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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Date of planning 18/09/2021. Period 5 UNIT 1 : A VISIT FROM A PENPAL LESSON: 5-Write A.Objectives: 1. The aims: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to: Write an exposition of 80 to 100 words from pictures and words cues 2. Skills : + Writing skills : guided writing skills 3. Knowleges: + Standard : Write a letter to their family follow the outlines + Higher : Free write to tell about their own relatives or friends 4. Language contents: a.Vocabulary: specialties, disappointed, interest, mention. b.Structures : Present perfect and past simple ( irregular verbs ) 5. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and to love their country and people B. Preparations 1. Teacher: lesson plan, English 9-book, pictures, computer, extra boards 2. Students: review the grammar points and vocabulary, a sheet of white paper C. Techniques: -Asking and answering; Chatting; corrections D. Procedures: I.Organization(1’) Class Date of teaching Absent students 9C II. The old lesson check-up(5’) -Ask 2 ss some questions What did you do yesterday? What did you do last week ? Where did you go yesterday ? Where did you go last week ? III.New lesson Teacher’s and Students’ Contents: activities: *Warm up:(5’) -Chatting: -T. asks Ss some questions: -Have you ever visited any other places -Ss answer in Viet Nam?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> - When did you go? -How did you get there? -Did you visit any places of interest? -Did you buy any thing? -When you are away from home, do you keep in touch? How? Step1. Pre-Reading: (7’): You are going to write a paragraph - T. Sets the scene: "Imagine you are about a trip to a city in Viet Nam. visiting your relatives or friends in Before writing, you work in pairs ask another part of Viet Nam or a and answer about your trip by using the different country". following questions -Ask students on their own answer 1. Where are you now? How did you get there? the following questions: 2. Who did you meet? - T. asks Ss two or three Ss to tell 3. What have you done? class about their visit. What places have you visited? - Ss . answer. Who have you met? -Ss work individual. What kinds of food have you tried? What souvenirs have you bought? 4. How do you feel now? 5. What do you think interest you most? 6. When are you returning home? - Ask students to work in pairs to (Now you write the paragraph. Use the talk to each other about their visit. answers as prompts.) - Remind students about the format of a personal letter by asking the question: What are the parts of a personal letter? Step 2.While writing (15’): Answer: A. Heading_ Writer's address and the -Ask students to write a letter to date their family, telling them about their B. Opening Dear..., C. Body of the letter visit. Ask students to look at the D. Closing _ Your friend / Regard / outline on page 11 and ask Love them what part of the letter they Suggested ideas:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> are going to write, (body of the letter) - Ask students to follow the outline to write their own letter.. First paragraph: I arrived at Da Nang airpoit/ train station/ bus station at 2 pm / 8 am / late in the afternoon / at midnight, etc. on Ask them to swap their letters, Tuesday / Wednesday / Saturday... Hoa / compare with their partner's, Nam / uncle Tan / aunt Huong met me at the airport / train station / bus station, and correct if they can. then he / she took me home by taxi/ -T. guides Ss how to write a letter. motorbike/ bicycle... Second paragraph: - Ss.; listen to teacher’s I have visited / been to many places like instructions. the beaches, the Cham Museum, - Ss . write the letter by using the Marble Mountains, supermarkets, the prompts. water park, etc. I have tried different - Ss go to the board and write on foods: seafood, Da Nang speciality... their letter. I will visit Hoi An and My Son tomorrow - Ss. Crossing-check. / on Sunday... -T. corrects and gives them marks Third paragraph: - Ss . Consult and copy the keys. I feel so happy and enjoy myself so much. The people here are so nice and friendly, the foods are so delicious, and the sights are so beautiful. I will leave Da Nang at 2 am/ 7 pm ...next Thursday? Sunday... and will arrive home at II pm / 5 am... Please pick me up at the airport/ bus station / train station.. * Marks: (10 ms) Dear Mai, I arrived at Hue Railway Station at 7 am on Sunday. Uncle Hung took me home by taxi. I 've visited the .Imperial City. I was amazed by magnificent monuments there. I also went to Dong Ba Market, the biggest market in Hue. This is the place where I bought a lot.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> -T. lets Ss correct the letters. - Ss. Scan the letter and correct themselves. - Ss. Work in groups. - T. give the keys. -Ss. Consult and copy the keys. -T. asks Ss translate into Vietnamese.. of souvenirs. Yesterday uncle Hung and I went to eat beef noodle (bun bo). I enjoyed it very much. I’ll leave Hue on Saturday. I am so happy. People in Hue are very nice and friendly. I will miss them very much. The train is scheduled to come to Ha Noi at 5 pm. Please pick me up at the station. I am looking .forward to meeting and telling you about the trip in Hue. See you then, Yours Hong Nhung Step 3. Post-Writing (8’) * Correction: Choose some letters to correct in class (using projector if possible) Ask students to write their letters (after correction) on their notebooks Keys: Hi Mr Binh, It was lovely to speak to you last week. When you phoned I had just returned from work and was on my way to the train station to visit my friend. I hope you enjoyed the workshop. What did you learn about? Did you meet some interesting people? It is very kind for Thanh to invite you to live in the USA . That would be an amazing opportunity. I appreciate it is difficult for you to go when you have a family to look after. Can you go for a.