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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Date of preparation: 16/09/2021 Date of teaching: 7B2: 22/09/2021 7B3: 20/09/2021 7B4: 20/09/2021. Period 7. Unit 2: Personal information Lesson 1: A1-3 A. Objectives: 1. Knowledge By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to ask for and give telephone numbers and further practice in addresses. 2. Skill: Listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing 3. Attitudes: Students love works 4. Competence and quality: 4.1. Competence: - General capacity:self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to use language, cooperation capacity,… - Specilized capacity:English language ability, develop self capacity,.. 4.2. Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities, live humanty, cooperate with people around B. Teaching aids: a. T: Textbook, picture,cards, cassette, board, chalk b. S: books, workbook. C. Techniques: Rub out and remember, Word cue Drill, Survey, Noughts and Crosses D. Contents: I. Organization . 7B2:....................................... 7B3: ...................................... 7B4: ...................................... II. Warm up: 5’ Ask Ss some questions: 1. What’s your name? 2. Where do you live? 3. Which class / grade are you in?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 4. Do you have a telephone? 5. What’s your telephone number? III. New lesson: 35’ Teacher’s & Students’ activities 1 . Presentation.10’ *) Pre teach vocabulary. Checking vocab. What and Where 2. Reading telephone number. Present the way how to read telephone number. Have Ss to take notes.. Contents I. Vocab - telephone directory: danh bạ điện thoại - telephone number: số điện thoại - soon (adv) sớm, chẳng bao lâu II. Grammar.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> *. Cách đọc về số điện thoại. - Ta dừng , ngắt sau số cốt khu vực (hay mã vùng) và sau mỗi 3 con số. - Số 0 đọc là “rezo” - Khi có 2 chữ số giống nhau (gần nhau) ta có thể đọc theo 2 cách: Ex: 88 {- eight eight {- double eight Concept check: - Meanings - Forms - Uses - Pronunciation Give example and guide Ss read.. *.Model sentence: S1: What’s your telephone number? S2: (My telephone number is) 0935762245. Form: What + is +…… telephone number? S2: (My telephone number is) ….. S1: Dao van An S2: 7 345 610 B, Pham Viet Anh C, Pham Thanh Ba D, Dinh Thi Bang 2. Practice.15’ E, Vu Thanh Bat *. Word cue drill. F, Bui Ngoc Bich Ask Ss to look at the telephone directory to ask and answer the telephone number. *. Transcription: A, 8 251 654 Work in pairs. B, 8250514 Call on some Ss to practice before class. C, 8 521 936 *. Listening. D, 8351 793 Ask Ss to listen to the tape twice and write the telephone number they’ve heard. E, 8 237 041 F, 8 821 652 Have Ss compare their answers with a partner. - Work in pairs Call on some Ss to give their answers Give feedback Have Ss listen to the tape again and check them. Give correct answers. 3. Further practice.10’ *. Free practice. Ask Ss to ask and answer about their telephone numbers. Work in pairs Call on some pairs to practice before class..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> IV. Summary. 2’ ? What do we learn today? V. Homework. 3’ - Practice reading telephone number. - Prepare Unit 2 (A3) - Speaking: What’s your telephone number? E. Evaluation. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ________________________________________________________________ Date of preparation: 16/09/2021 Date of teaching: 7B2: 23/09/2021 7B3: 22/09/2021 7B4: 22/09/2021 Period 8 Unit 2: Personal information Lesson 2: A4, 5 A. Objectives: 1. Knowledge By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to use the “Will” Future possitive statements and WH- questions to talk about sure events in the future. 2. Skill: Listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing 3. Attitudes: Educate ss to learn hard and to be friendly and helpful 4. Competence and quality: 4.1. Competence: - General capacity:self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to use language, cooperation capacity,… - Specilized capacity:English language ability, develop self capacity,.. 4.2. Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities, live humanty, cooperate with people around,… B. Teaching aids: a. T: Textbook, picture,cards, cassette, board, chalk b. S: books, workbook. C. Techniques : Jumbled word , Comprehension questions , Word cue Drill D. Contents: I. Organization ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 7B2:....................................... 7B3: ...................................... 7B4: ...................................... II. Warm up: 5’ . Jumbled word ese = see trast = start vomei = movie rehatte = theater romtprow = tomorrow tale = late III. New lesson: 35’ Teacher’s & Students’ activities 1. Presentation.15’ *.Pre –teach Vocabulary Elicit some new words and explain them by translation , explanation……… Read model / chorus/ individual. Check. Contents I. Vocab - call (v) : gọi (điện thoại) - soon (adj) : sớm - meet (v) : gặp - Don’t be late : Đừng đến muộn (Câu mệnh lệnh phủ định). “R O R”. *. Pre teach structures: Have Ss listen to the tape once and ask them to find out the new grammar point. Present the future simple tense. Copy down their notebooks. Explain some other structures . Give example.. 