Lessons From the Public Speaking
Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine
©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change and without
To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR
www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html .
Lessons From the Public Speaking
Gold Mine
“A Revolutionary, Step-By-Step Roadmap For
Becoming a Successful and Well Paid Speaker No
Matter What Your Topic – 100% Guaranteed!”
by Kerry O’Hallaron
by Kerry O’Hallaronby Kerry O’Hallaron
by Kerry O’Hallaron
Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine
©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change
and without charge.
To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to
www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html .
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Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine
©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change
and without charge.
To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to
www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html .
About the Author
About the AuthorAbout the Author
About the Author
Kerry O’Hallaron
Kerry O’HallaronKerry O’Hallaron
Kerry O’Hallaron
Kerry O’Hallaron is quickly becoming recognized as the
leader in his niche – which he calls “selling what you already know”.
His friends were not the least bit surprised when he decided to share the
unique concept he had developed after years of speaking and training – that
concept being that “every presentation is a sales presentation.” In this free
training, as well as in his more advanced Public Speaking Gold Mine training,
he teaches how to condition your audience so that they will not only buy your
idea or your product, but they will feel great about their decision!
Kerry is a financial services consultant, speaker, author, and trainer who lives
in sunny Tampa, Florida with his wife Carol and his Irish Setter dog, Seamus.
Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine
©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change
and without charge.
To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to
www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html .
Table of Contents
Table of ContentsTable of Contents
Table of Contents
Overview – Secrets of the Public Speaking Gold Mine 5
You as a (Very Well) Paid Speaker 7
Presentation Skills 101 12
If They Like You, They’ll Pay to Have More of You 16
Creating Your “Back of the Room Product”– Easily and For Free! 19
Creating Your Advanced Package – Still Free and Easy 25
Bonus Section 30
Conclusion 33
Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine
©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change
and without charge.
To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to
www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html .
Overview Overview
Overview –
– Secrets of the Public Speaking Gold Mine
Secrets of the Public Speaking Gold Mine Secrets of the Public Speaking Gold Mine
Secrets of the Public Speaking Gold Mine
Hello. My name is Kerry O’Hallaron and on behalf of myself and my
associates, I would like to welcome you to this special preview version of
‘Public Speaking Goldmine Training.’
Let me start by asking you a question. Are you listening to (or reading) this
training because you want to learn to make more money? How about a lot
more money? Well if the answer to that question is yes, that’s great because
that’s why we’re here.
Again, my name is Kerry O’Hallaron and my purpose today is to give you as
much information as I can in the short time we have together, on how to tell
what you know and get paid really, really well for it. So yes, we are here to
learn about making more money. But first, with your permission, I’d like to
share a few thoughts on something that may even be nearer and dearer to
your heart; and that is ways and means of achieving financial independence.
Financial Independence: That is, after all the ‘American Dream’ isn’t it? But
just what is financial independence? What does it mean to you? The last
time I shared these thoughts with a live audience, they gave me some
interesting answers. I’m going to share some of them with you so that you
can decide what financial independence means to you.
One member of the audience said, ‘It means having more money come in
than you have going out.’ Is this how you see it?
Another said simply ‘No bills.’ That one seemed to get some applause.
Yet another one got a bit technical and talked about things like, ‘X amount of
income-producing assets, producing Y amount of passive income.’ Well, a
little technical but that’s what financial independence means to that person.
Then somebody gave my personal favorite. Financial independence to this
person is, ‘The ability to do what you want, when you want, how you want
and if you don’t want to do anything at all then you don’t!’ How about that
Do any of these answers fit your personal definition of financial
independence? You see, it doesn’t really matter because there are no wrong
Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine
©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change
and without charge.
To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to
www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html .
answers. In fact, when you’re all done with this training program, one thing I
want you to take away is the idea that the American Dream of financial
independence is alive and well. Yes my friend, the American Dream of
financial independence is alive and well and whatever it means to you, you
can have it if you can simply take the time to learn how to get it. So in this
short time that we have together, I’m going to do what I can to help you get
on the road to financial independence by using your speaking and
presentation skills or, as I call it, selling what you know. Don’t worry if your
skills aren’t that great because we’re going to work on that too.
You know, in just about any type of presentation the best approach is – you
may have heard this – tell them what you’re going to tell them, tell them
then tell them what you told them. Well, ‘what’s good for the goose should
be good for the gander’ as the saying goes so let me what I’m going to tell
We’re going to break the idea of making money as a speaker into a few
main topics. Number one is called ‘You as a Paid Speaker - What it means
and how to get there quickly.’ Number two is a mini presentation skills
course, “Presentation Skills 101’, which provides a few principles that can
quickly elevate your speaking style. Number three – you’re going to like this
one – Creating Your “Back of the Room Product”– Easily and For Free!
