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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Week: 20th (1) Period: 55th. Date of Teaching : 12/1/2010 Date of Preparation: 10/1/2010. UNIT 9 :. A FIRST- AID COURSE. Lesson 1:. Section : - Getting started (page 80) - Listen and Read 1, 2(page 80, 81) I.Aim: Reading for details about the situations which require first – aid. By the end of the lesson, Ss can know what they would in the situations which require first – aid. II.Language Contents Grammar 1. in order to, so as to 2. Making requests, offers and requests using modal, "will". 3. Future simple with "will/ shall". Vocabulary Verb Noun Adjective (to) bleed bite ambulance concious (to) elevate burn parademic sterile (to) minimize crutch wheelchair (to) lie flat emergency tissue damage (to) lower eye chart (to) overheat fainting (to) ease injection promise shock sting stretcher treatment victim wound III.Teaching aids: Pictures on page 80, cassette, gap fill chart, drawing. IV.Procedure Teacher’s and Students’activities Content Warm Up. Chatting: T: - Ask Ss to open their, books and -Have you ever had an accident that requires look at the things on page 80 (for first –aid ? 20"). Tell them these things are often - Have you ever met any situations ? used for first- aid. - What did you do at that time ? - Divide the class into two groups. GETTING STARTED - Ask Ss to close their books and go to Kim's game the board to write the names of the things they've just seen from memory, (either in English or Vietnamese) - Tell them the group having the most right English words is the winner..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> - Have Ss open the books again and go through the words in English. - Ask Ss to discuss and write down what they would do in these situations which require first-aid. Ss: give their answers II.New Lesson. Activity 1. T: show the pictures and introduce the situations. Get S to guess. S: work in groups discuss about the situations in the picture. T: present the words. - Have Ss copy the vocabulary in their notebooks. Checking technique: Slap the board - Put the new words (in Vietnamese or drawing) all over the board - not in a list. - Call on 2 Ss or 2 teams (4 or 5 Ss for each) in both sides to the front of the class standing at equal distance from the blackboard. - Call out one of the new words (in English) in a loud voice. - Two Ss must run forward and slap the word, the student who slaps the correct word first is the winner and gets a mark. Activity 2 T : Hang the chart with the paragraph on the board. - Ask Ss to predict the words in the gaps. - Call on some Ss to go to the board and write their words. - Have Ss open their books, listen to the tape while reading the dialogue. - Check if Ss' predictions are right or not. - Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and select the topics covered in he dialogue (page 81). - Tell Ss (in groups) to write their answers on a sheet of paper and hand in after finishing. - Collect Ss’ papers and correct.. Answer Key: 1. emergency room 2.sterile dressing 3. medicated oil 4. water pack 5. water pack 6. alcohol Possible answers: + A girl has a burn on her arm  Use cold water / ice to ease the pain + A boy has a bad cut on his leg  Use alcohol medicated oil / sterile dressing. + A girl has a nose bleed  Use a handkerchief to stop the bleeding / tell her to lie down. + A boy has a bee sting  Use medicated oil...  Listen and Read I Vocabulary 1. (an) ambulance (draw an ambulance) 2. (an) emergency (T: When do we need an ambulance?)  S: When there is an emergency 3. unconcious (adj)  concious (What's “bat tinh” in English?) 4. (to) bleed  the bleeding (When you have a cut, the cut will ... (bleed)...?) 5.sting (V ) đốt chích 6.Cover the would. 7.Hold it tight II. Gap fill Prediction There was an emergency at Lan's school, A " student... (1)... off her bike and hit her head on the road. She was. ,(2)., but she cut her head and (he. ...(3)... was ...(4),.. badly. Lan telephoned Bach Mai Hospital and asked the nurse to send an.. (5).. to Quang Trung School. Lan was asked to keep the student, . (6). ..while waiting for the ambulance." Anwer Key: 1. fell 2. concious 3. cut 4. bleeding 5. ambulance 6. awake III. Comprehentian question Answer Key: a , b , c , e , f IV.Role Play - Have Ss in turns play the roles to demonstrate the dialogue. V. Write- it –up Situation:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> - Ask Ss to write a story using the -.A student has a broken leg because of the information from the dialogue. accident. - Tell Ss to begin their story with: "Yesterday there was an emergency at.............." - Monitor and help Ss with their work. - Have Ss find some more words (about 4/5) for situations which Homework require first- aid. - Let Ss do the exercises in the workbook, (page..........) ************************************************************************ Week: 20th (2) Date of Teaching: 14/1/2010 Period: 56th Date of Preparation: 13/1/2010. UNIT 9 : A FIRST- AID COURSE Lesson 2: Section: - Speak -Listen (page 81, 82) I.Aim: Practice in making and responding to offers, promises and requests. By the end of the lesson, Ss can make and requests, offers, and promises Listening to a paragraph for details about the activities in an emergency room. Help Ss know how to listen for details. II.Language Content Grammar 1. in order to, so as to 2. Making requests, offers and requests using modal, "will". 3. Future simple with "will/ shall". Vocabulary Verb Noun Adjective (to) bleed bite ambulance concious (to) elevate burn parademic sterile (to) minimize crutch wheelchair (to) lie flat emergency tissue damage (to) lower eye chart (to) overheat fainting (to) ease injection promise shock sting stretcher treatment victim wound III.Teaching aids: Pictures on page 80, cassette, gap fill chart, drawing..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> IV. Procedure. Teacher’s and Students’activities I.Warm up. - Draw the network with an example on the board and use it as a game. - Deliver posters to Ss and ask them to write as many words as possible on their posters. - Ask Ss to stick their posters on the board after they finish. - Tell them the group to have most right words is the winner. S : Do as teacher asks II.New Lesson Activity 1 Pre-Speaking T: Set the scene - Ask Ss questions to elicit the models. - Have Ss repeat 2 or 3 times beore writing them on the broad. - Underline the key words. T: - Get Ss to work out the rules for themselves by asking questions. - After formulating the model sentences, elicit some more phrases with the Same use from Ss.. Content Revision: Network Situations which reaquire first-aid. Have a snake bite. Possible answers: have a nose bleed have a burn have a cut have a bee sting….  SPEAK Questions: 1. I want you to get me a bandagel How can I say? 2. I’d like you to come to my party. How can I say? 3. I tell my mother that I’ll surely finish my work before bedtime. How can I say?. - Get Ss to copy. - Hang the chart with the statements on the board. T: Elicit the model sentences , use the poster of the use : Requests, Offers,Promises and II. Model Sentences their responses..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> S: copy down. T: Let S repeat the model sentences. S: listen and repeat.. 1. Will you (please) get me a bandage? 2. Would vou like to come to my party ? 3. I promise I’ll finish my homework before bedtime. Concept cheeking: 1. To make a request: Could you (please) + bare infinitive...?. Responses : + Sure / OK / All right. — I’m sorry I can’tJ I’m afraid not. 2. To make an offer: Will / Won’t you Shall I bare infinitive......? Can I Would you like + to infinitive......? What can I do / get for you ? Can I get you...............? Responses; + Yes, please. / That would be nice. - No, thank you.. 3. To make a promise : - Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 82 and match the situations with the statements S: answer in orally. T: give correct answer. S :copy down While –Speaking T ask S Identify the situations in the pictures.. I promise I’ll /I won’t..... I will.................. I promise. I promise to..................................... Responses: I hope so. / Good. / I’m glad. / Don’t forget. - Model Picture a) then get Ss to repeat (chorus individual) - Call on one student to demonstrate Picture b) with the teacher. Post -Speaking - Monitor and correct, encourage Ss to make sentences for themselves. - Collect the Ss' ideas and write them on the board, (generally in a list.) •. Answer key l.a 2.d 3.e 4. b 5. c IV. Picture Drill: - Identify the situations in the pictures. Picture a)  request b) offer offer / request c)  offer/ request d)  offer e)  promise Open pairs: - Get 3 or 4 pairs to demonstrate the exchanges of the rest, (c, d, e ) Closed pairs: - Get Ss in turns to practice all the exchanges (a  e). Pre-listening T: Ask S to look at picture on page 82 and write out all the verbs describing the actions of the people in it. S: Work in group. The group having the most right verbs is the winner.. III. Matching 2. The girl has a bum on her hand. 2. The girl has a bad fever. 3. The boy has just broken the vase. 4. The boy hat a headache. 5. The boy has a snake bite..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span>  LISTEN.  Guess from Content What actions ? To drive, wheel , move, push,weigh,wait,lie,stand,. While - Listening T:Ask S to look at the picture again and name the things. S: Do as directed. T: teach vo. S: listen and cppy down. S: Have Ss copy. Checking technique: What and Where - Have Ss repeat the words in chorus then rub out word by word but leave the circles. - Go on until the circles are empty. - Get Ss (5 at a time) to come to the blackboard to fill in the circles with the I. Vocabulary right words again. 1. (an) eye chart (use the picture )  eye sight (nu): Bản đo thị lực 2 (a) parademic (He takes care of patients but T: - Ask Ss to look at the picture in their he isn't a doctor nor a nurse.): trợ Y books again and match the letter A, B, C, 3. (a) wheelchair (use the picture): Xe lăn D, E, F to the correct words in the box.  (to) wheel (to push a wheelchair) 4. (a) stretcher (picture) : Cai cang Answer Key: 5. (a) crutch  crutches (picture): cái nạng S: answer. 6.lean against the wall: tựa vào tường Checking technique: What and Where - Rub out the letters (A, B...) but leave the words. - Tell Ss they are going to listen place in an emergency room which contains the words on the board. - Have Ss copy and guess the order of the words. T: Play the tape and ask Ss to listen. - Ask Ss to give their answers and correct. Post - Listening - Stick the chart with the statements on the board: - Ask Ss to read the statements carefully and check if they understand the meaning of the statements. - Ask as to work in pairs to decide which of. II. Matching A  ambulance D  eye chart B  wheelchair E  scale C  crutches F  stretcher III. Order Prediction - Put the words in the table. You guess On tape ambulance ……… 3 wheelchair ……… 2 crutches ……… 6 eye chart ……… 4.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> the statements is true and which is false. - Play the tape and have Ss listen (2 or 3 times). - Ask Ss to give their answers and correct. Homework. T : Ask Ss to write the story about the activities in the picture, using the Present continuous. Ss : rewrite the above story in the Past Tense.. scale stretcher. ……… ………. 5 1. IV. True / False Statements 1. A doctor is wheeling a patient into the emergency room. 2. The patient's head is bandaged. 3. A nurse is pushing a wheelehair with a patient sitting on it. 4. The eye chart consists of 28 letters ranging in the different size. 5. The baby's mother is trying to stop the nurse from weighing her baby. Answer Key: 1. False a parademic not a doctor) 2. True 3. False (empty wheelehair not with a patient..) 4. True 5. False (stop her baby from crying) V. Write- It-Up “This is the emergency room in a large hospital………. Week: 20th (3) Period: 57th. Date of Teaching:15/1/2010 Date of Preparation: 13/1/2010. UNIT 9 :A FIRST- AID COURSE Lesson 3:. Section : - Read (page 83, 84) - Language Focus 1 (page 86) I.Aim: Reading for the instructions about some more situations requiring ifirst- aid. At the- end of the lesson 8s can use in order to and so as to to indicate purposes. II.Language Content Grammar 1. in order to, so as to 2. Making requests, offers and requests using modal, "will". 3. Future simple with "will/ shall". Vocabulary Verb Noun Adjective (to) bleed bite ambulance concious (to) elevate burn parademic sterile (to) minimize crutch wheelchair (to) lie flat emergency tissue damage (to) lower eye chart.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> (to) overheat (to) ease. fainting injection promise shock sting stretcher treatment victim wound. III.Teaching aids: chart, picture / drawing, mimes, 4 cardboards. IV.Procedure Teacher’s and Students’activities Content Warm up. Bingo T: - Ask Ss to give nouns for emergencies which require first-aid and write them on the board. Suggested words - Have Ss choose any 4 words on the board burn, cut, bee sting, snake bite, fainting, shock, nose and write them down on a piece of paper. bleed - Call out the words until someone has ticked all the four words and shouts “Bingo!”. He / She wins the game. Pre-reading. T: set the scene: ( today we will learn about  READ 3 emergencies ( 3 siruations ): I.Vocabulary fainting,shock and burns ) 1. (to) lie flat; (mime / drawing):nằm thẳng Now you work in groups and discuss what 2. (to) elevate  (to) lower (gesture): nâng lên should do in those situations. 3. (a) victim (person who needs first- aid) S: discuss in groups. 4. (to) overheat (make sth too hot) T: teach Vo. 5.tissue damage(translation) S: listen and copy down. 6. (to) ease = (to) stop: giảm đau - Have Ss copy 7.Cool the burn. technique: Rub out and Remember. 8.Minimize tissue damage - Have Ss repeat and rub out the English 9.Force sb to do st :bắt ai làm gì words (one at a time), leave the Vietnamese II. Network translations. cool the burn - When all the English words are rubbed with ice out, go ough the Vietnamese list and get the Ss to call out English words. While -Reading Let the victim - Draw the network with some examples on lie down the board. - Ask Ss to think of what to do in these Don’t give the emergency cases. victim any food - Collect and write the Ss' ideas on the III. Matching board Choose the correct case for each of the following - Have Ss open their books and read the treatments. instructions on page 83. Answer Kev:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> - Ask some Ss to go to the board and add A a, c, e B  b C d the missing information. IV. Grid Cases Do Don't - Ask Ss to read the statements on page 84 and match three Leadings A, 8, C to them. - Draw the grid on the board. Fainting - Leave the patient Don't force him/ - Ask Ss to read the instructions again and lying flat. Elevate her to sit or stand. the fill in the Information - Call on some Ss to the board to write their Shock - Give him/ her a cup - Don't overheat of tea when he/ she the victim with answers. revives.. - Don't give the victim any food or drink or drug.. - Have Ss copy the grid in their notebooks. S : Do as T’s asks. - Ask the question to elicit the answer. Model then have Ss repeat, choral  individual.. blankets or coats.. - Cool the burn immediately to minimize the tissue damage. : Put the affected part under a running cold tap (if possible) - Ease the pain with ice or cold water packs. Cover the burned area with a thick sterile dressing. Vgrammar A. Why should we cool the burn immediately ? B. We should do it so as to minimize the tissue damage in order to bare inf.. Concept checking Form : so as to / in order to + bare infinitive Meaning : để Use : to indicate purposes. VII. Role Play Model: A: Why .................................? Post –Reading B: ........... in order to / so as to ............... Write the model on the board and ask Ss to ask and answer questions using their own words. Homework. Learn the lesson carefully..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> Week: 21 (1) Period: 58th. Date of Teaching : 19/1/2010 Date of Preparation: 17/1/2010. UNIT 9: A FIRST-AID COURSE Lesson 4. Write. (page 84, 85. I.Aim: Writing a thank- you note. By the end of the lesson, Ss know how to write a thank-you note. II.Language Content Grammar 1. in order to, so as to 2. Making requests, offers and requests using modal, "will". 3. Future simple with "will/ shall". Vocabulary Verb Noun Adjective (to) bleed bite ambulance concious (to) elevate burn parademic sterile (to) minimize crutch wheelchair (to) lie flat emergency tissue damage (to) lower eye chart (to) overheat fainting (to) ease injection promise shock sting stretcher treatment victim wound III.Teaching aids: Posters, drawing IV.Procedure Teacher’s and Students’activities Content Warm up T : Call Ss go to the board and give the - Faiting first aids instructions for these situations : - Shock S : Go to the board - Burn T : Correct and give mark New Lesson . Pre- Writing T:Set the scene - Ask Ss to close their books and listen..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> Nga was sick and she had to go to hospital. After she left the hospital, she wrote a thank-you note to Hoa. Why and what did she write ? - Elicit words from Ss S: read in chorus and copy down. - Have Ss copy. T: Checking technique: Slap the board - Write the Vietnamese translation all over the board, adding some words in the last lesson. - Call on 2Ss or 2 teams of 4/5 Ss in both sides to the front of the class. - Call out the English words and 2 Ss run forward to slap the Vietnamese word on the board.. T: - Hang the poster with the statements on the board. S: Read –predict T : Ask Ss to read the statements and predict, S : Give their predictions, (only one student for each statement) and write on the board. (T/F) S : look at the letter on page 84 and complete it with the right verb forms. - Monitor and help Ss with the tense forms. T : Call on some Ss to give their answers and correct S : Read the whole letter and check if their predictions are right or not. T : Correct While –Writing T : Tell Ss they are going to write a thankyou note to a friend and invite him / her to go on a picnic with them. - Put the poster with the questions (page 85) on the board. S : answer the questions orally. T : Have Ss practise speaking to each other. - Ask Ss to join the sentences into a paragraph (not put any numbers, eg: 1, 2, 3, ....) to make it a thank-you note. S : write their letters on a sheet of paper to hand in or in their exercise notebooks.. I. Vocabulary 1. (to) thank (so) for (sth) (give an example with a gap)  eg: She thanked me ............ helping her. 2. (to) cheer (so) up: (to make (so) feel happier) 3. (to) come over: (translation). II. True / False Predictions 1. Nga writes to thank Hoa for some candy. 2. Hoa's gift cheered Nga up. 3. Nga'd like Hoa to see her at the hospital. 4. Nga is very bored now. 5.Nga writes the letter at the hospital. Answer Key: 1. False  flowers (not candy) 2. True. 3. False  at her house (not at the hospital) 4. True 5. False  at her house (not at the hospital). III.Complete the letter 0.sent 1.was 2.were 3.helped 4.came 5.am 6.will phone IV.Questions and Answers What did your friend give/send you? On what occasion ? What was / were it / they like ? How did you feel when you received the present ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> Post-Writing - Divide the class into 4 groups and choose a letter randomly in each group. - Ask 4 groups to copy 4 chosen letters on posters then put them on the board. - Compare the posters and correct. - Call on some more Ss to read their letters for the class (if possible) - Give feedback and correct. Homework T : Ask Ss to use the same format to write another letter to another friend for another occasion, - Let Ss do the exercises in the workbook, page…...... S : Do as T’s asks. Week: 21st (2) Period: 59th. Lesson 5. How do you feel now ? Do you want to invite your friend to somewhere ? If so, then when ? How will you contact your friend ? Write a thank you note. Suggested letter Dear Phuong, Thank you very much for the books you sent me while I treated my disease at home.they were very interesting and helped me relax a lot .I loved reading them very much.Now,I have got over and felt very sad.I want to go out to enjoy the fresh air.Do you want to go on a picnic with me this Sunday ? If yes.I ‘ll come and pick you up . I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Your friend. Nguyen At Homework Write another letter.. Date of Teaching: 20/1/2010 Date of Preparation: 17/1/2010 UNIT 9: A FIRST-AID COURSE Language Focus. .Aims:At the end of the lesson,S will be able to master and use “ so as to / in order to “ in purposes ,revise “ will “ in the simple future tense,how to use it requests,offers and promises. II.Language Content: 1.purposes: so as to / in order to. 2.Will : simple future tense requests,offers and promises. III.Teaching aids: individually work, groupwork,pairwork. IV.Procedure: Teacher’s and Students’activities Content Warm up. Complete the sentences. T: invide class into 2 big groups and guide to do. G1:I go to Ha Noi................................... S: work in groups. G2: to visit Hoan Kiem Lake. T: comment the game and lead to the new lesson. G2: We go to the bookshop... New Lesson: G1:so as to buy some books I.Matching:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> Activity 1 T: Ask S to look at the example ( so as to / in order to “ are hidden). S: look at it. T: explain –Let S compare 2 parts and guess the meaning of the “ so as to / in order to “ S: listen and copy down. T: let S match A and B. S: individual work. T: Ask S to read aloud.. 1.Revision of “ so as to / in order to “ Meaning: để,để mà Use: indicating purpose Form: so as to +V ( bare infi ).. In order to * Matching: f-c-b-e-a-d Make sentences: Ex:I always keep the window open so as to / in order to let fresh air in.. Activity 2 T: guide S to complete the dialogue S:work in pairs to complete, T:Revise the use of “ will “ in the simple future tense. S: listen and copy down. T: call on some pairs to give feedback. S: Read aloud,( pairwork ) T: correct.. II.Complete the dialogue: (1).Answers 1.will 2.will 3.won’t 4.shall 5.will 6.’ll Revision of the simple future tense: Use: Express an action in the future. Form: S + will /shall + V ( infi )...... III.Making requests,offers and promises and how to respond: 1.Complete the sentences: a.Will you open the window....? b.Will you give it....? c.Will you answer the telephone..? d.will you turn on please..? e.will you pour a glass of water..? f.will you get me a cushion..? 2.Make requests,offers,or promises: b.will you paint the doors? c.I promise i’ll study harder.. Activity 3 T: explain how to do. S: listen T: let S observe the pictures and speak. S: work individually. T: let S read the dialogues: a - f. S: pair work. T: call on some pairs to read aloud. S: do as directed. T: explain the task. S:Pairwork while looking at pictures. T:Call some pairs to read aloud. Consolidation: Consolidate model sentences. Homework Write 5 sentences of purpose. Week: 21st (3) Period: 60th Lesson 1: Period 60. -. Consolidate model sentences. Write 5 sentences of purpose.. Date of Teaching:21/1/2010 Date of Preparation: 17/1/2010 UNIT 10: RECYCLING Section : - Getting started (Page 89) - Listen and Read 1, 2. I.Aim: To give Ss information about the environment problems..