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Giao an Tieng Anh 9

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Ngµy so¹n :27-8-2016 Ngµy d¹y:29/8/2016 lớp 9B,31/8/2016 lớp 9A Period 1st. «n tËp vµ kiÓm tra. I. Objectives (môc tiªu) Sau khi hoµn thµnh bµi häc, häc sinh sÏ cã kh¶ n¨ng nhí l¹i nh÷ng kiÕn thøc ng«n ng÷ chính của Tiếng Anh 8 và làm bài kiểm tra đạt kết quả cao. II. Language content (néi dung ng«n ng÷) 1.Vocabulary: 2. Structrure: - Present perfect tense with since and for - Passive form. - Reported speech III.Teaching aids (đồ dùng dạy học) extra board, textbook, chalk. IV. Procedures (tiÕn tr×nh) Stages/steps Content Activities “Chatting” Whole class Warm up How are you today? 5’ What did you do last summer vacation? Do you like English? What is the main language content of English 8? 1. Pesent perfect tense with since and for. Whole class Prsentation - Ask ss to repeat form of present perfect tense 15’ a. Form: Have/ Has + PII - Call a student to repeat the usage of present perfect tense. b. Use: Th× hiÖn t¹i hoµn thµnh víi since vµ for diÔn t¶ mét hành động bắt đầu xảy ra trong quá khứ và con tiếp diễn ở hiện tại hoặc có thể kéo dài đến tơng lai. - Ask ss to give some examples with positive, Individually negative and interrogative. Possible answers: I have learnt English for 3 years. They haven’t seen her since 2006 Has she done that exercise since 7 o’clock? How long have you lived here? 2. Passive form. - Ask ss to repeat structure of passive form. Whole class Active: S + V + O Passive: S. BE + PPII. + by Agent. - Ask ss to rewrite these sentences into the passive form.. Individually.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Ex1. Active: Hoa opens the door. Ex2. Active: Nam treated his dog badly Answer: Ex1.Passive: The door is opened by Hoa Ex2.Passive: His dog was badly treated by Nam 3. Reported speech. C©u têng thuËt lµ c©u thuËt l¹i mét c¸ch gi¸n tiÕp lêi cña ngêi kh¸c.Muèn chuyÓn tõ c©u trùc tiÕp sang gián tiếp chúng ta phải thay đổi thì, trạng từ chỉ thời gian, nơi chốn và đại từ chỉ định. - Ask ss to rewrite these sentences into reported speech. Direct speech: “I’m leaving here tomorrow,” said Marry. Reported speech: Marry said that she was leaving there the next day - Ask ss to do the test. Practice I. Rewrite the sentences. 15’ 1. I started to learn English 5 years ago. I have……………………………………….. 2. Hoa reads books everyday. Books……………………………………….. 3. The sister asked: “Are you hungry, Tom?” The sister……………………………… 4. My friends spend a lot of time playing badminton after class. A lot …………………………………… 5. She said: “I will meet him tomorrow?” She …………………………………….. - Collect the test then correct the test. Answer key. 1. I have learnt English for 5 years. 2. Books are read by Hoa everyday. 3. The sister asked if Tom was hungry. 4. A lot of time is spent playing badminton after class by my friends. 5. She said that she would meet him the next day. Consolidation Answer key. 1. I have learnt English for 5 years. 4’ 2. Books are read by Hoa everyday. 3. The sister asked if Tom was hungry. 4. A lot of time is spent playing badminton after class by my friends. 5. She said that she would meet him the next day. Homework 1’ - Repare unit 1 English 9.. Whole class. Individually. T –Whole class. T –Whole class. V- Adjustments ……………………………………………………………………………………............. ……………………………………………………………………………………..............

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> ……………………………………………………………………………………............. …………………………………………………………………………………….............. Ngµy so¹n :6/9/2016 Ngµy d¹y: 7/9/2016 lớp 9A,ngày 10/9/2016 lớp 9B Period :2nd. Unit 1 :. A VISIT FROM a pen pal. Lesson 1 : Getting started &Listen and read I. Objectives: Học sinh làm theo chủ đề mới :giới thiệu một ngời bạn nớc ngoài về Việt Nam,häc sinh biÕt c¸ch giíi thiÖu mét ch¬ng tr×nh tham quan Hµ Néi cho mét ngêi b¹n II.Language content . 1 .Grammar :Past habit and the past simple tense with “Wish” 2 .Vocabulary: correspond (v); impress (v); friendliness (n); mosque (n); pray (v) 3 .Pronunciation : III. Teaching aids:Text book ,cassette IV- Procedures Stages Warm up 5’. Contents. Activities. Getting started: - Ask students to tell some places of interest in Thanh Pair work hoa.( Sam Son Beach, Cam Luong Deity fish stream, Tu Thuc Cave, Ben En National Park, Lam Kinh Historical Vestiges…) - Ask Ss to work with their partners: A foreign pen pal is coming to stay with you for a week. What activities would you do during the visit?. Listen and read * Pre- teach vocabulary. - pen pal (n) – atmosphere (n) Presentation - correspond (v) – pray (v) 15’ - impress (v) – wish (v) - friendliness (n) – depend on (v) - mausoleum (n) – recreation (n) - Mosque (n) - To get to know. - To keep in touch with. * Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember. * New structures: The past simple with “WISH” (mong íc ë hiÖn t¹i) S+ wish(es) + S + V (past subjuntives: tobe:were) Ex: I wish I had a car. Nam wishes he were taller. * Open - prediction. Lan’ Malaysian penpal came to visit her last week.. Individual work. - Whole class - Individual work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Practice 18’. Production 5’. Can you guess where she went and what she did during her stay? - Read the text, ask Ss to listen and check their prediction. - Ask Ss to read the text again to choose the correct option to complete the sentences on page 7 - Give answer key. 1- C 2- B 3- D 4- B - Ask Ss to recommend places of interest in their city/ province. - Ask them to discuss where they should take their friends to and what activities they should do. Language focus 3 - Ask Ss to read the situations in text book and made sentences with Wish. - Give feedback and give correct the answer - Have Ss write a short pharagraph about what they have just discussed with their partner.. - Individual - Individual/ Group work. - individual work - group work. - individual Home work work 2’ V-Adjustments ……………………………………………………………………………………............. ……………………………………………………………………………………............. ……………………………………………………………………………………............. …………………………………………………………………………………….............. Ngµy so¹n: 8/9/2016 Ngµy d¹y:10/9/016 líp 9A,ngµy 12/9/2016 líp 9B. Unit 1 :. A VISIT FROm a pen pal. Period :3rd. Lesson 2 : speak. I .Ojectives: -HS tiếp tục mở rộng chủ đề ,tự giới thiệu làm quen với một ngời bạn và nói về thành phè m×nh ®ang sèng II. Language content 1. Vocabulary: Different (a) , Be different from. 2. Grammar / Structure: - The present simple tense, must be - Make introduction and respond to the introduction. 3.Pronunciation:Stress for some words III. Teaching aids: Text book, pictures. IV- Procedures Stages/steps Content Activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Warm up 5’. - Ask ss to answer the questions. 1.What is Lan’s penpal’s name? 2.Where is she from ? 3. How long have they known each other ? 4. How often do they correcpont? 6.What did they visit? 7. Do they wish they had a long longer vacation. 8.Did Mary invite lan to visit Kuala Lumpur? Pre speaking: 1. Making and responding introduction. * Set the scene: 10’ NÕu ®©y lµ lÇn ®Çu tiªn b¹n gÆp mét ngêi kh«ng quen biết. Để làm quen với ngời đó thì bạn sẽ nói gì? (name, job, address…..) Example: (extra board) Make introduction Respond + Hello, I’m Hoa. I’m from T.H city+ Nice to meet you + Let me introduce my self + Pleased to meet you I’m Hoa I’m 14 years old + Realy?. Me , too. * Set the scene - Nga is taking to Maryam They are waiting for Lan out side her school . Put their dialogue in the coreect order .the practice with a partener . - Hang extra board on ; ask Ss to work in pairs to match. Call match. - Let Ss order the dialogue ( conversation) then compare with their friends -Feed back Key 1-c,5-b ,4-d ,2-e ,3-a. * Elicing : Must be Be different from : Ex: Kualalumpur isn’t very different from H.N Make up sentences, ask ss to answer . - Where is Maryam from ? She is from Malaysia. - What does she like? She likes Vietnamese people. - Why? Because they are very freindly. - Does she love Hanoi? Yes , she does. - Hang extra board 3b While speaking. Yoko from Paul from Jane from a tokyo, Japan. Liverpool, small town 20’ England(an in industrial city, Perth north of Enland) Australia. LikeVietnamese people . Love the Love old ciyies Love the people, temple and in Vietnam. the food, and the church in beaches in Viet Nam.. Whole class. Whole class. Pair work. T – SS Whole class. Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> VietNam.. Love ao dai, Vietnamese food , especial nem - Guide: to make similar dialogue,teacher shows in dialogue, 3a having some sentences (3) which will be replace in dialogue 3b PostSpeaking 8’. - Correct Pair work - Ask ss to report : My friend is Yoko, She is from tokyo Japan. She like Vietnamese people because they are friendly and the old cities …. -Introduce about members in your family Individually Homework 2’ - Adjustments ……………………………………………………………………………………............. ……………………………………………………………………………………............. ……………………………………………………………………………………............. ……………………………………………………………………………………............. Ngµy so¹n :13/9/2016 Ngµy d¹y: 14/9/2016 líp 9A,ngµy 17/9/2016 líp 9B Period :4th Unit 1 : A VISIT FROM a pen pal Lesson 2 : Listen I- Objectives: - Häc sinh cã kh¶ n¨ng nghe vµ chän tranh theo néi dung bµi vÒ chuyÕn ®i tham quan Mü cña Carlo II- Language content: 1. Vocabulary: 2 .Grammar / Structure: - The past simple tense (Review) 3 .Pronunciation : III- Teaching aids - Pictures, text book and cassette IV- Procedures Stages/steps Content Activities “Chatting” Whole class Warm up - T asks some questions 5’ Shoud we walk on the grass ? Are you hungry? Do you like eating hamburgers ? Have you ever eaten at the restaurant?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Pre-Listening 7’. WhileListening 18’. Post listening 15’. - Introduce the structure. Whole class had rather + V.. (muèn lµm g×) Ex: I’d rather eat cake. - Ask ss to give more examples. *Set the scene : Tim Jone’s Mexican penpal , Carlo is visiting the USA. -T asks to look at the pictures and answer the questions : Pair work What is she doing in picture 1a? What is she doing in picture 2a ? What is the number of the bus in picture 1b? What is the name of the restaurant in picture 1a about ? -Teacher writes down answer on a poster . Group work -T divides class into four groups and guess What they are going to do and which answers. -Teacher delivers study parers to ss. -T explains exercises. -T ask ss to guess the pictures and writes down ss prediction on the board. - T ask ss to look at the study parers and listen to Whole class the tape twice. - T asks ss to check their own prediction. - T requests ss to compare their answers with friends. - Let ss listen to the tape one more - T calls some ss to answer in front of the class - T gives feed back and key : a1 , b2, 1 c . -T ask ss to look at the pictures and then retell the Individually story about Tim and Carlo. - Ask ss to do the language focus 1, 2. Pair work Ex 1: Ask and answer about what you did on the weekend substation drill. Look at the table on the page 11 . Name Activities Day/ Time Thao Movie – Ghosts…. Saturday / 2p.m Lam Camp – Yand y… All Weekend Huong Play-Much Ado … Sunday/ 7 p.m - T ask ss to read the modal conversation and look at the table about Thao, Huong , Lam …activies work in pairs (about each person’s activity). Let ss ask and answer about themselve Ex2: Write the things Lan and her friends prepared Individually for party. Matching : Use extra board 1 2 3 Buy Made a cake Make Went Flower Hang Bought a picture of HN Go painted colorful lamps Paint Hung shopping - Ask ss to look at the pictures ( use extra board) - Ask ss to name for each person in the pictures Answer the question T :1What did Mai do in the pictures ? S : she made a cake..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Homework 2’. T : did Ba hang colorful lamps on the wall? Ss work in pairs : ask and answer T corrects - T asks ss to write it up and guides ss to do exercises in workbook. Individually. V- Adjustments ……………………………………………………………………………………............. ……………………………………………………………………………………............. ……………………………………………………………………………………............. …………………………………………………………………………………….............. Ngµy so¹n :14/9/2016 Ngµy d¹y: 15/9/2016 líp 9A, ngµy 19/9/2016 líp 9B Period :5th Unit 1 : A VISIT FROM a pen pal Lesson 3 :. Read. I. Objectives: - HS luyện phát triển kĩ năng đọc hiểu và tìm các thông tin cần thiết về đất nớc Malaysia - Qua bài đọc HS hiểu biết thêm về đất nớc Malaysia II. Language content 1. Vocabulary: divide, separate , comprise, tropical, climate, official. 2. Grammar / Structure: 3. Pronunciation : III. Teaching aids: Text book, pictures, map of countries of the Asian.. IV- Procedures Stages/steps Content Activities * Brain storming or open question: Whole class Warm up * Pre question : 5’ - Can you see Malaysia on this map ? - How many parts are there in Malaysia ? - What is the capital of Malaysia? -Which country are next to Malaysia ? * Introduce using the map of malaysia Whole class Pre Reading 1) Pre- teach Vocabulary Comprise (v) Example ( Syn… ) 12’ Currency (n) Islam (n) Religion (n) ( trabslation) Compulory.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> b) Which country are next to Malaysia ? 2. Pre _ Reading. * T/F statements ( part b_page 10 ) 1. Malaysia is a member country of ASEAN. 2. There are 2 religions in Malaysia . 3. people speak only Malay and Malaysia. 4. Primary school children learn three langue at school. All secondary school children learn in English While_ reading * - Ask ss to read the text and check their predictions Group work - Answer : 15’ 1-F , 2-T, 3- F 4- T 5- T * - Explain some more new words and fill in the table with the right information about Malaysia. -Feed- back and give correct answers :. Post reading 5’ Homework 3’. 1. area:…329,758km2……………….. 2. population:…..22000000………….. 3. climate:…tropical…………… 4. unit of currency:…ringit…. 5. capital city:…kualalumpur………. 6. offical religion:…islam…. 7. national language:…bahasa….malay. 8. compulasory:……English….. * Third reading : comprehension questions 1) What is the largest city in Malaysia ? 2) Is Buddhism the only religion in Malaysia ? 3) How many languages are spoken in Malaysia ? * Word cue drills: - Consolidate ss about Malaysia. Individually Group work. Whole class. Individually. - Ask ss to translate the text into Vietnamese. V. Adjustments: ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… Ngµy so¹n :20/9/2016 Ngµy d¹y: 21/9/2016 líp 9A, ngµy 26/9/2016 líp9B Period :6th Unit 1 : A VISIT FROM a pen pal.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> Lesson 5 : write I. Objectives: - HS có khả năng viết th theo dàn bài gợi ý, cụ thể là viết một lá th cho gia đình kể về chuyÕn ®i th¨m b¹n bÌ, ngêi th©n II. Language content 1.Vocabulary: seafood (n), specialty (a). 2 .Grammar / Structure: (Revise) - The past simple tense. - The present perfect tense. - The present simple tense. 3.Pronunciation : III- Teaching aids - Pictures, text book IV- Procedures Steps/activities Contents Actvities Find someone who Warm up - Guide Ss to play the game about places of interest -Whole class (5 mins) in Viet Nam which Ss visited . Have you ever been to - Ha Noi ? - Ha Long ? - Cat Ba ? - Sa Pa ? - Da Lat ? - Tran Temple ? - Sam son Beach ? - Individual to Pre-writing - Introduce the aims of the lesson to Ss “ You are going to write a paragraph about a trip to a city in anwser the (15 mins) Viet Nam “ questions. - Now answer these questions about your trip : 1. When did you arrive in ……….? 2. Who met you at the bus –stop / train station ? 3. Which places did you visit ? 4. Who did you meet during the visit ? 5. What kinds of food did you eat ? 6. What did you buy ? 7. How do you feel about the visit ? Are you happy or tired ? - Call on some Ss to practice answering these questions in front of class. - Remark and correct mistakes. - Have Ss write the paragraph , using the answers as prompts . Go around class and provide help with some one if - Individual to Whilenecessary . write the letter speaking Call on some Ss to read their writings and correct (10 mins) common mistakes in front of class. - Ask them to compare with their friends,writings . - Give suggested letter : Dear Lan , I arrived at Hue Railway station at 7 am on Sunday . Uncle Hung took me home by motorbike . I have visited the Imperial city . I was amazed by.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> magnificient monuments there . I also went to Dong Ba Market , the biggest market in Hue . This is the place where I bought a lot of things . Yesterday Uncle Hung and I went to eat beef noodles and Com Hen . I enjoyed it very much . I will leave Hue on Saturday . I am so happy . People in Hue are very nice and friendly . I miss them very much . The train is scheduled to come to Ha Noi at 6 pm . Please collect me at the station . I am looking forward to meeting and telling you about the trip in Hue . See you then , Yours Mai Anh Post-speaking - Ask Ss to look at the letter again and call on some Ss to read the letter aloud . (10 mins) * Have Ss complete the letter with the suggested words Dear Lan , 1. Very happy / get your / mail . 2. I / back / from / holiday / countryside . 3. It / one / interesting / trip / have 4. I / play / lots / traditional games / eat / fresh / fruits . 5. what / you ? Nice / weekend ? 6. Please write back / me / soon / possible .. - Individual. Homework (5 mins). 1. Copy down the letter in the note books 2. Do the exercise in workbook . 3. Prepare the next lesson . V- Adjustments: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………….…. Ngµy so¹n :26/9/2016 Ngµy d¹y: 28/9/2016 líp 9A, ngµy 1/10/2016 l¬p 9B Period :7th Unit 1 : A VISIT FROM a pen pal Lesson 5 : language focus I. Objectives: - HS ôn lại thì quá khứ đơn và học sinh biết sử dụng quá khứ đơn đối với động từ “Wish” II. Language content 1.Vocabulary: seafood (n), specialty (a). 2 .Grammar / Structure: (Revise) - The past simple tense. - The past simple with wish.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> - The present simple tense. 3.Pronunciation : III- Teaching aids - Pictures, text book IV- Procedures Stages/steps Warm up (5 mins) Presentation 15 mins. Practice 15 mins. Contents Chatting Ask students some questions about Maryam. Review the past simple tense : * Exercise 1: - Ask Ss to look at the dialogue in the book and tell them to work in pairs , study the table and make similar dialogue about Nga , Lan , Hoa’s weekend . - Call on some pairs to read the dialogues aloud . - Remark and correct the mistakes . Then give correct answers : Nga A : What did Nga do on the weekend ? B : She went to a concert performed by Ha Noi singers A : When did she go to see it ? B : She saw it on Saturday evening at 8 pm . Exercise 2 : Introduce “ Lan and her friends are holding a farewell party for Maryam - Write the things they did for the party , Using the pictures and the words in the boxes to help you . Feedback 1. made a cake 2. hung colorful lamps on the wall in the room . 3. bought flowers 4. painted a picture of Ha Noi 5. went shopping - Ask them to write the answers . Set the scene: Lan and her friends are holding a farewell party for Maryam. Write the things they did to prepare for the party S use the words and pictures in the box (these action happened at a definite time in the past) Ex1 : Lan and her friends are holding a farewell party for Mayram. Write the things they did for the party. 1. Mai made a cake. 2. Tung hung colorful lamps on the walls in the room. 3. Lan bought flowers 4. Tuan painted a picture of Hanoi. 5. Loan and nga went shopping. *Set the scene: Relating to the text: At the end of the visit, Explanation: what tense is used after wish ? Wish is used when we want to be different and opposite of the truth S apply to do the exercise: what did Lan say to Maryam?- She said: “ I wish I had a longer vacation “. Activities -Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> ………………… S + WISH+ S + PAST SIMPLE a)… b) I wish I were in the swimming fool now. c) I wish I had a computer. d) I wish I lived close to school e) I wish I had a sister. f) I wish I drew well. g) I wish I had my friend’s phone number. h) I wish I knew many friends. i) I wish I there were rivers and lakes in my hometown. Production 7 mins. * Past tense & the past simple with “wish” - Individual Used to Ex: I wish I had a new bike. - Pairs work I wish I were a teacher Homework - Do Exercises (1,2) again and write in the workbook - Prepare the next lesson . (3 mins) V. Adjustments: ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. Ngµy so¹n :28/9/2016 Ngµy d¹y: 1/10/2016 líp 9A, ngµy 3/10/2016 líp 9B Period 8th Unit 2 : Clothing Lesson :1 Getting started &Listen and read. I. Objectives: - Giới thiệu chủ đề bài học về cách ăn mặc, một số trang phục truyền thống của các dân téc trªn thÕ giíi - HS nắm đợc nội dung bài đọc về áo dài truyền thống của dân tộc Việt Nam - Gi¸o dôc cho HS ý thøc gi÷ g×n nÐt truyÒn thèng cña trang phôc ViÖt Nam II. Language content 1.Vocabulary : traditional dress, long silk, tunic, material, fashionable, designer. take inspiration from, loose >< tight, minority, velvet, stripes, 2 .Grammar / Structure : The present perfect The passive voice 3.Pronunciation : III- Teaching aids - Pictures, text book and cassette and pictures..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> IV- Procedures Steps Content Warm up Matching. Pictures Countries 5’ a. 1 – Vietnam b. 2 - Scotland (UK) c. 3- The USA d. 4- Japan. e. 5- India f. 6- (Soudi) Arabia. Students look at the pictures and work in pairs Presentation * Set the sence: As we know The Ao dai is a traditional dress of Vietnamese women. So today we will talk 10’ about it. * Pre- teach: 1.Vocabulary. Tunic (n) Loose pants (n) Slit(v) Modernize (v) Inspiration (n) Unique (adj) * Checking: Matching Words Meanings 1- Tunic (n) a. C¶m høng 2-Loose pants (n) b- Réng vµ chïng 3-Slit(n) c- đờng xẻ 4-Modernize (v) d- quÇn èng réng 5-Inspiration (n) e- độc nhất 6- Unique (adj) f- hiện đại hoá * True/ false prediction. 1- Men and women used to wear the “ Ao dai ” 2- Now fashion designers don’t want to change the traditional Ao dai. 3- Modern clothing is more convenient. 4- The majority of Vietnamese women don’t prefer to wear modern clothing at work these day. 5- fashion designers have printed lines of poetry on the Ao dai. Practice 16’. - students listen to the tape twice - And then read the text in silent and check the “ T/ F predictions 1- T , 2- F , 3- T, …….. *Matching: ( a- page 14) 1- For the long time the Ao a. long silk tunic with dai has been the subject of slits up the sides worn ……………. over the loose pants. 2-The Ao dai is described b. to wear modern. Activities. Pair work. Teacher – whole class. Individual. Teacher – whole class. Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> Production 10’. Homework 3’. as a ……. clothing at work. 3-The majority of c. poems , novels and Vietnamese women prefer songs. Pair ……………. d. lines of poetry on it. 4- Some designers have e. symbols such as: modernized the Ao dai by suns , stars croses, and printing ……………… stripes 5- Another alternative is to add ………  Comprehention question ( Section b – page 15 ) 1- …………………………. 2- ………………………….. 3-………………………….. * Gaps fill. The Ao dai is the …….. dress of Vietnamese women. It consist of a ……… silk tunic that is …….on the sides and worn over loose pants. Nowadays,……… usually wear it. However ,many Vietnamese women today often prefer to wear modern clothing at work. Now fashin designers want to ……. The traditional Ao dai. They have added these pattern to the Ao dai so Vietnamese women can cotinue to wear the …….. dress, which is now both traditional and fashionable. - Learn by heart new words - Do the exercise. - Translate the text into Vietnamese.. V. Adjustments: ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. Ngµy so¹n :3/10/2016 Ngµy d¹y: 5/10/2016 líp 9A, ngµy 10/10/2016 líp 9B.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> Period :9th. Unit 2 :. Clothing. Lesson :2 Speak & listen I. Objectives - Hái vµ tr¶ lêi nh÷ng th«nh tin c¸ nh©n vÒ së thÝch c¸ nh©n. - Häc sinh luyÖn nãi theo cÆp, nhãm nãi vÒ së thÝch ¨n mÆc cña mçi ngêi. - Nghe th«ng tin c¸ nh©n cô thÓ II. Language content 1.Vocabulary plaid (adj) , plain (adj) , baggy (adj), faded (adj), sleeved (adj) >< sleeveless, Striped (a) casual 2 .Grammar / Structure - The Simple Present Tense - The Simple Past Tense 3.Pronunciation III- Teaching aids : Students’ book ; workbook,chalks IV- Procedures Stages Contents Actvities Warm up  Chatting: Asking students to answer some - the whole class (4 mins) questions about clothes: 1. What do you wear at school? 2. What do you usually wear on the weekends? 3. Why do you wear these clothes?. Pre-speaking - * Pre teach vocabulary: plaid (adj) - ( picture) (8 mins) plain (adj) ( example) sleeved (adj) >< sleeveless (realia) faded (adj) ( translation ) baggy (adj) ( explaination ) + Checking :II Matching (extra broad) Hang the pictures on page 15 Introduce “ In the last lesson , we got some information about Ao dai the traditional dress of Viet Nam . Today we will learn about the casual clothes that we wear daily . Matching: - Guide Ss to do the exercise a and explain the aims of it . Pic Name Meaning a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i). 1. a colorful T-shirt 2. a plaid skirt 3. a plain suit 4. a short sleeved blouse 5. a sleeveless sweater 6. a striped shirt 7. baggy pants 8. faded jeans 9. blue shorts. A. ¸o ph«ng nhiÒu mµu B. quÇn soãc xanh C. ¸o s¬ mi ng¾n tay D. ¸o s¬ mi kÎ säc E. quÇn bß mµi F. quÇn thông G. bé complª H. ¸o len céc tay I. v¸y kÎ «.. Ask Ss to do the exercise in groups and compare with other groups.. - group work to match the pictures, name with the meang. -group work to share the answer.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> Whilespeaking (8 mins). Postspeaking (5 mins). - Call on some groups to read their results aloud . - Correct and give the right answers . ( Using the subordinate board ) and Tell Ss to read the new word and copy . Introduce “ Now work in groups to discuss and write - Group work to two more questions for the last section of the survey .” discuss Suggested questions : 1. What type of clothing do you wear on Tet holiday ? 2. What do you wear when you go to the party ? - Now use the questions in the survey to interview - interview members of another group . The words in section a may help you . + Go around class and provide help if necessary . - Call on some Ss to report in front of class . - Remark and correct mistakes . - Now report the results they have interviewed in front of class as examples in the book . - Call on some representatives to demonstrate .. - report the interview. - Correct and give the suggested answers : Huong said that she liked to wear faded jeans on the weekend because she felt very comfortable . Lan said that a colorful T –shirt was his favorite type of clothing . People aid that the blue uniforms of their school were very beautiful and comfortable . Pre-listening - Introduce : “In this lesson , you will hear a public (4 mins) announcement about a lost little girl called Mary . First you name the clothes in the pictures - Explain the clothes in the pictures : a) A: floral pants B: blue shorts C: polka dot skirt b) A: long - Sleeved white blouse B: short - sleeved pink shirt C : short - sleeved white shirt c) A: Sandals B: boots C: shoes with flowers . - Have Ss read all of them aloud and copy . - Ask them to predict Mary,s clothes . - Write the predictions on the board . - Turn on the tape ( 2 or 3 times ) While- Ask Ss to compare the results they have heard . listening - Call on some Ss to read the answers aloud . (7 mins) - Correct and give correct answers : a) B : she is wearing blue shorts . b) A : She is wearing a long – sleeved blouse . c) C : She is wearing brown shoes . - Turn on the tape again and ask Ss to check their results . Guide Ss to play game “ Who is she / he ? “ Post- Call on 1 Student to describe one of their classmates listening and ask others to predict . (6 mins) - Have Ss retell the students they have described Homework. 1. Learn by heart new words .. - Individual to grasp the new words and write down. - Individual to listen to the cassette. - Pairs work to compare their answer.. - The whole class play game..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> (3 mins). 2. Do exercises in workbook . 3. Prepare the next lesson .. V. Adjustments: ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Ngµy so¹n :10/10/2016 Ngµy d¹y: 12/10/2016 líp 9A, ngµy 15/10/2016 líp 9B Period :10th. Unit 2 :. Clothing. Lesson :3 Read I. Objectives : - Sau tiÕt häc HS cã kh¶ n¨ng t×m hiÓu th«ng tin vÒ lÞch sö vµ sù xuÊt hiÖn quÇn Jean. - RÌn luyÖn kÜ n¨ng. II. Language content 1.Vocabulary : sailor, wear out, embroider, generation 2 .Grammar / Structure :Passive voice (past simple). 3.Pronunciation : III- Teaching aids: extra board, chalk, book. IV- Procedures Stages/Steps Warm- up 4’. Contents. * Shark’s attack - Draw 5 gaps for the word JEANS - Play shark’s attack. * Pre – teach vocabulary. Pre- reading - embroidered (picture) - cotton (translation) or cotton is called "Material" 12’ - wear out (explanation) - made = produce (syn) - tobe made of  made from Ex: The table is made of wood. * Checking: Gap filling: 1. A ruber is made .....plastic 2. Jeans are made .......cotton * Grammar: The passive. - Active: People make Jeans from cotton - Passive: -> Jeans are made from cotton *Ask Ss to give some more. * Set the scene: Who loves wearing Jeans? What do you want to know about Jeans? While- Ss give some ideas. reading a, Ss read in silence then do exercise "a" filling the 18’ missing dates & words (in pairs) b, T asks Ss to do exercise "b" answer the question in small groups then write the answer in their exercise book. - Feedback & give keys.. Activities Groups work. Individual work. Individual work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> Post – reading 8’. * T/ F statement & correct. a, In the 18th century Jeans cloth was made completely from wood. b, Jeans were first worn by Ss c, In the 1980 Jeans finally became high fashion clothing. - Feedback & give keys. - Discussion about wearing jeans Whole-class - Do you like wearing jeans? Why / Why not? - What type of jeans do you love wearing? - Do you think jeans are in fashion now? - Are they beautiful and comfortable? Let Ss do the exercise in the workbook. - Learn by heart new words - Do the exercise. - Prepare new lesson.. Home work 3’ V. Adjustments: …………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………. Ngµy so¹n :14/10/2016 Ngµy d¹y: 15/10/2016 líp 9A, ngµy 17/10/2016 líp 9B. Period :11th Unit 2 : Lesson :4. Clothing Write. I. Objectives - Sau khi hoµn thµnh bµi HS cã kh¶ n¨ng ®a ra quan ®iÓm cña m×nh vÒ viÖc mÆc đồng phục trong nhà trờng. - HS sử dụng đợc các từ nối để chuyển ý. - HS lµm quen víi d¹ng viÕt tranh luËn vµ biÕt c¸ch lËp dµn ý. II. Language content 1.Vocabulary : Be equal in; be pound of; bear one’s name; freedom of choose; self-confident; feel comfortable, encourage , practical 2 .Grammar / Structure The simple present tense 3.Pronunciation III- Teaching aids :Students’ book ; workbook extra board,textbook IV- Procedures Steps * Warm up. Contents *-Chatting : 1 )how often do you wear uniform? 