Number four is called ‘Creating Your Advanced Package – Still Free and
Easy.’ Then we throw in our ‘Bonus Section’ – always deliver more than you
So these are the main categories. I promise you I’m going to give you
everything I have with our only limitation being the amount of time we have
available. One of the most important secrets I’m going to share with you is
why I never hold back. I never tease. I always give all the information I have
in the available time and why you should do the same. So with that, let’s go
to the first topic, shall we?
Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine
©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change
and without charge.
To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to
www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html .
Section 1
Section 1Section 1
Section 1
You as a
You as a You as a
You as a (Very Well)
(Very Well) (Very Well)
(Very Well) Paid Speaker
Paid SpeakerPaid Speaker
Paid Speaker
And the first topic is called, ‘You as a Paid Speaker.’ You know for years
before I ever got paid for anything on the stage, I used to speak to trade
groups and business associations and so on for free. One time I had a ‘wild
hair’ to record my presentation and to promise at the end of the presentation
if the audience was a good little audience, I was going to promise them a
CD copy of the presentation.
Well as it turns out, it was one of my favorite groups called ‘The Insurance
Women of Tampa’. I recorded the presentation, and it was simply one of the
best killer presentations I ever made. I was just really ‘on’ that night and the
audience was with me. We just had a great time and at the end of the
presentation, I mentioned the fact that I had been recording it and as a free
gift. I was going to give each of the members of the audience a copy of the
presentation if they would simply fill out a form with their name and address
so that I could mail them the CD.
Well, we passed the form around and guess what kind of percentage
response I got from the audience? 100%! Now granted it was free. But still,
it showed some pretty clear interest because it was a big enough room that
if a person didn’t want it, all they had to do was let the piece of paper pass
them by. But 100% of the audience got a copy of that and I learned a lesson
from that:
It is a good practice to either give something away or sell something because
if the audience likes you; they’re willing to pay to get more of you.
Remember that I said that. That’s going to be very important in this whole
If you’ve ever learned about speakers, you’ve probably learned that there are
two types. I’m going to tell you about three but you probably learned about
two. One is a fee paid speaker. That of course is the kind that gets a check;
well first, he goes out, gives a talk and then gets a check, right? That is
something that I have always aspired to be especially when I’d sit in a big
audience at a Trade meeting and listen to the keynote speaker who’s getting
paid 5-10-20-$25,000 to give an hour long talk and he was boring! He
wasn’t enthusiastic, he didn’t say much of anything and I knew that I could
Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine
©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change
and without charge.
To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to
www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html .
do a better job than he could. Fee paid speaker. Problem is getting the gigs,
getting enough of them and getting the money.
The other option is quite simply the default option, a non-fee paid speaker.
There are a lot of them. They’re typically people that have to do some
speaking in their business so they also speak to trade groups, civic groups,
whatever. Not all of them aspire to be fee paid speakers. Some of them
would probably be better than the fee paid speaker… There’s lots and lots of
folks out there who speak for free.
The third though is called a platform selling speaker. That’s a bit of a
misnomer because if you stand up there and try to sell, you’re not going to
succeed at selling anything. But basically a platform selling speaker is a
speaker that has more to offer after the talk if the audience really wants it.
Notice I didn’t say they stand up there and sell. That’s called a salesman.
The platform-selling speaker stands up and provides an information
exchange. In other words, they give a talk that’s loaded with information and
then, if the audience wants more, they offer it to you.
Which one of these three do you want to be? Do you want to be a fee paid?
Do you want to be a non-fee paid – don’t go for that one! Or do you want to
be a platform selling speaker? It’s up to you.
Let’s talk about how income flows to speakers for a minute. One way is to
be a non-fee paid speaker, which I have done countless times. In fact, I
really highly recommend doing this to at least get some practice. But the
downside to being a non-fee paid speaker is they don’t appreciate the time
and the effort that you’ve put into the preparation and the delivery.
In fact, often times the organizer – the president of the organization or
whatever – it’s just an agenda item that they have to fill. I’ll give you an
example. I was talking to a trade group - and if time permits, I’m going to
give you my introduction format I always write my own introductions but
then I ask the organizer to give it because it should be in their best interest,
as well as mine, that I get a good introduction so I get a good applause so
the talk starts out well.
Well, I gave this introduction and it was a great one. It inspired enthusiasm.
It was really a rousing introduction and I gave it to the sponsor and first of all,
she didn’t even want to read it. When it finally came time to read it, she
could barely get through it without stumbling on the words. She was
Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine
©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change
and without charge.
To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to
www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html .
supposed to interject enthusiasm and I was afraid I was going to have to go
and wake her up while she was doing my introduction!
