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KHBD TIẾNG ANH 6 TUẦN 3 TIẾT 7-9 Unit 1 Lesson 3. New words+Listening Reading + Speaking Writing

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Week: 3 Date of preparing: 16/9/2021. Period 7. UNIT 1: HOME Lesson 3 – Geography (p. 12): New words + Listening I.. Objectives: 1. Knowledge and skills: By the end of this lesson, students will gain the following: Vocabulary: south, west, north, south, village, town, city, hometown Grammar: Present simple – Where is….? Is it….? What’s it famous for? Students will be able to ask and answer about villages, towns and cities. 2. Competencies: - Students are able to use the knowledge to complete the exercises, practice language aspects in communicative situations - They will work in pairs, groups to develop communication and collaboration, creativity and problem-solving 3. Qualities: - They are active to broaden and percept the knowledge - They will develop the love for community, country and the world. II.. Teaching aids:. - Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV. - Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks, workbooks. III.. Procedures:. Class 6A 6B 6C. Date of teaching 22/9/2021 21/9/2021 20/9/2021. Absent students.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Teacher’s and Students’ activities Contents A. Activity 1: Warm-up a. Objectives: - To create a friendly atmosphere in the class before the lesson - To lead to the new lesson b) Content: - some towns or cities in Viet Nam or the World c) Product: Students will know some towns or cities in Viet Nam or the World d) Organization of the activity: - T shows some pictures of town or cities in Vietnam and in the world, and then asks students to give its name. - Ss look at the pictures and tell the Which town or city? names of the cities or towns - T gives feedback, then leads to new lesson.. Hoi An/Singapore/Ho Chi Minh city/ America B. Activity 2: New words a) Objective: - To identify, understand the situation and language materials (new vocabulary items). b) Content: - Learn and use language materials (Section: New words page 12). c) Products: Students know how to pronounce the new words correctly and use them in appropriate situations d) Organization of the activity: Presentation New words. - T uses pictures to elicit the meaning of 1. south (n) /sauθ/: hướng Nam new words. 2. north (n) /nɔ:θ/ : hướng Bắc - T look at the pictures and say the 3. west (n) /west/: hướng Tây meaning of the words 4. east (n) /i:st/: hướng Đông - T has Ss listen and repeat. (chorally – 5. village (n) /'vilidʤ/: làng, xã individually) 6. town (n) /taun/: thị xã - Ss repeat the new words 7. city (n) /'siti/: thành phố, thành thị - Tchecks and corrects the pronunciation.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> if necessary. Checking new words: - T shows pictures, students say the words. Task a. Write the words in the boxes on the Practice: map. Listen and repeat. - T has Ss write the words in the boxes on the map - Ss works individually, then check their Answer: 1. center answers with partners 2. north - T asks Ss to give the answers 3. east - Ss check the answers as a whole class 4. south - T plays the recording, has Ss listen and 5. west repeat. Task b. Now. Read the descriptions and write - Ss listen and repeat. the underlined words under each picture. - T gets Ss read the descriptions and Listen and repeat write the underlined words under the pictures 1. village - Ss do as requested 2. town - T asks Ss to check their answers with 3. city their partners - Ss check and share the answers - T checks the answers as a whole class - T plays the recording and has Ss repeat. Production: Speaking - T shows places in Viet Nam, students look and tell if they are villages, towns or cities. C. Activity 3: Listening a) Objective: Students can answer the question after listening to a boy talking about his hometown, and they can aslo finish the listening task in the textbook. Critical thinking skills (guessing/ reasoning) and communication can also be practised. b) Content: Students answer the questions, circle “True or False”. c) Products: Students produce the new language successfully and then can finish the listening exercise. d) Organization of the activity: Pre-listening - T shows the Listening on page 12, lets students look and describe it. - Teacher shows a guided question. “Listen, answer: Does he like living there?