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Tran Quy Cap Senior High School TEST ON ENGLISH Class: 10

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Tran Quy Cap Senior High School TEST ON ENGLISH
Class: 10/...... Time: 45 minutes 122
Full name :........................................
I. Correcting the mistakes
01. We go to the bookshop to buying some English books.
02. Meat and other kinds of fruit have been sell in this shop.
03. What does she practised singing all day for?
04. If I had met him, I would have gave him my telephone number.
II. Language focus
05. Last night I watched a good football................... on TV. It was really exciting.
A. team B. player C. match D. matches
06. I turned off the television in the middle of the program. The program was.............
A. bore B. to bore C. bored D. boring
07. He didn’t begin to learn English until 1980.
A. It was not until 1980 he learn English. B. It was not 1980 did her learn English.
C. It was not until he learned English 1980. D. It was not until 1980 that he learned English.
08. The World Cup …………… every four years.
A. has held B. is held C. organizes D. holds
09. If we had gone by bike, we............................................ carsick.
A. wouldn’t get B. wouldn’t have getC. wouldn’t have gotD. will not get
10. Rainforests ................ about 7 per cent of the earth’s area.
A. cover B. have C. covered D. covering
11. Thanks to modern technology, scientists have been able to ...................... the life of plants and
animals that live under sea.
A. invest B. investigated C. investigate D. invested
12. Which word below is related to the definition ‘remove or get rid of completely’?
A. run off B. delete C. cancel D. eliminate

Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
13. A. cooked B. looked C. moved D. hoped
14. A. calls B. hires C. borrows D. stops
15. A. bone B. gone C. stone D. phone
16. The football match has been postponed …………… the weather conditions.
A. due to B. because C. thanks to D. although
17. Hung is ………………….. about the trip to Ha Long bay.
A. exciting B. excited C. excite D. to excite
18. Can you play ………………. guitar?
A. a B. the C. …….. D. All are correct
Choose one word whose stress pattern is different from that of the rest.
19. A. hospital B. tournament C. calculate D. agreement
20. A. retirement B. champion C. dangerous D. animal
21. A. We cannot live ..................... water.
A. with B. without C. through out D. along
22. I wish I had enough money..................... a new bicycle.
A. to buy B. buying C. buy D. to buying
23. If he had studied hard, he..................... his exams.
A. will pass B. would passC. would passed D. would have passed
24. A: I’ve decided to repaint this room.
B: Oh, have you? What colour............................... it?
A. will you paint B. are you going to paint
C. you paint D. you will paint
25. Well, then we’ll go out tonight. There’s .............. good film on at ............ cinema.
A. a/ the B. the/ the C. the/ a D. a/ a
26. When I ........................to the railway station, the train had already left.
A. came B. come C. to come D. coming
27. She went to university. She wants to study engineering.
A. She went to university for she study engineering C. She study engineering at university
B. She went to university to study engineering D. She studies at university engineering

28. I was .................. with the movie last night.
A. disappointed B. disappoint C. disappointing D. be disappointing
29. Smoking is very bad ...................your health.
A. about B. for C. with D on
30. The word ‘decade ’ means ................................................................
A. a hundred years B. twenty years C. fifty years D. ten years
31. “Jane wants to talk to you. ” Make a question from the underlined word.
A. What do you want to talk, Jane? B. Do you want Jane to talk to you?
C. Why Jane want to talk to you? D. Who wants to talk to you?
III. Reading comprehension
Choose suitable words to fill in the gap(s) by choosing A, B, C or D.
Music can be happy, (32) ............., romantic, sleepy, spine-tingling, healing—all kinds of things. But what
is it? Some (33) ................... define it as an artful arrangement of sounds across time. Our ears interpret
these sounds as loud or soft, high or low, rapid and short, or slow and smooth. The sounds need to continue
for a time in some sort of pattern to become music.
Music, like language, is a uniquely human form of (34) .......................... As with language, there are many
different kinds. In North America, people listen to jazz, rock, classical, folk, country, and many other kinds
of music. Each kind of music has its own rules and “speaks” to us in its own way.
32. A. sad B. sadness C. sadly D. to be sad
33. A. students B. people C. players D. teachers
34. A. communication B. communicator C. communicate D. communicating
IV. Listening comprehension:
Listen to the tape and fill in the missing information that you hear
Pelé is (35) ……………….. one of the greatest football players of all time. He was born in 1940 in Brazil.
As a football player, Pelé was (36) ……………….. his powerful kicking and controlling the ball. He joined
a Brazilian football club in 1956, and in 1962 he led the team to its first world club (37) ………….…… .
Pelé became the only (38) ………………… to participate in three World Cups in 1958,1962, and 1970.
By 1974, Pelé (39) ………………… 1,200 goals and became a Brazilian national hero. He played for an
American football club for two years before he retired in 1977. Later Pelé became an international
ambassador for the sport, working (40) …………… peace and understanding through friendly sport

.............THE END..................
