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one-click buttons
buttonClick handler, 233-235
click event, 235
code, 231
creating, 230-231
disabled property, 232-233
postbacks, 237-240
submit event, 236-237
one-way encryption
credentials, 507
passwords, 506-508
OnInit() method, 357
OnItemDataBound attribute, 120
OnLoad() method, 357
OnValueChanged routine, 329
openList function, 185
Opera 7.21, 335
operation pages
executing, 101-103
staged page loading, 94-98
order values, calculating, 97
Page_Load handler, 94-96
tables, adding, 96-97
operation progress, 100-101
option button lists, 9-10
optional parameters, 394
list, 105
values, 97
browser-specific, 342-343

caching, 161
custom layout control, 357
Execute() method, capturing, 69-70
HTML, 434
server controls, 303
OutputCache directive, 161
overloads, 57
collapsible master/detail display
creating, 134
DataGrid/DataList controls, 135-138
content. See content
cross-page posting, 52
action attribute, 53-54
client-side redirection, 61-62
method property, 55-56
page references. See references, pages
postbacks, redirecting, 57-60
query strings, 60
request values, accessing, 52-53
server-side redirection, 61-62
viewstate validation, 55
custom page classes, 373
content, 373, 380
creating, 374-377
default content, replacing, 375
internal controls collection, 374
master pages, 378-380
MasterPage example, 375-377

page inheritance, 379
accessing, 201-202
dynamic/absolute positioning, 203
positioning, 206-207
existing, 80
one-click buttons
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forgot my password, 508
code-behind file, 510-511
email link, 513
HTML code, 509
password change email, 512-513
UserID parameter, 511
inheritance, 379
loading status displays, 86
main pages, 98-100
errors, 106-107
operation pages, 101-103
operation progress, 100-101
order list, 105
readystatechange events, 103-104
server-side code, 106
master, 162-163, 354
multiple sign-in, 528-530
executing, 101-103
staged page loading, 94-98
progress bars, 85-86

alternative page loading, 87-88
animated GIFs, 86
asynchronous page loading, 88
HTML declarations, 90-91
server control declarations, 90-91
viewing, 87
XMLHTTP object example, 89-90
references, 62-63
main page public properties, 64-65
Request collections, clearing, 67
target pages, 65-67
Transfer() method event handlers, 63
staged page loading
browser compatibility, 107
errors, 106-107
implementing, 92-93
main page, 98-100
operation pages, 94-98, 101-103
operation progress, 100-101
order list, 105
order server-side code, 106
readystatechange events, 103-104
status codes, 94
Execute() method, 70-71
Transfer() method, 65-67
templates, 355
Page_Init events, 379
Page_Load events, 24-25
Page_Load handlers

ComboBox control, 183
client-side scripts, 183-186
code, 186-189
control instances, loading, 48
DataList control, populating, 141-142
forms, 54
MaskedEdit control, 225-227
MaskedEdit user control, 247-248
please wait pages, 84
postbacks, counting, 237-239
progress bars, 90
provider-independent data access example, 413
row sets, returning, 131-132
SpinBox control, 262-264
staged page loading, 94-96, 106
target pages, 66
?, 491
aspnet_regiis.exe utility, 490-491
c, 491
client-side functions, 186
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e, 491
ea, 491
enable, 490
evidence, 440
i, 490

ir, 490
IXPathNavigable, 440
k, 491
kn, 491
lk, 491
logError, 457
logFile, 457
lv, 491
names, 392
optional, 394
r, 491
s, 490
sn, 490
SQL statements, 390-392
stored procedures, 392-393
u, 491
ua, 491
UserID, 511
XmlResolver, 440
ParamOrderProc.sql download, 393
parsing XML
DataSet class, 436
strings, 437-438
XmlTextReader class, 434
forgot my password page, 508
code-behind file, 510-511
email link, 513
HTML code, 509
password change email, 512-513

