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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Period: 3. Unit 1 .. Date of planning: 23/8/2015. A DAY IN THE LIFE OF …...…… A. Reading. A. Aims: By the end of the lesson , the Ss will be able to understand farmers' activities and talk about the daily routines and the love of the work. B. Objectives:. + Knowledge : - General knowledge : Students should know how to do their daily activities effectively and be in love with their work. - Language : - Sts can learn some new words related to farming , the daily activities - Sts can read for gist and for information and summarize the content of the reading. + Skills : reading for gist, reading for details. + Competence: self- study; problem- solving; communication; cooperation; using language.. C. Teaching method: integrate, mainly communicative approach D. Teaching aids: textbooks, pictures, handouts, reference books, ... E. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Warm-up: 3’  Stick the picture of the farmer on the bb and ask Sts about it.  What is his job?  Where does he work?  Can you tell me what a farmer usually does every day? * Brain-storming: Get up go to the field. Students’ activities . Look at it and answer the questions. . Speak out the answers. DAILY ACTIVITIES OF A FARMER. * Introduce the new lesson Pre- reading:7’ + pre-teach new words: o Lead the buffalo to the field: o Plough (v). (n): o Harrow (v), (n): o Pump water (v) : o Transplant (v): o Peasant (n) : - Ask Sts to read the new words and write down - Deliver the handouts to Ss. Handout.. leading the buffalo to the field, singing karaoke, doing homework , ploughing and harrowing, transplanting, teaching English , pumping water. - Guess the words and give their meanings by looking at the pictures: Lead the buffalo to the field: Plough (v). (n):turn up the soil (caøy) Harrow (v), (n):break the soil(bừa) Pump water (v) : bơm nước Transplant (v):grow rice ( caáy) Peasant (n) :noâng daân - Take notes - Get the handout.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> into the land, getting up early, preparing lesson plan, chatting with friends, drinking tea. - Ask Ss to look at the hand out - Read the activities and ask Ss to repeat - Ask Ss to pick out some activities which farmers usually do. - Ask Ss to give their chosen ones. - Check the information chosen by the groups in front of the class. - Give feedback. While-reading: 25’ - Ask Ss to read the text - Ask Ss to work in groups to check the information - Go around to help them to do the task if necessary - Ask Ss to give their answers again - Give feedback. Activity 1.(Task 1) - Run through the requirement - Ask Ss to do the task in pairs - Monitor class - Ask Ss to say their chosen answers. - Give feedback Activity 2(Task 2) - Ask Ss to tell what they are going to do in task 2. - Run through the questions in task 2 - Ask Ss to reread the passage and answer them in groups - Go around and monitor. - Ask some pairs to practice in front of class.. - Give feedback Post reading: 8’ - Explain the instruction - Ask Ss to work in groups - Ask Ss to scan the passage again and get the information to fill in the chart.. - Look at the hand out - Repeat them after teacher - Do the task: Ss work in groups and choose some - The representatives of some groups present their information. Suggested answers (Ss’ answers may vary) leading the buffalo to the field,ploughing and harrowing, transplanting, pumping water into the land, getting up early,chatting with friends, drinking tea. - Read the passage silently and quickly. - Work in groups and get the correct information for their choices - Give their answers - Take notes - Read the reading again - Work in pairs - Give their answers. - Take notes Suggested answers: 1.C 2.C 3.A 4. A - Listen to the teacher - Reread the passage - Work in pairs - Answer the questions - Practice in pairs (one asks; another answers) Suggested answers: 1. He’s a peasant/ farmer. 2. He gets up at 4:30 and then goes down the kitchen to boil some water for his morning tea. 3. In the morning, he ploughs and harrows his plot of land, drinks tea, and smokes tobacco during his break. 4. In the afternoon, thay repair the banks of the plot of land. Mr. Vy pumps water into it and his wife does the transplanting. 5. Yes, they are. Because they lovfe working and they love their children. - Work in groups - Do as directed in groups - One completes the column “in the morning”; the other with “in the afternoon”; the rest one with “after dinner”..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> - Entrust each group with a specific task. - Ask Ss to give their answers. - Ask Ss to work in groups and talk about Mr. Vy and Mrs. Tuyet’s daily routines - Ask the representatives of some groups to present their talks in front of the class. - Comment Ss’ presentation/Give feedback. Homework: 2’ - Ask Sts to write a short passage about Mr. Vy and Mrs. Tuyet’s daily routines. - Suggest Ss’ homework - Have Ss prepare “speaking” for the next period.. Period: 4. Unit 1.. - Show the posters with their answers. 4:30: the alarm goes off and Mr Vy gets up, goes down the kitchen, boils water for tea, drinks tea, has quick breakfast, leads buffalo to field In the 5:15: leaves house mornin 5:30: arrives in the field, ploughs and g harrows 7:45: takes a break 10:30: goes home 11:30: has lunch with family 2:30pm: Mr. Vy and Mrs. Tuyet go to the field again, repair the banks of In the the plot of land. He pumps water into afterno the plot of land. She does on transplanting. 6:00pm: finish work 7:00pm: have dinner Watch TV, go to bed After Sometimes visit neighbours, chat dinner with them. - Present them individually - Fulfill their tasks at home. Date of planning: 30/8/2015. A DAY IN THE LIFE OF …...…… B. SPEAKING. A. Aims: : By the end of the lesson , the Ss will be able to understand farmers' activities and talk about the daily routines and the love of the work. B. Objectives:. + Knowledge : - General knowledge : Students should know how to do their daily activities effectively and be in love with their work. - Language : - Sts can learn some new words related to timetable, the daily activities - Sts can speak about timetable and daily activities of a school pupil + Skills : asking for and giving information from a timtable; taking about daily activities + Competence: self- study; problem- solving; communication; cooperation; using language.. C. Teaching method: integrate, mainly communicative approach D. Teaching aids: textbooks, pictures, handouts, reference books, ... E. Procedures.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Teacher’s activities. Students’ activities. Warm up: 5’ - Show a poster: - Work in groups M.... .....ture .....ics Ch..... - Write the subjects on the board. ....logy .....ish Geo. His… - Ask pupils to work in groups, write the Suggested answers subjects, and then read them. Mathematics,Literature, Physics,Chemistry,Biology,English,Geography, - Feedback. History - Ask Ss to repeat after teacher - Listen and repeat. Task 1: 10’ - Remind pupils of the way to tell time by - Work in pairs giving them some handouts, then ask them to match a number in column A with suitable - Do the matching.. expressions in column B: A 1. 6:00 2. 7:15 3. 8:05 4. 8:55 5. 9:45 6. 10:40 7. 17:00. B a. a quarter to ten b. five to nine c. five past eight d. a quarter past seven e. twenty to eleven f. half past six p.m g. five p.m h. six a.m - Ask Ss to work in pairs to do the task - Go around and monitor class - Ask Ss to go to the board to do the task as directed - Give feedback - Ask pupils some questions about their real lives: + What time is it ? = What is the time? + What time do you get up ? + What time do you go to school ? + What do you do at … ? - Give pupils clear instructions and model conversations: A: What time does Quan have a Civic Education lesson on Monday ? B: (He has a ... ) at 7: 15 a.m. A: What lesson does Quan have at 7:15 a.m on Monday ? B: (He has) a Civic Education lesson at 7:15. (Teacher & pupils – Pupils & Pupils) - Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice speaking - Ask Ss to practice in front of class - Give feedback. Suggested answers: 1.h 2.d 3.c 4.b 5.a 6.e 7.g - Correct the mistakes - Listen and answer + It’s ....... + I usually get up at ....... + ............... - Look at task 1 page 14, 15 - Practise the conversation with other subjects and time-points.in pairs. - Present in front of class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Task 2 18’ - Ask pupils to look at the pictures and make a sentence to describe each picture in groups. - Go around and help pupils. - Ask some students to speak in front of the class.. - Work in groups to talk about the pictures in the textbook - Speak in front of the class Suggested answer Every afternoon Quan gets up at 14:00. then he studies for about two hours. He watchs TV at 16:30. at 17:00 he rides to the stadium to play football with other boys in the neighborhood. He gets back home at 18:30. after having a shower at 18:45, he has dinner with his family at 19:00. He studies the lessons at 20:00.. - Comment Ss’ presentation. Task 3:10’ - Give pupils some cues by asking quetions. “ What do you usually do at …………?” - Ask pupils to work in groups and talk about their daily routines. - Ask some students to tell their daily activities in front of the class, and other pupils will ask some questions. - Comment Ss’ presentation/ Give feedback Homework: 2’ - Emphasize on the timepoints in a day. Remark. Period: 5. - Listen, ask and answer questions. - Work in groups. - Tell their friends about their daily activities. Suggested answers “ I usually gets up at 5:00. then I have breakfast. At 6:30, I go to school. …..” - Take notes. - Write a short paragraph about their daily activities (about 80 words) - Prepare the next lesson (C. Listening on page 16, 17).. Date of planning: 30/8/2015 Unit 1.. A DAY IN THE LIFE OF …...…… C. LISTENING. A. Aims: : By the end of the lesson , the Ss will be able to understand. farmers' activities and talk about the daily routines and the love of the work. B. Objectives:. + Knowledge - General knowledge: Ss can be able to know about activities of a cyclo driver. - Language: New words related to activities of a cyclo driver. + Skills: Listening for gist, listening for details , speaking. + Competence: self- study; problem- solving; communication; cooperation; using language.. C. Teaching method: integrate, mainly communicative approach D. Teaching aids: textbooks, pictures, handouts, reference books, ... E. Procedures.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Teacher’s activities Warm up: 5’ - Stick the poster on the board - Ask Ss to look at the poster and read the instruction - Get Ss to work in pairs to supply activities of a cyclo driver - Get Ss to go to the board to do the task. Students’ activities. - Look at the poster -Work in pairs to do the task(listing activities) - Go to the board to do the task as directed. - Give feedback Pick the passengers up to. take the passengers. Cyclo driver. - Introduce the new lesson Pre-listening: 10’ - Ask Ss to look at the task in Before you listen - Explain some new words if necessary - Asks Ss to discuss the following questions in pairs. a. b. c. d.. Have you ever traveled by cyclo? When was it? Is it interesting to travel by cyclo? Which do you prefer, going by bicycle or by cyclo? - Has some pairs to present their discussion - Give feedback  New words: District (n): (example) Ex: I live in Mo cay --------. Drop (v): to stop so that someone can get out of the car (explanation) Passenger (n): (picture) Pedal (v): (action) Purchase (n): (synonym) - Read these new words - Read new words listed in the textbook again - Leads Ss to the reading text - Has Ss discuss the activities in the pictures and predict the numbers of the pictures in groups While-listening: 20’ + Task1:. - Listen - Look at the task - Discuss and answer the questions in pairs. a. b. c. d.. Suggested answers ( Their answers may vary) Yes, I have. When I was ten. Yes, I prefer going by cyclo because. - Present in front of class what they have discussed. - Copy these words. - Repeat. - Work in groups and supply the numbers of the pictures.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> - Get Ss to read the instruction of the task - Explain new words if necessary - Let them listen to Mr. Lam’s talk about his morning activities and check their predictions - Check Ss’ answers. + Task2: - Get Ss to read the instruction - Has Ss work in pairs and predict the statements (T/F) - Asks Ss to listen to Mr. Lam’s talk and check their predictions - Checks Ss’ answers and let them listen again. - Listen and check their predicted answers. Suggested answers a.3 b.5 c.4 d.6 f.2. e.1. - Read the instruction - Read the statements and predict the answers. - Listen and give the answers. Suggested answers 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.F 6.F. Post-listening: 8’ - Work in pairs and do the last task - Ask Ss to work in pairs, take turns to ask and 1. What’s his name? answer questions about Mr.Lam’ activities, using 2. What’s his job? the cues below, and then retell his story to the class. 3. What time does he start work ………………………………………………………………… - Call some pairs to present their practice - Conduct their presentation - Remark and give marks Homework: 2’ - Ask ss to write a paragraph (80 to 100 words) about their father’s daily activities. Period: 6. - Do the writing task at home. Date of planning: 30/8/2015 Unit 1.. A DAY IN THE LIFE OF …...…… D. WRITING. A. Aims: : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the life of people and know the experience of life.. B. Objectives:. + Knowledge - General knowledge: Students will be able to write a narrative ( a story about the fire) -Language: Words related to story telling +Skills : writing and speaking. + Competence: self- study; problem- solving; communication; cooperation; using language.. C. Teaching method: integrate, mainly communicative approach D. Teaching aids: textbooks, pictures, handouts, reference books, ... E. Procedures Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up : 3’ Game: Magic Hat S T. O. R. Y.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> - Explain the rule of game and ask students to sit in groups and play the game - Give some cues “In our life, we often use it to tell someone about something that happened to us. This word has five letters ”, …………….. - Introduce the new lesson Pre – writing: 17’ - Ask Ss some questions a. Have you ever heard a frightening story? b. When / where did it happen? c. How did you feel about that? + Task 1 - Ask students to open books and do the 1st task in group of four. - Go around and give help if necessary - Ask some Ss to tell the answers. - Give feedback Ask students about the tense used in the story and revise the uses of the past simple - Ask students some questions about the structure of a narrative and teach them how to write it. - Pre- teach vocabulary: announce ( v) : explanation  dip (v) : mine  fasten (v) mine  stare death in the face : Vietnamese meaning. - Explain to Ss the format of a narrative: the events, the climax, and the conclusion.. - Look at the poster and do as directed - Work in groups - Write the words on the blackboard and say them loudly - Listen - Answer the teacher’s questions Suggested answers a. yes, I have b. last year / lastweek/ lastmonth / etc c. I felt frightened / horrified Open their books and find all the verbs that are used in the past simple and the connectors. - Work in groups - Ask Ss to give their answers Suggested answers + Stared, was, arrived, got , took off , began , thought, felt, announced, were, screamed, landed, realized At first, then + Answer the questions. A narrative is written in past tense. It contain some events which follow the time oder. - Read the words after teacher - Listen and copy down. - Read the passage and the instruction of it. - Work in groups - Retell the story in front of class. + Task 2. Suggested answers - Have students read the passage on page 18 to -The events : got the plane, plane took off, find the events, the climax and the conclusion of plane began to shake, plane seemed to dip…… - The climax: we thought we had only the story minutes to live - Ask Ss to work in groups.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> - Walk around the class and offer ideas and comments when students need help. Then some groups at random to tell about their work in front of class the class. - Give feedback While – writing: 15’ + Task 3 - Ask Ss to read the passage in the textbook - Have students do the task after having given clear instructions and the context of the passage “this narrative tells about a hotel fire which happened last year”. -. The conclusion: the pilot announced everything was all right, we landed safely.. - Open the books - Read the text - Work in groups - Present their writing on posters. - Stick the poster on the board - Give the remark - Take notes. Suggested answers Last year, I spent my summer holidays at a seaside - Walk around the class and offer ideas and town. The hotel was modern and comfortable. I comments when students need help had a wonderful holiday until the fire. - Ask students to write on a poster It was Saturday evening and everybody was sitting Post - writing: 10’ in the discotheque (which was) on the ground - Conduct the correction floor. It was crowded with people. They were - Ask some students to stick their posters on the dancing and smiling happily. Suddenly we smelt board. smoke. Then black smoke began to fill the room. - Ask others to read and give comment Everybody started to scream in panic. People ran - Give feedback toward the fire exits. Outdoor was blocked. Many people began coughing and choking. Homework Then, just as we thought we had only minutes to Write the passage more carefully at home live, the fire brigade arrived. Firemen fought their Prepare for Language Focus way into the room and soon everyone was safely Comment out of the building. Luckily, nobody was seriously hurt. It was the most frightening experience of my life..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> Period: 7. Date of planning: 6/9/2015 Unit 1.. A DAY IN THE LIFE OF …...…… E. LANGUAGE FOCUS. A. Aims: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to know their useful pastime in the life. B. Objectives: + Knowledge General knowledge: - Identify and practice pronouncing well / I/ , / i: / . - Use the correct tenses : simple present tense, simple past tense - Understand adverbs of frequency Language : Words related to daily activities +Skills : writing , speaking , listening , reading. + Competence: self- study; problem- solving; communication; cooperation; using language.. C. Teaching method: integrate, mainly communicative approach D. Teaching aids: textbooks, pictures, handouts, reference books, ... E. Procedures Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities A. Pronunciation: 15’ - Ask Ss to close their books - Use a picture (a sheep and a ship), show the picture and ask : “what’s this ?” - Ask them to listen and repeat the words“ship” and “ sheep” - Introduce sounds - Teach Ss how to pronounce the sounds /i:/ is a long sound /i:/: open your mouth very little to make the sound /i:/ /I/ is a short sound. /I/: open your mouth a little more. Listen and repeat - Ask Ss to open their book - Play the tape and ask Ss to repeat. - Ask some Ss to repeat the sounds clearly to class. - Give feedback Practise the sentences - Ask Ss to work in pairs and practice speaking the sentences. - Go around and give help - Get some Ss to read the sentences - Give feedback - Ask students to use these sounds to make two new sentences. - Give feedback. - Close their books - Look at the picture and answer the questions - Listen and repeat Look at the teacher and imitate the way to pronounce the sounds. - Open their books - Listen to the tape and repeat after speaker - Read the words loudly - Practise the sentences in pairs - Make two sentences For example: I like eating a lot of meat His teacher hit him on the fingers. - Listen and answer - I go to school by bicycle today. - I usually go to school by bicycle - I always get up early. - Discuss in pairs and answer the questions. + We use the simple present when we say how often we do things. + The adverbs of frequency:always, usually, normally, often, sometimes, never. + Before ordinary verbs and after to be.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> B. Grammar & Vocabulary :30’ 1. Exercises 1&2  Pre – task: - Ask Ss 3 questions: + How do you go to school today? + How do you usually go to school everyday? + Do you often get up early? - Ask students the ways of using the simple present and the adverbs of frequency” + When do we use this tense? + What adverbs of frequency does it go with?” + What are the positions of adverb of frequency in a sentence? - Remark their answers or support their answers if necessary  While- task Exercise 1 - Ask students to open books and do the task on a sheet of paper - Go around and give help if necessary - Ask Ss to exchange the paper to compare the answers. - Ask some Ss to tell the answers - Conduct correction Exercise 2 - Explain the instruction - Ask Ss to do exercise 2 in pairs - Ask Ss to tell the answers. - Give feedback Exercises 3 - Ask Ss to identify the error in this sentence Ex: She gives that book to me yesterday. A B C D - Ask students the ways of using the simple past - Give conclusion of how to use the simple past tense - Ask Ss to do the task in pairs - Go around and give help if necessary - Ask some Ss to write the answer on the board - Conduct correction - Give feedback - Ask Ss to write 2 sentences using adverbs of frequency - Give feedback - Stick the poster on the board - Ask Ss to work in groups to do Matching task. - Listen and copy down - Open their books and work individually and then compare with his partner - Compare their answers with their partners - Give their answers - Take notes - Listen - Work in pairs - Give the answers Suggested answers Exercise 1: 1. is 2. fish 3. worry 4. are 5. catch 6. am 7. catch 8. go 9. give up 10. says 11. realize 12. am Exercise 2: The answers may vary depending on Ss’ choice - Take notes - Gives- gave Answer - Take notes - Work in pairs - Go to the board to write the answers Suggested answers Answer the question: - We use the past simple tense to describe a completed action or situation in the past. 1. was done 2. cooked 3. were 4. smelt 5. told 6. sang 7. began 8. felt 9. put out 10. crept 11. slept 12. woke 13. was 14. leapt 15. hurried 16. found 17. wound 18. flowed - Take notes - Write sentences Examples: My sister alwayls tries to study. I often jog at 5 AM - Work in groups - Look at the poster and give opinions on the board. 1.e. Suggested answers: 2.d 3.b 4.a. - Do what T ask at home.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> A B 1.Where do you a. I often read books. live? b. because my mother 2.Whom did you was ill. meet at the party c. I live alone last night? d. I met our form 3.Why were you teacher. absent from class e. I live in District 1. yesterday? 4.What do you often do in your free time? Ask some Ss to tell the answers Give feedback Homework + Do the task again in their notebooks + Prepare the Unit two.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> Period: 9. Date of planning: 6/9/2015 Unit 2.. SCHOOL TALKS A. READING. A. Aims: : Sts should pay much attention to their study to gain the best results.. B. Objectives:. + Knowledge ; Ss learn how to talk about their school. Words related to school and school problems. + Skills: Reading for exact information, passage comprehension + Competence: Self- study; problem- solving; communication; cooperation; using language. + Attitude: Raise their love for going to school.. C. Teaching aids: textbooks, pictures, handouts, reference books, ... D. Anticipated Problems: some Ss may not like to talk about their school problems E. Procedures Teacher’s activities Check old lesson: 5’ (Poster) Supply the correct Present Simple and Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets. Nien …(1)… (be) Hoa’s next-door neighbor in Hue. She …(2)… (be) very beautiful. She …(3)… (have) big brown eyes and a lovely smile. Last week, she …(4)… (go) to Hanoi to visit Hoa. They …(5)… (travel) around the city and …(6)… (see) a lot of interesting places. Nien … (7)… (think) Hanoi …(8) (be) beautiful but so noisy and busy, so she …(9) (not like) to live here. - Ask 2 or 3 Sts to pick out sheets of paper and do the exercise. And the rest of students copy the exercise into their exercise notebooks. - Ask some Sts to write their answers on the board. - Give feedback. Before you read: 10’ - Ask Ss to open their book to look at the question in their book - Asks Ss to work in pairs and discuss this question: “When you meet your friends, which of the following topics do you often talk about ?” - Asks SS to go to give their answers. - Give feedback. - Introduce new lesson - Pre- teach vocabulary.. Students’ activities - 2 or 3 Sts pick out sheets of paper and do the exercise. And the rest of students copy the exercise into their exercise notebooks. - Write their answers on the board.. 1. was 4. went 7. thinks. Suggested answers 2. is 3. has 5. traveled 6. saw 8. is 9. doesn’t like. - Open their book and look at the question - Work in pairs and discuss the question. - Give the answers (Ss’ answers may vary ………………………………………………) - Listen - Listen and guess the words. - Read chorally - Copy down.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> international (adj) flat (n) coner shop (n) household task mall (n) attitude (n) opinion = idea (n) - Ask Ss repeat speaking chorally after teacher - Ask Ss to copy all down While you read: 20’ + Task 1: - Ask Ss to open their book - Ask Ss to read the instruction of task 1 - Ask Sts to do the task individually. -Ask Sts to compare their answers with friends. - Go around and give help - Ask Sts to speak out their answers to class. - Give feedback + Task 2 - Ask Sts to read the reading text and do the task in pairs. - Go around and give help - Ask Sts to report their answers to class in random. (one reads the information and one gives the name). - Give feedback. + Task 3 - Ask Sts to keep on working in pairs to do the task. - Go around to monitor and help Sts. - Ask Sts to practise asking and answering in open-pairs. - Ask Sts to go to the board to write their answers. - Give feedback - Help Ss to correct mistakes if necessary. After you read: 8’ - Ask Sts to work in groups. Choose one of three topics in textbook to talk about. - Go around to monitor and help Sts. - Ask 1 or 2 representatives to report their discussion to class, and then go to the board to write their answers - Give feedback.. - Open their book - Read the instruction - Do the task individually. - Compare their answers with friends.. - Speak out their answers to class.. Suggested answers 1. enjoy 2. traffic 3. worry 4. crowed 5. language - Read the reading text and do the task in pairs. - Report their answers. - Take notes Suggested answers + enjoys teaching + has to get up early + lives far from school + loves working with children + loves learning English + rides a bicycle to school everyday + studies at a high school + teaches English at a high school + worries about someone else’s safety.      . Miss Phuong Phong Phong Miss Phuong Phong Phong.  . Phong Miss Phuong. . Mr. Ha. - Keep working in pairs to do the task - Practice speaking in pairs - Go to the board to write the answers - Take notes Suggested answers 1. He studies in Chu Van An high school 2. He studies Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Literature, History, Geography, English 3. Because he it is an international language 4. Teaching is a hard work, she love it because she likes working with children 5. Because there is so much traffic: so many cars, motobikes and bicycles - Work in groups. Choose one of three topics in textbook to talk about. - Practise speaking in groups. - Report their discussion to class. (Sts’ answers may vary.) - Go to the board to write their answers..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> Homework: 2’ - Ask Sts to learn the lesson. - Ask Sts to prepare the Speaking.. Period: 9. Date of planning: 6/9/2015 Unit 2.. SCHOOL TALKS B. SPEAKING. A. Aims: : By the end of the lesson, Ss should show their politeness as well as their regard to their friends when they meet each other. B. Objectives:. General knowledge: Ss learn how to start and close a conversation Language/Lexical items: Common expressions used to make small talks. +Skills: Making small talks in daily situations Ss learn how to talk about their school. + Competence: self- study; problem- solving; communication; cooperation; using language.. + Knowledge. C. Teaching method: integrate, mainly communicative approach D. Teaching aids: textbooks, pictures, handouts, reference books, ... E. Procedures Teacher’s Activities Warm up: 5’ - Divide the class into two groups A and B. - Ask Ss to discuss in groups to list expressions that they usually use to start and close a conversation (group A list expressions that they usually use to start a conversation and group B list expressions that they usually use to close a conversation). - Go around to monitor and help Sts. - Ask Ss to report their discussion. - Write Ss’ ideas on the board. - Give feedback - Get Ss to speak out these expressions chorally - Introduce the lesson. +Task 1.: 8’. Students’ Activities - Sit in groups - Discuss in groups. - Report their discussion. - Sts’ answers may vary. Suggested answers * Starting a conversation: - Good morning. / Hi. - How’s everything at school? - Hello. How are you? - Hello. What are you doing? - Hi. How is school?. * Closing a conversation: - Sorry. I’ve got to go. Talk to you later. - Well, it’s been nice meeting you. - Goodbye. See you later. - Great. See you tomorrow. - Catch you later. - Listen - Speak chorally - Listen - Ask Ss to open their book and read the Open the book and read the instruction of the task - Listen instruction of the task - Do the task in pairs. - Explain the instruction - Practice speaking in pairs - Ask Ss to do the task in pairs. - Ask 2 Ss to practice speaking based on the - Give the answers Suggested answers conversation they have rearranged D – F –B–H–E–C–G–A - Monitor class - Speaking: role play - Ask Ss to give their answers - Give feedback - Get some pairs to practice speaking in front of - Read the instruction class - Work in pairs - Give feedback. - Give the answers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> + Task 3: 20’. Suggested answers A: Hello, Hoa. You don’t look very happy. What’s the matter with you? B: Hi, Nam. I feel awful. I’ve got a headache. A: Sorry to hear that. You’d better go home and have a rest. B: Yes. That’s a great idea. Goodbye, Nam. A: See you later.. - Ask Ss to read the instruction carefully - Explain new words if necessary - Ask Ss to do the task in pairs. - Go around to monitor and help Ss. - Ask Ss to give their answers. - Give feedback. - Ask Ss to practise the conversation in pairs. - Ask Ss to practise the conversation in openpairs. - Encourage Ss not to look at the textbook when practice speaking - Give marks if they perform well. + Task 4: 10’ - Ask Ss to read the instruction carefully - Explain the instruction - Go through vocabulary. - Ask Ss to do the task in pairs. Each pairs choose 1 topic - Go around to help Ss. - Ask some representatives to make the conversation in front of the class. - Correct mistakes for Ss if necessary. - Give feedback and give marks if possible. Homework: 2’ - Ask Ss to practice making small talks. - Ask Ss to prepare the Listening.. - Practice speaking the completed conversation in pairs - Practice speaking without looking at the textbook. - Read the instruction carefully - Listen - Work in pairs. - Present their conversations. - Do what teacher asks. Unit two. Period:…………….. SCHOOL TALKS Listening. Time: 45’. I. Objectives: 1- Knowledge: General knowledge: Ss learn about the way to make mini conversation about daily topics such as study at school, weather and traveling… Language: Words or phrases that related to school or school problems.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> 2- Skills: Listening to small talk and numbering pictures, completing a dialogue II. Teaching method: Integrate, mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids: textbook, cassette player, tape, poster. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Review old lesson: 5’ (poster) - Look at the poster. - Stick the poster on the board. Rearrange the following sentences to make a completed conversation. 1. Both team played very well but Italian team advanced to the final match with two goals in the last two minutes. 2. Good morning. How are you today? 3. Great. Italian team is my favorite one. 4. Really? It’s a pity. I don’t watch that match. How was it? 5. Yes. Wish them lucky in the final match next week. 6. I’m a bit tired. I stayed up late last night to watch the semi final match in WC 2006 between the host German team and Italian team. - Ask Ss to do the task in groups - Do the task in groups. - Go around to help Ss. - Ask Ss to give their answers. - Give the answers. - Give feedback. Suggested answers 2–6–4–1–3–5 Before you listen: 5’ - Ask Ss to read the task in the textbook - Read the task carefully carefully - Ask Ss to do the task individually. - Do the task individually. - Compare the answers with friends. -Ask Ss to compare the answers with friends. - Ask Ss to give the answers. - Give the answers. - Give feedback.. 