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Giao an Tieng Anh 9 chuan nhat nam 20162017

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>BỘ SỐ 1: LESSON PLAN ENGLISH 9 PERIOD 1: INTRODUCTION I. Aim: - Students can understand the aim and the requirement of studying English. - Students also can know the structure and the aim of each period in one unit of English 9 - Give students some symbols when the teacher corrects their tests and make students enjoy learning English. II. Objective: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to study the aim well. III. Procedure: 1. The aim and the structure of the text book. - English 9 is the English text book that is edited after issuing English 7, 8. - The text book is edited the same point as English 6, English 7, English 8 text books. The content of the book is built with the topics that are close with the Ss. - English 9 continues to improve Ss' English in practicing 4 skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing with higher level with private items through out the lessons that have various and lively content. - English 8 includes 16 units; each unit has the following items: 1.1: GETTING STARTED - This is WARM UP item or the STARTING item of the whole unit. 1.2: LISTEN AND READ - This item introduces new words and structures. 1.3: SPEAK - Ss will practice speaking with a lot of exercises and activities in different units. Ss will practice the use of main points, grammar structures and vocabulary in order to express language function of the topic and situation that concerns in each unit. 1.4: LISTEN - In this item, Ss practice listening skill throughout listening exercises that concern with the topic of unit and use learnt linguistics data in situations. 1.5: READ - This item improves Ss' reading skill, and widens the content of the topic, the use of learnt linguistics data in new situations, new contexts. 1.6: WRITE - This item improves Ss' writing skill 1.7: LANGUAGE FOCUS - Help Ss systemize, consolidate and practice the use of language function, grammar, vocabulary that have in unit. - At the end of the text book, there is a vocabulary board that resystemizes vocabulary in each unit. 2. Some symbols: Ww: wrong word : wrong word order Wsp: wrong spelling ?: not clear G: Grammar /: too many words.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> M: Meaning Prep: Preposition. : missing words Vocab: vocabulary. IV. Homework: - Learn by heart the symbols - Prepare Unit 1: Lesson 1: GETTING STARTED, LISTEN AND READ.. UNIT 1 A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL Teaching date: PERIOD 2 LESSON 1 : GETTING STARTED LISTEN AND READ A / Aims : Introduce some famous places in Ha Noi and read the text for details. B/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to introduce their fatherland to a foreigners pen pal about some places of interest in Ha Noi such as Hoan Kiem lake , Ho Chi Minh museum , history museum C / Teaching aids : books , cassette , chalk , board and some pictures . D / Procedure : 5 min I / Warm up : * Networks Guide students to play game about some famous places in - Play game in HaNoi groups. Place s in Hanoi. Representative of each group demonstrate in the front. - Repeat Suggested answers : copy Ha Noi Opera House Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum Temple of Literature Museum of History One pillar Pagoda Explain the meanings of them to Students if they do not know.. and.