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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Së GI¸O DôC Vµ §µO T¹O Phó THä §Ò thi chän häc sinh giái LíP 9 THCS N¡M 2009 M«n : TiÕng Anh. ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC. N¨m häc : 2008-2009 ___________________________. Chú ý: Giám thị không giải thích và hướng dẫn gì thêm. Thí sinh không được sử dụng bất cứ tài liệu nào. Thí sinh làm bài ngay vào tập đề thi này. PHONETICS I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D ( 1 point ):. 1.. A. thank. B. complain. C. insert. D. ban. 2.. A. massage. B. carriage. C. voyage. D. dosage. 3.. A. leaf. B. of. C. deaf. D. wife. 4.. A. lays. B. stays. C. says. D. plays. 5.. A. too. B. food. C. soon. D. good. 6.. A. ghost. B. home. C. honest. D. hour. 7.. A. thorn. B. themselves. C. thunder. D. through. 8.. A. sun. B. success. C. sure. D. sort. 9.. A. beloved. B. helped. C. wicked. D. naked. 10.. A. chooses. B. horses. C. rises. D. houses. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR II. Choose the one word or phrase marked A,B,C and D that best completes the sentence. Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A,B,C or D. ( 2 points). 1. I didn’t want____play risky sports. A. my kids to B. that they C. my kids should D. that my kids 1. Diana ____rehearsing for her first performance tomorrow at six, like every day. A. is going to B. can C. is D. will be 2. Sheila has____values different from ours. A. another B. others C. each other D. other 3. She doesn't like _____ television. A. watching B. looking C. watch D. see 5. What you are telling us____be true. It sounds too improbable. A. can't B. mustn't C. must not D. ought 6.. 7.. Couldn't you go a little faster? I'm _____ a hurry. A. of B. on Doris is ____ doing any housework.. C. at. D. in.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> A. disable of 8.. 9.. 10.. B. incapable of C. uncapable of D. disabled to. Maud_____to lose weight, so she finally went on a diet. A. wanted long B. has long wanted C. had long wanted Will you do me a favour if _____ you? A. we all would like B. somebody wants it "Some sugar?" "_____" A. No, no me!. B. No, I don't.. D. long wanted. C. I ask D. I want. C. Thanks, I'd like.. D. Yes, please. 11. Can you deliver this letter …… hand. A. with. B. to. C. in. D. by. C. Tropical. D. Beautiful. 12. ……… flowers are made by hand and by machine. A. Natural. B. Artificial. 13. Hardly ever ……. get a good job these days without a good education. A. people might. B. do people. C. people can. D. have people. 14. “ Do you have any pets ? ” “ Yes, I have ……. kittens.” A. two small black. C. black small two. B. small two black. D. two black small. 15. She asked me ……….. . A. what day it was B. it was what day C. what day was it D. what was the day 16. You look ………. you were tired. A. like. B. although. C. until. D. as if. C. cost. D. costing. 17. Internet is very time consuming and ……. . A. costful. B. costly. 18. Lan is poor now, if she ……. rich, she …… travel around the world. A. were / would. B. became / would. C. is / can. D. is / will. 19. He speaks ……… good English that it is a pleasure to talk with him. A. so. B. such. C. such a. D. very. C. do you know. D. you know. 20. Only when you grow up ……… the truth. A. you will know. B. will you know.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> III. Give the correct tense or form of the verb in brackets ( 0.5 p ):. 1.Can’t you see that I’m busy (write) ……. ? 2.I lit the fire at 7.00 and it (burn) ……. brightly when Jack came in at 8.00. 3.The money (steal) …… in the robbery was never found. 4.English is essential in this job. All the telephonists speak it. If they (not know) ……. English, they (not understand) ….. half the callers. 5.At this time next month, they (work) ……. in Ho Chi Minh City. 6.I (work) ……… very hard lately. 7.She locked the door so as (not disturb) ……… . 8.The city now (crowd) …….. with people who (seek) ……… employment.. Your answer here: 1. 3. 5. 7.. 2. 4. 6. 8.. IV. There is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence. Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A,B,C or D. (1 p ):. 1. He gave me some very valuable advices on buying a new house. A. B. C. D. 2. I was shock when I got the news that I didn’t know what to say. A. B. C. D. 3. He got down to writing the letter as soon as he returns from his work. A. B. C. D. 4. Despite of the roadblock, the police allowed us to enter the restricted area to A. B. C. search for our friends D .5. My family often go to the seaside on Sundays so I get used to enjoy pure air there. A. B. C. D. 6. Each of her children wishes he did not ignore the advice that she gave him. A. B. C. D.