2. Practice. 10’ Have Ss listen to the tape again. Ask Ss to play the role to practice the dialogue. Call on some pairs to practice before class. Correct the pronunciation. Ask Ss to answer the questions on page 21 Work in groups.. II. Grammar: the future simple tense They will see a movie. *Form: (+) S + will / shall +V (infinitive) (-) S + will / shall not + V (infinitive) (?) Will /Shall + S + V (infinitive) ?  Để bắt đầu 1 lời mời lịch sự. Ex: Would you like to come to my house? *Would you like to +V(infinitive)  Đề nghị / gợi ý làm gì Ex : Let’s meet at 6.00 Let’s + V(infinitive)……... * Answers: a. Phong and Tam..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Call on some Ss to give their answers Give feedback. Have Ss listen to the tape A3 /20 twice. Call some pairs to practice it before class. Correct the pronunciation. 3. Further practice.10’ Ask Ss to discuss with their classmates and complete the list. Work in groups. Go around and give help.. b. They will see a movie. c. They will meet at 6.45 d. They will meet in front of the theater. III. (A3 / 20) V. “Survey” Name Address. Telephone. Give feedback. IV. Summary.2’ V. Homework.3’ -Learn new words and structures -Prepare A5,6 - Speaking: Can you tell me some things about yourself? Can you introduce yourself? Evaluation. ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… …….………………………………………………………………………………… ____________________________________________________________ Date of preparation: 16/09/2021 Date of teaching: 7B2: 25/09/2021 7B3: 25/09/2021 7B4: 25/09/2021 Period 9 Unit 2: Personal information Lesson 3: A6, 7 A. Objectives: 1. Knowledge By the end of this period, ss will be able to get further practice in the “Will”Future, WH- questions and answers. 2. Skill: Listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing 3. Attitudes: Students love works 4. Competence and quality: 4.1. Competence:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> - General capacity:self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to use language, cooperation capacity,… - Specilized capacity:English language ability, develop self capacity,.. 4.2. Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities, live humanty, cooperate with people around,… B. Teaching aids: a. T: Textbook, picture,cards, cassette, board, chalk b. S: books, workbook. C. Techniques : R & R, Comprehension questions, Answers given, Mapped dialogue D. Contents: I. Organization . 7B2:....................................... 7B3: ...................................... 7B4: ...................................... II. Warm up: 5’* “Whisper” Have Ss play the game “Whisper” T says a sentence with the first student. Then Ss transmit to other students. The last student say aloud before class. T remarks. My telephone number is 3670093. III. New lesson: 35’ Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents 1. Pre- reading. 10’ I. Vocab *) Pre teach vocabulary and phases. - to be out : đi ra ngoài , đi vắng Elicit some new words and phrases. - moment : chốc lát - Who’s calling ? Ai thì đang gọi? - Can I speak to…….? Tôi có thể Check: “R O R” nói với…? T uses Pic p. 22 to set the scene. T ask sts Choose True or False prediction statements. Give flashcard and present how to do. Work in groups. Call on some groups give the answers. 2. While- Reading.15’ Have Ss read the dialogue 6 /22 between Han and Phong and decide which is True or False sentence.. II. Reading. 1. True or False sentences. a. Phong is calling. b. Lan is answering the phone. c. Lan’ll be back at 6.30. d. Phong’ll call her again. *Keys: a. T b. F.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Give feedback.. c. F d. T Comprehension questions. 2. Comprehension questions. Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer * Keys: questions on page 22. a. Phong is calling. Call on some pairs to give their answers. b. Han is answering the phone. Give feedback. c. They’re talking about Lan. Show the flashcard 5 / 21 and guide Ss d. At about 6.00. how to do. Have Ss listen to the dialogue between Nga and Lan and ask Ss to complete the III. Survey: survey on page 21. a. Telephone number: 8 545 545 Listen to the tape twice. b. They will see : a movie Work in pairs. c. They will meet at: Lan’s house Call on some pairs give the answer. d. They will go by : Bus Give feedback and correct. 3. Further practice:10’ IV.Mapped dial. Ask Ss to work in pairs to make a similar TAN NAM dialogue by changing telephone number, - WHat............do - I......go names , place to meet……… tomorrow ...stadium. Call on some pairs to practice before morning? class. - What........watch? - a football match. Would ...like........wit - Yes. When....it h me? start? - 4.30. - Where Let .........meet? ....meet...... 4.15 - Ok. - In front ...... ...stadium. IV. Summary. 2’ ? What do we learn today? V. Homework.3’ - Learn new words. - Prepare new lesson. - Speaking: Can you tell me some things about yourself?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> Can you introduce yourself? Evaluation. ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span>

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