UserID parameter, 511
hashing, 506-508
comparing, 407-410
counters, 482
XSLT, 433
PerformanceCounterPermission permission, 556
adding, 552-553
allowed, 556-557
deleting, 552
DirectoryServicesPermission, 556
DnsPermission, 556
EnvironmentPermission, 556
EventLogPermission, 556
FileDialogPermission, 556
FileIOPermission, 556
IsolatedStoragePermission, 556
medium trust level example, 557-559
MessageQueuePermission, 556
OLE DB, 554
OleDbPermission, 556
PerformanceCounterPermission, 556
PrintingPermission, 556
ReflectionPermission, 556
RegistryPermission, 556
SecurityPermission, 557
ServiceControllPermission, 557
sets, 550-553
SocketAccessPermission, 557

SQLClientPermission, 557
trust levels, 551-552
UserInterfacePermission, 557
WebPermission, 557
persistent authentication cookies, 514-516
PlaceHolder control, 40
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pools (application), 494-496
ComboBox control, 191-196
DataGrid control, 45, 143, 419-420
DataList controls, 141-142
DataSet instances, 115-120
dynamic/absolute, 203
elements, 206-207
control errors, 415
counter values, 239-240
counting, 237-239
registering, 333-334
preconfigured trust levels, 546-547
PreRender event, 300
PreRender() method, 357
PrintingPermission permission, 556
Private members, 256
product key columns, 18-20
product name columns, 18-20

Profiler (SQL), 389
progress bars, 85-86
alternative page loading, 87-90
animated GIFs, 86
asynchronous page loading, 88
HTML declarations, 90-91
server control declarations, 90-91
viewing, 87
adaptive SpinBox server control, 339-340
attributes, 122
AutoPostback, 257, 317
cells, 122
ColumnMapping, 461
Columns, 317
ComboBox control, 193
control, 65
ControlCollection object, 39-40
controls, 122
ComboBox user control, 171
SpinBox server control, 317
DataGridItem object, 122
DataItem, 122
DataSetIndex, 122
ComboBox user control, 171
declaring, 114-115
DataTextField, 171
DataTextFormatString, 171

disabled, 232-233
dynamically creating, 42-43
EnableViewState, 122
exposing, 174-175
HasRows, 486
Increment, 317
IsDropDown, 179
IsDropDownCombo, 171
ItemIndex, 122
ComboBox user control, 171
property accessors, 180
ItemType, 122
list controls, 485
MaskedEdit server control, 308
SpinBox control, 262
SpinBox server control, 318
Minimum, 262
MinimumValue, 318
MissingSchemaAction, 401
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public, 64-65
RequireSSL, 487
ComboBox user control, 171
property accessors, 179

SelectedIndex, 485
ComboBox user control, 171
property accessors, 181
SelectedItem, 485
ComboBox user control, 171
property accessors, 180-181
ASP.NET version 1.1, 485
ComboBox user control, 172
property accessors, 182-183
SlidingExpiration, 487
SpinBox server control, 317-321
SpinBox user control, 256-257
behavior/appearance, 257-258
Text/Value, 260-261
values, 259
Status, 94
status-related, 94
StatusCode, 94
StatusDescription, 94
style, 172
templates, defining, 366
implementing, 260-261
SpinBox server control, 318
user controls, 160
validation controls, 10
implementing, 260-261
SpinBox server control, 318

ComboBox user control, 172
property accessors, 178
property accessor routines
ComboBox user control, 176-178
declaring in C#, 178
IsDropDown property, 179
Items property, 180
Rows property, 179
SelectedIndex property, 181
SelectedItem property, 180-181
SelectedValue property, 182-183
Width property, 178
read-only/write-only, 177
provider-independent data access codes, 410
dynamically instantiating classes, 410-411
sample page code, 411-415
Public members, 256
public properties, 64-65
Public variables, 174
QuickStart templates, 298
r parameter, 491
RaisePostBackDataChangedEvent routine, 332
RaisePostBackEvent() method, 357
RaisePostDataChangedEvent() method, 357
RAISERROR() method, 395
RangeValidator control, 9
read-only property accessors, 177
ReadXml() method, 450

