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Bai tap Unit 3 A PARTY

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Trung tâm luyện thi Khang Việt 159 Nguyễn Công Trứ - F2 – Đà Lạt English 11. Tel: 02633. 555. 939. UNIT 3: A PARTY I. GRAMMAR 1. Gerund a. Verb + V-ing: Danh động từ theo sau một số động từ: 1. admit: thú nhận 11. enjoy: thích thú 2. appreciate: ghi nhận, cảm kích 12. fancy: đam mê 3. avoid: tránh 13. finish = complete: hoành thành 4. begin = start: bắt đầu 14. hate: ghét 5. consider: xem xét 15. involve: dính líu, liên quan 6. continue: tiếp tục 16. keep (on): tiếp tục 7. delay = postpone: trì hoãn 17. like = love 8. deny: từ chối, phủ nhận (phủ định) 18. mind: phiền 9. detest = hate: ghét 19. miss: lỡ, nhớ 10. dislike: không thích 20: postpone: hoãn lại Ex: He admitted taking the money. He didn’t want to risk getting wet. We had to spend 3 hours climbing the mountain. b. V + O + preprosition + Ving accuse …. of: buộc tội blame … for: đổ lỗi congratulation… on: chúc mừng criticize … for: phê bình praise … for: khen ngợi. 21. practice: luyện tập 22. quit: từ bỏ 23. resent: tức giận 24. risk: mạo hiểm, đánh liều 25. suggest: gợi ý. prevent …. from: ngăn chặn stop ….from: ngăn chặn save………. From: cứu sống warn … about/ against: cảnh báo thank … for: cảm ơn. Ex: The police accuse the robbers of robbing the bank. The teacher criticized his students for being lazy in studying c. V + preposition + Ving 1. apologize for: xin lỗi 7. carry on: tiến hành 2. complain about: phàn nàn 8. give up: từ bỏ 3. confess to: thú tội 9. keen on: đam mê 4. insist on: khăng khăng 10. put off: trì hoãn 5. object to: phản đối 11. be interested in: thích thú 6. dream of = think of: mơ về 12. instead of: thay vì 7. look forward to: mong đợi Ex: The secretary apologized for not finishing the project in time. Most of parents in this country object to paying high fee. d. Expression + V-ing: Một số thành ngữ theo sau bởi V-ing - spend + ………….. + Ving: dành … để làm gì → I spend 3 hours a day practicing the piano. - waste + …………….. + Ving: lãng phí … để làm gì → My friend is wasting his time playing games. - can’t help = can’t stand + Ving: không thể chịu đựng → I can’t stand laughing when she told me the story. - It is no good / It is no use: thật vô ích để làm gì → It’s no good trying to persuade him to change his mind. - be busy: bận rộn làm gì → Before Tet, we are usually busy cleaning the house. - It’s worth: đáng để làm gì → It’s worth studying English. - Go + Ving - be used to = get used to: quen với cái gì → I live in Vietnam, so I am used to driving on the right. - S + prefer + V-ing + to + V-ing: thích làm gì hơn làm gì → He prefer drinking to working. He is a alcoholic. = S + would rather Vinf than Vinf = He would rather drink than work. - How about/ What about + Ving: gợi ý làm gì = Let’s + Vo/ Shall we + Vo / I suggest + Ving 2. Infinitives a). Bare infinitive  Theo sau modal verbs can/ could used to: đã từng may/ might ought to = should = had better: nên shall/ should will/ would be going to would rather  make/ let + O + Vo (bắt buộc/ cho phép ai làm gì) => be made/ let + to Vo have + O + Vo (nhờ vả ai làm gì) Ex: The Brown made their children clean their room. => Their children were made to clean their room. The guest had the porters carry their luggage upstairs. Teacher: Pham Thi Thuy Hang (0165 675 1232). Page 1.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Trung tâm luyện thi Khang Việt 159 Nguyễn Công Trứ - F2 – Đà Lạt  see/ hear/ watch/ notice/ feel + O + Vo Ex: We incidentally saw the plane crash into the moutain. The man noticed his assistant leave work earlier than usual.  help + O + Vo : giúp đỡ ai làm gì Ex: The parents helped their children set up the tent.  Cấu trúc bàng thái cách. Tel: 02633. 555. 939. S + suggest/ demand/ insist/ recommend/ request + THAT + S + (should) Vo Ex: The doctor suggested that his patient stop smoking. My boyfriend insists that he accompany me to the class meeting. It + be + important/ necessary/ essential/ vital + THAT + S + (should) V o Ex: It is necessary that he find the book. It has been vitally important that you should prepare for the exam now. b) To infinitive A. To infinitive sau động từ: Dạng 1: V + TO INFINITIVE : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.. agree: đồng ý afford: có đủ tiền appear: tỏ ra arrange: sắp xếp ask: yêu cầu attempt: cố gắng choose: chọn decide: quyết định demand: đòi hỏi determine: quyết tâm expect: mong đợi fail: thất