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mmmmmmmmmmmmmmEnglish 6

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A: Hello, Did you attend the company conference?
B: Hi. Yes,I did.
A: Can you tell me some information about company conference yesterday?
B: Yes, of course.
A: What time was the conference ?
B: It was from 8:30 am to 11:15 pm.
A: Where did the conference take place?
B: It took place in Crown Hotel.
A: Who is the speaker?
B: The speaker was Mr.Tony- Vice president of Human Resources.

A: What was the topic?
B: The topic was innovative HR solutions.
A: Who was the audience?
B: It was HR personel.
A: What were the main idea in the conference?
B: The first main idea were HR software and recruitment
The second main idea were latest technology advancements to apply.
A: The conference had many interesting ideas.
B: That right. It also useful conference.
A: Ok. Thank for you help. Gb

Can we share some information about VietinBank corporate culture?

Dress code
Core value
in Culture

Can you tell me name of your company?
What is VTB’s dress code?
Men have to wear tie suite and women have to wear shirts
Do you know what the company’s slogan is?
Its slogan is.........
Can you tell me what Its first / second mission is?
The first / second mission is.......
How about its vision?
It is......
What is the second core value?
I know there are 5 points in Significance in Culture of VTB,
but Can you tell me what its third significance in cultrure is?
The third Significance in Culture is .......
What is its Significance in Culture is?


I don’t remember the third significance in culture, Do you
know it ?
Can you tell me about it cultural expression? / How about the

cultural expression?
There are two main points about the cultural expression . The
first is about ........ The second one is about........

Student A:
Student B:
Student A:
Student B:
Student A:
Student B:
Student A:
Student B:
Student A:
Student B:
Student A:
Student B:
Student A:
Student B:
Student A:

Good Everning B. I am going to apply for job interview in
Viettinbank but don’t have much information about its corporare
culture. Can you share some information about it with me?
Yes, I will have an interview in Viettinbank, too so I’m glad to share
with you.
Do you know what the viettinbank’s slogan is?
Its slogan is “Improving the value of life”
Oh. It sound so meaningful! Can you tell me what its vision is?
The vision is to become ….

I know that Viettinbank has 2 core values. What is the second core
The second core value is to be active,….
Thank you. I got them.
No thing. I just told you the informations I know about it, and you can
share me the informations you know?
Yes, of couse.
What is its mision?
The mision is to be a market …
Do you know what the first core value is?
It is focus on custormer.

Student B:
Student A:
Student B:
Student A:
Student B:

What is viettinbank’s milesstone event day?
It is on 26th March
Thank you very much for sharing. I hope we can meet in Viettinbank.
That OK. Good luck. Goodbye

A: Hello.How can I help you?
B: Hello. Could you help me fix my mobile phone ?
A: What is strong with it?
B: There seems to be with battery charging problems.

A: What type of warranty does it have ?
B: I have one year limited warranty.
A: Can you see your warranty card?

B: Here it is.
A: I’m sorry. I can warranty it because your warranty expired 2 months ago.
B: Can you give some advice?
A: If you want to repaid it, you will pay for the repair.
B: How much is it?
A: It’s about VND 500,000.
B: OK. When can I get the phone back?
A: It’s one hours.
B: That great.
A: Is there anything else I can do for you?
B: No,thanks .That all
A: Thank for use my service. GB
B: GB.

A: GM. Can we discuss about the recent negative reviews?
B: Yes of course. Some customer said that service wasn’t good and staff
A: Do you have any comments with impolite language or from a “frequent
B: Yes, I have

A: You should ignore those comments.
B: Ok. I got it. Should we talk privately to review?

A: That right.We should do it. What do you intend to do next?
A: I think the next step is to reply publicly. In my opinion, we should post a
pubic message acknowledging the concern and outlining the actions taken.
B: That sound. Don’t forget to be polite, professional at all the time and learn
from the problem.
A: I got it. Thank for you help. GB
B: Gb

A: Hello, I am purchasing officer from NBH’s company.
B: Nice to meet you. I’m a salesperson from ANF’s company
A: Our main concern is have a discount of 20%. The listed price is too high for our

B: No, I don’t agree because we will not make a profit.
What do you think about 15% discount if you place a large order ?
A:We agree it but we would like to receive a different product color.
B: But you know a different color needs more production cost. We will charge extra
price of $2per item.
A: I’m afraid we can’t agree to that. We can walk away from the deal is you can’t have
the price of $15 per item.
B: OK. We are willing to accept that if you give us to pay in cash and shorter payment
tern. I mean 20 days.
A: I agree with you . We have to get a 15% discount and different product color.
B: We agree. We have reached a deal .
A: Thank for coming.
B: Thank you. Gb.


