-ed/cột 2 Pas: Yesterday he was taken to the hospital by me. Be (cột 2) 2, Act: I am taking him to the hospital at the moment. V-ing Pas: He is being taken to the hospital by me at the moment Be-ing (3). Chuyển Động từ chính (V) của câu Chủ động về dạng Quá khứ phân từ (V-ed/ 3) trong câu Bị động. Eg: Act: Yesterday I took him to the hospital. (V) Pas: Yesterday he was taken to the hospital by me. (V-ed/3) (4). Chuyển Chủ ngữ (S1) của câu Chủ động về làm Tân ngữ (O1) trong câu Bị động, đặt sau “by”. Eg: Act: Yesterday I took him to the hospital. S(1) Pas: Yesterday he was taken to the hospital by me. O (1) (*) Ngoài ra còn có một “bước phụ”: Viết các thành phần bổ ngữ: Trạng từ, trạng ngữ chỉ thơig gian, nơi chốn.... vào đúng vị trí thích hợp trong câu. - (Xem phụ lục 1)*. Eg: Act: Nam usually feed animals on the river bank. => Pas: Animals are usually fed on the river bank by Nam. Act: He has already finished his homework. => Pas: His homework has already been finished. *Phụ lục 1: Một số lưu ý chung về Câu Bị động: 1, Muốn chuyển một câu Chủ động sang câu Bị động, cần phải: a) Xác định đợc: S, V và O trong câu Chủ động b) Xác định đợc Thì/ Hình thức động từ (V) trong câu Chủ động để đặt (Be)* trong câu Bị động phù hợp với Thì/ Dạng của động từ đó. c) Nếu trong câu Chủ động không có Tân ngữ (hoặc không xác định đợc Tân ngữ) thì sẽ không thể chuyển sang câu Bị động. d) Nếu trong câu Chủ động có 2 Tân ngữ (O), ta có thể chuyển thành 2 câu Bị động. Eg: Act: I write her letters everyday.. O O Pas: She is written letters* by me everyday. Or: Letters are written to her* by me everyday. * Lưu ý: - Khi dùng Tân ngữ trực tiếp (đối tợng trực tiếp bị hành động tác động: thờng là từ chỉ “vật”)* để làm Chủ ngữ của câu Bị động, thì cần phải có giới từ “to”/ “for” đặt giữa V-ed/3 với Tân ngữ gián tiếp. Eg: Letters are written to her; A new hat is bought for him;...... - Khi dùng Tân ngữ gián tiếp (đối tợng nhận hành động thông qua Tân ngữ trực tiếp: thờng là từ chỉ “người”)* để làm Chủ ngữ của câu Bị động, thì không cần có giới từ “to”/ “for” sau động từ. Eg: She is written letters ; He is bought a new hat ;...... - Nếu Chủ ngữ trong câu Chủ động là những đối tợng không xác định cụ thÓ: “People”; “Someone”; “ Somebody”; “No one”; “Nobody”; “Everyone”/ “Everybody”; “They”,......... thì không cần “by+ O” trong câu Bị động. Eg: Act: Someone stole my bike. Pas: My bike was stolen. 2, Vị trí các Trạng từ trong câu Bị động: a) C¸c tõ/ côm tr¹ng tõ chØ thêi gian: tomorrow; today; tonight; yesterday; nowadays; for a long time; (for) several times; so far; up to/till now; now; then; at the/this moment; at that moment; at that time; at present; presently; once/twice/three times/.....; someday; in a few days; in the future; in the past; before; recently; lately; yet; since(+ mèc thêi gian); for(+ kho¶ng thêi gian ), ago; every...(+ day/ night/ week/ month/......); last... (+ night/ week/ month/......); next... (+ night/ week/ month/......); in/ on/ at+ thêi gian; và các mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian bắt đầu bằng “when/ while/ since/ as soo as/ untill/ before/ after/+...... ” đợc đặt cuối câu/ mệnh đề. (sau “by+O”) b) C¸c tõ/ côm tr¹ng tõ chØ n¬i chèn: there; here; in/ on/ at/ in front of/ behind/ opposite/ to the right/left of/ near/ next to/ above/ over/ under/ betweem/......+ danh từ => đợc đặt trớc “by + O” cuối mệnh đề. c) C¸c tr¹ng tõ: always; usually; often; sometimes; never; rarely; ever; frequently; generally; occationally; normally; hardly; seldom, đợc đặt giữa “Be + V-ed/3” trong các Thì đơn. d) Các trạng từ: already; ever; never; just, đợc đặt sau “have/ has/ had” trong c¸c Th× hoµn thµnh. e) C¸c tr¹ng tõ chØ thÓ c¸ch (c¸ch thøc): well; badly; carefully; quickly; fast; better;......đợc đặt sau V-ed/3 hoặc giữa “Be/Have + V-ed/3” B- passive tenses and structures(Thì và các cấu trúc bị động ) I. passive tenses- (Các Thì bị động ) ten Active (chủ động) passive (bị động) ses V(-s/es) (+) is/am/are + V(-ed/ 3) HiÖn (+) (- ) don’t/doesn’t+ V(-infi..) (- ) is/am/are+NOT+V(-ed/ 3) t¹i.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> đơn. Qu¸ khø đơn. HiÖn t¹i tiÕp diÔn Qu¸ khø tiÕp diÔn HiÖn t¹i hoµn thµnh HiÖn t¹i hoµn thµnh tiÕp diÔn Qu¸ khø hoµn thµnh T¬ng lai đơn T¬ng lai tiÕp diÔn. (?) Do/does + S(1) + V(-infi..)..? (+) V(-ed/ 2) (- ) didn’t+ V(-infi..) (?) Did+ S(1) + V(-infi...) ..? (+ ) is/am/are+V(-ing) (- ) is/am/are+NOT+V(ing) (?) is/are+ S(1)+ V(-ing)....?. (?) is/are + S(2) + V(-ed/ 3) ...? (+) was/were+V(-ed/ 3) (- ) was/were+NOT+V(-ed/ 3) (?) was/were+S(2)+ V(-ed/ 3)...? (+) is/am/are+being+V(-ed/ 3) (- ) is/am/are+NOT+being+V(-ed/ 3) (?) is/are+ S(2)+being+V(-ed/ 3)...?. (+) was/were+V(-ing) (- ) was/were+NOT+V(-ing) (?) was/were+S(1)+V(-ing)....?. (+) (- ) (?). was/were+being+V(-ed/ 3) was/were+NOT+being+V(-ed/ 3) was/were+S(2)+being+V(-ed/ 3)...?. (+) have/has+V(-ed/ 3) (- ) have/has+NOT+V(-ed/ 3) (?) have/has+S(1)+V(-ed/ 3)...?. (+) (- ) (?). have/has+been+V(-ed/ 3) have/has+NOT+been+V(-ed/ 3) have/has+S(2)+been+V(-ed/ 3)....?. (+) have/has+been+V(-ing) (- ) have/has+NOT+been+ +V(-ing) (?)have/has+S(1)+been+ +V(ing)....?. (+) have/has+been being+V(-ed/ 3) (- ) have/has+NOT+been being+V(-ed/ 3). (+) (- ) (?). had+V(-ed/ 3) hadn’t+V(-ed/ 3) had+S(1)+V(-ed/ 3)...?. (+) (- ) (?). had been+V(-ed/ 3) hadn’t been+V(-ed/ 3) had+S(2)+ been+V(-ed/ 3) ...?. (+) will+ V(-infinitive) (- ) won’t+ V(-infinitive) (?) will+ S(1)+V(-infinitive)....? (+) will be+ V(-ing) (- ) won’t be+ V(-ing) (?) will+ S(1)+ be+V(-ing)....?. (+) (- ) (?) (+) (- ) (?). will be+ V(-ed/ 3) won’t be+ V(-ed/ 3) will+S(2)+ be+ V(-ed/ 3)...? will be being + V(-ed/ 3) won’t be being + V(-ed/ 3) will+S(2)+ be being+ V(-ed/ 3)...?. (?) have/has+S(2)+ been being+ +V(-ed/ 3)..?. * <Bµi tËp øng dông> I. Chọn A, B, C or D để hoàn thành các câu sau. ( ở Chủ động hay Bị động- dựa vào nghÜa hoÆc c¸c phÇn g¹ch ch©n nÕu cã): 1, Students in Viet Nam ……………uniform on weekdays A. wear B. are wearing C. to wear D. wore 2, Uniform …………….. by students in Viet Nam on weekdays A. wear B. are wearing C. is wear D. is worn 3, Uniform …………….. by students in America on weekdays A. not wear B. are not wearing C. don’t wear D. isn’t worn 4, .............uniform ……...... by students in Viet Nam on weekdays? A. Does/wear B. Is/ wearing C. Wear/ is D. Is/ worn 5, We ………..each other for two years. A. have know B. has knew C. knew D. have known 6, .............you ………..each other before?. A. Have/ known B. Do/ know C.Did/ know D. have known 7, We ………..each other yet. A. have known B. have not known C. not have known D. not known 8. Listen! The birds ……………… A. sing B. are singing C. are sung D. sang. 9. My father …………..me to the park once a week. A. take B. takes C. is taking D. has taken 10. The children …………….football in the school yard at that moment. A. are played B. are playing C. were playing D. not playing 11. The children …………….football in the school yard at that moment. A. are not played B. are not playing C. were not playing D. not playing 12. Football……………. by the children in the school yard at that moment. A. was played B. was being played C. was not playing D.was be playing 13. Lan is in her room now. She ……………a letter. A. writes B. is writing C. is written D. is writes 14. Lan is in her room now. She ……………a letter. A. not writes B. is not writing C. not is writing D. doesn’t write 15. Lan is in her room now. A letter…………….by her. A. is writes B. is writing C. is written D. is being written 16. Jack……………..no trouble with his English lesson up to now. A. meet B. met C. has met D. was met 17. No trouble ……………..with his English lesson by Jack up to now. A. has met B. has been met C. has not met D. have been met. 18. I ……………that other fellow’s name now. A. am remembering B. am remembered C. remember D. have remembered 19. Rober………….for you since noon. A. has waited B. waited C. is waiting D. had waited 20. I hope that you………….our wedding. A. attend B. will attend C. attended D. are attended 21. Whenever I see Barbara in the street, she .....………at me. A. is smiled B. has smiled C. has been smiled D. smiles 22. Whenever I see Barbara in the street, I .....………by her. A. am admired B. have admired C. am admiring D. admired 23. Whenever I see Barbara in the street, I .....………her. A. am admired B. am admiring C. am admire D. admire 24. “You are late”, he said “I think the bus……………already” A. has gone B. has been going C. had gone D. went 25. Yesterday, after having* lunch he……….........to his room to have a short rest . A. goes B. went C. has gone D. had gone 26. Yesterday, after he.................... lunch he went to his room to have a short rest . A. has B. has had C. had had D. had 27. It’s an hour since he ……………, so he must be at the office now. A. leaving B. has left C. had left D. left 28*. A clock ……..you the time. A. tells B. told C. is telling D. not told 29. The eggs ………....... to the market before we checked them carefully. A. took B. were taken C. had taken D. had been taken 30 . This is the first time I ……..this kind of food. A. eat B. am eating C. has eaten D. have eaten II. Viết dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc. (ở Chủ động hay Bị động- dựa vào nghĩa hoÆc c¸c phÇn g¹ch ch©n nÕu cã): 31. Look! A man …………........(run) after the bus. He …………..(want)* to catch it. 32. My children …………….....................(not go) to the zoo very often. 33. It’s ages since this house............………......................(build). 34. It’s ages since we............………....................(build) this house. 35. He ……................................(loose) his job for a long time. 36. Bad driving often ………...................................(cause) many accidents 37. …………...................(they/ have).a car when they were living in London in 1990? 38. Hurry up, Jane! We all ……………......................(wait) for you. 39. I can’t go with you because .my lessons..........................................(not finish) yet. 40. He ………….....(leave) for Canada two years ago and he ……….................(not see) since then. 41.Look! The door of your car……….......................................(open) by that man . 42. She …………..............................(lock) the door carefully before she left for work. 43. The door........................... ........................(lock) carefully before she left for work. 44. This letter………. ............................(write) by me at 8 o’clock yesterday evening..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span> 45. She ………...............................(be) very angry when she knows* this 46. Last night, while I ………….......................a motorbike along a busy street in the center, I ........................................(see) some strangers. 47. Sorry, I can’t stop now. I’m going …………............................(see) the doctor. 48. Think carefully. I’m sure you……….....................................(remember) his name. 49. Think carefully. I’m sure his name………............................................(remember). 50. He .......................(have) a bad fall while he ……….......................(repair) his roof.. Date of preparing: Date of teaching. 21/2/2016 22/2/2016 CH¦¥NG III. CÁC CẤU TRÚC TIẾNG ANH 8. B. TÍNH TỪ VÀ TRẠNG TỪ CHỈ THỂ CÁCH. * Đa số các Trạng từ chỉ thể cách (cách thức của hành động) được thành lập từ Tính từ + LY. (Trừ một số Tính từ không thể có hình thức Trạng từ: old, new, nice,....)