2) How do you feel when you wearing uniform?. Activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> 5’ Prewriting 13. Whilewriting 17. If you have a choice what do you choose to wear when going to school? Why? - Introducing the table showing the three parts of showing comments on something or a problem using appropriate argumentative language (page 18) * Pre- teach vocabulary - equal (adj): - Be proud of - Bear one's name - uniform(n): - practical (adj): - comfortable (adj): - casual (adj): - encourage (v): - Self - confident (adj): * Checking: Rub out and remember. * explains the frame of an argument: There are 3 parts: a. Introduction: My opinion is ... / I think ... b. Series of agument: - Firstly ... - Secondly ... - Finally ... c. Conclusion: therefore/ In conclusion .... T – students.. - individual work. - take notes. Individual work. Pair work.. - Get Ss to read the topic and out line A. Then read the Individual passage aloud. work. - Ask the Ss to read the outline B in silence, then work in pairs to complete the other side of an argument. - Feed back and correction. In my opinion, school children should wear casual clothes when they are at school. PostFirstly, wearing casual clothes makes students feel more writing comfortable. 7’ Secondly, wearing casual clothes gives students freedom of choice. They have rights to choose sizes, colors and fashions of clothes that they love. Thirdly, they casual clothes make students feel selfconfident when they are in their favorite clothes. Finally, casual clothes make school more colorful and lively. -take notes. In conclusion, secondary school students should wear casual clothes at school. Wearing casual clothes is Homework convenient, comfortable and fun. - ask ss to write in their notebook at home. 3’ - Doing exercise 8, 9 workbook (page 18,19) - Explaining the way how to do the exercises V. Adjustments: …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> SUGGESTED WRITING: My opinion is that secondary school students should wear casual clothes. Firstly, casual clothes make students feel comfortable. Secondly, wearing casual clothes gives students freedom of choice. They are rights to choose sizes, colors and fashions of clothes that they love. Thirdly, casual clothes make students feel self-confident when they are in their favorite clothes. Finally, casual clothes make students more colorful and lively. In conclusion, secondary students should wear casual clothes. Wearing casual clothes is convenient, comfortable and fun. SEQUENCE: Introductio n. Organization Argumentative language - Let the reader know the writer’s - My opinion is……………………. point of view. I think ……………………………... Series of arguments. - Presents arguments in a logical Firstly……………………………… way (one idea in each paragraph) Secondly………………………. give examples where possible. Thirdly …………………………. Finally/Lastly…………………….. Conclusion. - Sums up the argument. Written test. : English (15minutes). There …………………………. In conclusion…………………... Number : 1. I.Choose the best answer. 1. I wish that Susan ________ harder for her examination. A. will work B. worked C. has worked D. works 2. Vietnamese people are very ________ . A. friend B. friendless C. friendly D. friendship 3. My father was good at swimming. He is used to________swimming in summer. A. go B. goes C. went D. going 4. I’ve lived in this house ________1990 A. from B. since C. for D. in 5. I wish they ________here tomorrow. A. will come B. would come C. came D. to come 6. What is the traditional dress of Vietnamese women? It’s ________ . A. the suit B. the shirt C. the Ao dai D. the blouse 7. We have lived in Ha Noi________ 4 years A. since B. for C. on D. till.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> II. From each number, pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. 8.. A. child. B.chemical. C.check. D. chair. 9.. A.honey. B. happy. C. high. D. hot. 10.. A. days. B. prays. C. plays. D. says. 11.. A. say. B. stay. C. can. D. may. III. Give the correct word formation. 12.Ao Dai is the ___________________. dress of Vietnamese women. (tradition). 13.The garden is ________________. with trees and flowers. (beauty). 14.To Huu is a famous___________. ___. (poetry).. 15.His ______ __________ are interesting.(poet) 16.The language of ___________________. is Bahasa Malaysia. (instruct). Ngµy so¹n :10/10/2016 Ngµy d¹y: 19/10/2016 líp 9A, ngµy 22/10/2016 líp 9B. Unit 2 :. Clothing. Period :12th Lesson :5 Language focus 1- 2-3-4 I -Objectives : LuyÖn tËp vµ cñng cè: + Th× hiÖn t¹i hoµn thµnh ( The present perfect) víi c¸c tr¹ng tõ: since; for; already; yet; ever + Câu bị động( The passive) dùng với thì hiện tại hoàn thành, hiện tại đơn, quá khứ đơn và tơng lai đơn + Câu bị động dùng với động từ tình thái và cấu trúc với have to/ be going to II. Language content 1.Vocabulary Vegetarian , Reunification Palace ,comic 2.Grammar/Structure : a. Present perfect tense with specific words: (since, for, ever, already, yet,…) b. Review passive voice with tenses:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> - Present simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present perfect and modal verb passive. III- Teaching aids : Poster , extra board,textbook,chalks 3.Pronunciation IV – Procedures. Stages/Steps Contents - Call on some Ss to demonstrate their ideas about Warm up wearing uniform . (5 mins) 2 . The present perfect with already and yet. Practise - Explain the use of Yet and Already : (35 mins) + Yet : used in the negative and question + Already : used between auxiliary and main verbs Explain the aims of the exercise and tell them to do it Example : S1: Have you seen Giac Lam pagoda yet ? S2: Yes , I have already seen it . S1: Have you eaten Vietnamese food yet ? S2: No , I have not . - Ask Ss to work in pairs to make similar dialogue . - Call on some pairs to practice in the front . Remark and correct . 3. The present perfect with Ever . Have + S + ever + PII .? - Ask them to read all the words in the box and ask Ss to work in pairs Example : S1 : Have you ever gone to Hue ? S2: Yes , I have . S1: When did you go to Hue ? S2: Last year . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of class. - Remark and correct mistakes if any . 4. The passive voice : - Have Ss repeat the form of the passive : S + be + PII . - Ask them to read the example aloud and do the exercise individually . - Call on some Ss to write on the board and correct mistakes . Then Give correct answers a. Jean cloth was completely made from cotton in the 18th century . b. Rice is grown in tropical countries . c. Five millions bottles of champagne will be produced in France next year . d. A new style of jeans has just been introduced in the USA . e. Two department stores have been built this year . 5 . The passive with modal verbs : Modal verb + be + PII - Ask Ss to read the example and change the sentences into the passive - Call on some Ss to write on the board . Correct. Actvities - Work in pairs. - Write and make similar dialogues . - Practice in pairs. - Demonstrate in the front .. - Repeat and do this exercise individually - Go to the board to write the complete sentences . - Read them aloud and copy .. - Do the same above.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> mistakes. - Listen and write down .. Homework (5 mins). 1. Redo all the exercises and copy down . 2. Do the exercises in workbook . Prepare the next lesson . V. Adjustments: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… Ngµy so¹n :18/10/2016 Ngµy d¹y: 22/10/2016 líp 9A, ngµy 24/10/2016 líp 9B. Period :13th. TEST 1. I . Objectives: - Giúp HS tự đánh giá đúng mức độ hiểu bài của bản thân. - Kiểm tra đợc các kiến thức cơ bản trong 2 bài đầu. - HS «n l¹i th× HTHT víi c¸ch dïng cña “since, for”, yet, already th× HTHT dïng víi th× QK§G. - HS ôn lại thể bị động với ĐT thờng và động từ đặc biệt dạng viết lại câu. - HS đợc luyện kĩ năng xây dựng bài hội thoại, cách chuyển câu từ CĐ  BĐ Ma trËn §Ò tiÕng anh líp 9 Ma trËn §Ò tiÕng anh líp 9 Chủ đề I .Reading II.Languag e focus. Phonetic. NhËn biÕt TNKQ 4 1 11 2,5. TL. Th«ng hiÓu TNKQ TL. VËn dông TNKQ TL. Tæng 4 1. 4. 5. 2. 2,5 4. III.Writing. 20 7.0 4 2.0. Tæng. 15 3.5. 4 2. 9. 2.0 28. 4.5. 10. II. Content : I. From each number, pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. 1.. A. compulsory. B. dull. C. pull. D. result. 2.. A. encourage. B. young. C. proud. D. enough. 3.. A. hoped. B. asked. C. received. D. washed. 4. A. baggy. B. fashion. C. label. D. casual. II. Supply the correct tense of the verbs in brackets. 5.We (move)………………………………………………… here two years ago..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> 6.We haven’t heard from him since he (leave)…………………………………... Hanoi. 7.Ba and Phong (know)………………..……………. each other quite well for years 8.Lan used ( play)………………………………..……... marbles when she was a child III .Language focus Choose A,B,C or D to complete the following sentences (10 pts) : 9. The Malaysian unit of currency is the ............................... A .ringgit B .haht C .rial D .yen 10.Nguyen Du is a famous........................................ A .poetry B .poem C .poet D .poetic 11. Mary ...................write to me last year. A .uses to B .used to C .is used D .was used to 12.The national dress of Japanese women is ................ A .Ao dai B .Sari C .Jeans D .Kimono 13.My father ...................for the motor-bike factory since 1995 . A .worked B .was working C .has worked D .is working ’ 14.I don t have a computer.Iwish ................... a new one. A .have B .have had C .will have D .had 15.The Ao dai is the ....................dress of Vietnamese women . A .beautiful B .traditional C .casual D .baggy IV. Give the correct word formation. 16. She has introduced her earliest fashion collection on the ____________ ao dai in Hue. (tradition) 17.The sweater is designed without sleeves. It is ______________. (sleeve) 18.The ___________________ unit of currency is the Ringit. (Malaysia) 19.We saw ___________________ girls there. (beauty) 20.She has the ______________ to create new designs for the ao dai. (inspire) VII: Rewrite sentences, using the provided word keep meaning as that of the root one 21. I can not go to the car show at the city show ground  I wish............................................................................................................................. 22. I don’t have time to go around the city.  I wish............................................................................................................................. 23. They often went swimming in the afternoon.  They used to .................................................................................................................. 24. Bell invented the telephone in 1876. The telephone……………………............................................................................... V .Read the text carefully.Then choose true(T) or false (F) sentences (1pt).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> Malaysai is one of the Association of South East Asean Nations (ASEAN) .It is divided in to region ,know as West Kalaysia and East Malaysia .They are separated by about 640 km of the sea and together comprise an area of 329,758 sq km .Malaysia enjoys trpical climate .TheMalaysia unit of the ringgit,consisting of 100sen. Questions: T F 25 .Malaysia is one of the Association of South East American Nations 26 .Malaysia isdivided into regions,known as South Malaysia and North Malaysia 27 .The Malaysian unit ofcurrency is the ringgit 28 .They are separated by about 640 km of thesea and together comprise an area of 329,758 sq km. Ngµy so¹n :23/10/2016 Ngµy d¹y: 24/10/2016 líp 9B, ngµy 26/10/2016 líp 9A. Period :14th. Unit 3:. a trip to the countryside. Lesson 1. : getting started & Listen and read. P:22-23. I- Objectives: Giới thiệu chủ đề bài học về các hoạt động, sinh hoạt ở nông thôn -. Giới thiệu nội dung bài đọc về chuyến đi về quê của gia đình Ba. II .Language content : 1.Vocabulary : - Home village, bamboo forest, banyan tree, shrine, river 2.Grammar/Structure : Modal could with “wish” - Prepositions of time - Adverb clauses of result III- Teaching aids: - Text book, pictures and cassette. IV. Procedures: Steps Contents Activities - Asking Ss some question about the countryside + Have you ever been to the countryside? + How often do you go there? Whole- class 1.Warm up: + Where is it? Time: 05' + Have you got any relatives there? + Are you used to the country life and activities? - Asking Ss to look at the picture and describe what the people are doing in the picture:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> 1. watering the vegetables 2. swimming 3. feeding the pigs 4. harvesting (the farmers are harvesting) 5. feeling the pigs 2.Presentation: 6. Plowing in the field. 7. A buffalo boy is flying his kite Whole- class Time: 10' 8. Some children are playing football. * Pre-teach vocabulary: 1.home village(n) (trans): quª nhµ 2. bamboo forest(n)(picture) :rõng tre 3. banyan tree(n) (picture):C©y ®a 4. shrine(n) (picture) :đền 5. riverbank (n) (pic) :Bê s«ng 6. entrance (n) (trans):lèi vµo * Checking vocabulary :What and where *Review: The Past Simple with wish Form: S + wish/wishes+ Vpast Ex: I wish I had much money - Asking Ss read the text and answer the questions: a. What did Ba, Liz and his family do on their journey to his home village? b. What did Liz think of the trip? * Answers: a. They visited Ba’s uncle, walked up the mountain to visit a shrine, went boarding in the river and had Pair – work 3.Practice a picnic on the riverbank. b. Liz enjoyed the trip very much, she took a lot of photos. - Asking Ss to read the statements on page 23 and decide which is true and which is false (pair work) - Giving feedback: 1 F ( Ba and his family had a day trip to there home village) 2T 3 F (There is a big old banyan tree at the entrance to the village 4 F ( People had a snack under the banyan tree) 5T 3.Practice 6 F ( People had a picnic on the river bank) Time: 15' 7T Pair - work 8 F (Liz had a lot of photos to show her parent) 9T - Having Ss work in pairs to answer the questions (page 23) Teacher gives the answer key and ask Ss give the information in the text. - Ask Ss to answer the questions on the 1. It’s 60 kilometers the north of Hanoi 2. They got to village by bus 3. It’s is at the entrance to the village 4. They saw the shrine of a Vietnamese hero on the mountain. 5. They had a picnic on the river bank.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> 4.Production Time: 10'. 6. Liz took a lot of photos to show her parents. 7. Liz wishes she could visit Ba’s village again Asking Ss to talk to each other about the activities Group- work they see in the picture on page 22. - Ask Ss learn new words by heart - Prepare - new lesson - Doing exercises in the workbook Individually. 5.Homework Time: 05' V. Adjustments: ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………. Ngµy so¹n :27/10/2016 Ngµy d¹y: 19/10/2016 líp 9A, 9B. Unit 3: Period :15th. A trip to the countryside Lesson 2:. Speak P:24. I. Objectives: Sau khi hoµn thµnh bµi häc ,häc sinh sÏ cã kh¶ n¨ng: - LuyÖn ph¸t triÓn kÜ n¨ng nãi, hái , tr¶ lêi th«ng tin vÒ lµng quª cña m×nh II. Language contents: 1. Grammar: - Simple Present - Simple Past 2. Vocabulary: - 1.route(n):2.pond(n):3.parking lot(n) = car park 4.pick sb up(v III.Teaching aids: Pictures, text books, tape, cassete..., ... IV. Procedures Steps 1.Warm up: Time: 05'. Contents - Asking Ss some questions about the countryside: + Where is your home village? + What can you see on the way to your village? + How far is it from the city? + Are there any interesting places in your village?. Activities Individually. * Pre-teach vocabulary:. 1.route(n):tuyến đờng, lộ trình 2.pond(n): ao 3.parking lot(n) = car park: khu vực để xe ôtô 4.pick sb up(v): đón ai * Checking vocabulary : slap the board. - Having Ss read the questions in exercise a – page 24, work in pairs, ask and answer about their. Whole - class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> partner’s home village, using information in the box. - Telling Ss to cover the role that they don’ts play. 2.Presentation: Example: A: Where is your home village? Time: 10' B: It’s to the west of the city. A: How far it is from the city? B: It’s about 15 kilometers from the city. A: How can your get there? B: We can get there by bus. A: How along does it take to get there? B: It takes an hour. A: What do the people do for a living in your village? B: They plant rice and raise cattle. A: Does you village have a river? B: There aren’t any rivers, but there is a big lake. - Asking some opairs to perform their dialogue in front of the class. - Giving remarks - Introducing the text: You will listen to the trip to Ba’s village - Asking Ss to look at the map, guessing where the places on the map are and compare with their partners. - Writing their guesses on the board - Having SS listening to the tape and check their predictions. 3.Practice - Matching the places on the bus route with the Time: 15' letter on the map is and compare with their partners. - Giving feedback: * Answer: A. banyan tree B. airport C. highway No 1 D. Dragon bridge E. Gas station F. store G. pont H. bamboo forest I. parking lot 4.Production - Asking Ss to show each other the bus route they Time: 10' have just listened to. - Ask Ss learn new words by heart - Prepare - new lesson 5.Homework - Doing exercises in the workbook Time: 05'. Pair - work. Pair - work. Individually Individually. V. Adjustments: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Ngµy so¹n :29/10/2016.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> Ngµy d¹y: 31/10/2016 líp 9B, ngµy 2/11/2016 líp 9A. Unit 3:. A trip to the countryside. Period 16: Lesson 2: - Listening (Page 25) I. Objectives: Sau khi hoµn thµnh bµi häc ,häc sinh sÏ cã kh¶ n¨ng: - LuyÖn ph¸t triÓn kÜ n¨ng nãi, hái , tr¶ lêi th«ng tin vÒ lµng quª cña m×nh -LuyÖn ph¸t triÓn kÜ n¨ng nghe hiÓu. Nghe n¾m b¾t theo dâi th«ng tin II. Language contents: 1. Grammar: - Simple Present - Simple Past 2. Vocabulary: - 1.route(n):2.pond(n):3.parking lot(n) = car park 4.pick sb up(v III.Teaching aids: Pictures, text books, tape, cassete..., ... IV. Procedures Steps Contents Activities - Asking Ss some questions about the countryside: + Where is your home village? + What can you see on the way to your village? Individually 1.Warm up: + How far is it from the city? Time: 05' + Are there any interesting places in your village? * Pre-teach vocabulary:. 1.route(n):tuyến đờng, lộ trình 2.pond(n): ao 3.parking lot(n) = car park: khu vực để xe ôtô 4.pick sb up(v): đón ai. Whole - class. * Checking vocabulary : slap the board. - Having Ss read the questions in exercise a – page 24, work in pairs, ask and answer about their partner’s home village, using information in the box. - Telling Ss to cover the role that they don’ts play. 2.Presentation: Example: A: Where is your home village? Time: 10' B: It’s to the west of the city. A: How far it is from the city? Pair - work B: It’s about 15 kilometers from the city. A: How can your get there? B: We can get there by bus. A: How along does it take to get there? B: It takes an hour. A: What do the people do for a living in your village? B: They plant rice and raise cattle. A: Does you village have a river? B: There aren’t any rivers, but there is a big lake. - Asking some opairs to perform their dialogue in front of the class. - Giving remarks - Introducing the text: You will listen to the trip to.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> 3.Practice Time: 15'. 4.Production Time: 10'. Ba’s village - Asking Ss to look at the map, guessing where the places on the map are and compare with their partners. - Writing their guesses on the board - Having SS listening to the tape and check their predictions. Pair - work - Matching the places on the bus route with the letter on the map is and compare with their partners. - Giving feedback: * Answer: A. banyan tree B. airport C. highway No 1 D. Dragon bridge E. Gas station F. store G. pont H. bamboo forest I. parking lot - Asking Ss to show each other the bus route they Individually have just listened to. - Ask Ss learn new words by heart - Prepare - new lesson Individually - Doing exercises in the workbook. 5.Homework Time: 05' V. Adjustments: ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................ Ngµy so¹n :2/11/2016 Ngµy d¹y: 5/11/2016 líp 9A, 9B. Unit 3: Period :17. A trip to the countryside th. Lesson 3:. read. P:25-26. I. Objectives : HS có khả năng đọc hiểu và nắm đợc nội dung tóm tắt bài khoá về “ trao đổi du học sinh” - HS hiÓu biÕt vÒ sinh ho¹t n«ng th«n ë Mü II .Language contents 1.Vocabulary : - Exchange students – grow maize – grocery store - baseball 2.Grammar/Structure :Review Adverb clause of result Simple past tense & Present perfect tense III.Teaching aids - Text book ,chalks ,cassette IV. Procedures: Steps Contents Activities * Net work. Collect eggs 1.Warm up:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> Time: 05'. Plant trees. Activityies on the farm Group- work. Activities on the far. 2.Pre-reading: Time: 10'. 3.Whilereading Time: 15'. chicken * Set the sence. - “ Van is an exchange student .He is now studying in the USA.He is living on a farm outside Columbus,Ohio - pre teach vocabulary: 1. Maize(n) : (pic) ng« ,b¾p 2. Grocery store (n):(trans) Cña hµng t¹p ho¸ 3. Hot dog (n):trans xóc xÝch Whole - class 4. Part- time (n)(trans) b¸n thêi gian 5. Exchange exchange student(n) (trans) lu häc sinh 6. collect (trans ) su tÇm *Checking vocabulary: What and where - Having Ss tell the class what they know about life in the country, on the farm – what do the people Pair - work do? How do they relax? (pair word) - Pre-teaching some new words: exchange students – grow maize – grocery store – baseball - Asking Ss to read the text to answer the questions: 1. How long will Van stay there? 2. What do Mr. and Mrs. Paker do? Individually 3. How many children do they have? 4. What does Van do after finishing his homework? 5. How does the Parker family spend their weekend? - Giving feedback: 1. He will stay there till the beginning of October. 2. Mr. Parker is a farmer and Mrs. Parker works part time at a grocery store. 3. Two girls. 4. He feeds the chicken and collects their eggs. Pair - work 5. They eat hamburger or hot dog while they watch Peter play. - Asking Ss to work in pairs read the text and match the words in column A with the explanation in column B. - Giving feedback. Answer: maize corn Feed give food to eat Grocery store where people buy food and small things Part-time shorter or less than standard time Collect bring things together. - Asking Ss to read the summary and then the text, complete the summary, using the information from the passage (pair work) - Asking one student to read the complete summary.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> in front of the class. Answer: a. Ohio 2. Farmer 3. works parttime at a grocery store 4. Petter 5. Sam 6. After 7. farm 8. They watch 9. Baseball 10. member - Correcting their mistakes. - Asking Ss to work in pair. One is Van who has just come back from the USA. The other is a student who is going to the USA as an exchange student. 4.Post- reading A: Hi, Van. I’m going to the USA next month as an Pair - work exchange student. I want to know what o should do Time: 10' when I’m in the USA. Can you help me? B: Sure. Where are you going to stay? A: I’m going to stay with The Browns. They live in a suburb. - Ask Ss learn new words by heart - Prepare - new lesson Individually 5.Homework - Doing exercises in the workbook Time: 05' V. Adjustments: …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Ngµy so¹n :4/11/2016 Ngµy d¹y: 5/11/2016 líp 9B, líp 9A. Unit 3: Period :18th. A trip to the countryside Lesson 4:. write. P:26-27. I .Objectives: HS có khả năng viết câu đơn giản thành một đoạn văn ngắn tả lại một câu chuyện đã xảy ra: Một chuyến đi dã ngoại ở vùng nông thôn – A country picnic II .Language contents 1.Vocabulary : Blanket – to lie out – to gether – site 2.Grammar/Structure : - Past Simple Tense III. Teaching aids - Text book and pictures. IV. Procedures: Steps Contents Activities - Ask Ss to answer some questions about going on a picnic + Have you ever gone a picnic? 1.Warm up: + When did you go? Time: 05' + How did you get there? + What did you come back? + Did you enjoy it?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> * Pre-teach vocabulary: 1.a blanket :n(pic) ch¨n ,mÒn 2.to lay out :v(mime) tr¶i ,dän 3.to gather :vsymnonym to collect,thu lîn ,thu h¸i 2.Pre-writing 4.site :n(trans) .địa điểm Time: 10' 5.to catch :vtrans .b¾t 6.to put down :v(trans) .tr¶i ra * checking vocabulary;Matching - Ask Ss to look at the picture and read the cues. - Have Ss to describe the picture to their partners. - Ask SS to tell what they can see in each picture. - Ask Ss to write a passage entitled “A country picnic” - Ask Ss to use the picture and cues to write the passage: It was a beautiful day, my friends and I decided to go on a picnic. We took a bus to the countryside and then walked about 20 minutes to the picnic site 3.Whilenext to the river. We put down the blanket and laid writing Time: 15' out the food. After meal we played the games “What song is it?” and blind man’s buff. Late in the afternoon we went fishing. We enjoyed our picnic. When we looked at the time, it was nearly 6.30pm. We hurriedly gathered our things and ran to the bus stop. We were lucky to catch the last bus and we arrived home very late in the evening. - Ask Ss to compare with their partner and correct 4.Post- writing if they can. - Choose some writings to correct in front of the Time: 10' class. - Ask Ss learn new words by heart - Prepare - new lesson 5.Homework - Doing exercises in the workbook Time: 5' V. Adjustments:. Whole - class. Individually. Pair - work. Individually. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Suggested answer It was a beautiful day, my friends and I decided to go on a picnic. We took a bus to the countryside and then walked about 20 minuters to the picnic site next to the river we put down the blankets and laid out the food. After meal we played the games “ What song is it?” and blind man’s buff. Late in the afternoon we went fishing. We enjoyed our picnic. When we looked at the tim, it was nearly 6.30 pm. We hurriedly gathered our things and ran to the bus stop. We were lucky to catch the last bus and we arrived home very late in the evening..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> Ngµy so¹n :6/11/2016 Ngµy d¹y: 7/11/2016 líp 9B, ngµy 9/11/2016 líp 9A. Period :19th Unit 3: A trip to the countryside Lesson 5: language focus P:28-29-30-31 P:28,29,30,31 I. Objectives: - HS «n tËp l¹i c¸c kiÕn thøc ng÷ ph¸p nh c¸ch dïng “could” trong M§P sau “wish” , c©u ®iÒu kiÖn lo¹i 2 víi “wish” , M§P chØ kÕt qu¶ vµ giíi tõ thêi gian . - LuyÖn kÜ n¨ng lµm c¸c d¹ng bµi tËp kh¸c. II .Language contents 1.Vocabulary 2.Grammar/Structure + Modal “could” with “wish” + The past simple with “ wish” + Prepositions of time + Adverb clauses of result III. Teaching aids - Text book ,chalks IV . Procedures: Step. Contents. Activities. Team work. * Matching. - Devide class into teams - Ask Ss to write down two sentences on two different pieces of paper, each sentence begin with: I’m ……………..( real situation ) I wish ………………………………………. - Collect these pieces and put them into two different bags. - Ask Ss to pick up the paper one at a time, read it loudly to the whole class. - Those who have the funnest matching will be the winner. Presentation * Preteach vocabulary. T- whole 12’ class. - To pass the exam  fail the exam - To win the contest - itinerary: LÞch tr×nh - depart : Khëi hµnh 1. What do these people wish? Write these sentences. Revision: WISH express wishes about the present/ future. Form: WISH + S + simple past/ were - Ask Ss to do exercise 1 on page 28, 29 in pairs. Warm up 5’.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> - Give feedback 2. Work with a partner Pair work. - Ask Ss to look at itinerary on page 30. Practice - Ask Ss to use the prepositions in the box to do exercise. 15 Individual - Give feedback work. * Answer: b. on; c. between; d. at d. at e. at f. till 3. Complete the sentences with on, at, in and for. - Ask Ss to complete the sentences. - Give feedback. * Answer: a . on b. at/ in c. in d. for e. in f. at Individual 4. Match the half- sentences. work. - Ask Ss to match the half sentences T- whole - Give feedback. class. * Answer 1- e; 2 - a; 3 - d; 4 - b; 5 – c - Ask Ss to write all the correct sentences in their notebook. * Have Ss make 3 wishes about the present or future. - Have Ss copy the itinerary into their notebook. *. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences: *. Work group. Language focus 4: Matching. Individual Production 1 – e 4–b work. 10’ 2–a 5–c 3–d *. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences: 1. He overslept this morning, ... he was late for school. A. because B. so C. in order to 2. She arrived in HN ... Saturday morning. A. on B. at C. in D. for 3. They wish they ... be on the beach now. A. can B. may C. will D. could 4. It rained heavily, .... they had to stay at home. Home work A. to B. as C. so D. because 3’ -Do exercises in the workbook -Prepare the next lesson V. Adjustments: ……………………………………………………………………………………………... ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..……………………………………………………………………………………….......... Ngµy so¹n :13/11/2016 Ngµy d¹y: 14/11/2016 líp 9B, ngµy 16/11/2016 líp 9A.