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I. Thì Hiện tại thường (The present simple tense: )
* Với động từ "Tobe"
1.1 Thể khẳng định

+ am (I'm)

He /She /It /Lan

Eg: I am a student

+ is ( He's)

You / We /They /Lan and Ba

She is a teacher

+ are (you're)

1.2 Thể phủ định
S + be ( am/ is/ are) + not + ....

1.3 Yes/ No questions:

Eg: She isn't a teacher.

Tobe( Am/ Is / Are) + S + ......? - Yes, S + Tobe / - No, S + tobe +not not

Eg: Are you a student? - Yes, I am / No, I'm not

Is she a teacher? - Yes, she is / No, she isn't
1.4 Question words: ( what, who, where, when, which, how...)
is he / she / it / Lan ? - He / She is .....

Eg: Where is Lan?- She is in the yard

Question word + are you / we / they ? - I am..../ We/ They are........

* Notes: Thì hiện tại thường được dùng kết hợp với một số trạng từ chỉ thời gian như: today, every day/ morning/ afternoon/
evening, after school, ...
* Với các động từ thường
1.1 Thể khẳng định

I/You/ We/ They/ Lan and Ba + V
He/ She/ It/ Lan

+ V-s/ es

( Những động từ tận cùng bằng: o, ch, sh, s, x, z khi chia với He/She/ It/ Lan ta thêm "es")
Eg: I play soccer after school.

He plays soccer after school.
She goes to school every morning.
1.2 Thể phủ định:

I/You/ We/ They/ Lan and Ba + don't
+ V(nt)
He/ She/ It/ Lan

Eg: -I don't play soccer after school.

+ doesn't

- He doesn't play soccer after school.

1.3 Thể nghi vấn:


+ I/You/ We/ They/ Lan and Ba

- Yes, S + do/ No, S + don't
+ V(nt) ?

Does + He/ She/ It/ Lan

- Yes, S + does / No, S + doesn't

Eg: *Do you read? - Yes, I do / No, I don't

*Does she watch TV? - Yes, she does / No, she doesn't.

II. Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn( Present progressive tense)


+ am

He / She/ It/ Lan
You/ We/ They/ Lan and Ba


- Iam riding my bike.

+ is

+ doing?
+ are

- He is playing games - They are watching television.

2/Use: Thì hiện tại tiếp dùng để diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra ở hiện tại( ngay khi đang nói)
Nó thường đi kèm với các từ hoặc cụm từ chỉ thời gian như: now (bây giờ), right now( ngay bây giờ), at present ( lúc này), at the
moment ( vào lúc này), ... hoặc câu bát đầu với: Look!, Listen!, Be quiet!,...

III. Thì tương lai gần( The near future tense)
- Be going to ( sắp, sẽ, dự định)

1/ Form:

S + be( am / is/ are) + going to + V(nt)

Eg: I'm going to have breakfast at school

2/ Use: "Be going to" dùng để nói lên một dự định, một kể hoạch, hay một hành động sắp xảy ra trong tương lai gần nhất. Nó
thường đi với các trạng từ hoặc cụm trạng từ chỉ thời gian như: tonight( tối nay), tomorrow( ngày mai), on the weekend( vào cuối

tuần), next week/ month/ year, on Sunday, ...
3/ Question words with " Be going to"

Eg:: What are you going to do tomorrow?
+ be ( am / is/ are) + S + going to + inf ?

Where are you going to stay?

How long

* How long....?: dùng để hỏi về thời gian " Bao lâu?". Khi trả lời ta dùngcụm từ: For + khoảng thời gian
Ex: How long are they going to stay in Ha Noi? - For three days.
Give correct form of the verbs (Chaia động từ trong ngoặc):
1.I ( visit ) .................my grandfather tomorrow.
2. My mother ( cook ) .................dinner now .
3.He never ( go ) ..................camping because he ( not have ) ................a tent.
4.He (go) .............to school with me every day.
5.What .........Tom (do) ............now ?- He (watch) ........................ TV ?
6. My friend (take) ..........................................a trip to DaLat next week.
7.We (visit) ......................................Ha Long Bay this summer.
8. How ..........she (feel)............? She (be) ...........hot and thirsty.
9. I (want) ..........some bread. I (be) .......hungry.
10. She (travel).............. to school by bike everyday.
11. These (be) ............his arms.
12. Miss Chi (have)................. brown eyes.
13. What colour ..................(be) her eyes?
14. What ..............you ...................(do) this summer vacation?- I..................... (visit) Da Lat.
15. What ............he ................(do) tonight? - He ..............(watch) a film.

