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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Period 70. Date of preparing: 27/ 02/ 2021. Unit 11- Traveling around Viet Nam Lesson 4: Read (P.102- 105) A.Objectives: 1. Aims:By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to read and understand the advertisement about the resorts in Viet Nam . The knowledge needs to get: + Standard knowledge: Read and check the topic mentioned (exercise 1), then answer the questions + Advanced knowledge: Answer some more questions (exercise 2) . Basic language: Vocabularyue: resort (n); sight (n); accommodation (n); arrival (n); departure (n); stream (n); heritage (n); tribe(n);0 sunbathe(v) Structures: Present simple 2. Skill: - Practice the comprehension reading skill, writing and speaking skill. 3. Attitude: - Help ss to have good consciousness in order to read and understand the advertisement about the resorts in Viet Nam. Learn hard and love their motherland, country. B. Preparations 1. Teacher: lesson plan, English 8-book, computer, projectors 2. Students: review the grammar points and vocabulary, English 8-book, C.Techniques : - Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work - Some techniques can be used: Scanning for information, Qs and As, playing roles, ordering the events D. Procedure : I.Organization: ( 1 minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today? Class 8B 8C. Date of teaching 02/03/2021 03/03/2021. Teacher’s activities II. Warm up(5’) Quiz What is this place ? - Ask questions and call the student who puts his / her hand up first to answer. Absent students. Ss’activities. T- Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> - Tell Ss each place consists of 3 questions ; 3 points for the first question , 2 points for the second question , 1 point for the third question . a. What is this place ? 1. It is called the city of Eternal Spring . 2. It has a lot of waterfalls and lakes . 3. You can find the most kinds of flowers here . b. What is this place ? 1. It is a seaside resort . 2. It has a very big monument of Buddha . 3. It has an Oceanic Institute c. What is this place ? 1. It is a mountainous resort . 2. It has tribal villages . 3. Sometimes it has snow . d. What is this place ? 1. It is recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. 2. It has a lot of caves . 3. It contains of a lot of islands . *Key : a. Da Lat b. Nha Trang c. Sa Pa d. Ha Long Bay => Lead in the new lesson. III. New lesson: Step 1.Pre- reading: (8’) Introduce the topic of the passage reading and some new words to students . 1. Pre - teach vocab: - accommodation (n) : - giant (adj) : - slope (n) - jungle (n) - limestone (n) - florist (n) : - to import >< to export + Checking vocabulary : What and where 2. Guessing: Check the topics about the resorts. (ex 1 – 104) Step 2. While – reading: (15’) 1. Grid : - Ask Ss to read the advertisements about the resorts and check (v) the topics mentioned in the grid. - Call on some Ss to give their answers.. - Listen and repeat in chorus-Individual - Guess the meaning. - Copy down. - Play game in 2 teams. - Guessing - Ss read the advertisements about the resorts and check (v) the topics.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Answer Key: + Nha Trang : Flights to Ha Noi, railway, hotels, local transport, tourist attractions. + Da Lat: Hotels, local transport, waterfalls, tourist attractions. + Sa Pa: Hotels, local transport, mountain slopes, tourist attractions, villages. + Ha Long Bay: World Heritage, tourist attractions, sand beaches, railways, hotels, caves, locals transport. - Have Ss copy down. mentioned in the grid - Ss work in pairs to compare their answer - Whole class. - Individual 2. Matching : - Put the poster on the board and ask Ss to match the words or phrases in Column A to column B A B 1. Nha Trang a. tribal villages, mountain 2. Da lat climbing 3. Sa Pa b. The place where President 4. Ha long Bay Ho 5. Nha Rong Chi Minh left Viet Nam in Harbor 191. c. Swimming and sunbathing. d. Oceanic Institute. e. Flower gardens . - Ask Ss to go to the board and draw the lines to connect the words Answer Key : 1. d 2.e 3.a 4.c 5.b +Grid - Get Ss to open their books , read the text on page 105 and check (v) the boxes . - Monitor and correct . Step 3. Post – reading : (8’) Role play - Tell Ss to ask and answer questions using the information in the text . + Write the model on the board . A : Where should ( Andrew ) go ? B : He should go to ( Sa Pa ) . A : Why ? B : Because ( he studies tribes and he likes mountain – climbing ) - Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice speaking .. - Ss open their books , read the text on page 105 and check (v) the boxes . - Ss ask and answer questions using the information in the text. - Individual - Pair work - Teacher – Ss. - Pair work - Some pairs practice in front of class ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> - Monitor and correct - Call on some pairs to practice in front of class . IV. Summary: (6’) - Retell the main points of this lesson: use some expressions to express their interest V.Homework: (2’) - Learn by heart new words and some structures to give some examples . - Do exercises in workbook. - Prepare for the next period: Write *Evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Period 71. Date of preparing: 27/ 02/ 2021 UNIT 11: TRAVELING AROUND VIET NAM. Lesson 5: Write.. A.Objectives: 1. The aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice writing an instruction. . Language contents: . Vocabulary: mash (v); wire mash(n); bucket(n); firmly(adj); scatter(v) Structure: Outline for an informal letter. 