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Bai tap Word formation

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Word formation exercises(1) 1. The company has decided to withdraw from some .... of its. (sponsor) 2. Over 30000 ...... will run in the New York marathon. ( compete) 3. The play group provides plenty of .... for the children. (stimulate ) 4. The negotiation was attended by … of several states ( represent ) 5. The scheme aims to encourage increased .....in sporting activities (participate) 6. The survey was based on direct ..... of over 500 schools ( observe ) 7. I felt extremely ....when we lost ( appoint) 8. She finds writing poetry deeply .........( satisfy ) 9. The teacher's comment are designed to help improve your.....( know and understand ) 10. The.... of further job losses come at a bad time ( announce) 11. They organized a party ..... of the year's successes ( celebrate ) 12. The 50th wedding anniversary is called the ...... anniversary ( gold) 13. After they got ....., she never remarried ( divorce) 14. We wish them every ..... in their new life ( happy) 15. The lighting in the room is functional as well as ........( decorate ) 16. The ...... postponed the race because of heavy snow ( organize) 17. We're having a small family ..... to mark our wedding anniversary (gather) 18. The food was good but the ........ was very slow ( serve) 19. I have no ....... of changing jobs (intend) 20. nobody in the office had received an ........ to the party (invite) 21. Mike is very happy because his application for a ........ has been accepted. (schorlar) 22. In the era of developement and intergration, there is a great demand for skillful ......in our country (technical) 23. The low wages and the poor working conditions caused great .... among workers (satisfy) 24. His health was seriously affected and he suffered from constant ....... (sleep) 25. She prefers wearing clothes made of............ cotton in hot weather. (absorb) 26. There were some ........ guests at the opening ceremony (distinguish) 27. they felt .......... certain about their success ( tolerate) 28. the gases from that factory are quite ........ ( poison) 29. you can't imagine how ......... the area was damaged by the flood (serious) 30. she is ...... with her new job ( occupy) 31. The case is under ....... now ( investigate) 32. the government wants to ........ this training centre ( military) 33. I can't think of any possible ....... for his absence ( explain) 34. Graduates find it more and more difficult to find ........... ( employ) 35. the team has had a ............ start to the lesson ( disappoint) 36. the government is responsible for the .............of health care ( provide) 37. pay is reviewed on a....... basic ( year) 38. the plants are ....... of frost ( tolerate ) 39. Lance Armstrong is considered the ..... cyclist in the world ( good) 40.The government has promised to deal with the problem of .............. among young people ( employ) 41.It is... that you missed the meeting. (fortune) 42. I enjoyed the book very much because it was so... (read).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 43. He was too... to tell his teacher about his stupid mistake. (shame) 44. To his great loss, his wife died in... when he was only 24 years old. (child) 45. The old lady hid all her... under the floor. (save) 46. This knife is very blunt. It needs........ (sharp) 47. I would like to book a........ to Hong Kong. (fly) 48. Please make your........ at the counter over there. (pay) 49. Unless something is done about unemployment, the........for the future is not good. (look) 50. I am tired of your........ behavior. When are you going to grow up? (child) 51.We must limit population ….because our resources are limited. (grow) 52.Children get a great deal of…..when Tet comes (excite) 53.The English language training is a good …for any career.(prepare) 54.There is a …of food in flooded areas.(short) 55.Many people are not aware of population….( explode) 56.The United Nation ia an international …… (organize) 57.The area that has the ….population growth rate is Latin America. (high) 58.Mut, which is ….fruit, is very popular. (candy) 59.Do you know how to cook ….foods ? (traditional) 60.We should carry out population ….programmes. (educate) 61.Some countries are poor because they have few …….recourses (nature) 62.People believe that having many children means …….. (happy) 63.Taking part in this ……… helped me more self-confident. (compete) 64.Were women ….. allowed to participate in the Boston races in 1957? (ofice) 65. …….., nobody was injured in the accident last night. (lucky) 66.They emphasized the physical fitness and …….. (strong) 67.We don’t go to work on …….. Independence Day. (nation) 68.Overpopulation causes many problems to the world , particularly...countries (develop) 69………on winning the tennis championship! (congratulate) 70.A music ……is an event whish is held every four years. (compete) 71. You paid $25 for a simple breakfast?! They have certainly…………… you! You should go back and complain. (charge) 72. The gang robbed three banks in the same city and all at about the same time. Not……….., they were caught by the police during the fourth attempt. (surprise) 73.Sarina is only my half sister because we have………… mothers. (differ) 74. This queue hasn't moved in five minutes. I'm getting a bit………….! (patient) 75. Politicians should spend some time living on the streets like………….. people have to and then they would understand better the problems they have. (home) 76. Carl was calmly taking a photograph as this………….. large bear walked towards the car. It was a terrifying experience...at least for me! (astonish) 77. If you go walking around the factory, ensure you have……… clothing on. (protect) 78. Are you sure you have cleaned the kitchen? There is still a pretty………….. smell coming from it. (pleasant) 79. Although it isn't definite we will see you tomorrow, it is quite………….. (like) 80. Be sure not to put more than three……………… of vodka into the mix, otherwise it will be too alcoholic. (spoon).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 8. Finding a cure for cancer will be a huge ………….breakthrough for mankind. medicine.

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