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 17 min. II / Pre reading : - Ask Ss to listen and answer some questions : + Do you have any pen pals ? + Where does he come from ? + Have you met her ? =>If he visits Ha Noi , what will you introduce him? - Introduce the topic of the lesson and set the scene “ Imagine that a foreign pen pal is coming to stay with you for a week . What activities would you like to do during the visit ? -the pictures in the book may help you “ - Call on some Ss to speak about places of interest with suggested models : * Suggested models : I think I will take my friend to the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, the Temple of Literature, and a famous restaurant to help my friend know about history of Vietnam and the famous food: Pho bo & bun cha - In this lesson , Lan has a pen pal and this is the first time , this friend has come to Ha Noi . * Explain some new words 1/ New words: - Correspond (v) : (communicating by mail): trao đổi thư từ - Be impressed by : (translation): có ấn tượng - Friendliness ( n) (explanation): sự mến khách - Mosque (n) :nhà thờ hồi giáo - Peaceful atmosphere ( n) : (Translation): bầu không khí yên bình - Keep in touch (v): giữ liên lạc - pray (v): cầu nguyện, cầu khấn + Used to + V infi Example : Lan used to walk past the mosque on the way to her primary school .  Checking technique : Rub out and remember Correct and give marks if necessary 2/ Prediction:. - Listen carefully and answer the questions. - Practice speaking based on the models -Listen carefully. Guess its meanings and repeat in chorus and individually . - Copy down. - Give examples with the structures.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> You predict and decide whether the statements are true or false : a. Lan,s pen pal comes from Malaysia . b. Kualar Lumber is a small city . c. The girls visited Hang Luoc Street on Monday . d. They will write letters to each other again. - Collect their predictions and write on the board . III / While reading : 16 - Turn on the tape ( 2 or 3 times ) min - Call on some Ss to report their answers in front of class . - Correct and give correct answers : 1.T 2 .F 3.F 4.T Have Ss read the text and do the exercise below : - Call on some Ss to report their answers and correct mistakes if any . Then give correct answers : 1. C 2.B 3.D 4. B . 3/ Model sentences: I wish you had a longer vacation . => S + Wish + S + V (past simple ) - Ask them to read the text aloud and correct their pronunciation. IV / Consolidation : 5 min - Ask Ss to practice making sentences with structures “ Used to + V & Wish + pat simple “ - Call on Ss to read their sentences in train . Correct them and explain if they are wrong . V / Home work : 1. Learn by heart all new words and structures . then make 5 sentences for each one . 2. Prepare the next lesson * Feedback : 2 min. - Play games in the whole class. - Work in group to predict . - Report their predictions .. - Listen and check their predictions . -Demonstrate - Repeat and copy - Read the text independently and do the exercise. Then compare with a friend . Read the text aloud Make sentences with models . - Listen and copy. * Lưu ý : Quý thầy, cô download giáo án về rồi giải nén ra xem - Quý thầy (cô) nào không có nhiều thời gian để soạn giáo án cũng như không có nhiều thời gian chỉnh sửa giáo án thì hãy liên hệ với chúng tôi qua số điện thoại 01686.836.514 để mua bộ giáo án Tiếng Anh (lớp 6, 7, 8, 9) về in ra dùng, giáo án này soạn theo chuẩn kiến thức kĩ năng không cần chỉnh sửa. Có bộ giáo án rồi quý thầy, cô không mất nhiều thời gian ngồi soạn cũng như chỉnh sửa giáo án. Thời gian đó, quý thầy (cô) dùng để lên lớp giảng bài, truyền đạt kiến thức cho học sinh sao cho thật hay, phần thời gian còn lại mình dành để chăm sóc gia đình. - Bộ giáo án được bán với giá cả hữu nghị. 1. THÔNG TIN VỀ BỘ GIÁO ÁN :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> - Giáo án soạn theo chuẩn kiến thức, kĩ năng. - Các bài dạy được sắp xếp thứ tự theo phân phối chương trình. - Giáo án soạn chi tiết, chuẩn in. - Giáo án không bị lỗi chính tả. - Bố cục giáo án đẹp. - Giáo án được định dạng theo phong chữ Times New Roman - Cỡ chữ : 13 hoặc 14 2. HÌNH THỨC GIAO DỊCH NHƯ SAU : - Bên mua giáo án : chuyển tiền qua tài khoản bên bán giáo án theo thoả thuận hai bên chấp nhận. (chuyển qua thẻ ATM) - Bên bán giáo án : sẽ chuyển File giáo án cho bên mua giáo án đúng như hai bên thoả thuận. (gửi qua mail). - Có thể nạp card điện thoại. 