16. They (do) ........................their homework now.
17. They (like)................. warm weather.
18. When it is hot, we .......(go) swimming.
19. What ......she .....(do) in the spring? - She always...... (go) camping.

20. Ba and Lan sometimes (go) .................to the zoo.

IV.Cách dùng “ a/ an/ some/any”
* “a” dùng trước danh từ đếm được số ít, bắt đầu bằng một phụ âm Ex:- There is a pen.
* “an” dùng trươc danh từ đếm được số ít, bắt đầu bằng một nguyên âm (u,e,o,a, i ). - Ex: There is an eraser.
* “some” dùng trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều và danh từ không đếm đựợc, trong câu khẳng định hoặc lời mời lịch sự với "
Would you like...? Ex:- There are some apples.- Would you like some apples?
* “ any” dùng trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều và danh từ không đếm đựợc, trong câu phủ định và nghi vấn .
- There aren’t any oranges.

- Are there any oranges?

Điền A, AN hoặc SOME, ANY vào chỗ trống
1. Ther isn’t .........milk in the jar.
2. No , there aren’t ........... noodles.
3. I have ...........orange.
4. Do you have ......... meat ?
5. I’m hungry .I’d like ........... chicken and rice.
6. I want............apple .
7. I’d like ............. milk.
8. Lan wants ............ beans.
9. That is ............. onion.
10. Hoa has............ bike .
V. Make suggestions

1. Let's + Vnt

Eg: Let's go swim

2. Why don't we + Vnt?

Eg: Why don't we go there by bus.

3. What / How about + V-ing ?

Eg: What about going to Hue?

4. Would you like + N/ to +V ?

Eg: Would you like some milk? / Would you like to drink milk?

VI. Comparatives and Superlatives of short Adj ( So sánh hơn và so sánh nhất của tính từ ngắn)
1/ Comparatives of short Adj:
Eg: I am taller than my sister.

Superlatives of short Adj:

Eg: I am the tallest in my class

S + is/ am/ are + the + adj -EST

S1 + is/ am/ are + adj - ER + than + S2

* Notes:
- tall- taller- the tallest
- large - larger - the largest ( tận cùng bằng "e" chỉ thêm "r" với so sánh hơn hoặc " st" với so sánh nhất)
- hot - hotter - the hottest ( tận cùng bằng một phụ âm, trước phụ âm là một nguyên âm ta phải gấp đôi phụ âm trước khi thêm
"er" hoặc " est" )
* Cho dạng đúng của tính từ trong ngoặc:
1.The Mekong River is the ………… river in Vietnam. (long)
2.Tokyo is ………… than London. (big)
3.Ho Chi Minh city is the………….city in Vietnam. (big)
4.Petronas Twin Towers is………….than Sears Tower. (tall)
5.My sister is …………. than I. (old)
6.Nam is………….than Ba. He is the ……… boy in Vietnam. (short)
7.Phanxipang is the ………. mountain in Vietnam. (high)
8.These books are …………. than those books. (thick)
8.It is the………….building in this city. (tall)
9.The Nile River is ………. than the Amazon River. (long)

VII. Question words:

What: gì, cái gì

How old: bao nhiêu tuổi

Where: ở đâu
When: khi nào

How long:- dài bao nhiêu
- thời gian bao lâu

Who: ai

How tall: cao bao nhiêu (dùng cho người)
Which: nào, cái nào
How high: cao bao nhiêu ( dùng cho vật)
Which language: ngôn ngữ nào
How thick: dày bao nhiêu
Which grade: khối mấy
Which class: lớp mấy

How many:- số lượng bao nhiêu (danh từ đếm được số

Why: tại sao - Because: Bởi vì

How much:- số lượng bao nhiêu (danh từ không đếm

What time: mấy giờ


How: - như thế nào,- có khỏe khơng


- đi bằng phương tiện gì

Bao nhiêu tiền ( hỏi về giá cả)

How often: bao lâu…. 1 lần?

1. .............. do you go swimming? - Twice a week.

