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ngu phap on tap theo tung unit

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>REVIEW FOR THE SECOND EXAMINATION Grade 7 (2011-2012) ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP HỌC KÌ II NĂM HỌC 2011 - 2012 MÔN ANH 7 UNIT 9: 1. The simple past tense : Thì quá khứ đơn * Cấu trúc Ordinary verbs ( Động từ thường ) The verb “be” ( Động từ “ to be”) (+) : S + V ( cột II,ed) +… (+) S + was / were + … (-) : S + didn’t + V … ( -) S + was / were + not +… (?) : Did + S + V ….? (?) Was / Were + S +… ? => Yes, S + did / No , S + didn’t => Yes, S + was/ were ; No, S + wasn’t / weren’t * Cách dùng : - Diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra và đã chấm dứt trong quá khứ. - Dùng để kể lại một câu chuyện. * Dấu hiệu nhận biết : yesterday ( hôm qua), last ( trước, qua), ago ( cách đây), in the past ( trong quá khứ ) , when ( khi ) … Ex: I ( be) was sick yesterday. I ( not be ) was not sick yesterday. Were ( be) you sick yesterday ? => Yes, I was/ No, I wasn’t. He ( go) went to see a movie last night. He ( not go) didn’t go to see a movie last night. Did he ( go) go to see a movie yesterday ? => Yes, I did / No, I didn’t. 2. Học thuộc các động từ có qui tắc và bất qui tắc dùng trong thì quá khứ đơn. 3. Xem lại cách đổi từ câu khẳng định (+) sang câu phủ định (-) và câu hỏi (?). ** Exercise : I. Underline the best answer : 1. She talked to her friends ( about / on / with ) her vacation in Dalat. 2. I ( am / was / were ) very happy on my last vacation. 3. It was a green skirt with white flowers ( in / at / on ) it. 4. Did Liz buy any ( gifts / picture / cap) in Nha Trang ? 5. He ( doesn’t / won’t / didn’t ) come here last night. 6. ( When / where / What time ) did you see her ? – Yesterday morning. 7. We ( are visiting / will visit / visit / visited) Ha Long Bay last summer vacation. 8. Lan sometimes ( goes / go / went / is going ) to the zoo. 9. When they ( was / will be / were / are ) children, they often played with each other. 10. Yesterday, , I ( am buying / going to buy / buy / bought ) many gifts for him on the trip to Ha Noi. II. Supply the correct verbs form : 1. I ( meet ) ………….. her at the movie theater last night. 2. He ( go ) …………….. to the English club every Sunday. But last Sunday he ( not go ) …………. there, he ( go ) went to the City’s museum. 3. My mother ( make ) …………………….…………. a dress now. 4. Two years ago, she ( teach ) …………………………. at a village school. 5. What ……………………… you (do) ………………….. yesterday morning? 6. We ( travel ) ……………………………… to Hue next month. III. Change these sentences into negative (-) and interrogative ( ?): 1. He sent letters to his parents. (-) ………………………………………………………………………………………… (?) …………………………………………………………………………………………? 2. My brother spent his summer holiday on the farm. (-) …………………………………………………………………………………………..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> (?) …………………………………………………………………………………………. ? 3. The people were friendly . (-) …………………………………………………………………………………………… (?) …………………………………………………………………………………………… ? 3. Liz enjoyed her summer vacation last year. (-) ……………………………………………………………………………………………. (?) ……………………………………………………………………………………………? 4. Nam was absent from school yesterday (-) ……………………………………………………………………………………………. (?) …………………………………………………………………………………………… ?. UNIT 10 : 1. Hỏi và trả lời về thòi gian ai đó làm gì * What time do /does + S + V …? S + V / Vs / Ves + at + giờ. Eg : What time do you get up ? I get up at five o’clock. What time does he get up ? He gets up at five o’clock. 2. Why ? because : Tại sao ? Bởi vì Eg: Why didn’t you come to the party last night ? Because I was busy. 3. Review the simple past tense (Ôn lại thì quá khứ đơn ) 4. Hỏi xem ai đó có chuyện gì What’s the matter with you / him / her/ them ? = What is wrong with you /him/ her / them ? I /We / They + have a + tên bệnh. He / She + has a + tên bệnh. Eg: What’s the matter with Nam ? He has a toothache. 5. Learn vocabulary by heart ( Học thuộc lòng từ mới) **Exercise: I. Underline the best answer : 1. He ( is / were / was ) very happy yesterday. 2. I received a letter ( of / to from ) your aunt last week. 3. Don’t eat too ( much / many / lots of ) candy. 4. Are you scared ( of / in / at ) seeing the dentist ? 5. Wash your hands ( before / after / in ) meals. 6. Remember ( brush / to brush / brushing ) your teeth afert meals. 7. She looks tired. What’s the ( matter / happen / wrong ) with her. 8. Minh is absent today ( why / because / when ) he is ill. 9. ( Why did you / When did you / Why didn’t you ) come to the meeting last night ? Because I was busy. 10. They ( work / worked / are working )on the farm now. 11. Sometimes I ( do / did / am doing ) my own washing and ironing. 12. Mai’s younger sister ( has / is having /had ) a toothache last week. II. Make questions for these answers : ( Đặt câu hỏi) 1. Nam played badminton with Minh -> ……………………………………….………………………………? 2. She went to the doctor because she had a headache -> ………………………………………..……………. ? 3. My father was in Ha Noi three weeks ago -> ………………………………………………………………..? 4. He had an appointment at 10.30 -> What time did he have an appointment ? 5. They travelled to the USA by plane last month -> How did they travel to the USA last month ? III. Viết một đoạn văn ngắn để trả lời cho câu hỏi “ What do you do everyday ?” Everday, I get up, do morning exercises, wash my face, clean my teeth , get dressed, have breakfast and go to school. In the afternnon, I do my homewok. In the evning, I learn my lesson and then go to bed. IV.Supply the correct verb form : 1. She never ( stay ) ………….. up late at night. 2. My mother ( plant ) ………………………. flowers in the garden at the moment. 3. Why ……………. you ( leave) …………….. the party early last night? 4. Minh ( go ) …………….. to the dentist tomorrow morning. 5. Mozart ( play) ………………. the piano when he ( be ) ……………… three..