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> Period :20th. TEST CORRECTION 1. I . Objectives: - Qua phần bài chữa HS có khả năng tự biết chữa lỗi cho bài kiểm tra của mình, tự đánh giá đúng kết quả mình đã làm. Từ đó rút ra cách khắc phục những điểm yếu của mình. II. Teaching aids Text book. III: Procedures: Steps Content Activities Chatting Warm up What did you do yesterday? Teacher – 5' Where did you go lastnight ? whole class Remind ss the main content of the lesson they Teacher Presentation have learnt in unit 2 whole class 10' a) The present perfect tense: (+)S + have/has + PP + O (-)S + have/has + not + PP + O (?)Have/Has + S + PP + O ? Yes, S + have/has. NO, S + haven't/hasn't. -“Already” is used in affirmative sentences.It stands after have or has and stand before past participle. -“Yet” is used in the nagative sentences and questions.It stands at the end of the sentence. - ask ss to practice in pairs. b) the present perfect tense with” ever” . Practice I. 1. B 2.D 3. C 4. C Teacher – 15' II. Put the correct form of the verbs in the whole class brackets 5. moved 6. left 7. have known 8.to play III. Choose the best answer 9.A 10. B. 11.B 12.D 13.C 14.D 15.B. Production. IV. Put the correct form of the words in brackets 17. fashionable 18.sleeveless 19.devide 20.poet V. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning VI. Read the passage. Then answer the questions 21.I used to get up late…………………….. 22.I haven’t seen her for 3 years 23.I wish this student went to school on time 24.I wish many people in Vietnam had a house VI. Choose (T) or (F) 25.F 26.F 27.T 28.T Chain games :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span> 10'. Whole class - Ask ss to learn by heart the new words - Do the exercise. - Prepare new lesson.. Homework 5' V. Adjustment: ................................................................................................................................................ ...................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................ ...................................................................................................................................... Ngµy so¹n :21/11/2016 Ngµy d¹y: 21/11/2016 líp 9B, ngµy 23/11/2016 líp 9A : Period :21. st. Unit 4 : Lesson 1 :. learning a foreign language getting started- listen & read P:32-33. I-Objectives: Giới thiệu chủ đề bài học, khai thác sự hiểu biết của học sinh về kinh nghiÖm häc tiÕng Anh. - HS cã kh¶ n¨ng n¾m b¾t mét sè tõ ng÷ vµ kinh nghiÖm häc tiÕng Anh II .Language contents: 1.Vocabulary : examiner (n) written examination (n) Oral examination (n) candidate (n) aspect of learning 2. Structures : - Direct and reported speech - Modal verbs with “if” III. Teaching aids: Extra boards , posters , tape , cassette , picture IV . Procedures: Steps Warm up 5’. Pre – reading. Contents. Activities. * Getting started: T-Whole class - Teacher asks Ss some questions: Questions : Do you like learning E ? How do you learn E ? -Hang the poster (page 13)Ask and answer the ways to Individual work. learn E . POSTER : Pair work. 1. Do the homework. 2. Do more grammar exercises in grammar books. 3. Read short stories or newspapers in Enhlish. 4. Write English as much as possible. 5. Learn by heart all the new words and texts. 6. Speak English with friends..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> 12. 7. Use a dictionary for reading. 8. Practice listening to English tapes or English programs on the radio. 9. Watch English TV programs. 10. Learn to sing English songs. Call some ss to the own ways to learn E, T ticks on the poster. * Pre- teach vocabulary - Individual - Aspect (n): Lĩnh vực, mặt, khía cạnh. work (translation) - Examiner (n): giaùm khaûo (definition: a person who ask questions) (Spoken or written) o find out how much a person Pair work know.) - coming (adj): sắp đến Individual (translation) work - college (n): trường Cao đẳng hay Đại học. (exeample) Candidate (n): thí sinh (definition: one who takes part in an cam) -write examination / oral examination:. Cuộc thi viết  cuộc thi vấn đáp. Whilereading 15’. Individual Checking vocabulary: what and where work b.Structures : * Direct and reported speech. Do you speak any other languages? Reported speech : She asked me if I spoke any other languages. Thay thế If bằng Wh-question, cách đổi giống nh Individual and häc ë líp 8. Pair work What is your name ? Reported speech : She asked me what my name was . * Modal verbs with “ if” “ If you want to attend the course , you must pass the written examination * Pre - questions - Set the scene: Lan is talking to Paola- a foreign student about the oral examination that she has just taken. - Give Ss two questions: 1. Were the questions in oral exam difficult or easy ? 2. How many questions did the examiner ask Lan ? - Have Ss work in pairs to answer them. * Reading and checking - Ask Ss to read the dialouge between Lan and Paola on page 32, 33 and check if their answers are correct or not * Answer: 1. They are difficult ( acording to Lan ) 2. about over 7 questions. Besides, she was asked to read a passage. * True - false statements. * Answer keys: Individual Royal English College.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span> Examination in English as Foreign Language Stage one: Oral examination 1. What is your name?  2. Where do you come from?  3. Where do you like?  4. Do you like with your parents?  5. When did you begin studding English?  6. Why are you learning English?  7. Do you speak any other languages?  8. How did you learn English in your country?  9. How will you use English in your country?  10. What aspect of learning English do you  find most difficult? 11. What are you doing to learn?  12. What are you hobbies?  13. Look at this picture. Describe it  14. Read this passage.  - Ask students to compare the direct questions and the reported speech. * Answer key: 1. What is your pet name?  She asked me what my name was. 2. Where do you come from?  She asks me where I came from. 3. Do you speak any other languages?  She asks me if I spoke any other languages. 4. Why are you learning English?  She asked me why I was learning English. 5. How did you learn English in your country?  She asks me how I learned English in your country. 6. How will you use English in the future? Post-reading  She asks me how I would use English in the future. 7. What aspect of learning do you find most difficult? 10’ Whole class  She asked me what aspect of learning English I found most difficult. 8. Read this passage. -Let pupils change these sentences 12678 into reported speech ( ss practice in pairs ) Ex: P1: What is your name? P2 : She asked me what my name was. - Ask students to word in pairs to practice asking and answering. One student plays the role of examiner and another plays the role of Lan. - Call on some pair to demonstrate before the class. - Give feedback and correct. Whole-class - Have students play the role of Paola and Lan. - Call on some pairs to play the roles of Paola and Lan before the class. Homework.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span> 3’. - Correct their pronunciation / intonation. - Ask student to write the direct questions and their reported speech in their notebooks. -Do exercises in the workbook -Learn by heart vocabulary -Prepare the next lesson. V. Adjustments: …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… Ngµy so¹n :23/11/2016 Ngµy d¹y: 12/11/2016 líp 9A, ngµy 17/11/2016 líp 9B. Period :22nd. Unit 4 : learning a foreign language Lesson 2 : speak P:34-35. I. Objectives : - Luyện cho HS kĩ năng thuyết phục ai đó làm việc gì II. Language content: Grammar: Expressions of opinion to persuade someone to do something. Key words: dormitory (N); reputation (N) III. Teaching aids: Teacher’s book , tape , picture…. IV . Procedures: Steps Warm-up 5’. Pre-speaking 10’. Content Activities Showing some advertisements of English language courses, giving some eliciting questions: T-whole class 1. Do you know what there are? 2. What are they about? 3. What much you do if you want to attend the course? Which school would you like to choose if you passed the exam? Why? *Pre-teach Vocabulary: T-whole class - Dorrmitory (n) (explaination) - On campur (n) (explainatio) - reputation (n) (Translation) - western culture (n) (translation) - Approcimately (adv) (example) * Checking up vocabulary: “Rub out and remember” -Guiding ss to understand the expressions in the box..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span> Group I think…… What do you think…? can.... . I agree/ disagree because… I don’t understand.. Why don’t we…..? If we go to..... we Group We should........ . Let’s ....... .. - Ask students to retell . Whilespeaking 15’. * Set the scene : If you are excillent student and you’re awarded ascholarship of US $ 2.000 to attend an English language summer courge aboard .Try to persuade your partment to attend to school you would like to go to. -Teacher reads. -ss replay to practice example in book ( 3 students ) ( using extra board with example ) -Hang on the black board the poster with some Teacher – whole class information. Univercity Condition/ Time Price advanlage -The Brighton -Live ia dormitory language. on campus. 6 Weeks US$ Individual Center UK -Schoolhas 2.000 excellent Seattleschool of -Stay with VN English - USA Friends 7 Week US$ -experience 1.700 western culture Brisbage In -Stay with an.. situte of English -Quite close to VN 7 Week US$ - Australia 1.200 - Ask Ss to practice in group of three. - Call some groups to discuss before class. - Teacher corrects the mistakes. -Teacher gives a modal dialouge . Tam: I think we should go to the Seattle school of English in the USA. You can stay with Vietnamese friends. Kim: I disagree because we can’t practice speaking English with native speakers. Thu: Why don’t we go to the Brighton Language Center in theUK? If we go there, we can live in dormitory on campus. Tam: But the course is too expensive. It costs US $2.000. Kim: What do you think about the Brisbane Institute of English in Australia? Thu: I think it’s quite cloose to Vietnam. Tam: And we can enjoy the beautiful scenery there. Kim: If we go there, we can stay with an Australian family to discover their culture and practice.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span> English as well. Thu: People said that they have a good way of teaching English and the course is acceptable. It costs US $ 1.200 Tam: Let’s go to Australia to attend that course. Kim: I absolutely agree with you. Give situation : In this summer holiday our cl;ass in Post-speaking going to have a travel you persuade your classmate go Whole class 10’ with. P1: I think we should go to Sam Son beach P2:……… Homework 3’. -Ask Ss to learn new words by heart and do the exercises Whole-class in the work book -Do exercises in the workbook -Prepare the next lesson. V. Adjustment: ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................................... Ngµy so¹n :23/11/2016 Ngµy d¹y: 12/11/2016 líp 9A, ngµy 17/11/2016 líp 9B : Period :23rd Unit 4 : learning a foreign language Lesson 3 : listen P:35 I. Objectives : HS có khả năng nghe và xác định thông tin đúng sai về việc học tiếng Anh II. Language content: 1-Grammar: Modal verbs 2-Vocabulary : III. Teaching aids: Teacher’s book , tape , Cassette recorder, tape, , students’ book. IV.Procedures : Steps Warm-up (5’). Content Find someone who Do you..............? Do a lot of grammar exercises? Learn to sing English songs? Watch English TV programs?. Activities Who. Teacher – whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span> Pre-listening (7’). Have difficulty in lisening/ reading .......? .................................... * Set the sence : Nga is talking to Kate about her Teacher studying English whole class -T/F statement prediction (page 35) -Ask ss to work in group to predict which statement is true and which is false. -Write their predictions on black board. -Ask ss to listen to the tape twice Whiless to compare their answers with their prediction listening (20’) --Ask -Ask ss to listen to the tape once more -Ask ss to check the box (V) and correct false statement/ Statements Key Correct a. T b. T c. She works for a F She work for an Teacher – bank in HN internationl bank in whole class d. T HN. e. Her listening is F f. excellent. T Her listening is terrible. Individual * Fill in the gaps: Teacher – Post-listening Ask Ss to listen to the tapes again and fill in the gaps. whole class (11’) Host: Kate, can I introduce you to Nga?. She’s studying English here in ......(1)......... . Kate: Hello, please to ....(2).... you. Nga: Please to meet you, ...(3).... . Kate: Where are you from, Nga? Individual Nga: I’m from Viet Nam. Kate: Why are you studying English here? Nga: I need it for my .....(4)... . Kate: What do you do? Nga: I work for a .....(5)......, an ..........(6)........... bank in Ha Noi - Ask Ss to give their answers. Keys: 1- London 2- meet 3- too 4- job 5- bank 6international - Summarize informations about Nga. Whole-Class Homework Do exercies in the workbook (2’) - Preparethenextlesson V. Adjustment: ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span> Ngµy so¹n :23/11/2016 Ngµy d¹y: 12/11/2016 líp 9A, ngµy 17/11/2016 líp 9B Period :23rd Unit 4 : learning a foreign language Lesson 4 : Read P:36 I. Objectives : - HS luyện phát triển kĩ năng đọc hiểu, đọc lớt để tìm thông tin quảng cáo cơ sở dạy TA phù hợp với yêu cầu dự định. - HS hiÓu thªm vÒ c¸c ng«n ng÷ dïng trong qu¶ng c¸o khãa häc. II. Language content: 1-Grammar: Present and past simple tenses (review) 2-Vocabulary : language level: beginner; intermediate, advanced. well – qualified teacher III. Teaching aids: Teacher’s book , tape , Cassette recorder, tape, , students’ book. IV.Procedures : Steps Warm up :. Content. Activities Teacher – “Chain Game” - Ask Ss to play “chain game” about languages in the whole class world. Example: S1: I can speak English. S2: I can speak English and French. S3: I can speak English, French and Chinese Individual Pre-reading 1. Set the sence : Mr.Lam wants to find an E class from advertisements. Teacher – (10’) 2.Pre-teach vocab: whole class - intermediate(adj) (explaination) -well-qualified(adj) (explaination) -tuition(n) (example) -acadeny(n) (translation) -Council(n) (translation) 3 .Checking vocabulary :Rub out and Remember * T/F statement prediction ( closes their books) a. Mr. Lam need to learn China b.Mr.Lam needs the intermediate level class c. He wants to learn in the morning d. He wants to the course to begin early october - Ask ss to guess what Mr Tam need for his class ( T/F) in groups - Ask them to write their prediction on extraboard a. F b. T c. F d. F - Ask ss to read what Mr.Lam made and check their Teacher Whilewhole class reading 20’ prediction - Ask ss to correct the fals sentences - give feedback a. F b. T c. F d. F.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span> - Read the advertisements and do exercise a (P36) - ss to compare their answer. - Ask some Ss to read their answers aloud before class -Ask some ss to stick pieces of paper about correct information on the table (on extraboard) -check and give feedback. Scho ol. Class Language Level Time to (beginner/ time start (morning/ intermediate/advanced) afternoon/ evening....). Acadmy of language Foreign language -Ask ss to read Mr.Lam’s note and the advertisements again and do exercise(b) - ask ss to compare answer with each other - Ask some to give their answer before class and give reason for their choice - check and give feedback ask ss to copy - T has Ss work in groups of three to discuss which school Teacher – Postthe advertisements is suitable to each one and their whole class reading 12’ in reason. - T has some Ss present their choices in front of the class. - T corrects Ss’ answer if necessary Individual Homework (3’). - You want to attend one of the three schools from the advertisements to improve your English. Note down the ideas you need to put in the letter for more information about it. * Do exercises in the workbook * Learn by heart vocabulary * Prepare the next lesson. V. Adjustments: …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Ngµy so¹n :15/11/2014 Ngµy d¹y:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span> Period :25th Unit 4 : learning a foreign language Lesson 5 : write P:37 I-Objectives: - HS đợc luyện kỹ năng viết th yêu cầu - HS biÕt bè côc , cÊu tróc vµ nh÷ng lu ý trong bøc th nghi thøc . II. Language content: 1-Grammar: To look forward to + V ing. Could you + V...........? 2-Vocabulary : resquest , express, edition, Detail ,Express III - Teaching aids : tape, poster, extra board IV.Procedures : Steps Warm-up. Content Activities T-Whole class *-Jumbled words:  Versetimadnet  advertisement  Swine  news  Resetting  interest  Atmorfioinn  information  Eel  fee  Sasecenry  necessary  Pulpy  supply. - Divide the class into two teams. - Ask students from 2 teams to go to the board and write the correct words. - The team which is faster with more corrects words will win the game.. Pre-writing. I. Pre-teach vocabulary - Request (n/v): yêu cầu ,đòi hỏi (synonym: ask for) - Detail (n): chi tiÕt (definition: a small part of whole, particular fact) T-whole class - Look forward to (v): tr«ng mong, tr«ng chê (synonym: expect) - Express (v): baú tá, biÓu lé (definition: show or make known a meaning, idea or fleeing) - Exactly (adv): mét c¸ch chÝnh x¸c. (translation) - Edition (n): Ên b¶n (translation) * Checking vocabulary: Step the board - Put the Vietnamese translation all over the board. Baøy toû. Thænh caàu. chi tiÕt. Ên b¶n Troâng i - Call on twođợ students from both sides of the class..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span> Whilereading. - Ask them to stand at an equal distance from the board. - Call out the English word, the students run forward and slap the Vietnamese word on the blackboard. - The students slapping the right word first is the winner and gets a point for his / her team. - Continue until students have slapped all the words. II. Reading comprehension: - Have students read the letter written by John Robinson on page 37. - Ask them work in pairs to answer some questions about the letter. * Questions: a. Where did Robinson see the school’s advertisement? b. What language does he want to learn? c. What aspect of Vietnamese does he want to improve? d. What does Robinson want to know? - Give feedback and correction. * Answers: a. He saw the school’s advertisement in today’s edition of Vietnamese news. b. He wants to learn Vietnamese. c. He wants to learn to read and write Vietnamese d. He wants to know some details of the courses and fees. III. Marching: - Give students four parts of a letter of inquiry. a. Introduction b. Request c. Further information. d. Conclusion - Ask students to divide the letter (written by Robinson) into 4 parts and match each paragraph with a suitable headline. - Let students word in pairs compare their the answer. * Answer keys: a. I saw your school’s advertisement in Introduction: today’s edition of the Vietnamese News. b. Request: I saw your school’s advertisement in today’s edition of the Vietnamese News. c. Request: I am interested in learning Vietnamese end’s I like some information about your school. d. Father information: I speak little Vietnamese, but I want to learn read and write it. Could you please send details of courses and feed? I can complete a spoke Vietnamese test if necessary. e. Conclusion: I look forward to hearing from you. * Writing a letter: - Have student read again the three advertisements on page 36 and choose one of the schools they want to attend to improve their English. - Get students to write a letter of inquiry to the intuition requesting for more information about the courses and fees. The exercise Matching above will. Pair work. Pair work. - Individuate work Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span> Post writing. Home work. help students write their letters easily. - After finishing the letter, students have to compare with their partners and make some correction. - Give feedback. Call on some students to read their letter before class. - Make some corrections. * Suggested letter: Dear Sir, I saw your Instates advertisement on today’s TV program. I am very interested in learning English and I would like some more in formation about your Institute. T-whole class I can speak a little English, but I read it very slowly and my writing is bad. So want to improve my reading and writing. Could you please provide more information about the length of the courses and fees for beginners? I can supply my record of English study necessary. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Your faithfully, Lan Choose three letters which were written to 3 Individuate work schools. Ask students to read aloud the letters. Give feedback and correct. -Ask student to write the letters in their notebooks. -Learn by heart vocabulary -Prepare the next lesson. Whole-Class. V. Adjustments: …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Ngµy so¹n :19/11/2014 Ngµy d¹y: Period :26th Unit 4 : Lesson 6 :. learning a foreign language Language focus P:38-39. I-Objectives: -- LuyÖn tËp c©u sö dông liªn tõ “if” vµ §TKT. - Luyện tập cách chuyển đổi từ câu nói trực tiếp sang gián tiếp. II. Language content: 1-Grammar :Conditional sentences.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span> Reported speech 2-Vocabulary : Terrible,to lose weight III - Teaching aids : Textbook, extra board IV.Procedures : Steps Warm up 5’ Presentation 10’. Practice 15’. Content - Teacher comes in the class and whispers a sentence with one student. Then this student tells one another. - Teacher gives some direct sentences and asks students to change into indirect sentences. * I’m happy to see you.  Aunt Xuaân said she was happy to see you. * “Do you like pop music”  She asked me if/ whether I like pop music * Where do you live?  She asked me where I lived. - Ss complete the table / p.38 in pairs. - Ss compare their tables. - T. corrects. Review: a.Recall modal verb with if and its form if S+ present simple tense, S+modal verb +V-infinitive I. Modal verbs with IF: *. Form: If + S + V( present) ... , S + Modal + V ... Exercise1: -Ask students to do exercise 1 in pairs and compare their anwers -Ask some students to give thier anwers before the class -Check and give feedback _Ask some pairs to practise the dialogue before the class b.Revision of direct and reported speech: -Recall how to change direct statements and direct questions into reported speech. -Give some examples *. Pactice: Language focus 1: c, ...., you should do a lot of exercise. d, ...., he might miss the train. e, ....., you ought to stay in bed. f, You must do your homework if .... Exercise2: II. Reported speech: *. Form: - Statements: Back one tense, and change some words.( this -> that, ....) - Yes, No – questions: Using if or whether Do the same as statements - Wh – questions:. Activities Teacher whole class. Teacher – whole class. Individual. Individual.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span> - Request or command: ap fill -Students to practise in pairs and compare their anwers -Ask students to stick pieces of paper about correct anwers on the table -Ask students to read and teacher check and give feed back Exercise 3: -Ask students to do exercise 3 individually and compare their anwers with each other. -Ask some students to give their anwers before the class -Check and give feed back. Exercise 4: a. She asked me how old I was. b. She asked me if ( whether) my shool was near there. c. She asked me what the name of my school was. d. She asked me if I went to school by bike. e. She asked me which grade I was in. f. She asked me whether I could use a computer. g. She asked me why I wanted that job. h. She asked me when my school vacation started. Production 10’. . Transformation drill -Ask students to divide the class into 2 groups. Gr1:Say direct statements gr 2:report them Ex:I’m tired – she said she was tired. Teacher – whole class. -Review from unit 3 to 4 at home Whole class Homework Do exercise in workbook. 5’ -Prepare for the next test. V. Adjustments: …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Ngµy so¹n :21/11/2014 Ngµy d¹y: Period :26th. Bµi kiÓm tra sè 2. I . Objectives: - Giúp HS tự đánh giá đúng mức độ hiểu bài của bản thân. - Kiểm tra đợc các kiến thức cơ bản trong 2 bài đầu. Cñng cè luyÖn tËp cho HS kÜ n¨ng lµm c¸c d¹ng BT c¬ b¶n nh chia §T, ph¸t triÓn c©u, ….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span> - Kiểm tra các kiến thức NP đã học II. Language contents: 1. Grammar: - Past Simple Tense - reported speech - Preposition - Tenses 2. Vocabulary: Ma trËn §Ò kiÓm tra tiÕng anh líp 9 lÇn 2 NhËn biÕt TNKQ TL. Chủ đề I .Reading II.Languag e focus. Phonetic Vocabulary. 5 5. Th«ng hiÓu TNKQ TL 5 2.5. VËn dông TNKQ TL. Tæng 5. 2.5. 5 2.5 5. 2,5 2.5. 2.5. Grammar III.Writing Tæng. 5 10. 5.0. 5. 2.5. 5. 2.5 2.5. II. Content : I. Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others 2ms 1. A. tired B. enjoyed C. reached D. arrived 2.A. map B. sand C. water D. bag 3.A-kite B- know C- kitchen D-skill 4. A. speak B. need C. heart D. read II. Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences(1,5ms) 5. Mr. Parker grows maize on his farm. He is a …………………… A. farmer B. doctor C. teacher D. worker 6. The parkers are nice, ………………..Van feels like a member of their family. A. as B. because C. so D. for 7. The weather was bad, ………………….. we didn’t go on a picnic. A so. B. however C. because D. but 8. We have lived in Ha Noi………………. 4 years. A. since B. for C. at D. in 9. He used to ……………… full time, but now he is a part time worker. 5 20. 2.5 10.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span> A. working B. worked C. to work D. work 10.She said that she………..learning English with you . A .like B .liked C .liking D .to like 11 .She asked me where I…………from . A . come B . came C .to come D .coming 12. We have many well ……………………teachers here. A. qualify B. qualification C. quality D. qualified III/ Supply the correct forms of verbs in the bracket : ( 2 pt ) 13/ I ( not / hear ) .................................... anything about him since he moved to Hanoi. 14/ I asked her where she ( buy ) .................................... that dictionary. 15/Thu wishes she ( can win ) .................................... the tennis championship. 16/ I ( plant ) .................................... this tree last week . IV Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning. (2,5ms) 17. What a pity ! I can’t go camping with you .  I wish…………………………………………………………………………………. 18. "What do you do in your free time ?" Mr An asked.  - Mr. An asked me ....................................................................................................... . 19.John often went on bare foot when he was a little boy .  John used to…………………………………………………………..……………….. 20.Trang has learned English since 2009. Trang started…………………………………………………………………………... 21 "When will you finish the report ?" The teacher asked.  - The teacher asked me ................................................................................................ . IV. Read the following passage and answer the questions below(2,5) Zamenhof invented a new language called Esperanto to improve understanding between people of different countries. He showed Esperanto to his friends to find out what they thought about it. Later in the same year he went to study at a university in Moscow. He wanted to improve Esperanto. Zamenhof's friends then worked hard to spread the new language. They tried to persuade schools throughout the world to teach it. However, only a few people today speak Esperanto because more and more people use English as a foreign language. 22. Why did Zamenhof invent a new language? ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 23. What did he show Esperanto to his friends for? ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 24. Where did he go to study?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span> ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 25. Who helped him to spread the new language? ………………………………………………………………………………………….... Ngµy so¹n :12/11/2013 Ngµy d¹y:. Period :28th. Unit 5 Lesson 1 :. : the media getting started+ listen & read. P:40-41-42. I - Objectives: Giới thiệu chủ đề bài học về phơng tiện truyền thông. Giíi thiÖu ng÷ liÖu vµ néi dung bµi häc vÒ mét sè ph¬ng tiÖn truyÒn th«ng Ôn lại danh động từ sau một số động từ “ Gerunds after some verbs II –Language contents 1-Grammar : crier, thank to, a variety of, interactive TV, romote controls, show, benifits, bring about. 2-Vocabulary : Gerund after the verbs love + Ving enjoy + V ing hate + V ing. III - Teaching aids : Textbook, extra board IV.Procedures : Content Stage Warm up * Open question: What are they doing? - He is watching TV ? How many hours a week do you spend watching TV? - He is listening to theradio. ......................... ? Which of these is your favorite activity in your free time? Pre-reading - He is reading newspaper. ? Which of these is your favorite activity in your free time? ? How many hours a week do you spend watching TV? * Set the sence. - crier (n) ( picture ) * Pre teach vocabulary - interactive ( adj ) ( trans ) ngêi rao tin tøc trªn phè - remote ( adj) syn :distant xa x«i -channel (n) trans kªnh -control (v)trans ®iÒu khiÓn -benefit (n) syn profit .lîi Ých * Checking vocabulary : Rub out and remember * Pre diction. Activities Pair work. T-whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span> While reading. Complete the table with the passage letters in which these Pair work facts or events are mentioned.(use extra board.) Pair work - Ss listen the tape and check theirs prediction. - Teacher gives feedback: 1D 2B 3 B 4 C 5 A 6 D. - Comprehention questions: ( b - P 42 ) - Teacher gives feedback. 1. A town crier was a person whose job was to go though city streets ringing a bell to shout the lastest news as he walking. 2. The Kien Thuc ngay nay is one of the most popular magazines and is widely read by both teenagers and adults. Post reading 3. People can get the lastest information and enjoy interesting and inexpensive local and international programs in a convenient way. - Ask Ss answer the question 4 , 5 p 42 . - What kind of magazines and newspaper do you read? - What's your favorite type of media ? Why ? -Words and phrases -the main content of the passages Whole classs -Ask Ss do exercises in the workbook -learn by heart vocabulary -Prepare the next lesson V. Adjustments: ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… Homework. Ngµy so¹n :14/11/2013 Ngµy d¹y:. Period :29th Unit 5 Lesson 2 : I. Objectives:. : speak + listen. the media P:42-43. - Mở rộng chủ đề về phơng tiện thông tin đại chúng: TV - Luyện nâng cao kỹ năng nói bày tỏ sự đồng ý hay không đồng ý về một vấn đề nào đó. II. Language contents:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span> a. Vocabulary: Media,Crier,Interactive,Benefit(of)Thanks to,A variety of,Channel,Stage,Remote control. b. Structures: + Passive voice(The simple present and past tense) + The past continuous tense + The simple future tense. III. Teaching aids: Cassette recorder; tape; illustrating pictures; visual aids; Flash cards; colored chalk' student's book IV.Procedures: Content Activities Steps Warm-up 5’. *Brainstorming:. sports. Teacher whole class. T.V programs Possible answers: 1. film/ cartoon / series 2. folk music/ wildlife world/ 3. weather forecast/ news.. ? Which of these is your favorite program? Why? sts listen to some introductory music and ask Pre-speaking Let them to say in which TV programs these music 10' Teacher – playing  cartoon, folk music, show game, . whole class - Ask sts some questions about the TV programs they like best. - Have some Sts Read the dialogue in pairs before class check their pronunciation / Individual intonation of TAG question. - Let sts work in pairs to practice the dialogue. - Have sts pick out sentences showing agreement and disagreement and ask them to practice. a. Agree:  I prefer documentaries.  