1. c 4. b. Suggested answers 2. e 5. d. 3. a. - Ask Ss to pay much attention to these - Pay attention to teacher’s explanations questions and responses because they will occur in the listening text. While you listen: 23’ + Task1: - Ask Ss to look at four pictures in their textbook.. - Look at four pictures..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> - Ask Ss to guess the information they are going to listen through asking two questions:  Where are they?  What topics are they talking about? - Let Ss to listen to the tape twice and do the task individually. - Ask Ss to compare their answers with friends. - Ask Ss to report their answers to class.. - Give feedback. + Task 2 - Ask Ss to look over five questions. - Let Ss to listen to the tape twice and to the task individually. - Ask Ss to practise asking and answering in closed-pairs and then in open-pairs. - Ask Ss to write their answers on the board.. - Guess the information and answer the questions.. - Listen to the tape twice and do the task individually. - Compare their answers with friends. - Report their answers to class. Suggested answers Picture a – Conversation 4 Picture b – Conversation 1 Picture c – Conversation 2 Picture d – Conversation 3 - Take notes - Look over five questions. - Listen to the tape twice and to the task individually. - Practise asking and answering in closed-pairs and then in open-pairs. - Write their answers on the board. Suggested answers 1. She’s taking English. 2. She’s in Miss Lan Phuong’s class. 3. He’s at a party. 4. He stays there for a week. 5. No, she doesn’t. She travels alone.. - Help Ss to correct mistakes. + Task 3 - Help Ss to guess the part of speech of the needed words. - Let Ss to listen to the tape twice and do the task individually. - Ask Ss to compare their answers with friends. - Ask some pairs to make the completed conversation. - Give feedback/ Help Ss complete their task by play tape some more times. - Take notes. - Guess the part of speech of the needed words. - Listen to the tape twice and do the task individually. - Compare their answers with friends. - Make the completed conversation.. Suggested answers 1. it here 3. big 5. traveling 7. alone - Take notes. 2. very nice 4. comfortable 6. No 8. for a drink.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> After you listen: 10’ - Read the instruction carefully - Ask Ss to read the instruction of the task carefully - Do the task in groups - Ask Ss to do the task in groups - Answer the questions. - Suggest some questions for Ss to answer.  What problem(s) have you got at school?  What are the reasons?  What have you done to solve them?  Who helps you to solve them? - Report their discussion. - Ask 1 or 2 representatives to report their (Ss’ answers may vary.) discussion. - Give feedback. Homework: 2’ - Ask Sts to listen to the tape again to understand the listening text more clearly. - Prepare the Writing. Comment. Unit two. Period:……………. SCHOOL TALKS Writing. Time: 45’. I. Objectives: 1- Educational aim: Ss should provide exact information sufficiently when filling in a form. 2- Knowledge: - General knowledge: Ss learn how to fill in a form. - Language: Words and phrases related to filling in a form. 3- Skills: Filling in a form. II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids: textbook, posters..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Warm up: 8’( use a poster) - Show a form to Ss and ask some questions:  What is it?  When do you have to fill in a form?  What sort of information do you often have to provide when you fill in a form? - Ask Ss to discuss in groups to answer these questions. - Call some representatives to report their discussion. - Give feedback. - Introduce the new lesson. Pre-writing: 15’ + Task 2 - Ask ss to read the instruction carefully - Go through new words. - Ask Ss to do the task individually. - Go around to help Ss - Ask Ss to compare their answers with friends. - Ask Ss to take turns to give their answers. (one speaks out a line in A and one speaks out a question in B) - Give feedback.. Students’ activities - Look at the poster. - Discuss in groups - Give the answers ( Sts’ answers may vary.) - Listen. - Read the instruction carefully - Listen and repeat after teacher - Do the task individually. - Compare their answers with friends. - Take turns to give their answers.. 1. d 5. b. Suggested answers 2. f 3. e 4. g 6. c 7. a. + Task 3 - Read the instruction carefully - Ask Ss to read the instruction carefully - Do the task individually. - Have Ss do the task individually. - Go around and provide help if necessary. (Further explain and translate into Vietnamese if necessary.) - Ask some Ss to go to the board to present - Present their work on the board their work - Give feedback Suggested answers ( The answers of Ss may vary) While-writing: 15’ + Task 4 - Ask Ss to read the instruction - Explain the new words if necessary - Ask Ss to do the task individually. - Go around to monitor and help Ss. Post-writing: 5’ - Conduct the correction. - Read the instruction - Do the task individually..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> - Ask one or two Ss to write their forms on the - Write their forms on the posters and then posters and then stick on the board stick on the board. - Ask Ss to remark these forms - Remark the forms - Give feedback or give marks (if possible.) Suggested answers THE OAK TREE OF ENGLISH ENROLMENT FORM PLEASE WRITE IN CAPITAL LEETERS Mr. / Mrs. / Miss Surname: NGUYEN First name: BAO HUNG Date of birth: January 21, 1988 Nationality: VIETNAMESE Language(s): VIETNAMESE, ENGLISH Address in your country: 15, Le Loi Street, HCMC Occupation: STUDENT Reason for learning English: Business / Pleasure / Exams How many a day do you want to stay at the school? 4 hours What day do you want to start? May 22. 2006. Homework: 2’ - Ask Ss to write a form to ask for permission - Do the task at home of changing school. - Ask Ss to prepare the Language Focus. - Prepare for new lesson Comment. Unit 2 SCHOOL TALKS. Period:……………. I. Objectives. Language focus. - General knowledge: Ss will be able to pronounce the two vowels: // - / a: / correctly in words and use the grammar notes of “WH-questions ; Gerund and To infinitive” perfectly in their writing. - Language: words related to the two vowels // - / a: / ; Gerund and To infinitive. - Skills : Pronounce words, make questions and do gap filling exercises. II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids : Textbooks, cassette, pictures…. IV. Procedure: Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities. PRONUNCIATION. *Warm up:(2’) -Show the picture of a cup and a heart. -Look at the picture. -Ask Ss to pay attention to the teacher’s mouth and then pronounce -Look at the teacher’s mouth..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> those words in silence. -Ask Ss to repronounce those words. -Pronounce those words clearly and slowly to introduce the vowels above. *PRESENTATION 1 .(3’) -Demonstrate the sounds : -Help Ss to distinguish these two sounds: / / - / a:/ -Instruct the way to pronounce: /  /: first practice the sound / / then put your tongue back a little ( a very short sound ). /a : /: first pronounce the sound / a/ then put your tongue down and back ( a long sound ). PRACTICE 1.(5’) -Play the tape or pronounce by yourself the words ( in textbook, page29). -Ask Ss to listen and repeat. - Call on some Ss to repeat the sounds clearly to the class. ]- Ask Ss to practice the sentences. -Go around and help Ss if necessary. GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY. -Pronounce the words in pairs. -Listen carefully. -Take notes.. -Listen carefully. -The whole class. -Individual work. -Pair work.. PRESENTATION AND PRACTICE 2.. *Warm up (3’) -Ask Ss some Yes –No and WH-questions: Ex :Do you feel tired now ? /How do you feel now? Do you like to learn English? Why ? What do you learn English for ?... * PRESENTATION:( 7’) -Revise of WH-questions with How, What, Where, When ,Why, …? -Deliver the prepared hand out of the use of Gerund and To infinitive. -Give a clear explanation.(Give more examples if necessary ). -Guide Ss to do the three exercises in text book. * PRACTICE. EXERCISE 1: (7’) -Ask Ss to make questions for the responses in textbook on pages 29-30 -Check some pairs and give suggested answers:. (10’) -Ask Ss to fill in each blank with an – ing or to infinitive form of the verb in brackets after reading the letter carefully. -Go around and watch Ss. -Feed back and give suggested answers. EXERCISE 2:. -Individual work. -Take notes.. -Pairwork. 1.When did you meet him? / come back from? 2. How long did you stay there? 3. Who did you come with? 4. Where do you live? 5. Why do you learn English ? 6. What time is it ? 7. How many children have they got ? In dividual work Compare with a friend.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> EXERCISE 3:(. 5’) -Ask Ss to read the verbs in the box and scan the sentences in textbook on page 31. -Ask Ss to complete the first five sentences. -Check up.. HOMEWORK:(1’). -Ask Ss to do the rest sentences of exercise 3 and revise the grammar notes. -Write a letter to one of your friends or relatives by using the grammar notes that you have just learnt in the lesson. COMMENTS: (2’). Period:…………….. (1)to hear. (2)going (3)remembering (4)doing (5)worrying. -Group work (1) to go (2) waiting (3) having. (6)to play (7)to go (8)visiting (9)seeing (10)hearing. (4) to find (5) living. -Take notes. UNIT 2 : SCHOOL TALKS LANGUAGE FOCUS. Time : 45 minuets. I. Objectives: 1. Aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss know how to use the grammar points correctly 2- Knowledge: - General knowledge: Ss learn how to pronounce the vowels / ^/ and /a:/ correctly; how to distinguish the use of Gerund and To-infinitive; how to make questions with WH. - Language: Words and Phrases followed by Gerunds and To-infinitive. 3- Skills: Using –ing or to infinitive form of the verbs Pronouncing the vowels /^/ and /a:/. Making WH questions. II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids: textbook, exercise book, handouts. IV. Procedures:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> Teacher’s activities I. PRONUNCIATION: (13mn) 1/ Presentation: - Ask Ss to look at the picture. Students’ activities - Look at the picture. - Look at the teacher and imitate the way to pronounce the sounds.. - What is this? - Speak out the word - Demonstrate the sounds /^/ and /a:/ by pronouncing them clearly and slowly. - Help Ss to distinguish these two sounds. - Instruct the way to pronounce: /^/ is very short sound. /^/ first practise the sound /ae/ then put your tongue back a little. /a:/ is a long sound /a:/ first pronounce the sound /^/ then put your tongue down and back.. 2/ Practice: Listen and repeat: - Play the tape and ask Ss to repeat. - Ask some Ss to repeat the sounds clearly to class. - Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice the words - Correct mistakes if possible. Practise the sentences: - Ask Ss to look at sentences in the textbook - Ask Ss to work in pairs and practise the sentences. - Go around and give help. - Get some Ss to speak out these sentences - Give feedback Further Practice: - Ask Ss to pick out the words pronounced / ^/ and /a:/ in pairs. - Monitor class - Ask Ss to give the answers - Give feedback.. - Answer- It is a heart - Repeat after teacher. - Repeat. - Take note. - Listen to the tape - Work in pairs and practise speaking the words. - Look at the textbook - Speak out loudly sentence by sentence. - Speak out, focus on these sounds - Work in pairs - Pick out the words pronounced /^/ and /a:/. - Give the answers Answer keys: / ^/ 1. love, much 2. cousin, lovely 3. sunny, lunch 4. under 5. month. II.GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY: (30mn). /a:/. last are, stars Martha, Charles, are, dancing, dark garden.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> 1/ Presentation 1: WH-Questions (5mn) - Ask Ss to list the words used to make WhQuestions. - Help Ss to find out the form of Wh-Questions.. - List the words used to make Wh-Questions. Suggested answers What Where When Why Who Whose Whom Which How What Where When Why Who Whose Whom Which How. 2/ Practice 1: (5mn) Exercise 1 - Ask Ss to read the instruction carefully - Ask Ss to do the task in pairs. - Go around and help Ss. - Ask Ss to write their answers on the board. - Give feedback/ Help Ss to correct mistakes.. + Aux.V + S + V + O ?. + BE + S +. O/… ?. - Read the instruction carefully - Do the task in pairs. - Write their answers on the board. - Take notes Suggested answers 1. When did you come? 2. How long did you stay? 3. Who did you come with? 4. Where do you live? 5. Why do you like learning English? 6. What time is it now? 7. How many children do they have?. 3/ Presentation 2: Gerund and To-infinitive (10mn) - Provide Ss handouts of Gerund and To-infinitive. - Introduce the most common usages of Gerund and To-infinitive by giving examples and asking Ss to give their remark  Gerund: (V-ing) + I’m interested in learning English. - after a preposition - after the verbs mentioned in handouts. + She practises speaking English everyday. To-infinitive: (To-V) - after most of adjectives (- busy, worth…) - after the verbs mentioned in handouts. . + I’m very happy to meet you. + I decide to study another language. 4/ Practice 2: (10mn) Exercise 2 - Ask Ss to do the task in pairs and explain why they.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> use it. - Go around to monitor and help Ss. - Ask Ss to give their answers. - Give feedback. Exercise 3 - Ask Ss to do the task in pairs and explain why they use it. - Go around to monitor and help Ss. - Ask Ss to give their answers. - Give feedback.. omework: - Ask Ss to do exercise 5 in the exercise book. - Ask Ss to prepare the Reading of Unit 3.. - Do the task in pairs and explain why they use it. - Give their answers. Suggested answers 1. to hear 3. remembering 5. worrying 7. to go 9. seeing. 2. going 4. doing 6. to pay 8. visiting 10. hearing. - Do the task in pairs and explain why they use it. - Give their answers. Suggested answers 1. to go 2. waiting 3. having 4. to find 5. living 6. making 7. to call 8. to lend 9. talking 10. to post - Do what teacher asks at home. Comments : (2mn). UNIT 3 : PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND Period:……………. Reading. Time : 45 minuets. OBIECTIVES: 1 - Educational aim: Students should study and work hard, try their best to persue their dream. 2 - Knowledge: General knowledge: Through this unit, students learn about famous scientists especially about Marie Curie. Language: Newwords: Words related to scientific aspect. 3 - Skill: Reading for general ideas and specific information  Method : Integrated, mainly communicative.  Teaching aids: Pictures of some famous scientists.  Procedure:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> Teacher’s activities Warm-up: (3mn) Show thepictures of some famous scientists and ask some questions.(Point at the scientist ). Students’ activities Students’ answers may vary: Suggested answers:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> UNIT 3 : PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND Period:……………. Speaking. Time : 45 minuets. OBIECTIVES: 1 - Educational aim: Students should have good relationship with others through interviews. 2 - Knowledge: Gerneral knowledge: Through this part, students know how to make an interview to know about other people’s background. Language: Questions and expressions for making the interview, taking notes. 3 - Skills: Fluency in expressing opinions and making interviews .  Method : Integrated, mainly communicative.  Teaching aids: Picture(M.C), textbooks.  Procedure: Teacher’s activities * Warm-up:(5mn) Match a line in A with a question in B. A B 1- family 2- hobby 3- education 4- dislike. Students’ activities - look at this poster. a- What do you dislike at school b- Do you enjoy listening to music ? c- How do you work at school ? d- Could you tell me something about your parents ?. -stick the poster on the b.b, ask sts to work in pairs. - go around the class to help sts when necessary. - ask some sts to provide the answers - check and give correct answers.. - work in pairs - provide the answers Answers : 1-d 2-b 3-c. * Pre-speaking: (10 mn) Task 1 : Work in pairs. Decide which of the item in task 1 Work in pairs on page 34 can tell you about S.O’s back ground. - ask some sts to give their results Answers : + family. + education.. 4-a.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> +experience. - Give correct answers - Ask sts to work in pairs and then discuss what questions they can ask when they want to know about other’s background. List some suggestions : - Class organization: 1- What’s your birthday? Students sit in pairs 2- Where were you born? 3- Where do you live? 4- Could you tell me something about your - Students’ answers may vary. parents? 5- How many brothers/ sisters do you have ? How old? What do they do? 6- Which primary/ secondary school did you go to? 7- How do you work at school ? 8- What subjects do you like best ? * While – speaking:(18mn) Task 2 : Imagine you are journalist. Use the cues below to interview a clasmate about his or her background or that of a person he/she know well. Change the roles when you have finish. - get sts to work in pairs +To make an interview, you must begin with greeting and then end with thanking. Now imagine you are a jounalist , take a sheet of paper and a pen to interview a classmate about his or her background . - Go around and check . - Ask sts to use some special expressions to start and close the conversation.. - Get 2 or 3 sts to stand and say about their friends’ background. * Post- speaking:(10mn) Task 3 : - Stop interviewing, sit in groups and talk about the person you have learnt about from the interview. - Invite some Ss to talk in front of the class.. Students work in pairs.. One asks and one answers.. Items Greeting Date of birth Place of birth Home Parents Brothers/sisters Primary school ……………….. Information. - Two or three stand and say about their friends’ background.. Sts sit in groups and talk about the person thye have learnt about from the interview..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> - Correct their mistakes. Remark and give marks. -Teacher assigns homework: Write a short paragraph about yourselves’ background. Comments: (2mn). Represent in front of the class Take notes. - Write a short one about themselves.. UNIT 3 : PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND Period:……………. Listening. Time : 45 minuets. OBIECTIVES: 1 - Educational aim: Ss should do exercises regularly to be healthy 2 - Knowledge: General knowledge: Ss will be able to get more information about the Olympics and Olympic Champions. Language: words related to the Olympics and Olympic Champions. 3 - Skills: Listening for specific information about.  Method : Integrated, mainly communicative.  Teaching aids: Textbooks, cassette, pictures, posters….  Procedure : Teacher’ s activities *Warm - up: (5’) - Show the picture of Nellie Kim and introduce the theme: the Olympic Champions. - Ask Ss to talk about the Olympics and Olympic Champions by using suggested questions in the poster.. Students’ activities -Pay attention.. Suggested questions 1.Have you ever watched the Olympics on T.V ? 2 How often is it held? 3. Can you name any Olympic Champions ? 4. What would you like to know about these people? His or her family background/ career /medals ? - Ask Ss to work in groups. -Go around the class and give ideas, then give some background information about Olympic and Olympic Champions. - Ask some sts to ask and answer aloud. *Before you listen: (5mn) -Read the words: Olympic Champions , sports. -Work in groups of 4. -Take notes. Sts ask and answer aloud. -Listen and repeat. -Look at the words, listen and.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> teacher, teacher’ s diploma, love story, romantic. repeat. -Hang the poster of those ones, read again or play the tape -Take notes. -Give more explanation of : certificate (of birth /death / marriage …) ,degree (Bachelor’s Degree –BA, Master’s Degree- MA, doctor of philosophy- a Ph D) if necessary. *While you listen (22mn) -Set the scene:(2mn) Sally has been the Olympic Champion. You are going to listen to the conversation between her and Bob and do the two tasks in textbook. *Task 1.:T/F statements (10mn) - Ask Ss to run through the statements before listening. - Get sts to guess the answers - Play the tape twice - Have Ss compare their answers with their friends . - Call on some Ss to explain their answers in front of the class - Feed back and give correct answers * Task 2 : Gap filling (10mn) - Explain the requirement. - Ask Ss to scan statements before listening - Play the tape once more - Ask Ss to speak out their answers after discussing in group. - Ask Ss to give their answers. - Ask Ss to listen to the tape again and check the answers. (Pause the tape at the necessary information). - Feed back and give correct answers.. - Run throgh . . . . . . .to get information - Guess - Listen to the tape - Share the answers ( group work) - Individual work Key : 1 : T , 2 : T, 3 : F, 4 T: , 5 : F Note : 3 F ( I don’t have much free time ) 5 F ( I want to be a sports teacher ) - Pay attention - Scan . . . . . . .to get information - Listen and fill in the blanks (individual work  group work) - Write their answers on the b.b - listen to the tape again and check the answers.. Key : 1. a general education 2. lives ; family 3. different ; swimming After you listen (10mn) 4. love stories - Ask sts and answer the questions about Sally. 5. teacher’s diploma - Give sts the outline of Sally’s background ; “ 1980. . . . . . .local schools. . . . . . . 15 . . . . . . family . . . . . . .basketball and swimming. . . . . . .sports teacher. . . . . . .teacher’s diploma.” - Ask Ss to make a short talk about Sally - Pay attention - Call on some Ss to give the talk to class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> ( give marks) -Teacher assigns homework: Ask Ss to try to retell the main points about Sally (by their own words). Comments (2’). - Group work - Individual work - Take notes. UNIT 3 : PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND Period:……………. Writing. Time : 45 minuets. OBIECTIVES: 1. Educational aim : Sts should show their concern for other people when writing a C.V 2. Knowledge: General knowledge : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to know the format and essential information of a C.V and how to write it in full form . Language : Simple past tense 3. Skill : Writing about people’s background.  Method : Integrated, mainly communicative.  Teaching aids: Textbooks, posters  Procedure : Teacher’s activities * Warm up: (5mn) -Show the poster of Mr Brown’s C.V and asks questions. 1. What ’s his name ? 2. When was he born ? 3. Where was he born ? 4. What school did he attend? 5. What axams did he pass ? 6. What did he do from 1991 to 1998 ? 7. What did he do after that ?. Students’ activities. - Listen and answer 1. His name is David Brown 2. He was born on November 12th ,1969 3. He was born in Boston 4. He attended at Kensington High school 5. He passed exams in English, French and Mathematics. 6. He was a tourist guide . 7. He was a hotel telephonist.. - Ask sts Where they can find the information - C.V , application form , people’s background .... * Pre-writing : (15mn) Introduce the elements of a C.V Look at the poster and answer . What do they consist of ? - Personal information - Education - Previous jobs - Interests........... Task 1:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> - Give instructions - Get sts to use the answers in warm – up part - Sts work individually. and use the cues (p 37) to write a paragraph about Mr Brown. - Get a st to write on the b.b. - Go around the class to offer help. - Have sts compare their writing with friends. - compare their writing with friends Answer : Mr Brown was born on - Correct together. November 12th ,1969 in Boston .He went to Kensington High School and passed exams in English , French and Maths He worked in a travel agency from June 1991 to December 1998 . And from 1999 to 2002 , he worked as a hotel Task 2: -Ask sts to work in pairs, asking the partner telephonist. He likes music and dancing . for the information about his /her parents and Pairwork completing the form. * While – writing : (15mn) Task 3: - Ask sts to use the infomation they have collected to write a paragraph about his /her Partner’s parents . - Get 2 sts to write on posters. - Go around the class to offer help.. - Get 2 sts to stick their posters on the b.b.. Personal Data - Name Mr/Ms - Date of birth -Place of birth Education -School attended : -Exams passed : Previous jobs Job Date from Date to. Interests:. Write a paragraph individually Post-Writing : (8mn) - Ask sts to remark and correct together. -Teacher assigns homework: -Sts write the paragraphs into their notebooks - When sts have finished writing , they and complete the C.V about themselves. compare their writing with friends and Comments (2mn) correct mistakes in pair. - Sts stick their posters on the b.b..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> - Take notes. UNIT 3 : PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND Period:……………. Language focus. Time : 45 minuets. OBIECTIVES: 1 -Educational aim: Students should pronounce the two sounds /e/ and / æ / and use the past perfect correctly. 2- Knowledge: - General knowledge: Students learn about how to pronounce the sounds /e/ and /æ/ correctly and use the past perfect tense, distinguish it with the simple past tense. - Language: Pronunciation /e/ and / æ /. Grammar:1. The past perfect 2. The past perfect vs the simple past 3- Skills: Listening, speaking, writing, reading  Method : Integrated, mainly communicative.  Teaching aids: Textbooks, posters  Procedure : Teacher’s activities *Warm - up: (5mn) - Show students a pictures ( a man is poiting number 10) and ask question. What is the man doing ? -Read the sentence and write on the board. Then use colour chalk to underline the two sounds. - Get sts to read aloud.. Students’ activities - Look at the pictures Sts answer The man is poiting number ten.. - Read in chorus twice.. The man is poiting number ten. - Lead in I - Pronunciation: (12mn) - Read the two words “man / ten” aloud. - Show students how to pronounce each vowel / e / and / æ /: . /e/: a short sound . / æ/ : open your mouth a little more - Give some minimal pairs and get sts to read aloud. /e / /æ / ten tan. - Sts read aloud in chorus. - Listen carefully - Recognize. - Sts listen and read aloud in chorus..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> let bed beg. lad bad bag. - Get some sts to read aloud. - Correct them. * Practice + Activity 1 : - Model the words in each sound and get sts to repeat twice. - Call some sts at random to read. - Correct their mistakes - Get sts to read these words again. + Activity 2: Practise these sentences : - Read the sentences in the books as model. - Ask students to recognize which words are pronounced /e/ and which words are pronounced / æ/ by underlining /e/ and circling / æ/ - Get two sts to write the words on the b.b. - Remark and correct. II – Grammar : (26mn) - Set the scene: Yesterday: At 7 o’clock, Lan watched T.V. At 8 o’clock, Lan did her homework. - Combine these two sentences. - Say : She did her homework after she had watched T.V. + did : simple past + had watched : past perfect - Today we study past perfect tense. * Presentation: 1 - simple past 2 - past perfect a- Form : [ S + had + V3(ED) ] - Explain the example obove again and get sts to give usage. b- Usage : - Express an action that had happened and finished before some point of past time, or before some other past and finished action. Ex: We had had lunch before she arrived. +Execise 1: Use the verbs in brackets in the past perfect.. - Read the words individually. - Sts listen and read aloud in chorus. - Read these words in front of the class. - Read these words again.. - Listen and repeat twice. - Sts work - Write the words down. - Take notes - Listen. -. Take note. - Sts give form : [ S + V2(ED) ] - Take note - Listen -Take note.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> - Explain the requirement - Ask sts to work in pairs. - Go around the class to offer help. - Have students compare their answers in pairs - Ask some sts to give the answers. - Remark and give correct answers. .. +Execise 2: Put the verbs in brackets in the simple past or the past perfect. - Identify the simple past tense and The past perfect tense - Give an example. Ex: She went out after she had done all her homework. - Ask students to do Exercise individually - Ask them to compare with their friends - Call some sts to read aloud their answers. - Feedback and give correct answers.. - Work in pairs. - Provide the answers and explain - Take notes. Suggested answers : 1. had broken 2. had done 3. had met 4. hadn’t turned off 5. had ever seen 6. had been 7. had left 8. had moved 9. hadn’t seen 10. had broken. - Work individually - Work in pairs - Read the answers aloud. Suggested answers : 1. had just finished / came *Production: 2. had seldom travelled / went +Execise 3: - Tell students to read the story carefully and find 3. went / had already taken 4. Did…manage, had…gone / got five mistakes in the use of tenses in the stories 5. had just got / phoned / had been and correct them. - Go around the class to give comment and help - pairwork them with some words. - Ask them to compare their answers with other pairs. - Call some students to give the mistake, explain - Compare with friends their answers and correct in front of the class. - Feedback and give correct answers - Read aloud and correct - Take notes Teacher assign homework Suggested answers - Ask students to complete the sentences 1- Line1 : had climbed → climbed 1- He had already known her 2-Line 3 : had turned → turned before___________. 3- Line 5 : had called out → called out 2- When he came back______________. 4- Line 7 : had heard → heard 3- I didn’t know what______________. 5- Line 8 : went → had already gone 4- He thanked me for what I______________. Sts work at home. Prepare the next. Comments (2mn).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> LESSON : TEST YOURSELF A. Period:……………. Time : 45 minuets. OBIECTIVES: 1 -Educational aim: Students should train skills. 2- Knowledge: - General knowledge: Students will be review skill - Language: Word related to someone’s biography and to daily activities. 3- Skills: Listening, speaking, writing, reading  Method : Integrated, mainly communicative.  Teaching aids: Textbooks, posters, cassette  Procedure :. Teacher’s activities PART I : LISTENING (10mn) Listen and complete the table below. - Explain the instructions - Ask sts to read through the exercise and help sts with some new words. Baptist Church (n) Cha đạo - Help sts to analyse the blanks so that sts can imagine what they will fill in the blanks - Ask sts to listen to the tape twice - Get sts to fill and correct in pairs - Ask some sts at random to provide the answers. - Get other sts to remark. - Ask sts to listen to the tape again and correct together. - Conduct the corrections. Students’ activities. - Take notes. - Take notes - Listen to the tape and take notes - Sts work in pairs - Sts provide the answers - Remark - Listen and correct -Take notes Suggested answers 1- 15th January 1929 2- In 1951 3- for 4 years 4- he met 5- they got married 6- a minister at 7- the black freedom movement 8- heard his speech at the 9- In 1964 10- 4th April 1968.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span> PART II : READING (10mn) Read the passage and choose one appropriate phrase in the box for each blank. There are more phrases than needed. - Give instruction and explain the meaning of some difficult words : chairman, committee, essay, principal, research, … - Ask sts to work in pairs. - Go around the class to offer help. - Ask sts to check in group of 4 - Ask some sts at random to provide the answers. - Check and give correct answers. PART II : GRAMMAR (10mn) Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets - Ask sts to work in pairs. - Go around the class to offer help if necessary. - Ask some sts at random to provide the answers. - Ask other sts to remark and explain. - Remark and give correct answers.. PART II : WRITING (13mn) Sally Green writes Phong a letter. In Phong’s name, write her a reply. - Ask 2 sts to go to the b.b and write down. (This exercise was asked to do at home) - Ask other sts to remark and correct. - Correct Comments (2mn). - Take notes. - Sts work in pairs. - Work in groups - Provide the answers - Take notes Suggested answers 1.F 2.C 3.A 4.D. 5.B. - Sts work in pairs. - Provide the answers - Sts remark and explain Suggested answers 1- to apply 6- can 2- am 7- reading 3- attended 8- know 4- passed 9- am able 5- got 10- hearing. - Sts write their answers on the b.b - Sts remark and correct. - Take notes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> Unit four : SPECIAL EDUCATION Period:……………. Time: 45minutes I. Objectives:. Reading. 