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DEDA ANH HK I 20152016

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Mã đề A11001 Da Phuc High school. The 1st term test – Grade 11. Student’s code. School year: 2015 -2016 Time allowanc e: 45’. ………………. Number: A11001. Mark:. ---------------------------------------------------------I. Phonetics * Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently (0.5pt) 1. A. double B. enough C. doubt D. touch 2. A. machinery B. march C. cheerfully D. merchant * Choose the word which is stressed differently from the others: (0.5pt) 3. A. relevant B. volunteer C. primary D. different 4. A. support B. repeat C. increase D. expect II. Grammar and vocabulary: A. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets: ( 1,5 pts) 1. He didn’t expect (invite)…………………….………….to the party. 2. We will spend two days (visit) ……………………Halong Bay, then return to Hanoi. 3. (Photocopy) ………………………………………all the papers, Sarah put them back in the file. 4. The little girl can’t stand (make)…………………………… fun of by her classmates. 5. After he (do)…………………………. his home work, he went to bed. 6. Who (drive) …………………………… the car at the time of the accident?. B. Give the correct form of the word in the bracket. (1 pt) 1. We’d like to offer your school a ………………..………..of two million dong (donate) 2. Nowadays more and more people ………………………….take care of others (volunteer) 3. Has any………………………………..been made about the English competition? (announce) 4. He became internationally……………………………for his novel. (fame) C. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences: (1.5pts) 1. The teacher divided the class in to three groups …………………ten. A. with B. for C. in D. of 2. Vietnam has ………..population of about 85 millions A. a B. no article C. an D. the 3. You should ………………..more attention to this new type of exercise. A. make B. take C. pay D. concentrate 4. Students must obey class ……………………. A. laws B. conferences C. times D. regulations 5. My teachers always encourage …………………… hard at school A. us to work B. to work C. that we work D. working 6. A young adult’s choices for a birth control ……………. might be different from that of a woman who is older or who is married . A. way B .method C. skill D. technique III. Reading: A. Read the passage carefully and choose the best option to fill in each blank: (1, 25 pts) In most countries of the world the population is (1) _____ alarmingly. This is especially true in poor, undeveloped countries. Overpopulation causes a (2) _____ number of problems. In poor countries it is difficult to provide enough food to feed even the present number of people. In addition, education to (3)___ the number of children per family is not always successful. Poorer countries usually have a lot of unemployment too, and an increase in population simply (4)____ the situation worse. The environment also suffers when there are too many people living on the land. In rich, industrialised and developing countries it is very difficult for governments to (5)____ effective public services in overcrowded cities. Moreover, there is usually a great deal more crime, which is often due to high rates of unemployment. Further large increases in population only cause more overcrowding, unemployment and crime. 1. A. going B. increasing C. announcing D. warning 2. A. considerable B. big C. large D. strong 3. A. control B. limit C. get D. involve.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 4. A. gets B. lets C. makes D. keeps 5. A. grant B. create C. produce D. provide B. Read the passage then choose the best answer (1.25 pts) Giving a dinner party is a wonderful way of entertain people. You can also make new friends and give others the chance to get to know each other better. It needs planning, though. First, make a guest list, with different kinds of people and a mixture of women and men. Don’t invite couples because they aren’t so much fun. When you know who can come, find out what they like to eat and drink. Note down any who are vegetarians, or who can’t eat or drink certain things for religious season. Then plan their menu. Include a first course, a choice of main course and a dessert, plus lots of people’s favourite drinks. The next thing to do is the shopping. Make sure buy more than enough of everything, and that someone can help you carry it. On the day, start cooking early. Give people appetizers like Greek mezze or Spanish tapas, so they don’t get hungry if they have to wait. Serve the delicious meal, sit down with your guests and have a good time – you have earned it. 1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the purpose of giving a dinner party? A. to entertain people B. to make new friends C. to get people to know more about their host and hostess D. to help people to know each other better. 2. When giving a dinner party, you should not invite ………… . A. husbands and wives B. those who are vegetarians. C. both women and men D. those who can’t eat or drink certain things. 