2. .................students are there in your class? - Thirty - two

3. ...............rice do you want? - Two kilos.

4. ...............are you going to stay with your aunt?- For three weeks

5. ..............grams of meat does he want?

6. .............. milk do you need?

7. ..............is there to eat?

8. ................ does Ba do when it's cool?

9. ...............do you have a picnic?

10. ............... sports does Nam play?

11. ........do they usually go on the weekend?

12, .......... language does he speak?- He speaks Vietnamese.

VIII. Prepositions of time and position( giới từ chỉ thời gian và địa điểm, vị trí):
- on, in, at, next to, near, behind, in front of, to the right of, to the left of, from...to, opposite, between...and.
Chọn giới từ thích hợp trong ngoặc :
1. She does her homework (on / in / at) the evening .

2.They go to school ( on / in / at ) Monday .

3.Lan watches TV ( on / in / at ) night.

4.Her pencils are ( on / to / at ) the table .

5.They live ( on / in / at ) a house ( on/ in / at ) the city .

6.( In /To/ At ) the left of the house, there is a garden .

7.My house is next ( in / to / at ) a restaurant .

8.He is doing Math ( on / in / at ) his classroom.

9.The garden is in front ( in /of / on) the house.

10. What would you like ( at /in / for) breakfast?

* Exercises:
I. Odd one out

a. aunt

a. take
a. summer
a. see
a. walk
a. travel
a. sometimes
a. river
a. buffalo

10. a. city

b. uncle
b. vacation
b. hotel
b. watch
b. citadel
b. minibus
b. good
b. desert
b. cow
b. town

c. friend
c. swim
c. spring
c. look
c. beach
c. walk
c. cold
c. lake

c. chicken
c. weather

d. sister
d. bring
d. winter
d. know
d. bay
d. go
d. tired
d. sea
d. egg
d. capital

II. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently.


a. tennis
a. fly
a. game

a. photo
a. uncle
a. beach
a. flower
a. ride
a. nose

19. a. round

b. soccer
b. hungry
b. table
b. go
b. music
b. season
b. town
b. discipline
b. color

c. tent
c. usually
c. late
c. home
c. minibus
c. weather
c. slow
c. drive
c. mother

b. house

c. shoulder

d. never
d. early
d. water
d. hot
d. summer
d. read
d. now
d. Motorbike
d. Monday
d. mouth

III. Khoanh tròn lỗi sai trong những câu sau ở phần gạch dưới A,B,C hoặc D:
1. I has breakfast at 6:30 every day. I go to school at 7:30.




3. Nam don’t like milk. He likes chocolate.




4. The book are very good. She would like to read it now.



5. What color are her hair? It is red.



6. Is there some water in the bottle?




7. There are any children in your room.




8. She would likes some milk and bananas.




9. Vui feel hungry. She wants to eat something.




10. There isn’t any books on the table.




IV. Make questions from the words underlined:
1. I’d like some rice and chicken for dinner.
2. A cake is 5,000 đ
3. I feel tired



I go fishing once a week
Yes. I often play badminton in the fall.
It’s warm in the spring.
They are playing table tennis at the moment
I play soccer
She does aerobics in her free time
He wants a kilo of rice

V. Arrange the words into the sentence:


want / Tom / Mary / and / glasses / two / of / water.
children / for / her / oranges / and / some / apples / going / buy / to / is / Mrs Lan.
sister / my / going / is / to / live / country / the / in.
going / dinner / tonight / is / have / to/ where / Lan?
go / to / next / weekend / are / you / going / where?
the / spring / in / what / weather / is / like / the?
building / tallest / the / is / this / city / the / in / world.
Lan’s house / smaller / is / house / my / than.
she / never / with / camping / goes / her / friends.
often / she / go / does / how / cinema / to / the?

VI. Write the second sentence so that it has a similar to the first.

My hair is short and curly.-->I have ________________________
Shall we stay at home and play computer game tonight?-->Let’s ________________________
Let’s go to Ha Long Bay next summer vacation.--> What about ________________________?

London is smaller than Tokyo.--> Tokyo is _____________________________________
Where does she come from? Where is _____________________________________?
What about taking some photos?-->Why _________________________________________?

7/ What about going to Dam Sen park?

Let’s ……………………………………………….

8/ She plays badminton twice a week.

How often………………………………………….?