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 6. I ( brush ) …………….. my teeth every night, but last night I ( forget ) ……………. to brush them. V. Complete the dialogue using words given in the box. Explains how brush surgery kind children looks scared Dr Lai is a dentist. She looks after people’s teeth. Dr Lai’s surgery clean and tidy, and so is her uniform. Most children are scared when they come to see Dr Lai, but she is a kind woman. She explains what will happen so they are not afraid. Dr Lai often gives children advice. She tells them how to look after their teeth. She reminds them to brush their teeth regularly and eat sensibly. VI. Give the past form of these verbs : ( Cho dạng quá khứ của các động từ sau) Make/ teach/ look/ cut/ Have/ see / buy / take / tell / go / eat / give / watch / visit / be/ drink / play / / talk / wash. UNIT 11: 1. Hỏi về chiều cao : How tall are you = What is your height ? I am 1 meter 50 centimeters tall. 2. Hỏi về cân nặng :How heavy are you = What is your weight ? I am 46 kilos 3. Xem lại mẫu phiếu khám sức khỏe và điền thông tin. 4. need + to inf : cần làm gì Eg: I need ( know) to know your height. Tell + so + to do sth : bảo ai làm gì Eg: The nurse tells Hoa ( wait) to wait in the waiting room. Should / ought to + V-inf : nên làm gì Eg: You should ( wash) wash your hands before meals. ** Exercise : I. Underline the best answers : 1. I need ( measuring / to measure / measure ) your height. 2. How ( height/ weight / heavy ) is Nga ? – She is 36 kilos. 3. ( Would / Can / Do ) you lend me your pen,please ? 4. You should ( to wash / washing / wash ) your hands before meals. 5. The medicines ( prevented / relieved / protected ) the pain in my chest. 6. The nurse told Hoa ( to return / returning / return ) to the waiting room. 7. Everybody ( knows / to know / know ) the symptoms, but nobody( know / knowing / knows ) a cure. 8. ( What is your weight ? / How height are you ?/ What is your height ?) I’m one meter fifty centimeters tall. 9. Your ( height / weight / temperature ) is 37 0C. 10. The students are having a ( scales / measure / medical ) check –up. II. Make questions for these answers below: 1. My brother is one meter 70 centimeters tall -> …………………………………………………. ? 2. Peter is 45 kilos. -> ……………………………………………………………………………..? 3. The blue dress is 120 thousand dong -> ………………………………………………………… ? 4. It is about two kilometers from here to the bus stop -> ………………………………………….? 5. Hoa was absent from class yesterday because she had a bad cold -> …………………………………….? 6. The students had a medical check- up yesterday morning -> …………………………………………...?. UNIT 12: 1. Cách dùng của “ too /so”, “ neither / either”. * Too /so : cũng vậy ( dung trong câu khẳng định ) S + do / does / did / M.V ,too. So + do/ does /did / M.V + S M.V ( động từ đặc biệt) : gồm : be, can, should, must , will , ought to… Eg: S1:I like durians S2: I like durians, too / So do I S1: He is a student S2: I am a student, too / So am I * neither/ either : cũng không ( dùng trong câu phủ định) S + don’t / doesn’t / didn’t +MV –not , either..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Neither + do / does / did / MV + S Eg: S1: I don’t like carrots S2: I don’t like carrots , either / Neither do I. S1: She can’t swim S2: I can’t swim , either / Neither can I. 2. Ask and answer : What did you have for + tên bữa ăn ? I ate + tên món ăn + for + tên bữa ăn Ex : What did you have for breakfast ? I had noodles for breakfast. **Exercise : I Underline the best answers : 1. Would you like ( to go / going /go ) to the movies tonight ? 2. Hoa feels sick . She ate too ( much / many / a lot of ) candy last night. 3. I would like ( buying / to buy / buy ) some fruit and vegetables. 4. She doesn’t like pork, and ( too /so /neither /either ) does her uncle. 5. You must drink ( much / many / a few ) water every day. 6. He was busy yesterday and ( neither / so /too ) were his brothers. 7. My mother didn’t wash it but I ( did/ didn’t/ do) 8. Milk is good ( to / with / for ) your health. 9. She ( made / heated / sliced ) the beef into thin strips. 10. Nam can swim, ( too / so / neither ) can Ba . II. Using words in the box to fill in the blanks: What stay variety must affects balanced moderation but We know that the food we eat affects our whole life, so we must remember to eat sensibly. We should have a balanced diet . What does “ a balanced diet “ mean ? It means you eat a variety of food without eating too much of anything. Moderation is very important . Eat the food you enjoy, but don’t have too much . This will help you stay fit and healthy. III. Answer : What did you do yesterday ? ( Viết 5 câu) - I played soccer. - I did my homework. - I watched TV. - I listened to music. - I went to school.. UNIT 13 : 1. Cách thành lập trạng từ chỉ thể cách. Adj( Tính từ ) + ly = Adv. of manner. ( Trạng từ chỉ thể cách ) Trường hợp đặc biệt : hard, fast. early, late : vừa là tính từ vừa là trạng từ. 2. Position of adv. of manner ( Vị trí của trạng từ chỉ thể cách ) Ex: He plays soccer very well. ( Đứng sau tân ngữ của động từ thường) She swims slowly. ( Đứng sau động từ thường.) 3. Would you like to + V-inf ? Bạn có thích …? Ex : Would you like ( play) to play soccer? ** Exercise : I. Underline the best answers 1. My mother always drives ( careful / carefully/ slow ) 2. You ought ( to go / go / going ) to the dentist. 3. ( What’s sport / What sport / What sports ) does your father like ? He likes tennis. 4. Mr Robinson speaks Vietnamese very ( fluently / skillfully / good). 5. This river is very ( danger / dangerously / dangerous ) for the swimmers. 6. Walking is a good sports( game / activity / health ). It makes us ( healthy / activist / health). 7. I ( must / can / shouldn’t ) stay in bed because I have a bad cold. 8. I like swimming . - ………………………..( So do I / Yes, I do / I do, so ) 9. ( Do you like to go swimming ? / Would you like to go swimming ? / Shall we go swimming ?) – I’d love to ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 10. Would you like ( to play /play / playing ) table tennis ? II. Viết các trạng từ chỉ thể cách từ những tính từ sau : 1. good -> …………………. 7. safe -> ………… 2. bad -> ………………….. 