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> - Ss can guess the answer While- listening - T plays the recording the first time - Ss listen and answer Yes – No. - Ss share the answers with their partners - T has Ss to give the answers - T plays the recording the second time to check answers as a whole class.. Task 1.Listen to a boy talking about his hometown. Answer: Yes. - T plays the recording the first time - Ss listen and circle True - false. (exercise b/p. 8) - T plays the recording again - Ss listen again and compare the answers with their partners. - T gets the answers from students. - Ss correct the false ones. - T checks, corrects or gives feedback. Production Writing & Speaking - T shows a chart of Luca’s house. - T has Ss work in groups of four, fill in missing information.. Task 2: Listen and circle True – False Answer: 1. True 2. False 3. False 4. True. T checks and gives feedback. * Useful language - T has Ss look at the useful language box - Ss observe - T play the audio - Ss listen, then practice - T has Ss practice using other vocabulary from new words.. North of Italy. Small village Luca. weather. Famous for …. My house is. Script: Hi, everyone. My name is Luca. I live in a small village on Burano Island. It's in the north of Italy, about nine kilometers from Venice. You have to take a ferry to get here. It isn't a big village, fewer than three thousand people live here. Burano is famous for its brightly painted houses. My house is bright yellow. A lot of tourists come here to take photos and buy souvenirs. Here we have warm summers and very cold winters. I love my village. It's the best place in the world. Narrator: Now, listen again and check.. D. Homework - Teacher guides students to have a look back on the lesson at home, do exercises in workbook and get ready for the next lesson. - Students: + do exercises in workbook + Make a chart of information about the place you live. + Prepare for the new lesson: Lesson 3 – Geography (p. 12): Reading +.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Speaking. Comment: …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Week: 3 Date of preparing: 16/9/2021. Period 8. UNIT 1: HOME Lesson 3 – Geography (p. 12): Reading + Speaking I.. Objectives: 1. Knowledge and skills: By the end of this lesson, students will gain the following: Vocabulary: review (south, west, north, south, village, town, city, hometown) Grammar: Present simple – Review (Where is….? Is it….? What’s it famous for?) Students will be able to ask and answer about villages, towns and cities in Vietnam and other countries; read a paragraph about a city in Viet Nam; write about their hometown. 2. Competencies: - Students are able to use the knowledge to complete the exercises, practice language aspects in communicative situations - They will work in pairs, groups to develop communication and collaboration, creativity and problem-solving 3. Qualities: - They are active to broaden and percept the knowledge - They will develop the love for community, country and the world. II.. Teaching aids:. - Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV. - Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks, workbooks. III.. Procedures:. Class 6A 6B. Date of teaching 23/9/2021 22/9/2021. Absent students.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> 6C. 22/9/2021. Teacher’s and Students’ activities A. Activity 1: Warm up Speaking. Contents. a) Objectives: - To create a friendly atmosphere in the class before the lesson; - To check Ss’ homework - To lead into the unit b) Content: - Students’s places c) Product: Students can talk about their places d) Organization of the activity: - Ss show the information about the place they live (homework). Student’s places - Other students make questions to find more city hot weather center information about it. - T and the whole class check and correct. Place:….. B. Activity 2: Reading a) Objective: - To understand paragraph and answer the questions b) Content: - To read a paragraph about Cần Thơ c) Products: Students understand the paragraph and answer the questions d) Organization of the activity: Pre- reading - T shows some pictures or a short clip of Floating market, asks students some questions about this place. Example: 1. Do you know this market? 2. Where is it? 3. Have you ever been there? 4. What do you know about it? - T gets the answers, then teaches some new words.. New words: 1. Floating market (n) 'fləʊtiη.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> - Ss listen and repeat. (chorally – individually) - T checks and corrects the pronunciation if necessary. - T shows pictures, students say the words. While - reading T gets Ss work in pairs, read the text and answer the questions - Some students give answers. Teacher checks and corrects.. Post reading - T asks students questions to summarize about Can Tho. - Teacher leads in the next task (speaking). 'mɑ:kit/ : chợ di động 2. Delta (n) /'deltə/: châu thổ 3. grow (v) /grəʊ/: lớn lên 4. Farmer (n) /'fɑ:mə[r]/: nông dân 5. Important (a) /im'pɔ:tnt/: quan trọng 6. Business (n) /'biznis/: công việc kinh doanh 7. Transportation (n) /,trænspɔ:'tei∫n/: chuyên chở Checking new words Task 1: Answer the questions Answer: 1. It’s in the south of Vietnam 2. It’s famous for the floating market and beautiful rivers. 