1- Educational aims: Ss should sympathize to the disabled children with their problems. Besides that, Ss should do something to help the disabled children. 2- Knowledge: - General knowledge: Ss know about the problems of the disabled children and how they overcome those difficulties. - Language: Words related to disabled children’s problems. 3- Skills: Vocabulary comprehension: matching; Extensive reading: MCQ; Intensive reading: gap fill. II. Method: Integrate, mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids: textbook, pictures and posters. IV. Procedure: Teacher’s activities Warm up: 8’ - Show pictures and ask Ss some question to introduce the lesson.  What are they doing?  Who are they? - Ask Ss to work in groups of four to make a list of the activities that the blind and the dumb / deaf have difficulty to do. - Give feedback. Before readng : (10 mn) - Introduce the picture of Braille alphabet and Handed alphabet for dumb people. - Ask Ss to work in pairs to find out the massage basing on the Braille alphabet. - Introduce the reading text. - Pre- teach new words New words: - opposition (n) to be opposed to sth - realize (n) - effort (n) - to make the effort While reading: (15mn) Task 1: Match words in A with their definitions in B: - Ask Ss to do the task in pairs.. Students’ activities - Answer the questions. read, talk, … the blind, the deaf / dumb - Work in groups of four to make a list of the activities that the blind and the dumb / deaf have difficulty to do. Ss’ answers may vary.. - Work in pairs to find out the massage basing on the Braille alphabet. A TEACHER IN A SPECIAL CLASS. - sự phản ñối phản ñối ñiều gì - nhận ra - sự nổ lực - nổ lực. - Do the task in pairs..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span> - Go around to monitor and help Ss. - Ask Ss to speak out their answers in front of the class. Give feedback. Task 2: Circle the correct answers: - Ask Ss to read the text again. - Ask Ss to do the task in pairs. - Go around to monitor and help Ss. - Ask Ss to report their answers to class and translate some difficult sentences into Vietnamese to make sure that they understand the reading clearly. - Give feedback. After you read: 10’ Fill in the blanks with a suitable word from the reading passage: - Explain the instruction - Run through new words if necessary - Ask Ss to do the task in groups - Go around to monitor and help Ss. - Ask Ss to write their answers on the posters. - Call two groups to stick their posters on the board.. - Give feedback - Help Ss to correct mistakes. Homework: - Ask Ss to study the lesson. - Ask Ss to prepare the Speaking. Comments: (2mn). - Speak out their answers in front of the class. Answer keys: 1. c 2. e 4. b 5. d. 3. a. - Read the text again. - Do the task in pairs. - Report their answers to class and translate some difficult sentences into Vietnamese. Answer keys: 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D. - Listen - Do the task in groups - Write their answers on the posters. - Stick their posters on the board. Answer keys: 1. disabled 2. read 3. write 4. efforts 5. opposition 6. time – consuming 7. Maths 8. arms 9. fingers 10. proud. Do the tasks at home.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span> Unit four :. SPECIAL EDUCATION. Period:……………. Time: 45minuets I. Objectives:. Speaking. 1- Educational aims: Ss should always show their friendliness towards their classmates by making short conversations about school, class, subjects, … 2- Knowledge: - General knowledge: Ss learn how to make short conversations about school, class, subjects, … - Language: Words related to studying. 3- Skills: Making short conversations.. II. Teaching method: Integrate, mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids: textbook, posters. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Check old lesson: (8mn) - Ask Ss to write 5 words that they have learnt in the Reading. - Ask two questions related to the reading passage. Pre – Speaking: (10mn) Task 1: Fill in the blanks with the right questions. - Ask Ss to look over the provided questions and translate them into Vietnamese. - Ask Ss to do the task in pairs. - Go around to monitor and help Ss. - Ask each pair to speak out their answers to class.. - Give feedback. - Ask Ss to practise the completed. Students’ activities. - Look over the provided questions and translate them into Vietnamese. - Do the task in pairs. - Speak out their answers to class. Answer keys: A. Which lower-secondary school did you go to? B. What were your subjects then? C. What was your timetable? D. Can you tell me about your tests and examinations at your school then? E. What about homework? F. What part of school life you didn’t like then? G. What did you like best about your school then?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span> conversations in pairs. While – Speaking: 15’ Task 2: Interview. - Ask Ss to use the questions in task 1 to interview their partners. - Go around to monitor and help Ss. - Ask some pairs to show their conversation to class. - Give feedback and marks if necessary. Post – Speaking: 10’ Task 3: Tell the whole class what you know about Hanh in task 1. - Ask Ss to discuss in groups to complete the example given in the task. - Ask each group to choose a reporter and a secretary. - Explain the duty of each person  Secretary will rewrite the ideas discussed in groups on the posters.  Reporter will report the groups’ ideas in front of the class by looking at the poster. - Go around to monitor and help Ss. - Ask Ss to stick their posters on the board and ask one or two reporters to report their ideas in front of the class.. - Help Ss to correct mistakes and give marks for which groups perform well. Homework: - Ask Ss to write a paragraph to retell what they know about their partners. - Ask Ss to prepare the Listening. Comments : (2mn). - Practice speaking in pairs - Use the questions in task 1 to interview their partners. - Show their interview conversation to class.. - Discuss in groups to complete the example given in the task. - Choose a reporter and a secretary.. - Stick their posters on the board and ask one or two reporters to report their ideas in front of the class. Suggested answers:. Hanh went to Long Bien lower-secondary school. She had 10 subjects to learn at school. She went to school in the morning and often had five classes each morning. About tests and examinations, she had different kinds of them such as oral tests, 15 minute tests, 45 minute tests and the final examination at the end of the semester. Some of her teachers liked to give a lot of homework and others didn’t. She liked her school and the activities at school a lot except the breaks because they were too short.. Sts work at home.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span> Unit four :. SPECIAL EDUCATION. Period:……………. Time: 45minuets I. Objectives:. Listening. 1- Educational aims: Ss should show their sympathy as well as admiration towards the disabled children because they always try their best to overcome their problems. 2- Knowledge: - General knowledge: Ss learn about the Vang Trang Khuyet Club and the activities of the club’s members. - Language: Words related to activities in a photographic club. 3- Skills: Listening for gist and specific information.. II. Teaching method: Integrate, mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids: textbook, cassette player, tape. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Before you listen: 15’ - Ask Ss to close their books. - Ask Ss to work in groups to find out the words can be derived from the word. - Close their books. - Work in groups to find out the words can be derived from the word “PHOTO”. - Write their answers on the board.. “PHOTO”. photograph (n). - Ask Ss to write their answers on the board. - Ask Ss to give Vietnamese meaning of these words. - Go through the way to use these words. - Ask Ss to work in pairs to do the task. - Ask Ss to go to the board to write their answers.. - Give feedback. - Go through words in “Listen and repeat” - Read out word by word and ask Ss to repeat. - Ask Ss to pay much attention to these words because they will occur in the listening text. While listening : (20mn). photogenic(adj). photographer (n) photographic (adj) photography (n) - Give Vietnamese meaning of these words.. - Work in pairs to do the task. - Go to the board to write their answers. Answer keys: 1. photographic 2. photography 3. photographer 4. photograph 5. photogenic - Listen and repeat..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span> Task 1: True/False Statements: - Ask Ss to look over the sentences in the task and guess they are true or false. - Let Ss listen to the tape twice and do the task individually. - Ask Ss to compare their answers with their friends. - Ask Ss to report their answers to class.. - Give corrections/ Play tape some more times to help Ss complete the task well. Task 2: Fill in the blanks: - Ask Ss to look over the passage in the task and guess what kinds of words are needed in pairs. - Let Ss listen to the tape 2 times and do the task individually. - Has a pause in some seconds for Ss to write their answers. - Ask Ss to compare their answers with their friends. - Ask Ss to write their answers on the board.. - Help Ss to correct mistakes. After – listening : (8mn) - Ask Ss to work in groups to retell the story about the Vang trang Khuyet Photographic Club. - Go around to monitor and to help Ss. - Ask one or two representatives to report the story to class. - Give feedback. Homework: - Ask Ss to practise the tasks again. - Ask Ss to prepare the Writing. Comments : (2mn). - Look over the sentences in the task and guess they are true or false. - Listen to the tape twice and do the task individually. - Compare their answers with their friends. - Report their answers to class. Answer keys: 1. T 3. T 5. T 2. F (Not given) 4. F (Their subjects are people and scenery.). - Look over the passage in the task and guess what kinds of words are needed in pairs. - Listen to the tape 2 times and do the task individually.. - Compare their answers with their friends. - Write their answers on the board. Answer keys: 1. photographic 2. 19 3. exhibition 4. 50 5. beauty 6. simple 7. peaceful 8. chickens 9. stimulated 10. escape. - Work in groups to retell the story about the Vang trang Khuyet Photographic Club.. - Report the story to class. Sts’ answers may vary..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span> Unit four :. SPECIAL EDUCATION Writing. Period:……………. Time: 45minuets I. Objectives:. 1- Educational aims: Ss should show their politeness towards other people when writing a complaint letter. 2- Knowledge: - General knowledge: Ss learn how to write a complaint letter. - Language: Words / phrases used to write a complaint letter. 3- Skills: Writing a complaint letter.. II. Teaching method: Integrate, mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids: textbook, posters, handouts. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities. Students’ activities. Warm up: 5’ - Give Ss handouts of 10 adjectives - Read the hand outs - Ask Ss to do the task in pairs. - Do the task in pairs. Put these adjectives into suitable columns: bad, helpful, expensive, lazy, hard-working, good, careful, poor, unhappy, beautiful.. Compliments. Complaints. - Go around to monitor and to help Ss. - Ask Ss to write their answers on the board.. - Write their answers on the board. Answer keys: Compliments Complaints helpful, beautiful, bad, unhappy, hard-working, lazy, expensive, careful, good. poor.. - Give feedback. - Introduce new lesson.. - Take notes - Listen. Pre – Writing: (10mn) Task 1: Complete the dialogue. - Read the advertisement in textbook. - Ask Ss to read the advertisement in textbook. - Go through new words. - Listen - Explain the advertisement for Ss. - Stick a poster of suggested answers on the board and ask Ss to copy them. Choose suitable information to complete the dialogue:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span> A. the room is not air-conditioned. There is only one ceiling fan in my classroom. It’s very hot. B. there are only 2 native teachers and 1 Vietnamese teacher in my class. C. I’m not happy with it at all. D. in fact classes often start late and finish early. Sometimes it starts 20 minutes late. E. I have to pay for them. F. in fact there are more than 30 students in my class. - Do the task in pairs. - Ask Ss to do the task in pairs. - Go around to monitor and to help Ss. - Report their answers. - Ask Ss to report their answers. Answer keys:. - Give feedback.. 1. C 4. E. 2. B 5. A. 3. F 6. D. While – Writing: (20mn) Task 2: Complete the letter of complaint. - Ask Ss to use the information from the dialogue to write a complaint letter in groups - Introduce main parts of a complaint letter to Ss. - Go around to monitor and to help Ss.. Post – Writing: (8mn) - Ask Ss to write their letters on posters. - Ask two groups to stick their posters on the board.. - Write a complaint letter in groups - Take notes Three main parts of a complaint letter:  Opening  Explaining the problem  Suggesting a resolution - Write their letters on posters.. - Stick their posters on the board. Suggested answers: First of all, you say that there are only native teachers, but in my class has one Vietnamese teacher and two native teachers. You also say that each class has no more than 20 students but there are over 30 students in my class. Furthermore, in the advertisement, you say we can have books and cassette tapes free of charge but in fact we had to pay for them. To make the matter worse,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span> the classroom is not air-conditioned. That is quite different from the advertisement. Finally, what I do not like most about your center is the time. The class time is not the same as what the advertisement says. Classes not only start late but also finish early. - Help Ss to correct mistakes.. - Take notes. Homework: 2’ - Practise writing a complaint letter again. - Prepare the Language Focus.. - Do what T asks at home. Comment. Unit four : Period:……………. Time: 45minuets. SPECIAL EDUCATION Language focus.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span> I. Objectives:. 1- Knowledge:. - General knowledge: Ss learn how to distinguish and pronounce the sounds / / and / / correctly. Also, they will be able to use the + adjective as a noun, combine two sentences with which as a connector and review used to + infinitive. - Language: Words pronounced by the sounds / / and / /. 3- Skills: Distinguishing the sounds / / and / /. Doing exercises with the + adjective, used to + infinitive and which. II. Teaching method: Integrate, mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids: textbook. IV. Procedures:. Teacher’s activities I. PRONUNCIATION: (13mn) 1/ Presentation: - Demonstrate the sounds / / and / / by giving an example and pronouncing them clearly and slowly. - Instruct the way to pronounce: / /: is a short sound. First pronounce the sound / / then put your tongue slightly and brings your lips slightly forward. / /: is a long sound. First pronounce the sound / / then put the back of your tongue up a little. 2/ Practice: Listen and repeat - Play the tape and ask Ss to repeat. - Ask some Ss to repeat the sounds clearly to class. - Correct mistakes. Practise the sentences - Ask Ss to work in pairs and practise the sentences. - Go around and give help. II. GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY: A. The + adjective: (10mn) * Presentation: - Explicit the use of the + adjective by analyzing an example: The young have the future in their hands. = Young people have the future in their hands.. Students’ activities. - Listen. - Listen and repeat. - Repeat the sounds clearly to class.. - Work in pairs and practise the sentences..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span> We use the + adj to describe the group of people as a whole: e.g. the blind, the rich, the poor… So the rich means a group of people who are all rich. These adjectives are followed by a plural verb. * Practice: Complete the sentences using the + adjective. - Ask Ss to do the task in pairs. - Monitor class - Ask Ss to report their answers.. - Do the task in pairs. - Report their answers. Answer keys: 2. the injured 3. the unemployed 4. the sick 5. the rich - the poor. - Translate some sentences if - Give corrections. - Ask Ss to translate some sentences if necessary. necessary. - Give feedback. B. Used to + infinitive : (10mn) * Presentation: - Help Ss review the use of used to + inf. We use used to + infinitive to express a past action and state. It has no present equivalent. Ex: He used to smoke 20 cigarettes a day. He didn’t use to smoke 20 cigarettes a day. Did he use to smoke 20 cigarettes a day? * Practice: Complete the sentences with used to … + a suitable verb. - Ask Ss to do the task in groups - Go around to monitor and to help Ss. - Ask Ss to report their answers to class. - Ask Ss to translate some difficult sentences into Vietnamese if necessary. - Give corrections.. C. Which as a connector : (10mn) * Presentation: Which can be used in relative clauses to refer to the whole of the earlier clause.. - Do the task in groups - Report their answers to class. -Translate some difficult sentences into Vietnamese if necessary. Answer keys: 1. used to smoke 2. used to have 3. used to eat 4. used to be 5. used to be 6. used to take 7. used to be 8. did you use to go - Take notes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span> Ex: Sheila couldn’t come to the party, which was a pity. which = the fact that Sheila couldn’t come to the party. * Practice: Join a sentence from A with one from B and use which to make a new sentence. - Ask Ss to do the task in groups - Go around to monitor and to help Ss. - Ask Ss to report their answers to class. - Ask Ss to translate some difficult sentences into Vietnamese if necessary.. - Give corrections. Homework: - Ask Ss to study the lesson and do the tasks again. - Ask Ss to prepare the Reading of Unit 5 – Technology and You.. - Do the task in groups - Report their answers to class. -Translate some difficult sentences into Vietnamese if necessary. Answer keys: 2. Jill isn’t on the phone, which makes difficult to contact her. 3. Neil has passed his examinations, which is good news. 4. Our flight was delayed, which means we had to wait for hours at the airport. 5. Ann offered to let me stay in her house, which was very nice of her. 6. The street I live in is very noisy at night, which makes it difficult to sleep. 7. Our car has broken down, which means we can’t go away tomorrow.. - Do what T asks. Comments (2mn). Unit five : TECHNOLOGY AND YOU Time: 45minuets. A. Reading.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span> I. Objectives:. 1- Educational aims: Ss should learn how to use the technological devices to modernize their lives. 2- Knowledge: - General knowledge: By the end of the lesson, the Ss will be able to understand the importance and the uses of the computers in daily life. - Language: Words or phrases related to technology. 3- Skills: Matching; Identifying the main ideas; passage comprehension.. II. Teaching method: Integrate, mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids: textbook, pictures and posters. IV. Procedure: Teacher’s activities. Students’ activities. Warm-up: (5mn) picture of computer. the uses of the computers. - Show a picture of a computer. - Ask Ss to work in groups to fill in the diagram. - Ask Ss to go to the board to write their answers.. - Work in groups to fill in the diagram.. - Go to the board to write their answers. Sts’ answers may vary.. - Give feedback. - Introduce new lesson.. - Listen. Before – eading (10mn) 1. Matching - Go through new words. - Ask Ss to do the task in pairs. - Ask Ss to report their answers to class.. - Do the task in pairs. - Report their answers to class.. - Give feedback.. A. 5 E. 2. 2. Vocabulary: - calculate (v) - miraculous (adj) - device (n) - capable (of st /doing st) - type (v). - tính toan - kì diệu - thiết bị - co khả năng - đdanh may. Answer keys: B. 7 C. 4 D. 1 F. 6 G. 3 H. 8.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span>  typewriter (n) - print (v) While – reading : (20mn) Task 1: Match the words with their definitions. - Ask Ss to do the task individually. - Ask Ss to compare their answers with friends. -Ask Ss to give their answers using the structure “A” means “B”. - Give feedback. Task 2: Choosing the best title for the passage. - Ask Ss to read the passage and do the task individually. - Ask Ss to compare their answers with friends. - Ask Ss to report their answers to class with giving explanation. - Give feedback. Task 3: Answering the questions - Ask Ss to read the passage again and do the task in groups. - Go around to monitor and help Ss. - Call 2 Ss to go to the board to write their answers. - Help Ss to correct mistakes./ Give feedback.  may danh chữ - in. - Do the task individually. - Compare their answers with friends. Answer keys: 1. c 2. e 4. b 5. d. 3. a. - Read the passage and do the task individually. - Compare their answers with friends. - Report their answers to class with giving explanation. Answer keys: C. What Can the Computer Do? - Read the passage again and do the task in groups. - Go to the board to write their answers. Answer keys: 1. It help us visit shops, offices and places of interests, pay bills, read newspapers and magazines, receive or send letters, learn foreign language. 2. Because it is capable of doing anything you ask; it speeds up calculations; it allows you to type and print any kind of document; it helps you to interact with other computers and with people around the world; you can relax by playing computer games or listening to computer-played music.. After – reading :(8mn) Discussion - Ask Ss to work in groups to discuss other - Work in groups to discuss other uses of the uses computer in our daily life. of the computer in our daily life..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span> - Go around to monitor and to help Sts. -Ask some representatives to report their discussion. - Give feedback.. - Report their discussion. Sts’ answers may vary.. Homework: - Ask Ss to write a paragraph to summarize - Do what T asks the uses of the computers about 50 – 60 words. - Ask Ss to prepare the Speaking. Comments :(2mn). LESSON PLAN Unit five :. TECHNOLOGY AND YOU B. Speaking. Time: 45minuets. I. Objectives:. 1- Educational aims: Ss should pay much attention to Information technology as well as learn how to use the technological devices to modernize their lives..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span> 2- Knowledge: - General knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask for and giving information and talk about the uses of modern inventions. - Language: Words/ phrases related to the uses of modern inventions. 3- Skills: Asking for and giving information and talking about the uses of modern inventions. II. Teaching method: Integrate, mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids: textbook, pictures IV. Procedure: Teacher’ s activities Pre - speaking: (5mn) - Show Ss the pictures of a radio/ TV / fax machine / electric cooker / air-conditioner / cell phone. - Divide the class into 2 groups. - Stick all the pictures and ask Ss to look at and remember within 1 minute, then go to the board, write down the name of each picture. The group winner is the one that has more correct answers. While – speaking: (28mn) Task1: Asking and Answering questions. - Show a cell phone and speak out loudly: + “Can you tell me what a cell phone is used for?”  “Well, it is used to talk to people when you are away from home.” - Ask Ss to repeat in chorus and individually. - Ask Ss to change bolded phrases by the given prompts in the textbook and then practise asking and answering in closed-pairs. - Go around and give help. - Ask Ss to practise asking and answering using the given prompts in the textbook in openpairs. - Help Ss to correct mistakes if necessary. Task 2: Completing the sentences - Go through new words. - Ask Ss to do the task in pairs and translate these sentences into Vietnamese. - Go around and give help. - Ask Ss to report their answers to class.. Students’ activities. - Work in groups and give the name of each picture.. - Repeat in chorus and individually. - Change bolded phrases by the given prompts in the textbook and then practise asking and answering in closed-pairs. - Practise asking and answering using the given prompts in the textbook in open-pairs. Ss’ answers may vary.. - Do the task in pairs and translate these sentences into Vietnamese. - Report their answers to class..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span> - Give feedback.. Task 3: Ranking the ideas in order of importance - Ask Ss to look at the ideas in Task 2 and do the task in groups of four. - Encourage Sts to give as more reasons as possible. - Suggest some structures in discussion: “I think / believe that the most important use of information technology is …… because …….” - Go around and give help. - Ask some representatives to report their groups’ ideas. - Give feedback. Post – speaking: (10mn) Task 4: Talking about your most favourite invention of our daily life. - Ask Ss to work in groups of four to do the task. - Go around to monitor and help Ss. - Ask some representatives to report their groups’ ideas.. Answer keys: 1. store 2. transmit 4. send 5. hold 7. send 8. receive. 3. process 6. make 9. design. - Look at the ideas in Task 2 and do the task in groups of four.. - Report their groups’ ideas. Ss’ answers may vary.. - Work in groups of four to do the task.. - Report their groups’ ideas. Ss’ answers may vary.. - Give feedback. Homework: - Ask Ss to practise these tasks again. - Ask Ss to prepare the Listening. Comments (2mn). - Do what T asks. LESSON PLAN Unit five :. TECHNOLOGY AND YOU B. Listening. Time: 45minuets I. Objectives: 1- Educational aims: Ss should pay much attention to information technology as well as learn how to use the technological devices to modernize their lives. 2- Knowledge:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span> - General knowledge: By the end of the lesson, the Ss will be able to listen to the tape about an old man’s story to do the tasks. - Language: Words/ phrases related to the uses of a modern invention - computer. 3- Skills: T/F; Gap filling II. Teaching method: Integrate, mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids: textbook, cassette player, tape, pictures, poster. IV. Procedure:. Teacher’s activities Warm-up: (3mn) - Ask sts some question to lead in 1- Can you name some electrical appliances ? 2- What are they used for ?. Students’ activities -Sts’ answers may vary Radio, TV, computer …… -Sts’ answers may vary. Before - listening: (10mn) - Work in groups to guess the words. - Stick the poster on the board and ask Ss to work in groups to guess the words. _adio tele_ho_e com_uter tele_isi_n refrige_ator - Ask Ss to go to the board to write their words. - Go to the board to write their words. Answer keys: - Give feedback. radio telephone computer television refrigerator - Stick the poster on the board. - Ask Ss to tick in the columns individually. - Tick in the columns individually. - Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer. - Work in pairs to ask and answer. “How often do you use it?  Very often; sometimes; never”.. Very often. Sometimes never. Radio Telephone T.V Refrigerator Computer + Listen and repeat: - Read provided words and ask Ss to repeat.. - Listen and repeat. -Give Vietnamese meanings of these words..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span> - Ask Ss to give Vietnamese meanings of these words. - Read the statements and predict the statements (T/F). While – listening :(20mn) - Listen to the tape twice and check their Task 1: True / False Statements. predictions. - Have Ss read the statements and predict the - Compare their answers with friends. statements (T/F). - Report their answers to class. - Let Ss listen to the tape twice and check their Answer keys: predictions. 1. F (He wasn’t worried.) - Ask Ss compare their answers with friends. 2. T - Ask Ss to report their answers to class. 3. T 4. F (He understood about computers and became the man’s teacher.) 5. F (He didn’t understand the lessons very well.) 6. F (The man didn’t continue to learn how to use a computer after a few lessons.) - Listen again.. - Check Ss’ answers and let them listen again. Task 2: Writing in missing words. - Help Ss to guess the part of speech of the needed words. - Let Ss to listen to the tape twice and do the task individually. - Ask Ss to compare their answers with friends. - Ask Ss to report their answers to class.. - Give feedback.. - Guess the part of speech of the needed words. - Listen to the tape twice and do the task individually. - Compare their answers with friends. - Report their answers to class.. Answer keys: 1. invited 4. excuse - Take notes. 2. still 3. refused 5. anything. After - listening: (10mn) Retelling an old man’s story. - Listen to the tape again. - Let Ss listen to the tape again. - Work in groups of four to retell the old - Ask Ss to work in groups of four to retell the man’s story. old man’s story, beginning the story with the following sentence: “The story is about an old man who doesn’t.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span> know how to use a computer…” - Go around to monitor and to help Ss. - Report their story to class. - Ask 1 or 2 representatives to report their Sts’ answers may vary. story to class. - Give feedback. Homework: - Do what T asks - Ask Ss to summarize the old man’s story about 80 words and write on the notebook. - Ask Ss to prepare the Writing. Comments (2mnn). Kí Duyeät Tuaàn 9 :. LESSON PLAN Unit five :. TECHNOLOGY AND YOU D. Writing. Time: 45minuets I. Objectives: 1- Educational aims: Ss should pay much attention to information technology as well as learn how to use the technological devices to modernize their lives. 2- Knowledge: - General knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to write a set of instructions..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span> - Language: Words/ phrases related to modern devices – public telephone and remote control. 3- Skills: Writing a set of instructions; sequence connectors; imperative verb form II. Teaching method: Integrate, mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids: textbook, pictures, real objects. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Warm up: (5mn) - Show a telephone card and make questions:  What is it?  What is it used for?  Have you ever used it? - Introduce new lesson.. Students’ activities - Answer the questions. - Phone card - Make calls - Yes / No - Listen. Pre – Writing: (20mn) Task 1: Reading a set of instructions of a public telephone. - Go through new words. - Discuss in groups of four to answer - Ask Ss to discuss in groups of four to answer the following questions. the following questions. a. What are the steps in using a public telephone? b. What number should you call if you want to call fire service / ambulance / police? Sts’ answers - Call some representatives to report their a. First, lift…long pips groups’ ideas. b. 114 - 115 - 113 - Give feedback. Task 2: Finding out connectors and the imperative form of the verbs. - Help Ss to review what connectors and imperative form of the verbs are. - Ask Ss to read the passage in task 1 again and do the task in pairs. - Ask Ss to go to the board to write their answers.. - Help Ss to correct mistakes. Task 3: Answering the questions: - Explain the picture in the textbook for Ss.. - Read the passage in task 1 again and do the task in pairs. - Go to the board to write their answers. Answer keys:  The connectors: first, next, the, until.  The imperative form of the verbs: read, make sure, lift, listen, insert, press, wait, dial. - Take notes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span> - Go through new words and questions. - Ask Ss to work in groups to find the answers for the questions. - Go around to monitor and to give help. - Ask Ss to write their answers on the board.. - Help Ss to correct mistakes/ Give feedback While – Writing: (15mn) Task 4: Writing Instructions. - Explain the task to Sts. - Ask Ss to do the task in groups - Go around to monitor and to help Ss. - Ask 2 groups write their instructions on the posters.. - Work in groups to find the answers for the questions. - Write their answers on the board. Answer keys: 1. If you want to operate the TV with the remote control, you have to make sure that the cord is plugged in and the main is turned on. 2. To turn on or turn of the TV, press the POWER button. 3. To select a programme, press the PROGRAMME button. 4. To watch VTV1, VTV2, VTV3, VTV4 press button number 1, 2, 3, 4. 5. To adjust the volume, press the VOLUME button up and down. 6. If you don’t want to hear the sound, press the MUTE button. - Take notes. - Do the task in groups. Post – Writing: (8mn) - Ask Ss to stick their posters on the board. - Help Ss to correct mistakes.. - Give feedback. Suggested answers: If you want to operate a TV with a remote control, you must make sure that the cord is plugged in and the main is turned on. First press the power button to turn on the TV. Next select the channel by pressing number 1, 2, 3… Then press programme button to select the programme you like. Finally, press the volume button up and down to select the volume and if you want to turn off, press the power button again. - Take notes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span> Give marks if necessary their work are good Homework: - Ask Ss to write their own paragraph on their notebooks. - Ask Ss to prepare Language Focus.. - Do what T asks. Comments (2mn). :. LESSON PLAN Unit five : Time: 45minuets I. Objectives:. TECHNOLOGY AND YOU E. Language focus. 