8. sudden -> ……………… 3. slow -> ………………… 9. careless -> …………… 4. quick - > ……………….. 10 recent -> ………………………… 5. skillful - > ……………….. 11 free -> ………………………… 6. clear -> ………………….. 12. strict -> ……………………….. UNIT 14: 1. Ask and answer : What would you like to + V-inf ….? I’d like to + V-inf… Ex: What would you like to watch? I’d like ( watch) to watch detective movies. 2. How about / What about + N / V-ing ? Còn …thì sao ? Ex: How about ( watch) watching cartoons ? 3. Can you make it on …………..? Bạn sắp xếp vào ……..được chứ ? Egx Can you make it on Monday night ? ** Exercise : I. Underline the best answers: 1. He likes ( watch / to watch / watching ) sports. 2. We don’t have a TV ( at /in /on) our place. 3. They prefer reading ( than / more than / to ) watching TV. 4. What kinds of ( books /films / pictures ) do you like ? I like cartoons. 5. Are you free ( in / with /on ) Tuesday? 6. What would you like ( to watch / to play / to listen to ) ? – Pop music. 7.( How about / Let’s / shall we ) swimming? That’s OK. 8. Teenagers like ( hearing / hear / to hear ) the latest pop music. 9. ( Do you like / Would you like to / What about ) have dinner at my house? – Yes, I’d love to. II. Chọn từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu : (1)………...teenagers around the world like television. Many listen to the radio. In a lot of countries, the most (2)……………..shows on TV are series. They (3)……………….ordinary (4)…………. And how they live . Many teenagers like pop music. There are(5)……………music programs on TV and one satellite TV (6) ……….only shows pop videos. In many countries , people (7)…………watch satellite TV . Often in large cities , cable TV is (8)………….with satellite and cable TV , it’s possible to choose from a variety of programs. 1 All Most Any Some 2. popular interested important excited 3. perform have make show 4. people characters artists teenagers 5. much any lot of lots of 6. station set video shows 7. must can should might 8. full used available popular III. Đặt câu hỏi : 1. I’d like to see a cowboy movie. -> ……………………………………………? 2. My family usually watches TV in the evening. -> …………………………………………………………….. ? 3. They didn’t have a TV because it was too expensive. -> …………………………………………………………………… ? 4. We prefer reading and playing chess. -> …………………………………………………………………………. ? 5. She likes pop music. -> ………………………………………………………………………….. ? 6. Nga is going to visit her old teacher this evening..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> -> …………………………………………………………………………..?. UNIT 15:. 1. Động từ đặc biệt : Should / Must + V-inf… Ex: The children must ( be) be back by six. ** Exercise : I. Underline the best answers : 1. Many young people ( playing/ plays / play ) video games . 2. I am going to the ( amuse / amusing / amusement ) center. 3. He has plenty of homework ( to do / do / doing ) tonight . 4. Nam often ( takes/ has /spends ) an hour a day playing video game . 5. They ( will / are going / will be ) to visit their old friends tomorrow. 6. The doctor thinks all children ( should / can /might ) take part in outdoors activities with their friends. 7. Hoa ( used to / uses to / gets used to ) the busy city traffic now . 8. The students have a ( five- minutes / five minute / five- minute ) break between two periods. 9. She goes to the public library( carefully / regularly / suddenly ). UNIT 16: 1. Thì quá khứ đơn, hiện tại đơn , tương lai đơn, hiện tại tiếp diễn) Thì Cấu trúc Dấu hiệu nhận biết 1. Simple past tense (+) S+ V II,ed… Last, ago, in the past, when, ( Quá khứ đơn) (-) S + didn’t + V-inf… yesterday. (?) Did + S + V-inf…? 2. Simple present tense (+) S+ V / Vs / Ves … Always, often, sometimes, never, ( Hiện tại đơn) (-) S + don’t/ doesn’t + Vusually, every… inf… (?) Do/ Does + S + V-inf…? 3. Simple future tense (+) S+ will+ V-inf… Tomorrow, next, in the future ( Tương lai đơn) (-) S + Won’t+ V-inf… (?) Will + S+ V-inf …? 4. Present progressive tense (+) S+ be + V-ing… Now, at the moment, at this time, ( Hiện tại tiếp diễn) (-) S + be + not + V-ing… look !, listen!, be careful ! (?) Be + S + V-ing…? 2. Prefer……..to………: thích…….hơn… Ex : I prefer ( watch) watching film to ( read) reading books I prefer meat to fish. 3. Like + V-ing / to inf : thích Ex: He likes ( play) playing soccer. He likes ( play) to play volleyball. ** Exercise: I. Underline the best answers : 1. The Battle of Dien Bien Phu ( opened / ended / marked) the Indochina War. 2. Hans Christian Andersen was a ( Denmark / Dane / Danish ) author. 3. Are you interested ( in /to /of ) ancient monuments. 4. Jakarta is in ( Malaysia / Myanmar / Indonesia). 5. Most of people ( who /when /what) live in the area are members of the H’Mong ethnic minority. 6. He wrote the fairy tales ( before / after / between) 1835 and 1872. 7. ( When / Where / Which place ) were you born ? – In a small village in Vietnam. II. Supply the correct verb form : 1. My mother ( not like ) ……………………. riding a motorbike. 2. When my father was young, he (drink ) …………….. a lot of beer. 3. I’d like ( tell ) ………………….. you something about myself. 4. Nam ( study ) …………………. homework in the living room now. 5. Be careful ! The car ( come ) ……………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> 6. I like ( play ) ……………………………… chess very much. 7. My mother ( go ) …………………… to the supermarket yesterday evening. 8. What ……………… you (do) ……………………… tomorrow morning ? III. Write sentences with cues given ( Đặt câu dùng từ gợi ý) 1. Hoa / like / go fishing / Sunday morning.-> ……………………………………………………….. 2. I / prefer / watch / TV / listen to music -> …………………………………………………………. 3. Ba / interested/ Vietnamese history-> ……………………………………………………………… 4. You / think / diet / be / balanced ? -> ……………………………………………………………… 5. Hue / be / famous / its beauty spots -> ………………………………………………………….. … 6. Today / families / Vietnam / have / coloured TV -> ……………………………………………..... Good Luck To You ! Nguyễn Công Thành 090 2787 090 ĐỀ THI HK II ( 06 -07) I. Gạch chân một đáp án đúng nhất trong ngoặc đơn : 1. Tri Nguyen Aquarium is in ( Ha Long Bay / Da Lat / Nha Trang / Hue ) 2. The Robinsons always go to Viet Nam ( in /on / with /by) plane. 