bại. 13. guarantee: bảo đảm 14. happen: xảy ra 15. hesitate: do dự 16. hope: hy vọng 17. learn: học 18. manage: xoay xở 19. offer: tự nguyện 20. plan: dự định 21. pretend: giả vờ 22. promise: hứa 23: refuse: từ chối 24. resolve: quyết định. 25. seem: dường như 26. tend: có xu hướng 27. threaten: dọa 28. volunteer: tình nguyện 29. want: muốn 30. wish: mong muốn 31. would like/ would love: thích 32. beg: van nài 33. be willing: săn sàng. Ex: I would like to drink coffee. She always expect to be given a bunch of flowers on her birthday. Dạng 2: V + O + TO INFINITIVE + advise: khuyên + allow: cho phép + ask: yêu cầu. + encourage: khuyến khích + expect: mong chờ. + forbid: cấm + force: buộc + invite: mời + tell: bảo. + oblige: bắt buộc + warn: cảnh báo + want: muốn + order: yêu cầu, ra lệnh + remind: nhắc nhở + request: yêu cầu + persuade: thuyết phục + permit: cho phép Ex: They don’t allow you to smoke here. My mother asked me to buy some fruits. Dạng 3: V + TO INFINITIVE/ GERUND 1. NEED Need to do = it is necessary to do: cần phải làm (chủ động) Need doing = need to be done: cần phải được làm (bị động) Ex: Tom needs to work harder. (It is necessary for Tom to work harder.) The grass in front of the house needs cutting. (The grass in front of the house needs to be cut.) 2. STOP Stop to do = stop in order to do: dừng lại để làm việc khác Stop doing = not to do something any longer: dừng luôn việc đang làm Ex: They stopped to look at the pictures. They stopped smoking because it is bad for their health. 3. REGRET/ REMEMBER/ FORGET: Teacher: Pham Thi Thuy Hang (0165 675 1232). Page 2.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Trung tâm luyện thi Khang Việt 159 Nguyễn Công Trứ - F2 – Đà Lạt. Tel: 02633. 555. 939. Remember/forget/regret + to V: nhớ/quên/tiếc sẽ phải làm gì (ở hiện tại và tương lai) Ex: Remember to send this letter (hãy nhớ gửi bức thư này). Don’t forget to buy flowers (đừng quên mua hoa đấy) I regret to inform you that the train was canceled (tôi rất tiếc phải báo tin cho anh rằng chuyến tầu đã bị hủy bỏ) Remember/forget/regret + V-ing: nhớ/quên/tiếc đã làm gì (ở quá khứ). Ex: I paid her $2. I still remember that. => I still remember paying her $2 (tôi nhớ đã trả cô ấy 2 đô la). She will never forget meeting the Queen (cô ấy không bao giờ quên lần gặp nữ hoàng) He regrets leaving school early. It is the biggest mistake in his life. 4. TRY Try to do: cố gắng làm Try doing: thử làm Ex: She tries to pass the entrance exam to the college of pharmacy. I’ve got a terrible headache. I try taking some aspirins but they didn’t help. B. To infinitive sau một số cấu trúc: 1. S + Be + Adjective + To Infinitive Ex: - I’m very glad to see you. - It’s difficult to find their house - It’s dangerous to drive fast - It’s important to learn English. Rất vui khi gặp bạn Thật khó tìm ra nhà của họ Lái xe nhanh thì nguy hiểm. Học tiếng Anh thì rất quan trọng. 2. S + V + too + A+ (for O) + to Vo : quá…… đến nỗi mà không thể Ex: The water in this glass is too hot to drink. This coffee is too hot for me to drink. He runs too slowly to catch the bus. 3. S + V + A + enough (for O) + to infi. Ex: He is old enough to get married. He’s intelligent enough to get good marks. They speak slowly enough to understand. 4. It + cost/ take + O +….+ to infinitive… Ex: It would cost millions/ take years to rebuild the castle. 5. Verb + how/what/when/where/ which/why + to Vo (ask, decide, discover, find out, forget, know, learn, remember, see, show + object, think, understand, want to know, wonder) Ex: He discovered how to open the safe. I found out where to buy fruit cheaply. She couldn’t think what to say She wondered whether to write or phone. 5. so as to/ in order to/ to + Vo : để làm gì Ex: He tried to study hard in order to / so as to/ to pass every exam 6. Rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ: - sau the first, the second..., the last, the only, so sánh nhất Ex: He loves parties; he is always the first who comes and the last who leaves. = He loves parties; he is always the first to come and the last to leave He is the second one to be killed in this way.. Teacher: Pham Thi Thuy Hang (0165 675 1232). Page 3.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Trung tâm luyện thi Khang Việt 159 Nguyễn Công Trứ - F2 – Đà Lạt. Tel: 02633. 555. 939. II. PRACTICE I. Choose the word in which the letter l, r, or h his silent. 