I love watching sports.  I enjoy it too. b. Disagree:  Not really  I don't like watching sports.  I'm the opposite. Documentaries seem quite boring to me. ss to look at the daily T.V guide on P. 42 and Post-speaking -Ask talk about the programs they like or dislike, 10' making the similar dialogues. *Suggested dialogue: Lan: You like watching cartoon, don't you? Ba: Not really. Some cartoons are so boring and I don't like watching them. I prefer films..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span> Lan: I'm the opposite. I like watching cartoons and films always make me sleepy. Ba: But you watch the news, don't you? Lan: Yes, but not often. Ba: I enjoy the news because it is very informative. Lan:You don't like drama, do you? Ba: No, I don't. Pre-listening (7'). Pre-teach vocabulary: - telegraph (n) (translation): ®iÖn tÝn - newsreel (n) (translation): phim thêi sù - major (a) (synonym of main): chÝnh, thø yÕu - journalism (n) (translation): nghÒ lµm b¸o *Checking voc: What and where 2, Open questions: *Set the scene: Chau is doing an assignment about the media. She wants to ask her father some information to do it. -Have ss to work in pairs to guess the missing information from the table. -Ask ss some open questions : a. Do you know when the 1st printed newspaper appeared in China? b. When was the telegraph invented? When did television become popular? -Play the disc and ask ss to listen to the dialogue Whiletwice. listening (10') -Ask ss to fill in the missing information. -Give feedback: a. In the late 19th c. In the 1950s century b. Radio and newsreel d. the Intenet. -Then ask ss to check their prediction: a. The 1st printed newspaper appeared in China in the 7th or 8th century. b. It was invented in the late 19th century. c. T.V became popular in the 1950s. Homework (2') IV- Adjustments:. Ask ss to do ex 3,4 in the exercise book and learn all the newwords by heart. Ask ss to prepare the next lesson.. Teacher – whole class. Individual. Teacher – whole class. Individual.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span> ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ Ngµy so¹n :18/11/2013 Ngµy d¹y: Period : 30th. Unit 5. Lesson :4. : Read. the media P:43-44. I-Objectives: I - HS có khả năng đọc hiểu, tìm ra các thông tin cần thiết về diễn đàn Internet II - §äc hiÓu c¸c ý kiÕn vÒ viÖc øng dông cña Internet trong cuéc sèng hµng ngµy III - Giáo dục cho HS có ý thức đúng khi sử dụng Internet II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary: -forum(n),-surf (v), -wander ,-get access to,-alert (adj) ,-deny (v) 2-Grammar :Gerunds,Tag questions III. Teaching aids: Books, pictures, catsette... IV. Teaching Procedures: Steps Warm up 5’. Pre-reading 12’. Contents *Chatting : -Show a picture of a computer and ask ss about it  What’s this ?  Can you use a computer ?  What subjects help you to use computer ?  Have you ever used Internet ? I .Pre-teach vocabulary -forum(n) :diễn đàn (trans) -surf (v) :lít ,lít m¹ng Internet (trans) -deny (v) :tõ chèi,phñ nhËn (syn -get access to :tiÕp cËn -alert (adj) :tØnh t¸o ,c¶nh gi¸c (definition) -wander (v):®i lang thang (dÌinition) * Checking vocabulary :Matching II .True-false statements prediction Set the scence :there is a forum on the Internet .You will read some opinions about the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet , -work in pairs to predict they are true or false. True-False statements a .The Internet is wonderful invention of modern life . b .The Inrternet is available not only in the cities but also in the cuontryside .. Activities T-whole class. T-whole class. Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span> Whilereading 15’. Production 10’. Homework 3’. c .People use the Internet for two purposes:education and entertainment d .Bad program is one of the limitations of the Internet. e .You should be alert when using the Internet . -Give feedback I .Reading and checking prediction -Read the text and check their predictions .Then ask them to correct the false statement. -Give feedback and correct *Answer keys a.T b .F c .F d .T e .T II .Comprehension questions. -Have ss read the text and answer the questions -work in pair practicing asking and answering -Give feedback and correct. Answer key . 1.Sandra uses the Internet to get information and to communicate with friends and relatives . 2.Becase she lives in the countryside when the Internet is unavailable . 3 .People use the Internet for education ,communication entertainment and commerce . 4 .Benefits :Fast and convenient way to get information -Communication,education,entertainment,commerce. 5 .Yes.there are some disadvantges . -time-consuming,costly,dangerous because of viiruses and bad programs,spam,electrict junk mail,personal information leaking. Discussion: * Discussion: Divide the class in to four teams. Give them the questions and ask them to discuss in groups. “Do you agree or disagree with the response? What is your response to this forum?” Do exercises in the workbook Learn by heart vocabulary Prepare the next lesson. Individual work. Group work Individuate work. Whole-clas. V- Adjustments: ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ....................................................................................................................................... Ngµy so¹n :06/12/2014 Ngµy d¹y: Period : 31st Lesson :5. Unit 5 Write. :. the media P:44.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span> I-Objectives: HS có khả năng viết bày tỏ ý kiến của mình về một vấn đề cụ thể ViÕt mét ®o¹n v¨n vÒ Ých lîi cña Internet theo gîi ý II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary: - words related to the new topic “The Internet” 2-Grammar : review: present simple tense and modal verb CAN III. Teaching aids: Books, textbook,chalks IV. Teaching Procedures: Steps Content *Brainstorming. Warm up -Have sss to think about their favorite activities and 5’ how much time they spend on each activities. using the Internet Pre-writing 12’. while writing 15. Post-writing 10’. favorite activities. Activities Whole class. watching TV. Reading and discussing -Have ss read the text and get ss to answer the question 4 “Make a list of benefits of the Internet -Ask ss to use the cues (6-write) * Possible answers. -The Internet as a source of information (news,weather forcast,city maps....) -The Internet as a source of intertainment ( music , movies, games, novels...) - The iternet as a means of education ( online school, online lessons ,selfstudy) - easy to get information. - communication with friends/ relatives.........( email chatting , webcam ) - order tickets, goods trips hotels..... - Have studentsuse the ideas they’ve just discussed to Individualwork write a passage about the benefits of the internet -monitor and help students with words or structures while theyare writing -after student finish, call on some students to read their pasages aloud before the class -give feedback and correct * suggested ideas: benefits of the interfnet Discussion Group work ask students to discuss the disadvantages of the internet - get them to discuss in groups and choose a speaker - after discussing, the speaker fromgroups have to persent their ideas before the class  suggested ideas:  time – consuming.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span>  costly  viruses  bad programs  spam/ electronic junk mail  personal infomation leaking  ............................................. Ask students to write about the disadvantages of Individual work the internet Write down in your notebooks a passage about the Homework Whole-class benefits of the internet. 3’ Do exercises in the workbook Prepare the next lesson V- Adjustments: ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................. Ngµy so¹n :08/12/2014 Ngµy d¹y: Period : 32nd. Unit 5 Lesson :5. :. the media Language focus. P:45-46. I. Objectives: - Luyện kỹ năng nghe và điền thông tin vào bảng. Qua đó HS biết đọc những thông tin c¬ b¶n vÒ lÞch sö ph¸t triÓn cña mét sè ph¬ng tiÖn truyÒn th«ng. II. Language contents: a. Vocabulary: Printed newspaper Telegraph Major force Journalism b. Structures: + Passive voice(The simple present and past tense) + The past continuous tense + The simple future tense. III. Teaching aids: Cassette recorder; tape; illustrating pictures; visual aids; Flash cards; colored chalk' student's book IV.Procedures: Content Activities Steps Warm-up. *Brainstorming:. Teacher whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span> (5'). telephone *Possible answers: The media. Computer. Magazines/newspaper. Telegraph / Television/ radio. Teacher Presentation - Have sts copy down this table (work in group). whole class Mai TuÊn Anh Hanh 20' News v x Movies x v Music x v Sports v x Game v v show Cartoon v x Get sts to ask and answer question about TV programs that people in their group like and dislike, using TAG question. Have sts find out the most and the least favorite TV programs of their group. -Ask ss to open the book-part Glossary and read all newwords from unit 1 ro unit 5. Notice ss the stress patterns of the words. -Give some exercises on voc and ask ss to do them. a.Exercise 1: Circle the words which don't have the same pronounce: 1.a.advance b.access c.article d.campus 2.a.publish b.adults c.compulsory d.tunic 3.a.design b.comic c.stripe d.hire 4.a.champagne b.watch c.church d.chair * Language focus 3: -Explain the question of the ex.L.focus 3. -Ask ss to repeat the structure of gerunds: Love/like/ enjoy/ hate/ dislike + gerunds. 2, Language focus 2: -Have ss look at the table on P.45. -Get ss to ask and answer questions about T.V programs these people like and dislike, using the tag questions. Ex:a.Tuan likes news, doesn't he? –Yes, he does. b. Hoa and Tuan don't like movies, do they? –No, they don't -Ask ss to work in pairs to ask and answer before the class. -Notice ss the answers..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span> Practice 15'. 3, Language focus 4: -Ask ss to repeat the form of gerunds: Like/love/enjoy/dislike/hate + Gerunds. -Then ask ss to look at the cues in L.focus 4 and make sentences as the example sentences. Ex: My mother likes reading newspaper but my sister doesn't. She loves watching sports. a.Exercise 1: Circle the words which don't have the same Teacher pronounce: whole class 1.a.advance b.access c.article d.campus 2.a.publish b.adults c.compulsory d.tunic 3.a.design b.comic c.stripe d.hire 4.a.champagne b.watch c.church d.chair b.Exercise 2: Choose the best answer (Ex.1- Unit 1,2) -Ask ss to do those exercises individually then give feedback Ex: I love reading newspapers because they are informative. * Language focus 3: -Explain the question of the ex.L.focus 3. -Ask ss to repeat the structure of gerunds: Love/like/ enjoy/ hate/ dislike + gerunds. -Ask ss to look at the example and do ex.3. -Give feedback and correct the mistakes. 2, Language focus 2: -Have ss look at the table on P.45. -Get ss to ask and answer questions about T.V programs these people like and dislike, using the tag questions. Ex:a.Tuan likes news, doesn't he? –Yes, he does. b. Hoa and Tuan don't like movies, do they? –No, they don't -Ask ss to work in pairs to ask and answer before the class. -Notice ss the answers. 3, Language focus 4: -Ask ss to repeat the form of gerunds: Like/love/enjoy/dislike/hate + Gerunds. -Then ask ss to look at the cues in L.focus 4 and make sentences as the example sentences. Ex: My mother likes reading newspaper but my sister doesn't. She loves watching sports.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span> Production Repeat the main content of the lesson 5' Do the exercise Homework (3') V- Adjustments: ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................. Ngµy so¹n :10/12/2014 Ngµy d¹y: Period :33rd. TEST CORRECTION I . Objectives: - Qua phÇn bµi ch÷a HS cã kh¶ n¨ng tù biÕt ch÷a lçi cho bµi kiÓm tra cña m×nh, tù đánh giá đúng kết quả mình đã làm. Từ đó rút ra cách khắc phục những điểm yếu của m×nh. II. Teaching aids: Papper of test §¸p ¸n I. Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others 2ms 1.C 2.C 3. B 4.C II. Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences(1,5ms) 5.A 6.C 7.A 8. B 9.D 10. B 11. B 12.D III/ Supply the correct forms of verbs in the bracket : ( 2 pt ) 13.have ot heard 14. bought 15.could win 16.planted IV Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning. (2,5ms) 17.I wish I could go…………….. 18.Mr An asked me what I did in my free time 19.John used to go on……………………… 20.Trang started learning English in 2009 21.The teacher asked me when I would finish the report III .Reading . Read this paragraph carefull,then anwser the following questions.(2,5pts).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span> (Đọc đoạn văn và sau đó trả lời câu hỏi) 22. Because he improved understanding betwee people of differet coutries. 23.He showed his Esperato to his friends to find out what they thought about it. 24.He wet to study at a university in Moscow. 25.Zamenhof’friends. Ngµy so¹n :12/12/2014 Ngµy d¹y: Period : 34th Review for the 1st term exam. I-Objectives - HÖ thèng ho¸ l¹i c¸c kiÕn thøc c¬ b¶n cña HK I - RÌn cho HS kü n¨ng lµm c¸c d¹ng bµi tËp kh¸c II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary:Revision 2-Grammar :Tenses,reported speech ,Tag questions,Passive voice,Adverbs of result III. Teaching aids Textbook, teachers’book, exercise book. III.Procedures: Steps Warm up 5’. Presentation 10’. Content *Noughts and crosses wish said used to if doesn’t friendliness enjoy watching T.V given -Divide the class into two teams. -Guide ss to play the game. -The team which has 3 crosses or 3 noughts on a line will win -Repeat all the structures that have learnt from unit 1 to unit 5 a.Tenses:- The present simple: S + V(s/es) 4. The past simple: S + V-ed 5. The present perfect: S + have/has + P.P 6. The P.P continuous: S + have/has +been + V-ing b.To wish + S + V(in the past) were could/would + V-inf -The above structure is used to express an unreal wish in present.. Activities Teacher whole class. Teacher – whole class. Individual.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span> Practice 15’. Production 10’ Consolidation 3’ Homework 5’. c.To express a past habit: To used to + V-inf Notice the passive form: To used to be + P.P. d.The passive: S + Be + P.P -Ask ss to repeat the form of passive of each tense. -Give the illustrative examples. e.Reported speech: + With statement sentences: To said + S + V(change the tense). + With Yes/no questions: To asked sb + if/ whether + S + V(change the tense) + With WH questions: To asked sb + WH + S + V(change the tense). -Ask ss to repeat the changes of adverbs and tenses. f.Prepositions of time: - From…to/ till/ upto. 7. in/ on/ at/ before/ after. g.Adverbial clauses of result with “So” Ex: Hoa worked hard, so she passed the exam. h.Gerunds after some ordinary verbs: S + like/ love/ enjoy/ hate/ dislike + V-ing. i.Tag questions: Ask ss to repeat the form of tag questions. j. Conditional sentences type 1: If + S + V(in present) , S + will/ modals + V-inf. -After repeating all the structures, give some examples Teacher – and ask ss to do some exercises. whole class  Exercise 1 of unit 3,4,5  Exercise 2 of unit 4,5. -Ask ss to do individually and then compare the answers. Individual -Give feedback. Teacher – whole class Ask ss to learn all the newwords and structures from unit 1 to u.5 by heart. Ask ss to do all exercise again at home.. V. Adjustment: .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span> Ngµy so¹n :14/12/2014 Ngµy d¹y: Period : 34th Review for the 1st term exam. I-Objectives - HÖ thèng ho¸ l¹i c¸c kiÕn thøc c¬ b¶n cña HK I - RÌn cho HS kü n¨ng lµm c¸c d¹ng bµi tËp kh¸c II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary:Revision 2-Grammar :Tenses,reported speech ,Tag questions,Passive voice,Adverbs of result + The structure of ”Wish” + The present perfect tense III. Teaching aids Textbook, teachers’book, exercise book. III.Procedures: Steps Warm up 5’. Presentation 10’. Content Introduces the new lesson by saying:”Now I don’t have money.So, I can’t buy a car.I wish I had money.” _Asks the students to remark the tense in the sentence: + I wish I had money _Says”Now today we are going to review the structure of “Wish” and the present perfect tense” A. The structure of “Wish” _Gives the examples and then asks the students to formulate the form from the examples. Ex: a) I don’t have money.I wish I had money. b) I am not a teacher.I wish I were a teacher. c) I can’t play the guitar.I wish I could play the guitar * S + Wish + S + V (s.past) * S + Wish + S + Could + Vbare infinitive B.The present perfect tense : _Gives the examples and then asks the students to formulate the form from the examples. Ex1 : I have just bought a hat. Ex2 : She has just bought a hat. * Form : S +have/has + Ved(3) * Use : _Used to express : +An action which has just happened. +An action happening in the past and continueing to the present.. Activities Teacher whole class. Teacher – whole class. Individual.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span> + An action happening in the past but indefinite time _There are often adverbs such as “So far,Up to now,Recently,Lately,..” Practice 15’. Production 10’. *Activity1: _Asks the students to work in groups and do the following exercise. Supply the correct form of verb in brackets: 1) I wish she (be)----here now. 2) They(just,go)-----home. 3) I wish my son(can)-----play football. 4) He(write)------many letters recently. 5) She (play)------plays so far. 6) I wish he(do)-----his homework. 7) Mary(come)------back home from HCMC. 8) He can’t do the test.He wish he (do)-----the test. _Has the students compare their answers. _Calls some students to read their answers before the class. _Corrects the mistakes if possible. IV. Free-Practice: _Has the students do the following exercise. * Multiple Choice: 1.He wish she ----a doctor.(was;is;are;were) 2.I -----the film many times.(see;saw;have seen;has seen) 3.Nam wish he---play volleyball.(could play;played;plays; is playing) 4.-----you-----the novel.(has/read;have/read;do/read;is reading) 5.They wish they-----here now.(were;was;are;is) Has the students compare their answers. _Calls some students to read their answers before the class _Corrects the mistakes if neccessary. Teacher – whole class. Individual. Teacher – whole class. Consolidation Asks one student to tell the form of the present 3’ perfect tense ansd the structure of “wish” Asks the students to: Homework +Learn by heart the grammartical points. 5’ + Redo the exercises in language focus + Prepare the first term test . _Remarks the students’study. V. Adjustment: .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. ...................................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span> Ngµy so¹n :15/12/2014 Ngµy d¹y: Period: 35th. Revision. I.Objectives: - HÖ thèng ho¸ l¹i c¸c kiÕn thøc c¬ b¶n cña HK I - RÌn cho HS kü n¨ng lµm c¸c d¹ng bµi tËp kh¸c II. Language: a. Vocabulary: Revision Revision b. Structures: + The Passive voice + Direct and reported speech 2. Skills: Integrated skills,Especially writing. III.Teaching aids: Textbook, teachers’book, exercise book. IV.Procedures: Steps Warm up 5’. Presentation 10’. Content Introduces the new lesson by an example: + I will give you a pen. You will be given a pen by me. _Asks the students to remark the tense in the sentence. _Says”Now today we are going to review the way of changing a sentence into Passive voice and direct and reported speech” A.Passive voice: 1.Review the passive forms of present perfect,simple present,simple past,and simple future. _Elicits from the students the passive forms of the simple present,simple past,present perfect,simple future… Ex: They sell Jeans all over the world. →Jeans are sold all over the world. + From: S+ TO BE+Vp.p 2.The passive forms of modal verbs and the verbs patterns HAVE TO/BE GOING TO. _Elicits from the students the modal verbs:Must,Can,Should,Might,and the patterns Have to/Be going to. +Form: Modal verbs+Be+Vp.p Ex: The house must be cleaned. Have to/Be going to+Be+Vp.p Ex: This exercise has to be done.. Activities Teacher whole class. Teacher – whole class. Individual.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span> B.Reported speech: *Review the students some notes when changing a sentence from direct into indirect: 1.Go back one tense: Ex: My teacher said,”I will go to HCMC “ My teacher said that he would go to HCMC. Direct Indirect The simple present The simple past tense S+ Ved(2) S + Vs(es)/ S+Is/am/are The present continuous The past continuous tense tense S+is/am/are +Ving S+ Was/Were +Ving The simple future tense The present conditional S+ Will +Vbare S +Would +V bare infinitive infinitive -----------------------------------------------(1) *Notes: Must  Had to Ex: “I must go to school”, He said He said that he had to go to school. 2.Some changes of adjectives and adverbs: Direct Indirect This That These Those Now Then Today That day Tomorrow The following/next day/the day after Here There Yesterdacy The day before --------------(2) 3.Some chamges of pronouns: Ex: He said,”I don’t like this book” He said (that) he didn’t like that book. 4.Kind of sentences: a. Statement: Ex: He said,”I don’t like this book” He said (that) he didn’t like that book. b.Imperative: “Open the door”,My father said to me My father told me to open the door. c.Questions: Ex1 : ”What’s your name?”,He said to me He asked me what my name was. Ex2: “Are you a student?” ,He said to me He asked me if/Whether I was a student. Practice. Activity1:. Teacher –.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span> 15’. Production 10’. _Asks the students to work in groups and do the following exercise. Change these sentences into passive voice: 1) I have bought a house. 2) They will write a letter. 3) She learned English. 4) He can play football 5) She is going to listen to music. 6) I have to do the test. _Has the students compare their answers. _Calls some students to read their answers before the class. _Corrects the mistakes if possible. *Activity2: _Asks the students to work in groups and do the following exercise. Change these sentences into reported speech: 1) “Do you play football?”,I said to him. 2) “They will write a letter tomorrow”,she said. 3) “Can you play the guitar?” She asked him 4) “Where do you live?”,I said to her _Has the students compare their answers. _Calls some students to read their answers before the class. _Corrects the mistakes if possible. Has the students work in pairs and practice speaking as following:”When One gives a sentence,the other must change it into passive or reported speech” _Calls some students to roleplay before the class _Corrects the mistakes if necessary. whole class. Individual. Teacher – whole class. Consolidation Asks one student to tell the content of the lesson. 3’ Asks the students to: Homework +Learn by heart the grammartical points. 5’ + Redo the exercises in language focus + Prepare the first term test. _Remarks the students’study. V. Adjustment: ........................................................................................................................................ Period: 36th Thi häc kú I (§Ò thi cña phßng gi¸o dôc) Ngµy so¹n :02/01/2015 Ngµy d¹y: Period : 37th. Unit 6. Lesson 1. :. the environment getting started & listen and read.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span> I-Objectives: Giới thiệu ngữ liệu và chủ đề bài học về môi trờng, gợi mở cho học sinh một số vấn đề bức xúc về môi trờng. - Gi¸o dôc cho häc sinh ý thøc b¶o vÖ m«i trêng. II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary: garbage dump, deforestation, air pollution, dynamite fishing, water pollution, spraying pesticides 2-Grammar : + Adjectives and adverbs + Adverb clauses of reason + Adjective + that clause + Conditional sentences: type 1 III. Teaching aids: Books, pictures, catsette... IV. Teaching Procedures: Steps Warm-up 5’. Contents * Brainstorming: - Ask students to think of the environment problems in their city. - Get students to go to the board and write down their ideas. Air pollution dirty street. Activities T-whole class. Environmental problems in our city * Possible answers: - The destruction of the forests. - Rubbish/ garbage/ trash. - smote from cars, motorbikes… - smote from factories. Pre-teach vocabulary: Presentation I. - deforestation (n): sù tµn ph¸ rõng 12’ (explanation: the destruction of the forests) - garbage dump (n): đống rác (picture) - dynamite fishing (n): việc đánh bắt cá bằng thuốc nổ. (picture) - spraying pesticides (n): viÖc phun thuèc diÖt s©u bä (picture) - Disappointed (by/about/at something) (adj): thÊt väng, buån rÇu. (synonym) - Sewage (n): níc th¶i, níc cèng * Checking vocabulary: what and where Write the words on the board, put one word on each circle. Garbage dump Disappoint ed. Spraying pesticides. T-whole class. T-whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span> Sewage. Practice 15. Dynamite fishing Deforestation - Have students repeat the words in chorus, then rub out word by word but leave the circle. - Go on until all the words are rubble out. - Point to each circle and ask students to repeat chorally the English words. - Ask students to go to the board and write the words again in their correct circles. II. Matching - Ask students to look at the six pictures on page 47 in their text books. - Ask them to match the words in the box with the correct picture. * anskeys: - Picture a: air pollution - Picture b: spraying pesticides. - Picture c: garbage dump - Picture d: water pollution. - Picture e: deforestation - Picture f: dynamite fishing III. Prediction: - Ask students to keep the books closed. * Set the scene: Mr. Brown is talking to some volunteer conservationists. Guess the place where they are going to work - Give students 1 minute to guess - Give feedback - Ask students to open their books and read the text on page 47-48 - Let students check their prediction * Answer keys: I. Matching - Ask students to match the names in column a with the activities in column B (exercise 2a on page 48) - Ask them to read the text again and work in pairs to match. * Answer key: Group 1: --------------------- f. walk along the shore Group 2: --------------------- e. check the sand Group 3: --------------------- b. check among the rock Mr. Jones: ------------------- a. collects all the bags and takes them to the dump. Mrs. Smith -------------- c. Provide the picnic lunch for everyone. Mr. Brown--------------- d. give out the bags II. Comprehension questions - Ask students to work in pair to answer the question on page 48 (exercise 2b) - Let students read the text again and answer the questions. - Give feedback. Individual work. Individual work Pair work. Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span> Production 10’. Homework 3’. * Questions and answer: - Who is the speaker? (The speaker is Mr. Brown) - Who are the listeners? (The listeners are (members of) the volunteer conservationists) - Where are they? ( They are on the beach) - What are they going to do? ( They are going to lean the beach) - What will they achieve if they work hard today? ( If they work hard today, they will make the beach clean and beautiful again soon) - Have you ever done anything similar? If yes, what did you do? Where did you do it? (Yes, I have. We clean our school/the pair/street. We collected the rubbish and take them to the garbage dump) - If the pollution continues, what might happen? (If the pollution continues, the environment around us won’t be good and it will be harmful to our health, our life) - Ask students to work in closed pairs. * Revision of adverbs Formation: Adjective + ly = Adverbs - ?Ss do exercise 1 in the book. Adjective Adverbs Extreme extremely Good Well Happy Happily sad Sadly Slow Slowly - ? Ss complete the exercise 1 : Use the adverbs in the box. a. Extremely b. slowly c. sadly d. happily e. well. Do exercises in the workbook. Learn by heart vocabulary . Prepare the next lesson. Pair work. Individual work. Whole class. V. Adjustment: ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ Ngµy so¹n :05/01/2015 Ngµy d¹y:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span> Period :38 Unit 6: Lesson 2. the environmentspeak P:49-50. I-Objectives: - Học sinh có khả năng thuyết phục ngời đối thoại thực hiện một họat động nào đó - Học sinh luyện nói, thuyết phục bạn tham gia một số hoạt động bảo vệ môi trờng - Hái vµ tr¶ lêi vÒ lý do cña mét sù viÖc - Hoàn thành bản điều tra qua hỏi đáp. II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary: : Dissolve, traffic jam, exhausts fume, raw sewage, oil spill. 2-Grammar : + Conditional sentences: type 1. + Adverb clauses of reason. III. Teaching aids: Text books ,Books, IV. Teaching Procedures: Steps Warm-up5’. Contents Activities * Jumble words: T-whole - Divide the class into two team. Students from to teams class go to the board and write the correct words. group work - The team which writes more correct words fists wins the game. 1. uadepse = Persuade 2. beaargg = Garbage 3. roderpvo = Provide 4. lupotilon = Pollution 5. duproce = Produce 6. paispoidednt = Disappointed I. Pre-teach vocabulary T-whole Prevent (v): ng¨n chÆn, phßng chèng (translation) class Pre-speaking - Reduce (v): gi¶m, lµm gi¶m (example: last time, this 12’ shirt cost) 50.000 dongs. Now it costs 30.000 dongs. What happens?) - wrap (v): bao bäc (mine) - fauce (n): vßi níc, (picture) - leaf (n): --leaves (pl.) l¸ (realia) * Checking vocabulary: - Put the new words all over the board, each word in a Whole class circle. Prevent Leaf. Reduce Faucet. Garbage Wrap - Call two students or two teams (6 studentsbin for each team) to the from of the class. Ask them to stand at an equal distance from the blackboard. - Teacher calls out some of the new words on Vietnamese in a loud voice; the two students must run forward and slap the word on the blackboard. The one who slap the right word first is the winner..