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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>REVISION UNIT 1-2-3 ENGLISH 11 PART A: WRITING I. Rewrite the sentences with the given words 1. What do you fancy doing this evening?  What do you want ............................................................................................. 2. Why don’t we ask him for help?  I suggest ................................................................................................................ 3. Helen said she would go to the party with us  Helen agreed ........................................................................................................ 4. I met you somewhere, I clearly remember that  I clearly remember ............................................................................................... 5. My mother said I had better go on a vacation  My mother advised me …….................................................................................. 6. It’s not a good idea to travel during rush hour.  It’s best to avoid .................................................................................................... 7. He said that it was true that he didn’t have a license.  He admitted ........................................................................................................... 8. The teacher said that we mustn’t use dictionary during the test. The teacher didn’t allow ......................................................................................... 9. I don’t usually drink beer.  I am not used ............................................................................................................ II. Rewrite the sentences with the given words 1. I told him off. Then I realized I was wrong.  After I ______________________________________________________________ 2. I worked very hard for the exam. Then I passed it.  By the time I ________________________________________________________ 3. First I considered what to study. Then I decided to major in Math  After I _______________________________________________________________ 4. She wrote a letter. Then she went to bed.  After I _______________________________________________________________ 5. He bought a radio. First he checked the price.  Before I _____________________________________________________________ III. Give correct form of the verbs, using bare infinitive, to infinitive and gerund 1. Do you think our teacher will let us (use)__________ our dictionaries? 2. I want to travel because I enjoy (meet)________ people and (see)______ new places. 3. He risked (lose) ________ his house when his company went bankrupt. 4. The council considers (ban)________ vehicles from the city center to relieve traffic jam. 5. Instead of (go) _________ out with Janet, we decided (stay) _________ home. 6. Would you mind (lend) _________ me your pocket calculator? 7. She expects (promote) _________ soon, but things seem (go) __________ wrong. 8. It is not worth (repair) _________ that computers. You had better (buy) _______ a new one. IV. Give correct form of the verbs 1. Yesterday John (go) ______________________to the store before he (go) home. 2. Our teacher (visit) _____________________ London by 1970. 3. When John and I (get)_______________ to the theatre last week. 4. After they had gone, I (sit) ______________________ down and (rest) ______________________. 6. Before she (watch) ___________________ TV, she (do) ______________________ her homework. 7. We (come)___________ to the party so early yesterday. 8. They told me they (not, eat) ______________________ such kind of food before..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> PART B: MULTIPLE CHOICE Choose the underlined part pronounced differently from others 1. A. machine B. change C. watching D. choose 2. A. challenge B. chip C. chemist D. children 3. A. danger B. village C. general D. together 4. A. happy B. husband C. helicopter D. honesty Choose the word whose main stress is on different position from others 5. A. celebrate B. together C. family D. special 6. A. invitation B. question C. accident D. helicopter 7. A. informal B. classmate C. library D. horrible 8. A. refreshment B. memorable C. unselfishness D. appreciate 9. A. constancy B. confidence C. celebrate D. acquaintance 10. A. anniversary B. enthusiasm C. apartment D. embarrassing Choose the best answer A, B, C or D 1. My friend often shows her ___________ whenever I have troubles. A. sympathy B. sympathize C. sympathetic D. sympathetically 2. He doesn’t know much about the project but he is very ____________. A. enthusiastic B. enthusiast C. enthusiasm D. enthusiastically 3. Daisy is so ___________. She only cares about herself, not about other people. A. helpful B. selfish C. loyal D. talkative 4. She is not determined and often changes her ideas. What a/an _____________ girl she is. A. uncertain