1. a. cold b. calm c. light d. film 2. a. honey b. healthy c. honest d. happy 3. a. work b. parent c. drive d. dairy 4. a. horrible b. hospital c. holiday d. honour 5. a. follow b. fold c. folk d. file 6. a. ring b. uniform c. hungry d. pretty 7. a. should b. shoulder c. sailor d. slow 8. a. carry b. around c. burn d. Europe 9. a. inherit b. enhance c. exhale d. exhaust 10. a. calf b. climb c. world d. glass 11. a. home b. hour c. how d. hear 12. a. talk b. guilty c. health d. help II. Complete these sentences with the correct form or tense of the verb in the box. celebrate sing joke divorce receive decorate serve gather invite clap 1. Paula's parent when she was only a child. 2. Everyone us when we went up to get our prize. 3. Let's have a party your birthday. 4. you your Christmas tree yet? 5. I'd have liked to have gone to their party but I . 6. She a camera as a twenty-fifth birthday present. 7. Traditionally, Auld Lang Syne at midnight on New Year Eve. 8. I thought he when he said he'd resigned. 9. By the time we got to the party, the pasta . 10. They for a major conference at the moment. III. Complete these sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets. 1. They organized a party in of the year's successes. (celebrate) 2. The 50th wedding anniversary is called the anniversary. (gold) 3. After they got , she never remarried. (divorce) 4. We wish them every in their new life. (happy) 5. The lighting in the room is functional as well as . (decorate) 6. The postponed the race because of heavy snow. (organize) 7. We're having a small family to mark our wedding anniversary. (gather) 8. I have no _ _ of changing jobs. (intend) 9. The food was good but the _ _ was very slow. (serve) 10. Nobody in the office had received an __ _ to the party. (invite) IV. Which verb form is correct? 1. a. Passing the kitchen, he stopped drinking/ to drink a large glass of water. b. They stopped talking/to talk when the teacher walked into the classroom. 2. a. Although she asked him to stop, he went on tapping/ to tap his pen on the table. b. Dr Harris welcomed the members of the committee and went on introducing/ to introduce the subject of the meeting. 3. a. I regret telling/ to tell you that the model you want is out of stock. b. It cost me a fortune, 'but I don't regret spending/ to spend a year travelling around the world. 4. a. Remember checking/ to check your answer before handing in your exam paper. b. I remember putting/ to put the money in the top drawer, but it's not there now. 5. a. Have you forgotten meeting/ to meet me years ago? b. Don't forget finding out/ to find out how many people are coming on Saturday. 6. a. I tried getting/ to get the table through the door, but it was too big. b. I tried taking/ to take some aspirin, but the pain didn't go away. 7. a. He needs working/ to work harder if he wants to make progress. b. It's difficult problem. It needs thinking/ to think about very carefully. 8. a. I think Nick meant breaking/ to break that glass. It didn't look like an accident. b. If we want to get there by 7. 00, that means getting/ to get up before 5. 00. 9. a. Can you help me getting/ to get the dinner ready? b. He looks so funny. Whenever I see him, I can't help smiling/ to smile 10. a. I'd advise taking/ to take more exercise. b. I'd advise you taking/ to take more exercise. V. Put the verb into correct form infinitive, to-infinitive, or -ing. 1. You shouldn't let your children_______ (play) with matches. It's very easy_______ (catch) fire. 2. I enjoy______ (be) busy. I don't like it when there is nothing_____ (do) 3. Let's hurry! We must finish_______ (paint) the office before 3:00 today. 4. As we don’t agree _______ (carry out) a proposal we generally avoid _______ (discuss) the subject. 5. I don't mind_______ (remind) you _______ (lock) the door but you'd better _______ (try) _______ (remember) on your own. Teacher: Pham Thi Thuy Hang (0165 675 1232). Page 4.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Trung tâm luyện thi Khang Việt 159 Nguyễn Công Trứ - F2 – Đà Lạt Tel: 02633. 555. 939 6. Please stop_______ (interrupt) when I'm explaining something to you. You can_______ (ask) questions at the end. 7. He admitted_______ (enter) the house but refused (steal) the money. 8. I don't really fancy_______ (spend) my whole holiday with your cousins. I'd rather _______ (spend) my time with you. 9. We had hoped_______ (finish) the project by the end of the month but we keep_______ (delay) by changes in the plans. 10. You'd better_______ (go) and see the boss and say what you've done. If you put off _______ (explain) it to her, she'll only more annoyed. 