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span> Practice 15’. Production 10’. - Ask 2 more students to come forward, etc … until all the words are slapped. II. Matching - Ask students to complete the expressions in column A by using one of the lines in column B (page 49) then compare with their partners. - Have students match the lines in column B with an expression in column A so that they have sentences of persuasion * Form : I think you should Won’t you It would be better if you + INFINITIVE Can I persuade you to Why don’t you Why not What / how about + V-ing * Use: Express persuasion III. Practice speaking - Each student’s calls out one of their sentences unstill all sentences are finished. * Example: S1: I think you should use banana leaves to wrap food. S2: Won’t you use banana leaves to wrap food? S3: Why don’t you turn off the lights before going to bed? S4: It would be better if you go to school or go to work by bike. S5: Can I persuade you to check all the faucets before going out? S6: Why not put garbage bins around the school yard? S7: I think you should use public buses instead of motorbike. S8: What about using public buses instead of motorbike? S9: …………………… IV. Questionnaire - Let students work in pair to answer to the questions in the questionnaire. - Give feedback, teacher can write some possible answer on the board so that weak students can follow. - Ask students to practice asking and answering. - Ask the whole class to work in pairs. * Possible answer: 1. How can we save paper? * I think you should recycle used paper, newspapers * Why don’t you use banana leaves for wrapping? * Won’t you write on both sides of plastic bags? 2. How can we use fever plastic bags? * How about cleaning and reusing them? * Why not use paper bags instead of plastic bags? 3. How can we reduce water pollution? * It would be better if you don’t throw waster and garbage into streams, lakes or rivers and even ocean. 4. How can we prevent littering?. Individual work Pair work. Individual work. Pair work. Open pairs. Group work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span> Homework 3’. * I think we should put garbage bins around the school yard. * Why don’t you throw all garbage in waster bins? 5. How can we reduce air pollution? * Can I persuade you to go to school by bike? * Why not use private vehicles less? 6. How can we reduce the amount of garbage we produce? * Won’t you try to reuse and recycle things? * Exhibition: - Divide the class into 4 groups, each group has a secretary. Ask them to discuss the question: “What you do to protect the environment”. - The students in groups have opinions, the secretary writes down. - Gets students to use the ideas in exercise 3a, b. - After finishing, the students stick the 4 posters on the T-whole wall. They can go around the class and read 4 posters. class - Give feedback. Leran by heart vocabulary -Do exercises in the workbook -Prepare the next lesson. V. Adjustment: ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ Preparing day :08/01/2015 Ngµy d¹y: Period:39th: Unit 6 Lesson 3. the environment listen P:50. I-Objectives: - Học sinh có khả năng nghe hiểu đợc thông tin chính trong một báo cáo về việc đại dơng của chúng ta bị ô nhiễm nh thế nào và hoàn thành bản thông tin . - Học sinh nắm đợc nguyên nhân và hậu quả của việc ô nhiễm đại dơng II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary: : sewage, (to) spill, . (to) pump, . marine, deliberate 2-Grammar : Adverb clauses of reason Adjective + that clause III. Teaching aids: Text books ,Books, cassette IV. Teaching Procedures: Steps Warm up 5’. Content Sentence Race 1 .Prepare a list of reviewed vocabulary words ex.Banana leaves,plastic bags,gaqrbage.... 2 .Write each word on two small pieces of paper.That means writing the word twice,once on each paper .. Activities Team work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span> 3 .Organize the pieces like bundles,2 bundlles,2 sets of identical words . Guessing game : Pre-listening Ask ss to have guess on how the ocean is pollued . Call some ss to explain their ideals in front of classa . 12’ a .Pre-teach vocabulary . -. sewage (unc) [ su:id ]: níc th¶i, níc cèng ( trans ) - (to) spill: trµn, ®Çy ( visual ) -. (to) pump [ p^mp ]: bơm, đổ ( mime ) marine [ m¬’ri:n ](adj): thuéc biÓn ( trans .(to) leak [ li:k ]: rß rØ ( trans ) -Regulations (n): rules -Waste material :waste material ,especially metal awaiting reprocessing - deliberate [di’lib¬r¬t ](adj): tÝnh to¸n, chñ t©m ( trans ) b .Checking vocabulary Set the sence :SS are going to listen to a report on how our Whileocean are polluted .Study the notes carefuuly then listen listening to the tape and complete the notes. 15 Play the tape more than once if necessary . Get ss to listen to the tape and complete the notes . Ask ss to compare the answers with their partners. Call on some ss to read aloud the answers Give the correct Answers: How the ocean polluted Firstly :Raw sewage is pumped directly into the sea Second :Garbage is dropped into the sea Thirdly :oil spills come from ships at sea Next :Waste materials come from factories. Finally :Oil is washed from the lanf Ask ss to work in pairs,use the notes as the outline and make a short presentation on how the ocean is polluted . PostSs can add more ideal of their of their own in the listening presentation 10’ Call on some Ss present in front of the class EXERCISE 2: * Revision of adverb clauses of reason with because, since, as: Give two sentences and ask students to combine them into one. Example: a) Nam goes to school late. b) He missed the bus  Nam goes to school late because he missed. * Ask students to use other words for BECAUSE ANSWER: SINCE or AS - Have students to language Focus 2 exercise on page 5455 - Let students work in park and join the pair of sentences together using, Because, Since or As. - T: call on some students to read aloud their sentences. - T: correct the sentences. EXERCISE 3: Set the scene to introduce the structure: Adjective + that clause Ba: Dad! I got mark 9 on my text Father: That’s wonderful. I’m pleased that you are. Group work. Whole class. Pair work. Work indivually.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span> working hard. 3. Adjective + that clause ( expressing feeling ) * Set the sence: Ba. Homework 3’. Ba’s father Dad! I got mark 9 on my test. That’s wonderful I’m pleased that you’re working hard Form: S + be + adjective + that clause complement Adjectives of this type are: happy, glad, surprised, relieved, sad, disappointed, delighted, amazed, pleased, excited, sorry, etc. E.g. I am delighted that you can come. He was relieved that no one had been hurt. Ex3: Complete the dialogue on p.55. (Ss work in pairs ) -Learn by heart vocabulary -Do exercises in workbook -Prepare the next lesson. Pair work. Whole class. V. Adjustment: ........................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... Preparing day :10/01/2015 Ngµy d¹y: Period: 40th: Unit 6 the environment Lesson 4 Section : REad P:51 I-Objectives: - - Học sinh có khả năng đọc hiểu chi tiết nội dung một bài thơ nói về môi trêng . - Khuyến khích các em có thể làm một số việc ở gia đình, nhà trờng để giảm tối thiÓu sù « nhiÔm m«i trêng . - Học sinh nắm đợc ý nghĩa giáo dục của bài thơ về môi trờng . II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary: : end up, second hand, junk yard, treasure, foam, nonsense, folk. 2-Grammar : Conditional sentence type 1 III. Teaching aids: Text books ,Books, chalks,cassette IV. Teaching Procedures:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span> Steps Warm up 5’. Content * Chatting: - Ask students some questions about poetry + Do you like poetry? + Which poetry do you like best? + Name some poems that are your favorite? + Do you think it is easy understand a poem? + Have you ever read an English poem? Do you understand it? Do you like it? I. Pre-teach vocabulary - Junk yard (n): b·i phÕ th¶i (explanation: a place where people store wastes) Pre-reading - treasure (n): kho b¸u (translation) 12’ - Hedge (n): hµng rµo (visual) - nonsense (n): ®iÒu v« ngh·i ,v« lÝ (translation) - Foam (n): bät (picture) * Checking vocabulary: Rub out and Remember - Get students to copy the work in their books. - Ask students to repeat the words chorally. - Rub out the words one at a time. Each time you rub out an English word, point to the Vietnamese translation and ask “what’s this in English?” (the whole class answer chorally) - When all the English words are rubbed out, go through the Vietnamese list and get students to call out the English equivalent. - If there’s time; get students to come to the board and write the English words again. II. Pre questions - Give students two questions and ask them to answer before reading the poem. * Set the scene: Two people are going on the picnic. They are talking about the pollution. Question: a) Who are the people in the poem? b) Where are they? - Have students work impairs to guess the answers. - Give feeback While I. Reading and checking: reading - Have students read the poem and check their answers. 15’ * Answer key: a) The mother and her son. b) They are in the park/woods - Ask students to practice asking and answering the questions in pairs. II. Matching - Have students practice guessing the meaning if the words by matching each word in column A with an appropriate explanation in column B. A B 1. junk yard a. a row of things forming a fence. 2. end up b. people 3. treasure c. a piece of land full of rubbish.. Activities T-whole class. T-whole class. Pair work. Pair work. Individual work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span> 4. foam d. a flow of water 5. stream e. mass of bubbles of air gas 6. hedge f. valuable or precious things 7. folk g. reaches of state of. * Answer key: 1-c, 2-g, 3-f, 4-e, 5-d, 6-a, 7-b III. Comprehension questions - Show 5 questions (from 1-5) on page 51. - Get students to work in pairs to answer the questions. * Answer key: 1. According to the mother, what will happen of the pollution goes on? - If the pollution goes on, the world will end up like a second hand junk yard. 2. Who does the mother think pollute the environment? - The mother thinks other folk pollute (are responsible for the pollution of) the environment but not her or her son. 3. What will happen to the boy if he keeps on asking his mother such questions? - His mother will talk him home right away 4. Do you think the boy’s question is silly (line 9-10)? Why not? - No. Because he is right; if he throws the bottles that will be polluting the woods. 5. What does the poet want us to learn about keeping the environment unpolluted? Post reading - The poet wants us to learn that everyone is responsible 10’ for keeping the environment from pollution. * Discussion: - Divide the class into four groups - Have students discuss the question: “What could you do in your house to minimize pollution?” - Ask students to write 5 things that they have to do to keep the environment unpolluted. Homework 3’. -Do exercises in the workbook -Learn by heart vocabulary -Pprepare the next lesson. Pair work. Group work. Whole class. V. Adjustment: ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................... Preparing day :13/01/2015 Ngµy d¹y:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span> Period: 41st: Unit 6 Lesson 5 Section :. the environment write P:52-53. I-Objectives: - Häc sinh cã kh¶ n¨ng viÕt c¸c c©u hoµn chØnh thµnh mét ®o¹n v¨n díi h×nh thøc mét l¸ th than phiÒn, khiÕu n¹i (a letter of complaint) dùa trªn ng÷ liÖu so sánh .- Nắm đợc cấu trúc của một lá th phàn nàn . - Viết 1 lá th khiếu nại về việc đánh bắt cá bằng điện II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary: : complaint, refreshment, fly, response, resolution, prohibit, a toad 2-Grammar : III. Teaching aids: Text books ,Books, chalks IV. Teaching Procedures: steps Content activites Warm up * Single word dictation: T. dictates a list of words, Ss write them down, then find Pair work 5’ the connection between these words. As soon as they find the connection, they shout out the word. Individual E.g. throw away, waste paper, vegetable waste, useless things, smell ( trash ) envelop, write, send, receive, stamp, post ( letter ). Today we are going to practice in writing a complaint letter. Pre- writing a. Pre- teach: New words T- Wc 12’ 1. complication [ k¬mpli’keiSn ](n): sù phøc t¹p / r¾c rèi ( trans ) 2. ( to ) fine [ fain ]: ph¹t / ph¹t tiÒn ( trans / exp ) 3. resolution [ rez¬’lu:Sn ](n): c¸ch gi¶i quyÕt ( trans ) 4. refreshment [ ri’freSm¬nt ](n): sù nghØ ng¬i ( trans ) 5. a frog [ frog ](n): con Õch ( visual ) 6. a toad [ t¬ud ](n): con cãc 7. a fly [ flai ](n): con ruåi 8. (to) complain [ k¬m’ plein ] to sobody: than phiÒn / phµn nµn ( trans ) 9. complaint (n): sù than phiÒn / phµn nµn ( from the verb ) 10. (to) prohibit [ pr¬’hibit ]: ng¨n c¶n / ng¨n cÊm ( trans ) * Checking: R O & R b. Ordering: ( Ss work individually then compare with their partners ) - Ss keep their books closed. T. provides Ss 5 sections of a complaint letter in random order: a. Action: talks about future action b. Situation: states the reason for writing c. Politeness: ends the letter politely d. Complication: mention the problem e. Resolution: makes a suggestion Answer key: 1 – b 2 – d 3 – e 4 – a 5 – c. Individual Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span> SCRAP c. Set the scene: Mr Nhat wrote a letter to the director of L & P Company in HCM City. The five sections of the letter are not in the right order. T. asks Ss to read the letter ( p. 52 ) then match each section with the appropriate letter. S, C, R, A or P * Ex1: Reading and matching ( work in pairs ) Answer key: R – I would …….. S – I am writing …….. A – I look forward ….. C – When the trucks ……. P – Sincerely ……………. Whilewriting 15’. Postwriting. * Ss read the instruction in section b ( p. 53 ) then answer the questions * Ex2: Answer the questions ( in pairs ) 1. What do people do in the lake behind your house these days? ( They begin to catch fish ) 2. What makes you worried? ( They use electricity to catch fish ) 3. To whom do you write the letter to? ( We write to the head of the local authorities [ ‘l¬ukl o: thar¬tiz ]: ch/ quuyÒn ®/ ph ) 4. What suggestion do you want to make? ( We suggest the local authorities should prohibit and fine heavily anyone using electricity to catch fish ) 5. Any future plan you want to make? ( We look forward to seeing the protection of environment from the local authorities ) * Ex3: Write the complaint letter- Write b ( p. 53 ) - Ss write the letter individually first then share with their partners. - T. monitors and notes down the typical mistakes. Suggested key: Dear Mr President, I am writing to you about the problem of fish catching in the lake behind my house. I am very worried because people use electricity to catch fish. After a short time, they left the lake, a lot of small fish died and floated ( næi ) on the water surface. Other animals such as frogs, toads, and even birds also died from electric shock waves. I would suggest the local authorities should prohibit and fine heavily anyone using this way of catching fish. I look forward to hearing from you and seeing the protection of environment from the local authorities. Sincerely. ( Signature xxxxxxxx ). Pair work. Individual. Individual. T-Wc. Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span> 10 Homework 3’. *. Ss swap their letters, read and correct mistakes. T. writes some typical mistakes on the board and elicits the correction from ss. 1. Learn by heart the new words and write them. 2. Write their letter in their notebooks. 3.Prepare unit 7. V. Adjustment: .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. Preparing day :17/01/2015 Ngµy d¹y: Period: 42nd: the environment Lesson 5 Lesson 6: language focus I-Objectives - Sau bài học này, học sinh có thể nắm đợc trọng tâm ngữ pháp : Tính từ và trạng từ, mệnh đề chỉ lý do, mệnh đề tính từ và câu điều kiện dạng 1. II. Language contents: 1. Vocabulary 2. Grammar  Adjectives and adverbs  Adverb clauses of reason  Adjective + that clause  Conditional sentences : type 1 III. Teaching aids : book , tape , posters,pictures V. Procedures Steps Content. Activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span> Warm up 5’. Presentation 12’. Practice 15’. *Revision: – -Ask ss to recall adj and adv of manner and do the Teacher whole class following ex. *Matching: extreme well good slowly happy extremely sad happily slow Sadly -Then have ss repeat the form of adv of manner. Form: Adj + ly = Adv of manner. Use: + Adj can come before a noun and after some verbs such as : be, look, seem, feel, smell, sound, taste. -Give the illustrative examples: That's a nice girl That soup smells good. + Adv normally go after the Od or after ordinary verbs. -Give examples: I read the letter carefully. -Then ask ss to use the adverbs provided in “Matching” to complete the sentences on Language focus 1 on page 5 -Get ss to work in pairs and give feedback. *Answer keys: b. slowly c.sadly d.happily e.well. I.Pre-teach vocabulary TeacherExhaust fume (n): (visual) khãi x¨ng, khãi x¶ cña xe cé whole class Cope (v): (translation): đối phó Respiratory (a): (translation): thuéc vÒ h« hÊp Ideal (a): (synonym): lý tëng, hoµn h¶o Pesticide (n): (realia): thuèc trõ s©u Inedible (a): (example): không ăn đợc * Checking vocabulary: What and where 1, Revision of adverb clauses of reason with Because/ as/ since -Give two sentences and ask ss to combine them into one. (a) Ba is tired. (b) He stayed up late watching T.V last night. Ba is tired because he stayed up late watching T.V last night.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span> Main clause Adverb clause of reason -Ask ss to use other words for “because” *Answer: Since / As. -Have ss to do the Language focus 2 on P.54,55. -Let ss work in pairs to join the pairs of sentences together using Because/ as/ since. -Call on some ss to read aloud the answers. Correct mistakes. *Answer keys: a.I'm going to be late for school because/Since/ the bus is late b.I broke the vase because /Since/ As I was careless. c.I want to go home because/ since/as I fell sick. d.I'm hungry because/ since/ as I haven't eaten all day. *Exercise L.focus 3: -Set the scene to introduce the structure: Adj + that clause. Ex: Ba: Dad! I got mark 9 on my test. Father: That's wonderful. I'm pleased that you are working hard. *Form: S + be + Adjectives + that clause. Production 10’. Complement -Then ask ss to do ex.Language focus 3 on page 55. -Let ss work in pairs to complete the dialogues. -Give feedback: b.I'm excited that I can go to DaLat this time. c.I'm sorry that I broke your bicycle. d.I.m disappointed that you didn't phone me about it. e.I'm amazed that I could win the first prize. 4, Conditional sentences type 1: -Write the statement on the board. Ex: If we pollute the water, we will have no fresh water to use. -Ask ss to draw the form: *Form:. If clause Simple present. Main clause Simple future.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span> a.Matching: Have ss do L.focus 4 on P.56. -They have to match half- sentence in column A with a suitable one in column B. -Ask ss to work in pairs and find out 5 completed conditional sentences. Keys: 1 – e; 2 – a; 3 – c; 4- d; 5 – b. b. Sentence completion: -Guide ss how to do ex.5 L.focus. -Give ex: If the rice paddies are polluted, the rice plants'll die. -Ask ss to complete the sentences individually. -Give feedback: b. If ., the environment will become seriously polluted. c. If.., we'll have more shade and fresh air.. Homework 3’ minutes. d. If.., the vegetables will become poisonous and inedible. - Explaining the way how to do the exercises. - Ask ss to prepare unit 7. V. Adjustment: ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ Ngµy so¹n :18/01/2015 Ngµy d¹y: Period: 43rd: unit 7 saving energy Lesson 1 Section : getting started & listen and read I-Objectives: - - Giới thiệu chủ đề bài học về tiết kiệm năng lợng, thông qua bài tập phát hiÖn c¸ch sö dông l·ng phÝ n¨ng lîng trong t×nh huèng m« t¶ ë tranh vÏ . - Giíi thiÖu ng÷ liÖu míi vµ luyÖn tËp héi tho¹i vÒ viÖc sö dông n¨ng lîng . - Gi¸o dôc cho häc sinh ý thøc tiÕt kiÖm n¨ng lîng (®iÖn, níc...) II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary: : water bill, enormous, crack, pipe, dripping faucet 2-Grammar : - Suggest +V-ing - Suggest that S + Should + V III. Teaching aids: Text books ,Books, chalks,cassette IV-Teaching procedures.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span> Activities Steps Warm up 5’. Content. * Chatting: - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and answer the questions. Individual + Is the TV on ? work + Who is watching TV ? Is the light still burning ? Presetation I. Pre teach vocabulary - Water bill (n) - enrmous (a) 10’ - Reduce (v) - Plumber (n) - Crack (n) - Dripping faucet (n) * Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remmeber I Reading and checking prediction. - Ask Ss to read the dialogue on page 57 and check their Practice prediction. Individual 20’ - Have them correct false sentences work 1- True; 2- True; 3 False 3-Mrs Ha hasn’t checked the piper in his house + 4 False => Mrs Mi suggests getting a plumber to make sure there are no cracks in the piper 5- True II. Comprehension questions - Have Ss work in pairs to find out the answer of these questions. a. Why is Mrs Ha work ? Pairs work b. How much money does Mrs Ha pay for her water bill ? c. What does Mrs Mi advice Mrs Ha to do ? d. How much water can be wasted a month by a dripping faucet ? - Give feedback. Answer: a. Because his recent water bill…………… b. He pays 200.000 dongs Production c. / d. 5’ * Discuss: - Ask Ss to work in groups, discussing the topic “ What do you do to save energy at home and at Groups work school” ? Homework - Give out some words provided + Taking shower instead of a bath 5’ + Turning off faucets after use + Making sure there are no cracks in the water pipper - Ask them to work in groups *Learn by heart vocabulary Whole class *Do exercises in the workbook *Prepare the next lesson V. Adjustment: ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ .........................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span> Ngµy so¹n :24/01/2015 Ngµy d¹y: Period: 44th: unit 7 saving energy Lesson 2 Section : speak and listen I-Objectives: - HS sử dụng đợc các cấu trúc chỉ lời khuyên, đề nghị để đề nghị các cách tiết kiệm năng lîng th«ng qua th¶o luËn nhãm. - HS cã thÓ hiÓu vµ biÕt 2 bµi tËp c¬ b¶n cña bµi nghe - HS lµm BT “T-F” vµ BT “Gap filling” II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary: : 2-Grammar : - Suggestion Suggest +V-ing - Suggest that S + Should + V - Shall we……? Why don’t we How about/What about +V-ing ? III. Teaching aids: Text books ,Books, chalks IV-Teaching procedures Steps Content Activities - Supposing a situation: It is in the morning and the Warm up weather is cool. All the fans in the classroom are on. Ask 3’ students what would do to save energy in the case  Pair Giving suggestions. - Asking students to give on the suggestions Mrs. Mi gives to Mr. Ha in the previous lesson. Pre-speaking 10’. - Reminds Sts of the structures they have learnt that are used to give suggestions. (What about/ Why don't we/ Let's/) - Asking students to open the textbooks. Page 58, part 2 – Speak and to add some mores structures, paying more attention on the two structures using “should”. - Asking students how to response a suggestion (Agree and Disagree) + Agree: OK/ That's a good idea/All right + Disagree: No. I don't want to/ I prefer to/ Let's .. - Conducting repetition these structures among the students. - Asking some pair to perform before the class and checking (pronunciation, grammar) * Predicting the activities: asking students to predict the activities for each pictures that are for saying energy (more than one activity for each picture is fine_ = page 59 - Checking before the class * Pair work: Giving suggestions and responses out if these activities.. Teacher – whole class. Individual.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span> Whilespeaking 10’. Pre-listening 10'. - Checking before the class. * Group work: Students workings in groups of 4, playing the roles of A, B, C and D - Some groups forming before the class. - Explaining the task of this activity. - Students working in groups of 4 again, working out a similar exchange to save energy foot their class, using the expressions and ideas in the previous activities. Some groups performing the class then checking 1, Ask ss to work in pairs, look at the pictures and make suggestions. -Let ss work in about 4', then call on some ss to speak before the class. Ask other ss to correct mistakes. 2, Ask ss to do ex.3b on P.59. -Get ss to look at the picture on P.59 and make suggestions about how to save energy at home and in your class. *Possible answers: I think we should turn off the faucets after use. I suggest fixing the faucets. Why don't we turn off the lights before leaving rooms? How about taking a shower instead of a bath? Let's turn off T.V when none watch. I suggest putting the lid on the cooking pot when cooking. -Ask ss to work in groups and make dialogues for examples: A: I think we should take a shower instead of a bath to save energy. B: That's a good idea. C: How about making posters on energy saving and hanging them around our school? D: Great! Let's do that. II. Pre-teach vocabulary: - solar (adj): thuéc vÒ mÆt trêi (explanation: everything which is connected with the sun) - solar panel (n): tấm kim loại ding để tiếp nhận n¨ng lîng mÆt trêi - nuclear power (n): n¨ng lîng h¹t nh©n(translation) - install (v): lắp đặt, cài đặt(translation) * Checking vocabulary: Slap the board Solar Populati on. Install Solar. Solar Nuclear. Teacher – whole class. Pair. Pair. Teacher whole class. Group.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span> - Call on two students or 2 teams of students to the front of the class. - Make sure they stand at an equal distance from the board - Call out one word in Vietnamese, the 2 students much run forward and slap the correct word on the board. The one who slaps first is the winner. - Continue to ask 2 more students to come forward. - Go to until students have slapped all the words.. Group. . Whilelistening 10'. II. True – False statements prediction - Ask students to look at the statements on page 60 (4a) - Have they work in pairs and guess which statements are true and which one are false. 1. Solar energy can be cheap and clean 2. Most of our electricity now comes from nuclear power. 3. The solar energy that gets to the Earth cannot provide enough power for the world's population. 4. Solar energy can be used on cloudy days. 5. All buildings in Sweden will be heated by solar energy in 2050 - Give feedback I. Listening and checking: - Have students listen to the tape twice and check their prediction - Get students to correct the false statement * Answer keys: 1. T  2. F Most of our electricity comes from the  use of coal, gas, oil or nuclear power. 3. F 1% of the solar energy that gets to the  Each can provide enough power for the world's population. 4. T  5. F They will be heated by solar energy in  2015. * Tape transcript: “Are you using looking for cheep, clean, effective source power that doesn't cause pollution or waste natural resources? Look no further than solar energy from our sun. At present, most of our electricity comes from the use of coal and gas, oil or nuclear power. This power could be provide by the sun. One percent of the solar energy that reaches the Earth is enough to provide power for the total population. Many countries are already using solar energy. Solar panels are placed on the roof of a house and the Sun's energy is used to heat water. The energy can be stored for a number of days, so on cloudy days you can use solar energy too. Sweden has an advanced solar energy program. There, all buildings will be heated by solar energy and cars will use solar power instead of gas by the year 2015”. Teacher – whole class. Individual. Teacher – whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span> II. Gap-filling - Have students look at exercise 4b on page 60 and work Individual in pairs to guess the words in the blank - Give feedback - Have students listen to the tape again and fill in the gaps. If students can't finish, let them listen once more. * Answer keys: 1. The Sun can be an effective source of power 2. Solar energy doesn't cause pollution 3. A lot of countries in the world are already using solar energy 4. It is possible to store solar energy for a number of days. 5. Solar panels are installed on the roof of a house to receive the energy from the Sun 6. We can save natural resources by using solar energy instead of coat, gas and oil - Ask ss to learn all the newwords by heart. -Ask ss to do ex.L.focus 3 and ex.1,2 in the exercise book.. Homework 2' V. Adjustment: ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................... Ngµy so¹n :28/01/2015 Ngµy d¹y: Period: 45th: unit 7 saving energy Lesson 3 Section : read I-Objectives: - HS có khả năng đọc hiểu bài đọc về tiết kiệm năng lợng điện . . Qua đó có thể có những ý tởng chung cho bài học bằng cách chọn những đáp án đúng nhÊt II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary: luxury, necessity, consumer, household, Account for, tumble dryer, innovation 2-Grammar : not only….but also III. Teaching aids: Text books ,Books, chalks,cassette IV-Teaching procedures Steps. Content. Activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span> Warm up 5’. Brainstorming:. Group work. lights. fans Electricity appliances television. Pre-reading 12’. Whilereading 15’. Pre teach vocabulary: + luxury > < Necessity : + consumer (n) : user of products or services + household (n) : family + account for (v) : represent + labeling scheme (n) : campaign that gives labels to products. + Tumble dryer (n) : machine hat dries things usually hair or clothes. + Innovation (n) : bringing in new ideas, making changes. Checking vocabulary :What and where : Ask Ss to read the passage very quickly and answer the following questions 1.Which cotinents are mentioned in the text? 2.Are electricity,gasand water luxuries or necessities? -Have Ss read the passage more carefully and choose the best summary for it among four following options. -Ask Ss to give explanation for their choice. -Give the correct answer: *North American and European countries are interested in saving money and natural resouces. -Tell Ss to read the passage again and answer the questions. -Ask Ss to compare their answers with a friend. -Call on some Ss to read their answers aloud in front of class. -Give the correct answer. Answer : 3. North American and European coutries are intersted in saving money and natural resources. ( because three others are too specific . They only cover one part of the passage.) - Ask Ss to read the text agian and answer the questions in part b. - Call on some Ss to read their answer aloud in front of the class. - Answers: 1. Western consumers are interested in products that will not only work effectively but also save money. 