VII.Viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh với từ gợi ý:
1. He/ like/ bottle/ cooking oil. ................................
2. Would/ like/ cup/tea?...............................................
3. What/ you/ have/ lunch?............................................
4. your/ favorite/ food?...............................................................................................................................
5. She/ like/ hot/ weather..............................................

*Read the passage

My uncle is an engineer. His name is Hung. He is going on vacation this summer. First,

he is going to visit Ha Long Bay. He is going to stay in a small hotel near the bay for two days. Then he is going to visit Da Lat
for three days. Finally, he is going to visit some friends in Ho Chi Minh City. He is going to stay there for one day. He is going to
walk along Saigon River. He is going to fly home.
A. Decide if these statements are True (T) or False (F)
1. Mr. Hung is going to visit three cities this summer.

2. He is going to visit Ha Long Bay first, then Ho Chi Minh City, and finally Da Lat.
3. He is going to stay in Da Lat for three days.
4. He is going to travel home by train.
B. Answer the following questions
5. Where is Mr. Hung going to stay in Ha Long Bay?……………… ………………………………
6. Is he going to visit some friends in Ho Chi Minh City?…………………………………………
2. In Viet Nam, there are four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter. In the summer, it is hot and we often play soccer,
then go swimming. In winter, it is cold, we always play basketball and never go fishing. In fall, it is cool, we go sailing. In spring, it
is warm, we often play volleyball. Our favorite season is fall because the weather is very beautiful.
Đọc câu và xác định thông tin bên dưới là đúng (T) hay là sai (F).
6. It is hot in the summer.
7. They always play basketball in the spring.
8. It is cool in the fall and they go sailing.
Trả lời câu hỏi sau.
9. What is the weather like in the spring?
10. Why do they like fall?

3. Chọn từ thích hợp trong khung điền vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành đoạn văn. (1,5 điểm) Sau đó trả lời câu hỏi bên dưới (1,5







Miss Huong is our teacher. She teaches history. She is tall and thin ..............(1) .......... she is not weak. She ..........(2)............... a
lot of sports. Her .................(3)............sports is aerobics. She ............(4).......... aerobics three times a week. She liks jogging, too.
She jogs in the park near her house ............(5).......... morning. In her free time she listens to music ......(6)...........watches TV.


ĐỀ 1
I. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1.______I help you ?
a. Do

b. Can

c. Have

d . does

2. ________color is your hair ?
a. How

b. Which

c. What

d. where

3. How ________oranges does she want ?
a. much b. many

c. do

d . does

4. What are you ______________ to do in Hue ?
a. go

b. to go

c . goes

d . going

5. She needs _______of beef.
a. 200 grams

b . a tube

c. a dozen

d. a bottle of

6. She isn’t weak. She is_______.
a. thin


c. fat

d. strong

7. Hung is a _________ He’s strong and heavy.
a. gymnast

b. weight-lifter c. driver

d. doctor

8. I like hot_______.
A. season
B. weather
C. activity
9. I often go swimming when it is _______.
A. cold
B. hot
C. hungry
10. What _____ your father doing now? He is playing badminton.
A. is
B. are
C. do
11. Do _____ like cold weather?
A. she
B. he
C. it
12. _______ does your brother go fishing? He goes once a week.
A. How old
B. How often

C. How
13. ________ the weather like in the winter?
A. How
B. How often
C. What’s
14. He ________ goes fishing in the winter. It’s too cold.
A. often
B. always
C. usually
15. What are you doing? - ______.

D. class
D. thirsty
D. does
D. they
D. What
D. What
D. never

A. You are reading

B. I reading

C. I am read

D. I am reading

16 ……………….. do you do in your free time ?
a. where

b. when

c. what

d. why

17 ………………… sport does she play?
a. what time

b. which

c. how

d. when

18. What do you do ……………… it’s warm?
a. when

b. what

c. where

d. which

25. What about ______ by bike?
A. travel

B. to travel

C. traveling

D. travels

26. It’s a beautiful day today. Let’s ______ for a walk.
A. go

B. going

C. to go

D. to going

27. Why don’t ______ to the park?
A. go

B. going

C. we go

D. we going

28. _______ place are Phuong and Mai going to visit first?
A. Where

B. Which

C. How

D. How long

29. I ______ Hue next month.
A. visit

B. am going to visit

C. to visit

30. Nam often ______ fishing on the weekend.
A. go

B. goes

C. is going

II. Fill a, an, some or any in each blank:
1. There isn’t ……………. milk in the jar.
2. No, there aren’t ……………. noodles.
3. I have ……………… orange.
4. Do you have …………… meat?.
5. I’m hungry. I’d like ……………… chicken and rice.
6. I want …………… apple.
7. I’d like ……………. Milk.
8. Mr Tan wants …………… beans.
9. That is …………….. onion.

