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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Date of preparing: 25/11/2020. Period 25. UNIT 4 : LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE LESSON 4 : Write A.The aims of the lesson 1. Knowledges + The aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a letter of inquiry to the institution requesting for more information about the courses and fees. -Vocabulary: - request, detail, look forward to, express , exactly , edition - Grammar: The present, simple 2. Skills : Listening, writing skills and grammar 3. Attitude: - Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice writing B. Preparations 1.Teacher : posters, computer, projector, speaker 2. Students: Unit 1 Listen C. Methods: - Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work - Some techniques can be used: Jumbled words, Reading comprehension, Matching, Correction. - Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice writing D. Procedure: I.Organization: ( 1 minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today? Class Date of teaching Absent students 9A 30/11 9B 3/12 Teacher’s Activities II. WARM UP (5 minutes) Jumbled words: - Divide the class into two teams. - Ask students from 2 teams to go to the board and write the correct words. - The team which is faster with more correct words will win the game-III. NEW LESSON (35minutes) Step 1. Pre Writing : 1, Vocabulary : 1. ( synonym: ask for ) 2. ( definition: a small part of a whole. particular fact) 3. ( synonym: expect ) 4. ( definition: show or make known a. - request ( n/v ): yêu cầu, đòi hỏi - detail ( n ): chi tiết - look forward to ( v ): trông nom, trông chờ. Students’ activities Answer: versetimadnet swne restetni atmorfioinn eef sasecenry psulpy. advertisement news interest information fee necessary supply. 1. Vocabulary : Sts : - listen. - listen and repeat (chorally then individually). - copy..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> meaning, idea or feeling ) 5. ( translation ) 6. ( translation ). - express ( v ): bày tỏ, biểu lộ - exactly ( adv ): đúng, hoàn toàn, một cách chính xác - edition ( n ): ấn bản. * Checking vocabulary: Slap the board 2. Reading : Step 2. While Writing : Questions: 1. Reading comprehension a. Where did Robinson see - Have students read the letter written by John the school’s advertisement? Robinson on page 37. b. What language does he - Ask them work in pairs to answer some questions want to learn? about the letter. c. What aspect of Vietnamese - Give feedback. does he want to improve? Answers: d. What does Robinson want a. He saw the school’s advertisement in today’s to know? edition of Vietnamese news. b. He wants to learn Vietnamese. c. He wants to learn to read and write Vietnamese. Four parts of a letter of d. He wants to know some details of the courses and inquiry fees 2. Matching - Introduction. - Give students four parts of a letter of inquiry. - Request. - Ask students to divide the letter ( written by - Further information Robinson ) into 4 parts and match each paragraph - Conclusion with a suitable headline. - Let students work in pairs compare their answers. Answer keys: a. I saw your school’s advertisement 3. Writing a Introduction in today’s edition of the letter: Vietnamese News. - Have students b.Request I am interested in learning read again the Vietnamese and I’d like some three information about your school advertisements c.Further I speak little Vietnamese, but I on page 36 and information want to learn to read and write it. Could you please send details of choose one of courses and fees? I can complete a the schools spoken Vietnamese test if they want to 3. Writing necessary. attend to Suggested letter: d.Conclusion I look forward to hearing from you. improve their Dear Sir, English. I saw your Institute’s - Get students to write a letter of inquiry to the advertisement on today’s TV institution requesting for more information about the programs. I am very intrested in courses and fees. the exercise Matching above will learning English and I would.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> help students write their letter easy. - After finishing the letter, students have to compare with their partners and make some corrections. - Give feedback. Call on some students to read their letters before class. - Make some corrections. Step 3. Post Writing : Correction - Choose three letters which were written to 3 schools. - Ask students to read aloud the letters. - Give feedback and correct. IV. SUMMARY (2 minutes) - Write a letter of inquiry to the institution requesting for more information about the courses and fees. V. HOMEWORK (2 minutes) - Ask students to write the letters in their notebooks.. like some more information about your Institute. I can speak a little English, but I read it very slowly and my writing is bad. So I want to improve my reading and writing. Could you please provide more information about the length of the course and fees, for beginners? I can supply my record of English study if necessary. I look for to hearing from you soon. Your faithfully, Lan.. Homework :. * Evaluation : ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................ Date of preparing: 25/11/2020. Period 26. UNIT 4 : LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE LESSON 6: Language Focus A.Objectives: 1. Aims: - Practice to use modal verbs with If( Revision of Conditional sentences type 1),Revision of Direct and Reported speech, reported questions. - Test 15’ 2. Practice skill: - Practice listening, speaking, reading, writing skill. 3. The knowledge needs to get: + Standard knowledge: Modal verbs with If( Conditional sentences type 1), Direct and Reported speech, reported questions. + Advanced knowledge: Give some more examples with modal verbs with If( Conditional sentences type 1), Direct and Reported speech, reported questions. 4. Basic language -Vocabulary: weigh, weight, delicious. 5. Attitude:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> - Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice to use modal verbs with If, reported speech, reported questions well. B. Teaching- aids: Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, poster. C. Methods: individual work, group work. - Some techniques can be used: Jumbled words, Matching, Lucky numbers D. Procedure : I.Organization: ( 1 minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today? Class 9A 9B 9C. Date of teaching. Absent students. Teacher’s Activities II. WARM UP (2 minutes) Jumbled words: - Write the words whose letters are in a random order on the board. - Divide the class into two teams. Students from 2 teams go to the board and write the correct words. - The team which writes more correct words first will win the game. III. NEW LESSON (25minutes) Step 1. Presentation : 7’ 1. Revision of Modal verbs: - Ask students to name some modal verbs with their meanings.. Revision of Conditional sentences type 1 If clause (simple present tense) Main clause ( will + infinitive) * Usage: We can use a modal verbs in a main clause. The modal verb gives more information about the. Ss’ activities cilioeuds deronufwl edeorrpt reictd viertinwe. Key: delicious wonderful reported direct interview. 1.Modal verbs: must have to phải should ought to nên may might có lẽ * Form: Modal + infinitive ( without to ).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> outcome relating to ability, certainty, permission, obligation or necessity. Eg: - If you want to improve your English, I can help you. - If you want to get good grades, you must study hard. Direct and Reported speech. 1. Changes in tense - Draw the table on the board - Divide the class intwo teams. Team A with red chalk, team B yellow chalk. - Students from 2 teams go to the board and complete the table by writing suitable tenses in Reported speech. * Answer keys: Present simple tense → past simple Present Progressive tense → past progressive Future simple tense → would + verb can / may → could/ might must → had to. Direct and Reported speech. * Changes in tense Reporte Direct speech d speech Present simple tense Present Progressive tense Future simple tense can / may must. 2. Changes in adverb and articles . * Changes in adverb and * Matching articles . - Stick a poster of adverbs and articles on the this these here board. that - Divide the class into twonow teams.today those theand - Get students from 2 teams to gotomorrow to the board write the pairs of adverbsfollowing or articlesday in direct there then that day speech and in reported speech. E.g: this - that - The team which is writes more pairs will win the game. * Answer keys: this that these those * Reported questions: now then E.g: here there - "What do you want? "→ I today that day asked what she wanted. tomorrow the following day - "Do you like chicken?" => I asked him if he liked chicken . 3. Reported questions: - "How is your brother?" → * In reported questions, we do not use the She asked how my brother auxiliary verb.