A: GM. How can I help you?
B: GM . I’d like to apply for a credit card.
A: Which credit card are you interested in?/What is your credit card preference?
B: It is Visa Card.
A: Are you currently working?
B: Yes, I am a salesperson, 6 years
A: What is your monthly income by bank transfer?
B: I earn 15 million VND a month.
A: Do you have any credit facilities?
B: No, I don’t.
A: Wait a minutes . I will check yours credit score.

B: Ok . But What is that for?
A: Because determine reliability to pay money back .
B: Ok . I got it
A: Can you fill in and sign application form, please?
B: OK . When can I get my credit card?
A: You can get it after 7 days.
B: Ok. So I will come back to take it after 7 days.
A: Thank you for using our service.GB.
B: Thanks for your help.
Student A

Student B


I want to apply for accountant but I have no
idea about nessary documents for my
Can you give me some suggestion?
What document I should prepare?

Application documents are very important
because affect employer’s hiring decision in
first glance.

The first is CV. Because almost employers
choose to read first, it show your skills,
quanlifications, work experience.
If I have no relevant experience, what should You should write life experience, interests
I mention in my CV?
which link your skills
That great. Is ther anything else I should You should prepare Cover letter, too
Is it used to explain how I am quanlified for That right. You should also write about
job position?
academic results, relevant degrees and
certificates. Because it helps prove listed
quanlifications in CV
There are a lot of think to do. I need to work Great. I’m willing to help in need, call me if
hard to get the job
you need futher help


A: You a an HR manager of Vingroup
B: You are a candidate in an interview for a sale assistant position in Vingroup.
HR manager
I’m Hoa an HR manager of Vingroup.
Thank your for coming our interview
Can you tell me something about your
education background?
What are your strenghths and

GM/It’s my pleasure
My name is …I’m applying for the
position of Vingroup in a sale assistant.
I have Bachelor’s degree of marketing

Strength: I’m a+good listener and I have
+ interpernal skills.
Weakness: I’m easy to lose patience
when sharing tasks with others.
Can you tell me something about your I have worked as salesperson in VinMart
in 2 years.
My main duty is offer face-to-face
advice to customers on store products.
During the time working there, I have
maximize store revenue by suggesting
upgrades, add-ons to customers.

I can handle difficult customers in a
calm manner.
Why are you leaving the current job?
Because I want to work in company I
can settle down and make a long-tern
What is your goals for future?
I want to improve abilities and become
leader in my field.
Thank you for your time.
Thank you.
I will send interview result via email.

Studen A: You have one billion from lottery. You meet a finacial consultant ( Student
B) and ask how to invest that money appropriately.
Student B: You are a financial consultant. You give a client ( Student A) advice on
how to invest his/her money.
Student A
Student B
Greet and identify yourself
Greet, identify yourself and offer help
Say you have one billion VND and Suggest four investment options ( stock,
how to invest it appropriately
bond, mutual fund, real estate)
Ask about current real estate market
- State the situation: increasing demand
higher prices

- Say: one billion VND is not enough to
Disagree – buy house in suburb
Explain: difficul to sell house in suburb
long time/ get money back
Suggest: invest in stocks
Say: risky to invest in stocks
Give reason: stock market/remain positive
Ask about the reason
not risky
Ask about stocks to buy
Suggest: buy blue-chip stocks of high
reputation companies
Give reason: get stable or rising dividends
Say you will consider and contact B Agree. Say thank
Say thank and goodbye
Say goodbye
Student A:
Student B:
Student A:
Student B:
Student A:
Student B:
Student A:
Student B:
Student A:
Student B:

Goodmorning, I’m A.
Goodmorning,My name is B. I am a financial consultant. How can I
help you?
I have one billion VND. I don’t know invest it appropriately. Can you
give some advice.
Yes, of couse. At the moment, there are four investment options such
as: stock, bond, mutual fund, real estate. Which would you prefer?
How is the current real estate market going?
The increase lead to higher prices. However one billion VND is
enough invest real estate.
I’m not sure. I can still buy a house in the suburb with that money.
I know, but the house in the suburb is difficulcto sell. So you will take
a long time to get money back. Why don’t you invest socks?
In my oppinion, invest in stock is very risky.Why would you advice
do that?
From my poin inview, stock market is remain positive in the coming
time. So it is not risky.

Student A:
Student B:
Student A:
Student B:
Student A:
Student B:

What stock should I buy?
How about buying blue-chip stocks of high reputation companies.If
you buy this stocks, you will get stable or rising dividends.
Oh right. I will consider carefully and contact you latter.

That Ok. Thank you very much for your using our service.
Tahnk you very much for your help. Goodbye
Goodbbye anf see you again.