3. ĐỊA CHỈ LIÊN HỆ ĐỂ TRAO ĐỔI THÔNG TIN : - Quý thầy, cô muốn mua bộ giáo án thì liên hệ : + Điện thoại : 01686.836.514 (gọi điện trao đổi để rõ hơn). + Mail : BỘ SỐ 2: Ngày dạy : …/…/2016 The 1st period. CONSOLIDATION OF ENGLISH 8.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> I. MỤC TIÊU CỦA BÀI HỌC:. 1. Kiến thức: Giới thiệu qua cho học sinh chương trình tiếng anh lớp 9. 2. Kỹ năng: Rèn luyện thêm cho các em kỹ năng nghe - nói – đọc – viết. 3. Thái độ: Làm cho các em ham muốn tìm hiểu nội dung chương trình môn tiếng Anh lớp 9. II. PHƯƠNG PHÁP: Gợi mở. III. CHUẨN BỊ:. 1. Giáo viên: Sách giáo khoa, giáo án. 2. Học sinh: Sách giáo khoa, vở ghi chép. IV. TIẾN TRÌNH TIẾT DẠY:. 1. Ổn định tổ chức(1’): Thứ Ngày giảng Tiết. Lớp Sĩ số Tên học sinh vắng Ghi chú 9... 9... 2. Kiểm tra bài cũ: Kiểm tra trong quá trình dạy. 3. Dạy bài mới(35’): Teacher’s activities Student’s Contents activities A. Warm up(5’) : I. Revision: Network: Name Discuss in groups 1 The present simple tense. +Form: tenses have been S + V(s, es) learnt. +Use: Express an action happens in Call on the board and Answer the present or true. write. +Ex: I live in Ha Giang Correct if necessary. 2.Present progressive tense. B.Presentation(10’): Discuss in groups +Form: S +be +V-ing Asks Ss to repeat some and retell about: +Use: Express an action happening basic grammar at the moment of speaking. structures which they + tesnses 3.The future simple. +Form: have learnt: S + Will + V +Use: Express an action in the + tesnses future. - Give examples Eg: I will go to the movie this evening. + Passive voice 4.Past simple tense. + Reported speech +Form: S + V(ed)/ c2 +Use: Express an action happened in the past. 5. The present perfect tense: S + have/has + Vpp2 +Use: Express an action happened in the past and continue to the present C.Practice(15’) : Eg; We have learnt English for 3 E1:Give correct form years verbs: 6. The past progressive tense S + was/ were + V-ing +Use: Express an action happening 1.Marie Curie(receive) at a certain time in the past ….. the Nobel Price for.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Chemistry in 1911. 2. My uncle(send) …..me postcards every time he(go)…..away. 3. Ba and Hoa would like(visit)…Hong Kong. 4. I never(see) …… her. + Passive voice - Give examples E2.Turn into indirect speech. + Reported 1.John said that he speech didn’t know how to do - Give examples that exercise. 2.Hoa said to Nga if she was going to visit Give the form and Phong Nga Cave. uses of each D. Introduction(5’) : Introduces something about English book 9: 10 units about travelling, clothing, language, media, environment, energy, celebrations, natural disasters and life on other planets.. 7. Passive forms. S + tobe + PII + ( by O ) 8. Reported speech. II. Practice: Exercise1: 1. received 2. sends/ goes. 3. to visit. 4. have never seen. Exercise2: 1.John said that he didn’t know how to do that exercise. 2.Hoa said to Nga if she was going to visit Phong Nga Cave. 1. “ I don’t know how to do this exercise” John said. 2. “ Are you going to visit Phong Nga Cave?” Hoa said to Nga.. Practice in groups Discuss among class Write down and do Listen. 4. Củng cố(3’): Nhắc lại các thì động từ đã được học ở các lớp trước. 5. Hướng dẫn học sinh học và làm bài về nhà(1’): Chuẩn bị Unit 1: Lesson 1- Getting started + Listen and read. The 2nd period. UNIT 1: A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and Read. I. MỤC TIÊU CỦA BÀI HỌC:. 1. Kiến thức: Giới thiệu cho học sinh những danh lam thắng cảnh ở Việt Nam. 2. Kỹ năng: Rèn luyện thêm cho các em kỹ năng nghe - nói – đọc. 3. Thái độ: Làm cho các em yêu quê hương đất nước và có ý thức giữ gìn, bảo vệ những danh lam thắng cảnh của quê hương, đất nước mình. II. PHƯƠNG PHÁP: Vấn đáp, gợi tìm. III. CHUẨN BỊ:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> 1. Giáo viên: Sách giáo khoa, giáo án, băng, đài. 2. Học sinh: Sách giáo khoa, vở ghi chép. IV. TIẾN TRÌNH TIẾT DẠY:. 1. Ổn định tổ chức(1’): Thứ Ngày giảng Tiết. Lớp 9... 9.... Sĩ số. Tên học sinh vắng. Ghi chú. 2. Kiểm tra bài cũ(10’) *Change the following sentences into passive form 1.They have just painted those posters. 