3. The menu should include these EXCEPT ………. . A. a first course B. a supper C. a dessert D. main courses 4. According to the passage, starters should be served ……………………. . A. because the guests want to have a good time together. B. because the guests like eating them C. because the guests want to eat them while having to wait D. because the guests may be hungry while having to wait 5. What should you do while the guests are having their evening meal? A. Stand beside the guests without doing anything. B. Sit down with the guests and have a good time. C. Sit down with the guests to show your politeness. D. Only serve the guests with the food. I V. Writing (2.5 A. Find out the mistake in the following sentences: (1 p) 1. I’ve been studying French since I’ve started high school. A B C D 2. He should ever call again, please tell him that I am not at home. A B C D 3. She said that if it does not rain tomorrow, she would go out with you. A B C D 4. Each nation has many people who voluntary take care of others. A B C D B. Rewrite the following sentences, using the suggestions: (1, 5 pts) 1. I feel better now because you talked to me about my problem yesterday => If …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. They had a good meal and then went to dance => After they ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. “ If only I had told the police the truth!” => Mike regrets ……………………………………………………………………………………… -End of the test-. Mã đề A11003 Da Phuc High school. The 1st term test – Grade 11. Mark:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Student’s code 45’ Time allowance: ………………. School year: 2015 -2016 Number: A11003 ----------------------------------------------------------. I. Phonetics (1p) * Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently: 1. A. college B. healthy C. children D. remote 2. A. population B. available C. university D. education * Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: 3. A. change B. hungry C. stronger D. single 4. A. white B. west C. write D. wear II. Vocabulary and Grammar (4p) A. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets (1,5p) 1. Parents rarely let their children (go)…………………………….out after 9 pm. 2. He did not expect (invite) …………………………………………to the party. 3. (Fail) …………………………….twice, he didn’t want to try again. 4. You had better take the bus. (Go)…………….. by train is too expensive. 5. You (read) ………………………………the book which I (lend)………………….. you last week? B. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the words in brackets (1p) 1. By bringing ………………………………. to other people , you will be happy, too. (happy) 2. It’s a chance for me to test my general........................................... (know) 3. The number of winners is ………………………. (limit) 4. The room was ………………… …………….. decorated with pink and white icing. (beauty) C. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences (1,5p) 1. My father took…………… an interest in collecting stamps. He had a valuable stamp collection A. on B. up C. in D. over 2. I really like Emma Watson. She had such a good sense of ………………. A. intelligent. B. honest C. humour D. patience. 3. You should …………….... more attention to this new type of exercise. A. make. B. take C. pay D. concentrate. 4. The child is so ……………..… that she never lets others touch her toys. A. kind B. sneaky C. cruel D. selfish 5 Most students find English Competitions …………………... A. enjoying B. enjoyable C. enjoyed D. enjoyment 6. I seem to remember that Sam has ever told me …………. number of………………. lies. A. a / B. the / the C. /the D. the/  III. Reading: A. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer: (1,25 p) To many people, their friends are the most important thing in their life. Really good friends share the good times and the bad times, help you when you have got problems, never judge you and never turn their back on you. Your best friend may be someone you have known all your life, someone you have grown up with and been through lots of ups and downs with. There are all sorts of things that can bring about this special relationship. It may be the result of enjoying the same activities, having the same outlook on life, or sharing similar experiences. Most of us have met someone that we have immediately felt relaxed with, as if we have known them for years. But usually it really does take years to get to know someone well enough to consider them your “best friend”. To the majority of us this is someone we trust completely and who understands us better than anyone else. It is the best person you can turn to for impartial advice and a shoulder to cry on when life lets you down. You know that no matter what the problem or what time of day or night it is, your best friend will drop everything and put you first. No relationship is more important than the one with your best friend. Suppose you are going through a bad patch with your boyfriend or girlfriend. It will probably be your best friend you go to for help. Perhaps your parents are being too heavy-handed; maybe you are not happy at work or at school. Whatever problem happens, you know you can rely on your best friend. Of course, not all friendships stand the test of time. All of things can come between friends. Sometimes people just drift apart over time. One of you may leave the area and you simply lose touch. But sometimes other relationships can conflict with your.