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> Ss will be able to do something to protect the environment and save natural resources. II.Language Content: 1. Passive forms 2. Adjectives followed by - an infinitive -- a noun claus 3. Present simple 4. Future simple 5. Vocabulary Verbs Nouns (to) decompose natural resource (to) recycle compost (to) reduce deposit (to) refill fabric (to) reuse fertilizer (to) protect glassware (to) contact metal representative III.Teaching aids: Posters, 6 flashcards, a chart, cassette. IV.Procedure: Teacher’s and Students’activities Content Warm up:  GETTING STARTED T: - Draw the circle with an example on the board. Brainstorm: S : think and write - Ask Ss to think of ways to reduce the amount of Ways to reduce the garbage they produce. amount of garbage. - Deliver posters to Ss, dividing them into 4 groups. - Tell Ss to put the posters on the board after they Reuse plastic bags finish and the team having the most good ideas is the winner.. Possible answers: T:give feedback. Use cloth bags, use tree leaves to wrap things, make S : Do as teacher’s asks garbage into fertilizer, make vegetable matter into T : Lead to new lesson animal food... New Lesson:  LISTEN AND READ Activity 1 I Vocabulary T: - Elicit words from Ss. 1. (a) representative (translation) - Have Ss copy. 2. (to) protect (to keep so/ sth safe from danger) Ss : copy down  (to) protect (so / sth) from (so / sth) T : Let ss repeat in chorus then invidually 3. natural resource(s) (translation/ explanation) Ss : Repeat (coal mines, oil/gold/mineral deposits are........) 4. (to) recycle (to make something already used able to be used again) 5. (to) contact (translation/ definition) (to communicate with someone by telephone or T : Stick 6 flashcards with jumbled words on the letter...) board. Checking technique: Jumbled words - Ask Ss to rewrite the words in the right order. 1 2 3 - Tell Ss the first two groups with the right words ceresoru psentreretive tconatc will get 2 points..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> S : Groupwork T : Correct. Activity 2 T : Ask Ss to listen to the situation. - Set the scene: A representative from Friends of the Earth, Miss Blake, is talking to the students of Quang Trung School, friends of the Earth shows people how to protect the environment and save natural resources. T : Put the chart with the statements on the board. - Ask Ss to work in pairs to decide if the statements are true or false. S : Do as teacher’s asks - Write the Ss' guesses on the board, (only one guess for each statement) - Ask Ss to open their books, listen to the tape while reading the dialogue. Ss : correct the false statements.. Activity 3 T : Ask Ss to look at the questions on page 90 and work in pairs. Ss : Pairworks T : Call on some pairs to ask and answer the questions. - Give feedback.. Consolidation: T : Ask Ss to express their opinions / ideas on this topic. - Write the Ss' ideas on the board into a list. - Give feedback, correct and have Ss copy. - Write the questions and exercise notebooks.. full answers in your. 4. 5. 6. ralnatu. ropttce. cyrecel. Answer Key: 1. contact 2. representative 3. resource 4. natural 5. protect 6. recycle II. True / False Predictions True or False ? 1. Friends of the Earth is an organization to help people make friends with each other. 2. Miss Blake asks the students to remember 3 things: reduce, reuse, recycle. 3. Reduce means buying the products which are overpacked. 4. We cannot reuse things like envelopes, glass, plastic bottles, old plastic bags. 5. Miss Blake says that we should use cloth bags and shouldn't use plastic bags at all. 6. Recycling means not just throwing things away but trying and finding another use for them. Answer Key: 1. False  an organization to help people protect the environment and save natural resources 2. True 3. False  Reduce mean not buying…….. 4. False  We can reuse things………… 5. True. 6. True. Grammar: The passive form of present simple tense: S + am / is / are + V.pp + ( by + O ) EX:My sister is taken to school by me every morning. III. Comprehension Questions Answer Key: a. Reduce means not buying products which are overpacked. b. We can reuse things like envelopes, glass, plastic bottles and old plastic bags. c. Recycle means not just throwing things away. Try and find another use for them. d. We can look for information on recycling things by having a contact with an organization like Friends of the Earth, going to the local library or asking your family and friends. e. (Students' answers) (Possible answer: We shouldn't use plastic bags because when we throw them away, they.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> - Do the exercises in the Workbook on page Ss Do as teacher’s asks Homework Write the answers in notebooks. Week: 22(1) Period: 61st. could stay very long and could not be selfdestroyed / self demolished). IV. Discussion - Write the topic on the board. How to protect our environment ?. Date of Teaching:26/1/2010 Date of Preparation:24/1/2010. UNIT 10 : RECYCLING Lesson 2. Section :. - Speak (page 90, 91) - Listen (page 91) I.Aim: To help Ss practice in giving and responding to instructions and Listening for specific information about making compost. - Ss can give and respond to instructions. II.Language Content: 1. Passive forms 2. Present simple Vocabulary Verbs Nouns (to) decompose natural resource (to) recycle compost (to) reduce deposit (to) refill fabric (to) reuse fertilizer (to) protect glassware (to) contact metal representative . III.Teaaching aids: Picture (copied from textbook, p.91), a mapped dialogue chart, realia (clothes), cassette. IV.Procedure Teacher’s and Students’activities Content Warm up Memory game (Kim's game) - Show the picture to the Ss and ask them to observe it carefully, let them look at the Possible answer: picture for about 20"then put it away. used paper, old newspapers, books, - Divide the class into 2 teams. cardboard boxes, bottles, glasses, jars, - Ask Ss (one student in each team at a plastic bags, food cans, drinking tins, time) to go to the board and write as many vegetable matter, clothes, shoes, words showing things in the picture as schoolbags,..—.-.. possible.  SPEAK - Tell Ss the team with the most right words is the winner..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> New Lesson Activity 1:Speak Pre-speaking T: - Elicit words from Ss. S: read in chorus Read individually - Have ss copy. Checking technique: Bingo -Get Ss to brainstorm a list of about 10 new words. - Get Ss to brainstorm a list of about 10 new words. fertilizer, compost, leather, fabric, plastic, glass, metal, paper, cardboard, tin… - Ask Ss to choose any 4 words and copy into their papers. - Call out the words until a / some student(s) has / have ticked all of their words and shout " Bingo" and they win. While-Speaking - Tell Ss they are going to listen to the words for items and put them into the right groups. - Draw the table on the board and ask Ss to copy it. - Tell Ss to listen to the words and put them in the right columns. - Model some words. - Read the words (in the table below) aloud, slowly and jumble them up. - After listening, ask Ss to work in pairs and give their answers. - Read the words again and correct. - Put the mapped dialogue chart on the board. - Elicit the exchanges from Ss. - Have some pairs practice each exchange before going on to another exchange. - After finishing the dialogue, ask a good pair to demonstrate the whole dialogue. Post-Speaking - Ask Ss to work in pairs, replacing the information (in brackets) with the words in the dictation list.. I. Vocabulary 1.fertilizer(n(explanation) (Fanners often use this thing to make their plants or trees grow well. What's it ?)  (to) fertilize 2.compost(nu(question) (What do you call the fertilizer made from spoiled food, leaves, vegetable matter...)  (a) compost heap 3. fabric (n)(realia : clothes) (What are these clothes made of ?) 4.leather(n)(question) (Our shoes, sandals are often made of......?) Checking technique: Bingo II. Dictation Group Items Paper used paper (old newspaper, books, cardboard boxes) Glass Plastic Metal Fabric Leather Vegetable matter. (bottles, glasses, jars) (plastic bags, plastic bottles.) (food cans, drinking tins.) clothes (cloth bags, material.) (shoes, sandals, schoolbags) fruit peels, (vegetables, rotten fruits). III. Dialogue Open pairs: - Ask some pairs to demonstrate the dialogue. Close pairs:. Which group (do clothes) belong to? . Put (them) in (fabric).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> - Monitor and correct. Activity 2:Listen Listening - Tell Ss they are going to listen to an expert who gives the instructions to make compost. - Ask Ss to open their books and read the multiple choice questions on page 91. - Check if Ss understand the questions. - Play the tape 2 or 3 times, Ss listen and do the exercise. - Have Ss give their answers and correct - Practise the dialogue with your partner, replacing the information. Homework - Do the exercises in the workbook on page ........ Week: 22(2) Period: 62nd. What can we do with (those clothes)?  Is / Are (fruit vegetable matter)? What will we do with (it)?. We can (recycle them and make them into paper or shopping bags. That’s right. We make (it into compose and fertilize our field).  LISTEN IV. Multiple Choice Answer Key: a. A b. B c. A d. B V.Fill in each gap with suitable words or phrases: Today I’m going to explain how to start a compose heap.First of all you must use only vegetable matter,which includes tea leaves,egg shells. Find a place in your garden that gets a few hours of sunlight each day.the compost also need moisture,but it will get this from condensation. After about six months,your compost will be ready to use as fertilizer.. Date of Teaching:27/1/2010 Date of Preparation: 24/11/2010. UNIT 10: RECYCLING Lesson 3. - Read 1,2. (page 92,93). I.Aim: Reading for details about how things are recycled. By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to form the Passive in the Present Simple. II.Language Content: 1. Passive forms 2. Present simple 3. Vocabulary Verbs Nouns (to) decompose natural resource (to) recycle compost (to) reduce deposit (to) refill fabric (to) reuse fertilizer (to) protect glassware (to) contact metal representative.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> III.Teaching aids: wordsquare chart, photocopied pictures (p. 95), drawing. Teacher’s and Students’activities Warm up T: Put the wordsquare chart on the board. - Tell Ss the topic is about the environment and there are 14 hidden words. E N V I R - Divide the class into 4 groups. N Bonc a piece G A - Ask Ss to write their answers V Efinish. D R D of paper and hand in when they U Eright Y - Tell Ss the group with Ethe J most L U S E D words is the winner. O S T N O S: work in group. New Lesson Pre-Reading - Elicit words from Ss. - Get Ss to copy the new words. - Ask Ss to close their notebooks and look at the board. - Rub out the English words, one at a time, point to the Vietnamese words and ask Ss "What's this in English ?" - When all the English words are rubbed out, go though the Vietnamese list & get Ss to call out the English words. While-Reading - Tell Ss they are going to read a page in a newspaper giving some recycling facts to protect the environment. - Write the questions on the board and ask Ss to guess what they're going to read. - What do people do with used things ? - What can they make from them ? - Write the Ss'guesses on the board.. - Draw the grid on the board and have Ss. Content Revision: Wordsquare Answer key: O R O I P T. N B P L A S. M A P A P E. E G U R E D. N E R S R E. T R E C Y C. environment, garbage, pure, used paper, protect envelope, dust, green tree, can, plastic, paper bag. reduce, reuse, recycle.  READ 1,2 I vocabulary 1. (a) tire (picture) 2. (a) pipe (drawing) 3. (a) deposit (translation) 4. (to) refill (explanation) (to fill something empty again) 5.(to) melt  (to) freeze Checking technique: Rub out and Remember II. Open prediction Car tires  ............ Milk bottles  ............ Glass  ............ Drink cans  ............. Household and garden waste  ........ III. Grid (Read 2) Answer Key: Used things Recycling Facts Car tires are recycled to make pipes Milk bottles and floor recoverings.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> copy it. - Ask Ss to open their books and read the text. - Ask Ss to work in pairs to make a list of recycling facts mentioned in the text. - Call on some Ss to write the information in the grid on the board.. Glass. are cleaned and refilled (with milk) Drink cans is broken up,melted and Household made into new glassware and are brought back for garden waste recycling. is made into compost IV.Comprehension questions: (Read 1) Grammar -Car tires are recycled to make pipes Post -Reading and floor coverings. - Ask Ss to work individually to answer the Glass is recycled into new glassware. questions on page 93 - Let Ss compare their answers with their S + be + V ( p.p) partners. Concept checking : - Call on some Ss to answer. + Form : Passive Form in the Present - Give feedback. Simple. Model sentences: Passive Voice / Subject + is/ant/are + past participle Form + Use : it is used when the subject is - Elicit the model sentences from Ss the affected by the action of the verb have Ss repeat. (Vietnamese can be used for weaker - Have Ss copy students) + How to change an active sentence to a passive one. Homework Active S V O T: remark the lesson and give homework. Learn by heart all the Vo and structures. Passive S be + pp by O eg: I. love. my parents.. My parents are loved by me. Dạng bị động của modal V S + can + be + V p.p Could should EX: Tires can be recycled. Week: 22(3). Date of Teaching:28/1/2010.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> Period: 63th. Date of Preparation: 24/11/2010. UNIT 10: RECYCLING Lesson 4. Section : -Write 1, 2. (page 93, 94). I.Aim: To help Ss to write a set of instructions on how to recycle used things. Students will be able to write a set of instructions, sequencing. II.Language Content: 1. Passive forms 2. Adjectives followed by - an infinitive - a noun clause 3. Present simple 4. Future simple Vocabulary Verbs Nouns (to) decompose natural resource (to) recycle compost (to) reduce deposit (to) refill fabric (to) reuse fertilizer (to) protect glassware (to) contact metal representative III.Teaching aids: drawing, mime, photocopied pictures (p.94) IV .Procedure: Teacher’s and Students’activities Content Warm up.  REVISION: T. - Write 9 numbers on the board, from 1 Lucky Numbers to 9. 1. Lucky number - Tell Ss each number is for a question but 2. Say this sentence in the passive 3 of them are lucky numbers. If Ss choose a "People speak English everywhere" lucky number, they do not have to answer 3. Say this sentemce in the active. any question but they get 2 points and they "Cartoons are liked by most children" can choose another number. 4. Lucky number - Divide the class into 2 teams. 5. Lucky number. 6. Say this sentence in the passive "We do not use things carefully." New Lesson 7. Say this sentence in the active Pre-Writing "Are candies liked by the children?" T:teach some newwords. 8. Say this sentence in the passive - Elicit words from Ss "Mr Han teaches Maths" 9 .(same as 8) T: read newwords. "Vegetarians do not eat meat" S;repeat in chorus / individually.  WRITE 1,2 T;correct the pronunciation if any. I. vocabulary - Have Ss copy down. 1.(to)soak.(explanation).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> (to put sth in liquid for a time so that it - Put the Vietnamese translation all over becomes completely wet) the board. 2. (to) mash (mime) - Call on 2 Ss or 2 teams of 4/5 Ss in both 3.(a)wiremesh (translation) sides of the class to the front of the class 4. (a) bucket (drawing) standing at equal distance from the board. - Call out the English word & ss run Checking technique: Slap the board. forward to slap the Vietnamese word on the board. - The student slapping the right word first is the winner and gets a point for his/her team. While -Writing - Set the scene : tell Ss they are going to read a text about how to recycle used paper. - Put the verbs on the board randomly in a flow chart. - Ask Ss to work in groups to guess the order of the actions. - Call on about 2 pairs to write their answers on the board. - Explain the process of recycling, using mimes or Vietnamese and correct. - Ask Ss to open their books, read the text on page 93 and fill in the verbs. - Monitor and correct the exercise in the text book. - Ask Ss to close their books. - Write the sequencing on the board and have Ss to practise speaking first . - Call on Ss to say the sentences from memory. - Get Ss to write the text in brief using the sequencing. - Monitor and help ss with their work. - Call on some Ss to read their writing for the class. Give feedback and correct Post-Writing - Stick the photocopied pictures on the board randomly. - Ask ss to listen and work in groups to rearrange the pictures according to the. II. Ordering prediction soak dry pull out mix press mash 1 2 3 4 5 6 Answer key: 1.soak 2. mash 3. mix 4. pull out 5. press 6. dry Complete the recycling instructions Answer key : 1. use 2. mix 3. place 4. press 5. wrap 6. wait 7. dry III. Notes First,................................................................... Then, ................................................................. Next, ................................................................. After that, .......................................................... Finally,............................................................... Answer Key: First, soak old newspaper in a bucket overnight. Then, mash the paper by a wo&den spoon. Next, mix the mashed paper with water. After that, use a wire mesh to pull the mixture out, put it on the doth and press it down firmly. Finally, take the mesh out of the cloth & dry it in the sun. IV. Ordering Pictures.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> instructions on how to prepare the tealeaves. - Read the instructions aloud.. a.First take the used tealeaves from the tea pot.. - Get Ss to give their answers. - Correct, - Write the instructions on how to make a thing you have ever made using the b. Next scatter the tealeaves on a tray . sequencing.. Homework Write a simple passage to give instructions to make st that you know.. c. Then dry the leaves in the sun.. d. Finally, put the dry leaves in a pot for future use.. Week: 23(1) Period: 64th. Date of Teaching: 2/2/2010 Date of Preparation: 1/2/2010. UNIT 10: RECYCLING Lesson 5 Section: - Language Focus 2, 3, 4 (page 96, 97) I.Aim: To get Ss to further practise in the Passive and in expressing their feelings using Adjectives. - Students will be able to form the Passive in Future simple and the structures with Adjectives..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> II.Language Content: 1. Passive forms 2. Adjectives followed by. - an infinitive - a noun clause. 3. Present simple 4. Future simple Vocabulary III.Teaching aids: cardboards, poster, handouts IV.Procedure. Teacher’s and Students’activities Content Warm up Question Game: What's your job? T : Call on a student to go to the board and Example questions: give him / her a job name. Do you get a big salary ? - Ask the rest of the class to guess the job Do you wear uniform ? .......... by asking yes- no questions. Language F 1 - The chosen student can only answer yes Answer kev: or no. a.l b.4 c.3 d.5 e.2 f.6 Tell Ss someone who can guess the right job will get a point and take the place of the last chosen student. Ss : Do as teacher asks New Lesson Activity 1 T : Ask ss to read the instructions and look at the pictures on page 95. - Tell them to put the pictures in the correct order according to the instructions. - Call on some groups to give their answers. - Ask Ss to rewrite the sentences (UP 1) in Answer Key: the passive form. - Let them compare their writing and ask b. Then the glass (it) is washed with a some ss to go to the board and write their detergent liquid. c. The glass pieces are dried completely. sentences. d. They are mixed with certain specific - Use the sequencing to rewrite the chemicals. e. The mixture is melted until it becomes a instructions. (LF1) liquid. Ss : Do as teacher asks f. A long pipe is used. It is dipped into the liquid, then the liquid is blown into Activity 2 - Set the scene: Ask ss to listen to the intended shapes. LANGUAGE FOCUS 2 situation. A famous inventor, Dr Kim, is going to I. Structures build a time machine. One of his Model Sentences: be assistants, Hoi, is asking him questions When will the project about the invention. He wants to know when Dr Kim will start the project. How can he say the sentence in the Passive ?. started?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> (Use Vietnamese for weaker student) Ss : copy down. T : Show Ss the questions (prepared on a poster) and ask them to fill in the gaps, using the Passive. - Call ss to give their answers and correct Ss : Do as teacher asks. T : Prepare 2 separate large cardboards, one for Dr Kim; one for Hai. - Tell Ss half of them are going to play the role of Hai to interview Mr Kim, and the others are Mr Kim. - Model : give one of the cardboards to a good student and ask him / her to demonstrate the interview. Teacher (Dr Kim) - Student (Hai) - Stick the 2 cardboards on the board and get about 2 pairs to demonstrate. - Deliver hand- outs (same content as 2 cardboards) to the whole class and ask them to do pairwork. - Monitor and correct. Activity 3 T : Set the scene: Ba gives Nam a lot of directions at a time so Nam find it difficult to follow Ba's directions. What does he say to Nam ? - Have ss copy. - Ask Ss to open their books and complete the dialogues on page 96. Ss : complete the dialogue - Call on some pairs to demonstrate the dialogues and correct. •. Will S be past participle Grammar Use : Passive Form in the Future Simple Form :will / shall + be + past participle 1. It .......to the public when it is finished. (show) 2. .... it .........by the end of the year? (build) 3. It.............. before Tet. (finish) 4. ......... it......... by you ? (made) . Answer Key: 1. .... will be showed / shown.......... 2. Will....... be built......... ? 3. ......... will be finished ...................... 4. Will......... be made ............? II. Interview Hai Dr Kim 1. When /will /the 1.Very soon. project / start/ ? 2. Yes. / It / show / 2.Many people / to the puplic/ want / see / time when/it/finish / machine/ 3. I'm afraid not/ 3. Will/it/build/by but / it / finish / the end / year/? before Tet / 4.Will/it/make/ by 4. No,/1 / need you? you / 5. Let's begin build it/ tomorrow. When can you start ?  LANGUAGE FOCUS 3 I. Structures Model Sentences: It ’s difficult to follow your. directions. It be adj to infinitive Concept checking: T : Set the scene: Form: It + be + adjective + to infinitive Nam passed the English exam and his II. Gap Fill grandparents are delighted at it. What did LANGUAGE FOCUS 4 they write to him ? I. structures - Elicit the model. Model Sentences: Ss : copy We are delighted thatyou - Ask Ss to read the letter on page 97 and match the words..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> - Call on some ss to go to the board to draw the lines. - Ask Ss to copy the vocabulary. - Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete the letter using the words in the box. - Get some Ss to give their answers, Ss : Do as teacher asks - Give feedback and correct. - Rewrite the letter beginning with : "Nam's grandparents are delighted that he ......... Homework - Do the exercises in the workbook, page ………….. Week: 23(2) Period: 65th. passed the English exam S + be + adj +that/noun clause Concept checking : Form: S + be + adj + that / noun clause II. Matching 1. relieved (adj) a. xin chuùc mừng 2. Congratulations b.trông chờ 3. look forward to (v) c. xaùc nhaän laïi 4. confirm (v) d.nheï nhoõm. Date of Teaching:3/2/2010 Date of Preparation: 1/2/2010. UNIT 11 : TRAVELING AROUND VIET NAM Lesson 1: Section : - Getting started (page 98) - Listen and Read 1, 2 (page 99, 100) I.Aim: Reading for details about how to expreSs interest. By the end of the leSson, Ss will be able to use expressions to expreSs their interest II. Laguage Focus 1. Making requests with - Would / Do you mind if I...? - Would / Do you mind + V-ing? 2. –ed and –ing participles. 