*.. * Cách thành lập:. Adj + ly = Adv Eg: quick===>quickly; slow===> slowly; bad ===> badly; skillful===> skillfully; strong===> strongly; loud===> loudly; beautiful===>beautifully; perfect====> perfectly; happy===>happily; noisy===> noisily*; safe===> safely;......................... * Tận cùng= “Y”(trước “Y” là phụ âm)=> biến “Y” = i+ LY. * Không bỏ “E” (trừ -able/ible==> -ably/ibly); không gấp đôi phụ âm cuối. * Trường hợp Bất qui tắc: Có khoảng hơn 10 từ không theo qui tắc thêm “LY”: Adjective Adverb good well fast fast hard hard* late late* early early enough enough much/many/more/most much/many/more/most* little/less little/less few few kind/kindly kindly near near* far far high high low low long long wrong wrong right right true truly friendly/lively/lonely/...... in a friendly/lively/lonely/....way*. .............................. * Lưu ý chung: - Tránh nhầm lẫn: + hard (adj/adv): tích cực, siêng năng, chăm chỉ; khó, khổ cực, vất vả; cứng, cứng rắn;......với hardly (adv): ít khi; hiếm khi,....... + late (adj/adv): muộn; trể;........với lately (adv): gần đây; mới đây;.. + most (adj/adv): nhiều nhất;..........với mostly (adv): chủ yếu = mainly. + near (adj/adv): gần.......với nearly (adv): hầu như, gần như, hầu hết,..= almost. - Các tính từ tận cùng = LY(friendly/ lovely/lively/likely/lonely/........) => phải dùng cụm từ tương: in a + adj + way. - Có nhiều Tính từ khác không có hình thức Trạng từ.(không thể dùng như Trạng từ): new/ old/ young/tall/short/big/large/round/oval/ square/ pink/red/.... * Vị trí và cách dùng của Tính từ và Trạng từ 1. Tính từ (Adjectives). * Đứng trước một Danh từ (Noun) để bổ nghĩa cho Danh từ.(Theo sau luôn có một Danh từ): Adj + Noun(s) Eg:1, (a) beautiful girl; beautiful girls; 2, (an) intelligent boy; intelligent boys; 3, (a) good movie;good movies;............... * Đứng sau “to BE” và các động từ nối (feel, look, seem,...) để bổ nghĩa cho Chủ từ. Eg: 1, She is beautiful. They are beautiful. 2, The boy is intelligent. The boys are intelligent. * Đứng sau các Trạng từ chỉ cấp độ: very/quite/so/ too/... Eg: (a) very beautiful girl; too bad movies;........ * Lưu ý: Tính từ không biến đỗi hình thức khi sang số nhiều. (Xem các ví dụ trên)*. 2. Trạng từ (Adverbs). * Thường đi với một Động từ thường để nói về cách thức của hoạt động đó. Vị trí: - Thường đứng sau Tân ngữ, sau Động từ, hoặc giữa Trợ động từ với Động từ chính. (Trừ các Trạng từ/ cụm Trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn: đứng đầu hoặc cuối mệnh đề) Eg: - Đôi khi được đặt trước Động từ chính để nhấn mạnh cách thức hành động. Eg: - Đôi khi được đặt đầu hoặc cuối câu/ mệnh đề. Eg: * Riêng các Trạng từ chỉ cấp độ: very/quite/so/ too/... luôn đứng trước Tính từ hoặc một Trạng từ khác. Eg:. Date of preparing: 28/2/2016 Date of teaching 29/2/2016 C. SO SÁNH TÍNH TỪ/ TRẠNG TỪ. * So sánh Tính từ (Adj) là so sánh tính chất, phẩm chất, đặc điểm, kích thước,.. của Chủ từ hoặc Danh từ theo sau, vì thế thường dùng với động từ “to BE” và các động từ nối: feel, look, seem, taste, smell,.....

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> * So sánh Trạng từ (Adv) là so sánh cách thức của các hoạt động, vì thế thường theo sau các Động từ thường. Eg: * Các loại so sánh: 1, So sánh ngang bằng: “so/as...................as”. * So sánh 2 đối tượng: S1 và S2. * Cấu trúc: S1 + (V) + as + Adj/Adv + as + S2 (+ Mod.V)* - Phủ định: S1 + (V) + NOT + so/as + Adj/Adv + as + S2. * Lưu ý: - Ta có thể bỏ “Mod.V”* sau (S2). * Eg: - Nếu (S2) là một Đại từ xưng hô, ta có thể dùng ở dạng Tân ngữ (nếu theo sau không có “Mod.V” *Eg: 2, So sánh kém: “less................than” * So sánh 2 đối tượng: S1 và S2.. * Cấu trúc:. S1 + (V) + less + Adj/Adv + than + S2. - Phủ định: S1 + (V) + NOT + less + Adj/Adv + than + S2. * Eg: * Lưu ý: - Nếu (S2) là một Đại từ xưng hô, ta có thể dùng ở dạng Tân ngữ (nếu theo sau không có “Mod.V” *Eg: 3, So sánh hơn: * So sánh 2 đối tượng: S1 và S2. a) Tính từ/Trạng từ ngắn (1 âm tiết)* Adj/Adv-ER*................than b) Tính từ/Trạng từ dài (2 âm tiết trở lên)* MORE*+ Adj/Adv.......than * Cấu trúc: S1 + (V) + Adj/Adv-ER* + than + S2. MORE*+ Adj/Adv - Phủ định: S1+ (V) +NOT+ Adj/Adv-ER* + than + S2. MORE*+ Adj/Adv * Eg: * Lưu ý: - Nếu (S2) là một Đại từ xưng hô, ta có thể dùng ở dạng Tân ngữ (nếu theo sau không có “Mod.V” *Eg: ** Lưu ý: a) Tính từ/ Trạng từ ngắn: là những từ chỉ có một âm: hot/ small/ big/... * Cách thành lập So sánh hơn: Thêm “ER” sau Tính từ/ Trạng từ: Eg: - Tận cùng = “E”=> chỉ thêm “R”. Eg: - Qui tắc 1-1-1(1âm, 1nguyên âm, 1phụ âm cuối)=> gấp đôi phụ âm cuối + ER.. (Trừ phụ âm cuối là: X, Y, W=> không gấp đôi) Eg: - Tận cùng = “Y”(trước “Y” là phụ âm)=> biến “Y”= i+ER Eg: - Tính từ có 2 âm, tận cùng = Y,ER,OW => cũng thêm “ER”. (biến “Y”= i+ER) Eg: * Nhưng các Trạng từ có tận cùng = “LY”=> thêm “MORE” trước Trạng từ. (Xem Trạng từ dài)* Eg: b) Tính từ/ Trạng từ dài: là những từ có 2 âm trở lên: handsome, perfect(ly); sillent(ly); beautiful(ly), intelligent(ly), qickly, slowly*...... (Trừ các Tính từ 2 âm tận cùng = Y, ER, OW)*=>thêm “MORE” trước Tính từ/ Trạng từ(kể cả các Trạng từ có tận cùng = LY). Eg: 4, So sánh nhất: * So sánh một đối tượng với một nhóm đối tượng. (có ít nhất 3 đối tượng trở lên). a) Tính từ/Trạng từ ngắn (1 âm tiết)* the + Adj/Adv- EST* b) Tính từ/Trạng từ dài (2 âm tiết trở lên)* the MOST*+ Adj/Adv. * Cấu trúc:. S + (V) + the +. Adj/Adv-EST* MOST*+ Adj/Adv. - Phủ định: S+ (V) +NOT+the+. (+ in/ of...). Adj/Adv-ER* (+ in/ of...) MORE*+ Adj/Adv. * Eg: * Lưu ý: a) Tính từ/ Trạng từ ngắn: là những từ chỉ có một âm: hot/ small/ big/... * Cách thành lập So sánh nhất: Thêm “EST” sau Tính từ/ Trạng từ: Eg: - Tận cùng = “E”=> chỉ thêm “ST”. Eg: - Qui tắc1-1-1(1âm, 1nguyên âm,1phụ âm cuối)=> gấp đôi phụ âm cuối + EST. (Trừ phụ âm cuối là: X, Y, W=> không gấp đôi) Eg: - Tận cùng = “Y”(trước “Y” là phụ âm)=> biến “Y”= i+EST Eg: - Tính từ có 2 âm, tận cùng =Y,ER,OW =>cũng thêm “EST”(biến “Y”= i+EST) Eg: * Nhưng các Trạng từ có tận cùng = “LY”=> thêm “MOST” trước Trạng từ. (Xem Trạng từ dài)* Eg: b) Tính từ/ Trạng từ dài: là những từ có 2 âm trở lên: handsome, perfect(ly); sillent(ly); beautiful(ly), intelligent(ly), qickly, slowly*....... => thêm “MOST” trước Tính từ/ Trạng từ. (kể cả các Trạng từ có tận cùng = LY). Eg: 5, So sánh kép: (càng......càng.....) a) Loại: “The.................the....................”.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span> Eg: * Cấu trúc: The + So sánh hơn* + S + (V), the + So sánh hơn* + S + (V). * Lưu ý:- Có thể kết hợp cả so sánh Tính từ/ Trạng từ ngắn và dài trong một câu. - Có thể kết hợp cả so sánh Tính từ vàTrạng từ trong một câu. - Sau “MORE” có thể dùng Danh từ thay cho Tính từ/ Trạng từ. b) Loại: “........and..........” Eg:* Cấu trúc:+) Tính từ /Trạng từ ngắn S + (V) + Adj/Adv-ER* + and + Adj/Adv-ER*. +) Tính từ/ Trạng từ dài. S + (V) + MORE and MORE* + Adj/Adv 6, Một số câu trúc so sánh đặc biệt khác: like; the same as; different from;..... *Exercises: I. Viết dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc. II.Tìm lỗi sai và chữa lỗi. D. CÂU ĐỀ NGHỊ. - Would/Do you mind + V-ing* (Đề nghị ai làm gì) - Would you mind if I + V-ed/ cột 2* = Do you mind if I + V-infinitive* (Xin phép ai để làm). Eg: *Exercises: I. Viết dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc. II.Tìm lỗi sai và chữa lỗi. Date of preparing: Date of teaching PHẦN II. CHƯƠNG TRÌNH TIẾNG ANH 9 UNIT 1. A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL. LESSON 1. GETTING STARTED+ LISTEN & READ. A.GETTING STARTED * QUESTIONS: - Do you have any pen pals (= pen friends)? - Where does he/ she come from? - How long have you been pen pals? - How often do you write to each other/ one another? - Have you ever met together? => If a foreign pen pal is coming to stay with you for a week, what activities would you do together during the visit? 1. MATCHING. Pictures Information a, 1, visit Temple of Literature. b, 2, enjoy local special food. c, 3, visit (go to see) the museums. d, 4, join village fair. e, 5, visit (go shopping at) Dong Xuan market. f, 6, go to see a movie/a concert in Ha Noi Opera House. * New words: - local special food /’loukə:l ’speʃə:l fu:d/ (n): món ăn đặc sản địa phương. - village fair /vi’lidʒ ’feə:/ (n): lễ hội làng. - concert /kɔn’sз:t/ (n): buổi hoà nhạc.. 2. MAKE SENTENCES with: “I/ We would take him/her to...........” Eg: a- 4: I/ We would take him/her to join the village fair. b- 1:............................................................................................................... c- 5:............................................................................................................... d- 3:................................................................................................................ e- 2:................................................................................................................ f- 6:................................................................................................................ * Further with: visit Phong Nha Cave; go swimming and sunbathing at Nhat Le beach; visit Bao Ninh Sun Spa Resort; .................. - I/We would take....................................................................................... B. LISTEN & READ. I. Lead-in: A foreign pen pal, Maryam was staying with Lan last week. => Read the text carefully and do exercises below. * PRE-QUESTIONS: 1, Where is Maryam from? 2, How long have they been pen pals? 3, How often do they write to each other/ one another? 4, Have they ever met together? 5, What did they do during the visit? 6, Did Maryam want to invite Lan to Kuala Lumpur? 1. New words: - correspond /,kɔ:rə’spand/ (v): trao đổi thư từ (= write to one another). - impress./im’pres/ (v): gây ấn tượng; để lại ấn tượng. => (be) impressed (by)/im’prest/: bị ấn tượng (bỡi) - beauty /’bju:ti/ (n): vẽ đẹp. => beautiful (adj); => beautify /’bju:tifai/ (v): làm đẹp. - friend /frend/ (n): bạn; => friendly /’frendli/ (adj): thân thiện; mến khách; hiếu khách, =>friendliness /’frendli,nəs/ (n): sự thân thiện; lòng hiếu khách, mến khách. - mosque /mask/ (n): nhà thờ Hồi giáo. - atmosphere /'ætmə,sfiə/ (n): bầu không khí. => peaceful atmosphere /’pi:sful'ætmə,sfiə/: không khí yên bình. - pray /prei/ (v): cầu nguyện. - wish /wiʃ/ (v): ước, ao ước, ước muốn. - abroad /ə'brɔ:d/ (adv):ở nước ngoài. => have a trip abroad: đi du lịch nước ngoài. - foreign /fɔ:’ri:ndʒ/ (adj): (thuộc) nước ngoài. (n): người nước ngoài. - depend (on) /di'pend/ (v): tuỳ thuộc, phụ thuộc (vào). - keep in touch /ki:pin tʌtʃ/ (v): giữ liên lạc. 2. Grammar: a). The simple past tense: ( Thì Quá khứ đơn ) * Usages: Diễn tả hành động, sự kiện đã thuộc về lịch sử, quá khứ. (đã xãy ra và kết ở một thời gian xác định ở Quá khứ). - Dấu hiệu: Yesterday; Last (night/ week/ month/ year/ Sunday,...); Ago; In + th¸ng/ n¨m ë quá khứ ( in 1990); * Structure: (+) Affirmative:(Khẳng định): S + V- ed/cột 2 +Theo qui t¾c, ta thªm - ED. Eg: work=> worked; live=> lived; study=> studied;....

