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1.1. Cách sử dụng thì Q khứ tiếp diễn

Diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra tại một thời điểm trong quá khứ.

VD: I was watching TV at 8 o’clock last night. (Tôi đang xem TV vào lúc 8
giờ tối qua.)

Diễn tả những hành động xảy ra đồng thời trong quá khứ.

VD: John was listening to music while his mother was cooking in the
kitchen. (John đang nghe nhạc khi mẹ anh ấy nấu ăn trong bếp.)

Diễn tả hành động đang xảy ra thì có hành động khác xen vào.

VD: They were waiting for the bus when the accident happened. (Họ đang
chờ xe buýt khi tai nạn xảy ra.)

Diễn tả một hành động từng lặp đi lặp lại trong quá khứ và làm phiền
đến người khác.

VD: My friends were always complaining about their wives. (Các bạn của tôi
lúc nào cũng phàn nàn về vợ của họ.)
1.2. Dấu hiệu nhận biết thì Quá khứ tiếp diễn
Trong câu ở thì Quá khứ tiếp diễn có các trạng từ chỉ thời gian trong quá
khứ kèm theo thời điểm cụ thể:

At + giờ + thời gian trong quá khứ. (at 5 o’clock yesterday,…)

At this time + thời gian trong quá khứ. (at this time last year,…)

In + năm (in 2001, in 1992)

In the past

1.3. Các mẫu câu thì q khứ tiếp diễn
2. Bài tập thì Quá khứ tiếp diễn cơ bản
Dưới đây là những bài tập thì quá khứ tiếp diễn chọn lọc bao quát đầy đủ
cách sử dụng thường gặp và phổ biến nhất. Hãy làm nhiều bài tập quá khứ
tiếp diễn để đạt điểm cao trong kì thi nhé!
Bài 1. Chia động từ ở trong ngoặc ở thì quá khứ tiếp diễn để hoàn
thành câu
1. I lost my keys when I ________ (walk) home.
2. It was raining while we ________ (have) dinner.
3. I saw the department stores when I ________ (sit) on the bus.
4. Her phone rang while she ________ (talk) to her new boss.
5. My friends ________ (drive) to work when they heard the news on

the radio.
6. He ________ (ride) his bicycle when the cat ran across the road.
7. We couldn’t go to the beach yesterday because it ________. (rain)
8. It was a lovely day. The sun was shining and the birds ________
(sing) in the trees.
9. The tourist lost his camera while he _____ (walk) around the city.

The lorry _____ (go) very fast when it hit our car.

11. I _______ (walk) down the street when it began to rain.

12.At this time last year, I _______ (attend) an English course.
13.Jim ________ (stand) under the tree when he heard an explosion.
14.While I _____ (study) in my room, my roommates ________
(have) a party in the other room.
15. Mary and I _________ (dance) the house when the telephone rang.
Bài 2. Viết thành câu hồn chỉnh ở thì q khứ tiếp diễn dựa trên
từ gợi ý
1. (they / take the exam?)
2. (when / he / work there?)
3. (you / make dinner?)
4. (they / drink coffee when you arrived?)
5. (when / we / sleep?)
6. (they / study last night)
7. (we / talk when the accident happened)
8. (he / not / exercise enough)
9. (I / talk too much?)

(it / not / snow)

11. (how / they / feel?)
12.(they / not / talk)
13.(where / I / stay?)
14.(why / he / study on a Saturday night?)
15. (I / go to school when you saw me)

(you / sleep at 6am)

17. 17. (she / work when I called)

(we / not / leave when you called)


(I / not / stay in a hotel)


(we / make too much noise?)

2. Bài tập thì Quá khứ tiếp diễn nâng cao
Bài tập thì quá khứ đơn và quá khứ tiếp diễn kết hợp là dạng bài tập
thường xuyên xuất hiện. Nên để bạn thành thạo dạng bài tập thì quá khứ
đơn và quá khứ tiếp diễn nâng cao; TOPICA Native đẫ tổng hợp nhiều câu

hỏi để bạn thực hành!
Bài 1. Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì quá khứ đơn hoặc quá khứ
tiếp diễn
1. My friend Harry _________ off the ladder while he
_______________ the ceiling of his room. (FALL, PAINT)
2. We ______________ the house in 2003. At that time it
_______________ £ 150,000. (BUY, COST)
3. Dad _____________ interested in buying a new car. (NOT BE)
4. My sister ______________ for me at the airport terminal when I
____________. (WAIT, ARRIVE)
5. A few nights ago, I ____________ a book when suddenly I
_____________ a noise outside. A few teenagers
_____________ loud music. (READ, HEAR, PLAY)
6. The fire ________________ when the first firefighters
______________ at the scene. (STILL BURN, ARRIVE)
7. My brother ______________ for a job when he
______________ across an interesting ad in the newspaper.