ReadXmlSchema() method, 450
readystatechange events, 103-104
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real page-loading status displays, 86
Redirect() method, 57, 61
client-side, 61-62
files, 525
server-side, 61-62
nested DataGrid controls, 146
pages, 62-63
main page public properties, 64-65
Request collections, clearing, 67
target pages, 65-67
Transfer() method event handlers, 63
ReflectionPermission permission, 556
regions (dynamic), 372-373
postbacks, 333-334
user controls, 159
RegisterStartupScript() method, 294
RegistryPermission permission, 556
regular expressions, 253-254
RegularExpressionValidator controls, 253-254, 503
relational data, converting to XML, 460
CDATA sections, 464-466
DataSet class, 461-464

relational tables, 462
Render() method
controls, 357
structural table contents, rendering, 363
WebControl class, 304
RenderBeginTag() method, 303
RenderChildren() method, 304
RenderContents() method, 304
RenderControl() method, 363
RenderEndTag() method, 303
child controls, 363
content, 367
structural table contents, 363
Request collections, 67
RequireSSL property, 487
key code tests, 216-218
performance comparisons, 409
return keys, trapping, 215-218
row sets, 126-127
browser-adaptive dialog windows, 292-294
modal dialog windows, 290
reusable content
COM/COM+ components, 166
apartment-threaded, 168
tlbimp utility, 167-168
wrappers, creating, 166

master pages, 162-163
server controls, 163-164
disadvantages, 166
machinewide assembly installations, 164-165
server-side include files, 156-157
code, 156
disadvantages, 157-158
dynamic text, 157
support, 158
user controls, 158
contents, 160-161
disadvantages, 161-162
output caching, 161
registering, 159
XML validation classes, 456-460
role-based authorization, 526-528
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role-based authorization
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accessor, 175
accessor property. See property accessor routines
AddTable, 96
CalculateTotal, 97
CreateCSS2Controls, 342
CreateHTMLTable, 342
DoTest, 407
ExecuteSproc, 397-398

database updates, 149-150
UpdateCommand event, 28
FillDataSet, 116
GetDataReader, 414
InjectClientScript, 342
OnValueChanged, 329
RaisePostBackDataChangedEvent, 332
SetColumns, 261
SetMaxMinValues, 261, 321
ShowData, 413
ShowSchema, 403
ShowSelected, 193
WriteClientScript, 426
DataList controls, 145
editing, 145-149
multiple, 415
selecting, 143-144
sets, returning, 126-127
Rows property
ComboBox user control, 171
property accessors, 179
configurations, 492
multiple authentication modules, 542-543
multiple authorization modules, 545
versions, 490-492
s parameter, 490
SaveViewState() method, 357

bandwidth, 111
control values, 323
DataSet instances, 400-401
MissingSchemaAction.Add, 404-405
MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey, 405-407
viewing, 403-407
XSD, 470
script mappings, 488-489
scrollable content, 36-37
scrollList function
keypress events, 206
Page_Load handler, 184
namespace qualified nodes, 453-455
XML data, 442-445
sections (CDATA), 464-466
authentication modules, 538-540
authorization modules, 543-545
credentials, 438
DataSet class, 487
trust levels, 546
allowed permissions, 556-557
customizing, 549-550, 553-555
folders, 558-559
full trusts, 548
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medium trust level example, 557-559
paths, 559
preconfigured, 546-547
read only date, 558
selecting, 548-549
SecurityClass elements, 553
SecurityPermission permission, 557
SelectedIndex property, 485
ComboBox user control, 171
property accessors, 181
SelectedItem property, 485
ComboBox user control, 171
property accessors, 180-181
SelectedValue property
ASP.NET version 1.1, 485
ComboBox user control, 172
property accessors, 182-183
base classes, 302
rows, 143-145
targets, 200-201
trust levels, 548-549, 555
serialization (XML), 470-474
server controls, 163-164
advantages, 298
building, 299
base, selecting, 302
Control inheritance, 303

