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Unit 03 Peoples of Viet Nam Lesson 1 Getting started

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>UNIT 3: PEOPLES OF VIET NAM. PERIOD 16: lesson 1: Getting started I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to get acquainted with the topic about ethnic groups of Viet Nam. * Language content: 1. Vocabulary: Different cultural groups of Viet Nam. 3. Grammar: + Questions with question words. + Articles: a, an, the. II/ Teaching aids : Text books , cassette , chalk , pictures and some boards. III/ Procedure : Steps and Learning activities time A. Warm T: Ask Sts to do in two teams to solve the cross – up.( 5’) word puzzle. The team with the more points wins the game 1. I’d like to ………buffaloes in the fields 2. The farmers are very busy during harvest time 3. Have you ever ridden a ……….? 4. People in the country are often open and …………….. 5. There are many ……. paddies in my hometown 6. I think ……. life is more interesting than ………. city life H. F. R. I. E. R. D. T. I. M E. H O. R. E. E. N D. L. Y. R. I. E. C. Language focus Review vocabulary. Models +whole class, team work.. + herd + friendly Present vocabulary + ethnic(a). S. C O U N T R Y Activity 1: Listen and read Ask Sts to look at the picture in Getting started and Ask Sts some questions: B. 1. Can you guess who are they? Getting 2. Where are they? started( 5 3. What are they talking about? ’) Ss: Answer the questions T: Quickly write Ss’ answers on the board - Play the recording. Questions with question words. Vocabulary Ethnic (a). Individual Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> C. Doing ( 27’). Ss: Listen and read the dialogue T: Ask Ss if their guesses on the board are correct T: Give some new words Ex a: Find the opposite of these words T: Ask Ss to do Ex individually T: Ask them to share the answers with their partner T: Ask one to write the answers on the board S: Write the answers on the board, others correct then give the right answers. 1. interesting 2. largest 3. minority 4. southern EX b: Answer T: Ask sts to answer the questions orally without reading the dialogue Ss: Ask and answer in pairs T: Call two Ss write on the board Ss: Write the answers on the board T: Ask them to read the conversation and check the answers Ss: Read then check the answers T: Call Ss to correct 1.They are in the Museum of Ethnology 2.They want to know about the ethnic groups of VN 3. They are 54 4. The Viet ( Kinh) have the largest population 5. Yes, they do. Ex c: Find the expressions Ask Sts to read the conversation again then find the expressions T: Ask Ss to do Ex a individually T: Ask them to share the answers with their partner T: Ask one to write the answers on the board S: Write the answers on the board, others correct then give the right answers Ex d: Work in pairs Ask Sts to role- play the example conversation in pairs Encourage Sts to use How + adj ! Activity 2: Label the picture T: Ask Sts to look through the pictures ten read the words and phrases then work in pairs and. ethnology(n) ethnic group (n). Vocabulary: + boring(a) + interesting + majority + minority + southern. Individual Pair work. Questions with: where, what, how, which.. Pair work. Expression: + Exactly + How interesting! + I see + That’s awesome!. Individual Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> D.Perfor ming (5’). E.Homework(3’). label each picture Ss: Work in pairs T: Help Sts to read the words correctly T: Ask Sts to give their matching S: Give their answers T: Ask Sts to give their explanation for their matching and give the meaning of the words and phrases T: Help them if necessary Activity 3: Complete the sentences T: Ask Ss work individually to fill the words or phrases from the box in to each gap Ss: Work individually T: Have them compare the answers with their partners Ss: Compare T: Ask for Sts’ answers then give correction 1. ethnic 2. heritage site 3. stilt houses 4. festivals 5. member 6. terraced fields Activity 4: Complete the table Ask Ss to work in pairs and complete the table Ask them to write answers on the board Ask sts to add more words to the table Ss: Add more words to the table. T: Ask Ss to play the game : Quick quiz T: Guide how to play the game Divide the class into two teams, the monitor controls the game. The team which is faster and has more correct answers wins the game Quick quiz game: 1-Which ethnic group has the smallest population? – The Odu group 2- Do the Hmong have their own language? Yes 3- Where do the Coho live?- Lam Dong 4- What color is the Nung’ s clothing? Dark indigo 5- Which group has the largest population, the Tay or the Thai? – The Tay 6- Whose arts are displayed at the museum in Da Nang? The Cham’s Ask students to complete all the exercises. Role - play Pair work Vocabulary 1.fivecolored sticky rice 2.terraced fields 3.festivals 4.folk dance 5.open – air market 6.musical instrument 7.costume 8.stilt house. Question words: What, where, which, whose. Pair work. Individual. Pair work. Team work.

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