11. No that's not what I meant______ (say). How can I make you _______ (understand)? 12. Those shirts need_______ (iron),but you don’t need _______ (iron) them now. 13. Are we permitted_______ (bring) guests to the ceremony? I'd like _______ (invite) my friend to join us. 14. Children shouldn't be allowed_______ (catch) violent programs on TV. Parents should encourage their children_______ (watch) educational programs. 15. It's no use _______ (try) ______ (persuade) her _______ (change) her mind. Spend your time _______ (do) something more worthwhile. VI. Choose the correct answer. 1. I don't mind _______ late, if it will help at all. a. to work b. to be work c. working d. being working 2. I remember _______ to the zoo when I was a child. a. to take b. to be taken c. taking d. being talking 3. We managed _______ over the wall without ________. a. to climb/ seeing b. climbing/ being seen c. to climb/ being seen d. to be climbed/ seeing 4. Isabel expected _______ to the university, but she wasn't. a. to admit b. to be admitted c. admitting d. being admitted 5. The city council agreed _______ the architect's proposed design for a new parking garage. a. to accept b. to be accepted c. accepting d. being accepted 6. The tin opener seems for _______ left-handed people. a. to design b. to be designed c. designing d. being desigried 7. My parents appreciate _______ the thank-you note you sent them. a. to receive b. to be received c. receiving d. being received 8. When the police first questioned him, Wayne denied _______ in the robbery. a. to involve b. to be involved c. involving d. being involved 9. Many reliable methods of storing information tended _______ when computers arrived. a. to forget b. to be forgotten c. forgetting d. being forgotten 10. The police warned everybody ______ inside with their windows closed. a. to stay b. to be stayed c. staying d. being stayed 11. She resented _______ to make tea for everyone at the meeting. a. to ask b. to be asked c. asking d. being asked 12. Let's leave early. We can't risk _____ in heavy traffic during rush hour. a. to hold up b. to be held up c. holding up d. being held up 13. After their children had grown up, they decided _______ to a condominium in the city. a. to move b. to be moved c. moving d. being moved 14. The new students hope _____ in many of the school's social activities. a. to include b. to be included c. including d. being included 15. Does Dr Johnson mind _______ at home if his patients need his help? a. to call b. to be called c. calling d. being called VII. Complete each of the sentences with an appropriate preposition. 1. We are having a big party ______ our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. 2. It's Jane's farewell party _______ Friday night. 3. He blew _______ all 60 candles _______ his birthday cake. 4. We don't know what to give Dad _______ Christmas. 5. People usually give cards and gift _______ the anniversary couple. 6. If you carry ______ spending money like that, you'll end _____ in debt. 7. We've invited all the neighbors _______ our party. 8. He bought her a diamond ring ______ their tenth wedding anniversary. 9. The whole family showed _______ for our anniversary celebration. 10. There are some games _______ the party. Would you join _______ enthusiastically? VIII. Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first. 1. We expect the gorvernment to propose changes to the taxation system. Changes to the taxation system.............................................................................................. 2. He couldn't play well in the last match because of his injured knee. His injured knee made........................................................................................................... 3. You can try to get Jim to lend you his car, but you won't succeed. There's no point...................................................................................................................... 4. Supermarkets started to sell fresh pasta only in 1990s. Fresh pasta ............................................................................................................................ 5. He wished he had invited her to his birthday party. He regretted............................................................................................................................ Teacher: Pham Thi Thuy Hang (0165 675 1232). Page 5.