3. ( Did you eat / Were you eat / will you eat / Do you eat ) rice for dinner last night? 4. What will you ( does / do / doing / did) during your vacation ? 5. I need ( measuring / to measure / measure / measured ) your height. 6. You should ( to wash / washing / wash / washed)your hands before meals. 7. Hoa doesn’t like pork, and ( so /too / neither / either) does her uncle. 8. Jacques Cousteau invented ( special TV cameras / a deep sea diving vessel / special breathing equipment / a telephone) 9. They ( will / will be / are going / going) to visit their old friends tomorrow. 10. Hoa likes ( listening / listened / listens / to listen ) to music in her free time. 11. Don’t eat too ( any / a lot of / much / many) candy. 12. The weather ( was / were /is / are ) nice yesterday. 14. A balanced diet is good( to / with / in / for)your health. 15. Mai ( plays / playing / played / play) badminton with her friends every Sunday morning. 16. Last Sunday, The dentist filled a ( toothache / cavity / teeth / cavities ) in Minh’s tooth. 17. My students play soccer very ( good / beautiful / well / skillful) 18. ( Do you like / Would you like / What about / Would you like to) have dinner at my house? – Yes, I’d love to. 19. My friends prefer watching video( to listening / than listening / listening / to listen ) to music. 20. The cold “ cures” don’t cure a cold, but they ( help / relieve / prevent / increase) the symptoms. II. Chia động từ trong ngoặc: 1. When Lan’s father ( be)…………………………….young. He ( drink)………………………………a lot of wine. 2. Her family always ( watch)…………………………………………..TV in the evening. 3. The children must ( be )……………………………………….back by sick o’clock. III. Đọc sau đó trả lời các câu hỏi True / False: Millions of young people play video games. Some play them at home, others play them in arcades. The inventors of the games become very rich. Some of the inventors are as young as 14 or 15. These games are good fun, but players must be careful. They should not not spend much time on these games because they can become tired or dizzy. Sometimes, players spend too much time on their own because they like to play video games so much. One doctor says” This is very bad for children. They must take part in activities with others. All children should play outdoors and develope their social skills. They should be with people of their own age. Children should spend only a small part of their free time playing video games. They mustn’t forget to do other things too.” 1. Check True / False: ……………a. Many young people play video games. ……………b. Children spend much time on these games can become tired or dizzy. ……………c. The doctor thinks some children should take part in outdoor activities with their friends. ……………d. The doctor says you should spend all your time playing video games. 2. Answer the questions: a. Where do young people play video games ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> b. Should children spend only a small part of their free time playing video games ? IV. Hoàn thành đoạn văn sau dùng từ trong khung: Chess, listen, and, English, restaurant Yesterday was Sunday, Hoa , Mai and Lan didn’t go to…….class. They did different things last night. Hoa stayed at home. She watched TV and played…….with her grandmother. Mai visited her friends……ate out in a ………with them. Lan played video games and…….to pop music. V.Trả lời các câu hỏi sau về bản thân em: 1. What did you do last night? 2. What are you going to do this summer vacation ? ĐỀ THI HK II ( 07 – 08) I. Khonah tròn từ/ cụm từ/ câu đúng nhất ( ứng với A,B,C hoặc D) 1. Nga / watch /TV / last night A. Nga watches TV last night B. Nga will watch TV last night C. Nga is watching TV last night D. Nga watched TV last night 2. I like bananas and ………………… A. so does she B. She likes bananas, either. C. neither does she D. She doesn’t like bananas, too. 3. My father is a ……………………tennis player. A. skillful B. carefully C. skill D. skillfully 4. …………..was your vacation in Nha Trang ? It was wonderful. A. When B. How C. What D. Where 5. What / you / do / the / evening ? A. What do you usually do for the evening? B. What do you usually do on the evening? C. What do you usually do in the evening? D. What do you usually at for the evening? 6. My sister ate durians yesterday, but I …………….. A. didn’t B. don’t C. doesn’t D. did 7. Would you like…………. to the movies tonight ? A. going B. to go C. goes D. go 8. He / good / volleyball / player A. He is good a volleyball player B. He is a player good volleyball. C. He is a volleyball good player. D. He is a good volleyball player. 9. Sometimes the noise keeps me awake …………………..night A. for B. on C. in D. at 10. She could ……………………………the road and she wasn’t scared. A. crossing B. crosses C. crossD. to cross 11. I can’t go for a walk now. I………………………my homework A. must doing B. must to do C. must do D. must did 12. Would / you / like / play / table tennis / tonight ? A .Would you like playing table tennis tonight ? B. Would you like play table tennis tonight ? C. Would you like to play table tennis tonight ? D. Would you like plays table tennis tonight ? 13. ………………….you go to bed ? I go to bed at 9.30 A. How B. What time C. What D. Where 14. Nam looks worried because he sometimes …………………………..to brush his teeth. A. forgetting B. forgets C. to forget D. forget 15. Come and …………………………..table tennis, Ba . A. play B. go C. do D. take 16.I know how to take care……………….. myself. A. of B. about C. on D. off 17. Many people just sit and………………TV all the evening . A. see B. watch C. look for D. look at 18. Lan / speak / English / well A. Lan can speaks English well B. Lan can speaking English well. C. Lan can to speak English well D. Lan can speak English well. 19. Is there a cure……………………..the common cold ? A. from B. at C. for D. in 20. Hoa enjoys…….books very much. A. to read B. read C. reads D. reading II. Đọc kỹ bài khóa sau và chọn phương án đúng ( ứng với A,B,C hoặc D) cho các câu từ 21 đến câu 25:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> Thomas Edison was a famous scientist. He was born in 1874 and died in 1931. He invented the electric bulb. He also made the world’s first gramophone. When he was a boy at school, Edison asked a lot of questions. The teacher thought he was stupid and sent him home. Edison’s mother taught him at home and he began to carry out a lot of experiments. He earns money for his experiments by gardening. Later, he worked on a train and continued to experiment there. Unfortunately, in one of his experiments, he set fire to the train. 