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 7. Here’s the computer program about whom I told you. A. B. C. D. 8. The more he tried to help her, the lesser she seemed to appreciate it. A. B. C. D. 9. That manufacturer is not only rising his prices but also decreasing the production of A. B. C. D. his product. 10. Number of students attending this English course at our school is increasing. A. B. C. D. V. Complete the following paragragh by filling in each numbered gap with an appropriate form (1 p ) : The clothes we wear can be a form of communication. Clothes, like a ……… (1) language, give out a message. This can be very simple, for example, when we wear clothing for keeping warm, or perhaps to attend a ………… (2) ceremony, announce our ………(3) views or just look sexy, it isn’t always this simple, however …………. (4), as with speech, our reasons for making any statement have a ……….. (5) to be double or multiple. The man who buys an expensive coat may simultaneously want it to offer ………..(6) from bad weather, and magically surround him with the qualities of an …………(7) film star. ………… (8), people rarely succeed in satisfying both these requirements at once. Even ………(9) both these could actually be made by one single coat, this …………(10) item of clothing may not be available, and if it is, we may not be able to afford it.. 1. SPEAK 2. GRADUATE 3. POLITICS 4. FORTUNE 5. TEND 6. PROTECT 7. NATION 8. NATURE 9. SUPPOSE 10. IDEA. Write your answers here: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. READING A. Read the following passage and choose the best answer by circling the corresponding letter (0.5 p). Brits are a nation of holiday travellers. In fact, foreign holidays are so popular in the UK that a flight from London to Spain’s Costa del Sol is cheaper than a train from London to Newcastle. Given that Britain is surrounded by sea, why is it that we would rather fly thousands of miles away than holiday on our own coast? It’s not just our unpredictable weather. Coastal resort like Blackpool, Bournemouth or Brighton haven’t kept up with what’s cool and modern..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> The English seaside town likes to think of itself as a mini Las Vegas with its main streets lined with arcades, with flashing lights, pumping music, and stuffed with one-armed bandits and video games waiting to take your change. Kids dream of being left there with lots of cash and avoid the obligatory trip to the beach which is mum and dad’s idea of a fun day out. They also want to get some thrill in a small and noisy amusement park with roller coasters, dodgems (small electric cars) and water slides. On arrival at the beach, you may be surprised to find that the soft golden sand of your dreams is actually dirty and unpleasant to lie down on. The suspiciously brown water is too cold to bathe in it anything more than your big toe. This uniquely English scene is completed with the beach hut. Many seaside towns still boast to have a row of these colourful, single family huts. If you want to rent one for two weeks then be prepared to pay anything from £100 to £900 for an original Victorian hut at the best beaches.. 1. British people prefer spending holidays abroad because... A. foreign resorts offer lower prices.. B. . they like flying.. C. it is surrounded by the sea. D the facilities there are much better.. 2 . English beaches are.... A. peaceful. C. quite pleasant 3. The beach facilities are.... A. very expensive C. unbelievably cheap. 4. Children enjoy spending time.... A. . at a coastal resort. C. in the tranquil park.. B. uninviting. D. similar to Spanish ones.. B. at a modern price.. D. at a reasonable price.. B on the beach. D. in the main street.. 5 . English seaside resorts may resemble Las Vegas because of... A. the pumping American music.. B amusement parks.. C. the waiting to change.. D. the look of their centres.. B. Read the following passage and choose the best answer to fill in each numbered gap by circ(1 p). Around the age of sixteen, you must make one of the biggest decisions of your life. Do I stay on at school and hopefully go on to university (1) ....? Do I leave and start work or begin a training (2)... ? The decision is yours, but it may be ( 3) ....remembering two things: there is more unemployment (4) ..........those who haven’t been to university, and people who have the right ( 5) ... will have a big advantage in the competition for jobs. If you decide to go (6) ....into a job, there are many opportunities for training. Getting qualifications will (7) ... you to get on more quickly in many careers, and evening classes allow you to learn (8) .... you earn. Starting work and taking a break to study when you are older is (9) .... possibility. This way, you can save up money for your student days, as well as (10) .... practical work experience..