3. It’s hot 4. They grow rice, vegetables and fruit trees. Can Tho: south of Vietnam, big city, floating markets, beautiful rivers, grow rice, vegetable and trees.. C. Activity 3: Speaking a) Objective: - To know more about Colmar and Clovelly b) Content: Ask questions and answer c) Products: Ss produce the new language successfully d) Organization of the activity: Pre – speaking - T shows two pictures about Colmar and Clovelly - Ss observe - T asks Ss some questions to get some information about these places. - Ss listen and answer While- speaking - T asks students to work in pairs - T has Ss B ask about Colmar and Ss A answer the questions. Task 1. Planning a geography presentation. What do you know about these places?. B: Where is Colmar? A:……………………………… B: Is it a big town?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> - Ss swap roles to talk about Clovelly - Representatives from pairs share the presentation to class. - T checks and gives feedback. Post – speaking - T gets Ss ask and answer about other places that they know - Volunteer students talk about it. - Teacher checks and gives feedback.. A:……………………………… B: What is it famous for? A:……………………………… B: What’s the weather like? A:………………………………. Task 2: Planning a geography presentation about a place you know. D. Homework - Teacher guides students to have a look back on the lesson at home, do exercises in workbook and get ready for the next lesson. - Students: + do exercises in workbook + Write a paragraph about the place you live. + Prepare for the new lesson: Lesson 3.3. – Geography (p. 13): Writing. Comment: …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> Week: 3 Date of preparing: 16/9/2021. Period 9. UNIT 1: HOME Lesson 3.3. – Geography (p. 13): Writing I. Objectives: 1. Knowledge and skills: By the end of this lesson, students will gain the following: Vocabulary: review (south, west, north, south, village, town, city, hometown) Grammar: Present simple – Review (Where is….? Is it….? What’s it famous for?) Students will be able to ask and answer about where they live, and then write a paragraph about their hometown. 2. Competencies: - Students are able to use the knowledge to complete the exercises, practice language aspects in communicative situations - They will work in pairs to develop communication and collaboration, creativity and problem-solving 3. Qualities: - They are active to broaden and percept the knowledge - They will develop the love for community, country and the world II. Teaching aids: - Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, ISB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV. - Students’ aids: Student’s books, notebooks, workbooks. III. Procedures. Class 6A 6B 6C. Date of teaching 24/9/2021 24/9/2021 23/9/2021. Absent students.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> Teacher’s and Students’ activities A. Activity 1: Warm up Speaking. Contents. a) Objectives: - To create a friendly atmosphere in the class before the lesson; - To lead into the unit b) Content: - Talking about Students’ hometown c) Product: Students can talk about their hometown d) Organization of the activity: Where do you live? - T asks Ss some questions Do you like this place? - Ss listen and answer What’s the weather like? - T lead into the new lesson What is it famous for? B. Activity 2: Writing a) Objective - To know more about Ss’ hometown b) Content: - Ask and answer about hometown - Write a paragraph about hometown c) Products: Ss write a paragraph about their hometown successfully d) Organization of the activity: My hometown Pre writing What / name / My hometown - T uses the table in the book, has town? is………………………….. students asking and answering the Where / questions hometown? - Ss work in pairs ask and answer where Is / town / city? they live and complete the notes. What / famous - Students show their result to class. for? (individually) What / weather like? - Teacher checks and gives feedback. What / like While –writing about it? - T has Ss use the notes and the reading to write a paragraph about their hometown. Suggested answer: - Ss practice writing individually My hometown is Nha Trang. It is in the - T has Ss compare their writing center of Vietnam. It is a city. It is - Ss do as requested.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> - T calls on some volunteer students to write their paragraphs on the board. famous for its beautiful beaches and - T has Ss check their friend’s writing, seafood. The weather is hot. I like my remarks and gives feedback. hometown because I love going to the Post writing beach. T has some Ss read their paragraphs in front of the class. Ss read in front of the class. D. Homework - Teacher guides students to have a look back on the lesson at home and get ready for the next lesson. - Students: + Write a paragraph about the place you like best + Prepare for the new lesson: Review Vocabulary and Grammar (p. 86). Comment: …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… ……………...

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