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Trung tâm luyện thi Khang Việt 159 Nguyễn Công Trứ - F2 – Đà Lạt 6. Mastering a second language takes time and patience. It ........................................................................................................................................ 7. I prefer having dinner at home to going out for dinner. I'd rather ................................................................................................................................ 8. After four years abroad, Mr. Brown returned home as an excellent engineer. After Mr. Brown.................................................................................................................... 9. It won't be difficult to get a ticket for the game. You won't have any................................................................................................................ Driving on the left is strange and difficult for Americans. Americans aren't..................................................................................................................... Tel: 02633. 555. 939. I. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets, either to infinitive or gerund active or passive. 1. Mrs Tâm Vy’s husband decided (give up)...............smoking when she became pregnant. 2. The children were made (go)...........................to bed at 10:00 p.m. 3. The president doesn’t mind (attack)...........................by the press. 4. The parcel is supposed (deliver)...........................this evening. 5. I’ll never forget (see)...........................that rainbow. 6. The cost of living is expected (go down)............................ 7. Instead of (worry) ......................... about his finance, Tom goes spending a lot of money gambling. 8. Why does John keep (talk).........................about his mother? II. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same. 1. You say that I’ve met Tâm Vy, but I can’t remember her. I can't remember.................................................................................................................... 2. Please remember that you must buy some sugar. Please remember................................................................................................................. 3. We wanted to open the door, but we couldn’t. We tried................................................................................................................................ 4. Tâm Vy intended to phone me, but she forgot. Tâm Vy forgot...................................................................................................................... 5. It will not be easy to finish all tbe work today. We’ll try............................................................................................................................... 6. People said Dickens died of lung cancer. Dickens was said................................................................................................................. 7. The tablet computer was too expensive for me to buy. I couldn’t afford.................................................................................................................. 8. Dad regretted that he had sold our house, Dad regretted....................................................................................................................... III. Complete the following conversation. A: .......................................................................................................................................... B: It’s on August 18th. A:........................................................................................................................................... B: Yes. My parents often hold a birthday party for me each year. A: .......................................................................................................................................... B. I often have my birthday party at home. A: .......................................................................................................................................... B: I only invite my relatives and some close friends. A: .......................................................................................................................................... B. We often eat special food cooked by my mother, drink juices, play games and dance.. Teacher: Pham Thi Thuy Hang (0165 675 1232). Page 6.

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