Fortunately I was able to carry the talk from there but the point being, if
you’re a non-fee paid speaker, you don’t necessarily get the co-operation and
the interest from the organizer or possibly from your audience that you need.
If you’re a fee-paid speaker, it puts a burden on you to work for a fee that’s
probably not all that big because until you start earning the five, ten, twenty
and twenty five thousand dollar gigs, you’re probably looking at five hundred
bucks or something like that.
That’s not a whole lot of money for something that might take you – it take’s
me ten to twenty hours to prepare for a talk. Maybe it takes you a little less,
a little more but that’s not a lot of money for that much work. When you get
up there for any money at all, you better be great because they may not even
pay you if they don’t like you. They may throw tomatoes at you. ☺
Another type of income that flows to speakers is fee income that goes to a
named speaker. For example, Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton doesn’t have to be all
that good when he talks. He may get paid $100,000 for a talk but you’re
paying him just for his name, for what he knows, but not for the quality of his
delivery. Bill Gates, same way. I recently heard that Donald Trump gave a
talk and he got paid a million dollars for that talk. Now, if I give a talk for
$500 to a group that just used up half their annual operating budget to have
me talk, I better be really good at that talk! Donald Trump gets paid a
million dollars to give a talk and he’s just got to show up and do his ‘Donald
Trump’ thing. All he’s got to do is brush his hair and he’s going to do well.
It’s a very unusual situation.
The last way in which income can flow to a speaker is by way of the platform
sale. An adequate speaker, a fairly decent speaker – not even a great one -
with a fifty dollar CD set, can make a thousand dollars for an hours work by
selling his CD at the back of the room at the end of his talk. That’s not too
bad. But let’s talk about bigger tickets because if you try to sell your CD set
at the back of the room for fifty bucks, you’ll make a few sales, you’ll cover
your costs and make a few dollars profit maybe but there is not an inverse
relationship between the price of your back of the room sale and the amount
of your sales.
Yes, there is a relationship. It’s just not proportionate. For example: A
typical back of the room sale might generate 10% response. In other words,
Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine
©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change
and without charge.
To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to
www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html .
10% of the room might buy your product. So if 10% of the room will buy your
product at $50; you might think that if that product was a little bit bigger and
a little bit more elaborate and if you sold it for $300 you might think that
only 1% would buy it. That’s not true. You’re probably going to find closer to
– listen to this – maybe eight, maybe 9% if you jack up the price that much.
So which way do we want to go? We want to go with the bigger price, don’t
How do you get yourself some platform selling opportunities? It’s as simple
as this: If you’re going to be a speaker, you’ve got to be a speaker. You’ve
got to speak at every opportunity you get. You’ve got to speak at trade
associations, you’ve got to speak at non-profits, you’ve got to speak at civic
groups but then always have a product or a freebie that can lead to a
product. Offer to speak for free at trade shows, trade events, job fairs,
workshops etc. Be sure that you always ‘okay’ your back of the room sales
because they may not want you to sell something or they may be expecting a
It’s a simple conversation. ‘Sure, I’ll talk for free. I do have my CD set that I
generally offer at a talk like this and I usually offer it simply as a way that the
audience can get some additional information if they like it. I don’t push it. I
don’t hard sell but it is available. Will that be okay?’ They’ll give you one of
three answers: Yes, no or yes, but we get 50%. Yes is an acceptable answer.
50% is an acceptable answer. No? Then we need to talk about you’re giving
your ‘give away’ rather than selling your sell product.
Your ultimate goal though in platform selling should be to hold your own
seminar. If you get into the Public Speaking Gold Mine program, we’re going
to have lots and lots of information on how to put together your own
seminar. But for now, the best way to start towards holding your own
seminar is to get invited to share the podium at other seminars.
So figure out what kind of seminars are out there for the type of area that
you’re interested in. For example: If it’s dogs they have symposiums or dog
shows or that type of thing. If it’s the FOREX, then get invited to a FOREX
Remember what I said. If you’re going to be a speaker, be a speaker. But if
you’re going to be a platform selling speaker, be a platform selling speaker.
Every presentation you make is a sales presentation. Just don’t make it
sound like one. You know there are a small number of things in this e-book
that I want you to remember and I’m going to repeat that one because that’s
Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine
©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change
and without charge.
To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to
www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html .
one of them. Every presentation you make is a sales presentation. Just
don’t make it sound like one. Stand up there, give information, give lots of
information and offer them the opportunity at the end of the information to
obtain more information if they want it, without pressure, without hassle.
So, in summary you’ve got to decide what kind of speaker you want to be. If
you don’t want to make any money as a speaker, I’m going to ask you to re-
think the whole thing because I’ve gotten some good applause at some of
my talks. Applause does not pay your rent, mortgage or whatever. Number
two: You need to seek out every possible opportunity you can to speak.