2. We can use energy - saving bulbs instead of ordinary 100 watt- light bulbs to spend less on lighting.. T- whole class. Pair work. Individual work. Group work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span> Post-reading 10’. 3. She will pay US$ 2 for lighting if she uses energy saving bulbs instead. 4.......... Expand the topic by opening a discussion on question: Why should we save energy? -Ask Ss to work in group to list the reasons for saving energy. 1. Learn by heart the new words and write them. 2. Prepare the writing.. Homework 3’. V. Adjustment: ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................... Ngµy so¹n :05/02/2015 Ngµy d¹y: Period: 46th: unit 7 saving energy Lesson 4 Section : write I-Objectives: - HS tập soạn thảo một bài diễn văn đơn giản . - Thùc hµnh viÕt mét bµi diÔn v¨n vÒ viÖc lµm gi¶m r¸c, sö dông l¹i giÊy hoÆc tiÕt kiÖn n¨ng lîng trong bÕp . II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary: . (a) funtion , (to) sum up , (a) detail (n) , 2-Grammar : Review III. Teaching aids: Text books ,Books, chalks, . (a) speech IV-Teaching procedures Steps Warm up 5’. Content Network: ( group work ) How to protect the environment Or: Jumbled words: 1. usm pu = sum up 2. ioatnetnt = attention. Pre- writing. Activites. 4. diosl = solid 5. fradt = draft ( b¶n dù th¶o ). 3. aeidtl = detail Today we are going to practice in writing a simple speech. a. Pre- teach: New words. Team work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span> 12’. Whilewriting 15’. 1. (a) funtion [ ‘f^nkSn ](n): chøc n¨ng ( trans ) 2. (to) sum up [ s^m ^p ]: tãm t¾t ( trans / exp ) 3. (a) detail (n): chi tiÕt ( exp ) 4. (a) speech [ spi:tS ](n): bµi diÔn v¨n, bµi nãi ( visual and exp ) * Checking: R O & R b. Questions: Ss read the table on p. 61 in the textbook, then answer the questions: a. How many parts are there in a speech? b. What are they? - Ss’ answer. * Ex1: Matching- a ( p. 61 ) ( Ss work in pairs ) - one St writes his / her prediction on the board. - T. checks with the whole class. Key: 1. Introduction – B 2. Body – C 3. Conclusion – A T. asks Ss some questions. * Questions: a. What’s the function of the introduction? ( It’s getting …) b. What’s the function of the body? c. What’s the function of the conclusion? * Ex2: Ordering- Write b ( p.61 ). *Ss work individually to put each section in the correct order to complete a speech *Ss pair compare. T. asks Ss to label each section ( Introduction / Body / Conclusion ) and focuses Ss' attention on the language functions in each part. - Introduce – 3 - Body – 2 - Conclusion – 1 *Questions: a. What’s professor Roberts going to tell? b. How can we reduce using too much gas? c. What will happen if we follow these simple rules? * Ex3: Writing speeches- c ( p. 62 ) Divide the class into 6 groups, Groups 1 , 2 Prepare a speech about “ Reducing garbage “, Groups 3 , 4 Prepare for “ Reusing paper “ Groups 5 + 6 prepare for “ Saving energy in the kitchen “ Ss use the ideas in the callouts on P.62 and the model speech in write b to write their speech. *Possible speeches: 1. Reduce garbage: Good morning, [ ladies and gentlemen ], my name is ……. and I’m going to tell you how to reduce garbage. Most of us use too much garbage every day. You can. T- WC. T- WC. Pair work. Individual. individual. Pair work. Group work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span> reduce garbage by: - collecting plastic bags. - not keeping solid waste with food waste. - putting different kinds of waste in different places. If you follow those simple rules, you will not only reduce garbage, but also keep the environment cleaner. 2. Reusing paper: Good morning, [ my friends and my teachers ], my name is ……. and I’m going to tell you how to reuse paper. Most of us use too much paper every day. You can reuse paper by: - having a separate waste basket for waste paper. - keeping sheets with single printed page for drafting. If you follow those simple rules, you will not only reduce garbage, but also you will save money. 3. Saving energy in the kitchen: Hi, every body, my name is ……. and I’m going to tell you how to save money. Most of us use too much electricity, especially in the kitchen. You can reuse this amount by: - turning off the lights before leaving the kitchen. - Preparing food carefully before turning on the stove. - keeping refrigerator door closed. If you follow those simple rules, you will not only save money, but also conserve the resource. Post- writing *CORRECTION Whole class 10’ The groups that have the same topic compare their speech, correct the mistakes and improve their speech. - T. hangs 3 posters on, then corrects Homework 3’ 1. Learn by heart the new words and write them. 2. Write down all of these speeches in their notebooks. V. Adjustment: ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................... Ngµy so¹n :10/02/2015 Ngµy d¹y: Period: 47th:. unit 7 saving energy.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(97)</span> Lesson 5 Section :. language focus. I- Objectives: - Sau khi học xong HS có khả năng sử dụng các từ, cụm từ và câu đề nghị một cách lu lo¸t II- Contents: Vocabulary. Structure:  Connectives: and, but, because, or, so, therefore, however  Phrasal verbs: turn off, turn on, look for, look after, go on  Make suggestions: suggest + verb-ing, suggest (that) + S + should III- Teaching aids: Extra board , posters and pictures. IV- Procedure: Steps Content Activities * Information transmitting: Warm up - Divide class into two teams Teacher – 5' - Choose six volunteers from each team. whole class - The volunteers stand in two lines. The teacher shows the first student in each line a sentence. - The first students whisper the whole sentences to the second students in his / her line. - The second student whispers to the third and so on. - The last students shout out the sentence, (or write it on the board) if it is the same as the sentence teacher shows, that team wins the match. * Sentence 1: I suggest collecting waste paper. * Sentences 2: I suggest practicing English every day Presentation 1, Exercise 1: *Gap – filling: 10' -Show ss the exercise 1. Explain the question clearly and ask ss to do this exercise. -Call on some ss to give the answers. Sometimes ask ss some questions to check their comprehension. Practice *Answer keys: 20' a. and c. because e. or g. and b. but d. therefore f. so h. however 2, Exercise 2: -Ask ss to look at the pictures and answer the question: ? What are they doing? -Provide ss 5 phrase verbs and then ask them to match the verbs with the pictures on P.63. P1: Look after the baby. P4: Turn on the T.V P2: Go on (wasting water) P5: Turm off the faucet. P3: Look for.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(98)</span> Production 8'. -Then have ss work in pairs to do L.Focus 2. -Call on some ss to give the answers before the class. *Keys: a. look after b.go on c.turn on d.looked for e. turn off. 3, Exercise 3: -Teacher gives an example: I suggest collecting stamps. She suggests that we should collect stamps. *Chain game (3a): Your class wants to help the poor. Give some suggestions: S1: I suggest collecting some money. S2: I suggest collecting some money, collecting unused clothes. S3: I suggest collecting some.., organizing a show to raise money. *Exercise 3b: Your friend wants to improve his/her English. -Divide the class into two groups and write full sentences: Ex: I suggest that you should write sentences with newwords. I suggest that you should speak English in class. -Call on some ss to read aloud their full sentences and correct the mistakes. Ask ss to work in group to discuss the topic: “What do you do to save water at home and at school?” *Possible answers: + Taking a shower instead of a bath. + Turning off faucets after use.. - Review lesson carefully to do the test next week. Homework 2' V. Adjustment: ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................... Ngµy so¹n :16/02/2015 Ngµy d¹y: Period: 48th: The written test III.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(99)</span> I-Objectives: -- Th«ng qua bµi kiÓm tra gióp häc sinh hÖ thèng ho¸ c¸c kiÕn thøc ng÷ pháp đã học trong 7 Unit đầu đặc biệt là Unit 6 và Unit 7. - Qua bài kiểm tra – GV phát hiện ra những kỹ năng còn yếu của HS để có phơng ¸n luyÖn tËp kÞp thêi. - Qua bài kiểm tra – HS tự kiểm tra, đánh giá mức độ hiểu bài của mình, từ đó XD kÕ ho¹ch «n tËp cñng cè kiÕn thøc. II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary: From unit 6 to unit 7. 2-Grammar : Adjectives and Adverbs. - Adverb clauses of reason ( as / because/ since) - Adjective + that clause. -Conditional sentences: Type 1 - Conectives: and, but, because, or... - Phrasal verbs. - Make suggestions : Suggest+ Verb ing , suggest ( that ) + S + should. III. Teaching aids: Text books ,Books, chalks, . (a) speech IV-Teaching procedures Ma trËn NhËn biÕt TN TL. Chủ đề I. Language focus II Reading III. Writing. Th«ng hiÓu TN TL. TN. VËn dông TL 8. 8 4® 4 2® 4. 4 4. 2® 4 2®. IV. Writing. Tæng. 4. 20 4 2® 8® I. Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others (2ms) Tæng. 4® 2® 2® 2®. 16. 1-a.hat b.bag c.call d.cat 2-a.cut b.student c.much d.study 3-chair b.cheap c.child d.chemist 4.-a.find b.nice c.since d.drive II. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences. (2) 1. Can you ..............the light ? It's too dark to do homework . A. turn off B. turn on C. turn down D. turn up 2. She suggested ...........money for the poor people in our neighborhood . A. save B. to save C. saving D. saved 3. If he ............... a student, he will get a discount. A. is B. was C. were D. will be 4. She is very tired; ................, she has to finish her homework.. 10®.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(100)</span> A. moreover B. so C. and D. however 5. I suggest you …………. practise speaking English every day. A. must B. can C. should D. have to 6. I have ………………my bag but I can’t find it anywhere. A.looked at B.looked for C.looked after D.looked in 7. A ………………..faucet can waste a lot of water a month. A.running B.dripping C.dropping D.cutting 8. How about………………a bus?We have a lot of time. A.take B.to take C.taking III. Supply the correct verb form in brackets <2 ms >. D.having taken. 1.I suggest (go)………………….on there on foot 2.While Lan (do) ………….……………her homework last night her boy friend phoned her. 3.We (watch) ………………………….TV at 8 p.m last night. 4.They just (finish) their homework IV/ Read the passage carefully and mark T ( true ) or F ( false ) : ( 2 pts ) Environmental pollution is a term that refers to all the ways by which man pollutes his surroundings. Man dirties the air with harmful gases and smoke, contaminates water with chemicals and other substances, and damages the soil with too many fertilizers and pesticides. Man also pollutes his surroundings in various other ways. For example, people ruin natural beauty by scattering junk and litter on the land and in the water. Environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems facing mankind today. 1/ ____ The surroundings are being polluted by man. 2/ ____ According to the writer, gases and smoke cannot make the air polluted. 3/ ____ According to the writer, fertilizers and pesticides can't cause damage to the soil. 4/ ____ Scattering junk and litter on the land and in the water ruins natural beauty. V/ Complete the second sentence which has the same meaning as the first ( 2 pts ) 1/ I suggest turning off the lights before going out. - I think we …………………………………………………………………………... 2/ Learning English is very difficult. It is……………………. ..................................................................................................... 3/ Lan has studied Japaneses for 4 years Lan …………………………………………………………………………… 4/ How about putting the garbage bins around the school ground ? - I suggest ......................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(101)</span> Ngµy so¹n :22/02/2015 Ngµy d¹y: Period: 49th: unit 8 celebrations Lesson 1 Section : getting started &listen and read I-Objectives: - HS biÕt tªn vµ cã kh¶ n¨ng nãi vÒ c¸c ngµy lÔ cña ViÖt Nam vµ mét sè níc nãi tiÕng anh Giới thiệu ngữ liệu và nội dung chủ đề bài học về lễ tết ở Việt Nam; lễ Qúa Hải của ngời Do Thái và lễ phục sinh của ngời theo đạo thiên Chúa II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary: . Sticky rice cake ,occur ,Slowery ,live apart ,Parade ,joyful = cheerful ,Israel ,Jewish ,Passover 2-Grammar : Relatives clauses ,concessives clauses III. Teaching aids: Text books ,Books, chalks, . IV-Teaching procedures.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(102)</span> Steps Warm-up 5’. Pre-reading 12’. Content Activities - Ask Ss the name of some celebrations on VN & in Individual other countries. - Give Ss some picture about birthday, wedding, Tet holiday,… and then ask Ss to guess the names of the pictures. - Ask Ss to look the picture are the books and then have they read the names of the celebration. - Give Ss the corrects answers. - Ask Ss which celebrations they like best Answer: 1. Easter 2. Wedding 3. Birthday 4. 5. Mid-Fall Festival 6. Lunar New Year Christmas II-Listen and read: - Introduce the subject matter of the text - Introduce new words and then explain them Pre teach .1-Vocabulary 1. Passover (n) (pic) 2. Jewish people (n):(pic) 3 .sticky rice cake (n):(pic) 4. slavery (n):(pic) 5. Parade (n) 6.to occur syn happen - Get Ss to copy. .Checking vocabulary *Matching. 1/. to occur a/. người Do Thái 2/. slavery b/. cuộc diễu hành 3/. Jewish people c/. Lễ Quá hải. Teacher-Ss. Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(103)</span> V. Adjustment: ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................... Ngµy so¹n :26/02/2015 Ngµy d¹y: Period: 50th:. unit 8 celebrations. Lesson 2 Section : speak and listen I-Objectives: - HS có khả năng khen ngợi ai đó và đáp lại lời khen HS có thể mở rộng tình huống và tạo lập đối thoại HS cã kh¶ n¨ng nghe vµ hoµn thµnh lêi bµi h¸t díi d¹ng ®iÒn tõ vµo chç trèng Häc thuéc lêi vµ giai ®iÖu bµi h¸t tiÕng anh Auld Lang Syne II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary:Charity,program,Activist,Nominate,Welldone Acquaintance,Kindness,Trusty,Bring to mind,Auld Lang Syne 2-Grammar : That’s a great . an excellent Let me congratulate you on ……… Thanks It’s nice of you to say so III. Teaching aids: Text books ,Books, chalks, cassette IV-Teaching procedures Steps Content * Revision of adjectives Warm-up - Have students review adjectives - Get students to make sentences. I have + a/an adjective + friend - The first students has to use the adjective beginning with the letter A. The second students has to use the adjective beginning with the letter B. The third with C… * Ex: S1: I have an active friend S2: I have a beautiful friend S3: I have a clear friend S4: I have a dirty friend …………………………………… - Go on until the last student with the adjective. Activites T- whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(104)</span> Pre-speaking beginning with the letter Y. Pre-teach vocabulary - active (adj) -activist (n): ngời hoạt động tích cực (translation) - nominate (v): ghi danh, mÖnh danh, chän Nomination (n) (translation) - charity (n): lßng tõ thiÖn, héi tõ thiÖn (explanation: kindness in giving help to the poor) -trustly (a) đáng tin cậy acquaintance (n) người quen * Checking vocabulary: What and Where - Write the words on the board, put one word in each circle.. Whilespeaking. Further Practice. - Have students repeat the words on chorus then rub out word by word but leave the circle. - Go on until the circle are empty - Get students to rewrite the words in their correct circle II. Model sentences: - Set the scene: Trang has just won the first prize in the English speaking contest. What does Mai say to pay Trang a compliment? And what does Trang respond? Mai: Well done, Trang Trang: Thanks. - Ask students how to give and respond to compliments * Give a compliment: - Well done - That’s a great… - That’s an excellent… - Congratulation on… - Let me congratulate you on… * Respond to a compliment: - Thanks/ Thanks a lot - It’s very nice/kind of you to say so - That’s very kind of you * Word-cue drill: a. Well done/thanks b. Congratulations/ thanks a lot c. Let/congratulate/ on passing the exam/kind d. Great report/ nice of you - Have students practice giving and responding the compliments - Have students works in open pairs then closed pairs - Ask students to works in pairs, to read the situation on page 66. 67 then give and respond to compliments. - Give feedback - Call on some pairs of students to act out. * Answer keys: a. On her mother’s birthday, Huyen made a big beautiful cake to celebrate.. T-whole class. T- whole class. Open pair Closed pair Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(105)</span> Postspeaking. Pre-listening. WhileListening. Homework. * Mother: Well done, Huyen * Huyen: Thanks, Mom. b. Tuan is an active student. He has taken pair in different charity activities in his town. Tuan has been the most nominated as the most effective activist in the town charity program. o Friend: Congratulation on your nomination, Tuan o Tuan: It’s very nice of you to say so. c. Hoa brings to class a new picture she has painted You: That’s an excellent drawing, Hoa. Hoa: That’s very kind of you to say so. - Divide the class into 4 teams: A, B, C and D - Have students work in groups to think of situations in which they can give compliments - Ask team A to give situation, team B, C, D to make up the dialogue. - Have the teams take turns giving the situations - Give good marks for the teams which give good situations and make up suitable dialogue. * Suggested answers: a. Situation 1: Tam has just passed the graduation examination. Friends: Congratulation! Tam: Thanks a lot. b. Situation 2: Hoa make an excellent report on saving energy. Hoa: It’s very kind you to say so. c. Situation 3: Lan got high mark for Math. You: Well done Lan: It’s very nice of you to say so d. Situation 4: Ba has just won the school swimming championship Friends: Congratulations on your great efforts, Ba. Ba: Thank you very much. Group work. Work individually. Introduces the topic Ss read the song individually and guess what word to fill in each gap and write in ‘I think’ column. I think I hear a days b take c mind d hand e kindness listen to the tape to check their prediction and write in ‘I hear’colunm. compare with their partner. Listen to the song again to check if they have done correctly. Checks with the whole class. Ss practice singing the song. Ask students to write some situations with the compliments, the response to the compliments into. Whole-class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(106)</span> their notebooks. Learn by vocabukary Prepare the next lesson V. Adjustment: ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ Ngµy so¹n :28/02/2014 Ngµy d¹y:. unit 8 celebrations Lesson 3 Section : read. Period: 51st:. IV I-Objectives: - HS có khả năng đọc hiểu bài khoá về một số ý kiến thể hiện tình cảm về bè m×nh cña mét sè ngêi - HS hiÓu biÕt thªm ngµy kØ niÖm cña bè (Father ‘s day) - Gi¸o dôc cho HS t×nh yªu th¬ng vµ kÝnh träng ngêi Bè II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary: Lose heart ,groom, Hug ,priority ,Distinguish ,sense of humor ,Terrific Proud of ,Generous ,Considerate 2-Grammar : Relatives Clauses III. Teaching aids: Text books ,Books, chalks, cassette IV-Teaching procedures Steps Warm up 5’. Content *Discussion: Talk about Father's Day Date: UK/US : 3rd Sunday in June Catholics: March 19 2. Purposes: - to honor fathers - to give thanks - to give presents or cards ~ 3. Activities: in many Catholic countries, March 19 ( St Joseph's Day ) is quite a big event. . This is followed by bull fights, parades, fireworks, etc. - All the family get together to celebrate the date of the father. We are going to read three writings about the fathers. Let’s find out some new words first.. Activities Teacher whole. –.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(107)</span> Pre Reading 12’. Pre-teach vocabulary: hug (n) (mime): «m (khi chµo nhau). considerate (a) (translation): ân cần, chu đáo priority [praio:r ti]: (n): sù u tiªn distinguish (v) (translation): ph©n biÖt, lµm kh¸c biÖt. terrific (a) (It’s antonym of terrible): tuyÖt vêi *Checking voc: ROR. 2, Prediction: *Set the scene: On father’s day in Australia and in the USA, children show their love to their fathers by giving their father presents, cards…. -Ask ss to think of the adjectives that children use to talk about their fathers. -Give feedback: *Possible answers: strong generous Considerate Humorous healthy great The best Terrific,….. While- reading 15’. Post-reading 10’. Home work 3’ V. Adjustment:. Whole class Teacher – whole class. Individual acher – whole class. Inividual. Group 1, Reading and checking: -Read the text once aloud and ask ss to listen to attentively. -Then ask ss to read the opinions, the feelings and Teacher – memories of children about their fathers on Father’s whole class day in Australia and in the USA. -Ask ss to compare the adj they guess with the adj Rita, Bob and Jane use to describe their fathers. 2, Comprehension questions: -Get ss to work in pairs to answer the questions on Individual P.69. -Call on some pairs to give the answers before the class. *Give feedback: Teacher – *Keys: a. To her Dad. whole class b. He is possibly dead. These ideas may tell about that: …How much you’re missed, I now have children, Dad c. His sense of humor. d. The best person in the world, a teacher, a care taker, Individual a friend,…. -Have ss write their feelings, opinons and memories about their fathers. -Get ss to work individually (Base on three passages.) -After finishing, ask ss to share with their partners. Ask ss to learn all newwords of the lesson Whole-class by heart. Ask ss to do Ex.5,6 in the workbook..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(108)</span> ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ....................................................................................................................................... Ngµy so¹n :01/3/2014 Ngµy d¹y:. unit 8 celebrations Lesson 4 Section : Write. Period: 52nd:. I-Objectives: - HS cã kh¶ n¨ng viÕt th cho b¹n bµy tá quan ®iÓm cho r»ng cÇn thiÕt ph¶i cã mét ngµy kØ niÖm cña mÑ vµ mét ngµy kØ niÖm cña bè II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary: Essential ,support ,Enhance ,nationwide ,Tradition 2-Grammar : The simple present tense. III. Teaching aids: Text books ,Books, chalks, IV-Teaching procedures Steps Contents * Using the game “Jumbled words” to review Warm up vocabularies. 3’ * Giving each group (4 groups) some words whose letters is in a random order on the board, and asking them to write the correct words. 1. calerbetoni => celebration 5. ftigs => gifts 2. tratidoni => tradition 6. fleenigs => feelings 3. folwres => flowers 7. rebemern => remember 4. pirtase => parties 8. spicale => special Pre- Writing 10’. Activities Teacher – whole class. * Sticking the cards of the some celebrations on the Whole class board, and asking Sts to write the correct date for each celebration: Whole class - Women’s Day: 8-3 - Teachers’ Day: 20-11 - Children’s Day: 1-6 - May Day: 1-5 - Christmas Day: 25-12 - Vietnamese Independence Day: 2-9 * Through the celebrations above, presenting the new lesson by asking Sts some questions: 1. In the celebrations above, which one can stand for a Mother’s Day in Vietnam? 2. What about a Father’s Day in Vietnam? * Reading the situation in 6 – Write/page 70.. While-writing * Asking Sts to read the outline carefully.. Group.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(109)</span> 15’. * Explaining some new words: To enhance, to support, nationwide (adv) * Giving some suggesting questions for each paragraph on the board on order to help Sts discuss in groups more easily. Paragraph 1: - Do you love your parents? If yes, I do thinks it is necessary to have a Day for your Father? You’re Mother? - Tell the reason for celebrating this day. (Sts can use the suggesting ideas in the Paragraph 1) Paragraph 2: - When do you celebrate? Why? - Celebrating this day at home or a restaurant? Why? - Should you have a party with many guests or should you have lunch/dinner with family members? - What gifts should you buy for your father/mother> - What food should you serve? (Sts can use the suggesting ideas in the Paragraph 2) Paragraph 3: Do you thing your idea will be sororities nationwide? Why? * After discussing in groups, asking each group write a letter to a friend to share their ideas about celebrating a Day for Father or Mother on the papers A4.. Post writing 5’. * Asking 2 representatives of 2 groups to stick their papers on the board. * Asking Sts to give their opinions about the two papers on the board. * Correcting mistakes. *Suggested ideas: In my opinion, It’s essential to have a day to celebrate for our parents. On these occasions, children will have a special day to express their feelings, memories and love for their parents. We have an opportunity to enhance family traditions. Members of families can have a chance to get together, to know one another and to help one another. I think first Sunday of April is suitable. Sunday is a day off so everyone is free from work or study. April is late spring or early summer, and the weather is generally fine at this time of the year, many activities can happen outdoors. It is not necessary to have parties but it’s a good idea to have lunch/ dinner with all members of the family. Children should give their parents flowers, send them cards, or bring them special cake. Moreover, children should serve their parents the food that they like best. I believe the idea will be supported and the day everybody loves their parents and want their parents. Teacher - whole class Individual.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(110)</span> to be happy. Homework 4’. - Have students prepare a speech and write down on their notebooks, using the topic in textbook - Do exercises in the workbook - Plearn by heart vocabulary - Prepare the next lesson. Whole class. V. Adjustment: ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ...................................................................................................................................... Ngµy so¹n :04/3/2014 Ngµy d¹y: Period: 53rd:. unit 8 celebrations. Lesson 5 Section : Language focus I-Objectives: - - Giíi thiÖu vµ yªu cÇu HS thùc hµnh M§P QH vµ M§P tr¹ng ng÷ chØ sù đối lập qua các BT. - Sau khi học xong BT có thể nhận ra và phân biệt đợc MĐP QH và biết cách sử dông chóng trong nh÷ng t×nh huèng kh¸c nhau. II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary: Essential ,support ,Enhance ,nationwide ,Tradition 2-Grammar : Practice in Relative clause III. Teaching aids: Text books ,Books, chalks, IV-Teaching procedures Steps Activities Warm up * Jumbled words: -Ask ss to write the correct words of the following 3’ jumbled word 1.tlaoughh although 4.ppaenh Happen 2.lofk folk 5.stieavfl Festival 3.ubclpi public -Tell ss the team which writes more correct words is the winner Presentation Give new words to students: - Compose (v) S¸ng t¸c 10’ - Culture (n) NÒn v¨n ho¸ - Jumper (n) ¸o réng chui cæ - Violet (n) Mçu tÝm - Lap (n) Lßng. Activities Teacher – whole class. Whole class Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(111)</span> - Culture (a). V¨n ho¸. - Explain the new words, and how tousle Relative Pronouns WHO, WHICH, EVEN THOUGH, THOUGH, CONCESSION, ALTHOUGH (using pictures, objects or Vietnamese) Form and use:  Who-which: replace the pronoun  Who is used for people, which is used for things?. Practice 15’. Even though Though Concession Although 1, Language focus 1:. + adverbial clause of. Group. -Give ss an example of two sentences. Then ask ss to combine into one. Ex: Tet is a festival. Tet occurs in late Jan or early Feb. Tet is a festival which occurs in ….. Ex: This is a boy. He helped me yesterday. This is a boy who helped me yesterday. *Concept checking: -Which/ who: replace the pronouns + Who is used for people, which is used for things. -Then ask ss to work in pairs to do LF1. They have to join the sentences, using relative clauses. -call on some ss to go to the board and write down the answers. *Keys: a. Auld Lang Syne is a song which is sung on New year’s…. b. This watch is a gift which was given to me by Teacher - whole my aunt… c. My friend Tom, who sings Western folk songs class well, can... d. We often go to the town cutural house which Individual always …. e. I like reading books which tell about…. f. On my Mom’s birthday dad gave her roses which were… g. Judy liked the full moon festival which happened…. h. Tomorrow I’ll go to the airport to ….friends who come… 2, Language focus 2: -Have ss look at two pictures on P.71 to describe each of the people in the pictures, using relative clauses. -Have ss work in pairs and then read aloud each sentence. *Give feedback: a. Mom is the woman who is sitting on an armchair..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(112)</span> Production 5’ Homework 4’. b. Dad is the man who is standing behind my sister. c. Linda is the little girl who is wearing a pink dress/ giving gift. d. Grandma is a woman who is wearing a violet blouse/ giving gift to the baby. e. Uncle Tom is the man who is wearing a pink jumper/ pullover Jack is a little boy who is sitting on his mother’s lap. Have students write sentences to describe the people in the 2 pictures on page 71 in their notebooks. - Get Ss write 5 sentences, using adverbs clauses of concession. - Have students prepare a speech and write down on Whole class their notebooks, using the topic in textbook - Do exercises in the workbook. V. Adjustment: .