8. I _______________ someone call my name. I
______________ around and ______________ my dad
standing at the back of the queue. I _______________ so
surprised. (HEAR, TURN, SAW, BE)
9. My sister _______________ a bright summer dress when I
______________ her at the performance. (WEAR, SEE)

I _________ preparing dinner at 4.pm and I

______________ still at it when my wife ______________
home. (START, BE, COME)
11. Our housekeeper ______________ the vase. As she
______________ up the pieces, she _________ her middle
finger. (BREAK, PICK, CUT)
12.We suddenly ______________ that we ______________ in the
wrong direction. (REALISE, DRIVE)
13.She ______________ a great skier when she was young. (BE)
14.I ______________ an old friend in town while I
_____________ the shopping. (MEET, DO)
15. While the children _____________ with others my husband and I
_____________ to have a cup of coffee. (PLAY, DECIDE)
Bài 2. Hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại sau bằng cách điền vào chỗ
trống dạng đúng của động từ

Sue: ________________________ when you saw them? (what |
Tim and Matt | do) (1)

Julie: Tim was swimming in the pool, but I didn’t see Matt first.

Sue: __________________ in the pool, too? (you | swim) (2)

Julie: No, I wasn’t. I was just looking. But then I saw Matt, too.

Sue: ________________________ ? (what | he | do) (3)

Julie: He was diving in the pool.

Sue: Diving, you say ________________________ to dive? (he
| not | just | try) He can’t dive. (4)

Julie: You’re right. He was just trying to do it. And all his friends
were watching it.

Sue: ________________________ ? (they | laugh) (5)

Julie: Of course, they were. Matt was pretty funny. He splashed the
water all over the place.

Sue: _____________________ faces when he came up to the
surface of the pool? (Matt | make) (6)

Julie: Yes, he was. He was grinning and making faces at me.

Sue: At you? Vow! And what about
Tim? __________________ Matt, too? (he | watch) (7)

Julie: Not really. He was looking at me instead.

Sue: Oh, no! You’re kidding. ___________________ your new
swimsuit? (you | wear) (8)

Julie: Yes, I was. Why?

Sue: Now I know why Tim and Matt were watching you, Julie.

Bài 3. Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở dạng thích hợp (quá khứ đơn
hoặc quá khứ tiếp diễn)
1. Yesterday evening Tom ________ (have) a bath when the phone
________ (ring). He got out of the bath and ________ (answer)
the phone.
2. I ________ (see) Tony in the park. He ________ (sit) on the
grass and ________ (read) a book.

3. While I ________ (walk) in the garden, I _____ (hurt) my back.
4. Tommy ______ (burn) his hand when he ________ (cook) the
5. George ______ (fall) off the ladder while he ________ (paint) the
6. Last night, I ________ (read) in the bed when suddenly I
________ (hear) a scream.
7. ________(you, watch) television when I phoned you?
8. Ann _____ (wait) for me when I _______ (arrive).
9. I _______ (not/drive) very fast when the accident _______

I ________ (break) a plate last night. I ______ (do) the

washing-up when it _______ (slip) out of my hand
Bài 6. Tìm các lỗi sai trong các câu sau
1. I was play football when she called me.
2. Was you study Math at 5 p.m. yesterday?
3. What was she do while her mother was making lunch?
4. Where did you went last Sunday?

5. They weren’t sleep during the meeting last Monday.
6. He got up early and have breakfast with his family yesterday
7. She didn’t broke the flower vase. Tom did.
8. Last week my friend and I go to the beach on the bus.
9. While I am listening to music, I heard the doorbell.

Peter turn on the TV, but nothing happened.