1. Educational aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Distinguish the two vowels / u: / and / /. - Remind students of the use of the Present Perfect in Active and Passive Voice. - Remind students of the use of the relative pronouns. 2. Knowledge - Language: pronunciation / u: / and / /. - Grammar: The Present perfect Tense in Active and Passive Voice; The relative pronouns: who, which, that..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span> 3. Skills: accuracy of using some grammatical points II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids: handouts, worksheets, textbook, pictures, posters. IV. Procedures:. Teacher’ s activities. Students’ activities. I. PRONUNCIATION: /u:/ and / / (13mn) 1. Warm up + Presentation: Groupwork: Look at the exercise given on the - Work in group and give the board and match the signs of sound in the column answers. A with their pronunciation in the column B. - Give bonus or marks for the best group. Answer keys: 1. /i:/ a. sea 1. a 2. / / b. box 2. f 3. /I / c. sit 3. c 4. /u:/ d. cup 4. e 5. / / e. food 5. d 6. / / f. saw 6. b 7. / / g. look 7. g 8. / / h. arm 8. h - Imtroduce the lesson: /u:/ - / / /u:/ in food / / in look - Make the differences between them and introduces how to make each sound.  / / is a short sound. First pronounce the sound /a/ then put the back of your tongue forward and up a little.  /u:/ is a long sound. First pronounce the sound / / then put your tongue up and back. 2. Practice: Listen and repeat - Play the tape and ask Ss to repeat. - Ask some Ss to repeat the sounds clearly to class. - Correct mistakes Practise the sentences - Ask Ss to work in pairs and practise the sentences. - Go around and give help. 3. Further Practice: - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and say the word including the sounds. (Pictures of moon, cooker, foot, fruit, shoe, book). II. GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY: A. The Present Perfect Tense: (10mn). - Listen and take notes. - Listen and repeat. - Repeat the sounds clearly to class.. - Work in pairs and practise the sentences.. - Look at the pictures and say the words..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span> 1. Warm up + Presentation: - Ask to work in group to write as many sentences - Work in group to write as many as possible, using the present perfect tense. sentences as possible, using the (The group that has correct sentences most will present perfect tense. get bonus or marks) - Choose a good sentence and write on the board as a model. Ex: Tom has opened the door. “What do we use The Present Perfect Tense for?”  We use The Present Perfect Tense Past Now Future to express an action leads to the situation at the present. Pre.per. 2. Practice: Exercise1: Rewrite the sentences using the Present Perfect tense. - Ask Ss to do the task individually. - Do the task individually. - Go around to monitor and to help Ss. - Ask Ss to compare their answers with their - Compare their answers with their friends. friends. - Ask Ss to go to the board to write their answers. - Go to the board to write their answers. Answer keys: 1. Tan has opened the door. 2. He has turned on the TV. 3. He has tidied the house. 4. He has cleaned the floor. 5. He has turned on the lights. 6. He has laid two bottles of water on the table. - Give corrections. - Take notes B. The Present Perfect Passive: (10mn) 1. Presentation: - Review the rule of changing active into passive voice. - Explain the form of the present perfect passive: A: S + have / has + Past Participle (V3 / Ved)+ O. P: S + have / has + been + V3 / Ved + by O. Ex: Two cats have caught a mouse. A mouse has been caught by two cats. 2. Practice: Exercise 2: Rewrite these sentences using the present perfect passive: - Ask Ss to do the task in pairs..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span> - Go around to monitor and to give Ss help. - Do the task in pairs. - Ask Ss to compare their answers with their friends. - Compare their answers with their - Ask Ss to write their answers on the board. friends. - Write their answers on the board. Answer keys: 1. A new hospital for children has been built in our city. 2. Another man-made satellite has been sent up to the space. 3. More and more trees have been cut down for woods by farmers. 4. Thousands of animals have been killed in the forest fire. 5. About 100 buildings and houses have been destroyed in the earthquake. 6. More than 50 films have been shown in Hanoi since June. 7. Their hands have been washed and dried on the towel. 8. Another book has been read by the students. 9. Some ink has been spilt on the carpet. - Give corrections. 10. She has been shown how to do it. C. Who, which ,that: (10mn) - Take notes 1. Presentation: - Show Ss some examples. Ex: A nurse is a person who takes care of the - Follow T’s instruction sick. that A clock is an instrument which tells us the time. that - Explain the use of who, which and that to Ss.  Who, which and that can be used to place of - Listen noun subjects and noun objects.  Who refers people.  Which refers to things. 2. Practice: Exercise 3: Fill each blank with who, which or that. - Ask Ss to do the task individually. - Go around to monitor and help Ss. - Do the task individually. - Ask Ss to compare their answers with their friends. - Compare their answers with their.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span> - Ask Ss to report their answers to class.. - Give corrections/ Give feedback. friends. - Report their answers to class. Answer keys: 1. which / that 2. which / that 3. which / that 4. who / that 5. who / that 6. who / that 7. whom / that 8. which / that 9. which / that 10. who / that - Take notes. Homework: - Find as many words including the two sounds as possible by reading the texts learnt. - Do what T asks - Make at least 2 sentences, using the present perfect tense and then change into passive voice. - Make at least 2 sentences, using relative clauses. - Prepare the Reading – Unit 6: An Excursion. Comments : (2mn). LESSON PLAN Unit Six : AN EXCURSION Time: 45minuets. A. Reading. I.Objectives 1. Educational aims: Ss should make small excursions to relax after hard work. Besides, they should have good awareness to the picturesque sites. 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: By the end of the lesson students can: get information about some beautiful places in Vietnam and improve reading comprehension skill. - Language: Words/ phrases related to an excursion. 3. Skill: MCQ; Gap fill II. Teaching method: Integrate, mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids: Textbook, large pictures of Thien Mu Pagoda, The One-Pillar Pagoda, Dalat, Ha Long Bay and posters IV. Procedures Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm - up: (4mn).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span> - Ask question:  Do you like traveling?  List some beautiful places you have visited. -Lead in. - Listen and answer The answers may vary. Before - reading: (10mn) * Group work: - Stick four pictures of Thien Mu Pagoda, Dalat, Ha Long Bay, The One -Pillar Pagoda on the board. - Let Ss look at the photos and discuss about them. - Stick the poster about the information of photos - Look at the photos and discuss. on the board. a- Built in 1049, in the shape of a lotus b- picturesque site, a wonder of the world, 165 kilometres from Hanoi. c-Mountain resort (altitude: 1500m) with wonderful places to visit: Xuan Huong Lake, pine forests… d- on the left bank of the Huong River, 6 kilometres from Hue City. - Ask Ss to match the photos with the information - Match the photos with their - Ask Ss to provide the answers information. - Feedback. * Set the scene: - Ask Ss: “What do you usually do when you have something new. In what ways?” Yeah, you usually write letters to tell your friends and relatives about your interesting news. - And now in our today reading text, you are going to read a letter from Lan to her friend, Minh. She tells Minh about the plan for her class trip. First of all, I’d introduce you some in new words will occur in the letter. * Pre-teach vocabulary: - excursion (n) - cave (n) - formation (n) - campfire (n) - permission (n) - persuade (v). Answer keys: 1-d 2-b 3-a. 4-c. - Listen and answer.. - chuyến daõ ngoại - hang, đñộng - sự hình thaønh - lửa trại - sự cho pheùp - thuyết phục.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span> While - reading * Task 1:Multiple choice: (10mn) - Ask Ss to read the text individually and then do task 1 - Let Ss compare their answers with their friends - Ask Ss to report their answers to class and explain some sentences if necessary. - Feedback. * Task 2: Answering the questions: (10mn) - Go through these questions and make sure Ss understand them. - Ask Ss to work in pairs, ask and answer the questions. - Ask some pairs to act this activity before class. - Ask Ss to write their answers on the board. - Correct and give suggested answers.. After - reading :(8mn) Fill in each blank with a suitable word: - Ask Ss to do the task in groups - Go around to monitor and help Ss. - Ask Ss to write their answers on the board. - Give feedback.. - Read the letter individually and do Task 1. - Compare answers. - Report their answers to class and explain some sentences if necessary. Answer keys: 1C ; 2D ; 3A. - Work in pairs: ask and answer. - Some act, others listen and feedback Answer keys: 1. They are going on a trip when they have some days off after the first term. 2. They are visiting some caves because they want to understand their geography lesson better and many of them have never been inside a cave. 3. It’s only over 20 km. 4. They are going to make a twoday trip and have a night campfire. They are bringing their own food and sharing buses with some other classes to make the trip cheap. 5. Lan is anxious about her parents’ permission. They may not want to let her stay the night away from home. - Take notes. - Do the task in groups - Write their answers on the board. Answer keys: 1. is going to go on 2. some caves.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span> 3. want to see 4. have learnt 5. their trip 6. only problem 7. to persuade them 8. her classmates - Take notes Homework - Read Lan’s letter and make sentences with - Do what T asks these words: caves, excursion, permission, persuade. Comments: (3mn). Kyù Duyeät Tuaàn 10. LESSON PLAN Unit Six : AN EXCURSION B. Speaking. Time: 45minuets I. Objectives 1. Aims : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to :  Express agreements and disagreements  Give their opinions about arranging the seats on a boat trip suitable to one’s need according to the seat plan .  Improve their speaking skill. 2. Knowledge: a. General knowledge: Students will know some information about the Lake Michigan in Chicago and how to decide the best seat for each person on the boat trip. b. Language:  Vocabulary: Words related to an excursion  Grammar:  Comparatives and superlatives  Making comparisons  Pronunciation: 3. Skills: Expressing agreements and disagreements; giving opinions.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span> II. Teaching method: integrate, mainly communicative III.Teaching aids: books, chalks, board, visual aids IV. Procedure : Teacher’s Activities. Students ’ Activities. Warm – up: (5mn - Give out the poster (the seat plan similar to the -Close the books. seat plan in the book, p.67) except the keys on -Deal with the task in groups of four the boat. to tell what the capital letters (A, B, - Explain new words after Ss finish the task. C, E, R, T and X) stand for. Answer keys: A: air -conditioned B: non air –conditioned C: sundeck E: exit R: refreshments T: toilet X : occupied. - Lead Ss to the new lesson. Pre – Speaking: (15mn) 1. Pre – teach vocabulary: (5mn) - Explain the task. - Explain new words by using the suitable methodology : (to) get sunburnt (to) suffer from fresh (adj) fresh air (to) be by oneself 2. Task 1: Read the information about some of the participants who are going on a boat trip on Lake Michigan in Chicago. - Explain the task. - Ask Ss to work individually. - Provide some important information about Chicago: Chicago is the third biggest city in the United States of America. It is the crucial centre of business and industry in Illinois and situated on the South -West bank of Lake Michigan . - Ask Ss some questions to check students’ comprehension.. -Listen to the teacher.. -Pay attention to the pronunciation of new words. bị sạm nắng chịu ñựng trong laønh khoâng khí trong laønh ở một mình. - Work individually. -Write down some information about Lake Michigan.. -Listen to the teacher and respond to his questions :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span> Ex: What do you know about Tim?. While – Speaking: 15’ Task 2: Read the seat plan. Decide the best seat for each person, using the information in Task 1. - Explain the task 2. - Models: A:I think Mary should sit in section B. B: Yes ,put her in seat 16 - Provide some useful expressions:  I don’t think so  To be suitable for  Why/Why not ?  What do you think ?  What’s your idea ?  Had better+V1. 1. He likes to sit in the sun and he wants to be by himself 2. He is going on a boat trip with his class on Lake Michigan in Chicago.. -Listen to T. -Follow the sample conversation. -Work in groups. -Act out the micro dialogue in pairs (four pairs). -Listen to the teacher. -Work in pairs, following instructions. -Act out the results. - Do what T asks. T’s. Post – Speaking: (8mn) Task 3: Choose a seat for yourself and give reasons. - Explain the task. -Ask Ss to work in pairs. - Work in pairs -Invite some pairs to present the conversation. - Present their conversation - Get other sts to remark - Remark and conduct the corrections Suggested answers: A: Now let’s begin with Mrs. Andrew. Which seat seems suitable for her? B:I think she should sit in seat 12. From here she can see all her students. A: But look! It’s in the sundeck and she doesn’t like it. What about seat 34? B: Ok. I think she will like it, so seat 34 for Mrs. Andrew… Home work: - Do what T asks at home - Ask Ss to practise doing the tasks again. - Ask Ss to prepare the Listening. Comments :(2mn).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span> LESSON PLAN Unit Six : AN EXCURSION C. Listening. Time: 45’ I.. Objectives: 1. Educational aims: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to number the pictures in the order, fill in the blanks with exam information. 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: - Language: The teachers explains the words: glorious, destination, spacious, left over, Botanical Garden. 3. Skills - Listening for main ideas - Listening for specific information II.Teaching method: Integrate, mainly communicative approach. III.Teaching aids: textbook. posters and handouts. IV. Procedures * Warm-up (5mn): Brainstorming around the question go to the cinema go swimming. review the lessons.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span> visit grandparents. What do you often do at weekends?. go for a picnic play football. play games stay home and listen to music. Teacher’s activities Pre-listening : (10mn) 1/ Pair work: - Give instructions and has Ss work in pairs to ask and answer the questions. - Ask some pairs to give their answers.. - Give comments 2/ Listen and repeat: - Ask Ss to repeat chorally after the T the words twice (books closed). - Get some good Ss to repeat the words while others listen (books opened). - Explains the meaning. While-listening: (20mn) 3/ Task 1: - Give instructions and ask Ss to work in groups to discuss and arrange the pictures in. Students’ activities. - Listen and then work in pairs to ask and answer the questions. - Give answers Suggested answers: 1. Yes, I do. 2. I think the best time for a picnic is at weekends. 3. Because they want to relax after a week of working hard. -Listen and repeat chorally. - Repeat individually. - Take notes.. - Work in groups to discuss and arrange the pictures in the order..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span> the order. - Ask a representative of every group to give their opinions. - Let Ss listen to the cassette player twice, and then get them to discuss in groups to rearrange the pictures according to the listening. - Ask Ss to give their answers. - (If necessary, play the cassette again).. - Gives feedback. 4/ Task 2: - Give instructions and has Ss read the sentences quickly and guess the answers. - Let Ss listen once and asks them to fill in the banks with the information they hear. - Ask Ss to compare the answers with their partner. - Ask Ss to give their answers.. - Give feedback 5/ Task 3: Pair work - Give instructions and gets Ss to read the questions quickly - Let Ss listen once and discuss with a partner to answer the questions. - Ask some pairs to give their answers by asking and answering the questions while others listen.. - Give their guesses - Listen to the cassette player and rearrange the pictures.. - Give answers. - (Listen again). Answer key: Task 1: 1. a 2. e 3. b 4. c 5. f 6. d - Take notes - Read the sentences and make a guess - Listen and fill in the blanks. - Compare the answers with a partner. - Give answers Task 2: 1. was just a few 2. to pay a visit 3. at the school gate 4. a short tour 5. playing some more - Take notes - Listen and read the questions fast. - Listen and discuss with a partner to answer the questions. - Practice asking and answering the questions Suggested answers 1. It was very nice. 2. Yes, it was. 3. It was beautiful 4. They slept soundly because it was so.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span> peaceful and quiet in the garden. 5. They took pictures, played games, talked together, sang and danced…. - Ask the class to give comments. - Give feedback. Post-listening (10’) 6/ Group work: - Give instructions and ask Ss to work in groups and discuss to plan a picnic for their class this weekend - Ask a representative of each group to present their plan in front of the class.. - Give comments. Homework: - Listen the lesson again at home. - Prepare the next lesson: WRITING Comments:(2mn). - Give comments - Take notes. - Work in groups of five or six to discuss a plan for class picnic this weekend. - Make presentations in front of the class Suggested answer We would meet at the school gate at 6 o’clock on Sunday. We would start to go to the beach about 6.30 AM by bike. We would arrive at the beach about 7.30 AM. We would have breakfast there. Then we would play football. After that we would swim in the sea. We would have lunch at 12 o’clock. After lunch, we would take a short rest about 20 minutes. In the afternoon, we would go for walk around the beach and take pictures. We would return home at 3.00 PM. - Take notes. - Do what T asks at home.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span> LESSON PLAN Unit Six : AN EXCURSION D.Witing. Time: 45’. I. Objectives. 1. Educational aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss can be able to write a friendly letter, especially confirmation letter from a request. 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: helping Ss know how to organi ze the content of a confirmation letter from a request. - Language: Ss review simple present, simple future , near future, some new words related to the topic. 3. Skills: writing a confirmation letter, discussing, reading II. Teaching method: Integrate, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: Posters, visual aids. IV. Procedures:. Teacher’s activities Warm – up : (4mn) Brainstorming - Ask Sts to work in 2 groups and write on board.. complain t. Students’ activities - Work in 2 groups and try to win the game.. complain t. business. Letter. Letter. Thank you. apology.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span> - Introduce the new lesson. Before - writing :(10 mn) - Ask Ss to look through the lesson and pick out some new words. - Explain the new words. * New words: + to pick someone up + to be convenient + as soon as possible + bunch of flowers + let someone have an early reply - Ask Ss to work in groups to find out Nga’s requests and Hoa’ s confirmation. - Goes around the class to help Ss.. - Listen. - Look at the book and pick new words - Listen. - Write and read as requested.  Nga’s requests: + Can you go shopping with me to buy the things we need for the trip? + Please let me know as soon as possible  Hoa’s confirmation: +Certainly, I will help you to prepare everything you need for the trip. + I’ll be waiting for you at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow - Ask Ss to work in groups to discuss what they - Discuss in groups. should write in a confirmation letter. - Write down. - Give the guidance.  Notes - Certainly, I will …. or I will certainly …. - I am sure that …. - I am writing to confirm …. While you write: 17’ - Make sure that Ss understand the situations.. - Read through the two given situations and ask the teacher for help if necessary..  Letter 1(controlled- writing): (10mn) - Show the poster and ask the students to work in - Work in groups to write the letter. groups and use the prompts given to write the letter.  The prompts 1. I’m glad/join/your birthday party/next Sunday.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span> 2. 3. 4.. I/have no lesson/that day I’ll be glad/go shopping/you You can be sure/I’ll bring bananas oranges and mangoes/your house/7:00/that day 5. Let’s me know/you need/help 6. I look forward/ see you then - Ask some groups to show their writings on the * Suggested letter: board. Dear Lan, - Ask Ss to read and make comments. I’m glad to join your birthday party next Sunday. I have no lesson on that day. I’ll be glad to go shopping for you. You can be sure that I’ll bring bananas , oranges and mangoes to your house at 7:00 on that day Let’s me know if you need more help I look forward to seeing you then. Yours, Nga - Read the letters and remark.  Letter 2 (free-writing) (7m) - Ask Ss to write individually. - Goes around to offer help.. - Write individually.. - Present their letter After you write: (8 m) - Ask some students to write their letters (the second situation) on the board. Suggested letter Dear Minh, I have just got your letter this morning. You asked me to lend you a book about wildlife. You can get it as long as you need . The only problem is that I am going to visit my grandmother this Saturday so I can’t be back home at the time. Why don’t we meet at 2 in the afternoon.? I’ll be waiting for you then. Yours, Nga -Take notes - Conduct the correction and makes comments. Homework:. - Do homework and prepare the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span> - Ask Ss to write a letter to accept the invitation of a birthday party of one friend. - Ask Ss to prepare the next lesson: language focus. Comments: (3m). next lesson as requested.. KYÙ DUYEÄT TUAÀN 11. LESSON PLAN Unit Six : AN EXCURSION E.Language focus. Time: 45 minutes I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to: - pronounce two sounds | ∂ | -| 3:| correctly - use the structure of language “the present progressive ” (with a future meaning ) and be going to 2.Knowledge:  Pronunciation: | ∂ | -| 3:|  Grammar: the present progressive (with a future meaning) and be going to 2. Skills: pronounce | ∂ | -| 3:| correctly II. Teaching method: Intergrate, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: chalk, picture, handouts. IV.Procedure: Teacher’s Activities. Students’ Activities.  Warm up:(3mn ) - Give Ss some words and asks them to pick out the -Work in group to pick out. underlined parts which have different sound from the others . skirt - order - earth - fir - bird - brother - nurse - other - Gives feedback - Listen / ∂ / /3:/ fir; brother; order; other bird; earth; nurse; skir A. Pronunciation (7’) - Introduce students the pronunciation of two sounds: / ∂ / - /3:/ - Ask students repeat the words chorally (books -Repeat after the T.chorally closed) - Have students read the words individually..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span> - Model the sentences twice. - Individually - Correct students’ mispronunciation. B. Grammar Presentation: (10mn)  The present progressive and Be going to - Give students some examples on the poster to explain the - Look at the poster. usage of the structure. 1. The present progressive Ex : What are you doing tonight ? - I am going to the cinema with my father tonight - Give the structures. Be + V-ing (with a future meaning) is used to talk about plans as in agenda. 2. Be going to Ex : She is going to buy a new computer Be going to : is used to talk about something planned before the moment of speaking or something which is surely happens soon. * Notice : Be going to: isn’t usually with verbs like: go; come; … Practice: (15mn) - Give instructions and has Ss do exercise 1. - Ask Ss to work individually. - Ask Ss to compare with their partner - Ask Ss to give their answers. - Give feedback - Give instruction and gets Ss to do exercise 2. - Ask Ss to complete the exercise individually. - Ask Ss to compare the answer with a partner. - Ask Ss to give the answer.. -Gives feedback.. - Write the usage of the structure.. - Listen - Work individually and then compare with their partner Answer keys. 1 : Are you doing 2 :Is getting married 3 :Are you going 4 :Am going to be 5 :Is going to - Take notes - Listen to the instruction - Do the exercise individually, then compare with a partner. - Give answers Answer keys 1. Are going 2. Are having 3. Is going to catch 4. Are you putting 5. Is not going to give - Take notes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span>  Exercise 3 - Give Ss instruction - Asks Ss to do in pairs. - Ask good Ss to give their ideas.. - Give feedback. Production: (8mn) - Give Ss some exercises.  Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct form , using either Be going to or the present progressive 1. We (have) a party next Sunday, would you like to come? 2. I think it (rain) because the sky is cloudy 3. He has made up his mind He (buy ) a new motorbike 4. Oh, Your luggage is ready now. What time you (leave)? -Conducts the correction.. - Give feedback Homework: - Ask Ss to learn the forms and usages of the present progressive (with a future meaning) and “be going to” - Have Ss prepare the next lesson Comment: (2’). - Listen to the T’s instruction to complete the exercise 3. - Work in pairs. - Give their answers Suggested answers. 1. Are you going to see it? No, I’m busy .I’m doing my home work 2. But we are visiting our grand parents 3. What is he doing with the money? 4. It is going to rain soon 5. I ‘m going to clean it later - Take notes. - Work in pairs. - Present ideas. - Give the answers. Suggested answers: 1. are having 2. is going to rain 3. is going to buy 4. are you leaving - Take notes. - Do as asked..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span> TEST YOURSELF B I. Objectives: 1- Knowledge: - General knowledge: Ss review knowledge in Unit 4, 5 and 6 to prepare for the second 45 minute test. 2- Skills: Listening for detailed information. Reading for gist and for specific information. Finding the missing word from each line. Writing a request letter. II. Teaching method: Integrate, mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids: textbook, and posters. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I. Listening: (10mn) Listen and complete the table: - Explain some difficult words that the Sts will listen in the tape.  location (n)  population (n)  biscuit factory (n)  computer industry (n)  Cowley Road - Let Ss listen to the tape 3 times and do - Listen to the tape 3 times and do the task the task individually. individually. - Ask Ss to compare their answers with - Compare their answers with friends. friends. - Ask Ss to write their answers on the - Write their answers on the board. board. Answer keys: 1. 50 miles to the west of London 2. 120,000 people 3. market town 4. biscuit factory 5. computer industry 6. in central England 7. 90,000 people 8. university.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span> 9. car factory 10. Cowley Road - Help Ss to correct mistakes. II. Reading : (10mn) True / False Statements: - Ask Ss to read the text and do the task individually. - Go around to monitor and help Ss. - Ask Ss to compare their answers with friends. - Ask Ss to report their answers to class.. - Take notes. - Read the text and do the task individually.. - Compare their answers with friends. - Report their answers to class. Answer keys: 1. F (Teachers give too much homework.) 2. F (They say that it is unnecessary for children to do work at home in their free time.) 3. T 4. F (Students have to repeat tasks which they have already done at school.) 5. T - Take notes. - Give feedback. III. Grammar: (10) Write the missing word from each line: - Explain Ss the way to do the task. - Do the task in groups. - Ask Ss to do the task in groups - Go around to monitor and help Ss. - Report their answers on the board. - Ask Ss to report their answers on the Answer keys: 1. by / scientists 2. for / other board. 3. there / is 4. which / attempts 5. the / various 6. the / progaramme 7. a / year 8. by / private 9. it / is 10. be / wanted - Give corrections. IV. Writing: (13) - Listen Write a request letter: - Explain Ss the way to do the task. - Do the task in groups of four. - Go through the suggestions. - Ask Ss to do the task in groups of four. - Write their letters on the posters. - Go around to monitor and help Ss. - Ask some groups to write their letters on - Stick their posters on the board. the posters. Suggested letter: - Ask 1 or 2 groups stick their posters on 654, Truong Chinh Street, Hanoi the board..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span> 8th, June, 2006 Dear Uncle Hung, Our class are planning to have a three-hour visit to a factory as a part of our technology lesson. I am writing to ask you for permission to visit your computer factory as it is near our school so we can go on foot. Forty-five members of our class will arrive at your factory at 7:30 on Monday, 22nd December, 2006. Would you be so kind as to recommend someone who can give us a tour around the factory? We would so muck like to know how computers are made and we also like to talk with the workers there. We hope that you’ll create favorable condition for us to have an interesting and useful visit to our factory.] We are looking forward to receiving your reply soon. Your sincerely, Nghiem Danh Hao - Take notes. - Give comments. Homework: - Ask Ss to study Unit 4, 5 and 6 to do the 45 minute test. - Ask Ss to prepare the Reading – Unit 7: The Mass Media. Comments:(2mn).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span> LESSON PLAN Unit Seven : THE MASS MEDIA A : Reading Time: 45 minutes I. Objectives 1. Educational aim: Ss should appreciate the important role of the mass media from which they can get necessary information to enrich their knowledge. 2. Knowledge: - General Knowledge: Ss learn some popular TV programmers on VTV channel. - Language: Words or phrases related to TV programmers. 3. Skills: Reading for gist and for specific information; matching; answering questions. II. Teaching methods: integrate, mainly communicative approach III. Teaching aids: Posters; pictures IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Warm - up : (3mn) - Stick the pictures of the scenes of some TVprogrammes on the board. - Ask Ss to write the name of the programme for each picture. - Put the class into four groups. - Have members of each group write the results on the board. - Check the results, and then state the winner. - Introduce new lesson: TV is a typical type of the mass media. Today we're learning some TV programmers on VTV channel. Before - reading (7mn) - Make questions +Do you often watch TV? + When do you often watch it? + How many hours per week do you watch? + Which programmers do you often watch? + Which channel do you like best?. Students’ activities - Look at the pictures and listen to teacher's instruction. - Take turns to do the task.. - Listen and answer teacher's questions..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span> - List some new words / phrases and give the Vietnamese meanings.  Sport Comment  Folk Song  News Headlines  Weather Forecast  Drama  Portrait of Life - Ask Ss to read these words - Ask Ss to copy these words While - reading (23mn) Task 1 - Explain the instruction - Go through new words - Let students do the task in pairs. - Go round to give help. - Ask them to compare the results with other pairs'. - Have students tell and write the results on the board. - Ask for Ss’ comment and then correct the errors. - Give feedback Task 2 - Make sure students understand the instruction. - Have Ss do the task in individual, and then discuss with a partner. - Go round to give help. - Ask students to tell and write the results on the board.. - Correct the errors. - Give feedback Task 3. - Repeat after T - Copy down new words.. - Listen - Work in pairs, matching each word in A with its definition in B. - After finishing the task, compare the results. - Tell teacher the results and write them on the board. - Give comment and copy down correct answers. Suggested answers 1.c 2.a 3.d 4.b - Read the statements, and then look back at the TV programmers. - Decide true / false statements. - Compare the results with their partners' - Take turns to tell the results. - Copy down correct answers. Suggested answers 1.T 2.T 3. F The Nature of Language is the documentary prgrammes at 15:15 on VTV3. 