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> 1.. A. after. B. later. 2.. A. school. B. class. 3.. A. worth. B. necessary. C. important. 4.. A. between. B. among. C. with. 5.. A. notes. B. papers. C. arts. D. skills. 6.. A. straight. B. just. C. direct. D. rather. 7.. A. make. 8.. A. where. 9.. A. also. 10.. A. getting. B. help. C. then C. course. C. let B. while B. again B. making. D. past D. term D. useful D. through. D. give C. when. C. another. D. what D. always. C. taking. D. doing. C. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only one word in each space ( 1 p ) : The country is more beautiful than a town and pleasant to live in. Many people think so, and go to the country (1) ………… the summer holidays though they can not live there all the year round. Some have a cottage built in a village (2) ………… that they can go there whenever they can find the time. English villagers are not all alike, but (3) ……. some ways they are not very different from each other. Almost every village has a church, the round or square tower of (4) ……… can be seen for many miles around. Surrounding the church is the churchyard, (5) ………. people are buried. The village green (6) ………. a wide stretch of grass, and houses or cottages are (7) ……….. round it . Country life is now fairly comfortable and many villages (8) ………. water brought through pipes into each (9) ………. . Most villages are so close to some small town that people can go there to buy (10) ……….. they can’t find in the village shops. Write your answers : 1. …………..... 2. …………….. 3. …………….. 4. …………….. 5. …………….. 6. ……………. 7. …………….. 8. …………….. 9. …………….. 10. ………….... WRITING A. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the first sentence (1 p). : 1. They have just opened a new super market in our town.  A new super market ………………………………………..……….… 2. I can’t go to the party tonight night because I am very busy.  If …………………………………………………………………..….… 3. This morning we met a man. He is my uncle.  The man ………………………………………….….……..……….… 4. “ Do you live in this flat with your parents?” Nam asked me  Nam asked me ……………………………………………….…….… 5. It rained hard this morning but we went to school early.  Although …………………………………………………….…….… 6. I don’t like people treating me that way..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span>  I don’t like …………………………………………………….……….… 7. This lecture bores me.  I am ………………………………………………………….………….… 8. If you run a lot, you’ll be fitter.  The more ……………………………………………….……………….… 9. Could you deliver the goods to my home?  Could I have …. ………………………………………………………… ? 10. The boys had to stop playing soccer because it started to rain heavily.  Because of ……………………………………………..……………….… B. Build complete sentences with the given words ( 0.5 p ): 1.factory / close / workers / go / strike / last week. ...................................................................................................................... 2.It / important / brother / stop / smoke / once. ................................................................................ .................................... 3.policeman / order / children / not / play football / street. ........................................................................................... ......................... 4.She / another attempt / climb / mountain / next year. .................................................................................. .................................. 5. It / wrong / you /not / give / her / chance / talk. ............................................................................... ..................................... C. Make all the changes and additions necessary to produce from the following sets of words and ph ( 0.5 p ): 1. on behalf / Electricity Department / you / how / save energy. ......................................................................................... ........................... 2. we / natural resources / solar energy / instead / fossil fuels. ................................................................................ .................................... 3. solar panels / install / roof / house / energy / sun. ........................................................................... ......................................... 4. save / energy / kitchen / prepare / food / turn / stove . ................................................................................ .................................... 5. remember / turn / electrical appliances / leave / house . ............................................................................................... ..................... THE END. Së GI¸O DôC Vµ §µO T¹O Phó THä Híng dÉn vµ biÓu ®iÓm chÊm thi chän häc sinh giái LíP 9 THCS N¡M 2009 ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC. M«n : TiÕng Anh.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> N¨m häc : 2008-2009 ___________________________. PHONETICS I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest ( 1 p ) : 1-A. 2-A. 3-B. 4-C. 5-D. 6-B. 7-B. 8-C. 9-B. 10-B. Note : 0.1 p for each correct choice.. Grammar and vocabulary II. Choose the one word or phrase marked A,B,C and D that best completes the sentence. Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A,B,C or D( 2 p ). 1. 11.. A D. 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. A 12. B 13. B 14. A 15. A Note : 0.1 p for each correct choice.. 6. 16.. D D. 7. 17.. B B. 8. 18.. D A. 9. 19.. C B. 10. 20.. D B. III. Give the correct tense or form of the verb in brackets ( 0.5 p ) : 1. writing. 3. stolen. 5. will be working. 6. have been working. 2. was burning 4. didn’t know ; wouldn’t understand 7. not to be disturbed. 8. is now crowded ; are seeking.. Note : 0.05 p for each correct verb form.. IV. There is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence. Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A,B,C or D. (1 p ): 1.C 2.A. 6.C 7.C.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> 3.C. 8.B 9.A 10.A. 4.A 5.C. Note : 0.1 p for each correct choice. V. Complete the following paragragh by filling in each numbered gap with an appropriate form of the word in block capitals (1 p ): 1. spoken. 2. graduation. 3. political. 4. unfortunately. 5. tendency. 6. protection. 7. international 8. Naturally. 9. supposing. 10. ideal. Note : 0.1 p for each correct READING A. Read the following passage and choose the best answer by circling the corresponding letter A,B,C or D (0.5p ): 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. D Note : 0.1 p for each correct choice. B. Read the following passage and choose the best answer by circling the corresponding letter A,B,C or D (1 p ): 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. A Note : 0.1 p for each correct choice. C. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only one word in each space ( 1 p ) : 1. for. 2. so. 3. in. 4. which. 5. where. 6. is. 7. built. 8. have. 9. house. 10. what. Note : 0.1 p for each correct word.. WRITING A. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the first sentence (1p) : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.. A new supermarket has just been opened in our town. If I were not busy/ were free tonight, I would / could go to the party. The man (who(m)) we met this morning is my uncle. Nam asked me if / whether I lived in that flat with my parents. Although it rained hard this morning, we went to school early. I don’t like being/ to be treated that way..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> 7. I am (very ) bored with this lecture. 8. The more you run, the fitter you’ll be. 9. Could I have the goods delivered / you deliver the goods to my home? 10. Because of the heavy rain, the boys had to stop playing soccer. Note : 0.1 p for each correct sentence B. Build complete sentences with the given words ( 0.5 p ): 1. The factory closed because the workers went on strike last week. 2. It is important that your brother ( should ) stop smoking at once. Or : It is important for your brother to stop smoking at once. 3. The policeman ordered the children not to play football in the street. 4. She will/ is going to make another attempt to climb that / the mountain next year. 5. It is / was wrong of you not to give her a chance to talk. Note : 0.1 p for each complete sentence. C. Make all the changes and additions necessary to produce from the following sets of words and phrases, sentences that together make a meaningful speech ( 0.5 p ) : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.. I’m (here) on behalf of the Electricity Department to tell you how to save energy. We can save natural resources by using solar energy instead of fossil fuels. Solar panels are installed on the roof of a house to receive energy from the sun. You can save energy in the kitchen by preparing food carefully before turning on the stove . You must remember to turn off electrical appliances before leaving your house . Note : 0.1 p for each correct sentence.. THE END.

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