2.Ba is preparing a report now. 3. They will build a new school in my village 4. Students should do their homework before class ………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Dạy bài mới(28’): Teacher's activities Students’ Contents activities A. Warm up(5’) Ss listen and play I/ Getting started -Guide Ss to play game: Net the game Ha Noi Opera House, works about famous places in HCM Mausoleum, Temple Ha Noi. Ss answer: of Literature, Museum of - Listen and correct History - Ask ss to name the pictures …………….. - Check and correct Listen II.Listen and read B.Presentation (10’) Look at the picture 1/ Read and answer Give some questions: and work in pairs True or False? - Do you have any pen pal? Answers: - Where does he/she come Ss answer a- Lan's pen pal comes from? Listen and answer from Malaysia - Have you met him/her? b- Kuala Lumpur is a - If he/she visits HaNoi, what small city will you introduce him/her? Ss read then c- The girls visited Hang answer Luoc Street on Monday *Introduce the lesson d- They will visit letter to Lan has a pen pal and this is each other again first time this friend has come Key: a- T; b- F; to HaNoi. You read the text and c- F; d- T decide whether the statement 2/ Grammar are True or False. - Used to + V ( thường - Listen and comment làm việc gì đó trong quá - Give keys khứ nhưng không còn làm Look at the text! Read and practice ở hiện tại nữa) - Introduce some new words wioth the new - Conditional type II with and structures words "wish" C.Practice(10’) S + wish + S + Past - Require Ss to choose the Write down Simple.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> correct option to complete the sentences. - Check and correct D. Production (3’) - Repeat the content of the lesson and some structures.. Practice with new structures Do the practice in groups Retell about the content of the lesson. 3/ Exercise: Choose the correct option... 1-C; 2-B; 3-D; 4-B 4/ Remember: - Used to + V - Wish. 4. Củng cố(3’): Tóm tắt cấu trúc Used to + V , Wish. 5. Hướng dẫn về nhà(3’): Làm bài tập 3, 5 Sách bài tập, Chuẩn bị Speak and Listen.. The 3rd period:. UNIT 1: A VISIT FROM A PENPAL Lesson 2: Speak and listen. I. MỤC TIÊU CỦA BÀI HỌC:. 1. Kiến thức: Sau khi học xong bài học này học sinh có khả năng giới thiệu và đáp lại lời giíi thiÖu, biÕt so s¸nh «n tËp vÒ th× qu¸ khø, sö dông c©u ao íc víi “wish” 2. Kü n¨ng: Rèn luyện thêm cho các em kü n¨ng nghe, nãi 3. Thái độ: Học sinh có thái độ quí trọng tình bạn, yêu quê hơng đất nớc, tự hào dân tộc. II. Ph¬ng ph¸p: Ph¬ng ph¸p giao tiÕp III. ChuÈn bÞ:. 1. Giáo viên: tranh ảnh, băng đài 2. Häc sinh: s¸ch, vë ghi IV. TiÕn tr×nh tiÕt d¹y:. 1. ổn định tổ chức lớp(2’) Date Class Period Attend Absent Note 9… 9… 2.KiÓm tra(10’) Do exercise 7 ……………………………….…………………………………….. 3. Dạy bài mới(28’): Teacher's activities Students’ activities Contents 1/ Warm up:(3’) Play in groups I/ Speak - Require Sts to play the a- Put the dialogue in game"Introduce Myself" the correct order - Comment the game Keys: 2/ Speak:(13’) A: 1 - B: c.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> A1 Pre-speaking -Look at the picture Nga is talking to Maryam. They are waiting for Lan outside her school. Put the dialogue in the correct order to make a complete one. -Listen and correct - Give keys Ask ss to read the correct dialogue in pairs A2.While-speaking Make similar dialogues introducing yourself to Maryam's friend - Give some suggesstions A3 Post-speaking Game "Who does what?" - Give some information about Maryam's friends require ss to guess who that is, Yoko, Paul or Jane Eg:She's from Tokyo.He loves the beaches. She loves the temples and churches in VietNam 3/Listen(12’) B1.Pre-listening Look at the pictures and find the differences between pictures *Tim Jone's Mexican pen pal, Carlo, is visiting the USA. Listen to their conversation and check the number of the correct pictures. B2 While- listening -play the tape ( 2-3 times) -Require Sts to compare the answer with other friends. B3 Post- listening - Require Sts to retell the content of the listen. Look at the picture Put the dialogue in the correct order in groups Read the dialogue in pairs. A: 5 A: 4 A: 2 A: 3 A: 6. B: b B: d B: e B: a. bMake similar dialogue Yoko: A: Hello, You must be Some couple of Sts Yoko. read the dialogue again B: That's right, I am. A: Are you enjoing your Listen and speak stay in Hue? Work in pairs B: Oh yes, very much. I Listen like VNese people and I Some couples of love old cities in Sts speak VietNam. A: Do you live in the Listen and guess city, too? +She is Yoko B: Yes, I live in Tokyo. +He is Paul Have you been there? +She is Jane A: No, What's it like? B: It's a busy big capital city. It's very different from Hue. A: I see. II. Listen - In picture 1, we aren't allowed to walk on grass. Work in groups to find - In picture 2, we aren't the differences between allowed to pick flowers each pair of the - In picture 1, the bus is pictures red and its number is 103, In picture 2 the bus is blue and its number is SS guess the answer 130. Disscuss among class - In picture 1, it is the Listen and check Mexican restaurant. In themselves picture 2, it is the American Compare one( humburgers) Some couples read Write down. 4. Củng cố(1’):Tóm tắt nội dung vừa được học..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> 5. Hướng dẫn về nhà(2’): Làm bài tập 1, 2 Sách bài tập, chuẩn bị Read.. The 4th period:. UNIT 1: A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL Lesson 3: Read. I. MỤC TIÊU BÀI HỌC:. 1. Kiến thức: cuối bài học học sinh có thể tìm hiểu thêm về đất nước Malaysia. 2. Kỹ năng: rèn luyện cho các em kỹ năng giao tiếp, kỹ năng đọc. 3. Thái độ: tự tin hơn trong giao tiếp. II. PHƯƠNG PHÁP:. Giao tiếp III. CHUẨN BỊ:. 1. Giáo viên: sách giáo khoa, giáo án, bản đồ. 2. Học sinh: sách giáo khoa, vở ghi chép IV. TIẾN TRÌNH TIẾT DẠY:. 1. Ổn định tổ chức(1’): Ngày giảng Thứ Tiết thứ. Lớp 9... 9.... Sĩ số. Tên HS vắng. Ghi chú. 2. Kiểm tra bài cũ: (10’) Do exercise 1 ……………………………………………………………………………… 3. Dạy bài mới( 25’) Teacher's activities Students’ activities Contents 1/ Warm up(5’) Listen and play 1. Fill in the table with the - Guide Ps to play the right information about game: Guessing Game Some Ss guess Malaysia * What country is it? 1. It is s country in Asia 1- Area............................. 2. It has the Petronas It is Malaysia 2- Population:................... Twin Towers 3- Climate:....................... 3. The capital city is Listen 4- Unit of currency:......... Kuala Lumpur 5- Capital city:................. Look at the map 6- Official religion:.......... 2/ Pre- reading(5’) 7- National language:....... Today we will learn Listen 8- Compulsory second about Malaysia, a language:......................... member country of Work in groups ASEAN. guess and complete - Give out the map and introduce about Listen Malaysia * keys: -Ask ss to work in Read the text 1- 329,758 groups guess and 2- over 22 millions.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> complete the table with the information - Explain some new words 3/ While- reading(8’) -Ask ss to read the text -Ask ss to check their guess with the information in the book. - Listen and correct 4/ Post- reading(7’) -Ask read the text again and decide whether the statements are True or False - Give study cards - check and correct. Read and check Come to the board to do the practice. Work in groups to do the practice Change their cards among class Come to the board to do the practice. 3- tropical climate 4- the ringgit 5- Kuala Lumpur 6- Islam 7- Bahasa Malaysia 8- English 2. True or false? 1 .T 2. F ( There are more than two religions) 3. F ( English, Chinese and Tamil are also widely spoken) 4. F( One of the three: Malay, Chinese, Tamil) 5. F ( English is a compulsory second language not primary language of instruction ). 4. Củng cố(4’): Tóm tắt đất nước Malaysia qua bài học. 5. Hướng dẫn về nhà(5’): Dịch bài khóa, giới thiệu về Việt Nam; chuẩn bị bài Write.

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