creating, 301-302
custom inheritance, 304
WebControl inheritance, 304
custom layout, 355-357
child controls, 363-365
content, creating, 358-360
controls, capturing, 362
creating, 360-365
MasterPageControl example, 360-362
output, 357
declarations, 90-91
disadvantages, 166
HTML controls, 301
life cycle, 300-301
machinewide assembly installation, 164-165
MaskedEdit, 305
AddAttributesToRender() method, 309-311
Class file, 305-307
compiling, 312-313
constructor, 308
CreateChildControls() method, 311-312
demonstration page, 315
deploying, 313-315
internal variables, 307
properties, 308
testing, 313-315
output, generating, 303
QuickStart templates, 298
SpinBox, 315
adaptive. See adaptive SpinBox server control

Amaya, 336-337
child controls tree, 324-326
Class file, 316-317
client-side script, 326-327
constructor, 321-322
control changes values, 330
CreateChildControls() method, overriding,
event handlers, 326-327
internal variables, 318-321
IPostBackDataHandler interface, 330-333
Mozilla 1.5, 335
Netscape Navigator 4.5, 336
nonstandard browsers, 337-339
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server controls
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Opera 7.21, 335
postbacks, registering, 333-334
properties, 317-321
trace information, 327-328, 334
ValueChanged event, 328-330
template, 365
container controls, 367
content, 366-367
creating, 366-370
master page example listing, 368-370
templates, 366-367
Web Forms controls, 301

server-side include files, 156-157
code, 156
disadvantages, 157-158
dynamic text, 157
support, 158
server-side redirection, 61-62
server-side scripting
SpinBox control, 261
maximum/minimum values, 262
Page_Load handler, 262-264
SetColumns/SetMaxMinValues routines, 261
text box width, 262
staged page loading main page, 106
server-side validation, 12
ServiceControllerPermission permission, 557
cookieless, 17, 239
data, deleting, 31
SetColumns routines, 261
SetMaxMinValues routine, 261, 321
SetWindowResult() method, 293
sharing user controls, 250
shipping addresses, 395-396
Show Orders button, 105
ShowData routine, 413
showKeycode function, 215
ShowMembers() method, 172, 176
showModalDialog() method, 285-286
ShowOrders handler, 106
ShowSchema routine, 403

ShowSelected routine, 193
controls, 500
authentication cookie, 506
Click event handler, 505
initializing, 504
RegularExpressionValidator controls, 503
sample code, 502-503
user sign in, 500
validators, 506
pages, 528-530
signing in/out, 531-535
SignOut() method, 521
SlidingExpiration property, 487
sn parameter, 490
SocketAccessPermission permission, 557
sorting XML data, 446
DataView class, 450-452
namespace qualified nodes, 453-455
text-based sorts, 450
XPathExpression class, 446-450
XSD schema date types, 451
source data, 424-425
SpinBox control, 48
SpinBox server control, 315
adaptive, 334, 339
browser-specific output, 342-343
CreateChildControls() method, 340-342
internal variables, 339-340
LoadPostData() method, 343, 346
server controls

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properties, 339-340
testing, 346-348
Amaya, 336-337
Class file, 316-317
child controls tree, 324-326
client-side script, 326-327
constructor, 321-322
control changes values, 330
CreateChildControls() method, overriding, 322-
event handlers, 326-327
internal variables, 318-321
IPostBackDataHandler interface, 330-333
Mozilla 1.5, 335
postbacks, registering, 333-334
properties, 317-318, 320-321
trace information, 327-328, 334
ValueChanged event, 328-330
GAC installation, 348
assembly, installing, 350
Class file, 349
compiling, 349
testing, 351-352
Netscape Navigator 4.5, 336
nonstandard browsers, 337-339
Opera 7.21, 335
SpinBox user control, 254
client-side code, 264-266