4. T 5.F The last programme starts at 23: 30.. - Read all the questions. - Answer the questions individually. - In pairs, discuss the answers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span> - Make sure Ss understand the questions. - Guide them how to do the task. - Ask Ss to work individually - Ask Ss to compare the answers with their partners - Have Ss write the answers on the board.. - Write the answers on board Suggested answers: 1. Five films are on. 2. At 9:00 a.m., 12:00, 7:00p.m., 11:00p.m. on VTV1 and 7:00 p.m. on VTV3. 3. VTV2 4. The Quiz Show 5. I should watch VTV1. 6. Football.. - Check the answers and correct the errors. - Give feedback After - reading (10mn) - Put students into groups - Go round to control and give help. - Call some Ss to present in front of the class. Homework - Learn by heart all the new words - Have preparation for the next period. Comment :(2mn). - Discuss with partners on a TV programme you like best and tell the reasons why. - Present in front of class - Do what T asks.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span> LESSON PLAN Unit Seven : THE MASS MEDIA B : Speaking Time: 45 minutes I- Objectives. 1. Educational aim: Ss should know many types of mass media and their features as well. 2. Knowledge : - General knowledge: Ss learn to talk about the features of some types of mass media. - Language: Sentences for talking about the features of some types of mass media. 3. Skills: Asking and answering about the uses of media; talking about different types of media. II. Teaching methods: Integrate, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: Real objects such as books, magazines, newspapers …Pictures of a TV, a radio, computer …. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Warm - up (3mn) - Ask Ss some questions: + Could you tell me some types of media? + Which type do you often use? Task 1 (10’) - Let students work in pairs. - Go round to give help. - Call some Ss to tell and write the answers on the board. - Check for errors and correct them. Task 2 : (15mn) - Help student understand some words by guessing: Orally. Adv/ /: Spoken by mouth. Aurally . adv / /: heard by ears Visually. Adv / /: sen by eyes. through eyes / mouth - Ask students read the cues; make sure they can master all of them. - Explain the example and get sts to work in pairs. Students’ activities - Answer teacher's questions. - Work in pairs, putting a tick next to the words that are types of media. - Take turns to tell the results to teacher. Suggested answers: TV, books, magazines, newspapers, internet. - Try to understand the cues. - In pairs, practise talking about the features of mass media..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span> -. After sts finish, ask some to present their discussion. - Give feedback. - Present in front of the class as suggested. Task 3 : (15mn) - Put students in groups. - Work in groups, talking about different types of media.. - Go round to give help. - Have Ss write the answers on the board.. - Answer the questions. - Write the answers on the board. Suggested answers 1. The mass media includes TV, radio, newspapers, and internet. 2. The features they have in common are that they provide information and entertainment to people. 3. TV present information and entertainment visually and we receive them through our eyes. Radio provides information and entertainment orally and we receive them aurally. 4- Newspapers present information and entertainment visually and we receive them through our eyes. 5- Internet provides information and entertainment visually and orally and we receive them through our eyes and our ears.. - Ask for comments and correct errors - Give feedback Homework: - Write a paragraph about the features of media based on the questions in task 3 - Prepare part C. Listening Comment : (2mn). KYÙ DUYEÄT TUAÀN 13 : Note : Correct the test45’. - Take notes - Do what T asks.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span> LESSON PLAN Unit Seven : THE MASS MEDIA C : Listening Time: 45 minutes I. Objectives:. 1. Aim: Ss should appreciate how important and convenient the mass media are to our lives. 2. Knowledge : General knowledge: Ss learn how the news be broadcasted on the radio. Language: New words/ phrases related to floods and mountain climbing. 3. Skills: Listening for gist and for specific information.. II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: handouts, cassette tape IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Warm – up : (4 mn) - Show a picture of a radio and ask Ss some questions: 1. What’s it? 2. How often do you listen to the radio? 3. What topics do you like listening to? why? Pre – listening : (8 mn) - Teach new words in the table:  heavy rain (n) : mưa lớn  to cause : gaây ra  strong (adj) : maïnh  healthy (adj) :khoûe maïnh  cloudy (adj) :coù maây  top (n) : ñænh (nuùi) While – listening : (23mn) Task 1 - Explain the instruction - Play the recording the first time. - Play the tape again and ask Ss to do the task - Play the recording the third time for students to check the answers.. Students’ activities - Answers the questions 1- It is a radio. 2- We / I listen to the radio every day 3- Music. Because it is interesting. - Guess new words - Read the new words - Copy down. - Listen T’s explanation - Listen to the tape - Work individually first, then compare the answers in pairs :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span> Suggested answer:. News story 1 healthy strong young cloudy highest wonderful Task 2 - Ask Ss to listen to the radio news stories again and fill in the missing words - Tell Ss to discuss the answers in pairs - Call some Ss to read the answers and correct the mistakes. - Give feedback Task 3 - Explain the requirement of the task to Ss - Let Ss listen - Discuss the answers in pairs - Call some Ss to give their answers. -. Give feedback. Post – listening : (8mn) - Has Ss sit in groups, choose one of the news. News story 2 √. √ √ √ √ √. - Read through the news stories before filling in the blanks. - Pair-work - Give the answers and copy down the correct ones.. Suggested answer. News story 1 1. has cause floods 2. have left their homes 3. have risen 4. two meters 5. has stopped 6. cloudy 7. strong wind. New story 2 1. twenty-third 2. 4,418 3. California 4. wonderful 5. young and healthy. - Listen and answer the questions - Listen to the tape - Discuss the answers in pairs - Give the answers Suggested answer 1. Heavy rain has caused floods all over the country during the night. 2. Because rivers have risen. 3. The old lady has climbed Mount Whitney twenty-three times. 4. Because it has kept her young and healthy - Take notes - Work in groups.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span> stories and tell one another about it. - Calls 2 representatives of 2 groups to retell the stories in front of the class. - Give feedback Homework -Write a short paragraph summarizing one of the two news stories. - Prepare new lesson: Writing Comment : (2mn). LESSON PLAN. - Present in frontf the class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span> Unit Seven : THE MASS MEDIA D : Writing. Time: 45 minutes I. Objectives:. 1. Aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss should make use of the advantages of the mass media and minimize the disadvantages. 2. Knowledge : General knowledge: Ss learn about the advantages and disadvantages of the mass media. Language: words / phrases / structures related to Mass media 3. Skills: writing about advantages and disadvantages of one of the mass media.. II. Teaching method: Integrate, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: pictures of radio, television, and computer IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Warm – up : (4mn) - Show a few pictures of television, radio, newspaper and computer then asks questions : 1. What are they called? 2. Do you have them in your house? 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of TV?. Students’ activities - Answers the questions Sts’answers may vary. Pre-writing : (10mn) Task 1 - Read task 1, underline the new - Have Ss read through the advantages and words / phrases / structures disadvantages of TV in task 1, then encourage them to find out the new words / phrases / structures - Pre-teach vocabulary  memorable (adj) : dễ nhớ Guess new words  to entertain : giaûi trí - Repeat after T  popularity (n) : sự phổ biến - Copy down  violent (adj) : bạo lực  to interfere : can thieäp, xen vaøo  help / encourage someone to do s.th : giuùp, khuyeán khích ai laøm gì  make someone / something + adj : laøm / khieán ai … While-writing :(17mn) Task 2 - Ask Ss to work in groups to discuss the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span> advantages and disadvantages of the mass media. Advantages Disadvantage s Radio Group 1 Group 2 Newspaper Group 3 Group 4 The internet Group 5 Group 6 Walk around the class to help students when they need help Call six representatives of six groups to write down their answers on the board.. - Conduct the correction - Ask the whole class to give their opinion about the answers of each group. - Work in groups to do the task.. Suggested answer Group 1: - Make people happy/life easier - Relax - Get/enlarge/broaden knowledge, understanding - Share opinions/experiences Group 2: - Waste time - Make people passive Group 3: - Make people happy/life easier. - Get information on many fields : culture, art … - Relax and entertain Group 4: - Harm people’s eyes: be shortsighted - Cost time and money - Make people passive Group 5: - Make people happy/life easier. - Provide quick and daily access to information and entertainment. - Get information on many fields. - Relax and entertain Group 6: - Harm people’s eyes: be shortsighted - Cost time and money - Make people passive - Take time away from activities such as sports ….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span> - Give feedback Post-writing : (10mn) Task 3 - Ask Ss to work in groups to write a short paragraph about the advantages and disadvantages of one of these topics: + Listening to music. + Reading newspaper. + Using the Internet. + Watching TV. - Corrects one piece of writing for st to selfcorrect. Homework - Write the advantages and disadvantages of using computers. - Prepare Language Focus Comment : (2mn). - Take notes. - Work in groups. - Do what T asks at home.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span> LESSON PLAN Unit Seven : THE MASS MEDIA E : Language Focus Time: 45 minutes I. Objectives. 1. Aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about different types of the mass media. 2. Knowledge : - Pronunciation :/eI/, /aI/, /OI / - Grammar: -The present perfect -Because of and In spite of 3. Skills: Applying and doing exercises. II. Teaching method: Integrate, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: Pictures showing some of media, e.g., a newspaper, a radio, etc. IV. Procedures:. Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Warm-up : (3mn) - Put a picture showing a radio, a newspaper, a - Answers the questions toy on the board and ask questions - Sts’answers may vary 1. What can you see in this picture? 2. How do you think these words are pronounced? A. Pronunciation (15mn) - Guide students how to pronounce the sounds :/ eI /, / aI /, / OI / - Read the words that contain these sounds. /eI/ /aI/ /OI / play time voice today wildlife noise radio height toy newspaper buy enjoy they type destroy - Call some Ss to read - Correct students’ pronunciation. - Read the sentences that contain these sounds. 1. I’m afraid you’ve made a mistake. 2. They changed the timetable at the end of April. 3. I have ninety-nine pages to type by Friday. 4. Would you like to go for a ride with me on Friday?. - Listen and repeat. - Listen and repeat:. - Listen and repeat. - Practise the sentences:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span> 5. This is the noisiest Rolls Royce I’ve ever heard. 6. While you’re changing the oil, I’ll go and visit my boy. - Ask Ss to practice in pairs - Call some pairs speak in front of class. - Practice in pairs - Speak in front of class. B. Grammar and vocabulary (23mn) - Answer the questions 1.The present perfect - Give the situations and ask Ss to tell the form Form: and uses of the present perfect Ex : I lived here from 2000. Have/ Has + past participle I’ve lived here since 2000. I’ve been here for 7 years.. Exercise 1: Complete the letter, using the present perfect of the verbs in the box. - Ask Ss to work in pairs/ groups - Call some Ss to read the answers. - Give feedback Exercise 2: Complete the sentences using for, since or ago - Make clear the use of for, since and ago  For: used in Present perfect, denoting a period of time  Since: used in Present perfect, denoting a point of time  Ago : used in Past simple - Ask Ss to Work in groups - Ask Ss to give their answers. - Work in pairs/ groups - Give the answers Suggested answers 1. have been 5. have had 2. has lived 6. have taken 3. have met 7. have watched 4. have done. - Learn how to use for, since and ago. - Group-work - Give their answers Suggested answers 1.since 6.for 2.ago 7.ago 3.for 8.ago.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(97)</span> 2. Because of and In spite of - Gives two examples and asks students to give the use and meaning of Because of and In spite of Ex: 1/ He walked slowly because of his bad leg. 2/ In spite of the rain, we went out. - Give feedback  Because of (prep/ adv): by reason of s.b/s.th  In spite of (Idm/ adv): not being prevented by s.th; regardless of s.th Because of  + Noun/ noun phrase In spite of Exercise 3: Complete the sentences, using the information in the box. - Ask Ss to work in pairs or groups - Walk around the class and offer ideas and comments when students need help… - Call Some Ss to tell the answers - Give feedback. 4.for 5.since. 9.since 10.since. - Give their opinions. - Work in groups or pairs. Suggested answers 1.c,f 2.b,d 3.a,e 4.h,j 5.i,g. Homework - Make more sentences with the grammar points that have learnt. - Prepare Unit 8 Comment : (2mn). KYÙ DUYEÄT TUAÀN 14 :. LESSON PLAN Unit Eight : THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(98)</span> Time: 45 minutes. A: READING. I. Objectives 1. Educational aim: Students should appreciate the knowledge that they are learning at school because it can help them make their lives better. 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Students will be able to understand the passage through matching words and their meanings, answering questions, and completing a table. - Language: New words: words related to village. 3.Skills: Reading for specific information and words’ meanings. II. Teaching method: Integrate, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: Pictures, poster IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities * Warm – up : (4mn) – Ask Sts some questions 1- What do your parents do? 2- Where do they work? 3- What will you do to help them in the. Students’ activities - Sts’ answers may vary 1- They are farmers. 2- They work in the field 3- Vary. future? – Lead in. VII. * Pre-reading : (10mn) - Ask Sts to look at the picture in their books and Sts answer answer the questions. 1.(They are) farmers. 1.Who are the people in the picture? 2.What are they doing? 2.They are working. 3.How are they working? 3.They are working hard. 4.Is the crop good? 4.Yes, it is. 5.What helps produce good crops ? 5.Machines help produce good crops. - T introduces : machines as well as good farming methods help farmers make their lives better. So, where do they get these methods? The reading selection in Unit 8 will give you the answer. * Pre-teach vocabulary -straw (n) : Rơm rạ (realia) - Sts listen, repeat and give meaning -mud (n): buøn, xình (example) muddy (adj): -shortage (n): Sự thiếu thốn (example) -bumper crop (n): vuï muøa boäi thu = good crop - cash crop (n): Troàng caây thöông phaåm (transl).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(99)</span> - make ends meet (v.phr) có đủ tiền mua những thứ cần thiết (transl) * Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember * While-reading (20mn) - Ask Sts to read the passage and do task 1 TASK 1: The words in A appear in the reading passage. Match them with their definitions in B. - Give instructions and get Sts to work individually - Go around to control the class and offer help. - Call some Sts to write the answers on the board. - Remark and conduct the correct answers and checks whether they understand the words or not.. - Read the passage. - Ss work individually then compare the answers with a partner. - Ss write the answers on the board Suggested answer: 1.b 2.d 3.a. 4.e. 5.c. TASK 2: The reading passage tells us about many changes in the village. Complete the following table. - Stick a poster on the board and give instruction. - Go around and help them. Ss work in groups. - Asks one student of each group to write the - Ss write the answer in the table. answer. Suggested answer: - Give correction Areas of change houses. radio and TV farming methods crops travel. TASK 3 : Answer the following questions: (textbook page 84) - Give instruction and get Sts to work in pairs - Go around to help students - Get some Sts at random to ask and answer aloud and then write on the b.b - Remark and correct the answers. Before. made of straw and mud few families had a radio or a TV set old poor. Now. made of brick many families have radio or TV set new good/bumper by motorbike. - Ss read and answer in pairs - Ask and answer then write down Suggested answer: 1. It was poor and simple. 2. Because they hoped that with an education of science and technology, their children could find a way of bettering their lives..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(100)</span> 3.They introduced new farming methods which resulted in bumper crops. They also helped grow cash crops for export. 4.He said their lives had changed a lot thanks to the knowledge their children had brought home. 5.He told his grandchildren” Study harder so that you can do even more for the village than your parents did.”. Post-reading (9mn) Discuss the following question: How can people with an education help make the life of their community better ? - Explain the question and divide the class into some groups , then ask them to discuss - Go around to help Sts - Ask the secretary of each group to give their ideas - Write good ideas on the board and give feedback. - Sts discuss in groups. - Sts give ideas ideas of his/her group and the others can give more ideas Suggested answer -People with an education help make the life of their community better by appying new farming mrthod, growing cask crops for export. HOMEWORK : Write a short paragraph (50 words) about the good things that people with an education bring to the community. Comments : (2mn). LESSON PLAN Unit Eight : THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE B: SPEAKING Time: 45 minutes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(101)</span> I. Objectives 1. Educational aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about their plans and possible results. 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Through this unit, students learn about how to make life in the village better. - Language: sentences and expressions for giving the ideas of improving the village. 3.Skills: Fluency in giving the ideas and making suggestions about the village. II. Teaching method: Integrate, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: Poster IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities * Warm-up: (5mn) - Write the incomplete words on the board,ask sts -look at the words and try to give complete words in pairs to give complete words Answer key : ROADS RO_DS MEDICAL CENTRE M_DIC_L C_NT_E CROPS CR_PS SCHOOL SCH_OL FOOTBALL GROUND FO_TB_LL GRO_ND - Lead in - Teacher says: to make life in the country better, what should be done with things mentioned above ? Task 1 (13mn) -Explain the requirements in Task1 (The villagers of Ha Xuyen are discussing plans to improve life in the village. Match each of the plans with its possible result) -Explain new words : + to improve caûi tieán, caûi taïo + to widen mở rộng + to raise naâng caáp, naâng leân + to resurface trải nhựa - Get Sts to work in pairs, then compare the result with their partners -work in pairs, then compare the - Get Sts to provide the answers result with each other - Remark and correct together - Sts give the answers on the b.b Answers : 1.b , 2.g , 3.d, 4.e, 5. f , 6.c,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(102)</span> 7.a Task 2 : (15mn) -Explain the requirements in task 2 (p.85) - Explain and practise pronouncing some new words : flooded, muddy, cart Model : - Call 3 good students to practise the the conversation - Practise aloud - Get Sts to work in groups of 3 - Go around to check and help them - Get some groups to practise the the conversation - Sts work in groups Task 3 : (10mn) - Sts work Using the ideas in task 1 ( you may ask some more possible results if you like ) to continue the conversation. - Give model. (poster) A: I know what should we do first. We should built a new school. B: That’s a great idea. If the new school is built, children will have better learning conditions. C: Yes, if the new school is built, we don’t have to take them to school everyday. - Get Sts to work in groups of 3 to continue - Go around the class and help the poor students to -work in groups of 3 or 4, practise speak out, using the target language. - Ask some Ss to play the conversation in front of speaking more freely the class. - Pay attention to their speaking, take notes of mistakes, then correct them (mainly the basic mistakes) *Homework : - Write a short paragraph about how to improve life in your village (30-40 words) -write the assignment Comments : (2mn). LESSON PLAN Unit Eight : THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE C: LISTENING Time: 45 minutes. I. Objectives Educational aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: -compare the past and the present of a town,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(103)</span> -improve listening skills through true –false and gap-filling exercise. II. Teaching method: Integrate, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: textbook, cassette player,… IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-Up : (4mn) - go around the class and interview -Find someone who (Poster) -Ask students Yes/no questions : Did you use their classmates -write 4 people having the answer to…, and write ss’ name with “yes” answers “yes” Did you use to…? Name have a nickname…? have a pet…? make wet at night when you were a child? - Nan used to make wet when he was a child, but now he doesn’t. - Lead in Pre-listening: (10mn) - Get Sts to look at the pictures in th textbooks -Ask students to look at the pictures and find -work in pairs the differences in pairs -look at the pictures carefully and discuss the differences between them -Call some students to share their finding in -Suggested answers front of the class + In the past, there weren’t any hotels, but now there is a hotel in the town. + in the past, the town used to have only small houses, but now they are bigger + In the past, the animals used to walk on the roads, but now, there aren’t any animals on the roads. + In the past, there were a lot of trees, -Explain some new words: but now there aren’t. + hotel(n) +quiet(a) + crowded(a) + suburb(n).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(104)</span> While-listening :(18mn) Task 1: - Run through the statements the sk them to guess True or false - Ask students to listen to the tape and decide whether the statements are true or false according to the talk. - Call on some Sts to read their answers aloud in front of the class, then explain. -Give feedback and correct answers : - Tell students to read a part of the talk carefully and have a guess of the missing words. -Ask students to listen to the tape again and fill the gaps with the words they hear. -Ask students to write the exact and grammatically correct words -Feedback and give correct answers: 1. house 2.hotel 3.widened 4. cut 5. car 6. shop 7. department 8. expensive Post-listening (10mn) -Ask students to work in pairs : Discuss the changes in your own hometown or home village. -Ask students to use the present perfect to show the changes -Go around the class and help the poor students if necessary. *HOMEWORK Write a paragraph about changes in your own hometown or home village. Comments :(2mn). -read statements -guess T or F -listen to the tape twice -take notes the important information -do task 1 Answers 1. F 2. F. 3.T. 4.F. 5.F. -read the passage -listen to the talk again and write the missing words. -work in pairs and discuss the changes in your own hometown. KYÙ DUYEÄT TUAÀN 15 : LESSON PLAN Unit Eight : THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE D: WRITING Time: 45 minutes I. Objectives - Educational aim: Students can write and give directions - Knowledge: + General: Students know how to write a letter of giving directions to a certain place..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(105)</span> + Language: some verbs of giving directions. II. Skills : writing a letter of giving directions III. Teaching method: Integrate, mainly communicative IV. Teaching aids: Teaching aids: textbooks, posters, a map. V. Procedure:. Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up: (4mn) - Work in two groups, one gives the - Ask Ss to work in groups, one gives directions from their school to somewhere, one directions, others in the group guess the place, if it is right they are given marks guesses the place.. Pre-Writing: (10mn) * Task 1: - Set the scene. - Have Ss to work in pairs and do the task. - Hang the map on the board and ask some Ss to draw the directions to Ann’s house on the map. - Check and explain Ss’ task on the board. * Task 2: - Explain what to do in this task. - Ask Ss to work in groups, read the letter, and underline the words and phrases used to give directions.. While-Writing: (18mn) * Task 3 - Explain the task. - Ask Ss to tell the way to A (your house) from Boston Railway Station. - Ask Ss to write the letter on posters, work in groups of four. - Go around and give help when necessary.. - Listen to T. - Work in pairs, read the letter and look at the map to find Ann’s house.. - Listen to T. - Read the letter again, underline the words and phrases. - Tell the words and phrases. Suggested Answers: + turn right/ left + keep walking + go over (a bridge) + walk past (a medical centre) + take the first/ second turning on the right/ left + it’s the one with.... Read the task to know what to do, listen to T’s explanation. - Speaking: tell the way. - Work in groups of four, write on the poster..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(106)</span> Post-Writing : (10mn) - Have Ss compare the writing with other group. - Get 2 groups to hang their work on the b.b - Pick up two or three writings and correct in front of the class. - Remark and correct together. V. Homework: - Write a letter to invite a friend to your house, telling him or her the way from the bus stop to your house.. - Exchange and correct their friends’ task. - Read and remark Suggested Answer: Dear Jim, I’m very happy to hear that you will come here for the summer holiday. I’m writing to tell you how to get to my house from the Roston Railway Station. Now when you come out of the station, turn right. Keep walking for about 5 minutes, you will see a small bridge ahead. Go over the bridge, go along the street past the medical centre and the car park then take the second turning on the left. Walk past the Souvenir shop and you will see my house. It’s on the right, next to the shop. You can’t miss it. I enclose the map so that you can follow my direction easily. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Love, Minh - Take notes.. Comments :(2mn). LESSON PLAN Unit Eight : THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE E:LANGUAGE FOCUS Time: 45 minutes I. Objectives Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Pronounce the vowels /au/ and /ou/ correctly. - Review the reported speech of statements and Conditional sentences type 1 II. Teaching method: Integrate, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: textbooks, posters.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(107)</span> IV. Procedure Teacher’s Activities I. PRONUNCIATION Warm-up: (4mn) - Give the two jumbled sentences, ask Ss to rearrange to make sentences. * Jumbled sentences: 1. counted/ coming/ cows/ mountain/ the/ Mr. Brown/ down 2. knows/ Joe/ Rose/ phones/Sophie/ Sophie and Joe/ but/ don’t know/ knows/ Rose - Ask Ss to say the sentences in class. - Notice Ss the pronunciation of /au/ and /ou/. Presentation:(4mn) - Present how to pronounce the sound /au/ and /ou/, emphasize the difference between them. - Read the sounds as model, ask Ss to repeat. Practice: (4mn) - Read the words of minimal pairs, get Ss to listen and repeat. - Ask Ss to work in pairs, pick out and pronounce the words containing /au/ or /ou/ - Read the sentences, get Ss to repeat - Tell some Ss to read aloud, correct mistakes. Further Practice: (3mn) - Tell Ss to work in groups * Pick out the words that has different vowel from others 1. drove love woke hole 2. snow low cow show 3. owl loud allow flow 4. foul group shout mouse GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY Reported Speech Review: (4mn) - Review how to turn a statement into reported speech: + the changing of verb tenses, pronouns,. Students’ Activities. - Work in pairs, rearrange to make sentences.. - Give answers Answers: 1. Mr. Brown counted cows coming down the mountain. 2. Rose knows Joe phones Sophie, but Sophie and Joe don’t know Rose knows. - Listen to T - Listen to T’s explanation. - Listen and repeat (three times).. - Work in pairs, pick out the words - Repeat. - Read aloud in class.. - Work in groups, find the words. Answers 1-love 2- cow 3- flow 4- group. - Listen.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(108)</span> poss. Adj. , adverbs of time and place… + introductory verbs: say, tell + O *Exercise 1: (6mn) - Give instructions and model - Ask Ss to do the exercise, work in individually then in pairs to check. - Tell Ss to write the answers on the board. - Correct Ss’ mistakes if there are any. An old farmer said that their lives had changed a lot thanks to the knowledge their children had brought home.. * Exercise 2: (6mn) (do similarly to ex. 1) Conditional Sentence type 1 Review: (4mn) - Review the form and meaning of the Con. Sentences type 1. - Tell the difference between IF and WHEN. * Exercise 3: (6mn) - Ask Ss to do the exercise, work in individuals then in pairs to check. - Tell Ss to write the answers on the board. - Correct Ss’ mistakes if there are any.. - Work in individuals then in pairs. - Write on the board. Answers 1.She said she was going to Ho Chi Minh City soon. 2.I thought the film would be interesting. 3.She said she couldn’t help me because she had much to do. 4.Rick told me that Anne had written Jim a letter. 5.He told me it had taken him three hours to get there because the road had been muddy and slippery. 6.She said it was a crazy idea and that it wouldn’t work. 7.He announced that breakfast was served between 7:00 and 9:00. Answers 1.told 2.said 3.said. 4.told 5.talked. - Work individuals then in pairs. - Listen to T Answers If I don’t go out so much, I’ll do more homework. If I do more homework, I will pass my exam. If I pass my exam, I’ll go to medical college. If I go to medical college, I’ll study medicine. If I study medicine, I will become a doctor. If I.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(109)</span> * Exercise 4: (4mn) - Ask Ss to do the exercise, work in individuals then in pairs to check. - Tell Ss to write the answers on the board. - Correct Ss’ mistakes if there are any.. HOMEWORK: -Do exercises in Workbook: Language Focus. become a doctor, I’ll be able to cure diseases and help sick people. - Do the exercise then check with their friends. - Write the answers on the board. Answers 1. If 2. When 3. if 4. If 5. when. - Do the exercise then check with partner - Give the answers. KYÙ DUYEÄT TUAÀN 16 : LESSON PLAN. Unit Nine : UNDERSEA WORLD A:READING. Time: 45 minutes I. Objectives 1- Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more the undersea world. 2- Knowledge: - General knowledge : Sts learn about the features and lives of sea animals and plants. - Language : Words related to the sea world. II. Teaching method: Integrate, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: textbooks, pictures (marine plants and animals) IV. Procedure: Teacher’s Activities Warm-up: (4mn) Match the words with their meaning - Stick the poster on the b.b 1- Cuttle fish a- Caù voi 2- Whale b- Toâm 3- Octopus c- Rong bieån 4- Shrimp d- baïch tuoäc 5- Sea-weed e- Cá mực 6- Coral f- San hoâ - Get sts to work in pairs in 2’. Students’ Activities. - Sts look at the poster. - Sts work in pairs.