21. Thomas Edison was a famous…………….. A. doctor B. scientist C. teacher D. engineer 22. How old was he when he died ? A. He was 81 years old when he died. B. He was 84 years old when he died. C. He was 82 years old when he died. D. He was 83 years old when he died. 23. He invented……………………. A. the electric light bulb B. the telephone C. the sewing machine D. the television 24. His teacher thought he was………………………. A. intelligent B. generous C. stupid D. hard- working 25. Who taught him at home / A. His brother taught him at home. B. His father taught him at home. C. His mother taught him at home. D. His sister taught him at home. III/.Đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn từ thích hợp ( ứng với A,B,C hoặc D ) để điền vào chỗ trống từ câu 26 đến câu 35 . Video games Millions of young people play video games. Some …………..them at home, others play them …………..arcades. The ……….of the games become very rich. Some of the inventors are as young as 14 or 15. These games are good fun, but players must be…………. They should not …………much time on these games because they can become tired or dizzy. Sometimes, players spend too much time on their own ………..they like to play video games so much. One doctor says” This is very bad for children. They must …………..activities with others. All children should play outdoors and develope ……………social skills. They should be with people of their own age. Children should spend only a small part of their free time …………….. video games. They mustn’t forget ………………..other things too.” 26. A. do B. did C. plays D. play 27. A. in B. on C. at D. for 28. A. inventing B. invented C. inventors D. invention 29.A. careless B. careful C. inventors D. invention 30.A. use B.get C. take D. spend 31.A. so B. but C. because D. and 32. A. taking part in B. to take part in C. takes part in D. take part in 33. A. our B. his C. their D. her 34. A. playing B. play C. to play D. plays 35. A. to do B. do C. doing D. does IV/.Xác định từ / cụm từ có gạch dưới cần phải sửa để câu sau trở thành chính xác: 36. Life is different on the city. A B C D 37. How long is it from your house to school ? A B C D 38. Ba doesn’t go to school last Sunday . A B C D 39. Ba ought to doing his homework first. A B C D 40. My brother always plays volleball skillful. A B C D HỌC KỲ II I. Choose the best words and underline (2m) 1. He is a good teacher. He teaches ( good / goodly/ well) 2. Let’s ( go / to go / going) to the movies. 3. He always plays video games ( on /at /in) home. 4. She ( have / has / had) a bad cold yesterday. 5. My sister doesn’t like coffee, ( so / either / neither ) do I. 6. I would like ( tell / to tell / telling) you about my family. 7. How ( much / many / long) is this shirt ? – It’s 30,000 dong 8. You shouln’t ( spend / to spend / speding) a lot of money on video games..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> II. Use these words to make meaningful sentences : (1m) 1. is / city / different / the / Life / in. 2. see / do / TV programs / you / to / want / What ? III. Use the words in the box to complete the passage (2ms) Comfortable / evening / finished / different / spend / popular / families / watch Thirty years ago in Viet Nam, very few people jad TV sets. These TV owners were very (1)……………… In the (2)………………., every body gathered to watch black and white programs. They stayed until the programs (3) ……………Viet Nam is (4)……………today. Many (5)……………have TV sets. People (6)…………TV in their own living rooms. Life is more (7)…………….and people don’t (8)……….much time together any more. IV. Read the passage then answer the questions (2ms) Ba likes playing video games. He usually goes to the amusement center to play them on Sunday morning. He often goes there once a week but he doesn’t spend much money. Hoa always advises him not to spend lots of time playing video games because video games can be addictive.  Questions: 1. What does Ba like doing ? 2. How often does he go to the amusement center ? 3. Does he spend much money ? 4. Why shouln’t he spend lots of time playing video games ? V. Supply the correct form of the verbs in parentheses (1m) 1. Mr. Ha ( buy)…………….a car yesterday. 2. Everyday I (go)…………to school by bike. 3. Where ( be)………………….you last night ? 4. You should ( brush)………….your teeth after meal. VI. Make the questions for the answers (1m) 1. Peter is 42 kilos. 2. It is 5 kilometers from the bank to the hotel. VII. Write four sentences, talking about what you did yesterday (1) Yesterday, I……………………………….. HKII -08-09 I.Khoanh tròn vào phương án đúng nhất: (3pts) 1. She enjoys………..newspapers. a. read b. reading c. to read d. reads 2. My friend runs…………….. a. quick b. good c. quickly d. better 3. He is a…………driver a. care b. carefully c. carelessly d. careful 4. They prefer reading ………………..watching TV. a. than b. better than c. to d. more than 5. Hung often spends two hours a week ……..video games. a. play b. playing c. to play d. played 6. Vo Nguyen Giap is ………….for leading the People’s Army of Viet Nam at Dien Bien Phu a. good b. generous c. general d. famous 7. He………………to the zoo yesterday a. go b. goes c. went d. is going 8. It was a green skirt with white flowers ………….it a. in b. at c. for d. on 9. Don’t eat too…………………..candy a. much b. many c. lots of d. some 10. ……didn’t you come to the meeting last night ? a. When b.Why c. Where d. How 11. How…………….is Nam ? He is 1 meter 42 centimeters a. heavy b. tall c. high d. height 12. You should ………your hands before meals a. wash b. to wash c. washing d. washed II. Sắp xếp các từ bị xáo trộn thành câu hoàn chỉnh (1p) 1.clean / every day/you / your room/ should……………………………. 