Number three: You need to delicately but convincingly turn every opportunity
into a selling opportunity.
Now we’re going to talk a little more in the next couple of sections about you
being on stage and then we’re going to come back and we’re going to learn a
little more about this making money thing. Does that sound fair enough?
Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine
©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change
and without charge.
To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to
www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html .
Section 2
Section 2Section 2
Section 2
Presentation Skills 101
Presentation Skills 101Presentation Skills 101
Presentation Skills 101
So there I was back in 1992 in the insurance agency that employed me at
the time, in St. Louis, Missouri. I was about to call on a major client. In fact,
we were making a big presentation to that major client, trying to salvage
them as a client because they were thinking about taking their business to a
I thought that my part in the presentation was pretty good. In fact, I thought
the entire presentation was pretty good. Unfortunately we lost that thirty-
year client and guess whose fault it was, at least according to the boss?
The boss assured me that I didn’t have anything to worry about because we
lost it since my presentation style was so bad.
Instead of punishing me or firing me, he was simply going to send me to
presentation skills training. Okay, well at presentation skills training, which
I’ve taken numerous times since in a number of different forms with a
number of different organizations, I developed a formula that you can use to
deliver every talk you give to any audience of any size. Guess what? I’m
going to share it with you right here and now, for free!
It starts out - unless you’re going to be talking for less than about three
minutes - it starts out with an introduction. You don’t introduce you, but what
you do is you write the introduction. By the way, don’t be tempted while
you’re writing the introduction to write an autobiography, because nobody
cares! When you write the introduction, do it backwards. Start with the
topic. ‘Our special topic tonight is (blank). You will enjoy (blank) and you will
gain from it because (blank, blank and blank). Our special presenter tonight,
Kerry O’Hallaron, is uniquely qualified to teach us on this topic because he
(blank, blank and blank). Ladies and gentlemen, will you please help me
welcome Mr. Kerry O’Hallaron!’
Did you hear how I did that? If you could hear this live (you can, by going to
www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com), you need to listen to that several times
because there are a number of different elements in there. Copy that if you
Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine
©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change
and without charge.
To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to
www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html .
want. In fact, please do! That’s a great formula for an introduction because
first of all, it should be getting you some applause.
As you’re getting your applause, don’t walk on stage like you’re hoping the
whole speech will go away – watch the next speaker that does that. They
don’t hustle on stage; they walk slowly like if they don’t walk up there maybe
this thing is just not going to happen! Don’t run, but show a little slightly
exaggerated hustle up to the microphone and do a big smile.
Always, always, always start out your talk with humility. If you start out with
anything less than humility, it will sound like arrogance even if you’re not
arrogant. So start out with thanks. ‘Thank you very much for that kind
applause and that kind welcome. Thanks for inviting me to talk with you
tonight. I’m really humbled by the opportunity to be here.’ Show some
humility in your personal acceptance of their applause. Then immediately
jump into a story or what I call a chunk.
There’s only one difference between a story or a chunk. A story is going to
require them to take some action and a chunk is going to be there simply to
rile some of their emotions a little bit. So do either one, whichever one fits
what you’re going to talk about and then after the story is over, give the
agenda. What are you going to talk about? Then give the body. In other
words, say what you’re going to say. Then do the conclusion. In your
conclusion, we always need to have action steps and why they should take
the action steps. If your conclusion is, ‘Thank you, goodbye,’ you’ve just
wasted their time! Period. All you did was talk at them. You want them to
take some action!
For example at a talk I gave, I gave a conclusion something like this:
‘When you get up in the morning tomorrow, I want you to take twenty
minutes and sit down and write down all of your goals for the next year. And
if you do that, I promise you first of all that you will immediately start making
progress towards those goals and also automatically without any effort over
the next year, you’ll automatically hit at least eighty percent of them.’
So you give them the action steps and you tell them what’s in it for them if
they do it. But we’re not done yet. This is where your non-fee paid speaker
stops, gets his applause, goes away and then they forget about him. No, not
you! Here is where you’re going to offer more information, in the form of -
depending on how you’ve pre-arranged it with the organizer - either your
Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine
©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change
and without charge.
To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to
www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html .
freebie, which we’re going to use via auto-responders on the Internet to sell
product, or preferably your back of the room product. By the way, if they
don’t want you selling back of the room product, typically they’ll let you sell
back of the room product that has a smaller price tag. In other words, if they
don’t want you selling a four hundred ninety five dollar package, typically
they’ll let you sell that fifty dollar CD set. Ask them again. Ask them nice.