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span> + Bất qui tắc, ta dùng ở cột 2 bảng động từ bất qui tắc. (Học thuộc lòng)* Eg: be=> was/were; have=> had; run=> ran; cut=> cut; do=> did; go=> went;.. (- ) Negative: (Phủ định): + Thêm “DIDN’T” trớc động từ, đồng thời động từ trở về Nguyên mẫu (V-infi...*): S + didn’t + V-infinitive (?) Interrogative: (Câu hỏi): + Thêm “DID” trớc Chủ ngữ (S), đồng thời động từ trở về Nguyên mẫu(V-infi....*): Did + S + V- infinitive? (Wh-) + did + S + V- infinitive? + Riêng (BE): Có 2 dạng: “was/ were” (- ) Negative: (Phủ định): thêm “NOT” sau “was/ were”. S + was / were + not+... (?) Interrogative: (Câu hỏi): đảo “was/were” trước Chủ ngữ. Was/ Were + S+ ….? (Wh-) + was/ were + S+ ….? * Lưu ý: 1, Cách thêm -ED: 1,TËn cïng lµ E, ta chØ thªm D. Eg: live=> lived; move=> moved; decide=> decided;....... 2, TËn cïng lµY (tríc Y lµ phô ©m)=> ta biÕn Y= I+ ED. Eg: try=> tried; study=> studied; fly=> flied;.......... *(Nhng tríc Y lµ nguyªn ©m (a,e,i,o,u)=> chØ thªm -ED)* Eg: play=> played; enjoy=> enjoyed; annoy=> annoyed;.... 3, Qui tắc 1-1-1 (1 âm,1 nguyên âm,1 phụ âm cuối) => ta gấp đôi phụ âm cuối + ED. (Trừ các phụ âm cuối là: X,Y,W=> không gấp đôi)*. Eg: stop=> stopped; fit=> fitted; ..... * (Nhng: mix=> mixed; play=>played; sew=> sewed;.....) *(Xem chi tiết Thì Quá khứ đơn )* * Exercises: (Language focus 2. SGK.P 12) * New words: - farewell party /feə’wel ’pa:ti/(n): tiệc/ buổi liên hoan chia tay - hang /hæŋ/(v)=>hung /hʌŋ/(v cột 2): treo. - colorful lamp /’kʌləful læmp/(n): đèn màu. * Matching: Pics+ (V) + N-phrases: 1-..................................................... 2-...................................................... 3-..................................................... 4-...................................................... 5-.......................................................... * Make sentences about the preparing: 1- ....................................................................................................................... 2- ....................................................................................................................... 3- ...................................................................................................................... 4- ...................................................................................................................... 5- ...................................................................................................................... c). “WISH”....+ V-(quá khứ đơn): Điều ước không có thật ở Hiện tại * Usages: Diễn tả điều ước không có thật ở Hiện tại. (Trái với thực tế ở Hiện tại và không thể thực hiện được ở Hiện tại) * Eg: 1, I don’t have any money. => I wish I had a lot of money. => (Trái với thực tế). 2, Lan doesn’t know my phone number. => Lan wishes she knew my phone number. (Or: I wish Lan knew my phone number.)=> (Trái với thực tế) 3, It is rainy today. => We wish it were sunny today.=>(Trái với thực tế) 4, I wish I were/ could be* you.=> (không có thật và không thể thực hiện được) * Ta thấy: + Về nghĩa: Ở ví dụ 1, thực tế là tôi(Chủ ngữ) không hề có tiền “don’t have” và tôi mong ước là tôi có “had” thật nhiều tiền. Ở ví dụ 2, thực tế là Lan không hề biết số điện thoại của tôi “doesn’t know”, và Lan (và cả tôi) rất mong muốn biết “knew”. Ở ví dụ 3, thực tế là hôm nay trời mưa “rainy” nhưng tôi (Chủ ngữ) lại mong trời nắng “sunny”. Ở ví dụ 4, thực tế tôi không phải (cũng khong bao giờ có thể) là bạn, nhưng tôi lại mong muốn tôi là bạn /có thể biến thành bạn. => Tất cả các điều ước/ mong muốn trên đều trái với thực tế ở Hiện tại. + Về hình thức: mặc dù điều ước ở Hiện tại nhưng Động từ theo sau “WISH” luôn tồn tại ở dạng Quá khứ đơn (V-ed/cột 2)*. Riêng “to BE” chỉ dùng “WERE”cho tất cả các ngôi. * Structure: S(1) + wish(-es)* + S(2) + V-ed/ cột 2* (Be)= were* * Lưu ý: - S(1), S(2): có thể là cùng hoặc 2 đối tượng khác nhau. Eg: 1, I wish I had 1,000,000,000 d. 2, Lan wishes it were Sunday today. - Động từ ở mệnh đề điều ước luôn ở dạng Quá khứ đơn:(V-ed/cột 2)* Riêng động từ “to Be” chỉ dùng “were”* cho tất cả các ngôi. Eg: 1, I wish I had* a pen pal. We wish we lived* in Ha Noi. 2, Lan wishes she were* a teacher now. I wish I were* very rich. - Phủ định: được thành lập giống như ở Thì Quá khứ đơn. Eg: + Với (BE): We wish it weren’t* rainy now. She wishes she weren’t* short. (Thêm “NOT” sau “were”)* + Với Động từ thường (V): I wish I didn’t* have to work eveyday. My father wishes he didn’t* loose his job. (didn’t*+ V-infinitive)* ** Lưu ý: Có thể dùng “could + V-infinitive” thay thế cho “V-ed/cột 2” để diễn tả một khả năng không có thật ở Hiện tại. Eg: 1, I wish I could fly. 2, We wish we could live under the water. 3, Lan wishes she could sing English songs well now. 4, I wish I could be a millionaire * Exercises: I,Put the verbs into correct forms: 1. They wish they...........................................(have) a new house. 2, Nam wishes he...........................................(be) a billionaire. 3, Nam wishes he...........................................(can be) a billionair. 4, Nam wishes he...........................................(not be) very busy. 5, They wish they...........................................(not have) to do too much homework. 6, I wish I.......................................................(work) hard this semester..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span> 7, We wish the weather................................................(not be) cold. 8, Lan wishes she always.............................................(do) her test well. 9, Lan wishes she ........................................................(not do) her test so badly. 10, The father wishes his children............................................(study) harder. 11, He wishes he.....................................................................(earn) a lot of money. 12, I wish I..............................................................................(can earn) 1,000,000 d a day. 13, We wish we....................................(speak) English as well as the native speakers. 14, We wish we....................................(can speak) English as well as the native speakers. 15, He wishes his rival.........................(can not be) stronger than him II. Furrther: (Language focus 3. Unit 1. SGK.Page 12) * New words: - billionaire /,biliə’neə/(n): tỉ phú. - millionaire /miliə’neə/ (n): triệu phú - earn /ə:n/(v): kiếm (tiền) - native speaker /’neitiv ’spi:kə/(n): người nói tiếng bản địa (tiếng dân tộc mình) - rival /’raivəl/ (n): địch thủ, đối thủ, - trouble /’trʌb(ə)l/ (n): khó khăn, vấn đề khó khăn II. While: * Listen once/twice. * Read sillently, discus and answer the questions. 1, Where is Maryam from? ................................................................................................................ 2, How long have they been pen pals? ................................................................................................................ 3, How often do they write to each other/ one another? ................................................................................................................ 4, Have they ever met together? ................................................................................................................ 5, What did they do during the visit? ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ 6, Did Maryam want to invite Lan to Kuala Lumpur? ................................................................................................................ * Choose the correct answers. (SGK) 1-............;2-..............;3-................4-................. III.Post. Read again and translate the text into Vietnamese. C. HOMEWORK * Learn by heart the new words and structures. * Read and translate again the text. * Exercises:I. Put the verbs into correct form (The past simple tense) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,. 10, VI. Rewrite sentences with “wish”: 1, We don’t know how to speak French. => They wish........................................................................................................................ 2, She doesn’t get good marks. => She wishes..................................................................................................................... 3, Lan’s mother never buys her new clothes for Tet. => Lan wishes..................................................................................................................... 4, The children never go abroad to visit their pen pals. =>The children wish........................................................................................................... 5, It isn’t Sunday today. => I wish............................................................................................................................. 6, He is sick now. => I wish/ He wishes.......................................................................................................... 7, I am bad at English. =>I wish.............................................................................................................................. (Or: I wish....................................................................................................(dùng phủ định) 8, She has a lot of trouble in doing Math. => She wishes..................................................................................................................... (Or: She withes.......................................................................(dùng khẳng định ý phủ định) 9, He always gets bad marks in English. => He wishes...................................................................................................................... (Or:He wishes....................................................................................................................) 10, Hoa has toothache, she cannot eat too much candy. => She wishes......................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span> a) b) c). (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2). A- Don’ pick flowers. B- Don’t walk on the grass. C- Red car- number 103 D- Blue car- number 130 E- Restaurant F- Hamburger. * New words: - pick /pik/ (v): ngắt, hái, - grass /græs/(n): cỏ. * Listen to the tape: * Answer keys: a)................. UNIT 1. A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL. LESSON 2. SPEAK & LISTEN. A.SPEAK. * Lead- in (SGK). 1, MATCHING AND ORDERING THE DIALOGUE. (SGK) * Answer keys: 1-c;=> 5- b; => 4=> d;=> 2-e;=> 3- a;=> 6; * Practise again the dialouge. 2, Work in pairs: MAKE SIMILAR DIALOGUES, using the cues below: a) Yoko- Tokyo, Japan- a busy big capital city- like Vietnamese people and love old cities in Viet Nam. b) Paul- Liverpool- an industrial city,to the North of England- love the people, food and the beaches in Viet Nam. c) Jane- a quiet small town in Perth, Australia- love the temples and churches in Viet Nam; love Ao dai, Vietnamese food,especially nem, too *Model: a) You your friend - Hello. You must be (1)Yoko - That’s right, I am - Pleased to meet you. Let me introduce myself. I’m (2) Minh - Yes, I am. Are you enjoying your stay in Viet Nam?. - Do you live in a city, too ? - No. Is it very different from Ha Noi? - I see. Oh! Here Lan. Let’s go. B. LISTEN. * Presentation: (SGK). * Matching:. - Pleased to meet you,(3) Minh Are you one of Lan’s classmate? - Oh yes, very much. (4) I like Vietnamese people and love old cities in Viet Nam - Yes. I live in(5) Tokyo, Japan- a busy big capital city Have you ever been there? - The two cities are the same in some ways.. b)................. c).................. UNIT 1. A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL. LESSON 3. READ I. PRE- READ. * Lead- in: Look at the picture in your T.book (P.10) and answre the questions: - What is its? What do you see in the map? - Where can you find Malaysia? How many parts are there? => Read a text about Malaysia and do exercises below. * New words: - ASEAN/’eiʃiən/ (= Association of South East Asian Nations /,əsousi’eiʃn əvʃauθ i:st ’eiziən ’neiʃn/): Hiệp hội các quốc gia khu vực Đông Nam Á. - region /’ri:dʒən/ (= part /pa:t/)(n): vùng, miền, phần. - religion /ri’lidʒən/(n): tôn giáo. - divide (into) /di’vaid/(v): chia, phân chia (thành) = separate /’sepə,rət//sepə,reit/ (v): chia, tách, phân tách,... - sq km (= square kilometer) /skweə kilɔ’mitə/: kilômét vuông - tropical /’trɔpikəl/ (adj): thuộc về nhiệt đới. => tropical climate/’trɔpikəl ’klaimət/: khí hậu nhiệt đới. - unit of currency /’ju:nit əv ’kju:rənsi/ (n): đơn vị tiền tệ. - consist (of) /’kənsist (əv)/ (= comprise /kəm’praiz/)(v): gồm, bao gồm, gồm có - ringgit/’riŋgit/: tiền Malaysia => sen /sen/: xu - population /,pʌpju:’leiʃn/(n): dân số. - Islam /iz’lam/(n): Đạo Hồi. - Buddhism /bu:’dizm/(n): Đạo Phật - Hinduism /hindu:’izm/(n): Đạo Hindu, Đạo Ấn độ. - official /ə’fiʃəl/ (= primary /’praiməri/)(adj): chính thức, cơ bản; tiểu học. => primary school:trường tiểu học. => secondary school: trường THCS. - instruction /ins’trʌkʃn/(n): giáo dục, giảng dạy. - compulsory /kəm’pʌnsəri/(adj): bắt buộc => compulsory second language: ngôn ngữ thứ 2 bắt buộc. II. WHILE READING. * Exercises a) Fill-in the table about Malaysia 1, Area:....................................................... 