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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Preparation date: Oct 2nd 2021 Teaching date: Class Date 9D1 ................................ 9D2 ................................ 9D3 ................................ Period 9 UNIT 2: CLOTHING Lesson 3: Listen I. Objectives: 1. Knowledge - By the end of the lesson . Ss will be able to listen for spacific information, describe what people are wearing and know how to use the perfect tense 2. Competence: - General capacity:self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to use language, cooperation capacity,… - Specilized capacity:English language ability, develop self capacity: Listening 3. Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities, live humanty, cooperate with people around,… II. Preparation: - Teacher’s preparation: Lesson plan, PPT slides, student’s book, workbook, personal computer, projector/TV, speakers… - Students’ preperation: Student’s book, notebook, workbook, schoolthings... III. Teaching process: T &S's activities. The content of the lesson. I.Warm up ACTIVITY 1 (WARM-UP) (5’) a. Aim: Set the scene, lead students to the network main part of the period. b. Content: Active words and structures c. Outcome: Ss’ understanding, ability of using the words and structures d. Organization: 1. Wark up network - Divide the class into 2 teams - Write the word CLOTHING on the board - Ask Ss from 2 teams go to the board and write the words relating to CLOTHING - Tell Ss the team which writes more words is winner. a plain suit faded jeans.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 2. ACTIVITY 2: PRESENTATION (15’) a. Aim: Students can memorize some new words b. Content: vocabulary, set the scene, structures c. Outcome: students can read and write the new words d. Organization: 2. Pre listening: -TM: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present…. -C: Co-operation, communication,… -Q: Love family, friends and country * Pre teach vocab: -Elicits and models . -Ask Ss to repeat chorally and individually -Check R .O .R - Copy in note book * Set the scene: You will hear an announcement about a lost girl called Mary. - ASk Ss to look at the pictures on page 16 and answer the questions about each of them * Prediction: - Ask Ss to guess what is Mary wearing - Ss guess in pairs. 3. ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE (20’) a. Aim: Helps students to speak and listen, understand the tasks b. Content: - answer the questions in the questionaire. c. Outcome: ss can do the task correctly d. Organization: 3. While listening: -TM: Play game, practising, discussion. II. Vocab:. 1.announcement (translation) thông báo 2.Missing (synonym of lost) :thất lạc 3.an entrance (synonym of a door, gate)lối vào 4.a fair ( explanation) hội chợ 5. a doll (relia) : búp bê III. Answer the questions: ?. What are these? ? What is this? ? What color is this? ? What color are these? IV. Guessing: a……….. b………… c…………… Answer: a) B: She's wearing blue shorts b) A: She's wearing a long- sleeved blouse c) C: She's wearing brown shoes.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> group, technical present…. -C: Co-operation, communication,… -Q: Love family, friends and country - Ask Ss to listen twice -Ss listen to the tape twice. - Now you listen to the tape again and check the letter of the correct picture to show what Mary is wearing. - Ss listen the tape once and check the letter - Then Ss compare the keys with classmates - Ss listen again to check the answer and give the answer on the board. - T corrects - Ss take note. - Ss correct the guessing . 4. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION (5’) a. Aim: Stundents apply the knowledge they learnt in practice b. Content: Discussion c. Outcome: students’s talks d. Organization: -TM: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present…. -C: Co-operation, communication,… -Q: Love family, friends and country T gives some sentences. - Ss listen to the tape again choose True/False. - Then Ss give the keys on the board. - T corrects. - Ss take note. Homework: Do exercise 3,4 page 14,15 in the workbook Prepare Read. V.T/F statements: 1/ Mary is three years old. 2/ She has a long dark hair. 3/ She ‘s wearing blue shorts and a longsleeved white blouse. 4/ Her mother is waiting for her * Answer: 1) T 2) F 3) T 4). Homework: Do exercise 3,4 page 14,15 in the workbook Prepare Read. V. Evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………...
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