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Noi tieng Anh 2 test DH Mo HN

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(code 1.2)
First, you will have ONE minute to introduce yourself using the following script:
- Good afternoon.
- My full name is Bùi Thị Thanh Đan
- I was born on the 14th of March , 1987
- I am the student of the class FML58…. .
- My student ID is 17C-71-48 555 678…. .
- The date of the test is the 17th of July, 2017
- The place of test is at Mai Linh School
Now, I will do the first part of the test.

Task 1: Pronunciation (1 minute)

1. Profitable?
2. What an amazing story!
3. How many countries took part in the last Olympic Games?

4. In the early days of the cinema, before sound was introduced,
silent films were accompanied by pianists,
or even a small orchestra playing in the cinema itself.

5. Is there anything else sold in the bookstores near your house?

Thank you. I have finished the first part of the test.
Now, let’s move to the second one.

Task 2: Situation (2 minutes)
You now have ONE minute to read the task carefully and another ONE minute to do the task as you are
instructed to.

Your class have decided to go on camping next Saturday in a mountainous village. A number of things may or
may not occur on that day. As a member participating in this event, you are required to use appropriate modal
verbs as well as appropriate expressions to produce utterances (at least three and no more than five) of the
certainty, the uncertainty and the possibility about the event based on the following suggestions:


I am very excited about the camp next Saturday in a village in the mountains of my class.
I think the weather would be nice there.
Our team will definitely have 20 members attending this event.
We will be at school at 5am and the bus will be depart at 6am to get the camping site.

We will play folk games there
the most suitable foods for that event seem to be pizza, soft drinks and some kinds of fruits for our
Clothes suitable for camping can be jeans and white T-shirts, which may be coats and hats
Hope all of us will have a great time there!
See you soon!

I have finished the second part of the test
let’s move to part 3.

Task 3: Topic Discussion (2 minutes)

Smoking is one of the major problems in today's world. This issue is getting more and more serious as we
can see in public places where women and children started to smoke cigarette.As a witness of its damage on
people, I am totally agree with the statement that banning of smoking in public places is necessary. Smoking
affects people's health, society and environment.
Firstly,smoking affects people's health.In fact, I have not observed any benefits of smoking to human health
up to now. In contrast, it harms people's health by preventing lung's function. It also causes peoples to have

breathing difficulty and numerous diseases such as cancer, arthritis and so forth. Recent studies show that
smoking also shortens life expectancy. Therefore, banning smoking in public places can reduce at least
some of these problems and would enable people to live in a healthier way.
secondly, Smoking also affects the society.The reason is because when people smoke in public places, the
public especially adolescences will see them and think that "Why we should not try it" since the people is
smoking publicly as it does not have any problem. The adolescences will try to smoke as their curiosity get
the better of them. They will tell themselves "It will be okay to try just one cigarette". Unfortunely, cigarette
has nicotine that causes one's to feel relax and addicted. This will indirectly make them hooked to the
smoking habit and bring up that habit until adulthood. So, the cycle of smoking influence will keeps
repeating unless the smoking activity is restricted to a certain extent where smoking is banned in public
Finally, smoking also causes negative impact on the environment. Smoking will causes the air to be polluted
and this will irrates the public. We must remember that people have the right to inhale fresh and clean air.
However, there are some selfish and irresponsible smokers who like smoke everywhere regardless places.
This is very unfair to impose on non-smokers because they have to inhale the cigarette and become passive
smokers. For example, in work place where we have to spend time regularly with our colleague who like to
smoke publicly,no doubt that this will affects our health.Then, do you think this is fair to us? Therefore,
smoking should be banned in public places so the public can enjoy a smoke free environment .

In my opinion, smoking really causes negative effect on one's health, sociey and environment. I think that
smoking activity should be banned in public places so that a new page for health and development of the
whole population would be open up.
That’s the end of the test 3

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