2. tennis /she /plays /badly……………………………………. III. Đọc đoạn hội thoại sau đó trả lờii True / False và trả lời câu hỏi :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> Doctor Lien: What’s the matter, Nam? Nam: I feel terrible.I have an awful stomachache . Doctor Lien: It must be something you ate.Are you Mom and dad OK? Nam: Yes.They are fine Doctor Lien: What did you eat last night ? Nam: We ate fish, rice and soup.I also ate spinach, but Mom and Dad didn’t Doctor Lien: So it was probably the spinach .Did your Mom wash it well? Nam: She didn’t wash it.I did Doctor Lien: Spinach is very good for you, but you must wash it carefully.Vegetables often have dirt from the farm on them.That dirt can make you sick.I’ll give you some medicine to make you feel better. Nam : Thanks, doctor. A.Answer True/False (1 p) 1. Nam has an awful stomachache because he ate spinach last night …………………….. 2. His mother and father are OK. …………………….. B. Answer the questions ? (1p) 1. Who washed the spinach ? 2. What will doctor Lien give Nam to make him feel better ? IV.Hoàn thành các câu sau sử dụng so/too; either/ neither (1p) 1. My parents don’t eat seafood and I don’t………………….. 2. I’m hungry and my sister is,…………………… 3. I like playing soccer.-Oh, ……………………do I 4. She doesn’t like pork, and……………does her aunt V. Trả lời câu hỏi về bản thân em: (1p) 1. Do you often play video games ? 2. How tall are you ? VI. Nghe và hoàn thành đoạn văn sau: (2ps) Thomas Edision was born in……………………………in the…………………….He was a famous inventor.His famous invention was the electric light bulb.He alse established the first central power station in New York City.During his lifetime he invented over…………………………things including the gramophone and motion pictures.He died in………………… HKII I. Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng nhất (5ms) 1…………………….was your vacation in Nha Trang ? –It was wonderful. ( How / What / Where/ When) 2. I know how to take care ……………. Myself ( off /of /on / about) 3. Nam looks worried because he sometimes ………………………to brush his teeth ( forget / forgets / forgetting / to forget) 4. My sister ate durians yesterday, but I …………..( don’t / doesn’t / didn’t / did ) 5. I like bananas and …………………..( she likes bananas, either / she doesn’t like bananas, too / neither does she / so does she ) 6. …………………….do you go to bed ? I go to bed at 9.30 ( What / Where / What time/ How ) 7. Come and ………………………..table tennis, Ba ( take / play / do / go) 8. Many people just sit and ……………………TV all the evening ( look at / see / watch / look for ) 9. Is there a cure ………………………..the coomon cold ?( for / at / from /in) 10. I can’t go for a walk now. I ………………………my homework ( must do / must to do / must doing / must did ) 11. Would you like ………………………to the movies tonight ? ( go / going / to go/ goes ) 12. Sometimes the noise keeps me awake ………………………. Night .( in / on / at / for) 13. My father is a ……………………………tennis player ( skill / skillfully/ carefully / skillful) 14. She could ……………………the road and she wasn’t scared ( crossing / cross/ to cross/ crosses) 15. Hoa enjoys …………………..books very much.( reading / read / to read / reads) 16. Lan……………..films on TV every night. ( watches / watched / will watch / is watching) 17. Ba ……………….a lot of spinach so he had an awful stomachache ( eat / ate / are eating / is eating) 18. You……………study hard and do your homework regularly ( can / ought to / may/ might ) 19. he plays tennis very …………………( well/ good / wonderful / careful) 20. She feels tired because she drinks…………………water. ( many / a few / too much / too many). II. Hoàn thành đọan văn sau, sử dụng các từ trong khung (1m) Times. televisions popular gathered but play Thirty years ago in Viet Nam, very few people had TV sets. These TV owners were very……………………… After dinner, their neighbors……………….both inside and outside their houses. Some watched through the windows..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> …………………..have changed. Today, many families have TV sets. People sit in their own living rooms and watch TV. Life is more comfortable now,…………………..many neighbors don’t spend much time together any more. III/.. Trả lời về bản thân (1m) 1. What did you do yesterday ? 2. Do you have acomputer ? IV/. Khoanh tròn chỗ sai ( ứng với A, hoặc B,C,D) (1m) 1. Life is different on the city. A B C D 2. How long is it from your house to school ? A B C D 3. Ba doesn’t go to school last Sunday . A B C D 4. My brother always plays volleball skillful. A B C D HK II ( 2010-2011) I. Chọn từ hoặc cụm từ đúng nhất để hoàn thành các câu sau (4pts) 1. he didn’t ………………..to school on Sunday. A. went B. go C. to go D. going 2. I have a small cavity, so I’m going to the …………… A. butcher B. baker C. dentist D. toystore 3. Are you free …………………the evening ? A. at B. in C. on D. with 4. Hoa enjoys ……………..books very much. A. to read B. read C. reading D. reads 5. Come and ………………..badminton, Nam. A. take B. play C. do D. go 6. What are the ……………………of the common cold ? A. diseases B. medicine C. symptoms D. cough 7. Video games can be ……………. A. addictive B. interesting C. wonderful D. dangerous 8. My father is a …………..tennis player. A. skillfully B. carefully C. skillful D. skill 9. I know how to take care…………………myself. A. of B. about C. on D. in 10. This exercise is ……………………difficult than that one. A. most B. more C. the most D. much 11. The students have a ………………………….break between two periods. A. five- minutes B. five minute C. five minutes D. five – minute 12. Yesterday, they…………….to the public library. A. go B. are going C. goes D. went 13. They prefer reading ……………..watching TV. A. than B. to C. more than D. more 14. Forty years ago, very few people………………….TV sets. A. had B. have C. has D. having 15. My mother likes chicken, and ………………..does my father. A. so B too C. neither D. either 16. He is a safe driver. He drives very …………………… A. good B. safely C. skillful D. safe II/ Chia dạng đúng của các động từ trong ngoặc: (0,5 pt) 1. Liz ( visit)…………………..Tri Nguyen Aquarium last summer vacation. 