Let’s talk about props and crutches. I love PowerPoint, but I know how to
use it. When I have a PowerPoint presentation, if you look at the ‘bullet’ that
I’m discussing on the PowerPoint presentation, all you’re going to see is a
couple words and you know why? Those couple of words are there for my
benefit, not yours. Have you ever seen a PowerPoint presentation where a)
they put the entire paragraph or maybe the entire page on the PowerPoint
sheet and then b) they read it to you? Well, why did they even come? Why
not just send a CD to play over the loudspeaker system if that’s all they’re
going to do is read to you? So don’t do that on PowerPoint; but you can use
PowerPoint with very brief bullets.
Now, a note about notes: You can use notes if you don’t use PowerPoint but
you can’t ever, ever, ever read a speech because that’s not speaking, that’s
And lastly props are great. Props such as a dollar bill, props such as anything
large – a giant bear, a large pair of sunglasses like a clown uses in the
circus, anything exaggerated in size or anything having to do with money –
would be a good prop.
Let’s talk about enthusiasm, putting some enthusiasm into your talk. How
do you learn enthusiasm? I mean, how do you really learn how to be
enthusiastic? There’s a real skill here that you can learn and I’m going to
give you a quick lesson in it. You can take the most boring book that you’ve
ever read. Were you in junior high or were you in high school when there was
a really boring book? For me there was a book called ‘The Last of the
Mohicans.’ I hope I’m not picking on the author or people that like that book.
I just didn’t like it.
Take the book, whatever book is boring to you; open up to any page,
photocopy that page and look through and about every few words either
yellow highlight the word, underline it or make a parenthetical note in the
column. When you’re reading this page into a microphone into your
computer - because you want to play it back and listen to it or you want to
Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine
©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change
and without charge.
To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to
www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html .
play it back with a partner and have the partner critique you – when you read
it, put major emphasis on the highlighted word or the underlined word. It
doesn’t matter how the page reads. It matters how much emphasis you put
into it. I mean major, major emphasis! Why do you do this? Because, it will
stretch you and when you’re giving an actual talk, you won’t put this much
emphasis in it but you’ll put more in than you used to put in it in the past.
So if you do this several times, particularly with a partner, you’ll get the hang
of it and it will automatically stretch your range of enthusiasm when you’re
giving a talk. By the way, here’s how to know if you have enough
enthusiasm. Are you ready? This is the acid test. The way to know if you
have enough enthusiasm is: you don’t have enough enthusiasm! You don’t!
Trust me on this.
So learn from that, listen to the next ten speakers that you hear and they
won’t have enough enthusiasm. Unless they’re Anthony Robbins, they won’t
have enough. Believe me, you don’t either! So you want to take every
opportunity you can to stretch your enthusiasm level because even at that, it
still won’t be where it needs to be but it will sure be better.
So quickly, the Formula was:
● Make sure that you have an introduction that is given on your behalf
that sets the stage for your talk.
● Make your entrance humbly but with enthusiasm.
● Show thanks and humility.
● Give the agenda.
● Give the body.
● Give the conclusion and then talk about your action steps and what’s
in it for them if they do those action steps.
● Then offer them the more information (that hopefully you’re selling,
but even in a non-selling situation, offer them something).
You know, if you’re not the world’s greatest carpenter but you use the right
tools and you follow the right steps, you’ll still get a very acceptable finished
product. It’s the same here with talking and with platform selling speaking.
Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine
©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change
and without charge.
To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to
www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html .
Section 3
Section 3Section 3
Section 3
If They Like You, They’ll Pay to Hav
If They Like You, They’ll Pay to HavIf They Like You, They’ll Pay to Hav
If They Like You, They’ll Pay to Have More of You
e More of Youe More of You
e More of You
So let’s move in to your delivery and your close. In the previous section, we
did a quick outline that you can use each time you speak on any topic to
deliver an absolutely killer presentation, get a great applause and always be
welcomed back. But remember the secret of your platform selling that I
shared with you a few minutes ago? If they like you, they’ll pay to have more
of you!
So you’ve just delivered a killer talk and you’ve left them wanting more,
which you have not offered. That’s the whole point of the platform sale.
That’s it the whole deal. Your talk is not a sales pitch. It’s a meaningful,
educational, emotional interchange with your audience followed by a
respectful non-pushy invitation to receive more information, which most
likely is not free unless you’re giving something away that will lead to a sale.
That’s the whole deal.
So following up where we left off, let’s go through a possible close. This
comes from a real talk that I gave to a trade group recently. It goes like this:
And so just as Napoleon Hill told us in ‘Think and Grow Rich,’ make
sure your goals are written and measurable and that you review them
twice daily - when you get up in the morning and when you go to bed
at night; and I promise you that you will begin, almost immediately, to
see yourself moving towards achieving those goals. And this
concludes my formal presentation; but before we go I do want to let
you know that I’ve recorded this presentation tonight as my special
gift to you. If you will simply place your name and email address on
the sheet that is being circulated, I will email you the recording and
you can listen to it on your computer or you can burn it to CD. This is
my way of thanking you for the invitation to come here tonight, so
please fill in your name and email address and again, that does
conclude my presentation. Thank you so much for the invitation.’