D. going

D. visiting

10. Hung has …………….. Mercedes car.
11. I’d like ………………eggs, please.
12. He wants ……………apple.
13. Are there ………………chocolates in the box?
14. They are planting ………………trees in the garden.
15. There aren’t …………….pictures in the album.
16. He would like …………….banana.
III. Fill many or much in each blank:
1. How …………… sandwiches does she want?
2. How …………... lemon juice does she want?
3. How …………… money have you got?
4. How …………… kilos of meat does she want?
5. How …………… rice does his father want?
6. How …………... fish does your mother want?
7. How …………… homework does he have?
8. How …………… boxes of peas do you want?
9. How …………… cooking oil does her mother want?
10. How …………... pencils do you want?
IV. Make sentences, using the words given:
1. Tan and Ba/ play tennis now.
2. She/ do aerobics at the moment.
3. Linh/ skip rope now.
4. My father/ jog/ every day.
5. She/ often/ do aerobics.

6. Nam/ sometimes/ play table tennis.
7. Look ! The boy/ read a book.
8. Son Hai/ write a letter now.
9. His friends/ play soccer/ every Sunday.
10. I/ swim/ every afternoon.
11. They/ play/ soccer/garden/ at the moment.
12. Nam/ play/ video game/ twice a week.
13. It/ hot/ summer/ but/ cold/ winter.
14. She/ like/ cool/ weather/ not like/ hot/ weather.
15. What/ weather/ like/ summer?
16. She/ go jogging/ morning.
V. Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its correct position:
1. I go to the cinema. (often)
2. She is a good student. (always)
4. My mother goes swimming. (never)


5. My parents go to work on Mondays. (usually)
6. It is hot in the summer. (always)
7. What do you do when it’s cold?. (often)
8. It is hot in the winter. (never)
9. Do you have cold shower in the winter?. (usually)
10. Do you walk in the mountains?. (sometimes)
VI. Supply the correct form the making suggestion in the bracket:
1. Nam often (go) ………….. to the movies on Sundays.
2. I (travel) …………… to Binh Thuan tomorrow.
3. Nga (watch) ………….. TV every morning.
4. They (play) …………... soccer at the moment.
5. We (go) …………… to the cinema tonight.
6. He usually (jog) …………. in the morning.
7. She (play) …………… aerobics every day.
8. He (read) ……………. in the living room every day.
9. What …………... he (do) ………….. this weekend?.
10. I (stay) …………… there for 2 days when I come there.
VII.Make question to the underlined words:
1. Lan is going to live in China.
2. They’re going to paint their house.


3. They’re going to bring me some flowers.
4. He’s going to do his homework tonight.
5. Miss Hoa is going to stay in a hotel tonight.
VIII. Read the text and fill in the missing blank




Minh likes walking. On the weekend, he often goes walking in the __(1)__. He usually goes with two friends. Minh and his
friends always __(2)__strong boots and warm clothes. They always take
__(3)__and water and a camping stove. Sometimes, they __(4)__overnight.


IX. Read the dialogue and answer the questions.
1. Ba:

What are you going to do this summer vacation?


I am going to visit Hue.


Where are you going to stay?


I’m going to stay with my aunt and uncle.


How long are you going to stay?


for a week.


What are you going to do in Hue?


I am going to visit the citadel.

a. What is Lan going to do?
b. Where is she going to stay?
c. How long is she going to stay?

d. What is she going to do in Hue?
2. Mai is a student. She is tall and thin. She has long black hair. Her eyes are brown. She has a round face and thin lips.
1. Mai is a student.
2. She is tall and heavy.
3. She has black eyes.
4. Her hair is black.
Answers: 1 ________ , 2 _________ , 3 __________ , 4 __________
3.Salegirl: Can I help you?
Lan: Yes. I’d like some chicken, please.
Salegirl: How much do you want?
Lan: A kilo, please.
Salegirl: Is there anything else?
Lan: Yes, I need some oranges.
Salegirl: How many do you want?
Lan: A dozen, please.
1.Where is Lan?
2.What does she want?