2. My father ( go)………………….to Da Lat tomorrow.. III. Hãy nối các câu ở cột A phù hợp với các câu ở cột B ( 1, 5pts) A 1. Would you like to play volleyball ? 2. I don’t like beer. 3. Do you like orange juice ? 4. What sport do you like best ? 5. My sister is very bad at Math.. B a. badminton b. She must do more Math exercises c. I’d love to, but I can’t d. No, thanks . I’m not thirsty. e. Neither does Ba..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> 6. I have a stomachache. f. You shouldn’t eat green fruit. 1………………..2……………………….3…………………4……………….5…………….6…………… IV. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và trả lời câu hỏi (1,5 pts) Last summer, Mary and her parents went to Colorado for their vacation. They visited national park, where they camped in their tent for a week. They went fishing one morning. Mary’s mother caught a very big fish , but their father didn’t catch anything. They enjoyed cooking and eating the fish for dinner. It was delicious . She likes fresh fish very much. 1. Where did Mary and her parents go for their vacation ? 2. Did they go fishing ? 3. Where did they visit ? V. Chọn từ thích hợp trong khung để điền vào chỗ trống (1pt) Outside sets people watched owners TV Thirty years ago in Vietnam, very few people had TV (1)………….These TV (2)……….were very popular. After dinner, their neighbors gathered both inside and (3)…………their houses. Some (4)……through the windows. VI. Sắp xếp các từ bị xáo trộn thành câu hoàn chỉnh (1pt) 1. Ba/ in / a / student / clas/ 7A / is 2. He / interested / is / always / in / collecting stamps. 3. marbles/ boys / often / the / recess/ play/ at 4. should / teeth / your / brush / every / you / morning. VIII.Complete the passage with the words in the box: Spend as so dizzy arcades too young much Millions of young people play video games. Some play them at home, others play them in arcade .The inventiors of the games become very rich . Some of the inventors are as young as 14 or 15. These games are good fun, but players must be careful. They should not spend much time on these games because they can become tired or dizzy. Sometimes, players spend too much time on their own because they like to play video games so much. IX. Read the passage carefully. Then write True or False : 1/ Nowadays, football becomes one of the world’s most popular games . Millions of people play and watch it all around the world . A football match often has two parts. Each part is forty five minutes. The first part is the first half and the second part is the second half. There is fifteen- minute break between the two halves. There are two teams in a match. Each football team has eleven players, including a goal- keeper. The players on the ground try to kick the ball into the other’s goal. The team which scores more goals win the match. a. ………………Today, football becomes popular all around the world. b……… ………..Millios of people play football. c. ……… …… A football match has two halves of forty –five minute each. d. ……… ……… There is no break in a football match. e. ……… ……. Each football team has eleven players and a goal – keeper in the field. f. ………… ….. The winning team is the team scores more goals. Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời câu hỏi My classmate Lan loves history very much so she is very good at it. She knows the life of many famous people in our history such as Ngo Quyen, Li Thuong Kiet, Tran Hung Dao, Le Loi, Quang Trung…She also remembers all the famous battles in our history such as the battles of Bach Dang, the battle of Chi Lang, the battle of Dong Da… Especially, she knows General Vo Nguyen Giap’s life and remembers the battle of Dien Bien Phu as well as the campaign ( chieaùn doøch) of Ho Chi Minh very well. Lan often says history is an important part of our life. 1. Why is Lan very good at history ? …………………………………………………………………… 2. What does Lan know ? ……………………………………………………………………………….. 3. What does Lan also remember? ……………………………………………………………………… 4. What does Lan know and remember very well ?.................................................................................. 5. What does Lan often say ? …………………………………………………………………………… HK II I. KHOANH TRÒN CÂU ĐÚNG. 1. Tri Nguyen Aquarium is in ( Ha Long Bay / Da Lat / Nha Trang / Hue ) 2. The Robinsons always go to Viet Nam ( in /on / with /by) plane. 3. ( Did you eat / Were you eat / will you eat / Do you eat ) rice for dinner last night?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> 4. What will you ( does / do / doing / did) during your vacation ? 5. I need ( measuring / to measure / measure / measured ) your height. 6. You should ( to wash / washing / wash / washed)your hands before meals. 7. Hoa doesn’t like pork, and ( so /too / neither / either) does her uncle. 8. Jacques Cousteau invented ( special TV cameras / a deep sea diving vessel / special breathing equipment / a telephone) 9. They ( will / will be / are going / going) to visit their old friends tomorrow. 10. Hoa likes ( listening / listened / listens / to listen ) to music in her free time. 11. Don’t eat too ( any / a lot of / much / many) candy. 12. The weather ( was / were /is / are ) nice yesterday. 14. A balanced diet is good( to / with / in / for)your health. 15. Mai ( plays / playing / played / play) badminton with her friends every Sunday morning. 16. Last Sunday, The dentist filled a ( toothache / cavity / teeth / cavities ) in Minh’s tooth. 17. My students play soccer very ( good / beautiful / well / skillful) 18. ( Do you like / Would you like / What about / Would you like to) have dinner at my house? – Yes, I’d love to. 19. My friends prefer watching video( to listening / than listening / listening / to listen ) to music. 20. The cold “ cures” don’t cure a cold, but they ( help / relieve / prevent / increase) the symptoms. II.CHIA ĐỘNG TỪ. 4. When Lan’s father ( be) was young. He ( drink) drank a lot of wine. 5. Her family always ( watch) watches TV in the evening. 