You see how easy that was? Now in a few minutes I’m going to show you
how to easily turn that freebie into money. But right now, here are a couple
of quick thoughts. Notice that I started you out ‘selling’ something that’s
Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine
©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change
and without charge.
To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to
www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html .
actually free. This won’t always be the case and it will not be the ticket to big
But I did this for three reasons: First of all: Sometimes –rarely, but
sometimes – it’s just not appropriate to offer a product after a great
presentation. Number two: If every presentation is a sales presentation but
you can’t offer a product, this is a great way around the rules. Hmm…
Number three: After you do this a few times and you get some practice and
you see what type of great response you get, actually asking for an order for
your product for sale is going to be a breeze. So let’s go back to the talk but
let’s put a real product and a gentle close on it.
‘So do as Napoleon Hill suggests and I promise you will (blah, blah,
and blah). And that brings us to the conclusion of my formal
presentation; but on your way in here tonight, you may have seen
several copies of my book, ‘How to Succeed At Everything Without
Really Trying.’ Well it’s not actually my book. A lot of the material for
tonight’s talk came out of that package though, which is actually my
success skills course based on the teachings of Napoleon Hill as well
as modern day masters such as Bill Gates and Donald Trump. I’ve
brought twenty copies of the package with me tonight and if you will
simply fill your name and the pertinent information on the form that’s
being passed out right now and then just bring that form to me in the
back of the room, I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have
and I’ll leave you with your copy. Once again, thank you for having me
with you tonight. Thank you.’
Then, by the way, as they are applauding, stand there and enjoy the
applause. This is their moment, not yours. Enjoy the applause. Stand there
with a smile on your face. Humility, smile, more humility, another thank you
if it’s appropriate and walk away. But the whole thing is pretty painless, isn’t
it? Notice that I didn’t even mention the price because I’m not selling. Back
up. I didn’t even mention the price because I’m not selling. I’m just offering
more information. The price is on the form and they can decide when they
get the form whether they want to buy or not.
So a couple of quick points:
● Make sure that the sponsors know that you’re going to be offering a
product and that you have agreed on their cut, if there’s going to be one.
Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine
©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change
and without charge.
To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to
www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html .
● Make sure that a break can be scheduled after your talk. This is
critical so that you don’t interrupt the next speaker or the next part of the
agenda while you collect your orders.
Just schedule a few minute break so that people can come back to the back
of the room, give you their order, ask any questions they’ve got and then
come back in a few minutes for the remainder of the agenda, and everything
will flow smoothly.
Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine
©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change
and without charge.
To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to
www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html .
Section Section
Section 4
Creating Your
Creating Your Creating Your
Creating Your “Back of the Room Product”
“Back of the Room Product”“Back of the Room Product”
“Back of the Room Product”–
Easily and For Free!
Easily and For Free!Easily and For Free!
Easily and For Free!
Alright, would it be okay now if changed pace a little bit? Because we’re
going to go now into a section that is going to be a little bit different from
what we’ve talked about so far for two reasons: First of all, if you’ve had any
kind of speaking training at all, it’s a good possibility that at least some of
the material that we talked about earlier in this program that you heard in
some format or another.
What we’re about to talk about now, I’m pretty sure you’ve never ever heard
presented in this format. Plus, in addition, what you’re going to learn in the
next few minutes will probably help you make you more income, more
money, than any other part of this training. So is that okay if we take a few
minutes to go that direction?
I had a heckler once who asked me a question once that really told a story.
He said, ‘Kerry, how do I offer my book for sale at the back of the room at the
end of my talk if I don’t even have a book to sell?’ Now let his question sink
in for just a minute. It was kind of a small minded question, or maybe just
an un-enlightened question, because all he was thinking in terms of back of
the room products, was having (or not having) a book. I’m sorry, but there’s
more to it than that. I want to give you three rules, though, that you must
remember about selling back of the room products.
First of all, I don’t recommend that you sell someone else’s product. Why?
Because when you’re standing up there talking and getting empathy with the
audience and getting them to like you, remember that if they like you, they’ll
buy more of you. Well, if they want to buy more of you then you offer a
product that is made by Joe Dokes, you may not sell too much of it, unless
you’re specifically up there as an employee of Joe Dokes representing his
product, then it might work out. But otherwise if you’re up there representing
you and they like you, don’t offer Joe’s product!