Student A:You want to apply for a job but you have no idea about necessary
documents your application.
Student B: You have a lot of experiencein job hunting. Give A advice on job
application package.
Student A
- Say your intention and
- Ask for the suggestion
Ask about needed document

Student B
Say the importance of job documents to get job:
affect employer’s hiring decision in first glance

-1st important: CV
-Reasons: almost employers choose to read first;
show her/his skill, qualifications, work
Say you have no relevent Suggest: write life experiences, interests => link
experience. Ask for suggestions his/her skills/ abilities
Agree. Ask what else to prepare -Respond: Cover letter
Ask if it’s used to explain how -Agree.
you’re qualified for job position -Give another suggestion: academic results,

relevant degrees and certificates. Reason: prove
listed qualification in CV
Say that’s a lot. You need to -Agree.
work hard to get job
-Say you’re willing to help in need
Say thank and goodbye
Say goodbye
Student A:
Student B:
Student A:
Student B:
Student A:
Student B:

Good morning
Good morning
I want to apply for a job but I have no idea about necessary
documents your application. Can you give me some advice?
I think the job documents is very important. Because they will affect
employer’s hiring decision in first glance.
What documents do I need?
From my experience the most important documents for job in the CV,
because almost employers choose to read first. Moreover the CV will
have show your skills, qualifications, work experience that relevant to

Student A:
Student B:
Student A:

Student B:
Student A:
Student B:
Student A:
Student B:
Student A:
Student B:

the job. You should apply they before.
However, I have no relevent experience to the job. Can you give some
Why don’t you write life experiencesand your interests. They can link
your skills and abilities to the job you are apply before.
You are right. What else documents do I need to prepare?
You not only prepared CV, but you also need to prepare cover letter.
Can I use a CL to explain how you’re qualified for job position?
Exaxtly. Should do that. Moreover, you should give your academic
results, your relevant degrees and certificates. Because they willl
prove listed qualification in your CV.
That’s a lot of thing I need to do. I think I need to work hard to get job
That the fact try the best. Why you repair the documents if you have
any problem. Please contact me, I am willing to hepl you in need
Thank you very much for your help. I will contact you for the help.
Good luck and googbye.
Student A

Student B
Greet & ask about the interview

Respond: Worry. Not answer difficult Ask what the interview asked
question well
Respond: strengths and weaknesses
- Strengths: hardworking and
trusworthy; ability to work with
number and under pressured
- Weaknesses: be perfectionist
Ask for the way you should talk about
Say you will apply it in the next
Say goodbye

Ask how A answered
Give advice:
- Strengths: add some skills: computer
skills, etc.

Respond: say real weaknesses but not
the keys for an accountant, and give
Give example: over-friendly
Say good luck and goodbye.

A: Good morning B

B: Good morning A. Did you just go to the interview? Is everything ok?
A: I’m worry! I didn’t answer difficult question well

B: How did the interviewer ask you?
A: She asked me about strengths and weaknesses.
B: How did you answer?
A: About strenghs, I’m hardworking and trusworthy; ability to work with number and
under pressured environment. About weaknesses: I’m a perfectionist.
B: About strenghs, you should add some skills: computer skills, etc. Because it
rellevant with job positon you apply.
A: That’s right. I forgot that. What should I do when talking about weaknesses?
B: You can say real weaknesses but not the keys for an accountant, and give solutions.
For example, you are over-friendly and you will try to improve.
A: That’s sound reasonable. I will remember and apply it in the next interview.
B: good luck for you! Goodbye
A: Goodbye

UNIT 1: How to host a corporate event
At the weekend, I am going to host a product launch event. I will outsource it
because it will have lower cost. Moreover, the event planner has specialist
skills in all aspects of running a successful event, including venues, catering,
seating, lighting, music, key note speakers, communication and schedules
.Besides, when the event is over, we will receive valuable technical datas from
the event planner to assist in working with attendees and future events. I think
the event will be haft a day. The event will be host in conference center because
it big enough to contain participant and more professional. The participant of
the event should be customers, media, company emplyees,... I hope it will be

successful event.
UNIT 2: Corporate culture of company or organization
Each company or organization has a corporate culture. And I’m impressed with
FPT’s culture. Its slogan is “strong, durable, reliable” . The spirit is the core
value which make the success the brand of FPT. It also encourages people to
work hard. The FPT’s statement is to give customers the most special offers.
For employees, this company also gives the most comfortable spirit and
couragement at work. They often organization some parties to connect people
together. For customers, FPT have some policies, such as: 50% Internet
discount, exchanging 1 for 1, warranty policy,ect. The company also offers
rewards for good employees to increase productivy and quanlity of work. After
graduation, I hope I will apply for a job in FPT
UNIT 3: Customer service
Last month, I bought a laptop from Diem May Xanh and I received a guarantee
of the product. As the guarantee policy of Diem May Xanh, the company offers
a 12 months warranty and exchanging 1 for 1 in 30 days. All the defects belong
to the company that are covered in the guarantee periods. The warranty doesn’t
cover the damages caused from customers such as: screens, Keyboards, and
batteries. If the warranty is lost or expired, customers must have a active
warranty card and the product doesn’t get any damages from customers. I am
very satisfied with the guarantee policy of Diem May Xanh. So I will keep
buying the products of DMX in the future.
UNIT 5: Banking
Bank account
Nowaday, bank account are more and more popular. I intend to open a bank
account but there are many type of bank acconuts. Each type has own
advantage and disadvantage. However after finding out I think a checking