3.How much chicken does she want?
4.How many oranges does she want?
4. Nam: How do you feel, Lan?
Lan: I’m hot and I am thirsty.
Nam: What would you like?
Lan: I’d like some orange juice. What about you?

Nam: I’m hungry.I’d like some noodles.Would you like noodles, Ba?
Ba: No, I wouldn’t. I’m tired. I’d like to sit down.
 Questions:
1. How does Lan feel?
2.What would she like?
3. What would Nam like?
4.How does Ba feel?
X.Em hãy cho biết từ trái nghĩa của các từ sau:
1. strong ……………… 5. heavy …………………….
2. thin ………………… 6. black ……………………
3. big …………………..7. full ……………………..
4. tall …………………..8. long ………………………
XI.Nối cụm từ ở cột A với từ thích hợp ở cột B
1. a bottle of
2. a packet of

3. a box of
4. a kilo of
5. a can of
6. a bar of
7. a tube of
8.a dozen

a. toothpaste
b. soap
c. peas
d. eggs
e. cooking oil
f. tea
g. chocolates
h. rice.

ĐỀ 1
I. Which one is different?
1. A. love

B. hotel

C. mother

D. brother

2. A. lake

B. place

C. paddy

D. stadium

3. A. store

B. sister

C. factory

D. picture

4. A. rice

B. river

C. city

D. village

II. Choose the best answer
1) Her school is.................................. the country
a. on

b. in

c. to

2) It's ............................................. school
a. small

b. big

c. a small

3) She's ..................................... eight
a. grade

b. in grade

c. on grade

4) What time is it?
a. It 8 o'clock

b. It's 8 o'clock c. Six half past

5) Do you ................ games?
a. play

b. study

c. do

6) Does........................ go to school every day?
a. study b. we

c. she

III. Read the text and answer the question
My brother doesn't play soccer or volleyball every afternoon. He reads after school. He watches television. Then, he does
his homework. He listens to music every evening.
1. Does your brother play coccer and volleyball every afternoon?
2. What does he do afterschool?
3. Does he watch television ?

4. Does he do his homework ?
5. What does he do every evening?
IV. Choose the best option to fill in the blank:
1. I’d like a ………… of toothpaste, please.
A. can

B. box

C. tube

D. bar

2. He isn’t fat. He is ………….
A. thin

B. tall

C. short

D. full

3. Nga ………… full lips.
A. have

B. has

C. are

D. do

4. ………… oranges do you need? – A dozen.
A. How many

B. How much C. How

D. What

5. Carrots, beans and onions are some kind of ………….
A. vegetables

B. food

C. drink

D. fruit

6. Do you have ………… soda? – Yes, there is some on the table.
A. some

B. any

C. a

D. an

7. ………… are her eyes? – They are black.
A. What

B. How C. What color

D. How many

8. Ba has a ………… face.
A. short

B. round

C. long

D. oval

9 ………………? – I’m tired.
A. What would you like?

B. How much is it?

C. Can you help me?

D. How do you feel?

10. How much are a bowl of noodles and an ice-cream? - …………….
A. Yes. What do you need?

B. It is 35,000 dong.

C. They are 35,000 dong.

D. A dozen, please.

V- Read the passage then answer the questions. (1.5pts)

Every Saturday Minh and his family have dinner in a resteurant. They eat chicken or beef with peas and beans. Sometimes
Minh’s mother eats fish. Minh also has a big ice-cream. Minh’s favotire drink is fruit juice, but his father and mother like beer.
They listen to music while they are having their dinner.
1. Where do Minh and his family have dinner every Saturday?
2. Do they like meat?
3. What is Minh’s favorite drink?
VI- Use the correct tense (3pts):
1. Hoa (ride) to school every morning. Hoa (ride) her bike now.
2. She (be) a beautiful girl. She (have) blue eyes.

3. How Ba (feel) ? – He (feel) tired.
4. There (be) some beef and there (be) some tomatoes.
VII. Order the words into a correct sentences(1pts):
1. Nam / face / a / round / has
2. chicken / I’d / some / like / rice / and / some.

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