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... Ngµy so¹n 09 /3/2014 Ngµy d¹y:. Period :54th correct the test I .Objetive: sau tiÕt häc häc sinh cã kh¶ n¨ng cñng cè thªm kiÕn thøc ng«n ng÷ , vèn tõ vùng µ thùc hµnh lµm bµi tËp còng nh nhËn ra nh÷ng kiÕn thøc m×nh cha n¾m b¾t mét c¸ch ch¾c ch¾n. II .Language contents : 1. Grammar: 2.Vocabulary: 3-Pronunciation : III.Teaching aids: Textbook, chalk, book…. III. Procedure. Steps content Activities Key to the test 1. * Ask Ss to retell the main grammar I.(2pts) Warm up in the rest 1. C 2.B 3.D 4.C - Give the form and explain how to II.(2pts) 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.C use 6.B 7.B 8.C 1c vbg. Phrase verbs: III.(2pts) -turn on/turn off/look for…. 1.going... 2. 2 .was doing Presentation 2.Make suggestions.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(113)</span> 3.were watching 4. have just finished…... 3. Practice. Production. 1.S+suggest +V-ing 2.S +suggest that S +should +v 3.Connectors : But,so,therefore,however,or and. IV .(2pts) 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T V. 1.I think we should turn off… 2.it is very difficult to learn….. - Correct exercise II 3.Lan started studying Japanese - Call Ss to give their answers 4 years ago 4.I suggest putting ,,,,,, - Give the correct answers + Call some Ss to read the passage again and translate it in to Vietnamese if they can. - Ask Questions and have Ps answer. - Write the answers on the board - Correct mistakes. 5. Homework: - Remind Ss to study at home. - Prepare new lesson.. Ngµy so¹n :15/3/2014 Ngµy d¹y:. unit 9 natural disasters Lesson 1 Section : getting started & listen and read. Period: 55th:. I-Objectives: - Giới thiệu chủ đề của bài: thiên tai - Thông qua bài học HS hiểu và sử dụng đợc các từ vựng nói về thời tiết, hiểu đợc c¸c th«ng tin ë b¶ng dù b¸o thêi tiÕt II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary: Snowstorm ,,Earthquake ,Volcano ,Typhoon , turn up ,expect ,Just in case 2-Grammar : Relative pronoun: who – that – which.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(114)</span> Relative Clauses (defining and none defining III. Teaching aids: Text books ,Books, chalks, cassette IV-Teaching procedures Steps Contents Activities Warm up * Chatting: - Ask students some questions about weather 5’  What’s the weather like today? Pair work  Do you like hot/clog water?  Have you ever listened to the weather forecast on the radio or on TV?  Do you think weather forecast is useful for us? How is it useful? Presentation 10’. Practice. 1, Pre-teach vocabulary: -Turn up (v) (mime): điều chỉnh to lên (đài, tivi) -Expect (v) (translation): mong đợi, chờ đón -Thunderstorm (n) (picture): b·o cã sÊm sÐt, ma to. -Delta (n) (visual): vïng ch©u thæ -Just in case (translation): phßng khi, lì khi. -Trust (v) (synonym of to believe): tin tëng -Snowstorm (n) (picture): b·o tuyÕt -Earthquake (n) (Picture): động đất *Checking voc: What and where. 2, T/F statement prediction: -Hang on the extra board of T/F statements and ask ss to guess which is true or which is false. a. Thuy and her grandmother are talking about the weather forecast. b. The temperature in HN will be between 30 C and 35 C. c. It will be sunny along the coast of Thanh Hoa. d. There will be thunderstorms in HCM city. e. The weather in Cuu Long delta is cloudy during the day. 3, Grammar notes: -Notice ss the ways to talk about the temperature: a. The temperature in HN will be between 30 C and 35 C b. HN will have the temperature between…. c. HN’s temperature will be between… -Then ask ss to make some similar examples: Ex: a.Thanh Hoa / 22 C/ 27 C. b. Hue/ 29 C / 32 C. 1, Reading and checking:. Teacher – whole class. Individual. Teacher – whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(115)</span> 15’. Production 10’. Homework 5’. -Play the disc and ask ss to listen to the dialogue twice. -Ask ss to scan the dialogue and check their prediction. *Give feedback: 1: T; 2: F; 3: F; 4: F; 5: T -Ask ss to practice reading the dialogue in groups of three. -Call some groups to practice reading before the class. Correct the mistakes if have. 2, Gap-fill: -Ask ss to work in groups of 4 to fill in the gaps. -Ask ss to share the answers with othwer groups. -Give feedback and correct the mistakes. *Answer keys: 1. Turn up/ weather forecast. 1. Raining/ 4. Have temperature. central highland 5. weather forecast/ watching them Get ss to talk about the weather forecast using the cues given. 1. Ha Noi/ rainy/ 20 C and 25 C. 2. Hue / sunny/ 25 C and 30 C. Da Lat / cloudy/ 20 C and 23 C. -Learn by heart vocabulary -Do exercises in the workbook _Prepare the next lesson. Pair work. Pair work. Whole class. V. Adjustment: ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ Ngµy so¹n :20/3/2014 Ngµy d¹y:. unit 9 natural disasters Lesson 2 Section : speak P:76-77. Period: 56th:. I-Objectives: - Luyện nói về chủ đề chuẩn bị phòng chống thiên tai HS cã kh¶ n¨ng ®a ra ý kiÕn c¸ nh©n vµ hái ý kiÕn ngêi kh¸c HS cã kh¶ n¨ng nghe vµ ®iÒn th«ng tin vµo chç trèng HS sẽ biết làm gì khi sống trong vùng có động đất II. Language contents:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(116)</span> 1-Vocabulary: Canned food, bucket, fix the leak, roof, peg, door latch, power cat, Fixture, block, zone, roller, hang potted plant, doorway 2-Grammar : Revision Must/May + Infinitive III. Teaching aids: Text books ,Books, chalks, cassette IV-Teaching procedures Steps Contents Activities Warm up *Brainstorming: Groups 5’ Ss think about what they do to prepare for a typhoon ( in groups ) * Preparation for a typhoon + buying food ( canned food, rice, packets of instant noodle, ...) + buying matches, candles, lights + storing water + buying gas, oil a. Pre- teach: New words 1. (a) bucket (n): ( c¸i ) x«, thïng ( drawing- visual ) Pre2. leak (n): chç thñng, chç dét ( visual ) speaking 3. ( to ) tie: cét, trãi ( mime ) T- Wc 4. ladder (n): c¸i thang ( picture ) 12’ 5. available (adj): cã s½n ( trans ) * Checking: R O & R * Ex1: Check what preparations they think should be done for a typhoon- speak a ( p. 76 ) T. checks with the whole class ) Pair work b. Revision : How to make predictions? ( Section b, P.76 ) + must E.g. There must be strong wind blowing. + may E.g. There may be a power cut + will T- Wc Eg. No food will be available Ss work in pairs to talk about what they think they want to buy and do to prepare for a typhoon and explain why, using the ideas in section a and b. * Ex2: Do – speak b ( 76- 77 ) Pair work E.g. S1: I think we should buy matches and candles Whilebefore a typhoon. speaking S2: Yes I think so, because there may be a power cut. 15’ * Ex3: Write down what should be done for a typhoon. ( in groups ) Pair work T. elicits some questions: 1. Why do we need to buy food? ( Because the market will be closed and no food will be available ) 2. Why do we need to buy candles? Group work ( Because there may be power cut ) 3. Why do we need to fill all buckets with water? Post( Because water pipes may be damaged and we speaking will not have enough water to use right after the typhoon ) 10’ 4. Why do we need to buy a ladder?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(117)</span> ( Because the roof may be damaged by the typhoon, and we have to fix it ) 5. Why do we need to check all the windows and door latches? ( Just in case the strong wind pushes the doors open Ss ask and answer first then write it up. * Ex3: discuss ( Ss work in groups ) Ss work in groups of 4 to discuss and write down what they should do in case earthquake happens. E.g. We should stay inside We should sit under a strong table or doorway. Individual Pair work. Home work 1. Learn by heart new words and write them. 2. Do Exs in the workbook 3’ 3.Prepare “READ” V. Adjustment: ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ Ngµy so¹n :21/3/2014 Ngµy d¹y:. unit 9 natural disasters Lesson 2 Section : listen P:77. Period: 57th:. I-Objectives: - LuyÖn nghe HS cã kh¶ n¨ng nghe vµ ®iÒn th«ng tin vµo chç trèng HS sẽ biết làm gì khi sống trong vùng có động đất II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary: Canned food, bucket, fix the leak, roof, peg, door latch, power cat, Fixture, block, zone, roller, hang potted plant, doorway 2-Grammar : Revision Must/May + Infinitive III. Teaching aids: Text books ,Books, chalks, cassette IV-Teaching procedures Steps Contents Activities Warm up *Brainstorming: Groups 5’ Ss think about what they do to prepare for a typhoon ( in groups ) * Preparation for a typhoon + buying food ( canned food, rice, packets of instant noodle, ...) + buying matches, candles, lights + storing water + buying gas, oil.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(118)</span> PreListening 10’. While Listening 17’. PostListening 10’. Home work. Listening: a. Pre- teach: Vocabulary 1. (to) block: ng¨n chÆn, h¹n chÕ ( exp- make movement difficult or impossible ) 2. roller (n): trôc l¨n, con l¨n ( picture ) (to) block the rollers: 3. potted plants: chËu c©y ( picture ) 4. (a) zone: vïng, miÒn ( synonym- area ) 5. (a) container (n): vËt chøa ( picture ) * Checking: Slap the board. b. Set the scene: An expert is giving a talk on how to live with earthquakes. T. has Ss look at the box ( p. 77 ) and do the T / F statement prediction. * Ex1: True / False statement prediction: 1. Place heavy books on the top of your wardrobe. ( ...... ) 2. Block the rollers on some big electrical appliances to prevent them from moving. ( ... ) 3. Make sure the mirrors in your house can't move. ( ... ) 4. Sleep next to a window. ( ... ) 5. Run out into the street. ( ... ) 6. Don't stand in the middle of the room. * Ss listen to the tape twice to check their prediction. Ss compare with their partner ( pairwork ). T. gives feedback Answer keys :1-F 2–T 3–T 4–F 5–F 6–T * Ex2: Complete the table o P.77 Ss listen again to complete the table ( P.77 ) individually. Ss compare with their partner. T. checks with the whole class. ( For weak Ss, T. can let them listen again once more to check) Answer keys: 1. ........ bottom shelf of you bookshelves. 2. . fridge ......... 3. washing machine 4. ....... mirror. 5. ... a window 6. inside ................ 7... under a strong table...... 8. ..... doorway 9. corner of a room * Ex3: discuss ( Ss work in groups ) Ss work in groups of 4 to discuss and write down what they should do in case earthquake happens. E.g. We should stay inside We should sit under a strong table or doorway 1. Learn by heart new words and write them. 2. Do Exs in the workbook 3.Prepare “READ”. T- WC. T- Wc. Individual Pair work. Individual Pair work. Group work Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(119)</span> 3’ V. Adjustment: ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ Ngµy so¹n :23/3/2014 Ngày dạy : Period: 58th:. unit 9 natural disasters. Lesson 3 Section : READ P:78-79 I-Objectives: - - Luyện cho HS kỹ năng đọc hiểu về các thiên tai qua kỹ năng làm BT “T/F” vµ hoµn thµnh c©u. II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary: Pacific Rim ,majoiry >< minority ,Hurricane = cyclone = typhoon Funnel,Baby carriage,To collapse ,to eruptTo abrupt 2-Grammar : - Relative clauses III. Teaching aids: Text books ,Books, chalks, cassette IV-Teaching procedures Steps Warm –up 5’. Pre reading 12’. Contents  Matching and chatting: - Show four pictures on page 74 and ask students to match them with four words: snowstorm, earthquake, volcano, and typhoon.  Answer keys: a) Snowstorm – Picture 1 b) Earthquake – Picture 2 c) Volcano – Picture 3 d) Typhoon – Picture 4 - Give students some questions about the four natural disasters. + How do you know it is a snowstorm/ an earthquake/ a volcano/ a typhoon? + Have you ever experienced any of these natural disasters? What happened? How did you feed? I. Pre-teach vocabulary - Tidal wave (n): sóng thần (translation) - abrupt (adj): bất ngờ, đột ngột (synonym: quick, sudden) - shift (n): sự chuyển dịch, thay đổi (definition: change of position) - warn (n): cảnh báo, báo trước (translation) - funnel-shaped (adj): có hình phiểu (visual). Activities T-whole class. T-whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(120)</span> - suck up (v): hút lên (translation) - tornado (n): cơn lốc xoáy - Majority (n): đa số, phần lớn (example) * Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember - Rub out the words one at time, each time you rub out the word in English, point to the Vietnamese translation and ask students to repeat again. When all the English words are rubbed out, go through the Vietnamese list and get students to call out the English words.. While reading 15’. I. True- False Statements Predictions * Set the scene: There are 6 statements about the information of some to natural disastests. All of you have to read them and guess whether they are true or false. - Hang the poster of T/F statements on the board. Pair work - Get students to work in pairs to guess which statements are true and which are false. 1. Most of earthquakes in the world occur in the Ring of Fire. 2. The earthquake in Kobe in 1995 caused severe damage. 3. A huge tidal wave traveled from California to Alaska and hit Anchorage in the 1960s. 4. Typhoon, hurricane and tropical storm are different words for the same natural disasters. 5. The eruption of Mount Pinatubo is the world’s largest ever volcano eruption 6. A Tornado looks like a funnel - Give feedback I. Reading and checking - Have students read the text on page 78 and check their perfection Get students to correct false statements. Individual work Guess Answer Correction 1. T 2. T 3. F A huge tidal wave traveled from Alaska to California 4. T 5. F The eruption of Mount Pinatubo is the world’s largest volcanic eruption in more than 50 years. 6. T.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(121)</span> II. Complete the sentences: - Have students work in pairs and complete the sentences in exercise 5b on page 79. * Answer keys: 1. The majority of earthquakes occur around the Pacific Rim. 2. During the earthquake in Kobe, many people were killed when homes, office blocks and highways collapsed. 3. A tidal wave can only occur when there is an abrupt shift in the underwater movement of the Earth. 4. In Australia, a tropical storm is known as a cyclone 5. Christopher Columbus gave us the word “typhoon”. 6. A Tornado is a type of storm that passes overland Post reading below a thunderstorm and sucks up anything that is in its 10’ path.. Home work 3’ V. Adjustment:. * Asking and answering: - Divide the class into four groups. - Have students read the text again - Group 1 asks a question. Group 2, 3, 4 answer it. - Group 2 ask another question. Group 1, 3, 4 answers. - Go on until the four groups ask their questions. * Possible answers: 1. Why do people call the Pacific Rim “Ring of Fire” - Because 90% of earthquakes occur around the Pacific Rim. 2. What will happen when there is an abrupt shift in the underwater movement of the earth? - Tidal waves will happen 3. What does typhoon” mean? - It mean “big wind” 4. Can we predict a volcano? - Yes. The scientists can warn us about the eruption - Have students write the exercise 5b into their notebooks, using their ideas. 1. Learn by heart the new words and write them. 2. Read the text again many times & write Ex 5b ( p. 79 ) into your notebooks 3. Do Exs - workbook. Pair work. Group work. Individual work. Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(122)</span> ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ Ngµy so¹n :28/3/2014 Ngày dạy: Period: 59th:. unit 9 natural disasters. Lesson 4 Section : write. P:79-80. I-Objectives -Qua bài học, HS tập viết 1 mẩu chuyện ngắn đơn giản bằng cách sử dụng c¸c th«ng tin vµ h×nh ¶nh gîi ý. - HS tập viết một mẩu chuyện đơn giản với chủ đề về thiên tai, thời tiết II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary: : circle, shelter, scared, behave 2-Grammar : - Review The past simple tense III. Teaching aids: Text books ,Books, chalks, IV-Teaching procedures Steps Warm up 5’. Pre- writing 10’. Contents. Activities. * Jumbled words 1. otnophy = typhoon 3. lacono = volcano Team work 5. ormst = storm 2. damotro = tornado 4.tearquahke = earthquake a. Pre- teach: New words 1. (to) behave: c xö, øng xö ( trans ) 2. shelter (n): chç tró, chç È nÊp ( exp- a place of safety ) 3. all of sudden: bỗng nhiên, đột nhiên ( synonym- suddenly ) T- WC * Checking: What & where ( + scared, perfect ) b. Telling the story: * Set the scene: ( using 6 pictures in the textbook ) This is Lan’s family, they are at home * Ex1: Answer some questions ( T. asks to elicit the story ) Ss use the given words in the box to answer the questions T- Wc Picture 1: - Who is this? It’s Lan - Where is she? She’s outside / in the garden - What is she doing? She’s playing with her dog, Skippy. Lan is outside playing with her dog, Skippy. Picture 2: - How is the dog? It looks strange. Perhaps it is scared All of a sudden, the dog behaves strangely. Picture 3: - What’s on TV? The weather forecast..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(123)</span> - What does Lan’s mother say? She tells Lan that she has just heart on TV that there is a typhoon coming. T- wc Lan ran home and her mother tells her that there is a typhoon coming. Picture 4: - What are they doing? They are gathering and talking about the coming typhoon. Mrs Quyen gathers her family and asks them to While-writing find shelter in the house. Picture 5: - What’s the weather like now? It’s very 17’ dark. It has strong wind and heavy rain. Suddenly, it becomes dark. the storm comes with strong wind and heavy rain. Picture 6: - What’s the weather like now? It’s fine - How are they now? They are happy The storm finishes soon and everyone is glad * Ex2: Writing a story Ss in each group write the story individually S1 writes for Picture 1 + 2 S2 writes for Picture 2 + 3 S3 writes for Picture 3 + 4 S4 writes for Picture 4 + 5 S5 writes for Picture 5 + 6 S6 writes for Picture 6 + 1 T. monitors carefully and notes down some typical mistakes. Demonstration Group work * SS in each group share and compare their sentences, check and correct for each other, then choose one secretary to write the whole story on a Post- writing poster. All the groups exchange their story to correct the 10’ mistakes. T monitors and notes down the typical mistakes. T gives indirect correction. T calls one student to retell the story. SS- Ss 1. Learn by heart the new words and write them. 2. T- wc Rewrite the story in your notebooks. 2. Do exercises in the workbook Whloe class 3. Prepare “Language focus” Homework 3’ V. Adjustment: ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................... Ngµy so¹n :27/3/2014 Ngày dạy:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(124)</span> Period: 58th:. unit 9 natural disasters. Lesson 5 Section : language focus I-Objectives - Tiếp tục luyện tập mệnh đề quan hệ với các đại từ quan hệ Who, That, Which II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary: : horn, snout, rhinoceros, logo, swallow, chew, extensive, tail. 2-Grammar : - + Relative pronouns "who, what, which" + Relative clauses III. Teaching aids: Text books ,Books, chalks, IV-Teaching procedures Steps Warm – up 5’. Contents * Pelmanism: - Prepare twelve cards with number on one side and the words on the other. - Stick the cards on the board so that the students can only see the numbers, make sure the words are mixed up in pairs. - Divided the class into two teams. Each team chooses two numbers. - Turn over 2 cards at a time. If they match that team gets one mark. If not, turn the cards over again and ask the next team. - Continue until all the cards are turned over. Kangaroos. Tokyo. Neil Armstrong. Japan. Lang Son. Australia. Sacramento. Pompeii. The USA. Ky Cung. Activities T-Whole class. Italia. California. Presentation I. Pre-teach vocabulary 10’ - sweep – swept – swept : quét, cuốn đi, tràn qua (mime) - destroy (v): phá huỷ (define: pull down or break to pieces) - extensive (adj): lớn, rộng lớn (synonym : wide, large) - border (v): tiếp giáp với (visual) * Checking vocabulary: Rub out and rubber - Rub out the words one at a time. Each time you rub out the word in English, point to the Vietnamese, ask students to repeat in English. When all the English words are rubbed out, go through the Vietnamese list and get students to call out the English words. II. Defining and non defining Relative clauses: - Give students two pairs of sentences and ask them to use Relative pronoun who or which to combine them. 1. The Novel has been lost. You gave me the novel on my birthday.  The Novel which you gave me on my birthday has been Practice lost.. T-whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(125)</span> 17. Production 10’. 2. Vietnam, exports rice. Vietnam is in the Southeast Asia.  Vietnam, which is in the Southeast Asia, exports rice. - Help students distinguish between defining and nondefining Relative clauses. - Defining Relative clauses identify nouns; these clauses tell us which person or thing the speaker means. - Non-defining Relative clauses give more information about a person or thing already identified. When we write these clauses, we put commas at the beginning of the clause (and often at the end of the clause) * We can not use “that” in a non – defining Relative clause. * In a non – defining Relative clause we cannot leave out who or which.. Pair work. Recognizing – defining Relative clause. - Have students to do the exercise in Language Focus 3 on page 82 Whole class - Ask students to underline the Relative clause in each sentence, and then add commas to separate the non defining Relative clause from the rest of the sentences. - Get students to work in pair, and then ask some students to write the sentences on the board. Homework . - Have students write some more (about 5) sentences with 3’ non-defining relative clauses. -Review from unit 8 to 9 to prepare written test V. Adjustment: ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ Ngµy so¹n :28/3/2014 Ngày dạy: Period: 61th:. written test 4. I-Objectives -- Th«ng qua bµi kiÓm tra gióp häc sinh hÖ thèng ho¸ c¸c kiÕn thøc ng÷ pháp đã học trong 9 Unit đầu đặc biệt là Unit 8 và Unit9. - Qua bài kiểm tra – GV phát hiện ra những kỹ năng còn yếu của HS để có phơng ¸n luyÖn tËp kÞp thêi. - Qua bài kiểm tra – HS tự kiểm tra, đánh giá mức độ hiểu bài của mình, từ đó XD kÕ ho¹ch «n tËp cñng cè kiÕn thøc II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary: : 2-Grammar : - + Relative pronouns "who, what, which" + Relative clauses Adverbial clauses Tenses III. Teaching aids: Text books , chalks,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(126)</span> IV-Teaching procedures I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently.(2pts) 1.A.which. B. where. C.what. D. whose. 2.A.begins. B.cuts. C.helps. D.walks. 3.A.closed. B.practised. C.washed. D.linked. 4.A.chemical B.christmas C.check D.chemistry II. Complete the sentences by choosing one of the best options A,B,C or D to fill in the blank.(2) 1.I am concentrating on my lesson.Please………………the television. A.turn off. B.turn on. C.turn up. D.turn in. 2.He did not go to school……………….he was sick A.because of. B.although. C.if. D.since. C.with. D.for. 3.It is kind………………..him to help her. A.to. B.of. 4.The house………was built over 100 years ago is very expensive. A.who. B.whose. C.which. D.whom. 5.I suggest ……………off the television after using. A.turning. B.to turn. C.turn. D.turned. 6.Tet is the most important…………….for Vietnamese people. A.memory. B.opportunity. C.party. D.celebration. 7.Trung likes……………..sports A.watch. B.watching. C.watched. D.to watch. 8.Peter,………………..can compose many pieces of music,sings very well. A.who. B.which. C.whom. D.that. III. Supply the correct verb form in brackets <(2,5 ms ) 1.We (have)………………………..more shade and fresh air if we plant more trees. 2.The teacher asked him if he (speak)…………………any foreign language 3.I suggest (go)………………..to school by bike 4. I (listen)………………….…..to the radio when She came 5.She (learn)……………………….…..……..English for 6 years.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(127)</span> IV. Read the follwing passage and do the exercise below it (2,5pts) There are many celebrations throughtout the year in VietNamese, but Tet or the Lunar New year is the most important celebration for VietNamese people. Tet usually occurs in late January or early February. A few days before Tet is the time for people to clean and decorate their homes. During Tet, people, old and young, enjoy special food cooked on the occasion of Tet . It is also the time for family members to be gathered a-Write T – F after statements about the passage 1. The Lunar New Year is another name for Tet 2. Tet may begin in early January 3. People often try to make their houses nice and new for Tet b.Answer the questions 1.When does Tet usually occur ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2.Is Tet the most important celebration for Vietnamse people ? …………………………………………………………………………………………….. V .Rewrite the sentences so that it has the same meaning as the first .(1pt) 1.Let’s invite Mr Tuan to take part in the party of class 9A. He suggests……………………………………………………………………………. 2.He used to play badminton when he was good health He often…………………………………………………………………………………... Ngµy so¹n :01/4/2014 Ngày dạy: Period 62nd: unit. 10 life on other planets. Lesson 1 Section : getting started & listen and read ( p. 83. 84) I-Objectives - Giới thiệu ngữ liệu và chủ đề bài học về UFO (Unidentified flying objects) - Luyên kỹ năng nghe và nói về đĩa bay - Saukhi học xong, có khái niệm và có thể nói về đĩa bay II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary: : UFO alien plate – like Meteor spacecraft treetop Sighting egg – shaped.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(128)</span> 2-Grammar : -Modol verbs :May and might -Conditional sentences (Present unreal condition) III. Teaching aids: Text books ,Books, chalks,cassette IV-Teaching procedures Steps Warm-up 5’. Contents * Guessing words: - Have students guess three words. - Give students the number of the letters of each word and give the definitions so that students can guess the words. 1) ---------------------------------------------------------------* This word has 12 letters. It is the opposite of identified. 2) -------------------------------------------------------------* This word has 6 letters. It means moving through the air as a birth does. 3) --------------------------------------------------------------* This word has 7 letters. It is in form. It means a thing that can be seen or touched. * Answer keys: 1. Unidentified 2. Flying  UFOs (Vật thể bay kh”ng xác định) 3. Objects * Chatting: Pre-reading - Show the picture on page 83 to the students and ask them some questions about UFOs 10’ * What can you see in the pictures? * What do we call them in Vietnamese? * Do you know another word for UFOs? (flying saucer) * Do you thing they really exist? * Have you ever seen any films on UFOs? * Do you want to see a UFO? What do you want to know about UFOs? * If you saw an UFOs, what would you do? I. Pre- teach vocabulary - spacecraft (n): tµu vò trô (picture) - meteor (n): sao b¨ng (visual, picture) - evidence (v): b”ng chøng (definiton: anything that makes clear, shows or proves) - alien (n): ngêi ë hµnh tinh kh¸c (definition: person on other planets) - capture (v): b¾t (synonym: catch (by force) arrest) - device (n): dông cô, thiÕt bÞ (translation) - claim (v): đòi quyền, nhận là (translation) * Checking vocabulary: what and where. Activities T-whole class. T-whole class. T-whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(129)</span> - Have students repeat the words chorally then rub out word by word but leave the circles. Remember to let students repeat before and after rubbing out each word. - Go on until students can remember the words - Get students to write the words again in the correct circles. II. Guessing the meaning of the words: - Get students to read the text and find the words in the text that have the meanings given in * 2 a on page 84: - Ask students to work in pair. While Pair work - Give feedback reading * Answer keys: 17’ 1. proof, support = evidence 2. falling star or shooting star = meteor Group 3. unknown/strange people or thing = aliments work 4. bringing together or gathering = collecting 5. caught as a prisoner = captured 6. because impossible to see = disappeared III. Complete the notes - Have students to do exercise 2b on page 84 - Get students to read the text again and complete the notes. They have to work individually then compare with their partners. - Call on some students to read aloud their sentences. * Answer keys: UFO Sightings: a) An aircraft, a weather balloon or a meteor can be Individual mistaken for a alien spacecraft work b) In 1947, a pilot saw nine large round objects Pair work traveling at about 2.800 meters an hours. c) There were over 1.500 UFO sightings worldwide in 1952 d) In 1954, a woman and her children saw a UFO above their house. e) A farmer saw an egg- shaped object in one of his fields and also aliens collecting soil samples in 1964. f) In 1971, two men claimed they were captured by aliens and taken aboard a spacecraft. g) A pilot and his plane disappeared after sighting an UFO in 1978. h) In 1981, a Frenchman reported that he saw a plate – like device at a treetop 30 meters away from his garden. * Discussion: Post reading - Have the whole class discuss the topic “UFOs” 10’ - Choose good students to be the leader. Whole class - Get the leader to make a summary of the evidence of the existence of UFOs and then discuss with his/ her friends. - Give the leader some questions for him / her to ask his/ her friends. * Do you believe in Kenneth Arnold, or the woman who saw a UFO above her house? Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(130)</span> * Have you ever seen a picture of an alien? Can you imagine what the aliens are like? Are they small or big? Are they intelligent? (If yes) Why do you think so? Home work 3’. - Have students write the notes on page 84 in their notebook. -Learn by heart vocabulary -Prepare “Speak and Language focus 1”. V. Adjustment: ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................. Ngµy so¹n :03/4/2014 Ngày dạy: Period: 63rd: unit. 10 life on other planets. Lesson 2 Section : speak and listen ( p. 85. 86) I-Objectives - Luyện phát triển kỹ năng nói diễn đạt sự kiện, sự việc có thể có thật, sử dông §TKT: may vµ might II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary: : mineral, microorganism, gemstones, little creatures, sparkling spots, trace, precious, . 