interface, 255-256
Private/Public members, 256
properties, 256-257
behavior/appearance, 257-258
Text/Value, 260-261
values, 259
server-side scripting, 261
maximum/minimum values, 262
Page_Load handler, 262-264
SetColumns/SetMaxMinValues routines, 261
text box width, 262
SQL Profiler, 389
SQL Server State Service, 481
SqlClient classes, 393
SQLClientPermission permission, 557
staged process page loading
browser compatibility, 107
errors, 106-107
implementing, 92-93
main page, 98-100
operation pages, 94-98
executing, 101-103
order values, calculating, 97
Page_Load handler, 94-96
tables, adding, 96-97
operation progress, 100-101
order list, 105
readystatechange events, 103-104
server-side code, 106
status codes, 94

statements (SQL)
stored procedure default values, 393-395
event log, writing, 395
executing, 396-398
shipping addresses, 395-396
testing, 399
stored procedure parameters, ordering, 392-393
submitted values, 386
batch statements, 389
comment markers, 389
malicious input, 387-389
parameters, adding, 390-392
status codes, 94
Status property, 94
StatusCode property, 94
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StatusCode property
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StatusDescription property, 94
stored procedures
data store updates, 30
default values, 393-395
event log, writing, 395
executing, 396-398
shipping addresses, 395-396
testing, 399
parameters, 392-394
DataSet objects, 16-17

IP addresses, 540
key code test results, 216-218
XML configuration settings, 466
StringReader class, 437
encrypted, 520
XML, 437-438
structural tables, 363
style properties, 172
stylesheets (XSLT), 439
submit events, 236-237
submitted values (SQL statements), 386
batch statements, 389
comment markers, 389
malicious input, 387-389
parameters, adding, 390-392
supplier columns, 18-20
System.Data namespaces, 486-487
System.Data.Odbc namespace, 486
System.DataOracleClient namespace, 486
System.Web.Mobile namespace, 488
System.Web.UI.MobileControls namespace, 488
tab order, 215
TabIndex attribute, 215
adding to DataSet instances, 96-97
layout, 358
relational, 462
structural, 363

Tabular Data Control (TDC), 284
controls, 272-273
Execute() method, 70-71
Transfer() method, 65-67
selecting, 200-201
<td> tag, 33
TDC (Tabular Data Control), 284
templates, 355
controls, 365
content, rendering, 367
creating, 366-370
master page example listing, 368-370
templates, 366-367
creating, 367
custom page classes, 373
content, 373, 380
creating, 374-377
default content, replacing, 375
internal controls collection, 374
master pages, 378-380
MasterPage example, 375-377
page inheritance, 379
default content, 371
page content dynamic regions, 372-373
QuickStart, 298
StatusDescription property
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adaptive SpinBox server control, 346-348
default stored procedure values, 399
MaskedEdit server control, 313-315
SpinBox server control GAC installation, 351-352
background mask images, 229
dynamic, 157
text boxes, 262
Text property
implementing, 260-261
SpinBox server control, 318
TextBox control, 13, 262
TheNewValue variable, 177
threading, 168
timeouts, 515
tlbimp utility, 167-168
tools. See also utilities
command-line, 312
.NET Framework Configuration, 553
trace information, 334
Trace object, 327-328
TrackViewState() method, 357
Transfer() method
data transfer volumes, reducing, 68
event handlers, 63
target pages, 65-67
Transform() method, 441-442
keypress events, 212-213, 218-220

return keys, 215-218
submit events, 236-237
child controls, 324-326
control, 38-41
adaptive SpinBox server control, 343
adding controls, 40-41
ControlCollection object, 39-40
hierarchy, 39
trust levels, 546
allowed permissions, 556-557
customizing, 549-550, 553-555
file structure, 549
permissions, 550-553
selecting, 555
folders, 558-559
full trusts, 548
medium trust level example, 557-559
paths, 559
preconfiguring, 546-547
read only data, 558
selecting, 548-549
Type Library Import utility, 167
u parameter, 491
ua parameter, 491
Unload event, 300
Unload() method, 357
UpdateCommand event, 28-30, 147-148