Number two: Now this rule is very important. I want you to remember this.
Just consider it a fact of life. If you have accumulated enough expertise to
teach on a subject, you have accumulated enough expertise to offer more
information. Now did I say you could write a book? Did I say you could
Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine
©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change
and without charge.
To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to
www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html .
anything? All I said is if you had the information, if you had the right to stand
up there in front of a group teaching them on a subject then you have the
right to offer them additional information on that subject. That’s going to be
important when you’re standing there offering what basically amounts to a
sales presentation, you know you have that right to make that offer.
And here’s the big key. It’s going to take some explanation in a minute but I
want you to try to get a mental picture in your mind. If you’re sitting down
and you’re able to do this for real, so much the better. So either take a
mental picture or do this for real. Take a blank sheet of paper and on the left
side of the piece of paper write the word, ‘activity.’ On the right side of the
paper, write the word ‘product.’ So you have two words on the paper:
activity and product. Now connect the words ‘activity’ and ‘product’ with a
semi-circle, you know a half circle, above them. So you have ‘activity’ on the
left, ‘product’ on the right and above them you have a half circle connecting
the two. Over by ‘product’ where the half circle points down at the word
‘product,’ draw an arrow to ‘product.’ So now you have the two words,
‘activity’ and ‘product,’ and you have a semi-circle running clockwise from
‘activity’ to ‘product’ with an arrow pointing to product.
Now underneath draw the other half of the semi-circle but the arrow points
to ‘activity.’ So you should have basically what amounts to a circle and on
the left side of the circle you should have a break and the word ‘activity.’ On
the right side of the circle you should have the word ‘product’ and ‘activity’
going clockwise points to ‘product’ going clockwise points to ‘activity’ and so
on and so forth. What I want to remember though is not points to it but
activity yields product yields activity. Remember that rule. That’s rule
number three. Activity yields product yields activity. We’re going to talk
about activity first and then we’re going to talk about product and then
you’re going to understand how activity yields product yields activity.
What are some of the activities you can do on a presentation? Here’s a few,
about ten in fact: You can do a presentation itself that’s, let’s say, an hour in
length. You can do a workshop or a training program; call it whichever way
you want. That’s going to last let’s say a half a day. You can do a seminar;
and again, you can use different names for these things. These are the
names that I want to use. You can do a seminar that’s going to last
anywhere from two to five days. If you haven’t done that, it sounds a little
foreboding but if we have time we’ll talk about how we can quickly put that
together. You can do your book. I don’t ever recommend that you sell your
book at the back of the room, by the way but I do recommend that you have
Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine
©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change
and without charge.
To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to
www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html .
one for name recognition. You can do a CD or multiple CD’s, you can do
DVD’s or multiple DVD’s, you can provide a copy of your PowerPoint
presentation. These are basically different types of presentations now. You
can provide reports, you can provide E-Books, you can do telephone
seminars. These are all different formats in which you can share information
with others. These are activities as I’m going to define them - different ways
in which you can communicate knowledge on your subject to your audience.
Now, what is a product? Well first of all, a better term is an information
product that you’ve designed for sale but from now going forward know that
when I use the word ‘product,’ that ‘s what we’re talking about – an
information product that you design for sale. Here’s the definition of a
product as I use it. Hey, you’re going to learn that sometimes I do a little
tongue and cheek ☺ but it’s well intentioned. You know, I do it half tongue
and cheek and half I really mean it and that’s what I’m doing here. My
definition of product is that you ‘re-package an activity’. Let me say it again.
My definition of an information product that you design for resale is to re-
package an activity. Hmmm… What does that mean? Can you bear with
me just a minute and I’ll talk about how you go about doing that? We’re
going to discuss the mechanics of how you re-package each of the above
activities in a minute. In fact, why don’t we start doing that right now?
Let me go through a format with you, and you don’t have to follow this
format exactly. I just want to tell you that this format works and it’s going to
enlighten you as to how professionals produce their products. In fact,
remember that heckler a few minutes ago? I kind of answered him by
talking about my friend, Robert Allen, the writer of ‘Nothing Down’, ‘Multiple
Streams of Income,’ Multiple Streams of Internet Income’ and countless
other books that you’ve undoubtedly heard of.
When Robert Allen stands in front of a group and he offers more information,
he doesn’t sell his book. He doesn’t sell any one of his books. In fact they’re
not even included in any of his packages. In fact, I’ve gotten all of Robert
Allen’s books free as promotions so that I’ll come to some of his seminars.
When Robert Allen stands up and offers additional information, typically he
pays people to offer the information that costs less than about fifteen
thousand dollars and what he offers personally, typically costs fifteen
thousand, twenty five… I’ve seen him offer packages that cost even more
than twenty five thousand dollars and I have seen people run to the back of
the room and buy them!
Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine
©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change
and without charge.
To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to
www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html .
So let’s not focus on books, but let’s talk about how we can create an
information package. I’m going to assume that you know something about
something or that you like a particular topic because you have to have a
topic. I’m going to use the topic ‘Irish Setters.’ You know the particular
breed of dog that’s red and originated in Ireland. I’m going to use them a
little bit tongue and cheek because it’s going to be a little bit hard to get a
market that wants to come to a two or a three day workshop on Irish Setters,
but I’m going to show you how to develop a product that if I could get that
group of people together that really wanted to spend two or three days in a
room with me learning about Irish Setters, they’re going to want to buy this
additional package for a thousand, fifteen hundred, maybe two thousand
dollars because they’re going to be the type of people that need this
information and it’s not going to be available anywhere else.
Here’s what you do: You choose your topic. I’m choosing ‘Irish Setters.’
There are probably about five good books out there in the entire universe on
Irish Setters. Well you need to buy the five top books on your topic. Then
you need to read them. I didn’t say this was going to be easy. I said the
process was going to be simple. You need to read the books because a) if
you’re an expert on the topic, these will give you a new perspective and b) if
you’re not an expert on the topic, these will make you an expert really
Okay, now you’ve read five books. If you’re like me, that’s going to take
awhile. That’s okay. Then I want you to buy two more books, and by the
way, these books are the Dummies books and the Idiots books. You know,
‘XYZ for Dummies’ or ‘The Complete Idiots Guide to XYZ.’ Well I’m going to
tell you right now that you can’t buy ‘Irish Setters for Dummies.’ You can’t
buy ‘The Complete Idiots Guide to Irish Setters.’
If you could buy them on your topic then those two become two of the five
books that you need to read. If you can’t, I still want you to go out and buy
the Dummies book and the Idiots book but I want you to buy the Dummies
and the Idiots books on the topic that’s closest to your topic. By the way, if
we’re buying it on the topic that’s close to our topic but it’s not our exact
topic… For example: I’m going to buy the ‘Complete Idiots Book to Dogs’ and
I’m just making that up but that might be what it says or I might buy ‘Dog
Breeding for Dummies’ or ‘Dog Showing for Dummies.’ That might be as
close as I can get. If that’s as close as I can get and my topic is Irish Setters,
I don’t have to read those books but I still have to buy them.
Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine
©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change
and without charge.
To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to
www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html .
Here’s why: Pick up any Dummies or Idiots book on any topic right now. If
you have one, pick it up. If you don’t, go to the bookstore and do this. It’s
going to blow you away. Open it up to the Table of Contents. Either one –
they both do it the same way. They have a short version Table of Contents
that tells you basically what’s in the book, you know, maybe fourteen
chapters. Then they have a long version Table of Contents that’s probably
about ten pages long where they take those fourteen chapters and they drill
down and they tell you in detail each of the topics that’s going to be
discussed in each chapter. Then they drill down and tell you what’s going to
be discussed in each topic. Are you getting it? You can’t steal this outline.
What you can steal is this template. So you’re going to take this template
and I’m going to recommend that you put it in a word processor. Re-type it.
Copy it in a word processor because we’re not stealing it just yet. In fact
we’re not going to steal it at all. Copy it into a word processor.
Now remember those five books that you read? Hopefully, when you read
them you used a yellow highlighter or a pink highlighter and highlighted a
bunch of good stuff including major topics and including minor points that
you want to include in your presentation. Go through those five books and
take a bunch of notes and decide what topics you really want to talk about in
your presentation because what we’re basically putting together is an outline
for a two to three day workshop on Irish Setters.
Now what I need you to do is go back to that word processor where you have
the expanded outline laid out and you need to shuffle it. You need to shuffle
the major topics and once you’ve shuffled the major topics - for example
topic one becomes topic five and group one becomes group three and so on -
once you’ve shuffled it to where it’s no longer their work product then you
need to fill in – remember I’ve got one on dogs and I’m talking about Irish
Setters – you need to change some of the ‘drill down’ topics to where they’re
more specific to your topic. So for example, if they’re talking about breeding
dogs, I’m going to drill down about the unique nuances about breeding Irish
Setters. You getting the picture?
If you put a few hours into this, you will have laid out an outline for an entire
two to three day workshop. You can use PowerPoint at your workshops. You
could have put this outline in PowerPoint instead of in a word processor.
This becomes your PowerPoint presentation for the entire two to three days
because if you’ve read five books on this topic, you have enough information
and especially if you’re already an expert on the subject to begin with, you
Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine
©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change
and without charge.
To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to
www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html .
have enough information to speak for two to three days, and your outline will
guarantee that you stay on task.