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(110)</span> - Get 3 sts to go to the b.b and match. - Remark and correct together - Lead in : Before – reading: (13mn) - Have sts to look at the map and give Vietnamese names for the Ocesans on the map - Get some pairs speak out the answers (One read the Ocean, one gives its meaning). - Sts work Answers: 1.d 2.a 3.e 4.b 5.c. 6.f. - Sts discuss in pairs S1: Arctic Ocean S2: Baéc baêng döông S1: Alantic Ocean S2: Đại tây dương So on - Get sts to give the name of the sea animals in pairs - Sts discuss in pairs - Get some sts to go to the b.b and write down - Provide the answers - Remark and correct together Answers 1. Seal 2. Jelly fish 3. Turtle 4. Shark * Pre-teach some words: Mystery (n) Sự huyền bí, điều bí ẩn Mysterious (adj) Beneath (prep) ở bên dưới Precious (adj) quyù, hieám To fall into chia ra, chia thaønh Seabed (n) đáy đại dườn Sample (n) maãu vaät To investigate ñieàu tra, thaùm hieåm RUBOUT AND REMEMBER - Give guiding question - Sts think the guiding question in a What do some marine plants and animals live on? minute While-reading : (18mn) - Ask sts to open their books and read silently follow - Read silently the tape. - Sts’ answer - Ask s.o to answer the guiding question Marine plants and animals live on the button like the starfish - Remark and conduct the correction * Task 1 : Fill in the blank with the words in the box - Sts work individually first, then - Run through the words - Ask sts to read the passage quickly to skim for the compare the answer in pairs nessary information and choose the suitable word to - Sts answer fill in the blank - Remark - Get some sts at random to give their answers. Answers - Get other sts to remark and correct. 1- tiny 4- biodiversity.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(111)</span> - Remark, explain and conduct the correction. * Task 2 : Read the passage again and answer the questions - Run through the difficult words - Get sts to read the sentences to make sure that they understand all of them - Ask sts to read the passage again, ths time more slowly to scan the details and answer th questions in pairs. - Go around the class to offer help - Get some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class - Remark and give the corrections. 2- investigate 3- gulf. 5- sample. - Read through the sentences. - Sts work in pairs. - Sts ask and answer and write the ansers on the b.b Answers 1- 75% of the earth surface 2- by using modern devices 3- They investigate…further study. 4- We can know a wide range of the information….populations 5- They are those that live or depend upon… the currents 6- Marine life would be at stake if the sea biodiversity were not maintained.. - Get ome sts at random to ask and answer again. - Sts work in pairs. After-reading: (8mn) - Get sts to sit in pairs, read the passage again and complet the summary by using the word in the box - Get some sts to read the answer in front of the class and explain - Remark and correct together. - Provide the answers Answers 1- 3 quarter 2- mystery 3- modern 4- discoveries 5- biodiversity 6- huge 7- plants and animals 8- closely conected - Sts work at home. Homework: Learn new words and prepair new lesson Comments: (2mn).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(112)</span> LESSON PLAN. Unit Nine : UNDERSEA WORLD B:SPEAKING. Time: 45 minutes I. Objectives 1. Educational aim: Sts should take part in preserving and protecting the natural environment. 2. Knowledge: a. General knowledge: Ss should know the importance of protecting our sea and offer some possible solutions. b. Language: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use some new words related to the theme to speak each other. II- Skill: Fluently in talking about protecting our sea environment. III- Method: Integrated, mainly communication IV- Teaching aids: some reasons and possible solutions V- Procedure: Teacher’s activities Warm-up: (4mn) - Give some situations: What should we do if our class is dirty ?. Students’ activities. - Close the books and listen - Work in pairs to answer these questios (Give some reasons or - Choose some reasons, Ex: to sweep the class solutions ) everyday, to place rubbish and plastic bags in.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(113)</span> proper dustbins - Leads the new lesson Pre-Speaking: (15mn) * Task 1 - Ask Ss to pay attention the Structure with the - Close the books words underlined: We should place rusbbish and plastic bags in proper dustbins - Work individually or work in pairs - Ask Ss to use the structure to make sentences - Give the structure S + Should ( not ) + V ( bare ) + ……………… - Make sentences - Give the same questions: What do you think of…..? How do you feel about…..? What’s your opinion of…..? And answer: Well, I think…….. In my opinion,…….. - Give model and asks Ss to practise like this - Ask Ss to read TASK 1 in order to understand what they mean - Explain the new words - Ask Ss to put the actions in the order of the importance and then say what we should ( not ) do. But to Ss, they can say a, b or f the most important While speaking : (16mn) * Task 2 - Ask Ss to read the sentences - Explain the new words if necessary - Give hand out Threats Consequences Solutions. - Walk round for help - Correct Keys:. - Listen. - Work in pairs to ask and answer each other - Open the books and do - Listen - Work in pairs and give the reasons. - Work individually - Work in groups. -. Exchange information each group. for.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(114)</span> Threats. Consequence Solutions s Polluted Place plastic 1. Beaches water bags in proper filled with dustbins plastic bags 2. Whales Extinct/ hunted for Disappear food. 3. Explosives used to catch fish 4. Oil spilled from stankers. (Government) Don’t let people sell whale products. A lot of fish Be banned died. Polluted water. 5. Pesticides Polluted blow off the water fields inton the sea. Punish captain. Clean up the water before running into the sea. Post speaking: (10mn) - Ask Ss to discus to protect the sea environment - Walk round for help - Ask some groups to show their ideas - Correct if necessary Homework: - Learn the lesson by heart - Do the exercise page 56, 57 ( Speaking ) - Prepare the new lesson: Comments : (2mn). - Work in groups - Do in front of the class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(115)</span> LESSON PLAN. Unit Nine : UNDERSEA WORLD C:LISTENING. Time: 45 minutes I. Objectives 1. Educational aim: Ss should take part in preserving and protecting the natural environment. 2. Knowledge: a. General knowledge: Through this unit, Ss will be able to get the main ideas to decide True-False statements and to answer the questions. b. Language: Words related to the information about the whale. II- Skill: Listening for gist and for specific information. III- Method: Integrated, mainly communication IV- Teaching aids: Tape, pictures showing the shape of the whale. V- Procedure:. Teacher’s activities. Students’ activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(116)</span> Warm-up ( check the old lesson ) (4mn) - Ask Ss to give some ways to protect sea Environment. - Close the books and answer the question.. - Lead to the new lesson Pre-listening: (10mn). - Give a picture of whales and asks:. What are they ?. - Write the questions on the board: 1- Do you think whales are fish ? Why (not) 2. Why do people keep hunting whales ?. - Introduce the new words reading in the tape: - Check Ss’ pronunciation Mammal Blue whale Atlantic PacificWhile listening:(21mn) Krill Whaling Migrate * Task 1 :conservation. - Ask Ss to read five sentences - Walk round for help - Underline the key word in each sentence: 1. third 2. most 3. warm 4. increase 5. food - Remind these words reading in the tape - Ask Ss to listen to the tape for the first time. - Close the book and answer: They are whales - Work in pairs and give the reason Answers: Keys: 1. Whales are not fish because they raise their young on milk. 2. Because they want to catch whales for food, oil, leather and other products. - Listen and repeat. - Read five sentences and try to get their meaning ( work individually). - Ask Ss to give feedback on the board - Ask Ss to listen to the tape again for the last time and explain why they make True or False - Give feedback again. - Work individually and compare with the partners - Give feedback - Listen again and explain. * Task 1 : - Ask Ss to read six sentences - Walk round for help. Keys 1. F. 2. T. 3. T. 4. F. 5. T.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(117)</span> - Underline the key words or phrases in each - Read six sentences and try to get their sentence: meaning ( work individually) 1. the length and weight 2. why to feed in the cold ocean 3. what – good feeding grounds 4. what – main reason – decrease whale population 5. what- groups asked to do 6. what happen – didn’t take any measures to protect - Remind these words reading in the tape - Ask Ss to listen to it for the first time - Work individually and compare with - Ask Ss to give feedback on the board - Ask Ss to listen to it for the last time and the partners - Give feedback ( Maybe the main explain why they make True or False ideas) - Give feedback again - Listen again and explain Keys: 1- The blue whale grows to 30 meters in length and over 200 tons in weight. 2- Because there is a lot of krill-their favorite food in cold water. 3- Cold water in the North and South Atlantic Ocean and the North and the South Pacific are their good feeding grounds. 4- Heavy hunting is the main reason for the decrease in whale population. 5- They have asked International Whaling Commission to stop most whaling. After listening (8mn) - Ask Ss to work in groups, using the cues: 1. their length and weight 2. their feeding grounds and food 3. the reasons for protecting whales. - Walk round for help - Ask some groups to report. 6- If we didn’t take any measures to protect whales, whales would disappear forever.. - Work in group.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(118)</span> - Give feedback if necessary Homework: - Write a paragraph ( 40 – 50 words ) to describe the feature of whales - Prepare the new lesson:. - Report in front of the class - Another groups listen and remark. Comments: (2mn). LESSON PLAN. Unit Nine : UNDERSEA WORLD D:WRITING. Time: 45 minutes I. Objectives 1- Educational aim: Ss should take part in preserving and protecting the natural environment. 1- Knowledge: a. General knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the information to write a short paragraph from a table. b. Language: Words related to the facts and figures provided from the table. II- Skill: Writing a paragraph for specific information. III - Method: Integrated, mainly communication IV - Teaching aids: Textbook, facts and figures provided from the table. V - Procedure: Teacher’s activities Warm- up: ( Check the old lesson ) (4mn) - Ask Ss to describe the whale - Ask another Ss to the opinion - Give feedback and mark. Students’ activities - Close the books - Describe - Give the opinion.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(119)</span> - Lead to the new lesson Pre-Writing: (15mn) TASK 1 - Ask Ss to read the passage - Explain the new words and the structure - Explain the new words from the table if necessary - Ask Ss to read the passage again to fill the information related to the table - Gives feedback. - Read - Work individually - Work individually - Work in group - Give the opinion SPERM WHALE All oceans RANGE & Prefer waters with HABITAT high squid population Male: 18m in SIZE length: 54.000 kg in weight Female: 12m in length: 17.000 kg in weight Canivores; eat FEEDING mainly squid HABITS Eat up to 1.500 kg of food daily Give birth to one OFFSPRING calf every 5-7 years Gestation period: 14-19 months Up to 60-70 years LIFE SPAN Biggest animals that have teeth on Earth Have the largest brain of all mammals. CONVERSATION At risk due to CONCERNS hunting and accidental finishing net entrapment SPECIAL FEATURES. While-writing (15mn).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(120)</span> TASK 2 - Ask Ss to write a paragraph that describes the facts and figures provided from the table - Work individually - - Walk round for help Post-writing: (9mn) - Get st to exchange their writing with a - Exchange their writing with a friend friend - Pick up some writing to check in front of - Listen the class as a whole. Home work: - Write a short paragraph ( 120 words ) from the table, page 57, part WRITING in the EXERCISE BOOK - Prepare the new lesson: LANGUAGE FOCUS Comments : (2mn). Suggested answer Dolphin are not fish. They are animals but they live in water They are among the most intelligent animals on earth. Althought they can be found in all oceans, but they prefer coastal waters and bays. Dolphins’ size vary according to the species. The smallest Dolphin is about 50 Kilograms in weight and 1.2metres in length. The largest Dolphin can weigh up to 8,200 kilograms and be 10 metres long. Dolphin are carnivores and eat mostly fish. A female Dolphin gives birth to one calf every two years after a gestation period from 11 to 12 months. The life span of Dolphin can be up to 25 or 65 years. Some Dolphin live longer according to their species. Dolphins are the most intelligent of any animals. Dolphin populations are at risk due to habitat pollution and accidental fishing net entrapment..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(121)</span> LESSON PLAN. Unit Nine : UNDERSEA WORLD E:LANGUAGE FOCUS. Time: 45 minutes I- Objectives. 1- Educational aim: Distinguishing the sounds: / i∂ /, /e∂/, /υ∂/ Grammar: Should, Conditional sentence type 2 2- Knowledge: a. General knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to :. - Pronounce the sound: / i∂ /, /e∂/, /υ∂/ correctly. - Use: Should, Conditional sentence type 2 b. Language: Words related to pronunciation and grammar structure.. II- Skill: Speaking and Writing. III - Method: Integrated, mainly communication IV - Teaching aids: Textbook, V - Procedure : Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A. Pronunciation: (13mn) - Close the books - Give Examples and underlines the words containing : / i∂ /, /e∂/, /υ∂/ Ex: tour dear share - Ask Ss to pay attention the pronunciation of the underlined words - Model - Lead to the new lesson. -. Listen and repeat.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(122)</span> Pronunciation:. - Presents the diphthong: / i∂ /, /e∂/, /υ∂/ - Emphasis the different between them - Show Ss how to pronounce * Listen and repeat - Model - Model one by one column - Read the sentence containing the diphthong - Correct Practise - Ask Ss arrange these words: + ear + air + sure + bear + measure + beer + eventually + tear + hair / i∂ /. /e∂/. - Walks round for help - Get s.o to write on the b.b - Remark and correct together.. -. Close the books Listen Listen Listen and repeat. -. Listen and repeat chorally Read chorally and individually. -. Work in pairs. /υ∂/. - St works Keys: /e∂/. / i∂ / ear beer tear. air bear hair. /υ∂/. sure measure eventually. B. GRAMMAR: (30mn) * Should: - Model Ex: We should study harder and harder We shouldn’t cut class - Explain the use of should / shouldn’t EXERCISE 1: - Give instruction and ask Ss to work in pairs - Walk round for help - Discuss in pairs - Get sts to read their sentence and write on the b.b - Remark and correct together. Suggested answers 2- You should look for another job. 3- He should go to bed early. 4- You should take some photographs..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(123)</span> EXERCISE 2: Ask Ss to read the example carefully Explains Remind Ss and models: + I think………………should……………. + I don’t think…………..should…………….. Ask Ss to work in pairs Check in front of the class - Get sts to read their sentence - Remark and correct together. EXERCISE 3: * Conditional sentence type 2: - Give some examples 1- If I were you, I should help him. 2- We could go around the world if we had money. - Explain the structure Type If clause Main clause II Simple past Would Past subjunctive Could + V(inf) Should. 5- She shouldn’t use her car so much. 6- He should put some pictures on the wall.. - Read the example and explain. - Work in pairs - Show their ideas Suggested answers 2- I think smoking should be banned,… 3- I don’t think you should go out…. 4- I think the boss should resign….. -. Read Listen. - Ask Ss to pay attention the example in the books - Ask Ss to put the verbs into the correct form - Work individually - Walk round for help - Get some sts to write the answers on the b.b - Give feedback Answers 2- would take 8. would be 3- refused 9. did not come 4- would not get 10. borrowed 5- closed down 11. walked 12. would understand - Give some situations so that Ss rewrite the 6- pressed Close the books sentences Listen and give the ideas 1- You don’t have a car, you don’t drive to work Work in groups If……………… 2- The weather is bad, we can’t go camping Write the answer on the board If……………. - Walk round for help -. Correct if necessary.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(124)</span> Homework: o Make the conditional sentences type 2 o Prepare the new lesson: Unit: 10, lesson: READING. - Sts work at home. Comments : (2mn). LESSON PLAN Unit Ten :. CONSERVATION A:READING. Time: 45 minutes I- Objectives 1. Educational aims: Students should be aware of the importance of environments and how to conserve them in their lives. 2. Knowledge : - General knowledge:Students learn how to protect our environment - New words: Words related to environment. 3. Skills: Reading for gist and for specific information. II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids: pictures, posters,……………………………. IV. Procedure: Teacher’s activities Warm-up:(4mn). Brain Storming. Students’ activities Warm-up: (4mn). - Use a poster or draws on the board - Students work in pairs - Students’ answers: water, tress, forest, air…………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(125)</span> …………….. ……………... ……………… ….. ……………… ………. environmen t. …………… …………... animals. - Ask students to put the suitable words into the empty boxes. - Give feedback. - Ask students:” Do you need to protect them? Why or why not?” - Lead to the lesson “ Conservation” Pre-reading:(7mn) - Ask students to look at the picture and answer these questions: 1. Have you ever visited a zoo or a forest? 2. What animals are you interested in? 3. Do we need to protect animals and forests? Pre-teach vocabulary: - conservation (n): protection / safeguarding / defense - destruction (n) - (to) eliminate Checking technique: R&R. While-reading:(23mn) * Task1: (8mn) - Ask students to read the text and then do task 1 in 3 minutes. - Go round and gives help. - Call the representatives of two pairs to write their choice on the board. - Give feedback. - Ask some of excellent students: “Why are some species of plants and animals already being eliminated?”. Students’ answer: Yes, we do because they are very important if they disappear, we’ll disappear (die) too.. - Students answer the questions 1. Yes, we have. 2. I like a lion, a tiger….. 3. Yes, we do. - Students listen and repeat chorally and then individually. -Students try to guess their meanings. - Students copy down. While-reading: (25mn) *.Task 1: (8mn) - Students work in pairs in 3 minutes, then compare with the other pairs. - 2 students come to the board to write the answer. Suggested answers: 1.c 2.a 3.d 4.d -Students’ answer : -Because of the loss of forest.. *. Task 2:(10mn) -Students work individually and then compare with his/ her partners. - 2 students come to the board to write their answer..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(126)</span> * Task 2:(8mn) - Ask students to read the text again in silence and decide whether these statements are true or false. - Go around and gives help if necessary. - Give feedbacks by asking students to prove their answers *. Task 3: - Ask students to read the four main ideas and choose which idea is the most suitable for each paragraph. < Explains the main idea of each paragraph usually lies in topic sentence. - Go around to help students. - Ask students to give their choice and the topic sentence. - Give feedback. Post-reading: (8mn) - Ask students to answer the questions in the textbook in 3 minutes. - Go around to control ss’ activities.. Suggested answers: 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.T. 5.F. 6.F. *. Task 3: - Students read the text again then discuss in groups of four - Students come to the board to write their answer and give the topic sentence. 1. Forest gives us a lot of things. Topic sentence: Many of those plants and animals can be used as medicine. 2. We cannot live without water. Topic sentence: Man and most animals need a constant supply of water to live. 3. Let’s we do something to save the earth. Topic sentence: The earth is being threatened and the future looks bad. What can each of us do? Suggested answer: - A: 3 B:1 C:2 Post-reading: (8mn) -Students practice in groups of four to find out the answers -3 students answer the questions. The rest listen and give remarks. -Suggested answers: 1. The loss of forest is destroying. 2. Man and most animals need a constant supply of water to live. Farmers need water for their crops. 3. We should stop polluting rivers and seas and stop the disappearance of plants and animals. HOMEWORK. -Summarize the passage in 50 words -Prepare speaking. -Teacher gives feedback..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(127)</span> HOMEWORK. - summarize the passage in 50 words. - prepare speaking. Comments : (2mn). LESSON PLAN Unit Ten :. CONSERVATION B:SPEAKING. Time: 45 minutes I. Objectives. 1. Educational aims: Students should be aware of protecting and saving the natural environment. 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Through this unit, students learn about the functions of ecotourism and know how to protect and save wildlife by building new kind of zoos. - Language: Suggestions about nature conservation. 3. Skill: Fluency in expressing opinions and making suggestions about wildlife. II.Method: Integrated, mainly communicative…….. III.Teaching aids: picture of animals, national parks, ………………………. IV.Procedure: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up :(5mn)The image of a tiger Warm-up: (5mn) Students watch the picture and answer the questions..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(128)</span> Teacher shows the picture and asks questions: 1. What is it? 2. Where do you see it? 3. Have you ever been to THAO CAM VIEN? What animals are you interested in? Why? Pre-speaking: (10mn) Vocabulary - sensitive (adj) : có hình ảnh đẹp - to imprison :caàm tuø - endangered (adj) : bò tuyeät chuûng - to reconstruct : taùi taïo, kieán thieát -Teacher asks students to read three times in chorus then individually Teacher asks students to work in pairs discussing about these statements: 1. Should we build zoos to keep wild animals? Why or why not?. 2.There are many animals died in the zoos because of bad living conditions. Agree or disagree?. -Teacher goes around and helps students if needed - Teacher calls 2 students to tell their answer. - Teacher gives feedback. While-speaking:(20mn). Students’ answers may be 2. It is a tiger / lion / cat. …. 3. I see it in the zoo / on T.V / in the book. ……. 4. Yes, I have. / No, I have not. I like a lion / a bear / a cock Because it is lovely / strong / beautiful……. Pre-speaking: (10mn) - Students read in chorus, try to guess their meanings in context - Three ss read individually. - Students copy down. - Students work in pairs to discuss these statements Suggested answer: 1. We should build many zoos to raise wild animals, we can keep them from extinct…… -We should not because we cannot create a natural environment and animals will die. Animals do not have enough food and they may suffer from dangerous diseases. 2. I strongly agree that animals will die when living in the zoos because they are always facing with the sadness, lacking of food and water, dangerous diseases. - I do not think that most of the zoos are always in bad conditions. In addition, I believe that wild animals will develop well in the zoos. They will get enough food, water and even medical cares. While-speaking: (20mn) Task1: -Students work in pair, then compare with other pairs. - The ss’ answers may be: 1. YES.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(129)</span> Task1: - Teacher hangs the poster on the board and asks students to work in pairs Yes No 1. There are many zoos in the world nowadays. 2.The main purpose of the zoos are to conserve endangered animals and reconstruct their natural environment. 3. People keep gorillas in the zoo because they are the largest animal in the world. -Teacher gives feedback . ( Teacher may ask advanced students to explain their choice) Task 2: Teacher asks students to work in groups discussing the advantages and disadvantages of zoos of the new kind. Use the cues below: 1. the conditions the animals are in.. 2. YES. 3.NO. Task 2: - Students work in groups of four. - Some representatives report their result in front of class. - Suggested answer: 1. Advantages: good care / avoiding being killed for meat / developing community. Disadvantages: not natural environment / dangerous diseases.. 2. Advantages: the help of the government, organizations……. Disadvantages: The money spent on reconstructions of the animal’s natural environment.. 2. the money spent on reconstructions of the animals’ natural environment. - Teacher listens to their talk and only corrects the common mistakes to encourage the students Post-reading: to speak fluently. - Students work in groups to discuss about the purposes of zoos of the new kind. - 2 students talk about their discussion. Post-speaking: (8mn) Teacher asks students to discuss about the purposes of zoos of the new kind. Teacher moves around to help students if needed Teacher calls 2 students to talk about their discussion. Teacher gives feedback and correction if necessary. HOMEWORK: - Name some animals that are in danger -Answer the question: “What should you do to protect wild animal?”. HOMEWORK -Name some animals which are in danger. -Answer the question:” What should you do to protect wild animals?”.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(130)</span> Comments: (2mn). LESSON PLAN Unit Ten : Time: 45 minutes. CONSERVATION C:LISTENING. I. Objective 1. Educational aims: Students will be able to get knowledge about the causes of forest fire and know how to protect forests. 2. Knowledge : a. General knowledge: Students get knowledge about the causes of forest fire. b. New words: words related to forest 3. Skills: listening for gist and for specific information II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids: pictures, cassette player…………… IV. Procedure:. Teacher’s activities Warm-up: (2mn) Teacher shows a picture of a forest fire and asks: 1. What do you see in the picture? 2. Have you ever seen a forest fire / fire?. Students’ activities Warm-up: (2mn) Students listen and answer 1. I see a forest fire / fire… 2. Yes, I have. No, I have not. 3. It can be people’s carelessness, marsh.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(131)</span> 3. What’s forest fire / fire caused by? Pre-listening: (5mn) Pre-teach vocabulary: destroy (v) - value (n) →-> valuable (adj) - awful (adj) - a forester Checking technique: R&R While-listening: - Ask students to open their books *Task 1: (8mn) - Teacher gives instructions and explains - Ask students to work in groups reading the sentences and predict the events in right order - Ask students to listen to the tape twice and do task 1 - Call 2 students to write their answer on the board. - Give feedback : - Ask students to listen the third time. ( Teacher may let students listen 1 more time if they can’t do the task well) *. Task 2: (10mn) - Ask students to look at task 2 and guess whether the statements are true or false. ( using the information they have listened from task 1) - Play the tape 2-3 times. gases, lightning, pollen……………. Pre-listening:(5mn). - students listen and repeat the words, try to guess their meanings - Students copy down. - Students open their books *. Task 1: - Students work in groups to read through the sentences and predict the events in order - Students listen and do Task 1, then compare with other groups.. - 2 students come to the board to write their answer. The rest look at the board and give comments Suggested answer: 3–2–5–1-4. *. Task 2 (10mn) -Students work in pairs to guess the task.. - Students listen to the tape three times and decide T/F(individual work), then compare with their partners. - Ask students to give answers and reasons -Students come to the board to write their answer for their answers. - Give feedback: - Suggested answer: 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F *. Task 3: (10mn) - Give clear instructions for task 3 and asks students to read the sentences. *. Task 3: (10mn) - Turn on the radio - Students read the sentences and guess (pair work).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(132)</span> - Give feedback and asks students to listen -Students listen and choose the sentences again and check that they hear. - Students give their answer. - Students listen and check. - suggested answer: 1. a 2. b 3. a Post-listening: (7mn) - Ask students to ask and answer in pairs. 1. What do campers have to remember?. Post-listening: (7mn) - Students practice asking and answering . 1. Campers have to put out their campfires and cover the place with earth……... 2. How important is the forest in our life?. 2. It is important in our life because it supplies wood, fresh air, good soil and stops - Ask students to work in groups to discuss pin – prick scolding and storm…………… -Students work in groups and discuss about and remember through this lesson the causes of fire using the information - Move around to check. - Call some students to come in front of the above). class telling their classmates about the causes of forest fire. - Students tell the causes of forest fire. - Correct mistakes if necessary. HOMEWORK: -Write a passage (150 words) about forest fire, which you have ever seen. Comments: (2mn). HOMEWORK: Write a passage (150 words) about forest fire that you have ever seen.. LESSON PLAN Unit Ten :. CONSERVATION D:WRITING. Time: 45 minutes I. Objectives:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(133)</span> 1.Educational aim: Students should show their politeness when writing a friendly letter 2.Knowledge: a. General knowledge: Students learn how to organize the content of a friendly letter b. Language: Tenses, verb forms and expressions often used in a friendly letter 3.Skills: Writing a letter of invitation II.Method: mainly communicative III.Teaching aids: Posters IV.Procedure: Teacher’s activities  Warm up ( 4mm) Teacher sticks the poster with the given words on the board and asks students to write a complete sentence *. Cinema / tonight / go / like / to / you / the / would? Teacher continues asking students to show the purpose of expression “ would you like” in the sentence above Teacher asks students some questions: 1. Have you ever written a letter of invitation? On which occasions? 2. What do you often write in a letter of invitation? 3. What expressions do you write in a letter of invitation?. - Introduces the new lesson A LETTER OF INVITATION Pre-writing: 1 Task1: (5mn) - Teacher asks student to open their books - Asks Student to look at task 1 and explains how to do this task - Teacher has students work in pairs in 3mn - Teacher goes around and helps students if necessary. - Teacher asks some pairs to write the answer on the board and give explanation - Teacher gives feedback and corrects - Teacher sticks the poster on the board and calls three students to write the verb forms in the blanks 1. why don’t we + . . . 2. shall we + . . . 3. can you + . . .. Students’ activities Warm-up: Students close their books, look at the poster and write the sentence. - Suggested sentence: *. Would you like to go to the cinema tonight? Students’ answer may be: people want to show their politeness. Students’ answers may be: *. Yes, I have. On my birthday/ at weekends *. The content of the invitation. -. Would you like . . . Go to the cinema Go for a walk How about . . .?. - Students open their books and listen to teacher’s explanation. - Students do the task in pairs. - Two students write their answer on the board. Suggested answer: ( 1. c, 2.f , 3.a, 4.g, 5.h, 6.d, 7.e, 8.b) - Students come to the board and fill in the blanks. Suggested answer: 1 2 + bare infinitive 3.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(134)</span> 4. Are you free + . . . 5. Would you like + . . . 6. how about + . . . 7. Do you feed like + . . . - Teacher gives feedback and explain more if necessary. 2. Task2: ( 5mn) - Teacher asks students to read the task quickly and pick out the new words or phrases if they are difficult - Teacher asks students to explain the organization of a letter of invitation. - Teacher sticks the poster on the board and asks students to match the first half in column A with the most suitable half in column B (Students practice in pairs in: 3mn) A B 1. Can we/why don’t a. to join us? we b. To go to the 2. would you like football match 3. Are you free / tomorrow morning? / would you like going to club afterwards? c. Come to dinner on Saturday?