5, Capital city:............................................ 2, Population (in 2001)............................... 6, Official religion...................................... 3, Climate:.................................................. 7, National language:................................. 4, Unit of currency:..................................... 8, Compulsory second language: .....................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span> b) True/ False statements. (SGK). 1-................. 2-..................... 3-..................... 4-.................... 5-.................. III. POST READING. * Read and translate again the text. IV. Homework. * Learn by heart all the new words. * Read and translate again the text. * Exercises: Fill- in the blanks with one suitable word. Malaysia is one of thecountries of the.....................(1)(Association of South East Asian Nations ).It has two..................(2),West and East Malaysia,with an.................(3) of 329,758 sq km and ...................(4) climate. The unit of currency is the......................(5). The......................(6) city is Kuala Lumpur. It had a population(in 2001) of over 22 million.......................(7). The official religion is..........................(8).The national language is...........................(9),but the language of instruction for primary school students is Bahasa,Chinese or Tamil. ........................(10) is the compulsory second language.. Parts 1st. 2nd. 3rd. UNIT 1. A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL. LESSON . WRITE. A.PRE- WRITE. * Lead-in: (SGK). * Format: Main points Examples - Place you visited - Hue/ Ha Noi/ Da Nang/ Ho Chi Minh City?.... - When you arrived - (Phu Bai air port) late/early in the morning/afternoon/... -Who met/picked you up - Unle Ba/Aunt Hoa/ cousin Lien/ friend Nam/.... -Where you’re staying - at uncle(and aunt)’s house/ a fiend’s house/in a hotel/ a guest house/..... - paces you’ve visited - tombs like Tu Duc/ Khai Dinh/..... - the citadel -Thien Mu Pagoda - Thuan An/ Lang Co beaches/.............. - Who you’ve met - old neighbors/friends/teacher/........ - relatives (aunt/uncle/ cousins/.....) - tourists/visitors from all over the world. - food you’ve tried - seafood/ Hen rice/ Me Xung cakes/...... - Things you’ve bought - souvenirs/leaf-hats/................ - How you feel - happy - What inerest you most - friendly/hospitable people; beautiful/interesting places; fine weather; delicios food;................. -When you return home - tomorrow/next week/Sunday/..................... - Who’ll pick you home - mother/ father/brother/sister/friend Hoa/..... * Model: Dear Mon and Dad, I’m having an interesting vacation in Hue. I arrived at Phu Bai airport late in the evening. My friend,Nam met me at the airport and picked me to his house by taxi. And now I am staying with his family. (I am staying at his house) I’ve been to/visited many interesting places, such as Tu Duc Tomb, the citadel where the Kings and Queens used to live. I’ve also visited Thien Mu Pagoda, beautiful beaches like Thuan An and Lang Co beaches.. I’ve visited Uncle Ba and stayed with him for a day.I have met and talked to many interesting people/tourists from manydifferent countries, and I have a new friend,Janie from France. She is very nice. We’ve tried many seafoods and especially Hen rice. I’ve bought typical Hue souvenirs and some leaf-hats. Tomorrow I am going to return home. Please tell Hoa to pick me up at the station at about 9am. / (Don’t pick me at the airport. I can go home by taxi). Loves Minh B. WHILE-WRITING. Write similar letter to your family talking about your visit.(using the format). C. HOMEWORK. Write another letter about your visit. TEST YOURSELF UNIT 2. CLOTHING. LESSON 1. GETTING STARTED+LISTEN&READ. A.GETTING STARTED. * Lead-in: (Pictures drill)* QUESTIONS: - What can you see in the pictures? - What types of clothes are these people wearing? - Do you know which country these people are from? * MATCHING: Pictures Types of clothes Countries a) 1)Ao dai A)Scotland b) 2)Sari B)Viet Nam c) 3)Kimono C)the USA d) 4)Veil D)Arabia e) 5) Kalt E)India f) 6)Cowboy/ Jeans F)Japan * Answer keys: a)-.........-...........; b)-..........-.............; c)-..............-................. d)-........-............; e)-..........-.............; f)-..............-................. * MAKE SENTENSES with: She/ He comes from...................................She/He is wearing a............................. B. LISTEN AND READ. I.PRE* Lead-in: Read a text about The Ao dai. * NEW WORDS: - poet /’pouət/(n): nhà thơ.=> poem /’pouəm/(n): bài thơ. => poetry /’pouətri/(n): thơ ca - writer /’raitə/ (n): nhà văn.=> novel /nɔvəl/ (n): tiểu thuyết, tác phẩm văn học. - musician /’mji:zikʃən/ (n): nhạc sĩ.=> song /sɔŋ/ (n): bài hát. - tradition /’treidiʃn/(n): truyền thống.=> traditional /,trei’diʃnəl/ (adj) => traditional clothing /’klouðiŋ/: trang phục truyền thống => modern clothing /’mɔ:dən/:trang phục hiện đại. - long silk tunic /’tu:nik/: áo lụa dài - slit /slit/ (v): xẽ, sẽ; (n): đường sẽ - wear /weə:/(v): mặc, mang, đeo, đội.=> wore/wɔ:/(v2)=> worn /wɔ:n/ (v3). - pants /pa:nts/ (n): quần. => loose pants /lu: z pa:nts/: quần thụng/ rộng ống. - design /di’zain/(v): thiết kế; (n): kiểu dáng..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span> => designer (n): nhà thiết kế. => fashion designer /’fæʃn di’zainə/: nhà thiết kế thời trang. => fashionable /,fæʃə’neibəl/ (adj): thuộc thời trang - material /mə’tiri:əl/(n): nguyên liệu, chất liệu - special occasion /speʃəl ɔ’keiʃn/ (n): dịp/ cơ hội (đặc biệt). - take inspiration /teik inspə’reiʃn/(v): lấy ý tưởng. - ethnic minority /e:θ’nik mə (mai)’nɔ:rəti/ : dân tộc thiểu số - symbol /’simbəl/ (n): biểu tượng. (=pattern /’patən/) - add /æd/(v): thêm, bổ sung. - unique /’ju:nik/ (adj): độc đáo. - modern /’mɔ:dən/(adj) => modernize /mɔ:də’naiz/(v): hiện đại hoá. - describe/’diskraib/(v): mô tả, miêu tả, mô phỏng. - subject /’sʌbjekt/ (n): chủ dề, đề tài; môn học - alternative /ɔ:ltəneitiv/(n): sự lưa chọn - majority/mei’jə:rəti/(n): đa số, phần lớn - casual/’kæʒəwəl/ (adj): bình thường, thông thường * PREDICTION: What do you know about Ao dai of Viet Nam? => Choose A,B or C with the best answer 1, For centuries, the Ao dai has been mentioned in........................ A- poems B- poems, novels C- poems, novels, songs 2, The Ao dai is the....................................dress of Vietnamese women. A- traditional B- casual C- modern 3, In the tradition, ..........................used to wear the Ao dai. A- only men B- only women C- both men and women. 4, Nowadays, women often prefer to wear..........................at work. A- casual clothing B- modern clothing C- the Ao dai 5, Designers want to change the traditional Ao dai by printing.................or adding........... such as suns, stars, crosses and stripes on the Ao dai. A- lines of poetry/novels B- symbols/songs C- lines of poetry/ symbols. 6, The Ao dai is now both traditional and............................. A- new B- beautiful C- fashionable. II. WHILE 1. Listen and choose the correct answers. * Answer keys: 1-......;2-.......;3-......; 4-........; 5-.......; 6-......... 2. Read the text silently and do the exercises in the textbook. * Answer keys: a) Complete the sentences. 1,................................................................................................................................... 2,................................................................................................................................... 3,................................................................................................................................... 4,................................................................................................................................... 5,................................................................................................................................... b) Answer the questions 1,................................................................................................................................... 2,................................................................................................................................... 3,................................................................................................................................... III. POST. Read again and translate into Vietnamese. C. HOMEWORK * Learn by heart all the new words. * Read and translate again the text.. * Prepare “Language focus” section UNIT 2. CLOTHING. LESSON 2. LANGUAGE FOCUS. A.THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE (THÌ HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH) A/ Formation: (Cấu tạo): (+) Affirmative:(Khẳng định): S + have / has + (V-ed /cột 3) (- ) Negative: (Phủ định) S + have / has + not + ( V-ed /cột 3) (?) Interrogative: (Câu hỏi): Have / Has + S + V-ed/ cột 3… ? WH- + have/ has + S + V-ed/ cột 3… ? B/ Usage: (Cách dùng): Dieãn taû moät: 1, hành động ủaừ xaỷy ra trong quaự khửự nhng khoõng roừ thụứi gian. Dựng với: already; ever:(đã... rồi; ủaừ tửứng); before: (trửụực đây) 2, hành động vửứa mới xaỷy ra. Dùng với: just:( vừa mới); recently= lately (míi ®©y, gÇn ®©y) 3, hành động đã bắt đầu xaỷy ra trong quaự khửự vaứ coứn tiếp tục keựo daứi ủeỏn hieọn taïi ho¨c t¬ng lai. Dựng với: since(+ mốc thời gian / hoạt động ở Quá khứ đơn); for(+ khoảng thời gian) 4, hành động cha xãy ra (Tính đến thời điểm Hiện tại)* Dùng với: yet? / not.. yet: (chöa); never: (cha tõng, cha bao giờ) 5, hành động xãy ra hơn một laàn trong quaự khửự (Tớnh cho ủeỏn thụứi ủieồm hieọn taùi)*. Dùng với: (for) many/several times: (nhiÒu/ moät vaøi laàn) 6*, sau mệnh đề sau so saựnh nhaỏt: Eg: This is the most intelligent boy that I have ever met. hoÆc sau caáu truùc : This / It is the first time / the second time / the third time.........: (đây là lần thứ nhất / hai / ba/ ………) Các dấu hiệu khác: - for along time: (đã lâu); nowadays (hiện nay, dạo này); so far/ until now/ up to now/ up to the present: (cho đến nay); (Xem chi tiết Các Thì Tiếng Anh)* C/Exersices: (Bài tập ứng dụng): Language Focus 1,2,3 (SGK.P19-21) * New words: - Reunification Palace /,ri:ju:nifikeiʃn ’pæleis/ (n): lâu đài thống nhất - Botanical Garden/bɔtə’nikəl/: Vườn bách thảo - vegetarian /vedʒi’teriən/: thức ăn chay, món chay - comic/’kɔmik/(n): hài kịch - elephant /’elifənt/ (n): con voi. - durian/’du:riən/(n): trái sầu riêng. * Practise: a) Language Focus 1. - Practise the dialogue..