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REVIEW 2 Bussiness English

Bạn đang xem bản rút gọn của tài liệu. Xem và tải ngay bản đầy đủ của tài liệu tại đây (18.36 KB, 1 trang )

Ex1: 1. lead
2. prospect
3. consumer
4. customer
5. referral
Ex2: (1) pleasure that people get when they buy things from you – customer satisfaction
(2) send a product by air, sea or road – ship a product
(3) time that the goods arrive at a place – delivery date
(4) take the right action when the customer says there is a problem – deal with complaints
(5) something that is not working or is broken – a faulty product
(6) say sorry – apologize
(7) change the product for a new one – exchange the product
(8) give them their money back – give a refund
(9) give help with complicated things like computers – provide technical support
(10) press the buttons on your phone – dial the number
(11) call them again later – get back to them
(12) finish talking to them – hang up
(13) reach the person you want to speak to – get through
(14) phone you back – return your call
Ex3: 1a 2d 3e 4c 5b
Ex4: 1d 2h 3f 4j 5b 6i 7c 8g 9e 10a
Ex5: 1. problem/attention
2. apologies/error
3. unfortunately/technical
4. working/solve
5. grateful/possible
6. contact/questions
7. complain/addition
8. behavior/unacceptable

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