3.Vocabulary Verb Noun Adjective (to) import accommodation giant (to) recognize canoe magnificent (to) sunbathe corn III.Teaching aids: cassette, 2 charts (jumbled words and pre-quest pictures on p. 98. IV.Procedure. Teacher’s and Students’activities Content Warm up. Jumbled Words T: - Write the topic on the board: Places of interest HarborGate Put the chart with jumbled words on HalongNharong the Ngo Mon The Temple board. Bay - Ask each team to connect the words to Liteitature make the right phrases for places of interest and write them on the board as fast as poSsible. Answer Kev:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> Ss : Do as teacher asks. Ngo Mon Gate, Ha long Bay, The Temple Literature, Nha rong Harbor.  GETTING STARTED. New Lesson Activity 1 T : Ask Ss to open their books (p.98) and match the names with the pictures. - Call on some Ss to give their answers. Ss : Give their answers. Activity 2 T: set the scene :” today you will liste to the conversation among Hoa and the Jones family” T: Put the chart of the questions on the board. Turn on the EZ talk. - Elicit the words from Ss. - Ask Ss to notice that a plural noun must be changed to the singular form when preceding the noun it modifies In a noun phrase. - Have Ss drill some more: (oral  writing) Ss : copy down. * Checking - Get Ss to brainstorm a list of 8 words and write them on the board. crop, sugar cane, water buffalo, rice paddy, a 40-minute drive, a 6- letter word, a fivedollar note, a 200- page book. - Ask Ss to choose any 4 words / phrases and copy them on their paper. - Call out the woi "a until someone shouts "Bingo". Ss : Play game. Answer Key: a) Ngo Mon Gate b) Nha rong Harbor c) The Temple Literature d) Ha long Bay  LISTEN AND READ I. Vocabulary 1. (a) crop (translation / explanation) something such as grain, rice, fruit... is grown in one season.) 2. (a) sugar cane (What is used to make sugar?) 3. (a) water buffalo  buffaloes (translation) 4. (a) forty - minute drive (explanation) Example: The drive takes 40 minutes.  It's a 40 - minute drive 1. The vacation lasted 3 months.  It was a 3 - month vacation. 2. The boy is thirteen years old.  He is a thirteen - year - old boy. Checking technique. Bingo II - questions 1. Where does Hoa meet The Jones ? 2. Is it the first time The Jones have visited Viet Nam ? ' 3. How do they travel to Ha Noi ? 4. What do they see along the road to Ha Noi? 5. What would Tim tike to do ? Answer Key 1. Hoa meets The Jones at the airport. 2. Yes, it is..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> T : Set the scene. - Put the chart with the questions on the board - Check if Ss understand the questions and have them a few minutes to think about the questions. - Ask Ss to listen to the tape while reading the dialogue on page 99. Ss : work in pairs to answer the questions. T : Call on some pairs to give their answers. (It should be used as a listening task for good students, if not, use the text books) - Ask Ss to listen and say out True or False. - Read the sentences aloud and wait for Ss answers. - Ask some Ss to correct the false sentences and have Ss write in their notebooks, (a  f) Ss : Do as teacher’s asks Consolidation - Ask Ss to read the dialogue again, discuSs with them and ask them to pick out the sentences containing the situations mentioned below. - Practise the dialogue in group of 5. Homework Do the exercises in the workbook on page. Week: 23(3) Period: 66th. 3. By taxi, 4. They see a boy riding a water buffalo, rice paddies, corn and sugar cane fields. 5. He'd like to take a photo. III. True / False Statements a. This is the first time Hoa has met Tim's family. b. Hoa helps Mrs. Jones with her luggage. c. The Jones family is traveling from the airport in a bus. d. Shannon has never seen rtce paddies before. e. The car is traveling past farmland. f. Only rice and corn are grown around Ha Noi. Answer Key: a. True b. True, c. False  in a taxi d. True e. True f. False  Not only rice and corn but also sugar canes are grown around Ha Noi. IV. DiscuSsion * to expreSs interest: - I'd like you to meet my parents ...... - It's nice to meet you .... - It's great to be in Viet Nam - I'd like to sit with Tim..... * to expreSs a request: - Would you mind sitting in the front seat... - Would you mind if I took a photo ?. Date of Teaching: 4/2/2010 Date of Preparation: 1/2/2010. UNIT 11 :TRAVELING AROUND VIET NAM Lesson 2. Section : - Speak (page 100, 101) -Listen I.Aim: To help Ss practice in making suggestions and using " mind " to make requests. By the end of the leSson, Ss will be able to make and • respond to formal requests using "mind" and make suggestions. II. Laguage Focus 1. Making requests with - Would / Do you mind if I...? - Would / Do you mind + V-ing?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> 2. –ed and –ing participles. 3.Vocabulary Verb Noun Adjective (to) import accommodation giant (to) recognize canoe magnificent (to) sunbathe corn III.Teaching aids: 4 cardboards, a mapped dialogue chart IV.Procedure. Teacher’s and Students’activities Content Warm up - GAME: What does it say ? - Choose a student and ask him / her to go Ss ask : Do you like your teacher ?...... to the front of the class with his / her back Or On the board: Every day. to the board so that he / she cannot see Ss ask: How often do you have a shower? what is written on the board. SPEAK Write the information on the board, (normally in brief) - Ask the rest of the class try to help the student guess what is written on the board by asking questions until he / she says out right the word(s) on the board. eg: On the board: Yes, I do. I. Structures New Lesson Model Sentences: Activity1 1. A••: Would you sitting in the front - Set the scene: seat of the taxi ? Remind Ss of the exchanges between Hoa mind and Mr. Jones and between Hoa and Tim in the last dialogue and elicit the sentences B : No problem. 2. A : Would you took a photo ? from Ss. mind if I S:listen and copy down. B : Not at all. T:give situations”you want your friend to Concept checking: help you open the window and replies” Use: To make and respond to formal S1:would you mind open the window? requests Form : S2: Not at all. S:pairwork to make requests and reply with 1. Would you mind / Do you mind + Verb -ing......... ? the agreement and disagreement. 2. Would you mind if I + Verb (in Past T: Give more example simple tense)......? S:listen –copy down. Do you mind if I + Verb (in Present While-Speaking. simple . tense)....? T:set the scene. T: Elicit the exchanges from S and let them Responses:  Agreement: repeat. No, I don’t mind. / No, of course not. / Not S:pairwork. at all. / Please do. /Please go ahead. Pair 1:markets  Disagreement: Pair 2: Museum. I'm sorry, I can't / I'm sorry, it's Pair 3:Restaurants impossible. Pair 4:Zoo and botanical Gardens. I'd prefer you didn't. / I'd rather you T: monitor and correct. didn't. Post-Speaking.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> Activity2:Listen T:Ask S to practice further in pairs in class. T: give situation one by one. A* Set the scene: The Jones family are going around HaNoi arid they are talking about tjie directions to 5 places in the maps, Listen to them and match the places to the correct positions on the map. - Put the map on the board and ask Ss to identify the places. - Play the tape 2 or 3 times. - Tell Ss to work in pairs to compare their answers - Get Ss to give their answers and correct T:Ask some Qs. S: listen and answer. T:Let S write the sentences with directions. Homework: Write 3 Sentences to give direction from markets,post office to school. Week:24(1) Period:67th. Meaning: Xin …………. - Get Ss to copy.. baïn. caûm. phieàn.  LISTEN. Answer Key: a) restaurant b) hotel c) bus station d) pagoda e) temple Questions: 1.Is the restaurant on Ho Tay Road? 2.What is just opposite the tourist information of center? 3.What is just past the pagoda on the same go?. Date of Teaching : 23/2/2010 Date of Preparation: 21/2/2010. UNIT 11 : TRAVELING AROUND VIET NAM Lesson 3. - Read. (page 102 – 104). I.Aim: Listening and reading for details about the place directic information about some places of interest in Viet nam. Ss will foe able to get information from simple advertisements. II. Laguage Focus 1. Making requests with - Would / Do you mind if I...? - Would / Do you mind + V-ing? 2. –ed and –ing participles. 3.Vocabulary Verb Noun Adjective (to) import accommodation giant (to) recognize canoe magnificent.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> (to) sunbathe corn III.Teaching aids: caSsette: a route map, pictures of cities, drawing, cue chart. IV.Procedure: Teacher’s and Students’activities Content Warm Up QUIZ What's this place ? - Ask questions and call the student who puts his / her hand up first to answer. - Tell Ss each place consists of 3 questions; 3 points for the lst question; 2 points for the 2nd and 1 point for the 3rd. * Da Lat 1. It is called the city of Eternal Spring. 2. It has a lot Of waterfalls and lakes. 3. You can find the most, kinds of flowers here.. * NhaTrang 1. It's a seaside resort. 2. It has a very big monument of Buddha. 3. It has an Oceanic Institute. Pre-Reading. - Elicit words from Ss. T:present the vo ( using many techniques). S: listen and copy down. T:check vo by bingo. - Get Ss to brainstorm a list of 10 new words and write them on the board. accommodation, giant, tri'ml, slope, jungle, limestone, magnific ant, resort, waterfall, recognize - Ask Ss to choose any 4 words and copy them into a paper. - Call out the words until someone shouts "Bingo" and wins.. * SaPa 1. It is a mountainous resort. 2. It has tribal villages. 3. Sometimes it has snow.. * Ha Long Bay 1. It is recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESSCO. 2. It has a lot of caves. 3. It consists of a lot of islands. S:do as directed. I. vocabulary While-Reading 1. accommodation (nu) (a place to live, work T : Ask Ss to read the advert, sements or stay in) about the resorts (p. 102, 103) and check.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> () the topics mentioned in the grid (p. 104) - Get Ss to work in pairs to compare their answer. - Ask Ss to give their answers. - Have Ss copy down. Ss : Copy down - Ask Ss to work in pairs, one plays the role of a toursit and the other plays the role of a tourist officer to ask for and give the information about the toursit sistes. Ss : pair work - Show the word-cue chart on the board and get a good student to model. T : Ask Ss to use the information in the advestisements to make other dialogues and practise speaking. - Ss in pairs should be assigned to work on only one topic. Eg: Oroup I: Nha Trang Group 2: Sa Pa - Monitor and help Ss with their work. - Get some pairs with different topics to demonstrate their dialogues. - Rewrite the advertisements to make them into short paragraphs, like this: "Nha Trang is a wonderful seaside resort for - Elicit words from Ss. Ss : to copy down.. T : Draw 5 circles on the board - Elicit the voc.abulary from Ss again and write them in the circles. - Get Ss to repeat and rub out the words, one at a time, but leave the circles and continue until the circles are empty. - Ask Ss to repeat the rubbed- out words by pointing at the empty circles.. 2. giant (adj) = very big 3. tribe (n) (translation)  tribal (adj) 4. slope (những)  slope 5. (a) jungle (a very thick forest) 6. limestone (nu) (translation) Checking technique: Bingo II. Grid: Answer Key:  Nha Trang: flights to Ha Noi, railway, hotels, local transport, tourist attractions.  Da Lat hotels, local transport, waterfalls, tourist attractions  Sa Pa hotels, local transport, mountain slopes tourist attractions, villages.  Haï Long Bay World Heritage, tourist attractions, sand beaches, railway, hotels, caves, local transport.  restaurants, types of food  no place III. Interview Tourist Tourist officer -Would you mind telling me something Not at all. It is a about (NhaTrang)? (seaside resort.) -Is there anything -Yes, you can visit special ? (the giant Buddha, the Oceanic Institute as well as the off shores - How about the islands.) accommodation ? - (There is a small selection of hotels here, so you have to book, it in - How can I travel advance.) around the city ? - You can (go to the Northern and - Thank you very southern.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> - When Ss seem to remember all the words, ask 5 Ss at a time to go to the board and fill in the circles with the right words. Ss : Copy down and play game - Put the posteron the board and ask Ss to or match the words phrases in column A to column B. - Ask Ss to go to the board and draw the lines to connect the words. Post-Reading T : Get Ss to open their books, read the text on page 105 and check (V) the boxes. - Tell Ss to ask and answer questions using the information in the text. - Write the model on the board. - Model, using a good student . - Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice speaking. Ss : Practice before class Homework Learn lesson carefully.. much. destinations by bus or train).. - You're welcome. I. Vocabulary 1. mountain climbing (n) (picture/explanation) 2. (to) sunbathe (To lie in the sun to get some sunlight.) 3. (a) florist (What do you call the person who sells flowers?) 4. (to) import (translation / definition) (to bring products, goods..into one country from another.)   to export Checking technique: What and Where. II. Matching A 1. Nha Trang 2. Da Lat 3. Sa Pa 4. Ha Long Bay 5. Nha Rong Harbor. B a. tribal villages, mountain climbing b. The place where President Ho chi Minh left Viet Nam in 1911. c. swimming and sunbathing, d. Oceanic Institute. e. flower gardens. Answer Key: 1. d 2. e 3. a 4. c 5. b III. Grid IV. Role play A: Where should (Andrew) go? B: He should go to (Sa Pa) A: Why ? B: Because (he studies tribes and he likes mountain - climbing).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> Week:24(2) Period:68th Lesson 4. Date of Teaching:24/2/2010 Date of Preparation:22/2/2010 UNIT 11 : TRAVELING AROUND VIET NAM Section: - Write 1, 2 (page 105-107). I.Aim: To help Ss practice in writing a narrative using a guided composition. Ss will be able to know how to write a narrative. II. Laguage Focus 1. Making requests with - Would / Do you mind if I...? - Would / Do you mind + V-ing? 2. –ed and –ing participles. 3.Vocabulary Verb Noun Adjective (to) import accommodation giant (to) recognize canoe magnificent (to) sunbathe corn II.Teaching aids: pictures (p. 106, 107), gap fill charts, cardboards. IV.Procedure. Teacher’s and Students’activities Content Warm up. Which word ? (Get Ss to study the definition of a written climax attention brief narrative by a gap fill.) events T : Put the missing words in a box on the A narrative is a sequence of ......(l).....These events board and have Ss study first (Use are usually ....(2)….. in chronological order and Vietnamese) often lead to a ....... (3)......The first sentence of a narrative should get the reader' s.....(4).... .and - Show the chart and ask Ss to fill in the the ending should be......(5)...... gaps with the words in the box. Answer Key: - Ask Ss of each group to go to the board 1. events 2. written 3. climax and write the words as fast as possible. 4. attention 5. brief Ss : work in groups to complete  WRITE - Explain the definition in Vietnamese. I. Vocabulary Pre-writing. 1. (a) canoe (picture / drawing) T : Elicit words from Ss. 2. (to) paddle (mime) - Get Ss to copy.  paddle (n) (a thing used to paddle) - Put the cardboards with the jumbled 3. (to) hire (translation) words on the board. 4. (to) overturn (drawing) - Ask Ss to work in groups to find the rightwords and go to the baord to write them. 5. (to) rescue (definition) Ss : do as teacher’s asks (to save somebody 's life from danger) While-Writing Checking technique: Jumbled words T: - Set the scene; Last week, while on vacation in Dalat, a. cusere b. erhi c. apdled The Jones family had quite an d. erhi e. ventuader f. erovutrn unforgetable adventure on Xuan Huong Answer Key:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> Lake.What did they happened to them ?. do. and. what. a. rescue b. canoe c.paddle d.hire e. adventure f. overturn II. Ordering Statements: - Ask Ss to open their books, read the first Answer Kev: part of the story on page 105 and rearrange the sentences On page 106 to c)  a)  g)  d)  f)  b)  e) complete the story.  WRITE 2 I. Matching - Call on some pairs to give their answers 1. (to) stumble vaêng leân and correct. 2. (to) go off nhaän ra Ss : answer the questions 3. (to) realize trượt chân T : Get some Ss to read the story aloud - Get Ss to copy. for the ' class and correct pronunciation II. Ordering pictureserrors. Ss : read the story T : Have Ss look at the pictures on page 106 & 107 and guess the meaning of the new words. - Write the vocabulary on the board and ask Ss to match them. Ask Ss to look at the pictures again and rearrange the events in the correct chronological order to make it a story. Call on some Ss to give their answers and correct. Ss : Do as directed Post-Writing T : Ask Ss to use the pictures already rearranged and the given words to write the story about Uyen. - Monitor and help Ss with words or structures while they are writing. - After Ss finish, call on some Ss to read their story aloud for the class. Ss : Pair work T : Give feedback and correct. - Ask Ss to notice the Past simple tense is often used in a narrative. Homework - Write the whole story in your notebooks. - Work in groups of 4 writing a story to tell the class in the next leSson.. Answer Key: d)  b) e)  h)  a)  f) c)  g) III. Write- it- up Answer Key: Uyen had a day to remember last week. She had a Math exam on Friday but she got up late. Sherealized her alarm clock did hot go off. As she was leaving home, it started to rain heavily. Uyen tried to run as fast as she could. Suddenly she.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> stumbled against a rock and fell onto the road. Her schoolbag went into a pool of water and everything got wet. Strangely, the rain stopped as she got to her classroom. Luckily, Uyen had eriough time to finish her exam. Week:24(3) Period:69h. Date of Teaching : 26/2/2010 Date of Preparation: 22/2/2010. UNIT 11 : TRAVELING AROUND VIET NAM Lesson 5:. - Language Focus. (page 108,109). I.Aim: To help Ss practice in using - ed and - ing participles. Ss will be able to use present and past particij describe things and people. II. Laguage Focus 1. Making requests with - Would / Do you mind if I...? - Would / Do you mind + V-ing? 2. –ed and –ing participles. 3.Vocabulary Verb Noun Adjective (to) import accommodation giant (to) recognize canoe magnificent (to) sunbathe corn III.Teaching aids: pictures (p. 108,109), cardboards, gap- fill chart. IV.Procedure Teacher’s and Students’activities Content Warm up Memory gam? T : Ask Ss to open their books and observe the picture on page 109 carefully. Answer Key: - box, lamp, truck, doll, flowers, elephant, bear, rabbit. - Let SS look at tHe picture for 20" and ask  LANGUAGE FOCUS 1 them to close their books. - Divide the class into two teams and ask each team to go to the board and write from memory the names of the things they've just seen in the picture. - Tell them, the team having the most right words is the winner. - Have Ss open their books again, go through the words and correct. T : Do as directed New Lesson.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> Actiyity 1 Teacher: What's Mr Quang doing ?. T : Ask Ss to open their books and look at Student: He's walking / going up the stairs the picture on page 108. Teacher: (Miss Lien) - Set the scene: Student:(carrying a bag / talking to Nam) Teacher: (Nam) It's time for receSs and the people at Quang Student : (standing next to MiSs Lien/ talking to Miss Trung School are in the school yard. What Lien) are they doing ? Teacher: (Ba) -Ask questions and call on Ss to answer then Student: (sitting under the tree/ reading a book) correct. Teacher: (Lan) Ss : answer Student: (standing by the table) - Elicit the target language by asking the Teacher: (Nga and Hoa) question below then have Ss repeat: Student: (playing cheSs) T:teach the grammar. T: Who is the man walking up the stairs ? Ss : copy. Model sentences: The man walking up the stairs is Mr Quang T : Show the cardboards and have Ss run (present participle phrase) through the situations again. - Model the sentence (l)and have Ss repeat.: 1. The man walking up the stairs is Mr Concept check Form: Verb + ing  Present participle Quang Use: A present participle (phrase) can be used as an - Show the cardboards to Ss and ask them to affective to qualify a noun with active meaning. II. Word- Cue Drill, say the next sentences. 1. Mr Quang / walking up the stairs 2. Miss Lien / carrying a bag 3. Nam / talking to Miss Lien 4. Ba / sitting under the tree 5. Lan / standing by the table 6. Nga and Hoa / playing cheSs  LANGUAGE FOCUS 2 Activity 2 - Ask Ss to look at the words in the box and the picture on page 109 to do the matching.. - Ask Ss to look at the picture on page 109 again and answer the questions. -Elicit the target language by asking the question below tr|en have Ss repeat.ds - Get Ss to copy.. I. – Matching 1. box 2. truck 3. lamp 4. doll 5. flowers. a. wrap in b. dreSs in c. recycled from d. keep in e. make in.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span> 6. toys - Have Ss look at their books, listen to the questions and answer. - Ask Ss tio work in pairs, asking answering the questions. - Call on some pairs to demonstrate for the class.. f. paint. 1. Where is the old lamp made in ? (China) 2. What colour is the box painted ? (green) 3. What is the truck recycled from ? (cans) 4. What colour is the doll dreSsed in ? (red) 5. What are the flowers wrapped in ? (blue paper) 6. Where are the toys kept ? (in a cardboard box) Notes T:How much is the old lamp made in China ? Model Sentences: The old lamp made in China is five dollars. (past participle pharase). - Ask Ss to use the right form of the verbs in the box to fill in the gaps. Activity 3 T: - Prepare 4 cardboards with cues including checks () and croSses () - Model the first cue 2 or 3 times. - Call on 2 or 3 Ss to repeat it and correct. - Go on with the same steps for the second cue (if neceSsary) - Ask Ss to work through the rest of the cues, new cue- new st. - Demonstrate how to put the exchange together, using a good student. - Open pairs: Get 3 or 4 pairs to demonstrate the exchanges. - Stick all the cardboards on the board. - Closed pairs: Get the whole class to practice all the exchanges. - Monitor and correct. Activity 4 T: - Put the gap-fill chart on the board. - Ask SB to use the right words in the box to fill in the gaps.. - Get Ss to write the numbers and look at the. Form: - Regular verb + ed Past (V3) - Irregular verb participle Use: A past participle (phrase) can be used as an adjective to qualify a noun with paSsive meaning. II. Question- Answer Drill 1. T: How much is the box painted green ? St: The box painted green is one dollar. 2. Truck made from recycled cans / $ 2. 3. Doll dreSsefl in red / $ 2. 4. Flowers wrapped in blue paper / $ 1. 5. Toys kept ih a cardboard box / $ 10. III. Gap fill: Present or past participle? sit break live water sing 1. The gift .......... at 50 Tran Hung Dao is my friend. 2. The garden ........every morning is full of flowers. 3. The cat.......... on tha table is hers. 4. The vase.........yesterday is my father's favorite one. 5. The woman ........on the stage is my neighbor. Answer Key: 1. living 2. watered 3. sitting 4. broken 5. singing *: Language Focus 3.