account is most suitable for me. Because it is mainly for student, most of my

friends use it. Besides, it is very easy to opne. I only need to provide a vaild
form if identification for bank and require open a checking account. I will
receive my card after 5 days without any fees. Moreover, minimum balance of
this sort account is only 50 thousand VND. It is not too high. Althought this
account doesn’t give me any interest I believe this the best account for me in
this time.
Bank cards
The type of card that I often use is debit card. I use debit card when making
purchases instead of using cash. Because money is transferred from the bank
account of the user when the transaction is performed. Therefore main user of
debit card are people who have current accounts in banks. Ther are some types
of fee for debit cards such as issuance fee, cash withdrawal at ATM fee and
annual fee. The fees are genarally low, and in some cases, free of charge,
depending on each bank’s policy.Debit card is very convenient because it
allows internet and phone purchases as well as instant ATM withdrawal. It is
also safer to use debit card helps me stick to my budget. I just use card for daily
purchases, so debit card provides the same convenience without making me
borrow money to complete the purchases. I don’t have to worry about high
interest rate if not payign off the balance in full in thirty days.
Bank cards
I’m using a checking account and feel it’s very convenient so I will talk about
it. Debit card is a bank card used to make purchases with the cash in the card
holder’s deposit account. In order to get a debit card, you must be 18 years old
or above and have obtain a copy of identification card. The main users of debit
card are student who have tight budget and need to withdraw money for daily
use. This type of bank card is used mainly by office workers who receive their
salary from their company every month. You can use it to withdraw money
from checking account through an ATM. Debit card can be used to make
purchases which pay for things directly from bank account without the need to
withdraw the cash. When using debit card, you have to pay an account

maintenance fee. While debit cards come free for the first time, many banks
charge a small amount of money for reissuarance or replacement. Debit card is
convenient it allows the users to access your cash by withdrawing money
through an ATM at any time you want. It allow the user to make purchase
through bank transfer to eliminate the need to carry cash or physical checks
when going shopping. To conclude, debit card is a good choice for you.
UNIT 6: Investment
Now, if I have 3 billion VND I wil invest it to raise my money, I know some
common investment options such as stock, real estate, bond, mutual fund. After
finding out I decide to invest in stock because according to financial reports I
read recently, stock market will remain positive in the coming time. That means
I will get profit (my dividend) from this investing quickly. However if the price

of stock falls, I will lose my money. It is ricky. Although I know investing in
stock has risk but I think the more risk I have to face to, the more chances of
getting good returns I have which is worth. Therefore I still will invest in
UNIT 7 : Job application
Topic 1: Talk about guideline to write a CV for new graduted
Writing a CV is very important to apply a job. I have some tips to write a CV
for new graduated. Firstly, language used in CV must be formal. You don’t use
personal pronouns. The first part of your CV, positioned at the top of the page,
you should contain your name, professional title and contact details. Secondly,
you should remember to use professional email with your real name and maybe
some basic information about you.Beside, only write your relevant work
experience, leave out the irrelevant ones. Thirdly, you should highlight your
quanlifications and skills, describe what you can bring to the company if
employed. Like your experience section, your education should be listed in
reverse chronological order. Hobbies should only be listed if they are highly

related to the job which one is applying. At the end of your CV, you can include
a line that reads “references available on request”
UNIT 8 : Experience to wrive a CV in the last job
I’m going to tell you about the interview that I had part-time jobs. I applied for
the position of salesperson at VinMart and after 2 days sending application
forn, I was called for my interview. My interview was Huong an HR manager
of VinMart . At first, She asked me to tell about my personal information.
Then I was required to tell about education background and work experience.
After that, she wants to know about my strengths and weakness.
The part I like most in the interview is to ask me about my work experience.
The thing I did well in the interview is that I have maximize store revenue by
suggesting upgrades, add-ons to customers. Since I carefully prepared such
questions before the interview, I answered them , quite well. I was happy the
the interviewer said that she was impressed by my answers. Despite my careful
preparation, I did some mistakes in the interview. I didn’t wear polite clothers
so I failed to interview. I think I need to well prepare in the next time. Although
I was not offered the job, I gained valuable experience from this job interview.

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