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> friendship and cause powerful emotions. Even your best friend may be jealous if they feel pushed out by your girlfriend or boyfriend. If they do and you want to keep them, it is important to make them feel valued. Set aside some time to go out with them on your own, or introduce them to your new boyfriend or girlfriend, and do things together. It is unwise to isolate yourself when you are in a boy/girl relationship. If you do, you may find that one day you break up and you have lost touch with all your old friends. And besides, it is fun to go out in groups, especially when you are young. 1. The best title of this reading may be ………………….. A. Friendship B. Friends C. Close friends D. Partners 2. Which of the following is not true? A. A best friend can support us when we face problems. C. best friend always helps us financially. B. We can be relaxed with best friends. D. best friend does not feel jealous with us. 3. According to the passage, close friends…………………. A. Enjoy doing common interests and activities C. Share experiences about life B. Have similar view on life D. All A, B, C are correct 4. Having a friend is ……………A. Optional B. Compulsory C. Obligatory D. Mandatory 5. It is implied that ___________. A. The relationship with a best friend is the most acceptable B. The relationship with a best friend is the most possible C. The relationship with a best friend is the most challenging D. The relationship with a best friend is the most important B. Choose the best option to fill in each blank: (1, 25 p) The Miss America Pageant is considered (1)…….the most modern beauty contest which was organized in Atlantic City in 1921, ( 2)……….the title “ Inter – City Beauty Contest” . The Miss America Pageant eventually consisted of preliminary eliminations, an evening gown competition, musical variety shows, and judging by panel. Beauty contests didn’t become respectable until World War II, (3)………… “Beauty queens” were recruited to create relationship and to entertain troops. Other major contests include the yearly Miss Universe competition, which was (4)…… by Eric Morley in 1951, Miss Universe in 1952. Miss International and Miss Earth were first held in 2001 with environmental awareness as its concern. These are considered the 4 largest and (5).......famous international beauty contests. 1. A. be B. to be C. was D. been 2. A. in B. for C. at D. under 3. A. where B. which C. when D. whose 4. A. made B. looked C. founded D. noticed 5. A. most B. almost C. mostly D. more IV. Writing: A. Find out one mistake in each sentence: ( 1 p) 1. If I were here yesterday, you would have seen Jean A. B. C. D. 2. I have been studying French since I’ve started high school A. B. C. D. 3. They don’t allow to smoke in public places in many countries A. B. C. D. 4. I’m sure he is capable in running a mile in 4 minutes A B C D B. Rewrite the following sentences, using the suggestions: (1,5 p) 1. I met her during my stay in Paris last summer. => While………………………………………………………………………….…………………. 2.'I hear you won the championship. Congratulations!’ he said. => He congratulated………………………….………………………………………………………… 3. They are having a row because she borrowed his tennis racket and lost it. => If………………………………………………………………………………………………… -End of the test-.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Mã đề A11005 Da Phuc High school Student’s code 45’ Time allowance: ………………. The 1st term test – Grade 11 School year: 2015 -2016. Mark:. Number: A11005. ---------------------------------------------------------I. Phonetics: A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently: (0, 5 p) 1. A. machinery B. march C. cheerfully D. merchant 2. A. white B. west C. write D. wear B. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the others: (0, 5 p) 1. A. support B. repeat C. expect D. increase. 2. A. population B. available C. university D. education II. Vocabulary and grammar: A. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets: (1,5 p) 1. If you had worked harder, you (pass)…………………………………….…… your final exam. 2. You (read)……………………………………….the book which I lent you last week? 2. He did not expect (invite)…………………………………..to the party. 3. (Photocopy) ………………………………………all the papers, Sarah put them back in the file. 4. Nam spends at least 2 hours a day (review)……………..the old lessons before (go) ………..to class. B. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word in brackets: (1 p) 1. Has any…………………………..been made about the English competition? (announce) 2. He became internationally………………………………for his novel. (fame). 3. The room was …….………………… …. decorated with pink and white icing. (beauty) 4. It’s a chance for me to test my general........................................... (know) C. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences: (1,5 p) 1. A young adult’s choices for a birth control …………….. might be different from that of a woman who is older or who is married . A.method B.way C. skill D. technique 2 .The child is so …………… that she never lets others touch her toys. A. Kind B. sneaky C. cruel D. selfish 3. Most students find English Competitions …………………….. A. enjoying B. enjoyment C. enjoyable D. enjoyed 4. I seem to remember that Sam has ever told me …………… number of ………………. lies. A. a / B. the / the C. / the D. the/  5. The teacher divided the class in to three groups …………………ten. A.with B. of C. in D. for 6. My teachers always encourage ……………..hard at school A. us working B. to work C. that we work D. us to work III. Writing: A. Find out one mistake in each sentence: (1 p) 1. She said that if it does not rain tomorrow, she would go out with you. A B C D 2. Each nation has many people who voluntary take care of others. A B C D 3. If I were here yesterday, you would have seen Jean A B C D 4. You should visit that part of the country when it will be spring. A B C D B. Rewrite the following sentences, using the suggestions: (1,5 p) 1. They are having a row because she borrowed his tennis racket and lost it. => If…………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. 