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> pictures on page 110 (1  6 ) - Ask Ss to listen to the situations and order the pictures. - Ask Ss to give their answers. Consolidation - Get Ss to work in pairs, playing the roles to demonstrate the exchanges based on the models below the pictures.. a, move/ car () b. put out/ cigarette () ). c. get/ coffee (x) d. wait / moment (x). - Write down all the exchanges of the Teacher: Would you mind moving your car? pictures in L.F 4(a  f) Student: No, of course not. Homework LANGUAGE FOCUS 4 Do the exercises in the workbook, page I. Revision: Gap fill ……….. turned off explain telling ask 1. Would you mind ..... me something about it ? 2. Do you mind if I .........you a question ? 3. Would you please .......,this new word to me? 4. Would,you mind if I............ the television ? Answer Kev: I. telling 2. ask 3. explain 4. turned off II. Ordering pictures. 1. turn off the stereo. 2. watch TV while eating 3. sit down. 4. postpone the meeting. 5. turn on the air- conditioner. 6. smoke Answer Key: 1. d 2. f 3. a 4. c 5. e 6. b.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span> Week:25th Period:70h. Date of Teaching Date of Preparation:Sun,February,22nd ,2009 REVISION. I.Aim: Helping S to scan the knowledge from Unit 9 to unit 11. II.Language Content. Passive form.Requests,Participles (present and past ),Adj + to ing. III.Teaching aids Papers,chalk,board,book IV.Procedure Teacher’s and Students’Activities Content Warm up. Chatting T: ask S to sing a song in chorus. Do you often go on a vacation? S sing a song Where would you stay at if you were on a vacation? Then T ask S some Qs. Who could help you suggest where you could go? S: answer in Orally I.Grammar: New Lesson 1.Concept checking Activity 1. Form : so as to / in order to + bare infinitive T:remind the grammar that S have learn. Meaning : để.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span> Ask S some Qs. S:Revise the content in orally. T: write on the board. S: have copy down.. Use : to indicate purposes.. 2.Concept checking: Use : Passive Form in the Future Simple Form :will / shall + be + past participle 3.Concept checking: Form: It + be + adjective + to infinitive 4.Concept checking : Form: S + be + adj + that / noun clause Use: To make and respond to formal requests Form : 1. Would you mind / Do you mind + Verb -ing......... ? 2. Would you mind if I + Verb (in Past simple tense)......? Do you mind if I + Verb (in Present simple . tense)....? Activity 2. Responses: T:give 4 exercises and ask S to do in class.  Agreement: S work individully and No, I don’t mind. / No, of course not. / Not at all. / Pairwork Please do. /Please go ahead. Groupwork  Disagreement: S:Do then compare the answer with their friend. I'm sorry, I can't / I'm sorry, it's impossible. T:give feedback and correct if necessary. I'd prefer you didn't. / I'd rather you didn't. S: have copy down. Meaning: Xin baïn caûm phieàn …………. II.Practice 1.WH- question and answer Drill: - Put the gap-fill chart on the board. 1. Why/ you / open / umbrella? (Past simple) - Ask S to use the right words in the box to fill in the - to protect myself from the rain, (full answer) gaps. 2. Why / Mary/I write / notice/ board ? (Past simple) - to inform her classmates about the changes in schedule. 3. Why / Mr Green/I have to// get up early / morning (Present simple) Homework - to get to the meeting on time. T: ask S to learn the lesson carefully to prepare for 4. Why/ your elder brother/ study very hard the next exam. (Present Continuous ) S do as T directed - to pass the final exam. 2.Gap fill turned off explain telling ask 1. Would you mind ..... me something about it ? 2. Do you mind if I .........you a question ? 3. Would you please .......,this new word to me? 4. Would,you mind if I............ the television ? Answer Kev: I. telling 2. ask 3. explain 4. turned off 3. Word- Cue Drill,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span> 1. Mr Quang / walking up the stairs 1. The man walking up the stairs is Mr Quang 2. Miss Lien / carrying a bag 3. Nam / talking to Miss Lien 4. Ba / sitting under the tree 5. Lan / standing by the table 6. Nga and Hoa / playing cheSs 4.Complete the Sentences sit break live water sing 1. The gift .......... at 50 Tran Hung Dao is my friend. 2. The garden ........every morning is full of flowers. 3. The cat.......... on tha table is hers. 4. The vase.........yesterday is my father's favorite one. 5. The woman ........on the stage is my neighbor. Answer Key: 1. living 2. watered 3. sitting 4. broken 5. singing.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span> Week:25th Period:71st. Date of Teaching:Wednesday,February,25th, 2009 Date of Preparation:Sun,February,22nd ,2009 TEST ONE PERIOD. I.Read the passage.then answer the questions.( 3ms). Ha Long Bay of the Descending Dragon - is popular with both VietNamese and international tourists.One of the attractions of Ha Long is the Bay’s calm water with limestone mountains.The Bay’s water is clear during the spring and early summer.Upon arriving in Ha Long city,visitors can go along Chay Beach.From the beach,they can hire a boat and go out to the bay.It is here that the visitors can find some of Southeast Asia’s most beautiful sites.Dau Go Cave is one of the most beautiful caves at Ha Long .It was the cave in which General Tran Hung Dao hid wooden stakes to beat the Mongols on Bach Dang River in 1288. Questions: 1.Who(m) is Ha Long popular with ? 2.What is one of the attractions of Ha Long? 3.What is the Bay’s water like ? 4.What can visitors do when they arrive in Ha Long city? 5.Which is one of the most beautiful caves at Ha Long? 6.Where did General Tran Hung Dao hid wooden stakes to beat the Mongols on Bach Dang River in 1288 ? II.Language Focus. A.Choose the correct answer.(2ms) 1.The ruler………........of plastic is mine.( make / making / made ). 2.Do you mind ………………..me that book? ( pass / passing / passes ) 3.Would you mind if I …………….the T.V?( turned on / turn on / turning on ). 4.It’s hard………………..this exercise.( to do / does / did ) 5……………..you turn down the T.V,please? ( Will / Do / Are ) 6.Milk …………..to the houses by the milkman every day.( brings / is bring / is brought) 7.She promises she…………back in about half an hour.( is / will be / has been ) 8.I can see a boy…………… a water buffalo. ( riding / ride / rode ) B.Rewrite as directed in parenthese : ( 3 ms) 1.They wish to have enough money.They want to buy a new car.( using “ in order to “ to combine ) 2.The boy is Ba.He is reading a book.( using present participle to combine ) 3.The old lamp is five dollars.It’s made in China.( using past partciple to combine ) 4.He was happy.He heard that news.( using “ Adj + to-infi “ to combine ) 5.People speak English all over the world.( turn into passive form ) 6.I will buy some new books tomorrow.( turn into passive form ) IV.Write a story from the following sets of words and phrases.Start with:( 2m) Lan had a day to remember last week. 1.She was riding / bike/ when she / have / accident . …………………………………………………………………………….. 2.she / fall off / bike / and / hit / head /the road..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span> ……………………………………………………………………………. 3.However,she/ be / still / conscious. ………………………………………………………………………….. 4.People / call / ambulance /in order to / take / hospital. ……………………………………………………………………… 5.She / be /lucky. ……………………………………………………………………… The End. Week:25th Period:72nd. Date of Teaching:Friday,February,27th, 2009 Date of Preparation:Sun,February,22nd ,2009. UNIT 12 : A VACATION ABROAD. (Period 74-79). Lesson 1 I.Aim: Reading for details about making plans for a vacation abroad. By the end of the lesson, Ss will be aware of how to make, accept and decline invitations. II. Language Focus 1. Past progressive 2. Past progressive with When and While 3. Present progressive with Always Vocabulary Verbs (to) bother (to) carve (to) include (to) pick up. Nouns brochure gallery itinerary lava. overhead (adv).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span> (to) pour (to) come over. prison sightseeing valley wharf volcano III.Teaching aids: photocopied pictures (p.11l), cassette, chart (True / False) IV.Procedure Teacher’s and Students’Activities Content Warm up  GETTING STARTED T: Show the photocopied pictures to Ss; one by one, I. Guessing game: and ask Ss to guess what country it is. - Ask if they know what 3 first pictures are. (a) Statue of Liberty b) The Opera House c)........ New Lesson Activity 1 Teacher: Where do you want to visit among these countries ? Student: ............ Teacher: Why ? Student: .................. - Elicit words from Ss. - Get Ss to copy - Set the scene: Mrs Quyen is going to the USA for a vacation. She is ringing her friend, Mrs Smith, to tell her about the trip. S;Listen. T:Ask S “ how many days is Mrs Quyen going to stay? Let S close books and listen to the EZ-talk. S: close book and listen. Checking technique: Rub Out and Remember - Ask Ss to close their notebooks and look at the board. - Rub out the English words, one at a time, point to the Vietnamese words and ask Ss “What’s this in English?” - When all the English words are rubbed out, go though the Vietnamese list & get Ss to call out the English words. Activity 2. Answer Key: a) The USA b) Australia c) Thailand d) Britain e) Canada f) Japan II. Chatting  LISTEN AND READ. I. Vocabulary 1. (to) include (translation) 2. (to) come over (explanation) (to come to someone's house to visit for a short time) 3. (to) pick (someone) up (explanation) (to come and get someone in your car to drive him / her to a place.) 4. abroad (adv) = in a foreign country.  (to) be / go / travel / live a abroad.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span> II. True/ False Prediction 1. Mrs Quyen is calling Mrs Smith from the airport in San Francisco. 2. Mrs Smith invite Mrs Quyen and her husband to stay with her while they are in town. 3. Mrs Quyen doesn’t accept Mrs Smith ‘s invitation because she want to stay with a Vietnamese friend of hers. 4. Mrs Quyen and her husband will be in the USA for 3 days. 5. Mrs Quyen and her husband will come over to Mrs Smith’s place for dinner one night. 6. Mr Thanh; Mrs Quyen’s husband, goes abroad for a business meeting. Answer Key: 1. False  Mrs Quyen is calling Mrs Smith from Ha Noi 2. True - Ask Ss to look at their books and answer the 3. False  …because her accommodation is questions on page 113. included in her ticket price. - Let Ss compare their answers with their partner. 4. True - Call on some Ss to answer. 5. False  Only Mrs Quyen will come over to - Give feedback and correct. Mrs Smith’s III. Grid (Listen and Read 1) Answer Key: - Put the chart on the board and ask Ss to read the statements. - Ask Ss to work in pairs to decide if the statements are true or false. - Get Ss to give their answers and write them on the broad. - Have Ss open their books, listen to the tape while reading the dialogue on page 112. - Call on some Ss to correct the false statements. - Draw the grid on the board and have Ss copy it. - Ask Ss to open their books and read the dialogue. - Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete Mrs Quyen’s schedul with the information taken from the dialogue. - Call on some Ss to go the board to write the information in the grid on the board. - Have Ss copy. Date Schedule. Mon 25 Coming to San Francisco. Tue 26 Going out. Wed 27 Having dinner with the Smiths. Thur 28 Leaving San rancisco. Consolidation IV. Comprehension Questions - Tell Ss to read the dialogue again and pick out the Answer Key statements indicating the following situations: a) No, they won’t. Because they are coming on a tour, 1. Making an invitation. and their accommodation is included in the ticket price, 2. Accepting an invitation. so they will stay at the hotel. 3. Declining an invitation. b) No, he won’t. Because he will have a business 4. Making a complaint. meeting in the evening that day. - Call on Ss to give their answers and have Ss copy. c) Mrs Smith will pick her up at her hotel. - Get Ss to copy. V. Grammar Awareness Homework Answer Key: - Do the exercises in the workbook, page……….. 1. Making an invitation. “Would you like to come and stay with us…?” “… you must come over for dinner one night.” 2. Accepting an invitation: “Yes, we’d love to but we’ll only be in town for three nights”. 3. Declining an invitation:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span> “That’s very kind of yo but we’re coming on a tour…” 4. Making a complaint: “Oh dear. He’s always working”. Week:26th Period:73rd. Date of Teaching:Monday,March,2nd, 2009 Date of Preparation:Sun,March,1st ,2009. UNIT 12: A VACATION ABROAD Lesson 2:. Section: - Speak -Listen. (page 113, 114). I.Aim: To get Ss to practice in making plans using tourist brochi flight information. By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about their plans for a trip abroad. II. Language Focus 1. Past progressive 2. Past progressive with When and While 3. Present progressive with Always Vocabulary Verbs (to) bother (to) carve (to) include (to) pick up (to) pour (to) come over. Nouns brochure overhead (adv) gallery itinerary lava prison sightseeing valley wharf volcano III.Teaching aids: photocopied tables (p.113, 114), chart (mapped dialogue), realia IV.Procedure Teacher’s and Students’Activities Content Warm up  Quit T: - Tell Ss the student who can answer the question 1. What's the end of everything ? (letter g) will get 1 or 2 good marks. 2. What word starts with T, ends with T, and is full of T? S:answer in orrally (Teapot ; Pot  full of) 3. What's in the middle of New York City ? (York) New Lesson 4. Which river in America has 4 eyes ? Activity 1 (Mississippi; four eyes  hononym) • - Elicit words, from Ss.  SPEAK - Have Ss copy. I. Vocabulary Checking technique: Slap the board 1. (an) itinerary (explanation / translation) - Put the Vietnamese translation all over the board. (a plan for a journey including the route and the places - Call on 2 Ss or 2 teams of 4/5 Ss in both sides of the you visit.).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span> class to the front of the class standing at equal distance 2. (a) gallery (situation) from the board. . (I go to this place to see works of arts to be shown. What's it in English ?) - Call out the English word & Ss run forward to slap 3. (a) flight = a journey made by plane. the Vietnamese word on the board. 4. via (prep) = through a place, - The student slapping the right word first is the winner 5. facilities (plural) (translation) and gets a point for his /her team. 6. (a) brochure (realia)  Travel brochure II. Matching - Show the photocopied tables (p. 113, 114) on the right of the board randomly and ask Ss to match them with the right titles on the left. - Write the titles (on the left ). - Call on some Ss to go to the board to draw the lines to match the tables with the titles.. - Leave the tables on the board and ask Ss to look at them. - Go through the tables, asking Ss questions for information about the flights, accommodation, and tourist places. - Set the scene: These people are making a plan, for their trip from Los Angeles to Boston. Let's do it with them ! - Put the mapped dialogue chart on the board. - Elicit the exchanges from Ss. - Have some pairs practice each exchange before going on to another exchange. - After finishing the dialogue, ask a good pair to demonstrate the whole dialogue. Open pairs: - Ask some pairs to demonstrate the dialogue. Closed pairs: - Ask Ss to work in pairs, replacing the information. 1. Itinerary 2. Flight information 3. Hotel advertisement 4. Travel brochure III. Tell Me About Suggestions:  For the flight information table: + How many flights a week can you take from Los Angeles to Boston ? + Which flight can you take every day of the week? * For the Hotel advertisement table: + Which of the hotel is cheaper ? + How much is a double room in Revere Hotel ? How about the Atlantic Hotel ? * For the Travel brochure: + Where can you visit ?............ IV. Mapped Dialogue. Where shall we stay?. The Revere Hotel is.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span> using the tables. - Monitor and correct. - Ask Ss to make a plan for their coming summer holiday by filling the information in their itinerary. - Call on some pairs to demonstrate their plans for the class. - Give feedback and correct. - Write your itinerary into your notebooks. - Do the exercises in the workbook, page. Activity 2. - Write the topic on the board. - Ask Ss to find the words related to the topic. Collect Ss words and write them on the board - Go through the meaning of the words and have Ss copy.. expensive but it has a gym. Where should we visit? I think we should visit Havard Medical School, the Museum and Arts Gallery. What time should we There’s a daily flight at leave Los Angeles? 10 am, would that be OK? V. Transformation eg: Depart (Hue):.......................... Arrive (Ho chi Minh City):................. Accommodation:..................... Sightseeing:.......................... Depart (HCM City):........................ Listen. - Ask Ss some questions to lead in the lesson. - Suggestions: - Put the gap- fill table on the board. - Have Ss copy in their notebooks.. - Tell Ss they are going to listen to the weather forecast . Brainstorm about the cities hi the table and have to fill in the gaps with the information they hear. - Play the tape 2 or 3 times. - Tell Ss to work in pairs to compare their answers. - Get Ss to give their answers and correct. - Have Ss copy the answer. Answer Key: (bold words and numbers in the table Possible answer above) Cloudy, cool, cold, warm, hot, dry, fine, humid, rainy, snowy, sunny, wet, windy, stormy, degree, minus, Centigrade........ Consolidation.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span> - Have Ss ask and answer the questions about the weather and temperature using th information in the table. - Model, using a good student. - Write the exchanges on the board. - Open pairs: Ask a pair to demonstrate the exchanges. - Close pairs: Have the whole class practise speaking, using the information in the table. - Monitor and correct. - Call on some pairs to demonstrate the exchanges before the class. Homwork - Write-it -up: Use the information in the table to write a weather report, beginning with; " Here is today's weather forecast for the international travellers. In Sydney, it will be …………………. II. Chatting 1. Have you ever listened to the weather forecast on TV or on the radio ? 2. What does it often tell you about ? (weather & temperature) 3. Do you think it's necessary to listen to the weather forecast ? Why / Why not ? 4. What do you know about the high and the low temperature ? (It refers to the lowest and highest temperature degrees in a day.) III. Gap fill City 1. Sydney 2. Tokyo 3. London 4. Bangkok 5. NewYork 6. Paris. weather dry; windy dry; windy humid, cold warm; dry windy; cloudy cool; dry. Low 20 15 -3 24 8 10. Temperature High 26 22 7 32 15 16. IV. Role Play A: What's the weather like in Sydney today? B: It will be dry and windy. A: How about the temperature ? B: The low will be 20 and the high 26 degrees. Week:26th Period:74th. Date of Teaching:Wednesday,March,4nd, 2009 Date of Preparation:Sun,March,1st ,2009. UNIT 12: A VACATION ABROAD Lesson 3. Section :Read 1,2. (page 116 – 118). I.Aim: Reading for infonnation about the places of interest in the world. By the end of the lesson, Ss can obtain some knowledgt about some scenic sports in the U.S.A II. Language Focus 1. Past progressive 2. Past progressive with When and While 3. Present progressive with Always Vocabulary Verbs (to) bother (to) carve (to) include (to) pick up (to) pour (to) come over. Nouns brochure gallery itinerary lava prison sightseeing. overhead (adv).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span> valley wharf volcano III.Teaching aids: postcards, cardboards, pictures, drawing. IV.Procedure Teacher ‘s and Students’activities Content Warm up  Pelmanism. - Prepare 11 cardboards numbered from 1 to 11 on one  Adjectives - Nouns side and the words on the other side. Adjectives Nouns - Inform the rules of the game. humid humidity warm warmth - Stick the cardboards on the board showing the windy wind numbered side. dry dryness cloudy cloud coolness - Divide the class into 2 teams & ask each team to choose 2 numbers, one in the first row, and one in the second row. If the words in the both cards match in sequence of an adjective with a noun, this team will get a point.. New Lesson Pre-Reading T: set the scene: ( Mrs Quyen and her husband visited many places of interest in the USA while they were there. S: listen - Elicit words from Ss. S: copy down - Have Ss copy down the vocabulary. Checking technique: Ordering - Write the vocabulary on the board randomly. - Have Ss copy the Words into their exercise notebooks. - Read the paragraph aloud. - Get Ss to compare their answers with their partners. - Ask Ss to give their answers & read the text again to correct. While -Reading Draw the grid on the board. Ask Ss to copy the grid in their notebooks. READ 1 I. vocabulary 1. (a) volcano (picture/ drawing) 2. lava fnu) (picture/ drawing) 3. (to) pour out (picture/drawing) pour out volcano 4. (to) carve (mime/explanation) 5. (to) be situated (translation) 6. overhead (adv) = above your head - Have Ss copy down the vocabulary. Checking technique: Ordering - Read the paragraph aloud. "Mrs Quyen & her husband visited many places of interest in the V.S.A while they were there. First they went swimming at Waikiki Beach situated on the Hawaiian Island of Oahu. There they could see the lava pouring out of the Kilawea Volcano when they flew. overhead. They also saw the heads of 4 American Presidents carved into the rock of Mount Rushmore...".