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span> Model: Nga: Come and see my photo album. Mi: Lovely! Who is this girl? Nga: Ah! It’s Lan, my old friend. Mi: How long have you known her? Nga: I’ve known her for six years. Mi: Have you seen her recently? Nga: No, I haven’t seen her since 2003 She moved to Ho Chi Minh City with her family then. - Make similar dialogue. b) Quang, brother’s friend – seven months – January. c) Hoa, new friend – three weeks – Monday - Free Practise: Make similar dialogue, using yourown ideals and the cues: your old classmate; your old neighbor; your cousin; your old teacher;.......... b) Language Focus 2. * Lead-in: (SGK) * Ask and answer questions with: visit/ see/ go to eat (try/enjoy) - Giac Lam Pagoda - Vietnamese food - Reunification Palace - vegetarian - Zoo and Botanical Garden - Chinese food - Dam Sen (Amusement) Park - French food Model: A: Have you............................yet? B: Yes, I’ve already.....................it (No, I haven’t.......................it yet.) c) Language Focus 3. * Lead- in (SGK) * Ask and answer questions with: Yes No - (read) a comic – this morning - (see/ride) an elephant - (play) volleyball – yesterday afternoon - (be/go to) Singapore - (use) a computer – last night - (visit) Hue - (go to) the supermarket – yesterday - (eat/ try) a durian - (go to see) movies – last Sunday Model: - Have you ever.........................? - When did you last..............................one? B. PASSIVE VOICE (THỂ BỊ ĐỘNG) I. Eg: 1, Act (Câu Chủ động): I open S(1) V S(2) Pas (Câu bị động): The door 2, Act (Câu Chủ động):. the door O(2). (2). V*. (3). O(2). (4). Passive (Bị động): S(2) (Be)* + V-ed/cột 3 by O(1) III. C¸ch chuyÓn: 4 bíc: (1). Lấy Tân ngữ (O2) của câu Chủ động về làm Chủ ngữ (S2) trong câu Bị động. (2). Thêm (Be)* trớc động từ chính trong câu Bị động. * Lu ý: (Be)* trong câu Bị động đợc chia cùng Thì/ hình thức với động từ chính trong câu Chủ động. (3). Chuyển Động từ chính (V) của câu Chủ động về dạng Quá khứ phân từ (V-ed/ 3) trong câu Bị động (4). Chuyển Chủ ngữ (S1) của câu Chủ động về làm Tân ngữ (O1) trong câu Bị động, đặt sau “by” (*) Ngoài ra còn có một “bước phụ”: Viết các thành phần bổ ngữ: Trạng từ, trạng ngữ chỉ thơig gian, nơi chốn.... vào đúng vị trí thích hợp trong câu. Eg: Act: Nam usually feed animals on the river bank. => Pas: Animals are usually fed on the river bank by Nam. Act: He has already finished his homework. => Pas: His homework has already been finished. (Xem chi tiết Câu bị động)* I. CÁC THÌ BỊ ĐỘNG tenses Active (chủ động) passive (bị động) V(-s/es) is/am/are + V(-ed/ 3) Hiện tại đơn. V(-ed/ 2) was/were+V(-ed/ 3) Quá khứ đơn. is/am/are+V(-ing) is/am/are+being+V(-ed/ 3) HiÖn t¹i tiÕp diÔn was/were+V(-ing) was/were+being+V(-ed/ 3) Qu¸ khø tiÕp diÔn have/has+V(-ed/ 3) have/has+been+V(-ed/ 3) HiÖn t¹i hoµn thµnh have/has+been+V(-ing) have/has+been being+V(-ed/ 3) HiÖn t¹i hoµn thµnh tiÕp diÔn Qu¸ khø hoµn thµnh. Tơng lai đơn T¬ng lai tiÕp diÔn. * Phủ định. yesterday.. V(Be+ V-ed/cột 3) O(1) was opened by me yesterday.. S(1). (1). everyday.. V(Be+ V-ed/cột 3) O(1) is opened by me everyday.. I opened S(1) V. S(2) Pas (Câu bị động): The door. the door O(2). II.CÊu t¹o chung: Active (Chủ động):. * Câu hỏi. had+V(-ed/ 3) will+ V(-infinitive) will be+ V(-ing). had been+V(-ed/ 3) will be+ V(-ed/ 3) will be being + V(-ed/ 3). Active (chủ động) * Các thì đơn: Thêm “don’t/ doesn’t/ didn’t” trước Động từ (Động từ về nguyên mẫu) * Hiện tại và Quá khứ tiếp diễn: Thêm “NOT” sau “is/am/are/was/were” * Các thì hoàn thành: Thêm “NOT” sau “have/has/had” * Các thì tương lai: Thêm “NOT” sau “will” * Các thì đơn: Thêm “do/ does/ did” trước Động từ (Động từ về nguyên mẫu) * Hiện tại và Quá khứ tiếp diễn: Đảo “is/am/are/was/were” trước Chủ ngữ. passive (bị động) * Thêm “NOT” sau “is/am/are/was/were” * Như thế * Như thế * Như thế * Đảo“is/am/are/was/were” trước Chủ ngữ. * Như thế.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span> * Các thì hoàn thành: * Như thế Đảo “have/has/had” trước Chủ ngữ * Các thì tương lai:Đảo “will” trước Chủ ngữ * Như thế * Exercise: Language Focus 4 (SGK.P.21) * Lead-in: (SGK) * New words: - cotton /’kɔtən/ (n): vải sợi bông - grow /grou/(v): trồng (= plant /plant/) - produce /prə’dju:s/(v): sản xuất, chế tạo, chế biến, = produce /prɔ’dʌkt/(n): sản phẩm, hàng hoá. - champagne /’ʃæmpei:n/(n): rượu sâm panh. - introduce/intrə’dju:s/(v): giới thiệu, - style/stail/(n): kiểu, cách, kiểu dáng, * Answer keys: a- Jean cloth....................................................................................................................... b- Rice................................................................................................................................ c- Five million bottles of champagne................................................................................. d- A new style of jeans....................................................................................................... e- Two department stores................................................................................................... II. CÁC CẤU TRÚC BỊ ĐỘNG SAU: MODAL VERBS*, HAVE TO, (BE) GOING TO,.. * MODAL VERBS (Mod.V): là những động từ khiếm khuyết: can, could, shall, should, will, would, may, might, must, ought to. (Đồng nhất với tất cả ác ngôi) * HAVE TO:(phải...): (Chia theo Thì, Thể, Ngôi) * (BE) GOING TO: (sắp/ sẽ/ dự định...........). (BE = is/am/are) * Theo sau các “MODAL VERBS*/HAVE TO/(BE)GOING TO,..” luôn là Động từ nguyên mẫu (V-infinitive)=> sang bị động, (BE) luôn ở dạng nguyên mẫu. Eg: 1, We can speak English fluently. => English can be spoken fluently by us. 2, We have to do our homework everyday. = Our homework has to be done everyday 3. We are going to present you an interesting present on your next birthday. => You are going to be presented an interesting present on your next birthday (=> An interesting present is going to be presented for you on your next birthday) * Structures: ACTIVE PASSIVE Mod.V* Mod.V* Have to + V-infinitive Have to + be* + V-infinitive (Be) going to (Be) going to * Phủ định và Câu hỏi: * Mod.V: Thêm “NOT” vào sau hoặc Đảo Mod.V trước Chủ ngữ (cả chủ động và bị động). Eg: 1, We cannot speak English fluently. => English cannot be spoken fluently by us. Can you speak English well? => Can English be spoken well by you? * Have to: Mượn trợ động từ theo Thì, Thể, Ngôi. (cả chủ động và bị động) 1, We don’t have to do our homework everyday. => Our homework doesn’t have to be done everyday. Do you have to do your homework everyday?. => Does your homework have to be done everyday? 2, We didn’t have to do our homework last night. => Our homework didn’t have to be done last night. Did you have to do your homework last night? => Did your homework have to be done last night? 3, We hadn’t had to do our homework before we went to bed. => Our homework hadn’t had to be done before we went to bed. Had you had to do your homework before you went to bed? => Had your homework had to be done before you went to bed? ................................. * (BE) going to: Thêm “NOT” vào sau “is/am/ are” hoặc Đảo “is/am/are” trước Chủ ngữ (cả chủ động và bị động). 1. We aren’t going to present you an interesting present on your next birthday. => You aren’t going to be presented an interesting present on your next birthday (=> An interesting present isn’t going to be presented for you on your next birthday Are you going to present me an interesting present on my next birthday? => Am I going to be presented an interesting present on my next birthday? (=> Is an interesting present going to be presented for me on my next birthday? * Exercise: Language Focus 5 (SGK.P.21) * Lead-in: (SGK) * New words: - solve/sɔ:lv/(v): giải quyết. - experiment /iks’periməmt/(n): cuộc thí nghiệm, thử nghiệm. - planet/’plænit/(n): hành tinh.=> another planet: hành tinh khác. - improve /im’pru:v/(v): cải tiến, cải thiện, nâng cao, nâng cấp, hoàn thiện,.... * Answer keys: a-.......................................................................................................................................... b-.......................................................................................................................................... c-.......................................................................................................................................... d-.......................................................................................................................................... e-.......................................................................................................................................... * HOMEWORK* I. Put the verbs into correct forms.(Passive voice). 1, Last week a cavity in my eighth tooth................................................. (fill) bythe doctor. 2*, I.................................................(buy) a new watch on my next birthday by my brother. (= A new watch............................. .........(buy) for me on my next birthday by my brother.) 3, The pipettes...............................(wash) carefully by Jeannette after the experiment ..................................................(complete). 4, Flowers......................................... (plant) in the garden by my mother at the moment. 5, A picture.....................................(paint) by him when we came. 6, The article………………................(translate) when I come home. 7, A new McDonalds…………....................( not build) here in the future. 8, Great progress in our economy..........................................(make) for a few years 9, That bridge..............................................................(start) to build last year, but it......... ..............................................(not finish) yet. 10, The country’s law................................................(ought to obey). 11, His idea........................................................(not/ ought to obey). 12, The engine of the car.........................................................(have to repair) . 13, I...................................................(be going to send) to a course abroad next week..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span> 14, You.............................................(not be going to pay) any money if you fail the game. 15, Last night he lost the way because he.................................................(not show) clearly. 16, The door.......................................................(not lock) carefully before she left home. 17, The trees.......................................................(not cut) by them at the moment. 18, The picture.....................................(not paint) by him when we came. 19, The rooms........................................................(not clean) for a long time. It’s too dirty. 20, That film...........................................................(not show) everyday. II. Change sentences into Passive voice 1, Mary will finish the work when her father returns ............................................................................................................................................... 2, The council had postponed the meeting. ……………………………………………………………………………........................... 3, Alexandre Eiffel designed the Eiffel Tower for the Paris World’s Fair of 1889. ……………………………………………………………………………........................... 4, Miss Lan was doing that work at 10 a.m yesterday. ……………………………………………………………………………........................... 5, They have recycled the waste paper in a local factory. ……………………………………………………………………………........................... 6, By this time next year, Hong won’t have finished the course. ……………………………………………………………………………........................... 7, The police is questioning him. ............................................................................................................................................... 8, I am not taking care of the baby. ............................................................................................................................................... 9, They can’t make tea with cold water. ………………………………………………………………………………....................... 10, The chief engineer wasn’t instructing all the workers of the plant. ……………………………………………………………………………….................... 11, Somebody has taken some of my books away. ……………………………………………………………………………….................... 12. The boys didn’t take away the pictures. ............................................................................................................................................ 13, The teacher isn’t going to tell the story. ……………………………………………………………………………….................... 14, People spend a lot of money on advertising every day. ……………………………………………………………………………….................... 