/ spend some time together? Teacher gives remarks and corrects. 4 5 + to infinitive 6 7 + V.ing Students listen to teacher and copy down. While-writing Task3 ( 16mn) Teacher asks students to read the task carefully before writing. -Teacher introduces or asks students which tenses are used in the letter ( depending on the adverbs of time: since, soon, now) - Teacher asks students to write the letter in groups(using posters) in 10 minutes - Teacher moves around and helps the students if necessary Post-writing (13mn) - Teacher calls 3 or 4 groups to ticks their posters on the board - Teacher has students look at the posters and remark Teacher may asks some more questions: How many parts are there in a friendly letter of invitation? What are they? Teacher explains: a letter commonly consists of. While-writing. * Task 2: - Students read the task quickly(individually) - Students listen to the teacher’s explanation and give the structure of a letter of invitation. - Students look at the poster, listen the teacher’s instruction and do the task - Students write the answer on the board Suggested answer 1.c 2.a 3.b. Students copy down. -students read the task carefully - Students listen and answer: present perfect, present continuous - Students work in groups of four to write the letter.. Students stick the posters on the board,look at the posters, remark and correct mistakes. - Students ‘ answer may be: - There are three parts: greetings, body and signature.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(135)</span> 5 parts: address, greetings, body , closing, signature Homework: - Teacher asks students to complete the letter depending on their friends’ ideas - Prepare the language focus part. Comments: (2mn). KYÙ DUYEÄT TUAÀN. :. Students listen carefully and copy down. Homework: -Complete the letter depending on their friends’ ideas - Prepare the language focus part.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(136)</span> LESSON PLAN Unit Ten : Time: 45 minutes. CONSERVATION D: LANGUAGE FOCUS. I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: - Students’ correct pronunciation helps develop speaking and listening skills. - We can express ideas in many ways (active/passive) in English 2. Knowledge a. General :- Students learn about the pronunciation of two consonants /b/ and /p/ in words and in sentences. - Reviewing passive voice and distinction of active and passive b. Language: - Words containing consonants /b/ and /p/ - Structure of passive 3. Skills - Correct pronunciation of consonants - The use of passive in tenses II. Methods: Integrated, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette player; real objects such as a box, a comb, a pen; handouts. IV. Procedures Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A. WARM-UP(5 minutes) Jumbled words - Divide the class into small groups then Students’ answer: give each group one card containing 8 words whose letters are jumbled. - Ask students to rearrange the letters to make good words. The group finishing the task first with the most correct words will be the winner. 1. sapsevi 5. eciov 1. passive 5. voice 2. tvacei 6. elsvioecs 2. active 6. voiceless 3. sncntaosas 7. caoitn 3. consonants 7. action 4. sentes 8. rmamrag 4. tenses 8. grammar B. PRONUNCIATION(5 minutes) * Pre-task - Teacher asks students to close their books and asks: (showing a box, a comb and a pen). + What’s this?. - Sts close their books and answer:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(137)</span> - Write these words on the blackboard(bb) and asks: + What are consonant sounds at the beginning of “box” and “pen”? + What is consonant sound at the end of “comb”? + No, when letter “b” is after letter “m”, it is not read - Help students to distinguish the contrast consonants/b/ and /p/ by pronouncing them clearly and slowly: + /b/: two lips are used by stopping the air with a sound in the throat. + /p/: two lips are used by stopping the air without any sound in the throat (can use a paper in front of the mouth). * While-task a. Listen and repeat - Ask students to open their books and listen to the tape twice and ask them to repeat the words: Bee cab pea cap Ban bright pan provide Bad back Paul power - Call on some students to repeat the sounds (advanced class: use minimal pairs). b. Practice these sentences - Ask students to work in pairs in 2 minutes and practice these sentences. - Go around the class and provides help if necessary. - Call some students to read the sentences individually and gives feedback.. * post-task - Ask students to find out the words in the reading which contain the sounds /b/ and /p/. + a box, a comb, a pen -Sts answer: + /b/ and /p/ + /b/. - Sts look at the teacher’s mouth and read in chorus.. - Sts repeat in chorus twice.. - Some individuals repeat the sounds.. - Sts work in close pairs and read the sentences( pay attention in the words containing the sounds /b/ and /p/) - Sts read aloud the sentences: 1. Pat buys Bill a big pad of paper. 2. A black bee is picking some pollen. 3. Put the blouses in the paper bags. 4. Paul borrowed a book about puppies from the library. 5. The beautiful carpet is my brother’s present. 6. Is this picture painted on the pupils’ cap?. - Students read the reading and find out the sentences:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(138)</span> (if there is enough time). + About 5,000 species of plants and animals are eliminated each year. + The earth is being threatened C. LANGUAGE FOCUS(35 minutes) Ss’answer may be : * Pre-task( 5 minutes) - Ask students to find out 2 passive sentences s+be +v(pp)+by+o in the reading and translate into Vietnamese. S+am/is/are+v(pp)+by+o S+am/is/are+being+v(pp)+by+o S+have/has+been+v(pp)+by+o S+was/were+v(pp)+by+o - Ask students to analyze the sentences and S+was/were+being+v(pp)+by+o S+had been+v(pp)+by+o then tell the formation of passive in the S+will/shall+v(pp)+by+o tenses: simple present, present continuous, present perfect, simple past, past continuous, - Students’ answer: + Active: when the subject creates actions past perfect, simple future. + Passive: When the subject receives action. Teacher raises question: + When will we use active/passive? *While-task(29minutes) Exercise 1(7 minutes) - Ask students to translate the instructions - Have students to work in close pairs and do the task in textbook. - conduct the correction by calling five students to give answers and their explanation. Exercise 2(8 minutes) Teacher says: “Tell me the meaning of the instructions?” - Ask students to work individually then compare with their partners in 4 minutes ( pay attention to the tense, and the voice) - Select five students to provide the answer and their explanation - Give feedback. - Chọn hình thức đúng của động từ trong ngoặc đơn - Students work in pairs - Five students come to the board to write their answer. - Ss’ answer: 1.were reported 4. am not invited 2. grow 5. are being built 3. be spoken - Students’ answer: Cho hình thừc đúng của động từ trong ngoặc đơn - Students do the task and compare - Five students come to the board to write the answer _ Ss’ answer may be: 1. came- had started- were 2. is standing- is being photographed 3. have been told 4. was being laid 5. Where will……be planted? Students’ answer: Điền vào chỗ trống với hình thức đúng của động từ trong ngoặc đơn - Students scan the dialogue.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(139)</span> Exercise 3(12 minutes) - Have students translate the instructions - Ask students to scan the dialogue in 2 minutes - Teacher raises questions: + How many verbs? How many blanks? + So each verb for each blank +What is the meaning of each verb? +What is the dialogue about? +What tenses will be used? - Have the class sit in groups of four, do the task and give the explanation. - Have five students write their answers on the blank asks their groups to give their explanation. *Post-task(2 minutes) Homework(handouts) -Turn the sentences into passive 1. Dangerous driving causes may accidents. 2. Have they told the students about the changes of their timetable yet? 3. Someone was cleaning the room when I arrived. 4. We cannot clean up our polluted rivers and seas overnight. 5. Farmers need water for their crop. - Prepare unit 11, reading Comments: (2mn). - Ss’answer: + Ten verbs, ten blanks - Students give the meaning + The holiday + Past tenses - Students work in groups and find their explanation - Ss’ answer may be: 1. was organised 6. had been put 2. arrived 7. was 3. were met 8. prepared 4. taken 9. made 5. had been changed 10. were served.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(140)</span> LESSON PLAN Unit Eleven : NATIONAL PARKS A:READING. Time: 45 minutes I- Objectives 1. Educational aim: get students to be aware of the benefits of national parks and help Ss to realize that they have to do something to protect natural resources. 2. Knowledge: -General knowledge: help students know more about the national parks in Viet Nam and in the world. -Language: New words: Words related to national park. II - Skill: Reading for gist and for specific information III - Method:Integrated, mainly communicative IV - Teaching aids: Pictures, posters… V - Procedure: Teacher’s Activities Students’Activities Warm-up (4mn) Students’answer may vary - Ask students to answer some questions: 1. Have you ever heart about national park? Possible answers: 1. Yes, I have / No, I haven’t 2. Name some of the National parks in Viet 2. Cuc Phöông, U Minh, Cat Ba, Bach Nam and in the world you know or hear Ma, Nam Cat Tien … about - Show 3 pictures of Cuc Phöông National Park, Everglades National Park, Nairobi -listen to the teacher National Park and introduces the lesson Pre-reading (10mn) -Task 1: -Stick the poster on the b.b and ask Ss to discuss in pairs to match the words to their -pair work : 5 mn meanings in 5mn -do the matching A B 1. species a. to have sth inside 2 .subb. a state of continuing to tropical live or exist 3. establish c. a group/groups of animals 4. survival or plants 5. d. related to an area near a wilderness tropical area 6. contain e. a state of being polluted.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(141)</span> 7. f. to start an organization contaminati that is intended to continue on for a long time -Monitors -Have some individuals come to the bb and do the matching -Correct and gives feedback:. -Task 2: - Give Sts a handout and ask them to discuss in group of four to guess the correct information to complete the following table about 3 national parks.. -match the words in column A to their definitions in column B -listen to the teacher’s correction and take notes suggested answer: 1-c, 2-d, 3-f, 4-b, 5- 0,6-a, 7-e. -work in groups. Cuc Nairobi Evergla Phöông Nation des N. Park al Park Nationa l Park Location Special Features Butterflies / plants and animals from both tropical and temperate zones / caves / in Kenya / large variety of plants and animals / 1000 years old tree / in the Southeastern United States / toxic levels of chemical in the water / a lots of orphaned animals are taken of species / it contains over 200 square km of rain forest / in southwest of Hanoi-Vietnam -asks 3 representatives to write the answer on the poster on the bb While-reading (20’) -Task 1: -read the text silently and check their -Ask Ss to open their books, read the text answers silently and check the answers on the Cuc Nairobi Evergla poster (individually) Phöông N. National des -have sts work in pairs and exchange the Park Park Nationa answers l Park.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(142)</span> - gives feedback -Task 2: Answer the following questions: -Stick the poster of the questions on the bb 1.What is the area of the rain forest in Cuc Phöông National Park? 2.Why would November be a suitable time to visit this park? 3.What can people learn in Nairobi National Park? 4.What kinds of animals are taken care of in the Orphanage? 5.Why is Everglades National Park endangered? 6.What do you think will happen to Everglades National Park if more chemicals are released into the water? -runs through the questions to make sure that Ss can understand them -asks Ss to read the text again and answer the questions in 10 mn -asks Ss to work in pairs (close pairs and open pairs). Location. in southwest of HanoiVietnam. Special Features. butterflies -caves -1000 years old tree -it contains over 200 square km of rain forest. in Kenya in the Southe astern United States -large toxic variety levels of plants of and chemic animals al in -lots of the orphane water d -plants animals and are animals taken of from species both tropical and temper ate zones. -read the questions and translate into Vietnamese -work in pairs, asking and answering the questions Suggested answers: 1. It is 200 square km.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(143)</span> -gives feedback. 2. Because the rainy season is over 3. They can learn about the habits of animals and how one species is dependent upon another for survival. 4. In the Orphanage, orphaned and/or abandoned animals are taken care of 5. Everglades NP is endangered because of the toxic levels of chemicals in the water. 6. If more chemicals are released into water, plants and animals will die/ bekilled/ destroyed.. -work in groups of five or six Post-reading (8’) -Ask Sts to work in groups to answer the question:<Which of the three national parks -present their ideas would you like to visit most? Why? > -Ask the representatives of some groups to present their ideas in front of class. Homework -rewrite their ideas about the topic in part: -write- it- up Post-reading Comments: (2mn). LESSON PLAN.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(144)</span> Unit Eleven : NATIONAL PARKS B:SPEAKING Time: 45 minutes I- Objectives 1.Educational aim: Students should talk about their excursion to some beautiful places 2.Knowledge General knowledge: Sts learn how to express their regrets about what they did or did not do during the excursion Language: Sentences and expressions related to the to the topic II - Skills: Fluency in expressing opinions III - METHOD: Integrated, mainly communicative IV - TEACHING AIDS. Pictures: a part of a national park; texbooks. V - PROCEDURE : Teacher’s Activities. Students’ Activities. Warm –up(3 mn): - Ask sts some questions to lead in. Students’ answers may vary. 1.Have you ever gone on an excursion? 2.where? When? 3. How did you go there? 4. Was it interesting? Pre-speaking (10mn) Task 1: - Explain the requirement and some difficult words Fine : Food poisoning To get lost - Get sts to work in groups - Class organization: Students sit in groups. - Go around the class to offer pelp, then select some sts to match Answers - Remark and correct together 1-f 2-e 3-h 4-g 5-b 6-c 7-a 8-d While-speaking. (20 mn). - Explain the requirement. - Sts work in pairs.. T: Work with your partner. Use the Students read their answers information in task 1 to make up sentences as 1- If we hadn’t brought enough food, we would have spent a lot of money in example - Walk around the class and offers ideas and expensive restaurant.. 2- If we had brought enough food, we would - Select some sts at random to read their not have spent a lot of money in expensive restaurant. answer in front of the class. comments when students need help.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(145)</span> Do the same way - Remark and correct together Task 3: - Sts work in groups - Explain the requirement, ask sts to express their regrets (Use information in task 1,2 Ex : A: We went to Huong pagoda by coach and most of us got carsick. B: If we hadn’t gone by coach, we would not got carsick C: If we had gone by bike, we would not got carsick - Sts practise - Go around the class to offer help - Get some groups to practice in front of the class Post-speaking (9 mn) - T : Now who can express your regrets about what you did or did not do in the past. Note : Ask sts some questions 1- Did you pass the first tern examination?. 1- No, I didn’t - If I had studied hard, I would have passed the exame.. 2- What would have pappened if you have lost your bike? - Homework: Complete the following sentences and prepare new lesson 1- If we had had free time,…… 2- Would you have rewarded if……? 3- If they……, they couldn’t have built this school.. T assigns homework.. Comments (2 mn). KYÙ DUYEÄT TUAÀN. LESSON PLAN. :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(146)</span> Unit Eleven : NATIONAL PARKS C:LISTENING Time: 45 minutes I- Objectives 1- Educational aim: Students should know things that could destroy the natural environment and find out some measures to conserve the environment of national parks. 2- Knowledge: General knowledge: Students learn about national parks in Viet Nam and how to conserve the environment of national parks. Language: 3- Skills : predicting, listening for gist, listening for details. II- METHOD: Communicative Approach III- TEACHING AIDS: Pictures about national parks in Viet Nam; a cassette player. IV - PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activities Warm up: (5mn) - Showing picture on page 115 textbook and asking some questions: "What can you see in the picture?" "Are they old or young?" "Can you guess where they are?" - So today you will listen to a passage about Cuc Phuong National Park on cassette player.. Students’ Activities - Looking at the picture. - "(We can see) trees." - " (They are) old." - "In Cuc Phuong National Park.". * Pre-listening (8 mn) - Have Sts to work in pairs and discuss the Class organization: Students work in pairs and discuss the following questions: questions. (Students’ answers may vary.) 1.yes/no 1. Have you ever been to a national park in Vietnam? - We went camping, saw various kinds 2. If yes, what did you and tourists do there? of animals and plant ,etc. 3. If no, guess what tourists can do there? - They can go camping, go ….. T selects a few students and asks them to give answers. Pre teach some new words : 1. ethnic minority a. Taán coâng 2. flora b. Keû thuø.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(147)</span> 3. fauna c. Daân toâïc thieåu soá 4. attack d. Hệ thực vât 5. enemy e. Hệ động vật - Sts work - Get sts to work in pairs, match the words Answers: with the meaning 1- c 2-d 3-e - Get some sts to go to the b.b to match. 4-a 5-b. While-listening (20 mn) Task 1: - Explain the requirement, ask sts to read - Sts work and guess which word is filled in the blank. - Listen and fill in the blanks then compare - Go around the class to offer help the result with a partner. - Play the recording twice - Read the answers aloud - Listen and correct Answers: - Get some sts to read their answer - Get sts to listen to the tape one more time 1- 1960 2- 160 km South west of to correct 3- 100,000 visitors 4- 2000 - 450 5- surprise attack. Task 2: - Explain the requirement, ask sts to read the 5 sentences to make sure that they understand all of them. - Get sts to use information in task 1 to guess the nswer first - Play the recording twice - Get sts to ask and answer in front of the class - Get sts to listen again and check the answer. After-listening : (10mn) - Stick the poster on the b.b. - Listen and take note. - Sts ask and answer aloud, then write the answer on the b.b - Listen and correct Answers 1- It belongs to NB, HB and TH. 2- It’s about 160 km. 3- They come to see the work being done to protect endanger species. 4- In Spring of 1789. 5- They live mainly on bee keeping and farming..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(148)</span> + Cuc Phuong is the first….. + It covers …… + In 2002 nearly…… + There are about…… - Get sts to use the information in the reading and listening passage to complete the poster - Get someone to complete the poster - Remark and correct together. - Sts work individually then compare the answer in pairs - Sts work Answers + Cuc Phuong is the first of nine Vietnamese’s national park to be established + It covers over 200 square km. Etc. Homework: - Sts work at home - Summarize the listening passage and prepare new lesson. Comments (2 mn). LESSON PLAN.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(149)</span> Unit Eleven : NATIONAL PARKS D:WRITING Time: 45 minutes I- Objectives 1. Educational aim: Students should write a reply letter with politeness toward other people when receiving an invitation letter. 2. Knowledge: General knowledge: Students learn about the organization of the content on an acceptance or refusal letter. Language: Phrases often used to accept or refuse something. 3. Skills: Writing a letter to accept or refuse an invitation letter. II- METHOD: Integrated, mainly communicative. III - TEACHING AIDS: handouts, posters. IV - PROCEDURE: Teacher’s Activities Warm-up :(5mn) - Gives students handouts of four letters. 1. Dear Linh and Laura, As vacation is coming near, it’d be nice to see you here with my family, and we’ll spend a few days on a camping trip in Cuc Phuong National Park. Please let me know if you can come on July 15. With love, Van 2. Dear Van, Thank you very much for your invitation. I’d be very happy to come. It’ll be great fun going camping in this national park. See you on July 15. Yours truly, Linh 3. Dear Van, I’m glad to hear that you are going to have your first picnic with your classmates. Certainly, I will help you to prepare everything you need for the trip. I’m having a day off tomorrow so I’m free in the afternoon. I’ll be waiting for you at 2:30 p.m tomorrow. Love, Hoa 4. Dear Van, Thank you for your invitation, but I’m afraid I can’t come. I have to go back to my hometown to see my parents and attend my sister’s wedding. I’m sorry but I can’t make it. Yours, Laura. Students’ Activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(150)</span> a. Letter of Acceptance b. Letter of Complaint c. Confirmation letter d. Letter of Refusal e. Invitation letter - Asks students to work in pairs to match one letter with a suitable kind of letter then underline the language - Work in pairs to find out the answers. Suggested answer: used to express acceptance and refusal in these letters.. Pre-writing :(10mn) Task 1: * Stick the poster on the b.b and explain how to use these expressions Ways of accepting. Ways of refusing. Yes, I’d like/ love to Yes, that’s a great idea. Yes, I’d be delighted to.. I’m afraid I can’t come because I’d love to, but… I’m sorry I can’t come because…. 1-e 2-a 3-c 4-d The language used to express acceptance: I’d be very happy to come. The language used to express refusal: I’m afraid I can’t come. - Listen and take notes. - Work and compare the answer in pairs. - Ask students to read the 3 letters and say which letter is a letter of acceptance and which is a letter of refusal. - Walk around the class to monitor and help - Read aloud students. Answers - Get some sts to read their answers 1- accepting - Remark 2- refusing 3- accepting. Task 2: - Asks students to make groups of four and do - Sit in groups of four to do the task. Task 2. - sts write down - Get s.o to write the answer on the b.b Answers - Give feedback. a-4 b-6 c-3 d-1 e-2 f-5 While-writing: (15 minutes) - Divides the class into 2 groups. - Asks a group write a letter to accept the invitation of going to Cuc Phuong national park, another group write a letter to refuse that invitation..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(151)</span> - Divides each groups into groups of four to do the task on the posters. - Walks around the class and offers help when necessary. Post - writing: (10 mn) - Asks some groups to stick their posters on the board. - Helps students to correct mistakes (typical mistake correction). - Stick posters on the board. Suggested answer. Dear Nam, Thank for your letter. It’s great to hear that you are going to have a picnic in Cuc Phuong National Park.I’d like to go with you. I will meet you at the school gate at 6.00a.m nextweekend. Give my regard to your parents. Love, Minh Dear Hoa, Thank for your letter. It’s lovelyt to hear that you are going to have a picnic in Cuc Phuong National Park.I’d love to but I’m going to visit my uncle in HCH city nextweekend.Let’s make another time perhaps Give my regard to your parents. Have a good journey. Love, Minh. Homework: - Write a letter to refuse the invitation of going to - Sts work at home the cinema if they had written an acceptance letter and in contrast. Comments (2 mn). LESSON PLAN. Unit Eleven : NATIONAL PARKS E:LANGUAGE FOCUS. Time: 45 minutes I- Objectives 1. Aim: - practise pronunciation of two vowels /t / and /d / - know how to write a regret using conditional sentence type 3 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Sts learn how to pronounce the two sound /t / and /d / and learn the structure (Conditional setnece type 3) -Language: -Words related to these sounds - Grammar: Conditional sentence type 3 3. Skill: writing and speaking.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(152)</span> II - Method:Integrated, mainly communicative III - Teaching aids: Pictures, posters… IV - Procedure: . PRONUNCIATION:10 mn Warm-up / Presentation: -shows the pictures of a dog, a hand, a doctor, -discuss in groups to name the pictures: dog, doctor, cat, hand, taxi . . . a taxi, a cat, a taxi-driver, .… and asks Ss to give each a name -listen and repeat -reads the words and asks Ss to repeat -“The sounds /t / and /d /. -asks Ss the question: ”What sound you are going to learn today?” -repetition drill: chorus and individuals -reads the sounds /t / and /d / and asks Ss to repeat -listen carefully -show the pictures of the movement of the mouth when pronouncing the sounds /t / and /d / and explains the difference Practice: *Listen and repeat -listen and repeat -reads aloud the words and asks Ss to repeat /t / /d / -repetition drill: chorus and individuals topic contain difficulty documentary toxic contamination invader dependent -listen and repeat plant different spend depend worked hoped lived played -has Ss read the words again, corrects their -work in pairs pronunciation *Practise these sentences suggested answer: -reads the sentences and asks Ss to repeat after the teacher twice, paying attention to the /t /: it’s, next, to, restaurant, counter, left, ten, exactly, twenty-two, minutes, stayed, two vowels /t / and /d / -asks Ss to read the sentences and pick out the at, studied /d /: dear, stayed, played, cards, Sidney, words having the two vowels /t / and /d / and, listened, studied, Donald, bad, cold, decided. Production( if having time). -uses some cardboards – asks the class to. - read word by word in chorus.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(153)</span> read the words while some students write them on the bb in turns :Ex: doctor, hat, taxi, worked, lived, invader . . . B. GRAMMAR (33mn) Pre-task (10’) T: -Nam failed the final exam.What would have happened if Nam had worked harder? - ask Ss to underline the verb tenses -writes the Ss’answer on the bb and asks: What grammatical point we are going to learn today? -has Ss review of the structure and usage of conditional sentences type 3 -explains the target language: form, use . . . if necessary While-task (13’) -Task 1: Complete the following sentences, using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. - Give instructions and model -supplies the sentences on the bb and asks Ss to work in pairs 1. If I (know) that you were ill last week, I would have gone to see you. 2. If I had had a motorbike, I(go) home immediately 3. If he had worked hard, he (pass) his examination 4. If the rain (stop), I would have gone for a walk 5. If you (call) him, he would have come -monitors -aks some Ss to say out their answers -gives feedback. -some students write the words on the bb. Ss: -If Nam had worked hard, he wouldn’t have failed the final exam/ he would have passed the exam. Ss: -Conditional sentences type 3 -say out the grammatical point. -work in pairs in 5mn. -say out the answers feedback: 1. . . . . . had known 2. . . . . .would have gone 3. . . . . .would have passed 4. . . . . .had stopped 5. . . . . .had called. -Task 2: Write a sentence with If for each situation:( textbook page 120) -models the first sentence -asks Ss to work in pairs to rewrite the sentences -work in pairs feedback: (write the answers on the poster) 1. If the driver in front hadn’t stopped so -monitors and gives help if necessary.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(154)</span> -asks some groups to stick their posters on the bb -has Ss’self correct the mistakes with the T’s help -explains the sentence number 5: These are two actions happen in different time, If-clause in type 2 because there is an adverb “now”. Post-task (10’) Task 3:Use the given information to make conditional sentences with If:( page 120) -explains the example clearly -asks Ss to work in groups to rewrite the sentences on the poster - gives help if necessary -asks some groups to stick their poster on the bb -has Ss sefl- correct the mistakes with the T’s help. Homework: -do the left sentences in exercise1 -do test yourself D Comments (2mn). KYÙ DUYEÄT TUAÀN. suddenly, the acidents wouldn’t have happened. 2. If I had known that Lam had to get up early, I would have woken him up. 3. If Hoa hadn’t lent me the money, I wouldn’t have been able to buy the car. 4. If Mary hadn’t been wearing a seat belt, she would have been injured in the crash 5. If you had had breakfast, you wouldn’t be hungry now. 6. If I had had some money on me, I would have got a taxi.. -work in groups feedback: 1. If I had been working at the restaurant last night, I would have waited on your table. 2. If they had been paying attention, they would have seen the sign marking their exit from the highway. 3. Carol would have answered the phone if she hadn’t been studying. 4. If the sun hadn’t been shining, we wouldn’t have gone to the beach yesterday. 5. If the music hadn’t been playing loudly at the restaurant, I would have heard everything Mr. Lee said during the dinner.. - Sts work at home. :. LESSON PLAN TEST YOURSELF D.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(155)</span> Time: 45 minutes I- Objectives 1- Aim: - Sts should review some grammar points and the techniques by doing some exercises 2- Knowledge: Sts review grammer and the techniques “Listening, Speaking and Writing” -Language: - Writing a letter of invitation - Grammar: Conditional sentences The passive voice 3- Skill: Variety of skills II - Method:Integrated, mainly communicative III - Teaching aids: Textbooks, cassette IV - Procedure: Teacher’s Activities I- LISTENING: (10mn) - Explain the requirement and ask sts to read through the 5 questions to make sure that they understand them all. - Play the tape twice - Get sts to compare the answers in pairs - Get some sts to provide the answers aloud and write on the b.b - Get other sts to remark. - Listen and correct together II- READING: (10mn) Exercise 1: - Explain the requirement and some difficult words, then ask sts to read through the 6 statements to make sure that they understand them all. - Get sts to read the passage and do the exercise - Go around the class to offer help - Get some sts to provide the answers aloud - Get other sts to remark and give information - Remark and correct. Exercise 2:. Students’ Activities - Read and discuss the questions in pairs - Listen and take notes - Work in pairs - Provide the answers Answers: 1- They want to enjoy the nature 2- in 1872 3- No, it isn’t 4- 70 5- They mustn’t pick the flowers, feed or hunt animals.. - Sts work. - Sts work - Provide the answers Answers: 1- T 2-T 3-F 4- F 5-T. 6-T.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(156)</span> - Explain the requirement and some difficult words - Get sts to work in groups to do the exercise - Go around the class to offer help - Get some sts to provide the answers aloud and write on the b.b - Get other sts to remark - Remark and correct. III – GRAMMAR (10mn) - Ask sts to work in pairs to put the verb in brackets in the correct form - Get some sts to provide the answers on the b.b - Get other sts to remark - Remark and correct. IV – WRITING (13mn) - Explain the requirement and some difficult words - Get sts to work individually (2sts write on posters) - Get 2 sts stick their work on the b.b - Get other sts to remark - Remark and correct. - Sts work in groups - Provide the answers Answers: a- junk and litter b- landscape c- highway d- healthy. - Sts discuss in pairs - Provide the answers Answers: 1- has been cleaned 2- have been turned on 3- are waiting 4- knew 5- would help 6 – knows 7- decided 8- to stay 9- would have gone 9- hadn’t been - Sts work in 8’ Suggested answer Dear Alex, You’ll be delighted to know that father is giving a party to celebrate the new year. He has invited some of our relatives and his friends to make the party a success. I too have invited a number of friends in the neighbourhood My mother has asked me to tell you to come home for the new year celebration. I’m sure you’ll be here on time to share the fun with us on that day. Love, Helen. Homework: Rewrite the letter into your note-books Comments: (2mn). KYÙ DUYEÄT TUAÀN. :. Note : Test and correct the test.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(157)</span> LESSON PLAN Unit Twelve : MUSIC A:READING. Time: 45 minutes I- Objectives 1- Aim: - By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to get + Knowledge of some kinds of music and composers . + Love and respect to musicians, artists and valued pieces of music . 