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span> Answer Kev. Volcano overhead - Ask Ss to read the postcards from Mrs Quyen to her Island children and fill in the gaps with the information taken lava from them. went swimming pouring out - Call on some Ss to go the board & write the carved information in the gird on the board. situated - Give feedback & correct.. (6) (7) (3) (4) (1) (5) (8) (2). - Ask Ss to read the postcards from Mrs Quyen to her children and fill in the gaps with the information taken from them. - Call on some Ss to go to the board & write the information in the grid on the board. - Give feedback & correct. II. Grid Place What she did and saw a. Hawaii Went swimming b. New York visited Kilauea Volcano Post -Reading c. Chicago - Ask Ss to look at the questions on p. 118 & answer d. Mount Rushmore the questions. e. San Fancisco - Tell them to compare their answers with their Answer Key: partners. - Call on some pairs to give their answers & Place What she did and saw give feedback. a. Hawaii Went swimming, visited Kilawea b. New York Volcano. c. Chicago Went shopping, bought lots of d.Mount souvenirs Homework Rushmore Saw Lake Michigan - Write the answers into your notebooks e.San Saw the heads of 4 American - Do the exercises in the Workbook , page Fancisco Presidents Visited Fisherman’s wharf, the Napa Valley wine-growing area and the Alcatraz Prison.  Read 2 III. Comprehention questions Answer Key a) She went there by plane. b) She saw the famous prison on the island of Alcatraz. c) It is the mount where the heads of four American Presidents are carved into the rock; and it can be seen from more than 100 km away. d) It is also called " The windy City" e) She went shopping..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span> Week:26th Period:75th. Date of Teaching:Friday,March,6th, 2009 Date of Preparation:Sun,March,1st ,2009. UNIT 12:. A VACATION ABROAD. Lesson 4 Section: Write 1,2 (page 118) I.Aim: To get Ss to practice in writing a postcard. Ss will be a le to write postcards to their friends about their trip. II. Language Focus 1. Past progressive 2. Past progressive with When and While 3. Present progressive with Always Vocabulary Verbs (to) bother (to) carve (to) include (to) pick up (to) pour (to) come over. Nouns brochure overhead (adv) gallery itinerary lava prison sightseeing valley wharf volcano III.Teaching aids: chart , drawing IV.Procedure Teacher ‘s and Students’activities Content Warm up  Lucky numbers - Write the numbers on the board . (1  10) Questions: - Tell Ss each number is for a question but 4 of them 1. Where did Mrs Quyen & her husband spend their are lucky numbers. For a lucky number, Ss will get 2 holiday? points. - In the U.S.A - Ask Ss to answer briefly. 2. Lucky number 3. What did they see on Mount Rushmore? - The heads of 4 American Presidents carved into the New Lesson rock. Pre -Writing 4. Who did they visit when they were in the U.S.A? - Set the scene. - The Smiths. From the U.S.A, Mrs Quyen sent a postcard to her 5. Lucky number friend Sally to tell her about the trip. 6. What did Mrs Quyen do while her husband was - Ask Ss to look at the postcard on p.118 and complete visiting the Statue of Liberty? the gaps with the appropriate words. - She went shopping. - Call on some Ss to go to the board & write the words 7. Lucky number. they guess. 8. What did Mrs Quyen buy? - Lots of souvenirs. While - Writing 9. What did she send to her children from the U.S.A?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span> - Write the topic on the board. - Information needed to write a postcard. - Ask Ss to look at part 2 (p.118). - Go through the instructions by using questions : eg: What do you write about the place? (Names of places.) What do you write about the weather? (The weather is warm or cold or ...) - Draw the grid on the board. - Let Ss copy the grid. - Ask Ss to read the postcard (Write 1) again and fill in the gaps with the sentences showing the information on the left. - Give feedback and correct - Call on some Ss to go to the board and write their answers in the grid. - Give feedback and correct. - Ask Ss to write the grid in their notebooks. Post -Writing Set the scene Imagine you are a tourist on vacation in a certain place (city in Viet Neon, Write a postcard to a friend about your trip, using the information in the grid. - Tell Ss to write the postcard on a piece of paper (to be collected if necessary) - Monitor and assist Ss with their writing. - Call on some Ss to the front of the class and ask them to read their postcards to the whole class. - Give feedback and correct.. Week:27th Period:76th. - Postcards . 10. Lucky number.  WHITE I. Gap- fill Answer kev. 1. in 2. people 5.her 6. nice/ lovely 9. heaviness 10. soon. 3. weather 4.visited 7. bought 8. for. II. Grid Answer key: Necessary information for a postcard Place. (We're having a wonderful time in the U.S.A ). How you feel about the (The people are friendly) people. Weather. (The weather has been warm & sunny). Who you meet/ visit. (In San Fransico, I visited my friend, Sandra Smith.).. What you see What you buy. (no information) (I bought lots of souvenirs). Homework - Write your postcard in your notebook. - Do the exercises in the workbook, page.... Date of Teaching:Monday,March,10th, 2009 Date of Preparation:Sun,March,1st ,2009. UNIT 12: A VACATION ABROAD Lesson 5. Section: Language Focus 1, 2, 3. (page 118). I.Aim: Practice in Past progressive and Present progressive tenses with "always". Ss will be able to talk about activities using the Present and Past progressive tenses. II. Language Focus.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span> 1. Past progressive 2. Past progressive with When and While 3. Present progressive with Always Vocabulary III.Teaching aids: pictures (p. 119,120 ), cardboards IV.Procedure Teacher ‘s and Students’activities Warm up  Memory game - Divide the class into 2 parts. Teami - Ask the first student in one group to say a simple sentence. - Ask the first student in the other group I repeat the previous sentence and add one new sentence of his / her own. - Go on until the last student _ the whole sentences and his / her team loses the game. New Lesson Activity 1 - Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 119 (LF1) carefully. Tell Ss to listen and number the pictures. - Read the verbs aloud.. Content. LANGUAGE FOCUS 1 I. Ordering pictures. 1. walk with a dog 4. talk to Grandma 2. eat dinner 5. read a comic 3. take a shower 6. write a letter - Set the scene: II. grammar "Look at picture a) ! What was Ba doing at 8 o'clock "Look at picture a) ! last night ?" What was Ba doing at 8 o'clock last night ?" - Elicit the answer from Ss, get Ss to repeat and write “What were Lan and her Grandma doing at that the sentence on the board. time?” - Continue to picture (f) with the same steps Model Sentences: - Let Ss copy. Ba was taking a shower at 8 o’clock - Show the cardboards and go through the verbs. last night. They were talking to each other at that time - Model the first sentence and have ss repeat, (be) (V-ing) -Ask the whole class work through the rest of the Concept check: Past progerssive tense cues. Form: was / were + Verb-ing - Call on some Ss to go to the board and write the Use: to indicate an action that was in progress at a sentences. point of time in the past. III. Word-cue Drill 1. Ba / take a shower Activity 2 2. Hoa / have dinner - Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 119 and do 3. Bao / read a comic the matching on page 120, 4. Nga / write a letter - Call on some Ss to give their answers. 5. Na / walk with her dog 6. Lan and her grandma / talk to each other -Elicit the model sentences by asking the questions: LANGUAGE FOCUS 2 - Get Ss to copy..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span> - Put the photocopied pictures on the board in the order of the word cues - Model the first sentence and have Ss repeat. - Ask ss to work through the rest of the cues I. Matching Answer Key: a)C b)F c)E d)B e)D f) A II. Grammar 1. What was the Le family doing when the mailman came? 2. What happened while Nga was eating ? Model Sentences: The Le family was sleeping when the mailman came Activity 3 Past Continuous Past simple Set the scene The phone rang while Nga was eating - Elicit the model from Ss, using Vietnamese. Past simple Past Continuous - Have Ss repeat and write the sentence on the board. Concept check - Have Ss copy. Form: Main clause Conjunction Adv clause Past continuous when Past simple - Ask Ss to look at the pictures. Past simple while Past continuous - Model the fisrt picture and have Ss repeat. Use: Sequence of tense: An action was taking place in - Ask Ss to work through the rest of the pictures. the past when another action took place. - Call on some Ss to go to the board to write the III. Picture Drill sentences. The Le family was sleeping when the mailman came. Picture a)  The Le family / sleep Homework b)  Hoa / eating - Write complete sentences in the notebook (1,2,3) c)  Nam / win the race d)  Mrs Thoa / cook e)  Lan / arrive at school f)  It/rain  LANGUAGE FOCUS 3 Model Sentences: Bao is always forgetting his homework (be) (adv) verb-ing Present progressive Concept checking Form: is/am/are + always + verb-ing Use: to express a complaint II. Picture Drill. .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span> Week:27th Period:77th. Date of Teaching:Wednesday,March,12th, 2009 Date of Preparation:Sun,March,1st ,2009 CORRECTION. I.Aims Help S to recognize some their common mistakes and hope they won’t do it again next time. II.Content. Teacher ‘s and Students’activities Content Warm up I.Read the passage.then answer the questions. Questions: 1.Who(m) is Ha Long popular with ? T: ask S to sing a song -Ha Long is popular with both VietNamese and S: sing in chorus international tourists. 2.What is one of the attractions of Ha Long? -One of the attractions of Ha Long is the Bay’s calm New Lesson. water with limestone mountains. 3.What is the Bay’s water like ? -The Bay’s water is clear during the spring and early summer. T: Give papers to S. 4.What can visitors do when they arrive in Ha Long T: give feedback.then correct some mistakes from the city? test. -They can go along Chay Beach. T: call some S to read the passage. 5.Dau Go Cave is one of the most beautiful caves at Ha S: read individually. Long. T:explain then correct some mistakes. 6. General Tran Hung Dao hid wooden stakes in Dau S: copy down. Go Cave. II.Language Focus. A.Choose the correct answer. T: Ask S to remind some structure that have learn. 1.The ruler………........of plastic is mine.( make S: answer in orrally. /making / made ). T: correct it. 2.Do you mind ………………..me that book?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span> S: copy down. T: Ask S to remind some structure that have learn. S: answer in orrally. T: correct it. S: copy down T: Ask S to remind some structure that have learn. S: answer in orrally. T: correct it. S: copy down T: Ask S to remind some structure that have learn. S: answer in orrally. T: correct it. S: copy down T: ask S to read the story. S read the story. Homework. Week:27th Period:78th. ( pass /passing / passes ) 3.Would you mind if I …………….the T.V?( turned on / turn on / turning on ). 4.It’s hard………………..this exercise.( to do / does / did ) 5……………..you turn down the T.V,please? ( Will / Do / Are ) 6.Milk …………..to the houses by the milkman every day.( brings / is bring / is brought) 7.She promises she…………back in about half an hour. ( is / will be / has been ) 8.I can see a boy…………… a water buffalo. ( riding / ride / rode ) B.Rewrite as directed in parenthese : 1. -They wish to have enough money in order to buy a new car. 2. - The boy reading a book is Ba. 3. - The old Lamp made in Chine is five dollars. 4.- He was happy to hear that news. 5. - English is spoken all over the world 6. - Some new books will be bought tomorrow by me IV.Write a story from the following sets of words and phrases.Start with: Lan had a day to remember last week. - She was riding a bike when she had an accident. - She fell off her bike and hit her head on the road. - However,she was still conscious - People called an ambulance in order to take her to the hospital. - She was very lucky.. Date of Teaching:Friday,March,14th, 2009 Date of Preparation:Sun,March,1st ,2009. UNIT 13 : FESTIVALS Lesson 1. Section: - Getting started - Listen and Read 1, 2. I.Aim: Reading for details about traditional Festivals. Ss will be able to ask for explanations of events. II. Language Focus 1. Passive form: Be + Past participle 2. Compound words 3. Reported speech Vocabulary. (page: 121) (page: 121, 122).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span> Verb (to) award (to) fetch (to) participate (to) separate (to) urge (to) yell (to) rub (to) spread. Noun carol jolly (adj) competition council husk patron saint pomegranate teammate judge tradition patron saint III.Teaching aids: posters, cassette. IV.Procedure. Teacher ‘s and Students’activities Content Warm up. GETTING STARTED: - Write the names on the board  Chatting Tom, David, Huckleberry, Oliver, Robinson 1. Tom likes swimming and sunbathing. - Tell Ss these people are going to go on their visits to Where should he go?.,.....Why?...... Vietnam and they need advice on where to go. 2. David is interested in ancient cities  ? - Introduce the names, one by one. 3. Huckleberry likes mountain • climbing  ? 4. Oliver is keen on pottery  ? 5. Robinson is fond of crowded places  ?  LISTEN AND READ New Lesson. I. Vocabulary Activity 1 1. (to) fetch: (definition) T: set the scene then play the cassette. S:listen to the tape. T: present some words from the conversation. - Get SS to copy - Elicit words from Ss and write them inside the circles. - Get Ss to repeat and rub out the words, not the circlescontinue until the circles are empty. (to go to get (sth) and bring it back.) - When Ss seem to remember all the words, ask Ss to come to the board and fill in the circles 2. (to) yell = to shout loudly with the right words. 3. (to) urge: (translation / explanation) (to make a person / an animal move more quickly) Activity 2 4. (to) rub: (mime) - Set the scene: 5. (to) participate = to take part (in sth) Ba invites his friend Liz to a traditional festival in the • participation (n) North of Vietnam. Do you know what kind of festival it 6. (to) award: (situation) is? (It is the rice cooking festival.) (He is the winner of the competition. They (award) Ask Ss to guess what they are going to read by him the first prize.) asking questions then write Ss' answers on the  to award (so) (sth) = to award (sth) to (so) board. Checking technique: what and where + How many competitions do people enter in a rice- II. Open prediction cooking festival? (3) + In water-festival competition, what do people do? (on the board) How about a fire- making competition? A rice-cooking Rice- cooking festival competition?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span> Ask SS to open their books (p. 121, 122), read the dialogue and listen to the tape. - Play the tape - Check if Ss' guesses are correct or not. - Ask Ss to read the statements (2, page 122) and check () the boxes, using the information in the dialogue. - Get Ss to give their answers and correct the false sentences. - Have Ss copy down. - Elicit the examples and write them on the board. - Have ss copy Homework. - Language Focus 3: Write the sentences and rewrite them using the compound adjectives.. (Water fetching) (fire-making) (rice-cooking) to fetch water to make a fire to cook rice. III. True or False Answer Key: a) False  Only one team member takes part in the water-fetching contest. b) False  One person has to collect one water bottle. c) True d) False  Pieces of bamboo are used to make the fire. e) False  In the final contest, the judges taste the rice. d) True IV. Grammar :Compound Adjectives A ricecooking Festival a waterfetching Competition a firematching (article) (noun) (verb-ing) (noun) Compound adjectives Concept Check: Use: to form a compound adjective Form: noun + Verb-ing.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span> Week:28th Period:79th. Date of Teaching:Monday,March,16th, 2009 Date of Preparation:Sun,March,15th ,2009. UNIT 13 : FESTIVALS Lesson 2:. Section : - Speak 1, 2 - Listen 1, 2. (page 123) (page 124). I.Aim: Practice in talking about preparations and listening for details. SS will be able to talk about their preparations for a special event. II. Language Focus 1. Passive form: Be + Past participle 2. Compound words 3. Reported speech Vocabulary Verb Noun (to) award carol jolly (adj) (to) fetch competition (to) participate council (to) separate husk (to) urge patron saint (to) yell pomegranate (to) rub teammate (to) spread judge tradition patron saint III.Teaching aids: Chart (mapped dialogue), cassette. IV.Procedure. Teacher ‘s and Students’activities Content Warm up - Find things in common ~ Ask Ss to think of 5 things they often prepare for Tet Suggestions: and write them down on a piece of paper. - Decorate / clean / paint the house/ the room/the - Divide the class into 2 sides. yard... - Choose one student randomly in a side and ask - Buy cakes/ candies/ drinks/ food/ fruits… him/her call out his or her words while the ss in the - Cook/ make cakes other side check () the words on their paper same as - Get/ buy new dress... - Write / send New Year cards to friends/ that student's. - The students to have the most same answers will relatives....  SPEAK 1 get Z good mark.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span> New Lesson Activity 1 –Speak Elicit the vocabulary from Ss. - Get Ss to copy - Get Ss to brainstorm a list of 10 new words and write them on the board: Pomegranate, peach blossom, watermelon, marigolds, spring role, (to) fetch, competition, contest, (to) separate, council. - Ask Ss to choose any 4/5 words and copy them into their papers. - Call out the words until someone has ticked all of his/her words and shouts "Bingo" and wins - Ask Ss to read the dialogue on page 123 and put the sentences in the correct order. - Call on some pairs to give their answers. - Give feedback and correct. - Ask ss to close their books - Put the chart with the cues on the board. - Elicit the exchanges from Ss. - Have some pairs practise each exchange before going on to another exchange. - After finish the dialogue', ask a good pair to demonstrate the whole dialogue. + Open pairs: Call on some pairs to demonstrate the dialogue. + Closed pairs: Have the whole class work in pairs. - Monitor and correct. - Ask Ss to choose one of the festivals (p.123) and make up their own dialogues. - Monitor and assist 3s (if necessary) while they are working. - Call on some pairs to demonstrate their dialogues for the class. - Give feedback and correct.  LISTEN - Set the scene: *Take Robinson family is making preparations for Tet. They want to buy things to make it a traditional festival as Vietnamese people do. " - Ask Ss to open their books and read the statements on page 124. - Get Ss to predict the words in the gaps - Write Ss' guesses on the board. - Play the tape (2 or 3 times) - Ask Ss to listen and' fill in the gaps. - Call on some Ss to give their answers and check if Ss' guesses are right or not. - Play the tape again and correct. - Ask Ss to copy the grid (p.124) in their notebooks and. I. vocabulary 1. Pomegranate 2. Peach blossoms 3. Marigolds 4. Dried watermelon seeds 5. Spring rolls Checking technique: Bingo II. Ordering Answer Kev: A F B  G C H E  I D J III. Mapped Dialogue Mrs Quyen A: You/tidied/bedroom? B: market/have to/ oranges/pomegranates C: aure/will D: not really/ But/ want house/ look nice/ festival E: That/ very good/ Bye. Lan 1 yes / where/ going / 2 Could/ collect/ new Ao Dai tailor/ corner/? 3 Thanks/ anything/ want/me/do/ while/ out/? 4 MonV I/ what/ do now/ will/ clean/ glass windows 5 Bye/.  SPEAK 2  listen I. Gap - fill prediction Answer Key: a. Mr Robinson / Flower market b. Traditional c. Dried watermelon seeds d. Make spring rolls II. Grid. Answer Key: Mr. Robinson. Things to do - Go to the flower market to buy peach blossom and a.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span> fill in the gaps with the information taken from the statements above. - Call on some Ss to give their answers. Homework - Write your own dialogue in your notebooks. - Do the exercises in the workbook, page. Week:28th Period:80th. Mrs. Robinson Liz. Date of Teaching:Wednesday,March,18th, 2009 Date of Preparation:Sun,March,15th ,2009. UNIT 13: FESTIVALS Lesson 3. bunch of marigolds. - go to Mrs. Nga’s to learn how to make spring rolls. - Go to the market to buy candies and a packet of dried watermelon seeds.. Section: - Read 1, 2. I.Aim: Reading for details about Christmas, Ss will get some knowledge about Christmas. II. Language Focus 1. Passive form: Be + Past participle 2. Compound words 3. Reported speech Vocabulary. (page 124, 126).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span> Verb (to) award (to) fetch (to) participate (to) separate (to) urge (to) yell (to) rub (to) spread. Noun carol jolly (adj) competition council husk patron saint pomegranate teammate judge tradition patron saint III.Teaching aids: Pictures, cardboards, poster, cassette (song IV.Procedure Teacher ‘s and Students’activities Content Warm up  Sing a song - Teach Ss an English Christmas song. Eg: Silent night, I wish you a merry Christmas... - Ask Ss to listen to the tape and sing along.  READ I. vocabulary New Lesson 1. (to) spread (explanation) Pre-Reading (to cover a larger and larger area.)  to spread - spread - spread - Elicit words from Ss 2. Christmas carol (example) - Get Ss to copy (Silent night is a Christmas carol) 3. Patron saint (translation) - Stick the cardboards on the board. 4. jolly (adj) = happy and cheerful - Divide the class into 2 teams and ask them to do the 5. (to) decorate (picture/ definition) work as fast as possible. (to make something look more attractive by - Check if Ss' answer are right or not. putting things on it) T : play the tape Checking technique: Jumbled words S: Listen a. tansa b. yljol c. locra S: read the passage. aucls d. pdsear e. codraete f. ontrpatsian While –Reading Answer Key: a. Santa Claus b. jolly c. carol - Stick the pictures on the board (Christinas tree/ card/ d. spread e. decorate f. patron saint carol/ Santa Claus) II. Matching - Put the statements /poster on the board, ask 8s to read them and do the matching. 1. It has been said he was the a. Christmas patron saint of children, a fat Carol jolly man who wore a red suit and gave children presents on Christmas Eve. 2. The custom of decorating it Christmas Card and putting it in .a common place, spread throughout Europe to America..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span> - Call on some Ss to give their answers and write them on the board. - Ask Ss to open their books and read the paragraphs on page 124 and 125. - Check if Ss' answers are right or not. - Draw the grid on the board and have Ss copy it - Ask Ss to read the paragraph again and complete the grid - Call on some Ss to fill in the gaps in the grid on the board. - Give feedback and correct. - Have Ss copy the grid. Post _Reading - Ask Ss to answer the questions on page 126. - Tell Ss to compare their answer with their partners. - Call on some ss to give their answers. - Give feedback and correct. - Get Ss to write the answers in their notebooks - Write it up: Use the information in the grid to write the brief paragraphs. Homework. 3. They were stories put to music and enjoyed by most people. First the leaders of the Church did not like them but later they became popular. 4. An English man had someone design it to send Christmas greetings to his friends. Now it is a part of the Christmas tradition.. Santa Claus. Christmas tree. Answer Key: l.c 2.d 3.a 4.b III. Grid Answer Key: Christmas Specials. Place of origin. Date. (The Tree). Christinas Riga. (early 1500s). (The Card). Christmas (England). mid-19th century. Christmas Carol. (no information) (800 years ago). (Santa Claus). USA. (1823). IV. Comprehension questions Answer Key: 1. More than a century ago. 2. He wanted to send Christmas greetings to his friends. 3. 800 years ago. 4. An American professor named Clement Clarke Moore. 5. On the description of Saint Nicholas in professor Moore's poem..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span> Week:28th Period:81th. Date of Teaching:Friday,March,20th, 2009 Date of Preparation:Sun,March,15th ,2009. UNIT 13: FESTIVALS Lesson 4:. Section: - Write 1, 2. (page 126, 127). I.Aim: To get Ss to practice in writing a report. Ss practice in writing a report on a festival they have joined. II. Language Focus 1. Passive form: Be + Past participle 2. Compound words 3. Reported speech Vocabulary Verb Noun (to) award carol jolly (adj) (to) fetch competition (to) participate council (to) separate husk (to) urge patron saint (to) yell pomegranate (to) rub teammate (to) spread judge tradition patron saint III.Teaching Aids:ocopied, picture (p. 126), chart. IV.Procedure: Teacher ‘s and Students’activities Warm up  Memory game - Show the photocopied picture to Ss and ask them to observe it carefully. -• Let Ss look at the picture for about 20 "then put it away. - Divide the class into 2 teams. - Ask Ss (one student in each team at a time) to go to the. Content.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span> board and write their answers. - Ask Ss to listen to the questions: - Put the picture on the board again - Give feedback and correct. New Lesson Pre-Writing - Write 9 numbers on the board from 1 to 9 - Tell Ss each number is for a question but 3 of them are lucky numbers. If Ss choose a lucky number, they do not have to answer any question but they get 2 points and they can get another number - Divide the class into 2 teams.. While-Writing - Ask Ss to use the information in the dialogue on page 121 to fill in the gaps in the report on page 127. - Have Ss write their answers on a piece of paper. - Tell Ss the first 5 or 10 pairs with the right answers will get 1 or 2 good marks. - Collect Ss' papers and correct. - Ask Ss to write a similar report on a festival they've joined recently - Have Ss look at the questions on page 127 - Let Ss practice speaking first by answering the questions from a  g. - Have Ss connect the sentences to make it a report. Monitor and help Ss with their work. Call on some Ss to read their reports aloud. Write your report in your notebooks. Homework Do the exercises in the workbook, page. 1. How many people are there in the picture? What are they doing? 