15, They may use this room for the classroom. ............................................................................................................................................ 16, You mustn’t use this machine after 5.30 pm ............................................................................................................................................ 17, You should phone her before the meeting. ……………………………………………………………………………….................... 18, She hadn’t written a letter before she left home. ……………………………………………………………………………….................... 19, I am cleaning my room. ……………………………………………………………………………….................... 20*, When are they going to decorate your room ? ............................................................................................................................................ III*. Change sentences into Active*. 1, The meeting will be held before the May Day (by people).. ………………………………………………………………………………..................... 2, The cakes are being cut with a sharp knife by Mary. ………………………………………………………………………………..................... 3, The victims have been provided with food and clothing by him. ………………………………………………………………………………..................... 4, The new students were told where to sit by them. ………………………………………………………………………………..................... 5, I won’t be collected at the station by my father tomorrow. ………………………………………………………………………………..................... 6, All the housework ought to be done by her everyday. ………………………………………………………………………………..................... 7, The room hasn’t been cleaned by her yet. ………………………………………………………………………………..................... 8, The computer is not being used by Bill at the moment. ………………………………………………………………………………..................... 9, The flight was cancelled because of fog (by them) ………………………………………………………………………………..................... 10, The designers are not paid a lot of money (by them). ………………………………………………………………………………..................... 11, These products have to be tested by us. . ………………………………………………………………………………..................... 12, Our conversations had been recorded (by somebody) before we left. ............................................................................................................................................ IV*. Change sentences into Passive voice (Questions) 1, Do they teach English here? ………………………………………………………………………................................ 2, Will you invite her to your wedding party? ………………………………………………………………………................................ 3, Did the teacher give some exercises? ………………………………………………………………………................................ 4, Is he going to write a poem? ………………………………………………………………………................................ 5, Have they changed the window of the laboratory? ………………………………………………………………………................................ 6, Is Tom making big cakes for the party? ………………………………………………………………………................................ 7, Must we finish the test before ten? ………………………………………………………………………................................ 8, Are the police making inquires about the thief? ………………………………………………………………………................................ 9, When will you do the work? ……………………………………………………………................................................ 10, How many days did she spend finishing the work? ………………………………………………………………………................................ 11, Why didn’t they help him? ……………………………………………………………................................................ 12, Who are they keeping in the kitchen? …………………………………………………................................................................ 13*, How is this word pronounced by you ? ………………………………………………………………………………......................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span> 14, Who did the police find ? …………………………………………………................................................................. 15, Who looked after the children for you? ………………………………………………….................................................................. UNIT 2. CLOTHING. LESSON 3. READING I. PRE- READ. * Lead- in: Look at the picture in your T.book (P.17) and answre the questions: - Who are they? Where are they from? - What cloth are they wearing? * Prediction: T/F statements. Read the statements below and predict wether they are T or F. Statements. T F 1, The word Jeans comes from a kind of material which was made in China. 2, In the 18th century Jean cloth was made completely from cotton. 3, Workers didn’t like wearing Jeans. 4, Many university and college students wore jeans in the 1960s. 5, Jeans have never been out of fashion 6, Young generation nowadays isn’t still fond of wearing jeans * New words: - sailor/’seilə/(n): thuỷ thủ - completely /’kəmplitly/(adv): hoàn thành, hoàn toàn, - wear out/’weə:raut/(v): mòn, rách. (áo quần) - university/ju:’nivəsəti/(n): đại học => college/’kɔlidʒ/(n): cao đẳng. - embroider/im’brɔi:də/(v): thêu => embroidered/im’brɔi:də:d/(adj): được thêu - high fashion clothing: (n): thời trang cao cấp. - label/’leibəl/(n): nhãn, mác, hiệu. - sale/seil/(n): doanh thu, doanh số. - economic/i’kənəmik/(adj): thuộc kinh tế. => worldwide economic situation: tình hình kinh tế thế giới. - bad => worse/wə:z/: xấu, tệ -grow = go up (v): tăng lên. - (be) out of fashion : bị lỗi thời, lỗi mốt,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span> - (be) fond of (+ N/ V-ing): = love/ like: thích, yêu thích. II. WHILE- READING 1, Check Prediction: Read silently and check T/F predictions. Correct the False sentences. * Answer keys: T/F Correct 1234562, Do exercises in T.book (P. 17,18). * Read the text again silently and do exercises in the textbook. a) Fill-in the missing dates and words Dates Words 1, .................... ..................................................................................................... 2, .................... ..................................................................................................... 3, .................... ..................................................................................................... 4, .................... ..................................................................................................... 5, .................... ..................................................................................................... b) Answer the questions: 1,..................................................................................................................................... 2,..................................................................................................................................... 3,..................................................................................................................................... 4,..................................................................................................................................... 5,..................................................................................................................................... III. POST. * Read and Translate into Vietnamese. *HOMEWORK* * Learn by heart all the new words. * Read and translate again the text. * Prepare “Write” section. *Fill-in the blanks with a suitable word. The word jeans comes from a kind of......................(1) made in Europe. In the ..........................(2) century jean cloth was made...........................(3) from cotton and workers loved to..........................(4) it because the material was very...................... (5). In the .............................(6), many ...............................(7)wore jeans. Designers made different...............................(8) of jeans such as ......................................(9) jeans and ..............................(10) jeans,.... In the 1970s, more people.................................... (11) jeans because the were......................(12). In the 1980s, jeans became................... (13) fashion clothing. The........................(14)of jeans went up. In the 1990s the....................................(15) of jeans stopped going up but jeans have .........................(16) been out of fashion. Today, young generation still.................(17) to wear jeans. UNIT 2. CLOTHING. LESSON 4.WRITING I. PRE- WRITE. * Lead- in: Questions: 1, What kind of clothes do you often wear at school?. 2, Do you like to wear uniforms or casual clothes at school? 3, Do you think students in secondary schools should wear uniforms or casual clothes at school? Why? (give your reasons why do you think so) a) should wear uniforms: -.................................................................................................................................... -.................................................................................................................................... -.................................................................................................................................... -.................................................................................................................................... -.................................................................................................................................... -.................................................................................................................................... b) should wear casual clothes: -.................................................................................................................................... -.................................................................................................................................... -.................................................................................................................................... -.................................................................................................................................... -.................................................................................................................................... -.................................................................................................................................... * Presentation: Write an argument (Viết văn tranh luận) + New words: - argument /ə:’gju:mənt/(n): lí luận, tranh luận - point of view /’pɔintəvju: /= opinion /ə’piniən/ = idea/’aidiə/ (n): quan điểm, ý kiến, - logical/’lɔdʒikəl/(adj): có lô gíc - Therefore/ðeə’fɔ:r/(conj): Do đó - encourage/in’kʌridʒ/(v): khích lệ, động viên, khuyến khích. - (be) proud of /praud/: tự hào. - bear /ber/(v): mang (tên, hiệu,...) - label/’leibəl/(n): nhãn, mác, hiệu - feel equal /fi:l i:’kwəl/(v): cảm thấy bình đẳng, công bằng,.. - practical/’præktikəl/(adj): thực tế. dễ thực hiện - free/fri:/(adj): tự do, rãnh rỗi, thoải mái,..=> freedom/’fri: dəm/(n): => freedom of choice: thoải mái lựa chọn - choose /tʃu:z/(v): chọn, lựa chọn => choice /tʃɔis/(n): sự lựa chọn - (feel) self-confident/ʃelf-kən’fidənt/(adj): (cảm thấy) tự tin - colorful/’kʌləful/(adj): sặc sở, nhiều màu sắc - lively/’livli/(adj): sinh động, sống động + Read the format about an argument in your T.book (P.17) and answrer the questions: 1, How many sections are there in an argument? What are they? 2, What are the main contents in each section? 3, What language ideas can be used in each section? * Answer keys: The format (Cấu trúc) 1, Three sections: Introduction (Mở bài/ vào bài); Series of arguments (Thân bài: các chuổi lí luận/ý kiến); Conclusion (Kết luận). 2,3. (Contents and Language ideas) Sections Contents Language ideas cho người đọc biết quan điểm - I think/ I think we should......../For Mở bài chung của người viết me,...../ In my opinion,.../My opinion (Nêu quan điểm của người viết) is............ Nêu các lí lẽ/ chuổi lí luận theo - First/Firstly,...............