6. The children must ( be ) be back by sick o’clock. III. ĐỌC ĐOẠN VĂN VÀ CHỌN ( T ) ( F ) Millions of young people play video games. Some play them at home, others play them in arcades. The inventors of the games become very rich. Some of the inventors are as young as 14 or 15. These games are good fun, but players must be careful. They should not not spend much time on these games because they can become tired or dizzy. Sometimes, players spend too much time on their own because they like to play video games so much. One doctor says” This is very bad for children. They must take part in activities with others. All children should play outdoors and develope their social skills. They should be with people of their own age. Children should spend only a small part of their free time playing video games. They mustn’t forget to do other things too.” 1. Check True / False: …T…………a. many young people play video games. …T…………b. Children spend much time on these games can become tired or dizzy. …F…………c. The doctor thinks some children should take part in outdoor activities with their friends. …F…………d. The doctor says you should spend all your time playing video games. 2. Answer the questions: a. Where do young people play video games ? -> Some play them at home, others play them in arcades. b. Should children spend only a small part of their free time playing video games ? -> Yes, they should. IV. HOÀN THÀNH ĐOẠN VĂN CHỌN TỪ TRONG KHUNG. Chess, listen, and English, restaurant Yesterday was Sunday, Hoa , Mai and Lan didn’t go to English class. They did different things last night. Hoa stayed at home. She watched TV and played chess with her grandmother. Mai visited her friends and ate out in a restaurant with them. Lan played video games and listen to pop music. HK II I/. NỐI CỘT A VÀ B A 1. Which program do you prefer, the news or the film? 2. That film is boring to me. 3. Will you go to the zoo with us tomorrow, Chi?. B a. Yes, but where can we meet, Thanh? b. Why not, David? c. So do I.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> 4. Would you like to go the cinema with us , Mai? d. Oh, the film 5. I am sorry. I can’t visit you tonight , Mary. e. I don’t think so 6. We prefer reading to watching TV f. Yes, I will. 1d 2 e 3f 4a 5b 6c II/. CHỌN TỪ THÍCH HỢP ĐIỀN VÀO ĐOẠN VĂN. Most of the world’s surface (1)………………………water. We may know the land very (2) ………………………., but we know very (3)……………………. about the oceans. Until recently, man could not stay underwater for too ( 4)…………….. A pearl diver, (5)…………….example, couldn’t stay underwater for longer (6)………………..two minutes. But now, with special ( 7)…………………. Equipment, a diver can stay underwater for a long time. After the ( 8)……..of this equipment, man could swim freely underwater and scuba diving (9)……… a sport. A French man, Jacques Cousteau ( 1910 – 1997 ) , (10)……………..a deep – sea diving vessel, he (11) ………………….. explore the oceans of the world and study underwater (12)……………………. Now we can explore the oceans, using (13)………………….TV camares as (14) …………………….We can learn more about the undersea world (15)……………………..to this invention. 1a. be b. is c . are 2a. well b. good c. clear 3a. few b. a little c. little 4a. long b. longy c. length 5a. in b. as c.for 6a. than b. to c. more 7a. breath b. breathing c. breathed 8a. invent b. inventing c. invention 9a. became b. becoming c. become 10a. invent b. invented c. inventing 11a. can b. could c. able to 12a. live b. living c. life 13a. speciable b. specially c. special 14a. well b. much c. good 15a. thanking b. thanks c. thank A. PRONUNCIATION 1 a. cap b. crab c. shark d. map 2 a. patient b. nation c. hate d. sharp 3 a. poster b. oceanic c. note d. cost 4a. touches b. washes c. mixes d. likes 5 a. liked b. remembered c. borrowed d. used 6 a. comb b. polish c. hot d. not 7 a. harvest b. strange c. lane d. cake 8 a. helpful b. dentist c. sensible d. neglect 9 a. touch b. out c. about d. shout 10 a. leaves b. cars c. dentists d. rooms 11 a. wanted b. finished c. stopped d. brushed 12 a. minor b. disappear c. disease d. distance 13 a. helped b. lived c. checked d. missed 14 a. stomach b. disappear c. pastime d. normal 15 a. planted b. smiled c. borrowed d. ironed 16 a. add b. balance c. affect d. pan 17 a. spoon b. book c. look d. foot 18 a. without b. about c. loud d. cough 19 a. durians b. adds c. plates d. spoons 20 a. adventure b. band c. character d. gather B. Rewrite these sentences: 1. Would you like to go camping with us nest Sunday ? -> What about.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> 2. My grandpa likes watching TV better than going for a walk -> My grandpa prefers 3. Why don’t we join them on their trip to Suoi Tien Park ? -> Let’s 4. Playing after dinner is more boring than meetings friends. -> Meeting friends. 5. Does she like cowboy movies ? -> Is she 6. All banks and stores have video cameras -> There are 7. She doesn’t like the noise and the busy roads in the city -> She 8. Children should spend a little time on playing video games -> Children shouldn’t 9. What about going to the arcade after school ? -> Would you like 10. Children should play outdoors -> Children should take 11. he is a careless taxi driver -> he 12. Would you like to go out for dinner tonight ? -> let’s 13. My friends prefers dong aerobics to swimming -> My friend likes 14. Ronaldo plays soccer well. -> Ronaldo is 15. What was wrong with you, Mom ? -> What C. Rearrange the following sentences in the correct order. 1. mother/ his/ he/ letter / sent / a / yesterday 2. morning / you/ get up / did / this / early. 3. did / cold/ you/ have / a/ when 4. prevent/ you / how/ a / can / cold/ help 5. everyday / exercises / do / morning / you /do 6. have/ this/ what / did / you / time/ morning / breakfast 7. now /feeling / you/ how/ are. 8. traveling/ present / Mr. Minh / Ha Noi / is /at / to ? 9. did/ man/ the/ where / from/ come ? 10. city / world/ which / the/ biggest / the / is /in.

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