data stores, 30
runtime configurations, 492
source data, 424-425
user controls, 158
clientdialog.ascx, 269
ComboBox, 169
client-side script, 203-207
declaring, 190-191
demonstration page, 189
design, 169
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user controls
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details, viewing, 192-193
HTML, 170-171, 175-176
interface, 171-173
members, viewing, 192
outline, 173-174
Page_Load handler, 183-189
populating, 191-196
properties, 174-175, 193
property accessor routines, 176-183
ShowMembers() method, 176
style properties, 172
user interface, 175
constituent controls, exposing, 247
content, 160-161, 246
disadvantages, 161-162
dynamically loading, 46-49

events, 300
MaskedEdit control conversion, 245
client-side script, 248-250
handler attributes, 251
interface, 245-247
Page_Load handler, 247-248
methods, 160
nesting, 160
output caching, 161
properties, 160
registering, 159
sharing, 250
SpinBox, 254
behavior/appearance properties, 257-258
client-side code, 264-266
interface, 255-256
Private/Public members, 256
properties, 256-257
property values, 259
server-side scripting, 261-264
Text/Value properties, 260-261
UserControl class, 46
UserID parameter, 511
UserInterfacePermission permission, 557
automatic validation, 483-484
malicious input, 387-389
validating, 259, 504
signing in/out, 531-535

utilities. See also applications
client-side script folder, installing, 492
.NET Framework versions, listing, 491
parameters, 490-491
runtime, 490-492
Web sites, listing, 492
aspnet_regiss.exe, 490
Dotnetfx.exe, 489
gacutil.exe, 350
.NET Framework 1.1 Configuration, 412
Type Library Import, 167
Validate() method, 457-459
automatic input, 483-484
input, 259
user input, 504
XML data, 460
validation controls
adding, 251-253
Calendar control, 13-14
check boxes, 11-13
client-side, 12
user controls
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DataGrid control. See DataGrid control
drop-down lists, 8
empty values, 252

option button lists, 9-10
properties, 10
regular expressions, creating, 253-254
server-side, 12
ValidationCallBack() method, 457-459
validationKey attribute, 487
ValidationSummary control, 252
Value property
implementing, 260-261
SpinBox server control, 318
ValueChanged event
exposing, 329-330
implementing, 328
SpinBox server control, 329
Add, 401
AddWithKey, 401
browser-adaptive dialogs, 292-294
controls, 323, 330
customer IDs, 96
Error, 401
Ignore, 401
MappingType enumeration, 461
modal dialog windows, 290
numeric, 10
properties, 259
stored procedure default, 393-395
event logs, writing, 395
executing, 396-398
shipping addresses, 395-396

testing, 399
submitted (SQL), 386
batch statements, 389
comment markers, 389
malicious input, 387-389
parameters, adding, 390-392
adaptive SpinBox server control, 339-340
SpinBox server control, 318-321
MaskedEdit server control, 307
Public, 174
TheNewValue, 177
VBC compiler, 313
VBScript, 281-283
applications 1.0
automatic input validation, 483-484
forms authentication, 487
list control properties, 485
MMIT mobile controls, 488
running, 482, 488
System.Data namespaces, 486-487
browsers, 200
command-line tools, 312
individual applications, specifying, 489
installing without updating mappings,
runtime versions, configuring, 490-492
Internet Explorer, 91

.NET Framework 1.1, 480-482
applications, running, 488
automatic input validation, 483-484
forms authentication, 487
list control properties, 485
listing, 491
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MMIT mobile controls, 488
System.Data namespaces, 486-487
runtime, 490-492
ComboBox controls, 192-193
errors, 106-107
existing pages, 80
list controls, 207
mappings, 488-489
operation progress, 100-101
order list, 105
progress bars, 85-87
alternative page loading, 87-88
animated GIFs, 86
asynchronous page loading, 88
HTML declarations, 90-91
server control declarations, 90-91
XMLHTTP object example, 89-90
schemas, 403-407
viewstates, 141