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span> - Second/Secondly,...... -Third/Next,................. -. ................. - Finally,....................... Kết luận Tóm lại/ Chốt lại phần lí luận - Therefore,....../In coclusion,......./In short,........... * Model: a). T.book.P.18. Read the Outline A and the writing model. +) Outline A 1, Opinion: Secondary school students should wear uniforms. 2, Arguments: Wearing uniforms: - encourages...................... - helps................................ - is practical. ...................... 3, Conclusion: Secondary school students should wear uniforms/ Students in secondary schools should wear uniforms. +) Writing model * Lưu ý: - Các em cần lưu ý các phần gạch chân và cách diễn đạt trong bài văn mẫu (SGK). - Ngoài cách diễn đạt trong SGK, ta có thể diễn đạt theo nhiều cách khác. Tham khảo các ý kiến sau: 1, Phần 1: I think/ (For me,../In my opinion,.../My opinion is that.../) it is necessary for secondary school students to wear uniforms when they are at school. (it is necessary for secondary school students to wear uniforms at school// secondary school students should wear uniforms (when they are) at school// students in secondary school should wear uniforms when they are at school/.) ..................................................... 2, Phần 2: (giống SGK) 3, Phần 3: There fore, (In conclusion,/ In short,/) students in secondary schools should wear uniforms// secondary school students should wear uniforms. II. WHILE. * Lead- in: Use Outline B to make an argument that secondary school students should wear casual clothes. .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... * Model: I think/(For me,/ In my opinion,/My opinion is that/) (it is necessary for) secondary school students (should/to) wear casual clothes (when they are) at school. First/Firstly, wearing casual clothes makes students feel comfortable. Second/Secondly, wearing casual clothes gives students freedom of choice. Students can choose the sizes, the colors and the fashion that they love (Students can choose their suitable sizes, favorite colors and fashions they love). Thân bài. trật tự lôgic (mỗi lí lẽ trng một đoạn),nêu ví dụ nếu cần. Third/Thirdly, (wearing) casual clothes makes students feel self-confident when they are in their favorite clothes. Finally, (wearing) casual clothes makes school more colorful and lively. In conclusion/ (Therefore/In short), students in secondary schools should wear casual clothes (at school). * HOMEWORK* * Write arguments about the clothings below. Use the cues given 1, Clothes for festivals/ celebrations. Introsduction: People should wear traditional clothes in festivals or celebrations. Series of arguments: - looks more lovely - helps people feel tidy and clean - helps people enhance their traditions. - makes the festivals/ celebrations become more formal. -................................................................................................................. Conclusion: People should wear traditional clothes in festivals or celebrations. 2, Clothes at work Introsduction: People/ Workers should wear casual/modern clothes at work Series of arguments: - makes people feel more convernient and comfortable. - helps people feel tidy and clean. - is practical. No need to think of what to wear everyday./ can use old clothes to wear/..... -.................................................................................................. Introsduction:People/ Workers should wear casual/modern clothes at work * EXERCISES* (Các dạng bài tập như: Ngữ âm, dùng từ đúng, chọn đáp án đúng, Điền từ, đặt câu, viết câu/ doạn văn, bài đọc mở rộng, bài tập ngữ pháp,..... bố trí đều sau mỗi lesson). UNIT 3. A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDE. LESSON 1. GETTING STARTED + LISTEN & READ. A.GETTING STARTED. * Lead- in: + Oral: 1, Have you ever taken a trip to somewhere in Viet Nam? 2, Which place do you want to go to? 3, What sights/ activities do you often see there? - Sights: -.................................................................................................................. -.................................................................................................................. - ................................................................................................................. - Activities:-.............................................................................................................. -.............................................................................................................. -.............................................................................................................. -.............................................................................................................. -.............................................................................................................. + Picture drill: - Answer questions: 1, What can you see in the picture? 2, Where do they live? 3, Have you ever seen/ done these activitives? - Matching: Pictures Activities 1, a, boys/(children)play soccer in the stadium 2, b, girl/water vegetables in the garden..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span> 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,. c, girl/feed chickens/collect the eggs. d, boy/ride a buffalo/ fly kites e, boys/(children) swim in the river f, man/ plow/plaugh the fields with his buffalo g, man/feed the pig h, women/ have a crop in the fields. * Answer keys: 1-....... 2-........... 3-........... 4-........... 5-......... 6-.......... 7-.......... 8-........ + Talk about the activities in the countryside. (Using Pictures and Matching again). Eg: 1, A girl is watering vegetables in the garden. 6, A man is plowing/plaughing the fields with his buffalo. .................................................................... B. LISTEN AND READ. I. PRE. * Lead- in: Read a text about Ba and Liz’s day trip to Ba’s home vlillage. * New words: - trip /trip/ (n) chuyến thăm/ chuyến tham quan. => a day trip =>chuyến tham quan một ngày - North /nɔ: ð/ (n) phía Bắc. => to the north of...: =>về phía Bắc (của)....... - lie /lai/ (v) nằm - (to) have a rest (v) để nghĩ ngơi/ thư giản - journey /’dʒə:ni/ (n) chuyến đi, cuộc hành trình. - chance /tʃa:ns//tʃeins (n) dịp/ cơ hội - cross /krɔs/ (v) băng qua, vượt qua - bamboo /’bæmbu:/ (n) cây tre => bamboo forest /..... fɔ:’rist/ =>rừng/ bụi/ luỹ tre - banyan tree /’bæniən tri:/ (n) cây đa => big old banyan tree =>cây đa cổ thụ - entrance /’entrəns/ (n) lối vào, cổng vào (= gate) - reach /ri:tʃ/ (v) tới, đạt tới, vươn tới - snack /snæk/ (n) bữa ăn nhanh, ăn thêm, điểm tâm, lót dạ,... - shrine /ʃrain/ (n) ngôi đền, đền thờ, miếu - hero /’herou/ (n) anh hùng, vị anh hùng - boat /bout/ (n) thuyền, xuồng,... => go boating => đi bơi/ chèo thuyền - enjoy /in’dʒɔi/ (v) thích, thưởng thức => enjoyable /in’dʒɔi,eibəl (adj) => thú vị, tuyệt - take photos /... ’foutouz/ (v) chụp ảnh - welcome /’welkɔm/ (adj) chào đón, tiếp đón, chào mừng => (be) welcome được chào đón II.WHILE *T/ F Statements (Section a) SGK) Read the text and decide wether statements below are T or F. Statements T F 1, Ba and his family had a two-day trip to their home village. *, Their home village is about 60 kilometers to the South of Ha Noi.. *, The village is near the foot of a mountain and by a river. 2, Many people like going there for their weekends. 3, There is a small bamboo forest at the entrance to the village. * They traveled to the village by bus. 4,They had a snack at the house of Ba’s uncle. 5,There is a shrine on the mountain near the village. 6, They had a picnic on the mountain. 7, They left the village late in the evening. 8, Liz had a videotape to show the trip to her parents. 9, Liz wants to go to the village again. *, Liz won’t be welcome there. * Correct the F sentences -...................................................................................................................................... -...................................................................................................................................... -...................................................................................................................................... -...................................................................................................................................... -...................................................................................................................................... * Answer the questions. (SGK) 1,.................................................................................................................................... 2,.................................................................................................................................... 3,.................................................................................................................................... 4,.................................................................................................................................. 5,.................................................................................................................................. 6,.................................................................................................................................. 7,.................................................................................................................................. III. POST. *Read and translate the text into Vietnamese. *HOMEWORK* * Fill- in the blanks. Ba, Liz and his family had a day trip to a.............................(1) to the north of Ha Noi. They started......................................(2) in the morning from.........................(3) house by......................(4). On the way to the village, they ............................(5) between the green paddies and crossed a small..........................(6) forest, then..........................(7) a big old banyan tree at the entrance to the village. They sat down under the tree and ......................(8). After the meal, they..........................(9) into the village and.............................(10) Ba’s uncle. They............................(11) a hero’s ..........................(12) on the mountain. In the afternoon, they went............................(13) and had a picnic on a.....................(14) bank. They.............................(15) home.............................(16) in the evening. Liz took lots of................................(17) to show.............................(18) her parents. She ....................................(19) to visit the............................(20) again some day.. UNIT 3. A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDE..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span> LESSON 2. SPEAK + LISTEN A SPEAK. * Oral: - Do you have home village? - Where is your home village? - How far is it from the city? - How often do you go there? - How do you often get there? - How long does it take to get there? - What do people do for a living in your village? - Does your village have a river/lake/ mountain/......? * Lead-in: (SGK) * Read the Questions: (SGK) * Matching: Questions and answers. Questions Answers 1, Where is your home village? a, I/ We can get there by bus 2, How far is it from the city? b, They often plant rice and vegetables for living. 3, How can you get there? c, It takes an hour. 4, How long does it take to get there? d, It’s to the south of the city. 5, What do people do for a living in your e, There is a river flowing across the village? village 6, Does your village have a river? f, It’s about 30 kilometers from the city. (a lake/ mountains/......?) * Practise again the dialogue. (Matching). * Role play to ask and answer questions about B (SGK). * Make similar dialogue about your real home village. B. LISTEN. * Lead- in: - Do you remember the trip of Ba to his home village? - Where did they start? - What sdids they see on the way to the village? - What is there at the entrance to the village? => Look at the map. Then listen the trip to Ba’s village . Match the places on the bus route with the letters (A,B,C.....) on the map. Start =>. * New words: - airport /eə’pɔ:t/ (n) sân bay - gas station /gæs ’steiʃn/ (n) trạm xăng - fuel /’fju:əl/ (n) xăng, nhiên liệu => get some fuel =>lấy xăng - pond /pɔnd/ (n) hồ nhỏ (= small lake) - highway /hai’wei/ (n) quốc lộ - store /stɔ:r/ (n) cửa hàng - bridge /bri:dʒ/ (n) cầu => Dragon Bridge /’dragən/ =>cầu Hàm Rồng - parking lot /’pa:kiŋ lot/ (n) bãi, điểm đỗ xe - direction /di’rekʃn/ (n) hướng, phương hướng => opposite direction /’ɔpəzət di’rekʃn/ =>chiều/ hướng ngược lại. * Before listen: Prediction: Matching the names of places to the letters(A,B,C,D,...). Prediction Check Answers. 