2. Name all the things in the picture. Answer Kev: 1.They are participating in the rice-cooking competition. 2. rice, basket, pans, bamboo sticks, paper fans, chopsticks, a flag,  WRITE: I.Lucky Numbers 1. What do you call the festival where people have to cook rice? - (the rice cooking festival 2. How many competitions are there in the rice-cooking festival? What are they? - (3/ water-fetching, fire-making and rice-cooking) 3. Lucky number What do people use to fetch water? (bottles) 5. Lucky number 6. Do they use pieces of wood to make fire? (No. pieces of bamboo) 7. What do people have to do before they cook the rice? (separate the rice from the husk) 8. Lucky number 9. How many people are there altogether in a team taking part in the rice-cooking festival? (9, one for water-fetching, two for fire-making and six for rice-cooking) II. Gap fill Answer Key: 1. Rice-cooking 2. one/a 3. water-fetching 4. run 5. water 6. traditional 7. bamboo 8. six 9. separate 10. added III. Questions and answers Suggested report: This report shows how the Mid-Autumn festival was held in my neighborhood.The Mid –Autumn festival was held on the 15th of August ( according to Lunar Calendar ).This festival was specially organized for children.It was held in the yard of the cultural House in my village.The main festival lasted for about 3 hours when the moon is at its fullest.During the festival,children took part in various activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span> like:singing,shouting,wearing masks,parading on the road and banging the drums.Besides,children ate a special cake called Moon Cakes.they are filled with lotus seeds orange peel,ground beans and sometimes egg and pork fat for flavour.Children went on playing traditional gamess until midnight.I think this special occasion for viet namese people and especially for children to play and enjoy on a variety of activities.Moreover,children would understand more about Vnamese traditions.. Week:29th Period:82th. Date of Teaching:Monday,March,23nd, 2009 Date of Preparation:Sun,March,22th ,2009. UNIT 13: FESTIVALS Lesson 5:. Section: - Language Focus 1, 2, 4. (page: 128-130). I.Aim: To get Ss to practice in reporting what was said and further practice in using the passive forms. Ss will be able to use reported speech and the passive in the past present and future tenses. II. Language Focus 1. Passive form: Be + Past participle.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span> 2. Compound words 3. Reported speech Vocabulary Verb Noun (to) award carol (to) fetch competition (to) participate council (to) separate husk (to) urge patron saint (to) yell pomegranate (to) rub teammate (to) spread judge tradition patron saint III.Teaching aids: Cardboards, chart IV.Procedure Teacher ‘s and Students’activities Warm up. Infinitive - past participle - Prepare 11 cardboards, numbered from 1 to 11 on one side and the words on the other side. - Stick the cardboards on the board showing the numbered side.. jolly (adj). Content Pelmanism Infinitive put write hold make break. Past Participle put written held made broken. - Divide the class into 2 teams and ask each team to choose 2 numbers, one in the first row, and one in the second row. If the words in both cards match in sequence LANGUAGE FOCUS 1 of an infinitive with its past participle, this team will get 1. Matching a point. A B Tenses Form New Lesson 1. Present Simple a. was/were + past part 2. Past Simple b. have/has been + past part Activity 1 3. Future Simple c. Is/am/are + past participle - Ask Ss to match the words in Column A with the forms 4. Present Perfect d. Will/shall + be + past part. in Column B. Answer Key: 1.c2.a 3.d 4 .b 4.b 2.Gap fill Answer Key: a. were performed b. was decorated/ put c. is made Activity 2 d. will be held - Ask Ss look at LFl on page 128 e. was awarded - Have Ss fill in the gaps with the right form of the verbs f. was written in the box.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span> - Call on some Ss to go to the board and write their  LANGUAGE FOCUS 2 answers (only the verb forms) I. vocabulary - For each sentence, Ss should be asked why 1. (to) jumble (translation) they decided to use that verb form. 2. (to) scatter (explanation/ mime) (to throw things everywhere on the ground) 3. (a) jar (drawing/ realia) II. Gap fill - Have Ss copy. - Ask Ss to look at LF 2 on page 128 and 129 and fill in the gaps with the right form of the verbs in the box. - Call Ss to go to the board and write their answers (only the verb forms). - For each sentence, Ss should be asked why they decided to use that verb form. T; - Set the scene: "Yesterday, Lan'sgrandmother, Mrs. Thu, needed a plumber. A man came to her door and said, "I 'm plumber" - Write the quoted speech on the board: - Ask Ss to report what the man said and write it on the board. - Ask Ss to pay attention to the changes in tense - Have Ss copy. Answer key: 1. jumbled 2. broken 3.broken 4. scattered 5. pulled  LANGUAGE FOCUS 4 I- Set the scene: He said, "I'm a plumber (quoted/ direct speech) Model sentences: Reported speech. He said he was a plumber (reported/ indirect speech) 1. Tenses Activity 3 Quoted speech Reported speech - Ask Ss to look LF 4 on page 130 and do the exercise. - Present simple  Past simple - Let Ss resay the sentences first, then ask them write - Will  Would down. - must  had to - Call on some Ss to go to the board and write the 2. Pronouns: sentence. (depending on the subject of the main clause) - Correct 3. Adverb of place and time - Have Ss copy This  That Now  then Here  there Today  that day Tomorrow  the next day Yesterday  the day before ago  before 4. Spelling II. Transformation Drill Homework - Do the exercises in the workbook, page….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span> Answer Key: b. He said he could fix the faucets c. ______ the pipes were broken d. ______ new pipes were very e. _______ expensive Mrs. Thu had to pay him then. Week:29th Period:83th. Date of Teaching:Wednesday,March,23nd, 2009 Date of Preparation:Sun,March,22th ,2009. UNIT 14: WONDERS OF THE WORLD Lesson 1:. Section : - Getting started - Listen and Read 1, 2. (page :131) (page : 131, 132). I. Aim: To get to practice in reading to seek information. Ss will seek information about a language game to complete a summary. II. Language Focus 1. Passive forms 2. Indirect questions with if and whether 3. Question words before to - infinitives 4. Verb + to - infinitives Vocabulary III.Teaching aids: Pictures ( p. 131), postcards, cassette, chart. IV.Procedure Teacher ‘s and Students’activities Content Warm up Quiz - Prepare some postcards or pictures of the famous world Suggestions: landmarks or scene spots in VN.  It is a place in the Central Vietnam with cold weather - Show the pictures, one by one, to Ss and ask them what everyday of the year... place it is.  •Getting started. - Divide the class into 2 teams, the team able to answer Answer key: the question will get 1 point. a) The Pyramid - Give Ss some suggestions to help them easily recognize b) Sydney Opera House the place. c) Stone Henge Eg: Mount Bach Ma.  Listen and Read. - Inform the topic: Wonders of the world. I. Ordering:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span> - Have Ss look at the pictures on page 131 and do the matching. - Check if they know where / in which country these wonders are. New Lesson - Set the scene: "Nga, Nhi and Hoa are playing a language game called guessing game. How does this game work? Rearrange the Statements in the right order of the game." - Put the statements chart on the board. - Ask Ss to read the statements and put them in the right order. - Call on some pairs to go to the board and write their answers. - Ask Ss to open their books and read the dialogue on page 131, 132 while listening to the tape./ Play the tape. - Check if Ss' guesses are right or not. - Have Ss copy the statements in the right order. - Have Ss read the dialogue again and complete the summary (2) on page 132. - Ask Ss to compare their answers with their partners. - Have some Ss give their answers. - Elicit the target language by asking Ss a question (in Vietnamese) - Asking Ss to read the summary again. - Write the words on the board. - Ask Ss to match the words in Column A with their explanations in Column B. - Ask some Ss to give their answers. - Topic: famous tourist sites - Do the exercises in the workbook, page. Week:29th Period:84th. * How to play the guessing game: 1. B asks questions to find out who or what is. 2. A thinks of a famous person or place. 3. B wins if he / she can guess the corre answer. 4. A gives B a clue. 5. B loses if he / she cannot guess the correct answer. 6. A can only answer "yes" or "no". Answer key : 2. A thinks of 4. 1. 6. 3. 5. II. Gap fill Answer Key: 1. Game 2. Place 3. Clue 4. Vietnam 5. America 6. Golden 7. Right 8. Was III. Grammar Awareness Model Sentences: I don’t know How to play it S V Question to infinitive word Concept checking: Form: S V Question word To infinitive… Use: Reduced form of an indirect question. Eg: I don’t know how I can play it how to play it Please tell me where I can go during the where to go visit IV. Matching A B 1. Suggest (v) a. a piece of information 2. Golden (adj) that helps you discover 3.Clue (n) the answer to a question. 4.bored b. What you often feel when you have nothing to do c. made of gold d. make a suggestion Answer Key: l.d 2.c 3.a 4.b. Date of Teaching:Friday,March,27th, 2009 Date of Preparation:Sun,March,22th ,2009.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span> UNIT 14 : WONDERS OF THE WORLD Lesson 2: Section : - Speak 1, 2 (page : 132,133) I.Aim: Practice in asking and answering questions about places and how to report them. Ss will be able to make a report on famous places using reported speech. To get SS to practice in recognizing and correcting mistakes. Further practice in using to-infinitive. SS will be able to recognize mistakes through listening to an advertisement. II. Language Focus 1. Passive forms 2. Indirect questions with if and whether 3. Question words before to - infinitives 4. Verb + to - infinitives III.Teaching aids: chart, posters IV.Procedure Teacher ‘s and Students’activities Content Warm up  WHO IS THE FASTEST ? - Inform the topic and time limit. + write 10/15 famous world places within 3 minutes. - Deliver posters to Ss. - Tell Ss to put their posters on the board. - Give feedback and correct.  SPEAK New Lesson I. Matching Pre-Speaking 1. It was designed and built by the French civil engineer - Put the chart with the statements on the board. with 300 metres in height. - Ask Ss to read the statements and the names of the 2. It is in South Central Asia, 8.848 metres high above sea famous places in the box on page 133 and do the level. matching. 3. It was built from 246 - 209 BC and some people say it - Check if Ss understand the statements. can be seen from the moon. - Call on some pairs to give their answers. 4. It is a bell striking the hours in the clock tower of the - Give feedback and correct. Houses of Parliament in London. 5. It is a skycraper in Manhattan, New York City. 6. It is a famous place in Quang Binh Province recognized as a world Heritage Site by Unessco. Answer Key: While-Speaking 1.Effel Tower - Ask Ss to write yes/no questions about 10 places in 2. Mount Everest the box, using the information in the matching. 3. Great Wall of China (Each student in a group asks a question) 4. Big Ben - Monitor and assist Ss if necessary. 5. Empire State building USA - Have Ss ask and answer the questions, check yes or 6. Phong Nha Cave no. II. Questions and Answer Drill - Call on a group to demonstrate their work. Suggest: - Set the scene l. Have they just built the Eiffel Tower in Paris? - Ask Ss to listen: 2.1s the Empire State building located in New York City? - Write the statement on the board 3. Are the Petronas Twin Towers located in Maylaysia?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span> - Have Ss copy. 4. Is the Great Barrier Reef in Australia? 5. Have you ever seen Mount Rushmore? 6. Is Mount Everest in Nepal?.... Post-Speaking III. Grammar - Choose a group’s answer to demonstrate the model- - Ask a student: (Lan/...) Call on Ss in different groups to report in front of the T: Is Hue Citadel in the Central Vietnam class. S: Yes, it is. - Give feedback and correct T: I asked Lan if Hue Citadel was in the Central Write 10 indirect questions of your group in your Vietnam. She said (that) it was. notebooks.  Model sentences: I said to Lan, "Is Hue Citadel in the Central Vietnam?" (Yes/No question  direct speech) I asked if Hue Citadel was in the Lan whether Central Vietnam (Main Clause) Indirect (Yes/No) question. Pre-Listening - Put the chart on the board - Ask Ss to draw the crossword in their notebooks. - Ask Ss to listen and fill in the crossword - Collect Ss' answers and give them good points if they are right.. While-Listening - Elicit words from Ss - Have Ss copy the vocabulary Checking technique: What and where - Elicit words from Ss again and write them inside circles. - Get Ss to repeat and rub out the word, not the circle. - Continue until the cirles are empty. - Get Ss to repeat the rubbed out words by pointing at the empty circles. - When Ss seem to remember all the words, ask Ss (5 at a time) to come to the board to fill in the circles again - Set the scene: "You are going to listen to an advertisement on the tape. There are 4 mistakes in the advertisement in. Concept Check: Indirect Yes/No question Form: V (O) If/ S V… S whether Use: - to say  to ask / want to know - if the verb in the main clause is in past tense, the tense in the indirect questions must be changed: Direct question Indirect question Present Simple  Past Simple Past Simple  Past perfect Present perfect  Past perfect (asking and reporting).  Crossword puzzle 1. 2. 3.. J. L C U. O L N. 4. S U G G E S T. E E L. E. 1. Unable to find sth/so 2. Something that help you find out an answer to a question. 3. A very thick forest. 4. To make a suggestion.  LISTEN vocabulary 1. Relaxing (adj)  (translations) (a) relaxing vacation.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span> your books. What are they?" - Have Ss read the advertisement in their books for a few minutes. - Ask Ss some questions about the geographical names in the paragraph. - Play the tape 2 or 3 times. - Get some Ss to give their answers. - Play the tape the last time, give feedback and correct.. 2. Crystal clear (adj) = completely clear and bright 3. Coral (n) : (realia / translation) 4. To snorkel (picture). Post-Lstening - Elicit the target language from Ss: - Get Ss to copy. - Ask Ss to open their books and complete the passage on 137 with the right form of the verbs. - Call on some Ss to give their answers. - Correct and have a student read the whole paragraph aloud. - Ask Ss to write 6 sentences of their own, using three forms above. - Monitor and assit Ss if necessary. - Call on some Ss to go to the board and write their sentences. - Give feedback and correct. - Award good marks to Ss having good and right sentences. - Do the exercises in the workbook, page. II. Listen Answer Key: Look no further than beautiful far north Queensland. Stay right on the beach at she Coconut Palm Hotel. Take guided tours through the rainforest, swim in the crystal-clear water of the Coral Sea and Snorkel amongst the coral of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park • a world Heritage Site. Call (077) 6924 3927 for more information Notes 1. I want to go out at To infinitive weekends 2. She enjoys swimming very Verb-ing much 3. He can speak many modal bare language Verb infinitive Concept Check: 1. Form: S Verb To infinitive verb Use: Most of the verbs in English are followed by a to infinitive. 2. Form: S Verb Verb-ing Use: Same use as enjoy: start, begin, advise… 3. Form: S Modal verb Bare infinitive Use: Modals: can, could, will, would, shall, should, may, might, must.. Relaxing Coral Heritage. Crystal-clear.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span> Week:30th Period:85th. Date of Teaching:Monday,March,30th, 2009 Date of Preparation:Sun,March,29th ,2009. UNIT 14 : WONDERS OF THE WORLD Lesson 3: Section : - Read (page 134) IAim: Read for details about the wonders of the world. SS will be able to get some knowledge about the wonders of the world. II. Language Focus 1. Passive forms 2. Indirect questions with if and whether 3. Question words before to - infinitives 4. Verb + to - infinitives III.Teaching aids: pictures, postcards, chart. IV.Procedure Teacher ‘s and Students’activities Content Warm up Hangman - Draw dashes on the board, each dash is for a letter of (C) (O) (R) (A) (L) the world. 1 - Have SS guess the letters, one by one. - For every wrong guess, draw a line (from 1 to 8), SS will lose the game if they guess wrong 8 times. New Lesson Pre-Reading T: set the scene and teach some words. - Have Ss copy •Checking technique: S: read the word individually Revision: Coral, crystal-clear, snorkel, relaxing.  READ 1. vocabulary 1. (to) compile : (translation) 2. (to) claim : (translation/ explanation) (to say something is true) 3. (to) honor = to show respect 4. (a) god (male)  goddess (female).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span> Put the chart on the board. - Ask Ss to (I ide if the statements are true or false. - Write Ss' guesses on the board. - Ask Ss to read the text on page 134, to check their guesses. - Call on some Ss to correct the false statements.. (translation) 5. religion (n) (translation)  religious (adj) 6. royal (adj) (situation) (Phu Xuan (Hue) used to be an old royal capital city of Vietnam.) Slap the board (* ) Compil e royal. Claim. honor. God. religious. II. True-False prediction 1. An Egyptian man compiled a list of what he thought were the seven wonders of the world. 2. The only surviving wonder is The Pyramid of Cheeps in Egypt. 3. Today, we can still see the Hanging Gardens of abylon in present - day Iraq. 4. Angkor Wat was originally built to honor a Hindu God. 5. The Great wall of China first wasn't in the list of the 7 wonders of the world. 6. In the early 15"' century, the Khoner King chose While-Reading Angkor War as the new capital. T: prepare it as a listening task Answer key: - Ask Ss to choose the best answers to complete the 1. False: A Greek man named Antipater did it sentences. 2. True - Put the answers chart on the board. 3. False : The only surviving wonder is the pyramid of - Read the statements aloud and make hand gestures to Cheeps in Egypt. show the missing words. 4. True - Ask Ss to choose A, B, C or D. 5. True - Correct and have Ss write the right 6. False : In the early 15th century, the Kh'mer answers in their notebooks. King chose Phnom Penh as the new capital. III. Multiple Choice Post-Reading Answer Key: - Draw the grid on the board and have Ss copy it. a) The only surviving wonder on Antipater's list is - Ask Ss to read the text again and fill in the grid with the Pyramid of Cheops. the information taken from the text. b) Angkor wat was originally built for Hindus. - Call on some Ss to give their answers. c) Angkor wat was part of a royal Khmer city a long Homework time ago. - Do the exercises in the workbook, page d) In the 1400s, the Khmer King chose Phnom Penh as the new capital. IV. Grid Wonders of the world 1. Hanging gardens of Babylon. Country Iraq.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span> 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.. Week:30th Period:86th. Date of Teaching:Wednesday,April,1st, 2009 Date of Preparation:Sun,March,29th ,2009. UNIT 14 : WONDERS OF THE WORLD Lesson 4:. Section : - Write 1, 2. (page :135).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span> I.Aim: Practice'in writing a letter to a friend. Ss can write a letter to a friend about a place they have visited. II. Language Focus 1. Passive forms 2. Indirect questions with if and whether 3. Question words before to - infinitives 4. Verb + to – infinitives III.Teaching aids: picture, drawing. IV.Procedure Teacher ‘s and Students’activities Content I.Warm up  Guessing game: - Ask Ss to think of one of the wonders of the world and  Wonders of the world. write it on a piece of paper.  WRITE - Call on a student to the front of the class with his / her I. Pre-teach vocabulary paper. 1. (a) ranger (explanation) - Have the rest of the class ask him/ her yes-no questions (person who takes care of a park) to guess the wonder. 2. Edge (n) (drawing) - The student having the right guess will take the place of the last student. the edge of the table II.New Lesson Pre-Writing 3. (a) canyon : (translation / picture) - Elicit words from Ss 4. breathtaking (adj) := very exciting, impressive - S write and read. 5. temperate (adj) (explanation / translation) Checking technique: Rub out and 6. Stone Age (translation) - Get Ss to copy. Remember While-Writing -Ask Ss to read the letter Tim sent to Hoa about his trip to the grand Canyon on page 135. - Tell Ss to complete the letter by inserting the letters of the missing sentences. (A, B, C and D) II. Insertion - Call on some ss to read their completed letters in front Answer Key: of the class. l.C 2.B 3.D 4.A - Give feedback and correct. - Set the scene: Imagine you have visited a place recently. Write a letter to a friend of yours and tell him/ her about this place. -Draw the outline on the board and elicit some details. III. Writing -- Have Ss talk about something they have done first by + place (Phong Nha cave/ Cue Phuong National park...) + asking questions for them to answer. Distance (100km/12 hours by train/...) - Ask Ss to write the letter in their notebooks. + How to get there (by bus/ plane/...) - Monitor and assist Ss if necessary. + Sights (beautifull/breathtaking/...) - Call on some Ss to read their letters in front of the + weather (temperate/ sunny/cool/...) class. + How you feel ( happy/ relaxed/...) - Give feedback and correct. IV. Interview Post-Writing -Model : - Ask Ss to use the outline on the board and the -• Where have you just visited? information in their letters to make an interview. • How far is it?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span> - Model : call on a student to stand up to answer the questions: - Ask Ss to play in turn the role of an interviewer and an interviewee. - Monitor and correct. - Call on some pairs to demonstrate their interview. - Write the completed letter (1) in your notebooks. Homework - Do ther exercises in the workbook, page. Week:30th Period:87th. How did you get there?• What is it like?/ Is it beautifull?• How about the weather/ • How did you feel?. Date of Teaching:Friday,April,1st, 2009 Date of Preparation:Sun,March,29th ,2009. UNIT 14 : WONDERS OF THE WORLD Lesson 5:. Section : - Language Focus 1, 2, 3. (page :136, 137.......). I.Aim: Further practice in Reported speech and the passive. SS can report what people ask and answer about one of the world cultureal Heritage of Vietnam. II. Language Focus 1. Passive forms 2. Indirect questions with if and whether 3. Question words before to - infinitives 4. Verb + to – infinitives III.Teaching aids: charts, posters. IV.Procedure. Teacher ‘s and Students’activities Content I.Warm up BINGO T: let S to play a game. Temperate, breathtaking, royal, religious, canyon, pyramid, S:work in group. edge, god, jungle, compile (10 words) II.New Lesson LANGUAGE FOCUS 1 Activity 1 I. Revision.