B. mutual C. suspicious D. changeable 5. _________ is the quality of being faithful and loyal to a particular person or belief. A. Aquaintance B. Constancy C. Sympathy D. Sorrow 6. He is not good ___________ math. He is incapable _____________ calculating. A. at/of B. on/for C. for/of D. with/in 7. Two friends should be loyal _________ each other. A. on B. with C. over D. to 8. My close friend is often concerned ___________ all problems that I mention. A. over B. with C. above D. into 9. He was so ___________ that he distrusted all his friends. A. suspect B. suspicion C. suspicious D. suspiciously 10. True friendship should be based __________ understanding each other. A. out B. at C. on D. over 11. There are 5 most important ___________ which are necessary for true friendship to exist. A. quantities B. qualities C. characteristics D. grades 12. I hate _________. A. being kept waiting B. to be kept to wait C. keep to wait D. keeping to wait. 13. Everyone likes _______ when they have got some success. A. to congratulate B. to be congratulating C. to be congratulate D. being congratulated 14. Professor Smith dislikes _______ when he is explaining the lectures. A. to interrupt B. being interrupted C. interrupted D. to be interrupting 15. The little boy hopes _______ to Disneyland Park on his birthday. A. to take B. to be taking C. to be taken D. taking Choose the underlined part that needs correction 1. Lan was in a difficult situation, so I agreed lending her some money. A B C D 2. He seldom travels by bicycle before he went to Vietnam. A B C D 3. I used to eating ice cream when I was a child. A B C D 4. After he received my postcard, he phoned me immediately..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> A B C D 5. Could you please stop to make so much noise? A B C D 6. I must go now. I promised not being late again A B C D 7. My brother owned a big company by last year. A B C D 8. Don’t forget attending our meeting next month on time. A B C D REVISION FOR THE FIRST TEST (English 11) I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. 1. A. machine B. change C. teacher D. choose 2. A. condition B. option C. suggestion D. relation 3. A. believe B. readily C. friend D. pleasure 4. A. good B. gossip C. game D. geometry 5. A. trust B. mutual C. number D. uncertain 6. A. grade B. great C. sneaky D. embrace 7. A. money B. notice C. glance D. ankle 8. A. imagine B. glance C. geography D. religion 9. A. looked B. noticed C. turned D. helped 10.A. change B. English C. single D. anger 11.A. candle B. cake C. decorate D. celebration 12.A. adult B. candle C. talk D. flower 13.A. hour B. honest C. vehicle D. happy 14.A. weather B. cream C. friend D. wedding 15.A. birthday B. although C. together D. clothing II. Mark the stress and name the part of speech Unit 1. 1. unselfish 2. constancy 3. loyalty 4. sympathy 5. acquaintance 6. mutual 7. suspicion 8. incapable of 9. medium Unit 2. 1. embarrassing 2. idol 3. sneaky 4. experience 5. affect 6. travel 7. appreciate 8. serious 9. attitude 10. imagine. Unit 3. 10. oval 11. crooked 12. hospitable 13. generous 14. modest 15. honest 16. humorous 17. studious 18. favourite 11. cottage 12. embrace 13. escape 14. memorable 15. protect 16. rescue 17. imitate.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 1. celebrate 2. relative 3. candle 4. marry: 5. silver anniversary: 6. golden anniversary: 7. farewell party 8. house-warming 9. decorate. 10. budget 11. gather 12. icing 13.accidentally 14. refreshments 15. tidy up 16. upset 17. helicopter. III. Infinitive or gerund? 1. Can you manage (finish) …………………..…the work by yourself. 2. Phuong’s parents won’t let her (go) ……………………out with that boy. 3. The children were made (wash) ……………………….their hands before meal. 4. I can’t afford (have) …………………….a holiday abroad. 5. I can’t stand people (ask) …………………….me questions all the time. 6. The grass is very long. It needs (cut) ………………………….. 7. I’m afraid I’m very bad at (learn) ………………….. language. 8. I didn’t mean (make) …………………………………you upset. 9. You ought (keep) ……………….(practice) …………………….English regularly if you want (improve) ………………………..it. 10.Hung offered (give) …………………me a ride to the station. 11.It’s no use (learn) …………………a foreign language if you don’t practice it. 12.The company seems (make) ………….good profit this year. 13.Vy mentioned (see) …………………you the other day. 14.I would really like (visit) ……………………….Dubai city one day. 15.I don’t know why my friend refused (get) …………………..that offer. 16.Students had better (pay) …………………more attention to their study. 17.It’s difficult (master) …………………English without passion. 18.Our boss had made us (finish) ………………………….the report before 5pm yesterday. 19.Instead of (promote) ………………….., Minh was dismissed after all of her efforts. 20.I used to (beat) ………………………………by my Dad every time we played chess..

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