1, airport A 2, gas station B 3, pond C 4, highway No.1 D 5, banyan tree E 6, store F 7, bamboo forest G 8, Dragon Bridge H 9, parking lot I UNIT 3. A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDE. LESSON 3. READING I.PRE-READ * Lead-in: Oral. 1, Have you ever lived in the USA? 2, Where did you live in the USA? 3, Have you ever lived in a countryside in the USA? 4,Do you think the life there different or the same the life in Viet Nam’s countrysisde? 5, What do people on the USA’s farms do for living? * Presentation: Read a text about the life on a farm in the USA. * New words: - exchange /ik’tʃeindʒ/ (n) trao đổi - till /til/ (adv) tới/ cho tới - maize /meiz/ (n) ngô, bắp (ngũ cốc) - part-time /’pa:taim/ (n) 1 phần/nữa thời gian - grocery store /‘grousəri/ (n) cửa hàng thực phẩm - (be) the same......as... /seim/ cùng/ giống - complete /’kəmplit/ (v) hoàn thành (= finish) - feed /fi:d/ (v) cho ăn - collect /kə’lekt/ (v) thu gom, thu lượm; sưu tầm - hot dogs /hɔt dɔgs/ (n) xúc xích - nice (= good/kind) /nais/ (adj) tốt, tốt bụng - member /’membə/ (n) thành viên =>feel like a member of (v) =>cảm thấy như thành viên của * Matching: (Section a) SGK.P.26) A B maize bring things together feed where people buy food and small things grocery store give food to eat part- time corn collect shorter or less than standard time II. WHILE * b) Read and Complete the summary. Use information from the text. (SGK) * Answer Keys: 1,............................ 2,.............................. 3,.............................. 4,........................... 5,............................ 6,.............................. 7,.............................. 8,........................... 9,............................ 10,.............................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span> III. POST. * Further Questions: 1, Who is Van? ....................................................................................................................................... 2, Where is Van living now? ....................................................................................................................................... 3, What does Mrs Parker do? ....................................................................................................................................... 4, What does Mr Parker grow on the farm? ....................................................................................................................................... 5, How old is Peter? ....................................................................................................................................... 6, How can Van help the Parkers? ....................................................................................................................................... 7, Do the family work on Saturday afternoons? ....................................................................................................................................... 8, Does Van feel like a member of their family? Why? ...................................................................................................................................... * Read ansd translate again the text into Vietnamese. * HOMEWORK* UNIT 3. A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDE. LESSON 4. WRITING I.Pre –write * Oral and Picture drill: Look at the pictures and answer questions: 1, What are people in the pictures doing? 2, Do you often have a picnic? 3, Who do you often go with? 4, Where do you often go for a picnic? 5, What activities do you often do during the picnic? 6, How do you get there? 7, Do you often go home late or early. 8, Do you enjoy it ? * Lead-in: (SGK) * New words: - picnic site /’piknik sait/ (n) điểm dã ngoại - put down /put daun/ (v) trải - lay out /lei aut/ (v) dọn/ soạn (thức ăn) ra => laid (V2) /leid aut/ (V2) - blanket /’blænkit/ (n) tấm bạt, tấm thảm - blind man’s buff /blaind mæns bʌf/ (n) bịt mắt bắt dê - hurry /’hʌri/ (v) nhanh, vội vàng, khẩn trương => hurried /’hʌri:d/ (adj) vội vàng, nhanh chóng => hurriedly /’hʌridli/ (adv) - gather /’gæðз:r/ (v) thu gom, thu lượm - catch /kætʃ/ (v) đón, bắt (xe) /kɔ:t/ => caught (V2) (V2) II. While- writing * Practise writing. (Use the Pictures and the word/ phrases given in the Textbook) III.Post- writing. * Write a passage telling about your real picnic to somewhere.(80- 100 words) *Answere keys* ( Writing Work) It was a beautiful day,so my friends and I went /decided to go for a picnic. We took a bus to the countryside and then walked about 20 minutes to the picnic site near a river. We put down the blankets and laid out the food. (And we had a very joyful snack together) After meal, we played the games such as “ What song is it?” and “blind man’s buff”. Late in the afternoon, we went fishing (on the river). We enjoyed our picnic very much. When we looked at the time, it was nearly 6.30 pm. We hurriedly gathered all the things and ran quickly to the bus stop. We were lucky to catch the last bus and we arrived home very late in the evening. EXERCISES (U1-3) TEST 1 (45 MINUTES.U1-3) TEST 2 (45 MINUTES. U1-3).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span> Exercis ……………………………………………………………………………… E85. My brother…………in Vietnam and he ………..home once a year. A. work/returns B. work/return C. works/returns D. works/return 86. The test ………..in ten minutes’time. You must hurry. A. began B. begin C. will begin D. has begun 87. She kept looking at me while I ……….to the teacher. A. were talking B. was talking C. talked D. talking 88. His first article ……….in Le Monde in October 1928. A. appears B. appear C. appeared D. didn’t appeared 89. “Mother, I …….my medicine. Can I go out now?”. A. have taken B. had taken C. has taken D. will have taken 90. Don’t ………all the time. People willnot be fooled by you twice. A. lying B. lie C. lied D. lies 91. The teacher ……….our class two tests so far. A. have given B. gave C. gives D. has given 92. They ……….this film last week. A. have seen B. saw C. were seeing D. see 93. I think he ………the letter. A. answers B. answering C. will answer D is answer 94. They ………..bored with listening to classical musicnow. A. are B. were C. have been D. will be 95. It is the first time I ……..this place A. have visited B. visited C. will vist D. had visited 96. I have just started English courses. I …………..English grammar now. A. study B. studying D. am studied D. am studying 97. She ……….of great help to us since she ………..with us..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span> A. has been / has lived B. has been/ lived C. was/ has lived D. was/lived 98. She used …..me when she was in London. A. phone B. phoned C. to phone D. to phoning 99. Dotors and scientists……..recently the benefit of fish in the diet. A. have shown B. show C. are showing D. had shown 100. I ………dinner at 6 o’clock yesterday evening. A. cooked B. is cooking C. was cooing D. have cooked. I. passive structures - (Các cấu trúc bị động ). 1. 2. 1. ..................................................................................................................................... 2. My parents made me do it. I.................................................................................................................................... .14. John used to visit Mr Cole at weekends. ………………………………………………………………………………. xercise 5:Change the following sentences into the passive voice :Yes – No questions: Exercise 6:Change the following sentences into the passive voice : Wh-question: Exercise 7: Change the following sentences into the active voice Sentences of imperative: 1. Open your book. ………………………………………………………………………. 2. Take off your hat! ……………………………………………………………………. 3. Don’t do that silly thing again!………………………………………… 4. let’s tell them about it!………………………………………………… 5. Don’t let the other see you. …………………………………………………. III. Chuyển các câu sau sang Bị động IV. Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa không đổi(Chủ động=> bị động và ngợc lại) V. Tìm lỗi sai và chữa lỗi (Thì, Thể, Chủ động/ Bị động, Dấu hiệu). 48. Patricia………….now. Please do not disturb her. A. is sleeping B. was sleeping C. sleeps D. has slept. 49. A child can ………..easily. A. remembered B. remember C. remembers D. remembering 50. I haven’t seen much of you lately. We ……..three months ago. A. meet B. last met C. have last met D. has last met 44. The boy………when the explosion occurred A. is sleeping B. slept C. was sleeping D. sleeps 53. ………….everything already? Yes, he ………his part of work long ago. A. Has he done B. Did he do/has done C. Has he done/ did D. Did he do/ did 67. Ted and Tomy …………in New York for a week. A. have gone B. have been C. are D. was 69. The books, an English dictionary and a chemistry text, ………..on the shelf yesterday. A. was B. were C. have been D. are 26. She hasn’t written to me…………. A. already B. yet C. never D. since. Exercise: Sentence transformation 1. My wife can’t speak French. I wish............................................................................................................................ 2. What a pity you failed in your driving test. I wish............................................................................................................................ 3. She won’t visit me again. I wish............................................................................................................................ 4. I’m not a millionaire. I wish............................................................................................................................ 5. He said “Good luck!” He wish........................................................................................................................ 6. Tom regretted buying the second-hand car. Tom wished.................................................................................................................. 7. You’re making a lot of noise. I wish............................................................................................................................ 8. I’m sorry that I didn’t finish my homework last night. I wish............................................................................................................................ 9. Kieu My stains her white dress. Kieu My wishes............................................................................................................ 10. Khanh lost her handbag. Khanh wished................................................................................................................ CH¦¥NG II. FORM OF VERBS (DẠNG CỦA ĐỘNG TỪ).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span> I. TO- V-infinitive - Cấu trúc: S + (V1) + to-V-infi.... * Động từ nguyên mẫu có “to” thường đi sau các động từ sau. Afford: cè g¾ng Appear: cã vÎ Arrange: s¾p xÕp Decide: quyết định Fail: thÊt b¹i Happen: bÊt ngê Intend: định Advise: khuyªn Allow: cho phÐp Encourage: khuyÕn khÝch Force: b¾t buéc Invite: mêi. Ex:. Learn: biÕt Manage: cè g¾ng Mean: muèn Offer: muèn Plan: dù định Prepare: chuÈn bÞ Promise: høa Refuse: tõ chèi Order: ra lÖnh Persuade: thuyÕt phôc Remind: nh¾c nhë Teach: d¹y Tell: b¶o. Seem: dêng nh Threaten: ®e do¹ Hope: hy väng Expect: mong Hesitate: ngÇn ng¹i Agree: đồng ý Want: muèn Attempt: cè g¾ng Order: ra lÖnh Persuade: thuyÕt phôc Remind: nh¾c nhë. Wish: muèn Tend: định Would like Prefer Like. She wanted to buy a new laptop.. Forget: quªn * Động từ nguyên mẫu có “to” thường đi sau các động từ sau.. II. Gerund (V_ ing) - Cấu trúc: S + V1 + V_ ing * Danh động từ thường đi sau các động từ sau Appreciate Feel like Risk admit Finish Suggest Avoid Give up Be/get used Can’t help Imagine Be worth Can’t stand Keep (on) Like Can’t bear Look forward to Prefer Consider Mention Be good at Deny Object to What about Dislike Practise How about Enjoy Put off. to. * Gerund thường theo sau các giới từ: in; on; at; … Ex: Hoa enjoys playing chess III.TO- V-infinitive or (V_ ing) .  Các động từ thờng theo sau bỡi TO-infi hoặc V-ing mà nghĩa không đổi  Các động từ thờng theo sau bỡi TO-infi hoặc V-ing mà nghĩa thay đổi III. Bare Infinitive - Cấu trúc: S + V1 + V_inf * Động từ nguyên mẫu không “to” thường đi sau các động từ sau. + Động từ khiếm khuyết: can/ could; shall / should ; ought to; must; …. Ex: Nga ought to finish her homework before playing games. Make Catch Find Let See Hear Have Watch Overhear Hope Feel Observe ĐỘNG TỪ NỐI * Với các câu hỏi dùng: [Do/Does + S + seem/look/feel...+ Adj?] => khi trả lời ta dùng [BE], không lặp lại [DO/DOES]. Eg: Do you feel tired? - Yes, I am/ No, I am not. (Không dùng: Yes, I do/ No, I don’t.) Does he seem very happy? - Yes, he is/ No, he isn’t. (Không dùng: Yes, he does/ No, he doesn’t.).

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