2. Skills: develop writing skill. 3. Attitude: be aware of protecting the environment, show their positive attitude in learning English. B. Preparations 1. Teacher: lesson plan, English 8-book, computer, projectors 2. Students: review the grammar points and vocabulary, English 8-book, C. Techniques: asking, answering, pair work, group work, practicing, observing. D. Teaching procedures: 1. Organization (1’): D. Procedure : I.Organization: ( 1 minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today? Class 8B 8C. Date of teaching 02/03/2021 03/03/2021. 2. Check-up: 3. New lesson: Teacher’s and students’ activities Warm-up: (5’) Which word ? - T: introduce some pictures and ask them: ? Where is this? (weak Ss) - Ss: look at the pictures and answer. - T: ask Ss: ? What are the beautiful sights in Da. Absent students. Contents.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Lat? (medium and good Ss) - Ss: answer. - T: give the feedback then lead in the new lesson. Activity 1: Pre-writing: (8’) (group work) - T: introduce the topic of the writing and elicit and teach the vocabulary by explaination and example. - Ss: copy down - T: Ss read in chorus 3 times, then read individually. - T: check vocabulary: “Slap the board” - T: ask Ss to read the first part of the story/p105 and rearrange the sentences/p106 to complete the story. - Ss: discuss and rearrange. - T: call on some pairs to give their answers and corrects. - T: get some Ss to read the story aloud for the class and corrects pronunciation errors . Activity 2: While-writing(15’) (pair work, practicing) - T: ask Ss to look at the pictures again and rearrange the events in the correct chronological order to make it a story . - Ss: work in groups. - T: call on some Ss to give their answers. - Ss: answer. - T: give feedback, then ask Ss to use the pictures already rearranged and the given words to write the story about Uyen . - Ss: work in pairs. - T: monitor and help Ss with words or structures while they are writing . - Ss: exchange their writings to correct for each other . - T: call on some Ss to read their story aloud for he class and then give feedback. I. Vocabulary: - canoe (n): using picture - to paddle (mime ) -> paddle (n) - to hire : thuê mượn - to overturn : lật úp / lật đổ - to rescue = to save somebody ,s life from danger - to stumble : truot chan - to go off : vang ra - to realize : nhan ra II. Write: * Read the first part of a story about traveling around Viet Nam 1. Put the sentences in the correct chronological order to complete the story: Keys: c-a-g-d-f-b-e 2. Put the events in the correct chronological order and write the story. Keys: d-b-e-h-a-f-c-g * Notice: The past simple tense is often used in a narrative ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Activity 3: Post-writing(8’) (observing) - T: give ss a model letter. - Ss: copy down.. 3. Write – it – up : Uyen had a day to remember last week . she had a math exam on Friday but she got up late . She realized her alarm clock did not go off . As he was leaving home , it started to rain heavily . Uyen tried to run as fast as she could . Suddenly she stumbled against a rock and fell onto the road . Her school bag went into a pool of water and everything got wet . Strangely , the rain stopped as she got to her classroom . Luckily , Uyen had enough time to finish her exam .. 4. Consolidation (6’): * IMindMap: - T: consolidate by an iMindMap. - Ss: take note.. 5. Homework(2’) - Rewrite a letter to a friend about your neighborhood. - Prepare the new lesson: Unit 11 – Language focus. *Evaluation: ..................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Date of preparing: 27/ 03/ 2021 Period 66 Unit 11- TRAVELING AROUND VIET NAM Lesson 6: Language focus (P.108- 109) A.Objectives: 1. Aims: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice present / past participle and requests with “mind” . The knowledge needs to get: + Standard knowledge: - To practice present / past participle and requests with “mind” + Advanced knowledge: Use present / past participle and requests with “mind” well. . Basic language: - Grammar: + practice present / past participle. +Do / would you mind +V-ing? / Do / would you mind if …………? - Vocabulary: revision of vocabulary. 2. Skill: - Practice the comprehension reading and writing. 3. Attitude:- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice present / past participle and requests with “mind” B. Preparations 1. Teacher: lesson plan, English 8-book, computer, projectors 2. Students: review the grammar points and vocabulary, English 8-book, C. Techniques: - Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work - Some techniques can be used: Kim’s game, slap the board, Ordering events, telling story. Chatting, rub out and remember … D. Procedure : I.Organization: ( 1 minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today? Class. Date of teaching. Absent students.