'I hear you won the championship. Congratulations!', he said..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> => He congratulated ………………………………………………………………………………. 3. They had a good meal and then went to dance => After they ……………………………………………………………………………………. IV. Reading: A. Read the passage carefully and choose the best option to fill in each blank: (1,25 p) The Miss America Pageant is considered (1)………….the most modern beauty contest which was organized in Atlantic City in 1921, ( 2)…………….the title “ Inter – City Beauty Contest” . The Miss America Pageant eventually consisted of preliminary eliminations, an evening gown competition, musical variety shows, and judging by panel. Beauty contests didn’t become respectable until World War II, (3) ………… “beauty queens” were recruited to create relationship and to entertain troops. Other major contests include the yearly Miss Universe competition, which was (4)…………… by Eric Morley in 1951, Miss Universe in 1952. Miss International and Miss Earth were first held in 2001 with environmental awareness as its concern. These are considered the 4 largest and (5)..........famous international beauty contests. 1A. be B. been C. was D. to be 2A. under B. for C. at D. in 3A. where B. when C. which D. whose 4A. made B. looked C. founded D. noticed 5A. most B. almost C. mostly D. more B. Read the passage then choose the best option: (1,25p) Giving a dinner party is a wonderful way of entertain people. You can also make new friends and give others the chance to get to know each other better. It needs planning, though. First, make a guest list, with different kinds of people and a mixture of women and men. Don’t invite couples because they aren’t so much fun. When you know who can come, find out what they like to eat and drink. Note down any who are vegetarians, or who can’t eat or drink certain things for religious season. Then plan their menu. Include a first course, a choice of main course and a dessert, plus lots of people’s favourite drinks. The next thing to do is the shopping. Make sure buy more than enough of everything, and that someone can help you carry it. On the day, start cooking early. Give people appetizers like Greek mezze or Spanish tapas, so they don’t get hungry if they have to wait. Serve the delicious meal, sit down with your guests and have a good time – you have earned it. 1. The menu should include these EXCEPT ………. . A. a first course B. main courses C. a dessert D. a supper 2. When giving a dinner party, you should not invite ………… . A. both women and men B. those who are vegetarians. C. husbands and wives D. those who can’t eat or drink certain things. 3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the purpose of giving a dinner party? A. to entertain people C. to make new friends B. to get people to know more about their host and hostess D. to help people to know each other better. 4. What should you do while the guests are having their evening meal? A. Stand beside the guests without doing anything. C. Sit down with the guests and have a good time. B. Sit down with the guests to show your politeness. D. Only serve the guests with the food. 5. According to the passage, starters should be served ……………………. . A. because the guests want to have a good time together. B. because the guests like eating them C. because the guests want to eat them while having to wait D. because the guests may be hungry while having to wait -End of the test-.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Mã đề A11007 Da Phuc High school Student’s code 45’ Time allowance: ………………. The 1st term test – Grade 11. Mark:. School year: 2015 -2016 Number: A11007. ---------------------------------------------------------I. Phonetics: * Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest :( 0.5p) 1. A. doubt B. enough C. double D. touch 2. A. hungry B. stronger C. change D. single * Choose one word whose stress pattern is different from the others :( 0.5p) 3. A. relevant B. volunteer C. primary D. different 4. A. college B. healthy C. children D. remote II. Grammar and vocabulary: A. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the bracket. (1.5p) 1. He hoped (appoint)…………………………………as the head teacher of the school. 2. He (teach) ………………… math before he (change)………………..to literature. 3. (Fail)……………………………….… twice, he didn’t want to try again. 4. Parents rarely let their children (go) ………………………. out after 9 pm. 5. I am looking forward to (hear)………………………………. from you. B. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word in the bracket. (1.p) 1. We’d like to offer your school a …………………………….of two million dong (donate) 2. Nowadays more and more people ……………………………..take care of others (volunteer) 3. By bringing ………………………………. to other people , you will be happy, too (happy) 4. The number of winners is ……………. (limit) C. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences (1.5p) 1. My father took………… an interest in collecting stamps. He had a valuable stamp collection A. on B. over C. in D. up 2. I am pleased to……………….. the winner of the final competition. It's Group B. A. recite B. announce C. explain D. appoint 3. I really like Emma Watson. She had such a good sense of ………………. A. Intelligent. B. honest C. humour D. patience. 4. Vietnam has ………..population of about 85 millions A. the B. no article C. an D. a 5. You should ……………more attention to this new type of exercise. A. pay B. take C. make D. concentrate 6. Students must obey class …………………… A. laws B. conferences C. regulations D. times III. Reading: A. Read the passage carefully and choose the best option to fill in each blank: (1,25 p) In most countries of the world the population is (1) …………. alarmingly. This is especially true in poor, undeveloped countries. Overpopulation causes a (2) ……… number of problems. In poor countries it is difficult to provide enough food to feed even the present number of people. In addition, education to (3)……… the number of children per family is not always successful. Poorer countries usually have a lot of unemployment too, and an increase in population simply (4)…… the situation worse. The environment also suffers when there are too many people living on the land. In rich, industrialised and developing countries it is very difficult for governments to (5)…… effective public services in overcrowded cities. Moreover, there is usually a great deal more crime, which is often due to high rates of unemployment. Further large increases in population only cause more overcrowding, unemployment and crime. 1. A. increasing B. going C. announcing D. warning 2. A. considerable B. big C. large D. strong 3. A. control B. involve C. get D. limit 4. A. gets B. lets C. makes D. keeps 5. A. grant B. provide C. produce D. create.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> B. Read the passage then choose the best option: (1,25 p) To many people, their friends are the most important thing in their life. Really good friends share the good times and the bad times, help you when you have got problems, never judge you and never turn their back on you. Your best friend may be someone you have known all your life, someone you have grown up with and been through lots of ups and downs with. There are all sorts of things that can bring about this special relationship. It may be the result of enjoying the same activities, having the same outlook on life, or sharing similar experiences. Most of us have met someone that we have immediately felt relaxed with, as if we have known them for years. But usually it really does take years to get to know someone well enough to consider them your “best friend”. To the majority of us this is someone we trust completely and who understands us better than anyone else. It is the best person you can turn to for impartial advice and a shoulder to cry on when life lets you down. You know that no matter what the problem or what time of day or night it is, your best friend will drop everything and put you first. No relationship is more important than the one with your best friend. Suppose you are going through a bad patch with your boyfriend or girlfriend. It will probably be your best friend you go to for help. Perhaps your parents are being too heavy-handed; maybe you are not happy at work or at school. Whatever problem happens, you know you can rely on your best friend. Of course, not all friendships stand the test of time. All of things can come between friends. Sometimes people just drift apart over time. One of you may leave the area and you simply lose touch. But sometimes other relationships can conflict with your friendship and cause powerful emotions. Even your best friend may be jealous if they feel pushed out by your girlfriend or boyfriend. If they do and you want to keep them, it is important to make them feel valued. Set aside some time to go out with them on your own, or introduce them to your new boyfriend or girlfriend, and do things together. It is unwise to isolate yourself when you are in a boy/girl relationship. If you do, you may find that one day you break up and you have lost touch with all your old friends. And besides, it is fun to go out in groups, especially when you are young. 1. Having a friend is …………A. Compulsory B. Optional C. Obligatory D. Mandatory 2. Which of the following is not true? A. A best friend can support us when we face problems. B. A best friend always helps us financially. C. We can be relaxed with best friends. D. A best friend does not feel jealous with us. 3. The best title of this reading may be …………… A. Friendship B. Partners C. Close friends D. Friends 4. It is implied that ___________. A. The relationship with a best friend is the most acceptable B. The relationship with a best friend is the most challenging C. The relationship with a best friend is the most important D. The relationship with a best friend is the most possible 5. According to the passage, close friends ……………… A. Enjoy doing common interests and activities B. Share experiences about life C. Have similar view on life D. All are correct IV. Writing: A. Find out one mistake in each sentence (1p) 1. I’m sure he is capable in running a mile in 4 minutes A. B. C. D. 2. I’ve been studying French since I’ve started high school. A. B. C. D. 3. He should ever call again, please tell him that I am not at home. A. B. C. D. 4 .They don’t allow to smoke in public places in many countries A. B. C. D. B. Rewrite the following sentences using the suggestions (1,5p) 1. They were driving very quickly. That's why the accident was so terrible. => If……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. Mac Kenzie wrote four best-sellers before he was twenty. => By the age……………………………………………………………………………………… 3. 