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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Date of planning: 19/11/2020. Period:34. Unit 6. THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB Lesson 3: Listen A.The aims of the lesson 1.Knowledge -The aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listening comprehension skill: Listen a song and fill in the missing words. + Standard knowledge: Listen and complete a song. +Advanced knowledge: Understand and sing a song. -Basic language: + Vocabulary: unite, peace, right, hold, show, shout, place + Structures: Let’s … 2. Skill: Listen to fill in the missing words. 3. Attitude: Educate Ss to love peace, right. Learn hard and to be friendly B. Preparations 1. Teacher: lesson plan, English 8-book, computer, speaker, projector 2. Students: review the grammar points and vocabulary, English 8-book.. C. Techniques: - Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work - Some techniques can be used: W & w, Guessing, filling. D. Procedure : I.Organization: ( 1 minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today? Class Date of teaching Absent students 8C 8B. T’s activities. SS’ activities. II. Warm up. Listen to a song for fun III. New lesson Step 1. Pre – Listening (8’) 1. New words: - Elicit – Model – Copy - Check 1. Unite (v) đoàn kết 2. Peace (n) hoà bình 3. Right (n) quyền 4. Hold (v) nắm. Listen – repeat - copy.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 5. Show (v) trình diễn 6. Shout (v) cổ vũ, la hét 7. Place (n) địa điểm, nơi - Check: W & W - T guides SS to read them. - Call some SS read them again. - Gets pupils to sing the song "A-B-C" and introduce the theme of the lesson: adapted from a song by Margaret Thomas-Cochran. 2. Guessing the missing words - Ask Ss to guess the words to fill in the gaps in the song - Give feedback Step 2. While – Listening ( 15’ ) * Filling - Teacher turns on the tape, Ss look at the song, listen and fill the missing words ? Gets pupils to give out the answer. ? Lets pupils listen again and check the answer. - Teacher gives out correct answer. Key - Children of our land (1) unite - Let's sing for (2) peace - Let's sing for (3) sight - Let's sing for the (4) love between (5) north and (6) south. - Oh, children (7) of our land unite. - Children of the (8) world hold hands - Let's (9) show our love from (10) place to place - Let's shout (11) out loud - Let's make a (12) stand - Oh, children of the (13) world, hold hands. c. Post – Listening ( 8’) - Teacher sings a new song and gets pupils to complete the missing words - Ask Sssing the song. IV. Summary( 1’) - T repeats the contents of the lesson. V. Homeworks (2’) - Learn vocabulary by heart. - Sing a song. - Prepare Unit 6 Read 1,2 (a-f). - Guessing - Share with their partners. - Ss check their answer with their friends.. # Exercise: Listen to a song and fill in the missing words. Goodbye teacher Goodbye teacher I am home. I am home. (See you again tomorrow) 2 Bye goodbye..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> *Evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Date of planning: 19/11/2020. Period 35. UNIT 6: THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB Lesson 4: Read 1-2 (a-f)(page 57) A. Objectives: 1. Aims:By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read and understand the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union. + Standard knowledge:Understand the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union. +Advanced knowledge: Understand and sing a song. -Basic language: + Vocabulary: Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, encourage, citizenship, fitness, beloved, social activities, awareness, personality, establish, guideline + Structures: Let’s … 2.Skill: Read, understand and answer the qts 3. Attitude: Educate Ss to know more about the young and youth organization. B. Preparations 1. Teacher: lesson plan, English 8-book, computer, speaker, projector 2. Students: review the grammar points and vocabulary, English 8-book.. C. Techniques: - Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work - Some techniques can be used: Guessing, Q & A, matching. D. Procedure : I. Organization: ( 1 minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today? Class Date of teaching Absent students 8C 8B. T’s activities II. Checking ( 5’) - Check the old lesson: Write new words and answer T’s questions. - T leads into new lesson by question: ? Which organizations do you know for youth? III. New lesson. Ss’ activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Step 1. Pre-Reading(8’) 1. New words T guides SS to read new words. - Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (n): Đoàn Thanh niên Cộng sản Ho Chi Minh - encourage (v): động viên, khích lệ - citizenship (n): quyền công dân - fitness (n): tình trạng mạnh khoẻ - beloved (a): rất yêu mến - social activities: các hoạt động xã hội - awareness (n): biết, có ý thức - personality (n): nhân cách - establish (v): thành lập - guideline (n): đường lối chỉ đạo *Check: Matching 2. Guessing to fill in the table Step 2. While – Reading(15’) - Ask SS read the text in silent to do exercise 1: Fill in the missing information. - Teacher hangs the sub-board written exercise 1 on it. - Ask SS go to the sub-board to fill in the missing information. - Other SS practice in oral. -T corrects and give the keys. Keys.. Listen – repeat - copy. - Guess to fill in the missing information.. *Exercise 1. Fill in the missing dates. a) 1931 b) 1976 *c) Their public awareness and form their personality. *d) the guidelines - Ask SS read the text again and work in pairs to answer the questions. - Call some pairs write on the board, *Exercise 2. Answer questions. others ask and answer. - T corrects. Key: a) At the age from 16 to 30 one can join the Youth Union. b) The Youth Union was founded on.