2-Grammar : -Modol verbs :May and might It may be….. or It might be……… III. Teaching aids: Text books ,Books, chalks IV-Teaching procedures Steps Contents *Brainstorming: Warm up 5’  Earth S E A R T H  Sun M U M E R C  Mars (hoả) U R N S A U S S R U B R  Moon A A R V C Y  Mercury (Thuỷ) M O O N T S * Which planet is the nearest to the sun? (M) * Which is the biggest?. Activities Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(131)</span> * Which is the hottest? Prespeaking 7’. a.Vocabulary: + mineral (n) (picture) Kho¸ng s¶n + little creature (n) (tran) Sinh vËt + microorganism (n) (trans) Vi sinh vËt + sparkling (a) (realia) LÊp l¸nh +gemstone (n) (trans) §¸ quý + precious (a) (tran) *Checking vocabulary: slap the board -Students work in group to match the picture (given by teacher) with right word. Ex: -mineral - water plants. While speaking 10’. Post speaking 3’ Prelistening 3’. While. Teacher – whole class Individual. Teacher – a. Grammar: whole class Revision of model verbs: may – might -Teacher gives introduction about modal verb. Ex: There may be flowers on Mars. There might be gas on mars. * Form: May/might + infinitive -Teacher explains how to use modal verb :may ,might... * Use: We use may, might to talk about present or future possibility. - Might is normally a little less sure than may. -T introduces the dialogue then ask ss to work in pairs. -Ask ss to use the word cue in the section (a) to make Pair work similar dialogues. (subtitution drill) you: What do these drawing say> Your Friend: There may be mountains on Mars. You: And what about the left side ohn the left coner? Your friend: Well, there may be gas on Mars. -Call some pairs to practice their dialogues and T corrects pronunciation. *Net work -Let ss free talk about planets (in pairs ) such as: on the moon , on the mecury. a. There is no air on the moon. b. There are river and lake on the moon. c. There are no sounds on the moon. d. It is very cold at night on the moon. e. During the day the temperature even lower. f. There are great round holes on the moon. g. You will weight 8 kilos heavier on the moon. h. One day in the moon last for two weeks. b) T/F Prediction ( from A to J – extra board) get ss to listen to check their prediction - Let ss listen to the tape to compare their answers -Let ss listen to the tape one more turn before giving key -Let ss answer , the others correct. Teacher – whole class Individual. Teacher – whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(132)</span> - T corrects and give answer key v v a……. c………. listening 7’. b……. give feedback: answe key: a, c, d, f, i, j. Post listening 5’. Homework 3’. Pair work. d………. Ask ss to work in pairs and discuss about life on the moon * Chaingame S1 : There are rives on the Moon S2: There are rives and lakes on the Moon S3: There are rives and lakes and mountain on the Moon S4: There are no sounds on the Moon - Give students the topic “What may there be on Mercury/on the moon/ on Mars?” - Ask students to write the dialogue in their notebooks. -Learn by heart vocabulary -Prepare “Listen and Language focus 2-3-3). Whole class. V. Adjustment: ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................. Ngµy so¹n :5/4/2014 Ngày dạy: Period: 64th. unit 10 life on other planets. Lesson 4 Section :read(p. 86.87) I-Objectives - Luyện cho HS kỹ năng đọc hiểu thông qua dạng BT sắp xếp và trả lời câu hái II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary: : condition,orbit,maverlous,push.up , Physical condition 2-Grammar : -Conditional sentence type 1 and type 2 III. Teaching aids: Text books ,Books, chalks IV-Teaching procedures Steps Contents Warm-up * Chatting: - Prepare some lectures of a spaceship or of the first travel 5’ of man to the moon - Show students that picture and ask them some questions. Activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(133)</span> to involve students in the topic of the lesson. * Do you want to travel? * Have you ever traveled in our country or broad? * Have you ever dreamed of a trip to space? * Do you want to be an astronaut? * Do you think traveling into space takes a lot of money? Pre reading 10’. While reading 17. I. Pre-teach vocabulary - push – up (v): hít đất (mime) - orbit (n/v:) quĩ đạo/di chuyển theo quĩ đạo (visual/picture/translation) - totally (adv): hoµn toµn (synonym: completely) - marvelous (adj): tuyÖt diÖu, kú diÖu (synonym: wonderful) - physical condition (n): t×nh tr¹ng thÓ chÊt, thÓ lùc (translation) * Checking vocabulary: Slap the board - Write the new words all over board, each word in one circle.. - Call on two teams of 5 students to the front of the lass. - Call out the Vietnamese and two students run forward to slap the English equivalent on the board. The students slapping the correct word first get one mark. - Go on until all the word is slapped. II. Ordering statements - Show the poster of five statements on the board. - Have students work in pair to put the statements in order to show what they need and get in Joining a trip space. 1. Get a letter from a doctor to show you are in perfect health. 2. See pictures of the earth, its interesting places, and the stars from very far. 3. Feel tree and enjoy wonderful feeling. 4. Get ready and be in an excellent physical condition. 5. Get on the trip - Give feedback. - Have students read the text and check their guess. * Answer keys: a. 4 b. 1 c. 5 d. 2 e. 3 I. Comprehension question: - Have students read the text again and work in pairs to answer the questions on page 87. - Call on some students to answer the questions loudly. - Correct their answer. - Get students to practice asking answering the questions.. T-whole class. Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(134)</span> * Answer keys: 1) What will you have to do if you decide to take a space trip? - If you decide to take a space trip, you’ll have to run a lot, swim every day, and do aerobics and push – ups to have Group word an excellent physical condition. 2) What must you do if you want to show you are in perfect health? - If you want to show you are in perfect health, you must get a letter from the doctor. 3) What scenes on the earth can you see from the outer space? - You can see pictures of the earth: your country, interesting places, the oceans, and the big rive the tall mountains. 4) How many times a day can you see those scenes? - We can see those scenes 16 times a day. 5) What things can you do while you are in orbit that you cannot do when you are on the earth? Individual We can walk on the wall or on the ceiling. Post reading work 10 * Discussion: - Give students the topic of the discussion. “If you were able to take a space trip, what would you do to prepare for the trip? What would you like to bring along? - Divide the class into 4 groups. The students discuss on Whole class groups. - Ask each group to choose one leader who will present his/her group’s opinions. Homework - Help students to show their ideas. 3’ - Get students to write a short paragraph to answer the questions in the discussion. - Learn by heart vocabulary - Do exercises in the workbook - Prepare :WRITE” V. Adjustment: ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ Ngµy so¹n 7/4/2014 Ngày dạy: Period: 65th. unit 10 life on other planets Lesson 5 Section :WRITE(p. 88.89).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(135)</span> I-Objectives - HS luyÖn ph¸t triÓn kü n¨ng viÕt: ViÕt c¸c c©u hoµn chØnh thµnh mét đoạn văn, diễn đạt ý kién cá nhân về sự tồn tại hay không tồn tại của UFO với ngữ liệu vµ gîi ý cho s½n II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary: : - imagination, trick, - man – like creature , mysterious, Flying saucer, viewpoint, persuasion 2-Grammar : Review modal : May , Might Conditional sentences III. Teaching aids: Text books ,Books, chalks IV-Teaching procedures Steps Warm-up 5’. Pre-writing 10. Contents * Jumbled words: - Write the words whose letters are in random other on the board. - Divide the class into two teams. Students from two teams go to board and write the correct words (rearrange the letters in correct order). The team which writes more correct words first wins the game. 1. ucinionttrod = introduction 2. oybd = body 3. nculcoonsi = conclusion 4. taimnenterent = entertainment 5. caret = trace 6. peapaceran = appearance I. Pre-teach vocabulary - imagination (n): sù tëng tîng (translation) - trick (n): mÑo, kû x¶o (definition: a cunning action) - man – like creature (n): sinh vËt gièng ngêi (translation) - mysterious (adj): bÝ hiÓm (definition: difficult or impossible to explain) - Flying saucer (n): đĩa bay (synonym: UFO) * Checking vocabulary: What and Where - Write the new words on the board, one word in each circle.. - Ask students to repeat the words chorally the rub out word by word but leave the circles. - Go on until all the circle is empty. - Get students to go to the board and write the words again in the correct circles. II. Matching: - Get students to do exercise 6a on page 88 - Have students read the outline of an exposition in column A and put the paragraphs in column B in order to match the sections in A. * Answer keys: 1. Introduction: I don’t believe there exist UFOs even. Activities T-whole class. T-whole class. Pair work. Individual.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(136)</span> though work Many new sappers talk a lot about them. 2. Body: Firstly, flying saucers might be aircrafts, balloons Pair work clouds or tricks of light. Secondly, there are not enough photos showing clearly the shapes of the UFOs. Moreover, if there are UFOs, there will certainly be traces of their landing on the ground. 3. Conclusion: There fore, UFOs are just the imagination of some writes and they do exist only in films for entertainment. III. Reading the dialogue - Have students read the dialogue between An and Ba about the existence of UFOs. - Give students some questions to make sure they understand the dialogue. * Comprehension questions: 1. Does An believe there are UFOs? Pair work (No, he doesn’t) 2. Does Ba believe in UFOs? Individual (Yes, he does) work 3. What does An think about UFOs? ( He think that is might be people’s imagination) Pair work 4. Why does Ba think UFOs exist? While (Because newspapers talk a lot about UFOs and many writing people around the world say they are having seen flying 15’ saucers?) 5. What evidence makes Ba believe in UFOs? (There are plenty of photos of them and the mysterious circles on the fields) - Call on some students to answer the questions. - Correct their answers - Ask students to practice asking and answering in pairs. * Writing: T-whole class - Get students to use Ba’s opinion to write an exposition about the existence of UFOs. - Let students write the exposition individually then share Individual with their partners and correct mistakes by themselves. work * Suggested writing: Post writing “I believe UFOs exist because article and reports in 12’ newspapers talked a lot about their appearance. First, many people from different countries reports that once saw flying saucers. Second, there are many photos of flying saucers and some of the photographers said they saw man – like creatures Whole class get out of the saucers. Moreover, people are discussing the mysterious circles on the fields in the countryside of Great Britain. So I think UFOs are not human’s imagination. They are real; and we should be ready to welcome their visits” * Correction: - Collect some writing to correct the mistake before the class. Home work - Call on some students to read aloud their writings. - Get students to write an exposition, using An’s opinion. 3’ -Learn by heart vocabulary.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(137)</span> V. Adjustment: ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................. Ngµy so¹n :11/4/2014 Ngày dạy: Period: 66th. unit 10 life on other planets. Lesson 3 Section : language focus1- 2-3-4(p. 88.90.91) I-Objectives - HS có khả năng nghe hiểu đợc thông tin về cuộc sống trên mặt trăng - HS rÌn luyÖn vµ cñng cè c¸c hiÖn tîng ng÷ ph¸p: + Modals: may, might + Conditional sentences: type 1 and type 2 II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary: : . Crater ,owm Olympic Champion 2-Grammar : -Conditional sentence type 1 and type 2 It may be….. or It might be……… III. Teaching aids: Text books ,Books, chalks IV-Teaching procedures Steps Content  Brainstorming Warm up  Prepare a shark and a school boy on the top of the 5’ steps., the shark is in the sea .  Draw 4 gaps for the words : Moon.  Get ss into teams. They have to try to guess the letter. if their guess is right they will get one mark The game continue until ss find all the letter of the word moon Ex1: * picture drill Language Ss repect the sentence ( picturea) in chorus and in focus 12’ individual Ss make sentences with other pictures T corrects * answer key( in teacher’s book) - T asks ss to give the form of Modal S+ may/might + V inf +) Ex2: complete the sentences T makes example and gives the form Type 1: If + present tense, S+ will/can/may…+ V(inf) * Gap fill. Activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(138)</span> - T gives extra board - Ss work individual and compare with their parter - Call ss to go to the board and complete the sentences - T correct * Answer key: ( in teacher’s book) Language focus 2,3,4 25’. I. Revision of conditional sentences type 1 * Form: If clause: simple present tense main clause: simple future (will + verb (infinitive)) * Use: We use this structure when there is a possibility that the situation in the if – clause will happen in the future or is true in the present. * Practice: - Have students work in pair to do the exercise in Language Focus 2 on page 90. - Ask students the fives sentences, using conditional sentences type 1. - Call on some students to read their sentences before the class. - Give feedback and correct. * Answer keys: a. If Ba forgets his lunch, he’ll be hungry at lunch time. b. Lan will miss the bus if she does not hurry. c. If Ha is not careful, he’ll drop the cup. d. Mrs. Nga will join us if she finishing her works early. e. If Mrs. Binh writes a shopping list, she won’t forget what to buy. II. Conditional sentences type 2 - Set the scene: Ba is not rich so he can’t travel around the word. - Ask students to complete the sentences: * If Ba ………………………rich, he ……………………………………around ………………… * Answer keys:  If Ba were rich, he would travel around the world. * Form : Main Clause: would/ could/ might + verb If Clause: past simple tense/ past subjunctive * Use: We use this structure to talk about unreal or unlikely present of future situations. We often use “If I were you” to give advice - Ask students to do Language Focus 3 exercise on page 90. They have to work with a partner and make commotional sentences type 2. - Give an example first (3a) - Let students work in pairs. - Give feedback and correct. * Answer keys: a. If Mr. Loc had a car, he would drive to work. b. If Lan lived in Ho Chi Minh City, she should visit SaiGon Water Park. c. If Nam had an alarm clock, he would arrive at school on time. d. If Hoa lived in Hue, she would see her parents every. T- whole class. Pair work. T-whole class. Pair work. Group work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(139)</span> day. e. If Nga owned a piano, she would play it very well. f. If Tuan studied harder, he would get better grades. g. If Na had enough money, she would buy a new Computer. (Na would buy a new Computer if she had enough money) I. Matching game - Divide the class into two teams, team a and team B - Ask each students from team A to write on if clause (of the conditional sentences type 2) on a small piece of paper. - Get each student from team B to write one main clause. - Take 2 pieces of paper from 2 team to have complete conditional sentences. - Call on some students to pick up 2 pieces of paper from 2 teas and call out the sentences. - This game help students to practice writing conditional sentences and make them feel relax. Homework 3’. Individual work. Pair work. Individual work. T ask ss to use may or might to talk about things in their Whole class birthday presents next year. -Prepare “READ” -Do esxercises in the work book. V. Adjustment: ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................. Ngµy so¹n :02 /04/2010 Period :60th correct the test I .Objetive: sau tiÕt häc häc sinh cã kh¶ n¨ng cñng cè thªm kiÕn thøc ng«n ng÷ , vèn tõ vùng µ thùc hµnh lµm bµi tËp còng nh nhËn ra nh÷ng kiÕn thøc m×nh cha n¾m b¾t mét c¸ch ch¾c ch¾n. II .Language contents : 1. Grammar: 2.Vocabulary: 3-Pronunciation : III.Teaching aids: Textbook, chalk, book…. III. Procedure. St eps content activities Key to the test 1. * Ask Ss to retell the main I.(2.5pts) Warm up grammar in the rest 1.I bought a picture which was very… - Give the form and explain 2.I saw the girl who helped us …. 3.The visitors who can see a lot of how to use.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(140)</span> 2. Presentation. 3. Practice. beautiful psrks ome to London 4.It’s a book which will interest… 5.The festival is called Easter which is in late….. II.(2pts) 6.She didn’t eat much though she…. 7 .althogh he is over 60 he doesn’t….. 8.We could do the test it was very….. 9.though he is very strong I’m not…. III.(2pts) 10 .D 11.A 12 .B 13.D 14 .B 15 .C 16 .A 17 .C IV .2pts 18 .have learnt 19 .going 20.making V .21 .T 22 .F 23.F 24 .T. 1. Relative clauses: Who,which, that 2.Adverb clauses of concession Though,even though ,though 3.Make suggestions a.S+suggest +V-ing b.S +suggest that S +should +v 4.Connectors : But,so,therefore,however,or And 5.The present perfect tense and past tense - Correct exercise II. Production. - Call Ss to give their answers - Give the correct answers + Call some Ss to read the passage again and translate it in to Vietnamese if they can. - Ask Questions and have Ps answer. - Write the answers on the board - Correct mistakes. 5. Homework: - Remind Ss to study at home. - Prepare new lesson.. Ngµy so¹n :16/4/2010 Period: 66th REVISION ( p1 ) I-Objectives - HS ôn luyện từ các cấu trúc ngữ pháp mình đã đợc học ở các bài trớc II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary: : 2-Grammar.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(141)</span> III. Teaching aids: Text books ,Books, chalks IV-Teaching procedures I. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. (1pt) 1. A. control B. respond C. novel D. deposit 2. A. cement B. crazy C. climate D. costly 3. A. hug B. pollute C. funnel D. dump 4. A. regularly B. minority C. style D. scenery II. Choose the correct answer by circling A, B, C or D. (3pts) 1. If disasters _________in an area, people from the other area will offer their help. A. happen B. will happen C. happening D. would happen 2. Viet Nam is a country _________exports a lot of rice. A. who B. where C. when D. which 3. Last night, I was watching T.V _________my mother was cooking in the kitchen. A. then B. and C. when D. while 4. Run_________ or you'll not catch the ball. A. firstly B. fast C. slow D. slowly 5. This boy, ..................give you my book, is my student A. who B. which C. what D. whom 6. Two students are absent to day .................they are ill. A. however B. therefore C. so D. because 7. Hung broke the cup .............his carelessness A. so B. because of C. because D. therefore 8. Last year, I use to.................late. A. get up B. getting up C. got up D. to get up 9. My father enjoys ................TV at night. A. to watch B. watches C. watch D. watching 10. Solar energy doesn’t cause much ................... A. pollute B. pollution C. polluted D. polluting 11. I would buy that house if I ...............you. A. was B. am C. will be D. were 12. His house ........................last year A. is built B. was building C. was built D. is buillding III. Fill in the blank with one suitable preposition. (1pt) 1. I'm looking forward _________hearing from you. 2. We were excited _________ the program on T.V last night. 3. She prefers walking _________swimming. 4. I look _________my lost key everywhere but I can't find it. IV. Read and answer the questions. (2,5pts) Sports and games make our body strong, prevent us from getting too fat and keep us healthy. There are not their only uses. They give us valuable practice in making eyes, brain and muscles work together. Sports and games are also useful for character training. Boys and girls may learn about such virtues as courage, discipline and love their country. 1. What are the uses of sports and games to our bodies? 2. Do sports and games make eyes, brain and muscles work together ? 3. What are sports and games also useful for? 4. What virtues may boys and girls learn about? 5. What sports do you like best? V. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same. (2,5pts) 1. Everyday thousands of trees are cut down in the world. Everyday people _______________________________.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(142)</span> 2. "Have you done your homework?" asked the teacher. The teacher asked ___________________________ 3. The exercise was so easy that all students could do it. It was such ____________________________________ 4. I love to play tennis. I enjoy _______________________________________ 5. We spent five hours learning English. It took __________________________________________ Answer keys I. (1,0 pt) (0,25 pt for each correct answer). 1.B 2. A 3. B. 4. C. II. (3,0 pt) (0,25 pt for each correct answer). 1.A 2. D 3. D 4. B 5 -A 6D 7-B 8-A 9-D 10 - B 11 - D 12 - C III. (1,0 pt) (0,25 pt for each correct answer). 1 . to 2. about 3. to 4. for IV. (2,5 pts) (0,5 pt for each correct answer). 1. Sports and games / They make our body strong, prevent us from getting too fat and keep us healthy. 2. Yes, they do. 3. Sports and games / They are also useful for character training. 4. They may learn about such virtues as courage, discipline and love their country. 5. (student’s answer) V. (2,5 pts) (0,5 pt for each correct answer). 1. .....cut down thousands of trees in the world. 2. .....me if/ whether I had done my homework. 3.......an easy exercise that all students could do it. 4. .....playing tennis. 5.......us five hours to learn English. 4. Consolidation: - Retell the main points 5. Homework: - Ss practice more at home Ngµy so¹n :22/4/2010 Period: 67th REVISION ( p2) I-Objectives - HS ôn luyện từ các cấu trúc ngữ pháp mình đã đợc học ở các bài trớc II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary: : 2-Grammar III. Teaching aids: Text books ,Books, chalks IV-Teaching procedures I. Choose the correct answer by circling A, B, C or D. (2pts) 1. In 1995, a huge earthquake ________the city of Kobe in Japan..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(143)</span> A. struck B. strike C. stricken D. striking. 2. They made their living by ________ fish in the ocean every day. A. catch B. catching C. caught D. to catch. 3. I look _____ to seeing the protection of environment from the local authority. A. for B. at C. forward D. after. 4. There is too much traffic. ______, the air is polluted. A. Since B. Therefore C. However D. But. 5. I suggest _______ harder on the pronunciation. A. work B. worked C. working D. to work. 6. He told me he ______ to leave the city the following day. A. will have B. would have C. has D. had 7. I’m __________that I can go to Dalat this time. A. excited B. exciting C. excitement D. excite. 8. Auld Lang Syne is a song which is on ________. A. Easter B. Christmas C. New Year’s Eve D. New Year’s Day.. II. Circle the letter A,B,C or D which has the underlinded part pronounced differently from the rest.( 1,5 pts) 1. A. sorrow B. now C. tomorrow D. bowl 2. A. women B. fence C. mend D. end 3. A. ought B. bought C. thought D. laugh 4. A. flea B. free C. of D. fly 5. A. kite B. bin C. skin D. pillar 6. A. liked B. traveled C. worked D. wrapped III. A. Complete each gap with one word in the box. There is ONE extra word. You do not use it. (1.5pts) occurs, members, for, food, celebrations, clean, happen “ There are many (1) ________ throughout the year in Vietnam but Tet or the Lunar New Year is the most important celebration (2) ________ Vietnamese people. Tet usually (3) ________in late January or early February. A few days before Tet is the time for people to (4) __________and decorate their homes. During Tet, people, young and old, enjoy special (5) ________cooked on the occasion of Tet. It is also the time for family (6) __________to be together”. B. Write True (T) or False (F). (2pts) 1. ________________ The Lunar New Year is another name for Tet. 2. ________________ Tet may begin in late February. 3. __________ People often try to make their houses nice and new for Tet. 4. ________________ Tet is the time for family reunions. IV. Do as directed. (3pts) 1. It’s too hot. Open the window. Please. (Beginning with “ I suggest ” ) ____________________________________________________________ 2. I’d love to play volleyball. I have to complete an assignment. (Using “and” or “but” ) ____________________________________________________________ 3. Nam likes the full-moon festival very much. The festival is celebrated in the midfall. (Using “Which” ) ____________________________________________________________ 4. She broke the cup because she was careless. (Using “Because of ”) ______________________________________________________.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(144)</span> 5. The oil will pollute the sea. People are worried. (Combine this pair of sentences) ____________________________________________________________ 6. He will pass the examination if _______________(Complete the sentence). Answer keys I. (2,0 pts) (0,25pt for each correct answer). 1. A 2. B 3. C 5. C 6. B 7. A II. (1,5 pts) (0,25pt for each correct answer). 1.B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. B. 4. B 8. C. III. (3,5 pts) A. (1,5 pts) (0,25pt for each correct answer). 1. celebrations 2. for 4. clean 5. food B. (2,0 pts) (0,5pt for each correct answer). 1. T 2. F 3. T IV. (3 pts) ( 0,5pt for each correct answer).. 3. occurs 6. members 4. T. 1. I suggest opening the window/ I suggest we (should) open the window. 2. I’d love to play volleyball but I have to to complete an assignment. 3. Nam likes the full- moon festival , which is celebrated in the midfall, very much. 4. She broke the cup because of her carelessness. 5. People are worried that the oil will pollute the sea. 6. He will pass the examination if he works/ learns/ studies harder (optional) 4. Consolidation: - Retell the main points 5. Homework: - Ss pratice more at home. Ngµy so¹n :22/4/2010 Period: 68th REVISION ( p3) I-Objectives - HS ôn luyện từ các cấu trúc ngữ pháp mình đã đợc học ở các bài trớc II. Language contents: 1-Vocabulary: : 2-Grammar III. Teaching aids: Text books ,Books, chalks IV-Teaching procedures I. Circle the letter A,B,C or D which has the underlinded part pronounced differently from the rest. ( 2,0 pts) 1. A. base B. tomb C. obey D. tub 2. A. snake B. fall C. all D. talk 3. A. needs B. Teams C. minerals D. forests 4. A. shown B. known C. town D. snow 5. A. question B. nation C. correction D. pollution.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(145)</span> 6. A. match B. chair C. chemistry D. catch 7. A. seen B. sure C. seem D. sit 8. A. supply B. deny C. reply D. simply II. Circle the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences. (2.5points) 1. They made their living by _________ fish in the ocean every day. A. to catch B. catch C. catching D. caught 2. They felt _________ when Tet was coming near. A. excitement B. excited C. excitedly D. exciting 3. I suggest _________up the beach. A. clean B. to clean C. cleaned D. cleaning 4. Thuy's grandmother turned the television _________ to see the weather forecast. A. off B. up C. on D. down 5. Auld Lang Syne is a song which is sung on _________ . A. Easter B. New Year's Day C. Christmas D. New Year's Eve 6. There is too much traffic. _________ , the air is polluted. A. Since B. Therefore C. However D. But 7. Solar energy doesn't cause _________ . A. pollution B. polluted C. pollute D. pollutant 8. My friend Nigel, _________works in the City Bank, earns much more than I do. A. whose B. that C. who D. which 9. If people _________energy, there will be no shortage of electricity. A. save B. will save C. saving D. would save 10. The children laughed _________when they are watching a comic. A. happily B. happy C. happiness D. unhappy III. Write the correct form of the words in brackets. (1.5 points) 1. If it doesn't rain soon, there'll be a great ...........................of water. (short) 2. We can protect the environment: by ....................... air pollution. (reduce) 3. The price of ...................................has gone up again. (electric) 4. We'll live a happier and .............................life if we keep our environment clean. (health) 5. She was ............................pleased that she passed the exam. (extreme) 6. He is one of the most famous .......................in the world. (sing ) IV. Read the following passage and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). (2 points) There are many celebrations throughout the year in Viet Nam, but Tet or the Lunar New Year is the most important celebration for Vietnamese people. Tet usually occurs in late January or early February. A few days before Tet is the time for people to clean and decorate their homes. During Tet, people, old and young, enjoyed special food cooked on the occasion of Tet. It is also the time for family members to be together. T F 1. The Lunar New Year is another name for Tet. 2. Tet usually begins in early January. 3. People often make their houses nice and new for Tet. 4. Tet is the time for family reunions V. Use the suggested words to write a speech. (2.0 points) 1. You / thought / taking / bus / school? 2. This /be / fast and comfortable way / travel / everywhere. 3. Besides / it / be / effective way / save energy. 4. So / go / school / bus / and / you / will see /difference..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(146)</span> Answer keys I. (2,0 pts) (0,25pt for each correct answer). 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. D II. (2,5 pts) (0,25pt for each correct answer). 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. A III. (1,5 pts) (0,25pt for each correct answer). 1. shortage 2. reducing 3. electricity 4. healthier 5. extremely 6. singer IV. (2,0 pts) (0,5pt for each correct answer). 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T V. (2,0 pts) (0,5pt for each correct answer). 1. Have you ever thought of taking a bus to school? 2. This is a fast and comfortable way to travel everywhere. 3. Besides, it is also an effective way to save energy. 4. So you should go to school by bus and you will see the difference. 4. Consolidation: 5. Homework - Prepare for the final term test.

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