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> -T. recommends Ss some things Ss listen and copy. -Ss. Base on the structure and build the sentences. -T. reminds Ss the voc and the structures. -Ss. Base on them and do the exercises. holiday or is that not possible? I am going to the USA on Friday 27th July with my family. It is my mum’s 60th birthday celebration and the family is going to Las Vegas . Have you heard about Las Vegas . It is a very famous city in the middle of the desert in Nevada state. There are lots of hotels, casinos and it is near to the Grand Canyon . It will be an exciting place to visit. I will return to work on Monday 6th August. I am looking forward to catching up with my sister again as she came home last night. I hope you have had a good week. I have been busy getting ready to go on holiday and making sure my work is all done before I go away. I will write to you soon with my news. Best wishes, Domini. IV.Consolidstion(2’)Write a letter V.Home work: (2’): Learn by heart all the parts of the letters. And new words, do exercises in the work book; write the letter about your nearest trip. prepare next period language focus. Learn by heart the structures: Present perfect ( S + Have / has + PP) *Evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… Date of planning 18/09/2021. Period 6.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> UNIT 1 A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL LESSON 6 : LANGUAGE FOCUS A. Objectives 1. Knowleges - The aims By the end of the lesson, ss will have a good chance to review: The past simple tense ( irregular verbs) The past simple tense with “wish” ( irregular verbs) + Standard : Ask and answer the questions using the past simple tense and the given information Write sentences using the word and picture cues Talk about their wishes using the situations + Higher : Ask and answer the questions using the past simple tense Write sentences to tell happened actions and talk about their wishes a.Vocabulary: review all vocabulary b.Structures : Present perfect and past simple ( irregular verbs ), “wish”. 2. Skills : + Speaking and writing skills 3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and to be friendly, look up to their friendship B. Preparations 1. Teacher: lesson plan, English 9-book, pictures, extra boards 2. Students: review the grammar points and vocabulary, drafting paper C. Techniques: -Asking and answering; matching; jumble words D.Procedures. I.Organization(1’) Class Date of teaching Absent students 9C II. The old lesson check-up(5’) -Vocabulary III.New lesson.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Teacher’s and students’ activities:. Content:. Warm up : (5’) *Jumbled words: -T. holds the games Ss play the + tccah = catch Marks: (10 games. ms) -T. reminds how to play the + rkap = park games. + ondp = pond -Ss . Play the games with the class. + rssag = grass -Ss. Go the board and write on  Change these verbs into the past their keys. tense: -Others remarks and crossingInfinitive simple check. past tense: _ T. corrects and gives them Meet => Met marks. See => Saw Go => Went Buy => Bought Say => Said Have => Had Know => Knew 2 .Activity 1: (8’): The past simple: This is the conversation between Tan and Phong. They are talking about what Ba did on the weekend. T: What did Ba do on the weekend? -T. Sets the scene: P: He went to see the movie called "Ghosts -Ss. Look at the conversation. and Monsters". - T. guides how to practice the T: When did he see it? conversation. P: He saw it on Saturday afternoon at two o'clock.. - Ss. Base on the conversation and do P: He saw it on Saturday afternoon at two the exercises o'clock. - T. calls four Ss play the role. -Ss. Play the role the conversations From: VERB + ED..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> (These above are dialogues between 2 students talking about things Ba did last week. Now you work in pairs, study the table and make similar dialogue about Nga 's, Lan 's, Nam 's and Hoa 's weekend.) -T. gives the correct keys. - Ss. Consult and copy the correct keys. -Ss. Crossing-check.. A: What did Nga do on the weekend? B: She went to a concert performed by Ha Noi singers. A: When did she go to see it? B: She saw it on Saturday evening at 8 pm. Lan A: What did Lan do on the weekend? B: She went camping with other members of Y &Y in her school. A: When did she do it? B: She did it during the weekend. Nam A: What did Nam do on the weekend? B: He watched a football match between Dong Thap and The Cong. A: When did he watch it? B: He watched it on Sunday afternoon at 4pm. Hoa A: What did Hoa do on the weekend? B: She went to the theater to watch the play M " uch Ado About Nothing ." A: When did she watch it? B: She watched it on Sunday evening at 7 pm 1. Activity 2 : (8’) : (Lan and her friends are holding a.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> -T. introduces the next part of the lesson. - Ss. Listen to the teacher and do the exercises - Ss. Work in group or choral. -T. calls Ss read their answers loudly. -Ss. Read their answers and write on the boards - Others crossing-check and consult. -T. gives the correct answers. -Ss. Consult and copy the keys.. -T. introduces the next part of the lesson about the new grammar points: “Wish + clause”. -T. explains / analyses the Examples -Ss. Listen and copy or take note. - Ss. Listen to the teacher and do the exercises - Ss. Work in group or choral. -T. calls Ss read their answers loudly. -Ss. Read their answers and write on the boards - Others crossing-check and consult. -T. gives the correct answers. -Ss. Consult and copy the keys.. -T. recommends Ss some things Ss listen and copy.. farewell party for Maryam. Write the things they did for the party. Use the pictures and the words in the boxes to help you.)  Keys: /. Baked a cake. 2. hung colorful lamps on the wall / in the room. 3. Bought flowers. 4. Painted a picture of Ha Noi. 5. Went shopping. 4. Activity 3 : (10’): S + wish + S + past simple *Note: Be => Were: is used all the subjects. EX: You are not very tall. (That’s the fact and you can’t change it).  I wish I were taller. *Keys: b) I wish I were in the swimming pool now. c) I wish I had a computer. d) I wish I lived close to school. e) I wish I had a sister. f) I wish I drew well. g) I wish I had my friend's phone number. h) I wish I knew many friends. i) I wish it rained so often in my hometown. j) I wish there were rivers and lakes in my hometown..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> IV.Consolidation(2’) -T. reminds Ss the voc and the structures. S + wish + S + past simple *Note: Be => Were: is used all the subjects. V.Home work: (5’): Learn by heart all the parts of the letters. And new words, do exercises in the work book; write ten sentences about what would you do if you had ten wishes? . Prepare next period Unit 2 Getting started and Listen and Read. Learn by heart the structures : S + wish + S + past simple ,Note: Be => Were: is used all the subjects. *Evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………….…………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………….

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