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> 8C 8B. 05/03/2021 06/03/2021. Teacher’s activities II. Warm up: (5’) Kim’s games - Ask Ss to open their books and observe the picture on page 109 carefully. - Let Ss look at the picture for 20” and ask them to close their books. - Divide the class into two teams and ask each team to go to the board and write from memory the names of the things they’ve just seen in the picture. - Tell them the team having the most right words is the winner. - Have Ss open their books again, go through the words and correct.. Ss’activities - Whole class. Answer Key: box, lamp, truck, doll, flowers, elephant, bear, rabbit. III. New lesson:(35’) 1. Language focus 1: - Ask Ss to open their books and look at the picture / 108 and set the scene “ It is time for recess and the people at Quang Trung school are in the school yard . What are they doing ? “ - Ask questions and call on Ss to answer then correct . T : What is Mr Quang doing ? Ss : He is walking / going up the stairs . T : What is Miss Lien doing ? Ss : She is carrying a bag . T : ( Nam ) Ss : ( standing next to Miss Lien / talking to Miss Lien ) T : ( Ba ) Ss : ( sitting under the tree / reading a book ) T : ( Lan ) Ss : ( standing by the table ). - Choral -> individual. - Ss work in pairs to say who each person is , using the information above . - Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> T : ( Nga and Hoa ) Ss : ( playing chess )  Model sentences : The man walking up the stairs is Mr Quang ( present participle phrase ) *Form : Verb + ing -> Present participle *Use : A present participle can be used as an adjective to qualify a noun with active meaning - Have Ss copy * Practice : - Ask Ss to work in pairs to say who each person is , using the information above Example : The man walking up the stairs is Mr Quang - Correct and feedback 2. Language focus 2 : * Pre –teach : Matching - Ask Ss to look at the words in the box and the picture / 109 to do the matching A B Key 1. box a. wrap in 1. f 2. truck b. dress in 2. c 3. lamp c. recycled from 3. e 4. doll d. keep in 4. b 5. flowers e. made in 5. a 6. toys f. paint 6. d - Where is the old lamp made in ? - What color is the box painted ? - What is truck recycled from ? - What color is the doll dressed in ? - What are the flowers wrapped in ? - Where are the toys kept ? => Ask “ How much is the old lamp made in China ? Model Sentences : The old lamp made in China is five dollars . ( past participle phrase ) Form : Regular verb + ed Past participle Irregular verb Use : a past participle can be used as an adjective to qualify a noun with passive meaning . - Have Ss copy * Practice : - Ask Ss to look at their books , listen to the questions and answer. - Individual. - Pair work - Ss to look at the picture / 109 again and answer the questions : - Some pairs practice asking and answering the questions. - Teacher – Ss - Choral -> individual. - Teacher – Ss. - Teacher – Ss + Open pairs : Get 3 or 4 pairs to demonstrate in the class.. - Ss repeat..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> 1. T : How much is the box painted green ? St: The box painted green is one dollar - Ask Ss to work in pairs , asking and answering the questions ( Using the information in the matching ) - Call on some pairs to demonstrate for the class . * Language focus 3 : + Presentation : - Ask Ss to repeat the models sentences : Would you mind if + Verb ( in Past simple tense …) ? Do you mind if + Verb ( in present simple tense …) ? Do you mind / would you mind + verb – ing …? + Agreement : No , I do not mind . / No , of course not . / Not at all . / Please do . / Please go ahead . - Disagreement : I,d prefer you did not . / I,d rather you did not . => Meaning : Xin ban cam phien … - Get Ss to copy . b) Practice : Cardboard Drill - Prepare 4 cardboards with cues including checks (v) and crosses (x) a. move / car (v) c. get / coffee (x) b. put out / cigarette (v) d. wait / moment (x) Model : T : Would you mind moving your car ? Ss : No , of course not . - Call on 2 or 3 Ss to repeat it and correct . + Open pairs : Get 3 or 4 pairs to demonstrate in the class. + Closed pairs : Get the whole class to practice - Go on until the last cue * Language focus 4 : + Gap fill - Put the gap – fill chart on the board . - Ask Ss to use the right words in the box to fill in the gaps . turned off – explain – telling – ask 1. Would you mind …… me something about it ? 2. Do you mind if I …… you a question ? 3. Would you please …. this new word to me ? 4. Would you mind if I ….. the television ? Answer Key : 1.telling 2.ask 3.explain 4. turned off + Ordering pictures - Ask Ss to write the numbers and look at the pictures ,. - Copy down.. - Do individually.. - Ss to use the right words in the box to fill in the gaps ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> listen to the situations and order the pictures ( 1-> 6 ) 1. turn on the stereo 2. watch TV while eating 3. sit down 4. postpone the meeting 5. turn on the air – conditioner 6. smoke - Ask Ss to give their answers 1.d 2.f 3.a 4.c 5.e 6.b - Get Ss to work in pairs , playing the roles to demonstrate the exchanges based on the models below the pictures . - Listen and correct their mistakes .. - Teacher – Ss -Individual. - Whole class - Ss to work in pairs , playing the roles to demonstrate the exchanges based on the models below the pictures . - Listen and correct their mistakes .. IV. Summary: (2’) - Retell the main points of this lesson: use some expressions to express their interest V. Homework: (2’) - Do exercises in workbook. - Prepare for the next period: Review. *Evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………….

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