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> ( do, does, did ) was. * When there is no question word ( what, where, why...) we use “if” or “whether” to introduce a reported question. * In reported questions, the word order is the same Language Focus 1 on page as in statements. ( eg. they were doing, my brother 38. was ) and we do not use a question mark. Step 3. Practice : 11’ * Practice - Ask students to do exercise Language Focus 1 on page 38. - Let students work in pairs to complete the Conditional sentences. They have to use the modal verbs in brackets and the information in the box. *Answer keys: a. must study hard. b. have to go to university. c. Ba: If you want to lose weight, you should do exercise regularly. d. Tuan: Where is Ba? He’s very late. Mrs Thoa: If he doesn’t come soon, he might miss the train. e. Mr. Ha : I feel sick Mrs Nga: If you want to get well, you ought to stay in bed. f. Na: I’d like to go to the movies, Mom. Mrs. Rim: You must do your homework if you want to go out. - Call on some pairs to practice the dialogues before class and teacher corrects. - Ask students to practice the dialogues in pairs. - Monitor and help students with pronunciation 2. Reported speech - Have students work in pairs to do Language focus 3 exercise on page 39. - Set the scene: “Lan father held a party to celebrate his mother’s birthday. Unfortunately Mrs. Thu, her grandmother, has a hearing problem and she couldn’t hear what people were saying. After the party, Lan reported everything to her grandmother”. Eg: I’m happy to see you. ( Aunt Xuan ) → Aunt Xuan said she was happy to see you. - Call on some pairs to call out their sentences. 2. Language focus 3 Answer keys: a. Uncle hung said that birthday cake was delicious b. Miss Nga said she loved those roses. c. Cousin Mai said she was having a wonderful time there. d. Mr. Chi said he would go to Hue the following day. e. Mrs. Hoa said she might have a new job. f. Mr. Quang said he had to leave then. 3. Language focus 4.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> ( one with direct speech and the other with reported speech ). - Give feedback and correct. 2. Reported questions - Have students do Language focus 4 exercise on page 39. - Ask students to work in pairs to change the direct speech questions into reported questions. - Set the scene: “This morning Nga had an interview for a summer job. When she arrived home, she told her mother about the interview”. - Give the example first. Example 1: S1: Do you like pop music? S2: She asked me if/ whether I liked pop music. Example 2: S1: Where do you live? S2: She asked me where I lived. - Call on some pairs to do practice before class. - Give feedback and correct. Step 3. Production : 7’ Lucky numbers - Write numbers on the board ( 1 - 12 ) - Tell students that each number is for a question but four of them are lucky numbers. For a lucky number, student will get 2 points without answering any questions. For other numbers, students have to turn the direct speech ( from the teacher ) to the reported speech. If their sentence is correct, that team will get 2 marks, if it is incorrect, the other team will answer and gets only one mark for their correct answer. * Questions : 1. Lucky number. 2. Do you enjoy reading picture books? 3. Is your house near our school? 4. Why do you learn English? 5. Lucky number. 6. I will give you a fifteen - minute test tomorrow. 7. How does your father go to work? 8. Lucky number. 9. I like playing badminton. 10. you study very hard. 11. Lucky number. 12. We must decorate our room for the coming May Day.. Answer keys: a. She asked me how old I was. b. She asked me if/ whether my school was near there. (Do at home: c. She asked me what the name of my school was. d. She asked me if/ whether I could use a computer. e. She asked me why I wanted that job. f. She asked me when my school vacation started.) 4. Lucky numbers 1 5 9. 2 3 4 6 7 8 10 11 12. Answer keys: 2. She asked me if I enjoyed reading picture books. 3. She asked me if my house was near our school. 4. She asked me why I learned English. 6. She said she would give us a fifteen - minute test the following day. 7. She asked me how my father went to work. 9. She said she liked palying badminton. 10. She said we studied very hard. 12. She said we had to decorate our room for the coming May Day..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> IV. SUMMARY 1’ - Modal verbs with If( Conditional sentences type 1), Direct and Reported speech, reported questions. EX 9. (P 44 EX BOOK 9): Read the passage about English and fill in each gap with one suitable word. Circle A, B, C or D. KEY 1. A. 4. A. 7. D. 10. B. 2. C. 5. B. 8. C. 11. A. 3. D. 6. B. 9. D. 12. C. V. HOMEWORK 1’ - Ask students to reported what their parents said to them last night. they have to write in their notebooks. - Review Unit 3,4. Prepare the lesson: TEST 45’. 5. Homework :. * Evaluation: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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