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span> - Ask Ss to resay the form of the passive in the Past simple tense. - Have Ss look at the exercise and choose the right verbs in the box for the gaps in the sentences. - Ask Ss to complete the sentences with the right passive form of the verbs. - Call on some ss to give their answers. - Give feedback and correct. - Write the words and their meaning on the board. - Ask Ss to read the exercises again and do the matching. - Call on some Ss to go to the board draw the lines to connect the words. Activity 2 Yesterday, Nga and Nhi talked about My Son, one of the world cultural Heritage of Vietnam. Beside answering some of Nhi's questions, Nga gave her some additional information about My Son. - Ask Ss to report what Nhi asked Nga, using reported speech. - Call on some Ss to resay the use of the Indirect Yes/ No question if necessary. - Show the questions on the board - Model the first question and ask Ss to listen. - Call on one student to read the question, another student read the reported sentence - Give feedback and correct if necessary - Go on asking Ss to do the rest questions orally with the same steps. - Call on some Ss to go to the board and write the reported sentences. - Correct and ask Ss to write the right answers in their notebooks.. Was/were + past participle Answer Key: a) was completed d) was presented b)was constructed e) was reached c) was designed II. Matching 1. Construct (v) 2. design (v) 3. summit(n) 4. expendition 5. guide. a) thieát keá b) đoàn thám hiểm c) xây dựng d) hướng dẫn viên e) ñænh (nuùi). Answer Key: l.C 2.A 3.E 4. B 5. D  LANGUAGE FOCUS 2 I. Set the scene Yesterday, Nga and Nhi talked about My Son, one of the world cultural Heritage of Vietnam. Beside answering some of Nhi's questions, Nga gave her some additional information about My Son. a) Do you know My Son, Nga?  Nhi asked Nga if / whether she knew My Son II. Substitution Drill  Oral Drill  Writing Drill Answer Key: a. Nhi asked Nga if/whether. She knew My Son. b.. My Son was in Quang Nam province. d. Activity 3 - Show the word-cue chart on the board - Model the first sentence and ask Ss to listen. - Check if Ss recognize the model sentence - Ask one student to say the next sentence. - Give feedback and correct. - Have Ss dp the rest of the exercise orally with the same steps. • - Ask some Ss to go to the board and write complete sentences. - Give feedback, correct and have Ss copy - Deliver posters to Ss - Write the question words on the board and ask Ss to write complete sentences of their own.. b. e.. Many people lived at My Son It was far from Hanoi. f. Many tourists visited M.S every year. Nga wanted to visit Ms one day.  LANGUAGE FOCUS 3. III. Word Cue drill * Oral Drill.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span> - Tell Ss to write their sentences on posters and put them on the board after finishing them. - Award Ss good marks if their sentences are right. - Language focus 1: Turn the passive sentences into the active. Homework - Do the exercises in the workbook, page _. Week:31st Period:88th. a. tell/ how/ go there  Nga told Nhi how to go there.  S | V | Question word | To infinitive)  Writing Drill Answer Key: a. Nga told Nhi how to go there. b. Nga showed Nhi where to get tickets. c. Nga pointed out where to buy souvenirs. d. Nga advised Nhi how to go from My Son to Hoi An. e. Nga told Nhi what to do there during the visit.. Date of Teaching:Monday,April,6th, 2009 Date of Preparation:Sun,April,4th ,2009.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span> REVISION I.Aim. Helping S to prepare for the next exam.Revise what they have learnt. I.Language Contents: -Passive form -Reported speech. -Write a letter. III.Teaching aids: books,textbook.chalk,board.posters. IV.Procedure. Teacher ‘s and Students’activities Content I.Warm up I/ Put these names in the blanks: T: ask S do individual. Southeast Asia, Australia, Ottawa, The United Kingdom, S: Write then fill the missing information. London, Mount Rushmore, The Statue of Liberty, Eiffel T:call S go to the board to do. Tower, Montreal. S;supply. 1............................ is in New York Harbor. T:give feedback then correct if any. 2............................. is a city where both French and S: copy down. English are spoken. 3............................. is situated on the River Thames. 4The capital of Canada is ................................ 5............................. is in Paris, France. 6Canberra is the capital of ............................... 7............................. consists of England, Scotland, Weles, and Northern Ireland. 8Thailand is in ................................................. 9.............................. is a national memorial where the faces of four U.S presidents were caved. Key: 1The Statue of Liberty. 6. Australia 2.Montreal 7. TheUnitedKingdom 3.London 8. Southeast Asia New Lesson 4.Ottawa 9. Mount Rushmore T: call some S remind the passage voice that they have 5.Eiffel Tower learnt. *Thể bị động với thì quá khứ đơn (Simple past) S; remind before class. S + was/ were + past participle ( + by S: give example. agent) T: remind the content then give example. Ex: Active: I bought the dictionary yesterday. S: copy down then do exercises. Passive: The dictionary was bought (by me) yesterday.. T: ask S do individual. S: Write then fill the missing information.. *Thể bị động với thì hiện tại hoàn thành (present perfect) S + has/ have been + past participle ( + by agent). Ex: Active: The wind has damaged many houses. Passive: Many houses has been damaged by the wind. Exercises: I/ Change the following sentences into passive voice:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span> T:call S go to the board to do. S;supply. T:give feedback then correct if any. S: copy down.. T: give some exercise on the board Ask S do. S:work in pair then go to the board write. T:give feedback then correct if any. S: copy down.. T: give some exercise on the board Ask S do. S:work in pair then go to the board write. T:give feedback then correct if any. S: copy down. T: give some exercise on the board Ask S do. S:work in pair then go to the board write. T:give feedback then correct if any. S: copy down. T: give some exercise on the board Ask S do. S:work in pair then go to the board write. T:give feedback then correct if any. S: copy down.. 1.Clement Clarke Moore wrote the poem “A visit from Saint Nicholas” 2.They performed Christmas songs for people in town. 3.Santa Claus gave children presents on Christmas Eve. 4.My father decorated the Christmas tree with colored lights. 5.Miss Thanh taught me to draw the Christmas cards. 6.Ba invited Liz to the rice – cooking festival. 7.They held the festival in the communal house yard. 8.The council leader awarded the first prize to the Mekong team. Answer; 1. The poem “A visit from Saint Nicholas” was written by Clement Clarke Moore. 2. Christmas songs were performed for people in town. 3. Children were given presents by Santa Claus on Christmas Eve./ -Presents were given to children by Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. 4. The Christmas tree was decorated with colored lights by my father. 5. I was taught to draw the Christmas cards by Miss Thanh. 6. Liz was invited to the rice – cooking festival by Ba. 7. The festival was held in the communal house yard. 8. The first prize was awarded to the Mekong team by the council leader./ -The Mekong team was awarded the first prize by the council leader. III/ Put the verb into the correct form: present simple or past simple, active or passive. 1.It’s a big factory. Five hundred people...................... (employ) there. 2.Water .....................(cover) most of the Earth’s surface. 3.The letter..................(post) a week ago and it.....................(arrive) yesterday. 4.The boat ....................(sink) quickly but fortunately everybody...............(rescue). 5.Ron’s parents.........................(die) when he was very young. He and his sister.....................(bring) up by their grandparents. 6.The gate......................(lock) at 6.30 pm every day. 7.Sue........................(bear) in London but she......................(grow) up in the north of England. 8.We .............................(not/ play) football yesterday afternoon. The match.............................(cancel)..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span> Homework. T: ask S learn the lesson carefully to prepare for the next test. S:Do as T directed. Week:31st Period:89th. 9.Originally the book ......................(write) in Spanish and a few years ago it...........................(translate) into English. 10.I saw an accident last night. Somebody ..........................(call) an ambulance but nobody .......................(injure) so the ambulance............ . (not/ need). Key: 1. are employed 2. covers 3. was posted - arrived 4. sank - was rescued 5. died - were brought 6. is locked 7. was born - grew 8. didn’t play - was canceled 9. was written - was translated 10. called - was injured – wasn’t needed. Date of Teaching:Wednesday,April,8th, 2009 Date of Preparation:Sun,April,4th ,2009. TEST ( 45ms) A.Read the passage then answer the questions.(3ms) Viet Nam’s New year is celebrated according to the Lunar calendar.It is officially known as Tet Nguyen Dan,or Tet.It begins between January-first and February nineteen.The exact date changes from year to year.Vietnamses people usually make preparations for the holiday several weeks beforehand.They tidy their houses,cook special food,clean and make offerings on the family altars.On the New Year’s Eve ,people sit up to midnight to see the New Year in,then they put on new clothes and give one another the greetings of the season.Tet last ten days.The first three days are the most important.Vietnamese people believe that how people act during those days will influence the whole year.As a result,they make every effort to avoid arguments and smile as much as possible. Questions: 1.What is Vietnam’s New Year known as ?......................................................................................................... 2.When do the Lunar New Year begin ?.............................................................................................................. 3.What do Vietnamese people usually do to prepare for Tet ?............................................................................ 4.What do people do on the New Year ‘s Eve ?................................................................................................... 5.How long does Tet last?..................................................................................................................................... 6.Why are the first three days the most important ?............................................................................................ B.Language Focus I.Choose the best answer. (2ms).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span> 1.Millions of Christmas cards…………………….every year. ( are sent / send / were sent ) 2.Jane saw her old friend while she …………………….the street. ( crossed / is crossing / was crossing ) 3.A contest in which participants have to fetch water from the river is called……………………….. ( water-fetching contest / water – fetch contest / fetching –water contest ) 4.I don’t know how ………………….. the game. ( to play / can I play / played ) 5.The Pyramid of Cheops is one of the seven……………………of the world. ( wonders / temples / Pyramids ) 6.In order to keep fit ,we should do exercises……………………… ( regularly / regular / regulation ) 7.They had the porter………………..their luggage. ( carrying / carry / to carry ) 8.I saw him ………………the flowers in the garden. ( watering / watered / be watering ) II.Do as directed ( 2ms ) 1.Ba invited Liz to the rice-cooking festival. (Turn into passive voice ) -………………………………………………………………………………………. 2.She said “ I will answer the phone .” ( Turn into reported speech ) -……………………………………………………………………….. 3.John said,”Is Phong Nha Cave in southern Vietnam,Nhi ? ” ( Turn into reported speech ) -…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4.It is a contest in which participants have to make a fire. (Rewrite using a compound word) - It is……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5.Marie Curie ( award )……………………………the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903.(Supply the correct form of the verbs) C.Writing (3ms) Complete the Letter. Dear Hoa, I / write / this letter to tell you that / I / just / return / from a trip to Ha Long Bay. The sight / be / magnificent. I / go / there / by car.I / spend / more than a week there. The weather/ be / perfect.It / be / sunny ,cool, and windy. I / enjoy/ walk / along the seaside / night / much. It / be / interesting/ when / I / know / legenda / Ha Long Bay. How / be /you / getting/ your study/ home ? Where / Be / you / going / holiday ? Write / me /soon, Your friend, The End. Week:31st Period:90th. Date of Teaching:Friday,April,10th,2009 Date of Preparation:Sun,April,5th ,2009. UNIT 15: COMPUTERS Lesson 1: Section: - Getting Started - Listen and Read 1, 2. (page 138) (page 138, 139). I.Aim: To get Ss to differentiate facts from opinions through reading..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span> Ss will be able to express their opinions about a problem. II. Language Focus 1. Present perfect with Yet and Already. 2. Comparison of present perfect and past simple. 3. Vocabulary Verb Noun Adjective (to) adjust under guarantee challenging (to) connect concern skeptical (to) fix degree properly (to) fix document (to) install freshman (to) post jack (to) restrict jam (to) turn on manual printer requirement plug/ socket III.Teaching aids: Photocopied picture (page 142), realia, cassette, chart IV.Procedure. Teacher ‘s and Students’activities Content I.Warm up  GETTING STARTED: Brainstorm. • Write the topic on the board  Computers can help us: - Ask Ss to think of the topic and express their opinions. - Save time - Collect Ss opinions and write them on the board. - ……………… Suggestions: + Computers help us learn interestingly. + Computers help us learn more quickly. New Lesson. + Computers are convenient / easy for keeping / storing Activity 1 information. - Elicit words from Ss. + Computers are very quick in giving answers to our S: write and read in chorus /individually. questions. - Have Ss copy.  LISTEN AND READ Checking Technique: Bingo (*) I. Vocabulary T: - Set the scene: 1. (a) printer (picture) Nam and his father, Mr. Nhat are talking about the 2. (a) manual (explanation / realia) problem of the computer they've just bought. What (a book coming with a machine tells you how to use / happens to the computer? operate the machine. -Put the chart on the board and have Ss guess which 3. (to) connect: (hand gesture) statements are true and which are false. 4. under guarantee: (situation) - Call on some pairs to give their answers. (The machine you buy at a shop will be under - Write Ss' guesses on the board. guarantee from 6 to 12 months. - Ask Ss to open their books, read the dialogue on page 5. (a) plug (realia) 138 and listen to the tape. 6. (a) socket (picture /realia)_ - Have Ss work in pairs again to check if their guesses II. True / False prediction are right or not. 1. The printer isn't working. - Give feedback and correct. 2. Nam has already turned the computer on. - Have Ss copy the corrected sentences. 3. Nam knows how to connect a printer but he hasn't connected it properly..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span> 4. The manual helped them to find out the problem. 5. Mr. Nhat bought the computer in HCM City and it's still under guarantee. 6. Mr. Nhat thinks the company wouldn't do anything with his computer because it's too far from his place. Answer key: 1. True 2. True Activity 2 3. False: Nam knows how to connect a printer T; - Explain the words: "Fact and Opinion" and he has connected it properly. - Get Ss to read the statements and check () the suitable 4. False: Mr. Nhat thinks it isn't very helpful. 5. True boxes. 6. False: Mr. Nhat thinks the company s - Call on some Ss to give their answers hould do something with it. III. Reading Comprehension + Fact: a thing that is known to be true, especially when it can be proved. - Ask Ss to use reported speech to rewrite the dialogue. - Divide the class into 3 groups and assign each group to + Opinion: Your feelings or thoughts about someone or something, rather than a fact. report about 3  4 sentences. - Have them write their report on a poster and put it on Answer key: the board for public check. a) .....................................................   Homework b) ....................................................   - Do the exercises in the workbook, page c) .....................................................   d) ..................................................... e) ..................................................... f) ..................................................... IV. Write it up.   .   .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span> Week:32nd Period:91st. Date of Teaching:Mon day,April,13th,2009 Date of Preparation:Sun,April12th ,2009. UNIT 15 : COMPUTERS Lesson 2:. Section: - Speak 1, 2 Listen. (page 139, 140). I.Aim: To get Ss to practice in expressing agreement and disagreement. Ss will be able to use some common useful expressions to express agreement and disagreement. II. Language Focus 1. Present perfect with Yet and Already. 2. Comparison of present perfect and past simple. 3. Vocabulary Verb Noun Adjective (to) adjust under guarantee challenging (to) connect concern skeptical (to) fix degree properly (to) fix document (to) install freshman (to) post jack (to) restrict jam (to) turn on manual printer requirement plug/ socket III.Teaching aids: Photocopied pictures (page 139), charts..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span> IV.Procedure Teacher ‘s and Students’activities I.Warm up - Ask Ss each to think of one of the ways computers are helpful and write it on a piece of paper. - Call on a student to the front of the class. - Get the rest of the class ask him / her - The student can only answer with yes or no. - Tell Ss the one to have the right guess will get one good mark and go on answering the classmates / questions. New Lesson:Activy 1 - Write the topic on the board: Useful expressions to express agreement and , disagreement. - Put the table on the board and elicit Ss' answers then write them in the table. - Explain the phrase "on the other hand" to Ss. - Get ss to copy the table.. Content  Guessing game:  "Do you think that...?" "Do you think that computers are …………. ?.  SPEAK I. Brainstorm Opinion. Agreement. I like… I don’t like… I think… I feel… I don’t believe…. So do I I agree You’re right Neither do I. II. Matching 1. Reading comic books - Put the photocopied pictures (p. 139) on the right of 2. Playing in the rain the board and the word cues on the left (not in order). 3. Driving a car - Ask Ss to match the words with the pictures. 4. Foreign food Call on some Ss to go to the board to draw the Answer key: matching lines. 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. d - Erase the words but leave the pictures. III. Picture Drill - Get a student to demonstrate the model (a) T: I think  ORAL DRILL driving a car is easy. P: I disagree. I think it's difficult 1. entertaining to drive a car. 2. time-consuming or So do I. 3. challenging - Ask Ss to use .the adjectives in the box on page 140 + Suggestions to express their opinions after going through the a. Driving a car meaning of some new words. Learning to drive a car - Ask Ss to use the pictures on the board to practice speaking with their partners. - Call on some pairs to demonstrate for the class. - Give feedback and correct b. Comic books Reading comic books c. Playing in the rain c. Foreign food - Present the dialogue and have Ss repeat, sentence by Hamburgers, pizza, sentence. French fries - Call on one student to demonstrate the dialogue. - Open pair. IV. Mapped dialogue - Closed pairs: Ss make similar dialogues referring the. Degree of Agreement I agree, but… Yes, but on the other hand…. Disagreement I disagree I can’t agree with you No, I think….. d.  a.  b.  c. . - easy once we get used to it. - Challenging / difficult to get used to driving in traffic. - Dangerous - boring - interesting / fun - time-consuming - fun - interesting - entertaining - delicious - fun to cat - unhealthy.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span> cues on page 140 (below the dialogue) to replace the information. - Put the mapped dialogue chart on the board. - Write complete dialogues in your notebooks. Activity 2-Listen. - Put the flow chart on the board and have Ss copy it into their exercise books. - Get Ss to understand chart and the meanings of all the shapes used in the chart.. -Ask Ss to look at the flow chart and guess the words in the gaps. - Play the tape (2 or 3 times) and ask ss to listen. -Tell Ss to fill the gaps with the information they have heard from the tape. -Have Ss compare the answers with their partners. - Call on some Ss to go the board to write their answers. -Have Ss copy - Have Ss write a set of instructions on how to get a drink from a machine, using the flow chart. - Call on some Ss to read their writing for the class. Homework - Do the execises in the workbook, page …. I am having problems with ... It doesn't work. I think .... No. You didn't .... Oh! Sorry.. *LISTEN I. Pre-teach. II. Gap fill Answer Key .. Date of Teaching:Wednes day,April,15th,2009 Date of Preparation:Sun,April12th ,2009. Week:32nd Period:92nd. UNIT 15: COMPUTERS Lesson 3:. What's wrong?. Section : - Read 1, 2. (page 141, 142). I.Aim: Reading comprehension Ss can know more about how computers work in a university II. Language Focus 1. Present perfect with Yet and Already..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span> 2. Comparison of present perfect and past simple. 3. Vocabulary Verb Noun Adjective (to) adjust under guarantee challenging (to) connect concern skeptical (to) fix degree properly (to) fix document (to) install freshman (to) post jack (to) restrict jam (to) turn on manual printer requirement plug/ socket III.Teaching aids: Chart, cardboards. IV.Procedure. Teacher ‘s and Students’activities Content I.Warm up  Jumbled words: - Inform the topic  Words relating to a computer - Put the cardboards on the board - Divide the class into 2 teams and ask each team to go 1 terpirn = 1. printer to the board to write their answers as fast as possible. 2 seumo = 2. mouse. New Lesson Pre-Reading - Elicit words from Ss - Have Ss copy the vocabulary - Elicit words from ss and write them inside circles. - Get Ss to repeat and rub out the word, not the circle. - Continue ufttil the circles are empty. - Get Ss to repeat the rubbed - out circles by pointing at the empty circles. - Have Ss fill in the circles on the board with the right words again (5 ss at a time) While-Reading - Introduce the topic of the text. - Ask Ss to guess what they're going to read. - Suggested questions: - Write the Ss' guesses on the board. - Ask Ss to read the text to check if their guesses are correct or not. - Get Ss to read the text again then read the true / false statements and decide if the statements are true or false. - Call on some ss to give their answers and correct the. 3. recsnc. =3. screen. 4. nimorot. =4. monitor. 5. bdoaryke. = 5. key board. 6 Moseu dap = 6. mouse pad I. Vocabulary 1. (a) Freshman = the first-year student at a college/ university. 2. (a) Jack (translation) 3. (a) bulletion board = notice board 4. skeptical (adj) (translation) 5. impact (riu) : (translation) Checking technique: What and Where II. Open prediction 1. Where in the library do we get / find information? 2. How can we store the information? 3. If we want to discuss something, how can we do? I. True / False Statements Answer Key c) T.