disabling, 111
viewing, 141
virtual Web applications
listing, 492
mappings, 488-489
Visual Studio .NET, 380-381
volumes (data transfer), 68
Web applications (virtual), 488, 492
Web farms, forms authentication, 516-518
decryption/encryption keys, 516
key-generator application, 517
single sign-in systems, 518
Web Forms controls, 301
Web service extensions, 493
Web sites
ComboBox control example, 159
Dotnetfx.exe, 480
examples downloads, 17
GotDotNet, 487
listing, 492
mappings, 488-489
MoreOver.com XML document, 433
MSN Expedia, 86
ParamOrderProc.sql download, 393
QuickStart templates, 298
web.config files
Authentication element, 541
hashed credentials, 507

master page files, setting, 379
WebControl class, 301, 304
WebPermission permission, 557
columns, 32-36
text boxes, 262
width attribute, 33
Width property
ComboBox user control, 172
property accessors, 178
browser-adaptive, 274-276
AttachDialog() method, 277-278
client-side scripts, 280-283
DialogMode enumeration, 276
nonmodal dialog page, 291
RegisterStartupScript() method, 294
sample page, 291
types, 278-280
values, returning, 292-294
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client-side script dialogs, 267-269
AttachDialog() method, 270-272
clientdialog.ascx user control, 269
DialogType enumeration, 270
GetDialogResult() method, 274
JavaScript code, 273-274
target controls, 272-273

Internet Explorer, 283-285
modal, 285
AttachDialog() method, 287-290
hyperlinks, 284
showModalDialog() method, 285-286
values, returning, 290
modeless, 283
WireUpDeleteButton handlers, 210-211
creating, 166
instances, 411
Write() method, 303
write-only property accessors, 177
WriteAttribute() method, 303
WriteClientScript routine, 426
WriteEndTag() method, 303
WriteFullBeginTag() method, 303
WriteLine() method, 303
WriteLineNoTabs() method, 303
WriteStyleAttribute() method, 303
WriteXml() method, 461
XML (Extensible Markup Language)
advantages/disadvantages, 430-431
cursor-style, 432
DOM, 431-432
forward-only, 431
serialization, 432-433
configuration settings, 466-467

accessing, 467-470
serialization, 470-474
customizing, 461-464
nesting, 463
searching/filtering, 442-445
shaping, 461
sorting. See sorting, XML data
validating, 460
DataSet class, 436
XmlTextReader class, 434
relational data conversations, 460
CDATA sections, 464-466
DataSet class, 461-464
resources, accessing, 438-439
Evidence class, 439
Load() method, 439-441
Transform() method, 441-442
XmlResolver class, 439
XslTransform class, 439
reusable validation classes, 456-457, 460
serialization, 470-474
strings, 437-438
XPath. See XPath
XmlConvert class, 451
XmlDocument class, 431
advantages/disadvantages, 431-432
local namespace nodes, searching, 455
XMLHTTP objects

asynchronous loading, 88
readystatechange events, 103-104
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XMLHTTP objects
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example, 89-90
pages, loading, 88
status-related properties, 94
XmlNamespaceManager class, 453
XmlResolver class
Transform() method, 441-442
XML resources, accessing, 438-439
XmlResolver parameter, 440
XmlSerializer class, 431-433, 472
XmlTextReader class, 431
advantages/disadvantages, 431
XML strings, parsing, 437
XmlTextWriter class combination, 433-437
XmlTextWriter class, 433-437
XmlValidatingReader class, 456-457
XmlValidator class, 460
XPath, 442
data searching/filtering, 442-445
data sorting, 446
DataView class, 450-452
namespace qualified nodes, 453-455
text-based sorts, 450
XPathExpression class, 446-450
XSD schema date types, 451

XPathExpression class, 446-450
XPathNavigator class, 431, 445
advantages/disadvantages, 432
local namespace nodes, searching, 454
configuration settings, accessing, 467-470
data searching/filtering, 442-444
XSD schemas
date types, sorting, 451
XML configuration documents, 470
XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language
Transformations), 430
performance, 433
stylesheets, 439
XslTransform class
Load() method, 439-441
XML resources, accessing, 439
XMLHTTP objects
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