2- Knowledge: + General knowledge: Reading about types and history of music. + Language: Words related to music 3- Skills: Scanning for details to answer questions , gap – filling. II.METHOD: Integrated ; mainly communicative. III.TEACHING AIDS: Real objects and pictures showing musical tools, singers and composers ; tape of musical extracts. IV. PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activities Warn-up: (3mn) Brain-storming. MUSIC. - Get sts to give some types of music - Ask some more questions: 1.Do you like listening to music? 2.What band do you like best? 3.What singer do you like best? 4.Can you name some singer? => Lead in the topic Before-reading : (10mn) Pre-teach some words Style (n) Beat (n) Emotion (n). kieåu tiếng đập, phá tình caûm. Students’ Activities Student’s answer may vary 1- Folk music 2- Jazz 3- pop 4- rock 5- Classical music. - Sts’ answers may vary.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(158)</span> Anger (n) sự tức giận Integral (adj) toàn bộ Funeral (n) đám tang Solemn (adj) trang nghieâm Mournful (adj) buoàn thaûm Lull (v) ru Has ss to look at the 3 pictures in their text books and answer the questions 1. What kind of music does she play? 2. What band is this? 3. What kind of music do they play? 4. What kind of music do you think they play in the third picture? Work in pairs, discuss and match a type of music and it’s description. Gets 5 ss to go to the b.b and match. Student’s answer 1- She plays folk music 2- The Beatles 3- They play Rock ‘n’ roll 4- Classical music. Work in pairs in some minutes Students‘ answers 1.b 3.d 5.c 2.c 4.a. Remark and correct together. While- reading : (20mn) Has ss to open their books and read silently follow the recording Task1: - Ask ss to give the meaning and part of speech of the words in the box. - Have ss find the words in the box appear in the passage and underline them - Ask ss to read the 7 sentences in exercise to guess the words and part of speech they’ll fill in - Go around the class to offer help. Then asks some ss at random to read their answers and explain. - Get other ss to remark and conduct the correction. Task 2: - Have students read the five sentences to make sure that they understand all of them. - Have ss to read the passage again in 5 minutes to find the answer. - Read silently. - Ss speak out - Students work - Students discuss in pairs in some minutes. Answers 1.comunicate 2.lull 3.delights 4.integral part. 5.solemn 6.emotion 7.mournful. - Sts work individually - Read and answer individually.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(159)</span> * Now ask and answer in pairs T gets some students at random to ask and answer aloud - Get other remark and correct together. Post-reading: (10mn) - Explain the requirement - Get someone to translate the question - Have sts to work in pairs - Get some sts to ask and answer aloud - Remark and correct together Note: Teacher can ask sts to give some roles of music but they have to distinguish the main roles Homework - Get sts to do all the exercises into their notebooks an prepare new lesson. Comments : (2mn). - Ss sit in pairs , one asks one answers Ss work S1:ask S2:answer Suggested answer: 1. They are language and music 2. Because it expresses ideas , thoughts and feelings 3. It adds joyfulness to the atmosphere of a festival to make of funeral more solemn and mournful 4. It can entertain people, that is it can make them happy, excited and relax and it can delight their senses 5.Because it is billion-dollar industry. - Sts speak out - Sts work in pairs - Sts ask and answer Suggested answer: 1- There are 5 roles. 2- The answer may vary. - sts work at home.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(160)</span>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(161)</span> LESSON PLAN Unit Twelve : MUSIC B:SPEAKING. Time: 45 minutes I- Objectives 1- Aim: - By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to give their favourite type of music, give their reason and give their favourite band(s) 2- Knowledge: + General knowledge: through this lesson, sts learn bout some kind of music and talk about the type of music they like best. + Language: Sentences and expressions for talking about liking and disliking 3- Skills: Developing speaking skill II.METHOD: Integrated ; mainly communicative. III.TEACHING AIDS: pictures showing singers, composers and some bands IV. PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activities Warm-up : (3mn) - Ask sts some questions 1- Do you like music? 2- Which song do you like? 3- Who composed that song? => Lead in the topic Before-speaking : (10mn) Task 1: - Explain the requirement and some difficult words. - Get sts to read the passage about Ha Anh individually first, then ask and answer the questions in pairs - Get some pairs to ask and answer aloud - Remark and correct together. - Give sts some adjectives to describe music + Rousing + Sweet and gentle. Students’ Activities - Sts’ answer may vary. - Listen and take notes - Read the passage about Ha Anh individually first, then ask and answer the questions in pairs - Sts work Answer: 1- She likes pop music. 2- Because it keeps her happy. 3- Her favourite band is Backstreet Boys. 4- She listen to music all the time..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(162)</span> + pleasant + lyrical + make s.o excited…. While-Speaking : (15mn) Task 2: - Explain the requirement and give model. Teacher asks a good st to answer and take note. Example: Kind of music T : What kind of music do you like best? P : I like classical music. T : Why do you like it? P : Because it is relaxing. - Draw the table on the b.b P1 Kind of music Reason for listening to music. - Listen and take notes. P2. Classical music relax. - Get sts to work in groups to ask their friends and get information to complete the table - Go around the class to offer help. - Get 2 pairs to ask and answer in front of the class - Remark and correct together. - Sts discuss in groups. - Ask and answer. Post-speaking : (15mn) Task 3 : - Explain the requirement and give model. - Get sts to work in groups to tell their friends about the people they have already interviewed. - Get some sts to present in front of the class - Remark and correct together. - Listen and take notes. Homework : - Write a short paragraph about the music, band, song they like best and give reason. - sts work at home. - Sts work in 8’ - Provide the answer Suggested answer Both A and B like pop music because it keeps them happy. They like Lam Truong. Their favourite song is Got Hong. They usually listen to music in the morning..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(163)</span> - Prepare new lesson Comments : (2mn). LESSON PLAN Unit Twelve : MUSIC C:LISTENING. Time: 45 minutes I- Objectives 1- Aim: - Students have knowledge about types of music; students are aware of the value of types of music and respect the talented artists. 2- Knowledge: + General knowledge: Sts listen to the interview and do True / False and answer comprehension question + Language: Some words 3- Skills: Listening for gist and for specific information II.METHOD: Integrated ; mainly communicative. III.TEACHING AIDS: textbook, pictures, cassette player pictures showing singers, composers and some bands IV. PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activities Warm up : (3mn) - Ask sts some questions 1- What song do we always sing on every morning? 2- Do you know who compose that song? 3- Do you know any songs which were written by Van Cao? - Lead in the lesson Pre-listening : (9mn) - Get sts to look at the picture of Van Cao and tell each other what you know about Van Cao - Get s.o to talk about Van Cao in front of the class. - Remark and give more ideas - Get sts to look at their books and say which songs were written by Van Cao - Remark and give the correction * Listen and repeat - Get sts to open their books and read the words in chorus - Get sts to give the words’ meaning. Students’ Activities. 1- It is Tien Quan Ca 2- Yes, He is Van Cao 3- Sts’ answer may vary. - Sts discuss in pairs - Speak out. - Sts’ answer 1 3 4 5. - Read in chorus twice - Speak out - Speak out.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(164)</span> - Ask sts to tell which words above can use to describe Van Cao’s music - Remark and conduct the answer. While-listening : (23mn) - Set the scene Task 1 : True/ False statements - Explain some difficult words - Get sts to guess the answer - Play the cassette twice - Get some sts provide the answers - Get the whole class to listen again and check the answers Task 2 : Answer the questions - Get sts to read through the questions to make sure that they understand all of them - Ask sts try to answer any question they can - Play the cassette twice - Get some sts provide the answers - Get the whole class to listen again and check the answers (pause at the necessary information) - Remark and give the correct answers. Post-listening : (8mn) - Stick some questions on the b.b 1- What does Quang Hung think about Van Cao’s music? 2- What does he do when he listens to “Tien Quan Ca”? 3- Do you agree with him or disagree? - Get s.o to give their ideas - Remark and give more ideas Homework - Write a paragraph about 50 words to give ideas about Van Cao’ music and prepare new lesson.. Answers: Sweet and gentle Rousing solemn. exciting lyrical. - Write their guess on the b.b - Listen and take notes - Write the answers on the b.b and explain Answer : 1-F 2-F 3-T 4-F 5-F. - Read the questions. - Listen and take notes - Provide the answers. Answer : 1- It’s “My favourite musician” 2- Tien Quan Ca 3- Because it’s hard and solemn. It makes him feel great and proud of his country - Sts discuss in groups. - Speak out. - Sts work at home.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(165)</span> Comments : (2mn). KYÙ DUYEÄT TUAÀN :25 LESSON PLAN Unit Twelve : MUSIC D:WRITING Time: 45 minutes I. Objectives 1. Aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a profile 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: - Lexical items: Some words about musical tools and kinds of music 3. Skills: Writing a profile. II. Teaching method: integrate, mainly communicative approach III. Teaching aids: pictures, posters IV. Procedures Teacher’s activities * Warm up (3mn) - Get sts to listen to the song “Truong ca song lo” and ask some questions 1- What is the name of the song? 2- Who composes it? 3- What do you know about him?. Students’ activities. - Sts’ answer may vary. Before - writing (12mn) * Task 1 - Explain what to do in task 1: use the prompt to make up complete sentences about Scott Joplin. - Ask S to work in pairs to do the task. - Tell some Ss to write the complete sentences on the board. - Correct Ss’ task.. - Listen -Read through the task to understand what to do - Work in pairs to do the task - Write the sentences on the board. Suggested answers 1. He learnt to play the guitar when he was very young. 2. He learnt to play the works of composers like Bach, Beethoven, Mozart as well as to compose music..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(166)</span> 3. He quickly became famous. 4. His tunes were wonderful mixture of classical European and African. 5. All in all, he wrote 50 piano rags, and was called the King of Ragtime. 6. Scott Joplin died in 1917. While – writing (18mn) * Task 2 - Let Ss have a look of what to write. - Ask Ss to write about the life story of Van Cao, using the prompts, divide Ss into groups and ask them to write on the posters - Go around to give help. - Ask ss to exhibit their task on the board for others to comment. - Give feedback. Homework - Write a short paragraph about on of their favorite musician or singer - Prepare for Language focus Comment (2mn). - Read the cues - Go through the task to know what to write. - Work in groups. - Exhibit and comment the task on the board - Take notes Suggested writing Van Cao was born in Nam Ha in 1923, into a poor worker family. He could compose music when he was very young. He composed his first song in 1939 and quickly became famous. Tien Quan Ca, the Vietnamese National Anthem, was composed in 1944. His artistic works were songs, poems, and paintings. He died in 1995. Van Cao was known as a very talented musician and is highly appreciate by the Vietnamese people.. - Do at home.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(167)</span> LESSON PLAN Unit Twelve : MUSIC D: LANGUSGE FOCUS Time: 45 minutes I Objectives 1. Aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to learn to pronounce /s/ and /z/; using to inf to talk about purposes; and using WH- questions 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: + /s/ and /z/; + to inf to talk about purposes + WH- questions - Lexical items: some words related to music 3. Skills: Speaking, writing, listening,.... II. Teaching method: integrated, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: pictures, posters IV. Procedures Teacher’s activities A. Pronunciation : (15mn) 1. Warm-up - Ask Ss to read to read this sentence: To relax, Susan listens to jazz music. - Correct Ss’ pronunciation of /s/ and /z/ 2. Presentation: - Demonstrate the sounds /s/ and /z/ by pronouncing them clearly and slowly. - Explain to Ss the position of the lips, tongue and the open of the mouth. - Ask Ss to pronounce and repeat the sound several times. 3. Practice: - Read the minimal pairs, ask Ss to repeat. - Read the sentences. - Ask Ss to underline the words containing the sounds /s/ in the given sentences - Tell Ss to practice in pairs. - Tell some Ss to read the words and the. Students’ activities. - Read the sentence. -Listen to know the pronunciation of /s/ and /z/. - Listen and repeat. - Read the word in columns and then in minimal pairs - Read the sentences - Underline the word containing /s/ in the sentences - Practise in pairs - Read aloud.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(168)</span> sentences loudly, correct their pronunciation. 4. Further Practice - Hang a poster, ask Ss to choose the word pronounced differently from the others 1. peas zoo relax prize 2. Susan spring sad solve 3. fiction listens wishes mission 4. missing jazz kiss message 5. music finish option depression B. Grammar I. To infinitive Ex: To relax, I listen to classical music to inf Usage: To- infinitive is used to express a purpose.. - Read and choose the word that are pronounced differently Answer Keys 1. relax 2. Susan 3. listens 4. jazz 5. music. - Read the example and find out what “ to relax” is used for - Listen to T - Take notes. Exercise 1: - Ask Ss to work in pairs to do the task - Ask Ss to write these sentences on the board - Give feedback. - Work in pairs - Go to the board to present their work Suggested answers 1. I phoned her to tell her good news 2. I am saving money to buy a cassette 3. She practises singing all day to win the singing contest. 4. I’m learning French to sing French song. 5. The monitor always goes to class on time to set a good example for the class.. Exercise 2 - Explain the instruction - Ask Ss to work in pairs to do the ask - Tell some Ss to write their answers on the board. - Give feedback. - Listen - Work in pairs - Present the answer on the board. II. WH- Questions - Introduce the pattern of WH questions: 1- Wh-words : (subject) WH-words + S + V? Ex : Who comes to school late? 2- Wh-words : (object/adv). Suggested answers 1. to read 2. to buy 3. to send 4. to invite 5. to learn/ to study.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(169)</span> WH-words + aux + S + V? Ex: When do you listen music? 3- Wh-words : Complement WH-words + be + S ? Ex: Who is she? - Listen * Exercise 3 - Work in pairs to do the task - Explain the instruction - Ask Ss to have a look and find out the WH words suitable to the underlined words or phrases Suggested answers - Ss work in pair to make questions 1. What will you do if it rains? - Tell some Ss to give their answers. 2. What sort of music does her father enjoy listening to music? 3. When did he leave for Ho Chi Minh City? 4. Who wants to talk to you? 5. How did you spend the evening last night? 6. When dose the film start? 7. Who is your favorite musician? 8. Why do you like pop music?. Homework - Review the lesson - Prepare for Unit 13. Reading Comments: 2mn). - Do what T asks at home.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(170)</span> LESSON PLAN Unit thirteen : FILMS AND CINEMA A: Reading Time: 45 minutes I. Objectives 1. Aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know the history of the cinema 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Ss know some important events in the history of cinema - Lexical items: some words related to cinema 3. Skills: Finding words in context, passage comprehension and identifying the main idea II. Teaching method: integrate, mainly communicative approach III. Teaching aids: pictures, posters IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities * Warm up : (3mn) - Show a film and ask questions 1- What is it? 2- Do you want to see a film at the cinema or on TV? Why? 3- Can you name some of the film you have seen? 4- What kind of films do you like to see? Before – reading : (12mn) - Stick the poster on the b.b - Ask Ss to work in pairs to compare films nowadays and films years ago.. Films nowadays Films years ago - long - 1-5 minutes - natural - colorful - black and white - music - silent - Ask Ss to give their answers - Give feedback. Students’ activities. 1- It is a film. 2- Sts’ answer may vary 3- Sts’ answer may vary 4- Sts’ answer may vary. - Keep working in pairs, compare films nowadays and films years ago. - Some Ss say out the differences.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(171)</span> Pre-teach some words Discover (v) = find out. Khaùm phaù, phaùt hieän ra. Discovery (n) Sequence (n) 1 chuoãi (con soá, hình aûnh) Audience = people who like watching film + It was not until that + time + that : Maõi cho đến lúc nào đó thì việc gì mới xảy ra While – reading : (20 mn) * Task 1 - Explain what to do in this task. - Ask Ss to work individually then compare - Listen - Work individually, and then compare with with their friends their - Ask Ss to give their answers friends - Give their answers. - Give feedback. Suggested answers 1. cinema 2. sequence 3. decade 4. rapidly 5. scene 6. actors - Take notes. * Task 2 - Explain what to do in this task. - Listen to T - Tell Ss to work in pairs. - Have some Ss to write the answers on the - Read the passage and find the words in pairs board. - Give the answers. Suggested answers 1- The history of cinema began in the early 19th century. 2- They discovered that when a sequence of still pictures were set in motion, they could give the feeling of movement. 3- No, they don’t. 4- In the early 1910s 5- at the end of the 1920s - Give feedback 6- the musical cinema - Take notes * Task 3 - Ask Ss to work in pairs to choose the best - Work in pairs to read the text again to do title or the passage directed - Ask Ss to give their answers - Give their answers Suggested answers B. A Brief History of Cinema.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(172)</span> - Give feedback After – read : (8mn) * True / False statements (poster) - Ask Ss to read the the text again and decide whether the following statement are true or false 1- The history of cinema began in the late of 19th century. _________ 2- Today, films are bout one minute long. _____ 3- By 1905, films were bout five or ten minutes long. _________ 4- People could see the first long films 1910s. ___________ 5- The cinema became an industry in 1915. ______ 6- It was not until the end of the 1920s that the musical cinema appeared. _________ - Ask Ss to give their answers - Remark and correct together.. Homework - Read the text again - Prepare new lesson: Speaking Comments : (2mn). KYÙ DUYEÄT TUAÀN :26. - Take notes. - Work individually then compare the answer in pairs. - Present their answers and give information Answers: 1- F (early) 2- F (in the early day) 3- T 4- T 5- T 6- T. - Do what T asks at home.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(173)</span> LESSON PLAN Unit thirteen : FILMS AND CINEMA B: Speaking Time: 45 minutes I. Objectives 1. Aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about the most favorite films they have seen. 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Ss talk sth about the film they have seen. - Lexical items: Words/ phrases related to talking about films and cinemas 3. Skills: Expressing attitude, expressing preferences, talking about films II. Teaching methods: integrated, mainly communicative approach III. Teaching aids: pictures, posters. IV. Procedure Teacher’s activities. Students’ activities. * Warm up : (3mn) Brain storming - Draw the spider map on the b.b and get sts - Give some kind of films + war film to give some kind of films + love story film + detective film … cartoon Kind of film. - Remark and give some more films if necessary Before – speaking : (10mn) * Task 1 - Explain the instruction - Run through all new words + science fiction film: phim khoa hoïc vieãn tưởng + horror film: phim kinh dò + detective film: phim trinh tham. - Listen - Listen and take notes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(174)</span> + thriller: phim giaät gaân, li kì - Ask Ss to work individually, put a stick in a right column, then compare the answers with a partner’s - Have some Ss to tell how much and whether they like these kinds of film or not. While – speaking : (24mn) * Task 2 - Explain the new words + action film: phim hành động + moving (a): xúc động + violent (a): bạo lực + terrifying (a): khiếp sợ, khủng khiếp - Help Ss read the words - Explain the instruction - Give model : A: What do you think of horror films? B: Oh, I find them really terrifying. C: I don’t quite agree with you. I find them very interesting. - Have Ss to work in groups to discuss - Go around to help - Ask Ss to talk about the films - Give feedback * Task 3 - Explain what to do in this task. - Give model : A: Which do you prefer, detective films or science fiction films? B: Well, it’s difficult to say. But I suppose I prefer science fiction films to detective ones. - Tell Ss to work in pairs to talk, using the cues in textbooks. - Tell some pairs to present their work. - Give feedback * Task 4 - Explain carefully what to do in this task. ( T may give some samples) - Ask Ss to work in groups. - Ask Ss to talk about the film they like best - Give feedback After – speaking : (6mn) - Ask Ss to talk about a film they’ve liked to. - Work individually, compare with a partner. - Tell about their preference of films Their answers may vary. - Listen to T. - Read in chorus - Take notes - Listen - Work in groups to discuss - Work in pairs - Present to the rest of the class. - Listen - Work in pairs - Talk to the rest of the class - Listen. - Work in groups - Talk to the rest of the class. - Do what T asks.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(175)</span> see recently using the cues in Task 4 Homework - Write a paragraph about the film you’ve seen and prepare new lesson: Listening Comments: (2mn). LESSON PLAN Unit thirteen : FILMS AND CINEMA C: Listening Time: 45 minutes I. Objectives 1. Aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen to the dialogue talking about films and cinemas 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: someone’s plan for a week - Lexical items: words/ phrases related to films and cinemas 3. Skills: listening for main ideas and fill in the chart II- Teaching method: integrate, mainly communicative approach III- Teaching aids: pictures, posters IV – Procedure : Teacher’s activities * Warm up : (5mn) - Ask Ss to work in groups, telling things they usually do in their free time. - Tell the secretary of each group to tell five things that their friends do the most often Before – listening : (15mn) - Explain what to do in this task. - Ask Ss to put a stick in the right column, then compare the answers with a partner. - Tell some Ss to give the answer * Lis ten and repeat - Explain the new words: + suppose (v): Cho laø, nghó raèng + Instead (adv) : thay vì - Read and ask Ss read after - Get sts to read the days in a week While – listening : (23mn) * Task 1:. Student’s activities - Work in groups - Present in class. - Put a stick, compare - Give the answer and explain - Listen and take notes. - Listen and repeat. - Listen to T to know what they are going to.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(176)</span> - Explain the task - Play the tape once - Ask Ss if they can answer. If not, let Ss give the answer when listening to do task 2 - Give feedback * Task 2: - Explain what to do: write the plans on the calendar. - Get Ss to listen three times: 1st take note the activities, 2nd time try to find who do each act, 3rd Ss self-check their work. - Play the tape once then pause to collect Ss’answer - Play the tape 2nd then pause to collect feedback -Play the tape 3rd time - Collect Ss’ feedback - Play and pause to check the information. * Task 3: - Ask Ss to answer: on what day can they meet? After – listening : (10mn) - Ask Ss to work in groups, telling about Lan’s and Huong’s plan for next week. - Ask Ss to present in class - Give feedback Homework: - Write a short paragraph about your plan for next week and prepare new lesson: Writing Comments : (2mn). do - Listen to the tape. - Give answers if they can Suggested answer They are going to the cinema together. - Listen to T. - Listen to the tape and give feedback. - Listen and give the answer - Listen and check the answer - Take notes. Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun. Lan See a play. Huong. Singing club Visit grand parents. Study chinese busy Go on a picnic. - Answer: “ They can meet on Thursday”. - Work in groups - Give their talk. - Do what T asks at home.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(177)</span> LESSON PLAN Unit thirteen : FILMS AND CINEMA D: Writing Time: 45 minutes I. Objectives 1. Aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a description of a film 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: a summary about the film Titanic and how and what to write in a film - Lexical items: Words/ phrases related to films 3. Skills: describing a film II. Teaching method: integrated, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: pictures, posters IV. Procedure: Teacher’s activities * Warm up : (3mn) - Ask Ss to listen the song “MY HEART WILL GO ON” in film Titanic Before – writing : (15mn) - Explain what to do in this task. - Explain some new words: + tragic (adj): bi kich + to sink : chìm + to base on : dựa trên cái gì đó + generous (adj) : haøo phoùng, roäng raõi - Ask Ss repeat after T - Ask Ss to read the description of the film Titanic and then answer the questions - Get some sts to give the answers. Students’ activities - Listen. - Listen. - Repeat after T - Work individually - Give their answers Suggested answers 1.The title of the film is Titanic. 2.It is a love story film. 3.It is about the sinking of a luxury ship on its first voyage. 4.It is made in America..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(178)</span> 5.It is based on the true story of the Titanic disaster. 6.Jack Dawson and Rose De Witt Bukater 7.The man is a young generous adventurer. And the woman is one coming from a rich and high class family who is very hopeless when she is forced to get married with a person she doesn’t love. 8.It has a sad ending because one of these lovers was killed by the chill in Atlantic ocean when the ship sank While – writing : (20mn) - Ask Ss what films they are writing - Choose about five of them, give Ss some new words about these films: what kind, what about, what based on. - Ask Ss to work in pairs, write on posters - G around to give help After - writing : (10mn) - Exhibit some both good and bad answer - Get 2 pairs hang their work on the b.b - Get other sts to remark - Remark and conduct the correction. Homework - Rewrite the description in the notebook after getting correction from T and friends - Prepare new lesson : Language Focus Comments : (2mn). KYÙ DUYEÄT TUAÀN :27. - Answer T’ questions - Listen to T’s explanation - Work in pairs to write. - Exhibit and correct others’ task - Sts read and remark. - Do what T asks at home.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(179)</span> Date: Period:. Unit thirteen. FILMS AND CINEMA. Language focus Time: 45’. I. Objectives. 1. Aim: - General knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + pronounce the sound /s / and /v/ correctly. + use the correct adjectival forms of verbs + use the structure “ it is / was not until … that… + use the articles A / AN / THE correctly 2. Skills: speaking, writing. II. Teaching method: integrated, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: pictures, posters IV. Procedures Teacher’s activities. Student’s activities. A. PRONUNCIATION. 1. Warm up - Write pictures of a face and a vase on the board. -Ask Ss to read - Ask Ss to tell the difference between these two sounds. - Introduce new lesson. 2. Presentation: - Demonstrate the sounds /f/ and /v/ by pronouncing them clearly and slowly. - Explain to Ss the position of the lips, tongue and the opening of the mouth. - Ask Ss to pronounce and repeat the sound several times. 3. Practice:. - Read “ a vase”, “ a face” - Answer: different in meaning and consonant sound -Listen to know the pronunciation of /f/ and /v/. - Listen and repeat - Read the words in columns and then in minimal pairs - Read the sentences - Practice in pairs - Some Ss read aloud.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(180)</span> - Read the minimal pairs, ask Ss to repeat. - Read the sentences. - Ask Ss to underline the words containing the sounds /f/ & /v/ in the given sentences - Tell Ss to practice in pairs. - Tell some Ss to read the words and the sentences loudly, correct their pronunciation. 4. Further Practice: -Ask Ss to work in groups, find minimal pairs of /f/ and /v/ Face ……. ferry ………. fear …... fine …… few …….. fat ………. …… Vote ………. shower ……. live ……… halve …….. save ……… leave offer ……… belief ………… file ………. B. GRAMMAR:. 1. Adjectives of attitude: - Ask Ss to look at the examples: Ex: The movie was very disappointing We were disappointed with the movie. - Ask Ss to tell the differences in use between the two adjectives. - Explain the differences after listening to Ss’ ideas. + Adjectives ending with “ing” used with nouns referring to things implying the active meaning. + Adjectives ending with “ed” used with nouns referring to people, implying the passive meaning. * Exercise 1: - Explain what to do. - Ask S to work individually - Ask some Ss to read their answer. * Exercise 2: - Ask Ss to explain what to do in this task. - Ask Ss to work in pairs - Collect Ss’ feedback.. - Give feedback. - Listen and repeat -Work in groups; find the other words of minimal pairs. - Work in pairs - Read the sounds and sentences in chorus. Suggested answers Face vase ferry very fear very fine vine few view fat vat fee Vote shuffle shower life live half halve safe save leaf leave offer over belief believe file vile. - Look at the example. - Tell the differences - Listen to T. - Take notes. - Listen - Do the exercise - Give the answer. - Read the task to know what to do. - Work in pairs - Give answer. Suggested answers 1. a) depressing b) depressed 2. a) interested b) interesting 3. a) boring b) bored 4. a) excited b) exciting 5. a) exhausting b) exhausted.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(181)</span> 2. UNTIL: mãi cho đến khi - Ask Ss to read the examples and tell the differences in meanings and in structures of these two examples in textbook - Introduce the grammar note: + affirmative clause + UNTIL: expresses an action that stops when the action after “until” happens + negative clause + UNTIL: expresses an action that occurs when the action after “until” stops * Exercise 3: - Ask Ss to work in pairs - Tell some Ss to read their sentences and then write their sentences on the board. - Correct Ss’ task on the board.. - Take notes. - Read the examples, tell the differences. - Listen to T. - Work in pairs. - Read and write the answers on the board. 1. 2. 3. 4.. 3. A(N) / THE - Give an example: Ex: I have ……………..book. ……………….book is very interesting. - Ask Ss to fill “a” or “the” in the blanks. - Introduce the grammar note: + A(n): used when referring to what we mention the first time. + The: used when referring to what we have already mentioned, when both speaker and listener already know to be mentioned. * Exercise 4: - Ask Ss to work in pairs. - Ask Ss to give their answers. - Give feedback Homework - Do exercises in Workbook. - Prepare for Unit 14, Reading Comment. Suggested answers. It was not until 1990 she became a teacher. It was not until he was 30, he knew how to swim. It was not until 1980 that they began to learn English. It was not until his father came home the boy did his homework. 5. It was not until the lights were on that the football match started.. - Look at the example, fill in the blanks with a/ the. - Do the task - Listen and take notes. - Work in pairs - Tell the answers Suggested answers 1. 1. a 2. the 3. the 2. 4. an 5. a 6. a 7. the 8. the 9. a 3. 10. a 11. a 12. the 13. the 4. 14. an 15. a 16. a 17. the 18. a - Take notes - Do what T asks.

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