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> March 26,1931. c) The complete name of the Youth Union is Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union d) Yes, I can. They are Helping the Handicapped, Cleaning the Environment, Green Summer Volunteers Campaign, and other similar movements. *e) These activities the young develop their public awareness and form their personality. *f) Ho Chi Minh president establish the guidelines for the Vietnamese youth. c. Post- Reading(8’) - Ask students to work in pairs. Interview a member of the young pioneers club. - Call on an excellent student in class to practice with the teacher. T interviewer / S - member of the young pioneers club. - Call some pairs of students to play the roles of the interviewer and the member of the young pioneers club. Write the summary of the the young pioneers club.. IV. Summary( 6’) - T repeats the contents of the lesson. V. Homework (2’): - T guides SS to study at home. - Learn by heart all new words. - Answer all questions again. - Prepare part Write: Parts of a letter. - Students work in closed pairs. Interview Member of the young pioneers club. 1. When was the 1. The Union young pioneers was founded on club found? March 26 1931 by the beloved President Ho Chi 2. What was one Minh. of its first names? 2.One of its first names was ‘Vietnam 3. Can the girls Communist join the the young Youth Union’ pioneers club. 3.Yes they can 4.What do these 4.These activities activities aim? aim to help the young develop their public 5. Is it the largest awareness and voluntaryYouth form their Organization in personality. the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> in English.. world? 5.Yes. Of course. 6. Are you happy to join the young pioneers club? 6.Yes. I'm happy to be a member of this organization.. * Evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………. Tên gọi của Đoàn qua các thời kỳ Từ ngày 26 tháng 3 năm 1931, để phù hợp với yêu cầu và nhiệm vụ của từng thời kỳ cách mạng, Đoàn đã đổi tên nhiều lần. Tên gọi của Đoàn qua các thời kỳ như sau:       . Từ ngày 26 tháng 3 năm 1931 đến năm 1936, tên gọi của Đoàn là Đoàn Thanh niên Cộng sản Đông Dương. Từ năm 1937 đến năm 1939, tên gọi của Đoàn là Đoàn Thanh niên Dân chủ Đông Dương. Từ tháng 11 năm 1939 đến năm 1941, tên gọi của Đoàn là Đoàn Thanh niên Phản đế Đông Dương. Từ tháng 5 năm 1941 đến năm 1956, tên gọi của Đoàn là Đoàn Thanh niên Cứu quốc Việt Nam. Từ ngày 25 tháng 10 năm 1956 đến năm 1970, tên gọi của Đoàn là Đoàn Thanh niên Lao động Việt Nam. Từ tháng 2 năm 1970 đến tháng 11 năm 1976, tên gọi của Đoàn là Đoàn Thanh niên Lao động Hồ Chí Minh. Từ tháng 12 năm 1976 đến nay, tên gọi của Đoàn là Đoàn Thanh niên Cộng sản Hồ Chí Minh.  From 26 March 1931 to present, the Youth Union had been renamed several times timely fulfilled its tasks in each revolutionary period:  From 1931 to 1936: Vietnam Communist Youth Union, Indochina Communist Youth Union;  From 1937 to 1939: Indochina Democratic Youth Union;  From Nov 1939 to 1941: Indochina Anti-Imperialist Youth Union;  From May 1941 to 1956: National Salvation Youth Union;  From 25 Oct 1956 to 1970: Vietnam Labour Youth Union;  From Feb 1970 to November 1976: Ho Chi Minh Labour Youth Union;  From Dec 1976 to present: Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Planning: 19/11/2020. Period 36. UNIT6. THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB A.The aims of the lesson. Lesson 5 Write. 1.Knowledge -The aims: By the end of the lesson, SS will be able to write a letter with simple sentences to talk about future plan. + Standard knowledge:Help Hoa to write a letter to her parents. +Advanced knowledge:Write a letter with simple sentences to talk about future plan. -Basic language: + Vocabulary: About the Y&Y activities. + Structures: - Simple present to write a letter to talk about future plan. - Present tense with future meaning - We are having an environment month a letter to talk about future plan. 2. Skill: Writing 3.Attitude: Educate Ss to know more about some activities of the young and youth organization and talk about future plan. B. Preparations 1. Teacher: lesson plan, English 8-book, computer, speaker, projector 2. Students: review the grammar points and vocabulary, English 8-book.. C. Techniques: - Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work - Some techniques can be used: Guessing, Q & A, matching. D. Procedure : I. Organization: ( 1 minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today? Class Date of teaching Absent students 8C 8B. Stage. PROCEDURE Steps/Activities. Work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> arrangement Warm up. Prewriting. * Revision of the structure:"be going to" - Ask students the usage of "be going to" (to express a future plan). - Get students to make the sentence: "I'm going to + Verb". The verbs have to T-whole class begin with a letter from A to Z. - Give example: T : I'm going to accept their invitation. S1: I'm going to buy a new bicycle. S2: I'm going to dean the house. S3: I'm going to dust the furniture. S4: I'm going to explain.......................... - Go on until the last student with the sentence: "I'm going to yell". (It is difficult to find a verb beginning with the letterZ). I. Pre - teach vocabulary - (to) raise fund (translation) T-whole class - a bank (visual) - natural resources: (example: coal; oil, iron.,. under the ground or the sea.) II. Reading the notice Individual - Ask students to read the notice - To: All Y work and Y members on page 58. - Ask students some questions to check their understanding. - Get students to work in pairs to answer questions * Questions: a. What do members of the Y and Y have to do in-the recycling program? Pair work b. What is the purpose of the recycling program? c. What other programs can members of the Y and Y participate in? * "Answers: a. They have to collect glass, paper and cans to send them for recycling. b. The purpose of the recycling program is to save natural resources and to earn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> money for the organization. c. They can participate in other programs such as raising funds for the poor, helping street children, planting trees Pair work and flowers along the sidewalks or in the parks. - Give feedback and get some students to T-whole class work in open pairs. III. Complete the letter - Ask some questions to set the scene:  • Who writes the letter? (Nga)  • To whom does Nga write? (Linh)  • Is Nga a member of Y&Y? (Yes). Pair work.  What does Nga write to Ling about? (She writes about the programs of her school Y&Y that she is going to participate in. - Get students to work in pairs to fill in the gaps in the letter. - Give feedback * Answers: Dear Linh, I'm glad to tell you that I'm going to have interesting activities. The Y & Y is having a plan to help the community. I will participate in its recycling program. In joining this program, I will collect the glass, used paper and cans. Then I will send them for recycling. I hope I can save natural resources and raise/earn some money for my school Y & Y in these, activities. I also think about participating in either planting trees and flowers or helping street children. It is really interesting, isn't it? Write to me soon and tell me all your news. Love, T-whole class Nga IV. Reading the dialogue: - Set the scene: Hoa talks to her aunt about the Y & Y Green Group, about the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> activities that she is going to do. - Ask students to read the dialogue between Hoa and her aunt. - Ask them some questions to check their understanding.  Why does Hoa look happy?. - Because she is able to join in the Y & Y Team work Green Group.  • What is she going to do in the environment month?. While writing. - She going to clean the lakes' banks, plant trees and flowers in the park and water Group work them.  • What are they doing to earn money for their school Y & Y? - They are going to plant young trees to sell to some schools. - Ask students to help Hoa to write a letter to her parents. - Get students to work in group of 4 or 5 to write a letter on poster. * Suggested letter: Dear Mom and Dad,. Postwriting. I'm very happy to tell you that I'm able to join in the Y & Y Green Group of my school. The Green Group is holding an environment month plan. We are going to clean the lakes' banks on weekends. We are also going to plant trees and flowers in the park and water them every afternoon after class. We are planting young trees and plants to sell to other schools. I hope that we can bring more green to the city and earn some money for the school Y & Y. The program is very interesting and useful, isn't it? I'm still in a very good health. 1 will tell T-whole class you more about the group activities later. With love,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> Summary. Hoa. - Move around the class and choose four letters from 4 group. - Ask them to stick their letters on the board - Get the whole class to read the 4 letters and correct them. - Ask each student to help Hoa write a letter to her parents.. Homework A letter to Hoa’s parents about the Y & Y Green Group, about the activities that she is going to do. Write a letter to your parents about the Y & Y Green Group, about the activities that you are going to do. Prepare the next lesson: Language focus.

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