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span> false statements. - Have Ss copy all the right statements in their notebooks. Post-Reading Have Ss read the questions on page 147 Individual and find the information in the text to answer. Ask Ss to compare their answers with Pair work their partners. Call on some Ss to give their answers for the class. Give feed back and correct. - Write the answers in your notebooks. Do the exercises in the workbook, page. d) F : Students don't have to go to computer rooms because college campuses now have computer jacks in every part of Pair work the university. e) T f) T IV. Comprehension questions Answer Key: a) It has no library. All the information normally found in a library is now stored in the university's computers. b) All the information normally fount library or messages normally found on a bulletin board. ! c) A computer and a telephone (line). d) With a bulletin board on the Internet, a great number of people (over 20 million) can get access to the bulletin and exchange information quickly. e) (Student's answers). Date of Teaching:Friday,April,17th,2009 Date of Preparation:Sun,April12th ,2009. Week:32nd Period:93rd. UNIT 15 : COMPUTERS Lesson 4 :. Section. - Write 1,2. (page 142, 143). I.Aim : to get Ss to practice in writing instructions – Listening for details. Ss will be able to write a set of instructions on how to use the printer and complete a flow chart. II. Language Focus 1. Present perfect with Yet and Already. 2. Comparison of present perfect and past simple. 3. Vocabulary Verb Noun Adjective (to) adjust under guarantee challenging (to) connect concern skeptical (to) fix degree properly (to) fix document (to) install freshman (to) post jack (to) restrict jam (to) turn on manual printer requirement plug/ socket. III.Teaching aids : picture (p. 142, 143) charts..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span> IV.Procedure Teacher ‘s and Students’activities I.Warm up. Content. WORDSQUARE - Put the word square chart on the board. Words related to a computer - Inform the topic and the number of the hidden words. C N E E R C S - Ask Ss to write the words they find out on a O U T P U T P piece of paper and hand in offer they finish their M O N I T O R work. P A E N O C I - Give feedback and correct. U H B C D E N New Lesson T R A Y O P T Pre-Writing E S U O M G E - Use the picture on page 142 to elicit words from R I P O W E R Ss. Hidden words : 10  - Have Ss copy   Answer Key  : output, monitor, tray, power.  : screen, icon, mouse  : computer, printer, and keyboard * WRITE I. Vocabulary 1. paper input tray 2. power button 3. icon (Picture) 4. output path - Ask Ss to look at exercise 1 (p. 142) and do the 5. (to) remove : to put (sth) away Checking technique : Matching matching. Answer Key - Get some Ss to give their answers and correct. a. 3 b. 1 c. 6 d. 2 e. 4 f.5 - Get Ss to make use of some phrasal verbs. II. Gap fill While-Writing - Put the words on the board and ask Ss to fill in 1. (to) wait…. (so/sth) 2. (to) remove … (sth) the gaps with the right words of possible. 3. (to) turn …. (a machine) - Ask some Ss to give their answers and correct. 4. (to) plug … (sth) 5. (to) load … (sth) - Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 143 and Answer Key a. 3 b. 1 c. 6 d. 2 read the cues. - Have Ss work in pairs to outline the e. 4 f. 5 Answer Key instructions. 1. (to) wait for (so/sth) -Call on some Ss to say out the instructions first 2. (to) remove  (sth) (1 or 2 Ss for each sentence). 3. (to) turn on / off (a machine) Post-Writing. K E Y B O A R D.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span> - Have some Ss read their writing before the 4. (to) plug in (sth) class. 5. (to) load  (sth) - Give feed back and correct. III. Writing Answer Key Plug in the printer and turn on the power. Remove the old paper and load the new paper in the paper input tray. Wait for the power button to flash. Homework Have the pages appear on the computer screen. Learn the lesson carefully Click the printer icon on the screen and wait for a few seconds. The printed-paper will get out from the output path in minute.. Date of Teaching:Monday,April,20th,2009 Date of Preparation:Sun,April12th ,2009. Week:33rd Period:94th. UNIT 15 : COMPUTERS Lesson 5 :. Section. - Language Focus. (page 144, 145). I.Aim : Further practice in using the present perfect. Ss can use “yet” and “already” to express the present perfect. II. Language Focus 1. Present perfect with Yet and Already. 2. Comparison of present perfect and past simple. 3. Vocabulary Verb Noun Adjective (to) adjust under guarantee challenging (to) connect concern skeptical (to) fix degree properly (to) fix document (to) install freshman (to) post jack (to) restrict jam (to) turn on manual.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span> printer requirement plug/ socket. III.Teaching aids : chart IV.Procedure Teacher ‘s and Students’activities I.Warm up. (Consolidation of Tenses) - Write 10 numbers on the board (1 to 10). - Tell Ss each number is for a question but 3 of them are lucky numbers. If Ss choose a lucky number, they don’t have to answer any question but they’ll get 2 points and they can choose another number. - Divide the class into 2 teams.. New Lesson Activity 1. Ba’s mother has just been back from market. She wanted him to do some housework while she was at the market. Ba made notes in his diary and checked () the work he has done. Look at Ba’s diary”. - Show the chart (Ba’s diary) on the board. - Ask questions and elicit the answers from Ss. - Have Ss repeat and write the sentences on the board. - Have Ss copy.. - Ask Ss to look at Ba’s diary and complete the dialogue using Yet and already. Call on some pairs to demonstrate the dialogue for the class.. Content. Lucky Numbers. Questions : 1. What does your father/mother do? (He/She is……..) 2. What did you do last night? (Past simple) 3. Lucky Number 4. How often is Hue Festival held? (It is held every 2 years) 5. Lucky Number 6. What were you doing at 8 o’clock last night? 7. Guess what your parents are doing at the moment? 8. Who often cooks in your family? 9. Which grade will you be in next school year? (I’ll be in Grade 9 next school – year) 10. Lucky Number * LANGUAGE FOCUS 1 I. Set the scene - Do homework   (already) - Tidy the room  x (not yet) - Turn off the washing machine  (already) - Call and tell Aunt Le to have lunch.  (already) T : Has Ba done his homework yet? S : Yes, he has already done his homework. T : Has ba tidied the room yet? S : No, he hasn’t tidied the room yet. Concept Check: Present perfect with Yet and Already. Use : Yet: used in questions and negative statements. Already : used in positive statements. Positions : Yet: at the end of the sentence. Already – between auxiliary Have and past particip - at the end of the sentence. II. Gap fill Dialogue Answer Key:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(97)</span> - Give feedback and correct.. Activity 2. Ask Ss to look at the flight information tables and ask questions to show the models. Ask Ss taking in turns to ask and answer the questions. - Call on son???? Ss to demonstrate the exchanges in front of the class. - Give feedback and correct. - Write the questions and answers into your exercise books. Do the exercises in the workbook, page Set the scene: * Use Vietnamese to elicit the models: Have Ss copy. Ask Ss to look at the table on page 146, real the sentences and check () the correct columm. Call on some ss to give their answers. Give feedback and correct.. Ba’s mother: Have you finished your homework yet, Ba? Ba : Yes, I have finished it already, Mon. Ba’s mother: Good. What about your room? Is it tidied now? Ba : I’m sorry, Mom. I haven’t cleaned and tidied it yet. Ba’s mother: Bad boy, Ba. And the washing machine! Have you turned it off yet? Ba: Don’t worry, Mom. I have (already) turned it off already. Ba’s mother : Have you called and told aunt Le to have lunch with us today? Ba : Yes. I’ve already called and told her to have lunch with us, and she said she would come. * LANGUAGE FOCUS 2 III. Questions – Answers T : Has the flight to Vientiane departed yet? S : Yes, it has already departed. T : Has the flight from Los Angeles arrived yet? S : No, it hasn’t arrived yet. Language Focus 2:  LANGUGE FOCUS 3 1. I’ve ever been to Dalat  (finished) (Tôi đã từng đến Đà Lạt). 2. My parents have gone to Dalat for 3 days  (incomplete). (Ba mẹ tôi đi Đà Lạt đã 3 ngày nay rồi). Concept check : present perfect tense Use : -finished action  indefinite time - Incomplete actions  for, since, recently… Form : have/has + past participle II. Grammar Drill Answer Key Finished Incomplete action action a. I’ve been to  SaPa highlands. b. They have lived in Ca  Mau for 10 years..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(98)</span> Put the chart on the hoard and ask Ss to read the sentences. Ask Ss to decide which sentence is in the present perfect and which is past simple. Call on Ss to give their answers. Give feedback and correct.. Ask Ss to complete the dialogues on page 146 orally. Call on some pairs to give their answers. Give feedback and correct. Have some pairs to demonstrate the dialogues for the class. Pronunciation correction.. c. She has  finished her homework. d. He has worked with  the computer since early morning e. We have found the  troubles of the printer. f. Someone has  unplugged the printer. g. People have received information  through the internet recently * LANGUAGE FOCUS 4 I. Revision. 1. Her family moved to Hanoi 2 years ago. 2. He has never met such an intelligent boy before. 3. My brother has become more independent since he left home. 4. When did the Second word war break out? Answer Key: 1. Past simple  finished action with definite time. 2. Present perfect  an action (not) taking place from the past to the present. 3. Has become: present perfect  (same as number 2). Left : past simple  finished action with understood definite time. 4. past simple  (same as number 1) II. Grammar Drill Answer Key. Ba : Have you seen the film Jurassic Park yet? (see). Nam : Yes, I have Ba : When did you see it?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(99)</span> Ask Ss to write 4 sentences of their own 2 in the past simple and 2 in the present perfect. Have some of them write their sentences on the board for public check and give them points of possible. Homework Do the exercises in the workbook, page… Week:33rd Period:95th. Nam : I saw it three months ago. Loan : We haven’t had a vacation since last year. (not have). Chi : Why not? Loan: My parents have been very busy since then (be). Nga : Have you heard the news about Nam? (hear) Mai : No. What happened? (happen) Nga : He hed an accident. He was jogging. (heve) He suddenly fell and broke his leg. (jall, berak) Sung : Have the plane arrived yet? Clerk : Yes, it has. Sung : When did it arrive? Clerk : It arrived at the airport two hours ago.. Date of Teaching:Wednesday,April,22nd,2009 Date of Preparation:Sun,April12th ,2009 CORRECTION. A.Read the passage then answer the questions.(3ms) Viet Nam’s New year is celebrated according to the Lunar calendar.It is officially known as Tet Nguyen Dan,or Tet.It begins between January-first and February nineteen.The exact date changes from year to year.Vietnamses people usually make preparations for the holiday several weeks beforehand.They tidy their houses,cook special food,clean and make offerings on the family altars.On the New Year’s Eve ,people sit up to midnight to see the New Year in,then they put on new clothes and give one another the greetings of the season.Tet lasts ten days.The first three days are the most important.Vietnamese people believe that how people act during those days will influence the whole year.As a result,they make every effort to avoid arguments and smile as much as possible. Questions: 1.What is Vietnam’s New Year known as ? Vietnam’s New Year is known as Tet Nguyen Dan 2.When do the Lunar New Year begin ? The Lunar New Year begins between January-first and February nineteen . The exact date changes from year to year. 3.What do Vietnamese people usually do to prepare for Tet ? They usually tidy their houses,cook special food,clean and make offerings on the family altars. 4.What do people do on the New Year ‘s Eve ? On the New Year’s Eve ,people sit up to midnight to see the New Year in,then they put on new clothes and give one another the greetings of the season. 5.How long does Tet last ? Tet lasts ten days. 6.Why are the first three days the most important ? The first three days are the most important because Vietnamese people believe that how people act during.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(100)</span> those days will influence the whole year. B.Language Focus I.Choose the best answer. (2ms) 1.Millions of Christmas cards…………………….every year. ( are sent / send / were sent ) 2.Jane saw her old friend while she …………………….the street. ( crossed / is crossing / was crossing ) 3.A contest in which participants have to fetch water from the river is called……………………….. ( water-fetching contest / water – fetch contest / fetching –water contest ) 4.I don’t know how ………………….. the game. ( to play / can I play / played ) 5.The Pyramid of Cheops is one of the seven……………………of the world. ( wonders / temples / Pyramids ) 6.In order to keep fit ,we should do exercises……………………… ( regularly / regular / regulation ) 7.They had the porter………………..their luggage. ( carrying / carry / to carry ) 8.I saw him ………………the flowers in the garden. ( watering / watered / be watering ) II.Do as directed ( 2ms ) 1.Ba invited Liz to the rice-cooking festival. (Turn into passive voice ) Liz was invited to the rice-cooking festival by Ba. 2.She said “ I will answer the phone .” ( Turn into reported speech ) She said she would answer the phone. 3.John said,”Is Phong Nha Cave in southern Vietnam,Nhi ? ” ( Turn into reported speech ) John asked Nhi if Phong Nha cave was in southern Vietnam. 4.It is a contest in which participants have to make a fire. (Rewrite using a compound word) - It is a fire- making contest. 5.Marie Curie ( award ) was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903.(Supply the correct form of the verbs) C.Writing (3ms) Complete the Letter. Dear Hoa, I am writing this letter to tell you that I have just returned from a trip to Ha Long Bay. The sight was extremely magnificent. I went there by car.I spent more than a week there. The weather was perfect.It was sunny ,cool, and windy. I enjoyed walking along the seaside at night very much. It was really interesting when I knew legenda of Ha Long Bay . How are you getting with your study at home ? Where are you going for your holiday ? Write to me soon, Your friend, The End. Week:33rd Period:96th. Date of Teaching:Friday,April,24nd,2009 Date of Preparation:Sun,April12th ,2009. UNIT 16 : INVENTIONS Lesson 1 :. Section - Getting started - Listen and Read 1,2. (page 147) (page 147 -149).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(101)</span> I.Aim : Reading for details about the development of paper and how to produce chocolate. Ss can know the origin of papar and talk about the process of produce chocolate. Ss can know the origin of paper and talk about the process of producing something. II. Language Focus 1. Passive forms 2. Sequence markers 3.Vocabulary Verbs Nouns (to) crush conveyor – belt vat (to) grind facsimile roller (to) liquify hairdryer (to) manufacture helicopter (to) remove loudspeaker (to) drain microwave mold process III.Teaching aids : Cassette, pictures (147, 148), grid charts.. IV.Procedure. Teacher ‘s and Students’activities. I.Warm up Divide the class into 2 teams - Tell Ss the team raising their hands first (after the teacher finishes the question) will have the right to answer the question. - Inform the questions: “Who was the inventor of ……………?” or “Who invented ……………?”. New Lesson Activity 1 Get Ss to look at the pictures on page 147 and ask them some questions to valuate how much they understand the pictures. Ask Ss to read the sentences (AE) and match them with the correct pictures. Call on some ss to give their answers. Give feedback and correct.. Content *QUIZ – WHO DID IT? Suggestions : “Who was the inventor of ……………?” or “Who invented ……………?” 1. Steam engine  Thomas Savery built the first steam engine in 1698 and later Watt improved it. 2. Light bulb  Humphry Davy, an English scientist, in 1800. 3. Sewing machine  Isaac Meritt Singer (1850). 4. Aqualung  Jacques – Yves Cousteau in 1943. 5. Tlephone  A. Graham Bell * GETTING STARTED Suggenstions: - Where are they from? (picture a, b, c, e) - What is the man in picture a) doing? - What is ir? (d) Answer Key: A. b) B. c) C. e) D. a) E. d) * LISTEN AND READ 1,2.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(102)</span> Activity 2 Elicit words from ss Have Ss copy - Put the English words all over the board. - Call on 2 Ss or 2 teams of 4/5 ss in both sides of the class to the fornt of the class. - Call out the Vietnamese words and Ss run forward to slap the English words on the board. -Student who slaps the right word first is the winner and gets a point for his/her team. - Set the scene: Tim Jones, Hoa’s American penpal, is visiting a chocolate factory with his class and his teacher. Mrs. Allen. Now, guess who will show them around the factory and what they will learn from this visit. -Write the Ss’ predictions on the board. - Play the tape and ask ss to listen while reading the dialogue on page 148. - Ask Ss to match the half sentences on page 149. - Have ss compare their answer with their pictures. - Call on Ss to give their answers for the class. - Give feedback and correct. - Get Ss to write the full sentences in their exercise notebooks.. I. Vocabulary 1. (to) remove 2. (to) crush 3. (to) liquify 4. (to) grind  to grind – ground – ground 5. (to) manufacture = (to) produce 6. (a) process  manufacturing process (Use the flowchart to explain the word) 7. (a) mold (realia/picture…) 8. conveyor belt (picture) Checking Technique: Slap the board II. Open Prediction III. Matching Answer Key : E a). The beans are cleaned before being cooked. D b). Mr. Roberts thought Tim and Sam were going to touch the button. C c). After cooking, the cocoa bean smell like chocolate. F d). Sugar in one of the ingredients in chocolate. B e). Mrs. Allen warned Sam to leave some chocolate for others. A f). A sample of chocolate is given after visitors have toured the factory. IV. Grid. CHOCOLATE MANUFACTURING PROCESS Answer Key: 1. The beans are washed, weighed and cookeo. - Put the grid on the board and have Ss copy. 2. Then shells are removed. - Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and fill in the 3. The beans are crushed and liquefied. 4. Cocoa butter, sugar, vanilla and milk are added. grid. - Call on some pairs to go to the board to write their 5. The mixture is ground, rolled and pound into the molds. answers. - Give feedback and correct. Rewrite the grid using sequence markers (First, next, then…, finally). Homework.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(103)</span> Week:34th Period:97th. Date of Teaching:Monday,April,27th,2009 Date of Preparation:Sun,April26th ,2009. UNIT 16 : INVENTIONS Lesson 2 :. Section. - Speak-Listen. I.Aim : Further practice in using the passive. Ss can talk about the inventions using the passive II. Language Focus 3. Passive forms 4. Sequence markers 3.Vocabulary Verbs Nouns (to) crush conveyor – belt (to) grind facsimile (to) liquify hairdryer (to) manufacture helicopter (to) remove loudspeaker (to) drain microwave III.Teaching aids : tables IV.Procedure. Teacher ‘s and Students’activities. (page 149, 150). vat roller. Content 1.Warm up “Bingo (revision) Get Ss to brainstorm a list of 10 words and write (foreman, process, manufacture, remove, crush, them on the board. liquefy, grind, pour, mold, conveyor belt)..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(104)</span> Ask Ss to choose any 4 words and copy them into their paper. Call out the words until someone has ticked all of his/her words and shouts “bingo”. New lesson Activity 1 Speaking. - Ask Ss to read the dialogue on page 148 again and pick out all of the passive sentences. - Call on Ss to give their answer. - Have Ss review the passive in the present and past simple tenses. - Have Ss read the model dialogue on page 149. - Let Ss know what they are going to do: Ask and answer questions about the inventions to fill in the missing information. - Ask ps to look at the tables on page 150 and 156 and model the exchanges, using a good student. - Have Ss work in pairs, one looks at the table on page 150 and the other page 156. - Ask Ss to ask and answer the questions orally then fill in the missing information. - Monitor and help Ss if necessary. - Call on some pairs to demonstrate the exchanges. - Give feedback and correct. - Have Ss copy the complete table.. * SPEAK 1,2 I. Vocabulary 1. Facsimile 2. Reinforced concrete. 3. Microphone 4. X-ray 5. Loudspeaker 6. Helicopter II. Grammar Awareness Answer Key: 1. This is where the cocoa beans are stored (present simple). 2. That button can not be touched (passive with model). 3. The beans are washed, weighed and cooked here. 4. After the shells are removed… into molds. III. Word – Cue Drill 1. T : What was invented by Friedrich Koenig? S : Printing Press T : When was it invented? S : Where was Koenig from? T : He was from Germany. 8. S : What was invented by C.W.Rice in 1924? T : Loudspeaker. S : Where is C.W.Rice from? T : The USA Answer Key : INVENTION Printing Press Bicycle. DATE 1810 1816. Facsimile. 1843. Sewing machine Reinforced concrete Micropone X-ray Loudspeaker Helicpter. 1845 1849. Color Television Optical fiber. INVENTOR Friedrich Koenig Karl D. Sanerbronn Alexander Bain Elias Howe F.J.Monier. 1878 D.E.Hughes 1895 Wilhelm Konarad 1924 C.W.Rice 1939 Igor American Sikorsky 1950 Peter Carl American Goldmark 1955 Narinder german Kapany.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(105)</span> Laser. 1958. Gordon Gould. American. IV. Making reports * LISTEN 1,2 - Model and have Ss repeat Eg : The printing Press was invented by Friedrich I. Vocabulary 1. Procedure (n) (translation) Koenig in 1810. 2. Pulp (nu) (question) - Ask Ss to use the complete table to report what (What is used to make paper?) they have found. 3. Vat (n) (picture / drawing) Use the information in the table to write 12 complete 4. (to) drain (explanation) sentences in the… (to make sth empty or dry by removing all the - Elicit words from Ss. liquid from it). - Have Ss copy 5. Roller (n) (picture) 6. Roll (m) (realia) Checking tachnique : What & Where - Elicit words from ss and write them inside circles. - Get Ss to repeat and rub out the word, not the circle. - Continue until the circle is empty. - Get Ss to repeat the rubbed out words by pointing at the empty circles. - When Ss seem to remember all the words, ask Ss (5/6 at a time) to come to the blackboard to fill in the circles with the right words. - Inform the topic: paper-making process. - Have Ss read the sentences. - Play the tape 2 or 3 times and ask Ss to fill in the paps with the words they catch. - Ask Ss to compare their answers with their partners. - Call on Ss to give their answers. - Give feedback & correct. Ask Ss to read the sentences (a  g) carefully and guess the order. - Write the Ss’ predictions on the board. - Play the tape again & ask Ss to listen. - Call on Ss to give their correction. - Give feedback & correct. Homework. Procedur. Pulp. Val. Drain. Roller. Roll. II. Gap fill (Listen 1) Answer Key: 1. simple 3. two hundred 5. rollers 2. same 4. left III. Ordering Prediction (Listen 2) Answer key : c. Paper pulp was placed in the vat. d. Paper pulp was mixed with water. a. The water was drained e. The pulp fibers were poured out. g. The pulp was conveyed under the rollers..

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