'I hear you won the championship. Congratulations!' =>Dane congratulated…………………………………………………………………………………. -End of the test-.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> Đáp án mã đề A11001. Keys to first term test grade 11 Number: A11001 I. Phonetics (1p) 1.C 2.A 3.B 2C II. Grammar and vocabulary: A. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets: ( 1,5 pts) 1. To be invited 2. visiting 3. Having photocopied 4. being made 5. had done 6. was driving B. Give the correct form of the word in the bracket. ( 1 pt) 1. donation 2. voluntarily 3. announcement 4. famous C. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences or substitute for the underlined word (1.5pts) 1D 2A 3C 4D 5A 6B III. Reading: B. Read the passage carefully and choose the best option to fill in each blank: (1, 25 pts) 1B 2C 3B 4C 5D B. Read the passage then choose the best answer (1.25 pts) 1C 2A 3B 4D 5B I V. Writing (2.5) A. Find out the mistake in the following sentences: (1 p) 1C 2A 3B 4C B. Rewrite the following sentences, using the suggestions: (1, 5 pts) 1 If you hadn’t talked to me about my problem yesterday, I wouldn’t feel better now. 2. After they had had a good meal, they went to dance. 3. Mike regrets not telling the police the truth.. Đáp án mã đề A11003 Number: A11003 I. Phonetics (1p) 1D 2B 3A 4C II. Vocabulary and Grammar(4p) A. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets( 1,5p) 1 . go 2. to be invited 3. having failed 4. going 5. have you read / lent B. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the words in brackets (1p) 1. happiness 2. knowledge 3. limited 4. beautifully C. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences (1,5p) 1B 2C 3C 4D 5B 6A III. Reading: A. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer: (1,25 p) 1. A. Friendship 2. D. best friend does not feel jealous with us. 3. D. All are correct 4. A. Optional 5. D. The relationship with a best friend is the most important B. Choose the best option to fill in each blank: ( 1,25 p) 1B 2D 3C 4C 5A IV. Writing: A. Find out one mistake in each sentence: ( 1 p) 1B 2C 3B 4B B. Rewrite the following sentences, using the suggestions: ( 1,5 p) 1. While I was staying in Paris last summer, I met her. 2. He congratulated me on winning / having won the championship 3. If she hadn’t borrowed his tennis and lost it , they wouldn’t be having a row..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> Đáp án mã đề A11005 Number: A11005 I. Phonetics: (1p). 1A. 2C. 3D. 4. B. II. Vocabulary and grammar: A. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets: (1,5 p) 1. would have passed 2. have you read 3. to be invited 4. having photocopied 4. reviewing / going B. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word in brackets: (1 p) 1. announcement 2. famous 3. beautifully 4. knowledge C. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences: (1,5 p) 1A 2D 3C 4A 5B 6D III. Writing: A. Find out one mistake in each sentence: (1 p) 1B 2C 3B 4D B. Rewrite the following sentences, using the suggestions: (1,5 p) 1. If she hadn’t borrowed his racket and lost it, they wouldn’t be having a row. 2. He congratulated me on winning / having won the championship 3. After they had had a good meal, they went to dance IV. Reading: A. Read the passage carefully and choose the best option to fill in each blank: (1,25 p) 1D 2A 3B 4C 5A B. Read the passage then choose the best option: (1,25p) 1D 2C 3B 4C 5D.. Đáp án mã đề A11007 Number: A11007 I. Phonetics: (1p) 1A 2C 3B 4D II. Grammar and vocabulary: A. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the bracket. (1.5p) 1. to be appointed 2. had taught / changed 3. having failed 4. go 5. hearing B. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word in the bracket. (1.p) 1. donation 2. voluntarily 3. happiness 4. limited C. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences (1.5p) 1D 2B 3C 4D 5A 6C III. Reading: A. Read the passage carefully and choose the best option to fill in each blank: (1,25 p) 1A 2C 3D 4C 5B B. Read the passage then choose the best option: (1,25 p) 1B 2D 3A 4C 5D IV. Writing: A. Find out one mistake in each sentence (1p) 1B 2C 3A 4B B. Rewrite the following sentences using the suggestions (1,5p) 1. => If they hadn’t been driving very quickly, the accident wouldn’t have been so terrible. 2. => By the age of twenty, Mac Kenzie had written four best sellers. 3. =>Dane congratulated me on winning / having won the championship..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span>

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