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Vocabulary Review Unit 678

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>I/ Copmplete the following sentences 1. This year, more girls are expected to …………….. in the first grade. 2. Many young people are not interested in sports. I have to……………….. force my sons to play tennis or go swimming. 3. The Vietnamese government has done a lot to ………………. Hunger and poverty. 4. We do not allow any kind of ……………………. against women and girls. 5. Our Family members have ……………………… rights and responsibilities. 6. Most parents don’t want to find out the …………………………. of their babies before birth. 7. ……………………………………..when workers are equally qualified and perform the same work, but some workers are ……………………….. than others. 8. Many countries now allow and ………………………………………….. to join the army, the police forces and the fire services 9. There is an …………………….. in the number of young people in VN who marry later in life. (increase) 10. In VN, guests often give money as a wedding ……………. to the newly-married couple on their wedding day. (present) 11. In big cities, the birth rate has …………..…. Over the past few years. (decrease) 12. In reality, it is difficult to meet the……………………. Life partner. (perfect) 13. Women are demanding equal …………………………… for equal work. 14. I think this is a clear case of ………………….. against women. 15. Education for all means that everyone has the ……………………. To receive education. 16. ………………………. Equality means that both men and women are treated eually. 17. Women in developing countries are fighting against gender……………………… . II/ Choose the word with its definition. 1. …………………….: having the same quantity or values as other people. 2. …………………….: the fact of being male or female. 3. …………………….: get rid of 4. …………………….: arrange to join a school officially. 5. ……………………..: make somebody do the things they don’t want. 6. ………………………: a greater interest in someone/ something than someone/ something else. 7. ………………………: bring somebody to court because they have done something harmful to you. 8. ………………………: follow a course or activity in an effort to gain something. 9. ………………………: the state of feeling sad and alone. 10. …………………….: the act of controlling something; a restriction. 11. …………………….: a woman who is getting married.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 12. ……………………..: a formal party to celebrate something 13. ……………………..: a man who is getting married or about to get married 14. ……………………..: a ceremony at which two people are married to each other. 15. ……………………..: a formal agreement or promise to get married 16. ……………………..: a formal social or religious occasion performed in accordance with customs. 17. ……………………..: a plan or suggestion; an offer of marriage. 18. ……………………..: reach and use something 19. ……………………..: make use of something to fullest extent 20. ……………………..: search for and find something in a dictionary or a reference book. 21. ………………………: screen which allows giving instructions by touching 22. ………………………: write something down. 23. ………………………: the ability of a device or programme to do a particular job. 24. ………………………: a software progamme designed to do or use something 25. ………………………: detailed info on how to do or use something 26. ………………………: producing a successful result 27. ………………………: easy to carry or to move 28. ………………………:a device that stores and plays sound and pictures. III/ Multiple choices: 1. Much has to be done to chieve ……………………………. In employment opportunities. A. gender equality. B. gender inequality. 2. People have …………………….. poverty and hunger in many parts of the world. A. encouraged. B. eliminated. 3. Employers give …………………… to university graduates. A. challenge. B. preference. 4. Both genders should be provided with equal ………… to education, employment and healthcare. A. rights. B. incomes. 5. Internet ………… is available everywhere in this city. A. access. B. development.. 6. A person looking after someone who is sick, disabled or old at home is a …………………………. A. caretaker. B. housekeeper.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 7. We should not allow any kind of…………… against women and girls. A. discrimination. B. education. 8. People in this country have made good …………….. in eliminating domestic violence. A. wage. B. progress.. 9. My cousin’s …………………….. is next Sunday. A. wedding. B. marriage. 10. On the wedding day, the best man is expected to help the…………… A. groom. B. bride. 11. The……… can have as many bridemaids as she wants. A. groom. B. bride. 12. There is a wedding …………….. for all guests after the wedding ceremony. A. proposal. B. reception. 13. There will be about 100 …………….. at my cousin’s wedding. A. grooms. B. guests. 14. In the past, the proposal and engagement caremonies took place one or two years…………….the wedding. A. before. B. after. 15. My brother got ……… to one of his friends from college and started saving for the big day. A. engaged. B. married. 16. Using an ……………………….. device such as a laptop, you can learn Englis effectively. A. electric. B. electronic. 17. To play audio tapes and CDs, you just need a cassette or CD …………….. A. player. B. recorder. 18. Watching and listening to English……………….. is an excellent way to learn English. A. radio. B. television show. 19. A ………………………. Is a mobile computer that is also useful for language learning. A. tablet. B. desktop. 20. Language translation ……………………… allows you to translate from one language into another. A. touch screen. B. software. IV/ Listening (pg 31) 1. The speaker thinks the students never get tired of things like books,. …………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> blackboards, cassettes and CD players. 2. Triple “E” means “Easy Effective English” 3. You just type some key words and click on the search engine button to see hundreds of websites. 4. Very few sites offter exciting lessons, activities and quizzes for English learners of all ages and levels. 5. There are sites where you record your own voice and listen to yourself.. …………………… …………………… …………………… ……………………. V/ Listening (pg 21) Most Pennsylvania Amish wedding take place from late Oct through ………………… on Tues and Thurs. During the weddng seasons, some Amish go to………. Weddings in one day. Amish parents don’t select who their children will marry, but………………… must be given. After the wedding service at the house of the bride’s parents, benches are put together to from tables for the……………………….. for about 200 to 300 guests. After spending the night at the bride’s home, the newly-weds help with the clean-up from the day before. The couple the spends the following weekends ………………………………….., sometimes stopping at five or six houses between Friday and Sunday night. Wedding gifts are usually given to them at this time..

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